It is a good year for ARPGs

It is a good year for ARPGs

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  1. 11 months ago

    All trash.

    • 11 months ago

      In how many weeks are we gonna see people wearing this type of haircut.. this "Heroin chic" fad.

      Diavolo IV FTW.

      Last Epoch is too generic, POE2 will have 3 polished areas and the rest will be just an meadow with different skins.
      World of Diablo 4 is so well tought of, it truly is the king, almost better than Grim Dawn.

      • 11 months ago

        nah, that fad already came and went. Side cuts and HY haircuts died during the pandemic, sadly. It's all about the """"sexy"""" bowl cuts these days.

        • 11 months ago

          Hoping for a new punk wave?

          • 11 months ago

            I'd be up for it. Would be up for a new greaser wave too. Seems like we should be due for something like that at some point, if these things are truly as cyclical as people claim.

  2. 11 months ago

    double based
    frick off with ugly p2w skinner box
    It had to be said. Killing shit and builds > trading with sweaty nerds and always will be.

    • 11 months ago

      how is PoE p2w?

      • 11 months ago

        Buying exalts etc off goldfarmer sites

        • 11 months ago

          >involve in rmt that is strictly forbidden by ToS
          >it also can get you banned
          >uh oh, game is pay to win
          learn to play Black person

          • 11 months ago

            >thinks ggg doesn't own rmt sites and bans just to give the game a feeling of authenticity to the whales while econocucks provide value to said whales with their addictive slave labour

  3. 11 months ago

    Friend offered to buy me d4 but I played a few hours of it on his account and meh. Idk. It doesn't feel like I could viable make a fun build for myself. Idk. Game feels a LOT slower than 3 and for all the problems 3 had I enjoyed the gamespeed.

  4. 11 months ago

    They're not RPGs. Not even doing it for the meme.

    • 11 months ago

      define rpg

      • 11 months ago

        easier to say why they aren't rpgs: they are primarily vehicles of psychological manipulation, skinner boxes designed to addict and milk their players.

      • 11 months ago

        RPG. Role-Playing Game. And what that means is player choice and agency in all possible things.
        >Player character creation. Either literally, or through customization of a premade character through level ups. However the game decides that works.
        >Further customization through player equipment. Either stat affecting equipment, or not like how was done in the later Fable games.
        >Lastly, but the most important, and already mentioned: PLAYER CHOICE AND AGENCY. This can work in many ways. Player dialogue, player actions, player inaction, quests, etc. This all allows the player (and the party if there is one) to have an affect on the world. I cannot stress this enough, this is THE most important part and what separates an RPG from an action game with stats.
        Of course there's more to it than this but these are the basic building blocks and need to be there in combination for the game to be an RPG.

        • 11 months ago

          street fighter 6 is a rpg

          • 11 months ago

            sweet bait homosexual, but at least pretend to read what I wrote

        • 11 months ago

          > Player dialogue, player actions, player inaction, quests, etc. This all allows the player (and the party if there is one) to have an affect on the world
          so then 90% of the rpgs posted here aren't rpgs either, and almost all the jrpgs aren't rpgs
          also there's plenty of games where you have to choose between 2 or more options and the outcome is just some silly with no impact on the game

          • 11 months ago

            character creation. Either literally, or through customization of a premade character through level ups. However the game decides that works.
            So are JRPGs not RPGs?
            >Player dialogue, player actions, player inaction, quests, etc. This all allows the player (and the party if there is one) to have an affect on the world. I cannot stress this enough, this is THE most important part and what separates an RPG from an action game with stats.
            I guess not

            You're misinterpreting what I wrote, purposefully most likely. Those choices don't need to result in "earth shattering consequences that result in the apocalypse!" It can be as simple as having an effect on a single person, as long as those consequences are shown in some way.
            And we're not really talking about jrpgs, they're their own genre with their own rules that seem to change from game to game. I'll admit I don't quite understand jrpgs.

            • 11 months ago

              well then those games are rpg

              • 11 months ago

                >those games
                What games, jrpgs? We're not talking about jrpgs, we're talking about diablo clones moron.

              • 11 months ago

                Yes, exactly. Those diablo clones are rpgs even by your standards

              • 11 months ago

                No, they aren't. There's no choice to your actions. Try harder.
                >inb4 durr well you can just, like, not do the quest lol

              • 11 months ago

                there's 2 quests on poe that you have 2 or more options, on grim dawn you have plenty of quests like that. Last epoch I played a bit a long time ago and remember something similar, can't say about d4 since I didn't play it.

                Why the frick are you so desperate for these games to be RPGs? Diablo type games have been their own thing for ages (hack and slash), and that was fine until recently. Why are you trying to hijack another genre? ARPGs are an entirely separate genre, containing games like Mass Effect, Fable, Greedfall and whatnot.

                I'm not, I'm not the OP and I don't really care what random people on internet say. I just find it funny that this argument is brought every time here on this board, this is what you guys looks like trying to defend the epic and holy title of RPG from every other game, looks like you guys are the desperate ones

              • 11 months ago

                >the epic and holy title of RPG from every other game
                Because it is.

              • 11 months ago

                Wow two whole quests huh amazing

              • 11 months ago

                still counts

              • 11 months ago

                And what exactly do these options result in?

              • 11 months ago

                >I don't really care what random people on internet say
                Then go make a thread on Ganker and leave the board for RPGs for actual RPG threads.

              • 11 months ago

                Why the frick are you so desperate for these games to be RPGs? Diablo type games have been their own thing for ages (hack and slash), and that was fine until recently. Why are you trying to hijack another genre? ARPGs are an entirely separate genre, containing games like Mass Effect, Fable, Greedfall and whatnot.

        • 11 months ago

          character creation. Either literally, or through customization of a premade character through level ups. However the game decides that works.
          So are JRPGs not RPGs?
          >Player dialogue, player actions, player inaction, quests, etc. This all allows the player (and the party if there is one) to have an affect on the world. I cannot stress this enough, this is THE most important part and what separates an RPG from an action game with stats.
          I guess not

  5. 11 months ago


    Calling me a pedophile for no reason isn't going to make your cookie clicker with demons games RPGs.

  6. 11 months ago


    >Why do pedophiles like anime movies for kids so much? Do you think you will get to pick up some girl at kindergarden by singing the Ponyo song?
    Not so fast, homosexual. Don't try deleting your post to get out of looking like a moron.

  7. 11 months ago

    excited to try last epoch when it goes on sale with my friend now that they added MP. d4 is complete dogshit TRASH though and so it shit of trashile. last game is older than me btw.

  8. 11 months ago

    All of those are dogshit. They're greedy live service trash as well.

  9. 11 months ago

    What are the best Guantlet games to buy/emulate in the current year. I remember playing trying Gauntlet Legends in an arcade a long time ago and having a blast, but I recall it was a b***h to get working in MAME or something.

  10. 11 months ago

    okay but the skills are boring and the story is ass
    mite b kool
    most excited for this

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