It was fantastic when they split up Starcraft 2 into three releases, because we effectively got three games, and they came released sooner, and with h...

It was fantastic when they split up Starcraft 2 into three releases, because we effectively got three games, and they came released sooner, and with higher quality control. However what they're doing with World of Warcraft is just sad.

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  1. 8 months ago

    >It was fantastic when they split up Starcraft 2 into three releases, because we effectively got three games, and they came released sooner, and with higher quality control.
    No it wasn't, and a lot of people were pissed. The format they had in SC1 and WC3 was much better.

    • 8 months ago

      no it wasn't, it was a lot better to get three fully featured campaigns with a great deal of polish, and for the game to come out sooner rather than later. I will not accept your contrarianism, everyone who was pissed was an idiot.

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah no. Not for the expansions being at the same price as the base game.
        Also high quality? Sure, but not story-wise because the story was just plain horrible near the end of WoL and only got worse since then.

        • 8 months ago

          >Not for the expansions being at the same price as the base game.
          each one was a base game, you could use any one of them to play a campaign and the whole multiplayer.

          • 8 months ago

            Nope. HoTS required WoL to work. It's LoTV that would be completely stand-alone.

            • 7 months ago

              close enough I reckon

      • 7 months ago

        WoL campaign was legitimately well made and an okay story, but the game released with fricking nothing besides that and sweaty ranked ladder. No chat, minimal custom game support, etc. Just a forced esports hype event.
        HotS was right at the peak of Blizzard being asshurt over Dota and mobas in general. It was the worst campaign in every way - gameplay, story, mission design, progression. Kerrigan is awful, the zerg characters are shit, nothing is polished.
        LotV was a major improvement, but it still wasn't as good as WoL and the epilogue was one of the worst things Blizzard has ever shat out. At least since it was the final release it had more lasting work put into it with the custom arcade and co-op in particular, but that's really what sc2 should have been from the beginning if Blizzard wasn't so shit.
        Nova afterward was great mission design, and its mediocre but inoffensive story was a huge step up after the epilogue. Too bad it was so short.

        • 7 months ago

          >WoL campaign was legitimately well made and an okay story, but the game released with fricking nothing besides that
          most RTS players only want to play campaigns anyway

          • 7 months ago

            multiplayer in Starcraft 1 and 2 is the very definition of why nobody likes RTS multiplayer, it's a hyperactive clicky e-sport with extreme meta enforcement instead of a dynamic and reasonably paced battle between generals

            • 7 months ago

              You never played these games online.

            • 7 months ago

              I know it's frustrating at first but for me it's the multiplayer. For solo campaigns I just hate base building so much and I don't care enough about the story to go through them. If there'd be no base building but like just only the kind if missions where you have a squad to control then it'd be pretty fun. I don't mind base building in multiplayer because it has some meaning to it with walling and acquiring more resources than your opponent but in single player it just feels annoying.

            • 7 months ago

              sorry to burst your bubble, but that is every single RTS online Anon

              • 7 months ago

                and that is why the majority of RTS players stick to campaigns or AI games. Acshuns per minute isn't fun.

        • 7 months ago

          no chat, what are you talking about no chat

  2. 8 months ago

    Maybe if the other 2 campaigns weren't turds on bread compared to WoL it would have been a good thing

    • 8 months ago

      It still was a cash grab so they could charge for the same game 3 times full price.

  3. 8 months ago

    >However what they're doing with World of Warcraft is just sad.
    What are they doing with wow?

    • 8 months ago

      You saw the new and evolved Nerubians?
      You ain't gonna play a cool centaurish spider. Nope.

    • 8 months ago

      They split an expansion pack up into three, and they're selling them for $50 apiece, or $90 for three days early access.

      • 8 months ago

        Any pretense that WoW players aren't cattle has flow out the door by now and those piggies are going to get milked for all they're worth. Anyone with sense bowed out ages ago

        • 7 months ago

          Supposedly one of the old SC2 devs said his spirit was broken when he found out Blizzard made more money off a single cash shop mount skin in WoW than it did from sales of Wings of Liberty. Paypigs are going to be the death of gaming.

          • 7 months ago

            >are going to be
            That post would have been correct if you made it back in 2010. It's 2023 and gaming has been dead for years.

            • 7 months ago

              See I knew someone would post this when I was writing it. I knew I could said "have killed" instead, but I chose to write this knowing that someone would gleefully come in with the predictable correction.
              In essence, I just mind controlled you into posting exactly what I want. How does it feel to be a mindslave?

              • 7 months ago

                did it cost you all your shields?

              • 7 months ago

                Stop posting here JoJo.

      • 8 months ago

        No they aren't
        They just announced the story the next three expansions will follow it's no different to how the first three FF14 expansions followed the Hydaelyn arc

  4. 7 months ago

    >It was great when a company cut its game into three pieces and sold them separately for thrice as much money
    Great for who? What are you? PDX former employee still in the mode to pitch DLCs?

    • 7 months ago

      >>It was great when a company cut its game into three pieces and sold them separately for thrice as much money
      When did this happen because it wasn't SC2

  5. 7 months ago
  6. 7 months ago

    Look I'm glad we got 90 missions total instead of 30 because if nothing else Blizz is good at campaign level design, I just didn't like having to pay for it 3 times

  7. 7 months ago

    >It was fantastic when they split up Starcraft 2 into three releases, because we effectively got to pay three times for one game, and they came released in regular time intervals, and with much worse unit and gameplay design changes.

  8. 7 months ago

    >paying for 3 parts of a game cut up at full price with little changes barring campaigns that should have been in ome game in the first place after they developed it for nearly a decade
    >not instead paying for the whole game with three complete campaigns for all three factions and then an expansion for another three campaigns that not only added in new post-game content but with actual gameplay changes for a fraction of the price of the original game
    >"higher quality control"

  9. 7 months ago

    it sucked the quality dropped off between games, i actually thought HotS was pretty good but Void was the biggest pile of shit.
    Just an excuse to milk more money.

    • 7 months ago

      shit taste

    • 7 months ago

      >i actually thought HotS was pretty good
      by what fricking standards exactly?

    • 7 months ago

      HoTS is the worst of the three main campaigns.
      WoL > LoTV > HoTS.

  10. 7 months ago

    oh btw did i mention they gave them away all the for free
    After we all paid.
    butthole company.

    • 7 months ago

      >Woooow frickin butthole company gave away the first game 10 years after release, AFTER we paid for it

    • 7 months ago

      I only care they didn't give away the other parts. I have WOL and HOTS, but I do not have LOTV, wish they would give me that one.

    • 7 months ago

      Don't you have to pay for zerg/protoss campaigns?

      • 7 months ago

        nah they gave the whole thing away for free relatively recently
        Probably to try and keep the dying SC2 scene alive.
        Slightly related but Blizzard was doing similarly obnoxious things with promotions in their games. Where they would make people do ridiculous tasks for in game rewards. Only to give the things away to everyone a week after. Just a dumb company.

        • 7 months ago

          >nah they gave the whole thing away for free relatively recently
          including Protoss?
          I want to try this

  11. 7 months ago

    Didn't the purple b***h turn into a ghost and punch a space ball sack?

    • 7 months ago

      Worse. Kerrigan became Super Saiyan.

      • 7 months ago

        Didn't the purple b***h turn into a ghost and punch a space ball sack?

        • 7 months ago

          Every. Single. Time.
          Who greenlit this shit?

          • 7 months ago

            for me its the leaked heart of the swarm ending cinematic that shows kerrigan floating away like mary poppins. The unfinished effects+the complete lorerape was a perfect mix of rape and destruction

            • 7 months ago

              >for me its the leaked heart of the swarm ending cinematic that shows kerrigan floating away like mary poppins.
              Yeah that was really bad.
              I do wonder however how it would've looked if it weren't for that ancient HoTS leak.
              The ending cinematic was identical to what we got. Difference was that Mengsk instead of using the Xel'Naga artifact to hurt Kerrigan he used a clone body of her to launch a psychic attack.

              • 7 months ago

                I dont think they changed it just because of the leak. They didnt address the problem everyone had with the cinematic.

              • 7 months ago

                Was it a clone body? I thought it was just an inhibitor chip implanted by Confederacy, the same that Kerrigan turned off in that interior mission in original StarCraft, and Mengsk in that leaked cinematic just used the killswitch function of the chip.

              • 7 months ago

                for me its the leaked heart of the swarm ending cinematic that shows kerrigan floating away like mary poppins. The unfinished effects+the complete lorerape was a perfect mix of rape and destruction

                thankfully LOTV fixed it, it was amazing and artanis is an amazing protagonist

            • 7 months ago

              >for me its the leaked heart of the swarm ending cinematic that shows kerrigan floating away like mary poppins.
              Yeah that was really bad.
              I do wonder however how it would've looked if it weren't for that ancient HoTS leak.
              The ending cinematic was identical to what we got. Difference was that Mengsk instead of using the Xel'Naga artifact to hurt Kerrigan he used a clone body of her to launch a psychic attack.

              The leak blew me away with how bad it was. I refused to believe it was real, that my boy Tychus didn't die for that garbage. Then the final release was pretty much the same thing.
              At least LotV wasn't nearly as bad as long as you never touch the epilogue.

              • 7 months ago

                LotV if you stop at the final protoss mission with Chad Artanis dabbing on Amon's new clone body, close the campaign menu, and tell yourself the story ended there

        • 7 months ago

          >expect amon to be some cool ass shadow hybrid thing
          >when you actually get to "fight" him he is just a background object in the map that looks like cthulu with diabetes

  12. 7 months ago

    it would have been good if HOTS campaign didnt undo everything WoL did.

    after that the Legacy of the Void campaign just felt like tacked on bs

  13. 7 months ago

    I never finished either camping despite the fact I regularly play it for multiplayer. I want to love the campaign but it just feels way too gimmicky. I wish they added firebats to multiplayer instead of hellbats tho.

    Regarding the split, I don't know. You can argue that it's a good decision but it just feels like they wanted every penny they could get.

    • 7 months ago

      Firebats are trash because they have such a long start up animation for their attacks, where the hitscan marines behind them will have killed whatever they were targeting before the fire ever comes out. Then they waddle up to do another start up animation just to not attack, repeat etc. That wasn't even fixed when they gave Raynor firebats in LotV Co-op (another reason that commander is shit). Hellbats/hellions are much better.

      I know it's frustrating at first but for me it's the multiplayer. For solo campaigns I just hate base building so much and I don't care enough about the story to go through them. If there'd be no base building but like just only the kind if missions where you have a squad to control then it'd be pretty fun. I don't mind base building in multiplayer because it has some meaning to it with walling and acquiring more resources than your opponent but in single player it just feels annoying.

      Base building is literally half the fun for casuals in every RTS campaign, not just starcraft, and the no-build sc2 missions are usually kind of bad. I will agree that you almost always start with too few workers for no real reason (sometimes just 4 fricking scvs). Again they fixed that in LotV multiplayer and Co-op to start with 12 workers, but the campaigns were made before that change.

      >people hating HotS
      is it just nigs seething?

      Kerrigan is a shitty character, and Warfield is reduced to a moron who I still can't figure out was allied with Valerian or Arcturus at that point. The drama and conflict in HotS are rushed and forced, and Arcturus is just a caricature of himself instead of a believable person. Kerrigan's primal design is just the QoB regurgitated because the CG cutscene team were too lazy to make a new model. Every mission plays like an asshomosexuals game where your wimpy army is just fodder and escorts for your boring hero unit.

      • 7 months ago

        >start with 12 workers
        I remember what a shit storm that caused over the interwebs, but retrospectively I think it was actually a decision where the devs really knew better.

      • 7 months ago

        >sometimes just 4 fricking scvs
        I recently replayed the SC1 campaign and jesus christ. First of all the devs didnt seem to know how to place mineral patches. Second they didnt seem to bother placing the CC in minimal range of the minerals (in terran campaigns your best first move is lifting your CC and moving it up like 5 tiles), third, they often start you with 2 workers. Sometimes they give you a bank so you can at least keep production up even though your workers have to travel twice as far and are only with the 2 of them. But you still spend a long time saturating your mineral field before you can do stuff.
        That and in most missions the AI starts with a ton of buildings but no units, so you can just kill them with your starter army.

  14. 7 months ago

    >people hating HotS
    is it just nigs seething?

  15. 7 months ago

    they cut one game into 3 and told you it was more. and you believed it?

    • 7 months ago

      b***h I experienced it, game is still great

  16. 7 months ago

    Name a more cancerous fanbase than people who play Starcraft.
    Literally the worst fricking babies in the history of RTS play this game. All ragers, all homosexuals, all-in cheesers who don't want to play a fun game.

    • 7 months ago

      Whatever fanbase of which you're a part

      • 7 months ago

        no u

  17. 7 months ago

    What if instead of saying it was the game split into 3 they just called them Starcraft 2/3/4 from the start? Yes, I know it's exactly the same thing, but perception matters a lot.

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