It's 2002 and you're playing this co-op with ur fren

anyone else do this? yes it was kind of jank and NWN would refine the multiplayer but there was something really fun and immersive playing this co-op over LAN or Internet.

t. unashamed nostalgiagay

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    How good are these games?

    • 7 months ago

      They're like pretty good, manon.

      • 7 months ago

        Is there ANY kidn of consensus among fans what the best one is or the one newcomers should play to fall in love with the IP?

        And do you think there are any other games in this genre (whatever the genre even really is) that is better?

        • 7 months ago

          Also curious about this.

        • 7 months ago

          (Assuming you're just talking about IE games in general)

          BG2 is the best. You should still play bg1 though, all the way through to the end of throne of bhaal (sp?), it's pretty fulfilling to do the whole thing.

          If you want something wordier, planescape torment is also very good, possibly better depending on what you're into.

          If you want something that's better for multiplayer, or you want to go old-school and roll up a whole frickin party, Icewind Dale is a good choice.

          • 7 months ago

            A disclaimer needs to be made: Planescape Torment is a bad game with a good story. The only parts of the game that are any fun are the Lower Ward and the Clerk’s Ward because those sections have very little combat. Everything else is miserable to play through. Only give it a try if you’re willing to put with some of the worst combat in RPGs for an interesting story and setting.

        • 7 months ago

          Also curious about this.

          BG2 is pretty much the gold standard for tabletop style RPGs. from there, it's really down to personal taste. I also really like the Wizardry series, with 7 and 8 being some of the best before the license got bought by a Japanese publisher. Ultima is another good franchise of games but I only ever played Underworld, which is basically the precursor to your modern Elder Scrolls.

        • 7 months ago

          BG1 is the only one not shit-adjacent. If you're willing to go non-retro there's Pillars of Eternity which drops the clunky D&D moronation but otherwise plays the same.

    • 7 months ago

      all of the BG games are great, assuming you're into the AD&D 2e Forgotten Realms thing, or even if you're not really, it's still a great real-time/pause RPG. being able to play co-op with a full party is awesome, too. not sure of the "enhanced edition" includes that, but i don't think it does, which is a huge oversight. also Icewind Dale series is also fantastic.

    • 7 months ago

      My internet in 2002 was dial-up, and there's no way I could have hogged the house's phone line for long enough to complete an RPG on this scale. Armchair advising and hot seating was the order of the day

      They're considered timeless classics, obviously they're pretty good

      all of the BG games are great, assuming you're into the AD&D 2e Forgotten Realms thing, or even if you're not really, it's still a great real-time/pause RPG. being able to play co-op with a full party is awesome, too. not sure of the "enhanced edition" includes that, but i don't think it does, which is a huge oversight. also Icewind Dale series is also fantastic.

      Enhanced Editions should support co-op

      Is there ANY kidn of consensus among fans what the best one is or the one newcomers should play to fall in love with the IP?

      And do you think there are any other games in this genre (whatever the genre even really is) that is better?

      There's not a "consensus", but majority favor leans toward BG2. They are quite different in terms of tone and gameplay style, so different people will prefer the feeling of one over the other. Newcomers should play BG1, then play BG2. Icewind Dale and Planescape: Torment are also worth playing if you liked BG1/2, but are definitely things to try second.

      >it's 2002
      I'm doing a play through at the moment with my friends.

      Based Gullykin looter

  2. 7 months ago

    BG2 has way too much story to be fun in multiplayer. Icewind Dale is the complete opposite though where it's the single player that's shit.

    BG1 was also a fun time in MP just exploring the wilderness (and also tricking your buddies into putting on the gender-swapping belt).

  3. 7 months ago

    >it's 2002
    I'm doing a play through at the moment with my friends.

  4. 7 months ago

    No I didn't really have friends even back then.

  5. 7 months ago

    2003 but I had just moved in with my first girlfriend. We played a full run of this together via LAN.
    We had no life goals or ambitions and rent was still dirt cheap in my town. She had a bar job, I was doing odd jobs here and there. We did nothing but smoke weed, eat and frick. And for a few weeks, we played this in between.

    • 7 months ago

      just a few years later, but I did the same. your early 20s were just a fricking blur of simply existing in a hedonistic day-to-day fever dream. thank god I had a down ass gf to endure it with.

      god take me back.

    • 7 months ago

      just a few years later, but I did the same. your early 20s were just a fricking blur of simply existing in a hedonistic day-to-day fever dream. thank god I had a down ass gf to endure it with.

      god take me back.

      Doing a full LAN run of BG2 with a gf is a new life goal of mine. I've never had a gf that could do sustained gaming like that. I'm happy for you both to have those smoke-hazed memories.

      Are the retro BGs better than the post-retro ones?

      There's only one non-retro one, BG3, which just released and is spammed on Ganker constantly. I haven't played it, because the few hours of gameplay footage I saw looked terrible. Unless you mean the "enhanced editions", which range from 90-98% of the original games? In which case, at least for BG1, the original version is superior. For IWD it's more of a toss-up, though I'd lean toward the original. For BG2 I can't say because I haven't tried the EE version yet. Both sets have very high quality community patches, mods, and tweaks available to refine all manner of things.

  6. 7 months ago

    Are the retro BGs better than the post-retro ones?

  7. 7 months ago

    I tried this game multiple times but the fricking dnd rule combat always filtered me fast. Then I watched a video on it that said you have to basically know everything beforehand else you're constantly gonna get your ass kicked. Also I expected a much more epic story and it was mundane boring shit.

    • 7 months ago

      The story picks up when you go to the pirate island.

      • 7 months ago

        And the TUNES

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