It's a shame that this game gets completely overshadowed by its sequel.

It's a shame that this game gets completely overshadowed by its sequel. Sure, it doesn't look as good or run as fluid as SoulCalibur (it had to run on much worse hardware) and the movement feels kinda janky nowadays, but it was ahead of its time. It had in-engine 3D animated, interactive endings in 1996! One of the first games to do so, if not the first one. SoulCalibur and SoulCalibur II were actually a downgrade in this aspect, the endings in those games are just a bunch of static art images. It wouldn't be until SoulCalibur III that the concept would come back into the series, though it obviously wasn't as revolutionary at the time any more.

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  1. 5 months ago

    Still looks good to me, not everything has to be held to its successors.

  2. 5 months ago

    I still love it. The first three games were fantastic. SoulCalibur III, IV and V were increasingly disappointing.

    What I really love about Soul Blade is the way Edge Master mode worked. It was short and sweet but it felt more meaty by actually detailing each character's journey to find the sword as opposed to later games where it was just generically "you."

    Plus the music was just the right amount of pseudo historical whimsy and adventure with a touch of haunting mythos.


    • 5 months ago

      >I still love it. The first three games were fantastic. SoulCalibur III, IV and V were increasingly disappointing.
      >What I really love about Soul Blade is the way Edge Master mode worked. It was short and sweet but it felt more meaty by actually detailing each character's journey to find the sword as opposed to later games where it was just generically "you."
      I still liked III a lot. Tales of Souls from III is the closest to Edge Master mode from SoulEdge the series ever got again, so it feels weird for you to say you like Edge Master mode in particular but say III was "disappointing". Then again, I've never played Chronicles of Swords in III because I've heard there's a bug that deletes your saves in that game mode, though I have the European Platinum release with v1.1 build of the game where that's supposedly fixed. I don't feel like RTS elements belong in a console game anyway.

      • 5 months ago

        I thought III was disappointing for several reasons. It being dangerously buggy was part of it but another part is the new characters felt out of place.

        • 5 months ago

          >new characters felt out of place.
          I only feel that way about Tira and Olcadan, all things considered. And maybe Night Terror to a small extent, but only because of his anime laser beam attack. Tira because she's a blatant Harley Quinn ripoff and Olcadan because he looks so ridiculous with his owl head. Sure, you could levy some accusations against other characters like that the shopkeeper maids' or Amy's outfits fit Victorian Period better than 16th century, but I feel like that's extreme nitpicking given that the series had a holy warrior of the ancient Greek pantheon of all things from the very start, even though that religion was completely and utterly dead by 1500s.

          • 5 months ago

            He dislikes the Black, if that wasn't clear enough for you, anon.

            • 5 months ago

              Zasalamel was the only new character that was actually decent in III. His weapon actually fits the themes unlike Tira's whatever the frick hoola hoop thing. And making Raphael a vampire was dumb. He was perfect in II. Feels like blatant pandering.

  3. 5 months ago

    I found its original mode to be much more fun than Soul Calibur's. In fact, when the novelty of graphics wore off, all I could think while playing SC was how much of a better time I had with Soul Edge. Also the music is fantastic, some of the best in the entire 5th gen.

  4. 5 months ago

    i bought the pcb and built a cabinet for it
    rev B(2) has an added character + remove some of the quarter munch bullshit

    it's my favorite series
    I still think it's better than parts that came later everything after two and three kinda seems shitty

  5. 5 months ago

    Soul blade rocks. I played the arcade game at a flea market a couple years ago and loved it. I checked out footage on YouTube of the ps1 game and I had to by it. It’s pretty accurate to the arcade game as far as my eyes can tell.

    • 5 months ago

      The big knock on PS1 soulblade is that it's a fighter that runs at 30 fps. I played two tokens worth of the arcade version in my life so I can't remember if it ran at 60 but I presume so.

      • 5 months ago

        Unlikely. Soul Edge arcade machines ran on Namco System 11, which is a slightly modified PS1. Specs are almost 1:1. The only significant difference I could find is that System 11 might have 512KB to 1MB of VRAM more (depending on how it's counted, which the specs sheet are unclear about).

  6. 5 months ago

    Great game but Soul Calibur is better

  7. 5 months ago

    Ugh, it's hard to get into this series. I just recently got SC1 and SC2 and started playing some of it, and it was already overwhelming since it seems like I've got two decently long campaigns ahead of me and now I see this thread saying that no, it's Soul Edge that I should've started with. Pah! I'm only in it for Ivy and Sophitia stiffies, anyway

  8. 5 months ago

    Just want a collection of Edge, SC1/2/3 maybe 4 with rollback and cross play.


  9. 5 months ago

    You're rather bad at explaining why the game is good. I'll help you out.

    >Character have different weapons and multiple cool costumes that aren't palette swaps.
    >Cool Fully 3d-stages with day-night cycles. Fav stage is Siegfried's where a castle siege battle is on going.
    >Edge Master mode that's basically an expanded story mode with forces you to fight handicap matches and win weapons you can use on other modes.
    >Has 3 different BGM soundtracks: Regular, arranged and the Super Khan Session which is a complete different music compared to the other 2.

    Literally mogs Tekken 3 in everythings.

    • 5 months ago

      Why is everything "mog this" and "mog that", considering both are by the same developer, I think you can have both and enjoy them as two really good 3D fighting games.

    • 5 months ago

      Tekken 3 runs at 60 fps and has way better animation

  10. 5 months ago

    Soul Blade, Alpha 3 and Tekken 3 are all based on ps1 with their depth of single player content.

  11. 5 months ago

    is my favourite game ever, I bought a psx in december 1998 and I bought soulblade platinum edition in spring 1999, best game ever.
    best OST
    best characters
    best fights
    best multiplayer ever
    best story mode

  12. 5 months ago

    Still one of the most impressive looking PS1 games. Also even back then I preferred it over Tekken.

  13. 5 months ago

    Can I just say the Sega System and a super gun? If I have to be specific 32. Or maybe the CP system and the official super gun. Maybe a couple cabs.

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