It's better than the original Resident Evil 2.

It's better than the original Resident Evil 2.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 10 months ago

    some aspects are for sure. I love both

  2. 10 months ago

    We been knew

  3. 10 months ago

    A reboot that actually doesn't suck

  4. 10 months ago

    It is. Still they should have canned the zapping system or whatever its called and just wrote a Clair A Leon B story. Outside of that the game is perfect.

  5. 10 months ago

    Imagine all the 3DCG porn we'd be missing out on if we never got the RE 2&3 remakes

    • 10 months ago

      I will be forever grateful for RE2R in giving me a new fetish.

      • 10 months ago

        I hope you dress up as Claire or Jill before you ride that

        • 10 months ago

          I'm more of an Annette / Ada guy, myself.

  6. 10 months ago

    >have to buy the OG OST because the new one is nothing
    >no marshaling yard (that one part doesn't count)
    >annoying western dialogue where Leon has to say FRICK and SHIT every time he so much as aims his gun at a zombie
    I don't think so Black

  7. 10 months ago

    Yea yea yea blah blah, video game.
    Post your modded screenshots already.

  8. 10 months ago

    >shoot zombie in the head 10 times
    >nothing happens until you get a lucky dice roll and it finally pops after wasting 9 rounds
    Yeah, great game.

    • 10 months ago

      did you try the shotgun

  9. 10 months ago

    Very debateable. They are two very different games, and overall I find the original to be far more memorable, with better characters and aesthetics. The remake is drab, plain and simple.

    • 10 months ago

      nothing drab about the remake. Never has a videogame achieved the feeling of classical zombie media with amazingly realistic sets and zombies. The way the game boxes you in and achieves the feeling of you going though basically a playable version of Night of the Living Dead is nothing short of masterful. Honestly it baffles me that someone would call the game 'drab' when it's so clear that basically every inch of it has been crafted to enhance the atmosphere and achieve its artistic goals. This is not to diss the original, it was great but frick it, the remake blows 99% of videogames right out of the water including it's own original version.

      • 10 months ago

        different anon here
        don't be so convinced that you're right. if you love the remake, that's perfectly ok. but don't act "baffled" when anyone tells you a differing opinion, you frickwit
        pic related is the most egregious example of remake simplifying raccon city locations down to drab level

    • 10 months ago

      >The remake is drab, plain and simple.
      But we're not talking about the RE1 remake.

  10. 10 months ago

    remake Claire's ass > og Claire's ass

  11. 10 months ago

    Shit remake, great game.

  12. 10 months ago

    Yeah. Much better. One of the very few remakes that doesn't suck dick.

  13. 10 months ago

    it really is. the only thing the og beats it out on is soulllllllll and for some people that's more important. and that's ok.

    • 10 months ago

      i'm talking about these 2 btw

      different anon here
      don't be so convinced that you're right. if you love the remake, that's perfectly ok. but don't act "baffled" when anyone tells you a differing opinion, you frickwit
      pic related is the most egregious example of remake simplifying raccon city locations down to drab level

      >have to buy the OG OST because the new one is nothing
      >no marshaling yard (that one part doesn't count)
      >annoying western dialogue where Leon has to say FRICK and SHIT every time he so much as aims his gun at a zombie
      I don't think so Black

      nothing wrong with thinking oh this little aesthetic thing is worse, cause it generally is. but the game part is so damn good, i will never EVER give a shit myself

      • 10 months ago

        why do you put so much emphasis on your own opinion. makes me cringe
        you like the game. good for you

    • 10 months ago

      Its not just about soul, the remake completely left out the most important aspect of Re2, A/B scenarios. What we got instead was the laziest most slapped together campaign possible. Everyone seems to ignore that because they did such a good job with RPD which is what we all remember from re2.

      • 10 months ago

        >they left out the shallow pointless gimmick
        what a fricking nightmare. calling the A/B scenarios "the most important part of RE2" is fricking moronic.
        if you really care so much go watch a "ALL DIFFERENCES IN A/B SCENARIOS OF RE2" video cause god knows you don't actually play the damn game

  14. 10 months ago

    Hey Ganker, did I ever tell you about where the Root of Terror comes from?
    It starts with fear...

  15. 10 months ago

    My problems with the story

    >Ada is an ass to Leon
    >Leon is an ass to Ada
    > Leon point his gun at every people he meet when he first meet them, minus Marvin.
    >Ada breaks her cover by telling Annette she she is after the g-virus 5 seconds after meeting her.
    >Annette is an unrealistically shitty mother.
    >Leon is willing to leave Ben locked up in a zombie infested police station "I need the Chief's permission" You mean the Chief you've never met and don't know is alive Leon, Marvin told you to rescue the survivors.
    >Ada has no reason to be at the Police Station the Lab is accessible through the sewers and the orphanage.
    >Claire never meets Ada and Leon doesn't meet Sherry tell the end. It would have been cool if Ada stayed with Sherry at the Lab.
    >No walkie talkie between Claire and Leon.

    My problems with the game play

    >2nd scenario is objectively a terrible excuse for a B scenario, but what's worse is some people play Leon and Claire 1st scenario back to back. It should have been just a Claire scenario and Leon scenario with as many differences as they could put in.
    >Less bosses, no spiders, no moths, less distinct puzzles room and routes for Leon and Claire, they both need to find the same electrical parts to fix 2 separate panels to find identical key cards to leave the RPD at the same garage door. Ada Sherry fall into the same pile of garage minutes apart from each other.
    >Browning hi power with red dot should have been unlockable for full playthroughs.
    >Breakable knives suck, infinite knife should either not effect S+ rank or not get lost when used as self defense.
    >Claire's costumes new classic costume look weird without a black t-shirt.

    • 10 months ago

      >infinite knife should either not effect S+ rank
      it doesn't noob

    • 10 months ago

      >>Ada breaks her cover by telling Annette she she is after the g-virus 5 seconds after meeting her.
      Doesn't Annette already know Ada?

    • 10 months ago

      >Ada is an ass to Leon
      Just like the OG
      >Leon is an ass to Ada
      He's not
      >Leon point his gun at every people he meet when he first meet them, minus Marvin.
      Makes sense for him to do
      >Ada breaks her cover by telling Annette she she is after the g-virus 5 seconds after meeting her.
      Annette wouldn't believe her
      >Annette is an unrealistically shitty mother.
      How so?
      >Leon is willing to leave Ben locked up in a zombie infested police station "I need the Chief's permission" You mean the Chief you've never met and don't know is alive Leon, Marvin told you to rescue the survivors.
      >Ada has no reason to be at the Police Station the Lab is accessible through the sewers and the orphanage.
      She's stuck
      >Claire never meets Ada and Leon doesn't meet Sherry tell the end. It would have been cool if Ada stayed with Sherry at the Lab.
      >No walkie talkie between Claire and Leon.

      Agree with your gameplay points

      • 10 months ago

        >Ada is an ass to Leon
        Just like the OG

        Ada is never more then slightly annoyed by Leon in the original and actually warms up to him quicker. She also never actively using him to complete her mission, he keeps following after her thinking she needs his help not knowing she really doesn't.

        >Leon is an ass to Ada
        He's not

        Ass is probably the wrong word more like argumentative or combative. on the whole I think making Ada an "FBI Agent" as a mistake narratively, It feel like a bad misdirect because every knows she is a spy but not who she works for.

        >Annette is an unrealistically shitty mother.
        How so?

        She cares more about the G-virus then her daughter life. Doesn't Claire kind of have to convince her to help save Sherry?

    • 10 months ago

      >Ada is an ass to Leon
      Just like the OG

      Ada is never more then slightly annoyed by Leon in the original and actually warms up to him quicker. She also never actively using him to complete her mission, he keeps following after her thinking she needs his help not knowing she really doesn't.

      >Leon is an ass to Ada
      He's not

      Ass is probably the wrong word more like argumentative or combative. on the whole I think making Ada an "FBI Agent" as a mistake narratively, It feel like a bad misdirect because every knows she is a spy but not who she works for.

      >Annette is an unrealistically shitty mother.
      How so?

      She cares more about the G-virus then her daughter life. Doesn't Claire kind of have to convince her to help save Sherry?

      Yup, I agree with all of your story points. In addition, I hate how Claire is seemingly uninterested in continuing her search for Chris at the end of the game. That’s the whole fricking reason she was there to begin with!

    • 10 months ago

      >>Ada is an ass to Leon
      I'll agree with this. I already didn't care for Ada in the OG. The remake turning her into another girlboss made me hate her. That said, I agree with the direction to make it more clear she's just using Leon because their """romance""" came out of nowhere in the OG. Makes more sense this way.
      >>Leon is an ass to Ada
      Leon is a dumb noobie cop here on his first day in a frightening situation. He's not an ass to her, he simply wants answers that Ada is clearly withholding from him.
      >> Leon point his gun at every people he meet when he first meet them, minus Marvin.
      After attempting to save people at the beginning of the game who turned into zombies who nearly killed me, I'd be pointing guns at anyone I first met until I confirmed they were human, too.
      >>Ada breaks her cover by telling Annette she she is after the g-virus 5 seconds after meeting her.
      Annette already knew who Ada was. Shit, in the OG, all she had to do was quickly look her up to find out who she was.

    • 10 months ago

      >>Ada is an ass to Leon
      I'll agree with this. I already didn't care for Ada in the OG. The remake turning her into another girlboss made me hate her. That said, I agree with the direction to make it more clear she's just using Leon because their """romance""" came out of nowhere in the OG. Makes more sense this way.
      >>Leon is an ass to Ada
      Leon is a dumb noobie cop here on his first day in a frightening situation. He's not an ass to her, he simply wants answers that Ada is clearly withholding from him.
      >> Leon point his gun at every people he meet when he first meet them, minus Marvin.
      After attempting to save people at the beginning of the game who turned into zombies who nearly killed me, I'd be pointing guns at anyone I first met until I confirmed they were human, too.
      >>Ada breaks her cover by telling Annette she she is after the g-virus 5 seconds after meeting her.
      Annette already knew who Ada was. Shit, in the OG, all she had to do was quickly look her up to find out who she was.

      is an unrealistically shitty mother.
      Compared to women I've met who flat out hated their children, Annette is mild. She was a workaholic who neglected her child and realized her mistake too late. Even the OG implies this with Sherry remarking how distant she is with her parents. That's why she clings to Claire so much.
      >>Leon is willing to leave Ben locked up in a zombie infested police station "I need the Chief's permission" You mean the Chief you've never met and don't know is alive Leon, Marvin told you to rescue the survivors.
      I'll admit this was a dumb direction to take. The only explanation I can offer is Leon, once again, is a dumb rookie cop who thought there was a good reason this guy is locked up and figured he wasn't trustworthy. (In reality, they probably just wanted to force the new cool way to introduce Mr. X.) In the OG, Ben was willingly staying in the cell, so Leon didn't have reason to believe he wasn't trustworthy.
      >>Ada has no reason to be at the Police Station the Lab is accessible through the sewers and the orphanage.
      Both can only be accessed by solving puzzles. Claire has to solve the puzzle in Irons's underground office in order to get to the orphanage, and the gate in the parking lot prevents Ada from getting out to reach the sewer. That's why she orders Leon to find a way out.
      never meets Ada and Leon doesn't meet Sherry tell the end. It would have been cool if Ada stayed with Sherry at the Lab.
      They never meet in the OG either. In Claire B, she only briefly sees Ada when she needs the rocket launcher, and it's hardly a "meeting" and is non-canon. Leon only sees Sherry in Claire A, and he just chases after her. Again, hardly a meeting.
      >>No walkie talkie between Claire and Leon.
      I'll agree this was disappointing.

      • 10 months ago

        >"I need the Chief's permission" You mean the Chief you've never met and don't know is alive Leon, Marvin told you to rescue the survivors.
        He did not. He told him to find a way out of the station, and to save himself first, and to not hesitate shooting any of the zombies he comes across, uniform or not.

        • 10 months ago

          Meant for

          My problems with the story

          >Ada is an ass to Leon
          >Leon is an ass to Ada
          > Leon point his gun at every people he meet when he first meet them, minus Marvin.
          >Ada breaks her cover by telling Annette she she is after the g-virus 5 seconds after meeting her.
          >Annette is an unrealistically shitty mother.
          >Leon is willing to leave Ben locked up in a zombie infested police station "I need the Chief's permission" You mean the Chief you've never met and don't know is alive Leon, Marvin told you to rescue the survivors.
          >Ada has no reason to be at the Police Station the Lab is accessible through the sewers and the orphanage.
          >Claire never meets Ada and Leon doesn't meet Sherry tell the end. It would have been cool if Ada stayed with Sherry at the Lab.
          >No walkie talkie between Claire and Leon.

          My problems with the game play

          >2nd scenario is objectively a terrible excuse for a B scenario, but what's worse is some people play Leon and Claire 1st scenario back to back. It should have been just a Claire scenario and Leon scenario with as many differences as they could put in.
          >Less bosses, no spiders, no moths, less distinct puzzles room and routes for Leon and Claire, they both need to find the same electrical parts to fix 2 separate panels to find identical key cards to leave the RPD at the same garage door. Ada Sherry fall into the same pile of garage minutes apart from each other.
          >Browning hi power with red dot should have been unlockable for full playthroughs.
          >Breakable knives suck, infinite knife should either not effect S+ rank or not get lost when used as self defense.
          >Claire's costumes new classic costume look weird without a black t-shirt.

  16. 10 months ago

    thats not very difficult
    now re1, that game was and still is perfection

  17. 10 months ago

    Is it just me or did the game not feel like it took place in 1998.

  18. 10 months ago

    >worse characters
    >worse telling of the story and botched B scenario
    >worse atmosphere
    >worse music
    >less iconic moments
    >no replay value at all
    Bringing on hordes of zoomer nugays was the worst thing Capcom could have done for Resident Evil, and guess fricking what? They did it.

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