>it's deep cock galactic, but with roguelite elements

>it's deep wiener galactic, but with roguelite elements
wat. they just make the same game AGAIN and ditch drg for this?

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    >no season 5 until June 2024
    I guess a spin off is cool and all but jesus christ. I'm sick of the rockpox homosexualry.

    • 8 months ago

      Guess I'll be picking up Darktide

      • 8 months ago

        Don't do that to yourself.

        • 8 months ago

          Darktide actually just got a pretty damn good update. It's almost a real game now.

    • 8 months ago

      >finally season 5
      >you now have to clear rockpox before, during AND AFTER missions

  2. 8 months ago

    Surprising. Astounding. Staggering. Unnerving. Bewildering. Flabbergasting. Disquieting. Gobsmacking. Shocking. Mind boggling. why not just make rogue lite missions?

  3. 8 months ago

    It's over.

    • 8 months ago

      what is he talking about. drg is like 50% done.

    • 8 months ago

      What huge content dumps? They've released one new primary, one new grenade and one secondary for each class in these 8 years. First season with robots was fresh, but the next three are the same stupid rockpox shit with one or two added enemies.

      • 8 months ago

        looks to me they spent too much time streaming and on reddit. seems a leadership problem and everyone turned lazy

      • 8 months ago

        >8 years
        anon i think your time is off. The game left EA like, 3-4 years ago?

        but yes, thats kind of how it is. That post can be saying two things
        >1. we are no longer at our peak of content releases
        That was already known, the game didnt have great significant updates like Endgame and Season 1 in ages, and its also somewhat understandable
        >2. we are stepping down even further, no updates like season 2-3, it will always be very small in scope like season 4

        • 8 months ago

          The post he's replying to has an image, in that image there's a discord message of one of the devs saying the game has been in development for 8 years, this is where the animation you are replying to got that number

          • 8 months ago

            Then his post makes no sense, because they released two secondaries, two primaries, three new grenades for each class within these 8 years. Also overclocks

    • 8 months ago

      >2 years of rockpox
      >thinking they have any good developers left at the studio to make a whole new game

      • 8 months ago

        rockpox is fricking awful and anyone who dares say otherwise is factually wrong

    • 8 months ago

      They're killing a golden goose why would they pull an overwatch 2?

      • 8 months ago

        >we want to do something new
        PLEASE have a nice day holy shit you don't know what you're talking about

        • 8 months ago

          >rockpox for 2 years straight is fine

        • 8 months ago

          Yay more rogue like slop for me to slurp

      • 8 months ago

        GSG can't even finish deep rock galactic, everything is procedural and low poly, and still cant do shit

      • 8 months ago

        >a golden goose
        they already released the sales stats back in 2022, dlc uptake for this game really isn't that good

        • 8 months ago

          NTA but it's still a golden goose for a dev team that didn't do anything relevant before

          • 8 months ago

            A golden goose would be something that continues to print money. The Devs purposely went the way where it wouldn't do that.
            They crafted a beautiful toy, continued to support it for years and when they wanted to stop doing that FOR FREE and for frick it I'm tired of working on the same game for years the fans took it as a personal attack.
            The devs even had the balls to try and actually explain what THEY wanted and as seen ITT will do nothing but allow nit picking anons to turn each and every individual word they say as proof that they hate their community.

            • 8 months ago

              Ok but they broke the toy on the way out (rockpox).
              So frick them.

              • 8 months ago

                Fair enough I fricking hate foaming. Finally a reasonable anon.

              • 8 months ago

                even the dorfs state that they hate rockfricks
                why wouldn't we

              • 8 months ago

                not him but elitist contrarians on /vm/'s general genuinely try and argue that rockpox is fine and that anyone who hates foaming and wienerpox are just casuals, it's actually pathetic how low the bar is for bait over there

            • 8 months ago

              >FOR FREE
              >selling DLCs every updates
              Shill spotted
              >nit picking
              ESL spotted

              • 8 months ago

                Hey anon I've already had this conversation ITT

                If you don't pay your taxes the roads still get fixed and you go to jail.
                If you don't pay for the cosmetics, you still get the gameplay content for free.
                However if you do pay for the cosmetics, you get the cosmetics for money AND the gameplay content for free.

                How did you think that was a good comparison?

              • 8 months ago

                You claimed that they update the game for free, which is not the case since they attached DLCs to every update.
                I accept your concession.

            • 8 months ago

              >The devs even had the balls to try and actually explain what THEY wanted and as seen ITT will do nothing but allow nit picking anons to turn each and every individual word they say as proof that they hate their community.
              Maybe you should put down GSG's balls and pick up a grammar book

    • 8 months ago

      I will give them some credit at least:
      Thank god they just said "the days of DRG getting content dumps are over" rather than doing that homosexual corporate talk of "we'll continue to support our true community with updates continuing into the future :*~~" when they just mean critical bugfixes

      • 8 months ago

        That's fair.

    • 8 months ago

      a charitable guess is that they've been struggling to make the game work under its own updates and just can't be arsed to continue adding shit while also maintaining things like modding and hundreds of pointless skins.

      a less than charitable guess is that instead of fixing these problems (or in spite of letting scope creep win from the beginning), they can cash in on recycling what they have and slapping a flavor of the month spin on it and not have to worry about breaking older systems

    • 8 months ago

      i slowly begin to hate the DRG devs
      they make low poly weapons
      they make easy to switch out textures
      yet the main excuse they give for not adding new weapons or new shit is because having to retroactively texture them for previous content dumps would take too much dev time
      i could do one weapon and all of the textures a day if they paid me to do it, i'd be finished in two weeks
      frick those lazy cucks
      their website claims they're 100% focused on making great co-op games but then they release that survivor gay shit that's singleplayer and then mock people in the discussions for asking if it'll be co-op
      frick 'em

      • 8 months ago

        >but then they release that survivor gay shit that's singleplayer and then mock people in the discussions for asking if it'll be co-op
        its made by another studio they're just publishing it
        and its very clearly not even meant to be the same type of game, just uses the DRG IP and lore as a base for shit
        how are you this moronic?

        • 8 months ago

          >how are you this moronic?
          not as moronic as the devs for willing whoring out their franchise to make FOTM clones of popular garbage

    • 8 months ago

      I wish we at least ended on something that wasn't fricking rockpox

    • 8 months ago

      The game was only released 3 years ago

    • 8 months ago

      He's not wrong, though I wish they would make a better spinoff than vampire survivors knockoff and DRG but roguelite

      Like i'd fricking love a natural selection 2 style deep rock PVP game with the same general gameplay dynamics.

    • 8 months ago

      >ditch DRG
      >rockpox season will be A YEAR LONG
      >fricking roguelike
      >fricking vampire survivors (literally made by a casino game dev and who's story is written by a troon) clone

      >this is what they end on because they're so lazy they can't add content to this content-starved game
      I'm so, so glad I didn't paypig for all the DLCs because if I did I would attempt to inflict physical pain on someone else
      GSG are hacks, HACKS I tell you

      • 8 months ago

        vampire survivors (literally made by a casino game dev and who's story is written by a troon) clone
        How did that guy get praised for putting gacha game design into an buy-to-play game, when people hated that in Xenoblade 2?

        • 8 months ago

          because repurposing an endless shooter flash game is "FRESH" and "EXCITING" for the indie market

        • 8 months ago

          because the gacha shit in vampire survivors doesn't actually amount to much except getting your weapon synergies, it's just the stupid 'DA NA NA NA' shit from zelda but turned up to 11

    • 8 months ago

      He's not really wrong. Beyond a certain point it gets harder and harder to keep adding new content without fricking up the existing formula. Look at TF2 for example.

    • 8 months ago

      Frick indie devs, frick all of them. You treat them well and they become just like the average AAA game developers.

    • 8 months ago

      This is sad, I love DRG so much and hope they reconsider putting it on the backburner.
      That said I wish them luck and look forward to their new game set in the DRG universe.
      Dwarves in space is so cool.

    • 8 months ago

      I hate Ganker sometimes

      • 8 months ago

        >killing 1 good game to make 2 bad games

    • 8 months ago

      >get taken over by Swedish EA
      >updates become rarer and lower in quality all of a sudden
      really makes you think...

      • 8 months ago

        >d*nes blaming their own failures on their betters, as usual

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        No fricking way, we need to review bomb their next """""Game"""""

      • 8 months ago

        >can you assure people it'll be worth it
        >"No. It's pointless. It's going to suck."
        >*thumbs up*

      • 8 months ago

        that's fair, too bad morons hate this honest approach and would prefer spoonfuls of sweet corporate bullshit instead

        • 8 months ago

          Their honesty was the only good thing about this announcement.

        • 8 months ago

          Maybe they should have been honest just before the second shitson? before we bought all the dlcs as a way to support them

        • 8 months ago

          their honesty means i can uninstall and probably pirate whatever else they make.

      • 8 months ago

        This honesty is appreciated but painful.

        • 8 months ago

          They probably felt trapped between waiting for Rogue Core to be more complete to show off but if they waited and didn't temper expectations then people would think a full fledged sequel was in the works or they are lazy/abandoning the game when they say S5 would take 8 more months minimum to come out. This just seems like a rough spot in general for them but I'm sure it will come out fine in the end.

    • 8 months ago

      Game is 8 years old. Its time to move on instead of milking it for eternity.

      • 8 months ago

        i agree in principle but i'm far from convinced that what's coming next is something i'm interested in

    • 8 months ago

      oh well. games like this have received more support than anything ever used to receive.

      • 8 months ago

        what about payday 2

        • 8 months ago

          nvm didnt read well sorry

    • 8 months ago

      keeek they added fricking NOTHING as soon as they fell into infinite Embracer money. What a bunch of insincere frickwads.

    • 8 months ago

      this is fricking dumb
      release it as a paid expansion
      make a new terminal locked behind the paid expansion
      it's so easy

      • 8 months ago

        Woah, you should be a game designer, you clearly know better than them how to make a game

        • 8 months ago

          i don't have to be.
          Just look at Valve
          DOTA sucks but they have great ideas with announcer packs, music packs, etc. If GSG monetized that then they'd be in the fricking money.

          • 8 months ago

            You should be like a
            Video game CEO or something
            Do you work on wall street?

            • 8 months ago

              Get back in your bucket, crab.

              DRG is admittedly stuck in a corner. They feel obliged to make seasons but as incompetent as Fatshark is, at least Fatshark has tight code and you can't just save-edit in highest-tier gear. I like how DRG is an old-school indie-built feeling project. They bottled lightning with DRG but it's basically unanimous that people would want more DRG content (especially gamemodes) rather than totally new titles.
              Only absolutely cursed games like Artifact release variant duplicants to compete with themselves. GSG's idea with the top-down variation looked viable but DRG core is just directly competing with people that want to do deep dives.
              The best move would be to make paid expansions that people joining a host could play with. That's what VT 2 did, that's what ROR 2 did. The problem is the holes in DRG with the likes of the save-editor. Because of that, I imagine paid expansions would require some odd work-around with the core of the game. So they're kind of fricked.

              I can only hope that they're not completely moronic. What they're working on might be good. There might be enough demand for both. It's so popular surely, people can play two deep rocks at once? No idea. I hope they at least recycle voice lines assets, weapons, because almost all of those in DRG are actually good.
              DRG is actually so good that the only problem is people want more of it. GSG is in a double-bind. People would pay for a direct sequel with more content. They'll pay for a sequel in years.
              I just want more deep rock, more good games. I'm no huge fan of top-down and I'm fricking exhausted with unlike-rogues.

              • 8 months ago

                >but as incompetent as Fatshark is, at least Fatshark has tight code and you can't just save-edit in highest-tier gear.

                fricking kek we got a fatsharkhomosexual here

              • 8 months ago

                The tide games have the best second-to-second pve combat I've ever seen. Deep Rock has the environment gimmick, that's a LOT going for it. It's also much more social and more fun to play with friends.
                Also generally DRG seems much better at programming. It's just tragic that they didn't expect their game to get so big. They should be more ambitious: rework whatever part of the engine they need to rework; rework the content scope of seasons; charge for content that isn't skins on top of seasons.
                DRG into spinoffs into DRG 2 with all the lesson's they've learned might be good, but they'll have to commit entirely to it and drop seasons for DRG1.

      • 8 months ago

        From the sounds of it alot seems to be coding issues with stuffing more into the game(whether that's justifiable or lazy is up to you), they're probably building the new game from almost the ground up using the same/modified engine

    • 8 months ago


      Are they deliberately sabotaging themselves here? Jfc it's like they want to kill their game/community.

      • 8 months ago

        Talk to your fans honestly and without hyperbole. >JFC they want to kill their community!
        Anon they are trying to treat gamers like adults, and of course that is going to end poorly.

        • 8 months ago

          It's about the content of what they're saying rather than the method used to communicate it you tard. Speaking honestly is fine but if you're "honestly" pissing on your community then you don't get points just for being honest.

          • 8 months ago

            >you don't get points just for being honest
            yes you do
            you people don't understand. lying constantly will inflate stock value but using that policy internally makes shitty games like tarfield.
            gsg is in a fricking slump because they made the best game ever and milking it is too much of a headache

          • 8 months ago

            > if you're "honestly" pissing on your community
            So you want to be lied too, because they aren't pissing on their community. They are explaining their side and you disagree with it. But because this is the internet it can't just be an actual conversation and you have to HYPE UPPPPPPPPP the rhetoric.
            You'd rather hear a happy lie then a harder truth by your own admission.

            • 8 months ago

              >it's okay to make moronic decisions as long as you're honest
              The absolute fricking state of brainlets on Ganker

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, this.
                If you make a moronic business decision then that's exactly when the PR speak needs to come out.

              • 8 months ago

                Or just stop making moronic decisions.
                >make moronic decision
                >player base doesn't like it
                The formula doesn't change just because you were honest about the first part.

              • 8 months ago

                Or just stop making moronic decisions.
                >make moronic decision
                >player base doesn't like it
                The formula doesn't change just because you were honest about the first part.

                just don't make intentionally shitty decisions, it's really that shrimple

    • 8 months ago

      >no lightning gun for driller
      shit game

    • 8 months ago

      >guys look, we just need to work on something fresh mmmkay?
      >what will that fresh project be? why, it'll be the exact same game but with le roguelike elements of course!
      Oh homie what is you doing. Also
      >DRG is not dying
      >it will receive minor updates once a year at best lmao
      The fricking state

      • 8 months ago

        >it's the same game because I said so!!!!!!!!

    • 8 months ago

      >quitting while they are ahead instead of bloating it for the next decade
      Insanely fricking based
      Game is shit tho

      • 8 months ago

        They’ve already hit the bloat phase with rockpox

        • 8 months ago

          I have no idea what that means mate

    • 8 months ago

      >huge content dumps

      • 8 months ago

        new weapons, enemy types, biomes and mission types were pretty big when added
        season 4 was the first lackluster update and will last 3 years

    • 8 months ago


      Is this what corporate suicide looks like? It's like they're trying to speedrun turning the community against them

    • 8 months ago

      i was really close to finally buying the game too. that Survival game looked fun as well. i guess always being late to the party saves me a lot of money at least.

    • 8 months ago

      >huge content dumps
      >2 new enemies, a mini game and a battlepass
      lol lmao even, I had my fun with this game but you can only replay the same 6 missions types and the same 6 biomes so many times

    • 8 months ago

      >no more weapons
      >no new weapons
      >no class reworks
      >no new mission types
      >no new lore
      >still no use for that giant blue molly on the space rig
      guess my dwarves are now officially retired, see you around space diggers

      • 8 months ago

        Don't forget
        >no use for error cubes

      • 8 months ago

        >no alternative/rebalanced traversal tools

        Frick every scout, I fricking hate scouts. t.gunner.

    • 8 months ago

      I guess giving away content for free was a bad idea lmao

    • 8 months ago

      Damn, imagine loving this game and you found out this way your favourite game is dead
      Holy shit

      • 8 months ago

        ...that's me.
        I kinda thought this was gonna be the start of something big for DRG proper.

    • 8 months ago

      Heh, I knew I was right refunding the game twice.
      It's a shit game that only contrarians around here liked.

    • 8 months ago

      I dont understand it, like Im sure people would rather buy paid dlcs than let the game die, the frick?
      This is pretty moronic, like your game is one of the good ones that keep growing, it's literally poe but for the survival coop people...i dont get it, i guess remaking the same game with few changes is a better marketing move

    • 8 months ago

      Live service season battle pass daily shop XP cucks get the rope

    • 8 months ago

      you know what, i love the honesty

    • 8 months ago


      I can understand being tired of working on DRG and wanting to try a new project, but if the devs were smart (they aren't) they could at least "officialize" mods as new content, like how TF2 has completely outsourced all updates to fans. After season 4, I'm starting to thinks the fans could do a better job too.

    • 8 months ago

      I will now uninstall your game.
      Is darktide fixed or is it Joever?

      • 8 months ago

        it's a lot better, balancing is all out of wack, but at least this time it's in our favour

      • 8 months ago

        its only good if your main is a zealotBlack person or spacwizardtroony

    • 8 months ago

      I don't even disagree with the idea but what the frick was the point of the seasonal bullshit if you're not going to actually commit to the fricking live service for more than 2 years? I'm fine with not supporting a game forever, especially since it's already been petering out, but you don't fricking do that by making the exact same game again.

    • 8 months ago

      I dont get the outrage. This game already has a ton of content. They've couldve skipped out on the content dumps the moment it went early access. I consider all that stuff extra. Wew the average gamer might scream about not wanting game's as service but the majority of their groups actions suggest otherwise. The same group who said no to horse armor DLC.

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah, we'd prefer the game to be released finished. But DRG is not finished yet, it still has endless potential.
        >b-but I liked it
        Good for you.

        • 8 months ago

          I already got my fill of it. I played it during early access. By the time the season stuff came out my interest was waning as happens with all the other games I've played. Just a few extras but the base game is fully there and playable.

          Wew if I was them and seeing this reaction by the majority I'd go full on money grubber. Seasons? Sure but it'll have a pass that you pay 4.99 for to get the juicer content rather than just the freebies.

    • 8 months ago

      I mean, I paid close to nothing and got years of regular content updates, I'm sad but I'm not gonna seethe.

    • 8 months ago

      Honestly I'm not too broken up about it.
      I've gotten nearly 400 hours of good times out of their game and if they want to start tapering off on updates (which they've already been doing, if you haven't noticed) it's completely fair.

      • 8 months ago

        finally someone reasonable and not reactionary
        this is how I've felt with my near 600 hours for a while now
        plus as someone who'd had a lot of burnout I feel like another project will in the long run help the creative scope of both DRG and rogue core

        • 8 months ago

          Let's hope rogue core sells well but doesn't hold players in for too long

      • 8 months ago

        I'm butthurt that they seemingly don't know what they have and are potentially abandoning a game with so much potential.
        Yes, the game is good. But there's so much this foundation could allow for. Make your Roguelike, sure that's one way to go with it, but leaving us with the shit that is Season 4 doesn't give me hope that they know what to do with the game and didn't just catch lightning in a bottle by pure chance.

  4. 8 months ago

    >The game will have more roguelike elements, scrapping dwarf classes for a progression system where you have to freedom to choose gear of your liking as you progress through each dive, allowing for more customization than ever before.

    >The game revolves around a new mineral, 'Expenite', that has peaked Management's interest deep within the core of the planet, and the new ship replacing the drop pod will pierce through the planet, injecting us straight into the center of it all. As for the gameplay, the roadmap states that it's gameplay loop is a "5-stage dive, plus a boss", where each stage takes roughly 5 minutes. This indicates a similar dive time, possibly a bit longer, compared to what DRG has: 30 minutes per dive.

    Removing separate classes is a big mistake.

    • 8 months ago

      Why the frick would anyone play this over the normal game? I hope it's good, but from what they've shown it really does just feel like a DRG FOTM rehash, just like the shitty vampire survivors clone they're pulling

      • 8 months ago

        id rather play the shitty vampire survivors clone or a roguelite than more drg though
        i might spend money on new games but im never going to put anything into drg
        thats why theyre making something new

    • 8 months ago

      >The game will have more roguelike elements, scrapping dwarf classes for a progression system where you have to freedom to choose gear of your liking as you progress through each dive
      cool so everyone runs minigun + grappling hook + whatever the best secondary/grenade happen to be

      • 8 months ago

        you will use whatever the loot pool drops in each run. are you new to video games?

      • 8 months ago

        As if I’m using grappling hook over drill in any situation

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      DRG 2024

  5. 8 months ago

    I'll sit back and see how it pans out for them.

  6. 8 months ago


    not a genre or a word that exists. It's a made up buzzword by shitty developers hwo can't program balance into their games

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Please do not differentiate what the difference between a Rogue-like and a Rouge-lite is. I hate being able to sort things by actual themes and rules.

      • 8 months ago

        t. unix eunuch of yore

      • 8 months ago

        Berlin interpretation
        You need 20 points for a roguelike, a game which is similar to rogue, and 12 pts for a rogue-lite a game which is similar to a game which is similar to rogue.
        >RNG 5pts
        >Permadeath 4pts
        >turn-based 4pts
        >grid-based 4pts
        >non-modal 3pts
        >complex 3pts
        >Exploration 3pts
        >resource management 3pts
        >hack'n'slash 2pts
        >single player character 2pts
        >monsters follow same rules as players 2pts
        >learn via failure 1pts
        >ascii 1pts
        Basically a game that just has RNG elements that reset on failure isn't a roguelike, its gotta be a turn based RPG. Other genres can take elements of it but roguelikes are specifically an RPG subgenre.

        • 8 months ago

          Congratulations, XCOM 2 is now a Rogue game.

          • 8 months ago

            Not RNG in anything but combat rolls
            Not complex
            No exploration
            One resource to manage
            not hack and slash
            Not single player
            Monsters follow different rules
            You don't learn via failure the same rules that apply to the start of a campaign apply to the end
            Its turn based and grid based. Permadeath with multiple party members doesn't count for the full value. No it isn't.

            • 8 months ago

              >Not RNG in anything but combat rolls
              also not RNG in recruit conscription, alien locations, combat zones layouts, alien resource drops, etc. I guess
              Forgoing modal because I don't know what the frick that is
              >Not complex
              The only thing complex Rogue has going for it is the UI being shit and, as an example, whoa-- you can levitate or drown in water if you wear a ring! XCOM has similar interactions but it usually makes things explode.
              >no exploration
              if you don't explore the landing zones or the alien ships, you aren't going to get enough research material.
              >One resource to manage
              Already covered this
              >not hack and slash
              The frick, Diablo's bread and butter is now more Rogue than both of these games? It's as useless a term in actual comparisons as using shoot'em'ups for Quake and Time Crisis.
              >Not single player
              I can have multiple characters in a squad in Stone Soup, and that's a better Rogue than Rogue. We need to call games Souplikes now.
              >Monsters follow different rules
              Monsters attack, dodge, have abilities with cooldowns, and generally follow the same rules as your squad does, except your rookies are generally shit until they're not. This goes doubles for XCOM 2 because they specifically give you abilities and upgrades that match aliens you encounter.
              >You don't learn via failure the same rules that apply to the start of a campaign apply to the end
              This one I'm concerned with. am I supposed to take it that a game with item generation that requires re-learning from identification abilities is more learnable from failing, than a game that has pretty strict fail states that may require a new run entirely if you ignore certain goals?
              >Its turn based and grid based. Permadeath with multiple party members doesn't count for the full value.
              I'm moving the goalposts to match my desired outcome.
              >No it isn't.
              Get a better metric that isn't named after a German, then.

        • 8 months ago

          >hardcore minecraft is a roguelike
          Resource Management
          Single player character

          Berlin's always been stupid. A roguelike is a top-down simultaneous-turn based action rpg with tile based or ASCII graphics on a grid. That's what it is. That's every roguelike.

        • 8 months ago

          the Berlin interpretation is useless since the criteria is both vague and not even evenly enforced among those astute autists who ascribe to it
          The singular most important component to defining a genre is gameplay. And the gameplay of Rogue and those that share gameplay DNA is that of tile-based simultaneous turn-taking.
          Often they will be dungeon crawlers, complex, have permadeath, be random.I would not include those in the definition since you could realistically see someone hand-craft a world to be played through.
          The pedantry is well over a decade too late. "Roguelike" has entered the gaming vernacular due to marketers who found it convenient to compare games that took some of Rogue's elements as the prototypical "Dark Souls of X". No one who is fond of the traditional Rogue or its contemporaries gave themselves a more mature name, they just loudly cried "not a roguelike, it's a roguelite" as if that would mean a damn thing.
          A game that uses the structure of Rogue is, in a way, like Rogue. But not in the gameplay sense. They have the same amount in common with Rogue as the similarities between Donkey Kong and Gradius (two arcade titles that operate on credits for their play structure), or Metroid and Toki Tori (which use expansive exploration and knowledge/backtracking for their world design).
          There's nothing fundamentally wrong with games that want to take a page from Rogue in this manner, as it gives them an arcadey feel of each session having its own flavor due to differing layouts, encounters, and rewards. They're not like Rogue outside of that, but anyone who actually cares for the gameplay of Rogue isn't necessarily the person who just wants to find more games that offer per-run variance like the term "Roguelike" has become synonymous with. You could even argue that DRG as it is now meets that criteria, becuase it offers way more variance than its contemporaries.

          The loss of the name is the fault of homosexuals like you, you have lost.

          • 8 months ago

            >criteria is both vague
            How the frick is it vague? Literally everything is self-explanatory except for 'complex'.
            >bunch of semantics
            Don't give a single shit, roguelikes are a subgenre of turn based RPGs with permadeath and randomly generated dungeons. Anything else isn't a roguelike and is merely leaning on elements popularized by it.

            • 8 months ago

              >how is it vague

              >hardcore minecraft is a roguelike
              Resource Management
              Single player character

              Berlin's always been stupid. A roguelike is a top-down simultaneous-turn based action rpg with tile based or ASCII graphics on a grid. That's what it is. That's every roguelike.

              • 8 months ago

                That doesn't answer that question at all. All those elements are explicit and explained. The only issue is weighting them differently such that grid-based and turn-based are as or more important than RNG.
                None of those elements are vague nor are they questionable in the context of hardcore minecraft.

              • 8 months ago

                >dropping the point that MINECRAFT can be considered a roguelike under Berlin
                Jesus frick, go back to Internet Debate School. I play roguelikes and agree that the dilution of the term is a tragedy, and I'm obligated to call you moronic anyway because you're so bad at this. Berlin is fricking stupid. Simultaneous-turn based, tile based, top-down, action. That's a roguelike. That's all you need. You can't find any games with these qualifications that isn't a roguelike.
                >m-muh necrodancer
                Not actually turn based because there's a time limit on the turn. If you play Bard, it's a roguelike inside a roguelite.

              • 8 months ago

                >That doesn't answer that question at all
                How does it not? Minecraft Hardcore fits your shitty 'Berlin' points system despite not actually being a Roguelike

          • 8 months ago

            >"Roguelike" has entered the gaming vernacular
            So has "gameplay", but that doesn't make it any less stupid.

          • 8 months ago

            is that a heccin buggo on the screen?

  7. 8 months ago

    fat boy or rj250?

    • 8 months ago

      Do you want to make the scout seethe by detonating the entire cave he's in or by making him irrelevant because you now have almost as much mobility while also being useful for more than mining shit high up?

      • 8 months ago

        With the multishot crossbow oc you should be topping kills with the scout easily

        • 8 months ago

          maybe on haz 3 or below
          (its what shitters play on)

    • 8 months ago

      Hyper propellant, so you can just execute him.

    • 8 months ago

      rj250, incendiary mod

  8. 8 months ago


    I want to read seethe.

    I am seething.

    Frick reddit.

  9. 8 months ago

    they are.. releasing Deep Dive Rework in a separate game?

    • 8 months ago

      That'll be $30, also all your skins are gone

      • 8 months ago

        >overwatch 2 kept all your cosmetics from overwatch 1
        >overwatch 2 is also free
        Rogue Core is officially worse than OW2

        • 8 months ago

          >OW2 held all your cosmetics hostage to compel you into signing their new EULA that gives them permission monitor your processes and record your voice to train their reporting AI
          No. Nothing is worse than OW2

    • 8 months ago

      Separate game without classes.

  10. 8 months ago

    >lets copy&paste vermintide2

    • 8 months ago

      Vermintide 2's Chaos Waste is free inside the base game, ghost ship games are actual greedy shits

  11. 8 months ago

    So they're basically taking DRG Survivor's entire gimmick and identity and ramrodding it into DRG proper.

    • 8 months ago

      >ship is literally called the ramrod

    • 8 months ago

      It's honestly pretty weird that they're developing this while publishing Survivor at the same time. Feels vaguely like a conflict of interest in that they licensed out the DRG IP for another team to build a survivor-like with, and then they announce they're making their own DRG game with similar roguelite mechanics and mission structure.

    • 8 months ago

      It's honestly pretty weird that they're developing this while publishing Survivor at the same time. Feels vaguely like a conflict of interest in that they licensed out the DRG IP for another team to build a survivor-like with, and then they announce they're making their own DRG game with similar roguelite mechanics and mission structure.

      wait so those are two separate games? what the frick lol

  12. 8 months ago

    they could just have made a standalone cool singleplayer shooter with a nice campaign. I would have plaid it

  13. 8 months ago

    >dorf-built structures
    so they lost all their cave gen engineers then

  14. 8 months ago

    what are the odds this was their plan for a new season and they just couldnt figure out how to implement it into the base game so as a hold over we got season 2-4 and now they decided they really cant implement it into the game and made it standalone instead.
    this couldve easily been a separate mode or something but embracer breathing down their neck to make a profit or else is what probably led to this disaster.
    this couldve unironically been a modern left4dead or payday2, a coop game that gets played for well over a decade after its initial peak but they wasted their chance

    • 8 months ago

      vermintide 2 implemented a roguelike mode into their game for free

      • 8 months ago

        Fartshart makes paid classes
        ONCE per year

        • 8 months ago

          grail knight and engineer came out the same year, sister of the thorn and warrior priest came out the same year. It's only Sienna that's taken a while while they released an entirely new game and still managed to release 3 major content drops for vermintide that followed a short storyline leading into siennas new career.

          • 8 months ago

            You're right I guess
            It's Darktide that left me sour

            • 8 months ago

              Me too at first. Came back to it a couple months ago and am enjoying it now. Dunno why, think I'm just burned out on ratclick at this point.

            • 8 months ago

              darktide has been slowly but surely fixing itself. they recently revamped the talent trees

    • 8 months ago

      They pretty much admitted to this on their discord. Their code is so bad they're having difficulty implementing what they want.

  15. 8 months ago

    i just started playing deep reddit galactic again but i really dont want to have the focus on rock pox.

  16. 8 months ago

    Put on the mask my fellow dwarf!

  17. 8 months ago

    if they are going to EOL the game anyways they should remove rockpox and botpozz asap and return the game to pre seasonal state. maybe keep the new guns though.
    at the very least do with pox what they did with bots and turn down the frequency tremendously so that its not appearing in 9 out of 10 missions.

  18. 8 months ago

    rip DRG, killed by rock coof

  19. 8 months ago

    >get rockpozzed
    many such cases
    elveBlack folk won

  20. 8 months ago

    Paypigs that bought every pack to "support the devs" spent 85 dollars.
    Was it worth it? LOL

    • 8 months ago

      post your face when you got 1k+ hours out of a 5 bucks game and never bought the cuckporter packs/dlc

      • 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      This announcement does explain the second supporter pack they did recently. Last chance to wring some money out.

      • 8 months ago

        When I saw that second supporter pack, I knew something suspicious was going on, especially since it dropped at the same time as Season 4. Glad I didn't grab it.

    • 8 months ago

      I bought the packs when they were still actually supporting the game, I can at least cope saying my money went to something actually good

    • 8 months ago

      I just liked the cosmetics, but yeah. I had and still have a ton of fun with DRG. I wish they would stop being so lazy nowadays though.

  21. 8 months ago

    Has there been any gameplay?

    • 8 months ago

      Check steam page marketing material. Looks like fun for few hours and then you forget that this game exist.

  22. 8 months ago

    Isn't DRG already a Rougelite? Levels are procgen and permadeath.

    • 8 months ago

      sorry, where is the permadeath? you lose nothing on failing a mission and you can't even die in the mission if one person is still up

      • 8 months ago

        >where is the permadeath
        they just announced it today

      • 8 months ago

        You can't go back into a cave when you die, you have to go to a new procgen cave. That's as "Permadeath" as you need for the absurdly meaningless genre of "rougelite"

        • 8 months ago

          you can if you're quick enough to beat it or quick enough to wipe
          i've done the same mission three times in a row before new ones refreshed before

          • 8 months ago

            Unless youre playing a seeded run, you're not getting the same cave even if the mission is the same.

  23. 8 months ago

    Fatshark chads dabbing on Dwarfkeks and their dead game

  24. 8 months ago

    Wait, so no new biomes?

    • 8 months ago

      Probably not unless they suddenly feel like it.

  25. 8 months ago

    I'm honestly fine with this, I already squeezed a shit ton of hours from drg and it helped me get through some tough times. Here's hoping that this game will be worthwhile

  26. 8 months ago

    wait... drg ISNT roguelite????

    • 8 months ago

      Never was? Upgrades are earned between missions and persist forever, none of the gay constant soft resets that hackjob developers use to mask the fact their games are incredibly vapid

      • 8 months ago

        >Upgrades are earned between missions and persist forever
        So a roguelite, got it

        • 8 months ago

          they said on stream it was inspired by games like gunfire reborn

        • 8 months ago

          Nothing in DRG is randomized except the layout of the cave you're in, and even those depend on the mission type. You keep all resources, use persistent loadouts with permanent unlocks, and have a perk tree of sorts that never resets and is always active. The missions only have a few variables, most are controlled, the others are like how big a swarm will be or if it can spawn a bulk detonator boss.
          So no, not a roguelite unless you're trying to stretch the definition so far you can make it resemble a pretzel.

    • 8 months ago

      no? DRG is Rogueish, not Rogue Lite

      • 8 months ago

        its not rogue in the slightest. random cave gen does not a roguelike make. theres literally nothing else even remotely similar.

    • 8 months ago

      the maps are randomly generated, but there's no permadeath mechanic

    • 8 months ago

      Procedural generation, but not a rogue-lite. People have gotten so regressive with the terminology being a "name" like being silly that they just said "frick it" and will throw everything under roguelite because they can't bother learning the differences anymore.

      Card game? Roguelite. Metroidvania but Ironman mode? Roguelite. Actual rogue turn based mechanics, world and item generation, with grid based travel? Roguelite.

  27. 8 months ago

    I regret my DLC purchases. I never buy skins in other games.

  28. 8 months ago

    Isn't this the mobile game that's always attacking and you just move the mouse to guide the character? That's really gay, who would play that?

    • 8 months ago

      That is DRG Survivor. Rogue Core was announced today.

  29. 8 months ago

    Where have I seen this before

    • 8 months ago

      And it still is the best way to play the game, so I really don't get what's with the doomposting surrounding Rogue Core. DRG's gemplay loop was already as close to a modern roguelite as it could be without outright calling itself one.

      • 8 months ago

        because we liked Deep Rock Galactic but just wanted a new mode that didn't involve scrubbing bubbles while avoiding a debuff stun minigame

        also I assume this is going to be more paid shit, so in all realness I would rather they just make a new game with a new brand entirely if they're just going to spread shit thin between 3 computer games and a fricking board game franchise

      • 8 months ago

        It's a new game, vermantide was a new mode. We're starting from 0 here and stupid decisions like no Classes are worrying.

      • 8 months ago

        >DRG's gemplay loop was already as close to a modern roguelite as it could be without outright calling itself one.
        stop spouting this moronic bullshit. it has nothing to do with roguelikes/lites at all. proc gen caves and having a fail state means nothing you fricking moron.

        • 8 months ago

          homies be like
          "Minecraft is a roguelike imo"

      • 8 months ago

        The rewards for Chaos Wastes sucked

      • 8 months ago

        Chaos Wastes wasn't a full new game.

  30. 8 months ago

    I wouldn't mind so much if they just outright said they're putting it into maintenance mode and dropped the weird cloud shit and handed out server tools and an option to rollback to previous versions, this weird half-baked limping along with shit seasons and without actually giving anyone tools to keep it going themselves is suck a kick in the wiener. I hate GaaS so fricking much.

  31. 8 months ago

    they flew too close to the sun, drg will die very soon and they'll focus all their shit in that rogue core and what not. everything new we'll get will be just new hats. frick me sideways

  32. 8 months ago

    I paid 20 BRL in the base game (around 3-5 USD), and I have around 250hrs played. All my dwarfs are silver and I'm satisfied. The game already paid itself multiple times.

    Things are not supposed to be forever.
    I would rather the new game be a paid expansion though.

  33. 8 months ago

    I think it would be hilarious if the Danes were so offended by people's reaction to wiener poz they decided out of spite to slow development because of wounded pride. That dev who voices MC looks like a very serious individual too. I remember in dev streams he'd give blunt responses to questions about more content.

  34. 8 months ago


  35. 8 months ago

    In my head that means a smaller scale game, but I guess there's nothing to really point to that. Anyone know what price they're gonna go for?

    • 8 months ago

      strictly speaking world of warcraft was a spinoff game

  36. 8 months ago

    apology for poor english

    when were you when deep wiener galactic dies?

    i was sat at home drinking blackout stout when mission control ring

    'drg is kill'


  37. 8 months ago

    >started as an expansion for DRG
    >scope became so huge it became a standalone game

  38. 8 months ago

    This thread shows why every dev uses corporate speak instead of speaking bluntly to their fans.

    • 8 months ago

      yeah im sure "corporate speak" (lying) would have gone over much better in a year when season 5 releases

      • 8 months ago

        A year from now the new game would be just a few months away and everyone would go "oh well, there will be a lot more content soon." Now everyone gets to cry about their 30 dollar full price purchase isn't being supported forever

        • 8 months ago

          i thought you were pretending to be moronic but you're the real deal

  39. 8 months ago

    I'm level 212 and when I read the news earlier, I deleted the game. Maybe I'll come back and play a few rounds during festival/holidays, but it really feels like they straight up said "go play something else" today, who am I to argue

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        OK, and I said I'm done playing this one. Maybe I'll try the new one when it comes out if it looks good, but this game is fricking dead in the water and everyone knows it. I'm tired of fricking janny duty, you clean it up if you love sucking foam so much, you bootlicking homosexual

      • 8 months ago

        >new game
        It's not a sequel, it's a shit spinoff with less depth than DRG.
        I'll keep "whining" because I want them to work on the game I play and paid for, nobody asked for a fricking Survivors clone.

        • 8 months ago

          >less depth than DRG.
          depends on what the drop pod is set to doesn't it

          • 8 months ago

            No classes, gear like grenades or even overclocks reduced to pickups, all in what's basically a deep dive. it just doesn't sound good at all, it's DRG with extra tedium

            • 8 months ago

              how many km is that?

        • 8 months ago

          Crying about a 2020 30 dollar game not being supported anymore has to be a third world thing

          • 8 months ago

            Maybe don't make a live service game if you can't maintain it.

            • 8 months ago

              It's not a live service game, it's a 30 dollar game with free updates that they are done updating

              • 8 months ago

                if you launch Early Access then you're a live service

              • 8 months ago

                its been out of it for 4 years

              • 8 months ago

                >battle passes
                >not live service
                quit huffing gsg's pubes anon, it's not healthy


                Just keep updating the fricking game. That's it. Not whatever overblown strawmen you keep beating up in your head. It's not hard.
                When the spinoff game bombs, they'll learn and come crawling back. Or just let everything die, I'm fine with either.

              • 8 months ago

                i hope you get rockpox irl

              • 8 months ago

                ROCK AND STONE AM I RIGHT LADS??

            • 8 months ago

              >live service game
              >>no micro-transactions
              are permanent
              are permanent
              >>all content is permanent
              The very thing you Black folk always gloat about how DRG is different from others was for nothing.

              You people deserve be israeliteed

              • 8 months ago

                only dumb normalgays or clueless new players gloat about GSG being different from other devs.
                GSG stopped being a good developer since fricking forever ago, you need to be a delusional idiot not to believe in it. They are clearly now inferior, incompetent devs riding on top of their amazing foundation

                >back then : lets keep a small ammount of skin packs, lets make it more akin to supporter upgrades than straight up forcing you to pay for cosmetics. lets only release more after significant updates and changes
                >now : How about we make three content packs a year? Every season deserves a content pack, and some more. We can work less than ever while making more money off of sales than ever, screw quality, integrity, the overall pro-consumerism and the example we give off to the industry anyway. How about a SECOND supporter pack?

                , quality control
                >back then : game ran perfectly on a fricking Intel HD at low resolution with low resolution scaling, any decent potato like a 1030 GDDR5 could run it perfect
                >now : increasingly worse optimization with every update, people with actual strong GPUs get issues with contagion spikes. A frickton of new bugs and issues that never get fixed, mod support is a mess, tons of netcode issues and stuff like being kicked back to lobby when trying to join, etc

                >back then : Azure weald, hollow bough, new dreadnoughts, refinery, sabotage, and exclusively things that fit well within the rest of the game
                >now : Shitty chore-y season content, enemies that are almost universally hated, and things that are not only lazy but also should be just event-exclusive.. permanently shoehorned into the main game instead of coming up with a better way to implement them, like a much needed extra type of timed content like deep dives

                back then : M1K rework
                now : "we are afraid to buff supercooling chamber damage to an adequate level for H5 bause it would be able to oneshot praetorians on H2"

              • 8 months ago

                >back then : M1K rework
                idk what the m1k was like before, but it's fricking ass now

              • 8 months ago

                no, its fricking strong and definitely his best primary
                you just dont know how to build it. i can help you if you want
                >how was it before?
                Used to be OP, got nerfed and had a lot of small issues and held back by tiny things and flaws, then it got reworked excelently and the bad OCs got buffed

              • 8 months ago

                didn't ask for your troony opinions, kindly stfu

              • 8 months ago

                yeah ok gay
                ill enjoy blowthroughing all these grunts at once with excellent armor break and then proceed to enjoy my pretty decent, accurate single target damage with fear/stun on demand

    • 8 months ago

      but the game is fricking 3gb, why even bother deleting it

      • 8 months ago

        why bother keeping it if the devs have outright said they are adding nothing new

  40. 8 months ago

    I have zero faith in any future project going forward.

    • 8 months ago

      those perks all look awful

      • 8 months ago

        those are the default unlocked upgrades. you get more options if you play for a bit and unlock new shit. you can tell that's like the first playthrough because it also doesn't have the minimap unlocked or secondary objectives

        • 8 months ago

          >*discord noises*
          rope yourself

    • 8 months ago

      playing candy crush is most respectable than those auto-attacker junks

  41. 8 months ago

    im wondering how the normalcattle is taking the news. they were already salivating and slobbering the devs' balls after being graced with the oh so good (and FREE!) season 4, i genuinely wouldnt be surprised if they are actually cheering the devs on. ROCK AND STONE

    • 8 months ago

      It felt really weird seeing people drop to their knees and fellate GSG for such an anaemic, content-starved update.

  42. 8 months ago

    Creating a stable and sizeable multiplayer community for your game is a struggle even for the big developers. I can't comprehend why Ghost Ship Games would willingly throw it all away like this.

    • 8 months ago

      UGH, don't you chuds get it? They're BORED of all the money, they want to do something else. They don't owe you content!

      • 8 months ago

        Yaas, you tell them sister

    • 8 months ago

      the game is still there for people who want to play it
      whats the issue exactly?
      they made a game, they supported it with years of updates for free and now they want to move on

      • 8 months ago


  43. 8 months ago

    Bought the game in 2018 for $15
    I'd rather they moved onto something new than bolting more and more shit onto the game that doesn't necessarily improve it
    They should have said the game was done when they added the oil pumping mission, that was the peak

    • 8 months ago

      the game was done when it left early access. Everything after that was a bonus.

      The best scenario would be a "send-off season" instead of a "prelude to 'buy our next game'".

  44. 8 months ago

    Deep Rock was a genuinely good and novel take on co-op games.
    Now they wanna let it rot so they chase trends and shit out a clone game instead.
    How can you defend this

  45. 8 months ago

    They would have to pay ME if they want me to play a reworked version of Deep Dives without the iconic dwarves

  46. 8 months ago


    >for free
    dishonest, anon. the cosmetic dlc's of each season always sell well. they're not scraping by for funding

    • 8 months ago

      Who the frick said they're scraping for funds?
      The GAME CONTENT updates are free and always will be, are you seriously telling me you would rather pay for the content updates as DLC if it meant getting a consistent flow of them?

      >battle passes
      >not live service
      quit huffing gsg's pubes anon, it's not healthy
      Just keep updating the fricking game. That's it. Not whatever overblown strawmen you keep beating up in your head. It's not hard.
      When the spinoff game bombs, they'll learn and come crawling back. Or just let everything die, I'm fine with either.

      >Just keep updating the fricking game.
      That's what they're fricking doing, shithead.
      >When the spinoff game bombs,
      It won't
      >they'll learn and come crawling back.
      They're not leaving DRG's development.

  47. 8 months ago


    Reminder that everyone who liked the game bought those shitty overpriced costumes to help the devs, we didn't get anyting free

    • 8 months ago

      >we didn't get anyting free

      • 8 months ago

        Do you think the government fixes the roads for free aswell moron?

        • 8 months ago

          >has no argument
          >makes a shit comparison instead

          • 8 months ago

            It's a good comparison as long as you and the long nosed devs understood that people mostly bought the dlcs to support them

            • 8 months ago

              if you bought that shit then you get what you deserve

              • 8 months ago

                There we have it, the complaining fans are always in the wrong, and at the end this will be their response

            • 8 months ago

              If you don't pay your taxes the roads still get fixed and you go to jail.
              If you don't pay for the cosmetics, you still get the gameplay content for free.
              However if you do pay for the cosmetics, you get the cosmetics for money AND the gameplay content for free.

              How did you think that was a good comparison?

  48. 8 months ago

    You guys know they don't have money problems if they did they would have made a paid battlepass like every other game out there and community wouldn't mind. That means they don't care about the game base as much as they used to since their actions aren't driven by money

    • 8 months ago

      >That means they don't care about the game base as much as they used to since their actions aren't driven by money
      What kind of fricking logic is this? Not being greedy backstabbing bastards means they don't care about it anymore?
      You are LITERALLY asking for them to be scummy.

      • 8 months ago

        I might have said it wrong what I meant was
        >they aren't desparate for money
        >therefore they more likely are driven by passion
        >that passion that wants to slow down DRG updates to once a year and pushes for other projects that they are more interested in

    • 8 months ago

      its not them having money problems, its their masters Embracer Group having money problems and kicking out anyone that cant turn a profit on whatever they are doing. GSG is simply doing that. saving their position because if their studio gets closed, then embracer keeps DRG and GSG will be disbanded and the devs left with nothing. they are desperately trying to survive after giving in to the greed and letting themselves be bought out by scandinavian israelites

      • 8 months ago

        Oh shit, Embracer Group? No wonder drg is kill. It's over, next one will suck, abandon ship.

  49. 8 months ago

    >Make a game that is universally loved
    >Ice it
    Am I missing something

  50. 8 months ago

    I can't believe I'm defending Steakmund, but the DRG team should have gone the Binding of Isaac expansion route.

    >base game
    >expansions that easily 4x the base game content
    >costs as much as the base game each one
    Seriously, they could drop the seasons and release every1-2 years some huge expansion costing around 10-20 bucks and It would be fine.

    • 8 months ago

      >singleplayer 2D game with set-piece rooms and pre-defined boss fights where your build is random every run and it's just about overpowering the game before it can kill you
      >multiplayer 3D game with randomly generated levels and enemies, your build is what you bring with you and not just random bullshit

      • 8 months ago

        One thing;
        Mann VS Machine.

        Basically flipping the entire TF2 genre and mechanics is just a game mode. This new game is in the same engine, reusing assets, and most likely the moment-to-moment gameplay will feel the same but with different loadouts.

        They have yet to show us why this game had to be standalone and not a paid expansion.

        • 8 months ago

          >Mann VS Machine.
          Five years after development, had been in the works prior to then.

      • 8 months ago

        >predefined boss fights
        Thank you for making the guys point, should have been shockingly easy to add more bits fights if your game has a whopping three of them (bug, korok, caretaker). God this game has so much potential before Season 1.

    • 8 months ago

      Meh as disappointed as I am, 90% of Isaac's content fricking blows ass or sucked when it was first released

  51. 8 months ago

    clearly the angry skizo is prob a dark tide fatboy fan and they dont know how DRG is the better game and will be forever
    cope and seethe
    dont give a frick their making a million other drg games

  52. 8 months ago

    the rogue like version of deep rock doesnt look good gonna just play drg and enjoy the slow seasons so i dont have to grind
    Already got a majority of all the overclocks so im set there too
    feels good guys

  53. 8 months ago

    Why does every game have to be a 'roguelike'. I'm OK if it's an optional side mode that gets added for free like the roguelike modes in Doom Eternal and Hitman 3, but more meta-progression grind is just dumb.

    What I would give for a full 3D version of games like Tales of Majeyal, Dwarf Fortress adventure mode, or DCSS with big crazy dungeons and cool gear and classes. I hate how these 'roguelikes' are always so simplistic and usually pretty linear.

    • 8 months ago

      It's how indie devs make games last more then a one off 4 hour game without spending years on it

    • 8 months ago

      it's baffiling how there aren't more games that take inspo from DCSS, great formula and simplicity. ToME takes it a bit too far so i get why that one doesn't.

  54. 8 months ago

    Rockpox is literal cancer, the game was better without it.

  55. 8 months ago

    reading through all the posts robert made in the discord, I think this is all pretty reasonable. he said this was originally an expansion of some sort intended for the original game, but it quickly grew much larger in scope than what drg could handle since they've got 8 years of tech debt so they decided to spin it off. it also gives the developers a chance to work on something new, since I can't imagine working on the same thing for almost a decade is super exciting. s5 is delayed so much because #1 they have to focus more on the new game at SOME point and #2 because they plan on making s5 tie into the new game so they need to keep developing it so they know how they want things to connect. he says he'd be unhappy too if a game he liked announced it was going a year without any substantial updates too, but they think it's worth the risk. plus they've always had the mentality that drg shouldn't be the only game you play (which is why they have the slow trickle of overclocks through weekly missions) because they don't want drg to become a job that you HAVE to grind out every day for, you should be able to do your drg stuff in a reasonable amount of time and then go play something else.

    so no, I'm not happy about it, but I've also got 1.3k hours already and it's still fun to dick around in occasionally and I understand where they're coming from. I hope the new game is good

    • 8 months ago

      I'll still buy Rogue Core, but I wish that they had put out another season to add in a new mission, biome, and to remove the rock pox before shifting their focus away. If Rogue Core gets enough content and variety it could be really good, but given that EA is launching November of next year it will take a while.

      • 8 months ago

        at this point I've done all the rockpox stuff I need to, so I can just choose not to do missions with that mutator. and the meteor showers and big meteor events are fun enough that I don't mind those. the corruptor is a bit annoying though, but not super common so it doesn't matter too much

        • 8 months ago

          Honestly, I would be fine with a "quarantine mission type", same as Sabotage, that is Rival themed, make a Rockbox-themed mission.

          Along that, move the Rockbox events to this mission as objectives, and move the rival events to Sabotage (rework it so the events can replace the hacking objectives)
          >ex: fight a Nemesis and a Prospector instead of the same two hacking objectives over and over)

  56. 8 months ago

    I have like 200 hours in the game. I got my moneys worth ages ago.
    Most of you gays probably have even more than that, I bet.
    Move on Jesus Christ 5 dollar cosmetic dlc isn’t going to keep them alive forever.

    • 8 months ago

      It's a third world thing I think, where they allow themselves to buy 2 games every decade and now they're feeling ripped off

  57. 8 months ago

    What would your reaction be if the announcement was DRG 2 instead?

    • 8 months ago

      I’d probably be thrilled.

  58. 8 months ago

    i never felt like this game was worth paying for
    it has like 16 weapons spread between 4 classes and 6 enemy types and a billion cosmetic dlcs and battlepass bullshit

  59. 8 months ago

    >buy drg years ago
    >one of the best games i've ever played
    >every (seasonal) update makes things worse over time
    >game in the worst state its ever been
    >no longer the game i was sold
    >complain when gsg jumps ship and starts working on completely different game
    >everyone calls me entitled when I complain

  60. 8 months ago

    This looks like the exact same game, just an asset flip.
    I don't have an issue with them making this and charging for it but I do think it's a mistake to market it as an entirely new game when they have always been known as devs who update the game for free fairly regularly unlike most devs now.
    They will split their own fanbase when really the smart move would be to release this as a big DLC Expansion pack, then everyone would happily buy it.
    >"Oh more DRG? I love this game of course I will buy it, I have already sunk 500 hours in it"
    >"Oh they're abandoning the game we all love so much to release a game that uses the same engine, assets, and everything else and looks exactly the same?"

    • 8 months ago

      I think it's a core engine issue and they don't know where or how to work in drastically different game modes.
      >we're tired of working on DRG
      >but we made a whole other DRG
      I think this is a dumb compromise between making a new title, cashing in on it, and delivering on a (frankly non-existent) promise for more seasonal updates.
      Maybe they should ditch the seasons fricking entirely. Nobody on the team really likes them and none of the players really wanted them.
      >two fricking years of robots
      >two fricking years of plague
      if they get a third gimmick just rotate between robots, aids and ??? every month and call it at that.

  61. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      We want to be a small and agile studio, this is while our next game is going to be a copy paste asset flip with shitty roguelite mechanics

    • 8 months ago

      >we cant spend money we make off the game making more content because we want to be a small studio
      I must be high right now

      • 8 months ago

        How do you think money = content without hiring more people anon? Again devs apparently can't speak honestly or frankly with their community because their community will go out of their way to try and not understand the devs point.

        • 8 months ago

          What if your point is shit and you're a greedy fricking j

          • 8 months ago

            >it's okay to make moronic decisions as long as you're honest
            The absolute fricking state of brainlets on Ganker

            Then don't buy their next game, then don't buy their cosmetic DLC.
            They already got your money for a good game so seething at them at this point does nothing.

          • 8 months ago

            do i put this in the pepe folder or the woljak folder?

            • 8 months ago

              Put it in a new pepe/wojak folder and put the original pepe and wojak folders inside it

  62. 8 months ago


    moronic ass wienersucker
    you are a colossal homosexual

  63. 8 months ago

    >cosmetics won't transfer over
    money stolen

    • 8 months ago

      this but unironically
      all that time you spending grinding cosmetic OCs and all that money you may or may not have spent on "support packs"? truly unequivocally worthless now

  64. 8 months ago

    Seasons 5 and 6 need to introduce more and different types of dreadnoughts and that's all they need to do. Make a sting-tail dreadnought, make a acid spreader dreadnought. Then make DRG: cooking simulator, who gives a shit

    • 8 months ago

      Any and every new boss idea they've had will have been reserved for the new game at this point.

      • 8 months ago

        Alright. Start from scratch on DRG2. I'll buy it. Just build a better foundation, not this house of cards shit.
        For the sake of frick, TF2 had like 100 extra fricking weapons and 9 different classes and that game was PVP.

        • 8 months ago

          TF2 also had a lot of problems surface between 2009 and 2011 related to how much shit they were trying to stack onto the base game with hats and particles. There wasn't really a fix for it except disabling the rendering of hats and running a low particles mod, but I recall the game went from running at 60fps ultra on my 2008 PC to less than 50fps on medium by 2011. Not a single part swapped out, game just got fricking dreadful for performance.

          Deep Rock hasn't had good performance since pre-Update 34 or whatever one started the seasons.

  65. 8 months ago

    so gunfire reborn x DRG? i'm in

  66. 8 months ago

    i wonder if they'll port cosmetics over from the main game?

    • 8 months ago

      def not
      they'd rather you do the grind again
      and buy more cosmetic dlc

      • 8 months ago

        people are running around lvl 500 with every fricking skin unlocked. the game is fun enough that nobody cares about "the grind"

        TF2 also had a lot of problems surface between 2009 and 2011 related to how much shit they were trying to stack onto the base game with hats and particles. There wasn't really a fix for it except disabling the rendering of hats and running a low particles mod, but I recall the game went from running at 60fps ultra on my 2008 PC to less than 50fps on medium by 2011. Not a single part swapped out, game just got fricking dreadful for performance.

        Deep Rock hasn't had good performance since pre-Update 34 or whatever one started the seasons.

        > Not a single part swapped out, game just got fricking dreadful for performance
        I disagree, tf2 was stealthily downgraded for years.
        The only shit performance DRG has is when meteors or rockpox reconfigures entire swaths of terrain at once. The miniscule polygon count is genius

        • 8 months ago

          >I disagree, tf2 was stealthily downgraded for years.
          I quit in 2014, I remember the big one being they removed the ability to control mipmap detail by giving the engine parity with machomosexuals since they were able to play near or after the Engineer update. It really killed having sharp textures, forever.
          DRG is also on Unreal and has no pre-caching of shaders so for MANY people, myself and four others at least, it stutters constantly upon encountering new effects/particles for the first mission or two after that cache clears itself at random.

  67. 8 months ago

    kys zoomers

    • 8 months ago

      The entire point is that this isn't a new game. It's a gamemode for a preexisting game being sold as a separate product at full price.

      • 8 months ago

        The devs said they can't add it to the main game because it's a crumbling stack of indie dev spaghetti that is already giving them issues, also why Terraria 2 never happened years ago and also why java minecraft still runs like shit if you put it on a NASA supercomputer

        • 8 months ago

          >also why Terraria 2 never happened years ago
          That's like the opposite situation isn't it
          Terrarria got "Definitely the last update we swear" like 5 times while the sequel got canned

          • 8 months ago

            I thought Otherworld was supposed to be some gimmicky RTS side project that Red eventually gave up on, never "Terraria 2".
            Could be wrong, admittedly.

            • 8 months ago

              idk what the actual difference was I just don't think that matches the deeprock spinoff situation lately

          • 8 months ago

            The devs said they can't add it to the main game because it's a crumbling stack of indie dev spaghetti that is already giving them issues, also why Terraria 2 never happened years ago and also why java minecraft still runs like shit if you put it on a NASA supercomputer

            Redigit or whatever his name is said that they were unable to expand on Terraria (in every way - inventory limits, world gen, better ideas for gameplay as a whole) because the engine had been set up for only so much. Therefore they made Starbound. Which sucked.

            • 8 months ago

              Redigit did not make Starbound
              It was a project started by some artist at ReLogic who got kicked out for flipping assets from FFV

      • 8 months ago

        >b-but our code is bad and trying to do it in DRG would be hard

      • 8 months ago

        >sold at full price

        • 8 months ago

          Revealed to me in a dream.

      • 8 months ago

        >homosexual 'jak spammer unironically trying to "call out" zoomers while using a zoomer mindset


        Is this what corporate suicide looks like? It's like they're trying to speedrun turning the community against them

        at least he's being honest, the best you get from most devs is total radio silence

      • 8 months ago

        did somebody say repackaged game mode?

        • 8 months ago

          Ganker ate my pic, I suck dicks

    • 8 months ago

      People will pay for more deep rock
      The best case scenario is that they make whatever side projects, put DRG1 on life support, and pull the plug as DRG2 is released in five or ten years. As long as they learn from their mistakes (successes)

      • 8 months ago

        Bro they're already sick of DRG and are making what is basically DRG with a different objective in the same gameplay. If DRG2 happens it will be after like 1-2 brand new IPs

    • 8 months ago


      >buy drg years ago
      >one of the best games i've ever played
      >every (seasonal) update makes things worse over time
      >game in the worst state its ever been
      >no longer the game i was sold
      >complain when gsg jumps ship and starts working on completely different game
      >everyone calls me entitled when I complain

  68. 8 months ago

    >when in victory, know when to stop
    >never follow in a great man's footsteps
    >learn to re-invent yourself

  69. 8 months ago

    rougelite deep rock galactic sounds perfect honestly. Deep dives are the most fun part of DRG and this would basically be that with more variety

  70. 8 months ago


    >Stop being so fricking entitled
    frick off
    they've made 10s of millions
    even with their DLCs, $200 board game, $400 warhammer figures, mobile game and roguelike they can literally afford to update the game for free for 10 years

    their problem is like with Eve Online's devs.
    they struck gold with an unassuming game that 3 people worked on but everything new they've tried to release is shit.
    they're trying to make a 2nd product/game actually sell so they can finally do away with Deep Rock, just like CCP have been trying and failing to do with Eve for 20 years.
    to compare, Eve's devs tried
    >an FPS which died cuz it was a PS3 exclusive a month before the PS4 came out (Sony forced them to not release it on PC because they didnt want it to compete with Planetside 2)
    >World of Darkness MMO that never came out
    >a dogfighting action FPS that was VR exclusive, ran like shit and died
    >their own $200 board game
    >a shitty mobile game no-one played
    >a mobile app they never updated and died
    >a new FPS coming out which is looking like a slower Tarkov squad PVPVE clone
    >multiple $250 collectors editions which didnt sell well cuz they had nothing in them

    GhostShip see themselves going down the same path and are trying everything they can to avoid having to just endlessly update and add content for their one successful game that came out 5/10/20 years ago,

    • 8 months ago

      >they can literally afford to update the game for free for 10 years
      it's a business, not a charity

    • 8 months ago

      The best-case scenario is that they make DRG2 and design it to be expandable with new gamemodes via terminals. If this happens I'm fine with only token development time put into DRG1.
      In the mean time, spin-offs are fine. People want a good fricking game and when they find it they'll dump money into it. It's not going to be diet dr DRG that does this though.

      DRG2 could be a license to print money, and I hope it is. the world needs another game you can play with friends for ten years

      • 8 months ago

        realistically everyone'll keep just playing modded DRG1 and they'll scratch their heads for 15 years wondering why no-one buys their new games, like what happened with the Company of Heroes series.
        everyone still just plays modded CoH1 and no-one buys the pozzed casualized streamer-friendly new games
        happens all the time to game companies
        >small team makes great game
        >great game makes company big
        >some fatcat moron gets in charge
        >company makes bad decisions
        >company gradually dies over 10-20 years wondering why no-one buys their new games

        • 8 months ago

          >some fatcat moron gets in charge
          >company makes bad decisions
          I don't see it with DRG. They seem like smart types, actually, just not people with truly infinite foresight. And mods only do so much. They have a LOT of capital right now and I hope they do something better than risk of dwarf. Risk of Dwarf might be good for a laugh.

          You know what? frick it. Make a deep rock mmofps. Planetside 2 is pretty much dead, or at least Connery is.
          >you have 2 choices: winning steamroll front or losing steamroll front
          Scam people with endless spin-offs in a franchise then cash in big. Do whatever, just do it well

        • 8 months ago

          is there any good drg mods that arent just qols?

  71. 8 months ago

    Just make DRG2 with a new code base so it can support a wide variety of differing types of gameplay.

  72. 8 months ago

    man, the damage control from the discord trannies is insane

  73. 8 months ago

    more like Deep wiener Fantastic

  74. 8 months ago

    I am glad I edited my save file to get everything from this season, haven't feel like playing this shit for more than 1 game every 2 weeks or something, maybe I'll edit it again once season 5 drops

  75. 8 months ago

    >Vermintide 2, a game made by a "bad" company, gave their players a free Roguelike mode
    >DRG, a game made by a "good" company, killed their main playerbase to sell a Roguelike asset flip

  76. 8 months ago

    >ditch your beloved lightning in a bottle that's STILL growing for FOTM genre shit
    holy shit I am actually mad

    • 8 months ago

      making an survivors clone in current year is so fricking ridiculous, it probably won't even be out until next year.
      worst part is that it's just plain bad, not even mediocre.

  77. 8 months ago

    >Ghostship shills act like the devs have to survive on water and hardtack to update the game
    >Devs support packs actually sell like 5 dollars ass in Thai island
    I cant fathom the brain of a shill

    • 8 months ago

      they have sold less than one dlc per player on average

      • 8 months ago

        >overpriced cosmetic dlc
        >why isn't it selling?

  78. 8 months ago

    >Left4Dead is dead
    >Payday 3 is Payday 2 but worse
    >The new Starship Troopers is an unfinished mess
    >DRG is getting another year of wienerpox
    Is it over for us already... coopbros?

    • 8 months ago

      L4D2 is STILL the best we have after over a decade of gaming "advancements"
      it's fricking painful just how little of a shit AAAs and indies have given to match a fraction of L4D's passion, care and mechanical prowess

      • 8 months ago

        Hell if I know
        Not even le "original devs" could match that game's standards
        But all good things come to an end, and Valve doesn't care about anything other than CS and Dota

        • 8 months ago

          everything is going to shit and all we can do is watch

      • 8 months ago

        DRG is superior to L4D2.

        • 8 months ago

          No it isn't.

          • 8 months ago

            delusional/underage, or both

            >more dynamic gameplay
            >more enemy types
            >more weapons
            >more tools
            >more mission types
            >greater camaraderie between players
            Yes it is.

            • 8 months ago

              l4d2 has 35 weapons compared to deep slop galactics 24, theres no way you believe le bug, le bug that spits web, le bug that explode on hit, le bug that only takes damage from the back is more dynamic than l4d2s chargers, smokers, witches, boomers, hunters, tanks.
              l4d2 each map has its own "mission type" but it isn't spelled out as MISSION: protect the dildozer, or MISSION: collect gas tanks so ig that doesnt count.
              the great camaraderie consist of epically pinging the gold chunk, the mushroom and the comba bud, thanks you can have the point for that, ill skip.

              Nostalgia is clouding your judgement

              yeah cuh old game bad, youre just buckbroken by nostalgia xdxd

              • 8 months ago

                Shouldnt you compare it to l4d1?

                Either way they should do DRG2 with big titty goblins.

              • 8 months ago

                no i shouldnt, if you take a look he explicitly said its better than l4d2

              • 8 months ago

                >le pistol
                >le big pistol
                >le auto shotgun
                >le slightly different auto shotgun
                Wow such incredible weapon variety anon! Watch out there are like three slightly different automatic rifles too! L4D is just a basic get from point A to point B kind of game. It was and still is fun but it's basic.

              • 8 months ago

                gunner: le minigun 1, le minigun 2, le minigun 3 with minirockets

                scout: le assault rifle, le semi-auto assault rifle, le plasma assault rifle

                driller: le flamethrower, le flamethrower with ice, le flamethrower with sludge

                two can play that game

              • 8 months ago

                >guided rocket launcher
                >burst pistol

                >assault rifle
                >bolt action rifle
                >plasma rifle
                >sawn off double barrel shotgun
                >dual wielded machine pistols

                >auto shotgun
                >electrified SMG
                >smart rifle
                >grenade launcher
                >weaponised plasma mining tool
                >laser cannon

                >toxic waste launcher
                >charged plasma gun
                >radiation gun

                All of these weapons are distinct from every other weapon. The only exceptions are:
                >cryo cannon
                which still have different and contextually valuable effects when used on bugs. L4D2's weapon types with minor stat adjustments cannot compete against this and you know it. This isn't even counting all the grenades, the Engineer's sentries or the Driller's drills.

              • 8 months ago

                >guided rocket launcher
                >burst pistol

                >assault rifle
                >bolt action rifle
                >plasma rifle
                >sawn off double barrel shotgun
                >dual wielded machine pistols

                >auto shotgun
                >electrified SMG
                >smart rifle
                >grenade launcher
                >weaponised plasma mining tool
                >laser cannon

                >toxic waste launcher
                >charged plasma gun
                >radiation gun

                All of these weapons are distinct from every other weapon. The only exceptions are:
                >cryo cannon
                which still have different and contextually valuable effects when used on bugs. L4D2's weapon types with minor stat adjustments cannot compete against this and you know it. This isn't even counting all the grenades, the Engineer's sentries or the Driller's drills.

                such variety!

                minigun but with slower fire rate
                minigun with auto lock-on

                revoler but lower dmg burst
                revoler but boom instead of bang

                assault rifle
                assault rifle but semi auto
                assault rifle but plasma ammo

                etc etc

                youre not fooling me by calling it an "electrified" smg Black person, it has no distinction from the scouts "dual wielded machine pistols", its 1 smg instead of 2 haha that so different from the spas and the xm in left 4 dead!

                i didnt count the explosive ammo, molotovs, pipebombs either you flaming homosexual.

                NTA but the actual weapon types the game uses:

                Heavy Weapon / Heavy Weapon / Heavy Weapon
                Revolver / Pistol / Pistol

                Assault Rifle / Semi-Automatic Rifle / Assault Rifle
                Shotgun / Submachine Gun / Crossbow

                Shotgun / Submachine Gun / Submachine Gun
                Heavy Weapon / Heavy Weapon / Heavy Weapon

                Heavy Weapon / Heavy Weapon / Heavy Weapon
                Pistol / Pistol / Submachine Gun

              • 8 months ago

                All 35 guns are basically the same.

              • 8 months ago

                gunner: le minigun 1, le minigun 2, le minigun 3 with minirockets

                scout: le assault rifle, le semi-auto assault rifle, le plasma assault rifle

                driller: le flamethrower, le flamethrower with ice, le flamethrower with sludge

                two can play that game

                such variety!

                >guided rocket launcher
                >burst pistol

                >assault rifle
                >bolt action rifle
                >plasma rifle
                >sawn off double barrel shotgun
                >dual wielded machine pistols

                >auto shotgun
                >electrified SMG
                >smart rifle
                >grenade launcher
                >weaponised plasma mining tool
                >laser cannon

                >toxic waste launcher
                >charged plasma gun
                >radiation gun

                All of these weapons are distinct from every other weapon. The only exceptions are:
                >cryo cannon
                which still have different and contextually valuable effects when used on bugs. L4D2's weapon types with minor stat adjustments cannot compete against this and you know it. This isn't even counting all the grenades, the Engineer's sentries or the Driller's drills.

                minigun but with slower fire rate
                minigun with auto lock-on

                revoler but lower dmg burst
                revoler but boom instead of bang

                assault rifle
                assault rifle but semi auto
                assault rifle but plasma ammo

                etc etc

                youre not fooling me by calling it an "electrified" smg Black person, it has no distinction from the scouts "dual wielded machine pistols", its 1 smg instead of 2 haha that so different from the spas and the xm in left 4 dead!

                i didnt count the explosive ammo, molotovs, pipebombs either you flaming homosexual.

              • 8 months ago

                Seethe and erroneously pretend that DRG's weapons are anywhere near as close to each other as L4D2's all you want anon, you're still wrong.

              • 8 months ago

                seethe and erroneously pretend the procedural indie slop that is drg is in any way shape or form better game than l4d2, you're still wrong

              • 8 months ago

                I accept your concession.

              • 8 months ago

                this but unironically

                rockpox is fricking awful and anyone who dares say otherwise is factually wrong

                not a single person thinks it's good after the first time they do it, the fact that GSG is letting the game stagnate this much in the sorry state that it is with fricked up lederhosen arms and shitty wienerpox clogging up the mission selection is truly dire

              • 8 months ago

                scout has a shotgun that can blast him hundreds of feet in the air

                that shotgun ALONE is more interesting and fun to use than all 35 l4d weapons combined

              • 8 months ago

                >l4d2 has 35 weapons
                no it fricking doesn't. It has neither 35 weapons in total, nor does it have anywhere close to 35 weapons in practicality.
                L4D2 has five weapon sets where the ones you start with are replaced with statistically better options.
                M1014, AK, Tactical Sniper, Dual Pistols, Machete - the only reason you'd use anything else is because you haven't found those five weapons later in the map.

                Besides them, you have a half-dozen identical explosives to throw/shoot, the pipebomb and molotov, and a couple superweapons like the chainsaw which have extremely limited ammo and niche uses.
                L4D2 has SHIT for weapons. Even DRG's tiny pathetic arsenal has several times the actual variety when it comes to how the weapons behave and their benefits over one another.

              • 8 months ago

                Oh I see, so in left 4 dead I'm forced to use different kinds of weapons since they aren't available at the start? Now the only thing left for me to see is anybody using the dk2 instead of the plasma on the scout! Those aren't statistically upgrades! And good thing it's available from the get go! Surely there's someone using the crossbow on the scout! My gunner burst pistol, my beloved! Maybe my teammates just haven't reached it yet, that's why nobody picks it.

                >guns are statistically different and you have to use them as you progress on the mission = bad(?)

                It's ok I'm used to vtards having shit taste in vidya

              • 8 months ago

                >DRG's tiny pathetic arsenal
                the upgrades and overclocks are what make them, not the amount of guns
                they're also way more creative and fun than like 90% of weapons in other shooters

        • 8 months ago

          delusional/underage, or both

          • 8 months ago

            Nostalgia is clouding your judgement

        • 8 months ago

          I've played both extensively and like both but L4D2 is much better. The core gameplay is just better. And shooting zombies is just more satisfying than shooting bugs.

    • 8 months ago

      don't forget the absolute state of Killing Floor

  79. 8 months ago

    >please understand, making stuff on this engine is impossible now
    >makes another game that is the same game on the engine
    >small indie company
    >now owned by mega israelitecorp (though never announced)
    I am sorry to tell you all this, but it has BEEN over

  80. 8 months ago

    I'm glad I'm not an ADHD addled zoomie. I had hundreds of hours back when the game was in early access and you didn't even get to pick any weapons besides the defaults, and I'll continue to enjoy the game.

    • 8 months ago

      Now tell me the part where you don't have rockpox because you simply play the game version that doesn't have it for 19 months

  81. 8 months ago

    Why do devs keep on killing their fanbases making dog shit Roguelikes no one wants?

  82. 8 months ago


  83. 8 months ago

    icular torsion

  84. 8 months ago

    >get bought-out by chink company
    >games go to shit

  85. 8 months ago

    >A board game nobody asked for or cares about
    >A comically out of season Vampire Survivors clone nobody asked for or cares about
    >Now a fricking whole ass 3D roguelike with DRG mechanics
    Is this the corporate equivalent of a mid-life crisis? What the frick are these people even trying to acomplish except killing their already successful widely praised game by starving it of resources

    • 8 months ago

      They never knew what made it great, that's why they barely improved upon it and moved on.

  86. 8 months ago

    not a roguelike

  87. 8 months ago

    they should just integrate it into the main game as a game mode like chaos waste in vermintide 2

  88. 8 months ago

    Playing devil's avocado here. Don't they need money to survive? AFAIK DRG's new seasons, battle pass, and updates are completely free of charge aren't they? I really don't mind if they did something else because DRG feels complete enough for me (as an indie title).

    • 8 months ago

      the seasons all come with paid cosmetic dlc's the paypigs eat up

    • 8 months ago

      DRGs playerbase has mostly only grown since Early Access because of free updates

    • 8 months ago

      DRG's playerbase has only gotten larger since it left EA

      are you motherfrickers actually defending LIVE SERVICE over a NEW GAME?

      all the servers are P2P and you can play solo with no online connection ever
      DRG will be playable in 30 years but destiny 2 sure won't

    • 8 months ago

      They’ve outright said money isn’t an issue

  89. 8 months ago

    >ditch drg
    I've been playing Deep Rock since Moses wore short pants. Its time to move on. The last several updates have been massive thuds for me. You might think "You're just burnt out", but updates in the past have brought me back. Deep Dives got me completely hooked again, escort and pipeline pump missions rejuvenated me, too. They're out of ideas. Rockpox feels forced and not only did it not add anything to the game, it made it worse. I don't at all mind GS moving on, they're good devs. I think they've just done all they can with DRG.

  90. 8 months ago

    are you motherfrickers actually defending LIVE SERVICE over a NEW GAME?

    • 8 months ago

      there was nothing to pay for in drg other than a couple of outfits each season, box cost gave you 99% of what the game has to offer. i just know the next game is going to be israeli. they already were israeli with releasing supporter pack 2 (yes a second one) and dropping the game a couple months later lmao. even if it wasnt its a new mode in drg that asks for box cost 2.

  91. 8 months ago

    It's okay, I just wish they would make a new COOP game that doesn't have to be dorfs.

  92. 8 months ago


    >Stop being so entitled!
    >When fans have been buying the overpriced cosmetics just because the game was worth seeing being developed further and there was nearly no predatory shit going on
    >even supporting as much as buying the board game and helping further fund goals

    Quit drinking paint

    • 8 months ago

      that "person" will drink paint whether we try to stop him or not, it's his destiny to destroy his brain until no braincells are left in his empty skull
      such is the life of a mass replier

  93. 8 months ago

    Gamers are the most whiny entitled b***hes in existence

    • 8 months ago

      >whiny entitled b***h b***hes and calls people whiny and entitled

  94. 8 months ago

    I'm so sick of this fricking roguelite meme sequels.

  95. 8 months ago

    inb4 someone mods rogue"like" perks into DRG and it's better than their new slop.

  96. 8 months ago


    >for free
    I'd pay for DLC instead of getting the slop we do now, but if that's somehow not an option, I'm not paying for knockoff products based on the game I want growing. Get fricked, bootlickBlack person.

  97. 8 months ago

    this is arenanet in 2007 when they abandoned their golden goose guild wars 1 for utter garbage. they could have milked that game for 10 more years. It wasn't even close to being completed.

    • 8 months ago

      they're not abandoning DRG though
      are you moronic?

      • 8 months ago

        Year long """"seasons""""
        They already have

        • 8 months ago

          they were on a consistent 6 month~ schedule with them for like 2 years but yeah you're sort of right, but I think a new game that could be at worst described as a dlc/expansion but standalone is worth skipping the expected release date around this time of year imo, its far more ambitious than even season 1

          not only that but they're far from a typical season pass system, they don't cost anything and aren't timed exclusive, ect
          it really was a weird system for them to go into until you realize it was mostly made to help onboard new players better, offering something that's a familiar concept from other shooters
          their focus has clearly been on getting people more into it, at least that's what a lot of the additions in season 1 and 2 felt like

          so I think judging it like a season in fortnite or something is pretty stupid

          • 8 months ago

            They've clogged up the game with rockpox. Literally the same mistake they made with the robots and they learned nothing.

            Move the rockpox into a separate mission and put the game in maintenance mode so some solid mods can be made and I'd be happy.

            • 8 months ago

              >Move the rockpox into a separate mission
              I've seen everyone say this and I honestly don't see it working well
              rockpox is a side activity, personally I'd rather it be in place of the secondary objective more than anything, unless they gave it more depth like an actual mission type

            • 8 months ago

              >Move the rockpox into a separate mission and put the game in maintenance mode so some solid mods can be made and I'd be happy
              but why?
              they very clearly still wanna work on the game, just cause they aren't doing it as fast now doesn't mean there's a need to act this hopeless

          • 8 months ago

            Not him, but I don't care about onboarding new players. DRG had already sold over 3 million copies before Season 1, they sold another couple mil by 2022, they've got merchandise deals, they've got money from Microsoft for Game Pass, and they also got the DLCs that are advertised as "buy this if you want to continue supporting us, after all we put the updates out for free," to the point that they have not only one but TWO supporter upgrades. There isn't a pressing need to create a pipeline for new players, there's a pressing need for content, and if you want to say they've just been using the structure of seasons to onboard players, then it's waiting 6 months for scraps used to advertise--now done so quite literally with Season 5.

  98. 8 months ago

    why is everyone in this thread moronic?
    >people act like they're abandoning DRG (they're not)
    >people shit on the devs for selling optional DLC and act like they're required to play or something
    DLC which, might I add, amounts to a tiny percentage of the cosmetics in the game, and like under a third of the weapon cosmetics, also doesn't sell that amazingly well
    also, if they were really so greedy why would they be expanding their company, and getting into publishing and putting money into indie games which likely won't ever get as popular as DRG anyway, or at least appeal to the same types of people who like DRG/would be able to ride off ghost ship/DRG's popularity

    the only real negative thing is the wait for season 5, its clear this game is why the last two were fairly underwhelming all things considered, the devs clearly still have ideas and wanna work on stuff for years to come, that's why they went with the seasonal update format, a long wait for the next set of new content doesn't mean that all new content will be bad forever
    worth mentioning as well they said they were working on maintenance updates in the update post on stream, they didn't say much but it'll probably address a lot of concerns for season 4 because its the obvious thing to so and the devs aren't as dumb as the people in this thread

    DRG is practically a finished indie game only really lacking a truly compelling endgame and more polish on some older content

    will any game ever make you people actually happy? or will you just complain about one the only games in this day and age that actually feels like its worth something
    its like the trauma of shitty AAA dev greed has made you assume that every studio is bad

    • 8 months ago

      >(they're not)
      People wanted more meaningful content - weapons, OCs, game modes (eg. Deep Dives), an 'endgame' beyond the OC grind, etc. Not just more shitty mini-content seasons and bugfix updates

      >people shit on the devs for selling optional DLC
      Literally nobody in this thread has done this
      I don't even need to read the rest of this garbage post if you seriously think that this is what people are complaining about

      • 8 months ago

        >Literally nobody in this thread has done this

        You claimed that they update the game for free, which is not the case since they attached DLCs to every update.
        I accept your concession.

        >FOR FREE
        >selling DLCs every updates
        Shill spotted
        >nit picking
        ESL spotted

        If you don't pay your taxes the roads still get fixed and you go to jail.
        If you don't pay for the cosmetics, you still get the gameplay content for free.
        However if you do pay for the cosmetics, you get the cosmetics for money AND the gameplay content for free.

        How did you think that was a good comparison?

        My conversation earlier ITT. There are some anons who will be completely unreasonable just to be c**ts online. Shocking I know.

        • 8 months ago

          I'm shitting on them for not honoring the invisible contract, i didn't have a problem with them selling dlcs before as a way of support, but if i knew they were going to abandon the game this quickly i would have never bought it. I'm sure very few anons complained about them before this.

          • 8 months ago

            >if i knew they were going to abandon the game this quickly

            Deep Rock Galactic/Initial release date
            February 28, 2018,
            Let's call it five years of free content patches, I understand this will just be lol one patch per blah blah blah, but stay with me.
            Five years of free content patches is a "quickly abandoned" game?

            • 8 months ago

              >Five years of free content patches is a "quickly abandoned" game?
              when the content includes things such as "adding a new beer that randomises your shit" and "putting an arcade machine in the HQ" then yeah
              free content doesn't automatically become good just because it's free
              if the DRG devs actually did paid content maybe the game would have gone somewhere instead of being largely carried by the community and their love for dwarfs and casual gameplay

              • 8 months ago

                >if the DRG devs actually did paid content maybe the game would have gone somewhere

                Which is absolutely a fair and valid critcism of how they could've directed the game, but the way they did doesn't actively frick over it's players by reducing in game fun, beyond rockpox sucking please again stay with me, with shitty monetization practices.
                I have to go with the devs being fairly transparent in what they themselves want and aren't just directly lying to their customers, so when they say

                I actually believe them.
                The game not being the perfect game I dream it being, isn't the same as the devs actively sabotaging the possibility of that game.

            • 8 months ago

              Concurrent users all time peak was Nov last year. Just saying...

            • 8 months ago

              >Deep Rock Galactic/Initial release date
              >February 28, 2018
              It released in 2020 you dolt. Paid betas do not count for release years.

            • 8 months ago

              >Five years of free content patches is a "quickly abandoned" game?
              Let's not forgot that the latest "free content" made the game worse

              • 8 months ago

                I'm aware that rockpox sucks but I really am tired of repeating this point. Unless the idea is that they put it in the game as an active and vindictive move to make the game less fun I can't take it as a personal slight.

            • 8 months ago

              The game is just over 1 year old on consoles. This IS bullshit for us. During it's peak the devs squandered their golden goose. Jesus what a way to JUST destroy all the good will.


              • 8 months ago





                >The game is just over 1 year old on consoles
                This announcement is definitely exacerbated for us consolegays

              • 8 months ago

                >The game is just over 1 year old on consoles
                This announcement is definitely exacerbated for us consolegays

                Oh hey, I know this exact song and dance.

            • 8 months ago

              i paid $20

              i expect at least 20 years of service

          • 8 months ago

            >if i knew they were going to abandon the game this quickly

            Deep Rock Galactic/Initial release date
            February 28, 2018,
            Let's call it five years of free content patches, I understand this will just be lol one patch per blah blah blah, but stay with me.
            Five years of free content patches is a "quickly abandoned" game?

            Actually sorry anon I missed the start of your post. I never bought the cosmetic stuff but was it pushed as like a Patreon-lite thing, buy this as we are a small studio not selling content dlc?
            I can understand that as a "betrayal" a bit more, if you want to really hype up your rhetoric, but it falls into the realm of buying cosmetics which apparently is the industry line in the sand from monetizing to exploiting players.

    • 8 months ago

      having 5 difficulties was a mistake
      they should have planned and implemented a full difficulty rework long ago instead of this pass bullshit
      you know, like actually using the "depth" meter as an indicator for how likely you'll get fricked over, not just a number for orientation
      I guess they are basically planning for a "DRG Ecosystem" where different games of different genres are set within the DRG settings.
      DRG as a concept is practically finished, but I'm sure as hell the devs and many others can still see untapped potentials in it.

      • 8 months ago

        It certainly seems like they're expanding the DRG brand with all these games plus the board game. I just wish the expansion came more through the first game and not these gay spinoffs.

    • 8 months ago

      >people act like they're abandoning DRG (they're not)
      Except they are. They clearly state big content updates are ceasing after season 5 and even then they'll have taken a year to push that out (which they themselves say isn't worth the wait). You're in denial.

      • 8 months ago

        you're being hyperbolic over some wording in a livestream and a few discord screenshots, just cause they've opted to work on a new side game for a while doesn't mean that DRG is dead in the water
        also having no major content updates is not the same thing as no content updates ever, what you would even describe as a lot of content is probably very subjective/based on when you got into the game
        they very clearly still have plans for the game, having something new and different doesn't change that

        • 8 months ago

          cosmetic pass ruined the game.

        • 8 months ago

          >updates winding down
          >past few updates have been anaemic as it is
          >they say they're going to get even smaller
          >even though they're already getting more and more spaced out
          It's dead and you're in denial.

    • 8 months ago

      >turning the final years of a good game into an advertisement for their next one

      The moronic thing Im sure people that love this game would pay for MORE paid content
      I guess it's easier to just make another game

      • 8 months ago

        wrong quote

        >turning the final years of a good game into an advertisement for their next one
        you can tell that the "season 6 TBA" shit is only there to cover their asses if rogue core flops and they have to crawl back to DRG too

        • 8 months ago

          >The moronic thing Im sure people that love this game would pay for MORE paid content
          I'm one of those, anon
          I would still be buying big expansion packs like Iceborne for MHW if they released them
          Find a good game, and add shitloads of content to it forever, without it being some shitty MMO
          That's what I hoped DRG was going to be but I guess it's not to be
          What's left? Hoping Payday 3 will become like Payday 2? I shudder at the thought

      • 8 months ago

        It honestly might just be the devs are tired of working on DRG, but of course understand the inherit sales of keeping a new game within it's landscape.
        Whatever dev that did the Shadow Tactics game just recently shutdown and if they aren't outright lying it was due to burnout. I completely understand that as a concept for leaving a job, but Ganker will just talk about their last game staring a black woman.

        • 8 months ago

          >devs are tired of working on DRG
          then why are they working on more DRG but just with a different flavour? genuine question. Are they tired of the formulaic pass model that they have to shit out every season? Then why not return to when they were having fun dishing out experimental features in Early Access?

          • 8 months ago

            Because they understand the value of the IP and will generate more sales by using the DRG universe rather then starting a new one.
            It's a sales tactic sure but you'd be an idiot to not capitalize on your previous fanbase to try and sell your new one. This shit is still a business at the end of the day, but again the DRG devs are some of the most fair in the industry and irrationally hating them like some anons are trying to push doesn't hold up as well.

            • 8 months ago

              they should work on something that isn't a cosmetics pass. At this point they are behaving exactly like any AAA company spewing buzzwords to buy more time.

              • 8 months ago

                Anon they really really aren't acting like an AAA company. They are shockingly honest in how they communicate with their community.
                ITT are the devs directly saying
                Don't expect the next patch to be game changing.
                Don't expect this game to be our main focus, we have a new game.

                They are doing the opposite of buzzwords and are being honest, and people are going out of their way to make a honest answer they don't like as a personal slight.
                People are proving ITT why devs actively lie to us, because we crucify honest hard truths.

              • 8 months ago

                Or, third option here, don't drag ass for 3 years mostly delivering scraps, actively telling people to keep buying merch and cosmetic content to further fund the game's development, and then ooooooooooh whoops looks like you're gonna be left with said scraps because we're actually gonna take all this money from sales and DLC and all that to start our own publishing arm and ditch our old game to make a new one. I'm gonna give you a protip: that's usually something people don't like to have happen.

              • 8 months ago

                I'm absolutely willing to talk about the quality of content delivered as an against, as long as it's a bit more then just saying roxpoc sucks, but I resent when one of the more open and decent devs is irrationally shit on.
                I ended up playing this same bleeding heart role when the Shadow Tactics devs died and I kinda hate it.

              • 8 months ago

                >irrationally shit on
                Mate, your defense for most of this is simply that they've been open and honest on the matter. That doesn't make what they're doing suddenly acceptable. There's plenty of gripes to be had about how things are gonna be left with the core of the game, there's plenty of bugs and quirks I now have 0 confidence in them fixing now that they've pulled the old "oh it's too spaghetti for us to continue adding onto" excuse, and it's entirely fair to complain that the content over the past 3 years has stagnated heavily in both quality and scale compared to the first year's Update 32-33, which arguably makes it deceitful to use the structure of seasons to imply that more development is going on than there actually is.

                The only positive or even just neutral takeaway from this announcement is that, with development being scaled back to scraps-of-scraps-of-scraps, there'd be no real worry about any updates killing fanmade balance mods--something else that the devs have continuously failed at because they themselves can't even really handle simple Haz 5 on the regular.

                And as for "just saying rockpox sucks" I think rockpox is entirely fine and a decent update for the game that mainly suffers from the utter lack of more content to buffer around it. The only thing outright wrong is the pox itself, just being an uninspired mix of frozen with fire, but the problems for the rest mostly comes down to integration--a running issue with the game as I've always felt they don't do enough to keep the per-mission variety high--and while some can be tweaked via approved mods, there's a good chunk that players themselves could only fix with Sandbox mods and sadly serves to divide the playerbase. Same goes for robots. Hell, I'd love for them to have added more robots and had done more to pick and choose or mix factions in normal play, similar to how VT2 has both mixed-faction sections and faction-exclusive ones

              • 8 months ago

                The devs can't handle haz 5? that's like riot balance team not handling bronze elo

              • 8 months ago

                >decided to hop into their weekly DD stream
                >scrub to a random point in a video
                >the dev is getting leeched
                >as a scout

              • 8 months ago

                I'm just mad they haven't released plans to rebalance the amount of rockpox stuff in the game. Make it as random as everything else, that would be fine.
                8 more months of season 4, no so fine 🙁

              • 8 months ago

                Honestly, one thing they can do right now to "rebalance" the rockpox enemies is to actually give Grunts and Exploders distinct colors, maybe different light in the boils, I dunno. The latter still has their bulbous thorax, but the grunts have enough shit going on with their bodies that it'd easily confuse their silhouette in a dimly lit room, and the game TAKES PLACE IN A DANK AND DARK CAVE SYSTEM AAAAAAAAAA

              • 8 months ago

                >dishonest complaints to distract people from the bigger, more serious issues

              • 8 months ago

                Your mom's gonna take my dishonest dick, cuz I told her I'd be your new daddy after the last 14 left but Imma just hit and quit it

    • 8 months ago

      I'll be honest the only reason I have much of a negative response is because I hate roguelikes. I didn't really care that they were focusing development on something else until I saw that perk select screen and my kneejerk response kicked in.

      • 8 months ago

        drg is a roguelike though

        • 8 months ago

          Fine then, because I hate games with a focus on making 'builds' based on randomly aquired 'perks' which you lose upon death and have to restart. Replace 'perks' with 'items' as appropriate.

          • 8 months ago

            oh well I'm with you there in that I think that idea is dumb
            usually I play roguelikes though for the random fun and chaos of finding some bullshit, that's about it though, roguelike nerds really oversell the 'build' aspect of it
            truth be told drg is one of the only roguelike-adjacent games that actually has something you could ethically call a build system since the whole game is based on it
            that's not to knock roguelikes, I mean rng stuff is fun, but claiming there's depth to a lot of it is moronic

  99. 8 months ago

    >turning the final years of a good game into an advertisement for their next one
    you can tell that the "season 6 TBA" shit is only there to cover their asses if rogue core flops and they have to crawl back to DRG too

    • 8 months ago

      >Sleeveless Armors advertised as a feature
      they really were scraping the bottom of the barrel. Seen enough of this shit in Warframe where they basically take an A4 page to talk about ONE new cosmetic.
      Season 4 in that roadmap should just be New Glyphids, that's the actual S4 we got.

  100. 8 months ago


    Hey, Mr. stupid wienersucker, devs aren't entitled to anyone's money. People buy shit they want to pay for.

    • 8 months ago

      So if the game wasn't worth 5$ on sale or 25$ not why did you buy it expecting unlimited updates?
      Anon out of all the games to shit on for value per dollar DRG is a really stupid hill to die on.
      We can shit on the individual patches and how much roxpox sucks but the devs are some of the most fair in the entire industry.

      • 8 months ago

        The game is good value. And I won't be buying anything else these devs make if they abandon a game with as much potential as DRG expecting brand loyalty to carry their spin-offs.
        The devs aren't entitled to anyone's fricking love or money. If they can't make a profit with a lightning in a bottle 10/10 game that people buy supporter packs for purely because they want to support the game, that's their fricking problem. I'm not gonna fricking praise them for abandoning a project that still has endless potential to be built upon in favor or a Gunfire Reborn clone.
        It's like if the Terraria devs said they're done updating the game after adding hard mode and did a fricking Terraria MOBA instead. It's just a fricking stupid decision on all parts. These moronic danes don't know what they have.

        • 8 months ago

          Good you are being a fair and rational consumer and something I agreed with


          Then don't buy their next game, then don't buy their cosmetic DLC.
          They already got your money for a good game so seething at them at this point does nothing.

          about three hours ago.
          We got a good product for a good price, if we value their next product as not worth it don't buy it. I'm just not a fan of everything is awful and has always been mentality that feels like pops up constantly.
          And yes I know rockpox still sucks.

          • 8 months ago

            A reasonable take. The game has been in dev for 8 years but it’s only been fully released for not even 3 years and more importantly it’s only recently reached peak popularity in the past year. Yet it seems like they’re putting it on the backburner to some extent. Which doesn’t make a lot of sense when there’s still loads that can be done with the game, perk rework and more perks/something to spend the points on is long overdue, same goes for OC reworks (they did do a little bit of that to their credit), there’s still stuff like error cubes which have no use beyond XP and more stuff I haven’t mentioned. There’s still just a lot of potential. All that combined with the past 2 seasons being lacklustre is why I think people are rightfully upset

            • 8 months ago

              >rightfully upset
              >for a game that's not in early access
              The moment it left early access was the moment it was considered a finish game. The rest is just extra. Wew they could've called it finished then and there with nothing but bug fixes and they'd be applauded but now they just get this hate dump? Yeah I'm thinking gamedevs should just go full triple A and make updates into paid DLC considering how many will just cough it up. The alternative is not doing that and getting a horde hating you for ending development on an already finished game.

              • 8 months ago

                >We took a dump on our finished game.
                >You're welcome, no need to thank is. It's extra content

              • 8 months ago

                >we finally finished the game bro's
                >*do no updates besides bug fixes*
                >dont get the outrage you get in this timeline because nothing more is expected
                Just use some hindsight and foresight bro its not hard.

        • 8 months ago

          >if they abandon a game with as much potential as DRG expecting brand loyalty to carry their spin-offs
          they aren't though, we're at most losing at most a seasons worth of content for a game with way more than even some of the major updates in the past had, let alone any of the seasons
          taking the game at face value based only off some pre alpha screenshots and other things is pretty dumb as well, you should at least give the game a chance when we see more instead of assuming the worst from an indie studio who has been everything but greedy

          • 8 months ago

            We're losing continued priority support for the game. Season 5 is going to be a small tie-in update. Season 6, who knows if they'll even bother at this rate.
            They added flappy bird and jet boots and said "the ideas well is dry, we're moving on" I don't trust that they didn't just stumble onto success.

            • 8 months ago

              >Season 5 is going to be a small tie-in update
              they never said small just not really worth the wait
              which is not shocking at all to anyone with a brain since they're making a whole entire other video game now

              • 8 months ago

                >which is not shocking at all to anyone with a brain
                People's outrage extends beyond shock

  101. 8 months ago

    i dont know why spergs are losing it over this. just play other games, or the same game forever. welcome to like every fricking game ever made before live service became a standard for printing money.

    • 8 months ago

      No; devs used to finish their games before live service was a thing.

      • 8 months ago

        The game has been finished for 5 years.
        What the frick more are you expecting that would 'finish' it.

        • 8 months ago





    • 8 months ago

      >before live service became the standard
      Old devs delivered in 1 year what it takes modern devs to deliver in 5

    • 8 months ago

      I hate rockpox and seasons usually last 6 months

  102. 8 months ago

    >Like our previous Supporter Upgrade, this pack is for those of you who really want to support Ghost Ship Games and our future developments
    You should've seen it coming, Ganker. The fact that it didn't say "DRG's future developments" should've tipped you off well and far in advance.

    • 8 months ago

      >tfw didn't buy a single dlc
      >tfw bought the game in EA at 50% off
      money well spent and saved, fun were had, I should be the paragon of a smart consoomer

    • 8 months ago

      Can I refund all my supporter packs

    • 8 months ago

      >faulting people for not predicting the future
      they literally dropped this well after they had started work on publishing and spinoffs, it could have meant fricking anything moron

  103. 8 months ago

    Its stripped-down DRG with roguelite elements, and even the roguelite elements seem to be barely there from what they're saying.
    I'm just gonna wait for when they announce it being an actual live-service game, that'll be a fun shitshow.

  104. 8 months ago

    Isn't this just Warframe's Duviri? Warframe managed to put this in their game for free, why can't GSG do the same?

  105. 8 months ago


  106. 8 months ago

    >last several seasons have been so shit it actually made the game worse
    >release second supporter pack
    >use it to make some shitty top down thing instead of more DRG content
    >but you're supposed to be satisfied because lol game is at an arbitrary point in dev time
    discord shills neeeeeed to frick off and die (you're all really fricking obvious))
    I bought their shit because I was hoping for them to fix the mess that is rockpox and finally add shit that people have been wanting since year 1 like perk and hazard updates
    discord trannies hang yourselves, GSG can suck one, can't wait for their shit to flop and for them to come crawling back

    • 8 months ago

      >t. The typical gamer "I hate Horse Armor DLC" and "Why yes I did pay Todd an extra $40 to play his flop of a game 1 week early that even Underspace outcompetes."

      I have no sympathy for your types being shaken down to your last penny for DLC's and reskins of the same game released yearly

      • 8 months ago

        >"Why yes I did pay Todd an extra $40 to play his flop of a game 1 week early that even Underspace outcompetes."
        where the frick did that come from lmao
        trainwiz is that you, buddy?

        • 8 months ago

          Not him just using it as an example. Neither game interests me but his definitely looks like it plays better.

          Kek at the notoriety he has, didn't expect that degree of attention so quickly, guess I'll stay a whodev

      • 8 months ago

        Trainwiz frick off
        Back to


    • 8 months ago

      >use it to make some shitty top down thing instead of more DRG content
      they published that game, had no impact on their development of mainline DRG, this new game clearly did though and is honestly something actual drg players will probably enjoy since its just a glorified expansion
      if you're gonna be mad at nothing at least pretend to know what you're talking about

  107. 8 months ago

    Anon, you can't just expect them to put out endless free (with optional 2x supporter packs per season that always sell well) updates, the game would go the way of Terraria!

    • 8 months ago

      This. Id like my game to have Terraria tier fame but I'm not pumping out free content for a decade. Especially considering how successful it is. Imagine not being as successful and selling nowhere near as many copies but pumping out that much content for free! Not happening

  108. 8 months ago

    honestly the 8 month wait for season 5 feels super miscalculated
    I can't imagine they don't have some decent amount of content that would have been put out when expected given the half year between seasons give or take, probably thought it was better for this
    since they still need to work on the artstyle and identity for RC and already have the gameplay down I can't imagine the mainline DRG season related to it is dependent on anything more than the artstyle and lore shit being done given the timeline of that
    I honestly respect the desire to make a quality product assuming my speculation is at least semi-right but doing a new season now or at least something of substance would have been better, but I think they realized how bad they cucked themselves with seasonal content and the mixed reception of 4 for how small it was (among other things) and just opted to skip it entirely and good on them tbh

  109. 8 months ago

    i will never love again.

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