It's Joever

The frickers couldn't stop while they were ahead
They couldn't respect the one stipulation to stay on the east coast
They're unironically going to rape the lore of the first two games and New Vegas
If the franchise wasn't dead before this well beyond point of return now

Also, the poster is AI generated, look at the figures in the back with anatomical inconsistencies and the cars with two fronts.

It's Joever

Captcha : YAYDMA

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  1. 9 months ago

    What are you moronic? The show has nothing to do with the canon of the games you mental midget.

    • 9 months ago

      Do you really think Bethesda isnt going to force connections from this shit into whatever future titles they put out so the capeshitter brains can go "haha I know this reference from the show"

    • 9 months ago

      Bestheda is involved with the production and they're promoting it so its going to be in line with their vision of the series and taking place on the west coast means they can do whatever without contradicting the Bethesda games. As far as Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas are concerned there's no doubt going to be references that line up with the canon of those games, but anything related to the actual stories are probably going to be reinterpreted.

      Dunno why they couldn't have set the series in Texas or something where it's close enough to the other regions and they can make references while still being able to do their own thing.

    • 9 months ago

      The fact that the poster itself is AI generated and the show is bankrolled by Amazon is huge red flag already.

      Except it does. Bethesda already hate Fallout with burning fashion and they'll trample the IP to the ground until there's nothing left with widest smiles on their faces, and morons on Reddit and Twitter will just smile and nod because that's what they always do, and if somebody criticizes something and makes valid points, that person is a fascist and racist, and he/she doesn't know is talking about.
      What makes you think they won't retcon even more lore with moronation and won't push connections between the show and games? What makes you think they won't frick with what's canon?

    • 9 months ago

      Bethesda has retconned, changed and even tried to sell the narrative that they created Fallout since acquiring the IP. You can bet they’ll be endorsing this to support their own rhetoric.

  2. 9 months ago

    >they're raping muh heckin video lore
    Grow up already, this is embarassing

    • 9 months ago

      >Have investment in a series that brought me comfort in the hellhole that was the late 90's and early 00's
      >Sad to see them reduce something I enjoy into a literal walking husk like anything other franchise in the past decade
      >comes into thread to complain about caring about video games on a video game board

      Let me guess, you're going to pop open some Wikipedia pages so you can perpetuate aids in the thread with some anon on the internet so you can think you won the argument.

      nuGanker is so tiring

      • 9 months ago

        >gen x manchild with no kids in 2023
        Typical fallout fan

        • 9 months ago

          >makes assumptions based on insecurities they wish to project on others
          Typical Ganker poster

          • 9 months ago

            No yeah you were 5 years old playing Fallout 2

            • 9 months ago

              >continues to make assumptions about some literal who on the internet and derail the thread

              kys projecting childless OP

              • 9 months ago

                >muh heckin projection

              • 9 months ago

                >no argument
                I accept your concession, don't you have someone else to inconvenience with your mere presence? I know your schedule is probably very tight when it comes to that.

              • 9 months ago

                >calling an old homosexual an old homosexual is an argument
                Damn I didnt know

              • 9 months ago

                >no argument
                I accept your concession, don't you have someone else to inconvenience with your mere presence? I know your schedule is probably very tight when it comes to that.

                >continues to make assumptions about some literal who on the internet and derail the thread

                kys projecting childless OP

                No yeah you were 5 years old playing Fallout 2

                >makes assumptions based on insecurities they wish to project on others
                Typical Ganker poster

                >gen x manchild with no kids in 2023
                Typical fallout fan

                All of you need to have a nice day for continuing for playing this ping pong match of moronation

  3. 9 months ago

    A show set entirely within the boneyard could be actual kino but the fact remains that this show wont have the budget to pull of the aesthetic of the city so chances are it'll just look like generic LA with some rundown buildings.
    So it might as well not be canon, if Bethesda treats this show as canon then every Beth fallout isn't canon either so im fine with that

    • 9 months ago

      It's already deviating from Fallout 1 and 2's aesthetics to match the Bethesda games. With the way Bethesda plays fast and loose with their own lore they probably would have no problem retroactively interpreting the events of Fallout 1. Los Angeles is now "New Angeles" and Vault 33 open up for the first time and people explore. They meet the Brotherhood of Steel and run into ghouls and super mutants that are inexplicably all over the place for some reason. No real mention of anything outside of New Angeles. No Master or Children of the Cathedral.

      • 9 months ago

        Wasn't this set built on some block in New York too? why couldn't they have just set it there? Why go through all the trouble to do shit in one of the biggest cities in the world to set it in a different city across the country, especially when the other city is literally the capitol of TV and film meaning it'd probably be cheaper and easier to get a set done over there. Did they just feel like blowing money?

        • 9 months ago

          It probably would have been easiest to set the show somewhere near the Bethesda games setting so they can do fanservice and reference them without explicitly contradicting anything and being free to do whatever the writer want. That's why setting it in Los Angeles is a pretty bold thing either to please fans of the originals which doesn't seem terribly likely so worst case scenario is that they want to reinterpret the original game stories. Probably retell the origins of the Brotherhood of Steel and other stuff.

          • 9 months ago

            >It probably would have been easiest to set the show somewhere near the Bethesda games setting
            That's what OP you replied to was implying, especially because of where they built the set, New York, which is a literal hop-skip from previous Bethesda settings like Boston & D.C. compared to Los Angeles which is both across the country as well as already entrenched in it's own lore and narrative weight from three different games touching upon it.

            • 9 months ago

              Yeah, I was agreeing with them. It's just bizarre they're going in this direction with the show.

              • 9 months ago

                Where will you be when they decanonize the master...

                I guess all I can hope is the bonehead writers use some of the originial FO1 soundtrack since it seems like it's going to take place during the first game. Hearing Vats of Goo or Metallic Monks over some shots of vault suits wandering about the boneyard in live action could be kino, but I honestly doubt they'll be that astute as well as the fact that with the current meme sequel to the '08 writer's strike which no doubt affected the production of this we'll get le generic orchestral action score followed by a chaser of meme war political discourse instead of the actually interesting commentary on the human condition and cold war geopolitics that made the originals interesting

                This piece of shit will probably kill the fandom the same way Disney killed their golden goose in Star Wars. It was a good run folks.

              • 9 months ago

                To be honest I wish the series has remained dead after Van Buren was cancelled so I don't really mind the show being pants on head moronic, shitting all over 1's setting, and bombing.

                It actually makes me wonder if Bethesda is being pressured by Microsoft to have Obsidian make a game set in the Core Region and so they're setting the show there as a test for it and when it inevitably bombs they can cancel those plans. I also wonder if Bethesda doesn't really care about Fallout at all anymore. They got the Elder Scrolls which will always be their golden goose, but they have Starfield now.

              • 9 months ago

                >to have Obsidian make a game set in the Core Region and so they're setting the show there as a test for it and when it inevitably bombs they can cancel those plans.

                Thanks anon you made me cry. To think if people actually cared to make good entertainment that this could have legitimately worked out in everyone's best interests. Sawyer would have a new opportunity to explore Fallout, we'd have new kino lore about the birthplace of the franchise, and it would lead to the games revisiting the area people have wanted it to return to for a decade. But alas we don't live in a perfect world and this inevitably is going to Last Jedi the fanbase.

                > I also wonder if Bethesda doesn't really care about Fallout at all anymore.

                The fact that Todd has openly said they don't expect to even think about fallout for a decade following Starfield (and this was an interview in 2021 if I'm not mistaken?) I think already answers this question.

              • 9 months ago

                >to have Obsidian make a game set in the Core Region and so they're setting the show there as a test for it and when it inevitably bombs they can cancel those plans.

                Thanks anon you made me cry. To think if people actually cared to make good entertainment that this could have legitimately worked out in everyone's best interests. Sawyer would have a new opportunity to explore Fallout, we'd have new kino lore about the birthplace of the franchise, and it would lead to the games revisiting the area people have wanted it to return to for a decade. But alas we don't live in a perfect world and this inevitably is going to Last Jedi the fanbase.

                > I also wonder if Bethesda doesn't really care about Fallout at all anymore.

                The fact that Todd has openly said they don't expect to even think about fallout for a decade following Starfield (and this was an interview in 2021 if I'm not mistaken?) I think already answers this question.

                At this point the series will become the flash of lights and colours the company uses to distract their consumer base from criticism by engendering a bum rush of fan support from starved fallout fans when they drag it's corpse out from the dark closet they keep it in most of the time.

                Everything really did go to shit after 2012, don't get me wrong FO3 is a piece of shit but compared to everything the series was perverted into after? plus the meme war that has basically ruined everyone's ability to enjoy literally anything because the tards on /misc/ and twitter want to make everything a digital dick measuring contest of their opinions really makes me wonder what the frick I'll even do in my free time as the decades progress. I guess my future is going to be coming home from work and sitting in a dark room staring at the wall for my allotted 4 hours inducing schizophrenic hallucinations for my own entertainment before going to bed to wage slave more tomorrow.

  4. 9 months ago

    What are you even expecting at this point? Bethesda has ruined Fallout even before fallout 76.

  5. 9 months ago

    why would you give this ip to fricking amazon? it's no shock those cheap fricks are using ai in the poster. Hollywood is dead.

    • 9 months ago

      >Hollywood is dead.
      10 years ago or hell even 5 years ago I would've cheered at this notion since entertainment was becoming decentralized, but given the bleak future of the internet as we cross into the second decade of this millennia I realize this just means the future of art (TV, film, books, games) is just going to be either cheap AI generated garbage made to cut corners for maximum profit, or thinly veiled platforms for writers to shout their opinions at the audience and we'll be expected to clap like seals.

      I guess AI really did kill art but not in the way normies expected. All it did was open the flood gates for us to be bombarded by dogshit even faster than before because now they don't even need to hire kids fresh out of film school to haul their schlock to the big studios, all it takes is one button press. and It'll inevitably drown out all the actual art being produced because of sheer volume

    • 9 months ago

      >Hollywood is dead.
      10 years ago or hell even 5 years ago I would've cheered at this notion since entertainment was becoming decentralized, but given the bleak future of the internet as we cross into the second decade of this millennia I realize this just means the future of art (TV, film, books, games) is just going to be either cheap AI generated garbage made to cut corners for maximum profit, or thinly veiled platforms for writers to shout their opinions at the audience and we'll be expected to clap like seals.

      I guess AI really did kill art but not in the way normies expected. All it did was open the flood gates for us to be bombarded by dogshit even faster than before because now they don't even need to hire kids fresh out of film school to haul their schlock to the big studios, all it takes is one button press. and It'll inevitably drown out all the actual art being produced because of sheer volume

      Its def a double edged sword that internet has replaced cable tv in most of our lives, because like yeah I get endless free content from yt and stuff but now there's way less of an incentive to write good television like there was in the '00s when it was all about getting traffic onto channels so they had better leverage for getting top spacing in package deals across America.

      Streaming services changed that dynamic because now the quality doesn't matter, it's quantity they use to brag to get people to pay for the subscription; hence why writing quality fricking TANKED in the '10s up to now since everyone was moving away to friend simulators on youtube and whatever fotm streaming site is big these days.

      and there's really no replacement for TV (as in the form of shows) on youtube either, youtubers dont write shows. The only one I can think off was when Freddie Wong did Video Game HS and that was more of a novelty no one took it seriously lol.

      • 9 months ago


        I'm really hoping both sides of the new strike lose because writers have been shit for the past 10 years, going as far as to push YouTubers into TV in the mid '10s in children's programming which makes me realize we're going to get a generation of big brother shows that are just houses of insufferable e celebs, or clones of late night spots aimed at zoomers also staffed with said insufferable e celebs.

        The future of entertainment is a generation of shitty fishtank clones and talk shows hosted by people that got famous doing moronic faces on their phones

  6. 9 months ago

    what's this a live action series about fallout?

  7. 9 months ago

    >They're unironically going to rape the lore of the first two games and New Vegas
    As if 3 and 4 hadn't already done that.

  8. 9 months ago

    no shit its gonna be set in LA anon that place is already a fricking wasteland just drop a deathclaw jpg in the background and you got yourself a fallout tv show

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