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  1. 7 months ago

    >it's still shit
    will try to play the shit out it later

    • 7 months ago

      Wait until 2.0 then it will truly be the successor to vic2

      • 7 months ago

        >I swear bro, it gets really good after [s]episode[/s] DLC 374!

  2. 7 months ago

    I'm still playing Victoria II.

    • 7 months ago

      Can't get it to run on Linux so I'll have to make do. At least it isn't as shit as before.

      • 7 months ago

        Project Alice is shaping up to be a good open source version of Vicky II.

  3. 7 months ago

    New AI mod works with it out of box

  4. 7 months ago

    frick off shill

  5. 7 months ago

    I know, I've been waiting for it.

  6. 7 months ago

    What is it? What did they add? Why should I care?

    • 7 months ago

      >third Victoria 3 thread

      And i'm still waiting for some mods to be updated

      I think the game finally feels somewhat "complete" and not just a beta test released at full price

    • 7 months ago

      Armies as actual, movable units, are back.

      • 7 months ago

        wait really? they finally back peddled on it? might give it a pirate now then

        • 7 months ago

          Nta and it's a bit more complex than that, but they reworked so much shit in military, it's hard to sum up in single post. But yeah, it's a MASSIVE improvement. And more importantly: AI can use this system, even fresh out of the box, which is something new for nu-PDX

          • 7 months ago
            Sean of Advice

            I love this game, but the battles still go kinda wonky sometimes and something crazy happens but I bet they'll hammer it out or someone will explain why that's accurate to real life

      • 7 months ago

        Lol. No they fricking aren't.
        t. played this shit

      • 7 months ago

        How boring.

    • 7 months ago

      It's pretty much what should have been there for premiere
      >Army works normally, with units and actal control what the frick is even going on, rather than schizoid automation with single battle on front from Kamchatka to Aral Sea
      >Fleets actually matter now and can do something, rather than just building ports for the sake of interest points; no schizoid naval combat, too
      >Trade and especially prices reworked, so you your country doesn't end with perpetual furniture shortage once opening a trade route
      >Bunch of handy diplomatic options, like simply trading (or being forced to trade) a single state or fixing your borders after war/colonial expansion or the ability to add wargoals after the war erupts, as long as participants still have points for that
      >Bunch of factories have been finally split, so you no longer end with the moronic issues with artillery or explosives
      >Frickload of minor changed and tuning to make things more workable
      In other words: all the moronic shit was thrown away, and bunch of shit people asked for since day 1 has been implemented.
      It still will require bunch of hotfixes and fine-tuning, but the game at least isn't completely moronic now

      • 7 months ago

        You don't know what schizoid means.

        • 7 months ago

          >yOu DoNt KnOw WhAt ScHiZoId MeAnS

      • 7 months ago

        ... did they finally make it possibe to research barbed fences BEFORE fricking electric fences for your ranches?

      • 7 months ago

        The game must be doing really badly to not make this a DLC.

        • 7 months ago

          I'm not sure how you make a reworking of the entire game's system a paid DLC

          • 7 months ago

            Ask Stellaris team

        • 7 months ago

          >OP posts game patch
          >People talk the patch
          >DLC ARMARITES?
          At least tell us you are taking a dole for your mental disability.

          • 7 months ago

            >game comes out with skeletal warfare system
            >everyone knows it's obviously to sell DLC down the line
            >turns into a free patch
            Finally reaching mediocrity isn't cause for celebration, drone. It's where it should have been at the start. Maybe they can finally average more than 5k players now.

            • 7 months ago

              >Sliding this badly
              So you are not taking that dole. Shame, you are obviously qualified
              >everyone knows it's obviously to sell DLC down the line
              Yeah, no. The only DLCs this game is selling is cosmetics, because there is no way in hell to make it work under standard PDX DLC policies. You would know, if you were even remotely interested in the game in question, rather than parroting memes, without every fricking playing it.
              >B-but cookie clicker durrr
              Doesn't change the fact you are dead wrong and simply fricking clueless

        • 7 months ago

          >feature locked behind paid DLC bad
          >feature not locked behind paid DLC bad

          • 7 months ago

            How about finishing the game in time for lauch day.
            Fricking brainwashed Paradrones.

            • 7 months ago

              >How about finishing the game in time for lauch day.
              Not a single Victoria did that.
              And the only PDX game that came out "finished" was CK3, which made EVERYONE duke on it for being "bland and boring".
              PDX playerbase isn't interested in finished games. It's been induced into this state ever since EU2 came out and wasn't finished until 3 major patches later.

              • 7 months ago

                >which made EVERYONE duke on it for being "bland and boring".
                That's not even true. Everyone was shocked at how good the release was, and it was a huge critical success in term of use reviews. The problem is that now, years after release, the game is still bland and boring. Very little progress has been made.

              • 7 months ago

                >Very little progress has been made.
                Progress on WHAT, if the game was finished in the release state? This is the exact thing I was talking about: people are b***hing about "lack of new content", missing the memo that all the content was there for the launch, in a finished and fully operational game. But since previous decade PDX both shifted its target audience entirely AND taught said new audience that the game should constantly receive new "fixes" and expansions (as the default is barren wasteland), then the morons are screeching now for "more content".

              • 7 months ago

                Something being "finished" in the context of a newly-released game doesn't mean that new content and updates can't be added. It just means that it feels like a smooth experience and the game could theoretically stop development without the customers feeling scammed that they got sold a broken half-finished game.

              • 7 months ago

                >this is your brain on a decade of slurping DLCs

              • 7 months ago

                >Buy game
                >It runs fine
                >It has all the features
                >No need to spend five times more money on DLCs to make it work
                >Not even having "blank slots" to be filled with DLCs later on
                How the frick anyone is scammed here, you absolute moron? Especially when the alternative is
                >Buy game for X
                >Buy obligatory d6+1 DLCs to make it work for 3X
                >Buy another d3+1 DLCs to fill it with content for 2X
                >This is somehow not a scam, but a fair deal

              • 7 months ago

                >this is your brain on a decade of slurping DLCs

                Obvious newhomosexuals.

              • 7 months ago

                >>It runs fine
                no it doesn't

              • 7 months ago

                I'm trying to imagine your face when being given EU2 or the original Victoria.

              • 7 months ago

                I fricking hate Paradrones.

      • 7 months ago

        how about logistics?
        or capitalist doing things on their own?

        • 7 months ago

          >capitalist doing things on their own?
          wasn't this already done in like 1.3?

        • 7 months ago

          >or capitalist doing things on their own?
          It's in since fricking 1.2.x and it's not just capitalists, since aristocrats, farmers and shopkeepers are into it, too. Capitalists are just the most efficient, even if you have shitty economic laws enacted.
          Have you been living under the rock, or just too busy slurping beta build memes?

  7. 7 months ago

    I've been putting off a Großgermaniums playthrough until warfare was a bit more in depth and now might be the time for it. I'm launching it right now, I'll give my 2 cents in a few hours if the thread isn't nuked by then

  8. 7 months ago

    The new loading screens are of a noticeably lower quality

    • 7 months ago
      • 7 months ago

        >nearsighted Kim Kitsuragi wannabe
        >dude literally just wielding a shovel
        >a mexican(?) in the french(?) army

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah imagine Colonial troops being in the French army, insane

          • 7 months ago

            I don't think Nappy's Mesoamerican Spergout counts as colonising Mexico.

            • 7 months ago

              yeah and there's nobody in that picture who's definitely mexican, moron

              • 7 months ago

                I can't tell what ethnicity this man is supposed to be. The jet-black moustache and swarthiness (beyond the typical mediterranean stuff) suggests he's some kind of Latin American, but perhaps this is just what Paradox thinks people who live in the south of France look like.

              • 7 months ago

                Are you mentally ill or pretending? Who cares about stuff like that?

              • 7 months ago

                >i don't see anyone who's definitely mexican
                >sees evidence
                you care, moron

              • 7 months ago

                I can't tell what ethnicity this man is supposed to be. The jet-black moustache and swarthiness (beyond the typical mediterranean stuff) suggests he's some kind of Latin American, but perhaps this is just what Paradox thinks people who live in the south of France look like.

                garbage race obsessed turd worlder post. the absolute projection here

              • 7 months ago

                Aren't you the dude who starts sperging out about slavs and hispanics the moment anyone gives you an excuse?
                Nobody asks for you to share your insights attained via your moron-tier bastardized racial ideology in the vein of Madison Grant’s work, but which would make Madison Grant puke.

              • 7 months ago

                no clue what the frick you're trying to tell me here dumb esl

              • 7 months ago

                every man had a moustache then

              • 7 months ago

                You must be American

          • 7 months ago

            I dont have to imagine when every depiction of french ww1 troops puts them front and centre

      • 7 months ago

        Average Austro-Hungarian unit composition

      • 7 months ago

        Are there any other new ones?

      • 7 months ago

        Disgusting as always.

      • 7 months ago

        Warfare chads we are back

      • 7 months ago

        Umm, wtf?

      • 7 months ago

        you got your toy soldiers chud now stop complaining

      • 7 months ago

        That looks shit

      • 7 months ago
      • 7 months ago

        This homie lookin' ZESTY, this homie lookin' MOIST,
        he's got sugar in his tank, he's light on his feet,
        he's a lll bit fruity, he plays for the other team, he
        dances at the other end of the ballroom, this homie
        theatrical, this homie good with colors, this homie
        gonna coordinate yo curtains wit you cushions and that shit gonna look good! This homie lifts shirts, this homie on the down low, this homie be a tollet trader, this homie gardens uphill, this homie packs fudge, he's a friend of Dorothy, he feels the love that dare not speak its name, he loves to dance, he's of the Uranian
        brotherhood, he indulges in the French vice, he has an antipathic sexual instinct, he's fluent in Polari, he's a refugee from Sodom, he's on the wrong bus, he bats for the other team, he's temperamental, he's 'one of them'..if you catch my drift.

        • 7 months ago

          >Officer, now is not the time for unhinged rants about homosexuals. The body is still hanging from the tree.

          • 7 months ago

            >not homo-sexuals
            You had one job, Kim.

        • 7 months ago

          I don't get it

          • 7 months ago

            idk, he looks kinda weird in a gay sense. imagine how zesty you'd need to be to walk like in a ww1 trench assault.

          • 7 months ago

            Get the thong out yo bussy playa

      • 7 months ago

        This is actually the best depiction of colonial troops in Vicky 3, and it's in a fricking loading screen.
        If you recruit Africans as a European country, they appear on the map and in the interface as half-naked tribal spearchuckers.
        It even happens as Brazil, see

        This feels borderline racist.

        , because for some reason afro-brazilians don't wear Brazilian uniforms. moronic.

      • 7 months ago

        looks far too clean, did they change artist?

      • 7 months ago

        Why is there a cuirassier in late war WW1. I thought they abandoned that armour somewhere in 1914

        • 7 months ago

          I'm pretty sure they just told their artist "yeah, just do a ww1 thing, whatever, but make sure you make it diverse(tm)"

      • 7 months ago

        didn't know the WW1 european theater was so diverse bros
        you learn something new everyday

        • 7 months ago

          It actually was on the french side at least, which is what is depicted here.

          • 7 months ago

            They were turned into infantry past 1914. They were infantry that wore cuirasses and silly helmets.

      • 7 months ago

        >a black (or Black folk as i like to call them) is in the lading screen

        • 7 months ago

          an 11 year old balkan/latin american typed this post

        • 7 months ago

          an 11 year old balkan/latin american typed this post

          Look everyone, the morons are infighting!

          • 7 months ago

            Hello ESL

            • 7 months ago

              hello iphone troony

              • 7 months ago

                i actually have a samsung

              • 7 months ago

                So you own a phone made by ESLs?

              • 7 months ago

                oh english is my third language

              • 7 months ago

                So you're even more subhuman then an ESL?

          • 7 months ago

            >a black (or Black folk as i like to call them) is in the lading screen

            Thank you Facebook and iFunny for bringing us the best of Latin America

            • 7 months ago

              >you are le Hispanic because i say so
              Does it embarrass you that other anglos, I.E the only human beings on Earth according to your weird racial ideology are engaging in wrongthink?

              • 7 months ago

                >Hispanic embarrassed to be called a spic

                nobody says this except facebook boomers and third worlders learning terminology off of them

              • 7 months ago

                Do you think saying something enough times will magically make it true or something?

      • 7 months ago

        This art is so weird. Not even talking about the diversity but the style, composition, etc is so completely different from any of other other splash art in the game. The proportions look very off too. Really don't like it.

        • 7 months ago
          • 7 months ago

            based pdx artist embracing accelerationism, why bother trying to save a dying race?

          • 7 months ago

            >a black chasing a white girl

        • 7 months ago

          >Why isn't every single person in every piece of media white, this causes me great stress

        • 7 months ago

          That art has been in the game since release, dumbass

          • 7 months ago

            And it's just as bad now as it was then.

        • 7 months ago

          This art has indeed no thought given to composition at all, basically the most important points lead to blank space or nothing relevant at all and even when you overcome the initial disorientation and your eye manages to fix into something relevant in the image, no elements flow into other elements of the illustration at all. Its literally a random scene mashed together with 0 thought.

          • 7 months ago

            I remember the Haitian one being especially terrible with a sappy family parting scene mashed up with a battle taking place 10 feet away from it.

            • 7 months ago

              I just looked up the credits and there are 2 artists credited for the loading screen illustrations, one of them is proficient in all areas (composition included) and the other one can only produce absolutely revolting looking stuff that covers the absolute lack of fundamentals with a goofy cartoon style, I take it these are mostly the result of the second one having more control.

              You be the judge

              • 7 months ago

                Did the second one create the charging Black person scene

          • 7 months ago

            That art has been in the game since release, dumbass

            I mean the new one I was replying to. I posted that as a comparison for how the art normally looks.

            • 7 months ago

              It just looks like the problem has been getting worse and worse

            • 7 months ago

              Its the same fundamental problem except it has gone worse and worse

        • 7 months ago

          Never noticed that random Chinese guy in the back

      • 7 months ago

        >mixed units in WW1

        • 7 months ago

          >moron homosexual on /vst/
          How the FRICK you think that was resolved, you dumb c**t?

      • 7 months ago

        >see france in a game
        >it's always Black folk
        let me fricking die already

        • 7 months ago

          good, less chud in a world is always a good thing

  9. 7 months ago

    >baiting me into playing in South America

    Nice try

  10. 7 months ago

    >war goals and peace deals are completely broken

    • 7 months ago

      That can't be real

      • 7 months ago

        I just saw the streamer who rage quit after the game refused to correctly resolve the peace deal.

    • 7 months ago

      lmao how are they broken now?

      • 7 months ago

        multiple wargoals bug:
        your prime wargoal can be ignored after the peace deal

        • 7 months ago

          No one on the Victoria 3 discord is mentioning it, maybe a rare bug?

          • 7 months ago


  11. 7 months ago

    >still the same cookie clicker from release

    bravo paradox

  12. 7 months ago

    Did Brazil get the most new events/mechanics in the DLC or did the other SA nations also get some?

    • 7 months ago

      Brazil definitely got the most, but there's apparently some new stuff for Paraguay and Gran Columbia too (haven't played yet)

  13. 7 months ago

    This feels borderline racist.

    • 7 months ago

      How come the soldiers don't look like this in my run?

  14. 7 months ago

    its finally not hot garbage and now simply boring with minor issues
    another 12 months and it might become genuinely playable

  15. 7 months ago

    oh boy, i cant heckin wait to make my gay multicultural communist utopia in the 19th century
    what a coincidence that's also the path gives you the most GDP growth xD
    so ebin epic, reddit's gonna love this!

    • 7 months ago

      have sex

      • 7 months ago

        try and make me, homosexual

      • 7 months ago

        as if you have sex iphone troony

    • 7 months ago

      /misc/ you're leaking again.

    • 7 months ago

      Unfortunately for you, history has a free market bias lmao

  16. 7 months ago

    Is it good yet or should I buy CK3 instead?

    • 7 months ago

      I just lost 6 hours in a single session.

    • 7 months ago

      both are solid now

  17. 7 months ago

    >companies are just disguised mission trees
    it's fricking mission trees all the way down. soon they'll make a game where there is nothing but a a mission tree which you to click to win - wait that's just HoI4. frick nuparadox and you gays that shill this shit.

    • 7 months ago

      Ask me how I know you don't play the game.

    • 7 months ago

      The frick you are even blabbing about? Or just got lost on your way for en epic own in a GoY$ thread?

  18. 7 months ago

    So has anyone worked out Paraguay yet? They have practically no labor pool so I'm guessing you want to get out of isolationism ASAP?

    • 7 months ago

      Gonna have to play a shrewd game, chief, and ally with enemies of Argentina. Blobbing options are severely limited.

  19. 7 months ago

    >try to play Bolivia
    >8 Gold mines
    >#1 Gold producer in the world
    >but frick all infrastructure or workers to build the wood and iron needed
    >or Paper

    • 7 months ago

      Once you use up all of the subsistence farmers game just ends

      • 7 months ago

        idk if it's still the same but at launch you could just go full globohomosexual and achieve infinite growth with immigrants

      • 7 months ago

        Except short from imposing the harshest immigration laws, you are going to get immigrants attracted simply because you have half-decent living standards and massive worker shortages, meaning there is a reason to show in your country.

        idk if it's still the same but at launch you could just go full globohomosexual and achieve infinite growth with immigrants

        You can be a racist, absolute monarchy with close to no personal liberties and heavy persecution, and as long as living is good (and if you run out of subsistence farmers, it IS going to be good), you are going to get immigrants anyway. The real difference is your ability to assimilate them

    • 7 months ago

      >try to play Bolivia
      classic beginner mistake

  20. 7 months ago

    >attract European immigration decision keeps sending them all to fricking Bahia

  21. 7 months ago

    frick off wiz, not gonna play your garbage game

  22. 7 months ago

    any reason to play it over Vic2?

    • 7 months ago

      only if youre getting paid. playing that shit is a chore

  23. 7 months ago

    >want to play a comfy Austria game
    >Italy revolts
    >Ruins my war eco since it contains all the sulphur for the country, now can't produce ammo
    >Beat them anyway
    >Prussia declares war for German unification + bohemia
    >Can't concede them Germany and love in peace since I'll lose bohemia
    It's all so tiresome, makes you feel for Franz Joseph
    This was on passive AI as well! Looks like AI launches unification wars regardless

    • 7 months ago

      >Victorian century
      >comfy for Austria
      Anon, I...

    • 7 months ago

      >want to play a comfy Austria game
      >proceeds to b***h about historical outcomes
      >can't even import sulfur

    • 7 months ago

      I wish it was actually that hard to play as Austria.

  24. 7 months ago

    does the still run like shit though

    • 7 months ago

      I read that performance in 1.5 is even worse than before

      • 7 months ago

        The game is fricking unplayable in Europe past 1870s, you move the camera through western Europe and FPS drops from 60 to 10 while paused. I could understand it happening when the game is unpaused since it has to calculate a lot of shit but why does it happen when everything is stopped? What the hell is going on under the hood?

        • 7 months ago

          Graphicsgays is what happened.

          • 7 months ago

            Nah graphics aren't the issue, it must be related to how the game handles pops or something like that. Even if you remove all the buildings on the map you're not going to see a difference in performance.

          • 7 months ago

            Imperator looks better than this and runs perfectly fine

  25. 7 months ago

    The Risorgimento mechanics are fricking broken. Some guy on reddit even got annexed by sardinia-piedmont after forming the HRE. If the AI is building something and then you lose/cede land it remains stuck and it won't build anything anymore but it will still use construction capacity. I can't believe this shit was on a public beta for three fricking months.

    • 7 months ago

      >Some guy on reddit even got annexed by sardinia-piedmont after forming the HRE
      uhh based?

    • 7 months ago

      >Some guy on reddit even got annexed by sardinia-piedmont after forming the HRE
      S-P is just using the speedrun strats

  26. 7 months ago

    does this dogshit of a game run any better yet?

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Depends on how you set your game rules. The main drag is number of pops in an actual group that have to be taken into account, and if you set auto-assimilation of any pop below 500, the game runs WAAAAAY fricking smoother. But that's unrelated with the current patch, I think it was added back in 1.3

  27. 7 months ago

    Today I was playing Greece and while the Ottomans were at war with the Memelukes for Adana I declared on the Memelukes and called the Ottomans in promising them Adana. They joined and contributed warscore for both wars at the same time, got Adana in their own war, ended that, then continued pushing for my war and I had to give them nothing in end, the UI shat itself by printing something across the lines of "The Ottomans annexes the nullstate".

  28. 7 months ago

    I'm very happy with how the game's development is progressing. I'm still gonna wait for SOI though. My instincts tell me that's when the game will really hit its stride.

    Also that's around the time I'll be able to afford my new computer so I don't have much of a choice anyway.

    • 7 months ago

      Recent reviews are now 75% Mostly Positive.

      • 7 months ago

        shills now spamming recent reviews to try and claim this game is saved when the reality is that it's just as shit as before

        • 7 months ago

          >the reality is that it's marginally less shit than it was
          And knowing PDX, they are never going to truly fix AI, so this game is never going to really get out of the Shit Creek

  29. 7 months ago

    this looks like fun, just to watch the chaos

  30. 7 months ago

    Did they fix how tiny countries can pull major powers into any war in exchange for bankroll?

  31. 7 months ago

    oh great, now the game shits itself into being non-responsive whenever there's a big war going on about
    bravo paradox

  32. 7 months ago

    I'm guessing the performance shutting the bed must be because of the new jobseeking system. Especially because no matter what, the amount if jobseejers will always be the amount of workers in a state even if they're more than stable in their factory, needlessly calculating every tick and making some factories or plantations never actually hire. Also replacing amount of peasants+unemployed with meaningless 'jobseekers' makes it provide even less information than 1.0.

    • 7 months ago

      >t. never played the game outside of launch
      Things you're talking about have been fixed in the first major patch post-launch.

    • 7 months ago

      The real reason is now the game is having to take into account AI creating infinite number of military units.
      Expect a classic slap-on-band-aid solution by PDX, in form of "army limit" or some other shit, rather than writing 2 lines of code so AI will stop building more army than X% of its population is serving, depending on said AI stance to militarism

  33. 7 months ago

    It's incredible how quickly territory is taken in unopposed areas. I had one(1) Japanese unit take the entirely of Alaska in a week, and about half of Siberia in a month

    • 7 months ago

      And how moronic the AI is at defending all fronts. This seems to work consistently vs revolts, where an isolated state isn't part of it and you can completely rail them from there. E.g. had the American civil war happen, Florida didn't secede, put 10 units there thinking it'll bind enemy troops, they didn't send any and I captured Georgia, Alabama and the Carolinas for free.

  34. 7 months ago

    And it might as well have stayed in. A year after launch the game still lacks features it should've had then and we're supposed to be happy about them putting it together after they've made the sale.
    It's still pure and unadultered dogshit.
    Flavor is still the driest thing even for major, era-defining countries
    >Oh, we're removing indians from our land? Have the same event with two generic options
    >What do you mean racism is a thing? NO RACISM IS BAD AND YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO HAVE A BLACK US PRESIDENT IN 1855 !!!!
    >Going on expeditions to fill out the last remaining blank spots of the map? Here, have the same generic events everytime
    >Monroe doctrine first declared in 1823? No, if you meddle too much in the Americas as an American nation, every European GP will get involved to cut you down to size or whatever

    Industry is fricking trash
    >Let's use our marxist understanding of the economy so prices have to be in a specific range HURRRR
    >Yes, marx was right, so his understanding of the economy has to be the most powerful mechanic. What do you mean that's historically untenable?
    >What do you mean you want to conduct foreign investment into other countries that are your subjects? It was one of the major interactions between great and lesser powers in the 19th century? You're a larper DURRR

    There's so much shit-tier shit in this game that it astounds me how regressive a new version of a game can be
    >Can't choose acceptance/discrimination of individual culture groups

    Honestly, all I wanted to do is play the US, become an economic hegemon, turn all of South America into banana republics providing me with my resouce needs, and deport freed slaves to Liberia while not discriminating against natives anymore. And you can't. Be prepared for a plethora of game quitting moments because some shitty mechanic is buggy or wasn't thought through or wasn't implemented correctly/at all. Shit game, shit company. Having played it, now I wouldn't even waste the time pirating it.

  35. 7 months ago

    is it possible to make this not run so fricking slowly
    or is there a mod that removed 90% of useless african cultures for speed

    • 7 months ago

      You can try changing pop consolidation to aggressive in the game options.

  36. 7 months ago

    How the hell do I build barracks and conscription offices now? I have prof army and can't build anything

    • 7 months ago

      Through each individual army, by clicking the plus on the units. You have to click their emblem in the military->army tab. Yes, this isn't explained anywhere

  37. 7 months ago

    RIP optimization

  38. 7 months ago

    New hotfix got released

  39. 7 months ago

    >Free V3 weekend
    Alright, time to get first hand experience on this mess besides just watching shit gameplay of it.

  40. 7 months ago

    I tried starting V3 on my hard disk instead of my SSD, those load times are ridiculous

    • 7 months ago

      i ran it on my hard disk and loading is fine
      only the first time running it its slow

  41. 7 months ago

    Why did they make forming the north german confederation so shit you have to go through so many shitty hoops

    • 7 months ago

      The frick you are talking about? Take Scheswig-Holstein and get Hanover into your hands one way or another, too. Which is both the historical and also precedential situation from both Vicky 1 and 2

      • 7 months ago

        You have to beat up austria for german leadership which starts a mini ww1 and you need to fight two wars against denmark because of the meme war system.

        • 7 months ago

          beating up Austria is just part and parcel of being Germany

          • 7 months ago

            Sure but you also have to fight a 3 front war against france, austria, and russia.

            • 7 months ago

              that is not a 100% necessary component of fighting Austria

        • 7 months ago

          >you need to fight two wars against denmark because of the meme war system.
          You don't, it goes in a single go.
          You would know, if you played the game, rather than parroting memes like the moron you are

          • 7 months ago

            No you can only have an annex wargoal for one of their subjects for some reason it doesnt let you add both during a war.

            • 7 months ago

              There's a certain sub-culture of people who exist to complain about things online 24/7. They're in every gaming community, even in /tg/. Anything that happens, they will be there to complain about and insult it relentlessly. Most of the time they haven't even played the games they're b***hing about. You can tell because they'll say things that give away their ignorance. For example: people complaining that the next DLC SOI is us paying for content that was already in vic 2, despite markets being a copypaste of SOIs from vic 2. So clearly they just have no idea what the frick is going on. It's bizarre. I hope they get help.

            • 7 months ago

              ... so you really never played the game. Thanks for sharing

          • 7 months ago

            There's a certain sub-culture of people who exist to complain about things online 24/7. They're in every gaming community, even in /tg/. Anything that happens, they will be there to complain about and insult it relentlessly. Most of the time they haven't even played the games they're b***hing about. You can tell because they'll say things that give away their ignorance. For example: people complaining that the next DLC SOI is us paying for content that was already in vic 2, despite markets being a copypaste of SOIs from vic 2. So clearly they just have no idea what the frick is going on. It's bizarre. I hope they get help.

        • 7 months ago

          don't you only need to make denmark a puppet?

          • 7 months ago

            Still doesnt work you can only make them a protectorate now and even if you reduce autonomy after waiting it still doesnt count.

  42. 7 months ago

    let's not pretend this is anything about "composition", you just don't like it because there's a non-white person in the picture

    • 7 months ago

      Nta, but... there is?
      I think this is next level of chud - they b***h and moan about "muh evil diversity" in pics that don't even contain it

      • 7 months ago

        I'll give you another minute to actually look at the picture this time

        • 7 months ago

          I've looked at it long enough during loading time.

          Why did they make forming the north german confederation so shit you have to go through so many shitty hoops

          You have to beat up austria for german leadership which starts a mini ww1 and you need to fight two wars against denmark because of the meme war system.

          Are you the same stupid homosexual crying about "comfy Austria"?

          • 7 months ago

            well then you're fricking blind or just obtusely facetious aren't you?
            maybe 70-IQ people really do post here

    • 7 months ago

      You could paint them all as hyperboreans and it would still have shit composition

  43. 7 months ago

    >game still runs like shit
    >ai is still moronic
    holy shit will they ever fix this meme game

  44. 7 months ago

    Why isn't this by default included in the game

  45. 7 months ago

    Is it still shit?

    • 7 months ago

      Yes its still the exact same crap and it still runs like shit.

    • 7 months ago


  46. 7 months ago

    >try to pass legislation that doesn't piss off Landlords too much
    >get Coup! journal entry
    >Landlords will coup my government and reinstall Autocracy again
    >it will fail if I just remove them from government
    >resolution is an event with the choice of Landlords -10 opinion or -8
    Yeah, no, I'm done. I am starting a civil war over this shit. Fricking PIECES OF SHIT LANDLORDS.

  47. 7 months ago

    I don't play pozzware.

  48. 7 months ago

    I just played a bit. Loaded in as the UK and traditionally b***hslapped China.
    God the warfare is so much better now, shit's actually playable. My main 2 complaints (not being able to transfer to other HQs and not being able to actually control how many units an army has/merge armies) have all been taken care of.
    It's definitely a bit clunky though. If you make too many armies you will fricking suffer.

    I actually feel like playing the game and I'm no longer dreading going to war anymore. Hopefully the performance doesn't shit itself past 1870 like before.

    • 7 months ago

      >Hopefully the performance doesn't shit itself past 1870 like before.

      • 7 months ago

        I set the pop integration to aggressive and I also have the Save your CPU mod. I'm sure it will be fine haha...

    • 7 months ago

      Performance is still crap it goes to shit by like 1850.

  49. 7 months ago

    They really should just add mission trees every single country just feels the exact same.

    • 7 months ago

      Journal entries, decisions, national formations, custom Companies and modifiers is plenty. Don't need "mission trees".

      It's actually quite unique in blobbing department

      • 7 months ago

        >Journal entries, decisions, national formations, custom Companies and modifiers is plenty. Don't need "mission trees".
        Every country gets those exact same ones though

        • 7 months ago

          We literally just had an update that gave South American countries unique Journal entries. After we got a mild France rework.

          • 7 months ago

            Theres only a couple of events though and a lot of them are shared, mission trees would add a lot more.

            • 7 months ago

              >Journal entries, decisions, national formations, custom Companies and modifiers is plenty. Don't need "mission trees".
              Every country gets those exact same ones though

              There's actually a surprising amount of unique decisions and companies. Even fricking Korea and Finland have them.

              The problem with Vicky 3 is that the core systems are fricking dogshit, there's only one way to develop which is industrialization and political liberalization so every country plays the same as a result. If having an economy based on raw resource extraction or agricultural produce was viable then you could actually for example play Argentina as Argentina instead of just being a shittier version of Prussia.

              • 7 months ago

                >The problem with Vicky 3 is that the core systems are fricking dogshit
                same problem as in CK3
                and no it won't get fixed with "just wait for next DLC"

              • 7 months ago

                Food is just massively overproduced and even if you ignore expanding farms the whole game you'll never run out. It wouldn't be hard to rebalance but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this was intentionally done to make famines impossible and thus prevent people from doing genocides.

              • 7 months ago

                having a good core mechanics isn't easy to implement, it requires time and skill
                it's much easier to just hire minimum wage interns to implement yet another simple minigame on top of crappy mechanics or write 100 stupid events
                and have the community to do alpha testing

              • 7 months ago

                >Food is just massively overproduced
                Depends on bunch of factors, so I will give this one a pass
                >and even if you ignore expanding farms the whole game you'll never run out
                >to make famines impossible
                Famines can happen with ease, even if you have surplus within the market. In fact, 1.5 changes made famines twice as easy to happen, due to local price modifier being even steeper now.
                >muh genocide
                You can completely depopulate a state right from the game's premiere. Have you played the game, or are yet ANOTHER homosexual that talks bullshit for the sake of it, because /vst/ told you the game is borked, so now you are busy inventing shit about it?

              • 7 months ago

                If anything, food is massively underproduced. The trick for it to remain viable is to either never play as China or anything in South and South-East Asia or to prevent those regions from ever increasing their standards of living above 20, or even simply achieving high employment in other branches than agriculture and subsistence farming. And even then, everyone else can sell their food there, so it balances out
                >b-but muh realism
                We are overproducing food on global scale since 1820s and then the Haber process along with first mechanisation of agriculture (horse-drawn reapers and such) made it trivial. And then few other revolutions happened, meaning we are overproducing food for about 20-22 billion people without even trying and with both Europe, the US and Canada deliberately producing less than they could, simply to not collapse the agriculture due to absurdly low prices from oversaturating the market.
                The issue is distribution, not amount of food produced. Malthus was wrong, the fact so many people can't wrap their heads around it for past 220+ years never cease to amaze me

              • 7 months ago

                >We are overproducing food on global scale since 1820s and then the Haber process along with first mechanisation of agriculture (horse-drawn reapers and such) made it trivial. And then few other revolutions happened, meaning we are overproducing food for about 20-22 billion people without even trying and with both Europe, the US and Canada deliberately producing less than they could, simply to not collapse the agriculture due to absurdly low prices from oversaturating the market.
                The issue is distribution, not amount of food produced. Malthus was wrong, the fact so many people can't wrap their heads around it for past 220+ years never cease to amaze me
                Yes, I am aware that there is physically enough food to feed everyone and that it's been true since the dawn of industrial agriculture. That doesn't change the fact that the game does not well simulate the economic conditions that lead to food being valuable regardless. Europe was (and is) heavily reliant on food imports from the Americas but this doesn't happen at all in game because Britain, France, Germany, etc can easily feed themselves and have no reason to rely on cheap American grain.

                Famines also just aren't a thing at all (outside of a single event for Krakatoa) so you can't capitalize on say the 1848 famines of Europe or the Northern Chinese Famine with food exports.

              • 7 months ago

                >That doesn't change the fact that the game does not well simulate the economic conditions that lead to food being valuable regardless
                You mean: the game starts when this is already a thing and thus can only go into absurdities of overproduction?
                >Famines also just aren't a thing at all
                Try playing anyone outside of Europe. Particularly in China. Good luck preventing famines. Even when focusing on agriculture.

              • 7 months ago

                >there's only one way to develop which is industrialization
                IMAGINE that a game set in 1836 massively pushes industrialisation

              • 7 months ago

                Argentina was one of the wealthiest countries in the world in early 1900s, despite lack of heavy industrialization
                it's just a sign of bad game design to force everybody to play in the same way

              • 7 months ago

                >Argentina spent all its export profits to buy everything they weren't making at home
                Which, guess what - is perfectly feasible in Vicky 3.
                But you didn't play it, and instead b***h about it.

              • 7 months ago

                Russia didn't properly industrialize until the revolution and they were still a great power throughout the entire period. Argentina had a GDP per capita higher than the US or most of Europe until 1930 based solely on agriculture. America's rise to dominance after WW1 came not just from industrial output but also from being the primary food supplier of Europe.

                I'm not saying you should be able to become the #1 great power just by building plantations but you should still be able to reach at least secondary power status. And agriculture should be an actually important part of the economy instead of being nearly completely irrelevant.

              • 7 months ago

                Argentina's entire beef trade was made possible by its industrialisation in tinning and freezing the product, and Russia was noticeably hamstrung by its lack of industry

              • 7 months ago

                Yes, I'm not saying industrialization shouldn't be important. The problem is that how much steel you can make is practically the only thing that matters in Vicky 3 economics because there's absolutely no market for raw resources. Food is abundant and even cash crops and rare minerals are oddly plentiful. You can't create an economy based around agriculture or extraction with supplemental industry or even any sort of multi-sector economy at all because only heavy industry matters.

              • 7 months ago

                He's talking GDP, moron. Which the game does represent correctly and also makes a clear distinction between "your country has big GDP" and "your country is capable of sustaining itself" AND "your country has high GDP per capita"

              • 7 months ago

                >based solely on agriculture
                It's a bit more complex than that, since you talk predominately food production. Argentina's main source of income was wool. So yeah, agriculture, but not food.

              • 7 months ago

                >you should still be able to reach at least secondary power status
                Which is more than possible.
                Play the game, so you will be able to b***h about things that are its actual issues

              • 7 months ago

                Uh isn't that just what Vicky2 did? Why are you trying to play the colonization industrialization game without taking part in either

              • 7 months ago

                >there's only one way to develop which is industrialization
                >political liberalization
                Also wrong

                You would know, if you bothered to play the game at any point after the premiere, rather than b***hing about the release state of it. You can run a totalitarian state or even an absolute monarchy with slavery and no personal liberties of any kind and be successful. You can run completely closed up country with no trade with the outside world and be successful. You can entirely ignore building factories and other than having shortage of artillery (although the split of the factories seems to alleviate the problem), you will do just fine. Hell, you can end up with a super-successful country build around agriculture, no freedom, no voting, fricking debt slavery and still get immigrants flock to it, because that place will be a wonderland to live in due to high GDP per capita, high living standards and having shortage of workers. Which isn't even hard to achieve nor requires some hive country like China or any part of India.

    • 7 months ago

      >Journal entries, decisions, national formations, custom Companies and modifiers is plenty. Don't need "mission trees".
      Every country gets those exact same ones though

      ... and giving them the same "mission trees" is going to change that... how, you absolute moron? Other than railroading idiots like you, so they can both know what they should be doing in advance AND b***h about the game being "cookie clicker"?

  50. 7 months ago

    >prussia declares war over german leadership against austria
    >also adds tyrol and south tyrol as war goals
    >it can't actually reach those provinces because they've reached a stalemate after taking bohemia
    >meaning the war will never end since since austria will never go below 0 war support because prussia doesn't control the war goals
    >the war will go on forever until one country completely collapses due to casualties

    • 7 months ago

      This happened to me.
      Played as Russia, tried taking their claims against Qing. War dragged on for years, nearly 1 mil deaths both sides, I conquered half of china but they never dropped because I didn't have fricking outer Manchuria then I did a shitty naval invasion and took the whole state within 1 week.

      • 7 months ago

        They slapped each other for a couple years, lost a million people each and white peaced. I'm pretty sure Germany will never form.

    • 7 months ago

      You don't actually need to occupy your wargoals. You get beeg ticking warscore from occupying enemy capital.

    • 7 months ago

      >>the war will go on forever until one country completely collapses due to casualties

  51. 7 months ago


    >neo nazi larp
    >posting pro uke shit
    Sloppy job ivan

  52. 7 months ago

    >b-b-but Russia
    It's that schizo, isn't it?

  53. 7 months ago

    War is still pretty moronic
    Why aren't naval blockades ending a war a thing, UK needs to conquer 1/4 of China just to win the opium war and for some reason doesn't even get Hong Kong out of it
    Russia struggles to beat China even with far better units just because chinks have numbers? Irregulars should melt in the face of line infantry and cannons tbh
    Also I fricking hate having allies/puppets in a war, why are they allowed to completely mess up my chance of winning because their shitty 4 unit stack attacks instead of my 40 unit stack and always loses

  54. 7 months ago

    hey remember that one country that never industrialised but still became a major power through agriculture and resource extraction

    • 7 months ago

      >What is Russian Empire
      >What is Russia to this very day
      Although I would argue about modern Russia being "major power" - more like secondary power with delusion of gradeur and a leftover diplomatic position from the Soviet times

    • 7 months ago

      >What was Canada between between the transcontinental railroad and WW1
      >What was Brazil, that build its entire economy on agriculture and fricking hunter-gatherers going into the jungle for rubber
      >What was Argentina, at certain point 6th economy of the planet
      >What was Nationalist China during the Golden Decade
      And dare I say it
      >What was Austrio-Hungary, where 75% of the country's industry was located in what's today Czech Republic, supplying rest of the "empire"

      • 7 months ago

        CK3 is exactly the same: there is hardly any difference between playing an african tribal, muslim, or western european feudal lord
        just some modifiers which doesn't change the base game

        • 7 months ago

          I suppose you replied to a wrong post, while also being wrong in your claim. Oh well

  55. 7 months ago

    why are half the mods in chinese

    • 7 months ago

      >Game set literally within the Century of Humiliation
      >Why Chinks are so interested in it?

  56. 7 months ago

    is it possible to export within your market?
    I've noticed wood is expensive in the UK and I have a surplus down in the Cape, can I export it to them?

    • 7 months ago

      If you're part of the UK market they already have access to your wood, the local price modifier is just making it cheaper in your own wood producing states.

  57. 7 months ago

    The more I read all the b***hing about this game, the more convinced I am the people crying never, ever, not even once played it at fricking all, but just saw Spiffing Brit's Jan Mayen meme run and not only completely missed the point, but decided to claim nonsense as extrapolation of that video.

  58. 7 months ago

    Played New Grenada, bumrushed Ecuador, dismantled bolivia and annexed Venezuela in about 20 years. Capped out my weekly innovation, set out to get more gold in borneo and transvaal. All this while aggressively expanding construction and min-maxing early buildings to get industrilization going. Hell I didn't even have arm industries for 30 years and relied on big daddy USA to sell me weapons for my armies.
    My problem with all of this is even then AI Brazil still catches up, is able to field 150 regiment and is barely lagging behind in GDP. Research is painfully slow even with maxxed out inno and most of the micromanagement for building shit doesn't feel impactful at all. I can't research meaningful military tech quickly enough to get an advantage compared to earlier version of the game. Hell in previous version if you had General staff (Skirmish Infantry) a little bit of artillery and a decent general you could steam roll other nations with 3-4times less troops than them.
    Like some other poster said, what's the good of specializing? You can't make meaningful money from cutting the entire amazon and selling it to whiteys. The trade volumes are gonna be low and the cut you get from tariff low as well.
    I get the game lacking flavour events and all that crap but there's something fundamentally wrong with the efforts to reward in this game.

    • 7 months ago

      >set out to get more gold in borneo and transvaal
      Literally what for? I genuinely and sincerely don't get why so many people obsess over gold in Vicky 3. The minting mechanics are meaningless if you have as much as 1 mil people to rub together and semi-functional economy. It's not even a good kick-starter for said economy, since the profits are just laughably low.
      So what am I missing here? Genuinely asking.

      More on top of your post:
      If you aren't capping your research in the first year, you are doing it wrong. It's irreplaceable in current mechanics and thus any sort of delay in increasing your research cap will hurt you in the long and even short run.
      >most of the micromanagement for building shit doesn't feel impactful at all
      Vast majority of building settings are for the (currently slowly retired) system of "double production", where Factory N is making Good A as main product and Good B as a by-product. The micro is there to increase production of Good B and not completely kill production of Good A. They already decided that the system is moronic and are slowly going back to good old "just build separate factory for various goods". The only other micro that matters is the "do I have enough pops or not" employment setting. Stuff like using rotory valve engines or mechanised looms, so your factories suddenly fire (or not, depending on your timing) 30% of workforce, but because of that, you can put that workforce to OTHER factory. Big deal when you are tiny-ass country with tiny-ass population, irreverent otherwise
      > You can't make meaningful money from cutting the entire amazon and selling it to whiteys
      So just like IRL?
      >The trade volumes are gonna be low
      Depends on what you are trading and to whom
      >the cut you get from tariff low as well.
      If you are trading for the sake of tariffs, you are doing it wrong already. Pro-tip: you want taxation of your population and them consuming shit you are making.

    • 7 months ago

      >set out to get more gold in borneo and transvaal
      Literally what for? I genuinely and sincerely don't get why so many people obsess over gold in Vicky 3. The minting mechanics are meaningless if you have as much as 1 mil people to rub together and semi-functional economy. It's not even a good kick-starter for said economy, since the profits are just laughably low.
      So what am I missing here? Genuinely asking.

      More on top of your post:
      If you aren't capping your research in the first year, you are doing it wrong. It's irreplaceable in current mechanics and thus any sort of delay in increasing your research cap will hurt you in the long and even short run.
      >most of the micromanagement for building shit doesn't feel impactful at all
      Vast majority of building settings are for the (currently slowly retired) system of "double production", where Factory N is making Good A as main product and Good B as a by-product. The micro is there to increase production of Good B and not completely kill production of Good A. They already decided that the system is moronic and are slowly going back to good old "just build separate factory for various goods". The only other micro that matters is the "do I have enough pops or not" employment setting. Stuff like using rotory valve engines or mechanised looms, so your factories suddenly fire (or not, depending on your timing) 30% of workforce, but because of that, you can put that workforce to OTHER factory. Big deal when you are tiny-ass country with tiny-ass population, irreverent otherwise
      > You can't make meaningful money from cutting the entire amazon and selling it to whiteys
      So just like IRL?
      >The trade volumes are gonna be low
      Depends on what you are trading and to whom
      >the cut you get from tariff low as well.
      If you are trading for the sake of tariffs, you are doing it wrong already. Pro-tip: you want taxation of your population and them consuming shit you are making.

      >there's something fundamentally wrong with the efforts to reward in this game.
      I agree. Whipping China into shape feels like a casual stroll, not a fight for survival. Turning the clusterfrick that's USCA into functional country and recreating the Republic in Vicky 3 feels like a complete joke, even with the self-imposed restrains. Ottomans back in the game? b***h please, the timer should be half as long as it is and it would still be a breeze. I think the only challenging country right now is Transvaal, because thanks to the reworked combat mechanics, you get the short straw in the changes (as probably the only country in the game) and get fricked as a result, as there is no way in hell to successfully defend against historical British attack or, for that matter, preemptively attacking Cape (unless Bongs get really fricking busy).
      I wish this game at least had functional mechanics for AI to follow through with historical events. Otherwise, it's a slog, and you never really feel challenged in any way. I'm not asking for Vicky 1 tier fake difficulty build on starting modifiers, but at least do something that I don't conquer most of the world as still very much Imperial and Manchu China by 1900.

    • 7 months ago

      >Hell in previous version if you had General staff (Skirmish Infantry) a little bit of artillery and a decent general you could steam roll other nations with 3-4times less troops than them.
      They changed something about the military stats from the beta and now defending is way overvalued. Playing as Korea, I have an army half the size of Qing with double the stats but I still can't push into them. Even Russia, France, and Britain keep launching wars against them and failing. Every war is WW1 trenches and attrition even from the start of the game.

    • 7 months ago

      Burn in hell, blobber scum.

    • 7 months ago

      i know that feel bro. i kinda want growth to be easier/faster, maybe just if you fill some niche. but as the game currently stands there's no real reward if you deviate from the basic iron/coal/steel+gold rush loop. everything just feels kneecapped, slower, and more boring.

  59. 7 months ago

    argentina is pretty fun ngl

  60. 7 months ago

    Ok I'm going to try this shit again to see if it's less terrible than it was before. Someone spoonfeed me some mods that help make it less bad pls

    • 7 months ago
      this one is pretty essential for any playthrough

  61. 7 months ago

    you know the games boring gameplay loop could be 10x better if the game just ran faster
    you sit around waiting for things to build or pass and since its so moronely slow i have alt tab to something else

    • 7 months ago

      i don't know why there are even speeds lower than 5. seems like it would be complete torture to actually use them

    • 7 months ago

      paradox games in a nutshell, i remember one anon who said that ck3 would work much better if it was turn based and i have to agree with him even if i prefer rts warfare

      • 7 months ago

        >ck3 would work much better if it was turn based
        Check out Old World if you haven't already.

        • 7 months ago

          Thanks for the recommendation but it looks like a Civ clone, does it play like one or is it different where it matters?

  62. 7 months ago

    Job satisfaction is kinda broken, like holy shit in the same province i have an iron mine where the laborers have four times the wage of a subsistence farmer but they won't switch because they have higher wages than the country average, wat.

    • 7 months ago

      >hey you wanna leave your comfy farm and work in a MINE?
      >we haven't invented any safety measures yet
      >but you get paid more
      Realistic, tbh

      • 7 months ago

        Subsistence farming is miserable work. There's a reason why sweatshops are so popular in the developing world.

        • 7 months ago

          don't bother he's a communist dipshit

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah, it's imperialism. Don't bother. I'm a communist, dipshit.

          >developing world wants nothing better than to make you fricking shoes and mine you lithium

          You're talking about a period of time when child labour was legal, there was no regulations, and barely any protections.

        • 7 months ago

          >Subsistence farming is miserable
          >1850s mining is better!
          You never in your life were in a mine, not to mention historical one

          t. former coal miner, from a long line of coal miners

          • 7 months ago

            All work was miserable. Difference is that industrial jobs paid better.

            • 7 months ago

              It's an empirical claim you making, what is the workplace survey you are citing that shows that a) all people consider their jobs miserable, i.e. their job satisfaction is at 0% in that survey and b) that number is held constant across different workplaces in the same salary range.

            • 7 months ago

              >industrial jobs paid better.

              the reason peasant left to the cities en masse isnt because industrial jobs paid more or were better, its because the demand for agricultural labour was at an all time low due to industrialization in agriculture
              this coupled with the fact that by then, most farming grounds were in enclosures, meant that no one needed farmers and no one hired them. this is what led to the exodus to industry, not because those jobs paid well or anything but because they existed

              • 7 months ago

                Industrialization of agriculture largely happened AFTER urban industrialization. You did not have large scale agricultural industrialization until around 1910s, after Haber-Bosch process was invented

          • 7 months ago

            It's an empirical claim you making, what is the workplace survey you are citing that shows that a) all people consider their jobs miserable, i.e. their job satisfaction is at 0% in that survey and b) that number is held constant across different workplaces in the same salary range.

            >industrial jobs paid better.

            the reason peasant left to the cities en masse isnt because industrial jobs paid more or were better, its because the demand for agricultural labour was at an all time low due to industrialization in agriculture
            this coupled with the fact that by then, most farming grounds were in enclosures, meant that no one needed farmers and no one hired them. this is what led to the exodus to industry, not because those jobs paid well or anything but because they existed

            In-game you dumbfrick, there is absolutely nothing logical in-game that stops those farmers from changing jobs other than a very poorly thought job satisfaction mechanic.

            • 7 months ago

              >working on your own plot of land is better and more satisfactory
              job satisfaction is a good thing

              • 7 months ago

                >one year of bad harvest
                >subsist on rocks for that entire year and live miserably
                yeah, i would love to be in tune with nature where chance can completely frick up your standard of living.

            • 7 months ago

              The irony of the fact you can't see the difference between better wage and having a satisfying job while b***hing about "broken" job satisfaction system is fricking golden.

  63. 7 months ago

    Who cares, the millitary is not even the biggest issue the game has. It's the dumbing down and gamification of everything to do with POPs. Private investment, migration, politics, etc. And of course the boring cookie-clicker gameplay. None of that was fixed and none that will ever be fixed as long as Wiz is charge of this game, since that is an explicit core of his design philosophy.

    • 7 months ago

      >Private investment
      Re-added and better than it ever was in Vicky 2 since now aristocrats and the middle/lower classes can invest in and build factories instead of just capitalists.

      • 7 months ago

        troonyshill help this man please

        Never played Vic. What's to do?

      • 7 months ago

        Readded in a shitty way because of construction queque. Private investment never builds enough and never in time and it's too easy to intervene, so you are incentivised to go on a massive state construction project even as a laissez-faire country. The Construction Queque is precisely the sort of gamification I am talking about, not to mention only player can build construction sectors which are paid from the state budget.
        And in Vicky 2 aristrocrats didn't need to finance building, since you didn't need to build RGOs, moron.

        • 7 months ago

          kek did I understood this correctly?
          >only state can build construction capacity, which is paid with state money
          >no one else can construct anything
          >"private investment" means game adds some building to state construction queue, whose construction costs are still paid with state money (except initial costs)
          and this means autonomous private investment!?

          • 7 months ago

            You aren't understanding that correctly, no. Thanks for asking though

            • 7 months ago

              which part was wrong?

          • 7 months ago

            so you havent even played the game?

            • 7 months ago

              no i didnt
              thats why i asked

          • 7 months ago

            Yes, you understood it correctly. That is exactly how it works.
            And even under "laissez-faire" law, 25% of the total construction capacity is reserved for the state.

            • 7 months ago

              kek so we have this situation
              >private owners want to expand the factory
              >the gathered enough money etc.
              >but state has the monopoly on construction, no one can build anything, not even a lumber camp without the state
              >construction queue is fully booked for a decade
              >private owners need to wait for a decade before their factory can be expanded
              most realistic economic situation ever created!

              • 7 months ago

                >but state has the monopoly on construction, no one can build anything, not even a lumber camp without the state
                >construction queue is fully booked for a decade
                no this isn't how it works

              • 7 months ago

                really? then how does it work?
                do private investments get their own construction queue which is not constrained by the state's construction capacity?

              • 7 months ago

                >do private investments get their own construction queue
                yes and the construction capacity is split between the state queue and private queue with the exact split between the two being determined by your laws
                the construction capacity used by the private queue is then compensated to you

                an issue i do have with this is that the allocation to the state queue isnt 0 if you have Laissez Faire, probably because of all the whining about LF in vicky 2

              • 7 months ago

                >an issue i do have with this is that the allocation to the state queue isnt 0 if you have Laissez Faire
                Nta, but WHY would or should it be 0? I never understood this moronic logic, especially since there ARE things that your government has to build on its own regardless of anything.
                My main gripe with this system is that they HAD an option to introduce stock market into the game by means of offering OTHER pop types contribute to the pool, but decided that nah, why bother, so you are stuck with the balancing act between aristocrats (I hate the fact that you are stuck with them via the new employment system), capitalists (who even with traditionalism have the best effect on your pool) and the handful of shopkeepers (that cease to exist if you don't export heavily) and farmers (who are worthless unless you have homesteading AND agrarianism, even if they end up making third of your employment).
                All of this could be merged with the old stock and bonds system, but that would probably chug too much CPU, so here we are, with a shy step in the right direction.

              • 7 months ago

                >especially since there ARE things that your government has to build on its own regardless of anything.
                They removed barracks in the latest update, so that leaves only Government Administration building basically.

              • 7 months ago

                >so that leaves only Government Administration building basically.
                There are also ports and universities. As far as unis can be private, I can't recall privately build ports. I know national ports that have been (foolishly) sold, but the new owner is just different nation, not a private person or a company.

              • 7 months ago

                >Nta, but WHY would or should it be 0?
                >I never understood this moronic logic, especially since there ARE things that your government has to build on its own regardless of anything.
                yes except the state can build everything on LF in game

              • 7 months ago

                ... yes, and?
                I still fail to grasp the point you are trying to make. If anything, Lazy Fairy as portrayed in Vicky 2 was just plain moronic. Government not giving a flying frick what Joe, Tim and Bob are doing with their companies and offering the barest of regulations doesn't mean the same government isn't going to build its own enterprises, or create tax incentives for people to do it on their own. By your logic, Lazy Fairy should be just an-cap anarchy.

              • 7 months ago

                They have their own queue, but it's still constrained by state construction capacity. Highest it can go is 75% of total construction under laissez-faire law. Under interventionism it's 50%. Shill are lying to you as usual btw.

        • 7 months ago

          The state owned construction sectors aren't a perfect system but they're still a better part of the simulation than them not existing at all in Vicky 2. There are no construction workers in Vicky 2, you just buy cement and machine parts and then buildings appear via magic. The Vicky 3 implementation is just objectively more grounded and less gamey.

          kek did I understood this correctly?
          >only state can build construction capacity, which is paid with state money
          >no one else can construct anything
          >"private investment" means game adds some building to state construction queue, whose construction costs are still paid with state money (except initial costs)
          and this means autonomous private investment!?

          The investment pool buildings are entirely paid for by the pop investors in terms of the resources going into them, but the construction sectors are state-owned so you're still paying the employees that work there.

          • 7 months ago

            >The Vicky 3 implementation >is just objectively more grounded and less gamey.
            countries have free >construction mana of out thin air
            but increasing this requires lot of time and resources
            more grounded and less gamey??
            can you rearrange buildings put by "private investors" in the queue?

        • 7 months ago

          >Nooo, the construction queque bad, because... reasons, ok?
          The new construction system is one of the few things that the game does better than Vicky 2. But I guess if you only ever read about release state of the game, than it's a given to b***h about it.

          kek did I understood this correctly?
          >only state can build construction capacity, which is paid with state money
          >no one else can construct anything
          >"private investment" means game adds some building to state construction queue, whose construction costs are still paid with state money (except initial costs)
          and this means autonomous private investment!?

          No, you got it wrong.
          But it's not like you care, since you are here for epic memes

          • 7 months ago

            The construction queue is the worst thing in the game.
            > Build 50 factories in your population dense region
            > "Whoops, can't expand any mines in another continent now! All the construction workers in the entire nation were just shipped over to the capital!"
            Complete braindead system.
            You should be able to build anything anywhere at any time, just like in Victoria 2. Construction sectors should give you faster construction progress in the state they are built and it should scale so you eventually need them unless you want to wait 40 years for stuff to build.

            • 7 months ago

              I'm honestly shocked that they still haven't limited construction to local progress only. They did it with electricity finally but it makes zero sense that construction is treated as a lump sum still.

            • 7 months ago

              The most moronic thing about construction is that it's not integrated with market at all. There is no demand for construction, so it must be entirely maintained by the state. And no, it's not "spirit of the nation", all construction workers are explicitly paid out of the state budget.

              • 7 months ago

                Private investors use construction points and have to spend their own money

              • 7 months ago

                The reason is pretty simple: if there were separate investment pools for either, the AI would got completely bogged down. It's not as much as intended mechanic, and more of a shitty compromise so AI can still handle construction, rather than being perpetually stuck with just building private constructor sector. They've tried that in beta builds, and AI just couldn't wrap its head around it.

  64. 7 months ago

    New war system has a lot of potential but it's still unfun to actually play because the UI is still cancer. Though if someone manages to make the economy good it might be worth fighting the UI to play the thing now

  65. 7 months ago

    am i missing something or is diplomacy still completely fricked
    i'll spend 5 years buttering someone up and even offer them an obligation in exchange for an alliance, and then when i randomly check on them a year later they've broken the alliance without any warning or notification or anything to indicate why this has happened

    • 7 months ago

      also to add, why do countries randomly keep peacing out of wars that are very clearly about to be won and they stand to benefit from it
      is this intended design or what's causing this

    • 7 months ago

      Alliances are completely broken, don't rely on them, don't expect them to work. No idea when this is to be fixed, but my guess is: never

      also to add, why do countries randomly keep peacing out of wars that are very clearly about to be won and they stand to benefit from it
      is this intended design or what's causing this

      Because the war support mechanic is designed in such a way that you can only keep fighting for X long, and then your country is forced to either propose a peace deal or surrender to one.
      You ddin't specify anything, but there are following to surrender:
      - % of the country under occupation
      - % of force already lost
      - is capital occupied
      - how is the budget doing, especially if there is still reserve
      - if you're on credit - how badly
      AI generally prefers to peace out than go under, because going under means it would have to peace out anyway. In other words: economic collapse of a country is a viable way for it to surrender, even if it is winning on the fronts.
      However, since you didn't specify any details, I just gave you a rough list of factors to look out for. German "unification" is particularly wonky, since AI has no idea how to do it, and ends up flat-out conquering bits and pieces. Last game prior to 1.5, I had Prussia that conquered by force most of Germany proper AND took capital state from Austria, BUT didn't get Schleswig nor Holsteir, and, more importantly, Bavaria was wholly independent. To make things worse, France somehow managed to get Prussia under its wing, so the resulting clusterfrick was pumping into French market and economy. Meanwhile, Ottomans were from Venice to India, and that's under AI.

  66. 7 months ago

    Population growth is still slow as shit. I played a Brazil game and that was fine and I'm going to do a Centroamerica run but I doubt I'll play after that. I can't really say what I don't like though it's just meh. Though the fact I'm playing says that it's a better meh than the abysmal state before this.

    • 7 months ago

      >Population growth is still slow as shit
      From the top of my head:
      - implement healthcare in any other form than "wealth"
      - get cozy with clergy
      - run a super religious state or outright theocracy
      - don't overbuild construction
      - don't use raw nitroglycerin
      - turn women into a breeding stock by legal means

      • 7 months ago

        >Deliberately gimp yourself or force a playstyle to get somewhat similar pop metrics to OTL.

        • 7 months ago

          >Deliberately gimp yourself
          >force a playstyle
          Black person, you literally have any option you wish to increase birthrates. What fricking ELSE did you wanted from the game other than implementing one of THREE different healthcare models or just being a trad- and or trad-religious? Come on, drop on us the "missing" solution, after the healthcare and laws of the country.

          • 7 months ago

            The issue isn't overwhelming population growth it's just getting growth anywhere near OTL. You shouldn't have to deliberately play as tradCon land to not be behind whatever OTL country you're playing by up to 2 times. And that's after healthcare.

            >gimp yourself
            how is any of what he said gimping yourself?

            • 7 months ago

              >You shouldn't have to deliberately play as tradCon land
              i've got news for you about the way things were up to the sexual revolution in the 1960s

              • 7 months ago

                > what is the USSR

              • 7 months ago

                you still had a traditional family structure in the USSR, it wasn't laterally Sodom and Gomorrah like some morons like to claim

                TradCon land for the 19th century obviously in the context of game mechanics.

                >tradcon for the 19th century
                >men being head of the family and religion being influential
                what are you smoking anon

              • 7 months ago

                > you still had a traditional family structure in the USSR
                so? You still have this in the US too.
                the USSR was the first country to legalize same sex marriage and abortion, hardly "tradCon"

              • 7 months ago

                >legalize same sex marriage
                yeah you know nothing

              • 7 months ago

                The USSR was openly against homosexuality anon, you're full of shit. The Bolsheviks only very briefly decriminalized homosexuality but never allowed gay marriage, and it was made illegal again as soon as Stalin came to power. Even mentioning homosexuality could get you arrested in the USSR.

              • 7 months ago

                >what are you smoking anon
                The game mechanics you baiter.

              • 7 months ago

                TradCon land for the 19th century obviously in the context of game mechanics.

            • 7 months ago

              That's a problem of ALL PDX games, not just Victoria or 3 in particular. My absolute favourite is GoY$, which uses real-world population numbers, except from year 1930, set it in 1936 and has a flat growth rate that isn't even remotely close real-life numbers.
              As for population growth, the math is perfectly fine. The real issue is how unfeasible it is to maintain SoL of 30 for your lower strata within the game mechanics. 20 is doable, but hard. 30 is near impossible. BUT should you do that, you will WISH your people would stop fricking so hard, because their ever-growing, skyrocketing numbers are going to overwhelm the global economy
              In other words, if your population isn't growing on par with real life ranges, you are having too low SoL, but it wouldn't hurt if the game implemented the same system as it has for education right now: handful of techs offering the 0.05% per SoL (and thus wealth) access to health care, just like they do with education. That would help with ambient growth as the tech progresses.

        • 7 months ago

          >gimp yourself
          how is any of what he said gimping yourself?

  67. 7 months ago

    Isn't it kind of weird how Japan in 1836 doesn't have a single iron mine? Did the developers just think Japan wasn't using metal at all?

    • 7 months ago

      Buildings in Victoria 3 represent whole industrial sectors why do you think they take so long to construct

    • 7 months ago

      Maybe they were but the mines were not enough for industrial scale

  68. 7 months ago

    performance is still awful mid/late game and the higher construction costs aren't fun cuz it's harder to make the line go up if you start as some mid unrecognized country.

  69. 7 months ago

    Probably needs 2 more waves of hotfix to be in an acceptable state.

    companies are broken right now for instance
    >build company
    >realize it isn't profitable
    >dissolve it
    >game prevents me from switching company

    • 7 months ago

      Can't impose laws on subjects either though it is available as a choice, them knowing the bugs and listing them doesn't make it any better, fixing them would

  70. 7 months ago

    so what are some quintessential mods?

  71. 7 months ago

    Why do the devs take commie propaganda about the English enclosure movement and apply it universally? Do they really think being dirt poor and near starvation slaving away on your lord's farm was better than factory work?

  72. 7 months ago

    Never played Vic. What's to do?

    • 7 months ago

      >get a good economy, through colonies, conquest or just growth
      >be boring and play an Atlantic major or one of their puppets
      >be mildly engaging and play in Asia, Middle East or South America
      >be spicy and play in Africa

      • 7 months ago

        What do the latter two entail?

        • 7 months ago

          Fixing the trainwrecks that are Ottoman Empire and Qing China. Uniting Arabia as Egypt. Modernizing as Japan or Brazil. Trying to pay off your debt as Haiti. Uniting a huge portion of Africa and trying to resist Europe as Sokoto, Algiers remnants, or Acholi. Just suffering as Madagascar, because they're the only ones that start with a modifier that boosts your mortality rate, and a unique decision to get rid of it, but only upon your current ruler's removal.

          • 7 months ago

            This sounds pretty linear.

            • 7 months ago

              The clock only goes forward, too.

              • 7 months ago

                As opposed to going backwards?

              • 7 months ago

                Yes, regrettably, time is also linear, which might interfere without desire for free form play.

  73. 7 months ago

    My only complaint is that the game lacks flavor
    The Brazil DLC itself was very mild in what it added, despite being a step in a good direction imo
    They lost a big opportunity without adding a chain of events for the South American dreadnought race, for example. It could be used for a pretext to a pre-WW1 war in the game, in which Brazil and Argentina get to be the first nations to use dreadnoughts in a war or tensions cool down over time depending on what the player does (OTL)
    No Pacific War events
    No Platine War... No Uruguayan Civil War (which leads to the Paraguayan War)
    These interactions are what makes a region interesting to play, otherwise it all feels the same as one poster already mentioned

    • 7 months ago

      They should also add different starting dates, maybe 1790 or 1800.

    • 7 months ago

      >a chain of events
      >in nu-PDX games
      homie, what? Events are for ebic memes now

      • 7 months ago

        Journal entry then? Whatever they call it, you get the idea

        • 7 months ago

          I get the idea, but my point is that those days are gone. Journals can't get shit done, because they are guidelines for human player. AI is utterly clueless about them, has zero urgency to finish them and also doesn't get any guidance toward finishing them.
          The solution is very simple, all it takes is adding a bunch of weighted modifiers for AI to do bunch of things, BUT this being nu-PDX, they won't do that and instead eventually either implement the moronic mission trees (so the AI will be 200% railroaded) OR some other stupid railroad system, that will both gimp AI even more and provide bunch of broken features for players to abuse (along with knowing AI behaviour beforehand).
          Believe me, I wish I could see the clusterfrick in South America. But I know that other than having human players manning all the post, it's not going to happen

          And from the other side of the argument, there is always the thing that annoys me with historical events since about IN came out for EU3: they railroad you no matter what. Early events had set of requirements to happen and chains of them had requirements to stick. This meant that MOST of the time you get a historical outcome, but there was a room for other choices, and the more factors had to pile-up, the more wiggle room there was. Of course this required back in the day enormous effort to script it all, so it was abandoned eventually and by IN, they just had general events for historical situations that fired virtually on their own, no matter what, which got worse over time.
          With their current engine and scripting, it is perfectly possible to return to early days of events without forcing a railroad... but PDX isn't interested, and vast majority of modders do the "hardcore historical outcome", which leads to boring slog to play, as you know the outcome of events already and there is no room for deviation.
          Shame, really. I know already that expecting a Vicky 3 mod that does "historicals" is bound to be a railroad, so meh

          • 7 months ago

            I don't mind railroading.

            • 7 months ago

              >Yes, I got tired with gayman meme, this is my new replacement
              This image is floating around for less than a month and already became a sign of homosexualry and contrarianism, the stupid kind.

              • 7 months ago

                >gayman meme
                What's that? And it's been a popular meme for over a year now.

              • 7 months ago

                >gayman meme

              • 7 months ago

                NTA, but how is gigachad gay? You're just one of those people who see trannies and gays everywhere, presumably because of your own insecurities.

              • 7 months ago

                >He doesn't know why it's called gayman

            • 7 months ago

              I do. Especially when there is perfectly possible solution to avoid it, but still leave behind just enough guidance for AI to behave in a specific way, so things can be prevented, but usually won't. If the whole game is predetermined, right down to specific days, it's just boring slog that's gonna play the same time and again.

          • 7 months ago

            I do. Especially when there is perfectly possible solution to avoid it, but still leave behind just enough guidance for AI to behave in a specific way, so things can be prevented, but usually won't. If the whole game is predetermined, right down to specific days, it's just boring slog that's gonna play the same time and again.

            >I know already that expecting a Vicky 3 mod that does "historicals" is bound to be a railroad, so meh
            I used to think like you when it came to railroaded campaigns until I noticed that all the most famous mods for Paradox games tended to be mods that railroaded campaigns really hard, so all I can say is that this is what most players want and we're the minority.

            • 7 months ago

              >all the most famous mods for Paradox games tended to be mods that railroaded campaigns really hard
              >so all I can say is that this is what most players want
              Those two statements aren't even remotely related to each other. It just means the modders are autismos that sink frickload of time on (poor) historical research and then do a hard-core determinism. Fine in games like HoI2/DH, utterly moronic for stuff like EU or Vicky. Even HoI3 makes it weird with deterministic mods, given how much more open ended it is (and the best functional mod for it is just a bigger sandbox, not railroad)

              • 7 months ago

                The main issue is assuming that you can only do one or the other, some level of railroading is required to get the ball rolling because overwise the AI just sits around doing a whole lot of not much.

                Black person, this is wrong on so many different levels, I don't even know where to start, but one thing is for sure: you are literally shouting at clouds about things that are in the game, and you are too fricking stupid to use them.
                > but you cant decide WHICH cultures are actually considered primary ones
                Those laws I've talked about literally affect that
                >you cant simulate 19th century without it.
                More like: you have no idea how those settings work, so complain about them, because it's a different system than the one from EU4. I mean shit, I guess I've been doing something wrong, persecuting Poles and Balts as Russian, but integrating Belarussians and Ukrainians. I guess the game does it wrong, because there is no "Persecute Poles" button and you have to set the correct set of laws instead.

                The issue is that you only have 4 options:
                >Everyone we share Ancestry and Culture with
                >Everyone we share Ancestry with
                >Everyone we share Culture with
                More granularity in the system would be nice, like giving the US the ability to accept all Western Europeans and Basketball Americans but nobody else.

                >For the sake of historical simulation?
                Again, we tried that and it was an absolute slog to deal with. It's the classic KC:D dilemma: you either make a fun game to play, or you go full historical immersion. You can't have both in most cases.
                >Imaginary issues like racism and discrimination?
                And that relates to the fact that neither Victoria nor Victoria 2 had any sort of settings for those issues at fricking all and operated with hard-coded elements... how? I mean you have the very first Vicky in the series that actually allows you to control the matters of minorities, but anon is too stupid to use them, so somehow the game is bad due to his stupidity.

                >And that relates to the fact that neither Victoria nor Victoria 2 had any sort of settings for those issues at fricking all and operated with hard-coded elements
                Victoria 2 has seccessionist rebels, which is something I haven't seen in Victoria 3 despite the fact that one of the era's most well-known conflict originated from an act of secession.

                I just minimized the game to say that the universal construction queue might be the worst idea PDS has ever had for a game mechanic. Shit's more moronic than mana
                I don't know what the resident shills think blatantly lying about how it works will accomplish

                It's fine in HoI4 since a simple system makes sense for a wargame, but for Victoria it doesn't since the game is too heavily focused on industrial development to use such a gamified construction system.

                in the early 1900s i switched from tenant farmers to collectivized agriculture and my surplus cash went from like 20k to 400k which enabled me to switch to lowest taxes. i ignored that law for a long time because i thought it didn't matter much.

                why does switching that law have such a big effect? i'm playing sweden and went council republic and coop btw.

                >>why does switching that law have such a big effect?
                It means that you own the farms, so you're taking the profit directly.

              • 7 months ago

                >but for Victoria it doesn't since the game is too heavily focused on industrial development to use such a gamified construction system
                V3 gets compared to Anno a lot. But the construction system makes it feel like a facebook or mobile port of Anno, where everything is artificially slowed down to sell speed ups to the dumb boomers who play those games.

              • 7 months ago

                >some level of railroading is required to get the ball rollin
                I already covered it in

                I get the idea, but my point is that those days are gone. Journals can't get shit done, because they are guidelines for human player. AI is utterly clueless about them, has zero urgency to finish them and also doesn't get any guidance toward finishing them.
                The solution is very simple, all it takes is adding a bunch of weighted modifiers for AI to do bunch of things, BUT this being nu-PDX, they won't do that and instead eventually either implement the moronic mission trees (so the AI will be 200% railroaded) OR some other stupid railroad system, that will both gimp AI even more and provide bunch of broken features for players to abuse (along with knowing AI behaviour beforehand).
                Believe me, I wish I could see the clusterfrick in South America. But I know that other than having human players manning all the post, it's not going to happen

                And from the other side of the argument, there is always the thing that annoys me with historical events since about IN came out for EU3: they railroad you no matter what. Early events had set of requirements to happen and chains of them had requirements to stick. This meant that MOST of the time you get a historical outcome, but there was a room for other choices, and the more factors had to pile-up, the more wiggle room there was. Of course this required back in the day enormous effort to script it all, so it was abandoned eventually and by IN, they just had general events for historical situations that fired virtually on their own, no matter what, which got worse over time.
                With their current engine and scripting, it is perfectly possible to return to early days of events without forcing a railroad... but PDX isn't interested, and vast majority of modders do the "hardcore historical outcome", which leads to boring slog to play, as you know the outcome of events already and there is no room for deviation.
                Shame, really. I know already that expecting a Vicky 3 mod that does "historicals" is bound to be a railroad, so meh

                , so no point repeating myself. You read that, and apparently decided to ignore it.

                As for "muh ebic minority dog-kicking":
                >Everyone we share Ancestory with
                plus abolishing slavery has the exact effect you described. African-American is added to your accepted, while you still only consider Western Europeans as the only real people.

                And I honestly have no idea how ACW is weighted now and what's the cause, since they change that every major patch, so I can't comment, still didn't try US run with 1.5. But b***hing about the game not having "secessionist rebels" as a specific label is the type of nit-picking that invalidates whatever argument you actually had, when ACW does happen. Is it moronic? Yes. Does it require specific rebel type? No. So what's even the issue at hand?

              • 7 months ago

                Also, nta, but
                >but for Victoria it doesn't since the game is too heavily focused on industrial development to use such a gamified construction system.
                Yeah, I remember how pressing a button to build new factory (always one level at a time) and forgetting about it for next 360/720 days was such a non-gamified concept.
                You people are beyond helpless. It's literally complaining for the sake of it. And so far not a single one of you was capable of saying WHY the construction model is bad, beyond repeating like a mantra that it's bad and unrealistic. Give me fricking arguments and points to discuss, not "ugh, it's so bad". Because it does have issues, like the fact that it's a non-negotiable queue, rather than a percentage pool with more fine-tuned control on what's build in what pace by allocating resources (if your laws would allow for that)... except none of you is talking that. It's just "construction is le bad"

              • 7 months ago

                >And so far not a single one of you was capable of saying WHY the construction model is bad, beyond repeating like a mantra that it's bad and unrealistic
                And yet somehow we managed to understand each other well enough to discuss it
                You have genuine autism if you're not able to follow what we're talking about

              • 7 months ago

                >to discuss it
                Care to point to that discussion that supposedly happened? Because all I can find is the loop of
                >Construction bad!
                >SHUT UP!
                That's hardly a discussion. And it's not like you b***h gays even managed to talk with each other why you dislike it, it was instead
                >Construction bad!
                >Agreed, armarite!
                Veeeery constructive

              • 7 months ago

                >Victoria 2 has seccessionist rebels, which is something I haven't seen in Victoria 3 despite the fact that one of the era's most well-known conflict originated from an act of secession.
                They do exist and the ACW is one, but you can also get them dynamically any time you own the homeland states of unaccepted cultures. They're just very rare because the game is badly designed.

                It's way too easy to accept most cultures so e.g. Russia never has to worry about a Polish revolt because they'll pass Racial Segregation 10 years in and then the Poles are perfectly happy. And even if they aren't accepted, Polish radicals are much more likely to join a political civil war over tax laws than a nationalist rebellion because of how the radicalism and IG systems work. Very rarely do you have a local surplus of radicals, it's usually a nationwide problem so you only get national civil wars instead.

              • 7 months ago

                To play devil's advocate:
                The problem with regional surplus of radicals does arise if you follow through kinda-sorta historical approach. Meaning: you would have to utterly mismanage specific area and drain it economically. Not by building coal mines there, but by not building anything and thus keeping it an underdeveloped hinterland with ever-growing surplus of qualified people with no employment. This gets masses angry really fricking fast.
                So the system is shit, but you can in fact cause people to get pissed. I accidentally pissed off Kurds as the Ottomans, since I completely ignored states with them, and by 1860s I had an uprising, since they were living in ever-worsening and impoverished area with no prospects, while also being persecuted against.

              • 7 months ago

                >It's way too easy to accept most cultures
                And that's a problem... how?
                Imperial Russia is a great example of state being its own biggest enemy. They had zero real reason to push various non-Russians and non-Slavs living in the empire, but decided to do so anyway, because, well, why shouldn't they? So the end result was an ever-worsening situation, uprising, mutual resentment and all sort of dodgy shit, simply because bunch of top wigs had the bright idea that people that are kicked down and trampled over are going to be more loyal.
                Also: everyone hates the globohomosexual setting of your acceptance laws now, and it's like that since at least 1.3, so it's not even some sort of woke shit being pushed with the game at this point. And it's like that not due to political reasons, but because it re-created the ancient problem of OG Vicky, where with the right set of party and population size, you could get monoculture nations by 1870, completely assimilating everyone into your primary.

              • 7 months ago

                I'm not arguing that accepting cultures shouldn't be effective, it just shouldn't be so easy to do, it's ridiculous that Russia or Austria can pass a single law with relative ease and then never have to worry about secession again.

                Also cultures should be able to just choose to become secessionist when they're mad even if they're legally accepted like Serbs in Austria-Hungary or the CSA.

              • 7 months ago

                ... again, why is this a problem?
                Do you realise their real-life issues were about NOT passing said laws or passing them way too fricking late? And usually for some moronic reason in tune of "because just no".
                >Also cultures should be able to just choose to become secessionist when they're mad even if they're legally accepted like Serbs in Austria-Hungary or the CSA.
                Which is a thing in the game, you know. The big problem is that economical and political issues have much greater draw for pops than nationalistic ones, especially when a culture is accepted (which offers a massive malus to the importance of the issue, just as intended). CSA meanwhile rebels entirely over economic thing, which is perfectly fine if you ask me.

              • 7 months ago

                >again, why is this a problem?
                He just told you why it's a problem you fricking moron
                It makes the game too easy
                >Do you realise their real-life issues were about NOT passing said laws or passing them way too fricking late?
                There was no magic law that would of caused people to not be racist you stupid troony

              • 7 months ago

                >It makes the game too easy
                ... because?

                Besides, acceptance on its own does frick all. It just placates the "foreign" pops so they aren't beaten for just existing. Assimilating them is handled by completely different set of mechanics, which are barely interacting with the acceptance system (essentially anything but the most extreme segregation is meaningless), and so is conversion. You can run an ethnostate just as fine as you can run an unitarian nationalist one and a multicultural mosaic. The consequence is purely on how your pops react to the level of persecution the face, which might trigger mass migration and/or revolt if they have a formable for themselves.
                So all in all, you can have "accepted" random cultures, and that doesn't mean they just magically convert overnight from the fact alone. This is a big change from previous two games.
                Speaking of assimilation, I'm still mad they've wasted opportunity of implementing a scaling to represent OG limits: where a pop was simply too fricking big to assimilate it. But rather than blocking it entirely after arbitrary decided size, all it took was introducing a scaling debuff to the ability, eventually turning it into a crawl. This could also allow to play on pops easier assimilating if you chip down the blocks (since 50k subsistence farmers is not the same as 30k labourers, 10k clerks, 5k machinists and 1k of various other professions)

                Accepting cultures does nothing. Unaccepting them does nothing. So why it's such a big issue that you can pass the law to increase (or decrease) the number of accepted cultures?
                Have you played the game, or just theorycrafting on the effect of this decision?
                >There was no magic law that would of caused people to not be racist you stupid troony
                Oh, yeah, I guess when one is moronic Amerifat and sees everything through the prism of fricking race, they will have very hard time grasping the concept of not being c**t to Poles as a Russian. After all, everything has to be about Black folk.

              • 7 months ago

                Also, riddle me this:
                Why do you think the game is "hard" when you can't pass those laws?
                I mean I can get the complains you must abolish serfdom to unlock... pretty much everything, this can get annoying, especially given historical precedence (or the fact that because of it, many countries that didn't have serfdom by 1836, start with it just for the sake of the mechanics to "stitch" together) and how hard it can get to unfrick the system as a result.
                But the level of tolerance toward alien cultures and religions? It literally does frick all, unless you go into extreme, and only on the side of "ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Gott". Where pretty much nobody starts at. I'm playing this game since premiere. I've seen nationalistic uprising grand total of three times. And each time it happened with a country with Cultural Exclusion, the pen-ultimate "open" setting. Each time it was Balkanoids trying to break out from Austria, despite being accepted there, since they were persecuted neither due to culture nor religion.
                But I guess the game is "too easy", because you can pass meaningless law without much issues, unless going for either Ethnostate or Multiculturalism (both of which are useless and make you enemy of whole lot of people for exact opposite reasons)

                Or you're going to cry that you can't stomp on Black folk and that's the real reason, thus missing entirely the memo this game is about the Gellner's theory of nationalism. And always have been, since the OG Vicky.

              • 7 months ago

                Black person, Russia abolished serfdom with a single signature on a single piece of paper, effect immediate, and you are complaining that passing laws (which your population can overrule somehow, even in an absolute monarchy with nobody else having executive powers) is "too easy".

              • 7 months ago

                It's like you don't understand why those systems are in place, what they are doing and what they represent. Why an accepted culture should want to frick off? For what purpose? Hungarians were plotting for good 150 years how to frick over Hapsburgs, then suddenly got their "dual kingdom" and instantly shut the frick up, with zero interest of splitting off. In fact, they've became the biggest advocates for cohesion of the empire. Same shit with Poles - they've tried various independence schemes, then the Austrians simply allowed their elite to the political cake and they became loyalists - to the point Franz is still fondly remembered in Poland, unlike any other monarch ruling Polish clay. And the list goes on and on. Hell, even "Austrian Italians" were die-hard loyalists, and didn't want anything to do with the Kingdom of Italy, seeing it as even bigger failure than Austo-Hungary.
                So maybe not kicking people and trampling over them is a recipe for a success, rather than doubling down on it or creating artifical limits on acceptance, just because you failed both 101 19th century history and also 101 of gameplay design.

              • 7 months ago

                It's like you don't understand why those systems are in place, what they are doing and what they represent. Why an accepted culture should want to frick off? For what purpose? Hungarians were plotting for good 150 years how to frick over Hapsburgs, then suddenly got their "dual kingdom" and instantly shut the frick up, with zero interest of splitting off. In fact, they've became the biggest advocates for cohesion of the empire. Same shit with Poles - they've tried various independence schemes, then the Austrians simply allowed their elite to the political cake and they became loyalists - to the point Franz is still fondly remembered in Poland, unlike any other monarch ruling Polish clay. And the list goes on and on. Hell, even "Austrian Italians" were die-hard loyalists, and didn't want anything to do with the Kingdom of Italy, seeing it as even bigger failure than Austo-Hungary.
                So maybe not kicking people and trampling over them is a recipe for a success, rather than doubling down on it or creating artifical limits on acceptance, just because you failed both 101 19th century history and also 101 of gameplay design.

                Besides, acceptance on its own does frick all. It just placates the "foreign" pops so they aren't beaten for just existing. Assimilating them is handled by completely different set of mechanics, which are barely interacting with the acceptance system (essentially anything but the most extreme segregation is meaningless), and so is conversion. You can run an ethnostate just as fine as you can run an unitarian nationalist one and a multicultural mosaic. The consequence is purely on how your pops react to the level of persecution the face, which might trigger mass migration and/or revolt if they have a formable for themselves.
                So all in all, you can have "accepted" random cultures, and that doesn't mean they just magically convert overnight from the fact alone. This is a big change from previous two games.
                Speaking of assimilation, I'm still mad they've wasted opportunity of implementing a scaling to represent OG limits: where a pop was simply too fricking big to assimilate it. But rather than blocking it entirely after arbitrary decided size, all it took was introducing a scaling debuff to the ability, eventually turning it into a crawl. This could also allow to play on pops easier assimilating if you chip down the blocks (since 50k subsistence farmers is not the same as 30k labourers, 10k clerks, 5k machinists and 1k of various other professions)

    • 7 months ago

      >My only complaint is that the game lacks flavor
      Shove your fricking flavoh up your ass. I remember when the game still represented the Civil War organically as a Landowner revolt, which was removed to appease people like you.

      • 7 months ago

        Slaveowner revolt*

      • 7 months ago

        >to appease people like you
        People like him are the ones playing the game, not you

      • 7 months ago

        >I remember when the game still represented the Civil War organically as a Landowner revolt, which was removed to appease people like you.
        You mean when it was completely broken and would spawn the Confederacy in the North?

        • 7 months ago

          The problem was that plantation owners were not a separate IG, not the system by itself.

          • 7 months ago

            >The problem was that the reasons for them revolting were moronic, not the system itself
            Nta, but ftfy
            The reason why people loathed the release state Civil War trigger was that it was simply poorly made. Civil War triggering in the 1841 in New England? Actively and deliberately fricking things up, so the only place that has secedes is Ohio, and do so in summer '36? Why not.
            To say nothing about the fact you could just abuse the shit out of the IG support system, so you could abolish slavery without any fuss, using Trail of Tears events and passing bunch of other laws along the way.
            So no, the release state of ACW was a mess, and it's a good thing it was scrapped. The replacement has its own issues, but it's nowhere near as broken and awful as what was there for the premiere.

    • 7 months ago

      >They lost a big opportunity without adding a chain of events for the South American dreadnought race
      Step 1: Buy ship parts from UK
      Step 2: Build dreadnaughts.


    • 7 months ago

      Here's flavor

      • 7 months ago

        >lets just copy and paste a wikipedia article and make that an event

        • 7 months ago

          thank you for realizing that paradox are indeed a bunch of geniuses

  74. 7 months ago

    just launched it since its free, an abbo tribe has a higher standard of living than the portuguese
    is it really that bad in portugal

  75. 7 months ago

    >play Paraguay
    >locked out of your content tree until your starting president is out
    And your only options are

    >you get lucky and he dies early (he also has a massive health bonus)

    >you get lucky and can somehow pass landed voting (he also has a massive penalty to passing laws)
    Great design.

    • 7 months ago

      >game has challenge, and roots in history and not just for you to paint a map
      >what an outrage! this is awful!
      Stop being a baby any time. This game gave me a personal and much more visceral angle to my hatred of aristocracy.

    • 7 months ago

      If only you could stage a revolution to depose his government....

  76. 7 months ago

    Tbh senpaitachi, 1.5 is a superb update. If they continue on this path the game will become one of the best

  77. 7 months ago

    After trying it on the free weekend gotta admit the game has a certain charm to it.

  78. 7 months ago

    Why THE FRICK there is no ships moving on the shipping lanes? I wan't to see the ships moving on the lanes, this shit is ruining my immersion. Where is the ships?

    • 7 months ago

      there are ships moving on the shipping lanes

      • 7 months ago

        It's not fair because I have none. Why is this happening?

        • 7 months ago

          Start a war with the UK. EZ.

          • 7 months ago

            >It's not fair because I have none. Why is this happening?
            do you actually have any overseas trade routes?

            No, I mean I can't see the trading ships sailing the lanes. Playing as USA with plenty of trade agreements to europe but there is 0 ships sailing the seas.

        • 7 months ago

          >It's not fair because I have none. Why is this happening?
          do you actually have any overseas trade routes?

  79. 7 months ago

    How can I form Prussia without a World War and without one of the smaller german states going to Revolutions every 5min?

    • 7 months ago

      Don't you inherit the minors if you have good relations and they're in your customs unions? It used to work like that in 1.0

      • 7 months ago

        No, it's scripted events now and Austria wienerblocks you all the time. Wars are also bullshit as Prussia, even when you ally the minors. One of them capitulates and everything breaks down all the time ...

  80. 7 months ago

    praise freakin' kek, did I hear "tradcon"?

    • 7 months ago

      Go back to /gsg/

      • 7 months ago

        you gave me a hearty chuckle, fellow gentlesir
        unfortunately i must abide by my own moral code and expel quite an amount of excrement at the sight of this joyous mention of the "trad" of "con"

        i bid thee a most gracious farewell for i must indeed go on to play the best game to have graced this earth, Victoria 3

  81. 7 months ago

    >Toy soldiers are back
    Chudbros……. There is a future…..

  82. 7 months ago

    RIP my run

    • 7 months ago

      switch to the republic and build a UAR

    • 7 months ago

      What can I say... pass stupid laws, win stupid prizes. And it takes to really frick shit up to end up with widespread liberal revolution as Egypt

    • 7 months ago

      What can I say... pass stupid laws, win stupid prizes. And it takes to really frick shit up to end up with widespread liberal revolution as Egypt

      If this is pre-1.5, you have few months to build extra barracks. If it's 1.5, do your fricking damnest to get extra soldiers. You can win this, the trick is to wrap shit up with the Ottomans and use new grounds to get extra meat for the grinder.

    • 7 months ago

      Also weird Austria

      What can I say... pass stupid laws, win stupid prizes. And it takes to really frick shit up to end up with widespread liberal revolution as Egypt

      They asked for Homesteading but trying to pass that law would enrage landowners, basically the revolution would have happened regardless of what i picked, my only mistake was declaring a war against the Ottomemes with a very high amount of radicals

      If this is pre-1.5, you have few months to build extra barracks. If it's 1.5, do your fricking damnest to get extra soldiers. You can win this, the trick is to wrap shit up with the Ottomans and use new grounds to get extra meat for the grinder.

      I'm also allied with Two Sicilies so let's see if i can do it

      • 7 months ago

        >They asked for Homesteading
        You should go with it. Passing that law defangs Landowners and makes them a complete pushover, both in terms of politics and size of the IG's base. Granted, you are elevating Rural Folk, but they at least have their uses, unlike Landowners, who are just dickheads with spare cash. Even if they would revolt, it wouldn't go that badly as this. Who do you have more of - pissed off farmers, or pissed off token aristocracy?

        • 7 months ago

          Basically the revolt would have been the same, a state more or less, anyway i'm gonna survive since Germany is supporting me

          • 7 months ago

            It wouldn't be. Let me walk you through this
            >Have pissed off Rural Folk, as they are
            >If they would be placated, it would piss off Landowners
            >But it would remove their power modifier from Tenant Farmers
            >Thus their actual powerbase would shrink
            >On top of that, Homesteading re-arranges how farms and plantations are "owned", so there is also PHYSICALLY less people to support Landowners
            >As their clout and size rapidly decreases overnight, whatever revolt they will be pushing will be significantly weaker and smaller
            To say nothing about the fact Landowners are one of the easiest to please groups out there, so rather than a violent revolt, you would have a back-and-forth for half a year to kick them some more and neuter the threat - or at least prepare in advance for the fight.

            • 7 months ago

              Also, if you placated people with Homesteading, you would gain large amount of loyalists. By not passing it, you've gained nothing
              People need to seriously understand how the whole law and petition system works, because it's just eye-rolling watching so many complains about "impossible" to abolish serfdom/slavery or the just as "impossible" counter-revolutions it brings.

      • 7 months ago

        Did you help things in India, or it's natural result? I swear, giving BIC as much as a weird look will make it collapse and all the India turning into a complete clusterfrick. As much fun as it is either as France or Portugal or even the Netherlands, everyone else is left with a complete chaos, and that's not fun at all when you end up with global shortages of everthing, since India is now out of anyone's market.

        • 7 months ago

          Natural, i think they just revolted against the UK alone and won

          It wouldn't be. Let me walk you through this
          >Have pissed off Rural Folk, as they are
          >If they would be placated, it would piss off Landowners
          >But it would remove their power modifier from Tenant Farmers
          >Thus their actual powerbase would shrink
          >On top of that, Homesteading re-arranges how farms and plantations are "owned", so there is also PHYSICALLY less people to support Landowners
          >As their clout and size rapidly decreases overnight, whatever revolt they will be pushing will be significantly weaker and smaller
          To say nothing about the fact Landowners are one of the easiest to please groups out there, so rather than a violent revolt, you would have a back-and-forth for half a year to kick them some more and neuter the threat - or at least prepare in advance for the fight.

          Landowners would start their own revolution if i did that, i tried and had to cancel it

          • 7 months ago

            Ok, you've got me curious now: what are all of your laws, and which were changed recently? Because something is fricked up here more than standard law-passing incompetence

          • 7 months ago

            >Chinks didn't lose any treaty port to Angloids
            >Bengal is kicking ass
            >Japan in Sakhalin, meaning their sorted their shit, too
            If only that Tibet wasn't so fricking weird...

    • 7 months ago


      If this is pre-1.5, you have few months to build extra barracks. If it's 1.5, do your fricking damnest to get extra soldiers. You can win this, the trick is to wrap shit up with the Ottomans and use new grounds to get extra meat for the grinder.

      , plus lick every possible dick you can to get the GPs on your side or to at least to stay neutral.
      But seriously, how did you frick this up so badly?

    • 7 months ago

      share your save bro i'll save your gdp
      although i'd just concede to the ottomans and probably the revolt too.

    • 7 months ago

      Did you forget something in Ethiopia?

  83. 7 months ago

    Man I just don't understand this game. Why are my idiots so unhappy and starving? I'm building you shit. Just go work there.

    • 7 months ago

      If only the game had tooltips that tell you exactly why people are unhappy...
      Now I wish to see your face when you were put to original Victoria and getting useful information out of it.

      • 7 months ago

        It tells me they are unhappy because they are unemployed. There are jobs. Just go fricking work you idiots.

        • 7 months ago

          >Another homosexual doesn't get job satisfaction system
          Plus there is also the classic blunder of having low literacy, while trying to push high-literacy jobs. But something tells me you just don't get the job satisfaction system.

    • 7 months ago

      early game public healthcare is "meta" now according to generalist gaming. grab that shit as it boosts your SoL +1 per level now.

  84. 7 months ago


  85. 7 months ago

    Think I'm gonna play the Netherlands when I play vic3 next. What would be the most aesthetically pleasing map goal for the Dutch? Indonesia for sure, maybe south and west Africa after that? I'm not sure.

    • 7 months ago

      Literally the United Provinces. As THE Republic, with wealth voting.

      • 7 months ago

        Well, of course. Restoring the old borders and retaking French Flanders was assumed. I didn't even think that needed mentioning.

    • 7 months ago

      vassal of the hre

    • 7 months ago

      Literally the United Provinces. As THE Republic, with wealth voting.

      The real question is - how the frick you integrate Dutch East Indies without fighting a war with them

      • 7 months ago

        Why would you integrate them?

        • 7 months ago

          Because I can't send them a message "hey gays, I desperately need coffee and dyes, so kindly stop building tea plantations and lead mines". Having shared market with them in theory should give AI incentive to build shit that's in short supply... except they start to export it, rather than growing it on their own.

          • 7 months ago

            *start to import

          • 7 months ago

            Foreign investment will change this in SOI.
            That's why I'm waiting until then to hop back in.

            • 7 months ago

              >Foreign investment
              I'm still baffled why this was removed from Vicky 3.
              Same with tech sharing from original being cut and never returning. How the frick I'm supposed to give my colonies access to tech, if they can't be shared in any fricking way? Thus I'm forced to annex them, which is a sub-optimal choice anyway.

              the netherlands and belgium have a formable. it's called the united netherland states or some shit like that i don't remember.

              if the dutch east indies are a dominion or puppet (i forget which), you will automatically annex their territory when you do the formable.

              What if you don't want to reconquer Belgium?

              Oh so you still have to go around the world conquering random provinces just because they'll spawn oil in 50 years and the AI doesn't know what to do with it? Great.

              No, not at all.
              The problem is that they are my subject nation, but the game lack foreign investments from Vicky 2. This means they react to market prices and demand, but in ad-hoc manner. If a state is growing something, AI will expand it. If it doesn't, there is a whole lot of random factors to account for.
              At certain point I just tag-switch to Dutch East India (and do the same with British) and arrange them a basic construction queque, so they kick-start the right shit and then just expand it on their own, along with useful economic reform once per 20 years or so.

              • 7 months ago

                Tech trading from OG Vicky was cut, because it was OP as all frick. Especially in the "block research of others via negative points" department.
                The fact that Vicky 3 has "tech spread" and yet you can't fricking interact with your own subjects, so maybe BIC isn't wasting time on researching naval tech you already know for past 20 years is annoying as all frick
                Speaking of which: can we fricking please separate naval research from military research? Nothing like land-locked countries getting "spread" of naval tech or being forced to research 10 different land techs, so you can finally get better ports without a penalty that will make the research lag for 1.5 the time it will take to clean half of the tree just to remove the debuff.

            • 7 months ago

              Here we go back to the stadarnd Paradox approach of "AI being bad isn't the problem, player notocing it is the problem".
              Also, once again it will be the duty of the state to build coffee plantations from government budget and then hand them over to landowners. This fricking game, holy shit.

          • 7 months ago

            Oh so you still have to go around the world conquering random provinces just because they'll spawn oil in 50 years and the AI doesn't know what to do with it? Great.

            • 7 months ago

              Only if you're a min-maxer.
              I refuse to memorize the oil spawns. Frick that shit.

              • 7 months ago

                You don't really have to memorize them you just need basic irl knowledge.
                I always start the game by invading Venezuela.

      • 7 months ago

        the netherlands and belgium have a formable. it's called the united netherland states or some shit like that i don't remember.

        if the dutch east indies are a dominion or puppet (i forget which), you will automatically annex their territory when you do the formable.

  86. 7 months ago

    >GUI is way too fricking big
    >text is too small
    le sigh. and i was hoping there'd be complete GUI overhaul mods by now but not really. there's many that compact things but it's still all fundamentally ass.

  87. 7 months ago

    what if they do foreign investment in a shitty way and it's hard to get your vassal's lead and sulfur mines to level 40

    • 7 months ago

      What if you are a homosexual that decided that b***hing should be his hobby?

      • 7 months ago

        yea just be mean for no reason and hurt my feelings, why not

        • 7 months ago

          >he said, after preemptively shitting over game mechanics that aren't even on a drafting board yet
          You are a special kind of homosexual. Are you by chance a Slav or from Eastern Europe stock?

          • 7 months ago


          • 7 months ago

            no i'm northwestern european you meanie head and it is ok if i pontificate on a future feature being bad

            • 7 months ago

              >no i'm northwestern european
              So a Pajeet in the UK

              • 7 months ago

                He could still be a Slav, cleaning toilets and all. Maybe even an offspring of the original "open borders" immigrants, to make it all that worse

    • 7 months ago

      Numbers crater again. Though even now there's the question of how much the current numbers have to do with the free weekend.

  88. 7 months ago

    Redpill me on these guys.
    Can I make it work?

    • 7 months ago

      Playing as them? As Circassia - sure. As Chechens - tough luck.
      The trick is to get the Ottomans on your side. Which is more or less how it played out historically, except Ottos were too busy with their own shit and only took the refugees in the end. Erdogan is from Circassian stock, even if he's having hard time to admit it.

  89. 7 months ago

    >get the suez treaty port to build suez canal
    >not enough people there to even staff the building
    >the ones there aren't educated enough to staff it anyway
    >can't train them because not enough people to staff the university
    >can't complete the mission

    • 7 months ago

      Won't people in your market naturally immigrate into that treaty port state over time to fill the employment gap?

      Also, I just learned that Treaty ports give you tariff/embargo free access to adjacent markets today. There's always something new.

      • 7 months ago

        I mean that's why treaty ports were a thing.

    • 7 months ago

      If you can't make a treaty port flourish and attract immigrants from your country like crazy - you might be moronic
      Pro-tip: trade

      • 7 months ago

        I don't know know. I activated greener grass but it doesn't work and everyone is pissed because of low job satisfaction.

        • 7 months ago

          It's ok, anon. I used to not be able to even play Sweden, but now I know a lot more about the game. You'll get it eventually. Keep it up!

          • 7 months ago

            homie I beat the game as Sweden on launch. I have no idea how this treaty port shit works, I am importing and exporting everything I can from/to Egypt even though it doesn't make a profit and the population is unchanged.

      • 7 months ago

        I don't know know. I activated greener grass but it doesn't work and everyone is pissed because of low job satisfaction.

        >Pro-tip: trade
        >I activated greener grass
        moron confirmed

    • 7 months ago

      People will only immigrate if you subsidize it. Paradox doesn't believe in free market infrastructure.

  90. 7 months ago


    >Pro-tip: trade
    >I activated greener grass
    moron confirmed

    I'm doing what I can. Egypt has nothing to trade with.

  91. 7 months ago

    I wish there was a way to switch your national religion.

    • 7 months ago

      you can switch to atheism

  92. 7 months ago

    It's unironically worse than the beta version now kek

  93. 7 months ago

    Got 40 Million GDP as gran colombia in 1880, GB decides it wants my north borneo gold mines. Sends off 300 dudes to my main land while I can only afford a standing army of 70k. Same General Staff tech. It's fricking moronic. 1.0 was better than this in term of power gaps.

  94. 7 months ago

    okay so apparently the suez canal isn't profitable enough to attract migrants and the solution is to just annex the entire Sinai province to get a bigger population pool
    yeah frick this shit

    • 7 months ago

      Try subsidizing every building in the suez canal so that the wages are high and people migrate here because of it. I think it should work in theory

      • 7 months ago

        I already did. I have greener grass, I export and import everything I can from Egypt. There's just nothing I can do.
        How the frick is it physically possible for a canal of such importance to not work.

        • 7 months ago

          >muh greener grass
          Confirmed for not knowing how migration works. WHAT are you modifying with that decree? What's actually getting the % bonus to attraction, you absolute moron?

          • 7 months ago

            idk it looks good to me
            How about you explain it instead of being such a dick about it?

    • 7 months ago

      >t. moron homosexual doubles down on being moronic
      The solution is to use a treaty port as what it is and trade with Egypt overland
      >b-but unprofitable
      Doesn't matter. The goal is to pay people to show up in your treaty port, not to make money off bogus trade deal. The resulting trade center will work as a magnet for a frickload of people, both due to its own modifier to attraction and the fact there is simple shortage in a desirable job with low qualifications.
      This way you can attract people to even the biggest shitholes, as long as the trade is going on
      >s-shit design
      Yes, I guess creating lucrative jobs in international trade in a duty free trade port is a shit design, as opposed to people magically knowing they should move to a complete shithole just because.

      • 7 months ago

        I am already doing that already you fricking mongoloid, it doesn't fricking work. The sheer idea of taking part in this project should make pops salivate at the potential gains. Why the frick do I have to subsidize this shit?

        • 7 months ago

          Ask me how I know you didn't even try it
          >The sheer idea of taking part in this project
          Yes, the very promising job of being a canal clerk. The same job you can be doing while still living in Donkeytown Upon Bridge, Linconshire, without having to move to a complete shithole

          idk it looks good to me
          How about you explain it instead of being such a dick about it?

          The game has both a tutorial and a helpful tooltip for literally everything. To say nothing about the fact it came out over a year ago and net is saturated with in-depth and idiot-friendly guides and explanations of mechanics.
          Try learning how to play the game, instead of b***hing that it doesn't work. You've been spoon-fed sufficiently with trade hubs as a source of workforce and immigration magnets.

          • 7 months ago

            Nah go frick yourself c**t.

            • 7 months ago

              The airplane is flying in.... aaaaa....

              • 7 months ago

                If you have time to b***h at random strangers on the internet for asking questions then you also have time to answer those questions properly, especially when you claim to be such a god gamer. You must be fun to be around irl.

              • 7 months ago

                I gave you the answer right off the bat.
                Then you repetitively throw a tantrum about the game not working as you want it to work and naturally rejecting the solution to your problem.
                What else do you expect, other than being mocked?

              • 7 months ago

                Except your supposed solution doesn't work because I've implemented it in the game.

                Besides, consider the following:
                In the past 2 hours, you could easily find the answer to your problem, if you only wanted to. After all, you have a keyboard and internet connection.
                Instead, you are throwing a temper tantrums at random people for not spoon-feeding you.
                So I guess you must be fun to be around irl, you dumb fricking homosexual.

                Yeah and you know what I found? Multiple reddit threads with the same question left without an answer.
                Just stop fricking replying to me you dumb motherfricker.

              • 7 months ago

                >Just stop fricking replying to me you dumb motherfricker.
                Cry me a river, b***hgay.
                You didn't even bother to specify a year and a country you are playing as, to say nothing about such tiny details as your literacy or ongoing colonial ventures. But here I am supposed to give you a step-by-step solution to an immigration problem that you can't solve, because you are too stupid to set up import route for overpriced Egyptian [insert whatever they are selling in bulk] and it obviously just doesn't work, because you didn't get 50k people migrate to Suez within first week.
                I mean frick, you didn't even bother to mention if there is a port build there.

              • 7 months ago

                I am literally importing and exporting all I fricking can from/to Egypt. Their trade volume is fricking tiny, it doesn't change anything. I've had it like that for several years and the population has actually decreased.
                It just doesn't fricking work and I've been saying this all this time. You have not even explained how greener grass works when I asked for it.
                Just don't fricking bother man, you're wasting your and my time.

              • 7 months ago

                >I am literally importing and exporting all I fricking can from/to Egypt
                And thus you are using a NAVAL route and thus you aren't forming a hub in your treaty port, because the volume of trade is too big. Which part of OVERLAND trade you need explained once more?
                >Their trade volume is fricking tiny
                And yet big enough to go naval, hence your problem
                >I don't get how it is supposed to work, and I'm gonna cry about it

                Seriously mate, this game is out for a fricking year. You have zero excuses with still not understanding how trade works, what it does and how trade hubs spawn. Especially since it's one of the few systems that were barely changed since release and probably the only one that the tutorial explains in full.

                tl;dr cry more

              • 7 months ago

                Besides, consider the following:
                In the past 2 hours, you could easily find the answer to your problem, if you only wanted to. After all, you have a keyboard and internet connection.
                Instead, you are throwing a temper tantrums at random people for not spoon-feeding you.
                So I guess you must be fun to be around irl, you dumb fricking homosexual.

  95. 7 months ago

    Czech this out

    • 7 months ago

      ale není to česky

    • 7 months ago

      wtf i pirated dlc but don't have this menu

      • 7 months ago

        Its a mod

  96. 7 months ago

    I love how any time genuine discussion about the game takes place, the people b***hing about the game reveal that they don't know how to fricking play.

    Imagine being the shitter that doesn't default to Very Low taxes.

    • 7 months ago

      ... are you in any way surprised?
      I mean at least in case of Vicky 3 I kinda understand the attitude: the release state was a trainwreck, even for nu-PDX standards. The fact that those people are still living in the beta build of the game, and allow it to also live rent free in their heads, is however a separate matter. It's like the endless complaining about the Ottomans inability to take Syria in a single war - something that was fixed a year ago in the very first fricking hotfix, yet the argument about the broken nature of the game is going to always involve "kek, roaches can't even take Syria".

      • 7 months ago

        Paradox did the historical route first, but the sandbox freeform was too much. The military rework basically made Armaments from a huge investment with a huge pay off to an unprofitable chore. So now Ottomans just flex on Egypt. But still get the Dead Man of Europe event, because AI isn't scripted or railroaded. Sardinia also does not take advantage of Treaty of Turin at all. I should probably get the achievement before the next rework.

        • 7 months ago

          >Sardinia also does not take advantage of Treaty of Turin at all
          The treaty of Turin is a trap. No guarantee that France that will actually help you in war and there's also an annoying bug that blocks private constructions if the AI was building something in Savoy or Nice. If you're playing with Sardinia-Piedmont, it's better to ask Prussia to join you against Austria with the cultural unification (or whatever it's called) wargoal. The problem with this strategy? If you obtain south-tyrol, you'll be automatically drafted in the french-prussian war on the side of France and you can't refuse it.

          • 7 months ago

            No, no, just get rid of the Construction sector and the Barracks in Savoy, so you keep all the money and construction in Piedmont. Rush Nationalism while improving relations with the Italian minors in Emile (they most likely want to switch to a different Customs Union at the start), Prussia, and Russia. Rush Nationalism FIRST. Then, after three years, and you press the button, when you're ready, at 0 Infamy, you Conquer Lombardy and Liberate Venice (generates no infamy). Prussia will want to kick Austria's ass, and can be swayed, anyway. Russia might intervene, if you generate too much infamy. With luck, Austria's only friend is actually France (lmao). There, between Piedmont, Sardinia, Lombardy and whatever you annexed by event from Emile (9 infamy, watch that) by dragging them into your Customs Union, you SHOULD have enough GDP to diplo annex the rest, one by one. And you have a button that generates Radicals in Italian minors that refused the Risorgimento.

            • 7 months ago

              I know this is actually the intended path, because Lombardy contains 10 Arms factories at the start, and you just completely and utterly frick Austria's military. If your game is having issues with Prussia struggling with German leadership, this is the thing that's missing.

              • 7 months ago

                My ironman save got corrupted

                Armies and fleets don't even need supplies since if they don't have them they don't get any maluses aside from less training rate

              • 7 months ago

                Am I wrong or are fleets completely unsinkable?

              • 7 months ago

                I've seen my fleets lose manpower so i'd assume you do lose them

                >It's clear that no one tested this and this mechanic is just tacked on.
                It's supposed to simulate the collapse of Two Sicilies and Papal States, and joining Piedmont led reunification. You're actually supposed to get an assload of Loyalists when you become a Republic. If you don't, that's a bug.

                Stop playing ironman, and stop saving to the cloud. ez Just disable that shit from Steam Properties.

                I can't play without ironman and i wasn't saving in the cloud

            • 7 months ago

              This is a good tactic and I did something similar in a few of my games. The problem is that the whole risorgimento mechanic is beyond fricked and nothing works properly, In one of my games I managed to snatch both Lombardy and Venice from Austria, but all the radicals I got from those forced me to become a republic, which forced me to be annexed by the grand duchy of Tuscany which was forced to become a republic.
              What the frick.
              It's clear that no one tested this and this mechanic is just tacked on.

              • 7 months ago

                >It's clear that no one tested this and this mechanic is just tacked on.
                It's supposed to simulate the collapse of Two Sicilies and Papal States, and joining Piedmont led reunification. You're actually supposed to get an assload of Loyalists when you become a Republic. If you don't, that's a bug.

                My ironman save got corrupted

                Armies and fleets don't even need supplies since if they don't have them they don't get any maluses aside from less training rate

                Stop playing ironman, and stop saving to the cloud. ez Just disable that shit from Steam Properties.

              • 7 months ago

                Two Sicilies collapsed after Garibaldi's invasion, something that doesn't happen in V3 for some reason. It's accurate when states like Parma, Tuscany and so on, join you, but the rest...not so much.

                I've seen my fleets lose manpower so i'd assume you do lose them
                I can't play without ironman and i wasn't saving in the cloud

                >I've seen my fleets lose manpower so i'd assume you do lose them
                They're also instantly repaired, so what's the point?

        • 7 months ago

          The reason AI gets Dead Man is because 4th goal of Tanzimat reforms is impossible to obtain for AI: it will neither manage to urbanise nor fix its laws. And ironically, this is the historical result: those reforms utterly failed in real life, and the Ottomans suffered a significant decline, which ultimately lead to the collapse of the rump state piece by piece. So AI getting bad result isn't about it being bad - that's literally the desired outcome here.

  97. 7 months ago

    I basically never play without this mod enabled anymore

  98. 7 months ago

    is the starting moves with every country to just spam construction sectors?

    • 7 months ago

      If you're playing a small country with 3 mil. or less pops, no. The rework made scaling different, but construction allocation still happens when you build one. So you're just screwing yourself out of construction, while letting AI build whatever dumb shit it wants. Use Road Maintenance and Government Buildings to get the +10% bonus to construction, instead. That way, you get 12 construction points all to yourself. And if you still have money left over, get some paper and build a University.

    • 7 months ago

      The starting move for every country is to cap your innovation via constructing universities. There is only one excuse for not doing it: you are a city-state with population below 50k. But if you don't build at the very least lvl 11 university (and any higher lvl up to 21, depending on your literacy) right off the bat. you've harmed your long-term gameplay in the current research system.
      This can not be overstressed: you either build universities from the get go, or you get screwed on the research and thus your overall capacity. Even if you have to import paper or wood to make paper, it is your utmost priority to get the lvl 11 university by spring of '38 (and if you are a mid-sized country, by '37). If you can't build them, you should focus on that tech. If you don't have Dialectics, you should focus your research to get them. Rest of the game will be just reaping benefits of having superior research, and superior ability to profit on the tech sharing system for catch-ups.

      • 7 months ago

        nah not really. plus you can exploit innovation overflow in the mid/late game to make up for early game deficiencies.

      • 7 months ago

        Do you get a bonus company at 11 universities or something? Also I feel like it would eat at your budget too much on top of being a money sink.

        • 7 months ago

          >Do you get a bonus company at 11 universities or something?
          How new to this game are you?
          Long story very short: your innovation cap is tied with your literacy, and majority of countries start around 13-15%. This means their cap will equalise with the output of lvl 11 university with the default research setting. And if they have higher literacy, then they should simply build up more levels. In turn, if your country has high literacy, it is either almost at the gate of researching Dialectics, or already has it researched, so you can casually switch to better setting of university.
          As to why to stack: the stacking bonus, you dumb homosexual. You will never need higher uni lvl than 21, so it isn't even limited by the default stacing of "only" lvl 21 anyway.
          >Also I feel like it would eat at your budget too much on top of being a money sink.
          Doesn't matter, the benefits outweight entirely any possible costs. You can't tech-trade and you can't recover lost time, so pushing for the university is your top priority. If you are anything bigger than 1 mil minor, your budget won't even notice.

          • 7 months ago

            I dunno I feel like it's a waste to build it all in one state especially if you're playing with 3-5 high pop states if your goal is to boost literacy quickly. Also I asked about 11+ because it's the magic number companies to have massive bonuses. Only thing I'll agree with is that lost time is fricking awful in this game tech wise and my biggest frustration with the game right now.

            • 7 months ago

              >I dunno I feel like it's a waste to build it all in one state
              So you are super-new.
              >boost literacy
              Universities don't affect literacy, you moron
              >11+ because it's the magic number
              You have no clue about most basic gameplay mechanics.
              At the very least read the tooltips of buildings you are constructing. To say nothing about wikia. But stop embarrassing yourself either way.

  99. 7 months ago

    How to play CSA without annexing the US? I just want to play the south and form the golden circle.

    • 7 months ago

      White-peace them

  100. 7 months ago

    Also how do I ethnically cleanse? I'm assuming if I discriminate against them, then have laws like private healthcare that make life worse for those without money, they'll be pressured into a mass migration?

  101. 7 months ago

    I like how local prices in this update is filtering all the vic 2 tards who are buttblasted that you can't just spam liquor factories in every state to turn even the most backwards shithole into the top industrial power in a couple of decades

    • 7 months ago

      All it means is that instead of specializing, you have to build every factory in every state. It's actually simpler than it was before.

    • 7 months ago

      Lol no it doesn't
      I just spam the factories in more states and problem solved

  102. 7 months ago

    The game is miles better than on release, but still buggy as hell. People are reporting bugged NPC wars that last forever. Personally I played Greece (again) and got my only army stuck in South Africa. In my own territory. 14,000 men lost in the bushes. The combat system is vastly better now, if only it worked.

    They had functional unit movement in every game they made in the last decade. Can't make this shit up.

  103. 7 months ago

    Tried it out during free weekend
    >No stockpilles somehow goods materialize out of thin air, want to stockpille weapons before war? Tough luck
    >Fronts are moronic, i was backing revolt in Ottoman empire and couldnt establish front in province i bordered with but could in the middle of Anatolia
    >AI is moronic, while i was fighting in its core lands it staged naval landing in the other part of the world
    >Naval landings are too common overall, its 19th century for frick sake, there was no technology to transport 40 battalions in 30 days to any part of the world
    >Cant discriminate against specific ethnic groups for some reason?
    >Building que is a thing, because you cannot build 2 privately owned buildings (why can player build privately owned buildings anyway?) in 2 different provinces at the same time

    Bravo paradox, you convinced me that the game is not even worth pirating

    • 7 months ago

      landings are too common overall, its 19th century for frick sake, there was no technology to transport 40 battalions in 30 days to any part of the world
      Do you have ANY fricking idea how fricked the release state of naval invasions was? Where it went "historical" and thus having to fight any conflict involving naval invasions was an extra half year of just waiting for fricking nothing. And god forbid if the landing failed (which they do 4 out of 5 times)
      >>Cant discriminate against specific ethnic groups for some reason?
      No Victoria had this ability, so chud chud chud

      • 7 months ago

        >the game used to be shittier
        >the previous games didn't have this either
        How are those good arguments against what he said, lol?

        • 7 months ago

          >bad system is fixed, this is somehow bad, because it's better to have bad system in place for the sake of... nothing in particular
          >imaginary issues living rent free in anons head are important elements that the game somehow skipped, even if there is big section of mechanics dedicated to it
          That's how they are non-arguments

          • 7 months ago

            >for the sake of... nothing in particular
            For the sake of historical simulation?
            >imaginary issues
            Imaginary issues like racism and discrimination?

            • 7 months ago

              >For the sake of historical simulation?
              Again, we tried that and it was an absolute slog to deal with. It's the classic KC:D dilemma: you either make a fun game to play, or you go full historical immersion. You can't have both in most cases.
              >Imaginary issues like racism and discrimination?
              And that relates to the fact that neither Victoria nor Victoria 2 had any sort of settings for those issues at fricking all and operated with hard-coded elements... how? I mean you have the very first Vicky in the series that actually allows you to control the matters of minorities, but anon is too stupid to use them, so somehow the game is bad due to his stupidity.

    • 7 months ago

      >Building que is a thing, because you cannot build 2 privately owned buildings (why can player build privately owned buildings anyway?) in 2 different provinces at the same time
      The frick you are even b***hing about? Because this is so abstract complain, you are either just going "construction pool le bad" or you've forgot to explain what's your actual gripe with it.

    • 7 months ago

      >>Cant discriminate against specific ethnic groups for some reason?
      only esls would bring this up so often lmao. who would know that the based saviors of white aryan christendom are low IQ balkanoids and brown children from brazil

      • 7 months ago

        Allah (swt) forbid actually wanting to simulate issues of that day, because there was no discrimination and no racism in 19th century right?

        >Building que is a thing, because you cannot build 2 privately owned buildings (why can player build privately owned buildings anyway?) in 2 different provinces at the same time
        The frick you are even b***hing about? Because this is so abstract complain, you are either just going "construction pool le bad" or you've forgot to explain what's your actual gripe with it.

        Its arbitrary, why can i build 20 buildings in 20 provinces at the same time? If player has money, material and labor for that then why not?

        landings are too common overall, its 19th century for frick sake, there was no technology to transport 40 battalions in 30 days to any part of the world
        Do you have ANY fricking idea how fricked the release state of naval invasions was? Where it went "historical" and thus having to fight any conflict involving naval invasions was an extra half year of just waiting for fricking nothing. And god forbid if the landing failed (which they do 4 out of 5 times)
        >>Cant discriminate against specific ethnic groups for some reason?
        No Victoria had this ability, so chud chud chud

        I have no idea because this is the first time im playing this game. I dont want a fantasy game where armies can travel half the world just because. I think that logistics should be a major point in Vic3 since you know, first industrial wars were waged in this period?

        • 7 months ago

          you just want to play a funny based *your idealised ethnic group here* persecuting le Black folk and israelites game, dont be disingenuous

          • 7 months ago

            Does it matter what my intentions are? The game was supposed to be in devs own words:
            Yet it fails at simulating the actual history and mechanisms behind it. To deny that 19th century was in some parts driven by national interests rising up and shaping the world is simply disingenuous

            • 7 months ago

              What the other anon have asked: did you even launch the fricking game, or just pre-emptively b***h about things THAT ARE PART OF THE GAME MECHANICS?! Both your points on construction and persecutions are invalid, because those things are in the game, as opposed to your dumb fantasies about what the game supposedly contains.

              • 7 months ago

                >Both your points on construction and persecutions are invalid
                You can demote and promote primary cultures in EU4
                You cant here for some reason

              • 7 months ago

                >I am playing Victoria
                >Why is it not like EU?
                Here is the (You).
                Go to law section of your country and check your settings on culture and religion. Then tell us how you can't do persecution and how the game is unrealistic and ahistorical, because muh evil globohomosexual wokeism living rent free in your dumb fricking head.

              • 7 months ago

                You can set laws like racial segregation or national supremacy or whatever but you cant decide WHICH cultures are actually considered primary ones. If you dont think this is important then you are moronic because you cant simulate 19th century without it.

              • 7 months ago

                Black person, this is wrong on so many different levels, I don't even know where to start, but one thing is for sure: you are literally shouting at clouds about things that are in the game, and you are too fricking stupid to use them.
                > but you cant decide WHICH cultures are actually considered primary ones
                Those laws I've talked about literally affect that
                >you cant simulate 19th century without it.
                More like: you have no idea how those settings work, so complain about them, because it's a different system than the one from EU4. I mean shit, I guess I've been doing something wrong, persecuting Poles and Balts as Russian, but integrating Belarussians and Ukrainians. I guess the game does it wrong, because there is no "Persecute Poles" button and you have to set the correct set of laws instead.

              • 7 months ago

                >but integrating Belarussians and Ukrainians.
                Who historically were persecuted and discriminated against but ok, i guess that didnt happen.

              • 7 months ago

                But I switched my laws to get them integrated. Guess I should now go kill myself for changing the laws of my country into the ones that suited me most.

              • 7 months ago

                >You can't selectively persecute people!
                >Anon provides an example that you can
                Jesus frick man, there is a limit on how stupid one can be before it starts being just annoying.

              • 7 months ago


          • 7 months ago

            The actual joke is that it is entirely possible... except anon is too incompetent to live up his chud fantasies.

        • 7 months ago

          >why can i build 20 buildings in 20 provinces at the same time
          You literally can, you dumb homosexual. Which is why I'm asking the frick is even your problem
          Surely, you actually played the game during the free weekend, and not just said so.
          As for "muh based persecution of minorities": you have an entire law section for that, you dumb Black person homosexual. And a separate one to also persecute people due to their religion.
          You sure you even launched this game?

          • 7 months ago

            >You literally can, you dumb homosexual.
            You literally cant homosexual, you build i building at a time, my que was supposed 556 weeks for some reason

            • 7 months ago

              >2.6 hours
              thats like 5 minutes of of actual gameplay with its abhorrent performance

            • 7 months ago

              homie you fricking build more construction capacity so you can build more at once, and countries that start out with more construction capacity are already capable of building more at once from day 1.

            • 7 months ago

              Let me guess: your construction pool was 10, but it's the game fault for your country lacking bigger construction capacity and you doing squat to increase it.
              This goes beyond incompetent: you didn't figure out in nearly 3 hours how construction works in this game. While there is an entire tutorial section on that, covering the matter in detail in 5 minutes.

        • 7 months ago

          >You literally can, you dumb homosexual.
          You literally cant homosexual, you build i building at a time, my que was supposed 556 weeks for some reason

          Holy shit, is it even possible to be this stupid? Are you like 10 or something? Like how fricking hard it is to figure out how the construction works?

    • 7 months ago

      Allah (swt) forbid actually wanting to simulate issues of that day, because there was no discrimination and no racism in 19th century right?
      Its arbitrary, why can i build 20 buildings in 20 provinces at the same time? If player has money, material and labor for that then why not?
      I have no idea because this is the first time im playing this game. I dont want a fantasy game where armies can travel half the world just because. I think that logistics should be a major point in Vic3 since you know, first industrial wars were waged in this period?

      I don't think you played the game because your complaints about construction are literally things you can do in the game.

  104. 7 months ago

    It needs an 2.0 update like Rome Imperator did.
    Time will tell if they will support it for so long.

  105. 7 months ago

    at least its getting better compared to release but holy shit at this rate it will only be playable in 2 years if they dont bother dropping it
    Do they even test the slop the shovel out? clearly broken features even after a beta period

  106. 7 months ago

    I just minimized the game to say that the universal construction queue might be the worst idea PDS has ever had for a game mechanic. Shit's more moronic than mana
    I don't know what the resident shills think blatantly lying about how it works will accomplish

    • 7 months ago

      Just build more construction sectors bro

      • 7 months ago

        That doesn't make it less moronic, it just makes it faster

    • 7 months ago

      probably one of the only thing they could do given that products dont exist in the game so you can't have stockpiles that new constructions feed from to begin building like in vic 2
      so yes its moronic

      • 7 months ago

        Even if proper parallel construction was too hard, it'd feel much less moronic if it was at least done per state

      • 7 months ago

        >given that products dont exist in the game so you can't have stockpiles
        I have 0 idea why they went this way

        • 7 months ago

          easier to code

        • 7 months ago

          The game already has massive performance problems and stockpiling would only add to that. It also usually isn't a relevant thing to track.

          I do think stockpiling should be readded for food and military equipment though, but there's no point in tracking e.g. glass stockpiles.

          • 7 months ago

            adding any sort of stockpile would radically change how the game works
            meaning they wont do it , they basically have to change how the economy works from the beginning to slot that in somewhere unless they use some cheap hack way
            nothing is created as it stands its just compounding modifiers

            • 7 months ago

              More like they won't (i really hope not) add stockpiles since the AI won't ever be able to handle the system

          • 7 months ago

            >I do think stockpiling should be readded for food
            It would be insanely fun if food could be stockpilled but its production in temperate climates decreased in winter months. Then there would be a real risk of starvation crisis that would decrease your POPs and spark unrests. So if you would have no cash to buy food from abroad, and your stockpilles were empty you would be in deep shit
            Just like it was historically. Or this way embargoes could be really devastating, like British blockade of central powers during ww1.
            But i guess thats too fun for paradox to program

            • 7 months ago

              >I have no idea how coding works, but here, an epic duke on how bad PDX scripting is
              Many such cases

              • 7 months ago

                >Scripting = Game design
                Maybe the real moron here is you

          • 7 months ago

            >Add stockpiles back
            >But only for A and C, leave everything else out
            ... so you might as well not have stockpiling at all. It's either everything as tangiable asset, or everything as current production level.
            But then again, idea guy solutions to problems, so fricking figures that the idea is moronic

            • 7 months ago

              I wonder if there's some sort of vital strategic difference between grain and fine art that would make stockpiling one important and relevant to the game and the other not. Unfortunately I guess we just have to simulate stockpiling every single good in the game to avoid sending autists into a fit.

              • 7 months ago

                Both are treated as tradeable commodities in the game, so both theoretically could be stockpiled.
                If you want to see the difference between strategic stockpile and abstract resources, there is GoY$ ever since fuel came back. However, the problem is that HoI is a war game, while you can successfully play an entire run of Vicky without firing a single shot. Thus having a "strategic military stockpile" is pointless from design point of view, while still taxing on the machine that has to run the game. Same goes with the utterly autistic suggestion from

                >I do think stockpiling should be readded for food
                It would be insanely fun if food could be stockpilled but its production in temperate climates decreased in winter months. Then there would be a real risk of starvation crisis that would decrease your POPs and spark unrests. So if you would have no cash to buy food from abroad, and your stockpilles were empty you would be in deep shit
                Just like it was historically. Or this way embargoes could be really devastating, like British blockade of central powers during ww1.
                But i guess thats too fun for paradox to program

                , which serves no real purpose other than being a cool idea on paper that isn't even helping the game being a better simulation - it's just autism for the sake of it.
                So: if the things that should be stockpiled are consumer goods anyway, you don't need an actual stockpile. On the flip-side, if the things that you need to stockpile (say, guns) aren't even needed anymore for buildings to operate, and you don't need them non-stop, that also invalidates them as stockpile-ables, unless we plan to shift the game toward war sim.
                The real question is: why not rolling with abstraction of the current system? The argument for stockpile isn't as much about its strategic importance, but on how it's "more realistic". More realistic as compared to what? The current production system doesn't actually represent producing goods, but meeting (or failing to do so) the internal (and external) demand for specific goods. For which a stockpile isn't needed, but a value of your production and trade vs. your demand is.

              • 7 months ago

                >Construction system bad!
                >IT'S BAD!

                Frick off wiz

              • 7 months ago

                >No! Stop discussing things! Just be angry about the game being bad!

              • 7 months ago

                Is the wiz you are talking about in the room with us now?

            • 7 months ago

              Wiz is that actually you? Or one of Wiz's minions?
              Anon if you're not actually on the dev team you have no reason to be coping this hard over their moronic design choices

              • 7 months ago

                But I don't need to cope about anything. I'm perfectly fine with the fact the economic model of the game is about supply and demand. There are many features that I would have in the game (where are the fricking foreign investments?!), but stockpile being gone is ok in my book. It served no real purpose in Vicky 2, and the reason it was in OG was due to it being easier to code the game like that.

    • 7 months ago

      Black person, what are you even really complaining about? Do you have any actual, real complains and points? Or just "construction bad, because bad"?

      • 7 months ago

        >Black person, what are you even really complaining about?
        If you can't parse what we're complaining about then you either need to work on your English language skills or you are genuinely unironically low IQ. Multiple posters in the thread have complained about it and we all managed to figure out what we're all saying

        • 7 months ago

          >Construction system bad!
          >IT'S BAD!

  107. 7 months ago

    in the early 1900s i switched from tenant farmers to collectivized agriculture and my surplus cash went from like 20k to 400k which enabled me to switch to lowest taxes. i ignored that law for a long time because i thought it didn't matter much.

    why does switching that law have such a big effect? i'm playing sweden and went council republic and coop btw.

  108. 7 months ago

    >"muh stockpile" homosexual is back again

    • 7 months ago

      >The game is perfect, why people have problems with how it is designed?
      I bet you would be the kind of homosexual who would have defended HOI4 not having fuel stockpiles to as a mechanic

      • 7 months ago

        Why are you talking in hypotheticals when HOI4 didn't have fuel consumption mechanics for the longest time? You paid an upfront cost in fuel for a battleship and then it consumed none at all whether it was in port or at sea.

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah and it was a moronic design decision, so moronic that even paradox caved in and finally re-introduced it.
          And just watch as in 3 or 5 years Victoria 3 will get stockpilles

          • 7 months ago

            >And just watch as in 3 or 5 years Victoria 3 will get stockpilles
            Have I got news for you Anon
            I don't play HOI4, how long did the devs manage to pretend that not having any stockpiling wasn't totally moronic before they caved?

            • 7 months ago

              >how long did the devs manage to pretend that not having any stockpiling wasn't totally moronic before they caved?
              I dont remember the exact timeline but i think it was sometime 4 years after the release?
              But i DO distinctly remember pre release dev diaries talking about how the "new" system of no fuel stockpilles is actually so much better and the series is more historical for it.
              You can even find threads with people complaining about it in 2016 but sadly i couldnt find dev replies on the fly

            • 7 months ago

              >Have I got news for you Anon
              >That screenshot
              Comedy gold, but thats my problem with modern paradox, they stubbornly stick to their own ideas pre release, receive backlash and then scramble to implement things people actually want.
              The end result? Game that is a hedge podge of mechanics jumbled together. Like a soup made from whatever leftovers you had in the fridge and spices added after youve already cooked it to mask the rancid taste instead of deliciously prepared dish that you planned ahead by buying right produce and using right recipe

              • 7 months ago

                >Like a soup made from whatever leftovers you had in the fridge and spices added after youve already cooked it to mask the rancid taste instead of deliciously prepared dish that you planned ahead by buying right produce and using right recipe
                Yeah. Now that I think I've figured out the absolute clusterfrick of an interface, the new war system feels like it could've been really good if it'd been built as something like this from the start instead of being hacked together from the moronic non-system the game launched.

  109. 7 months ago

    uh bros i was looking forward to the military rework but it's actually micro-y enough that it's kinda frustrating me. it's like a worse middle ground between previous titles and old v3 combat but maybe i'm just being a b***h.

    also there's a performance hit. also naval invasions are unbelievably frustrating but i think that's a bug enabling countries to send their navies right back to a sea node they just got destroyed on and it keeps your navy busy indefinitely. and paradox is aware.

    also i hate how unbelievably shit and buggy almost every release seems to be.

    • 7 months ago

      >maybe i'm just being a b***h.

  110. 7 months ago

    >Tried to play a comfy game where I just go with the flow
    >Country economically advances, but zero political changes, zero tension with neighbors. Just click a building every minute and wait.
    >Game is insanely boring, can't change laws or government
    >Check out youtube for ideas and video shows rerolling traits and a ton of gamey shit to flip all the key laws in less than a year.
    >Country bans slavery and changes everything about itself in one month and proceeds to steamroll neighbors

    Is min maxing and exploiting the only way to have fun playing this?

    • 7 months ago

      The game is set to easy by default.
      Check your game setting before starting.

    • 7 months ago

      Yes. The game only having a 100 year timespan means you're way more rushed than in many other Paradox titles. They tried expanding it by making days longer, but most important changes happen on a day or even week-scale anyway, so no fricking point to that.

      • 7 months ago

        There WAS a point... except it didn't made into the final game. The idea was to have a game capable of having work shifts. But it turned out to be a nightmare to script where you had different shift settings and the fact for at least third of the "day" everything would stop working anyway

    • 7 months ago

      >moron didn't even bother with tutorial or reading in-game tooltips
      >Proceeds to watch some meme run
      >iS tHiS gAmE aLl AbOuT eXpLoItS?

  111. 7 months ago

    So... Where can I torrent it?

    • 7 months ago

      Try internet

      • 7 months ago

        counter strike underground forum

        So funny

        • 7 months ago

          alright, i will only spoonfed you more directly because you said torrent and the other guy answer pisses me off

          • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      counter strike underground forum

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