It's over.

It's over.

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    >literal who twitter thread

    • 4 months ago

      He's one of Xbox's biggest shills and even he is throwing in the towel.

      It's hard for me to call Spencer worse. He's a massive moron who's wasted tons of money, but Mattrick destroyed the entire Xbox platform's viability in a matter of weeks. It was never going to recover after those disastrous Xbox One reveal/E3 events in 2013 or him actually telling people to not buy the fricking thing and to frick themselves for it.

      Sony and Nintendo managed to salvage their business, the success of the ps3 latter half/ps4 and Switch destroy Phil's claims about digital libraries destroying Xbox and great games not being enough.

      Why are Valve trannies like you so delusional. I bet you are going to have a meltdown when Gabe finally kicks the bucket and his son sells Valve so he has enough money to purchase automakers like Porsche

      I could care less about Gaben as a consolegay but I think he has a decent heir in mind.

      The entire western vidya industry collapsed

      Pretty much every western dev outside of Sony's first party devs went to absolute shit in the 2010s because they all drank the sjw punch. Suddenly, being politically correct became more important than making good games. Now Sony's AAA devs have fallen into the same hole, so Sony is also on borrowed time.

      Sony games despite the big budgets and controversies are profitable and build the brand. Starfield tried to be to Xbox what Uncharted/GOW/TLOU series are to Sony and failed.

  2. 4 months ago

    >takes the Xbox business and tosses it into the dumpster
    >first party games worse than ever
    >XBS selling worse than XB1
    >only focus now is on firing as many employees as possible to keep his own job
    How did Phil Spencer end up being worse than Don Mattrick? He's completely destroyed Xbox as a business and made it solely reliant on the greater Microsoft to subsidize it.

    • 4 months ago

      I can't tell the difference between an 'Xbox series x' and an 'Xbox 1'

      The 360 was marketed so well and was so visually distinct, what went wrong?

      • 4 months ago

        >I can't tell the difference between an 'Xbox series x' and an 'Xbox 1'
        Neither can anyone to be honest, I have no clue about which Xbox model is which after the disaster known as Xbox One.

        • 4 months ago

          >Xbox series x
          Do you mean Series S or is there another one?

      • 4 months ago

        they need to give xbox console better names instead of confusing shit like xbox one (actually number 3 teehee), series x/s/ssx tricky. this is a frick you to potential customers for absolutely no reason. also maybe some games would be nice.

    • 4 months ago

      It's hard for me to call Spencer worse. He's a massive moron who's wasted tons of money, but Mattrick destroyed the entire Xbox platform's viability in a matter of weeks. It was never going to recover after those disastrous Xbox One reveal/E3 events in 2013 or him actually telling people to not buy the fricking thing and to frick themselves for it.

      • 4 months ago

        I don't think he's a moron. I feel like the man has no distinguishable features to him and no personality. Everything he has ever said has been written by someone in marketing.
        Also, he's been with Xbox since the inception. He has carried and approved every awful decision they've ever made. Including everything involving the Xbone. He was visibly confused why no one was applauding their dogshit event.

      • 4 months ago

        >but Mattrick destroyed the entire Xbox platform's viability in a matter of weeks
        It was a slow burn, and he kept making decent games for a while. Philly literally produced nothing of value.

    • 4 months ago

      The entire western vidya industry collapsed

      Pretty much every western dev outside of Sony's first party devs went to absolute shit in the 2010s because they all drank the sjw punch. Suddenly, being politically correct became more important than making good games. Now Sony's AAA devs have fallen into the same hole, so Sony is also on borrowed time.

      • 4 months ago

        It’s not entirely the progressive shit, more that they’ve become so big that they suffer from corporate inefficiency and lack of soul. Departments separately working on each area, full of management bloat, busy work, and uninspired drones doing b***h work. Nobody is accountable, nobody has creative control, and yes, you’re bound to get lots of unqualified and very liberal employees who slowly sand down any personality, sexuality, or creativity as it passes through the chain. High up leadership is only looking at numbers and answering to the parent company. In the end it takes 10 years and hundreds of millions to make something painfully bland. Then the investment further discourages them from trying anything new, just like the film industry. I think the political correctness is just a symptom of a system that favors safety over creativity.

      • 4 months ago

        >all drank the sjw punch.
        That's more scapegoat to bigger problems said here:

        It’s not entirely the progressive shit, more that they’ve become so big that they suffer from corporate inefficiency and lack of soul. Departments separately working on each area, full of management bloat, busy work, and uninspired drones doing b***h work. Nobody is accountable, nobody has creative control, and yes, you’re bound to get lots of unqualified and very liberal employees who slowly sand down any personality, sexuality, or creativity as it passes through the chain. High up leadership is only looking at numbers and answering to the parent company. In the end it takes 10 years and hundreds of millions to make something painfully bland. Then the investment further discourages them from trying anything new, just like the film industry. I think the political correctness is just a symptom of a system that favors safety over creativity.

        • 4 months ago

          The entire western vidya industry collapsed

          Pretty much every western dev outside of Sony's first party devs went to absolute shit in the 2010s because they all drank the sjw punch. Suddenly, being politically correct became more important than making good games. Now Sony's AAA devs have fallen into the same hole, so Sony is also on borrowed time.

          You're both to stupid and /misc/ to even fricking speak about tech. I'll make it simple and speak in normie marketing verbiage for you,. They are going to hoist games in teh cloud. Your graphics card will be in the cloud so they don;t sell you a console anymore. Understand dumbass? dribbling on about culture wars at every opportunity is not always the correct answer

          • 4 months ago

            >I'm trans btw

      • 4 months ago

        >Pretty much every western dev outside of Sony's first party devs went to absolute shit in the 2010s because they all drank the sjw punch.
        It's like they didn't notice that people just want fun and entertainment, not to have sociopolitics shoved down their throat and ridiculed if they say anything about it. Politics are in everything, but it's been so heavy handed even people that support those views are being turned of. It would be like someone yelling "GAY" in my ear until I get annoyed, even though I have no issue with gay people, it's going to eventually get fricking annoying.

    • 4 months ago

      >though they will still have a console
      for now

      When they lost last gen to Playstation, they had two roads:
      Change from 3rd-party centric to 1st party
      Change to a different 3rd party business model (to try to get a lateral edge)
      Nintendo chose the former, Xbox chose the latter.
      And Now we see which one of them is better off

      I'm interested to learn what Xbox's philosophy will be behind keeping a console going for Xbox. Probably for the people who want to play "first on Xbox" for certain games like Blade and all that, but since everything is already going to be on PC day one from them and everything else from them is going to PlayStation and/or Nintendo after a year or so, there's no real reason for an Xbox console to exist. I've been on PC for years now so none of this really effects me at all, and I do use PC Gamepass with games Xbox has that I think look interesting. So long as they don't suddently axe Gamepass, this means next to nothing for me.

      >keeping a console going for Xbox
      My man, they are going to stop producing consoles next gen and just be 3rd party.
      They are LITERALLY just going to jump over and stop making consoles because they're nothing but a loss and likely even xbox users aren't making them that much money.
      And the lack of off-Xbox Game Pass subs is likely an indicator in the lack of interest in such a service so you won't see it on Nintendo Switch or Playstation ever.
      Microsoft is just going to be a 3rd party publisher after this gen.

      • 4 months ago

        >the lack of off-Xbox Game Pass subs is likely an indicator in the lack of interest
        No dumbass it's because Steam cornered the digital market for games on PC for years.

        • 4 months ago

          That's my point
          Steam and Steam Sales is basically solving the PC market's desire for cheap games (initially as a solve to piracy)

          tbf they can just make a windows handheld that can dock and there's your new "xbox". except better because it can run steam and game pass.

          Why not just a Steam Deck at that point?

          • 4 months ago

            >Why not just a Steam Deck at that point?
            Windows vs Linux? Windows probably "just works" in comparison.

            • 4 months ago

              Yeah but Steam Deck is probably the most popular handheld PC atm and is likely going to dominate that niche, so most major games will make themselves SteamDeck compatible. Even Digital Foundry is treating it like a separate SKU alongside Xbox, Switch and Playstation now, distinct from normal gaming PCs.
              Like, Xbox would be arriving late to THAT party too, and playing catch up again

            • 4 months ago

              Not even close. Windows is terrible at delivering a 'console style' experience, by design. Even if that changes with Xbox exiting the picture and Microsoft no longer having a reason to maintain 3 nearly separate platforms the rumors are also that Microsoft is moving to ARM hardware for home users. So there goes their supposed 'just works' advantage, but the whole reason Valve has been investing in Proton in Microsoft straight up told them their win32 compatibility layer was effectively abandoned anyway.

      • 4 months ago

        tbf they can just make a windows handheld that can dock and there's your new "xbox". except better because it can run steam and game pass.

      • 4 months ago

        >Nintendo chose the former, Xbox chose the latter.
        >And Now we see which one of them is better off
        There was no possibility anyone else in the industry could do what Nintendo did, their success is entirely on captive brands.

        • 4 months ago

          Not really. The key to Nintendo's success is something anyone could replicate but they don't for a simple reason: risk.
          Nintendo's 1st-party business model takes all the risk of software success onto Nintendo themselves. Compare that to Sony's model, where they're just the middle-man and don't actually care which games do well or poorly so long as the total spending on games is going up.
          Nintendo's basic strategy is something that any other company could do if they really cared. But it requires you to be willing to learn how to make a video game library on your own in a time and cost efficient way.
          Go to Nintendo's release schedule over the years and you'll see that, between the DS and the Wii, they were pumping out the most popular games for their own platform, with 4-5 games a year for wii and maybe 6-7 for the DS.
          And with the Switch, with their software divisions unified on a single platform, that number has shot up to 8-10 1st party games a year.
          The key is that they don't bother engaging with the graphics arms race (no need since the hardware is mainly for their own devs) and they don't bother pushing game budgets up unnecessarily high either.
          These are things literally any company can do but none want to because it means they have to suddenly start thinking about the software they put out instead of just using it as the tie-breaker against the competition

          • 4 months ago

            Nintendo definitely has a niche, and it is one it is difficult for anyone else to enter.

            Windows is too heavy, its interface is hostile to a handheld / console experience because of the Xbox, and Microsoft has their OEMs by the balls preventing them from shipping anything else.
            Microsoft themselves don't seem to have an interest in a handheld PC, they probably know Windows is just too heavy to really work, and they get no money from PC game sales.
            Sony doesn't want to divide their market share, but they will probably face their own 'handheld or exit' decision in the near future.
            Apple wants to enter the market, but is obviously looking beyond TV connected controller driven gaming, and has no concern about legacy gaming.

            Valve are really the only ones who could come close with the fact they have become the steward of the game library going back decades, but Valve aren't building closed platform systems, and also aren't really competing with first party games.
            I think the future is open platforms, and curated game stores that run everywhere through cross-platform technology.

            • 4 months ago

              I don't think it's as difficult as people think. Everyone over-emphasizes the power of 'THE BRAND' but I think that the reality, from what I've seen, is that the brand can twist and change and invert over the course of just 12 months. The reality is what people call the power of 'THE BRAND' is actually just the competence of current leadership and creatives.
              Nintendo's brand has gone through so many iterations and peaks and valleys that it's hard to say that they have anything that's particularly unique to them beyond being a games-only company.
              But the basic format of their business model could be emulated by any tech or software company that wanted to break into the console market.
              >Make hardware for your needs, not for 3rd parties
              >Have several projects running in parallel at a variety of budgets, from mobile-game tier titles to mid-budget niche titles to the occasional AAA system-seller
              >Attract strong talent, don't rely on contractors for either engineering or creative vision
              >Aim to put out one game every 1-2 months
              Xbox could have done this but instead decided to go with this untested and unproven subscription model for 3rd parties + Cloud Gaming pipedream

              • 4 months ago

                What honestly prevents Sony or Microsoft from doing that is their lack of good IPs.
                Nintendo is able to shit out so many 1st party games because they can just use Mario for tons of spin-offs. What could Sony or Microsoft use? The Last of Us and Halo? No one's gonna buy The Last of Karts or Super Master Chief RPG.

              • 4 months ago

                Good IPs don't exist, just good games. Sometimes a strong IP can get more attention for a game than there otherwise would be but the IP is actually less meaningful for the most part. The obsession with IP is part of the broader Cult of The Brand.
                Nintendo's Mario Sports games don't sell that much, and they're able to make new and successful IP like Splatoon (as well as new and unsuccessful IP like ARMS).
                The essence isn't in IP but it's in just what your output strategy even is.
                If Microsoft or Sony really wanted to, they could break out some of their studios to work on shorter and more experimental titles. Hell, I'd say we're seeing some of that with ARA from Microsoft.
                But instead, they're both just OBSESSED with AAA titles, including many for IP that didn't exist before like Starfield or Ghost of Tsushima. There's functionally no reason that Sony couldn't make a niche sports game ala Everybody's Golf on a lower budget and give it some marketing via state of play, maybe even shadow-drop it.
                There's no reason why Microsoft and Sony couldn't make new mid-budget IP like, well, like they used to

              • 4 months ago

                >Nintendo's Mario Sports games don't sell that much
                And they would sell way less if they didn't have Mario in their names, without that they would most likely not be worth continuing to make, and just like that Nintendo would have a worse 1st party output.

              • 4 months ago

                Again, they aren't really that big of sellers
                Having Mario in the name helps but even at lower sales, they'd be profitable because they cost pretty little to develop
                >without that they would most likely not be worth continuing to make
                you are over-estimating how much those games cost
                let their content anemia be an indication of the size of their budget
                Mario Golf Super Rush sold about 2 million total. But it could probably sell just 1 million and still make its budget back twice over at least Mario Golf Super Rush did not cost Nintendo $60 million to make, it likely barely cost over $10 million

          • 4 months ago

            >The key to Nintendo's success is
            A vicious legal department, ties to organised crime gangsters in Japan giving them a home market edge, selling stale franchises and under spec hardware to dopes who need to pretend they owned Nintendo shit as a kid to belong on reddit when in fact nobody owned n64s or gamecubes back in the day except for special needs and cursed unfortunates. Selling garbage like wii to retirement homes and shit like the switch to living wojacks on redddit. Nintendos retrofitted rise to popularity in the last decade is synchronised with the death of gaming a decade ago, 99% of mintendies are millenial or zoomer switch owners trying to larp that the woeful N64 was just great and that nintendo was some how relevant for a 10 year windows from 1995 to 2005 because they got a DS when their parents divorce came through. Imagine that being you and being stuck witha DS and divorced parents while the kid over the road had an xbox360.opr a PS2. That is where their hatred of games and gaming originates. While everyone else was having fun they were playing animal crossing and getting punched on the school b us for being homosexuals.

            • 4 months ago

              Every once in a while, you see the most delusional post of the day. And this is it, anon
              > ties to organised crime gangsters in Japan
              Might be the funniest rumor about Nintendo that holds no water
              >under spec hardware
              Sony only sells high-end hardware because third parties would abandon them otherwise. Hardware needs to suit the needs of the software, the Software comes first
              >ho need to pretend they owned Nintendo shit as a kid to belong on reddit when in fact nobody owned n64s or gamecubes
              It's the opposite, there were people who owned N64s and GameCubes back when. Not as many who owned PS2s or PS1s, but enough that they had very strong memories of the classics on those systems.
              You'll find that Ocarina of Time is arguably more celebrated than FF7, even though more people probably played FF7
              >Nintendos retrofitted rise to popularity in the last decade is synchronised with the death of gaming a decade ago
              The death of gaming started in the 7th gen and was mostly driven by the AAA market that Sony and Microsoft were pandering to, not because of Nintendo and their Wii Waggle shit

            • 4 months ago

              The amount of seethe and cope lol.
              lmao even. Nintendo will still be here long after your shriveled husk of a body has long expired.

    • 4 months ago

      You're a moron if you think Xbox is done. They make shitloads of money from game pass. The relative profit from console sales is small.

      • 4 months ago

        gamepass has never made a single penny in net profit
        the expenses in paying for those games to be there are far higher than the revenue
        they wanted to kill playstation and nintendo via loss leading, and failed

      • 4 months ago

        It's really not that much money. Their subscription growth has slowed considerably. It makes less money than PS+ does for Sony. Gamepass money depends on console sales because a large majority of Gamepass subscribers are playing on Xbox—they've struggled to effectively market the service to PC-only users.

        • 4 months ago

          >they've struggled to effectively market the service to PC-only users.
          shit's kind of an impossible sell unless they're buying denuvo for every game they get day 1 on gp. people either pirate or buy on steam, there's no room for a cheap alternative on pc. egs can't even give free games away, no one wants to download their launcher.

    • 4 months ago

      I feel like the XSX having the stupidest fricking name isn't brought up enough the same way it was for the Wii U having a shitty confusing name.

    • 4 months ago

      The investments failed to make returns. Starfield massively bombed after buying Bethesda, and Diablo 4 is the most unpopular game in the series. Game Pass is losing them money and the consoles aren't selling.
      Several factors. It's not hard to put two and two together.

    • 4 months ago

      >XBS selling worse than XB1
      no it fricking isn't, especially not in japan

    • 4 months ago

      Maybe if they had a naming scheme that made any fricking sense.

    • 4 months ago

      >spends countless billions
      >acquires many famous and renowned studios
      >owns some of the valuable IPs in the industry
      >still can't produce a single title worth playing
      He's a shit Midas.

    • 4 months ago

      I unironically think all of this could have been prevented if they just named it the Xbox 720

    • 4 months ago

      this move precludes making goypass available on PS, which actually making money off the Xbox brand
      Xbros certainly don't make enough money for them

    • 4 months ago

      Microsoft doesn't give a frick about game consoles. They want to turn Gamepass into a cloud-only platform and be the Netflix of games.
      Unfortunately for Phil they have only scrounged 30 million Gamepass subscribers, that number has plateaued, and even with midrange GPUs approaching a thousand bucks, nobody gives a shit about cloud gaming.
      It'll be interesting to see how much Sony and Nintendo will try to get away with now that Microsoft is out of the picture.

    • 4 months ago

      The fact Series consoles are so unpopular that Xbone sold way more is a fricking sight to behold. Don Mattrick was better than Phil Spencer at selling Xbox consoles, period.

    • 4 months ago

      Their stupid naming conventions sure play a role.

      Xbox One. Xbox One X. Xbox Series X. Xbox Series S. I'm "in the know" and even I can't tell you which is which without thinking really hard first, how is a normie supposed to navigate this shit? This is the same exact reason why Wii U flopped.

      • 4 months ago

        I just got confused with this exact same thing a week ago, when my friend told me he can't play Tekken 8 as he only has Xbox One. I actually thought that Xbox One is the current gen console and series S and X just define how powerful they are. At least with PlayStation it's easy to keep track with what's the current gen.

        • 4 months ago

          What’s funny is that they didn’t want to call Xbone the Xbox 3 because they felt like it would make the console seem lesser being a number behind PlayStation. The fricking irony.

    • 4 months ago

      Bill Gates proven right again

      5 years ago King Shits Gold himseld said something about closing the entire xbox department if it were up to him

    • 4 months ago

      >takes the Xbox business and tosses it into the dumpster
      It's not like he had much of a choice tbh. Mattrick just left abruptly after ruining Xbox and just left everybody to fend for themselves

    • 4 months ago

      my only regret is all the studios that will close their doors
      still, consoles are headed towards extinction. microisraelite, israelitegle, and israelitepple will lock down PCs with ~~*remote attestation*~~ so consoles don't need to exist anymore.
      captcha 8MP4Y

    • 4 months ago

      (you) allowed him to be a moron. You praised him as a messiah and he shat in your open wounds,

    • 4 months ago

      The funny part was people thinking Phil was "one of them" and would be completely different than Don Mattrick.

    • 4 months ago

      xbox has always been the halo console. Halo sucks now, so nothing left to keep xbox alive.

    • 4 months ago

      I almost respect Spencers ability to fail upwards.

  3. 4 months ago

    I'm interested to learn what Xbox's philosophy will be behind keeping a console going for Xbox. Probably for the people who want to play "first on Xbox" for certain games like Blade and all that, but since everything is already going to be on PC day one from them and everything else from them is going to PlayStation and/or Nintendo after a year or so, there's no real reason for an Xbox console to exist. I've been on PC for years now so none of this really effects me at all, and I do use PC Gamepass with games Xbox has that I think look interesting. So long as they don't suddently axe Gamepass, this means next to nothing for me.

    • 4 months ago

      >So long as they don't suddently axe Gamepass
      2027 would be the earliest.

    • 4 months ago

      I don't know a lot about this but one reason for still making Xboxes would be to have a backup in case Sony tries to screw third party developers. It's kind of a "commodities your complement" strategy.

      • 4 months ago

        >*commoditise your complement

    • 4 months ago

      My feeling is that they're the first to realize(or at least the first to act on it), that as PCs become basically hardware-equivelent with consoles, there's really no point in the previous approach.
      The future for xbox is probably slowing nudging the perception of a console to being a "specialized PC that's for playing games", instead of an independant game-playing device like it's traditionally been. At that point they're also free to leverage the microsoft store more than they have been.

  4. 4 months ago

    >though they will still have a console
    No, they won't.

  5. 4 months ago

    Who the frick cares, future is PC and Nintendo

    • 4 months ago

      >and Nintendo

      • 4 months ago

        People like you make me miss the days when "S0nygg3r" wasn't censored here.

    • 4 months ago

      Yes PC is the best way to play Nintendo games

    • 4 months ago

      Nintendo might hang on to the handheld market for a while longer, but they'll eventually get beat out by something like the Steam deck, becoming just another third party dev and making the term "third party" obsolete. Consoles are already DRM-ridden PCs.

      I could see shareholders seeing how much money is coming from Steam and forcing them into it before they've even lost the war. Probably smart, since that'll allow them to come in as a leader who shows Valve how handhelds are done rather than a desperate trend chaser who clung to the 90s until they no longer could.

      • 4 months ago

        >Switch sales: 140,000,000
        >Steam Deck sales: 3,000,000

        • 4 months ago


          Deck sales: 3,000,000
          >April 2023
          I bet it is 5-7 million right now.

        • 4 months ago

          Why are humans such idiots and embrace Le Plumber Man system and not a powerhouse like the Steam Deck with great integration from Valve’s SteamOS

          Why do companies even market to kids? They don’t have money. I’ve never understood that business model.

          • 4 months ago

            Because Mario is fun

      • 4 months ago

        nintendo will literally never go third party. they have told investors that they will go out of business before they go third party. expecting nintendo to go third party is moronic.

        • 4 months ago

          just like nintendo will never make mobile games

          • 4 months ago

            They never said they wouldn't make mobile games, and if you haven't noticed they've actually started moving away from mobile games. They stopped adding new content to Mario Kart Tour half a year ago, and haven't updated any of their other Mobile games (except Fire Emblem, because that game has fricking WHALES) in over a year.

          • 4 months ago

            Iwata is dead so there's no one pushing mobile games anymore.

      • 4 months ago

        For the last. Fricking. Time. Steam Deck is not a goddamn Switch competitor. It's a submarket of PC gaming and is aimed at a small enthusiast demographic.

      • 4 months ago

        >they'll eventually get beat out by something like the Steam deck
        Lmao valve is gonna start making exclusives again?

      • 4 months ago

        Why are Valve trannies like you so delusional. I bet you are going to have a meltdown when Gabe finally kicks the bucket and his son sells Valve so he has enough money to purchase automakers like Porsche

      • 4 months ago

        >but they'll eventually get beat out by something like the Steam deck
        anon it's the modern equivalent of the atari lynx, I feel like I've read posts like these for the best part of two decades

        no one is going to eat nintendo's lunch in the handheld niche

      • 4 months ago

        >Nintendo might hang on to the handheld market for a while longer, but they'll eventually get beat out by something like the Steam deck
        I won't say "never", but Nintendo has had a stranglehold on the handheld market (not counting mobile which is honestly it's own category at this point) since the 90's.

        • 4 months ago

          They've got a stranglehold on a dead market, which is why they made a hybrid instead of continuing to make both handhelds and standalones. Mobile took over most of it.

      • 4 months ago

        >Steam deck

        • 4 months ago

          *update prevents your game from being played on the deck*

          • 4 months ago

            you should have bet on a GPD Win 4

      • 4 months ago

        This is some of the purest grade Copium I've seen on Ganker

      • 4 months ago

        >get beat out by something like the Steam deck

        I have both a Deck and a Switch and you're an idiot if you believe this

        • 4 months ago

          No you don't Tendy boy.

      • 4 months ago

        Nintendo have the casual market by the balls, that alone will ensure nintendo future. go ahead ask a non gamer which they prefer based on name alone.

        • 4 months ago

          Sony is about to capture the dudebro market forever, tick, tock, tendies.

          • 4 months ago

            I am not a tendie, I am just not a moron like you, it is just obvious that Nintendo name is enough to peek it alive, just look at Pokemon, the gays keep buying it.

          • 4 months ago

            >Sony is about to capture the dudebro market forever, tick, tock, tendies.
            Does Sony have a handheld system in development?

      • 4 months ago

        Nintendo would let all of Japan sink into the ocean before they go third party.

        • 4 months ago

          It depends what you mean when you say 'third party'. Nintendo is never going to put themselves in the position where they have to pay, or give up a cut of revenue for every game they produce.
          However, they might give up on selling hardware, and instead come up with a way to offer universal accessibility to their games across open platform systems by using a more limited subset of features.

          If you're familiar with, picture something like that only with (nearly) modern capabilities.

          • 4 months ago

            It's more likely that Nintendo makes a console that is an open platform system than making something for other open platform systems.

            • 4 months ago

              Maybe, but I think it is more likely Nintendo hosts a curated environment and development platform that runs on open platforms, rather than having their own in-house open platform. In that scenario developers could use Nintendo's developer tools anywhere, but they would get the benefit of appearing in Nintendo's curated storefront.
              Of course there is nothing stopping Nintendo from making their own gaming focused Linux distribution, but they'll never go the Steam approach of accepting every game and depending on users to curate and I couldn't see Nintendo allowing a device they own to easily play independent software.

              • 4 months ago

                In which case, it's very likely that they will continue to do what they've always done: Make consoles and make their game for those consoles.

                Since the deck is still on steam's top 10 bestsellers list every week, it is very safe to say it could be 5 million or more.

                If it's just still on the top 10 bestsellers and we've heard no other words, it's likely just 3.5 to 4.5 million right now.

              • 4 months ago

                The steam deck is not beating the switch. Nice try though.

        • 4 months ago

          yeah, basically

          It depends what you mean when you say 'third party'. Nintendo is never going to put themselves in the position where they have to pay, or give up a cut of revenue for every game they produce.
          However, they might give up on selling hardware, and instead come up with a way to offer universal accessibility to their games across open platform systems by using a more limited subset of features.

          If you're familiar with, picture something like that only with (nearly) modern capabilities.

          The Wii U was such a tremendous failure and THAT didn't get them to stop making console hardware.
          >the switch is a handheld
          yeah and it targets games with (nintendo) console production values like xenoblade or BOTW, which is the part that matters.
          The basic issue with Nintendo ever giving up hardware is that they actually make a profit on their hardware. It's not a loss-leader for them like it is for Xbox or Sony.
          Nintendo is a game company, in all meanings of the word. They aren't a publisher, they like to control all the ends of the process, down to how you add people as friends on their platforms.

      • 4 months ago

        If your answer to the hypothetical Nintendo takedown is "Steam Deck", then I'm afraid they're not going to stop making their own consoles or go third party in your lifetime.

      • 4 months ago

        >the Steam deck
        Pure delusion.
        No one is buying a steam deck for their 6 year old. Nintendo has secured a spot as the go-to family friendly brand.
        The Steam deck is marketed as for "gamerz™" that market is far more niche than Nintendo's

      • 4 months ago

        Pure delusion. At most, Nintendo will offer a heavily invasive launcher on PC for their games at some point in the future and even that is unlikely. You will never ever see Mario on Steam.

      • 4 months ago

        Steam Deck and PC gaming will never replace something like the Switch. I know hundreds of idiots with the Switch that can barely tie their shoes and in a million years they couldn't figure out how to configure a game's settings for Steam Deck or trouble shoot when a game doesn't launch perfectly

      • 4 months ago

        >this is your brain on console wars and r/PCmasterrace

      • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        >Nintendo might hang on to the handheld market for a while longer, but they'll eventually get beat out by something like the Steam deck

        I have a Steam Deck and I love it but your comment is beyond delusion, moronic even.

        I have friends that are into video games and they've literally never even heard of the steam deck, it's extremely niche.

        • 4 months ago

          Sure is. Explains why they all want to return to handled gaming.

      • 4 months ago

        >Steam deck beating the Switch
        Frick no

        • 4 months ago

          PCsnoys are morons

    • 4 months ago

      >future is PC and Nintendo

      • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        How would this look like if we remove China and Russia?

        • 4 months ago

          Probably not that different. Russia and China have a lot of users, but don't spend that much money.

      • 4 months ago

        What fricking revenue was mobile making before smartphones?? I had a Nokia brick that could play snake on it and a Motorola RZR before my first Android phone, the frick is that bullshit statistic.

        • 4 months ago

          There were a shit ton of Java based games for phones before 2007.
          Also those super cheapo games that got sold alongside ring tones on tv in around 2003 and 2004.

        • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      If Xbox dies, the chances of Sega Dreamcast 2 being born increases. Also, Bandai Namco used to be interested in video game consoles until the Game Boy creator they were working with, died in a traffic accident.

      • 4 months ago

        care to explain why it increases chance?

    • 4 months ago

      pc is the most soulless fricking platform. I don’t know why this board seems to really around it and suck Steam’s dick so damn much

      • 4 months ago

        Black person you are dumb

      • 4 months ago

        are you 12?

      • 4 months ago

        >pc is the most soulless fricking platform
        Is neat to made tendies cry but you are right.
        The userbase are the 'eat ze bug' and 'you will own nothing' players but they don't know they are like them kek

    • 4 months ago

      Call back when you tendies stop whining about Palworld.

      • 4 months ago

        Making a third person shooter isn't the "bare minimum" though. That's just a different game. I don't understand this whole dialogue.
        Do people literally just want Pokemon games to be cute creatures in 3D, and don't give a shit about anything else?

        • 4 months ago

          Hardcore Nintendo fans just hate anything that's not on Nintendo.

          • 4 months ago

            that wasn't the question.

        • 4 months ago

          You thought people were big fans of the brainless jrpg combat?

    • 4 months ago

      You are right but most morons here will deny until the end

    • 4 months ago

      sure, nintendo will start putting their games on steam soon enough.

    • 4 months ago

      PC has no fricking future if GPU's keep costing more than what an entire build should.

      • 4 months ago

        Costs go down because consoles won’t be in demand so more hardware to go around

        • 4 months ago

          >he actually believes prices will go down when theres less competition
          biggest brainlet itt

      • 4 months ago

        I feel like so many people have this skewed perspective because all they see is people touting the latest and greatest GPUs. Just buy a normal fricking GPU and you'll spend about $200 for a perfectly fine system that can run almost anything on high or max.

    • 4 months ago

      Yep, Sony games inevitably come to PC, Spider Man, GoW, Horizon, Ratchet, FF7, etc etc the only thing is Bloodborne

    • 4 months ago

      >and Nintendo

      just emulate nintendo games

    • 4 months ago

      >future is PC and Nintendo

      • 4 months ago

        what does it change? It's like that since one or two decades now.

    • 4 months ago

      >Buying a Nintendo console when the games get repacked with an emulator day 1

      • 4 months ago

        I do this with a PC easily good enough to run ryujinx or yuzu

    • 4 months ago

      >and Nintendo

    • 4 months ago

      >and Nintendo

    • 4 months ago

      it's been the best combo since the n64, but especially since the wii

    • 4 months ago

      Hilarious moron

  6. 4 months ago

    Doubt this is true (these companies can be stubborn), but it would unironically be a good thing for Microsoft and Sony. Getting out as we know it.
    Competing for stronger hardware at this point where it's becoming more time-intensive and expensive for little improvement isn't going ot be really sustainable moving forward. Nintendo already dropped out a few generations ago, and started going their own thing and it's working very well for them.

    Sony and Microsoft need to figure out what they want to do moving forward, because simply stronger hardware won't cut it more than likely.

  7. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago
  8. 4 months ago

    Xbox/Microsoft gaming revenue just surpassed revenue from Windows for the first time so if it's true then the higher ups probably made the decision.

    • 4 months ago

      >They make that much money on LinkedIn

      • 4 months ago

        what the frick are people spending on in Linkedin?

        • 4 months ago

          it's like a digital resume, complete milquetoast garbage

        • 4 months ago

          There's a premium thing that gives you more options, better data for who's looking at your stuff and why, plus higher ranking in their integrated application thing. There's more but I only used the free month of it and that was years ago when when I was first looking for a job, somewhat useful

    • 4 months ago

      Extremely important to note that they only surpassed Windows because now they added Activision-Blizzard revenue to their numbers. It wasn't Xbox on its own.

      • 4 months ago

        activision-blizzard is part of xbox now, why does that matter?

        • 4 months ago

          Because it includes sales of games on both the Switch and PS5 and it doesn't factor in the 70 billion dollars they spent for that boost.

          Anyway, if even PeterOvo thinks shit is fricked that's how you know stuff is bad. He's the biggest Xbox fanboy I've seen in my life. Chad Warden level.

        • 4 months ago

          Because it's not including the cost of acquiring ABK and it's using their multi-platform revenue to cover up the immense losses.

    • 4 months ago

      revenue or profit? beating windows in revenue isn't important if their development costs are way higher.

    • 4 months ago

      This is the point here, it is a business and they are only looking for fiscal increases, so while they just spent 70 billion on blizzard, they are loosing 70% market share.
      Investors would want them to increase revenue. they dont care about console war homosexualry.
      Xbox lost the war, it was never in the race so best to increase revenue and go 3rd party.

    • 4 months ago

      >Q2 2024
      So we're futureposting now?

    • 4 months ago

      tbf Windows is free

      • 4 months ago

        Not for businesses, that's how they've always made money with Windows. I'm surprised it isn't more honestly, although Apple has made some pretty big inroads with B2B over the last decade or so.

        • 4 months ago

          10 and 11 are such dogshit I'd pay for a version of 7 that's compatible with modern hardware.

      • 4 months ago

        Windows is free. Haha.

    • 4 months ago

      They bought ABK and so revenue grows bigger. is that a surprise

    • 4 months ago

      Windows 11 sucks, frick em.

    • 4 months ago

      Probably realized what most gamers realized
      Normies don't buy many games but easily fall for GAAS
      Investing in one time purchases just doesn't seem like a smart decision anymore

    • 4 months ago


      That's fricking nuts, what the hell are they offering to get that much money from the service? I know they offer premium accounts but surely that's not $4.1 BILLION

      • 4 months ago

        t.anon isn’t linked in..
        Get it

      • 4 months ago

        Company pay to list job offers

      • 4 months ago

        Ads, premium accounts, companies paying for relevancy when users are browsing for jobs and the list goes on

  9. 4 months ago

    I don't get it, how is this different to Ms and Sony porting their major games for PC? Or is PC no considered a real platform.

    • 4 months ago


      Who the frick cares, future is PC and Nintendo

      >future is pc and shitendo

      • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago

        How many exclusives does the PS5 have again? Oh and how long has the system been on the market?

  10. 4 months ago

    >xbox bring their games to other platforms
    >this means xbox is dead

    >playstation bring their games to other platforms
    >this means playstation is winning
    And the funny thing is that nobody is even buying the Playstation shit on PC. For years have Snoys hyped up their first party trash like the second coming of christ and when it drops on PC it gets like 10k concurrent players which is like a 1/3 the average flavour of the month JRPG gets.

  11. 4 months ago

    >Xbox is out of the console race, though they will still have a console
    How is that any different from today...?

  12. 4 months ago

    Xbox has been a mistake from day 1. This shit wouldn't have fled without MS buying Bungee

  13. 4 months ago

    >though they will still have a console
    I mean the Dreamcast kept getting games up until 2004, it just never had a successor. Same will happen with Xbox.

    • 4 months ago

      Still does now.

  14. 4 months ago

    what the FRICK? Peter debunked this shit hours ago…

    • 4 months ago

      She'll have to go back to picking cotton when sonychads are done with her.

      • 4 months ago

        >Snoys aren't the ones picking the cotton

    • 4 months ago

      It does sound like bullshit, if gamepass is doing well, palworld is selling consoles, this doesn't make sense.

    • 4 months ago

      Shit got disproven 10 posts in and It only has 2 replies because people wanna act smart lol

  15. 4 months ago

    >Xbox fans should prepare for the news
    I am literally shidding and pissing at the fact that I might have to buy the blue and white box with no games instead of the green and black box with no games next generation. Tears are running down my face and my pantaloons are ruined.

  16. 4 months ago

    Thank god I don't invest in companies so shit like this doesn't matter to me.

  17. 4 months ago

    >Xbox is out of the console race

  18. 4 months ago

    Too good to be true. As someone who never was into consoles(neither the golden age nintendo/sega ones, nor the psx/ps2 eras), it always felt like the xbox, and especially the 360 was the beginning of decline for vidya. Everything had to be bigger, more bombastic, more 'murrican! Bigger production and marketing budgets, and consumer products being lauded as instant hits and cult classics before even hitting the market. It was the beginning of the end. Microsoft did this.

  19. 4 months ago

    So essentially their pivot is make all first party games available on Gamepass day 1 and then make Snoys buy them at full price?

  20. 4 months ago

    Lol sony killed xbox and chased nintendo into the handheld market. Damn, total sony domination, no prisoners style. Nice.

  21. 4 months ago

    /v/'s asshurt when this doesn't happen will unfortunately be less fun than their asshurt when ABK was bought out.

  22. 4 months ago

    >last m$ console to be cracked was the 360
    >still dies
    kek what now buygays?

    • 4 months ago

      Not a buygay but that was also the last gen where Microsoft kept games from Windows/PC to encourage sales of their consoles. They took a gamble with fully integrating Windows into the Xbox/Gamepass ecosystem and sending all of their first party games to it day 1, it's kinda starting to look from a business perspective like they were right not to for so many years. As a consumer who fully switched to PC before XB1 came out, I'm happy that so many previously console exclusive games can now be enjoyed on PC, but I'm not sure the cost was worth it for Xbox.

  23. 4 months ago

    >xbox is out of the console race
    >though they will still have a console
    So nothing changes? The last time xbox were in the race was with the 360.

    • 4 months ago

      And the 360 won.

      • 4 months ago

        It's actually the only time Xbox came out in third.

      • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          He's right. The 360 won the popular vote during that gen because it was cheaper and had more exclusives.

          • 4 months ago

            At the start. PS3 came out ahead at the end. This is known.

            • 4 months ago

              >PS3 keeps selling in turdworld countries that barely have internet while the next gen is underway
              >PS3 wins
              imagine believing this

              • 4 months ago

                PS3 outsold the 360 ( depite the 1 year/10 million headstart) in worldwide sales.
                Also 360 sales in general were highly inflated due to RROD replacements.

              • 4 months ago

                What is this post. PS3 winning the gen is an established fact.

                PS3 outsold the 360 ( depite the 1 year/10 million headstart) in worldwide sales.
                Also 360 sales in general were highly inflated due to RROD replacements.

            • 4 months ago

              >At the start. PS3 came out ahead at the end. This is known.
              Sony going from the dominance that was the PS2, to barely selling a few more consoles (at a loss) than a newcomer, while having the entire backing of the Japanese market is not a victory.
              >PS3 w-won you guys
              anon, even Sony disagrees with you

              • 4 months ago

                >ps3 won but it didnt win as much as the ps2 did therefore it actually lost

              • 4 months ago

                not the argument esl

              • 4 months ago

                That's exactly what you're saying though.

              • 4 months ago

                NTA but it doesn't really matter if Sony pulled ahead in the end because the XBox was the better seller beforehand. Being able to pull a last-second finish when you were supposed to dominate the entire gen like they did the last two gens must have been a fricking embarassment for Sony.

                [...] Deck sales: 3,000,000
                >April 2023
                I bet it is 5-7 million right now.

                Since no one has said anything about the Steam Deck since the 3 million units number, I'm guessing it's around 3.5 to 4.5 million units right now.

                Why are humans such idiots and embrace Le Plumber Man system and not a powerhouse like the Steam Deck with great integration from Valve’s SteamOS

                Why do companies even market to kids? They don’t have money. I’ve never understood that business model.

                >Why are humans such idiots and embrace Le Plumber Man system and not a powerhouse like the Steam Deck with great integration from Valve’s SteamOS
                You have to tinker significantly more with the Steam Deck to play the more powerful games from the Steam library.
                >Why do companies even market to kids? They don’t have money. I’ve never understood that business model.
                Their parents do. And that is all they need.

              • 4 months ago

                Since the deck is still on steam's top 10 bestsellers list every week, it is very safe to say it could be 5 million or more.

              • 4 months ago

                I think the anon's numbers are probably accurate. With both production lines running at 50k a week, they should currently be somewhere around 3.5 to 4.5 million units.
                If they keep that pace up all of this year, they'd be up around 8-10 million.

                But it isn't clear if the OLED line is running at 50k units yet, or what the long-term fate of the LCD line will be. With it simplified to a single model they could maybe crank production higher, or they could slow the lines down to ensure better outcomes from both.

              • 4 months ago

                NTA, I think it is foolish to underestimate the steam deck numbers. According to the anti-deck shills like that anon, it would be less than 500K in 2022. This turned out to be false.

              • 4 months ago

                Valve needs to increase production by an oder of magnitude and get Decks distributed to retailers world wide to be an actual competitor in the console market. Right now it's just a trojan horse to introduce people to Linux gaming.

              • 4 months ago

                It's insane seeing that Gears 1 was a system seller and the best looking game on the market when it came out, yet only sold 5 million copies. Did the RRoD plague frick over it's potential?

              • 4 months ago

                damn, ps3 games sold like shit compared to x360.

              • 4 months ago

                PS3 was a colossal failure for Sony and Microsoft literally just let them win. It is actually crazy how hard and fast MS destroyed themselves and allowed Sony to completely regain all of their lost ground with the PS4.

          • 4 months ago

            Is like saying that megadrive/genesis won the 16bits race or N64 won the 64bit race.
            Wii and the handheld consoles(DS and psp) won that gen

      • 4 months ago

        >play games on 360
        >360 GPU shits itself
        nice console, bro

      • 4 months ago

        No, PS3 won on the long term

      • 4 months ago

        It was basically the Tortoise and the Hare. 360 was the Hare and PS3 was the Tortoise. Slow and steady wins the race.

        • 4 months ago

          The only difference is that both of them lost.
          Even if you don't include the wii the PS3 still burned nearly five billion dollars and couldn't run games for shit

  24. 4 months ago

    microsoft has a console that most gamers of culture use, it's called a computer

    • 4 months ago

      lmao, /r/pcmasterrace seething, this is some culture you morons got

      • 4 months ago

        microsoft has a console that most gamers of culture use, it's called a computer

  25. 4 months ago

    So what exactly was the point of all of those acquisitions? Take as many companies as they can down with them?

    • 4 months ago

      now they get to be The Biggest Games Publisher™

    • 4 months ago

      Make all the money of IP licencing without any of the overhead

    • 4 months ago

      now they get to be The Biggest Games Publisher™

      which is more profitable

  26. 4 months ago

    Apple x Sega will take their spot

    • 4 months ago

      only if Sega releases Dreamcast 2

      • 4 months ago

        They did, it was called Xbox back in 2001

  27. 4 months ago

    Based xbox killer

    • 4 months ago

      there would be no eulogies for phil

    • 4 months ago


  28. 4 months ago

    Where were you when Todd Howard accidentally ended the console wars?

  29. 4 months ago

    It's all fake rumors spread by crying recently lay off

  30. 4 months ago

    So they are going full PC. I think it's fine, nobody cared about the consoles anyway.
    Hopefully Sony stops paying for the 1 year exclusivity now.

    • 4 months ago

      windows already killed xbox, if snoy stops with the 1 year deals pc would kill playstation as well
      exclusives are a necessity

      • 4 months ago

        Too bad. Most snoyggers don't play the exclusives. They just use PS5 to play COD, Fortnite, and FIFA. That's it.

        • 4 months ago

          Xbox is the sports console. Snoys use their PS5 to play PS4 games.

          • 4 months ago


            • 4 months ago

              well this gen there isn't anything but ps5 to choose when it comes to buying a console

    • 4 months ago

      I don't think that's what's happening. I think they're moving to having multiple devices on a new home platform instead of a single Xbox console.
      Its the only thing they can do to try to hang on to the mainstream users. If they really do let Xbox go completely, they're on their way out of the home market entirely.

  31. 4 months ago

    Such is life for a cucksole corporate slave...

    He is having a full-blown meltdown over this

    • 4 months ago

      >play Starfield

      why though

  32. 4 months ago

    >Peter Ovo capitulating to Sonychads
    Never thought I'd see the day.

  33. 4 months ago

    Well, it took 23 years, but better late then never.

  34. 4 months ago

    >console gay thinks exclusices are good

  35. 4 months ago

    they should just use the xbox brand to sell a prebuilt pc with their microshit already installed on it.

    • 4 months ago

      its exactly their plan

    • 4 months ago

      It isn't going to be a single system, and they may not call the system itself 'Xbox', but their new ARM platform is rumored to include specs for OEMs to sell a handheld game system, a few different tablets, laptops, and a TV connected system (or embedded hardware for TVs). There is probably also going to be a phone, and a headset.
      The platform Microsoft is really trying to kill isn't Xbox, but the open platform PC for home users as we have known it.

      They won't fully succeed, but PCs are about to become a lot more of a niche product as far as the general public is concerned even if enthusiast PC builders won't really be effected.

  36. 4 months ago

    We already knew this since the Xbox one and PC games. This isn't news.

  37. 4 months ago

    >lived long enough to see Microsoft finally pay for shutting down Ensemble, destroying Rareware and killing the Halo franchise

    • 4 months ago

      MS didn't kill Rare, Rare killed Rare. There wouldn't even be a Rare anymore if it weren't for MS.

    • 4 months ago

      MS didn't kill Rare, Rare killed Rare. There wouldn't even be a Rare anymore if it weren't for MS.

      Rare's still thriving with Sea of Thieves and Killer Instinct. Why do ponies keep pretending Rare is dead when they continue to support Xbox and Switch with their older games?

      I think once Sony announces this rumored "PSVita2", Nintendo might be next?
      Obviously the Nintendo fanbase is stronger than Microsoft's, but if Sony was able to take down a trillion dollar company, once they focus their attention on N, it's gonna be a tough game to play for them, with inferior hardware and a smaller dedicated fan base (and no movie studios synergy).

      Vita1 never stood a chance without support.

      >"It is Microsoft. And I will kill them."

      >Ken Kutaragi 1994, when asked who he thought the biggest competition would be for his upcoming PlayStation game console

      Kutaragi was a raging asshat who was kicked to the curb by his own company after all the work he put in for them.

      • 4 months ago

        >Sea of Thieves
        >Killer Instinct

        • 4 months ago



    • 4 months ago

      is that an anime girl needler?

      • 4 months ago

        I think it's the Covenant vehicle thing.

  38. 4 months ago

    PC outsells all of these shitboxes combined.

  39. 4 months ago

    no wonder the series x is shaped like a pc, they had this planned from the start

    • 4 months ago

      Not exactly, but there was very clearly an expectation within Microsoft that they were not going to maintain two separate platforms for home users. Xbox division thought it would win, Windows home thought it would win. Unfortunately for both of them Microsoft is sacrificing them both to Windows ARM.

  40. 4 months ago

    >Chad Warden KEEPS WINNING

    SUP b***hES

  41. 4 months ago

    so I guess an Xbox All-Star Game would be multiplat

    • 4 months ago

      Microsoft is probably gonna shut down Heroes of the Storm servers instead of reviving that game lmao.

  42. 4 months ago

    The 360 was the only gen where Xbox was relevant.

  43. 4 months ago

    >out of the console race though they will still have a console
    in other words, what Xbox has been doing for the past 10 years. What PS has been dping for the last 5 since they started releasing """exclusives""" on PC
    The console race has been over for some time now, why are consoletroons freaking out about this only now?

  44. 4 months ago

    I keep seeing all these threads for the past few hours now but I've still yet to see any concrete proof that this is the case.

  45. 4 months ago

    >Nintendo still an island of its own, refusing to cater towards 3rd party and you basically only own these to play Mario
    >Sony focuses more on diversity than gameplay
    >xbox out of the race
    Please let videogames crash

    • 4 months ago

      >also in other news dev want to go into the live service route
      i can smell the crash in bound i wonder who's gonna get lit up first

  46. 4 months ago

    Thank god it's over. Ganker is literally unusable when jeets shill Gamepass, Starfield and now Palworld

  47. 4 months ago

    You're all missing the point here. I'm guessing this is going to be server hosted and a subscription with a lite multiplat minimalist client. For those that actually know then you have been expecting this to come along ever since you could use GPUs via RDP a decade ago. You no longer need a local GPU or particularly high spec processor. You need a dub terminal. Your conole is now a subsciption service and this allows them to host massive rendered Open worlds or whatever. Ganker is full of dumb homosexuals, particularly the try hard 'I have a PC so I must be techy' spoilt divorce kids. It is of course shit but there you go, they will win because this is absolute profit and their worlds will have the best AIs as well. You get what you fricking deserve for using digital libraries and subscription services. Gaming died a decade ago

    • 4 months ago

      Stadia style video streamed games are definitely a possibility, especially if games are designed for that approach.
      I think we're more likely to see Microsoft, and possibly everyone else including Nintendo leveraging WebGPU.
      Instead of video streamed to the device, the game runs locally, but in a way that is not device specific, and with no gate keeper.

      • 4 months ago

        >I think we're more likely to see Microsoft, and possibly everyone
        I was going tui nshit a decade ago on Dell blade chassis hosting specialise and intensive rendering software for modelling oil and gas exploration seismic results. It is what Microsoft are going and its probably a good call FOR THEM. Making powerful consoles with GPUs and CPUs is a painful loss leading mess. .You're all emulating anyway. They just emulate everything and stream it. Where problems start is in latency and other fun stuff but since games have become progressively for the more special needs and tard reflexes anyway for the last decade no one will notice or the consumers will adapt because its easier. Microsoft won't even care if the client is linux android or whatever. The powerful end user computer is being replaced with dumb terminals run by morons

    • 4 months ago

      Remotely streaming games from a server is going to be a completely garbage experience, but then again consolegays already play <30 FPS with VSync and / or rendering resolution barely above 720p so a lot of them probably wouldn't mind the high input lag and the nuked image quality. They might just eat it up.

      I think once Sony announces this rumored "PSVita2", Nintendo might be next?
      Obviously the Nintendo fanbase is stronger than Microsoft's, but if Sony was able to take down a trillion dollar company, once they focus their attention on N, it's gonna be a tough game to play for them, with inferior hardware and a smaller dedicated fan base (and no movie studios synergy).

      Sony cannot make video games so it's impossible for them to take Nintendo down, because Nintendo actually makes video games and the people who buy Nintendo's consoles buy them to actually play video games (the Switch doesn't really do much else other than play video games). Sony has the garbomancy-trashware Hollywood-reject market down pat, MS tried competing there and failed.

      • 4 months ago

        >Remotely streaming games from a server is going to be a completely garbage experience, but then again consolegays already play <30 FPS with VSync and / or rendering resolution barely above 720p so a lot of them probably wouldn't mind the high input lag and the nuked image quality. They might just eat it up.
        Depends how you do it. Given a 32GB buffer of rendered space in memory on the dumb terminal you can do stuff. I don;t like any of this by the way. Hate gates all you want but that man wanted a computer on every desk and in every home and hated the idea of buying time on minaframes, which is really that this is again. But yeah. They don;t need a console because they are going to have thin client multiplat or whatever and frick huge powerful server spaces rendering and doing pro intensive stuff like AI

  48. 4 months ago

    I think once Sony announces this rumored "PSVita2", Nintendo might be next?
    Obviously the Nintendo fanbase is stronger than Microsoft's, but if Sony was able to take down a trillion dollar company, once they focus their attention on N, it's gonna be a tough game to play for them, with inferior hardware and a smaller dedicated fan base (and no movie studios synergy).

    • 4 months ago

      Modern sony frick themselves up. New vita won't have fanservice or backward and might be digital only or some bullshit sony will try to kill it. Sony can't even support ps5 it will be dead on arrival.

    • 4 months ago

      Sony doesn't have any devs that could make games for a Vita2, they'd have to rely on 3rd parties leaving the Switch and it's massive fanbase in favor of a new handheld without a fanbase.

    • 4 months ago

      You can't take down Nintendo. They go for an entirely different demographic than Xbox and Sony and they've exited out of the race entirely for the last 3 generations. No matter what Sony does or how many times Nintendo shits the bed with another console failure they will still make consoles and games because they're the video game console with Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon; they literally can't be beaten.

      • 4 months ago

        That's the power of appealing to the gaming audience. Sony and MS shouldn't have bowed out of gaming at the end of gen 7 if they wanted that kind of success.

      • 4 months ago

        Pokemon just had its ass handed to itself by Palworld.
        Most people accept that Tears of the Kingdom as mediocre disappointing slop, now that its honeymoon phase is long-over.
        Mario Odyssey was disappointing and Wonder under-performed.

        Then again they're releasing their next console relatively soon, so maybe they can fix their reputation a bit with that release. Doubt it though.

        • 4 months ago

          Pokemon is a JRPG while Palworld is Rust clone #3852374
          You only get posts this stupid in a console war thread

          • 4 months ago

            Don't respond to sonygays. I mean the guy genuinely said "maybe they can fix their reputation" as if they aren't currently on the top.

            • 4 months ago

              >he thinks I'm a sonygay

              I typed this post.

              It's been over for a while.
              Consoles are going to die off within 10 years anyway. The future is PC/mobile. But at the end of the day it's Sony that's ultimately screwed, Microsoft will continue to dominate the PC gaming market while Nintendo expands in the movie/TV/theme park industry and becomes Disney 2.0. Meanwhile, Sony is left with nothing.

              If anything, Sony is the first company that's going down. Nintendo will get by coasting off of Disney's business model until they trash themselves with mediocrity in a similar manner. Microsoft will inevitably come on on to thanks to them being a mega-corporation with infinite money, unfortunately. Fricking hate that company but it is what it is.

              • 4 months ago

                Sure you did buddy.

              • 4 months ago

                I did.
                As I've already said, I fricking hate Microsoft with every fiber of my being, but they're likely to come out on top thanks to them being a monopolized megacorp. They have infinite money to do whatever the frick they want, unfortunately.
                Nintendo will hang on - for a while. Until they ruin their branding and rep with excessive releases of mediocre slop. Which is already happening; the early cracks are beginning to show. Pokemon is inexcusable trash now. ACNH, ToTK, Mario Odyssey and Wonder were disappointing. The Mario movie was forgettably mediocre and the Zelda movie already sounds like an utter disaster in the making.
                Meanwhile, Sony's fricked. The console market's days are numbered and they have don't have enough first-party titles or noteworthy, iconic IPs justify a console purchase. Hell they're already selling their fricking games on PC, it doesn't get much lower than that.

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                >Until they (headcanon)
                People have been saying this for 30 years. Nintendo is going nowhere.

              • 4 months ago

                Tell that to Star Wars and Marvel. Or Disney in general, really.
                People will only accept slop for so long (even children) until they don't. It's not the 90's or the 2000's anymore, there are many more options for entertainment these days.
                All they have to do is make decent games again. Games that actually satisfy their fans and live up to the hype and the cost. I'm saying that as a former Nintendo fan btw. Granted they'll still be around, but they won't be as relevant or nearly as respected if they continue going down this route.

                Also consoles are as good as dead in 15 years anyway, everything is going to be some shitty online service on PC or mobile.

              • 4 months ago

                >All they have to do is make decent games again
                And they are, whether you like it or not their games are selling for a reason and that reason is because they're currently making high quality games that people actually want and as the rest of the industry degrades Nintendo becomes more desirable for their sheer variety of IPs spanning the genres and consistent output.

                >I'm saying that as a former Nintendo fan btw.
                Right. Let me guess, you also believe that Nintendo is at their best when they're struggling, right?
                >but they won't be as relevant or nearly as respected if they continue going down this route.
                Anon, the other route is to make garbage AAA games like every other company that tosses away visual style for generic realism while making games as simple as possible. That's the path that leads to irrelevancy.

              • 4 months ago

                >All they need to do is make games I WANT
                have a nice day homosexual.

              • 4 months ago


          • 4 months ago

            >Pokemon is a JRPG

            It's also bottom-barrel dogshit, and not what the modern audience wants out of the monster-collecting genre anymore.

        • 4 months ago

          Holy shit, Nintendo is truly finished if they don't listen to what anon has to say right now...

        • 4 months ago

          >Mario Odyssey was disappointing

          *Objectively best game of all time blocks your path*

        • 4 months ago

          >Zelda TotK is overall #5 best-selling game in 2023 according to NPD
          >Mario Wonder is overall #12, with just 2 months in the market
          >Both do not include digital
          Sonygay: DOOM AND GLOOM
          Fricking idiot.

  49. 4 months ago

    Copied from other meltdown thread:

    Do I just sell the series X? I have pc ps5 and switch, but I don’t see any point in keeping the series X on the shelf hoping for a jailbreak, they haven’t even jail broken the xbone the hypervisor is too Black personish apparently. A jailbroken series X for upscaled og Xbox and 360 games stuck on those platforms would be ideal but I don’t see it happening, not paying $15 bucks a pop or whatever for otogi.

    • 4 months ago

      Up to you if you don't like to own some physical games from xbox side.

  50. 4 months ago

    Since Nintendo doesn't seem to be interested in producing a proper home console at this time, that effectively leaves the PlayStation brand as the only home console for the foreseeable future... this will probably frick over their users in some way.

    • 4 months ago

      >this will probably frick over their users in some way
      They already did with forced censor law and killing jap studio. I jumped ship to nintendo and eroge on PC after that.

    • 4 months ago

      Already has. I wouldn't be surprised if Sony goes third party sometime in the future because they're just too focused on having the most powerful, most flashiest, most Hollywood videogames.

      • 4 months ago

        So then what home console is left? Switch 2 with game pass and snoy pass?

        • 4 months ago

          Probably no home consoles in the traditional manner if that's what you're asking.

          • 4 months ago

            You just think every zoomer, bean, Black person, and normalgay is gonna go PC?

            • 4 months ago

              PC or Switch. Probably both.

    • 4 months ago

      >in producing a proper home console at this time
      A switch 2 with DLSS, 8 gigs of RAM and 2 TFLOPS of theoretical output that sells 100 million units will be treated as a proper home console by most third parties

  51. 4 months ago

    >hurrr xbox is going third-party
    >but they'll still support xbox
    how does that work you fricking troons?

  52. 4 months ago

    Fricking finally. Maybe they'll just release all of their shit third party and on PC.
    Microsoft single handedly introduced all of the worst parts of console gaming.
    >Paid online
    >Paid dlc
    >Pre order exclusive bonuses
    >Normies in gaming
    >Buying every studio under the sun and not doing shit with the IP
    Frick them forever.
    >Verification not required

    • 4 months ago

      You fricking moron, there would be literally no PC gaming without Microsoft whether DOS or DirectX. Fricking vegetables like you that were not even more when some of us were writing software should shut the frick up and learn. What Microsoft is becoming is what your so l'edgy bullshit like Scott McNealy was pimping in the 90s. Java dumb terminals and similar toss.Enjoy.

      • 4 months ago

        >Microsoft ruined console gaming
        >But they made good tools for PC gaming
        Don't care

      • 4 months ago

        Microsoft literally stole everything they have from Xerox and Apple.

  53. 4 months ago

    Why do anons pretend like exclusives matter when 99% of people play cod and FIFA?

    • 4 months ago

      Because having other games is what pushes that 99% on which box to pick
      The 360 was pre-CoD but in 2005-2008, it was no brainer to get the box that had tons of highly rated dudebro exclusives compared to the PS3 which had a bunch of mediocre exclusives and the multiplats all performed worse. Why get an Xbox now with zero exclusives when you can get a PS5 for the same price with the same multiplat performance and also exclusives?

      • 4 months ago

        Not really
        In most situations, people's decisions are affected by the following list of factors, in order of descending priority
        >What are my friends buying
        >Does it have the multiplats my friends are playing
        >Is it easily available (i.e. not having stock issues)
        >Do I already have a lot of digital games on one of these boxes
        >Does it have some extra non-game functionality (plays movies, netflix, etc)
        Having unique games only matters to the people who actually think about the total value they can get out of their console. And for 99% of people, the decision for one console or the other is made before they even get to that step
        Why did PS4 outsell Xbox One? Because it was cheaper and more powerful
        Why did 360 initially outsell the PS3? Because the PS3 was fricking $600
        Why did the PS2 outsell the Game Cube and Xbox original? Cause it was one of the cheapest DVD players on the market at the time
        Why is the PS5 outselling the Series S/X? Cause most people have a PS4 and PS4 games already and would prefer the box they can keep playing those games on instead of having to throw out the library they already bought

    • 4 months ago

      >Why do anons pretend like exclusives matter when 99% of people play cod and FIFA?
      because this place is a Gankerirgin circle jerk

  54. 4 months ago

    Why do white people not understand the video game market? Reminds me of Atari and the other consoles all failing. If you aren't Japanese don't make a console, lmao

  55. 4 months ago

    It’s time for the Dreamcast 2, Sega is coming back and they’re going to fill in the vacuum, are you bros ready for a decade of arcade kino again? New sega rally, new hang on, new space harrier, new scud race, new galaxy force, new Daytona, new sega bass fishing, new thunder force, we’re coming home…..after all this time…….

  56. 4 months ago

    When Phil said he's bringing the games, I guess he meant to other consoles.

  57. 4 months ago

    Time for the bear and bird to return home

  58. 4 months ago

    This would be good news if Xbox actually had any games.

  59. 4 months ago

    360 was a fluke

  60. 4 months ago


  61. 4 months ago

    If you are MS, how would you maximize your profit from your gaming division? Xbox games on PS and Nintendo consoles? Gamepass on anything that has a screen, including Steam/Epic? Release your own, windows based handheld?

  62. 4 months ago

    >"It is Microsoft. And I will kill them."

    >Ken Kutaragi 1994, when asked who he thought the biggest competition would be for his upcoming PlayStation game console

    • 4 months ago

      >"I intend to create a console for gays and newhalf"
      >t. Ken Kutaragi

  63. 4 months ago

    Xbox fans? Those still exist?

  64. 4 months ago

    >losing to a system that literally has no games at all

  65. 4 months ago

    >Microsoft was seriously considering ending Xbox after the Xbone flopped
    >Phil Spencer swooped in and kept it going on life support
    >promises upon promises about "the best games line up in Xbox history"
    >nothing comes to fruition
    >now, thanks to the acquisitions they were able to make by being the "underdogs", they can kill off the consoles and become a publisher/developer only studio as well as offer Game Pass as a service

    • 4 months ago

      The biggest issue to me is that if they had gone the direction of Nintendo, and basically focused on their 1st party output as the primary revenue driver, they could have had something interesting.

      • 4 months ago

        >The biggest issue to me is that if they had gone the direction of Nintendo
        But nintendo had already corned the markets for morons who would pay to much for low spec near obsolete hardware and shitty Alibaba tier handhelds for teh homeless.

        • 4 months ago

          okay, calm down snoy

    • 4 months ago

      cute ryne

  66. 4 months ago

    Is it time for /them/ to re-enter the market?

    • 4 months ago

      Don’t get my fricking hopes up…

    • 4 months ago

      Sega doesn't have the resources to compete with Sony or Nintendo.

    • 4 months ago

      if only

  67. 4 months ago

    I know what will save Xbox but nobody wants to admit it.

  68. 4 months ago

    Why can't MS win in the console business at all?

    Their money power is massive.
    I thought their recent M&A on vidya companies shoud be a death sentence to their rivals though.

    • 4 months ago

      they never tried having actual video games to play on their consoles

    • 4 months ago

      It's not how much money you have, it's how you spend it.

    • 4 months ago

      they tacitly refuse to release good games, or even games at all.

      • 4 months ago

        Worse than that, they buy companies making good games and force them to make the game shit

        • 4 months ago

          >they buy companies making good games and force them to make the game shit
          nah, the companies they bought were always making shit, but Microsoft could've easily cleaned house and used their IPs for good stuff.
          However this is beyond the ambitions of braindead pajeets so it was not to be.

        • 4 months ago

          I don't buy this and I never will. Everything we've ever heard from any of these studios is that Microsoft is the most hands-off publisher ever. I think it's more that they become complacent now that they have basically infinite money and time from Daddy Spencer, so they frick around and end up making dogshit.

          I'm a pretty firm believer in concrete deadlines and limits producing better games than infinite time & money.

          • 4 months ago

            It's not just that, it's that Phil also has no eye for quality. The guy played Starfield for 200+ hours and thought "yes, this is the game I want to stake the future of Xbox on". Sony is well known for going in and telling their developers if a game sucks or if it has problems. Famously, when Yoshida went to see progress on God of War 4 he told the team that the combat sucked and if it wasn't better the next time he came around he would consider cancelling the project. Sony just cancelled TLOU GaaS garbage because they realized it was going to be dogshit. MS and Phil don't do that. They just let shit walk out the door and preach about developer freedom. Sometimes developers need to be told they're fricking up.

            • 4 months ago

              >The guy played Starfield for 200+ hours
              Ok sorry I have to stop you right there, if you actually believe corporate execs like Phil and Todd Howard when they say shit like this, I have a timeshare in Florida to sell you.

              >Sony is well known for going in and telling their developers if a game sucks or if it has problems
              >Sometimes developers need to be told they're fricking up
              Yes this is what I'm saying. People like Peter Molyneux and Chris Roberts famously were reigned in by a more hands-on Microsoft back in the olden days, and now look at them. MS right now as a publisher just isn't doing shit, they're completely trusting their studio heads and not getting involved at all, and it's costing them. Look at Redfall.

              • 4 months ago

                Of course I don't actually believe Phil played it for 200 hours but that's also part of the problem isn't it? Either he's lying and doesn't know anything about the games and therefore they are getting shoved out in a garbage state or he's telling the truth and actually has no idea what a good game even is. Both possibilities are equally terrible for Xbox.

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah I'm pretty sure Phil's strategy was just "we'll have games if we buy everyone". Based on all the rumors flying around right now, I think Nutella was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on this for several years but at least someone at the top has lost patience and is demanding some kind of results.

                At least that's my charitable interpretation, I do think Phil had some kind of a long-term strategy to become the Netflix of games and have the exclusives to draw people into the Windows/Xbox ecosystem, but ultimately we got nogaems for a decade, and the ones we did get sucked fricking ass, so that cratered everything.

                Hence my original argument of exclusives mattering above all else. As we all know, the PS3 had nogaems.

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah, as much as I dislike the idea behind exclusives, you're not wrong. If Xbox had games, I would own an Xbox alongside my PS5, Switch, and PC. The Netflix of games thing will never work because people fundamentally consume games differently from movies or shows. It's easier to binge watch a TV show, you just sit there and look at a screen. Games require more focus and concentration. Even the Sony "cinematic experiences" require you to be engaged enough to press buttons and walk forward. People take this for granted I think but for the average normie pressing buttons and walking forward in a game while trying to pay attention to the dialogue from an NPC is actually a focus intensive task.

              • 4 months ago

                >The Netflix of games thing will never work because people fundamentally consume games differently from movies or shows.
                counterpoint: I've signed up for it and they've nailed it. The balance of day 1 releases and stuff that's a few years old is really great, and the spread between AAA and indie titles, and between intensive games and casual timesinks is very good. I've got a backlog of like 7 titles across 3 generations, not counting OG Doom/Doom II, that I'm chewing through, plus a roguelike for when I just want to play 30 minutes

                That said I took basically 9 years off from consoles so probably a lot of the stuff that's cool and new to me is stuff everyone already played, but it's great.

              • 4 months ago

                Anon, if you are engaged enough with gaming as a hobby to be posting on Ganker you are far from the average gamer. The average gamer plays 1-5 games a year. Shit, there are MILLIONS of people that bought a PS5 to ONLY play CoD.

              • 4 months ago

                >Shit, there are MILLIONS of people that bought a PS5 to ONLY play CoD.

                Freedom was a mistake

                anyway I'm only gaman for like 3 hours a week tops, and their Netflix For Games is just about perfect. Frick me if I can figure out the economics though

        • 4 months ago

          it's the opposite. Microsoft needed to crack the whip on those lazy homosexuals and force them to start making real vidya again.

    • 4 months ago

      no games for the last 10-15 years, but more than that Japs will always hate non-Jap consoles and Xbox fails in Europe too since they only ever invest in ~5 languages for their games, but Sony and Nintendo invest in 12+

    • 4 months ago

      >Their money power is massive.
      It's for a lot of different reasons at each stage
      Xbox original? New kid on the block and no DVD player. They were just copying Sony's business model but Sony was still the developer favorite just due to the sheer popularity of the PS2.
      Xbox 360? It took a lot of market share because of the PS3's price frick up and because it was easier for devs to program for.
      Xbox One? Don Mattrick MASSIVELY fricked the launch by gutting the core gaming divisions, driving away their second party studios (Epic and Bungie) and pushing his pet projects (Kinect mainly) as the 'NEW' Xbox brand.
      Xbox Series? Mix of a lack of consistent good first party output and digital-library entrenchment resulting in every PS4 owner basically upgrading to PS5 by default and the only Xbox owners being the diehards who stuck around with the Xbone generation

      • 4 months ago

        >digital-library entrenchment resulting in every PS4 owner basically upgrading to PS5 by default

        I think this is the real killer, they completely fricked up the bone and it turns out that was the generation where everyone started going heavy on digital libraries and backwards compatibility, which have to be massive multipliers to brand loyalty. Each game you buy for the PS4 is a reason to buy a PS5, or PS6. Microsoft will be paying for the Xbone fiasco for as long as they're in the business

        • 4 months ago

          Oh yeah, absolutely
          It's like how most iphone users don't even look at android alternatives most of the time, they just upgrade to the next iphone
          It's why Samsung has been advertising their data-migration system that lets you bring all your settings over to an android phone with no issue.
          Unfortunately, there's no library-migration process for Playstation to Xbox, so people don't even look at Xbox if they've been using Playstation for 7 years

          • 4 months ago


            Microsoft fricked up at the worst possible time

            • 4 months ago

              Yep. I've said it before, but Phil Spencer should have fricking televised Don Mattrick's execution
              The issue is that there's only really ONE viable path when you lose the 3rd party race. Nintendo figured it out, Sega didn't and, ultimately, Microsoft didn't. You have to turn inwards and become a 1st-party centric business. Because even if you get a clean slate, you have to rebuild those 3rd party relationships and win every inch of ground back with a metric shit-ton of losses from cheap hardware and aggressive marketing deals.
              And after last gen, even those tactics don't work.
              Microsoft should have refocused themselves as being the dev-friendly box and basically grabbed any studios with some decent talent and given them some more competent management and an influx of cash to expand their engineering and technical art teams

              • 4 months ago

                Another thing that Mattrick did was destroy Xbox's internal studios and basically gutting their talent and development so Xbox had to rebuild from nothing again after he left. Mattrick was absolutely malicious and incompetent in every single way. It's impossible to build a strong first party lineup when the last guy killed all your studios that would be making games and made the development environment so hostile that no other developer would join you.

              • 4 months ago

                Absolutely. Mattrick turbo-fricked Microsoft's reputation in the industry because under him, not only did they meddle with Halo and Gears to the point that Epic and Bungie wanted nothing to do with them anymore, but he also fricked Lionshead up so bad from forcing kinect down their throats that they imploded and shuttered.
                If anyone ever wonders why Phil doesn't even touch the Xbox studios, even when he ought to, it's because of this. He and the rest of Xbox leadership are scared shitless of another dev exodus leaving them with a bunch of studios and IP but nobody who actually wants to stay and make games long term

              • 4 months ago

                >fricked Lionshead up so bad from forcing kinect down their throats
                Don't forget Rare

      • 4 months ago

        >Xbox original? New kid on the block and no DVD player.

        Why do you lie?

        • 4 months ago

          I mean that's the essential reason why. Xbox was about the same price as PS2 and Game Cube at launch. The main thing is not really many people knew about Xbox, it had no reputation or

    • 4 months ago

      Consoles need exclusives. This is the simple truth. Without exclusives, there is no reason to buy a console.

      The 360 completely dominated the 7th gen because of exclusives. Not even the Red Ring of Death, arguably one of the worst hardware quality control problems in any industry OF ALL TIME, was not enough to stop the 360 because of the insane powerhouse exclusives.

      Let's review:
      > Halo 3, ODST, Reach
      > Gear of War 1, 2, 3, Judgement
      > Fable 2 & 3
      > Mass Effect
      > Bioshock
      > GTA IV Day One and timed exclusive DLCs
      > Saint's Row
      > Forza Motorsport 2 & Horizons

      And there's a ton more timed exclusives or even console exclusives I'm forgetting. The secret to winning a console generation is simply being the console that everyone needs to have. And you do that through exclusives.

      • 4 months ago

        just show us how to play steam H-games on TV.

      • 4 months ago

        >Without exclusives, there is no reason to buy a console.
        There are still a lot of convenience and streamlining issues that PC will never be able to solve on a fundamental level, simply for being an open multi-purpose platform, on top of all the legitimate bugs and problems. Sometimes you just don't want to deal with all that shit.

        • 4 months ago

          the X360 was precisely the console with bugs and problems

        • 4 months ago

          >tfw your best friend has been pouring thousands of dollars into Xboxes over the years while you migrated to PC over a decade ago and recently he was considering buying a PC and you almost talked him into it but he flaked out and bought another Xbox because of convenience
          feels bad man

          • 4 months ago

            I got a used Series X pretty cheap and it's been great. Couch + big screen works better for some games, just as desk + mouse work better for others.

            • 4 months ago

              But anon that's the thing, you can do both with PC. I have mine hooked up to my TV via HDMI as well as my docking station in the office via USB-C. With the press of a button I can switch between couch gaymin on the controller and desk gaymin on MKB.

              I had the build all picked out for him and everything, I was able to get him a $500 system which was his budget that even included a 1080.

              • 4 months ago

                >he passed up on a $500 GTX 1080 build
                Your friend is a fricking idiot.

              • 4 months ago

                12600 build too, I had some sick Black Friday week deals all queued up to hit that target. We were gonna take a bro trip down to Microcenter and everything too. Sucks but I guess he'll come to PC now that Xbox is kill.

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah, but now you're gonna be spending a lot more money for a comparable or better PC experience. Even a 1080p poverty box is grossly overpriced now.

              • 4 months ago

                Compared to 2 months ago?? What happened

              • 4 months ago

                Oh I'm sorry I thought you were saying it was a GTX 1080 build from last generation. tbh $500 for 1080p in 2024 is pretty overpriced, anon. Both consoles can do better than that for the same price. I doubt your friend wants to game at 1080p.

              • 4 months ago

                I know, but the experience is infinitely better for casual gaming. Also I got the X for like $180 with some games, so it was a no-brainer. Still love PC, but now understand why people other than sports Black folks like consoles.

                Passing up a $500 1080 system is deeply moronic though.

              • 4 months ago

                You can but it's still not as nice. Just the other day I tried to play some game on Steam for the first time in probably a year, this was my experience:

                >Connect DualSense to check out new Steam Input stuff.
                >Gazillion different windows with setting and loading presets and shit, but default seems to work.
                >Start a game. Recognizes the controller.
                >Menu goes haywire and starts going up and down selections by itself. Check out deadzone setting, nothing weird there. Restart.
                >OK now it seems to work better, but the input is being dropped several times a second. Moving a character is not smooth but stops/starts running again continuously. Restart.
                >Still the same. Restart.
                >OK now it seems to work better. But there's no rumble.
                >Bring up the PS+X hotkey Steam quick menu. Rumble is enabled.
                >Go into the Steam setting, test rumble button. Nothing.
                >Disable/enable rumble in the menu. Still nothing. Restart.
                >Still Nothing. Restart.
                >OK now rumble seems to work suddenly.
                >Try to bring up the PS+X Steam quick menu again to enable fps overlay. Nothing happens.
                >Shortcut key refuses to work and only goes to the main Steam menu of you hold it long enough. Restart.
                >Still no quick menu. Restart.
                >OK now it works, check fps, set graphics options until I hit 60.
                >Turn fps display off, and get ready to finally start playing.
                >The stuttery/dropout controls are back again.

                And on top of all that it still uses the Xbox button icons. Most of it is minor but PC has a ton of that kind of stuff you need to deal with on occasion, and workarounds/compromises you just need to accept. Console just werks. If there was a faster, more expensive console option where you'd never have to be afraid of 30fps I'd be all over that.

              • 4 months ago

                If things get better just by restarting multiple time, it's probably updates that were late for a very VERY long time.
                > play some game on Steam for the first time in probably a year,
                I think you meant the PC itself and not just Steam.

              • 4 months ago

                I mean I updated Steam before even starting any of that. And yes it's really weird, the hotkey for the quick menu suddenly not working happened again a bit later when I was playing. Another issue I didn't mention is that it forgets the lightbar settings every time you restart. Or rather the settings are there, but you have to go in there and touch something for it to be applied, otherwise it stays on default. And don't get me started on modifying .ini-files for whatever obscure problem you might be running into on your particular PC setup.

                Like I said it's all minor niggles, but it adds up, and the poor experience is really noticeable when you've been playing on console for a while, where you're in a game at the touch of a button. Even performance mode can be set as a preference on the console so you don't even need to change that when booting up a game for the first time.

              • 4 months ago

                Dunno man, I only use my Xbone controller and my 8bitdo ones. I've never tried that dual sense.

          • 4 months ago

            Your friend will own his game even in his deadbed while you Will own nothing if Valve go Lehman brother.
            Every platform has their bad and good shit

            • 4 months ago

              Wdym, all my games are on my disk, pirates from rutracker

  69. 4 months ago

    So if Xbox pulls out of the console race, does that make Playstation a monopoly?

    • 4 months ago

      Yup. Let hope that you will like $1000 PS6 and $150 generic game.

  70. 4 months ago
    yeah it's over

    • 4 months ago

      >ads mid game
      >AI community managers
      this would be hilarious. Just burn it all down now

  71. 4 months ago

    This is OLD news. Phil Spencer admitted that they "lost" the console war. Xbox also got rid of their entire physical division and stated that if they don't see improved sells and products then by 2028 or so they'll be moving away from the video game industry.

    There might not even be Xbox games and consoles by 2030.

  72. 4 months ago

    >the ABK acquisition did kill competition in the console space, but it killed off Xbox through Microsoft's incompetence
    didn't see that coming

  73. 4 months ago

    he is in

  74. 4 months ago

    I like how only after they bought Activision someone in accounting did the math and told Phil there's no way they're gonna make their money back.

  75. 4 months ago

    >Playstation is now guaranteed to have a complete monopoly on the high end console scene

    How fricked are we?

    • 4 months ago

      hyper fricked. trillion dollar company exclusives and consoles are expensive you will please understand sirs

    • 4 months ago

      Are we acting like Xbox has mattered at all in the past 10 years? Sony was already doing whatever they wanted. If anything, it might stop console exclusivity for games like FF7R2.

      • 4 months ago

        Xbox has only ever existed to keep Sony in check, it's the very reason for its inception and invention. We shit on Xbox constantly for its moronic decisions but it's a hero we need.

        • 4 months ago

          But Xbox has done more to damage the industry than Sony has?

          • 4 months ago

            It may not look like it but that's Xbox saving the industry.

            • 4 months ago

              How so?

            • 4 months ago

              >paid to play online
              >paid subscriptions
              >digital only

              they've been nothing but aids on the industry

              • 4 months ago

                But see here, you fail to understand that you solely blame Xbox for such practices, not the other companies. They took the brunt of the backlash when people just handwaved it later on.

              • 4 months ago

                >you solely blame Xbox for such practices

                yes I blame the people that are responsible for starting something

              • 4 months ago

                Being first doesn't matter, who does it more is what matters.

    • 4 months ago

      Not fricked at all considering even Sony bent the knee to Lord Gaben and is releasing all their first party exclusives on Steam??

      I mean that shit was beyond inconceivable 5 years ago. Even when the NVIDIA leak revealed Sony games were coming to PC people immediately wrote it off as just testing or debug stuff for developers.

    • 4 months ago

      Yes. Have fun buying $1000 console, $150 game, $50 per month PS+, etc. :^)

    • 4 months ago

      GTA6 will go for a $100 bucks.

    • 4 months ago

      We're gonna see Sony's greed fully unleashed. The console players who don't want PCs will get reamed

    • 4 months ago

      Keep dreaming.

  76. 4 months ago


  77. 4 months ago

    >accepted that I will just play on PC
    >passed the last 2 hours looking for video cards that would be somewhat superior to a PS5
    >still don't understand shit, thought it was like xx60, xx70, xx80 and xx90
    >there are super, ti, super ti
    >not only this, but a 4070 can vary immensely from brand to brand(?), which I didn't even knew it was a thing
    >not even in the CPU, motherboard, PSU shit
    How one learns about these things from 0?

    • 4 months ago

      Just buy a pre-built pc, moron.

      • 4 months ago

        I am considering this.

        just watch ONE benchmark that compare the pc version and the ps5 version and you get the idea. Even if it's a shit game really.

        Going to try this.

        Yeah listen to [...] and get a prebuilt.

        I will be honest here, you guys are seeing how inapt in these things I am.
        I am afraid of these pre build PCs burning something because they got cheap on the cooler, or whatever it is that makes the fricking thing don't explode and how I don't know shit about it, I won't be able to recognize.

        • 4 months ago

          >I am afraid of these pre build PCs burning something because they got cheap on the cooler, or whatever it is that makes the fricking thing don't explode and how I don't know shit about it, I won't be able to recognize.
          If those prebuilts are from the unknown source (chink company), probably yeah. Just buy a good prebuilt from the reputable sources - maingear, falcon northwest, origin pc, digital storm, NZXT, and so

        • 4 months ago

          Prebuilt is probably your best option. Try to learn what each different part and subscribe to some PC hardware YouTube channels to learn more as you go. You don't have to learn everything all at once and if you are going to invest the money into a gaming PC you should take at least some time to learn about it a bit.

        • 4 months ago

          Most prebuilts are sold by actual companies, it's not some guy out of his garage trying to frick you. The major suppliers are going to use a cooler that's fine. You should be more worried about bending the pins on your motherboard when putting your CPU in. If you frick up, you need a whole new motherboard and a warranty isn't going to cover that. You're paying a $100 premium AND eating the windows tax but if you have no idea what you're doing, go for the prebuilt because at least you know all the parts in it will work well with each other.

          Once you know more about PCs you can build your next one, or else you need to know the power draw of everything to pick the power supply and then you need to make sure the case has proper cooling and can even fit your GPU and if your motherboard supports the ram speed you selected. If you want to still build it and want an idiot proof route then sites like exist that show you some builds that you can copy. But remember that you're looking at $1k minimum for something not obsolete in like 4 or 5 years since we're mid gen. More than that if you need monitors(I highly recommend having at least 2) and a good computer chair/ a desk big enough to fit all that.

    • 4 months ago

      just watch ONE benchmark that compare the pc version and the ps5 version and you get the idea. Even if it's a shit game really.

      • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Yeah listen to

      Just buy a pre-built pc, moron.

      and get a prebuilt.

    • 4 months ago

      The GPU market is beyond dogshit right now actually. The basics are:
      >XX60 is for 1080p
      >XX70 is for 1440p
      >XX80 is for 4k
      >XX90 is enthusiast class
      Nvidia just refreshed their product line to better compete with AMD outside of the enthusiast class, as their 60-80 series cards were getting killed by the better price:performance of AMDs cards. They sort of solved the problem and made the new Super series of cards a more attractive buy but they are still overpriced. AMD's cards are good but lack DLSS and perform a generation behind in ray-tracing. Prices are ridiculously outrageous right now though as the market is still recovering from the crpyto mining boom, mostly because AMD and Nvidia have both been trying to set new price anchors and charge more for their GPUs. It's just a shitty time to have to buy a graphics card. For reference here's what you want for each resolution:
      >1080p - 4060/4060ti or 7600/7700 XT
      >1440p - 1070/1070ti Super or 7800/7900 XT
      >4k - 4080 Super or 7900 XTX
      >Extreme - 4090

      • 4 months ago

        Holy shit, thank you very much for this concise explanation, anon, truly!
        Do you think that till the end of the year the prices get better?

        >I am afraid of these pre build PCs burning something because they got cheap on the cooler, or whatever it is that makes the fricking thing don't explode and how I don't know shit about it, I won't be able to recognize.
        If those prebuilts are from the unknown source (chink company), probably yeah. Just buy a good prebuilt from the reputable sources - maingear, falcon northwest, origin pc, digital storm, NZXT, and so

        Yeah, chink shit didn't even crossed my mind, thanks mate.

        Prebuilt is probably your best option. Try to learn what each different part and subscribe to some PC hardware YouTube channels to learn more as you go. You don't have to learn everything all at once and if you are going to invest the money into a gaming PC you should take at least some time to learn about it a bit.

        I can understand the software parr but the hardware ia all new to me, just letters and numbers.

        Most prebuilts are sold by actual companies, it's not some guy out of his garage trying to frick you. The major suppliers are going to use a cooler that's fine. You should be more worried about bending the pins on your motherboard when putting your CPU in. If you frick up, you need a whole new motherboard and a warranty isn't going to cover that. You're paying a $100 premium AND eating the windows tax but if you have no idea what you're doing, go for the prebuilt because at least you know all the parts in it will work well with each other.

        Once you know more about PCs you can build your next one, or else you need to know the power draw of everything to pick the power supply and then you need to make sure the case has proper cooling and can even fit your GPU and if your motherboard supports the ram speed you selected. If you want to still build it and want an idiot proof route then sites like exist that show you some builds that you can copy. But remember that you're looking at $1k minimum for something not obsolete in like 4 or 5 years since we're mid gen. More than that if you need monitors(I highly recommend having at least 2) and a good computer chair/ a desk big enough to fit all that.

        Thanks anon, but I want just the thing to connect to my tv and play at reasonably good resolutions and frame rates, I was aiming for the 40 series because they have DLSS and things like 1440p upscaled via FSR2 or proprietary engine upscaling technique are good enough for me.

        Thank you, for your time, anons!

        • 4 months ago

          Be careful because the 4000 series is a trap with it's naming conventions. Outside of the 4090 and 4080, the other cards are weaker than the name suggests. The 4060 is the xx50 equivalent, the 4070 is the xx60 equivalent, and the 4070 TI is the actual 4070 equivalent. Shits a nightmare, just get higher than a 4060 and you're fine for a while.

          • 4 months ago

            A 4070ti or super, can handle PS2 and Switch emulation at 1080p at least?

            • 4 months ago

              Easily. A 1060 can do that.

        • 4 months ago

          I honestly would not expect prices to improve at all until Nvidia and AMD release their next generation of cards. Nvidia has been trying to see how much they can get away with in terms of pricing and AMD is basically punting with their next generation of cards, basically just refreshing their current lineup. I just don’t see Nvidia prices really going down any time soon tbh. I would recommend buying a system with the strongest GPU you can afford though.

          • 4 months ago

            Well, that's that then. Thank you again, anon!

            Easily. A 1060 can do that.

            Fricking hell. I should really take a look more closely on these things. Thank you, anon.

            • 4 months ago

              Emulation is typically more CPU bound as a heads up but it doesn't take much to emulate things currently until we get a Switch 2 or PS4 emulator. Even 5 old CPUs can emulate the PS3 and Switch no problem. Only some games like Xenoblade 2 might struggle with an older CPU but any newer one should be fine.

              • 4 months ago

                >Even 5 old CPUs can emulate the PS3 and Switch no problem
                5 year old CPUs*

  78. 4 months ago

    yeah, if I was a xbox fanboy, I would be fricking mad at Microsoft for how they endled the last years of the 360 and the next consoles since then. They were this close to finally be the leaders once for all.

  79. 4 months ago

    >entire industry is going insane
    >endless drama on all aside
    >meanwhile I've been a PCtard my entire life and feel nothing about any of this news

    Anyone else?

    • 4 months ago

      Yep. Only ever owned a N64 and PS1. Been PC gayman ever since and none of this matters to me. Like at all.

    • 4 months ago

      Ditto, but it is fun watching the console peasants squirming like crazy.

    • 4 months ago

      The only thing I'm wondering about is if they really do exit gaming for good like the rumours said they might if Game pass doesn't pick up in a few years what happens to all the IP they bought up? Is Microsoft just gonna keep publishing games for other company's consoles and steam if they don't have their own Gamepass or console to keep afloat?

    • 4 months ago

      Had Xbox 360 and PS1, but never played anything outside of Tekken 3 and MK9 on it, been PCgod whole my life.

  80. 4 months ago

    Why would this be a thing now?
    this would make sense when the next consoles are being made

  81. 4 months ago

    Remember how Embracer imploded, Ganker?

    How big of a fallout do we expect from Microsoft?

    • 4 months ago

      Difference is that Xbox is putting out more games than Embracer did, and they already put games on every platform too.

    • 4 months ago

      embracer imploded because they were betting big on saudi oil money

  82. 4 months ago

    I will fricking laugh if Valve takes advantage of this and releases Steam Machine 2.0 and fills a bit of the gaps Xbox leaves behind.

    • 4 months ago

      id buy it

    • 4 months ago

      Sory they already tried the Steam Machines.

      • 4 months ago

        Steam Machine sucked because it was made by third parties with dubious quality control between them. The version of SteamOS on the Deck is pretty good and if they released their own first party box with a more streamlined and user friendly version of that, it could actually work. The biggest hurdles would be production and customer support. Valve would have to scale up their business quite a bit to be able to pull it off but it isn’t impossible.

        • 4 months ago

          >Steam Machine sucked because it was just your usual prebuilt PC but this time with a Steam sticker on it

          • 4 months ago

            Yeah basically.

        • 4 months ago

          >Steam Machine sucked because it was made by third parties with dubious quality control between them.
          No. It was because there were no games. Proton fixes this. The Steam Deck is just a beta test.

    • 4 months ago

      If Valve releases a decently powered home console with a further improved SteamOS it could work. I think we are a long ways from that though. They’ve only just been able to scale Steam Deck production enough to be able to support retail sales but if that does well I can see them potentially trying a home console. Shit, I would buy one.

  83. 4 months ago

    Did anons just forget what the Steam Machine was?

    • 4 months ago

      No, but the Steam Machine was a third party mini-PC made by a bunch of different manufacturers. Valve making their own console would be fundamentally different.

      • 4 months ago

        >Valve making their own console would be fundamentally different.
        Functionally I think it would still have to be some kind of prebuilt PC, they wouldn't want to break existing compatibility or force developers to add another separate target to build their applications for. A true console where applications are built to natively make use of their specific software/hardware, instead of a bunch of wrappers like Steam Input, is extremely unlikely. It would be like starting over their library from scratch and devs would get constantly pestered to make Steam Console versions for all their old games.

        • 4 months ago

          Isn’t that kind of how Proton works now?

          • 4 months ago

            Yeah. If Valve ever made a console, it would pretty much just be a more powerful Deck.

    • 4 months ago

      Steam Machines ran so handhelds like the Ally, the ROG, and the Deck could fly.

  84. 4 months ago

    playstation is next.
    you'll end up with a steam console, and nintendo with its own ip's. which is a fantastic thing.

    • 4 months ago

      It would be an ideal outcome. I will allow that.

  85. 4 months ago

    hundreds of threads from 2023 aged like milk. imagine that.....Ganker couldn't even choose to be right about the most obvious thing ever

  86. 4 months ago

    Xbox has already been multiplat for some time. I don't understand why people are acting as if this is news.

  87. 4 months ago

    consoles are obsolete, the faster people jump to PC the better

    • 4 months ago

      nah. That will only break the gatekeeping

    • 4 months ago

      >Becomes the only player on the console market
      >they should leave and go PC instead.

      • 4 months ago

        because progress

  88. 4 months ago



    • 4 months ago

      >spend 70 billion dollars acquiring something
      >people actually thought MS would just put all the games up for *free on Game Pass

    • 4 months ago

      >buy them
      >shit. Do we want to ruin this highly profitable company just to push an unprofitable part of gaming?
      >lets not do that

    • 4 months ago

      As a turnkey operation, mostly King. iirc the 3 billion that Microsoft made for Minecraft already made itself back like 3 years ago.

    • 4 months ago

      Sorry anon, your experiment of free gibs is over. You have to actually buy the games you want to play. Shocking idea, I know.

    • 4 months ago

      No refunds!

    • 4 months ago

      So they could put Candy Crush Saga as a mandatory feature on your Windows 12 desktop obviously
      Nobody with a brain thought this was about CoD

  89. 4 months ago
  90. 4 months ago

    It's been over for a while.
    Consoles are going to die off within 10 years anyway. The future is PC/mobile. But at the end of the day it's Sony that's ultimately screwed, Microsoft will continue to dominate the PC gaming market while Nintendo expands in the movie/TV/theme park industry and becomes Disney 2.0. Meanwhile, Sony is left with nothing.

  91. 4 months ago

    Honestly the only thing that makes me anxious is absolutely nothing good can come out of Sony not feeling any pressure.
    Like if Xbox wants to toss around some of its projects to make a few extra dollars, sure, why not, Hi-Fi Rush, Starfield, whatever, not gonna move the needle. Make those Xbox financial reports look good, etc.

    But totally ceding the "high end console market" to just give Sony a de facto monopoly is disastrous for anyone that actually gives a shit about the medium.

  92. 4 months ago
  93. 4 months ago

    >Microsoft enters the fray roughly 20 years ago
    >Begins the concept of forcing consoletards to pay a monthly fee to use their own internet
    >Begins pushing for paid DLC and micro-translations
    >Bribes Japanese developers to make sequels to PS1 & PS2 games on Xbox, nobody buys these games since series fans didn't expect the sudden shift to a new console line
    >Buys out dozens of european & american game dev companies such as Rare, and immediately gut them turning them into shovelware factories
    >Tried to force a mandatory always online spycamera to constantly record you in order to sell your entire life to advertisers and they promoted this as a positive feature
    >Their consoles have no games
    >The Series S is actively holding multiplats back by several generations
    >Their first party games are buggy unfinished messes such as Gaylo Infinite
    Good riddance. Xbox has always been cancer and they've had the most mentally moronic fans since day 1. Now we just need to get Sony to stop making moviegame woke homosexual shit and hope Nintendo doesn't do anything to solve the emulation question.

    • 4 months ago

      >Now we just need to get Sony to stop making moviegame woke homosexual shit
      The better hope is that the price of their AAA slop becomes too high to meet and some of their games just bomb spectacularly so that SIE crumbles and implodes
      PC and Nintendo as the only major platforms is probably about as much as you could ask for

  94. 4 months ago

    They dont even have the windows store as a fallback because they bent the knee to steam lmao

  95. 4 months ago

    Are we pretending that we didn't see this coming? They've been pushing this cloud gaming thing for so long. Next time you'll tell me gamepass being available to apple devices, steam deck, and Sony consoles is "losing".

    Buy companies with large IPs and make the competitors pay for having it on their platform.

  96. 4 months ago

    Sony gays, I know you can't be talking shit
    damn near Sony game is already on PC anyways

    • 4 months ago

      Sony doesn't have any games worth playing. (neither does shitbox)

  97. 4 months ago

    >Sony releases a console with literally no games and reorients their entire identity around "what if we spent 8 years and 500 million dollars making a shit movie for gay guys"
    >Microsoft somehow thinks this version of sony is an insurmountable obstacle and now is the time to bow out
    Beyond moronic if true. Any smoothbrained knucklehead on this board could have done a better job of running this company.

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah but nobody talks about how Sony should give up the same way every video game journalist rushes to label everything Xbox does a failure or the second Palworld saw any success talk about how Nintendo should just publish all their games on PC.

      • 4 months ago

        That's because Sony is likely to go full scorched earth if they're criticised by journalists.

  98. 4 months ago

    >Playstation fans when their next machine is $800 with no competition.

    • 4 months ago

      Try $1000, thanks to the inflation. Sony is not your friend. :^)
      Don't forget $150 game and $50 per month PS+

    • 4 months ago

      Snoys would be happy to pay even more than that.

  99. 4 months ago

    >Nintendo monopoly on handhelds
    >Sony monopoly on consoles
    >Steam monopoly on PC


    • 4 months ago

      Don't you guys have phones?
      Irrelevant without good exclusive software.
      >Steam on PC
      Any company can sell their game without using Steam. "B-b-b-but they won't get the braindead normalgay audience" not my problem.

    • 4 months ago

      >Steam monopoly on PC
      Nvidia is the real PC monopoly.

  100. 4 months ago

    At last, My loveable scrimblos can come home

  101. 4 months ago

    am i the only one that is happy with this "rumor"?
    >xbox goes third party and series x is the last console
    >series x gets dirty cheap because who would pay whole price for dead console - similar situation to steam deck lcd when oled launched
    >games on xbox consoles since original xbox era are dirty cheap in my country and probably will stay that way because microsoft doesn't have nintendo tier collectibles
    >to sum it up - i will be able to buy dirty cheap console to play dirty cheap exclusives from original xbox-xbox 360 era in 4k, 120 fps, Auto-HDR and even not released on pc xbox one games like forza horizon 2
    not to mention that when microsoft will sink series x down the drain it will probably get broken into quite quickly and homebrew scene will emerge

    • 4 months ago

      Xbox consoles are the most online reliant systems. You can't even make a profile without an internet connection. The overwhelming majority of games are digital only and many of the disc based ones need online to either finish installing or to install the Series version (because the One is the default on disc). There is even a fake "you will need an update" message popping up if you are using your consoles too long offline. Despite you can theoretically replace the internal SSD it is married to the motherboard. The backward compatible games need to install from the online store as well, even if you have a disc.

      If MS pulls the plug the consoles will essentially become useless. Xbox consoles weren't broken because there was little interest due to the same library as PC, the strong defense and of the built in sandbox. It is unlikely people will bother with it. The really scary issue is that all versions of the Xbox One/Series could become essentially worthless as soon as a large enough portion of the userbase drops it due to something like this.

      • 4 months ago

        What shit hole does anyone live in where they don't have internet?

        • 4 months ago

          The main issue is not the internet part but how long can you expect Microsoft keeping the online portion alive when they tank the hardware. Unless they announce this is nothing (which won't happen, the best case scenario is a lighter version of it which is still as bad) this will break the backbone of the fanbase. They won't be able to sell anything next gen and people will leave the Series in droves.

          • 4 months ago

            We're almost into the next gen and both consoles still don't have much. I loke Xbox but they're obviously relying on Gamepass to carry them. The games that they've put out so far have flopped and it's amazing that after all the companies they've bought they're still fricking up.

            But apparently this has been debunked by

            Shit got disproven 10 posts in and It only has 2 replies because people wanna act smart lol

            , so this is all hypothetical.

  102. 4 months ago

    I didn't convert to Playstation until this generation. I shouldn't have stuck it out with Xbox last gen what a frickin disaster.

    I have tons of great PS4 games to play for the first time on my 5 at least.

  103. 4 months ago

    20 fricking years I've followed this shitty company since the OG Xbox.
    All for what? Just to pathetically bow out?
    homie YOU'RE THE RICHEST FRICKING VIDEO GAME COMPANY WORTH 3 TRILLION FRICKING DOLLARS. Sony doesn't even half HALF of that money and is doing completely fine

    I don't even want to turn on this piece of shit paperweight anymore. Frick Xbox. Frick video games.

    • 4 months ago

      kinda hilarious that Xbox's "biggest" game right now is an early access Pokemon clone. kek
      Sure MSFT is rich as frick but it means nothing if you don't actually do anything with it. Christ, the Halo franchise is a disaster, no amount of money can save that frick up. Xbox lost its way years ago.

    • 4 months ago

      >sausage fingers
      post weight

    • 4 months ago

      *Microsoft* as a whole has 3 Trillion.
      The Xbox is a small division of Microsoft and has nowhere near that money. Most of Microsoft's revenue comes from Windows, NOT Xbox.

      • 4 months ago

        No, its their cloud/office shit

        Xbox/Microsoft gaming revenue just surpassed revenue from Windows for the first time so if it's true then the higher ups probably made the decision.

        Windows is actually doing worse than their gaming division

    • 4 months ago

      >Sponsored Ads on the homepage
      Imagine spending 400 dollars on a console just to get assaulted with fricking Ads

      • 4 months ago

        >one ad on the dash is tantamount to assault.


        • 4 months ago

          There should be NO FRICKING ADS on ANYTHING I fricking buy. Period.

          • 4 months ago

            Pussy, just don't look at them.

    • 4 months ago

      Fat loser

  104. 4 months ago

    Video games should be like movies, the days of needing a specific device to play certain games is a hassle unfortunately it’ll probably someday be you have to keep track of what streaming service has the games you want

    • 4 months ago

      No, interaction is the lifeblood of video games and having everything available on everything kills that as games will have to be made with the most generic control methods in mind.

  105. 4 months ago

    What about game pass?

  106. 4 months ago

    >Xbox Series S|X can't even sell more than the infamous Xbox One
    This is exactly why they're leaving the console space

    • 4 months ago

      Because the Series S and X is dumb

      OG Xbox > 360 > Xbox One felt like clearly defined generational jumps

      Going from Xbox One > Xbox S and X does nothing but send confusing messages. It's SUPPOSED to be a generational gap, but it barely is. Microsoft literally Wii-U'd themselves for no fricking reason.

      • 4 months ago

        This. The series S should have never existed, go hard on series X. Make some games exclusive to the brand

        • 4 months ago

          just wait until they die shrink the APU and stuff it in a handheld. Sony is doing the same.

  107. 4 months ago

    So is this just rumours or do we have anything official

    • 4 months ago

      Rumours but there's so many of them coming out of reputable sources it's pretty much confirmed at this point.

      Microsoft saying nothing is the worst thing they could do right now.

      • 4 months ago

        Exactly. MSFT staying silent all but confirms this shit. If Phil doesn't put out some kind of video in the next couple days it's unironically fricking over for Xbox

  108. 4 months ago

    Has Microsoft released any statement on this or what? I just want to know if they're still going to support their console. I'll move to the Switch 2 without thinking about it if I can use my Game Pass there.

  109. 4 months ago

    i'll be happy if they bring the MCC over to ps5

  110. 4 months ago

    >PS5 for modern games
    >PC for old games / Switch games

    • 4 months ago

      The most redundant combination.

  111. 4 months ago

    QRD: Sony and Nintendo chads won

    • 4 months ago

      Who the frick are you?

    • 4 months ago

      Won what? Microsoft is probably only doing this so they can purchase EA or some other shit.

      • 4 months ago

        Then if Xbox does eventually go down, they're going to take these companies they bought down with them. Tanking the industry, they shouldn't be allowed to do it but money talks.

  112. 4 months ago

    It's time.

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