its over...

its over...

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 3 months ago

    If you into making games nowdays, either you suck chinese dick or you own dick.

    • 3 months ago

      Hope you all know that this is gonna being the reason of why in the future this age is gonna be called "The dark age of gaming" right?

      • 3 months ago

        i don't even know what you're trying to say

      • 3 months ago

        The dark age of gaming already came and went. Its not possible to get worse than it already was

      • 3 months ago

        >"The dark age of gaming" right?
        It's already here. Forced online, forced launchers, drm, games as a service, tons of microtransactions, sjw sloppa and so on. It's already here.

      • 3 months ago

        uuuuhhh fearmongering.... p-please stop, you are making me s-so uncomfortable oni-chan. uwu

        • 3 months ago

          Very real, I know.

      • 3 months ago

        We're already in the dark age. Crowdfunding like this started it.

      • 3 months ago

        That won't happen, gaming is just becoming commercialised slop like the movie industry did decades ago. Much like shitty summer blockbusters, we have our shitty AAA blockbusters, where people want to play them because everyone else is and they don't want to miss out. The only thing that will stop this is for capitalism to end.

      • 3 months ago

        The second. The first dark age was the era of press A to win trash like Ass Creed and the other slop that informs AAA game design today.

    • 3 months ago

      20 million of their funding is from South Korea

      • 3 months ago

        the famous korean company riot games and tencent...

        • 3 months ago

          Kakao games is the major contributor

          • 3 months ago

            >company literally called "Shit Games"
            Bad omen

            • 3 months ago
  2. 3 months ago

    >already wasted 40million dollars on this shit alpha UE5 rts

  3. 3 months ago

    selling voting stock with minimal loss of control since small-time holders don't vote.

  4. 3 months ago

    the star citizen of RTS. At least the spaceship game looks cool, this reheated turd on the other hand...

  5. 3 months ago

    Can't wait for their Death of a Game episode.

  6. 3 months ago

    Come to think about it.
    Why didn't they just asked for the license from GW and made their SC clone Space Marines, Tyranids and Eldars RTS? Would have saved them massively on marketing, guarantee decent audience and they would not have dropped the ball with design of races?

    • 3 months ago

      they can't scam the chinese government or people in general under someone else's license

    • 3 months ago

      To much "fascist power" for their taste I presume.

    • 3 months ago

      It'd get unfavorably compared to the Dawn of War series. Also, in a game about blobbing, two out of three of those races are in their canon relatively rare.

    • 3 months ago

      Why didn't Blizzard ask for the license too?
      Zerg = Tyranids
      Terran = Space Marines
      Protoss = Eldar or Tau

      • 3 months ago

        They did, the two companies disagreed. How did you not know this?

      • 3 months ago

        >Protoss = Eldar or Tau
        the tau in 1998, shut the frick up lil homie

      • 3 months ago

        Come to think about it.
        Why didn't they just asked for the license from GW and made their SC clone Space Marines, Tyranids and Eldars RTS? Would have saved them massively on marketing, guarantee decent audience and they would not have dropped the ball with design of races?

        Because there were disagreements and it is MUCH BETTER in the long term if you do your own thing. If you do not, you will be eternally shackled to the whims of the license holder that has way different interests than yours. You might think it is easier with a license but it is not.

        >Zerg = Tyranids
        >Terran = Space Marines
        >Protoss = Eldar or Tau
        Oh boy here we fricking go again...

        Just because they look similar doesn't mean they are the same or that they are interchangeable.

        Space Marines are a historical remnant of great Empire with Legions with thousands of years of tradition, most of which are based on real life monastic knightly orders that are high spiritual and dogmatic. SMs are highly enhanced super soldiers with a highly organized structure and have access to massive reserves to ancient technologies and from the Imperium and they are revered to as some of the greatest forces of the imperium. They are also about 0.00000001% of humanity's forces in the Galaxy, despite that products stuff them into your face 99% of the time the majority of humanity does not even know/believe Space Marines even exist.

        Terrans' theme are almost the polar the opposite of Space Marines. They are bunch of space-hillbillies, indentured laborers and convicts, who were sent/moved to the fringe of the galaxy to settle and mine ore like a new wild west. And unfortunately they got dragged into a war between two powerful alien species (Zerg and Protoss) while far away from home and no way to get help. And if that isn't bad already all they are warring amongst themselves with their own internal conflicts of different factions trying to seize power from each other as humans always do. And when the UED arrived it turned out to be another tyrant to frick them over. This forced Terrans to apply drastic measures to scrap by to survive by the skin of their teeth, to always try to innovate and be on the move and try to avoid confrontation.

        • 3 months ago

          >Just because they look similar doesn't mean they are the same or that they are interchangeable
          oh oh...

        • 3 months ago

          someone stuff this nerd in a locker, he's forgetting his place

      • 3 months ago

        They did, and got rejected.
        GW giving the license for free to every fricking studio happened much later.

      • 3 months ago

        Because Blizzard was burnt in their Silicon and Synapse era on licensed games. It genuinely chafed Blizzard's thighs that they were pulling multiple awards in an industry dominated by the likes of Nintendo and Sega but they themselves were always a few weeks short of sliding into bankruptcy. It got to the point that Morhaime was taking every company CC to 7-11's to max them out on cash back to make payroll.
        One of the first things they did as Blizzard was commit to self-publishing and making original IP's. Somewhat fatefully, the company they sold themselves to so that they wouldn't have to keep barely making pay roll and instead focus on game development was Davidson and Associates. Who's own parent company was bought up and through a series of mergers, acquisitions and spin offs Blizzard ended up in the hands of Vivendi Universal. Who didn't really know what to do with their new video games division. But that Activision guy, Bobby Kotick did.

        >BOTH of those games were designed, from the ground up, to be good in multiplayer and only then were the single player and writing introduced.
        you fricking lying headcanon forcing zoomie clown applying 2024 gamedev practice to 1998 gamedev practice. See the multiplayer maps the game launched with and tell me with a straight face they designed the game around multiplayer.
        Here are your fully multiplayer-focused and balanced zerg units that mature and gain strength with time, not to mention seeing heat trails in the dark!
        Don't forget Terrans that can booby trap buildings, or that Protoss need to extend the Nexus' power range with Pylons.
        It's TOTALLY not because they were trying to innovate on Warcraft 2 and its stale designs and systems. Nope. They were just designing a great MP game!

        Multiplayer was definitely a priority but it wasn't THE priority. Blizzard just understood that rolling out and massively lowering the bar for entry to online multiplayer to, "Do I have an internet connection with modern (to the time) bandwidth? Then I can play with my buddy across the country" would be a huge marketing point.

        >it's not a game, it's an esport.
        Neither of those are mutually exclusive. Could you stop with the "esports ruined my life" meme already?

        >The reason why starcraft and warcraft became big competitive games is because people enjoyed the game and were emotionally invested in the characters and story. Not the other way around.
        Now they fricking weren't, stop believing this myth, that is not how game design works. BOTH of those games were designed, from the ground up, to be good in multiplayer and only then were the single player and writing introduced. It is way WAAAAY harder to create a game that is good in MP than in SP, however a good MP game is much easier to adapt in SP that is why SP games outnumber MP games by a huge margin.

        And again, the two are not mutually exclusive a game can have a fun SP experience, visuals, atmosphere. SOVL or whatever you fricking imagine it should be and still be a good "esport". Granted that is very difficult to create but AOE, Starcraft/Warcraft has proven that it us possible.

        The problem is that SC1's 3D models rendered as 2D sprites gave the game a ton of detail and personality. It is way harder to recreate that magic in a fully 3D environment.

        • 3 months ago

          >first paragraph
          Pretty useful information and a good lesson about unforseeable long term consequences. Didn't know the financial conditions that led to Blizzard being under Vivendi, just the stuff that happened afterwards.

    • 3 months ago

      lmao all warhammer games are failures this will appeal to the majority

      • 3 months ago

        Total War Warhammer
        Rogue Trader(Unplayable dogshit beyond first act but still drew as many players as Wrath of the Righteous which had the Pathfinder label. Although wotr was just dogshit all the way through instead of only unplayable after the start.)
        Dawn of War, that was a long time ago though.
        Vermintide and Darktide
        Space Marine

        A bad 40k game will still do badly, you'd hope at least a lot of bad games do well cause of hype and being good enough for the first 3 hours.
        A decent 40k game will do more than well enough for itself. The free marketing can't be understated, also your pre-production is simplified with a setting and designs already well established. If you want to design your own Imperial Guard reigment design for the planet your game takes place on, or you could just copy paste cadians or krieg and the fans will still lose their minds cause they know what that is.

      • 3 months ago

        Total War Warhammer outsold the rest of the franchise by leaps and bounds.

    • 3 months ago

      Might as well just make Dawn of War 4 then.

      • 3 months ago

        given how well dow3 went, i'd rather not.

  7. 3 months ago

    the game will flop. And the reason for it is because it's not a game, it's an esport. It does not have a story, it does not have cool characters, it does not have SOVL.

    The reason why starcraft and warcraft became big competitive games is because people enjoyed the game and were emotionally invested in the characters and story. Not the other way around.

    • 3 months ago

      The classic "I want the effect, and not the act in which said effect occurs"

    • 3 months ago

      Reminds me of all those dead on arrival arena shooters that come out tailored exclusively for comphomosexualry and then nobody wants to play them because what's the fricking point when quake exists.
      Even that fricking hilarious upcoming rts that looks like a daz porn game, zero space or whatever it's called feels more soulful than this slop.

      • 3 months ago

        Yet story driven boomershooters prosper. How curious.

        • 3 months ago

          >RTS, games that require being intelligent do not prosper.
          >Boomer shooters do not require brainy players and have sold like hotcakes in recent years.
          I leave it to you to address the obvious problem that exists currently.
          HInt: Maybe the actual bussines system of vidyagames suck ass.

        • 3 months ago

          SP gaming isn't dependent on the game being The Current Thing(TM) among the general gaming public.

    • 3 months ago

      >"It's not a game"
      >Proceeds to list things that have nothing to do with games

    • 3 months ago

      >it's not a game, it's an esport.
      Neither of those are mutually exclusive. Could you stop with the "esports ruined my life" meme already?

      >The reason why starcraft and warcraft became big competitive games is because people enjoyed the game and were emotionally invested in the characters and story. Not the other way around.
      Now they fricking weren't, stop believing this myth, that is not how game design works. BOTH of those games were designed, from the ground up, to be good in multiplayer and only then were the single player and writing introduced. It is way WAAAAY harder to create a game that is good in MP than in SP, however a good MP game is much easier to adapt in SP that is why SP games outnumber MP games by a huge margin.

      And again, the two are not mutually exclusive a game can have a fun SP experience, visuals, atmosphere. SOVL or whatever you fricking imagine it should be and still be a good "esport". Granted that is very difficult to create but AOE, Starcraft/Warcraft has proven that it us possible.

      • 3 months ago

        >BOTH of those games were designed, from the ground up, to be good in multiplayer and only then were the single player and writing introduced.
        you fricking lying headcanon forcing zoomie clown applying 2024 gamedev practice to 1998 gamedev practice. See the multiplayer maps the game launched with and tell me with a straight face they designed the game around multiplayer.
        Here are your fully multiplayer-focused and balanced zerg units that mature and gain strength with time, not to mention seeing heat trails in the dark!
        Don't forget Terrans that can booby trap buildings, or that Protoss need to extend the Nexus' power range with Pylons.
        It's TOTALLY not because they were trying to innovate on Warcraft 2 and its stale designs and systems. Nope. They were just designing a great MP game!

        • 3 months ago

          >you fricking lying headcanon forcing zoomie clown applying 2024 gamedev practice to 1998 gamedev practice.
          >Posts race lore and story fluff as proof.
          Really Anon? Race fluff and lore from some newspaper article?

          Just for a moment, please think of the basics. The most absolute basics! The entire game was designed with the specific intention that all 3 races are meant to be playable and aren't more or less a reskin of each other like Warcraft 2 save some high tier units. If it weren't so then the devs could have easily had only Terrans as a playable faction and leave both Zerg and Protoss as AI only enemies for the story mode and thus save a ton of development time and money. Or just had 2 races that are roughly similar like Warcraft2 or Dune2 was.

          But they didn't! They have gone far to make sure all 3 races are BOTH distinct AND yet playable vs each other on a roughly even field without one race of the 3 being obviously absurdly overpowered or one being so bad it is unplayable.

          All of that above is what I mean the game was intended to be MP, it would have been so much easier to make story focused SP game, less work, less money, less dev time but they went beyond that.

          >See the multiplayer maps the game launched with and tell me with a straight face they designed the game around multiplayer.
          This I agree the MP maps were pretty bad.

      • 3 months ago

        they built the game around MP and thus wrote a 6000 page lore dump backstory to facilitate multiplayer systems before the game reached beta. It's essentially the same situation as stormgate you guys.

      • 3 months ago

        I fricking hate you and your moronic headcanon-centric attitude so much I dug up an old interview with original SC dev
        >With its troubled early history, after the reboot the development team was pressured to finish up, and so schedules were bandied about that showed the game could be launched in two months.
        >Given the number of game units and behaviors that needed to be added, the changes necessary to switch from top-down to isometric artwork, a completely new map editor, and the addition of Internet play over, it was inconceivable that the game actually could ship in that time, even assuming that the art team, designers, sound engineers, game-balancers and testers could finish their end of the bargain.

      • 3 months ago

        eSport isn't sports though
        the only characteristic I can think of that old eSport shared with real sport was clans
        in a very classic and old fashioned sense when I think of sports it usually involves a ball
        they have neither

        not that you really need any of this stuff in the first place to make an RTS
        it's the equivalent of building a football field so you can construct a starship in it's place
        just go somewhere where is empty space

        I guess this analogy makes no sense at all but analogies of the future are somewhat different

    • 3 months ago

      I wasn't emotionally invested in Warcraft story when I originally played it until after I came back from WoW (when it was "The" game, the one people thought of when people imagined gamers), because I was mostly still a kid, but the game was aesthetically very good.
      By this I mean all the voices, the graphics at the time, the races were interesting, and while some plyers hate when your units is constantly chattering at you, as a kid I loved it, and the little hammers when you build up a new building. (There's a reason that LoL focused on it when copying the original DoTA, shit like this makes you invested in those little sprites, even before there's any character or story behind them)
      The fact that even if you were bad you could still have fun with easier ai's, or just explore the map after the game is finished (or even boot up the game as the one and only player on the map). All the custom maps and multiplayer aside, and even the campaign which was too hard for me when I was still small, and to which I came back later to really enjoy, Warcraft was just a good game.

      >it's not a game, it's an esport.
      Neither of those are mutually exclusive. Could you stop with the "esports ruined my life" meme already?

      >The reason why starcraft and warcraft became big competitive games is because people enjoyed the game and were emotionally invested in the characters and story. Not the other way around.
      Now they fricking weren't, stop believing this myth, that is not how game design works. BOTH of those games were designed, from the ground up, to be good in multiplayer and only then were the single player and writing introduced. It is way WAAAAY harder to create a game that is good in MP than in SP, however a good MP game is much easier to adapt in SP that is why SP games outnumber MP games by a huge margin.

      And again, the two are not mutually exclusive a game can have a fun SP experience, visuals, atmosphere. SOVL or whatever you fricking imagine it should be and still be a good "esport". Granted that is very difficult to create but AOE, Starcraft/Warcraft has proven that it us possible.

      > a good MP game is much easier to adapt in SP that is why SP games outnumber MP games by a huge margin.
      Are you having a stroke? Almost none of the "good in MP" games gets adapted to SP, and they pretty much never have, the only game that I know of that did, was TF2 Mann vs. Machine update, and even that pretty much sucked.
      All the easiest ways to make a game palpable in MP, make it really hard to not have the game suck in SP without a ground up redesign. It's way easier to balance interesting shit down, than to make interesting shit up from a balanced game. The thing is in Mp, the players take the mettle for being interesting to play with and against. The heaviest work goes into netcode, instead of design.
      Fricking revisionists.

  8. 3 months ago

    They run out of starting money
    They run out of investor money
    They run out of Tencent money
    They run out of Kickstarter money
    They are asking people to directly invest into company
    X You Are Here

    • 3 months ago

      Constantly lying itself that leaving Blizzard was a good idea.

      • 3 months ago

        leaving Blizzard WAS a good idea, but they're trying to do exactly what Blizzard has already done, just like the other gays are trying to do a 1-1 C&C clone.
        What's the point in trying something new when the new is barely different and it will take years before it will MAYBE reach the same amount of polish/content as the inspiration source?

    • 3 months ago

      daily reminder that your precious Teddy trooned-out in prison

      • 3 months ago

        All the more reason the industrial revolution has been a disaster.

      • 3 months ago

        I just used the pic as reactionary image, holy shit, the D.Va vs Diablo troony fanboys malding is real, my sides

      • 3 months ago

        He didn't the psychologist tried to make him and he rejected it.

  9. 3 months ago

    pump and dump by the book. they're pumping it to the max and they're so good at it they made 40 million I respect that, more power to them. when they're done sucking everything that can be sucked out of the fans they dump the company with the 10 3d assets downloaded from the internet on the bag holding fans and I love to see it because scammers are innovative entrepreneurs who do god's work.

  10. 3 months ago

    >0 funding
    >basically 1 man working on the game for 3 years
    Zerospace chads can't stop winning

    • 3 months ago

      >1 man has been making a game for 3 years but it was already released 12 years ago and everyone moved on
      somebody stop him, he might kill himself when he finds out.

  11. 3 months ago

    Hell at least its coming out. Those frickers at Falling Frontier delayed the game a hand full of times over the years and recently announced the game isn't going to come out of ANOTHER 2 FRICKING YEARS!!

  12. 3 months ago

    Exsqueeze me but Stormrape looks exactly like this mobile goyslop i saw while taking a devious shit

    • 3 months ago

      Actually, this one is more unique looking than most of Stormgate's terran units by virtue of being quadrapod with multipurpose weapons.

      • 3 months ago

        Not-Siege Tank of the not-Terrans

    • 3 months ago

      >Stormgate looks mobile
      >Age of Empires 4 looks mobile
      >Civ 6 looks mobile
      There is NO strategy game that DOESN'T look mobile because mobile games are on par with PC games in graphics.
      It's a fault of our generation. Everything is either uber realistic or fortnite inspired. Compelling artstyles are fricking dead except for random ass indies.

      • 3 months ago

        modern games look like mobile games because they don't put enough emphasis on shading. simple as.
        if motherfricking Splatoon could look (and still does look) stand-out awesome on last gen hardware (for the time), all because of proper shading, then other triple A studios have no excuse.

  13. 3 months ago

    I'm having an "the day before" flashback here anyone else

  14. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      I like the animator, but don't like playing the game like that.

      • 3 months ago

        I don't like how you have to buy Remastered in order to buy Cartooned, they're both graphics replacements, why would one need the other?

        • 3 months ago

          paywalled widescreen.

  15. 3 months ago

    37 million in 2 years

  16. 3 months ago

    >leave company known for games about demons and sci-fi space war
    >promisse something about the legacy of warcraft
    >make game about demons and sci-fi space war

    Game was dead on arrival when it was revealed the setting was not-starcraft instead of a dark fantasy like wc. I know i wasant the only one disappointed. And thas not to mention how satured this specific setting is in the current gaming world. There are a dozen space shit gams released every week on a regular basis. People were hyped because they have been starved of something similar to warcraft 3, and looks like they will remain starved. There has not been a single competent fantasy rts in 20 FRICKING YEARS. The closest was spellforce 3 but it deviated from the genre too much.

    • 3 months ago

      company known for games about demons
      I thought the team that made Diablo 1&2 were the ones who left in 2002 to make Hellgate London

  17. 3 months ago

    >team of 20 or so people
    >already blew more than 45 million
    >game is barely funcional and looks like a mobile app

    Yup. looks like a scam

  18. 3 months ago

    where does the money go, do they make pay themselves 500k salaries to shit out ue5 game which looks like some 1man indie asset flip?

    • 3 months ago

      this + s.oi lattes + paying artosis and tasteless and grubby and other fat morons to shill their shit game

    • 3 months ago

      Talent costs money and the industry is notorious for it's shit pay. Paying for people who know their shit is almost always going to pan out better than underpaying 100 unqualified shitters. And yes, marketing as

      this + s.oi lattes + paying artosis and tasteless and grubby and other fat morons to shill their shit game

      alluded to. Paying streamers to play your game is generally better marketing than whatever you had in mind.

      company known for games about demons
      I thought the team that made Diablo 1&2 were the ones who left in 2002 to make Hellgate London

      Some of them did. Blizzard at it's height had over 4000 people on payroll, ex employees are all over the place.

    • 3 months ago

      They just released a FAQ about their financial situation

      They say they have cash reserves that they think can get them to 1.0 release when combined with any early access profits, even if EA underperforms.
      And also that they operate more efficiently than most studios.

  19. 3 months ago

    People holding out for this over Zerospace and Ablight are truly the goyim of RTS

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