It's still bizarre to me that they didn't just release these cards around the point of Labyrinth of Nightmare.

It's still bizarre to me that they didn't just release these cards around the point of Labyrinth of Nightmare. They wouldn't have been over powered whatsoever, by the time they were released they went from "You can actually kinda use them" to completely useless gimmick cards.

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  1. 8 months ago

    Wasn't Obelisk used a little in frog monarch decks?

  2. 8 months ago

    I dont understand why they dont judt rerelease cards with slightly different name, art and effect more often. These 3 need a rerun badly

    • 8 months ago

      They need to just do set rotation instead of trying to do clunky bullshit with retrains and erratas to pretend it's all the same game

      • 8 months ago

        Yugioh doesn't need set rotation. Not every card needs to be competitively viable.

        • 8 months ago

          The cards people want to use should be usable though

          • 8 months ago

            I agree. But usable does not mean competitive. The god cards are usable.

            • 8 months ago

              >But usable does not mean competitive.

              It literally does though. That's what people mean when they say usable.

              • 8 months ago

                People are wrong. Take Dark Magician for example, you can take the deck to locals and win a few games. Maybe even win the whole locals depending on your opponent's decks. It's usable. But if you took that deck to a higher level tournament, like a regional, you won't top. It isn't competitive. The god cards are fine to play at a lower level, hence they are usable.

              • 8 months ago

                >canonically most powerful monsters are useless because... uh... shut up, okay?!

              • 8 months ago

                The game is fricking rocket tag. It's like the gun duels from Equilibrium, first guy who lands a hit inflicts instant death.
                When they introduced Pendulumn Summoning, I realized I was too old and too stupid to play this game, and walked away never to return.

              • 8 months ago

                A lot of people cite Pendulums as the thing that scared them off of Yugioh. It's ironic because they've only ever had one decent deck and have been heavily nerfed anyway.

    • 8 months ago

      They've got a thing about not printing more divine critters

  3. 8 months ago

    I don't play YGO
    what's the problem with them?
    to much work to summon?

    • 8 months ago

      Modern Yu-Gi-Oh is about card effects that can snowball into getting other cards on the field that can negate all opponent cards from targeting or summoning or activating effects or declaring attacks or etc etc
      Egyptian Gods are from a meta where the idea was summoning monsters to attack your opponents

  4. 8 months ago

    Honestly even if they had released them with all their absurd anime effects, obnoxiously long effect text not withstanding, they would have been fine. The casual players would have freaked out, because they only look at cards as if they were already on the battlefield and never the cost of summoning them. The three tributes for a main deck monster requirement is just too steep.

    I kind of like Konami's approach of releasing cards to make them easier to summon and regain some of their anime effects, but it is not enough to make them more than a casual gimmick deck. They would need a retrain before they could become anything close to viable in the modern era.

    But given the reputation of the cards, particularly amongst the casual fanbase, how can you retrain "the best cards in the game"?

    • 8 months ago

      >Honestly even if they had released them with all their absurd anime effects, obnoxiously long effect text not withstanding, they would have been fine.
      They're not even that long or that absurd.
      Osiris is almost verbatim with his original effects.

      • 8 months ago

        It's actually still nerfed. In the original it didn't matter how it was summoned or in what position it got drained and potentially destroyed regardless.

      • 8 months ago

        All of them had various protections, a key one shared between them being immunity to the effects of other non-god monsters. They all were whittled down.

        Obelisk is probably the closest to its anime counterpart and the only one to see any competitive play, even if only in the sideboards of a couple of decks at one copy. Ra was the hardest hit by nerfs, only gaining any attack at all if you sacrifice all but 100 of your life points, and its other ability counterintuitively requiring you to spend life points to remove monsters.

        They desperately need retrain or support that makes them easier to summon and restores their protections. Modern support is too gimmicky and does not compensate for them being tribute summoned main deck monsters.

  5. 8 months ago

    LON meta would have been defined by who dumped what two god cards first, then revived via Premature Burial, Call of the Haunted, Monster Reborn, or any other revival card. Ra would ironically be worthless due to easily splashed burn. You'd have to kill the opponent immediately or be killed next turn instantly. This isn't mentioning future sets which would have made the God Cards ban worthy. You think Chaos monsters were bonkers when IOC came out? God cards revived out of the Graveyard would have been just as crazy. The only hope would be to limit them at first, then ban them after the insanity that is IOC.

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