It's that time?

It's that time Ganker, give me your hot takes

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  1. 3 months ago

    The future is Japanese.

    • 3 months ago

      1975 called and wants it's take back.

      • 3 months ago

        Japan was still in the "making low-end products" phase of industrial manufacturing in 75, all the fears of Japan taking over only really started around 81-82

        • 3 months ago

          Funny how China has followed suit
          >00s cheap products
          >10s oh shit they're gonna take over
          >20s it's over.

          • 3 months ago

            And like Japan in the late 80s-early 90s, the thing that's being their domestic market's undoing is rabid, unchecked real estate speculation backed by phony bonds.

            • 3 months ago

              That and refusing to have kids. So the young workers have to take care of a larger and larger elderly population

              • 3 months ago

                >That and refusing to have kids.
                Ok that one isn't entirely their fault when the govt only allows you to have 1 and there's a cultural preference for having sons leading to a gender imbalance. I'm sure lots of guys would like to settle down there but can't.

              • 3 months ago

                >only 1 child
                >in Japan
                Is this really true?

              • 3 months ago

                I was talking about China there. People don't have kids in Japan because of the brutal work culture.

              • 3 months ago

                Ah okay.

              • 3 months ago

                >people in japan don't have kids because of the brutal work culture!
                While that was a little true at one point, it's not the main reason (especially because it's gotten much better in recent years).
                Japan's birthrate is hovering around the same level as the native europeans'. It's just that they're rejecting immigration, which is what's propping up the EUs (in the short term).
                The same underlying problems pegging Japan is plaguing the rest of the first world.

                The reason people highlight Japan is because they're rejecting (or were, anyway) immigrants. Seoul Korea has a birth rate of fricking 0.5, now compare that to Tokyo Japan's what was it I think, 1.4?
                Yet no one says shit about Korea (besides Lol)

              • 3 months ago

                >It's just that they're rejecting immigration
                No, this is a fricking talking point, Japan has never rejected immigrants in the last 40 years. Immigrating to Japan is actually super easy. The problem is it's too damn expensive for most immigrants to ever live there, and while would you immigrate to somewhere with a high cost of living when you could just move to the US which has a low cost of living and high wages?

              • 3 months ago

                >why not just move to the US which has lower cost of living
                Because US has objectively higher cost of living.
                To save you the trouble of clicking the link, US is #12, Japan is #47. I can personally attest it's less expensive as well, and that English is considered objectively easier to learn than Japanese as well (at least by most of the world, it differs on your origin of course).
                I will grant you they do not explicitly bar them; I suppose it's my fault for using exaggerated language in that respect.

              • 3 months ago

                >Because US has objectively higher cost of living.
                Only because everyone wants to live in the same 5 cities. Japan would be even worse if every city was like Tokyo in terms of cost.

              • 3 months ago

                Also you completely ignored my point about Korea.
                At least China has the excuse of "we're still recovering from one child policy".
                Korea went full hilt on the feminism angle and it's clear the resulting chaos.

                God no. There's nothing adventurous about the might-as-well-be copypasted forts with the same checkmark objectives for all of them (muh burn war supplies, muh kill the polemarch/captains) and the soulless small villages with nothing interactable in them, to not speak of the fricking horrible calculation for stealth damage numbers or the boredom out of climbing everything and not taking fall damage. It's a game that peaks in its tutorial island.

                >peak in the tutorial
                It''s pretty amazing how frequently this happens.
                My preferred slop is RPGmaker, and I see all the time well done innovative turn based strategies, that then completely ruin it by turning the otherwise good combat into a grind by making it way too grindy so it loses the appeal.

              • 3 months ago

                There's only a problem if you believe in the (israeli) paradigm of neverending growth. It's okay for a population to shrink, especially for certain races.

              • 3 months ago

                People like you are morons with 0 ability to look at the bigger picture. I always see the "infinite growth" line which ironically is a fricking marxist talking point, and the solution is what, exactly? Only a tiny group wants themselves or their kids to grow up to be plumbers or farmhands or linemen, regardless of how good the pay is. And no, the post-WWII ages will not come back because most heavy industry is heavily automated. Even engineering was seen for ages as a low-status career in the US, especially in the South, where the only choice for an upper-class student was law. The whole promotion of "STEM" is a very recent phenomenon.

                Here's a pro-tip for you: every time you find one of those dumb buzzwords on Twitter, Vox or wherever, flip it around and tell me how it sounds. Just for an example, "elite overproduction" could be expressed as:
                >low-class underproduction
                And nobody will ever promote curtailing social mobility, for any reason, in any part of the world. Even the "degrowth" lunatics want a freeze of GDP rather than a regression to poverty.

              • 3 months ago

                The solution is to base growth on something other than debt.

                How do you know people don't want to do the jobs you're claiming they don't without using circular reasoning?

                Why would an economy or population shrinking lead to less social mobility?

                I agree, but population growth and decline needs to happen gradually so as to not burden the normal adults. Too fast decline necessitates elderly care, too fast growth necessitates higher increase in infant / young care that won't all be needed for the next generation.
                And obviously certain countries should not be given aid to let their populations balloon exponentially. Self sufficiency needs to be prioritized.

                What do you think about automation and universal basic income while removing all other forms of welfare?

              • 3 months ago

                >The solution is to base growth on something other than debt.
                It's...not based on debt. Growth is based on GDP which is separate from debt. Debt-based growth was only a thing in the time of near-0% interest rates making it so a dollar today was always worth more tomorrow.
                >How do you know people don't want to do the jobs you're claiming they don't without using circular reasoning?
                Because they never did in the past and they aren't going to suddenly start now. Everyone who lionizes manual labor seems to forget that every generation that did the backbreaking labor that worked them into an early grave, did so in the hopes that they kids wouldn't have to do the same.
                >Why would an economy or population shrinking lead to less social mobility?
                Because it's a positive feedback loop. Deflationary measures cause less spending which causes less production which in turn creates uncertainty and causes less spending and less production = less need for workers to fit the demand and thus the wealth starts to plummet for everyone.

                >What do you think about automation and universal basic income while removing all other forms of welfare?
                It's a meme. No politician will ever allow SS to go away no matter how much financial trouble it's in because they put their money into it and if it's undone without giving back every dollar you put in, the government then effectively robbed entire generations and that more than anything will cause a civilian uprising.

              • 3 months ago

                I agree, but population growth and decline needs to happen gradually so as to not burden the normal adults. Too fast decline necessitates elderly care, too fast growth necessitates higher increase in infant / young care that won't all be needed for the next generation.
                And obviously certain countries should not be given aid to let their populations balloon exponentially. Self sufficiency needs to be prioritized.

  2. 3 months ago

    I read about games 1000x more than I play them. I can motivate myself to play maybe 2 hours a week max

  3. 3 months ago

    At the end of the day, there are almost no CRPGs with bad writing. Oh sure, you can point at plot holes or inconsistencies, but as a whole the genre has basically gotten the writing part down from day 1. Even BG3's writing, which has....problems, has good individual character writing and an excellent 2nd Act.
    However, I also think 90% of CRPGs, including the vast majority of "classic" ones people love, play like absolute shit. There was not a single good implementation of RTWP prior to NWN1, these games were all 90% pointless trash fights where you'd have your dudes run up into the bad guys and smack each other until the other side fell down first. There's a reason that for as much as people praise Arcanum, no one ever talks about its combat. Turn-based doesn't get much better either, I'd go so far as to say that the RPG with the best turn-based combat isn't even a CRPG, it's the JRPG FFX thanks to how it handles on-the-fly character swapping, weakness manipulation, etc.

  4. 3 months ago

    >good game is actually Le Bad
    >bad game is actually Le Good
    >Game franchise is overrated
    >game franchise is underrated

  5. 3 months ago

    gamer culture is inherently trans
    you can't refute this

  6. 3 months ago

    Gamers did not in fact "optimize the fun out of gaming", what actually happened was the discovery that most games are easy as shit with the most minimum of effort applied unless the game is filled with fake difficulty. The entire notion people present is just their realization that we don't suck at videogames anywhere near to the degree that we used to, and have no tolerance for people that still continue to suck.

  7. 3 months ago

    Mass Effect 3 is better than Mass Effect 2

    • 3 months ago

      In terms of moment-to-moment gameplay, actually having character builds, how abilities interact with each other? Yes, it's leaps and bounds better than 2. The problem is the game it's attached to.

      • 3 months ago

        It also features a narrative that actually fricking tried to follow from 1 instead of wasting the middle chapter of a trilogy on a giant sidequest that wasted time and didn't set anything up

        • 3 months ago

          They fired the writers from 1+2 that tried setting up the whole "eats suns / stars" thing or whatever.
          "Follow[ing] the narrative" should not lead to "hey bro what's your favorite color?"

          • 3 months ago

            >They fired the writers from 1+2 that tried setting up the whole "eats suns / stars" thing or whatever.
            Nta but it was still going to suck, the Dark Energy plotline was going to be a preachy environmentalist message.

            • 3 months ago

              I would have still preferred it, and this is coming from an ecogay that is absolutely sensitive to any pro-environment message in media because it invariably comes across as cringe and soapboxxing, the same way I'd view media urging people to please poo in loo.
              I don't even remember the overall underlying motivation for the reapers honestly. Harvest people to create a new reaper for... what, avoid war was it? "Organic life will create AI that will kill them. To avoid that, we will kill them". Bro what.
              Better a "entropy will be the death of all life, we harvest the minds and spirits of all advanced life until we can figure out a solution. Sorry, but join the Borg for your own good" is way better.

              • 3 months ago

                >I don't even remember the overall underlying motivation for the reapers honestly.
                Stop us from destroying ourselves because we're too stupid to not eventually create AI that will turn against us. Their solution was to wipe out species while preserving the DNA as new Reapers so they continue to live on as Reapers.

            • 3 months ago

              I would have still preferred it, and this is coming from an ecogay that is absolutely sensitive to any pro-environment message in media because it invariably comes across as cringe and soapboxxing, the same way I'd view media urging people to please poo in loo.
              I don't even remember the overall underlying motivation for the reapers honestly. Harvest people to create a new reaper for... what, avoid war was it? "Organic life will create AI that will kill them. To avoid that, we will kill them". Bro what.
              Better a "entropy will be the death of all life, we harvest the minds and spirits of all advanced life until we can figure out a solution. Sorry, but join the Borg for your own good" is way better.

              I actually don't have a problem with environmentalist messages because I grew up in a time where people actually did pollute like crazy with 0 regard to how it was affecting the planet or their own health. The problem is the message is often as said, preachy, self-righteous, and has no actual solutions and instead just feels like a bad Captain Planet episode. If you're against nuclear power then I'm sorry, you don't actually care about the environment.

              • 3 months ago

                The problem is so-called environmentalists move the goalpost from pollution being bad to a whole host of other things.

              • 3 months ago

                People treat it as a zero sum where they need their solution now instead of general improvements
                frankly they just want to be angry and look morally superior while ignoring reality

              • 3 months ago

                >just want to be angry
                Such is the case for many.

          • 3 months ago

            >They fired the writers from 1+2
            This is so wrong I don't know where to even start with. First of all: they didn't fire anyone, Karpyshyn was put to work on SWTOR because he had written the Revan novel beforehand (and funnily enough people hated it because it killed the Exile and made Revan a b***h). Second of all, Mac Walters had also written for 1 and was already the main writer for 2, thus the start of the Cerberus wank which was his idea for 1 as well
            >that tried setting up the whole "eats suns / stars" thing or whatever
            Pic related and also this
            >Q: "How would you have concluded the Mass Effect series?"
            >A: "We had some very rough ideas planned out. Basically, it involved luring the Reapers through the Mass Relays then detonating the entire network to wipe them out... but also destroying/damaging the relays and isolating every galactic community from the others. But we still had to figure out a lot of the details, and there were some issues with that option... like what we would do in the next series of games."
            Basically the High EMS Destroy ending we got
            >"Follow[ing] the narrative" should not lead to "hey bro what's your favorite color?"
            It does when you're forced to create the big epic finale to a franchise about choices and consequences in a year and a half of real dev time following a game that did fricking NOTHING with its plot for an entire fricking game. If your last game ends as a giant sidequest that wasted 35 hours Shepard could've used to find ways to deal with the Reapers, introducing something like the Crucible as early as possible to at least have an objective to build towards this one game is necessary. Mass Effect doesn't feel like a trilogy because 1/3 are connected then 2 does its own The Expendables fanfic thing

            • 3 months ago

              Fair enough on the writers part. It's been like a decade so I forgot the details. My bad there. I should have said something like "changed writers" as I realize post hoc "fired" has other connotations.

              I would say two isn't necessarily disconnected, as it's following Shepard rather than alliance stuff. It was weird seeing Shepard go back to his old job as if nothing happened. I was honestly expecting some Maverick using old connections to rally people independently of both Alliance and Illusive Man control.

  8. 3 months ago

    I sometimes go into threads and say my piece and never revisit the thread to see people's arguements because I know I'm right

  9. 3 months ago

    Atomic Heat on hard is brutalizing my anus and it's the most fun I've had in a new game in a long time.

  10. 3 months ago

    I wish I could beat and strangle to death most people who make threads on Ganker nowadays.

  11. 3 months ago

    Every game's fanbase is a bunch of homosexuals who ruin everything with their stupid obsession. They can't just enjoy and cherish something, they have to make it their property and build their personality off it. Its fricking disgusting.

  12. 3 months ago

    Dead Rising 2 was better than the original, and with Off The Record, it's literally just the first game but bigger.

    • 3 months ago

      I agree, but also frick that game because to this game Capcom has yet to fix the PC port not properly recognizing controllers ever since it moved from GFWL to Steam. That game does not fricking play well with M&KB, I tried.

      • 3 months ago

        yeah the i got it to work with controller by using the community layout feature in steam, but it's still not perfect as it doesnt have real analog movement, just 8 way directional since its just mimicking a keyboard and mouse.
        currently the best way to play 2 is if you have a current xbox port.

  13. 3 months ago

    Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is like a 9/10 adventure game, but people forgo it because of the title.

    • 3 months ago

      God no. There's nothing adventurous about the might-as-well-be copypasted forts with the same checkmark objectives for all of them (muh burn war supplies, muh kill the polemarch/captains) and the soulless small villages with nothing interactable in them, to not speak of the fricking horrible calculation for stealth damage numbers or the boredom out of climbing everything and not taking fall damage. It's a game that peaks in its tutorial island.

      • 3 months ago

        Once in a while you appreciate slop. That one’s mine.

        • 3 months ago

          Fair enough

  14. 3 months ago

    Im gonna buy FF7 rebirth

  15. 3 months ago

    Playing FotM games is actually peak gaming, and the most enjoyable way to go about it.
    You live in a constant high and always have people to play with.

    • 3 months ago

      There's nothing wrong with FotM as long as the game is actually good. Not every game is meant to be played forever, some you go through once, say "damn that was a fun game", then put it down

    • 3 months ago

      Only if you're not a miserable loser with zero friends does this apply. The people that generally get annoyed with fotm games are usually also poor and/or somehow think that "gaming" is dying as a result of "zero effort games. When in reality it's been shit for over 20 years now.

    • 3 months ago

      Nothing wrong with that, as long as you know it will usually die down and not last forever but just enjoy the time you have with it.

  16. 3 months ago

    Videogames are getting better but not AAA titles. We will never see another good cod but we will see many great titles with lower budget

  17. 3 months ago

    I brood instead of playing vidya

  18. 3 months ago

    wowgays are by far one of the worst fanbases ever,i like to dabble in mmos and try to see the best in the few that ive played but god forbid you talk about any other mmo around them,seeing wowgays cry about xiv for a few months on top of blizzard just outright being moronic brought me joy

    • 3 months ago

      Protip: most "wowgays" haven't actually played WoW in years and are just pining about how the game used to be. There are only 3 kinds of people that still play WoW
      >RPers, who are less interested in the game itself and moreso in making up their own fun
      >Hardcore raiding/arena players, who quite frankly don't give a frick what anyone else thinks because they're too busy popping adderal for that 1% advantage to see what anyone else is saying
      >Classic players, who have given up on WoW long ago and live only in nostalgia
      The vast majority of people who b***h about other MMOs, I guarantee haven't had a WoW sub since 2014.

  19. 3 months ago


  20. 3 months ago

    video games are for homosexuals

  21. 3 months ago

    While there are a lot of H-games that are short and just meant for a quick fap, I find overall that the good eroge have better gameplay than the good normal games, and I think it's because they're obviously made for adults.

  22. 3 months ago

    Chrono Trigger and Kirby are the 2 biggest mediocre pieces of shit i ever played

    • 3 months ago

      Chrono Trigger maybe doesn't live up to "THE GREATEST JRPG EVER" shit people like to say but it's a good game. Kirby's decently fun too, what kind of games do you like?

  23. 3 months ago

    I shit on games I like on Ganker hoping less people will play them.

    • 3 months ago


  24. 3 months ago

    israeli CEOs have more in common with the average israelite than with a white CEO.

  25. 3 months ago

    Michael Kirkbride lore sucks. All he does is just throw random words together. He cares nothing for consistency or logic and just wants to be known as the guy who makes weird stories.

  26. 3 months ago

    /v/'s quality would skyrocket if the board had ids and flags.

    Also /leftypol/resetera/gcj shits up Ganker far more than the alleged /misc/ boogeyman does.

    • 3 months ago

      I don't know how eratrannies shit up here but the other two are insufferable

    • 3 months ago

      /misc/ is dying, chud.

  27. 3 months ago

    Nier Automata is a very boring game and only noticeable because of 2b.

  28. 3 months ago

    Most people's standards for games are way out of whack because they've never played legitimately bad games.

    • 3 months ago

      No shit there brains have rotted from social media and anger posting is rewarded with dopamine

    • 3 months ago

      I've been saying this for years but no one listens to me. I'm more accepting of flaws than most people here because I played some genuine, actual garbage growing up. I've played Superman 64, I've beaten Superman 64 (the real secret is the ring sections are the best part of the game because it's the only time the game doesn't completely shit itself trying to get you to do something).

      For me truly bad games is stuff like Alone in the Dark 2008. Everything in that game is done wrong, like the developers went out of their way to make as bad of a game as possible. Even AitD2 and 3, which I fricking hate with a burning passion, I would rather play again than 2008.

  29. 3 months ago

    We need more games with passable trannies.

  30. 3 months ago

    >singleplayer games used to have a release date but now they "launch" like MMOs
    >thanks to GAAS every game is now a forever game that needs years of patches and DLC
    >oh you liked that feature in the previous game in that series?
    >we cut it
    >but hey, we might add it back over the next 2-3 years!
    >so stay tuned, read patch notes and, most importantly, keep the game installed!

    And i get it, i know why they do that. If you release a singleplayer game that is finished, patched and content complete now people are going to play it(if you're lucky) all the way through once over the next 2-3 weeks and move on to the next. But if you release it in a shitty state and patch/DLC it over the next year or two you extend the games life cycle, your developers get to keep working on that game because it's still making money. There is an insane number of objective real world advantages to the GAAS approach but there is one huge subjective downside and that is if i want to enjoy that game i have to, either, wait a couple years until the game is actually finished or suffer through the buggy and incomplete experience and return when it's done. Neither sounds good to me because developers are already announcing games way too early, often 3-4 years before it comes out and then i have to wait another 1-2 years until the game is actually done? Frick that. I'd rather developers keeping their mouth shut until the game is 6-8 months from release. But that fricks over the marketing departments strategy of "building hype for 2 years, remind them every 6 months that the game still exists and then hit them with the huge marketing blitz 6 weeks before release".

  31. 3 months ago

    Dicks are gay but pussies smell and are gucky. I want to like women, but vegana yucky! Men gay! What do not a gay

    • 3 months ago

      Have you considered the possibility that you are only disgusted by veganas when they are attached to a woman who chooses to expose herself to millions of people online?

      Men are instinctively repulsed by loose women. You may appreciate her breasts and ass, but the hole that other men may have busted inside of multiple times should discourage any rational man.

  32. 3 months ago

    Preordering games is not a problem and it never has been a problem.
    The real problem is buying early access games.

  33. 3 months ago

    Trans women are women and the pathetic incel losers on this site will never change that fact no matter how hard they shit and piss and cry themselves to sleep every night. Ahh, I feel MUCH better now. Phew.

  34. 3 months ago

    all of the rage over the translation of unicorn overlord is really overblown
    Jedi: Fallen Order is the best souls game that isn't made by fromsoftware

  35. 3 months ago

    I like Dynasty Warriors

  36. 3 months ago

    a franchise should never have retcons outside of watsonian justifications like time travel. it's a sign of lazy writing / poor planning. pick an idea and stick with it.

  37. 3 months ago

    Bioshock 2 is superior to 1 in every way. No, I don't care about the shitty twist in 1.

  38. 3 months ago

    Serious Sam 2 is actually the best game in the series. I had this opinion many years before Civvie.

  39. 3 months ago

    DnD 5e is the best version

  40. 3 months ago

    I've heard so many call it a truly classic horror game which has left me baffled. It's busted as frick. It barely works. It runs like absolute shit, it controls like ass, most of the systems are a UI nightmare (such as opening a fricking menu to reload your gun), the AI is a joke, the story completely falls apart by the end. The two unique things it does, being the FMV faces pasted onto the 3D models and sightjacking, are both poorly executed. The former looks entirely ridiculous and the latter makes the game absolutely shit itself. I'm convinced that anyone who calls this a classic horror title has never played it and I have no idea how Project Siren got the money for two of these terrible things and then a remake that is somehow just as bad.

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