It's time to choose?

It's time to choose, /vp/.
Battle Frontier or Sevii Islands?

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  1. 8 months ago


  2. 8 months ago

    Battle Frontier, obviously.
    Sevii Islands are very comfy but most of the areas are one-and-dones and the couple of recurring content pieces like Trainer Tower and Resort Gorgeous are either too simplistic or are already in Emerald.
    The Battle Frontier actually gives you something to properly train Pokémon and teambuild for even if it isn't as in-depth as full on competitive, you have a variety of rewards to work for and all the different gimmicks are legitimately fun.
    It really is mind-boggling that Masuda decided that it wasn't worth keeping in the series.

    • 8 months ago

      The gimmicks are fun once or twice, when you have to go through them like 7-10 times in an unbroken streak for the gold symbol is where they're not fun at all, especially shit like the battle palace where victory tends to come down to sheer fricking luck more than anything else. Even the manga made fun of how long it takes to beat a facility by having the audience fall asleep as the protag offscreened the several dozen fights to get to the brain.

      The gen 4 frontier was a lot more tolerable though, it was actually pretty neat how the battle castle's gimmick sort of returned in PLA.

      • 8 months ago

        This. I've been trying all gold symbols for ages and having to do 10 rounds of battle tower is insane on its own. I've consistently gotten to round 8 more times than I can count just to get kicked out by the ai. Just 2 nights ago I got frozen twice by one shitmon (glalie) and my Metagross didn't thaw in the 6 turns it took to die. Battle Dome and Arena are comically easy by comparison because the gimmicks are luck based and you don't have to play until every team has 6 potential sets per mon and all pseudos and legendaries

    • 8 months ago

      thou I do agree with
      I have to admit to enjoying sevii islands more. It fits better if you just repeat replaying the game.
      BF would be great with modern qol features like the breeding improvements, blussey xp training, PSS so you could trade mons easier, etc.
      Had they just included it into ORAS it could have been the best feature. They blew they biggest opportunity.

  3. 8 months ago

    Are you moronic?

  4. 8 months ago

    I know it's unpopular, but Sevii for me. I like the exploration more than the pure battling.

  5. 8 months ago

    this isn't even a question
    the only loss is muh heckin deckin ttar

  6. 8 months ago

    Sevii Frontier or Battle Islands?

  7. 8 months ago

    It depends on the context, elaborate

    • 8 months ago

      Not OP, but let's say from
      >initial playthrough
      >level design

      • 8 months ago

        They both serve two different subjective niches that are both valid for giving a high rating for all of those points. I would prefer a Battle Frontier 100% any day of the week but someone who is just fine with online battling/the Battle Tower may choose differently.
        When I go on my lunch break I will elaborate on how both could be viable in a game effectively.

      • 8 months ago

        Okay so my ideal game would probably be another Kanto remake but with an expanded dex (like HGSS including cross gen evolutions, but a bit more) with the ability to go to Johto after the main story and then the Sevii Islands to catch Alolan Pokémon and Unovan Pokémon (IRL basis of Sevii had American people go to it iirc).
        After clearing Johto, the construction in Vermillion City opens and is a Battle Tent like in Emerald where you can pick from seven different battle rules that serve as tutorials for a battle facility located on each of the seven main Sevii Islands. You clear those to upgrade your pass to the corresponding island.
        Full clearing a battle facility on an island (or at least getting Silver Symbol tier) unlocks additional stuff on an island, like rare Pokémon spawns (or completely new Kantonian form Pokémon of newer species) or specific legendaries (Regidrago and Regieleki in Dotted Hole, for example).
        Clearing all 7 with silver tier gives you access to Navel Rock, where you can catch Lunala and Solgaleo
        Clearing all 7 with gold gives you access to Faraway Island where you can catch Paradox Mew, which is said to be the descendant of the last living Pokémon species far in the future and its whole design looks like Mew but with Arceus like features

        • 8 months ago

          That sounds kino, and it would make sense if we ever return to Kanto. Like a reboot.
          Hell, go the extra mile and spam Melmetans in Faraway Island, making a reference to a robotic future.
          When you pass the last of those T1000s, you find Paradox Mew creating these things. Heck, add a paradox Mewtwo is a full on combat droid.

          If we go cool, push it to 1000%.

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah the general idea would be Kanto + the changes it had during gens 2 and 3 and set x years after Red/Blue in current day compared to 1996
            still 2D/not 3D but expanded scale on routes + all Pokémon, with a lot of gen 5-9 mons transfer only or locked in incredibly situational postgame

        • 8 months ago


  8. 8 months ago

    Sevii islands that ends with a battle frontier

    • 8 months ago

      almost on break but the central idea is 7 islands locked behind 7 facilities

  9. 8 months ago

    >100s of hours of replayable content or the shitty filler islands that only exist to find johto pokemon and you have no reason to revisit after 1-2 hours?

    wow such a hard choice

    • 8 months ago

      absolutely soulless post

      • 8 months ago

        nah he's right
        nobody cares except johtoddlers

  10. 8 months ago

    Give me a mix of both, sevii islands for exploration with one battle frontier facility on each island

    • 8 months ago

      almost on break but the central idea is 7 islands locked behind 7 facilities

      Sevii Frontier or Battle Islands?


  11. 8 months ago

    Why not both?
    Move the Trainer Hill to Four Island and put BF on Seven Island

  12. 8 months ago

    The Sevii Islands are too small.

  13. 8 months ago

    the sevii islands feel like fangame filler content

    • 8 months ago

      >filler content
      That's exactly what they are.
      They're filler content made to fit in some facilities like the Battle Tow... err, the Trainer Hill without tainting the main Kanto region and to artificially extend the game's duration by forcing Players to complete a lenghty sidequest if they want to trade Pokémon from the Hoenn games.

    • 8 months ago

      >filler content
      That's exactly what they are.
      They're filler content made to fit in some facilities like the Battle Tow... err, the Trainer Hill without tainting the main Kanto region and to artificially extend the game's duration by forcing Players to complete a lenghty sidequest if they want to trade Pokémon from the Hoenn games.

      They're also completely antithetical to Gen 1 design, with their obtrusive story and incredibly linear nature.

  14. 8 months ago

    >battle frontier or the fricking nothingburger islands
    hmmmmm a real head scratcher indeed

  15. 8 months ago

    Both, more content more Pokemon

  16. 8 months ago

    I dont want the battle frontier unless they make it less monotonous and try hardy.
    What's the point of a challenge that removes most of the mechanics of the game? They dont even prepare you for multiplayer because they're 3v3
    level equalised competitive battles should only be one facility, and also 6v6.

  17. 8 months ago

    >linear, slowly paced filler islands that roadblock things that should be accessible post-E4 instantly.
    Shitvii Islands can suck my wiener.

  18. 8 months ago

    What was the "secret" in this thing that the map hinted at?

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      it’s a GBA circuit board

  19. 8 months ago

    I loved sevii islands but hated how much they baited you with ho-oh and specially lugia. they should have been catchable

  20. 8 months ago

    To be honest, if sevii islands at least had the Battle Tower I would put it over the BF but it doesn't.

    • 8 months ago

      Depends on the context. If we're looking solely at the original games, I'd say Sevii islands.

      Battle Frontier is obviously a really nice addition, but its implementation in Emerald was obviously a first attempt. The actual area itself was super cool, but the facilities were a huge mixed bag. It ends up being EXTREMELY grindy, and something that you really need to invest a shit ton of time into. If you can get over that hurdle, and are tolerant to RNG, then its cool for like, challenge runs and shit, but I think that the actual amount of use that people got out of the Battle Frontier on average ended up being really low. I knew I grew disinterested in it as a kid. Still, even in an iffy state, it IS a major end game goal to work towards, which is ideal.

      The Sevii Islands were a really cool addition to FRLG, they are peak comfy. The Johto music, the extra places to explore, cool little hidden details here and there, just a lot of fun for a little breakaway from the main story. Having Johto mons available back in FRLG was a big deal back then too. Seeing additions to previously established regions (like Sinjoh, and the Blueberry Academy) is really intriguing to me, I feel it helps flesh out the world greatly.
      I also really like how it breaks up the pace of Gyms 7 and 8-- in RBY going from Blaine straight to Giovanni was pretty anticlimactic. Sevii gives a proper amount of time, while reinforcing Team Rocket's far reaching effects.
      That being said, most of it is very one-and-done, there's not a lot of reason to go back to the places. And, I think the biggest let down is .. Battle Hill just kinda sucks. I'm sure the intention was to not step on the Battle Frontier's toes or whatever and offer something different, but its just not a very good battle facility.

      Still, replaying the games, I've gone through the Sevii Islands in full everytime I've played FRLG, whereas the Battle Frontier I hardly touch, so I have to give it to Sevii.

  21. 8 months ago

    >itt we dick suck awful filler content because it was GEN THREEEEEEE

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