It's time to discuss who killed Pokemon

It's time to discuss who killed Pokemon

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  1. 7 months ago

    Gen V

    • 7 months ago

      How can a The Boys spin-off kill Pokémon?

  2. 7 months ago

    chinichi chinsuda

  3. 7 months ago
  4. 7 months ago


  5. 7 months ago

    How could it be anyone but Masuda? He's the guy steering the ship no matter what headcanon you want to believe. He lost his way and his passion and should have fricked off ages ago, instead he just signs off on whatever garbage Gamefreak shits out.

    • 7 months ago

      >How could it be anyone but Masuda
      Because he put out solid first versions, even XY.

    • 7 months ago

      > How could it be anyone but Masuda?
      Masuda is literally the one who directed all the games this board likes to wiener suck the most.
      >B-BUT XY
      XY barely has any problems that are actually unique to itself, morons just seethe about it because they didn’t get their scam rehash

      • 7 months ago

        Masuda directed RS, DP, BW, XY and LGPE. The only games people rate out of those are BW, all the others have better versions or outright suck.

        • 7 months ago

          >someone took masuda’s game and added a battle facility to it after having a year of free extra dev time to scam more people into buying the game so that means it’s not masuda’s game anymore
          This is like arguing that Drayano is better at making Pokemon games than GF.

  6. 7 months ago

    you grew up

    • 7 months ago

      ...but the creators didnt lmao

      • 7 months ago

        no shit, the main audience will always be children

  7. 7 months ago

    Without saying anything of the other directors, I think it's fair to say Masuda knew a lot more about what he was doing as opposed to Tajiri
    >first two generations were riddled with problems in development
    >red/green's literally the poster child for spaghetti code in video games
    >were delayed multiple times
    >gold/silver's development was going so poorly, tajiri had to hand over his directing role to masuda mid-development
    >masuda made the call to restart from scratch and was able to finally get the games released
    based Masuda. Give the man some credit.

    • 7 months ago

      >Give the man some credit.
      ill give him credit for things he did 20 years ago and shit on him for things hes involved in today

    • 7 months ago

      >tajiri handed directing role to masuda mid-development
      what the frick are you talking about? tajiri directed GS and is listed as director in the credits. if there is some bulbapedia article or – frick me, god forbid you're fricking moronic enough to quote a youtuber on this – suggesting otherwise, it's wrong, that's not how game credits work. tajiri's involvement in crystal isn't necessarily the same level as it was for developing GS, but he's still the responsible director for better than 90% of the game's code so they are still going to list him in the position he got
      why is /vp/ so insistent on making shit up to support dubious points?

      • 7 months ago

        Game Informer interviewed Masuda. moron.
        >When he moved over to Gold and Silver full time, the game wasn’t where it needed to be. “Development wasn’t going as well as we had hoped it would. At that point I kind of took over and we decided to make the game based on Kyoto, and we sort of rapidly developed the game [from that point on,]” Masuda says.
        If you want to get into semantics like "hurr tajiri was still TECHNICALLY the director" then that's fair, but my point was that Masuda was clearly the brains behind the project at the turn in development. Try to tone down the hostility next time so you don't btfo'd again in the future.

  8. 7 months ago


  9. 7 months ago


  10. 7 months ago

    Ohmori is the worst thing to happen to Pokemon. He has such shit taste and poor direction.

    I also blame Masuda for allowing it to happen.

    Morimoto and Unno are the best, of course. I admit I'm interested in future Iwao releases.

    • 7 months ago

      Iwao is probably the most interesting guy to make a third version. Like yeah, Morimoto is an overachiever, and we can argue similar stuff for Unno, but Iwao went into stuff on a more micro level for the most part. Things like Pokemon in the world to interact with, tons of new sidequests to flesh out the world, including ones that don't reward you with anything but cutscenes of a Pokemon doing something the Pokedex says they do. I'm not surprised he made Legends after that, even if I really dislike a ton of the gameplay decisions in that game I get the vision.

  11. 7 months ago

    XY tbh

    It just didn't survive going to 3D. The models all lacked
    Gen 5 already had functionality on the bottom screen for wifi connecting, that wasn't new in gen 6

  12. 7 months ago

    Kawachimaru comes in, fixes DP which were dogshit and gives probably the only necessary third version in series history, and fricks off. Based.

  13. 7 months ago

    Morimoto directed the top 2 games in the series, why doesn't he do more now?

    Iwao is also doing a good job. It's one thing to add content to a game like SM to USUM, but doing such a good game like PLA on his first try is impressive.

  14. 7 months ago

    >woman with troony color hair is the artist of S/V
    now everything have sense

  15. 7 months ago


  16. 7 months ago

    Go Ichinose rarely misses but he fricking missed with SWSH good lord.

  17. 7 months ago

    Unfortunately, Masuda.
    I don't know what happened between Gen V and Gen VI, but that man just decided to destroy the series with his last game.

    • 7 months ago

      >I don't know what happened between Gen V and Gen VI
      you already know whnat happened

    • 7 months ago

      Masuda has been creatively bankrupt since gen 3. Gen 4 and 5 are just recycling the same themes, story beats and overall game structure of gen 3. I'd say gen 3 is creatively bankrupt too because we see Masuda's one plot already being implemented into Crystal but at least gen 3 had an entirely overhauled battle system and was Masuda's first shot at directing a game on his own so there was some soul there.

      • 7 months ago

        >gen 3 had an entirely overhauled battle system

        • 7 months ago

          It did? Revamped EV/IV system, abilities, natures, weather, double battles which are now the official competitive format, berries were completely overhauled. Like them or not gen 3's battle system was basically rewritten from scratch. No other gen really compares in terms of mechanical changes. 4's ph/sp split is the only other major change and doesn't even compare to half of these changes fundamentally.

          • 7 months ago

            >gen III

          • 7 months ago

            gen 2 had weather you fricking moron

            • 7 months ago

              and added the special split, items, two new typings, and a bunch of unique moves at the time that were either dependent on a Pokemon's status, they can switch, the battlefield (hazards), offensive moves that can raise the user's stats, and much more. People underrate but it's at the very least the second most mechanically different gen from their predecessor

  18. 7 months ago

    Masuda. Gen 1 was the base for the franchise, gen 2 built on it and expanded it. Gen 3 was all around a step back, cemented every game being nothing more than a retread of RBY with 8 gyms and an elite 4/champion, and was where the never ending world ending plots with the dumb ass legendaries came from. Pretty much every bad gameplay decision plaguing the franchise today can be traced back to Masuda's tenure, with most fans really only praising the third versions of his games where a different director came in and cleaned up Masuda's lazy rote games.

    • 7 months ago

      I think gen 3 has okay games but I'll never forgive them because they started the absolute blight of a trend of: "team X wants to get box art legendary Y to do evil thing Z and you have to stop them!". The chosen one shtick is really starting to make me cringe as well, where you have some sort of magical connection to box art legendary for ?? reasons.

  19. 7 months ago

    The main culprit isn't even in op's pic: Ishihara

    • 7 months ago


  20. 7 months ago

    the fans, making pokemon the biggest multimedia franchise in the world since gen 2 when pokemon started being satinized

  21. 7 months ago

    All are mediocre

  22. 7 months ago


  23. 7 months ago

    The decline started in XY.

    • 7 months ago

      How do I plant berries in gen 5?

  24. 7 months ago

    masuda after his soul was crushed by the back to back negative reception of gens 4 and 5 (which was always unjustified), he clearly paid way too much attention to negative feedback and went full baby mode fan pandering in gen 6. he obviously lost his faith in the intelligence of the fans (arguably justified), basically every interview with him about XY and ORAS was excuse after excuse about cell phones and attention spans to excuse the abysmal difficulty, removal of features, the excessive handholding - and i even think all the gen 1 pandering and the shoehorned mega gimmick were probably because he lost faith in the series. i realize ohmori directed ORAS but i still blame masuda for that entire generation being a disaster, and all its ripple effects on later generations. he should have gone back to making music if he was that butthurt kids thought the games were hard and i'm glad other people took over the director seat sooner rather than later. he used to be my hero.

    • 7 months ago

      >which was always unjustified

      How do I plant berries in gen 5?

      • 7 months ago

        what a gay thing to nitpick, you aren't looking at the big picture.

        • 7 months ago

          how do I customize my trainer in gen 5?

          • 7 months ago

            >how do i do something that didn't exist in the series yet
            how fricking disengenuous

            • 7 months ago

              it could have existed if they actually put effort into the game

              • 7 months ago

                yeah and if i had wings i could fly, there are a lot of things that could have happened that didn't. it's easy to make shit up and b***h about what-ifs, what it isn't is productive.

              • 7 months ago

                glad you admit gen 5 has less effort than XY.

              • 7 months ago

                >glad you agree [thing you didn't say]
                nothing but bad faith from this guy, not replying again

              • 7 months ago

                >gen 6 has feature
                >gen 5 doesn't
                >"b-b-b-b-b-but gen 5 isn't lower quality because it just isn't ok?"

                What's immersion in battling fricking Pokemon you hack? What's the next thing you want, customising individual Pokemon sprite/models just so they look more clownish in battles because they look like clones of each other?

                >What's immersion in battling fricking Pokemon you hack?
                Immersion of role playing as a Pokemon trainer doesn't work when I'm forced to play as GF's OC battling other exact clones of GF's OC.

              • 7 months ago

                >Immersion of role playing as a Pokemon trainer doesn't work when I'm forced to play as GF's OC battling other exact clones of GF's OC.
                Honestly I'll just say our philosophies to approaching the game are different and not argue further, I just find character customisation a waste of time and gamefreak uses customisation as an excuse to make character designs worse hence my issues with it. That said you do seem to enjoy dressing up so having the feature is better than not having them I guess.

              • 7 months ago

                >as an excuse to make character designs worse
                Woah I can customize the male player character in BW2? Is that why he looks utterly moronic?

              • 7 months ago

                Lol it's funny how mad troonz get when you point out how shit XY was

            • 7 months ago

              Four years earlier:

          • 7 months ago

            trainer customisation should never have been a thing, its the thing that's led to player characters getting super generic over time. Frick gen 6 for introducing this shitty girly dress up mechanic. Player characters should be more characters than avatars.

            • 7 months ago

              >I didn't grow up with it therefore it's generic

              >Player characters should be more characters
              It's a multiplayer game. Making them actual characters is completely moronic and ruins the point of the series.

              • 7 months ago

                >It's a multiplayer game. Making them actual characters is completely moronic and ruins the point of the series.
                gays like you would prefer if the single player component of the series would be removed. No wonder you morons hated PLA. The only multiplayer part that matters is the battles and you know who your opponent is because they're on the other side of the screen. You don't need to dress up like a bawd to do that.

              • 7 months ago

                >gays like you would prefer if the single player component of the series would be removed.
                Not really.

                >No wonder you morons hated PLA
                I do like PLA. PLA also still has trainer customization because it's not a fricking lazy low effort rehash like Gen 5.

                >The only multiplayer part that matters is the battles
                Which I lose my immersion in when I'm battling dozens of clones of my character online.

              • 7 months ago

                What's immersion in battling fricking Pokemon you hack? What's the next thing you want, customising individual Pokemon sprite/models just so they look more clownish in battles because they look like clones of each other?

              • 7 months ago

                >You don't need to dress up like a bawd to do that.
                Yes you do.

          • 7 months ago

            Go play trash like SwSh and SV if that's all you care about

    • 7 months ago

      Masuda shiting in his last games doesn't excuse Ohmori one bit, look at Iwao's work

      • 7 months ago

        All Ohmori cares about is waifuhomosexualry in the game.

      • 7 months ago

        >Masuda shiting in his last games doesn't excuse Ohmori one bit
        you're right, SM being a top 3 gen does. if iwao did USUM it's fairly safe to assume he was involved in SM being good too though, given his output he obviously knows what actually matters in these games.

    • 7 months ago

      >XY invented gen 1 pandering

      • 7 months ago

        This just looks like Hoenn but with Oddish instead of Ponyta and Pikablu instead of Onix

    • 7 months ago

      >Gen 4
      >Negative reception
      Lol the most popular games in the series came out in Gen 4

      • 7 months ago

        masuda in no uncertain terms has stated that he has made every game he worked on after gen 4 easier because dumb japanese kids apparently overwhelmingly thought platinum was too hard, learn what you're talking about before you start saying shit

  25. 7 months ago

    Gen 3 is when they realized they could be lazy. They removed a ton of features from Crystal for no reason. Then they added back some stuff for Emerald. They did the same thing with gen 4 because release Diamond/Pearl are shitty games.
    Gen 6 is official death because it looks ugly as frick. They never tried again.

  26. 7 months ago

    ohmori revived it with sv but mana ibe is a terrible art director

  27. 7 months ago

    Go Ichinose isn't the main music guy in SV?
    Frick, go back.

  28. 7 months ago

    There is a error there (because of a mistranslation).
    In the jp version of GS Masuda are credited as sub director and in crystal jp credits Masuda is the sole director.

    • 7 months ago

      Masuda was basically running the franchise since its inception no wonder Tajiri trusted him with it for so long. Too bad we chose to drive him away and are now stuck with Ohmori

  29. 7 months ago

    It was (You)

  30. 7 months ago

    Pokemon ended with it's creator stopped. Many will argue this because they are zoomers who first played RSE but those games are trash and killed the hype at the time.

  31. 7 months ago

    >It's time to discuss who killed Pokemon
    Well, Junichi Masuda directed Let's Go, so it clearly WASN'T him. I think it was Ohmori tbh. He directed ORAS, so... Yeah. It was Ohmori.

  32. 7 months ago

    >who killed Pokemon
    Ohmori very clear.
    Nobody except Morimoto and Unno should be allowed to touch the games

  33. 7 months ago

    Ohmori should sudoku to salvage any remaining honor that he may still have

  34. 7 months ago


  35. 7 months ago

    There is no doubt.
    >Pushed the series away from Switch because he was so insistent it would fail. If he didn't get proven so easily wrong Pokemon would have gone full mobile with GO and Gen 7 would have just been the final gateway to that shift.
    >Was the one pushing for Pokemon as a service. Bank was a compromise they had made with Iwata, HOME is the result we would have gotten with the dex cut otherwise. Current Nintendo leads aren't as involved with Pokemon and won't breathe down their necks as much as Iwata did.
    >Likely the reason for Gen 7's anniversary haste. Was concerned for Pokemon's identity with Yokai Watch and urged the series to follow in its footsteps during that time.
    This isn't to say the likes of Masuda aren't a problem, since even that is apparent if you look at gigaleak documents of how he handled GSC debugging or dismantling the Mario club. But even still, the head always decides the direction things go. It's a convenient disaster that Ishihara's and Masuda's management styles line up.

  36. 7 months ago

    >th-they have better versions
    That are 99% games that Masuda directed, yes.

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