ITT: Games with god-tier artillery.

ITT: Games with god-tier artillery.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Artillery is for homosexual cowards.

    • 2 years ago

      Artillery is a weapon whose purpose is to start offensives, to attack, to force defenders out of their hidings.
      As such, not only is it not a coward’s weapon, but it’s also an anti-coward weapon.

      • 2 years ago

        >start offensives, to attack, to force defenders
        We got tools for that, tanks.

        Artillery adds dignity, to what would otherwise be an ugly brawl

        A man dies and a man kills without seeing each other's faces. It's the ultimate dehumanizing tool that's possibly only matched by aerial bombings.

        • 2 years ago

          Get absolutely shredded if they drive into a prepared ambush. How do you disrupt a prepared ambush? Artillery.

          • 2 years ago

            Either you send more tanks or send tougher tanks.
            Or be smart and send infantry in tadem to counter the ambush.

            • 2 years ago

              Look buddy, you not liking artillery for moral reasons is bullshit but understandable, but denying its battlefield effectiveness and usefulnes is just moronic. Stop being moronic.

              • 2 years ago

                >moral reasons
                No, because it's homosexual.
                Artillery is that guy who says "gymbros waste hours pumping iron when I can just use a gun".
                Artillery is showering crops with pesticide because picking bugs is tiresome.
                Artillery is waiting until there's no one else before using a public toilet.

              • 2 years ago

                >picking bugs is tiresome
                holy fricking shit you're a real fricking moronic homosexual. you're probably one of those pod-dwelling queers that thinks to himself that he can totally survive alone in the woods after spending 8 hours playing video games all day every day.

              • 2 years ago

                >No, because it's homosexual.
                You know what's gay? Hiding inside a tank like the little anime girl that you want to be. Real men go naked and punch their enemies until they die.

            • 2 years ago

              That's bullshit. If your opponent is stationary, you hit him with an airstrike or artie.

            • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                Finally someone recognizes the joke.

            • 2 years ago

              We have a Russian general here

          • 2 years ago

            tanks are just armored artillery

            • 2 years ago

              They are not. Tank is direct fire, artillery is indirect fire. Most artillery vehicles today have some sort of armor because counter-battery exists.

              • 2 years ago

                Artillery can be either direct or indirect fire. In fact, almost all modern artillery platforms have capability for both.

              • 2 years ago

                Tank still remains a direct fire only weapon and hence a close range weapon

        • 2 years ago

          >A man dies and a man kills without seeing each other's faces.
          Hey, carrier combat is pretty cool.

    • 2 years ago

      Artillery adds dignity, to what would otherwise be an ugly brawl

      • 2 years ago

        What game is this from

        • 2 years ago

          It's from Wargame I think. Frederick the Great supposedly said that.

          • 2 years ago

            It's a technology quote in Civ 6 roo

            • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              I distinctly hear Leonard Nimoy's voice narrating that quote in my head so its gotta be Civ4. I don't think Civ6 even had its own Arty tech

        • 2 years ago

          Also from Civ 4

        • 2 years ago

          It's Civ IV, I was fricking obsessed with that game back in the day and I can hear Nimoy quoting it.

      • 2 years ago

        Stalin's organ, they call us. I prefer Tchaikovsky myself.

    • 2 years ago

      You will never be a King.

      • 2 years ago

        Ultima Ratio Regum means both that artillery is strong but also should be avoided. The King uses it only if very pissed or had no other alternative.

        • 2 years ago

          >Ultima Ratio Regum means both that artillery is strong but also should be avoided
          No it doesn't, it just means it's their last word to decisively end a conflict. It's not meant in a "last desperate measure" way
          It's basically the same thing as war being a continuation of policy by other means

    • 2 years ago

      Artillery is based if you actually do something after. If you just sit there and spam arty you're a boring c**t.

      • 2 years ago

        pretty much how you use artillery in steel division
        set a forest on fire then send pioniers, submachine guns, and flamethrowers into it to mop up any surviving infantry

    • 2 years ago

      sword cuck

    • 2 years ago

      The entire point of artillery in supreme commander is to force the cowards to come out of turtling, they either do something about it before their shields fail or they get fricked
      Only way to force a U*F "player" to stop afking in his corner of the map behind his 10 layers of long ranged defenses

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Artillery is *faint whistling overhead* for homosexual *whistling grows louder* cowar-ACK *KABOOM*

    • 2 years ago

      Just cos ur logistics suck fat sweaty nuts. Artillery used correctly is unbeatable.

  2. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Was this game any good? I never see anyone talk about it, even a friend of mine who loves Homeworld.

      • 2 years ago

        It's really good, just a bit bland.

      • 2 years ago

        It's good but it's a one and done campaign and kind of retcons stuff from HW.

      • 2 years ago

        Ony of my favourite RTS games of all time. It's got a very 'believable' to the sci-fi armored warfare mechanics. Too bad it didn't really live up to its full potential, cause of no map editor or dev tools and the DLC factions while cool didn't get any SP content.

      • 2 years ago

        > Hardware: Shipbreaker's
        Went from a bad ass online mmo planet scale rts concept to being jammed in the home world story line with very meh connections to the homeworld storyline. Shit out and promptly abandoned by blackbird after release. Just a let down from what they were promising tbh, some of the assets they didnt use turned up in there "project eagle" which makes it even more disappointing.

        • 2 years ago

          Thinking about it, same thing happened with Imperium Galactica 3 and nexus the Jupiter incident.. and the original homeworld 2 dust wars concept

          And the dumb rehash we ended up with

          • 2 years ago

            It is a shame HW2 was essentially axed of half of its content because they couldn't make the megalith works on the computers of the time (I feel so old).
            Nowadays with modern processors and procedural generation we could make entire planet. The most interesting part is their demo of fighters using space structure as shield.

            For those interested, here's the original script and idea for HW2

            For example this was the concept for SAJUUK
            spoiler in case HW3 rework from this and it's very possible since they can now work with the Gates network.
            The Great Master Sajuuk, Whose Hand Shapes What Is (see Kiith Gaalsen HW Doc)
            • Huge ship/being - Biotech, no gender
            • Timeless age
            • Moves from galaxy to galaxy seeding Hyperspace tech. Copies itself as HS Modules – this is it’s reproductive cycle
            • Came to HW galaxy, built gates
            • Seeded about 7 HS Modules to bring evolved races to the gates and thereby meet & prosper.
            • When enough MS Mods are in one place at one time, Sajuuk will awaken to meet the new galactic “family” of spacefarers – it’s ‘children’
            • Knights are Sajuuk’s Heralds:
            • Designed to unify everyone and thus wake Sajuuk. (Tried and failed once before?)
            • When attatched to HS module, the person acquires telepathic connection with other HS Mod users (Emperor, Bentusi)
            • This is a “unifying” tendancy Sajuuk planned to help gather ‘offspring’ and thus awaken.
            • Once attatched, a person’s ‘personality matrix’ is imparted into the Module = Ghost of Karan Sjet (and others??)

            btw, I'm proud as hell to have deduced without reading this that hyperspace module were meant to store/allow communication through hyperspace

            • 2 years ago

              Communication through hyperspace is how Somtaaw Leeches are considered stealth units in addition to their small size, they shunt their comm signals through hyperspace to evade detection by all but the most powerful and advanced sensors.

        • 2 years ago

          I fricking love Project Eagle and how it looks.

        • 2 years ago

          Just to be clear: your pic is not from any game and just a 3D concept made for NASA.

          >> Hardware: Shipbreaker's
          Technically that name is now for a FPS ship scavenging game (which is good as long as you aren't a /misc/tard).

          >Went from a bad ass online mmo planet scale rts concept
          >bad ass
          More like low-cost free-to-play mmo rts with procedurally generated desert/wreck made out of desperation.

          The game was always meant as a spiritual prequel to Homeworld. Getting the license only made the dream possible and they did what they could with their budget. It's just sad they couldn't rework the Kaneeph into the storyline.
          Hopefully Homeworld 3 will not have these problems, they pushed back release but what they show so far take the best of HW1 (like physical shot) and will avoid the problems that plagued HW2 (megalith will actually work).

          • 2 years ago

            I'm not a /misc/ack and I enjoy Hardspace Shipbreaker a lot but it is irritating that the last few updates have included lots of unskippable dialogue that nobody cares about instead of more ships/tools which is what would actually improve the game.

            • 2 years ago

              First, you've got free mode & alternate, complaint invalid.
              Second, I care about the story, we live in a world were dumbass would actually let a company like LINX appear. More content would always be nice but it's easier said than done. Just like asking multiplayer.

              • 2 years ago

                I like the setting and the backdrop, I just think the delivery is poor. Also, the fact that the last few updates have been largely focused on the story is my complaint which is in no way invalidated by the presence of a free mode.
                Did you actually work on the game? You're defending it as if you have.
                The point I'm trying to make is that even if your politics align with the message of the game, as mine do, that doesn't mean you can't have any criticism of the way the story is handled. Blaming it all on /misc/ doesn't change that.

              • 2 years ago

                Are you the one who said "dialogues no one care about"? Don't be surprised fellow players react when you put bullshit in their mouth. Free mode is just an answer to anon petty problem.
                Off course the story could always have been written in different way, I'm sure even a poltard could come up with even a pro-LINX storyline, if they I'm sure they would be far more lenient over the game not having infinite budget, coders and time.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm confused that the game even has a story at all

                I like the setting and the backdrop, I just think the delivery is poor. Also, the fact that the last few updates have been largely focused on the story is my complaint which is in no way invalidated by the presence of a free mode.
                Did you actually work on the game? You're defending it as if you have.
                The point I'm trying to make is that even if your politics align with the message of the game, as mine do, that doesn't mean you can't have any criticism of the way the story is handled. Blaming it all on /misc/ doesn't change that.

                Also let's agree we need a game with hyperspace artillery.

              • 2 years ago

                >hyperspace artillery
                Got me thinking about wether or not it would still count as artillery.
                Definition of artillery is so broad, it's ok as long as it's a munition primarily propelled by a large system. But would a hyperspace gun count as indirect or direct if it bend space-time to reach its target with no flight time?

              • 2 years ago

                Well, I've seen lots of posts here and elsewhere complaining about the dialogue and yours is literally the first time I've seen anyone praising it. I retract my "no one cares about" in place of "almost no one cares about" if it makes you feel better.
                Again, my issue with the game's development being that it had several updates focused entirely on story in a game which seemed anything but story driven isn't a petty complaint and it's not solved by free mode.
                I liked the LINX contract in the beginning and the worldbuilding being told through subtext, company emails, etc. I don't enjoy being forced to sit in the hab listening to dialogue which I don't find engaging. Honestly I felt like it made the points about capitalism it's aiming for better when it was being told through the debt the company puts you in for everything and the aforementioned in-universe company material. Listening to radio conversations back-and-forthing about unions doesn't hit in the same way for me.
                You'll notice that isn't a complaint about the game's lack of budget or development time since frankly I enjoyed it more when it was still in Early Access. Having an issue with where resources are being allocated does not equate to having an issue that said resources are finite.
                Clearly I like the game a lot and want more of it, but I used to get excited whenever I saw it had an update. I'm just a little disappointed with the direction they've taken it.

                I'm confused that the game even has a story at all

                It doesn't really need it, and it was better without IMO.

              • 2 years ago

                Have this artillery offering to keep it thread worthy.

                I shouldn't push this into a discussion, but I appreciate your more nuanced answer, thought, you -will- find plenty of praise anywhere even on Ganker. It's no GOTY but the dialogues are pretty good for an indy game and my only complain about the story would be that they didn't profit of the occasion to push LINX "we are a big family" into a logical & karma riffic twist. Now that would have triggered ancap & commies alike.
                I still feel you are triggered by basically nothing, especially since everything after the story is free game.
                Plus a game without a story is easier to forget as a "indy one-trick pony" so the story is only added bonus that fuel discussion about it.

                >Clearly I like the game a lot and want more of it, but I used to get excited whenever I saw it had an update. I'm just a little disappointed with the direction they've taken it.
                I'll point out the Early-access model give many players a false idea of how much they are "entitled to have", coupled with ignorance over how much effort goes into deep core mechanic or "what could have been". Like the belief that efforts put on writing and dialogue is "taken away from coding".
                Just look at the CREDIT ROLL (don't worry it have a SKIP buttons, even a speed forward).

              • 2 years ago

                I wouldn't say having one complaint about a game I otherwise recommend to people constitutes being "triggered".
                You're right that the story has fueled discussion though, before it was added on the rare occasion I saw a Shipbreaker thread people would talk about how it played. Now whenever it comes up the only thing that gets discussed is the story, and whether it should be in the game or not. I'm not sure that's preferable.
                There's also no entitlement here, just pointing out that I'm less pleased with the direction of the game as of the last few updates. Offering an opinion isn't a sign of entitlement, I'm not making any demands. I don't like this idea that you have to just accept everything about a game otherwise you're being whiny and entitled. Imagine if that was the attitude people had towards film and literary criticism.
                Also, obviously writing and voice acting aren't equivalent to adding new ships or tools but you're being disingenuous by acting as if it doesn't still represent a shift in priorities and resources.

              • 2 years ago

                Just pretend this is counter-artillery barrage

                You are questioning a very common & like feature based on a personal nebulous vision of what the game could have been, with IMO little knowledge that adding ship/mechanics is hard with diminishing return if not counter-productive.
                Also the Union plot clearly triggered you since from a player perspective it is simply a bonus.

                Early-Access model do lead player to consider they are entitled to see more of the stuff they personally expect/like or feel betrayed.
                Whereas in a classic model (that still apply to movie), players have to accept the choices of the director with a more open mind.
                I consider E-A model to be a very good thing but many players are unsatisfiable whiny entitled b***hes. Imagine if -that- attitude applied to movie/series. "they should have shifted to more explosion X season ago! they ruined it!"

                Anyway, we've both exposed our opinion so I'll refrain to encourage further off topic by not answering next time (unless you really want an answer to something).

              • 2 years ago

                Dude, I just said I'm not that keen on the direction the game is taking compared to it's earlier updates. Nothing about that is triggered. You seem to be taking this really personally.
                I also think it's a little absurd that you consider adding content to be counter productive especially considering that the majority of negative reviews for the game bring up lack of content and the presence of unskippable dialogue.
                I haven't said I feel betrayed, or made any demands. You've been making a lot of weird projections on me this whole thread.
                Are you a game dev by any chance? You really seem to have more stake in this than would entirely make sense otherwise.
                Again, since you didn't seem to get it when I mentioned it earlier: the messages of the plot align with my politics. I am pro union and think the way they have been defanged in my country is one of the main reasons for the dystopian corporate hellscape we are currently inhabiting.

              • 2 years ago

                Vesta overkill would be easy with this, too bad I can't beat it to unlock customization

              • 2 years ago

                >fellow players
                Frick off, you're clearly a dev.

              • 2 years ago

                I like the setting and the backdrop, I just think the delivery is poor. Also, the fact that the last few updates have been largely focused on the story is my complaint which is in no way invalidated by the presence of a free mode.
                Did you actually work on the game? You're defending it as if you have.
                The point I'm trying to make is that even if your politics align with the message of the game, as mine do, that doesn't mean you can't have any criticism of the way the story is handled. Blaming it all on /misc/ doesn't change that.

                I'm confused that the game even has a story at all

          • 2 years ago

            >as long as you aren't a /misc/tard
            b***h please, when I got the game you only had Weaver and interesting TTS dialogue from tapes.
            Then they had to go and tack on some garbage unskippable union storyline championed by some annoying nog who would be no less annoying if she was an aryan goddamn princess. I'm pro-union IRL but they really didn't fricking sell it.
            That's dev time and funding that could have been spent on MORE FRICKING HULL TYPES.

      • 2 years ago

        it's okay, it's worth a play through but I wouldn't say it's anything special

      • 2 years ago

        the gameplay is decent and the campaign writing/mission design is rock solid compared to the garbage tier writing that gets passed off these days.

      • 2 years ago

        its great.

        • 2 years ago

          Isn't the app that came with the collector's edition the artbook?

      • 2 years ago

        It's the best in the franchise by a significant margin.

      • 2 years ago

        Got it from a friend and we played it on and off both comp-stomping and against each other. It's pretty but nothing too special from my experience.

      • 2 years ago

        As far as artillery, different game but the Kuun-Lan in Homeworld:Cataclysm gets a serviceable artillery piece late in the campaign.

      • 2 years ago

        As people say, not really bad, there is this "odyssey across the desert" vibe and technology feels realistic, but it suffers from some of the same issues as Dune, you only get deserts while you could have perfectly excused tundra, volcanic and arctic environments, it needs a map creator urgently.

        Personally I would have loved if they had made the factions more divergent and with access to unique special powers, but I guess that's just the C&C fan in me talking.

        • 2 years ago

          In Kharak? Kharak does not have vulcanism, and the polar regions are temperate.

  3. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Frick I love FOTS cannons.
      >attack AI
      >equal sized armies
      >dumbass is still using samurai
      >camps a steep hill using all the muskets, cannons and bows he has
      >even with a modern army assaulting that position would be suicide
      >good thing I brought five cannons and a full fleet (including french ironclad) in the bay
      >roll my army to just outside his cannon range
      >manually snipe his shitty obselete cannon with my superior modern cannon
      >even under cannon fire the stupid comp kept all his units bunched up on that tiny hill
      >naval artillery time
      >splatter his forces, even killing his commander
      >the rest charge down the hill to get from under the hail
      >straight into the gatling guns
      Playing The Last Samurai as the bad guys is fun as hell.

      • 2 years ago

        As soon as I have Armstrong Guns, every battle just becomes me never leaving my initial line formation as I batter the enemy until they come to me
        And sieges are just sending in the troops to mop up after all my cannon run out of ammo

  4. 2 years ago

    >building volatile T3 pgen near your mavor instead of surrounding it with shield generators

    • 2 years ago

      If i recall correctly, pgens boost artillery fire rate

      • 2 years ago

        They do, but it's not remotely worth the increased risk to such a massive investment of mass. If you're building a mavor you should also (before building it) invest in hefty protection for it. Otherwise the enemy can swoop in and kill it and you're out 50-100% of the mass you spent.

        • 2 years ago

          i know T2 static arty is good with T1 Pgens, but is power adjacency of any kind good with T3/T4 arty? Surely, yeah, it's just better to surround with T3 shielding and then have T3 Pgens adjacent to the shields

          • 2 years ago

            >i know T2 static arty is good with T1 Pgens
            Waste of unit cap in my opinion. The pgens, not the T2 arty itself - it's ok in a few situations.

            > is power adjacency of any kind good with T3/T4 arty?
            It's not worth the loss of safety.

            >Surely, yeah, it's just better to surround with T3 shielding and then have T3 Pgens adjacent to the shields
            No. Put the pgens elsewhere. The adjacency bonus isn't worth the vulnerability.

            Of course, keep in mind also that whatever resources you spend on T4 artillery would, nine times out of ten, be better spent on air dominance plus 40 or so strat bombers.

            • 2 years ago

              >Waste of unit cap in my opinion.
              Each t2 art could be surrounded only by 4 pgens, so unless you are playing ladder game with massive t1 spam it doesn't affect unit cap much

            • 2 years ago

              >It's not worth the loss of safety.
              what loss of safety? shit has so much range it can shell your enemy from the comfort of your starting position unless you're playing on fricking Betrayal Ocean.
              plus you can just plop down shields in the corners between the pgens in case you're still paranoid

    • 2 years ago

      >Black person WHAT THE FRICK ARE YOU DOING?
      Just building Mavor in place of one of the T3 Airfactory in my grid

  5. 2 years ago

    coh1 arty was amazing

  6. 2 years ago

    >play against AI
    >don't scout enemy base on purpose
    >just shell every inch of it and usual spots where AI builds bunkers
    >"you win"

    • 2 years ago

      >single shitty small howitzer thats barely a step up from a mortar
      >jerk offs at 'le tactical epic WW2 combat' of 2 infantry squads shooting at each other at point blank range for 5 minutes scoring zero hits and doing only chip damage

      CoHdrones get the frick out

      • 2 years ago

        I was actually LARPing as Russians in Ukraine, lol

  7. 2 years ago

    AoE III had glorious artillery which would simply turn infantry into bowling pins. Each type was more ridiculous and oversized than the last.

  8. 2 years ago

    Dawn of War has just the Guard in Winter Assault, but the Basilisk is insanely fun to use. Just don't expect to have artillery fun in Dark Crusade, since they introduced unit limits on all the fun units, such as the Basilisk and the Whirlwind (SM rocket artillery), making it harder to bombard enemies into oblivion with an endless barrage of shells and rockets.

    • 2 years ago

      But bombarding enemies into oblivion with an endless barrage of shells and rockets sounds like peak 40k...

    • 2 years ago

      >Just don't expect to have artillery fun in Dark Crusade
      That's what mods are for

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Caps on basilisks sucked, but you could still spam earthshaker shells if you had good eco. Handy, especially for some campaign missions.

    • 2 years ago

      did you ever really need more than 3 earthshaker rounds at any one moment? you pretty much win at that point anyway, any more than that and you're just jerking off and jerking off is what mods are for.

      • 2 years ago

        >did you ever really need more than 3 earthshaker rounds at any one moment?

        • 2 years ago

          Pretty good show, I like how every single sinner suffers.

        • 2 years ago

          Pretty good show, I like how every single sinner suffers.

          What show is it?

    • 2 years ago

      >Unit cap
      That's literally what ultimate apocalypse was for

  9. 2 years ago

    Empire Total War.
    This my problem solver right here, once you research canister shot and get some foundries producing these babies it's all over for your enemies.
    You don't even need anything else besides line infantry and some cheap token cav to pursue routers, all those elite units in the fancy uniforms will just get torn to bits by grapeshot.

    • 2 years ago

      >all those elite units in the fancy uniforms will just get torn to bits by grapeshot.
      Were any of the elite units/reskins worthwhile?
      They seemed to just have a slight stat upgrade but otherwise meant less than technology differences.

      • 2 years ago

        Don't build them in the early game, only when you can already field a 20 unit army. It's the only way to further improve army power since you can't go above 20 units.
        >inb4 just reinforce
        that's broken and your units end up in wrong positions, it's really only worthwhile to reinforce with cavalry

        • 2 years ago

          >end up in wrong positions
          Just make the army reinforce from behind you

      • 2 years ago

        In melee absolutely. Elite inf would buzzsaw lesser guys without a single casualty as long as you kept an eye on their fatigue level.

        • 2 years ago

          Thing is, if you're playing as a European power and your inf are in melee with other inf, you're doing it wrong.

      • 2 years ago

        In Empire no, in Napoleon yes.

  10. 2 years ago

    Ground Control 2
    >massive range
    >huge splash radius when deployed
    >effortlessly gibs infantry
    >can hit aircraft if you get lucky (or just pummel a landing zone with them)
    They're designed as the counter to snipers, since snipers do all of the above as well, but sniper rounds don't arc so they can't shoot over hills.

  11. 2 years ago

    Men of War AS2 With RobZ
    Having a battery of 3 155 Field Guns that you can switch to indirect fire > Some Shitty Tiger that dies to an AT gun

  12. 2 years ago

    Blitzkrieg 1 and 2, although 2 often eschews from giving the player access to indirect fire artillery in favour of better mission design.

  13. 2 years ago

    Brits in COH1 on launch had such oppressive artillery that they could easily take a 2v1 fight if they had a good chokepoint and time to build a layer of defense.

  14. 2 years ago

    The mother fricking Mavor is the only thing I come back to Supreme Commander for. Otherwise I stick to BAR, which does have the buzzsaw artillery.
    Shout out to Warzone 2100. I got that game after my Dad bought me new speakers with a real subwoofer.
    >dat bass of the KABOOM
    Warzone has lots of fun artillery with good sounds.

  15. 2 years ago
  16. 2 years ago
  17. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      That's the stuff. The game has artillery for days and you get to pick blips on the radar to shoot at yourself.
      The cool thing about hard AI is that once it gets sick of your turtling, it'll spam long range artillery until you die. In TA:K mass trebuchets and prismatic mirrors are even more game-ending.

    • 2 years ago

      >mh dick

    • 2 years ago

      Y E S

    • 2 years ago

      B A S A D O

    • 2 years ago

      Best anti-aircraft guns ever.

  18. 2 years ago

    I know it's not "strategy" really, but Factorio has some very satisfying artillery mechanics

    • 2 years ago

      I wish I had a bigger brain, as soon as I hit oil my progress grinds to a halt.

      • 2 years ago

        Big brain is only required if you wanna optimize your shit
        If you can't progress at all, simply
        >use more space (makes it easier to handle all the belts and shit)
        >use redundancies (producing the same thing twice is inefficient but makes it so you don't have to think about perfect production lines)

      • 2 years ago

        just plop a mall design down so you can have fun with the arty after setting everything up. trains are the thing that stopped me in my tracks purely because the tracks fricking refuse to go where i want them to

    • 2 years ago

      Shame the default sound is awful.
      Thankfully there is a mod to make them sound much louder in addition to hearing them thumping away from a distance.
      I believe it is called Re enhanced artillery sounds.

    • 2 years ago

      >tfw attaching artillery cars to your resource hauling trains so they auto-clear the edges of your base whenever they stop to pick up

  19. 2 years ago

    And yet not one zoomie among you has posted about the original Blitzkrieg. There is no artillery in any game comfier than in Blitzkrieg, where after an initial duel and bombing run to eliminate the enemy's artillery, you spend the next several hours leveling EVERY SINGLE BUILDING IN EVERY SINGLE TOWN before rolling your tanks and infantry in to mop up the survivors. Not only that but it has every artillery piece used in the war, from self propelled Nebelwerfers to Karl-Gerat to ATLANTIC WALL COASTAL ARTILLERY.

    • 2 years ago

      >And yet not one zoomie among you has posted about the original Blitzkrieg
      Too busy playing the vastly superior Sudden Strike, zoomie

    • 2 years ago

      Blitzkrieg 2 is better, precisely because not every mission is about creeping barrage.

    • 2 years ago

      for me it's sudden strike 2

      • 2 years ago

        >And yet not one zoomie among you has posted about the original Blitzkrieg
        Too busy playing the vastly superior Sudden Strike, zoomie

        >ywn log in to Gamespy to play an 4v4 match of SS2 ever again

    • 2 years ago

      > leveling EVERY SINGLE BUILDING IN EVERY SINGLE TOWN before rolling your tanks and infantry in to mop up the survivors
      Only Russians would think this is funny

      • 2 years ago

        And Americans

    • 2 years ago

      i remember playing the blitzkrieg 2 demo MP and people would get super mad if i used any sort of artillery or bombing run

  20. 2 years ago
  21. 2 years ago
  22. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago



  23. 2 years ago

    Company of Heroes artillery is the GOAT. It's the sound design that carries it.

  24. 2 years ago

    literally everyone was asking for more eastern front and you give us shitalians instead?

  25. 2 years ago

    Some of the best arty

  26. 2 years ago

    TW:WH has really great artillery, the only problem is the battle scale is a little too small to really take advantage of how good it can look and feel

    • 2 years ago

      >battle scale is a little too small to really take advantage of how good it can look and feel
      I hate how battle sizes basically havent increased since rome infact they seem to be getting smaller with warhammer

      • 2 years ago

        20 unit cards isn't enough.

  27. 2 years ago
  28. 2 years ago

    sudden strike
    A lot of the game is just scouting and blasting them with artillery

  29. 2 years ago

    It's pretty fun to use artillery in steel division 2. There's some room for improvement, but it's rewarding to set up batteries and go to town on enemy infantry and structures. I really wish artillery in warno had the same suppression system from artillery and high explosives as sd2.

    • 2 years ago

      i wish steel division 2 had more maps.

      • 2 years ago

        It's pretty fun to use artillery in steel division 2. There's some room for improvement, but it's rewarding to set up batteries and go to town on enemy infantry and structures. I really wish artillery in warno had the same suppression system from artillery and high explosives as sd2.

        What exactly is SD2 like? Do you usually control each unit individually like in an RTS or is it more higher level strategic "send this squad over there to clear the area on their own"?

        • 2 years ago

          it's sending squads to areas but they arent that freethinking besides 'if there is an enemy in range of a weapon, start blasting'. unless you use one of the smart orders Eugen has built in like counter battery/etc.
          you send squads over to an area to clear it but to get maximum efficiency you need to slightly micro it. you may need to let it get close enough to use a flamethrower/satchel charge/smg instead of plinking at maximum range with their rifles. you may need to make them stand still long enough to start using their lmg/mmg.
          line of sight is very important in this game as well, so youll constantly be moving units in and out from behind buildings/hills/trees/etc.
          the battlefields are also very large compared to your standard rts game.

          im shitty at explaining games, so hopefully someone better can chime in.

        • 2 years ago

          it's sending squads to areas but they arent that freethinking besides 'if there is an enemy in range of a weapon, start blasting'. unless you use one of the smart orders Eugen has built in like counter battery/etc.
          you send squads over to an area to clear it but to get maximum efficiency you need to slightly micro it. you may need to let it get close enough to use a flamethrower/satchel charge/smg instead of plinking at maximum range with their rifles. you may need to make them stand still long enough to start using their lmg/mmg.
          line of sight is very important in this game as well, so youll constantly be moving units in and out from behind buildings/hills/trees/etc.
          the battlefields are also very large compared to your standard rts game.

          im shitty at explaining games, so hopefully someone better can chime in.

          Steel Division is an RTS game in the style of say World in Conflict where there is no base-building and you call in units from off-map based on 'reinforcement points'.

          However it's more mechanically and tactically complex than World in Conflict. Think of it like this: If WiC is CS:GO then SD2 is like ARMA or something. It tries to be a bit more on the 'sim' side of it while still being a video game.

          You control units individually, but because of the size and scale of the battlefield and the number of units you tend to not micro them as much as like Starcraft. You just kinda cant, and rely instead on the attack-move orders and auto-firing AI to pick up the difference. Instead probably the two or three things you take most into account are
          >Terrain (Putting units in forests and cities to hide them for ambushes)
          >Line of sight (Many things like hills, forests, structures, etc. obstruct LoS so finding clear fire lines)
          >Range (Unit weapon range is very important because the maps are big)

          So you're moving lots of units into various forests, cities, etc. on the battlefield and then mostly giving them attack move orders based on how they end up when you do this. There is some microing of like "send the tanks out of the forest to ambush, then scurry them back in"

          Check it out on YouTube is my recommendation, watch a guy like VulcanHDGaming or whatever it is do one of the campaigns.

          It's a fun game and in the spirit of the thread, Artillery is strong as frick in that game and especially vs. the AI in the campaigns is a key weapon system to get W's.

  30. 2 years ago

    Rocket launcher and trebuchet with fire projectiles in Warrior Kings are so comfy to use. Rockets destroy farms from afar plus generally causing mass destruction and trebuchets set everything in enemy's keep alight.

  31. 2 years ago
  32. 2 years ago

    >ITT: Games with god-tier artillery.
    Imperialism. Light artillery is literally overpowered because it can move *and* shoot on the same turn and it outranges everything but heavy artillery.
    Factorio. Nothing can compete with the range, power and conveniece.
    C&C Generals. Might not be multiplayer viable, but dismantling the AI with nuclear artillery is a ton of fun.

  33. 2 years ago

    Rimworld mortar may not look that impressive, especially vanilla, but this is a (colony management) game were your colonist have to carry and load shells manually, with a variety of projectiles from explosive, EMP, incendiary, smoke screen or maybe even a rare nuke.

  34. 2 years ago

    The game is a bit meh but there's no population cap so you can have 600 artillery units darken the sky, it's pretty neat 🙂

    • 2 years ago

      Does anybody even still play RUSE?

      • 2 years ago

        They don't sell it anymore because of licensing and it wasn't even popular when it came out, so no.

  35. 2 years ago

    TA spring - tech annihilation mod has the hands down most bonkers game ending artillery I have ever seen. Beyond all reason is another one. Planetary annihilation has some crazy shit too.

  36. 2 years ago

    Earth 2150

  37. 2 years ago

    If the totally-not-BBI-employee furiously defending the obnoxious shoving of a boring story down the player's throat in Shipbreakers is still around, I'd like you to consider something:

    Deep Rock Galactic conveys a similar feeling to what Shipbreakers is going for, having you grinding your nose for a soulless megacorporation that couldn't give a rats' ass about you and doesn't even try to hide it. Yet you will never see people taking issue with that game's handling of it.
    You know why? Because DRG knows that people aren't playing a videogame about shooting space bugs because they want ethnically diverse talking heads to lecture them about unions. DRG's callous disregard for its' employees is always present (every mission ends with them grabbing the ore you mined first, and then extracting you as an afterthought), but it is a background element in a horde shooter/job sim about being a blue-collar space miner, we don't need to have a lecture about unions every time we return to the Space Rig to remind us that working under conditions like this fricking sucks.

    Shipbreakers was far better off when it took a similar approach, its' a job sim about being a blue-collar shipbreaker, an overly belabored story about forming a union is not only wasting the player's time, but the game straight-up isn't built in a way that facilitates it.
    Space Pinkertons are not going to be sent in to shoot all the would-be unionizers, the game doesn't have a combat system or enemy AI. There will be no underground ralleys because the game world doesn't exist beyond the player's wage cage. The player is never going to get to have a voice in union negotiations (okay, that part is very realistic) because the player character is a non-entity and there is no dialog system.
    So what does that leave us with? A story that can go nowhere tacked onto a game that was better off without it.

    Should have added a decommissioned mass driver as a new ship to break apart instead.

    • 2 years ago

      I am still around, just didn't care about low-effort troll in a thread about artillery.

      You've put more effort but really, what is the most probable?
      a) I'm a successful BBI employee wasting time answering random anon who had one trivial complain plus opinion.
      b) random anon is trying very hard to push his BBI-employee narrative to pretend his personal opinion have more value.

      Deep Rock Galactic barely have superficial similarity in theme. Comparing Shipbreaker an immersive solo experience where you carefully dismantle ships -think twice, cut once- to DRG a frenzy cooperative shooter is about as relevant as comparing football to artistic gymnastic.

      Shipbreaker is a slower paced game with a story to boot about doing a risky job that can kill you at the slightest mistake while the oppressive company treat you as replaceable tool, encouraging suicidal choice because the cost to them is negligible.
      The game setting & mechanics were built for the Union plot, a respawn mechanic that give a memorable lesson about lack-of-consequences, an indentured slavery background, salvage goals well shaped for the final, the mechanics and immersive features converge to that even if they can stand on their own.

      If you don't like the plot, that's just your tastes.
      You were never entitled to have a director choice between more ships or the storyline that plenty of player do like, there's a free mode if you want to avoid the story (it's not like the tool-upgrade mechanic are relevant outside the storyline).
      Game developers have cost decision to make, they would have made a ship-editor if it was that simple.

      So how about you learn to accept others' tastes and stop trying to push yours? Especially with insults and detour you'd hear from a kid or a poltard in hiding.

      Also this thread really should go back to being about artillery.

      • 2 years ago

        FYI, I'm the guy you were originally talking to.

        If the totally-not-BBI-employee furiously defending the obnoxious shoving of a boring story down the player's throat in Shipbreakers is still around, I'd like you to consider something:

        Deep Rock Galactic conveys a similar feeling to what Shipbreakers is going for, having you grinding your nose for a soulless megacorporation that couldn't give a rats' ass about you and doesn't even try to hide it. Yet you will never see people taking issue with that game's handling of it.
        You know why? Because DRG knows that people aren't playing a videogame about shooting space bugs because they want ethnically diverse talking heads to lecture them about unions. DRG's callous disregard for its' employees is always present (every mission ends with them grabbing the ore you mined first, and then extracting you as an afterthought), but it is a background element in a horde shooter/job sim about being a blue-collar space miner, we don't need to have a lecture about unions every time we return to the Space Rig to remind us that working under conditions like this fricking sucks.

        Shipbreakers was far better off when it took a similar approach, its' a job sim about being a blue-collar shipbreaker, an overly belabored story about forming a union is not only wasting the player's time, but the game straight-up isn't built in a way that facilitates it.
        Space Pinkertons are not going to be sent in to shoot all the would-be unionizers, the game doesn't have a combat system or enemy AI. There will be no underground ralleys because the game world doesn't exist beyond the player's wage cage. The player is never going to get to have a voice in union negotiations (okay, that part is very realistic) because the player character is a non-entity and there is no dialog system.
        So what does that leave us with? A story that can go nowhere tacked onto a game that was better off without it.

        Should have added a decommissioned mass driver as a new ship to break apart instead.


        >fellow players
        Frick off, you're clearly a dev.

        are not me. That's at least two and probably three people who have got the impression that you're a dev.
        I didn't insult you at any point in our conversation, and the only person in this thread trying to push tastes is you. I said I'm not happy with the direction of the game and you took issue with this and started accusing me of being triggered and entitled. You also keep going back to the /misc/ thing despite me saying several times that my politics align with those of the devs. I'm pro-worker and anti-corporate.
        Again, you seem to be taking this all very personally. If you like being taken out of gameplay and sitting through unskippable dialogue about Unions, that's great. Good for you. Lots of people aren't so keen on that.
        I also haven't been trolling you anywhere in any of my posts. I've been reasonable and courteous throughout despite your open hostility to a quite common criticism of a game that if you haven't worked on you shouldn't have so much personal stake in.

        • 2 years ago

          >not me
          No one sane would trust that one here, especially not after you insulted me again claiming I can only be some sort of paid-shill "furiously defending" the game for simply telling the truth that many players like the storyline and are happy they got it.

          >That's at least two and probably three people
          Nice count, you admitted yourself you are 4 of the 5 posts linked to mines before your unchained new one, excluding the low effort troll.
          So how is it?
          a) you are a troll who stupidly mixed his lies
          b) you are full of shit and desperate to brand me as a paid-shill
          c) both
          That's why I keep warning you to stop arguing like a poltards, hiding personal motive behind petty complain, manipulating truths.

          >taking this all very personally
          Say the anon who made another separate post to push his personal opinion as fact even after I gave him the last word last time (1138663).
          I only answered because you made a big unlinked post asking me to "consider", being polite you know.

          Even if you next post came with excuse, not sure I would care to answer.

  38. 2 years ago


    For someone who claim to not be

    If the totally-not-BBI-employee furiously defending the obnoxious shoving of a boring story down the player's throat in Shipbreakers is still around, I'd like you to consider something:

    Deep Rock Galactic conveys a similar feeling to what Shipbreakers is going for, having you grinding your nose for a soulless megacorporation that couldn't give a rats' ass about you and doesn't even try to hide it. Yet you will never see people taking issue with that game's handling of it.
    You know why? Because DRG knows that people aren't playing a videogame about shooting space bugs because they want ethnically diverse talking heads to lecture them about unions. DRG's callous disregard for its' employees is always present (every mission ends with them grabbing the ore you mined first, and then extracting you as an afterthought), but it is a background element in a horde shooter/job sim about being a blue-collar space miner, we don't need to have a lecture about unions every time we return to the Space Rig to remind us that working under conditions like this fricking sucks.

    Shipbreakers was far better off when it took a similar approach, its' a job sim about being a blue-collar shipbreaker, an overly belabored story about forming a union is not only wasting the player's time, but the game straight-up isn't built in a way that facilitates it.
    Space Pinkertons are not going to be sent in to shoot all the would-be unionizers, the game doesn't have a combat system or enemy AI. There will be no underground ralleys because the game world doesn't exist beyond the player's wage cage. The player is never going to get to have a voice in union negotiations (okay, that part is very realistic) because the player character is a non-entity and there is no dialog system.
    So what does that leave us with? A story that can go nowhere tacked onto a game that was better off without it.

    Should have added a decommissioned mass driver as a new ship to break apart instead.

    you sure took my answer to him personally and remain as patronizing as back then
    You'd still remain the one who started the insult that anyone defending the storyline must be on BBI-payroll Mr.courteous-my-ass.
    And since the very same points about "ship vs story" budget went above your head, I wouldn't put it past you to samegay out of spite.
    It's that bad.

    I didn't even personally care to keep this discussion going and I told you so

    Just pretend this is counter-artillery barrage

    You are questioning a very common & like feature based on a personal nebulous vision of what the game could have been, with IMO little knowledge that adding ship/mechanics is hard with diminishing return if not counter-productive.
    Also the Union plot clearly triggered you since from a player perspective it is simply a bonus.

    Early-Access model do lead player to consider they are entitled to see more of the stuff they personally expect/like or feel betrayed.
    Whereas in a classic model (that still apply to movie), players have to accept the choices of the director with a more open mind.
    I consider E-A model to be a very good thing but many players are unsatisfiable whiny entitled b***hes. Imagine if -that- attitude applied to movie/series. "they should have shifted to more explosion X season ago! they ruined it!"

    Anyway, we've both exposed our opinion so I'll refrain to encourage further off topic by not answering next time (unless you really want an answer to something).

    , so stop projecting on this as well.

    • 2 years ago

      I responded because you'd clearly confused me with him, and I wanted to clarify. I also didn't say you were on BBI payroll, I just asked if you were a game dev because you seemed like you had a personal stake in this. You could have just said you're not involved in game development, and I would have believed you.
      Again, I have been courteous. I'm not insulting you, or swearing at you, or accusing you of anything. You've done all of those things in this thread, I haven't.
      I do hope that you don't react like this whenever someone criticizes an aspect of a product you enjoy. If you feel personally attacked by what I've been saying, I can tell you it's in no way been my intention.
      If you feel like I'm being patronizing, I apologise. But frankly, I haven't told you that points are flying over your head, or told you you're presenting opinions as facts, or any of the overtly condescending behaviours you've engaged in over and over again in this thread. I haven't told you any of your points are invalid, nor have I told you that you're triggered. I've listened to everything you have to say and I haven't made any personal attacks regarding your views. It might be worth trying to figure out why you're getting so upset about this.
      Honestly, I was hoping that you were an indie game dev for some unrelated project and you'd had to deal with people shitting on your work which would explain why you're a little sensitive to this.

    • 2 years ago

      Hey, salty dev man. I'm

      If the totally-not-BBI-employee furiously defending the obnoxious shoving of a boring story down the player's throat in Shipbreakers is still around, I'd like you to consider something:

      Deep Rock Galactic conveys a similar feeling to what Shipbreakers is going for, having you grinding your nose for a soulless megacorporation that couldn't give a rats' ass about you and doesn't even try to hide it. Yet you will never see people taking issue with that game's handling of it.
      You know why? Because DRG knows that people aren't playing a videogame about shooting space bugs because they want ethnically diverse talking heads to lecture them about unions. DRG's callous disregard for its' employees is always present (every mission ends with them grabbing the ore you mined first, and then extracting you as an afterthought), but it is a background element in a horde shooter/job sim about being a blue-collar space miner, we don't need to have a lecture about unions every time we return to the Space Rig to remind us that working under conditions like this fricking sucks.

      Shipbreakers was far better off when it took a similar approach, its' a job sim about being a blue-collar shipbreaker, an overly belabored story about forming a union is not only wasting the player's time, but the game straight-up isn't built in a way that facilitates it.
      Space Pinkertons are not going to be sent in to shoot all the would-be unionizers, the game doesn't have a combat system or enemy AI. There will be no underground ralleys because the game world doesn't exist beyond the player's wage cage. The player is never going to get to have a voice in union negotiations (okay, that part is very realistic) because the player character is a non-entity and there is no dialog system.
      So what does that leave us with? A story that can go nowhere tacked onto a game that was better off without it.

      Should have added a decommissioned mass driver as a new ship to break apart instead.

      , I'm not the guy who you've been arguing with. And I will prove it right now because I think you are a fricking dumbass and you have managed nothing here but making a fool of yourself.

      It may boggle your tiny mind to hear it, but more than one person can disagree with you at once.

  39. 2 years ago

    S T A N D I N G B Y

    • 2 years ago

      >literally refuses to miss any shots until the firestorm expansion came along
      >carves holes in the earth after enough shots allowing you to crater entire maps
      this thing was so fricked up its not even funny

  40. 2 years ago

    >We bear gifts.

  41. 2 years ago


  42. 2 years ago

    OG Wargame: EE Smerch was pretty much my ”accept no substitutes” artillery unit, loved punishing enemies who blobbed too much with it. Too bad that it was castrated in the sequels.

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