ITT games you're baffled no one tried to make

ITT games you're baffled no one tried to make

>there are still no TES competitors despite decades of TES games selling like crazy

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  1. 4 months ago

    there's tons like little indie series called the witcher

    • 4 months ago

      Nothing like TES brainlet

  2. 4 months ago

    Black & White 3

    • 4 months ago

      This is series is one of the largest, "heard of but haven't touched" series on this entire site.

      • 4 months ago

        I bought the 1st game at a garage sale as a kid after hearing a lot about it via gaming magazines. its ok...maybe i would like it more if i hadnt been exposed to some of the hype about it being a godgame.

  3. 4 months ago

    As much as people like to shit on creation engine it's pretty much the only engine that skyrim would work on

    • 4 months ago

      How so? There are lots of open world games. What is the creation engine doing that other engines couldn't?
      The mod tools are the only real stand-out thing, but that's a different matter.

      • 4 months ago

        Persistent item placements in certain locations, npc schedules and interactions that still go off when the player isn't near them, able to run dozens of scripted events simultaneously, etc.

        • 4 months ago


          The only recent Non-Bethesda game I can think of that does this is the Nu-Hitman games, and they’re not even open world and have a much tighter focus than your average Bethesda game.

          In other words, the only reason they were able to pull it off is because they built their entire game and engine around this kind of scripting, much like Bethesda dod.

          • 4 months ago

            Nah, there's nothing stopping Hitman devs from scaling that up except the fact it goes against their IP's usual game design

            Bethesda games are just made from cells of those small environments in the first place, which is why they sometimes stop to load separate cells, need separate loading screens for interiors and exteriors and even towns, shit the bed if you overload a cell, need to reset all containers except a couple every 2 in-game weeks, why the save file sizes get bloated etc

            • 4 months ago

              I’m not sure if the Hitman devs could upscale their maps or not. Glacier 2 is a pretty good engine, but it does have its limitations like the fact that it can’t do elevators. Also, the game sometimes crashes if you do “kill everyone” challenges, which I assume is due to the fact that the game occasionally shits itself when there’s literally hundreds of dead bodies all loaded in the map at one time, as well as the remaining alive NPCs all running their alert scripts. Plus, there’s also some rare bugs like NPCs sometimes phasing through walls and walking out of bounds.

              I really get the vibe that the Hitman devs are pushing the limits of what their engine is capable of already. I’m not convinced that they’d be able to make a Bethesda clone on it.

              • 4 months ago

                Aside from draw distance the same can be said of Bethesda games.
                >you know remember the "battle" of Bruma

              • 4 months ago

                How can Hitman's engine not do elevators, exactly? Can someone explain why something like;
                >player walks into elevator
                >play closing door animation, play elevator movement noise audio
                >move player's y-coordinate up
                >play opening door animation
                wouldn't work?

              • 4 months ago

                They didn't offer to bribe the engine $100

          • 4 months ago

            >go off when the player isn't near them
            nu-man sucks at this, just look at the first level of numan. The target doesn't go to the bar room unless you go there, so he can start the gay little story thingie.

            • 4 months ago

              Every NPC script in the map is still running from the moment you start the level though. It’s just that some things are deliberately designed to trigger in player proximity to make sure the player doesn’t miss certain things. In a Hitman level, nothing gets de-loaded from the map at any point, which is why half of the game’s speedrun strats are actually possible. I think the only time it does is if you dump a body in a woodchipper or incinerator.

              • 4 months ago

                >i-it doesn't count because the main() loop is still looping!
                >the script could trigger at ANY moment! it just happens to teleport characters to the same room you're in at the exact moment you enter it and never at any other time!
                >WAOW so dynamic! such technology!

                covid really did a number on zoomzoom education, didn't it?

              • 4 months ago

                The engine COULD script it and handle it like that, but the devs CHOSE not to after doing playtesting.

                The point I’m making is that the engine is perfectly capable of running those events without player input. They just chose to make certain events proximity triggered for accessibility reasons.

              • 4 months ago

                >l-look they just CHOSE to make it shit!
                Thanks for playing

              • 4 months ago

                Why make a franchise play in a wholly different style to prove a point to one moron on Ganker?

              • 4 months ago

                >the script could trigger at ANY moment! it just happens to teleport characters to the same room you're in at the exact moment you enter it and never at any other time!
                That does not happen in Hitman, you lying frick. You can view the target at all times with Hitman vision. There are no teleporting NPCs.

          • 4 months ago

            Open world means 'we rendered grass' to you, doesnt it?

        • 4 months ago

          Interactions dont actually happen if a player isnt there to observe them. It's just a script. It's an amusement park ride.

        • 4 months ago

          >Persistent item placements in certain locations
          How is that unique to Creation Engine? Every object in the game (player, props, triggers) is tagged an ID, and the save file tracks the 6DoF/states and zone id for said actors until it overflows, and breaks the game like it did in Oblivion.

          No different than Deus Ex doing it on UE1.

        • 4 months ago

          Those aren't engine specific at all.

        • 4 months ago

          >Persistent item placements in certain locations, NPC schedules and interactions that still go off when the player isn't near them, able to run dozens of scripted events simultaneously, etc.
          Streets of Rogue does that with the added ability of environmental destruction. The second game is looking to ditch the segmented levels for a wider map and the ability to homestead. Not to mention driving between various settlements each with their own system of law and economies to scale. If all of this ends up coming true they managed to beat GTA, TES and a plethora of other open world games to the punch. All while looking like the first GTAs with cartoon aesthetic.

    • 4 months ago

      You do realize it's just a rebranded Gamebryo which you can freely license, Bully and Divinity 2 were made on Gamebryo

      • 4 months ago

        >it's just like gamebryo bro
        >with two extra decades of dev put into it but still, you could do it!!!
        based moron

        • 4 months ago

          Anon you do realize Morrowind and Oblivion are more complex than Skyrim

          • 4 months ago

            anon, you getting lost in a labyrinth doesn't make the game more complex from a technological point of view
            the very fact that you'd even bring morrowind into this discussions shows that you're barely even capable of understanding the leaps of code there is between an action RPG with physics and whatever the frick morrowind was trying to do

            let's also not look at the actual advancements, such as multithreading, soft shadows, image space and other such texture compression/imrpovements, 64 bits....
            you do not know what you are talking about, and that's okay, but don't act moronic about it

            >b-b-but bethesda is shit

            • 4 months ago

              Anon.. you just went full moron

              • 4 months ago

                linux users should be banned on sight, go back to your containment board

    • 4 months ago

      I hate this logic because it's not true and gets repeated all the time. There are tons of ways to do oblivion and skyrim both on various engines.

      You could easily fashion an incredible ES game in projecktred's engine. Witcher 3 is proof of that.

      • 4 months ago

        You can't pick up an apple and then place it on a table in TW3. The game doesn't have any dynamic objects in it and cp2077 shows you why; items constantly either disappear or fall through the ground in that game
        Hell, crafting items would bloat your savefile until it was too big for the game to load

    • 4 months ago

      Counterpoint: Kingom Come:Deliverance running on cry engine no problem.

  4. 4 months ago

    Ultima is dead, what can you do.

  5. 4 months ago

    Surprised the idea behind Spore never really got duplicated.

  6. 4 months ago

    An open source MMO that the developers encourage and support anyone who wanted to make their own realms much like wow private servers.

    • 4 months ago

      This is how MUDs worked.

      • 4 months ago

        retvrn to MUD

    • 4 months ago

      Isn't that second life? And roblox

  7. 4 months ago

    First person Melee combat seems to be hard to do well.
    Bethesda certainly never figured out how to do it.
    But there are a bunch of open world 3rd person fantasy games.

    • 4 months ago

      >First person Melee combat seems to be hard to do well.
      So is first person platforming. Let's make a first person double dragon game with all the melee and platforming of the originals

    • 4 months ago

      >Melee combat seems to be hard to do well.
      someone needs to create an infighting system to break the "hit roll away" bullshit. Let me lock a guy up and headbutt him if he swings hi, or bloc a low blow and follow up with a spin to the neck. crowd control by using one opponent to block the others.

      • 4 months ago

        the problem is applying that to a intuitive control scheme for controllers and keyboards

      • 4 months ago

        Kingdome Come: Deliverance

  8. 4 months ago

    It wouldn't be hard to replicate TES. What would be much more challenging, however, is recreating the cultist fanbase that obsessively mods your games into something actually playable.

    • 4 months ago

      >It wouldn't be hard to replicate TES.
      what other game engine can keep track of every fork, every book, every apple, and millions of other interactable object across the game world? it's not as simple as it sounds.

      • 4 months ago

        Honestly if you got a Carmack-tier programmer on board for your engine it probably wouldn't be too hard. Creation Engine has way too many problems that need to be ironed out.

      • 4 months ago

        Gamebryo, the freely licensable engine

        It's not even a hard thing to do, devs just don't find it necessary and think the negative tradeoffs outweigh the positives ("Bethesda jank" would be inherent to most games that attempt the same, TOTK has to despawn anything outside 50 meters in order not to shit itself)

        • 4 months ago

          bruh, all of the recent tes and fallout games have run on gamebryo. it's what they currently use.

        • 4 months ago

          “Bethesda jank” isn’t even a thing.

          Literally any game with a massive scope is going to have some degree of jank. It’s actually a miracle Beth games function as well as they do.

          • 4 months ago

            GTA V is crazy smooth and polished

            • 4 months ago

              GTA V doesn’t have a blank slate protagonist with the option to talk every NPC in the game, or enter every building in the game.

              Rockstar is also the single richest vidya company in existence.

              • 4 months ago

                Adding those things to GTA wouldn't somehow make the walking, driving, shooting etc more janky

              • 4 months ago

                Yet somehow all those things became worse from GTA IV to GTA V.

              • 4 months ago

                Actually they got better

              • 4 months ago

                The movement became more fluid, but the gunplay and combat was simplified and dumbed down. Same goes for the driving.

                Really the only think that V has over IV in that department is that taking cover is less jank.

            • 4 months ago

              Troll post. It's a pile of empty, repedative shit.

              • 4 months ago

                ..that runs extremely smooth and polished

      • 4 months ago


        Honestly would like to see someone do a total conversion or new game entirely under the exult engine. Ultima 7 with a fresh coat of paint would be so cool.

      • 4 months ago

        >what other game engine can keep track of every fork, every book, every apple, and millions of other interactable object across the game world? it's not as simple as it sounds.
        It's not that hard, TES just load/unload objects as they get out of range and TES is on the low-end when it come to despawn/respawn entities. exist.
        Other games have been doing that on massive scales and MMO in multiplayer.

        Only thing TES did that was novel was to actually design the game around choosing quest, items, skills instead of forcing you through a narrative arc

        Frankly I'm half convinced no other game did this because Bethesda publisher would sue them just like they sued a dev for using "scrolls" as a game name
        Doesn't matter if they can make it stick, it just frighten competitors

        • 4 months ago

          >Other games have been doing that on massive scales and MMO in multiplayer.
          for real? what MMO lets me go into houses and rearrange all the books and table settings and stuff? can I drop 200 items on the ground, and then come back a week later and have them still on the ground exactly as I left them?

          • 4 months ago

            >can I drop 200 items on the ground, and then come back a week later and have them still on the ground exactly as I left them?
            Even if an MMO allowed you to do that there is no chance some random frick wouldn't just come in and swipe all that free loot in that one week's time.

          • 4 months ago

            It seem Star Citizen beta is now capable of that, seamlessly. No loading screen.
            The base Cry Engine it started from was also capable of that, even if on a 2km wide map.
            Many games are capable of that because they have object permanence in specific places.

            Wether or not they want to do it globally or wether it is a wanted feature is a different topic.

            As I am concerned I'll only care about the 200 permanent objects if it bring a net positive to the game with no negative.
            Plus I'd rather have hard-coded items grid for a well balanced physical engine, rather than a glitchy game with massless ragdoll that react unrealistically to the slightest impact.

      • 4 months ago

        I fail to see how logging the xyz coordinates and and rotation values of an object would be difficult or resource intensive. Just track it when the object is loaded into the scene and stop tracking when the object loads out. Even if you scale it into hundreds of thousands of objects, its just simple text data. You're not doing any calculations, just grabbing info. The only hard part would be configuring the engine to automatically do this every time an item spawns, which the creation engine/gamebryo clearly does.

        • 4 months ago

          >I fail to see how logging the xyz coordinates and and rotation values of an object would be difficult or resource intensive
          because it's not about the item placement itself, it's about the interaction. while the player is halfway across the map in some other city, an NPC can pick up and item and move it somewhere. I can drop Chillrend in Windhelm, where some npc picks it up. I go on my merry way adventuring and being the dragonborn. meanwhile that NPC fights some aldmeri scouts on the border of whiterun and dies. the altmer pick up Chillrend and prance around the map with it. 30 hours later I kill those altmer outside Markarth and I pick up Chillrend off their corpse.
          what other game does this?

          • 4 months ago

            This has never happened in a TES game, the game doesn't keep simulating NPCs when you leave the cell they're inhabiting

      • 4 months ago

        >what other game engine can keep track of every fork, every book, every apple, and millions of other interactable object across the game world? it's not as simple as it sounds.
        Who even gives a shit about any of this anymore? Are we in the palelozoic? There's nothing impressive about placing a bunch of physics-enables rigidbodies on a map.
        Compare a shop in bethesda game to one in the witcher. One has shelves full with jars, bottles and tools, all placed in a realistic way. The other one has npcs accidentally knocking shit off, picking stuff up for no reason, as if only to impoverish the scenery.

        • 4 months ago

          what's the benefit of having a bunch of static props in every location when your eye just glazes over it all anyway

          • 4 months ago

            Those non-static props do nothing for me. I remember building settlements in fallout 4, how barren they were. All those shelves with nothing on them just so the game doesn't shit itself whenever I visit my own base. There's a reason bethesda splits every major settlement into it's own cell, every building within it being one more such cell. Buker hill was way more crash-happy due to this aswell (because it's a player settlement)

            • 4 months ago

              >All those shelves with nothing on them
              you can put stuff on them. They even made it so if you drop a physics object in a settlement, you can pick it u and manipulate it around like buildable objects.
              >I want the game to put stuff on them for me
              then you don't want a sandbox.

              • 4 months ago

                >you can put stuff on them
                Untill the game spawns 5 RPG wielding super mutants on the inside of my settlement's walls. If I wanted to pick shit up after making a mess I'd clean my house instead.
                Besides, all those random trinkets reduce performance because the game's not suited to having a large amount of interactable objects in an open area.

          • 4 months ago

            What's the point of all the clutter in Bethesda games? Half the time the physics bugs out because it was designed for 30FPS so tables explode with food and plates going everywhere.

            • 4 months ago

              >What's the point of all the clutter in Bethesda games
              If you have to ask you wouldn't get it

      • 4 months ago

        The same one that Exanima uses currently. Unlike CE you can end up eating shit if you fly into a room too fast without avoiding a random chair sitting in the way.

  9. 4 months ago

    I want something with esoteric lore on the level of TES but given its decades of existence and buildup, that isn't likely.
    I am also surprised that no MMO copied Guild Wars.

    • 4 months ago

      I mean TES's core lore appeal comes entirely from what Morrowind did with the barebones setting

      • 4 months ago

        Even before Morrowind. But nobody is presenting esoteric meta conceptual games heavily influenced by eastern spiritual belief and other less-traditional methods of thinking.

      • 4 months ago

        Daggerfall lore is really not any different, the kirkbride hindu pastiche shit is not actually that big an element compared to simple tabletop and fantasy novel stuff iterated over and over, but presided over someone like Ralston to keep it over 110 IQ

  10. 4 months ago

    >Medieval Gta
    >destroy all humans but with vampires or werewolves
    >assassin creeds multiplayer in the form of a battle royale
    >star trooper but you control the bugs

    • 4 months ago

      Medieval Grand Thief Chariot?

      More of less what TES is, except they can't into horse or anything else.

  11. 4 months ago

    The moment Tarkov became popular, I'm surprised it took 6 fricking years for a medieval fantasy version to come out.
    There's a lot of medieval fantasy games that I'm surprised there's no "modern gun" versions, and a lot of modern guns games that I'm surprised there's no medieval melee versions.
    Like why the frick isn't there a medieval melee version of Arma 3?

    • 4 months ago

      Closest you’ll get to Arma 3 Medieval right now is Mount&Blade.

  12. 4 months ago

    devil may cry ripoff with a underworld-esque world instead of demons. little more focus on guns/long range action instead of melee, maybe. eventually transform into a vampire/werewolf depending on what storyline path you follow, or side with the humans instead. seems pretty easy

    • 4 months ago

      Vampire/Werewolf action game. Other than Earthblood, they're all more rpg focused or outright western VNs.

      I'd rather more focus on melee than guns. I like Underworld too but feel like it's a waste of monsters to have them just shoot each other.

  13. 4 months ago

    >The Sims but more 'adult' sort of with drugs and illegal jobs, lifestyles etc
    >Dark Souls robots/futuristic
    >GTA Pirate game

    • 4 months ago

      >urbz sims in the city complete with a "bar" where you "do oxygen"
      The other two you got me

    • 4 months ago

      >>Dark Souls robots/futuristic
      That one has at least partially been tried, the surge didn't do that well.

    • 4 months ago

      Lords of the Fallen? Lies of P?

      • 4 months ago

        Don't you mean The Surge? Remnant from the ashes also counts

    • 4 months ago

      Hellpoint, sci fi souls.

    • 4 months ago

      >>The Sims but more 'adult'
      i coomed to this game so many times...

      • 4 months ago

        Itty bitty fridge

        • 4 months ago

          Itty bitty boat

        • 4 months ago

          Frick you a fridge that size cost me $400 last month it holds plenty of food and drink

      • 4 months ago

        Singles 1 and 2 are pretty decent softcore coomer games

    • 4 months ago

      >>GTA Pirate game
      I never played it but isn't Sea of thieves something like that?

      Singleplayer, I actually long for a game entirely made around the naval part of Assassin's creed 4. A game was planned but from the look of it it was going nowhere.

      • 4 months ago

        Sea of thieves is nothing like GTA and sucks ass

    • 4 months ago

      Nier Automata is the closest to the robots/futuristic souls if you play max difficulty

    • 4 months ago

      >>GTA Pirate game
      I've only ever played on Ass Creed and it was black flag. The actual piracy bit was such a blast. I loved shooting some fortress on the coast, upgrading my ship and going toe to toe with those huge royal battleships.
      Immediately lost interest in the series after that. I just wish you could take over one of those trully massive ships, even fully upgraded the one ship you do have is kind of meek in comparison.

      • 4 months ago

        I actually think R* would do a pretty good job with the concept, and I say this as someone who found RDR2 mostly tedious.
        Just give me the carribbean in the eighteenth century, allow me to buy and modifiyi my own ship and you've got my money.

  14. 4 months ago

    After undead nightmare, I'm amazed rockstar didn't churn out a zombie game.

  15. 4 months ago

    >All the competitors to TF2 went with a 6v6 or less "eSports" style of play rather than trying to go for the 12v12 casual pub experience that TF2 is known for, and thrives upon
    I really just don't get it.

    • 4 months ago

      Comp gays have ruined casual gaming. Esports, streamers and people who have monetized playing games destroyed casual culture.

      • 4 months ago

        When TF2 introduced comp the game went downhill. Curious isn't it?

  16. 4 months ago

    TES games are stupidly hard to make. That’s why.
    Bethesda cornered that market because they’re the only ones who know how to make that kind of game.

    • 4 months ago

      They are hard to make. It's just so weird that they sometimes get the hard stuff right but then the easy stuff wrong to the point of ruining them. Mostly talking about games that followed Skyrim, though we were making fun of some incompetence with that game too. But it was certainly still good and playable, and even improved upon a lot of things from Oblivion. Starfield just does so many technical things worse than their previous games, the easy stuff that way smaller studios pull off.

      • 4 months ago

        >muh skyrim
        >muh oblivion
        morrowind is the only bethesda game worth playing

        • 4 months ago

          Morrowind is one of their jankiest games though, and combining dice roll hit chances with real-time combat was a horrible idea because it leads to the worst of both world of both combat systems.

          • 4 months ago

            >one of their jankiest games
            not an argument
            >combining dice roll hit chances with real-time combat was a horrible idea
            not an argument
            plenty arpgs and even straight up action games like shooters have rng dicerolls in their combat, yet people just accept this and don't complains about it
            morrowind is an rpg with actual rpg mechanics that let you increase your own hit chances if you want to, yet everyone complains
            lol frick off

            • 4 months ago

              It's such a braindead argument. It's like the 'idea' of an argument.

          • 4 months ago

            A dice roll is a dice role. It's not 'the worst of both worlds' dramatic wording. It's the same thing.

            It's a diceroll with the option of just moving the frick out of the way. It's an rpg. The 'fighting' is an abstraction. It was never a combat game.

          • 4 months ago

            There is nothing foundationally wrong with the morrowind setup, it just caught a meme. Gothic did the """critical hit""" system that is just morrowind hit rolls under a paper thin facade and no one complained, not even game journalists.

            • 4 months ago

              Another example is fallout 3 not having any visible spread indicators when you shoot guns like deus ex or vtmb do, even though it applies rpg shit that changes spread under the hood. Game journalists that would normally shit themselves blind complaining about gun spread didn't see the system so they didn't know to whine. Just a meme, not a legitimate complaint.

              • 4 months ago

                The thing is: the shooting sucked in Fallout 3. It was not satisfying even on higher skill levels.

      • 4 months ago

        Probably tunnel vision from working on the technical side for so long. They were probably focused on things like getting the planet procgen and ship flight to work, or things like zero g mechanics. That's what happens when you have a team full of engine developers fricking around. Then you have to figure out how to hastily throw a game together from the engine you made. Sometimes, like with Noita, this works, but probably not as well if you're making a AAA game, people are less forgiving. Starfield was also too ambitious, to the point where no one ever tried to make a game like it.
        Most other studios just use predefined engines and gameplay formulas, so they don't have to invent much. That way they can focus on things like narrative and making canned animations for everything.

  17. 4 months ago

    I was baffled for years why there was no PC Harvest Moon clone. It sounded like the most obvious empty niche out there.
    Then Stardew Valley happened and the rest is history.

  18. 4 months ago

    >game where you play as a SWAT team member
    I can only recall one and that was around the PS2 era, funnily called SWAT.

    • 4 months ago

      Ready or Not released a few months ago. It's fine. Although even its very mild attitude was still controversial because we live in the timeline where Fentanyl Floyd is canonized.

      TES games are stupidly hard to make. That’s why.
      Bethesda cornered that market because they’re the only ones who know how to make that kind of game.

      >they *were the only ones who *knew how to make that kind of game.

      • 4 months ago

        >ready or not
        >game barely works like swat 4
        >realize youre falling behind dev schedules months before release
        >tweet edgy ideas to drum up sales for the stagnant early access
        >zero hour and other d tier clones appear
        >rush a holiday release
        >many things broken need fixing some still not fixed or youre supposed to DEAL WITH IT
        >months later
        >still no nonlethal single player
        >no tdm
        frick you lazy trog dev defender b***h, fix your homosexual game, you couldnt even hope to meet swat 4s golden throne

    • 4 months ago

      >>game where you play as a SWAT team member
      Rainbow 6
      Though I'll give you that apparently the last games are going into fantasy
      It has been decade plural since I actually cared to look up what they did

  19. 4 months ago

    OP nailed my bebafflement. There's so few "blank slate" open world RPGs like that. Like there should be so many knockoffs but there just aren't. There are Fallout ripoffs for some reason but whenever it comes to fantasy, it has to be an overhead CRPG or it's just a set character. Maybe it's harder to make than we think? Not that I'm giving Bethesda an excuse here, they've seen enough success that they should pull off games better than they did with Starfield, and there's no excuse at all for TE6 to release as a disaster.

    • 4 months ago

      The games exist, you two are just morons who don't look for things and so you don't find out about them. You actually have to play games to be a gamer, you morons just do whatever you're told.

      • 4 months ago

        You could have used less words to just list off some games.
        >I'm not spoonfeeding you!
        Just admit they don't exist.

        • 4 months ago

          yeah but I don't want to help you, I want you to continue being ignorant. so why would I reveal anything I know to the likes of you?

          the fact that you are denying yourself your own desires is intensely amusing to me

          • 4 months ago

            its hilarious morons bother making posts like this

            • 4 months ago

              the frick is wrong with you honestly

              not the butthole but y'all some cringe b***hes lmao, y'all got dunked on

              • 4 months ago

                you tried

              • 4 months ago

                yeah ok man

          • 4 months ago

            the frick is wrong with you honestly

    • 4 months ago

      I don't know, Starfield was doomed from the concept stage. Their successful games have been set in a few square miles of open world. You can't scale that to
      >1000 realistic-sized planets, land anywhere you want on any of them
      and expect to get anywhere. Bethesda games have always suffered from their size but in this case it's absurdly huge. I don't think anyone else could have pulled it off either. Although some indie dev might have managed it, by selling it as "early access" and then getting out of dodge before people realized the game was impossible.

      • 4 months ago

        Todd was a moron, i know this was his "dream " game, but the tech wasn't there, you can't make a game with 100% explorable 1000 planets/moons without making it 1000 GB or something, even that half a billion $ scam (Star citizen) has only like 2 solar system after a decade of work

        • 4 months ago

          No Man's Sky: check it out.

      • 4 months ago

        >I don't know, Starfield was doomed from the concept stage.
        It's not doomed if they never aimed above the level of quality they published.

        They knew they were going to cheat the definition of open world by having landing zone surrounded by empty procedural terrain.
        They knew they were never going to have seamless interior/exterior transition with their current engine.
        They kept it that way on purpose to be able to have each landing zone made by a subcontractor.
        They knew they would have to temper expectation very early because they wouldn't put as much effort into this as they could.

        I'm still amazed people expect anything more from Bethesda than the strict minimum to sell.

        • 4 months ago

          None of that shit matters. The problem is you can't make content for 1000 planets without thinning it out with massive amounts of soulless proc gen. "seamless interior/exterior transitions" are icing, if there's a handcrafted world to explore, such things barely matter. If there isn't, no one cares that it's seamless to go from one copy-pasted fort to the next.

          • 4 months ago

            You missed the point. As far as Todd is concerned he achieved everything he wanted to make.
            He wasn't going to add more content, the 1000 planets is just cheap decoration/grind.
            The alternative was enforcing a spacegate system in place of the FTL to justify not having other planets and it likely wouldn't raise the quality one bit because the procedural generation come out of the good landing zone.
            >"seamless interior/exterior transitions" are icing
            I disagree, it drastically impact game design and reduce/change what you can do. On top of allowing some exploit.

  20. 4 months ago

    GTA seems to have a monopoly on sandbox games but I've always wanted a GTA style game but you play as a good cop.
    True Crime and Sleeping Dogs were good, but I want it on a bigger scale.

    • 4 months ago

      GTA clones were a massive thing in the 2000s. There were even a few good ones. It’s just that modern military shooters and then Ubisoft open worlds became the new trend.

      OP nailed my bebafflement. There's so few "blank slate" open world RPGs like that. Like there should be so many knockoffs but there just aren't. There are Fallout ripoffs for some reason but whenever it comes to fantasy, it has to be an overhead CRPG or it's just a set character. Maybe it's harder to make than we think? Not that I'm giving Bethesda an excuse here, they've seen enough success that they should pull off games better than they did with Starfield, and there's no excuse at all for TE6 to release as a disaster.

      It’s definitely hard because you have to account for complete player freedom on a scale that very few games can match. That’s already hard to do in a more linear, level based game, but in an open world game its a Herculean task unless you cut some major corners (i.e, making it an overhead game).

  21. 4 months ago

    It's crazy, Bethesda might have been salvageable if it actually had to face competition

  22. 4 months ago

    a singleplayer open world RPG-style pirate simulator game. sid meier's and black flag scratch the itch, and black flag admittedly had a lot of what i wanted regarding ship to ship warfare, but there is still a massive opportunity for a really good pirate RPG that includes quests, naval battles, shipping/trading, exploring, resource management, plus dynamic reputation systems with the english/french/spanish/locals, etc. There was a pirates of the carribbean RPG in development ages ago, but that has been long-since cancelled.

  23. 4 months ago

    Despite how many metroidvania games exist nowadays i know of exactly 2 games that aren't just copying Symphony of the night but actually do something with the Metroid part and both of the games are Axiom Verge games.

  24. 4 months ago

    How the frick didn't Puzzle Quest get a billion indie clones?

    • 4 months ago

      Undertale and all its derivatives all come from Puzzle Quest

      • 4 months ago

        Undertale doesn't really scratch the same itch at all.

      • 4 months ago

        The frick? Undertale is a bullethell for ADHD zoomers. It's unbelievably poor design as you don't see the pattern to dodge it just appears for the second it happens.
        Puzzle Quest is a match gems game with a bunch of extra mechanics from your character improving.

    • 4 months ago

      If you haven't already, try Puzzle and dragons for 3ds. Legend of fae, You must build a boat and 10000000 might also help you scratch that itch

  25. 4 months ago

    Because game devs have honor
    For the longest time that was the general consensus for Pokemon-like games
    But then Palworld came in and breached that code of honor

  26. 4 months ago

    >no tes killers
    After Fable 1 and Two Worlds, everyone decided that concept was cursed.

  27. 4 months ago

    3D Terraria

    listen i'm not saying this shit is easy but it's been 12 years since terraria released. i kind of expected at least some sort of attempt by now

    • 4 months ago

      Hytale but they keep restarting development for stupid reasons

    • 4 months ago

      Terrarialikes are notoriously bad even at simply copying Terraria. Even Terraria dev himself doesn't know how to make good Terraria content anymore. A whole new dimension would probably be impossible to handle.
      On that topic, are there ANY terrarialikes worth looking at. At all?

  28. 4 months ago

    Has anyone tried Gedonia? It seemed like a potential replacement for TES as an open world where you just frick around, but it turns out my laptop can't run it.

  29. 4 months ago

    There are loads of sterile open world walking sims out there bud

    • 4 months ago

      >walking sims
      Can you not be a disingenuous Black personhomosexual in an honest videogames thread? We're trying to have a discussion here.

      • 4 months ago

        It absolutely is a walking sim. I've never played an open world nuRPG that didn't make me fall asleep. How can you cretins tolerate such shallow combat and rpg elements, no level design, and idiot-proof quests? Between the huge glaring arrow showing you exactly where to go at all, autosaves every second, infinite saves, incessant mission objectives and all of the other handholdy crap it doesn't even feel like I'm playing with game. It feels like I'm just doing fricking chores. And yet, absolute garbage like skyrim has permeated into the entire industry. Sterile open worlds have become a tick mark on all devs inclusion list. This shit is worse than the collectathon and rivaled only by the sonygroid cinematic ots shooter as the biggest cancer to ever afflict gaming.

        • 4 months ago

          >It absolutely is a walking sim.
          You absolutely are a low IQ Black person. I don't see a point in reading the rest of your drivel since you talk and act like a troony in that you make up new definitions for words on the fly to suit your demented mentally ill mind. Won't be (you)ing you anymore unless you apologize for being a Black person that disrespects basic communication conventions. You're not worth staining a onve in a blue moon decent thread over.

          • 4 months ago

            >open world slop guzzling moron that can't even read has the audacity to call anyone else a Black person
            Let me try to put this in terms you can understand and with brevity that won't overload your Black person ape mind:
            Skyrim open world so no level design. Also no combat or rpg elements. All player do is walk and mindless quest. Therefore walking sim. Therefore easy, boring, and bad

            • 4 months ago

              Kek you btfo him but he had already tucked his tail and scampered off in his previous post

            • 4 months ago

              But there is combat.

              • 4 months ago

                Not with the depth needed to make up for the absent level design and shallow rpg elements

  30. 4 months ago

    Dragon's Dogma mogs TES hard

    • 4 months ago

      And Fallout 2 mogs Dragon's Dogma hard, but I doubt anyone looking for a DD-like would be satisfied playing F2

    • 4 months ago

      Why are you comparing a semi-linear ARPG with an open world WRPG?

      The two aren’t even remotely comparable and aren’t even in the same genre.

    • 4 months ago

      Not comparable,

      Why are you comparing a semi-linear ARPG with an open world WRPG?

      The two aren’t even remotely comparable and aren’t even in the same genre.

      >semi-linear ARPG
      >open world WRPG

  31. 4 months ago

    I wish there was a Cataclysm-like game except without the dogshit controls. Zomboid doesn't scratch that itch because there is no scifi or interdimensional cryptids in it, just boring rotting humans.

  32. 4 months ago

    A modern Initial D Arcade game on consoles or PC.
    The games are genuinely great arcade racing, but the only official releases of the thing are Japan-only shit from over 15 years ago.

    • 4 months ago

      That is, non-arcade official releases.

  33. 4 months ago

    persona minus the dungeons. i mean people really like the life sim elements. why not a game that lets you work jobs, do school work. date girls. play arcade games etc. no true love 95 doesnt count

    • 4 months ago

      Tokimeki memorial? Princess maker? Never played tokimeki though

  34. 4 months ago

    A quality Mario Kart style racing game for pc with focus on online play. Seriously, how is no one doing this, it would print money.

    • 4 months ago

      In the mean time you can netplay crash team racing yeah?

      • 4 months ago

        I mean with a pc focus. Available on steam, with custom servers and online lobbies and such. Like any other multiplayer game you would find on pc.

  35. 4 months ago

    Ubisoft has the Might and Magic license it was the only real competitor to TES back in the day and Ubisoft just does nothing with it.

  36. 4 months ago

    No Demon's Souls or Dark Souls clone

  37. 4 months ago

    I admit I'm wondering the same as OP.

    You'd think other game would try the basics of TES:
    >fantasy setting & gameplay
    >huge skill trees for replay value
    >quest givers sprinkled around, nothing complex or intertwined, just small narrative experience
    >maybe a central quest that's pretty open so you can do everything else, or just here to give you a special power
    >basic NPC who like/hate you depending of who you kill, choices you do
    >mod support
    And avoid the mistakes of TES.

    >ITT games you're baffled no one tried to make
    Is there a fantasy game where you essentially play as the villain, a serious one, not a parody?

    I want something like:
    1) start as a evil-god minion sacrificing innocent for your boss power
    2) get a promotion then backstab your ex-chief cause he was incompetent
    3) climb your way into evil, burn village and corrupt cities in the name of the evil-god
    4) win the ultimate battle against good heroes and show the evil-god path is actually a comfy and self-sustaining utopia

    All I have in mind is Might&Magic Dark Messiah where you can essentially go evil if you want to

    • 4 months ago

      >You'd think other game would try the basics of TES:
      people have tried, and they only make inferior products because they always try to make le TES open world mega-game that you can play for ten billion years rather than striving to recreate what makes TES TES, which is the sandbox element.
      For all of the open world games out there, none of them have the granularity of TES. You can't go into the ocean and grab fish with your bare hands. You can't put a bucket on a shopkeeper's head and raid his store. You can't glitch your way up a mountain just to see what's up there, realize there's nothing, and then glitch back down. In any other open world game, you would reach the top of the mountain through a handcrafted jumping puzzle, and there'd be 1 of 29 collectibles at the top that buff your spell damage by +4.3% while it's raining.

      • 4 months ago

        Tell me more of these failed mega games. I want that.

        • 4 months ago

          Greedfall and New World were the last of the western open world ARPGS I played before quitting the genre. The latter kind of goes without saying I guess, considering it's an MMO.

          • 4 months ago

            Does it have character creation? It's confusing in the trailers.

            • 4 months ago

              Yeah, there's a character creator menu at the start, but your background is mostly set in stone, and you have to have this weird birthmark that looks like some fricked up muttonchops on your character's face no matter what. But you can change other stuff like skintone, hair, gender, etc.

              • 4 months ago

                Is it pozzed perchance? It seems to be pushing that victorian England vibe but with Black folks, which looks jarring, but I haven't seen anything egregious enough in the trailer to ditch the game outright. Well, unless my supsicion that the kissing pair in the steam trailer is two lesbians.

              • 4 months ago

                it's incredibly milquetoast. The game doesn't have anything to say. There's a catholic church faction that's evil, but the game immediately balances this out with a kind of islamic golden age "I fricking love science" faction who are also evil as well as incompetent.
                Then there's a group of these tribal peoples indigenous to the main overworld who kind of seem a bit native american, but they're also kind of celtic/germanic (their language especially sounds european, not native american) so it's not really like a white man bad kind of situation.

              • 4 months ago

                I'll put in on my wishlist to potentially try out sometime later. Thanks for indulging me.
                I reckon you don't have any more examples? Non-MMO at least.

              • 4 months ago

                >I reckon you don't have any more examples?
                just the obvious stuff, like the witcher and all the ubishit open world games.

              • 4 months ago

                Ubishit aren't megagames, they're all about soulless checklists, and Witcher is practically not even an RPG, it's a glorified adventure game. I want a comfy open world life sim-esque game where I can wander around and adventure, then come back to my homestead and pick the carrots from my mini garden so I can cook up a stew with the slab of wyvern meat I got after the last hunt, before making out to the nearby city to stock up on coal for my forge and to check the bounty board. I really just want a Skyrim that doesn't suck.

              • 4 months ago

                >I want a comfy open world life sim-esque game where I can wander around and adventure, then come back to my homestead and pick the carrots from my mini garden so I can cook up a stew with the slab of wyvern meat I got after the last hunt, before making out to the nearby city to stock up on coal for my forge and to check the bounty board.
                Sounds fun, but what you're asking for is a little too granular for any kind of AAA release. What you may want to look into is modded skyrim, modded minecraft, or conan exiles. Those are my go-to comfy immersive sim games.

              • 4 months ago

                Kinda shoddy as a baseline world. And I can't even begin to think how to mod it. As in which mods to get to unfrick that game.
                I haven't felt the magic ever since 1.8 beta. Most of the mods seem to be factorio autism anyway.
                Is it better than an average Rust-like?

              • 4 months ago

                >open world life sim-esque game where I can wander around and adventure
                Im sorry but isn't modern gaming rife with this kind of shit? And what's the fun in this anyway? Sounds boring.

              • 4 months ago

                >Im sorry but isn't modern gaming rife with this kind of shit?
                Name them.
                >And what's the fun in this anyway? Sounds boring.
                >What's the fun in having fun?
                Really, homie?

              • 4 months ago

                >Name them
                Okay, first define "life sim-esque". There are virtually limitless open world games so that box has been checked
                >What's the fun in having fun?
                That's the thing, I don't find chores fun, and that's exactly what you do in these games. You find a dipshit npc, are presented with an explicit quest that is logged in your objectives list, a way point appears on your map, and then an arrow shows you where to go. You then walk there unimpeded and do your chore. Is this not the type of game you want? Or something more open ended, where you grind and craft to build things so you can grind and craft to build other things, again in a sterile open world, aimlessly. These types of games typically have no real objective or end, you just do chores to build shit that allows you to do other chores to build shit

              • 4 months ago

                >Okay, first define "life sim-esque". There are virtually limitless open world games so that box has been checked
                Oh, so now after making that bold claim that what I'm looking for is everywhere you suddenly no longer even know what it is I'm looking for.
                >Doing quests is chores
                What isn't chores to you?

              • 4 months ago

                >Oh, so now after making that bold claim that what I'm looking for is everywhere you suddenly no longer even know what it is I'm looking for.
                No, I wanted you to clarify so I didn't rattle off a dozen games for you to say
                >acksheually those aren't open world life-shim-eshk game-sh
                and waste both of our time, but it looks like you inadvertently accomplished that anyway
                >what isn't chores to you
                Games where you actually have to struggle and get good. Shooters can be fun, platformers, adventure games where you actually have to have agency and make smart decisions or you're fricked. RPGs are okay but they can't be too handholdy. Despite how much shot I talk on it, I think open world done right could be fun, bit you need to cut out the auto save, idiot arrow, quest markers, adaptive difficulty bullshit to even begin

              • 4 months ago

                The closest there is to that is the Red Deads, I think.

                >One of THE biggest indies of all time who still gets a shit ton of players over 10 years after release
                >Practically the only one of it's kind
                What, was isaac so good it killed the idea of zelda style roguelikes where you collect items as you go? i'm surprised no one hopped on the gravy train considering how much indie roguelikes love following the leader on this shit.

                I recall seeing several imitators accross the years, none of which looked particularly inspiring. The only one whose name comes to mind right now is A Wizard's Lizard and its sequel subtitled Soul Thief. The latter a mechanic of playing as enemies which I guess has a lot of untapped potential in that genre, but it was removed from Steam for whatever reason.

              • 4 months ago

                That sounds absolutely fricking putrid.

              • 4 months ago

                It is. Can't wait for the sequel.

      • 4 months ago

        Original poster,
        I disagree with your assessment,
        the good things you praise in TES are literally bugs and exploits that ruin TES and TES granularity is 90% about procedurally generating collectibles that increase your spell-damage by +4.3%
        the bad things you complain about other RPG are either literally TES or good things like handcrafted content and mechanic, having weather or the devs preparing something rewarding you for climbing obvious landmark.

        My ideal open-world fantasy would do the following:
        - organic combat/magic/movement mechanics instead of the bare minimum
        - procedurally generated content for decoration/low important part
        - handcrafted content for important part of the game
        - gated content for critical part
        - careful screening to not let a mechanic ruin the setting like bucket on head

        • 4 months ago

          >careful screening to not let a mechanic ruin the setting like bucket on head

          Literally impossible in any game. Every game has its exploits, especially games with the scope of Bethesda games where they simply don’t have time to test for exploits like that.

          The bigger your game, the more difficult it is to balance.

          • 4 months ago

            >Literally impossible in any game. Every game has its exploits
            It is perfectly possible and the first step is to care.
            Bethesda do not care at all, at this point they consider the exploit to be just more advertising or will call it a mechanic to save face.

            The rest is a matter of good game design.
            Like not adding a Free Flight mechanic if you have area on the map you want off that grid.
            Like not making a spell/object crafting mechanic that allow positive feedback loop.
            Like not allowing the player to access a game breaking mechanic if order matter.

            Anyone who code buff like "Increase damage by 50%" without having full control of the starting range of value should be fired.

            • 4 months ago

              So nerf and remove every interesting mechanic? This shows exactly why Bethesda games got worse over time, and also why other games fail to compete. "Balance?" What a moronic reason to lobotomize a single-player game.

              • 4 months ago

                >So nerf and remove every interesting mechanic?
                Obviously not silly anon,
                It's about not adding poorly designed mechanic. If you add flight, know what the frick you are doing.
                Bethesda got worse because it kept adding new mechanic without ever fixing the old ones so the shit piled-up until it couldn't be ignored anymore.
                Whoever greenlit Fallout 76 clearly never wondered if the multiplayer would ever work in a game as easily broken/exploitable as their, on top of a safe-mode that should have been a distinct server.

                >why other games fail to compete
                No game is competing, that's why OP made the thread. If you disagree name one.

                What do you misunderstand in having working mechanic?
                Do you want to play a game where you can make your own magic item and it's so broken you accidentally make yourself a win button?
                Good for a quick laugh but not for a long game.

    • 4 months ago

      >Is there a fantasy game where you essentially play as the villain
      Tyranny, you play as the appointed janny in the tyrant's latest campaign of conquest. You can be a complete butthole or help the natives or be a full schizo and kill everybody. It's one of the most reactive crpgs ever made, but it also has its share of flaws, some of which are pretty significant.

      • 4 months ago

        Talking of this one?

        Look interesting. What are the significant flaws to you?
        I've loved Spellforce3:Fallen god and other.

    • 4 months ago

      >Is there a fantasy game where you essentially play as the villain, a serious one, not a parody?
      There is Soulash, a roguelite where you play the fallen elder god-father-of-all-gods, who breaks out of confinement and possesses some weak mortal (which you make during character creation), then goes on a genocidal solo crusade to rebuild his strength by consuming the souls of every living creature he comes across so he can ultimately eat all his treacherous children and unmake the reality they've created using his power. The concept is interesting and ended up being the same reason for me to play it after a while. Only problem is that the game is shallow overpriced grindy and mind-numbing garbage. Couldn't finish it, way too repetetive and grindy for a roguelite.

      • 4 months ago

        >There is Soulash, a roguelite where you play the fallen elder god-father-of-all-gods
        >shallow overpriced grindy and mind-numbing garbage.
        I'll be honest, that's the definition of roguelite for me.
        But thanks for sharing something that match the definition.

        • 4 months ago

          >I'll be honest, that's the definition of roguelite for me
          FTL is a roguelite and it's none of those things, for one.

          • 4 months ago

            >FTL is a roguelite and it's none of those things, for one.
            Not LITE
            RogueLIKE, big difference, LITE exist because it is on-purpose even more barebone.
            Also where you in at the beginning?
            For a long time getting all the ships and reaching secret system was a matter of pure repetitive grind. It took forever before they hard-coded generation to make it a matter of skills.
            So while FTL is good, the "trial and error" gameplay with RNG playing against you is a bad aspect of it.

            • 4 months ago

              FTL is not a roguelike by the coventional definitions.
              >For a long time getting all the ships and reaching secret system was a matter of pure repetitive grind.
              Omly the crystal ship was truly grindy, and it was just one ship. A mild mistep. Calling the entire game grindy because of that is oversoing it as far as I'm concerned.
              >So while FTL is good, the "trial and error" gameplay with RNG playing against you is a bad aspect of it.
              Only thing close to trial and error is random events, and even then most of them have a safe option.

              • 4 months ago

                >FTL is not a roguelike by the coventional definitions.
                Then it is even less a roguelite.

                >Omly the crystal ship was truly grindy, and it was just one ship. A mild mistep. Calling the entire game grindy because of that is oversoing it as far as I'm concerned.
                It is a good game so yes it is doing a disservice to exaggerate the grind, but back then it was very grindy, I say that because I got the Crystal ship the hard way, restarting entire hundred of run for it.

                >Only thing close to trial and error is random events, and even then most of them have a safe option.
                Are you being silly?
                RNG exist at every level in this game, it's even part of the roguelike definition.
                Event are 50% of the game, and the other 50% are systems randomly generated, along with enemy encounter, shops and items.
                It is by all definition trial&error where the RNG can frick you over with no change of wining, or bless you with scraps and all the weapon you wanted.
                until you die anyway because the enemy randomly succeed attack in quick succession in a way that utterly destroy your build.

    • 4 months ago

      Anon let me tell you about a very obscure rpg series called Might and Magic that spanned 10 games.

  38. 4 months ago

    The Outer Worlds was one. Different genre and it's by Obsidian but at the time it had no official ties to Bethesda.

  39. 4 months ago

    >No Infantry Online indie remake

  40. 4 months ago

    I'm shocked there's no Sims clones, not even 1 of of them.
    Not because Sims 4 is selling buckets, but because Sims 1 and 2 were the FOTM games of the early-2000s. In the 90s/00s there were clones of successful games all over the place.
    While yeah there's those 3 upcoming clones with 2 of them being developed by zoomers, they're more focused on being a Sims 4 clone than the actually fun Sims games.

    • 4 months ago

      There were a few that were attempted back in the day, but none of them could break into the market. The niche that The Sims occupies is unique in that it is VERY popular, but it also only has room for one property at a time.

  41. 4 months ago

    I just want something like Pokémon Pinball Ruby & Sapphire but with more tables and monsters to catch and the ability to fight gym leaders.

    • 4 months ago

      This was in development but was cancelled after Metroid Prime Pinball didn't sell

  42. 4 months ago

    >muh mod support

    the vast majority of skyrim players have never once used a mod

  43. 4 months ago

    I legit don't even understand what you mean by this.

  44. 4 months ago

    What people forget that most TES content while shallow and mediocre is handcrafted. It wouldn't work with procedural or generative technologies.

    • 4 months ago

      Most of Oblivion landscape was just AI generated and the dungeons had like two different layouts repeated ad nauseam

      • 4 months ago

        have you read my post?
        procedurally generated height map in not most of the content
        and shitty dungeons were made by humans

  45. 4 months ago

    >City builder
    >O'neil space colony
    I could actually copypaste all the mechanics, going further than City skiline but curved

  46. 4 months ago

    the DayZ trend but it's actually a game that's finished
    Lowest graphics imaginable so we can play a 10,000 v 10,000 FPS
    a porn game with good gameplay

  47. 4 months ago

    What? Most games are shitty open-world "RPG" sandbox games like TES. There isn't a clone because there are already millions of games like them and it's not like TES has any unique gameplay to begin with.

    • 4 months ago

      Most open world games copy the Ubisoft format though. The Bethesda format is entirely different.

      • 4 months ago

        Do you know what they both have in common? No level design. Who cares if one let's you roam freely and the other shoehorns you around. The only thing that matters is absent from both. Besides skyrim has idiot arrows showing you exactly where you need to go at all times and incessant quest objectives so it isn't like it is all that much different from any other year 2010+ open world slop

    • 4 months ago

      Name what you consider the best example, cause there's more than one kind of "open-world RPG" and TES way of doing it, no matter how limited, is specific.

  48. 4 months ago

    Animal Crossing clone where you play as an animal villager. You'd think furgays would be all over that idea.

  49. 4 months ago

    >every single "Minecraft BUT IN SPACE" project has died without going out of betatesting

    • 4 months ago

      Minecraft in space is inherently shitty idea.

  50. 4 months ago

    Any magic game where casting spell isn't choosing gun-spells with mana as ammo.
    Seriously, it can't be that hard to balance a game in a more organic way, they are just lazy and copypasting the same basic stuff used everywhere else.

  51. 4 months ago

    Two Worlds tried, but got completely ignored. Gothic is similar-but-different, then there was that one game boasting about being written by some real fantasy author and bankrupt like a city to be made but I can't even remember its name.

    It's a hard genre to nail down, I guess. Besides, making an MMO for same effort is more profitable.

  52. 4 months ago

    When I was a kid, I thought the future of RPGs would be colorful, but still mature third-person action games. I feel like since then, a hundred games have come out but they all somehow miss the mark. RPGs have mostly become grimdark and brown as far as the eye can see, with the exception of shit like DQ and Xenoblade, which go too far and end up feeling cringey. When I heard SE was making "Final Fantasy Souls" I thought, "Holy shit, finally," but it then it ended up being the edgiest shit imaginable. I just wanted something like FFXI but an action single-player game.

  53. 4 months ago

    More realistic Katamari Damacy. Good graphics, a little bit of physics, maybe a GTA style wanted mechanic that makes you smaller.

  54. 4 months ago


    Seriously, with Star Citizen crowdfunding you'd think there would be 500millions space game simply marketing themselves as "why wait for Star Citizen? we offer you the important part without the time consuming bloat"

    That say, I don't trust developers to put any effort into those.
    "let's just copy WWII fighter but in space."
    Just as Elite is soulless minimal game that hide a puddle-deep ocean by making everything take a long time plus grinding.
    That or they'll have several spreadsheets worth of content in a game with no physic engine where everything is as boring as doing your tax on an actual spreadsheet.

    • 4 months ago

      Starsector so far seems to be the best space sim. I'm joping Underspace will be comfy as well. Tried Space Pirates And Zombies and it just got old really fast around the third or so mothership upgrade. Costs me 500 to repair my flagship while an average mission rewards 1000. One death and that's half the paycheck gone. Two and we're desperately trying to break even. Any more and we're in the shitter.

      • 4 months ago

        You have great taste anon. I wish I had Starsector 3D.
        Can't tell for the other, I'm avoiding everything "randomly generated" because that's usually slang for "lazy developers trying to look big"
        Starsector is good because the important stuff is not procedural and is carefully balanced.
        >Freelancer spiritual successor
        As Christ Robert spiritual copy go I'll rather keep my hope for Squadron42

        I have other spacegame but they don't cratch the same itch like "Ring of Saturn: DeltaV"

        • 4 months ago

          >As Christ Robert spiritual copy go I'll rather keep my hope for Squadron42
          My condolences, lad.

          • 4 months ago

            Hush, Squadron42 is the only aspect of the project guaranteed to deliver and the only one I wanted to back.

            • 4 months ago

              >Hush, Squadron42 is the only aspect of the project guaranteed to deliver and the only one I wanted to back.
              My absolute deepest condolences, lad.

              • 4 months ago

                Indy game promise joke aside, Freelancer was a success despite being gutted of half of its content so there's good precedent.
                Squadron42 being singleplayer bring it back to classic shooter design which is very hard to fail. I have no hope for the multiplayer SC.

              • 4 months ago

                >Indy game promise joke aside, Freelancer was a success despite being gutted of half of its content
                Ye, because someone was around to wrangle that moron instead of indulging his fabric simulation bullshit and other homosexualry. Now he's got full creative control and practically inexhaustable money. I'm not touching that shit with a 10000 foot pole personally. The Underspace lad seems like he has a head on his shoulders for the most part at least.

              • 4 months ago

                Underspace is literally about adding the kind of extra content Christ Robert wanted to add before he was ejected from the project because Microsoft wanted quick money.
                So -beside the natural SC memes- you treat Underspace dev to a different standard despite it being investing into promise with no delivery date by today standard, when Freelancer had a classic funding method.

                A real test of your honesty is this:
                Maybe SQ42 will utterly fail/disappoint.
                But if SQ42 succeed and is fully worth the money now (if not the wait)
                Would you reconsider your judgment and wonder if, maybe those features required the means necessary to develop them?

                I don't want to quote that insufferable Ben but game are developed, not built, because there's no blueprint for what they are trying to do

              • 4 months ago

                SQ42 can't succeed as its entire concept already warped with layers and layers of bloat systems build for mmo module of SC. Underspace adds content, systems wise it is not that far away from Freelancer core, flying and shooting at least felt very familiar and responsive as frick. SC on the other hand is much closer to dadsim clunkiness of ED in what you can play currently.

              • 4 months ago

                Funny, when you follow the development you start thinking SQ42 is the real project getting priority, SC just the money cow.
                As I see it, none of the system for SC will have any impact on SQ42, it will just be decoration at most.

                >Freelancer core
                What was released was definitely... let's say "accessible".
                But that was a letdown for people like me who want more TIE Fighter game or Wing Commander.

                >SC on the other hand is much closer to dadsim clunkiness of ED in what you can play currently.
                Take that back!!!
                More seriously, I see why you think that given what you start from.
                Freelancer was one side of the spectrum, extremely simple gameplay and control: mouse aim & click to shoot.
                ED gameplay is rather simple but the 3D controls aren't, making it far clunkier than honestly necessary.
                SC/SQ4 on the other end want complexity, so much that most players will likely be unable to make use of most system even if the NPC crew work properly.
                Of course you can go further away on that spectrum if we had realistic game.

              • 4 months ago
  55. 4 months ago

    >never got the story based character action it deserved

    • 4 months ago

      tfw no Satsuki route where she assumes control of Earth by killing Ragyo and becomes the big bad herself

  56. 4 months ago

    I wish there was a VTM Bloodlines game but set in prohibition era chicago or NYC, with factions, rpg stats and all. It could be interesting, being a hired gun, undercover for the police or trying to backstab and rat bosses. Alternatively set it in the 60's a la Casino in a mafia owned Vegas

  57. 4 months ago

    It's so fricking weird that none of the GTA competitors released a proper title during the gap between GTA V and VI. The ongoing gap, at that.
    I understand that R* doesn't need to make new titles when GTAO makes them more money than game sales ever did, but why didn't the competition court the singleplayer market?
    GTA V was a flawed game. You can't just add on top forever. Hell, just having more than a few interiors put you ahead of it.
    But what did we get? Mafia 3, a game only remembered because of a guy who shit hinself while playing it.
    A terrible saints row reboot that makes the story and humor of 4 seem sophisticated.
    And that's about all I can really remember.
    Imagine if a Sleeping Dogs tier game released when people became disillusioned with R* over the cancellation of singleplayer DLC.
    But every publisher would rather ape fortnite, because surely this time they'll be able to steal their thunder. Fricking morons.

  58. 4 months ago

    I have an idea for a game that no one has ever made but I can't find good tutorial on how to use Asprite on YouTube they all seen to drag on and on and teach barely anything.

  59. 4 months ago

    RuneScape but you get crypto instead of gold. Like it requires you to either pay $10 to start and thats you're starting currency. Making an inflationary currency that relies on the games popularity to be converted to USD, who h is exactly what the real RuneScape does, is fricking moronic and it's why no existing DeFi projects have ever gotten off the ground. My method would actually work, I think.

    • 4 months ago

      Entropia exists and is dogshit, it would be even worse with some crypto scam to tank the games currency with real world bullshit.

  60. 4 months ago

    >GTA but you can actually go into the buildings

    • 4 months ago

      You can go into some buildings in most GTAs though.

      But if you want GTA with even more interiors, then honestly Mafia 2 and the Yakuza games are the closest you’re going to get.

      • 4 months ago

        Give me GTA but every single building is fleshed out with NPCs and interiors, even if the map is much smaller. Just something where everything has been realistically thought through to completion.

        • 4 months ago

          You can go into some buildings in most GTAs though.

          But if you want GTA with even more interiors, then honestly Mafia 2 and the Yakuza games are the closest you’re going to get.

          Actually, pressing more on this, why aren't there any realistic opens told life sim games? Like imagine GTA but you work in an office, and all the other buildings have accessible offices, and part of the game is you quitting your office job and going on a heist of some kind. But you can apply for other jobs (inside buildings, all with their own office politics and office romance options). Basically just GTA but slightly more realistic. And if you shoot up your workplace you are, of course, fired.

          And while we're at it, give me an AI chatbot for every NPC so you can have actual conversations with all of them, as much as you want

    • 4 months ago

      Actually, pressing more on this, why aren't there any realistic opens told life sim games? Like imagine GTA but you work in an office, and all the other buildings have accessible offices, and part of the game is you quitting your office job and going on a heist of some kind. But you can apply for other jobs (inside buildings, all with their own office politics and office romance options). Basically just GTA but slightly more realistic. And if you shoot up your workplace you are, of course, fired.

  61. 4 months ago

    Suprised at the lack of assassins creed competators (probably because parkor is hard to code and animate but still) considering how popular it was
    In fact, TES would be a good setting for an AC spinoff, considering their ownd by microsoft now and could probably outsource it to another studio. Hell, they have an entire race of cat people that could make for interesting movement and justify the long falls (cats always land on their feet, ect)

  62. 4 months ago

    >Not a single first-person Mirror's Edge competitor exists

  63. 4 months ago

    Nowhere near enough FPS/RPG hybrids when they sell like crazy

  64. 4 months ago

    Hockey/sport games

  65. 4 months ago

    >The one time someone did a multiplayer hack and slash game it died instantly
    It's complete bullshit that anarchy reigns died so fast.

  66. 4 months ago

    Anime The Sims

    • 4 months ago

      this sounds really appealing, but you'd have to mess around with the idea a lot. Just doing sims with anime girls would be kind of lame. You'd have to shake it up a lot, like have it be designing dorms for anime girls to live in while going to high school or something, and have a mix of persistent characters, with predefined appearances, personalities, dialog, and maybe some kind of plot/quests that they give out or do alongside your player-created characters.

      Kinda shoddy as a baseline world. And I can't even begin to think how to mod it. As in which mods to get to unfrick that game.
      I haven't felt the magic ever since 1.8 beta. Most of the mods seem to be factorio autism anyway.
      Is it better than an average Rust-like?

      >And I can't even begin to think how to mod it. As in which mods to get to unfrick that game.
      there's some good documentation in the /tesg/ OP if you're ever interested. If you're feeling particularly lazy you can just download a modpack.
      >Most of the mods seem to be factorio autism anyway.
      those are the most popular ones, but there's lots of comfy immersive sim type mods as well. Some of my favorites are heat and climate, growthcraft, cuisine, and embers: rekindled for a much more involved tech mod
      >Is it better than an average Rust-like?
      much better, but it is very much a rust clone still. I do love building villages and filling it with npcs that I've named, dressing them in outfits and posing them and whatnot.
      The singleplayer rp experience can genuinely be pretty fun if you have a big imagination.

      • 4 months ago

        >those are the most popular ones, but there's lots of comfy immersive sim type mods as well. Some of my favorites are heat and climate, growthcraft, cuisine, and embers: rekindled for a much more involved tech mod
        My problem is that for me an important part of an imsim/lifesim is the adversity. There is no comfort in the flame of your home's hearth unless you came back to it from an arduous hunt. This is why I can't stand games like Stardew for example, among other things. I need adversity. I need to fight for my life.
        >much better, but it is very much a rust clone still. I do love building villages and filling it with npcs that I've named, dressing them in outfits and posing them and whatnot.
        >The singleplayer rp experience can genuinely be pretty fun if you have a big imagination.
        I'll have a look if I ever get a PC that can handle that game, though to be honest Rust-likes focus too much on being like Minecraft rather than on adversity and immersion, and that kinda rubs me the wrong way. I made the mistake of buying one called Cryofall and it's been bashing rocks with a pick and making a gorillion different materials and shit, no real exploration or adventuring.

        • 4 months ago

          >There is no comfort in the flame of your home's hearth unless you came back to it from an arduous hunt.
          lots of modded minecraft it travelling to far away places to find rare materials to build the necessary equipment. That's already a bit of a challenge, and you can make it more challenging by liberally applying mods that enhance difficulty. Fish's undead rising is a great mod that adds tons of tougher new enemies, many of which are biome-specific. There's all sorts of nasty parasites and bugs and stuff hanging out in jungles.
          >no real exploration or adventuring.
          Conan is centered around adventuring as much as it is collecting resources. There's a great mod called orero's dungeon overhaul if you're playing on PC that makes dungeons much harder, and also locks higher-tier gear behind crafting items you can only get from clearing dungeons. High-tier is already locked behind adventuring in the base game anyway, because you need to find the recipes for it in the world, but this mod forces you to keep adventuring even after you unlock the recipes, which I like.

          • 4 months ago

            Can Conan be played offline? Very important.

            • 4 months ago

              yeah, there's a singleplayer mode, and I believe it works with n internet as well. It'll give you a warning message if you're offline, but I don't think it matters for sp, because the save is stored locally.

              • 4 months ago

                >with n
                with no
                sorry, had a stroke apparently

              • 4 months ago

                Thanks, lad, I'll keep an eye on it.

                >Oh, so now after making that bold claim that what I'm looking for is everywhere you suddenly no longer even know what it is I'm looking for.
                No, I wanted you to clarify so I didn't rattle off a dozen games for you to say
                >acksheually those aren't open world life-shim-eshk game-sh
                and waste both of our time, but it looks like you inadvertently accomplished that anyway
                >what isn't chores to you
                Games where you actually have to struggle and get good. Shooters can be fun, platformers, adventure games where you actually have to have agency and make smart decisions or you're fricked. RPGs are okay but they can't be too handholdy. Despite how much shot I talk on it, I think open world done right could be fun, bit you need to cut out the auto save, idiot arrow, quest markers, adaptive difficulty bullshit to even begin

                >and waste both of our time
                Be honest, were you even going into this conversation with the desire to accomplish something productive? Because all I got from you was a dismissive offhand remark. And when I asled you for games your first thought was to safeguard yourself from some kind of an attack because you're treating it like a verbal battle that you need to win. Let's start with you naming 3 games and I'll let you know if I think they fit the bill, and tell you why they don't.
                At no point did I say that I want the game to be a perpetual autowin. In fact, this entire thread I've been talking about how adversity is a cornerstone of what I seek in an imsim/lifesim.
                On the topic of arrows, they can be done right but almost no dev is good enough to actually pull thay off. Morrowind didn't pull it off. The enviroments look too shitty and blended together for a truly map-marker-less experience. The Lone Dark actually pulled it off, because in that game the regions are fairly well crafted with recognizeable landscapes and landmarks which allows you to naturally and organically orient yourself in it.

              • 4 months ago

                You seem like a decent, articulate anon, and I think we may actually share more in common than I originally thought. I propose a counter offer though, provide me with some examples of open world or life sim games you think I would like, and I'll earnestly give this genre of gaming another chance

              • 4 months ago

                Your "offer" is to "reward" me with a considerarion of whatever game(s) I will recommend? And I should indulge this offer because..?

              • 4 months ago

                I'm not sure where you got "reward" from, and I cannot give you a reason as to why you should indulge in the proposal, other than you would get to recommend and talk about some of your favorite games. Should you decline it really won't bother me terribly, and I'll continue life thinking open world games are largely shit

              • 4 months ago

                I'll opt for not indulging you, then, given that you openly refused to entertain my request.

  67. 4 months ago

    >uhm sweety there are alternatives to TES games...
    > the Witcher
    why do midwits say this so confidently

    • 4 months ago

      They don't really "play" the game and as such the interactive element of TES games doesn't even cross their minds. They see swords and horses and grass and go "Oh I've seen a game like that!" without understanding anything.

  68. 4 months ago

    Give Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga a shot.

    • 4 months ago

      It doesn't really have openness of TES, it is a piperun in a wide pipe.

  69. 4 months ago

    A zombie game where you play as the bad guy trying to start the apocalypse. I think this concept might have been done by someone but I'm not aware of it, the closest thing I can think of stbbus the zombie.

  70. 4 months ago

    Has there been a soulslike that is inspired more by DS1's slow paced fighting compared to DS3's flashy dodge focused combat?

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah, DS2.

  71. 4 months ago

    A decent Max Payne clone. Recently picked up Stranglehold off GOG and it's reminding me how good that shit feels.

    • 4 months ago

      >A decent Max Payne clone.
      People have already tried that, look at WET and El Matador.

  72. 4 months ago

    >One of THE biggest indies of all time who still gets a shit ton of players over 10 years after release
    >Practically the only one of it's kind
    What, was isaac so good it killed the idea of zelda style roguelikes where you collect items as you go? i'm surprised no one hopped on the gravy train considering how much indie roguelikes love following the leader on this shit.

    • 4 months ago

      Synthetik and Monolith have quite the same gameplay loop of stacking item modifiers upon item modifiers, they just play nothing like Isaac.

  73. 4 months ago

    Can we talk about how successful Palworld is? Regardless of the games quality it sold a shit ton, which made me realize how successful a polished open world pokemon clone would do blockbusters. Gamefreak certainly isn't gonna innovate on the Pokemon franchise so more clones should start popping up imo

    • 4 months ago

      3D clones you mean? Because there's quite a few 2D ones out there, both indie and published.

  74. 4 months ago

    Tower defense where you can override the towers and take it over yourself

  75. 4 months ago

    >there are still no TES competitors despite decades of TES games selling like crazy
    Avowed is coming out soon

  76. 4 months ago

    >tfw no game like MGO2
    I'm glad I can emulate it but its issues are obvious now and it can be done so much better

  77. 4 months ago

    planetside but star wars, even if it's just stupid shit like clone wars only it is a no brainer

  78. 4 months ago

    >Within cells interlinked.
    Within cells interlinked.
    Elder Scrolls is built on cells within cells interlinked. Having all your physics objects and shit saved to a little box you can return to is really important for making an Elder Scrolls-like, both technically and mechanically.

  79. 4 months ago

    >Minecraft clone
    >but instead of adding half-assed RPG feature, it's still about mining&crafting, with a mechanic so you can save your prebuilt building and ask NPC to mine/craft for you on a bigger scale, with a ingame editor you use while they are building the previous building.

    I always considered the Millenaire mod was where Minecraft should have been going.

  80. 4 months ago

    I want a game that has the artistic/surrealist/esoteric feeling/aesthetic as OOT and MM but with a bigger/more open world and more robust rpg mechanics

  81. 4 months ago

    are still no TES competitors
    Yeah, nobody has made a single fantasy RPG in the past 20 years

  82. 4 months ago

    Boxing / Martial Arts Manager Sim

  83. 4 months ago

    >The only game like Echo Arena is the game itself, which has been shut down for a full year
    Holy frick I miss it bros.

  84. 4 months ago

    The fact is that you couldn't make a TES clone since the main draw of those games is that they were buggy and broken messes. People loved the hell out of Morrowind and Oblivion because spellcrafting was such a completely and utterly busted mechanic that it not only broke game balance but also the game itself. Skyrim is all just normies though, it was always a normie game since they were afraid of spellcasters in that game.

  85. 4 months ago

    Dark Souls with an alive world. No, Dragon's Dogma is not it.

  86. 4 months ago

    They already tried and failed. Modern developers simply cannot compete, even bethesda themselves is going to frick up the next TES.

    • 4 months ago

      The funny thing is that when those earlier games were released, everyone was complaining that they were shit.

      • 4 months ago

        I meant frick up even more but still.

  87. 4 months ago

    There are no TES clones because TES fricking sucks monkey dick as a game concept.

    • 4 months ago

      >TES suck
      >make millions in sales
      Which it is?

  88. 4 months ago

    Still no fricking open world Lord Of The Rings action adventure game set in Peter Jackson’s world with Howard Shore’s music and NO FRICKING MAGIC.

    A game that is just something like the Witcher 3 but in Middle Earth and had all locations from the movie scanned and ready to be explored. A game that does not follow the fricking fellowship for once but is basically something like Hogwarts Legacy but set in Middle Earth.

    • 4 months ago

      >set in Peter Jackson’s world
      Disgusting, the ideal LOTR game wouldn't just be a photogrammetry scan of NZ

      • 4 months ago

        Pelennor Fields is one of the things I really would want to see improved, it was very disappointing in Jackson's Return of the king. Fertile farmlands that are supposed to have habitation and fortifications were just reduced into some flat wasteland. I understand why they did it, the CGI tech wasn't quite good enough to handle mass combat in better environment yet.

    • 4 months ago

      Ganker will have me for saying this, but I really just want another good LOTR game with real-time / SOULSLIKE combat & character building & weapon choices that isn't some assassin's creed + batman abomination. It doesn't have to be centered around the characters from the movies since there's boatloads of other story points you could center made-up characters around. Hell it could even be a game set in Harad or Rhûn.
      That, or just BFME3.

      >set in Peter Jackson’s world
      Disgusting, the ideal LOTR game wouldn't just be a photogrammetry scan of NZ

      Agreed, but with jackson's movies existing it's highly unlikely that anyone would make a lotr game not set in that world.

  89. 4 months ago

    Because no company other than Bethesda is doing the stupid thing of letting developers just do whatever, and instead want to craft a cohesive story and focused world.
    That and 90% of developers hate mods for some stupid reason.

  90. 4 months ago

    I'm still surprised there's not a game about being a Dragon and trying to control areas and collect massive amounts of treasure. Seems like easy live service fodder.

  91. 4 months ago

    Pokemon with guns

  92. 4 months ago

    You guys know it, and I know it.

  93. 4 months ago

    >first person focused, third person mostly to admire character and scenery
    >NPCs have schedules and are persistent actors that arent generic mobs that get culled and replaced when you leave the area
    >items and actions with physics, with persistence
    >a fantasy world full of exotic creatures and cultures
    >a custom character that gives you freedom, no being tied down to a forced backstory except for what is required to introduce you to the conflict
    >the freedom to say and do what you want, make any kind of character
    its actually insane that there are almost no games like this
    literally just copy elder scrolls or new vegas
    here is a pic to help you understand

  94. 4 months ago

    >critter game inspired by the satanic scare of the 90's concerning pokémon with a monster rancher DS-like mechanic where you draw the dev's sigils to summon demonsters
    >thousands of people paying you to charge your sigils for you

  95. 4 months ago

    >Band of Brothers but you're a band of mercenaries being sent to defeat the demon king/big bad as a last ditch effort after the "hero" failed
    >Down to earth and as gritty as possible, over half the cast needs to be dead by the end of the game
    You ever have an idea and then get angry that you had the idea because you know it'll never get made?

    • 4 months ago

      >You ever have an idea and then get angry that you had the idea because you know it'll never get made?
      This has been me for the last few years knowing that there will never be a 40k inspired Battlefront I & II ripoff. If Bannerlord is capable of rendering 1000+ units onscreen for their pitched battles imagine the level of carnage that could be wrought with a FPS/TPS hybrid wearing a 40k skin.

  96. 4 months ago

    always wondered why Ubi didnt attempt something similar to Skyrim
    at some point they could've upped the ante a bit and introduce more intersting mechanics like RPG elements and quests, but they just did the same looter shooter/ubitower clearer unironically 20+ times in the last 15 years

  97. 4 months ago

    Two worlds was an attempt

  98. 4 months ago

    last of us mp is something you can only get in last of us 1, nothing else like it

    • 4 months ago

      never played it, what makes it so special?

      • 4 months ago

        Just a very good multiplayer implementation of stealth action, along with teamwork and resource management. Doesn't sound like much when I put like this but it works really well in action, and since there's no alternative the multiplayer still very much alive to this day. I find it weird no one tried copying it.

        • 4 months ago

          >stealth action
          >third person shooter with wallhacks

          • 4 months ago

            stop beign so cynical, it makes you annoying to be around

            • 4 months ago

              lol whyd that make you mad
              maybe you should call it something else next time

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