ITT: games you've played that doesn't exist. >Remember having several Play Station 1 demo discs

ITT: games you've played that doesn't exist

>Remember having several Play Station 1 demo discs
>Remember playing one with a toy story game and 2d/3d on rails space shooter

Can't find any footage or image of that disc

CRIME Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    the 2d/3d one was probably from disc 2 of ps underground demos it was a import game for the black playstations that could make their own games if i recall right.

    • 8 months ago

      the disc also had blasto i think if that narrows it down but i think you needed to hold certain buttons to access it or something

      • 8 months ago

        I had the one with Blasto as a kid. Are you thinking of Einhander?

        • 8 months ago

          NTA the disc that came with PS1 had all that
          Jersey Devil
          a video preview of RE2 I think?

          • 8 months ago

            came with my PS1*** that is

          • 8 months ago

            Do these look familiar?

    • 8 months ago

      ill further add this video was on the same disc i dont have time to check for the shootemup but i know its on there

  2. 8 months ago

    I'm pretty sure left was the logo for a company that didn't make underwear.

    • 8 months ago

      it wasn't. there are copyright papers that describe the cornucopia from the 70s. there have been a million parodies of it throughout the years where the people who made the parodies directly mention inspiration coming from the cornucopia. i.e. flute of the loom with a flute being the cornucopia

      then there's the ant bully shit which is an entire separate issue all together

      as schizo as it sounds, there was legitimately some kind of either mass brainwashing or timeline frickery that went on involving this thing and i feel like the mandella effect being a meme that became popular and the whole "no i cant be wrong we just changed timelines" quip is to get people to handwave and stop thinking about the very rare real instances of something we don't understand actually happening

      • 8 months ago

        there is a Mandela effect about people misremembering the James Bond villain jaw's girlfriend also having braces - she apparently does not. this one is bizzare

        • 8 months ago

          Some Mandela effects are innocent mis-remembering, but the braces one is definitely a psy-op.

        • 8 months ago

          this kinda scared me when i saw she did in fact not have braces

      • 8 months ago

        >copyright papers
        I wouldnt be surprised if it's a test on how easy it is to cover up easy information but there should be more items with the old logo

        the real story is that some chinese sweat shop created bootleg fruit of the loom shirts which had the cornucopia added in it

        then find them

      • 8 months ago

        Then how could the 'altered' logos exist in the same universe as the 'unaltered' copyright papers?

        • 8 months ago

          Because there's something at play here that we don't understand.

      • 8 months ago

        What's the ant bully thing?

        • 8 months ago

          ant bully has a bunch of elite symbolism all over it, a bunch of metaphors for heaven and hell and angels and aliens and timelines and stuff like that. it also has a scene where they show a straight up copy of the FOTL logo with a cornucopia on a tag that says fruit of the loins.

      • 8 months ago

        >Doug Walker's Baby's Day Out review brings up mandela effect.
        >He smugly explains why all these misconceptions would make sense
        >They decide to bring up the Fruit of the Loom shit only after the "smug explanation" segment because even he knows there's no fricking reason for someone to make up a cornucopia when they don't even know what one is
        Fricking disingenuous.

        • 8 months ago

          Illustrations of cornucopias were everywhere in classrooms, anon. Especially when it was fall, and people celebrated thanksgiving.

    • 8 months ago

      Nice try CERN, we're on to you

  3. 8 months ago

    For me, it's this stupid haunted house flash game. I've been searching for it for almost a decade now, but I can't find a single trace of it online.
    My cousin got a desktop that came pre-installed with flash games. Amongst them was a 2D static shock auto scroller, xiao xiao 4, virue cop 2 and this stupid haunted house game.
    It wasn't a game, it was more like an animation loop. You would a looping scene, click, something happens, then you move to the next scene. The art is both cartoonsih and somewhat horror. It's fully in black, white and some form of grey. The only source of color is whenever there's red blood
    It starts you off in the lobby. There's a skeleton reception and in the background a man behind bars. It's mostly still, but once you click, the skeleton's eye socket bleeds then you move upstairs
    Upstairs is a hallway of doors, click, and you auto open the first door. The first door I don't remember, but the second one was pitch black with two red eyes blinking. Click, and the monster opens his jaw
    Next door, has a hunched back man with a jock strapped to a metal board. His brain has been extracted, and it's in a jar, which the hunched back man is carrying. Click, and the jar drops, breaking it
    Four door, is a bathroom. There's a bathtub full of blood, a lady holding a soap next to a foamy sink, an a window which shows a bloody axe swinging down. Click and a half dead man, rises from the tub. He's half skeleton, half skin, spliced vertically
    Next door has three people, a man, a panicking woman and a skeleton. They're all wrapped around spider webs. Click, and giant spiders descend from the top
    There are other doors, which I can't recall no matter how hard I try. Does anyone know what game this is?

    • 8 months ago

      the game is called "the house"
      no wonder you never found it

      • 8 months ago

        pic related is a screenshot to show you that I'm not a lying Black person
        you can find have it and its sequel when downloading flashpoint

        It's not. Like I said, the artstyle was cartoonish, not realistic. It was more like a hotel than a house. You didn't walk or interact with anything. If anything, the 'game' was more like a movie, and you just clicked to move to the next scene. You couldn't go back and forth, or anything like that.
        I was so excited that I might have founded, but it wasn't the one

        • 8 months ago

          isnt it that haunted hotel experience thing you can do once a day or something?
          i remember there being something like that
          it was a website called "hotel 666" or something like that and it was basically a movie with a few choices

          • 8 months ago

            No, unfortunately it's not

    • 8 months ago

      the game is called "the house"
      no wonder you never found it

      pic related is a screenshot to show you that I'm not a lying Black person
      you can find have it and its sequel when downloading flashpoint

  4. 8 months ago

    >be me 1998 or so
    >play on win95 pc at my aunt, only keyboard, no mouse yet
    >some top down orthographic military game where i drove around and had to shoot enemies
    >cant remember more details
    i think it even had decent art, it wasnt very pixelated or so, but i cant fully remember

    • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        Is this the one that had "items" as well? Like mines, a bigger bullet, and something else...maybe it was dropping patches of mud or some shit that slowed the tanks that went through it

        • 8 months ago

          Was it the tank game on

    • 8 months ago

      return fire?

  5. 8 months ago

    >get OOT from a pawn shop from with mom
    >boot up a save file.
    >it's 4 slit green
    >red, green, blue, and green link I'm each box
    >run up the rainbow Bridge
    >each link in a corner

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Ah shit, they started AI posting

  6. 8 months ago

    i remember a jurassic park themed game where you have to capture dinosaurs and i distinctly remember throwing a sleep inducing grenade at some of them.
    it was a 2d game. you played as a dude in armour or a robot. i didn't know which.
    i don't really care about it because i discovered monster hunter since then.

    • 8 months ago

      dino defender

      • 8 months ago

        holly shit you're right!

      • 8 months ago

        holly shit you're right!

        the intro chime is burned into my head

        dino defenderrrr! ear worm

  7. 8 months ago

    i even remember the name but cant find it
    >PC 90s / early 2000s edutainment(?) game
    >cool ass early CG intro from the 90s
    >you can make "music" by dragging weird cg renders of stuff onto a track thing on the bottom of the screen kind of akin to mario music maker on the snes
    if any one knows anything / any leads id seriously appreciate it if been hunting for it for over 20 years. i mainly at least want to see that intro again

    • 8 months ago

      took 2 seconds to find what you're talking about while it supposedly took you 20 years. i'm not going to tell you because you're moronic and worthless, fricking satania poster.
      alright fine. i'm feeling nice today.

      • 8 months ago

        aw shit i think thats it dude, seriously thanks man

  8. 8 months ago

    If the cornucopia isn't real then where did the left image come from?

    • 8 months ago

      Created based on the description of what people were claiming they remembered.

  9. 8 months ago

    Not a game but
    >Played this game like crazy as a kid
    >Distinct core memory of me and dad playing and we found a random room with every gun in the game in it
    >Googling such a room comes up with nothing

    • 8 months ago

      Section 5, Timmy Vermicelli. There are several armories to unlock in Driv3r.

      • 8 months ago

        Oh my fricking god...A room full of guns and my dumb ass never thought once to include "Armoury" in any of my google searchers...
        Thanks anon, mystery solved.

  10. 8 months ago

    I remember playing this game from an old shareware disk which I lost and after I got Internet I searched for it every couple years and found nothing. I tried again just now and someone archived it in 2020.
    Turns out the game is pretty bad.

  11. 8 months ago

    The cornucopia completes the picture. Your brain reconstructs a good chunk of memories based on what's logical rather than what was actually remembered, since that suffices for reconstructing the memory. For example, a memory of me in the car with my dad might be reconstructed with the car moving, and me in the passenger seat, even though those details weren't directly transcribed into my brain at the time, but they're logical enough to be presumed and used to fill in the memory. The cornucopia is in that gray zone where it's feasible to have a logo without it, but the logo is better with it. You just need to see one cornucopia in your life for it to slot into those occasions where a cornucopia completes the picture.

    • 8 months ago

      Thank you for a good answer

    • 8 months ago

      the cornucopia is also a staple trope of American pre-school and early grade-school education. So a lot of people have fuzzy memories of cornucopias just floating in their subconsious.

      • 8 months ago

        >be 5 wondering what school is really all about
        >turns out it's really just to learn new trauma

    • 8 months ago

      Bullshit, we all remember the same cornucopia

  12. 8 months ago

    I hate this moronic meme. all thats happening is that people are remembering the colors of the logo being different when you grew up. the leaves werent green, they were golden brown. the logos were so small when printed on the clothes it was hard to tell what exactly it was, and your mind just filled in the blanks. no one ever actually posts the 70s-90s logo because its so obvious, and only mention the modern one

    • 8 months ago

      Nope, I asked my parents about it when I was a kid. I asked them "What's the weird thing behind the fruit?" They told me it was called a cornucopia, and I remember because it struck my 8-year-old brain as sounding stupid as frick, like "Is that even English?" It's the only reason I wound up learning that word as a kid, so I know you're talking shit.

      • 8 months ago

        Some old boomers not remembering what an old logo looked like isn't proof of anything.

        • 8 months ago

          Anon, can you not read? I asked them about it as a child, that's a memory that I have, it's not a matter of anyone remembering the logo wrong. I took the item of clothing to them, and pointed at the logo, and said "What's this?"

          the real story is that some chinese sweat shop created bootleg fruit of the loom shirts which had the cornucopia added in it

          That said, this is the most likely explanation.

          • 8 months ago

            nah you're just.. cornucoping

      • 8 months ago

        Every time this logo is discussed, somebody claims to have this exact memory. Not only is your memory of the logo false, but you've inherited another false memory from reading about it.

        • 8 months ago

          Awfully bold of you to try to dictate someone's memories to them, anon.

      • 8 months ago

        I had this memory as well, I remember where I was too. It was at the 1st floor level of a JCPenny clothes store at the mall, we were 70 feet from the entrance and I could clearly see outside if I looked it that direction since it was on the main thoroughfare, I saw the iconography for their underwear on a large sign printed on wood pattern asthetic with the logo in the center. Mom and Dad told me it was a cornocopia, a fictional source of limitless fruit.

      • 8 months ago

        Very late reply but I have a similar story with the Berenstein bears. I specifically remember asking my mother how to pronounce it because I never saw "Stein" before. Stain yeah. But I'm not israeli so Stein was new to me.

        • 8 months ago

          I always called said "steen", and I remember my parents telling me repeatedly that "ei" doesn't make an ee sound.

    • 8 months ago

      That isn't the whole story. I feel like there must have been some common party-store Thanksgiving cornucopia decoration that had a very similar or perhaps even borderline-plagiarized fruit arrangement, to cement the visual association in so many young minds from a specific generation, because the visual association is too close with too many people. If it was just "you saw brown and filled it in" why does everyone picture the cornucopia the same way? When I saw the mock-up logo it was an exact recreation of how I imagine it in my head; pointing off to the right side, almost entirely obscured by the central apple, with a counterclockwise curly-cue on the end.

      As far as I can tell, that's how nearly everyone pictures it. You don't hear that anyone pictured it as pic related, but if all your brain was doing was filling in "cornucopia" there shouldn't be any consistency, and this is literally the first pic I get from googling "cornucopia"

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      it wasn't. there are copyright papers that describe the cornucopia from the 70s. there have been a million parodies of it throughout the years where the people who made the parodies directly mention inspiration coming from the cornucopia. i.e. flute of the loom with a flute being the cornucopia

      then there's the ant bully shit which is an entire separate issue all together

      as schizo as it sounds, there was legitimately some kind of either mass brainwashing or timeline frickery that went on involving this thing and i feel like the mandella effect being a meme that became popular and the whole "no i cant be wrong we just changed timelines" quip is to get people to handwave and stop thinking about the very rare real instances of something we don't understand actually happening

      the real story is that some chinese sweat shop created bootleg fruit of the loom shirts which had the cornucopia added in it

      • 8 months ago

        Ah yes, Floot of the Room. I remember it well.

      • 8 months ago

        Yet, nobody can actually find evidence of those bootlegs existing.

        • 8 months ago

          There are photos and videos of those shirts. Google it.

          • 8 months ago

            Why can't you do it?

            • 8 months ago

              Because I don't care about winning the argument? I saw them posted on here, that's enough for me to dismiss the whole thing.

              • 8 months ago

                If you didn't care about winning the argument you wouldn't have replied again.

      • 8 months ago

        ah of course, that explains why the actual company itself filed a trademark that included the horn of plenty

        • 8 months ago

          >obvious parody logo
          >Fruit of the Loin
          just saying

          >the actual company itself filed a trademark that included the horn of plenty
          source or GTFO. You can check

          it wasn't. there are copyright papers that describe the cornucopia from the 70s. there have been a million parodies of it throughout the years where the people who made the parodies directly mention inspiration coming from the cornucopia. i.e. flute of the loom with a flute being the cornucopia

          then there's the ant bully shit which is an entire separate issue all together

          as schizo as it sounds, there was legitimately some kind of either mass brainwashing or timeline frickery that went on involving this thing and i feel like the mandella effect being a meme that became popular and the whole "no i cant be wrong we just changed timelines" quip is to get people to handwave and stop thinking about the very rare real instances of something we don't understand actually happening

          The US PTO has a list of every image ever filed by FOTL and none of them has a cornucopia. It blows my mind too but if the evidence were that clear it wouldn't be so frustrating.

          • 8 months ago

            the post you replied to you stupid homosexual

            it wasn't. there are copyright papers that describe the cornucopia from the 70s. there have been a million parodies of it throughout the years where the people who made the parodies directly mention inspiration coming from the cornucopia. i.e. flute of the loom with a flute being the cornucopia


            then there's the ant bully shit which is an entire separate issue all together

            as schizo as it sounds, there was legitimately some kind of either mass brainwashing or timeline frickery that went on involving this thing and i feel like the mandella effect being a meme that became popular and the whole "no i cant be wrong we just changed timelines" quip is to get people to handwave and stop thinking about the very rare real instances of something we don't understand actually happening

            try reading before spewing out your uninformed opinion next time

            • 8 months ago

              Cornucopia is added as a flag by the US PTO for searching, presumably because it's the sort of thing that, if you designed a logo and were worried you were ripping anything off, you might want to see the FOTL logo. Because even though it's not ACTUALLY a cornucopia, it's the sort of design a cornucopia logo might be confused for.

              If you read the actual page it says
              >05.09.14 Cornucopia (horn of plenty); Containers of fruit; Baskets of fruit
              That's a SINGLE design search code, which includes cornucopias, baskets of fruit, containers of fruit, etc., in a single category due to the similarity.

              That page also shows actual images of every logo covered by the trademark going back to 1922. None of them has a cornucopia on it.

              • 8 months ago

                >I Remember asking my mom what the cornucopia was in the 2000's. You're telling me, that everyone was wearing clothes from the 50's-70's?

              • 8 months ago

                >None of them has a cornucopia on it.
                Not in this quantum reality, no.

      • 8 months ago

        Shut the frick up moron, so you're saying some chinese sweatshop in the middle of buttfrick mainland china, apparently made billions back in the day, because so many people globally have mutual memories the same image.
        How much is fruit of the loom paying you?

      • 8 months ago

        Then where are they all? Plenty of vintage clothing still being sold around. There should be hundreds if not thousands of examples.

    • 8 months ago

      nah I remember the cornucopia distinctly and dont ever recall the 70's-90's logod

    • 8 months ago

      I was born in 2002 and I remember the logo having the damn cornucopia

      the real story is that some chinese sweat shop created bootleg fruit of the loom shirts which had the cornucopia added in it

      I only know this brand for their underwear, so that couldn't be it if they only did shirts

    • 8 months ago

      >People would rather believe they travelled into another reality where everything is the exact same minus minor alterations in market items
      >Instead of them misremembering shit, or marketing in the early 80's was still shit (see Berenstain v Berenstein), or knock offs keeping the corporate logo as close to home as possible

      • 8 months ago

        It stems from the collective unconscious' inability to back down anymore.
        No one can be wrong, so they have to double down; everyone else must be wrong.

        The internet really did a number on humanity. It's gonna take a few generations to see if we can adapt to it.

        • 8 months ago

          Going by zoomers, the outlook is grim.

  13. 8 months ago

    There was a game I downloaded off of AOL games circa 1996. From what I can remember, the game was called "Giga Man 3D", it was a first person person shooter that was so brightly colored that it was obnoxious looking, and the enemy sprites looked like they were made off of bad 80s/90s CG renders of abstract looking enemies (they sort of looked like Reboot characters from what I recall). The weapon you start with was a laser sword that you couldn't see your character holding but when you swung you'd see an animation of laser energy going across the screen. it was also extremely useless. the other weapons were a big red shotgun that you could fire twice before he pumped it, and a three barreled machine gun that was green. all the guns did more damage the closer you were to the enemies.

    Anyway, I have never found any proof that this game exists. I should type some shit into an AI generator and see if I can get anything back that sort of looks like it.

    • 8 months ago

      2 more ones from AOL games, they were technically the same exact game because you could tell they were identical mechanically and just had different sprites and music. It was a game where you were a little guy with a bug spray gun and ants were spreading across the screen. you had to exterminate them before they ate picnic baskets sitting around. the other game was literally the same exact thing with the same gameplay except you were a firefighter killing fire sprites before they reached houses on the screen and burned them down. The music might have been the same between both games.

  14. 8 months ago

    le Mandela Effect is fricking reddit tier garbage. Kys

    • 8 months ago

      I’m from the timeline where Mandela Effect is Ganker-tier kino

    • 8 months ago

      Breathing is reddit tier.

    • 8 months ago

      Nice Youtuber meme. Go back.

      • 8 months ago

        Youtube did not invent tiers you subhuman zoomer cretin.

        • 8 months ago

          How about you go back to funnyjunk.

  15. 8 months ago

    Don't even remember where I got this game, I think it was on a disc that a friend randomly burned for me with a bunch of shit on it.

    You were playing some kind of detective, going around a futuristic facility. First person, point-and-click style. The only thing I remember that really stood out was you could trigger an awkward looking sex scene with a humanoid android receptionist.

  16. 8 months ago

    There are three games (and not thousand-game CD things that you sometimes would get, I mean actual products with names) I remember extremely clearly from my childhood that I have not been able to find in a decade of searching, and I have eventually managed to dredge up the name of almost every PC game I played as a kid.

    Though I'm becoming convinced one of them was a demo for a game that was never released because I have a very clear association of it being on a demo CD with the Waterloo demo of Marathon 2.

  17. 8 months ago

    >keep remembering some RTS I played as a kid
    >upon further inspection of these memories its most likely a version of AoE3 I literally dreamed up
    I really hate those types of dreams that bleed into memory

  18. 8 months ago

    I can't find any footage of it but I at least know it existed. I've found old eBay auctions of people selling copies of it.

  19. 8 months ago

    It was a game on Sega genesis where you had to fight through a maze and you pick between a male warrior and a female warrior.

    • 8 months ago

      Also there was a free game on PC in either the late 90's or early 2000's where you'd go through a maze, you were chased by something and you healed by drinking at school water fountains

  20. 8 months ago

    I played a game that was sort of multiplayer and there was a character with a shopping cart and strange wacky weapons. It was a bit cartoon like and there may have been a tiger like character. I just remember that the character was able to transform into other characters through power ups and all the characters were crazy and weird. Does this game exist or no..

  21. 8 months ago

    I vaguely remember an Isometric puzzle game about moving a pink ball to an objective trough placing glass tubes, I swear there was something like a yellow funnel too.
    I swear to god if this game doesn't exists I'll make it myself in the future cause it seems autistically made for me...

  22. 8 months ago

    george costanza used to be george constanza

    • 8 months ago

      that's not mandela that's you being dyslexic moron

  23. 8 months ago

    I distinctly remember playing some PC game as a kid where you play as a rollerskating white dog in a top down view, and in 25 years I have not found a single trace that such a game exists.

  24. 8 months ago

    >Some colorful game maybe japanese
    >top camera view
    >I think the levels were floating on the sky
    >the guy you control could eat floppy disk
    >everybody I asked tell Jumping Flash but it's not that

  25. 8 months ago

    I have no memory of this fruit logo at all.

    • 8 months ago

      what dystopian hellhole timeline did you merge from anon

  26. 8 months ago

    front of the luim

  27. 8 months ago

    Some detective game on a floppy disk

  28. 8 months ago

    Some game where you're an archaeologist inside of a pyramid and you have to get through mazes and dodge mummies and shit

  29. 8 months ago

    I played a game on the PS1 as a kid, it was some kind of platformer with a horrible camera system that would constantly rotate around or at the top of the character. It was bad enough that I remember my parents even commenting that it looked like shit and we should return it. I vaguely remember one level being a green landscape with hills and divots, I think some with holes in the ground.
    I feel like the main character was an ant of some kind. I think the main character was orange but it wasn't Bubsy. It was more like a bad Spyro.
    I've been searching for it in PS1 game compilations but have never found it.

    • 8 months ago

      its not crash bandicoot?

    • 8 months ago

      Zapper on PS2 checks a lot of the boxes here, but that's not a PS1 game obviously.

      • 8 months ago

        that game was the shit though
        loved it as a kid

    • 8 months ago
  30. 8 months ago

    I have memories of playing some sort of chinese rts game that played weird. I remember the units moving very slowly and the gameplay being very different to what I was used to (AoE2, Starcraft). I don't think it even had base building. Sometimes I randomly remember it but I can't even begin to know what to search for.

    • 8 months ago

      Battle Realms?

    • 8 months ago

      Supreme Commander 2

  31. 8 months ago

    I once dreamed that I had wasted ten years on a fantasy MMORPG. It had everything from a diverse set of races to more or less balanced classes to great PvE raids and a variety of bawd gear to dress your elf waifu up. One of the playable races were even cows.

    Good thing no game like this ever existed and it was all a dream, right guys?

    • 8 months ago

      Lmao what a ridiculous dream anon
      Don't worry, you didn't waste ten years. You're still 20 and you have your entire life ahead of you.

  32. 8 months ago

    I played a game on i think it was an old apple computer or something that used floppy disks at my friends house. I didn't know how to use the computer at all because I was so young so I would power the computer off, insert a floppy disk and power it back on to play something.

    The label on the floppy disk was cowboys vs Indians I think and the gameplay was a single screen where you played a cowboy and Indians would show up from sides of the screen and you would shoot them. The graphics were terrible, almost like atari 2600 style. I've searched every combination of cowboys and Indian games for old computers and atari and I've never found it. I must have imagined the game since I was so young.

  33. 8 months ago

    This memory still haunts me to this day
    It was on the bionicle Nestle disc with the platforming mini games
    I remember playing with a seventh black toa with tahu's mask, and the 7th black turaga was in the top left of this pic, when i failed the platforming mini game the turaga dissapeared and i looked at my father who was with me and he told me "well, he died, he's out of the game".
    When replayed this years ago i encountered just the 6 turagas as pictured. Take me back to my timeline

    • 8 months ago
      This disc?

      • 8 months ago

        Yes, i still have it.

    • 8 months ago

      The "black toa" you're thinking of is likely all the splash art of tahu's mask in grey/black.

      technically it's not "his" mask either as all the masks could be worn by anyone and there were multiples of them, to tie in with lego selling all sorts of masks in all sorts of colors irl
      I have autism

      • 8 months ago

        This memory still haunts me to this day
        It was on the bionicle Nestle disc with the platforming mini games
        I remember playing with a seventh black toa with tahu's mask, and the 7th black turaga was in the top left of this pic, when i failed the platforming mini game the turaga dissapeared and i looked at my father who was with me and he told me "well, he died, he's out of the game".
        When replayed this years ago i encountered just the 6 turagas as pictured. Take me back to my timeline

        in MNOLG, every Toa can at will transform his mask into any other Toa/Turaga's mask, and use its ability
        picrel: Onua using Nuju's mask

        Maybe what you're remembering was Onua briefly equipping Hau

  34. 8 months ago

    I remember playing a game that was on a PC Gamer demo disc. it was a real time strategy game that was either WW2, Cold War, or modern war themed, and I remember you could take individual control of your units from tanks to infantry. when you took control of the infantry it looked like a really shitty FPS with a really low res hand holding a gun at the bottom of the screen.

  35. 8 months ago

    What the frick is a cornucopia anyways? I've never seen one growing on a tree irl.

    • 8 months ago

      that's because it's a basket anon not a fruit
      >state of americans

  36. 8 months ago

    I always mention the same two games in these threads though no one has ever been able to help me identify them. One is a Chinese Diablo-like/clone from the late 90s a friend of mine brought back after he visited China for vacation. I might have had something to do with Journey to the West but all I can recall was the word "west" being in the title. There were multiple characters/classes that had unnatural skin colors like a blue man or a pink man and I recall entering some kind of portal that led to some hellscape with pools of blood and corpses strung up on meathooks. Shit was gruesome as hell and unnverved the frick out of me as a kid. I've pretty much given up on finding out what game this was since there's thousands of random Chinese games that are unlabeled and undocumented.

    The other was this one game that may have been a PC metroid clone that came on one of those demo discs with multiple games on it. I remember that same disc had Abuse and Star Wars Dark Forces on it but this one game's name I can't recall. I remember the main character was some guy with long black hair and jumping made him flip through the air like Samus and there was a grapple beam function but it was metal balls instead of an electric beam.

    • 8 months ago

      the big chink diablo like was MU
      i dont know any others

  37. 8 months ago

    I remember playing some kind of 2d platformer starring an anthropomorphic animal in a circus in the early 2000s. Never found its name. I mistakenly remember it as "aero the acrobat" I think Acrobat was in name. But I'm not sure.

    • 8 months ago

      yup, Aero the Acro-Bat
      I never played it but I used to see it at the rental place all the time.

      • 8 months ago

        I don't recognise that one when I look up walkthroughs. Also, I played it on pc.

  38. 8 months ago

    you used to be able to find all those discs on emuparadise before they got cease and desisted and forced to take down all their stuff. It's still floating around though. Tell me what the games were like and I can probably find them.

  39. 8 months ago

    I swore that this game was a false memory that I got from a dream because for years I thought that the concept was too bizarre to be real for a game from its era, but then after I brought it up to my friend and he remembered playing it too I found it after some googling. I guess he and I had played a demo for it at some point. Neat game though. I should pirate a copy and try it out again sometime.

    • 8 months ago

      I kinda have this with Dragon Age Origins. I know I played through it like twice around launch and the expansion a year later but have no idea where I could have possibly been playing it. And the one place I know I could have I did not.

  40. 8 months ago

    I played mickey mania (genesis or snes not sure) on a PC with a keyboard in McDonalds when I was a kid. Still don't understand how.

    • 8 months ago

      Emulator maybe?

  41. 8 months ago

    memory matching card game (flash game) featuring hot girls that look like victoria's secret models
    I played it on addictinggames when I was 7

  42. 8 months ago

    >win98 days
    >3D creation game, can (attempt to) model your own 3D objects, or choose from the library it includes
    >pretty much google sketchup but with a huge library of 3D models
    >always thought it was called 3DO but that's just a failed console
    >isn't 3DMM
    Tried searching for this since like 2006 but never had any luck, only results are either expensive CAD software (which my family never would have afforded back then) or prerendered shit

    • 8 months ago

      I'm probably wrong about being able to model your own things too, probably just let you import stuff instead
      I'm 99% sure the name was similar to 3DO tho, or at least had 3D in the title

    • 8 months ago

      I'm probably wrong about being able to model your own things too, probably just let you import stuff instead
      I'm 99% sure the name was similar to 3DO tho, or at least had 3D in the title

      We had Kid Pix 3D

  43. 8 months ago

    I remember some 20s/90s RTS that my cousins were playing on the computer. Nothing I've seen matches up with what I remember.
    Was probably like Empire Earth or one of those historical ones and I'm just misremembering.

  44. 8 months ago

    unrelated but i remember this game now and want to play it...

  45. 8 months ago

    I have sort of an inverse of this. Back in the late 90's I would browse CNET's downloads section for free games and shareware. I found a game that looked interesting, it had a kid with a skull head and a chainsaw, edgy art style. Many years later I tried to find it again and everyone just linked me to some Newgrounds bullshit, but I knew that wasn't it, because I found it before Newgrounds existed. Finally, a few months ago, I came across it again: Hateful Chris.

  46. 8 months ago

    i need to know what's happening, guys
    what the frick happened to the cornucopia we all remember?
    i know that shit was on my undies, i wore both fotl and bvd undies growing up

  47. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      Obvious shop is obvious. I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.

      • 8 months ago

        this one was confirmed to be drawn by marker

        >obvious shop
        >confirmed drawn by marker
        MIDF out in full force

        • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      this one was confirmed to be drawn by marker

    • 8 months ago

      Clear photoshop and bad logo design. The cornucopia here makes the logo unbalanced and extends awkwardly past the rest of the logo and print zone.

  48. 8 months ago

    tfw played a Breakout-like schump on PS1 which had bosses like a fox doing the washing up and shit. Wish I knew the name of the game

    • 8 months ago

      What makes it Breakout-like?

    • 8 months ago

      >had bosses like a fox doing the washing up
      u wot m8? like washing dishes? Do you have any other deets like whether it looked Japanese or western? I want to know what the frick this could be. There's Puchi Carat that has two characters that could maybe be mistaken for a fox if you're legally blind and inebriated, but that doesn't have any shooting from the paddle.

      • 8 months ago

        Oh literally a fox washing up kek. Pretty sure this is it: Sorcerer's Maze.

        Anon you did it, time to get absolutely fricked playing this game

        • 8 months ago

          Ah shit, as a europoor it was called Prism Land, probably why I could never find it

          • 8 months ago

            They actually released it under both names which is fricking weird.

        • 8 months ago

          Ah shit, as a europoor it was called Prism Land, probably why I could never find it

          I'm glad you got me curious because it looks cool as frick. I'm gonna play this myself now along with
          Block Kuzushi Kowashite Help.

    • 8 months ago

      >had bosses like a fox doing the washing up
      u wot m8? like washing dishes? Do you have any other deets like whether it looked Japanese or western? I want to know what the frick this could be. There's Puchi Carat that has two characters that could maybe be mistaken for a fox if you're legally blind and inebriated, but that doesn't have any shooting from the paddle.

      Oh literally a fox washing up kek. Pretty sure this is it: Sorcerer's Maze.

  49. 8 months ago

    >cart game in the style of Mario Kart 64/Crash Team Racing
    >had the visuals of 64 but had the story mode of CTR
    >remember there was a time where you drive up a giant building and you can see everything down below
    >remember the background was like a giant play mat that kids used to play and one of the landmarks was a giant looking dog building
    >remember being excited because it was like a big world to explore and race around
    I think I dreamed all this up as a kid but I just remember it so vividly

    • 8 months ago

      Could it be Speed Freaks (ps1) ?

  50. 8 months ago

    I remember playing an unknown game that had a sort of "hub" or "warp room" mechanic, similar to Crash Bandicoot or Spyro. Since I was still a young kid, this game would have been from the early 2000's. To this day, I still can't figure out if I was actually playing a real game, or if it was just a very intense dream...

    • 8 months ago

      It might have been Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers (Quack Attack in EU).

    • 8 months ago

      If you had a Philips Cd-i, it could've been Kether

    • 8 months ago

      Super Magnetic Neo perhaps?

  51. 8 months ago

    >remember playing an amazing game
    >remember absolutely frick all about it
    >remember feeling deep satisfaction and bliss after beating the game
    >set my personal standard for a good game and frequently compare anything i play with it
    >does not exist
    is this just me

  52. 8 months ago

    I always post it. Nobody ever gets it.
    >ps1 demo disc
    >side scrolling shooter except it wasn't really side scrolling it was more diagonal
    >funky as hell sound track
    >you play as a ship shooting little blocks and other ships coming at you diagonally
    >some kind of weird pre rendered graphics I think?
    I will never find this

    • 8 months ago

      Here's a horrible snapchat drawing of what I mean by diagonal shooter

      • 8 months ago

        I forgot the image because I'm drunk and irish

    • 8 months ago

      If you actually want to find something try reddit this shithole will never lead you to that and reddit has gotten exponentially worse in the past few months with users leaving twitter and reddit mods leaving from the api stuff so who knows how long even things like their lostmedia subreddit will be reliable for.

      • 8 months ago

        >redditor btfo in less than ten seconds
        lmaoing at ur life

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          Kino, glad that was it. I agree the OST is pretty jammin.

          • 8 months ago

            I'm not even kidding anon. 10 damn years of "it's probably r type xD" and you come out of nowhere and knock it outta the park. I remember even looking at a list of every single shmup game on ps1 and not seeing it and I started to believe it wasn't real. Truely thank you

    • 8 months ago

      Platypus? It has great music and claymation graphics.

      • 8 months ago

        That game crashed my parents computer. Twice. Fricking Miniclip.

    • 8 months ago

      Here's a horrible snapchat drawing of what I mean by diagonal shooter

      I forgot the image because I'm drunk and irish


    • 8 months ago

      It's Shooter: Starfighter Sanvient or something.

  53. 8 months ago

    I remember playing an old point and click game about wizard of OZ but there were these ET (the alien in the movie ET) looking creatures there also.

  54. 8 months ago

    Does anyone remember a CD called something like "Windows Arcade 98"?
    I remember it had a bunch of weird games on it. Among them were knockoffs of stuff like Pacman, Bomberman, and Mario. But also things like Jazz Jackrabbit and Pizza Worm.

  55. 8 months ago

    My parents got me some edutainment game console in the mid 90s (my first game console if you could call it that). It was a long red keyboard-like thing (not sure if it did have keys) with like a pad for a stylus (not even sure if this is right either) and hooked up to the tv. The games were in cartridges, I think it was one unit, no separate controller.. I remember, one cartridges had like some boring carnival themed games, almost SNES style graphics. And I remember this game I guess on another cartridge where you stop raindrops from landing on sunflowers or they get sad. I can't find anything on the stupid thing, I just want to see how lame those games were.

  56. 8 months ago

    I don't know if it was a bootleg or a pirated copy or what, but there was a PS1 game I played way back in the day that I can't find a single thing about. All I remember is it was isometric, you were in a tomb or dark cave or something along those lines, and the player character had a pickaxe. Don't remember if it was any good but this one has bothered me for twenty odd years now and I've never been able to make any headway into finding it.

  57. 8 months ago

    >n64 I think?
    >you play as a kid
    >you run around a forest and collect big colorful gems/diamonds
    >there's other people in the forest and you can actually talk to them and shit
    >I remember you have a sword or a knife and fight giant plants with big mouths
    >giant talking tree (I think)

    • 8 months ago

      Quest 64?

      • 8 months ago

        Nah I remember the main character wore like green clothes and a hat

      • 8 months ago

        I don't remember either of those enemies...

    • 8 months ago

      I don't remember either of those enemies...

      Oh come off it.

  58. 8 months ago

    >old ass PC game
    >was a carnival minigame thing
    >did random minigames to get tickets
    >got all the prizes available
    >never been able to find the name

    • 8 months ago

      Gonna need to be more specific anon

      • 8 months ago

        >point and click game
        >dont remember the minigames at all
        >remember the game is set at night
        >played around somewhere in 2001-2003

  59. 8 months ago

    I remember a point & click about being a toad man in the woods going about your life. Eventually you fall into a keep's dungeon and get locked in by the guards. There was a badgerman too or something.
    I was like 2 when I played this (i think) on PC.
    Either that or it's an incredibly obscure movie.
    Around the 99/2000 mark

    • 8 months ago

      Forgot to mention you had a tree house of sorts.
      No clue how I even got the game or media.
      I think there was a human love interest.

      • 8 months ago

        I remember a point & click about being a toad man in the woods going about your life. Eventually you fall into a keep's dungeon and get locked in by the guards. There was a badgerman too or something.
        I was like 2 when I played this (i think) on PC.
        Either that or it's an incredibly obscure movie.
        Around the 99/2000 mark

        Also, it very definitely ran on Windows XP.
        I played it alongside this plane game

        And Microsoft Combat Flight Sim 3.

    • 8 months ago

      Is there a chance you're talking about the wind in the willows TV show?

      • 8 months ago

        Now this looks familiar. Thank you.
        I'm certain it was playing on my WinXP though. Does it have an obscure tie-in video game maybe?

        • 8 months ago

          Wait a minute. This looks even more familiar.
          Might be it, will check and see if I csn find some footage tomorrow.

  60. 8 months ago

    I'm about 90% sure this was a dream, but there was a PS1 game I remembered playing as a kid that was about these different coloured worms/caterpillars made of simple orbs with some sort of 2D platformer gameplay, you played as a green one, the levels were checkboard-themed for some reason

    • 8 months ago

      That sounds too specific and believable to be a dream imo. I don't know what that is but I hope someone else does because I'm curious now.

  61. 8 months ago

    I distinctly remember a cornucopia, but I could accept that my memory is faulty.

    However the worst one is pic related. In Moonraker, Jaws meets Dolly and they instantly hit off. He smiles at her with his fricked up metal teeth, and she smiles back with her ugly braces, instantly making a connection. The scene is even shot in a way to put her braces front and centre, you can see that her teeth aren't shown until that very shot right after we see Jaws bare his teeth precisely because the whole point was she too had an ugly metal smile.

    Except there are no braces, and the whole scene's direction makes zero sense without them. The braces disappeared, but the scene is shot like they were still there.

    • 8 months ago

      What the frick I also remember that scene like you described and her having braces

      Although somehow I forgot she also had those nice massive breasts

      • 8 months ago

        Hot damn, she does

    • 8 months ago

      I haven't seen this movie, but is it possible they changed it with after effects (or re-shot it) for its physical releases, and only the version that played in cinemas had it? Sometimes movies do stuff like that.

      • 8 months ago

        I'm in the same boat and I dug out the cassette I first saw the movie on.

        No braces, even though I remember them.

    • 8 months ago

      okay what the frick. even if I'm doubting my memory that she had braces, the scene doesn't make any fricking sense if she doesn't have them.

    • 8 months ago

      The bracers scene people remember is from a comercial spoofing this iirc

    • 8 months ago

      Kinda the same, I distinctly remember a scene in MiB 1. When they're reviewing new potential recruits, and J shoots the little girl, K and J have a conversation behind the one way glass to the tune of:

      >Z: "he's a loose cannon"
      >K: "yeah but he got the girl"

      Implying that shooting the little girl IS the solution to the problem. I could swear on everything that this scene did exist and that I watched it numerous times as kid.

  62. 8 months ago

    I searched for years for a weird platformer where I remembered you were a rabbit that needed to collect carrots. Turned out to be Gex 3D

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        I was fixated that you played as rabbit up until I randomly saw gameplay of the game and recognised it. I'm sure a lot of the lost games people search for are just wrong memories.

        • 8 months ago

          That's what sucks about memory, it CAN get things very wrong. Best example for me was Hexus in Fern Gully.

          I had probably seen the film in elementary school but forgot the name and never really thought about it. A decade later and I'm watching Doug Walker for whatever godforsaken reason and he's covering Fern Gully.

          I recalled Hexus as this slimy thin faced mud monster sort of like a skinny version of Gloppy from Candy Land.
          Every single sequence of his toxic love song was recalled (The machinery ooze scene, the tornado of animal symbols "spit em out like spinach" scene, etc) but he was a brown mud monster where as in reality he's some black smog giga chad until he's a skeleton in the ending.

          The falsehood of the memory was so shocking that I've pretty much concluded that the last remaining bits of lost media in my memory have chalked up to falsehoods.

          • 8 months ago

            >slimy thin faced mud monster sort of like a skinny version of Gloppy from Candy Land
            On a shitty CRT screen and as one of those weird early memories where everything is blurry and vignetted, I can see it

  63. 8 months ago

    >Possibly a PS2 game, maybe Dreamcast
    >Isometric view
    >Run around fighting monsters and shit, kind of gauntlet-like
    >Can capture monsters in cards to use as summons/abilities?

    • 8 months ago

      Sounds like Lost Kingdoms but that was on Gamecube

      • 8 months ago

        Looks like that was probably it, I probably had the system wrong might explain why I couldn't find it

  64. 8 months ago

    >Ps2 game
    >set in a medieval era
    >starts off in some watery green rocky woods
    >MC arrives in a town
    >giant monster? or army? destroys the main gate and attacks the city

    That is about everything I remember. This shit is driving me insane. I literally looked at almost all PS2 releases to the point where I'm doubting if it was like a weird dream

    • 8 months ago

      Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2?

  65. 8 months ago

    okay, i remember a shockwave game, you drive around with a vehicle in third person. multiplayer. red and blue teams. the site it was on had a logo of a yellow trophy on a red background. the graphics are primitive, kind of like ps1. you can roll over hills and get temporary abilities by passing over them (regenerating capsule). anyone know what i mean? the website it was on also had other games like a tank one

    • 8 months ago

      *i think you could have four teams even, and there would be a green and orange side. it's like rocket league but you don't score goals, just capture the flag or ffa

  66. 8 months ago

    For the longest time I tried to find this game I played as a little kid and every time I tried to describe it to my friends nobody knew what it was and I finally found it a few years ago because I was looking through box art and saw the box
    >pic rel

  67. 8 months ago

    A stupid fricking flash game i played back in 2004-2006. It was a side scrolling shooter, where you aimed with the mouse and moved with wasd you know the type. I clearly remember that it was named A.T.L.A.S. or ATLAS, but i never fricking found it again, and it fricking makes me mad because it was pretty fun

  68. 8 months ago

    I thought I had this one once. It was a SNES platformer featuring a dog who attacked by barking, fighting green beetles and cats.
    I described it on Ganker for like a year but nobody knew what the frick I was talking about.
    It turns out it existed though, the game was the liscenced game for Family Dog, an obscure Tim Burton cartoon about animal abuse that nobody liked.

    The reason people hadn't had a clue what the frick I was talking about was because what I thought were green japanese beetles in my memory were actually spinning tops the Chuckie the Doll looking kid character attacked you with.

  69. 8 months ago

    There was a weird PS1 demo I played all the time where you were in like some kind of cube and you could rotate the walls and make things fall off or fall upwards if you rotated it fast enough; if I remember right. I remember it being pretty hard and kind of goofy too, but I can not for the life of me think of what game it was and I never once have seen someone else talk about it.

    • 8 months ago

      It sounds like Blast Chamber

      • 8 months ago

        Ohhhh shiiiiit it is!

  70. 8 months ago

    In like 2006 my sister had a horse riding game she got with a riding club subscription she had.
    It starts with you just riding the horses at a starting areaz but then I'm 100% sure you leave the place as it's for a tutorial. From there you basically rode from place to place and buy riding equipment and shit. Remember you being able to get somewhat close to the sea with your horse too.

    • 8 months ago

      Wasn't that the press F to deploy horse wiener game?

      • 8 months ago

        I don't remember anything like that, no.
        It was like a regular riding sim crossed with a mid-2000s WoW clone and made single player.

        • 8 months ago

          It's a meme anon, there was a horse MMO Ganker used to raid like club penguin and I believe it was also hacked.
          Press F to deploy horsewiener was the slogan of those raids.

          But if you're saying it was at the quality of a 3d MMO it might be even newer than what I'm thinking of.

          • 8 months ago

            Well, best way I can describe it is horse morrowind or horse mmo but single player.
            I remember it had WoW vendor-style NPCs at least.

  71. 8 months ago

    Not a game but I remember fighting a giant Chu-Chu on the Private Oasis island in Wind Waker

    • 8 months ago

      Sounds like you got confused with Minish Cap

    • 8 months ago

      Giant chuchu is the first dungeon boss in Minish Cap. You're probably mixing memories

  72. 8 months ago

    My dad always brought home discs with demos and sharewares during the 90s.
    I remember a terror game that mentioned "canada of the dead" (in spanish) and I haven't found anything about it since

  73. 8 months ago

    I remember an Xbox game (xbox specifically) where you could play as customizable mechs. It had quadrapeds and bipeds and everything.
    There was a cool intro cutscene too. Only needed the gamepad to work unlike that famous mech game.
    Anyone know it? I once tried to fibd it but then I think I saw it on a scroll and lost it again.

    • 8 months ago

      Chrome Hounds?
      Armored Core?

      • 8 months ago

        Are they on the original Xbox?

    • 8 months ago

      You remember watching Arena on G4


  74. 8 months ago

    It existed, but there are so few of us that remember...

    • 8 months ago

      GW1 skill icon lookin ass

      • 8 months ago

        Way before GW1.

  75. 8 months ago

    pretty sure this pokemon was called "onyx" but it got mandela'd as well at some point

    • 8 months ago

      Because pokemon with simple name puns are intentionally mispelled except for Golem.

    • 8 months ago

      No it's always been Onix. The irl material is called Onyx.
      It's kind of like Seel and Seal.

  76. 8 months ago

    I remember playing a 2D Mario game where you are in space, hang on before you say "Mario Land 2", that's what I thought it was.

    But it had Mario jumping from planet to planet like it was Galaxy except on the gameboy in a 2D platformer.

  77. 8 months ago

    >some MAME arcade game
    >2D, not too detailed. think wonder boy levels of detail.
    >PC was a small witch I think?
    >you walk, you jump, you shoot
    >1st level was full of greenery
    >all I remember is bosses had a small orb thingy signifying their health, which went from blue, green, yellow, orange, to red. you had to hit it to do damage to bosses
    It's been over 20 years and I still wonder what the frick the game was.

    • 8 months ago

      Off the top of my head, some games that kind of but don't entirely fit your description:
      >valkyrie no densetsu on arcade
      >fray on game gear
      >twinkle tale on megadrive
      >marchen maze on arcade and pcengine (different viewpoints)

      • 8 months ago

        welp I'm curious and doubt anyone will know it here so I made a thread on /vr/ [...]

        It's a side-scroller.

      • 8 months ago

        welp I'm curious and doubt anyone will know it here so I made a thread on /vr/ [...]

        It's a side-scroller.

        It was Wonder Boy in Monster Land. An anon in the /vr/ thread pointed it out. I recognized it instantly when I saw the bosses.
        Thanks for going out of your way to make a thread for a random anon.

        • 8 months ago

          No problem anon, I was curious to know what it was myself. Kind of ashamed I didn't realize what it was from the core comment tho.

        • 8 months ago

          This is a whole ass series you should play the new ones

          Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom
          and Wonder Boy : The Dragon's Trap
          Are legitimately some of the most soulful remakes and reboots I've ever seen

          • 8 months ago

            proof of soul



    • 8 months ago

      Off the top of my head, some games that kind of but don't entirely fit your description:
      >valkyrie no densetsu on arcade
      >fray on game gear
      >twinkle tale on megadrive
      >marchen maze on arcade and pcengine (different viewpoints)

      welp I'm curious and doubt anyone will know it here so I made a thread on /vr/


  78. 8 months ago

    >Ps1 demo disk I vaguely remember playing at cousins house more than twenty years ago
    >3d fighting game with weird creatures
    >Small arena/terrain/platform with third person camera overlooking the area
    >Could run and jump around the arena and attack each over
    >Could fall off the arena
    >Multiple creatures to choose from but I only remember one that resembled a rhino and it had a charging ramming move

    • 8 months ago

      The Unholy War
      I still have that demo. The game was shit honestly.

  79. 8 months ago

    when the live action speed raver movie came out there was some shitty flash racing game made by wrigleys, i dont remember what it was called or the website but i remember it was fun

    • 8 months ago

      Promotional games are true lost media. I recall playing some game featuring an ultra-man like character fighting a character known as Raptor DJ (There was also a gorilla kin or something). The game I believe was called Push the Button.

      I'm 90% sure it was a promotional game for The Chemical Brother's album of the same name, as it had the song Galvanize playing the background (except the lyrics had been edited with a segment being "Girl, the time has come to [push the button]").

      I've not even been able to find it and oddly enough no ultraman styled characters or Raptor DJ seemed linked to the album.

      • 8 months ago

        I spoke too soon, looks like the Push the Button segment is actually in the song.

  80. 8 months ago

    I've determined that World Tendency from Demon's Souls is real and it accounts for the mandela effect.
    When your karmic burden grows the universe gaslights your memory and makes things harder.

  81. 8 months ago

    Oh I also got another one

    >2d sprites platformer
    >was kinda like metroid I guess?
    >main char was a blue robot-like dude, that's why I mention metroid
    >I remember reloading the same map a thousand times because I couldnt get past it
    >pic related, blue dude wouldn't be able to reach that high, can't remember if walljump was a thing

    • 8 months ago

      okay I found it after going through 50 pages of games on an abandoware catalog

  82. 8 months ago

    mandela effect is bullshit, show me actual evidence to support the claim or frick off

    • 8 months ago

      It comes down to the related phenomenon 'cultural residue' some of which has been touched on earlier like the cornucopia and fruit of the loom being satirized and referenced.
      Reality jannies are sloppy and can alter the original, but not things abstracted and embedded in other aspects of the culture.
      They probably do it for free.

    • 8 months ago

      what about Mandela effect is bullshit? mass misremembering of events is definitely a known thing

      • 8 months ago

        It comes down to the related phenomenon 'cultural residue' some of which has been touched on earlier like the cornucopia and fruit of the loom being satirized and referenced.
        Reality jannies are sloppy and can alter the original, but not things abstracted and embedded in other aspects of the culture.
        They probably do it for free.

        the part that is bullshit that I'm referring to is morons not being able to remember shit. that's just them having no brains and thinking what they saw as a dumb ass kid is the way it was and not now as an adult. when in the frick would you ever take the word of a young dickhead? you never would

  83. 8 months ago

    I had a PS1 demo disc one as well. It had nature but also clearly structures. You started in a round room with windows. You could either be walking or a little car that controlled well, you transformed into one. Think Transformers for example. I tried looking for it again and again, going through so many videos showcasing so many different demo discs from the PS1 from regions even far away from mine in case I somehow had one of those, can't find anything related to this game. Please someone tell me I'm not crazy.

  84. 8 months ago

    What's the best gas lighting in a video game ever?

    • 8 months ago

      >main character is gaslit into believing he's an entirely different person
      >audience is gaslit into believing they were delivered a complete product
      >social media managers continue gaslighting about chapter 3 to this day
      Kobumbo's metanarrative excellence knows no bounds.

    • 8 months ago

      Cloud in ff7

  85. 8 months ago

    A browser game from around 2008 that was a lane battler like age of war but in space and with multiple lanes, units were flying space warriors with laser spears and shit, there were multiple factions with cool designs. Apparently im the only one who ever played the game coz no one else knows what I talk about and I cant find any trace of it online. If i remembered the name that would help

    • 8 months ago

      considering space games are snorefests i don't really give a shit

      • 8 months ago

        >i don't really give a shit

        • 8 months ago

          struck a nerve spacetard?

          • 8 months ago


  86. 8 months ago

    Not a vidya but I remember watching a 2D animated movie about a killer whale pod or some shit when I was a kid.
    No clue what it was called.

  87. 8 months ago

    There was a cornucopia and no one will ever convince me otherwise. I trust my senses and memories. The explanation as to why it disappeared eludes me, but it existed without question.

    • 8 months ago

      The reaction some people have to this information is what really baffles me, anon. The angst and fury.

      • 8 months ago

        It's a natural reaction to being told your own senses are lying and that you must replace your reality with someone else's.

        >trusting the single most volatile and easily manipulated part of your brain over the reality in front of you

        enjoy your endless conspiracy, and increasing terror the older you get and worse your memory becomes

        No reality exists except that which I personally experience.

    • 8 months ago

      >trusting the single most volatile and easily manipulated part of your brain over the reality in front of you

      enjoy your endless conspiracy, and increasing terror the older you get and worse your memory becomes

    • 8 months ago

      It existed, it was probably just bootleg stuff. I wore that stuff too. That shit was all over the place

      • 8 months ago

        My parents didn't shop anywhere that sold bootleg clothing, we got everything from J.C. Penney, Sears, and Kohl's.

        • 8 months ago

          you went to all the israelite stores good for you anon

          • 8 months ago

            Somebody's jealous~

  88. 8 months ago

    >dream about a game as kid
    >one of those vivid dreams you fully remember upon waking up and continue playing out with your proper conscious mind while laying in bed

    >years later recall these memories, thinking the game was real and struggling to remember what it was

    this has happened to me at least three times in my life, and it's probably happening to somebody in this thread right now

  89. 8 months ago

    It was this in web browser 3D game where you controlled a backhoe and could actually dig the dirt
    It was in like 2001-2 on some site with a bunch of physics demos
    I cant find it anywhere

  90. 8 months ago


  91. 8 months ago

    i just want cartoon orbit to come back so i can go home...

  92. 8 months ago

    There was some indie game from a 2000's CD with a M shaped noodle that moved around. I think it was called Moshi. Played it on windows xp

  93. 8 months ago

    There was some futuristic racing game on roller coaster like maps on windows pc in 1996-2000. I remember it had a guy talking and a video of him in the menus. When I youtube it, there is a very similar game from that time period, with the talking guy, but I swear to god it is not the game i remember. its possible im misremembering as the similarities are too much to deny.

    i’ve searched through dozens of racing games on windows from this time period and that similar result is the only one that comes close.

    i can’t find anything like it now even the similar one i mentioned.

    • 8 months ago

      Mega Race.

      • 8 months ago

        that is the game i always find. correct. but the gaming im thinking of seems not to exist. the cars weren’t as futuristic looking more regular cars and i dont remember combat. could be mid remembering it all though. maybe i just need to accept that it was the game. but im pretty sure its not

  94. 8 months ago

    quake 1 on ps1

  95. 8 months ago

    Iirc the logo with the cornucopia was for a food manufacturer, like a deli meats company or something like that

  96. 8 months ago

    For me this was THE motherfricker of lost media. It was the first game I ever played and when I finally found it I felt like a god.

  97. 8 months ago

    I remember GTA IV having a specific animation for a NPC rescuing Niko from the sea
    >flying out of the map like a moron
    >crash heli
    >stranded on the sea
    >try to swim to a boat but they all outspeed me
    >boat approaches and NPC grabs my hand
    Later I tried to trigger this animation again but couldn't do it. Searched for it on the internet, couldn't find it. Asked people if they knew something about this, no one knew.

  98. 8 months ago

    Almost all videogame media from my earliest memories have been discovered, sans flash games I probably played through addicting games.

    No, it's actually weird shit I saw on fox kids, kids WB or Syfy (formerly Scifi) that has eluded me all these years.
    >I will never know the origin of the blood maggot mantee that may or may not be from A goosebumps styled show
    >I will never know the origin of the super hero cartoon with a fat super villain who has a shark mouth in his stomach.
    >I will never know the origin of that Syfy film that has a strange humanoid alien that keeps its babies in an amber womb inside the walls of caves
    >I will never know that syfy film that opens with two men fighting on a space mine and one has their neck pop open revealing a green ayy that inject the other guy with some kind of zombie virus.

    • 8 months ago

      >goosebumps styled show
      "are you afraid of the dark?"?

      • 8 months ago

        Considered but when I describe it people tell me I'm describing Goosebump's Vampire Breath up until pink maggot "vampire" is brought up.

        Basically the memory is a bunch of kids are trapped in some place and either another kid or a man is trying to get the kids to drink blood. This supposedly happens in vampire breath, so ok?

        But then I remember the blood-offering character talking about how real vampires are actually this large pink maggot like creature with human eyes, which is on a table drinking blood through a straw, like it's some sort of helpless parasite that needs thralls to take care of it.

    • 8 months ago

      >goosebumps styled show
      "are you afraid of the dark?"?

      If we can bring up non-vidya shit...

      Anyone remember a 2d animated movie from the 90s or such about some kid who like...Looks at things in his dark room while hes drifting off to sleep and he mistakes it for scary monsters which then come get him in his dreams.

      one of the scenes has an old metal wall mounted radiator from his room turn into a sort of bulldog thing and chase him, and i'm pretty sure a coat rack with a hat on it becomes a tall scary guy who also attacks him etc.

      • 8 months ago

        Sounds like that infamous sesame street segment where the kid is afraid of a storm and his toys come alive to spook him but then he realizes its his imagination and does a symphony thing with them.

        Except that wasn't animated

    • 8 months ago

      >>I will never know the origin of the super hero cartoon with a fat super villain who has a shark mouth in his stomach.
      Yellow Submarine had a thing like that

      • 8 months ago

        Yes, the Snapping Turtle Turk. That ain't it though despite being the closest thing I've found to the character I remember.

        This was a cartoon that my memory seems to associate with possibly The Tick, Freakazoid or most controversially, Life with Louie. However when I asked Ganker about the character, people said nobody in those cartoons matches my description.

        This character was portly man, probably more likely a child or teenager though. He had a large shark mouth on his fat stomach meeting at the pants line, not unlike the snapping turk. No eyes on the stomach though, he had a portly head and brown hair. I distinctly recall a red shirt and blue pants.

        There were other characters that were a part of his gang but I only remember a girl in a white jump suit. She had a scooter/bike, or was themed after a scooter/bike. Multicolored tassels were definitely a part of her design.

        The shark mouth kid has a scene where he eats pizza with his stomach maw.

        No fricking clue what it is, Life with Louie superhero fantasy episode? Possibly. The Tick Villain? maybe. Freakazoid? That show is so loved I would have found it. Some rando shit from a Bobby's world rerun? I hope not.

    • 8 months ago

      >No, it's actually weird shit I saw on fox kids, kids WB or Syfy (formerly Scifi) that has eluded me all these years.

      Hate this shit. There was a movie or show on once that had people exploring a haunted mansion, and all I can remember is that an arrow hits a desk while a guy is studying a book, and he looks up at the ceiling and sees a painting of a Cupid.

    • 8 months ago

      I remember seeing some fricking spook show as a little kid, and the only details I could explain are "there is a scene where rain hits a bunch of dirt" and "a character enters a dark room and is attacked by a doll/mannequin thing". It's been fricking decades.
      On a side note, has anyone seen the sequel to Disney's Atlantis? I always remembered the ending of the first third having one of the random village women comfort her newborn that she's been talking about, only for tentacles to emerge from the bundle of cloth.

  99. 8 months ago

    It was an old PC game, where you'd play against enemy archeologists, clicking on stones to find treasures underneath them - sometimes you'd find traps, like a gremlin that steals your money and hides it under another boulder, a tornado that blows away all your money, or an acid trap that destroys your consumable items. Consumable items were stuff like 'x-ray glasses', that lets you see what item is hidden under a rock.

    Another game was a side-scroller where you play a dude that can shoot out drills - it was a 2d platformer where you collect israeliteels, and i think it took place in some Jurassic cavern system? I remember there being a snail enemy that you could hit; it'd recede into it's shell, and roll back from the hit.

  100. 8 months ago

    >had this feeling for so long after playing some PS2 or gamecube demo disk
    >used to dream about the games intro but could never find info on it again and started to think maybe I just imagined the whole thing
    >15 years later or so randomly stumble upon gameplay of it in a youtube video
    >feel like my entire reality just crumbled in on itself
    >play the game
    >its shit
    some things are better left as a fantasy

    • 8 months ago

      Dark Cloud is kino YOU'RE shit

      • 8 months ago

        Dark cloud is great you tasteless homosexual

        you have one chance to redeem that shit opinion: at least play the sequel

        >I've played it as a kid so that means it's good.

        • 8 months ago

          I played it as an adult, it's pretty solid, especially for early PS2. Sorry it doesn't have the advanced physics fricky of BotW or purported difficulty of Dark Souls

          but serious, I admit the first one is a little janky. Dark Cloud 2 is a straight up 10/10 though

        • 8 months ago

          Dark Cloud 2 is fricking insanely good even today, I'll admit 1 is rusty as frick

    • 8 months ago

      I remember being amazed that the sword you had equipped showing up in the cutscenes.

    • 8 months ago

      Dark cloud is great you tasteless homosexual

    • 8 months ago

      you have one chance to redeem that shit opinion: at least play the sequel

      • 8 months ago

        Dark cloud is great you tasteless homosexual

        Dark Cloud is kino YOU'RE shit

        I only played like 2 hours is it a slow burn or what

        • 8 months ago

          yeah, at 2 hours you're still in the first town. You might not even have Xiao unlocked yet

  101. 8 months ago

    I remember downloading a demo of some 3rd person shooter rpg (?) game for the PSP where you were inside some large structure and i never found it again.

  102. 8 months ago

    >Say a kid play a PS1 game long ago.
    >Seemed like an early 3D third person shooter, only level I recall had the player in a weakened state a medical facility, maybe in the mountains with snow.

    • 8 months ago

      sounds like it might have bene Syphon Filter. Does picrel look at all familiar?

      • 8 months ago

        The facility was literally the only level I say the kid play. Thanks for the tip, I'll look over the three games.

        • 8 months ago

          one other game it might have been, Galerians

    • 8 months ago

      Tomorrow Never Dies starts with mountains and snow.

  103. 8 months ago

    still looking for some demo game i played on some pcgamer disc from 15 years ago. it was a trucking sim, but the demo let you start with a pick up truck or a big rig, and you could either do a race or do a few delivery missions.

    i am 92.37% sure its not big rigs or trucking sim

  104. 8 months ago

    >remember edutainment game with dragon librarian(?)
    >thought it was hooked on phonics or jumpstart or some shit
    >can't find anything on it
    >just remember it had weird music numbers

  105. 8 months ago

    All I got is that it was a PS1 demo disc, the intro had neon green writing, the actual game was like a wall of bricks with boulders dotted around. You would destroy bricks and the boulders would drop, I think the boulders dropping was a bad thing because they could hurt your score.

    I didn't even like the game, it had very satisfying sound effects and it disappoints me that I can't remember it.

    • 8 months ago

      Intelligent Cube?

    • 8 months ago

      Sounds like Kurushi / Intelligent Qube. A really nice game.

  106. 8 months ago

    >Early 2000s PC game
    >You walk around and explore a castle
    >Kind of like King's Field/Daggerfall but it's only in one structure
    >Can go out in the courtyard and there's green grass, a fountain, and it's super misty/foggy--everything looks grey
    >Frog in the courtyard
    >Basement area with a skeleton I was scared of as a kid
    /vr/ and my aunt say the game was called Stonekeep, but that one doesn't look anything like I remember. This one was much more 'fluid' and didn't feel like you were on a grid.

    • 8 months ago

      don't know the one you're descripbing, but Stonekeep was pretty good and well worth a playthrough for blobber fans

    • 8 months ago

      shooting in the dark here, Arx Fatalis?

  107. 8 months ago

    Some top down, 2d tank (maybe puzzle) game. Windows vista was the machine I played it on. Stage based. Can't find anything about it, all the similar tank games of that era aren't it.

  108. 8 months ago

    Early or mid 2000s pc game about an alien and flying saucers, suburban level, 3d graphics, 3rd person pov
    Early or mid 2000s pc game, retail store management, top down perspective, janky even for the time, employees or customers sometimes used expletives

  109. 8 months ago

    >Game starts off you grabbing a fat man's face
    >Opening is a princess saying she baked you a cake
    >Game starts you in a open field as the fat man
    >Vaguely open world with the castle having portals to different worlds

    Can anyone help me out?

    • 8 months ago

      Its Super Mario Sunshine

  110. 8 months ago

    I remember a bunch of games that I played that were almost identical some games that really do exist, except the ones I played were good.

  111. 8 months ago

    you sure it wasn't iridion on gameboy?

  112. 8 months ago

    >adobe shockwave game, early 2000's. i'd say 2005-2008
    >light blue background, 3d top down perspective
    >the world had a gray floor with dark red brick tiles for walls, edge of the world is cut off and you can look into the blue void
    >gameplay: some ball or a cube moving/bouncing around, i think it was grid based movement thats all i remember
    been looking for this for a long time but no have no idea what it is.

    • 8 months ago

      forgot to say i played it in the browser, not from an executable

    • 8 months ago

      have a shitty phone drawing since im too lazy to get on my pc. its more like watching the ball/cube from behind, and he's meant to go right here

  113. 8 months ago

    There's a game I played as a kid in the late 90's that I can't remember the name of and can't find any trace of online. I only remember a few vague details:
    >It was a PC/DOS game played via floppy disk I think
    >The game is a platformer and *possibly* also edutainment
    >You play a neon green frog/toad who walks on two feet and can jump
    >You start at your house and you can go left or right. Left is maybe a forest, right is a cave.
    >Goal might have been to collect something? There weren't levels, it was more like areas where you go to collect things.
    >Only enemy I remember was a big brown lump of coal with a face and a bright red mouth that jumped up and down inside the cave.
    >Game could have been part of a collection of edutainment games on the same floppy, possibly involving stacking a bunch of arcade Donkey Kong looking gorillas, although that could have been something else.

    I'd be astounded if anyone knows what I'm talking about.

    • 8 months ago

      That almost sounds like Frogatto, but can't be, it only came out in 2010.

      • 8 months ago

        It definitely wasn't that, but thanks for throwing it out there. The graphics were cartoony and MSPaint-like. There wasn't really anything special about the frog's appearance, except that he was short and a little bit stout and walked on two feet. I think he even jumped on two feet, which is unusual since he's a frog (or possibly a toad). I also remember movement in that game was a bit slow. He just kind of walked along, he couldn't run. I don't remember if he had an attack.

  114. 8 months ago

    A (potentially full-movement) 3D myst-like where you travel through dimensions or Time in a brass box. The only thing I can remember for sure is that there is a sequence where you're tiny and need to get back to the teleport pad, so you press the buttons while tiny and then ride down a railing in a fixed cutscene

  115. 8 months ago

    >Remember having several Play Station 1 demo discs
    >Remember playing one with a toy story game and 2d/3d on rails space shooter

    PS1 Demo Disc #25
    had both Toy Story 2 and the rail shooter Omega Boost

    • 8 months ago

      that menu music starts playing when you put that disc in a cd player

  116. 8 months ago

    >game is set during medieval times
    >the princess has gone missing
    >a wizard, a bard and a cowardly knight set off to save her
    >the last gameplay sequence was them riding a raft along a raging river
    >the ending twist was that the princess was never missing, she jist wanted the knight to prove himself so she could marry him
    I have tried my best to find it, but haven't succeeded so far.
    The game should be at least 15 years old.

    • 8 months ago


  117. 8 months ago

    offtopic but I've basically been in a depression daze for the past 5 years, and my very vivid dreams have started meshing with reality to the point I can't even remember what is real and what isn't. very bizarre feeling, I'm sure someone else has had this experience at some point but apparently my vivid dreams are rare, according to my therapist.

    • 8 months ago

      Have you had yourself tested for Alzheimers yet?
      In any case, try and gain control over your dreams and turn them into lucid dreams.
      The fun thing about lucid dreaming is that you're fully aware that you're dreaming.

      • 8 months ago

        >Have you had yourself tested for Alzheimers yet?
        I haven't, no, but I probably should, now that you say something. Although I am only 22. I have always been under the assumption that the ""loss"" was trauma response and probably some light PTSD, I've got no issue remembering swaths of TypeMoon lore or some shit like that. It is probably a combination of that, drugs, and an awful sleep schedule.

        • 8 months ago

          >awful sleep schedule
          >in combination of drugs
          Yeah, I don't know what you expected.
          Fix your sleep schedule first, then decrease the drug use.
          A lack of sleep can literally kill you.

    • 8 months ago

      i have this same exact thing, my dreams are so close to reality that sometimes something will happen in it that i believe actually happened
      i'm also early 20s
      are we going schizo?

      • 8 months ago

        The "unique" aspect of mine is that I can "create" places that aren't real, but remember and revisit them in other dreams sometimes years later. It's mainly conversations with people I know IRL that I get mixed up on, and I don't often remember exactly what I've already told someone about because of it., but it is the places that really freak me out sometimes. Shit is weird.

        >awful sleep schedule
        >in combination of drugs
        Yeah, I don't know what you expected.
        Fix your sleep schedule first, then decrease the drug use.
        A lack of sleep can literally kill you.

        >Yeah, I don't know what you expected.
        It's not like I made a conscious decision to end up like this, lmao.

        • 8 months ago

          you hit the nail on the head, except the places in dreams thing has been happening since i was young. i'd create spaces based on video game maps and then have recurring dreams in those exact same spaces. nowadays i have an entire fictionalized version of my high school where many of my dreams take place, and it's the same each time.
          the other part only started happening recently, and not just with conversations but also with news headlines. it gets me hella confused sometimes when i remember an update or event that was from a dream and thought it really happened.
          kinda makes me think i'm going schizo but as you mentioned in

          >Have you had yourself tested for Alzheimers yet?
          I haven't, no, but I probably should, now that you say something. Although I am only 22. I have always been under the assumption that the ""loss"" was trauma response and probably some light PTSD, I've got no issue remembering swaths of TypeMoon lore or some shit like that. It is probably a combination of that, drugs, and an awful sleep schedule.

          i am also a sleep deprived daily dabber so that might be the reason for both of us

    • 8 months ago

      One time I had a dream that there were bars of gold behind my bathroom mirror that I believed all the way until I went to the bathroom and remembered my mirror isn't the kind that opens.

  118. 8 months ago

    I remember this flash game that was a super Mario clone. I'm 99% sure it was on newgrounds and it was about tolerance. You would pick a race (only indian allowed), not be allowed to kill goombas, get put in a wheelchair, and eventually the screen would go black to represent blind people. I haven't been able to find this since I was a kid.

  119. 8 months ago

    this isometric view game set in a red desert/canyon type setting

    also a side scroller game with balloons and this puzzle like a pachinko but you change the tilt of each part to send the ball or w/e down to the bottom

  120. 8 months ago

    There was some fricking game either on the sega genesis or ps1 I played with my cousin, I thought it was alien storm but it doesn;t seem to be?

    It was like a run and gun shooter or something similar, the memory that stands out the most is that there was a large purple or blue squirrel or rodent boss you fight up in the treetops of one level. I have no idea if i'm conflating multiple memories or just making it up. I asked my cousin about it and she vaguely remembers something like that but no specific details.

    been driving me crazy but I cannot find any close matches to the game we played.

  121. 8 months ago

    i remember 2 games: one was a jungle, pixelart platform, it had a lot of monsters and it was pretty fun and had big flashy checkpoints, it looked 2000's or smth, u could jump into vines and swing from them, it seemed like a demo tho since i could only complete like,, 2 levels, it had a boy that looked like max steel and a blonde girl

    the other one was a medieval game, 3d-like but very 2000's, it was like TABS but it was pretty dark, dim lights, stone walls and grass floor, u could spawn knights, healers, mages, the noises were pretty fun and they all had like an aaauughhhh sound when they died, u had to battle monsters or other mages just like tabs

    im very curious abt those 2 since they were pretty fun pc games from 2006-2007 i think! i was a little gurl when i played them (like 4-5 yrs old)

  122. 8 months ago

    >point and click funny child game about bunch of cartoon dragons in funny situations
    name was something something Dragons!

    Never found that game again

    • 8 months ago

      was it Blazing Dragons for Saturn and PS1?

      • 8 months ago

        no pc
        back in the 90 somethings

        • 8 months ago

          Dragon History?

          • 8 months ago

            i don't think so
            i remember the art being better and more cartoon instead of pixel art

  123. 8 months ago

    It was a full game disk i got from a game magazine, game was called Virus
    Top down isometric sci fi vehicle shooter
    You had an inventory from 1 to 0 machine gun, grenade, bouncing round saws, homing missile etc,..
    The vehicle was a hover type and it had really cool levels
    I searched the entire internet for it but never managed to find it.
    Last time I played it was in 2004 and i lost the CD when we moved out.
    Every once in a while i remember it and go for a search run but couldn't find it

  124. 8 months ago

    I remember a dos game it was just a black background and coloured letters and numerals that formed a 2d map with doors and keys you could move around. Was around the windows 3.1 era

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        Looks really close, it seems to have more detail than I remember, but who knows it was about 30 years ago and I was born in 87. Thanks anon gives me somewhere to go looking

  125. 8 months ago

    i had some story book game about a hippo? i dont remember much about it but it would be a mid-late 90s CD rom game in a 2d art style. i'm pretty sure it was an interactive book that you could swap words around in for different outcomes or something like that, like making him play super hero vs play fireman or whatever then the story played back for you at the end. henry hippo or something? i could never remember/find it

  126. 8 months ago

    I also played a game on a demo disc over and over again and have never been able to find out what it is
    PS1 demo disc, isometric top down game that started in a graveyard next to a church

  127. 8 months ago

    I remember playing a shitty flash game where you are a bartender (and the gameplay was just mixing drinks) around 15 or 20 years ago but searching for it nowadays only gives me va-11 hall-a

    • 8 months ago

      THATS THE RIGHT MIX!!!!! I LOVE THAT FLASH GAME, u can play it on flashpoint!

  128. 8 months ago

    I swear there was this game forever ago on a DOS demo disc called "One" or something similar. It was a medieval DOS swordfighting game with kind of cartoon graphics. When you opened it, it was titled "There can be only one". I'm guessing this shit got sued into oblivion before it could be published by the Highlander owners but I can find no trace of this demo anywhere. It had like 3 characters you could play and a single player mode but you had to buy the full thing for the full roster. This would have existed by around 1995. It was on a demo disc with maybe 100 to 1000 other games. I'm guessing it's lost forever.

  129. 8 months ago

    When I was ~10, I caught a dark red shiny Golbat in Pokemon Sapphire. The underside of its wings were brown. I knew what shinies were but not what each one looked liked so I was pumped. It ended up evolving into the normal looking shiny Crobat. So when I way later learned that its shiny is supposed to be green, I was confused as hell. This seems like classic kid misremembering but I remember showing it off to friends and my much older brother who should have a more reliable memory. One of those childhood friends I'm still in contact with and my older brother both say they remember it being dark red.

  130. 8 months ago

    the weird thing is we never have historians here helping out all of these anons, we just get help sparingly. guess you all don't play games or study them

  131. 8 months ago

    I could have sworn I played a Guwange cabinet in the early 2000s. It was in Maine and for the longest time I would always remember it as the shmup that had a cat demon as boss. It wasn't until accidentally emulating the game that I recognized it.
    What's the problem? Guwange cabinets were never released overseas and it took until 2010 for the 360 port yet I remember this actually happening

  132. 8 months ago

    Manhunt, I swear, I swear to god, I was playing one of the first levels and one of the enemies started telling me that he was an undercover police agent and that he was there to help me escape. I haven't been able to hear it again and there is no info to find anywhere.

    • 8 months ago

      Check in the audio files.

  133. 8 months ago

    I was playing Assassins Creed Unity several years after release, when the bugs were patched out but there was no one left to do multiplayer with.
    Early on, I was in some store when another assassin walked in and said "Brother, I need your help." And it gave me the choice of yes or no, and when I chose 'yes' it tried to lode for a while, and failed.

    I played through the entire rest of the game without that ever happening again, to the point I wonder if I imagined it.

  134. 8 months ago

    Not a game but rather content in one:
    >make a new town in Animal Crossing on gamecube as a kid using the backup memory card
    >have pic related as a starting villager
    >their personality is lazy and they're a male, down to using the appropriate "voice" in animalese
    >they end up being one of the first to move out, replaced by Sven who has the same personality type
    >a couple of villagers later, Bea moves back in
    >their personality is now normal and their gender is female (aka what they're supposed to be)
    >the inside of their house is completely different (again, now changed to what it's supposed to be)
    >look up their e-reader card a few years ago
    >the bio says she gets down in dumps whenever someone mistakes her for a boy
    I distinctly remember the situation freaking me out as a kid. Wish I took a photo of Lazy Bea's house.

  135. 8 months ago

    I remember playing zoo tycoon with my sister and we were spawning a bunch of squids into an killer whale habitat and one of them spawned in blue. It was imminently killed but I became obsessed with it, I kept trying to spawn one in but it never worked again. I probably have some drawings I made of blue squids when I was like 10 lying around the house somewhere. We probably just spawned in a jellyfish and it was there for such a short time that I remember it being a squid, but I still think about it from time to time.

  136. 8 months ago

    PS2 era RPG(?), all I remember is you could turn a lot of the environmental clutter into materials for crafting.

  137. 8 months ago

    >5 years old or under
    >play side scrolling avengers game for kids(?) that allows you to hot swap between characters on the fly
    >remember captain America, Wolverine, and maybe spiderman
    Not a single avengers game I’ve looked at looks right so far. I even scrolled through every single one on Wikipedia.

    • 8 months ago

      Oh, and it was on pc. I was born in 02 if it helps

    • 8 months ago

      You sure it wasn’t Marvel vs Capcom?

      • 8 months ago

        The art style is plausibly similar, my memory of it now is extremely unreliable but I specifically remember certain aspects of it, like it being side scrolling and being on pc back in the 2000s and having cpt America and Wolverine. Maybe I played a lost marvel game lol.

        ...The Avengers game for the Hyperscan?

        Never had a hyperscan, played with m+kb too

        • 8 months ago

          You sure it wasn’t Marvel vs Capcom?

          Depending on your current age I'm gonna assume Spider Man and X-Men in Arcade's Revenge

    • 8 months ago

      ...The Avengers game for the Hyperscan?

  138. 8 months ago

    A long, long time ago I used to play this DOS game that had this weird square spaceship that you used to traverse large interconnected map solving puzzles mostly involving pushing tetris-ass blocks to progress. There would be enemies that would pour out of some rooms and give you chase.
    I tried looking for this game on and off but haven't been able to find it.

  139. 8 months ago



    • 8 months ago


  140. 8 months ago

    >Windows XP disc
    >barebones LEGO Sports themed minigame collection, including Ski and Basketball
    >had one or two announcer characters
    >had an advertisement for Football Mania
    probably misremembered some details, but I can't find anything about it online
    it might've been one of those discs which just contained a flash loader and SWFs, but can't be sure

  141. 8 months ago

    OK, sunset overdrive but back in 2009, there was this internet Cafe I used to go at least once a week to play left 4 dead with my cousins, it was always full so while waiting I used to watch other people playing, this guy was playing a game that I can only describe as no more heroes and jet set radio fused together, you were an assassin or something and you could grind on rails on a city. I remember seeing a poster with the name of the game and when I got home looking it up on Wikipedia, but I can't find anything about now

  142. 8 months ago

    Okay fricking help me out with this one homies

    I swear to christ I played this game as a kid on the PC or maybe the Playstaion. It's a 3D pacman game, too similar to be a clone, and the ghosts were really tall. There were possibly jumps on the stages, and the only one I really remember was a stage that was brown, and dark, think kinda like Halloween themed. And there were worms, yes worms as something you could eat. Please help me with this, I'm begging you. That's all I have.

    • 8 months ago

      3d maze man or one of its many clones by the same company, 3d frog man perhaps?

  143. 8 months ago

    It doesn't make sense for an underwear company to have a cornucopia. It's called fruit of the loom. That's why there's fruit

    • 8 months ago

      Cornocopia's were baskets designed to wrap around the body so you could collect fruit with both hands. They kind of go hand in hand.

  144. 8 months ago


    Years ago when I was a child there were a couple kids I hung out with and we played games on their computer/ game consoles. I THINK it was a nintendo 64, but it could have been anything. The time period was somewhere around 2000 since I was about 4 then and i'm 27 now. I distinctly remember a specific screen:

    It was either a first-person perspective or cutscene. The environment was the dark inside of some kind of brown ancient temple, possibly mayan-inspired in its design. There were spots of light and the room was otherwise very dark. In the middle of the room was a raised altar or platform where a big buff tribal-looking dude was chained to two pillars on either side of him. I seem to remember this game having blood and a dark atmosphere. Was there ANY game like this on the Dreamcast or N64 or whatever might have existed at that time? My only memory of that game was that one scene, but it might have been a movie that I mistook for a game.

    • 8 months ago

      This is probably Akuji the Heartless, but that's too easy if it was

      • 8 months ago

        I am watching some footage and the opening cgi animation is KIND of similar. This might be it. It doesn't exactly strike me as the thing but it seems close enough so it probably is. Thanks anon. Never heard of this game before.

  145. 8 months ago

    I remember putting PS1 demo discs into a CD player, and it would actually play a full soundtrack. I remember having a purple disc, and I think another was orange. Any idea which these were? I remember Armor Core 1, and Tomb Raider 1 on them

  146. 8 months ago

    A nokia Mario mobile game where you could play as Luigi and he had a bigger jump

    And also another nokia mobile game where you played as an orange ball

    • 8 months ago

      The ball game is Bounce I guess.

  147. 8 months ago

    I remember the night the shift happened. It was a sudden vertigo-like feeling and it came and passed within a matter of seconds.

    Didn't think of it much then, but now I recognize it for what it truly was. Shift from one timeline to another.

  148. 8 months ago

    It was some historical American Civil War game that had instances of Doom clone-esque shooter sequences for PC.

    Never found it again, and it doesn't matter who I talk to about it, no one ever knows what the frick I'm even talking about.

  149. 8 months ago

    There was a first person indie horror game that Vinny Vinesauce streamed like 8 years ago. It had a lot of short ugly looking characters ended with a cliff hanger of him meeting a gigantic female creature that was manipulating everyone. Something along the lines of "Grandma/Mither/Aunt, etc." Vinny never played part 2 and I have no idea if it ever released.
    Its completely unrelated to the Hello Neighbor like game "Granny" series.

    • 8 months ago

      Albino Lullaby?

    • 8 months ago

      >watching streamers

  150. 8 months ago

    are you thinking of this thing? i had it as a kid. it KIND OF has ps1 era graphics and is indeed a 3d on rails space shooter themed to toy story

    • 8 months ago

      a note id like to add to this:
      there appears to be a flash game with a very similar name and concept, 'galatic shootout', that i CAN find videos of on YouTube, but I can't find ANY footage of this produce despite myself using it so many years ago

      • 8 months ago

        frick what i said, i found footage, albeit shitty footage

  151. 8 months ago

    did anyone else play the demo for the eye toy where you cast spells by drawing shapes with a ball?

    I was pogging at how cool it was. then I got my parents to buy it, and the actual games sucked. similar feeling to VR t b h

  152. 8 months ago

    Hanes makes better men's underwear than Fruit of the Loom

  153. 8 months ago

    >daycare i went to as a kid had this computer running xp in the center of the room
    >only game kids would play was this golf game with pink/white targets scattered in the sky
    >mom always dropped me off late and kids would hog the computer so i never got to play it myself
    not interesting at all but i always think about it randomly, don't think it was microsoft golf or a kiddy golfing game. graphics looked just like wii sports

  154. 8 months ago

    For a long time I remembered watching a video game tv show called Twitch (not the website) on a channel called Intro Television (was a channel to sell the tv provider's expanded services, but also had original shows). A decade ago I went to look for it and only found outdated info from old press releases, so I followed the bread crumbs of who bought what in many corporate acquisitions as well as talking to people who worked on the show. Eventually found out Starz owns it but couldn't get through to corporate to see if I could buy a copy.

    A few years ago I finally found it on YouTube thanks to a few uploaders and now it's completely archived physically and digitally for me. May as well share a playlist here since we're talking about obscure video game stuff. Enjoy the blast from the 90s.

  155. 8 months ago

    What kind of adult male wears anything other than boxer briefs?

  156. 8 months ago

    >Adrenaline rush, adrenaline rush

  157. 8 months ago

    Lemon dog in soundland.
    It does actually exist, but microsoft scrubbed its existence from the face of the earth.

  158. 8 months ago

    >distinctly remember getting a SNES when I was 4 or 5 and some side scroller with a wizard with a wand
    >no other memories of either console or game in my entire life
    Where did they go? Did they exist in the first place?

    • 8 months ago

      Was hocus pocus on snes? Me and my brother loved it on pc

  159. 8 months ago

    Does anyone remember this dumb game? For ages I thought my mind made it up

    • 8 months ago

      I only know about it from this jontron video

  160. 8 months ago

    Perfect use case for AI. Nice.

  161. 8 months ago

    The fruit of the loom one is weird. I remember asking my parents what it was, then asking what a cornucopia was when they responded. It could have as easily been some thanksgiving decoration I guess, I just remember it being related to the logo.

  162. 8 months ago

    I played a demo of Donkey Kong Country 2 at a store like Sears in the mall. The map of the first world wasn't like the normal version of the game I had at home. It was flipped in some way, with the ship facing a different direction. I think there was a time limit to play the demo.
    I've never been able to find this version of the game again.

    • 8 months ago

      Something like this

      • 8 months ago

        I played a demo of Donkey Kong Country 2 at a store like Sears in the mall. The map of the first world wasn't like the normal version of the game I had at home. It was flipped in some way, with the ship facing a different direction. I think there was a time limit to play the demo.
        I've never been able to find this version of the game again.

        I guess I'm just wrong, because I found the best possible evidence:


        Lots of cool footage from E3 1995 here.

    • 8 months ago

      Maybe the TV was just fricked

  163. 8 months ago

    reminder the communist logo never had a fricking star on it

  164. 8 months ago

    To this day I'm not sure if I dreamt this or what, but it's driving me insane
    >DOS point and click adventure game
    >pre rendered graphics like DKC from what I remember
    >setting is a city in the future but the architecture is like current NYC, very grey too
    >iirc a noir mystery, had to solve crimes
    >you can control at least 3 different characters, one of them is a big strong robot
    >each character had different skills required to solve puzzles
    >the one "puzzle" I remember was having to open a futuristic newspaper machine
    >tone was semi comedic

  165. 8 months ago

    >remember a flash game called heavy cannon
    >its like space invaders with better effects
    >cannot find a trace of it anywhere

  166. 8 months ago

    I learned the other day that Monkiki's Castles used to be lost media. I used to play it all the time in my dad's Nokia and being really impressed with the graphics

  167. 8 months ago

    That pump my ride flash game where you customized cars, BUT it's the UK edition with a vauxhall nova and a ford Capri . Every Google search comes up with the 3d racing one or the original yank version.

  168. 8 months ago

    random pc shovelware game where you play as a ghost in 2D platforming levels and you can possess enemies.Cant find it

    • 8 months ago

      Avenging Spirit was like this, it had several different ports

    • 8 months ago

      haunt the house: terrortown?

  169. 8 months ago

    I remember 2d game lik pacman, but you were in prison or something and you had to collect keys to open door and escape. Instead of ghosts there were policemen and they were spawning at the center of the map. After all of policemen have spawned they left donut/pie/cookie at the center of the map. That's all I remember and it has been haunting me since forever

  170. 8 months ago

    A DOS game where you were a kid collecting letters in a level to make a word, the kid has weird reddish skin and might've been wearing a hat.

    • 8 months ago

      Word Rescue

      • 8 months ago

        Yep, that appears to be it, though I remember it looking a bit more spooky in my head

        Thanks, Anon.

        • 8 months ago

          You're conflating it with Monster Bash

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah, definintely must be since the game I'm picturing in my head is a perfect mix of the two games.

  171. 8 months ago

    Some 3D windows game around 1997, there were giant flying hornet or bee enemies, you had to fly or jump around barns and shit. Nobody has ever identified this one.

    • 8 months ago

      That might be Earthworm Jim 3D, the first level is a barn that has big enemies in yellow.

      • 8 months ago

        Nope, it's some obscure shareware windows games from a CD, but I appreciate that you took the time to respond

  172. 8 months ago

    A MS-DOS Metroid game
    I remember it having save points, morph ball, bombs, x-ray visor, and a type of bomb that'd keep your momentum so you could kind of throw them.
    I had never played any Metroid game at this point so I didn't know these were Metroid mechanics.

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        Nah that's not it

        I'm not looking for any game.
        Just want to remind people that this awesome game existed.

        Graphics and color palette reminds me of Hocus Pocus. Maybe the same artist?

  173. 8 months ago

    red rex or rex the red some shitty flash game where u played a red knight and killed slimes and shit

  174. 8 months ago

    A flash game where you played as a priest and fricked up zombies

    • 8 months ago

      Oh shit! I think it was called Divine Intervention or something really close to that.

      • 8 months ago

        Yes thanks anon

  175. 8 months ago

    true happiness is figuring out all the half remembered games you played once as a kid

    this was my white whale

    • 8 months ago

      true pain is never finding them

  176. 8 months ago

    I vaguely remember some game for the ps1 on a demo disk where you drove a tiny car think hot wheels around inside of a house

  177. 8 months ago

    A Sonic game I played in about 1999 or so that had Sonic running around a green area with waterfalls, and every few seconds Sonic would look at the camera and make a "sshhhhhh"/silence gesture.
    No, it wasnt Sonic the Hedgehog 1/2/3&K.

    • 8 months ago

      Should've mentioned that I played the odd Sonic game on Windows 95 on a Compaq Armada 4100.

  178. 8 months ago

    My brother left me his ps1 and I remember playing this tank control shooter game. I dont exactly remember what it was about but I do remember two scenes:

    >At one point, you can look inside either a hole on a wall or a keyhole.

    >At some point, there is some worm creature going from one wall to another. You can shoot it and it gives you bloodsplats, but it doesnt take damage or die

    Might be an old RE or sth, but who knows

    • 8 months ago

      Literally RE3.

  179. 8 months ago

    I played game on SNES. You played as a human in a walking mecha. Mecha can be destroyed, you can play without it. You were forced to leave it to enter small doors. I tried to find the name of this game, but no luck.

    • 8 months ago

      Metal Warriors

      • 8 months ago

        I'm not sure, I see literally nothing familiar in this video.

  180. 8 months ago

    In 2004-2005 on computer club saw an unusual game(in comparison with gta3-VC, CS1.6 and starcraft), it was a TPS, probably cover-based, there also was a cinematic with an asian(?) girl in a bedroom where she was in a half-transparent night dress.
    I did some search but I didn't find anything similar

  181. 8 months ago

    I don't have any PS1/Win95/Gameboy game I don't remember, but frick me there are a shit ton of flash games I played that are impossible to find

  182. 8 months ago

    I'm not looking for any game.
    Just want to remind people that this awesome game existed.

  183. 8 months ago

    Some educational game for the mac in the early 90s. Had a musical part with a dog in the front yard of a house or something, some kind of point and click adventure shit. Been trying to find it for years with that description but I guess it's just too vague/or I made it up.

    • 8 months ago

      Sounds like one of the Jumpstart games.

  184. 8 months ago

    Back in the Windows 95 or 98 days there was a game on the family computer where you controlled planes and helicopters in 2D sidescrolling and dropped bombs and shit on targets. Graphics were extremely crude, pixel "art" scenery on a black background (guess every mission was at night) basically looked like mspaint, but it was cool because your bombs would actually destroy everything, you could like erase the scenery
    The program was called winattack.exe and it was in the same folder as Winplex
    I have never been able to find anything about it, not even a mention

    • 8 months ago

      Isn't that just "Attack" for DOS?

      • 8 months ago

        You mean this?

        Nah it was more advanced than this

  185. 8 months ago

    I own the Toy Story game
    It was the most convoluted shit I have ever played

  186. 8 months ago

    Help me out guys
    >old pc game
    >racing/kart game
    >space themed
    >one of the racers a literal plank of wood

  187. 8 months ago

    Not mandela effect since the game is real but in the early 2000's there was a game on shockwave's website called "Dark orbit". It was a singleplayer top down shooter with 3d graphics and was actually pretty good for the time all things considered.

    Years ago I spent a decent amount of effort looking for this game, but finding anything on it was next to impossible because of the top down 2d space MMO of the same name. I did eventually find it and somehow got it running, but between the compatibility issues, bugs, and ancient malware the game came packaged with I can't really say it was worth hunting down.

  188. 8 months ago

    I ask every thread:

    I played it on PC in the Win 95-98 era, it was only a demo and I don’t know if it ever released. In my head I associate it with the Marathon 2 Waterloo demo so it may have been on the same disc, but it also may have just been from the same time.

    It was a visual style similar to the SNES Star Fox, black background wireframe level with simple polygonal ships of primary colors (red, green). You tried to shoot each other but also colored rectangles, the game called them “pylons”. By default you could drive around on the interior surface of a cylindrial level but a button also let you fly in 6DOF mode.

    You chose a pilot from among 3 teams; the red team was humans, the green team was alien monsters IIRC, and the yellow team was like, mummies and pharaohs. They may have been alien pharaohs. When you picked characters they said little phrases and I distinctly remember one saying “I am the best that ever lived”.

    This shit drives me nuts to this day.

  189. 8 months ago

    >the amount of cool games that the world has forgotten about except a few autists
    It's kinda sad to think about

    • 8 months ago

      most things aren't worth remembering

    • 8 months ago

      Don’t pause and reflect on all the music no living person has ever even heard

  190. 8 months ago

    windows 95/98 era. Game was called uranium man or "UM" or something. Played like chips challenge. No music or anything. Just the sound of him dying.

  191. 8 months ago

    I cannot for the life of me find this 2D platformer, possibly online, where you played as a blueberry(? maybe a blue guy) and each stage you got to fight one of two bosses depending on which route you took. I distinctively remember a weird Willy Wonka easter egg in the first level

  192. 8 months ago

    had a bunch of cds with burned trailers for games

    lost it and now I'm forever in limbo searching for a game where you talk to people in huts while riding a buggy in a desert with alien gun that reloads by eating shit. Genuinely spent years looking for it, don't even know if it ever came out.

  193. 8 months ago

    You know, i have this weird memory of these demo discs, one which had shadow of the colossus in it. In the game i remember that if you pressed a button you would go in first person, and if you went at the body at middle then went in frist person there would be some weird purple claw coming out of the protagonist. That shit scared me so since i was a kid i took out the game and threw it away since i though it was haunted or something.

  194. 8 months ago

    This one has been basically impossible for me to search for. It was early on in the addicting games era but some of the games were able to connect players online.
    This one was a strategy chess type of game, characters literally atanding on a stone board with squares. There were different classes of characters fighters, healers, etc. You could level up and change out the characters you had as pieces, and i have a sneaking suspicion that you could pay for the best characters.

  195. 8 months ago

    What was the name of that game where you are a man who goes into a cave then there you find a dude with a knife and covered in blood, then you ask him 3 things
    >why do you have a knife
    >why are you covered in blood
    >why are you here
    Or something like that, then you had the option to kill him or let him go. After that you go inside and there is a depressed woman who gives you a knife and asks you to kill her, you refuse and she kills herself and you get covered in blood after trying to help her, then as you are leaving you find another dude who asks the same 3 question you asked before, and then you can type out any answer you want for them and that answers will appear to some other player who will decide if you live or die and continue the cycle.

    • 8 months ago

      damn i remember something like this

    • 8 months ago

      damn i remember something like this

      Moirai. Game was an experiment art game thing and is now discontinued though, I believe

      • 8 months ago

        "His video game was hacked and destroyed for the 'lulz'"

  196. 8 months ago

    Racing game where every racer's vehicle was unique and had a gimmick ability. One was a white sci-fi monowheel that could turn into a green ball of energy.

    • 8 months ago

      This feels vaguely familiar to me but I can't think of or come up with any racing game where each character had a unique vehicle... are you sure it wasn't a vehicle combat game? That was sort of the gimmick for those games.

      • 8 months ago

        I distinctly remember it being on a racetrack and having positions at the end but not much else

    • 8 months ago

      How old game is?

      • 8 months ago

        From my childhood, so late 80s to early 90s

        • 8 months ago

          So it's not even a ps1?

          • 8 months ago

            I grew up on pirated PC games

  197. 8 months ago

    Pic related was my holy grail lost game for over 10 years back before youtube existed and when search engines sucked. So glad I was able to figure out what it was.
    >mfw I learned it's part of a series
    >mfw I learned that that series is now called Trails

    • 8 months ago

      Is that just Christian Legacy of the Wizard?

      • 8 months ago

        It is legacy of the wizard

  198. 8 months ago

    There was this one racing flash game where you played as weird little freaks and you could flatten or elongate yourself.

  199. 8 months ago

    Playing as April in Game Boy Ninja Turtles. Distinct memory of my friend unlocking the character but it never happened?

  200. 8 months ago

    I remember playing some weird Swedish point-and-click flash game on Newgrounds back in the late 2000s where you play some humanoid loser frog trying to solve some mystery or a murder. He lived with his mum and got 20 Euros a day or week. There was a weird friend who owned a shop and pig policeman. I don't remember much of the game, but I do remember when you get close to solving the mystery, you return home to find your mum decapitated as you check the house and then the game ends

    I can't for the life of me remember the name or find any instance of the flash game anywhere. A few posts on Reddert echo my attempts to find it with no success

    • 8 months ago

      Sounds almost like you crossed something over with Dark Seed 2

      • 8 months ago

        I do clearly remember the mum was a moron and couldn't speak. Any interaction with her and she'd drool. She stayed in the living room which was two screens over from the entrance so in the final scenes in the game you'd return home to find her blood under the entrance and a trail leading to the living room from the kitchen. When you opened the living room door, the lights blink on and you find her head on the table. Your character goes "...mum?" and then her decapitated head drooled like usual. I wouldn't be surprised if it was inspired by Dark Seed, though.

  201. 8 months ago

    Flash game about driving on a top down view with a policewoman wearing skimpy uniform

    Thats all I remember, can’t find it.

  202. 8 months ago

    >pc game, might have had console versions but i played this on a school pc specifically
    >played as this little yellow dragon dude
    >3D, you jumped on enemies and sometimes skateboarded
    >at minimum 9 levels, one being a farm level, one being a circus esque level with the skateboard mechanic, one level was called cloud nine which made child me think of spyro enter the dragonfly
    >collected orbs, i think

  203. 8 months ago

    There used to be a SEGA Genesis where if you didn't input a cartridge, you could play Super Hang On.

    I've yet to find any evidence this actually existed.

  204. 8 months ago

    A mech game that was on one of those XBOX demo discs that had like six to eight demos. For the life of me I can't remember any of the other demos on the disc, I just remember a mech game, on a snowy level almost arctic. No name springs to mind, never been able to figure it out even though the original XBOX doesn't have a huge catalog.

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