ITT: modern game design

ITT: modern game design

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      those were always a thing, /misc/.

      As for on topic, casual gameplay is a modern game design thing

      • 9 months ago

        Take your sixth jab goy.

      • 9 months ago

        It was not common in the west before COVID
        The localization team for the third Phoenix Wright game had a difficult time explaining why Wright was wearing a mask in public during the first case, because wearing a mask to avoid spreading your illness was not common here at the time

        • 9 months ago

          The problem is more explaining why a sub 2% chance matters. Asian countries have the highest death rates from colds

          The point of masks is to make people feel safer so they cram themselves into small places to make other people more money, nothing more.

        • 9 months ago

          >It was not common in the west before COVID
          is this common now?
          I regularly travel all over yurop and people wore masks for the first year but nowadays nobody really does

          • 9 months ago

            Nobody wears a mask after the mandates stopped where I live (rust belt US) but people know the concept now at least

      • 9 months ago

        this game is too demanding! I require easy mode!
        fricking devs do not respect my time!

    • 9 months ago

      Were the masks really that big a deal to you? No one even wears them anymore.

      • 9 months ago

        I drove by a lady wearing one in her car the other day lol

      • 9 months ago

        the point is that they did

      • 9 months ago

        I really hoped that covid would standardize masks in the west as something you wear when you're sick so you don't spray your virus infested saliva anywhere but unfortunately conservatives had to have a meltdown because of a paper cloth in front of their face

        • 9 months ago

          I always did that honestly.
          And as a side effect of the mask mandate several strains of the seasonal flu were effectively wiped out.
          If nothing else it keeps your nasty fricking fingers away from your nose and mouth.

        • 9 months ago

          some people still wear masks all the time when in public where i live. i'm not an anti-mask person but i don't know what keeps them going

          • 9 months ago

            >but i don't know what keeps them going
            People who walk down the street and just hack their lungs out without so much as covering their mouths.

            • 9 months ago

              masks don't protect you, they protect those around you from you

          • 9 months ago

            Paranoia of long COVID

            • 9 months ago

              Nah, I still wear one when I go out and couldn't give a shit about covid.
              It's just that
              1) people have no common decency especially Arabs
              2) it means I can cover up half of my face

        • 9 months ago

          We're too fricking moronic. This society is an absolute nightmare. Yes, I wore a mask. No, I didn't get the jab. One is a longstanding way to avoid disease, the other was a product pushed out the speed of profit.

          • 9 months ago

            >brings up the vaccine unprompted, despite conservatives having a meltdown LONG before that over masks only

            • 9 months ago

              I was preemptively blocking the inevitable hurr durr jab response. They did have that meltdown and it was fricking moronic, yes.

          • 9 months ago

            This. I remember visiting a clinic during the middle of the pandemic and every fricking mother with a child there was maskless. I just turned around and walked out, even though I had a mask on. These people love to talk about their fricking rights, but completely ignore any common sense. The fricking jab doesn't make them immune to virus transmission.

          • 9 months ago

            i didn't get the vax cuz i'm afraid of needles 🙁

          • 9 months ago

            >No, I didn't get the jab

        • 9 months ago

          it's because morons insisted on people wearing them when they were healthy so no one wanted to wear them at all.

        • 9 months ago

          Masks are a normal item in at least south korea and Japan, even before covid
          Really only in US do people make such an huge deal out of it. I remember i was working in texas and sick, so i put on mask, and customers constantly gave me dirty glares or even a few who directly told me i shouldn't wear a mask. Sorry for not coughing on you

        • 9 months ago

          Please don't breathe on me! I can't get the coof or i'll die 🙁
          >t. Mr. b***h-made himself

        • 9 months ago

          if you're sick stay at home, this isn't japan where you have to appease the work god or your family will live in shame.

      • 9 months ago

        People lost their jobs over not getting an experimental medical treatment anon, cute little jokes and epic maymays about it tend to upset some people.

      • 9 months ago

        >No one even wears them anymore.
        Nah, I wear them when I have to take public transport for whatever reason.
        To be honest I was waiting for a reason to wear a mask without looking like a fricking weirdo because people are fricking disgusting

        • 9 months ago

          I was jealous that people in Japan could wear masks whenever they wanted to pretend they had a cold and now I'm glad the west is the same.

      • 9 months ago

        I still wear one because I'm ugly and having an excuse to cover half my face is wonderful. Even better when paired with a hat and sunglasses.

        • 9 months ago

          Covid was unironically the first time I felt normal in public because of this. Apparently I'm cute with half my face covered up.

          • 9 months ago

            >Apparently I'm cute with half my face covered up.
            Sounds pretty gay

            • 9 months ago

              Nah the gays like me without the mask.

          • 9 months ago

            holy shit same. I loved how the mask made me look normal. It was the first and only time I wasn't treated with slight reflexive disgust by total strangers

      • 9 months ago

        Basic hygiene became a political opinion.

      • 9 months ago

        Still have weirdos wearing them around here, not to mention all the lunchtime rowdies that always wear them with hoods up in August for some reason

      • 9 months ago

        this winter is going to frick your brain

        • 9 months ago

          Literally this, copeanons are in for a rude awakening

      • 9 months ago

        I remeber morons wearing them while jogging and cycling, kek.

        • 9 months ago

          See, I'm a mask advocate in public spaces but if you're just running outside on your own you don't have to wear them.
          It's a wide open space you can stay as far away from people as you like.

      • 9 months ago
        • 9 months ago

          I wonder how many times her hands touched things and then her glasses

      • 9 months ago

        You have no idea how much it triggers the election tourists here.
        Having worked at companies in numerous East/Southeast Asian countries throughout the 2010s, I am used to seeing people wearing these masks. But these election tourists don't have that kind of a history. They think it's some kind of a modern conspiracy (created by DA J00000000Z, as always).
        Here's a fun little exercise: If you go to Ganker and post a delinquent character from an older 2000s anime wearing a mask, chances are very likely you'll trigger one of these election tourists who think that "Japan has been pozzed" or some shit like that.

        • 9 months ago

          You're a dumb slave and nothing else, this is copium

        • 9 months ago

          have a nice day. No one would've been against masks if they were merely just something you were encouraged to wear or if they were normalized. The issue was that in many cases it was illegal not to wear them, even if it didn't make sense in context. Now did your weeb loser ass get arrested in Asia before 2020 if you didn't wear a mask? No? Yeah so shut the frick up lol

      • 9 months ago

        Government stooge. "Wear it or stay at home" is that a threat? The police actually attacked people over fake news about masks. Frick you, israelite.

      • 9 months ago

        My face has pretty aryan features but my nose is a tad too big, not hooknose like a israelite but just as long, so wearing a mask was keeping that hidden. The result? Constant female attention, getting hit on in shops, at parties, etc. I also have a bad tendency to smile at bad times because my mouth only knows 2 expressions, happy or neutral so masks were hiding inappropriate expressions too. For a month after the mask mandate ended I still kept it on and loved it. If people in my c**try wore them as autistically as the Japs I'd still be wearing one now.

      • 9 months ago

        Haven't you heard? There's a new, super deadline DelaEpiOmega variant that'll kill everyone so we all need to mask up until around November 15 next year.

      • 9 months ago

        I wear them because I'm shy and want to hide my face

      • 9 months ago

        I am a wagecuck
        wearing them 12 hours a day was painful

      • 9 months ago

        They're trying to enforce them again because of compliant idiots like you.

      • 9 months ago

        >omg who cares it doesn't even matter
        >yes you should be fired and barred from buying food if you don't wear one

    • 9 months ago

      Were the masks really that big a deal to you? No one even wears them anymore.


    • 9 months ago

      the 'based' japs you weebs idolize so much wear masks all the time out of courtesy for other people

      • 9 months ago

        I like jap games but I don't wear masks or give a frick about asiatics, blow me

    • 9 months ago

      This is almost as cringe as the morons who wear a mask in their car alone. Shit really is a fetish to leftists.

    • 9 months ago

      The West somehow turned mask, a product to protect yourself from common flu and dust, into a political standpoint
      So weird

      • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          Long before covid Asian cultures would use masks when sick to prevent spreading their illness.
          It's been proven to work.

          Once covid hit and masks were mandated suddenly everyone is kicking and screaming about how it affects their freedom.

        • 9 months ago

          And don't ask me why I went for Asian cultures first because I could have just said hospitals.
          Hospital workers use masks all the time.

      • 9 months ago

        Long before covid Asian cultures would use masks when sick to prevent spreading their illness.
        It's been proven to work.

        Once covid hit and masks were mandated suddenly everyone is kicking and screaming about how it affects their freedom.

        Dunning-Kruger in full swing. What a drooling mongoloid, Jesus Christ.

        • 9 months ago

          What? Is it the "mandate" that was the problem? If America wasn't full of drooling morons afraid of cloth there wouldn't have been one in the first place.

      • 9 months ago

        because the Pandemic happened in 2020 (aka an Election Year) so anything and everything became a political issue

      • 9 months ago

        Holy frick you are dumb masks don't protect you from shit

    • 9 months ago

      The worst thing about these NU-Frogware Sherlock games is that the titular character looks like a literal tiktok phaggot, compared to the design from the older games where he looks like an veteran detective.

    • 9 months ago

      See Trump's mugshot today?

      • 9 months ago

        I did, good to see corruption of the judicial system is alive and well.

        • 9 months ago

          More like judicial system finally catching on to corruption but I get it, truth and reality doesn't go well with a megaturd.

          • 9 months ago

            >if I don't like it it's uh...corrupt!

            >ignores decades of blatant corruption in congressional and executive branches of government
            >goes after heckin orange man that didn't start any wars and lowered everyone's taxes
            I can literally hear your dilators vibrating from here.

            • 9 months ago

              What illegal things members of congressional and executive branch did that was ignored?

              Also all you're saying is "bro they did illegal things! My guy should be able to do illegal things too!" Is a dogshit argument that my 7 year old says when I don't punish my 4 year old the same way.

              It's also hilarious that you know you have nothing that's why you bring random shit like
              >btw my guy also didnt start a foreign war. So all his crimes should be disregarded!
              Absolute Trump dick sucking derangement.

        • 9 months ago

          >if I don't like it it's uh...corrupt!

    • 9 months ago

      >mass psychosis is actually coming back
      Oh joy...

    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        also the lock downs worked. stay mad republic**ts.

        • 9 months ago

          im going to rim your butthole.

          • 9 months ago

            please do

        • 9 months ago

          Damn bros we did it. We eradicated a virus off the face of the earth and it no longer exists!

    • 9 months ago

      One thing I dislike is that grunge effect for the backgrounds

    • 9 months ago

      >playing DRG with redditor brother and some friends
      >immediately buys and equips medical mask cosmetic for his dorf
      >gets relentlessly mocked until he swaps it for a proper beard
      Sometimes you got to take measures to save your bro from the book.

    • 9 months ago

      Masks are great, they serve as an interesting kinda fetishistic piece of fashion and they're also a nice tool to have when you're sick but still gotta move around in public, certainly preferable to sneezing and getting your snot and spit everywhere, I hated when all the normalgays lost their shit over it.
      Before I could wear it around when I was sick and it was great, now people look at you like you must be insane for wanting to not infect everyone around you.

      • 9 months ago

        just sneeze into your shoulder like a normal person

  2. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      fricking Immortals of Aveum uses "That's not a thing"

    • 9 months ago

      Wtf is this, The Cringe Commandments?

      • 9 months ago

        It's a list of "Do not use these in scripts"

      • 9 months ago
        • 9 months ago

          >AS A 2 YEAR OLD,
          >AS A 3 YEAR OLD,
          >AS A 4 YEAR OLD,
          >AS A 5 YEAR OLD,
          >AS A 6 YEAR OLD,

        • 9 months ago

          the first couple of seasons of workaholics are outstanding so this makes sense

      • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      >The role was written for Chris Pratt.jpg

    • 9 months ago

      I hate leftists so fricking much.

    • 9 months ago

      What if I put a character in my game that says all these lines at some point in the game?
      Would I have created to most hated character of all time?

    • 9 months ago

      To everyone cringe replying to this, I think this is literally a board in a comedy show’s writer room of things to never put into the script. It’s anti cringe

    • 9 months ago

      Uh, so, THAT just happened!
      You're gonna want to see this, guys...

  3. 9 months ago

    >Its a huge world
    >you can go anywhere!! just point your camera there and go!
    >reach end of map
    >"you can go no further"
    Aunomiu or whatever that asiatic's name is, is a hack. So is Todd

    • 9 months ago

      The only area where this is possible in the game is in the desert, which makes sense dude. You don't want to keep going when it's just endless sand.

      • 9 months ago

        I think it's in a snowy area too. I remember seeing a spot on the edge of the map it looked like I could've gone to.

      • 9 months ago

        you could even do the SM64 stair thing with a couple hundred feet of sand so it feels truly endless

        • 9 months ago

          Vice City did that really well with the water. SA had the map keep expanding until a certain point.

    • 9 months ago

      >see that mountain?
      >you cant climb it

  4. 9 months ago

    >Enough Koroks to complete your inventory without having to do chores like going out of your way to search for them or buy a korok map and keep looking at it. You can just grab whichever ones you notice and have more than enough for every unlockable slot.
    This is a major improvement in collectibles. In other "games" with collectibles they are so few and sparse in a a giant empty world and you have to destroy your brain by mindlessly searching for them all, it gives you a damn headache. And that's to unlock things like costumes and stuff. In Zelda the only thing you use the seeds for is to expand the number of weapons you can have at a time, which you don't even need to do and won't miss out on anything. Plus, Koroks can be fun to get, you don't just go up to them and press a like in other "games", you do fun puzzles. Get BTFO now.

    • 9 months ago

      >seeds count towards 100% completion
      enjoy never completing the game I guess

      • 9 months ago

        But they don't! Also don't be a completionest. But again, they do not count! Maybe play the damn game!

        • 9 months ago

          Not according to the ingame percentage. In fact they make up a bulk of the percentage

          • 9 months ago

            That is a lie. The in game percentage does not count them. Pls kys for lying.

            • 9 months ago

              >making shit up just to tell someone they're lying
              why? just honestly, why do this shit? what are you going to gain making yourself look like a moron here?

              • 9 months ago

                >percentage is just a counter
                >a single korok give the same completion as a shrine or dungeon
                So you only do to because it's there, not because it's actually worthwhile. Such a strange argument to make out that the game is poorly designed because of this.

              • 9 months ago

                the game should not be full of garbage that you have to ignore to get to the 10% of the game that's decent. Same goes for the shrines, I did all 120 shrines and maybe 15 of them were actually worth my time, it's fricking garbage

              • 9 months ago

                I wasn't making shit up. Guess you're talking about breath and not tears. Either way I still don't believe you but I won't check.

            • 9 months ago

              they literally count towards the in game completion percentage

              >making shit up just to tell someone they're lying
              why? just honestly, why do this shit? what are you going to gain making yourself look like a moron here?

              not trying to lie or mislead anyone. yeah you dont really need to get them all but i never tried to mislead anyone by saying you need all seeds to 100%

      • 9 months ago

        Does BotW even show completion statistics anywhere?

        • 9 months ago

          bottom left on the map screen

          • 9 months ago

            Ah, apparently it doesn't show up until you beat Ganon the first time. Guess I never noticed it.

          • 9 months ago

            >every shrine completed
            I hate this semen slurping game so much

            • 9 months ago

              >caring at all about a percentage tracker that tracks every single "thing" in the game and weights them all the same

              • 9 months ago

                the issue isn't the percentage tracker, it's how bloated and full of pointless shit the game is. It's what the percentage tracker represents

              • 9 months ago

                >it's how bloated and full of pointless shit the game is
                But it's not. You're b***hing about the koroks which don't make up any significant portion of the game unless you actually try to say that "since the percents are the same getting a divine beast is the same as getting one korok so the game is bloated with koroks."

              • 9 months ago

                Don't bother replying to bait, anon

              • 9 months ago

                but they do make a significant percentage of the game and their entire purpose is to bloat the game and make you waste your time while traversing to make it seem like you're actually doing anything other than running through empty terrain.
                Again "just ignore the shit parts of the game" when the game is constantly trying to grab your attention with said shit parts is not a good defense

              • 9 months ago

                >but they do make a significant percentage of the game
                No they don't.
                >and their entire purpose is to bloat the game
                No. Their purpose is to give you a small reward for doing things anyone who actually likes games would do anyways, like look under rocks or climb tall trees or jump through a ring of lily pads.
                >when the game is constantly trying to grab your attention with said shit parts is not a good defense
                >korok seeds
                >trying to grab your attention
                Oh okay, you're just ACgay shitposting.

              • 9 months ago

                In what world is 72% not a significant amount?

              • 9 months ago

                In what world are a korok seed and a divine beast equal?

              • 9 months ago

                Breath of the Wild's apparently.

              • 9 months ago

                >but they do make a significant percentage of the game
                Dude, they're literally 100% optional, you only do them if YOU want to. Meaning they don't take up anything.

              • 9 months ago

                >empty terrain
                Dude you haven't played the game, stop admitting it! NOW!

              • 9 months ago

                If you took out the filler the map would be 90% empty terrain with an occasional setpiece. That's why the korok seeds are there and why the shrines are so low effort. To trick morons like you into thinking the map isn't empty

              • 9 months ago

                >terrain is bad
                >any sense of scale is bad
                >I should be arriving at a new story location any time I walk more than 5 seconds in any direction
                Based moron who knows nothing about game design but posts on Ganker like he's a game design pro.

              • 9 months ago

                >I should be arriving at a new story location any time I walk more than 5 seconds in any direction

              • 9 months ago

                In other words they added content to a map for the player to do so it doesn't feel as empty as other open world games.

                And you consider this bad.

              • 9 months ago

                >occasional setpiece
                Play the game. Every single place is unique and awesome. Every. Single. One of them.
                >Shrines are low effort
                No they're not, but your "job" is.
                >the map empty
                Prove it right now.

                >terrain is bad
                >any sense of scale is bad
                >I should be arriving at a new story location any time I walk more than 5 seconds in any direction
                Based moron who knows nothing about game design but posts on Ganker like he's a game design pro.

                What the hell? It's new zelda, not a book.

              • 9 months ago

                >Every single place is unique and awesome. Every. Single. One of them.
                Sure, there's some cool setpieces. But eventually the spectacle wears off and you realize the setpieces are just that, empty spectacle setpieces that serve no purpose other than to look cool.
                Every time you reach an area that might be cool mechanically, it proves not to be. Like the giant maze could have been cool but it turns out you can just climb on top of it and circumvent any cool factor a giant maze could have had.
                >Prove it right now.
                what is there left if you take out the korok seeds and the shitty shrines?

              • 9 months ago

                >spending nearly a decade adding tons of fun things and making sure each and every one of them is fun is bad because... Too many?

              • 9 months ago

                >tons of fun things
                really anon? you enjoy pick up the rock "puzzle" for the 50th time? that's the issue, almost nothing in the game is fun, it's 90% literal toddler puzzles. It's not interesting, it's not engaging, it's just fricking filler.
                pic related, if you loved korok puzzles you will love nintendo's next game

                >but they do make a significant percentage of the game
                No they don't.
                >and their entire purpose is to bloat the game
                No. Their purpose is to give you a small reward for doing things anyone who actually likes games would do anyways, like look under rocks or climb tall trees or jump through a ring of lily pads.
                >when the game is constantly trying to grab your attention with said shit parts is not a good defense
                >korok seeds
                >trying to grab your attention
                Oh okay, you're just ACgay shitposting.

                >heir purpose is to give you a small reward for doing things anyone who actually likes games would do anyways
                what? you just do random shit while you're trying to actually play the game? you arrange random rocks in circle shapes?
                no one would do this random shit if korok seeds weren't in the game because they'd be actually playing the game. Same goes for the shrines, there's a reason why the game has a shrine tracker which constantly tries to distract you from getting to your destination despite 90% of the shrines being a total waste of time

              • 9 months ago

                >pick up the rock puzzle
                But that's not a puzzle.
                >almost nothing in the game is fun ACK
                Kys you know for a fact that you're lying. The money isn't worth it. What will you buy when everything is crap because you kept on shitting on anything that dared to be good?

              • 9 months ago

                >But that's not a puzzle.
                exactly and neither are the rest of the korok seeds, so why are they there?
                >Kys you know for a fact that you're lying.
                If you enjoy toddler tier puzzles then sure anon, have fun. Unfortunately I don't have brain damage and can't enjoy them. But don't pretend they're good or not filler

                >but they do make a significant percentage of the game
                Dude, they're literally 100% optional, you only do them if YOU want to. Meaning they don't take up anything.

                aside from the fact that you have to do at least ~50 of them to get your inventory to a reasonable size, that's not an excuse. Having your game filled with 90% garbage is still garbage even if it's optional.

              • 9 months ago

                >aside from the fact that you have to do at least ~50 of them to get your inventory to a reasonable size
                Nope, you could go the entire game without upgrading once and you would be fine

              • 9 months ago

                >8 slots for weapons, 4 for shields and bows
                >in a game that constantly showers you with weapons and asks you to use most of them
                yeah I don't think so homosexual
                even if you were right, it's still moronic to have literally pointless filler in the game and just tell people "just try your best to ignore 90% of the game pls"

                >neither are the rest of the koroks
                Yes they are. Why don't you name some other types of koroks anon?
                >toddler puzzles
                You keep saying this, but somehow it never becomes true. How not?
                >don't pretend they're good
                Everybody knows that every part of modern zelda is good, so just stop it.
                Not a word, it means nothing.

                >Why don't you name some other types of koroks anon?
                ok how about the ones where you have to match the block shape? Are those fun to you? Because a literal toddler could solve this puzzle, I'm not exaggerating.
                Here's a full list of the korok seed puzzles, wanna tell me which one of these you think are "fun"?
                >uhh everyone says it's good so it must be good
                jesus frick just blow your brains out. You're not using them anyway.

                >terrain is bad
                >any sense of scale is bad
                >I should be arriving at a new story location any time I walk more than 5 seconds in any direction
                Based moron who knows nothing about game design but posts on Ganker like he's a game design pro.

                >>I should be arriving at a new story location any time I walk more than 5 seconds in any direction
                Correct, why the frick would I want my game to be filled with pointless, zero challenge traversal?

              • 9 months ago

                >a toddler could solve puzzle
                So what? Toddlers can solve any puzzle.
                >here's a full list
                You posted nothing. You have nothing.
                >everyone says it's good
                I said everyone KNOWS it's good. Including you.
                >should be a visual novel
                Kys right now, you don't belong on the Ganker board or on earth.

              • 9 months ago

                >Toddlers can solve any puzzle.
                No? This is only true if you play games designed for toddlers. Plenty of games have puzzles that require actual thought. what a moronic argument
                >You posted nothing. You have nothing.
                forgot my link 🙂
                >I said everyone KNOWS it's good. Including you.
                No, I don't. It's okay. It's style over substance: the game. The exploration is cool but doesn't last very long because none of the locations are very interesting and the puzzles and combat are just plain bad.
                be a visual novel
                who the FRICK are you quoting?

              • 9 months ago

                >plenty of game shave puzzles that require thought
                So what? Toddlers can think. name a game with puzzles toddlers can't do.
                >XD faces
                The argument is over. You lost.

              • 9 months ago

                >So what? Toddlers can think.
                no, they can't. They literally cannot even understand causality yet. They can match shapes into a box but nothing more complicated. Have you ever actually interacted with a toddler? they're extremely dumb
                >>XD faces
                emoticons are older than you zoomzoom

                >the puzzles are extremely simple.
                Physics puzzles with multiple solutions because your toolkit has creative applications is inherently more interesting and creative than the dogshit in the previous games. Continue to shitpost like the assblasted casual you are.

                >Physics puzzles with multiple solutions
                almost none of the puzzles have multiple solution. No, launching yourself over the finish line with a bomb isn't solving the puzzle even if it's more fun than the braindead puzzles in the game.

                >and actually have decent dungeons.
                HA no. Once OoT rolled along, dungeon design took a massive nosedive becoming ridiculously formulaic falling into a pattern of
                >fake out chest with a map
                >fake imout chest with a compass
                >real chest with the item
                >use item on obvious gimmick you passed earlier
                I mean, you're complaining about matching shapes for koroks using magnesis/Ultra hand but forget that in older games you would also have to do that but it would take 10 times longer as link struggles to push the block into place.

                I'm not here saying "waow botw so bad old zelda so good". I don't like the old zeldas very much either, but botw is definitely the worst in terms of puzzle quality. Even if the old puzzles were just as simple, the game didn't overstay its welcome by being 50 hours long

              • 9 months ago

                >I'm not here saying "waow botw so bad old zelda so good". I don't like the old zeldas very much either, but botw is definitely the worst in terms of puzzle quality.
                Are you moronic?
                You're saying botw is worse for doing the same things but faster.
                >Even if the old puzzles were just as simple, the game didn't overstay its welcome by being 50 hours long
                It's only 50 hours long if you want it to be you jackass.

              • 9 months ago

                >You're saying botw is worse for doing the same things but faster.
                botw is worse for doing the same thing but worse and 5000 times. If the game had 100 korok seeds and 25 shrines I wouldn't be nearly as upset about it.
                >It's only 50 hours long if you want it to be you jackass.
                >you can le go straight to le castle if you le want
                yeah I guess I was just supposed to know the game was shit before I played it?

              • 9 months ago

                >If the game had 100 korok seeds and 25 shrines I wouldn't be nearly as upset about it.
                If it did you'd be whining that it's just as empty as other open worlds. Like you're trying to do now by dismissing any and all interactive content that you don't like.
                Do you see your problem here?
                >yeah I guess I was just supposed to know the game was shit before I played it?
                We had a metric ton of footage and information before the release of the game, you have no excuse to be mad here other than wanting to be mad.

              • 9 months ago

                >If it did you'd be whining that it's just as empty as other open worlds.
                obviously I'd also want the game to be smaller overall. There's no reason for there to be a huge map filled with nothing interesting and 120 shrines when you ran out of ideas at 20
                >We had a metric ton of footage and information before the release of the game
                I go into games blind instead of spoiling everything for myself. You can't seriously say I should have watched everything and just formed my opinion without playing the game right?

                >just ones that don't have a good mechanic tied to expanding inventory
                So all of them.
                >. If it just costed money in botw it would have been fine.
                Meaning you would have to resort to actual mindless busywork doing things like farming a specific enemy that yields the most amount of rupees.

                You're the single most moronic person I've seen on this site.

                >Meaning you would have to resort to actual mindless busywork doing things like farming a specific enemy that yields the most amount of rupees.
                gathering resources in botw is actually pretty fun. Would get annoying if I had to do it endlessly but it's much better than doing the same copypasted korok puzzles dozens of times.
                Progression for the sake of progression isn't good, never said it was.

                >would I still want to do this if there was no reward for it?
                Yes? What kind of dumbass question is that?

                You might have brain damage. I'm not saying that as an insult but if you're an adult male and you find "put rocks in a circle" an engaging activity there's something sincerely wrong with you.

              • 9 months ago

                >obviously I'd also want the game to be smaller overall.
                Let's start making your list based on everything you want then
                >a smaller game
                >far more linearity
                >simpler game design
                >tedious grinding

                >I go into games blind instead of spoiling everything for myself
                Then you're an idiot. You're basically saying that the only thing that makes you interested in a game is hype culture.
                >You can't seriously say I should have watched everything and just formed my opinion without playing the game right?
                What do you think the rest of us do?

              • 9 months ago

                >You're basically saying that the only thing that makes you interested in a game is hype culture.
                No? what made me interested in the game is because I love games with exploration. But it can't just be exploration, there has to be some substance behind it and botw has none.
                >What do you think the rest of us do?
                the fact that you just told me I should have known what playing the game was like before playing it tells me all I need to know.
                Have you even played breath of the wild or did you just watch some reviews and decide it's a masterpiece?
                >Let's start making your list based on everything you want then
                No, I want a game with more substance. I want puzzles more complicated than the tutorial. I want combat that's not janky and has more than 4 enemy types. I want actual bosses that have more than 3 moves.
                If the game has to be smaller to achieve that, so be it. Would have still been an improvement.

              • 9 months ago

                >what made me interested in the game is because I love games with exploration
                You clearly don't because this entire time you've condemning games for having reasons to explore. You even said, and I quote
                >If it just costed money in botw it would have been fine.
                If you could just pay for it then that's not promoting exploration you're just going to Google the most efficient means of grinding for rupees and just repeat it over and over until you're done much like in Minish Cap when grinding for sea shells where you would just pick the area with the most grass, drink a potion and burn it down to the ground picking up the shells as you go.
                That's not fun.
                >I should have known what playing the game was like before playing it tells me all I need to know.
                Oh my god you don't even understand how context works.
                In this context, you could have watched trailers and gameplay footage to see exactly what you were in for. What it wouldn't tell you is how the game feels to play and that's why people occasionally say that you can't understand a game by watching footage.
                And are you really going to pull the "you didn't play it!" card when I know more about it than you do?
                >No, I want a game with more substance
                And yet here you are openly demanding less while ignoring the fact that botw and TotK has literally everything you listed.

              • 9 months ago

                >Would get annoying if I had to do it endlessly but it's much better than doing the same copypasted korok puzzles dozens of times.
                And you said the other anon was brain damaged.
                You're quite literally saying that more engaging content that requires you to use different tools and resources is somehow less engaging than repeating the exact same thing ad infinitum until you've reached your goal.

              • 9 months ago

                resource gathering actually requires you to explore, find good spots, prepare by getting hammers, find enemy encampments that will yield good money.
                Korok seeds are just there. They're not good puzzles, we've established that. You don't need to explore to find them since they're everywhere and aren't hidden.

                I like exploring. I got the game bacuse I can turn the hud off and explore. It's fricking made for me.
                When exploring I never waste my time because there is always something to find.
                That is their purpose. They are not the only thing to find either.
                And I've done it all over again in Totk because it's exactly what I wanted.

                exploration has to have substance behind it. This is why botw disappointed me because it's a game that begs to be explored and wants you to see everything but if you actually go and see everything you find shitty puzzles, repetitive shallow combat encounters, fetch quests and eyecandy setpieces.
                You can have both. Games can have good exploration AND have good combat and puzzles.

              • 9 months ago

                I can repeat the same motions of revisiting the same ore deposits to hit with my hammer to get gems to grind money
                I can't run through the same area multiple times to get korok seeds since I will eventually discover all of the seeds in a given area, forcing me to explore if I want more

              • 9 months ago

                >forcing me to explore if I want more
                but you're already doing that. the game doesn't need incentives to explore, the vistas, setpieces and shrines do that. No one goes "oh I should explore more to get more korok seeds" when playing the game because that's moronic.

                >what made me interested in the game is because I love games with exploration
                You clearly don't because this entire time you've condemning games for having reasons to explore. You even said, and I quote
                >If it just costed money in botw it would have been fine.
                If you could just pay for it then that's not promoting exploration you're just going to Google the most efficient means of grinding for rupees and just repeat it over and over until you're done much like in Minish Cap when grinding for sea shells where you would just pick the area with the most grass, drink a potion and burn it down to the ground picking up the shells as you go.
                That's not fun.
                >I should have known what playing the game was like before playing it tells me all I need to know.
                Oh my god you don't even understand how context works.
                In this context, you could have watched trailers and gameplay footage to see exactly what you were in for. What it wouldn't tell you is how the game feels to play and that's why people occasionally say that you can't understand a game by watching footage.
                And are you really going to pull the "you didn't play it!" card when I know more about it than you do?
                >No, I want a game with more substance
                And yet here you are openly demanding less while ignoring the fact that botw and TotK has literally everything you listed.

                >If you could just pay for it then that's not promoting exploration you're just going to Google the most efficient means of grinding for rupees
                And you could also google where all the interesting setpieces are and ruin the exploration for yourself
                I don't think inventory slots should have been gated behind anything at all. It doesn't make the game better.
                >In this context, you could have watched trailers and gameplay footage to see exactly what you were in for.
                I watched one trailer and it seemed like a game centered around exploration, which I love. So I played it and was disappointed there was no substance behind the exploration. I'm not complaining botw wasn't something else. I'm saying the game fails at its own goals.
                >TotK has literally everything you listed.
                I haven't gotten around to playing it yet but from watching my gf play it about 20 hours in, it seems to have the same issues. All style, no substance. Shallow combat, shitty puzzles. The gimmicks are just different. Maybe I will change my mind once I play it though.

              • 9 months ago

                >And you could also google where all the interesting setpieces are and ruin the exploration for yourself
                That's false equivalence you moron. You're just exploring to see what you can find without a specific goal.
                You want a specific goal but with generic materials to achieve it making efficency the name of the game rather than exploration.
                >which I love
                Again, you have been condemning every game focused around exploration without your generic nitpicks of things they all share.
                >So I played it and was disappointed there was no substance behind the exploration.
                The exploration IS the substance anon. This is why I'm saying you don't like it because you're literally saying it bores you.
                >All style, no substance. Shallow combat, shitty puzzles. The gimmicks are just different. Maybe I will change my mind once I play it though.
                Uh huh, sure.
                Just like you "played" the first game.

              • 9 months ago

                >resource gathering actually requires you to explore
                No it fricking doesn't, just pick the area with the highest yield and farm it. You don't have to go anywhere else.

              • 9 months ago

                The korok seeds reward you noticing unusual patterns in nature, such as an odd formation of rocks. Collecting them all would start to get really repetitive because your not supposed to collect them all, they packed an entire open world with them so that no matter where the player decides to go, they'll likely find a few dozen in their journey.
                This only pisses of completionist nerds who think they have to get every single one to beat the game.

              • 9 months ago

                >The korok seeds reward you noticing unusual patterns in nature, such as an odd formation of rocks.
                And if they put actual effort into this, it could have been good. But they didn't. They made a dozen or so of these micro puzzles and then plastered them everywhere. Noticing a rock circle for the first time is kinda cool. Doing it for the 15th time is not.
                >Collecting them all would start to get really repetitive
                They get repetitive even if you're just collecting them casually because none of them are unique.
                >so that no matter where the player decides to go, they'll likely find a few dozen in their journey.
                which is why they're shit. They don't incentivize exploration, they're not good puzzles, they serve no purpose.

                >eyecandy setpieces
                U wot?

                you know, like the giant labyrinths you find. First time I saw one I was fricking stoked because it looked super cool and interesting to explore. But it isn't because it's not an actual maze since you can just climb on top and there's nothing interesting inside of it, it's just empty.
                Almost all setpieces in the game are like this.

              • 9 months ago

                You chose to cheat the maze because the game let you and were disappointed that you cheated the maze.

              • 9 months ago

                That is always his argument. Just ignore him.

              • 9 months ago

                The guys dumb enough to think that's a good argument? So much so he's made it before?
                Wow that's actually funny.

              • 9 months ago

                Bro, the guy is saying that item farming promotes exploration.
                He doesn't know what he's talking about.

              • 9 months ago

                Oh yeah, for a long time now. I even tried engaging with his arguments the first time I encountered him despite anons telling me not to. The next time someone tries to tell you ACgay isn't real, at least you've seen it first hand.

              • 9 months ago

                If that's ACgay, why isn't the dumbass playing Armoured Core?

              • 9 months ago

                Addicted to arguing about Zelda on Ganker. Very sad.

              • 9 months ago

                The guy only pirates Nintendo games.

              • 9 months ago

                And evidently writes an essay to people without reading or understanding them. Half of these contradict other posts too.

              • 9 months ago

                I feel pretty honored that I'm being confused for another zelda hater. He sounds based and correct.

              • 9 months ago

                If the game lets me 'cheat' the maze, it tells me that they didn't actually intend for people to go through the maze normally. I did actually go through the second maze I found normally and it wasn't any better because a maze is only as good as what's at the end, which is nothing.

                >And you could also google where all the interesting setpieces are and ruin the exploration for yourself
                That's false equivalence you moron. You're just exploring to see what you can find without a specific goal.
                You want a specific goal but with generic materials to achieve it making efficency the name of the game rather than exploration.
                >which I love
                Again, you have been condemning every game focused around exploration without your generic nitpicks of things they all share.
                >So I played it and was disappointed there was no substance behind the exploration.
                The exploration IS the substance anon. This is why I'm saying you don't like it because you're literally saying it bores you.
                >All style, no substance. Shallow combat, shitty puzzles. The gimmicks are just different. Maybe I will change my mind once I play it though.
                Uh huh, sure.
                Just like you "played" the first game.

                >You want a specific goal but with generic materials to achieve it making efficency the name of the game rather than exploration.
                No, I want the game to have interesting gameplay. Picking up a rock or making a rock circle 500 times is not interesting or engaging, it's just a waste of time.
                >Again, you have been condemning every game focused around exploration
                No? If you want a game that has both good exploration and substance behind it, try hollow knight. Where finding things is actually meaningful instead of just being a spectacle or a copypasted miniboss.
                >The exploration IS the substance anon.
                Exploration is only as good as the thing you find. If BOTW had a massive cube put in the middle of the map, you'd probably be like "holy shit i wanna see what's inside of the massive cube". Then after like an hour of traversal you make your way inside and it's literally empty, you'd probably be incredibly disappointed. That's how botw felt to me.

                >And if they put actual effort into this, it could have been good.
                Define effort.

                Make like 300 unique ones that are actually hidden so you have to look for them instead of them just being there while copypasting a dozen of them.

              • 9 months ago

                >I want the game to have interesting gameplay
                And how exactly is running around farming a single item for everything interesting gameplay? You wouldn't even need to use more than just your basic weapons.
                Do you see the problem with what you want?
                >try hollow knight
                No. Hollow Knight is extremely tedious and repetitive which for a Metroidvania is impressive.
                >instead of just being a spectacle or a copypasted miniboss.
                That's literally HK.
                >Exploration is only as good as the thing you find
                Now you're just contradicting what you said to another anon earlier.

              • 9 months ago

                >And how exactly is running around farming a single item for everything interesting gameplay?
                It's not, but at least it would be less moronic than the korok seeds.
                Again, I'm not saying I want inventory to cost money, I'm saying I want it to cost nothing but even costing money would be an improvement.
                >Hollow Knight is extremely tedious and repetitive which for a Metroidvania is impressive.
                lol now you're just fricking with me. Every hollow knight area has something interesting to find, a unique boss and a unique set of enemies. botw just has fricking bokoblins everywhere.
                >That's literally HK.
                no? HK has plenty of unique combat challenges. Not all of them are incredibly obviously but they are at least unique and make exploration worthwhile.
                >Now you're just contradicting what you said to another anon earlier.
                huh? not sure what you mean. quote me.

                >Make like 300 unique ones that are actually hidden so you have to look for them instead of them just being there while copypasting a dozen of them.
                So basically do what they did but less so it feels tedious when you have to go long stretches of maps just for a capacity upgrade.

                You know, I know a game that did something like this and it was awful.

                No? You could have the same exact number of them, I just wish they were better. 300 unique korok seeds that are all duplicated 3x is far better than than a dozen that are duplicated 40x
                Same goes for the shrines. If even a half of them were worth doing it would be easier to cope with the bad ones.

              • 9 months ago

                >300 unique korok seeds that are all duplicated 3x is far better than than a dozen that are duplicated 40x
                Anon, none of the seeds are duplicates. Even the ones with the sane objectives have different patterns. Have you actually played this game before?

              • 9 months ago

                ok but surely you see how that doesn't matter right? Every one of those cube pattern puzzles is the same even if the pattern isn't identical.
                It's also not true because a lot ARE duplicates, like the ones that have you pick up a rock, make a rock circle or jump into a circle of water lilies. Those are identical every time.

              • 9 months ago

                >Every one of those cube pattern puzzles is the same even if the pattern isn't identical.
                Then it's not the same is it.

              • 9 months ago

                they are the same because you use the same pattern to figure all of them out and takes about 3 seconds if your iq is above 60. It's literally a "put the square in the square hole" puzzle. It doesn't change if you make it a star instead

              • 9 months ago

                >you use the same pattern to figure all of them out and takes about 3 seconds if your iq is above 60.
                It's almost as if it's a puzzle. You are aware that they aren't meant to be complex right?

              • 9 months ago

                >You are aware that they aren't meant to be complex right?
                then what purpose do they serve? they're not fun for the first time or the tenth time.

              • 9 months ago

                >then what purpose do they serve
                Have you ever done a puzzle outside of video games before? And I don't mean a jigsaw, I mean a legitimate puzzle.

              • 9 months ago

                I have, they're usually cool because they engage your brain and it takes some actual thought to figure out the puzzle. A puzzle that takes 3 seconds to solve and you get to do it 10 times over the course of the game is not that. It's just a waste of time to pad out the game.

              • 9 months ago

                >they're usually cool because they engage your brain and it takes some actual thought to figure out the puzzle.
                if a puzzle requires thought from you then I suppose that explains why you're constantly tripping over yourself.

              • 9 months ago

                you solve every puzzle instantly therefore every puzzle is the same regardless of complexity? what the frick are you even talking about dawg

              • 9 months ago

                Puzzles aren't designed to be thought provoking, they're designed to be small teasers.

              • 9 months ago

                if a puzzle takes 3 seconds to solve it's not a teaser, it's just annoying.
                I think you've never actually solved a puzzle if you think "PUT SQUARE IN SQUARE HOLE" is the most complex you make a puzzle lmao. It's weird because botw actually does have good puzzles, or did you not play the game?

              • 9 months ago

                >PUT SQUARE IN SQUARE HOLE
                Hey, that's every "puzzle" from OoT to SS.

              • 9 months ago

                yeah, I don't like those games either but at least they don't have 900 of them

              • 9 months ago

                Can you name 1 Shrine like that in BoTW?

              • 9 months ago

                one shrine like what? most of the shrines are incredibly simple, tutorial level shrines.

              • 9 months ago

                I asked you to name a Shrine like your supposed example. Name 1.

              • 9 months ago

                I was talking about the korok seeds, but the shrines are also incredibly simple. not as simple as the korok seeds but almost none of them are more complicated than the 4 shrines in the tutorial area

              • 9 months ago

                >still dodging the questuon
                I like how casual idiots admit they didn't play the game.

              • 9 months ago

                literally pick any shrine at random and there's a 95% chance it will be incredibly simple. you think I remember shrine names off the top of my head when they're all so fricking simple and boring

              • 9 months ago

                I'm glad you could finally admit you didn't play the game.

              • 9 months ago

                >you didn't play the game unless you've memorized every shrine names that all have names like GHUNDA RAN SKLONGA

              • 9 months ago

                >you didn't play the game
                Glad you could admit it!

              • 9 months ago

                name every shrine in the game right now or you haven't played the game

              • 9 months ago

                No need. I asked you to name a Shrine like your example, and you couldn't because you didn't play the game. Your concession is wonderful.

              • 9 months ago

                I don't get it. Be real with me anon, do you really expect anyone to be able to remember the name of a single shrine from the game?

              • 9 months ago

                >if a puzzle takes 3 seconds to solve it's not a teaser, it's just annoying
                All puzzles take 3 seconds to solve. They're supposed to be simplistic.

              • 9 months ago

                again, even botw has puzzles that take a while to solve. You're not talking about a game you haven't played, are you anon?
                you should buy some puzzles. Seriously, it's fun to spend like 20 minutes figuring something out.

              • 9 months ago

                >again, even botw has puzzles that take a while to solve.
                It absolutely does fricking not unless you're a total brainlet

              • 9 months ago

                the dlc shrines are pretty good, you should play the game.

              • 9 months ago

                >even botw has puzzles that take a while to solve.
                No, they don't. All of the shrines have simple objectives.

              • 9 months ago

                the dlc shrines are pretty good, you should play the game.

              • 9 months ago
              • 9 months ago

                >Make like 300 unique ones that are actually hidden so you have to look for them instead of them just being there while copypasting a dozen of them.
                So basically do what they did but less so it feels tedious when you have to go long stretches of maps just for a capacity upgrade.

                You know, I know a game that did something like this and it was awful.

              • 9 months ago

                Hollow Knight? The game where 9/10 times you just find a trinket that you sell? The game only has abilities, charms, nail upgrades and geo to find. BotW has koroks, ore, clothes, shrines, weapons and ingredients. I don't see a difference.

              • 9 months ago

                >The game only has abilities, charms, nail upgrades and geo to find.
                No, actually. It has bosses, combat arenas and quests to find. The shit you collect is immaterial, what matters is the actual content.

              • 9 months ago

                >what matters is the actual content.
                Which HK has little of.

              • 9 months ago

                It really doesn't, certainly not compared to botw, a game that takes three times as long to complete and has literally 5 enemy types

                Your view of content is arbitrary. BotW has combat encounters and quests.

                which are all dogshit. The quests are just "collect this material" or "go here to the quest marker and talk to an npc". The combat encounters are all the same by the virtue of the game having no enemy variety. You can't possibly think that fighting about 5000 bokoblins is the same as the numerous enemy types hk has

              • 9 months ago

                >and has literally 5 enemy types
                Ah, unable to count I see.

              • 9 months ago

                ok fine I looked it up, 8 enemy types.

              • 9 months ago

                Keep on going.

              • 9 months ago

                No, that's it. It has 5 minibosses if you wanna count those. Not counting guardians because they're not enemies.
                I don't know how you could possibly think botw's enemy variety isn't total garbage

              • 9 months ago

                Anon, even if you don't count guardians, which is idiotic since they're basic enemies, you'd still have around 12 in botw
                Cursed skulls
                Yiga Footsoldier
                Yiga Blademaster
                Adding the four unique types of guardian brings it to 16.

                You could also include the animals that attack you as well like boars, bears, rhino and Wolves.

              • 9 months ago

                >noo my 100 million AAA flagship game has 12 enemy types, not 8!!
                meanwhile hollow knight, a game made by 4 dudes in their mom's basement

              • 9 months ago

                So we're counting recolors and any damaging object as an enemy for HK?

              • 9 months ago

                what recolors? all of the enemies have unique moves.
                >any damaging object
                no, but there is a handful of those on the list. you could take them out and it would still be massive compared to botw's TWELVE enemies, in a game that costed literally 300x as much to make lel

              • 9 months ago

                >botw's TWELVE enemies
                BoTW has complex enemy AI you moron. Everything you said about game design is wrong, I'm glad developers don't listen to stupid people on this board.

              • 9 months ago

                >BoTW has complex enemy AI you moron.
                lmao what? all of the enemies have 2 moves max
                what's the complex AI exactly?

              • 9 months ago

                Enemies have multiple moves, and moveset has nothing to do with AI. They have different behavior patterns/routines, flank and surround the player in formation react to their environment like pick up different things in their environment they can physically see like weapons and barrels, larger mobs will pick up each other and throw smaller mobs, light weapons on fire and even burn grass if you're near some JUST to kill you, alert each other at your presence, certain enemies death causes different reactions (aka killing a Bobo leader), etc. You haven't played these games moron.

              • 9 months ago

                okay but who gives a shit about any of this? None of this makes combat better, it's just silly spectacle that's cool to see once and serves no actual purpose.
                This is the exact reason why botw is bad. They worked on stupid filler so the game is "charming" and forgot to put actually good combat in.
                >You haven't played these games moron.
                I have I just thought you were talking about something that actually matters to the combat system

              • 9 months ago

                Good enemy AI absolutely makes combat systems better. Stop talking about Action games if you're too stupid to understand them. Again, stop pretending you played these games let alone any game at all. You can't even name a Shrine in BOTW.

              • 9 months ago

                >Good enemy AI absolutely makes combat systems better.
                Sure, when the AI does things that make the combat better, like using tactics or spacing their attacks in interesting ways. But that's not what you listed. I don't give a frick if the AI picks up a stick or a barrel or uses bare fists to fight me. None of that shit matters, especially when the combat is incredibly janky such as flurry rush.
                These are things that you'll see once and go "oh that's neat" and then they'll never matter again because the reality is, the combat is incredibly simple and dumbed down.

              • 9 months ago

                >when the AI does things that make the combat better
                I just explained, are you genuinely stupid?

              • 9 months ago

                cosmetic shit doesn't make the combat better.

              • 9 months ago

                >good AI doesn't make combat better
                >every game should have enemies be literal morons who kill themselves like Souls or stand around doing nothing like previous Zelda games

              • 9 months ago

                >first lizard is bugged or lucky rng
                >second lizard you have to block the hit twice

              • 9 months ago

                It's neither of those things. Enemy AI is OoT is affected by lock-on, and before on or off they act like bumbling morons. But please, look for more excuses to defend garbage enemy design in previous 3D Zelda games in a attempt to know what you're talking about.

              • 9 months ago

                still better than BOTW or TOTK

              • 9 months ago

                Show me this

                Enemies have multiple moves, and moveset has nothing to do with AI. They have different behavior patterns/routines, flank and surround the player in formation react to their environment like pick up different things in their environment they can physically see like weapons and barrels, larger mobs will pick up each other and throw smaller mobs, light weapons on fire and even burn grass if you're near some JUST to kill you, alert each other at your presence, certain enemies death causes different reactions (aka killing a Bobo leader), etc. You haven't played these games moron.

                in OoT, TP, or SS.

              • 9 months ago

                is that a moblin EATING A BIRD??????!?! holy how

              • 9 months ago

                >can't show off the enemy AI
                Is that a concession?

              • 9 months ago

                >moblin eating a bird good
                >moblin actually being a challenging combat encounter BAD

              • 9 months ago

                >challenging combat encounter
                Oh man, OoToddlers have good jokes. They can't even defend the games correctly.

              • 9 months ago

                Not the guy you were arguing with, and not defending OOT, but modern Zelda makes the exact same mistakes and doesn't really fix them. Infact, you have a convenient excuse for why most fights are easy and trivial.

                >they're trash mobs, they're not supposed to be hard
                >you're not supposed to use special abilities to kill the boss, you have to do it a specific way or else you cheated!
                >of course ganon is a pushover! he's a victory lap!
                >why do you want games to be challenging, you damn tryhard?!

              • 9 months ago

                >makes the exact same mistakes
                Show me the good enemy AI in OoT, TP, or SS before you concede.

              • 9 months ago

                >Zelda games

                let me show you how a REAL game offers challenge.

              • 9 months ago

                >can't do it
                Is that the final concession?

              • 9 months ago

                I concede that earlier Zeldas had a problem with difficulty, that we can agree on. However, BOTW and TOTK are still insultingly easy and should be chastised for having less difficulty than Uncharted or TLOU, which are already walk-and-talk sims.

              • 9 months ago

                >I concede
                Noted. What a nice concession, even for ACgay.

              • 9 months ago

                Hey, if there's one thing we can both agree on, it's that older Zelda games did have a problem with difficulty. Only a moronic casual would want games that have spectacle fights with no challenge.

              • 9 months ago

                how did they frick up Ganondorf so bad

              • 9 months ago

                The finale is kino and whoever made that webm fricked up on purpose. You have 3 previous phases against ganon, which is the actual bossfight.

              • 9 months ago

                Frick up what? He's better designed than any of the previous 3D Zelda bosses prior to BoTW.

                >watching a glorified cutscene is kino
                >final bosses shouldn't be difficult
                >I need a victory lap to pat me on the back

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago
              • 9 months ago

                >pretending to be moronic
                >be mad if called a moron

              • 9 months ago

                >calling someone a moron, while completely ignoring the argument
                >has called people "casual idiots" at least 11 times ITT, and yet does not want a challenging dragon ganon fight

              • 9 months ago

                >don't read or engage with the response
                >make up false shit
                >be a homosexual if called out

              • 9 months ago

                >arguing with a israelite like ACgay
                Don't bother.

              • 9 months ago

                Why does this board get so assblasted at me? Is it really such a sin to say that Zelda isn't a masterpiece? You'd think Ganker wouldn't be full of such easily offended snowflakes.

              • 9 months ago

                It's okay. I just used the opportunity to call him a moron while bringing the thread closer to bump limit

              • 9 months ago

                speaking of which

              • 9 months ago

                Frick up what? He's better designed than any of the previous 3D Zelda bosses prior to BoTW.

                why is he a Chinese dragon and not a pig monster

              • 9 months ago

                It's part of the story. Basically sacrificing his consciousness and sanity, through a blasphemous act, but he's at the point where he just desperately wants to defeat link

              • 9 months ago

                >he's at the point where he just desperately wants to defeat link
                He's definitely not trying hard enough.

                >don't read or engage with the response
                >make up false shit
                >be a homosexual if called out

                >make up false shit
                You do know that we can ctrl+f, right?

              • 9 months ago

                Frick up what? He's better designed than any of the previous 3D Zelda bosses prior to BoTW.

              • 9 months ago

                >okay but who gives a shit about any of this?
                This. It's neat details. Great. Details are nice. Problem is their priorities are completely misplaced, the foundation is fricked and I'd much rather have a good foundation than a polished shitty one.

              • 9 months ago

                Good game design isn't "misplaced". Thank God developers don't listen to the casual idiots on this board.

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah it's why they made you wait 6 years and charged you $70 for a flagrant asset flip that fixed nothing. They know you're a hardcore moron who loves abuse.

              • 9 months ago

                >Yeah it's why made another good game that's highly successful, so OoT and its clones can stay dead and buried

              • 9 months ago

                Seeing as how I didn't even mention that game, I don't think anyone has to worry, OoT will always live on rent free in your head. Thank you for your preservation service.

              • 9 months ago

                >Seeing as how I didn't even mention that game
                You quite literally were talking about Zelda.

              • 9 months ago

                >You quite literally were talking about Zelda
                Yeah, BotW. The optimist in me wants to assume you're a falseflag who actually likes OoT and is trying to get people to hate BotW by acting like such a moron in all this entrenched fanboy shitflinging. Either that or you truly top out at around 30IQ. Hard to tell which.

              • 9 months ago

                >Yeah, BotW
                Oh, so the first true good 3D Zelda game? Yes, I'm glad we're past the garbage era.

              • 9 months ago

                Your view of content is arbitrary. BotW has combat encounters and quests.

              • 9 months ago

                >It has bosses, combat arenas and quests to find
                It's a Metroidvania, the important part is exploration and creative use of abilities.

              • 9 months ago

                what do you think the "vania" part of that word implies?

              • 9 months ago

                Have you played igavanias before or do you think it refers to classic Castlevania?

              • 9 months ago

                not sure how that's relevant.

              • 9 months ago

                Anon, have played Castlevania before?

              • 9 months ago

                yes? again, what do you think distinguishes it from metroid where combining them would make sense?

              • 9 months ago

                >And if they put actual effort into this, it could have been good.
                Define effort.

              • 9 months ago

                >eyecandy setpieces
                U wot?

              • 9 months ago

                it's an ACgay shitpost, heed it no mind

              • 9 months ago

                >, it's still moronic to have literally pointless filler in the game and just tell people "just try your best to ignore 90% of the game pls"
                Welcome to just about every video game on the planet
                Sonic has the chaos emeralds
                Crash has the gems
                Bayo has Alfheim
                Pokemon has catching
                Genshin has domains
                And so on and so forth, optional content has been a thing in video games longer than you've been alive and they give players a reason to explore and experiment.
                Without them you get hyper linear experiences like this.

                Also, you're acting like it isn't gameplay when you're actually interacting to get something where in older Zelda games you often just had to talk to someone for an upgrade or, rarely, do a minigame.

              • 9 months ago

                >pointless filler

              • 9 months ago

                >neither are the rest of the koroks
                Yes they are. Why don't you name some other types of koroks anon?
                >toddler puzzles
                You keep saying this, but somehow it never becomes true. How not?
                >don't pretend they're good
                Everybody knows that every part of modern zelda is good, so just stop it.
                Not a word, it means nothing.

              • 9 months ago

                >90% is koroks
                You are moronic. Terminally so.
                >koroks are garbage
                This is why we don't need a system that shows whether an anon has actually played a game or not. They just admit it.

              • 9 months ago

                >>90% is koroks
                I didn't say that, I said 90% is garbage, which it is. 90% of the shrines are garbage, most of the quests are just shitty fetch quests and most of the locations have nothing meaningful in them.
                how could you possibly think korok seeds are good? they're literal fricking toddler puzzles.

              • 9 months ago

                Every thing you said was a lie. Stop lying now. You have never played a single quest in the game. Every location is fun. And you are failing to trick anybody. You can't even name any quests in the game.

              • 9 months ago

                > You have never played a single quest in the game. Every location is fun
                name ONE fun quest in the game. One that actually has an interesting puzzle or something that is mechanically engaging. Just one.
                >You can't even name any quests in the game.
                ok how about the series of quests where you help build a town? This is literally just a series of fetch quests where you get a cutscene at the end.

                >90% of the shrines are garbage
                Shrines have better level design than any previous 3D Zelda game. Nothing you wrote is worth reading.

                >Shrines have better level design than any previous 3D Zelda game.
                by what metric? the puzzles are extremely simple.

                >, it's still moronic to have literally pointless filler in the game and just tell people "just try your best to ignore 90% of the game pls"
                Welcome to just about every video game on the planet
                Sonic has the chaos emeralds
                Crash has the gems
                Bayo has Alfheim
                Pokemon has catching
                Genshin has domains
                And so on and so forth, optional content has been a thing in video games longer than you've been alive and they give players a reason to explore and experiment.
                Without them you get hyper linear experiences like this.

                Also, you're acting like it isn't gameplay when you're actually interacting to get something where in older Zelda games you often just had to talk to someone for an upgrade or, rarely, do a minigame.

                >hen you're actually interacting to get something where in older Zelda games you often just had to talk to someone for an upgrade or, rarely, do a minigame.
                yes, older zelda games are pretty bad in this regard. But they're not massively bloated 60 hour games and actually have decent dungeons.

              • 9 months ago

                How low standards have fallen that people are calling Zelda dungeons good. That's like the poster child for baby moron dungeons.

              • 9 months ago

                I said decent, most of them are simple but at least have a charming sense of exploration. botw has that too but it ruins it by spreading it over a frickhueg 50 hour EPIC OPEN WORLD ADVENTURE

              • 9 months ago

                >but at least have a charming sense of exploration

                >the puzzles are extremely simple.
                Physics puzzles with multiple solutions because your toolkit has creative applications is inherently more interesting and creative than the dogshit in the previous games. Continue to shitpost like the assblasted casual you are.

              • 9 months ago

                >the puzzles are extremely simple.
                Physics puzzles with multiple solutions because your toolkit has creative applications is inherently more interesting and creative than the dogshit in the previous games. Continue to shitpost like the assblasted casual you are.

              • 9 months ago

                >and actually have decent dungeons.
                HA no. Once OoT rolled along, dungeon design took a massive nosedive becoming ridiculously formulaic falling into a pattern of
                >fake out chest with a map
                >fake imout chest with a compass
                >real chest with the item
                >use item on obvious gimmick you passed earlier
                I mean, you're complaining about matching shapes for koroks using magnesis/Ultra hand but forget that in older games you would also have to do that but it would take 10 times longer as link struggles to push the block into place.

              • 9 months ago

                >You can't even name any quests in the game.
                lmao, because no one can remember them

              • 9 months ago

                what do you mean you don't remember the quest where you have to collect a bunch of crickets? or the quest where you have to collect a bunch of dragonflies? or the quest where you have to collect a bunch of mushrooms? or the quest where you have to collect meat?

              • 9 months ago

                >IT'S FUN BECAUSE I SAID SO
                it's painfully mid. There's no high point. Outside of brain dead toddler puzzles, korok hunts and low tier shrines you do have unique quests but they're extremely simple.
                >"oh shit our friends are lost in the desert if only someone could help them out!"
                >you shove as many anti heat food in your mouth or use a splash fruit and go 20 meters in the canyon and find them in caves and just talk to them once to "save" them

                Everything is weak and lame. I hate it. It's funny the tone and personality of every characters in the game is ALSO weak and lame, like if the writing was done by a 200yo senile boomer full of sleeping pills.

              • 9 months ago

                Play something else then

              • 9 months ago

                Why does this read like Eric defending Nintendo like he defends Sony?

              • 9 months ago

                That is a lie. The in game percentage does not count them. Pls kys for lying.

                That is a lie. The in game percentage does not count them. Pls kys for lying.

                >a toddler could solve puzzle
                So what? Toddlers can solve any puzzle.
                >here's a full list
                You posted nothing. You have nothing.
                >everyone says it's good
                I said everyone KNOWS it's good. Including you.
                >should be a visual novel
                Kys right now, you don't belong on the Ganker board or on earth.

                >pick up the rock puzzle
                But that's not a puzzle.
                >almost nothing in the game is fun ACK
                Kys you know for a fact that you're lying. The money isn't worth it. What will you buy when everything is crap because you kept on shitting on anything that dared to be good?

                has to be a disability or underage

              • 9 months ago

                >90% of the shrines are garbage
                Shrines have better level design than any previous 3D Zelda game. Nothing you wrote is worth reading.

              • 9 months ago

                is that box winking at me?

              • 9 months ago

                Lol lost. What the frick are you talking about. That doesn't exist you ben ten alien force homosexual.

              • 9 months ago

                Personally I like how he's trying to separate the gameplay from the gameplay by saying gameplay isn't gameplay because he doesn't like it.

              • 9 months ago

                >Oh okay, you're just ACgay shitposting.

            • 9 months ago

              I love the game but I just have to willingly ignore the fact that the number will never be 100/100 cause I ain't ever getting all those shit seeds

            • 9 months ago

              thank god I'm not a completionist

    • 9 months ago

      correct take, and the devs giving you korok shit is ludo because it's the devs literally saying why the frick did you do this Link long had full inventory

    • 9 months ago

      Nah mechanics you have to ignore are not good mechanics. You can't say "just ignore the map icons in Ubishit games!!" and have the map icons suddenly become good game design.

      • 9 months ago

        >you have to ignore
        Choosing to ignore mechanics isn't being forced. What kind of casual idiot babble is this?

        • 9 months ago

          So Ubishit map icons are good game design, good to know

          • 9 months ago

            >Ubisoft invented icons and maps
            Do you expect people not to laugh at you when you say this stuff?

            • 9 months ago

              Actual ESL

              • 9 months ago

                No, that's what you stated. Don't start backpedaling now unless you want me to laugh harder.

      • 9 months ago

        They don't have icons on the map unless you manually place them there.

  5. 9 months ago

    >modern game design
    >interactive environment with multiple biomes and lots of interactions and effects for everything
    I fricking wish that was standard modern game design.

  6. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      QTEs died for a reason, why'd these morons bring them back?

      • 9 months ago

        See, here's the thing, QTEs at least let you fail.
        These don't.

      • 9 months ago

        >QTE died
        except they didn't? Most AAA games still use them.

      • 9 months ago

        You could at least fail QTE's in the past. This is next level lazy bullshit.

    • 9 months ago

      lmao is this the new Final Fantasy?

      • 9 months ago

        it's a tutorial fight where the person recording the webm is refusing to advance in the tutorial, making the game look bad

        • 9 months ago

          >making the game look bad
          He succeeded

          • 9 months ago

            not really when you see the obvious tutorial pop-up at the start, Barry

    • 9 months ago

      surely this is just the tutorial
      or he's playing in journalist mode

      • 9 months ago

        it is the tutorial
        you know, hence the pop up

    • 9 months ago

      This is the tutorial btw, every subsequent QTE has a time limit

      • 9 months ago

        >This is the tutorial btw, every subsequent QTE has a time limit

        but Barry will never mention that

        • 9 months ago

          I haven't seen an actual Barry thread in weeks, he might have left now that there are no new FF games on the horizon.

          • 9 months ago

            You know those threads with YoshiP with his heads in his hands, shitposting against XVI?

            Every one of those is Barry

    • 9 months ago

      What's the point? Even if it's a tutorial, they should at least push you away to let you know you fricked up and actually have to do something. It'll give the player agency to press it next time.
      No, this will not help 30 year old Thunderwiener/Thunderthighs that has never touched a game before in his/her life if they're given three minutes to look at their controller and figure out what the game is asking of them.

  7. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      I don't get why people onions out over these so much. Like yeah, it's silly looking but just push the button? in this case it's literally a tutorial for using the companion

      • 9 months ago

        It's irrelevant that it's a tutorial. If you intend these QTEs to have some sort of consequence for failing them, then they should all do it.
        Just have Atreus be pushed down, then have the player approach the guy again to trigger the QTE a second time. Not this bullshit they went with.

        • 9 months ago

          having qtes you can fail is moronic, because if you somehow manage to fail them it's just a waste of time. They're clearly not intended to be a challenge.
          Saying it looks silly if you deliberately sit there and not press the button to make it look silly is a totally moronic "criticism"

          • 9 months ago

            >They're clearly not intended to be a challenge
            So they're useless and only here so the peabrain snoygger who's wathing his shitty moviegame doesn't fall asleep

          • 9 months ago

            Then why have QTEs at all if the only thing they do is stall the cutscene until you press the button?

          • 9 months ago

            Make it like TW101 where each QTE has a unique failure cutscene so some players will go out of their way to lose them

          • 9 months ago
          • 9 months ago

            >having qtes you can fail is moronic, because if you somehow manage to fail them it's just a waste of time.
            Having QTEs that don't fail aren't QTEs.
            They're like the "Are you still watching?" prompts you get on YouTube, Netflix etc. It's no surprise they're common in movie games.

          • 9 months ago

            >They're clearly not intended to be a challenge.
            Then they're just cutscenes requiring user input to keep going, which is peak tedium. QTEs are supposed to be sequences where you want user input to be meaningful with regards to success, but you also want that sequence to be more cinematic than a regular gameplay section allows. Otherwise it's just a cutscene.

      • 9 months ago

        Gonna whip up a basedjak being lead by a carrot on a stick tomorrow to reply to this post with. Stay tuned.

      • 9 months ago

        >pointless button press that they don't just make an animation cause then you'd realise you're basically doing the filler for a crappy movie

      • 9 months ago

        at this point it feels like people sitting on the "press any key to start" menu and taking their hands off the controller, then going


      • 9 months ago

        It's because it's a solid 6+ hours into the game and they're still handholding you.
        The problem with a lot of games now is that when they have multiple difficulty options that go down to journalist mode where the player can't die they only make the difficulty option affect the core combat, there's no way to make puzzles harder based on the difficulty setting when the puzzle is baked into the environment, in lowering the barrier to entry so far they end up simplifying the game in everything -but- the combat. It leads to situations like that webm with the quicktime event, 6+ hours into a linear game would be the halfway point for most, it's pitiful to see a game still holding the player's hand that far in. It's a videogame, where are the fail states? It's fine that they add options to remove the challenge for those that don't want it but I do want it.

        It's not just the quicktime events, it's the puzzles, it's the exploration, hell it's even the writing. In lowering the barrier to entry for the game it ends up being a parody of itself. I'll never forget how Doom Eternal would have been a 10/10 game if it weren'tfor the fact it stopped the game after it introduced a boss in order to give you a tutorial on how to defeat said boss.

    • 9 months ago

      sony doesn't make games. They make wannabe movies

      • 9 months ago

        Neither does modern Nintendo honestly. At least not consistently.

        They have a few good releases here and there (like Pikmin 4, Smash, Mario Kart or Metroid Dread,) but almost every other major IP of theirs has underwent a massive decline in quality within the last decade or so. Zelda included.

        • 9 months ago

          No, modern Nintendo is much better now. The OoT clones are dead and buried. Good riddance.

          • 9 months ago

            ToTK is proof that modern Nintendo is lazy as shit and prefers implementing the "Pokemon" mentality on their more popular franchises as long as they can get away with it from ballesses critics and mindless fans.
            >rehash the same overworld despite having 6 years to develop the game
            >deliver an incoherent story that's worse than the predecessor
            >don't remove or improve upon the shit that nobody liked in the prequel (such as koroks, durability, etc)
            >DOUBLE-DOWN on meaningless padding and ubisoft fetch quest bullshit
            >that'll be $70

            And it's such an easy fix too - if Nintendo put any actual effort into first-party game development anymore.

            • 9 months ago

              >ToTK is proof
              That Nintendo wants games with organic gameplay, instead of the scripted, canned bullshit in previous 3D games.

              • 9 months ago

                ToTK is proof that gamers will optimize the fun out of a game to achieve the easiest solution (if possible.)

                That's also the underlying reason why shrines get repetitive and why ToTK's dungeons were absolute dogshit. Without genuine challenge, there's no reward or fun.

              • 9 months ago

                Careful, he's going to call you a homosexual, or tell you to have a nice day. These fanboys get very antsy when presented with criticism. For the record, you're completely right. A good challenge is more rewarding than an actual reward, IMO.

              • 9 months ago

                Don't care. I also forgot to mention that ToTK lacks variety in its side content and environmental design. Shrines would probably be more interesting if they had different aesthetic designs that reflected the regions they were from.

                >ToTK is proof
                that... Nintendo wants organic gameplay, instead of the scripted, canned bullshit in previous 3D games?

                Pausing the menu every 10 seconds to access an item/food/weapon/mat to kill the 10,000 recolored bokoblin in a reskinned, bland underworld setting is not organic gameplay IMO, no. It's ubisoft-tier busywork AKA lazy.
                Granted the physics building stuff has potential but many of the solutions are not organic but literally handed to you like a spoiled child.

              • 9 months ago

                >Pausing the menu
                True, Zelda UX is garbage. Thank God is still dead What else now that your scripted, canned garbage in dead in the water?

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                Like I said, I don't have many problems with the new formula. The problem is that Nintendo can't manage this franchise worth a shit, and will destroy the potential behind that formula due to bad & lazy developer decisions. And because of that, there probably wasn't much of a problem with the old formula either. Hell we're already seeing it happen with ToTK.

              • 9 months ago

                >The problem is that Nintendo can't manage this franchise worth a shi

                >make a good game
                >do it again
                Yeah, they are having trouble.

              • 9 months ago

                >Thank God is still dead What else now that your scripted, canned garbage in dead in the water?
                Good morning sir

              • 9 months ago

                I really wish TotK didn't just dump the building materials you needed in front of you at every opportunity and actually approached its challenges in an open-ended way

              • 9 months ago

                >ToTK is proof
                that... Nintendo wants organic gameplay, instead of the scripted, canned bullshit in previous 3D games?

              • 9 months ago

                >organic gameplay
                >wander around for 10 minutes looking for literally anything to do
                Wow, thank you nintendo

              • 9 months ago

                I'm impressed you thought this was worth posting.

              • 9 months ago

                I think it's the pattern recognition thing. Without the game designer's intention to mess with the players (aka "the filter"), players will always attempt to do the same thing not just in the same game, but in every similar game.

                In that regard, the issue with BotW is that it's still forgiving toward players that still try the most normal solution instead of heavily punish them for doing that. It could've been a great game if it had punished people who play it as if it's a normal open world/survival game.

      • 9 months ago

        Isn't that a good thing? Only toxic people like ACgay would want actual games. Shouldn't games be more accessible to modern audiences?

        You don't want to be like Acgay, do you?

  8. 9 months ago

    >game rewards you for going anywhere
    >permanent upgrades
    >even the most insignificant of places so you always get something for the effort
    >no need to collect them all
    >casually get them whilst doing other stuff
    >nobody pressuring you to get more to progress
    I don't see the issue

    • 9 months ago

      >the game needs busywork!

      • 9 months ago

        If you consider it busy work and not gameplay then why play anything when you could call any kind of gameplay busywork?

        • 9 months ago

          >criticizing botw is criticizing every game ever
          galaxy brain attempt at putting words in my mouth

          • 9 months ago

            >reading comprehension problem
            You're boring

      • 9 months ago

        >"better add a puzzle" said the linear game

      • 9 months ago

        >lifting a rock you found after choosing to scale a mountain
        You guys fing the dumbest shit to moan about.

        • 9 months ago

          >lift a rock
          >30 seconds of your playtime is wasted for no reason
          wow, game design! let's put 900 of these things in the game

          • 9 months ago

            >permanent inventory space is now wasting time

            • 9 months ago

              yes, feeding you your inventory space piecemeal instead of just starting with it is in fact wasting your time.

              • 9 months ago

                I'm other words you're condemning just about every single game with expandable inventory.

              • 9 months ago

                No, just ones that don't have a good mechanic tied to expanding inventory. If it just costed money in botw it would have been fine.

                Poor kid wants everything immediately. It's called progression.
                Why not just start with all hearts, stamina and armour. It's just wasting time to go and earn them.

                rewards should be incentives to go and do something fun. In botw, the reward is the only thing there is. korok seeds and shrines aren't fun to do so they need a reward so anyone would do them.
                If you ever need to figure this out just ask yourself a simple question: "would I still want to do this if there was no reward for it?" I think you already know what the answer to that question is when it comes to korok seeds and shrines

              • 9 months ago

                >just ones that don't have a good mechanic tied to expanding inventory
                So all of them.
                >. If it just costed money in botw it would have been fine.
                Meaning you would have to resort to actual mindless busywork doing things like farming a specific enemy that yields the most amount of rupees.

                You're the single most moronic person I've seen on this site.

              • 9 months ago

                >the reward is the only thing there is
                It's almost as if it's the incentive to do something fun.

              • 9 months ago

                >would I still want to do this if there was no reward for it?
                Yes? What kind of dumbass question is that?

              • 9 months ago

                I kinda like having more stamina to explore that thing over there. As for koroks you seem to grossly overestimate why players find them. People don't actively search them out, you stumble across them and the reward is simply for noticing and taking 10 seconds to acknowledge it
                Why do people act like koroks are some grand quest you specifically embark on?

              • 9 months ago

                >I kinda like having more stamina to explore that thing over there.
                And this is why botw is shit. Because it makes you feel like if you explore just a bit more you'll find something interesting. If you get just a bit further the setpieces won't just be eyecandy. If you just get better weapons the combat system won't be so shitty and shallow or you'll find interesting enemies to fight
                but it never does it, it's just an endless slog and when you're 1/5th through the game you've already seen the extremely small amount of content the game actually has.
                >you stumble across them and the reward is simply for noticing and taking 10 seconds to acknowledge it
                which is why they're shit. they serve no purpose. There's no reason why you should be rewarded for something that's not actually enjoyable to do.
                >Why do people act like koroks are some grand quest you specifically embark on?
                Because they're constantly there, being annoying. If you do them, you're wasting your time. If you ignore them you have to spend mental resources on ignoring them. They make the game worse just by existing.

              • 9 months ago

                I like exploring. I got the game bacuse I can turn the hud off and explore. It's fricking made for me.
                When exploring I never waste my time because there is always something to find.
                That is their purpose. They are not the only thing to find either.
                And I've done it all over again in Totk because it's exactly what I wanted.

              • 9 months ago

                Poor kid wants everything immediately. It's called progression.
                Why not just start with all hearts, stamina and armour. It's just wasting time to go and earn them.

          • 9 months ago

            >play video games
            >hours of your life wasted

          • 9 months ago

            You're the one choosing to lift the rock. The frick did you think was under it.

  9. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      >No fingerless glove meter
      You had one job.

    • 9 months ago

      Looks like deadly premonition lel

  10. 9 months ago

    >map so full of icon you can't see the actual map part
    I bet some stupid homosexual was extremely proud of their work as well

    • 9 months ago

      This isn't what the map actually looks like you moron. How are still getting paid to shit on this game when you keep proving to everyone you haven't played it?

      • 9 months ago

        >literally a screenshot from the game
        >this isn't what it looks like
        what? lmao

        • 9 months ago

          That's not a screenshot and you aren't fooling anyone. It doesn't even look like one. Somebody zoomed out on the map and took a screenshot of that, then shopped all of the korok seeds in on top of them so ocd morons who can't handle the number in the corner can get all of them and sleep at night. In the game you can only see the seeds you got on the map when really zoomed in.

          • 9 months ago

            Horizon not Zelda you moron

            • 9 months ago

              Shouldn't have replied to the op then moron. Also you're just trying to get out of it now that you're caught, you were obviously trying to shit on zelda for money.

              • 9 months ago

                I'm not the anon who posted. It was just very obvious what he was talking about. Cry more

              • 9 months ago

                >hzd map.jpg

              • 9 months ago

                Did you miss the pic he posted you fricking moron?

      • 9 months ago

        That's not a screenshot and you aren't fooling anyone. It doesn't even look like one. Somebody zoomed out on the map and took a screenshot of that, then shopped all of the korok seeds in on top of them so ocd morons who can't handle the number in the corner can get all of them and sleep at night. In the game you can only see the seeds you got on the map when really zoomed in.

        Horizon not Zelda you moron

        Shouldn't have replied to the op then moron. Also you're just trying to get out of it now that you're caught, you were obviously trying to shit on zelda for money.

        Well, that just happened

  11. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      What's this webm trying to show? That a powered up master sword can get by a weak shield? Or do you actually think that the swordplay in OoT is anything other than dogshit?

      • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      the puzzles were braindead as well
      they were really trying to cater to that 4 year old crowd

      • 9 months ago

        >the puzzles were braindead as well
        I agree.

  12. 9 months ago
  13. 9 months ago

    I'm selling trash of the kingdom tomorrow for armored core 6. Ask me anything.

  14. 9 months ago

    About the Zelda discussion, the Koroks are the last thing in the game that I complain about. The real problem is that it's a very simplistic game. When you don't have really complex mechanics, but you have to repeat them hundreds of times, you start to feel a special kind of fatigue. Other games I felt the same were No Man's Sky and Animal Crossing. Just like Zelda TOTK, in those games I repeated the same thing hundreds of times, but none of the things I was doing required any kind of thinking, strategy, or manual skill. That's what kills the game. If the mechanics were deep, nobody would complain about hundreds of the same Koroks.

    • 9 months ago

      Skill issue

    • 9 months ago

      STOP LYING ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!!! NOW! None of this is true, just DIE!

    • 9 months ago

      It's a chore simulator, a ubislop open world littered with a giant mass of mediocre activities.
      That's modern game design for you.

      You don't know how much I hate nintendr©nes with no standards for selling me this turd. Meanwhile great games like Pikmin, the wonderful101 or Rain World are making subpar numbers because it's not le open world.
      They're the same kind of barely sentient meat golems excited and going crazy over starfield on xbone, PS5 and PC.

      • 9 months ago

        But enough about elden Ring

        • 9 months ago

          It's the same kind of smelly pile of shit.
          What you thought I was going to defend it? Because I shit on game from company A you think I'm with company B?
          Only low IQ trashes hold that kind of tribalistic way of seeing the world. Like politic obsessed midwits.

          • 9 months ago

            Hit a nerve, did I?

            • 9 months ago

              You can't defend your favorite product that's alright. It's not like if your favorite faceless corporation was going to get hurt by arguments since the brainless consumers don't have the brain capabilities to compute anything anyway. They'll buy it even if you explain them how shit it is and they'll refuse to play something good for a change because it's not marketed enough.

              • 9 months ago

                Seething elden slopper

          • 9 months ago

            >Only low IQ trashes hold that kind of tribalistic way of seeing the world.
            And yet here you are doing just that bravo. Would you like your afro wig and big shoes?

            • 9 months ago

              Absolutely not. Where do you see me taking a side? Because I'm criticizing midwits I fall into tribalism you moron?
              Anyway I play games on all supports and only defend them if they're good in hope of pushing someone to play them.
              They defend the slop they eat because they feel personally attacked when you tell them how shit the garbage they consume is.
              We are not the same.

              Reduction based arguing is also a marker of low IQ.

              • 9 months ago

                >Where do you see me taking a side? Because I'm criticizing midwits I fall into tribalism you moron?
                You ARE the tribalistic midwit anon. You're complaining about something all games do because it's being done in an IP you don't like.
                You can't even pull the
                >oh I liked Zelda before!
                Card because those games did it too. The fact that you can't see the hypocrisy here is the icing on the cake.

                >Anyway I play games on all supports
                I'll take broken English for 500, Alex.

              • 9 months ago

                >You ARE the tribalistic midwit anon. >You're complaining about something all games do-

                The standards of the botw/totk player at work. So low and so ignorant of other games he believes it's the fricking norm. AND you attach motives to my behavior with zero proofs. I sure dislike morons like you. No I'm not disliking the painfully mediocre quests, object hunts and shit in totk just because I hate an IP, I hate it because it's shit you absolute fricking midwit. Why would I waste 70 dollars just to hate a game online in front of anonymous mouth breathers like you? I bought it because I thought it was fun and I was wrong, it's a piece of shit, like most of open world games.

              • 9 months ago

                >So low and so ignorant of other games he believes it's the fricking norm.
                See what I mean? Once again your hypocrisy comes to the surface because it was and always shall be the norm.
                You didn't even try to argue against my point, can you even name a game that doesn't have some kind of collectable that's actually worth playing?

    • 9 months ago

      It's just not for you.
      People back then wanted Zelda with a clear vision in mind, that tell you how you should play the game, with limited scope, and so on.
      The fact that BOTW became the most successful Zelda game of all time kind of tells you that era is over.

      • 9 months ago

        >that tell you how you should play the game
        A casual idiot tried to spin this as a good thing.

  15. 9 months ago

    I hate how every game have this shit of forced walking section, vent crawling, shimming through a gap in the wall,etc

    • 9 months ago

      The moment I see something like this, I uninstall

    • 9 months ago

      Don't games usually use these to hide loading?

      • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        I hate how every game have this shit of forced walking section, vent crawling, shimming through a gap in the wall,etc

        Game devs, I can handle a loading screen. I'm not going to freak out if I see one. Unless they are very frequent and slow, a brief little bar is not going to bother me. Sudden crevasses and vents I have to sloooowly go through on a regular basis do. They're not natural or organic ways of hiding load screens.

      • 9 months ago

        I read somewhere, don't take it as fact, that these transitions were due to the fact that they couldn't figure out how to connect the levels

      • 9 months ago

        sure, but its the worst way to do it. it means even if you play this 20 years later on some super giga computer with a million times the power and it would of loaded instantly, youd STILL have to crawl that entire section

    • 9 months ago

      Its used to hide the next part of the game loading in and give an opportunity for exposition dumps and mission objective updates.
      Its just like long elevators, or certain doors that take a second to unlock, or unskipable cutscenes.

      • 9 months ago

        This doesn't make them good, anyone even slightly experienced with modern game design will know their loading screens and they lose a lot of their immersion from it, and they're also absolute shit for replays or upgrades. A walking/crawling section will always take the same amount of time, no matter if you could load the next area in 0.3s instead of 10. Likewise, exposition dump walking cutscenes on replays are just mind-boggling boring with no way to skip, and on first playthroughs could just be a regular cutscene

        • 9 months ago

          I hate how every game have this shit of forced walking section, vent crawling, shimming through a gap in the wall,etc

          subhuman adhd Black person, shit like this has been in games since forever

          • 9 months ago

            No it wasnt you fricking moronic inbred subhuman zoomer

          • 9 months ago

            Believe it or not games existed before CD-ROMS (or Blu-rays for that matter) were a thing.

        • 9 months ago

          >hey lose a lot of their immersion from it,
          Its fine as long as you're not relying on the same trick a million times and if the game is good you're not going to remember 15 seconds of crawling through a vent.
          If its a shit sandwich all around then that is the least of your problems.

  16. 9 months ago

    >Kratos struggle in move a giant crystal that float in water

  17. 9 months ago

    I see we're back to the usual BotW seethe thread. A certified classic.

  18. 9 months ago
  19. 9 months ago
  20. 9 months ago

    It's amazing how assblasted casual idiots get about Korok Seeds.

  21. 9 months ago

    >most of the game's "content" is just looking around for collectables
    even ubisoft stopped doing this

  22. 9 months ago

    >Reward for collecting all of these is literally a pile of shit
    They did it just to make nerds like OP seethe lmao

  23. 9 months ago

    I'm gonna go and play Metroid dread now because reading people defending open world slop makes me sick.

    • 9 months ago


  24. 9 months ago
  25. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      >bioshit infinite was 10 years ago
      oh my god

    • 9 months ago

      System Shock?

    • 9 months ago

      but I was told Bioshock was the spiritual successor to System Shock

  26. 9 months ago

    game isolationist design. all the information about the supposed game in OPs image, the map, the markers, which is just two, tells us that it was designed by separate teams with 0 communication involved, all they're told is just do X and place it in an uncohesive, uncharismatic game

  27. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      hotbar for items and spells wouldve been a massive upgrade

  28. 9 months ago

    >ITT: modern game design
    Is gaming doomed to be forever locked into open world collectathons?

  29. 9 months ago

    The game actively mocks you for getting all of them.

  30. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      me when i hit randomize in the saints row 4 character creator

  31. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      >people who play platformers enjoy challenging platforming
      I mean... yeah?
      How else would a platformer even work?

      • 9 months ago

        There's multiple types of challenge—classic Castlevania has easy jumps made stressful by enemy placement that can knock you off platforms or just take a huge chunk of your health, while Megaman is entirely focused on fighting enemies, Metroid is focused on exploration and revisting areas with new powers etc.—and different levels of challenge. "Here's a bunch of pixel perfect jumps, throw yourself at it until you have the muscle memory to do the exact inputs required then hit the checkpoint to do it again" is the laziest, most braindead type of challenge and Edmund McMillen should hang for making it popular

  32. 9 months ago

    I unironcially love game design like this, punishes all the moronic autists that lack the willpower to stop playing a game after they get bored or it and instead feel a need to get 100%

  33. 9 months ago

    Nintendo has completely forgotten that quality trumps quantity. Odyssey was guilty of this too. 120 stars > 1000 stars. The vast majority of them were just complete throw aways

    • 9 months ago

      who cares about quality when morons give it 10/10 and claim it's the best game of all time regardless of how bad the quality is?

    • 9 months ago

      Then why does BOTW have better level design then every previous 3D Zelda game?

      • 9 months ago

        It has a better world that's more fun to explore, that's about it
        The dungeon designs are awful and the shrines are just bite sized """puzzles""" that are mostly just a demonstration of a physics gimmick

        • 9 months ago

          >the shrines are just bite sized """puzzles""" that are mostly just a demonstration of a physics gimmick
          This is my biggest complaint. Most of them start by strongly hinting at whatever tool you're supposed to use and how you're supposed to use it. It's not even a puzzle, it's just "hey this is a cool thing you can do, here's your heart piece"

          • 9 months ago

            That's literally what a puzzle is.

            • 9 months ago

              I don't think you've solved a puzzle in your fricking life if you think swinging a bar to hit a ball into a hole is a puzzle.

              • 9 months ago

                He says posting a sokoban block puzzle game.

          • 9 months ago

            >start by strongly hinting at whatever tool you're supposed
            And good thing the game isn't poorly designed and never forces you to play along with shit lock and key gating "items".

            • 9 months ago

              >but doood you can launch yourself to the end with a bomb
              this is not good design

              • 9 months ago

                >allows multiple, sometimes completely unorthodox ways of completing puzzles instead of punishing you for doing things "the wrong way"
                >this is a bad thing on nu-/v/

              • 9 months ago

                no it doesn't. The game having exploits you can use to sequence break doesn't mean puzzles have multiple solutions

              • 9 months ago

                >The game having exploits
                Except they aren't exploits

              • 9 months ago

                >posts webm of someone doing a walljump off of a wall you're not supposed to climb and then clipping through a wall to reach the end of the dungeon
                >not an exploit totally intended lol xd

              • 9 months ago

                >then clipping through a wall
                So you didn't watch it.

              • 9 months ago

                Well-designed mechanics having "exploits" is good game design, that's where depth comes from since it means your tools are multi-facted and can be used creativity. The physics system is designed to be abuse, just like the runes and everything else. I bet casual idiots ironically pretend this webm is bad.

              • 9 months ago

                Sequence breaks and sandboxes are not designed multiple solutions, never have been, never will be

              • 9 months ago

                >Sequence breaks and sandboxes are not designed multiple solutions,
                A casual idiot unironically said this and is trying to talk to others about game design. Truly amazing.

              • 9 months ago

                >no argument
                >resorts to ad hominem
                Yep, you were blown the frick out

              • 9 months ago

                >>no argument

                >>Well-designed mechanics having "exploits" is good game design, that's where depth comes from since it means your tools are multi-facted and can be used creativity. The physics system is designed to be abuse, just like the runes and everything else. I bet casual idiots ironically pretend this webm is bad.
                What did the casual idiot mean by this?

              • 9 months ago


                Sequence breaks and sandboxes are not designed multiple solutions, never have been, never will be

                I bet you think gathering speed in Mario 64 is part of the game's desi

              • 9 months ago

                Where's your supposed argument? All you said is having organic gameplay is bad.
                >now the casual idiot is pretending Mario 64 has bad mevoment tech
                Amazing, this will never stop being funny.

              • 9 months ago

                >Nintendo totally intended players to travel parallel universes in Mario 64! it's part of the game design they meant to do that!

              • 9 months ago

                Why are casual idiots so obsessed with Simon Says-tier shit?

              • 9 months ago

                Because INTENT is part of the game DESIGN, anything that's not INTENDED is not game DESIGN

              • 9 months ago

                >Because INTENT
                Also known as shit game design. Good games are balanced and well-designed around players abusing the game mechanics for fun. That's the whole appeal in tons of genres and especially Zelda games like ALTTP or BoTW.

              • 9 months ago

                There are no other types of game design other than intentional game design ESL-kun

              • 9 months ago

                >There are no other types of game design
                Casual idiots are very stupid. Hence the namesake.

              • 9 months ago

                isn't that the way how it's supposed to be done?

              • 9 months ago

                No, you have 3 different solutions to that including the one in the webm. The shield still having a hitbox during a charged spin is a nice little touch.

        • 9 months ago

          >The dungeon designs are awful
          The Divine Beasts, Hyrule Castle, Shrine Quests, and Shrines, etc have better level design than every single previous 3D game combined.

          • 9 months ago

            if these were a little faster this would be super cool

            • 9 months ago

              It's garbage even if it was light speed.

          • 9 months ago

            I tried playing Ocarina of Time, dropped at mystic eye or something.
            At least the main titles are a puzzle games with action sections, no?

            • 9 months ago

              Don't bother, OoT is garbage. WW and BoTW/ToTK are the only 3D Zelda games worth playing.

        • 9 months ago

          Half-Life 2 was like that too. Game critics just love that kind of thing.

  34. 9 months ago

    I can't fathom how zoomers would survive playing 1990s Sega/SNES games if they were released today.
    Imagine if classics like Super Metroid or Mega Man X were first released in 2023. Or the first Resident Evil. Or hell, even Doom on PC. These are games you finish in less than 10 hours for a first playthrough, with subsequent replays taking far less (any experienced Mega Man X player can beat it in less than 2 hours even without speedrunning).
    Even classic RPGs like Chrono Trigger are far, far shorter than today's AAA RPGslop titles like Baldur's Gate 3.
    They certainly didn't have 100 billion korok seeds or other worthless "collectibles" to pad out your playtime and create the sheer illusion of "extra content". If those games came out today, would zoomers complain about them being full priced titles? Would they demand that these games cost only 10 dollars?

    • 9 months ago

      >I can't fathom how zoomers would survive playing 1990s Sega/SNES games if they were released today.
      they wouldnt play it just watch their favourite streamer play it

  35. 9 months ago
  36. 9 months ago

    yeah the whole point is that there's enough for you to find over the course of natural exploration, you're not supposed to artistically get every one.
    I have a serious and honest question: do you guys realise that you're not supposed to use a guide when you're playing video games other than an absolute last resort because you're stuck? Do you understand how that completely destroys the experience?

  37. 9 months ago

    >make a joke about shitty modern game design
    >gays come in crying and defending korok seeds of all things
    >immediately unleash friendly fire and start deflecting and attacking the series they're supposedly apart of
    You'd think these morons would have some shame after totk use and abuse, but they're still every bit as stupid. Zelda fanbase is now full of pokemon tier autistic masochists who care more about simping for a corporation than the quality of the games. Sad.

  38. 9 months ago

    New Ganker hates OoT.

    • 9 months ago

      They don't have any opinions. "The opposite of everyone else I think" isn't an opinion.

    • 9 months ago

      because oot is bad and only nostalgiagays like it. I played it as an adult and it's painfully mediocre

    • 9 months ago

      They don't have any opinions. "The opposite of everyone else I think" isn't an opinion.

      It's kind of sad. You've formed your identity around liking popular games without understanding why liked them

    • 9 months ago

      It's just newbie parasites fellating botw. They hate older zelda games more than sony now that they know where all the people dumping on botw are actually coming from.

      • 9 months ago

        >than sony
        Expect the successor to OoT is on a Snoy console.

        • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      >in Europe this person was renamed to "Salia" and is male

  39. 9 months ago

    look ar all that content

  40. 9 months ago

    Some of these dont look that bad actually like Shyft Muna and Bluefang

  41. 9 months ago

    Yeah because old games made for old white racist chuds is better right? Really?

    • 9 months ago

      >old white racist
      That's a racist statement.

      • 9 months ago

        no, racism is privilege + power. only whites have privilege.

        • 9 months ago

          If white people had privilege then they would never be accused of racism. Victimhood is power, the power to have guilt over someone.

  42. 9 months ago
  43. 9 months ago

    VGH, I need to collect them all, because...I just have to, okay?!

  44. 9 months ago

    >it's wrong to want a "skip tutorial" button
    >it's wrong to want harder korok seed puzzles, even though they had 6 years to come up with something other than "bro put rock in hole"
    >it's wrong to be disappointed with trash mob difficulty, like bokoblins, when entire groups of them can be trivialized with the smallest and cheapest of vehicles
    >it's wrong to want Draganon to be a bit more difficult and not just be a spectacle victory lap

    Why are fanboys like this?

  45. 9 months ago

    There's nothing wrong with the new formula.
    The underlying problem is that the Zelda franchise is horrifically managed as a whole, and has been since the post-TP days.
    The new formula has a ton of potential going for it; it's just the unfortunate case of nu-Nintendo being cheap and lazy as frick, hence ToTK's existence as a """sequel."""

    • 9 months ago

      you mean it's been horrifically managed since it went 3D

      • 9 months ago

        No, I would say WW was the tipping point, SS was the low-end crisis point, and ToTK may be the point of no return.

        • 9 months ago

          It always comes back to WW

          • 9 months ago

            Pretty much, yeah.
            As much as I love WW, I have to admit the game had fundamental flaws that fricked things up on multiple fronts for the Zelda series as a whole (especially regarding presentation, reputation difficulty, art direction, lore and so on.)

            • 9 months ago

              WW was one of the better ones. It doesn't have dogshit overworld exploration/combat like OoT, MM, TP, and SS had.

              • 9 months ago

                The combat and puzzles were far too easy and braindead for their own good.
                The second half of the game is rushed as suffers from stupid game design decisions and major padding issues.
                The timeline was perma-fricked with the split.
                While the art direction was fantastic, it was just too much of a radical departure coming directly after OoT & MM.
                Sailing DOES get tedious eventually.
                Just a lot of mind-bogglingly bad management decisions all around.

              • 9 months ago

                I don't understand how anyone can praise WW's combat when it boils down to waiting for a big flashing A indicator to pop up and when it introduced the awful trend of knocking enemies down and needing to wait for them to get back up in order to continue fighting, thereby throwing the entire pace of the fight off

              • 9 months ago

                Nostalgia, mostly. Enjoyed Wind Waker myself when growing up, but there's alot of flaws that can't be excused today.

                No, modern Nintendo is much better now. The OoT clones are dead and buried. Good riddance.

                Unfortunate modern Nintendo makes the same mistakes, like all of the movieshit stuffed inside games like Zelda and Metroid and Fire Emblem. for every step forward, Nintendo takes 2 steps back.

              • 9 months ago

                That you still haven't killed yourself, ACgay?

              • 9 months ago

                >this is the only example people have when it comes to OoT
                Give two more examples of the game forcing an obvious tutorial on you without pressing the Navi button or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

              • 9 months ago

                >parries are a contextual attack
                >this somehow makes the combat bad
                Did your mom drop you on the head? All your items/weapons have utility and enemies have plenty of defenses.
                >AIEEEEEEE Y-Y-YOU DON'T HAVE TO USE THEM!!!!!!!!!
                That's good combat design. It's why the "boss fights" in the series before BoTW was complete garbage.

              • 9 months ago

                Pressing a QTE to completely nullifies the enemy's defenses is not good combat

              • 9 months ago

                are a contextual attack
                >>this somehow makes the combat bad
                Right, because this is supposed to be stronger than the Ice Arrow -> Hammer combo?

              • 9 months ago

                >dogshit overworld exploration
                WW is literally the worst overworld in the entire series, and it isn't even close

              • 9 months ago

                He's a Zelda 1 purist and therefore thinks exploring a literal grid is the peak of overworld exploration

              • 9 months ago

                Nope, that's SS and will always be. OoT is in second.

    • 9 months ago

      OoT was unironically worse than BotW, it's true. What people ITT say about TotK's mechanics being a mere showcase, is what OoT was actually like. The entire game was intended to be just "Zelda, but in 3D" in the most superficial understanding of it, and that's why the game didn't really age well nowadays.

      Even TP was better than OoT.

  46. 9 months ago

    Umm sweatumms I paid 69.99 dollars (plus tip) and I expect 70 dollars worth of meaningless filler content.

  47. 9 months ago

    Must be rough to be an ff16 fanboy nowadays

  48. 9 months ago

    >Game has dumb bullshit to appease actual autists
    I honestly don't have a problem with that if it's not mandatory

  49. 9 months ago

    FF16 sucks btw

    • 9 months ago

      Osaka Team worked on it, of course it does.

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