ITT: Pokemon people hate for dumb reasons. >It reminds me of MLP therefore bad

ITT: Pokemon people hate for dumb reasons.
>It reminds me of MLP therefore bad

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  1. 2 years ago

    People hate braixen just because it's popular

    • 2 years ago

      Same thing happened to Keldeo

      all of these are completely valid
      that is NOT why people hate braixen by the way.

      • 2 years ago

        you're stupid

        • 2 years ago

          YOU'RE stupid. FRICK you!

  2. 2 years ago

    Hating LGBT isn't dumb, it's instinctual

    • 2 years ago

      You should only hate genital choppers tho

  3. 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      As opposed to actual samurai or other fictional samurai, which walk around on all fours.

    • 2 years ago

      I love this dude. I wish people would accept it as it is. A literal samurai over a samurai animal sounds uninspired tbh

  5. 2 years ago

    I also hate it because it reminds me of cringe MLP people in a circle I'm in

  6. 2 years ago

    I didn't like it because it felt like such a cynical regional form. I understand why it exists, but I feel like the only reason they went ahead and created it was because they didn't want to make a new unique unicorn line and instead just doctored up this one with all the features they knew would make it popular for marketing. It just seems like if you boil down all the things wrong with modern Pokemon design, it comes out as Galarian Rapidash. I would have much rather had a unique Pokemon. And that goes for a lot of the other regional forms, especially the ones that only change the elemental typing of the Pokemon or exist "just because." I liked most of the original set from Generation 7 because a lot of them made sense from a lore perspective, but now it feels like the last two batches of regional forms just exist because they know it's going to drum up hype. Most of the Galarian and Hisuian forms seem way more contrived and forced, rather than natural. And back to my original point, this Pokemon 100% speaks to that through and through. There is absolutely nothing about Galar that is so radically different this Pokemon needs to exist in this form. And before you say oh there's this magical forest that's why it's this way, what do you think really came first? The Pokemon or the forest? It doesn't feel like they designed the region around this lore of magic and fantasy, they just sort of slapped that stuff in there even though it totally made sense to make it the whole game. Versus Alola, which was entirely tropical and an island so it entirely made sense to have the regional forms it did.

    >TLDR this thing exemplifies why regional forms are becoming a cancer on the franchise

    • 2 years ago

      I'm not reading all that text but regional forms are a good addition to Pokemon.

      • 2 years ago

        I'll boil it down for you. I think regional forms were a great idea, but I think they are viewing away from the original design intent. The most recent regional forms seem like they came first and then the lore around them second, whereas in Generation 7 it seems like it was the other way. They created this tropical island and then thought of how Pokemon would change on it. Now they're just coming up with regional forms and trying to force them into the new regions, with very few exceptions

        • 2 years ago

          >Galar has Ice Mr. Mime and Darumaka because....
          >Region based around a war and "infinite energy" has 1 magical forest so we have to have Galarian Ponyta
          >Smokestack Weezing because Britain even though Weezing is already made from smog/pollution so fit fine with Industrial Revolution themes
          >It was the PAST, so Sneasel was Poison type in this one region guys because... Mountain life? Just forget that it lived on a mountain in Johto too, ok?
          >Lilligant changed its whole body shape and can fight now because it lives around a lot of mud
          >Growlithe is like one of those temple statues now because it lives near a volcano, maybe? What do you mean it should get Rock Head? Just look at how cool this design is, forget that we didn't think this through

          Etc etc. And the only thing that people who try to argue with me on this will say is "oh, well Pikachu ate pancakes and became Alolan Raichu? Lol get fricked." That's like the only example from Generation 7 though. All of the others match that region perfectly and make a lot of sense. The ones I just listed above just are random nonsense that they clearly created first because they thought it was cool and then realized they had to design stuff around them to make them make sense. They don't feel organic

          • 2 years ago

            I mean they don't feel organic because Galar is a sovlless region with no dungeons

          • 2 years ago

            >It was the PAST, so Sneasel was Poison type in this one region guys because... Mountain life? Just forget that it lived on a mountain in Johto too, ok?
            I think the implication is that Hisuian Sneasel is the original form, and when it moved to the colder part of the region (since we do see a few of them there) they gained the ice type.

            • 2 years ago

              I think people get the Hisuian forms wrong in the first place. They're extinct subspecies/breeds not the original form. Unless we see Sneasler and pals in Johto Legends or whatever I'm not holding my breath assuming one evolved into the other. That's not how that shit works in the real world anyway

              > All of the others match that region perfectly and make a lot of sense
              You decry the G-Ponyta line for having a single area that justifies their existence but are totally fine with the Alolan Geodude line doing the same exact thing? Same thing for the Alolan Grimer line, Alola isn't a pollution or oil heavy region in the slightest (in fact, it's shown multiple times to be far behind others in practical widespread technoligy), yet you can find Alolan Grimer just milling about on certain routes for no reason at all -despite the Pokedex claiming they were brought in to deal with a trash problem and changed because of that. This isn't even delving into how they just don't even bother trying to justify the Dark typing in the slightest.
              You're full of shit, moron.

              I said most of the Alolan felt organic. The Geodude line is pretty egregious, I'll give you that. But Grimer I'd argue makes sense in the context of "to help make this a tropical paradise, we imported this Pokemon...." They even allude to it driving the Trubbish line to near extinction in Alola. And the Dark type seems random but I think it was added to make it different and also sell how much more grimey and polluted it became. Even if you want to say Grimer doesn't feel organic though, you still have a higher amount of Alolan forms versus Galarian that "make sense." A lot of the Galarian forms could be native to any region, but most of the Alolans feel tied to the tropics of Alola. I guess the two Ice regionals could go anywhere too but even they realize that as A-Vulpix keeps popping up everywhere lately. Hisuians are weird because like I said above you could just argue they're extinct breeds or what have you, though again H-Sneasel and H-Lilligant still seem forced as frick.

          • 2 years ago

            > All of the others match that region perfectly and make a lot of sense
            You decry the G-Ponyta line for having a single area that justifies their existence but are totally fine with the Alolan Geodude line doing the same exact thing? Same thing for the Alolan Grimer line, Alola isn't a pollution or oil heavy region in the slightest (in fact, it's shown multiple times to be far behind others in practical widespread technoligy), yet you can find Alolan Grimer just milling about on certain routes for no reason at all -despite the Pokedex claiming they were brought in to deal with a trash problem and changed because of that. This isn't even delving into how they just don't even bother trying to justify the Dark typing in the slightest.
            You're full of shit, moron.

          • 2 years ago

            is like one of those temple statues now because it lives near a volcano, maybe? What do you mean it should get Rock Head? Just look at how cool this design is, forget that we didn't think this through
            Maybe they lost the rock type after moving away from volcanos? idk

  7. 2 years ago

    Same thing happened to Keldeo

  8. 2 years ago

    hating this thing is not dumb, it's a pokefan's duty.

  9. 2 years ago

    is mlp even relevant anymore

    • 2 years ago

      No, but it absolutely fricking mindbroke Ganker to the point it will take decades to fully recover

    • 2 years ago

      No because it ended

  10. 2 years ago

    Hating it and its brothers because they're clones, but also liking lake trio and any Hoenn shitmon duo

    • 2 years ago

      I feel like people would like the monkeys better if 2/3 evolutions didn't look silly. Simisage looks like a badass while the other two just look moronic. The trio is also really right for a follow-up whether that's regional forms or just new editions, like the occasional fourth monkey holding its dick exists if I'm not mistaken

  11. 2 years ago

    >durrffff humanoid is bad just is okay???

    • 2 years ago

      Hating it and its brothers because they're clones, but also liking lake trio and any Hoenn shitmon duo

      I didn't like it because it felt like such a cynical regional form. I understand why it exists, but I feel like the only reason they went ahead and created it was because they didn't want to make a new unique unicorn line and instead just doctored up this one with all the features they knew would make it popular for marketing. It just seems like if you boil down all the things wrong with modern Pokemon design, it comes out as Galarian Rapidash. I would have much rather had a unique Pokemon. And that goes for a lot of the other regional forms, especially the ones that only change the elemental typing of the Pokemon or exist "just because." I liked most of the original set from Generation 7 because a lot of them made sense from a lore perspective, but now it feels like the last two batches of regional forms just exist because they know it's going to drum up hype. Most of the Galarian and Hisuian forms seem way more contrived and forced, rather than natural. And back to my original point, this Pokemon 100% speaks to that through and through. There is absolutely nothing about Galar that is so radically different this Pokemon needs to exist in this form. And before you say oh there's this magical forest that's why it's this way, what do you think really came first? The Pokemon or the forest? It doesn't feel like they designed the region around this lore of magic and fantasy, they just sort of slapped that stuff in there even though it totally made sense to make it the whole game. Versus Alola, which was entirely tropical and an island so it entirely made sense to have the regional forms it did.

      >TLDR this thing exemplifies why regional forms are becoming a cancer on the franchise


      People hate braixen just because it's popular

      ITT: Pokemon people hate for dumb reasons.
      >It reminds me of MLP therefore bad

      People hate these because they are ugly

      • 2 years ago

        Ugly is such a fricking meaningless buzzword. You can call anything ugly and never have to explain why. I call this pokemon ugly. Why? Because it just is, okay? What if some pokemon are meant to ugly by appearance because they're grotesque monsters or unkempt animals? Nope, design bad because it's "ugly" and that's it for discussion.

        • 2 years ago

          >Nope, design bad because it's "ugly"
          this but unironically

          • 2 years ago

            That's pokefricker logic.

            • 2 years ago

              sick projection
              that doesn't even make sense

              • 2 years ago

                You hate for being ugly therefore if it was attractive, you would like it. Simple as.

              • 2 years ago

                >You hate for being ugly therefore if it was attractive-

              • 2 years ago

                I don't like this food. It tastes bad.
                But if it tasted good? Yeah I'd like it.

              • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              I'm a pokefricker who likes and wants to frick ugly designs.

    • 2 years ago

      >humanoid animals
      imagine how scary that would be. Like walking down the street at night and someone coming towards you.
      >"It's just some guy"
      You get closer and closer and realize it's a fricking black bear walking on two legs.

    • 2 years ago

      no one says this.
      gardevoir's not ugly
      blaziken's not ugly
      alakazam's not ugly
      ursaring's not ugly
      mewtwo's not ugly
      scyther's not ugly
      scizor's not ugly
      lilligant's not ugly
      so why is incineroar. explain.

      • 2 years ago

        >so why is incineroar. explain.
        Just is.
        Simple as.

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          what makes incineroar humanoid but not ursaring???

        • 2 years ago

          Im guessing theyre just referring to bipedal pokemon but its still moronic because mons like tyranitar or electrabuzz are bipedal but id hardly call them humanoid

      • 2 years ago

        Not the same anon:
        >nonexistent palms with disgustingly long fingers
        >the arms and legs have no muscle definition even though its a wrestler
        >despite that the torso has a bit of detail and bulk which only clashes with said tube arms
        >forearms are way too fricking small
        >bits on the shoulders are so thin and and uniform they look more like fins than spiky "wild" tufts of fur

        • 2 years ago

          that was a rhetorical quesiton but thanks for putting it into words lol

  12. 2 years ago

    >12 years later and people are STILL mad about MLP
    Surely not.

  13. 2 years ago

    So far the people posting Pokemon are dumber than the "dumb reasons"

  14. 2 years ago

    I don't care that much for this Pokemon either way, but I really dislike the eyes.

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