ITT, produce a single, small change to a game that would make it much more enjoyable.

ITT, produce a single, small change to a game that would make it much more enjoyable.

It's honestly pitiful how short the range of Orin's Sword in 8 Eyes is, and it leads to frustrating combat, since most enemies are faster and greatly outrange him, so sometimes it feels better to just take the hit and walk past them. I know there's ranged weapons, but ammo isn't always in great supply. So I'd increase the range, not to, say, Castlevania's whip range, but just a bit less than double the current range would make it much less tedious to get through rooms.

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  1. 2 years ago

    I would remove the cape in super Mario world

    • 2 years ago

      What stops you from just not using it? Wouldn't it be better to just change it so it's less OP? Although then they may as well just bring back the Tanuki leaf, I suppose, since it's essentially a much more balanced cape.

      • 2 years ago

        >What stops you from just not using it?

        The idea that you can just force yourself not to use something is never a very good argument in support of an overpowered ability in a game. Being forced into a challenge run by a basic element of the game is lame, lameness is the opposite of fun, and fun is the point of the game. Sure we all have the freedom to do extra work to correct the game's flaws, but for almost everybody, that type of work is antithetical to fun. Speedrunners have to maintain an entire community to keep each other interested in their made-up amended versions of various games. Enforcing rules in a video game is work for a machine, and requiring a human to do it is simply inferior. Sometimes it's tolerable, but it's never really good.

        • 2 years ago

          >The idea that you can just force yourself not to use something is never a very good argument in support of an overpowered ability in a game
          eh not him but self imposed limitations are just an easy fix. doesn't excuse the poor design and it's hardly """work"""

        • 2 years ago

          Again, though, why not just tweak it so it's balanced and not always the go-to powerup to beat every stage with ease? Maybe make it so you can't actually fly across the stage after the initial take-off, and introduce a cooldown after the cape spin, for starters. Straight-up removing it seems excessive.

        • 2 years ago

          >The idea that you can just force yourself not to use something is never a very good argument in support of an overpowered ability in a game.
          Yes it is lol. I've passed up many a powered up weapon because I thought it was going to make things too easy. You just don't like it as a solution because it's sensible and deprives you of the ability to argue on end about this shit for the next 4 hours.

        • 2 years ago

          I don't exactly agree with you, but thank you very much for your well-written post! It's a nice change of pace.

      • 2 years ago

        Because when you realize it's OP, it's too late you already spoiled yourself. I wish kid me never had encountered the cape.

  2. 2 years ago

    Remove the magnetite system. sea of flames is a pain

  3. 2 years ago

    >ITT, produce a single, small change to a game that would make it much more enjoyable.
    I loved this idea, sounds like it'll be a fun thread.
    Well, I don't know if this would count as a small change, but I wish Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin for Master System/Game Gear had unlimited lives/continues, or at least had them at all, not necessarily unlimited. Not being able to lose all of your health even once is what makes the experience so awful to me, because otherwise it'd be good, it looks good, controls quite well for an 8-Bit Spider-Man, and the level design is interesting at times, but having to go back to the beggining all of the time is quite a pain, I've beat it a few times, so that's not really the problem, I can do it, I just don't find it all that fun and it'd be a lot better if you could lose sometimes without being sent all the way back.

    • 2 years ago

      Jesus, so it's one life, one continue? Sounds balls to the wall hard.

      • 2 years ago

        Indeed, and there are no health pick ups in the levels like in the Genesis and Sega CD versions had, the only way to restore health here is to go back home and rest, but that takes time away from your clock and you only have 24 real life minutes before getting a game over thanks to Kingpin's bomb exploding, it feels like there's way less time compared to the other versions too, also every time you go back home you have to restart the level you're in, no checkpoints or anything like that, which can be the worst since some enemies can drain health quickly and leave you with little to work with against bosses, which can be a problem too, especially since there are almost no invincibility frames. It's just too punishing to be truly fun, which is a shame since there is good here.

        P.S. Sorry for taking so long to reply, even though you replied a couple of minutes after my 1st post, I only checked the thread again now for some reason.

  4. 2 years ago

    Animations and feedback are simultaneous.

    • 2 years ago

      Could you elaborate?

      • 2 years ago

        Instead of playing the animation, the Pokemon flashing at the end of it, then the HP bar draining, there's a point in the animation where the took-a-hit sound effect happens and the HP bar starts draining all at the same time.

    • 2 years ago

      I endorse this, good change anon. Similarly, every 3D JRPG should play its animations of battle actions approximately as fast as, say, the original FF4 did, except in rare cases where a particular action is central to the plot and so only occurs once per game or whatever.

  5. 2 years ago

    Resident Evil 4
    Remove all QTE's from the game. Every press X to not die, every rapidly hit X to not die, it all needs to go away. Game would be practically flawless without the QTE's. The button press prompts for melee are alright, just the QTE's need to go.

  6. 2 years ago

    Backport the ability to fire from the ground into the first Max Payne.

  7. 2 years ago

    remove revival from shining force. threat of permadeath is always better for trpgs

  8. 2 years ago

    >ITT, produce a single, small change to a game that would make it much more enjoyable.
    All Yu-Gi-Oh! video games I've played suffer from this to a certain extent, so it goes for all of them, as it's a simple change that would've made them all better, and that is to make them less focused on grinding. I had so many occasions in which I wanted a card, only to look up its drop rate and it being 1/2048 or something, it essentially makes the player feel that he'll never get this card in a legit manner, without cheats and passwords. What's worse is that a lot of the time you have to grind for so long only to get cards which are pretty much mandatory for progression, and sometimes cards would have ridiculous stipulations for you to get them, like in Duel Monsters 1 for the GB where many of the cards require you to beat specific opponents 100 times, literally. I know Konami wanted to extend play time, but this wasn't ideal at all for a player's experience, especially if their favorite cards just happen to be the ones with drop rates smaller than 8/2048 or something.

  9. 2 years ago

    Diet Castlevania

    • 2 years ago

      It's an interesting game with good ideas, but the execution is definitely rough. Nice soundtrack, though.

  10. 2 years ago

    FF8: Attacking an enemy, or damaging them in anyway, is enough to draw their magic

    • 2 years ago

      ff8: replace draw/junction with literally any other system from the series
      k maybe not ff2 where you have to attack yourself to increase max hp

  11. 2 years ago

    For FFIX, I'd speed up battle animations in general, from monster intros to attack and spell animations, at least in random encounters. I love this game, and the animations are very well done, but the common complaint about battles being way too slow and taking forever are justified. I don't even think there's a technical reason they have to be this slow, as several summons (Bahamut and Ark, mainly) have parts of their summon animation with a higher framerate than normal.

  12. 2 years ago

    you have a bird

  13. 2 years ago

    >ITT, produce a single, small change to a game that would make it much more enjoyable.
    TECMO World Cup Soccer (NES)
    I love this, but I have to say its defending mechanics are flawed, when you're in defence you only use one of the buttons on the NES controller, so you can slide tackle, however the experience would be exponentially better if you could use the other button to do something like switch what player you're in control of, as it is it just does it automatically when it feels like it, after your CPU defenders already messed everything up and lead to you conceding a goal.

  14. 2 years ago

    Dying to the final boss in Ninja Gaiden doesn't send you back to the start of act 6.

    • 2 years ago

      I genuinely wish more games pulled absolute BS moves like that. They're surprising and memorable in a world where every boss attack has a 2-second-long telegraph and difficulty curves are smooth and predictable. Fighting the final boss knowing you have to redo act 6 if you lose is nowhere near as tense as fighting it with a stockpile of lives you can burn through.
      However, I would change it so that you have full health when you rematch the boss.

    • 2 years ago

      That system in Ninja Gaiden isn't even as bad as everyone acts like. You can carry the jump slash into the boss, so the first phase is completely free the first time around even if you suck, as long as you keep the jump slash. Then if you die to phase 2, the next time through you can just use jump slash on phase 2. And then again for the last phase.

      So at most, if you suck at boss fights, you would have to play the last stage through 3 times to beat it. Big deal, there's unlimited continues.

      • 2 years ago

        I think it's mostly because after playing 6-2 people get quite worn out and struggle to give it their all at the bosses, just the thought of replaying those levels again is a pain and I'd say it hinders players' performance.

  15. 2 years ago

    Blaster Master. Tiny change: remove the continues limit. Bigger change: add a password system.

  16. 2 years ago

    Contra/super on nes: add a rare drop of the armor from forgotten worlds, in alternative the armor from g&g

    • 2 years ago

      Git gud
      But seriously that sounds pretty cool. Maybe make an ez modo character that gets reduced to his boxers upon first damage. But the game laughs at you for their ending.

      • 2 years ago

        >Maybe make an ez modo character that gets reduced to his boxers upon first damage. But the game laughs at you for their ending.

        Funky Kong is always an option.
        I also like the ribbon in I wanna be the guy.

  17. 2 years ago

    Gradius III ARC
    Allow continues. Also make bosses drop extra lives upon death 3-5% of the time. (Looks like a power up except white) I guess that’s two changes oops.

  18. 2 years ago

    castlevania iii: swap stage 7 on alucard's path with stage 6b
    sure, besides 6b and maybe 4 the rest of his path isn't as cool as sypha's and he sucks ass but at least it wouldn't have to be torture every time you wanna use him

  19. 2 years ago

    Smaller sprites

  20. 2 years ago

    make the boss i-frames in Mega Man 3 the same as 1 and 2

  21. 2 years ago

    >ITT, produce a single, small change to a game that would make it much more enjoyable.
    Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge.
    Unlimited lives/continues.
    No need to add checkpoints as maybe the reason they weren't included is because levels would be too simple with them, the problem is having to restart the whole thing when losing all of your lives, this is one of those games where save states unironically makes it 10x better.

  22. 2 years ago

    The Godzilla game on NES had two playable characters: the big man himself and Mothra, who was woefully underpowered compared to Godzilla. She only had two methods of attack: a weak laser projectile and the ability to spread deadly pollen from her wings which was strong but difficult to take advantage of during boss battles.

    Giving Mothra another attack like a stronger laser, much like the one in the Godzilla Creepypasta PC fangame, would go a long way to making her a viable choice to confront the game's many bosses, especially shitters like Hedorah and Gigan.

  23. 2 years ago

    the whip guy not being the shittiest character in every castlevania where you get to play as different characters

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