ITT: Videogame dev tropes and common practices you hate

>Keeping ultra-high priority on graphics to the point where world maps are reduced to keep consistency
>Pic related
>Developing your multiplayer maps around new trending gameplay mode (BR) instead of remaining loyal to the most liked modes of your established fans

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    >our brave hero braves the dangerous lands and overcomes deadly challenges..
    >except spiders, because you can't expect a hero to confront their fears

    • 11 months ago

      >heh I hate that people get to enjoy a game in a completely optional way
      What mental illness is this

      You're not literally Nathan Drake anon. I know it's shocking but it's true.

      • 11 months ago

        Still significantly less mental illness than someone who has a panic attack from seeing a digital spider.

        • 11 months ago

          >heh it's not real
          None of the game is real, moron. Why are you playing it? Don't tell me you're having an emotional response to pixels on a screens. That's crazy talk, seek help

        • 11 months ago

          Suspension of disbelief is mental illness now.

      • 11 months ago

        I hear people say this all the time and they never do it. Because people like that never make anything. The
        >I want to ruin things for people I don't know
        mindset isn't the one productive people have

        Are you trolling? If so, that is 11/10 bait here

        • 11 months ago

          Nice samegay

      • 11 months ago

        You don’t know for sure I’m not Nathan Drake

  2. 11 months ago

    >AAA Game devs lazily rely on fanmade content to keep relevancy up and release bare-minimum inconsequential updates to remind everyone they still own the IP

    • 11 months ago

      Why are giant spiders an enemy in a galaxy far far away?

      The fact that you have like 3 different types in one game where basically none exist in other SW media is definitely weird. Spider freaks were involved in making that

      Remember Spider-Man American flag get ban?

    • 11 months ago

      >what is Team Fortress 2?

      • 11 months ago

        TF2 is a shooter, not a box of legoes. It's fricking amazing it lasted as many years as it has. I think it's OK to let it die now.

    • 11 months ago

      wrong image bro

  3. 11 months ago

    If I ever make the game I've been wanting to make it will have an 'Arachnophobia Mode' in the settings menu, the menu will describe the mode as 'ideal for those who have a fear of spiders', activating this mode will turn ALL npcs (friendly and hostile) into giant spiders.

    After being activated, the mode can not be disabled unless you delete all your saves, reinstall the game and also locate and delete the secret, hidden file created when you turn the mode on that is not deleted when you uninstall the game.

    • 11 months ago

      also have a file integrity check and disallow injecting dlls into the executable to stop mods from working
      fricking put denuvo in it so nobody can tamper with the executable either

    • 11 months ago

      I hear people say this all the time and they never do it. Because people like that never make anything. The
      >I want to ruin things for people I don't know
      mindset isn't the one productive people have

      • 11 months ago

        The Undertale guy kinda did something similar with the genocide run but he started out wanting to make a people would enjoy first.
        And even the punishment for doing the run is almost a reward, since players enjoy the game partly because all major actions have consequences.

        • 11 months ago

          I killed basically everyone and nothing made me feel bad at all.

          • 11 months ago

            When you do a genocide run you're killing and grinding so much that random enemies no longer show up
            If you complete the run and start a new True Pacifist run, you get a ruined ending

      • 11 months ago

        I once said if I ever make a game I'm gonna include some insults directed at game journalists and I did. Frick game journalists

      • 11 months ago

        >I want to ruin the game for people I don't know isn't a mindset productive people have
        >Pic related + Ayane calling you a little b***h the entire way through
        Cry about it.

        The idea of "the creative" is venerated as if fricking egregore, a chaste virginal maiden, and of course [agrees with me on everything], and it just isn't that arcane and pure as all the gays would want you to think.

        • 11 months ago

          >Cry about it.
          I don't care about your or your nonexistent game. You however care about me so much that you're planning to change your nonexistent game that I will never play just to spite me. Of course that's a purely fantasy scenario because you won't actually make anything, people like you never do

          • 11 months ago

            I'm not even gonna read all that.
            I've been actively working together with friends since high-school to make games, and make my own which originally started out as a campaign based on Pathfinder and Vampire, and I'm a normal person just like anyone else.
            I don't take shit from some moron on a basket weaving forum.
            Miss me with the projection homosexual, it doesn't look good on you

            • 11 months ago

              >I'm not even gonna read all that.
              >writes a book in response
              Bro if you're going for the I wrote less so I win the argument you need to write less. Ideally just stop mid senten

              • 11 months ago

                Just admit you're fricking wrong because I'm able to do something with my hands you'll never be able to do 🙂

              • 11 months ago

                not that anon but holy shit you’re mad, just let it go and go back to making your game that plenty of people will eventually play! (lmao)

              • 11 months ago

                The difference between you and me is that people will play the games I have worked on, in fact they already have.
                Even if it was only a handful players, you'll still die having made nothing in comparison

                Cope and seethe.

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah bro you're a genius game designer who has a very original idea just like these other guys

                Haha duuude 🙂 This is so original and funny.
                Haha duuude 🙂 This is so original and funny.
                Haha duuude 🙂 This is so original and funny.
                Haha duuude 🙂 This is so original and funny.

                You should get together seeing how original and unique you all are. It'll be like the Beetles but for games

              • 11 months ago

                Haha duuude 🙂 This is so original and funny.
                Haha duuude 🙂 This is so original and funny.
                Haha duuude 🙂 This is so original and funny.
                Haha duuude 🙂 This is so original and funny.

                get out of my board pls, i have a phobia of you

              • 11 months ago

                Great, you've triggered the mode, now all posters will turn into him

              • 11 months ago

                Oh no, that's just to spite (You).

  4. 11 months ago

    Why are arachnophobes in particular such colossal pussies?

    • 11 months ago

      They just don’t understand

    • 11 months ago

      >heh I don't have a phobia
      That's just random luck what are you being smug about. I'm not afraid of heights, that's not a reason to be smug, I just happened to be born that way. If you were in fact afraid of spiders but could over come it, that's a reason to be smug

      • 11 months ago

        >T. Pussy arachnephobe

      • 11 months ago

        Are you okay?

        • 11 months ago

          Did my minor spelling mistake shake you so much

          >T. Pussy arachnephobe

          t. man with so little achievements he's proud of not being born with this particular phobia

      • 11 months ago

        Im afraid of heights but i still managed to play through totk

        • 11 months ago

          Because the game has no depth perception. What you're afraid of is triggered mainly by depth perception. What I'm afraid of is triggered by seeing the spooky legs and the spooky movement. I don't need to perceive depth to be spooked but you do

          • 11 months ago

            Idk every time I had to jump from the sky to the ground made my hands sweaty and my butthole was clenching hard (not meming this is a common fear response for me) especially during the wind temple. If anything the fear it gave me made the rest of the game feel underwhelming

            • 11 months ago

              arachnaphobia modes are fine, because devs don't put the effort into designing enemies that they should. first of all, stop overusing the same fricking types of which giant spiders are randomly one of. secondly, if you do design spiders it is more than possible to easily make them still entirely acceptable and not frick with most people, plenty of games have done it, it all comes down to the specifics of the design, the movement, the textures, the sounds. there was no opportunity to do this 25 years ago, you were incredibly limited in how you could make things move or the textures you used to begin with, but due to that they were less of a problem because you weren't trying to emulate hyper realistic things to begin with.
              also spiders do not screech, its so fricking tiresome that every piece of shit lazy dev adds this. they make no sound. their movement doesn't make 500 footstep sounds a second, they're not a fricking horse with muscled appendages, they're not stomping down their weight on one spot.
              you can make spider enemies just fine if you're not an absolute clown but alas

              because that's an entirely different response that isn't a phobia response anon. most people who jump off heights in games feel a stomach dropping and a rush, it is not a fear response it's kind of nice in a way its an adrenaline response or something. whilst seeing the wrong kind of spider move will make my skin itch for the next 15 mins and cause me to check the corners of the room/walls/look around regularly for the next day or two

              • 11 months ago

                >if you do design spiders it is more than possible to easily make them still entirely acceptable and not frick with most people, plenty of games have done it, it all comes down to the specifics of the design, the movement, the textures, the sounds
                Exactly, there's plenty of "spider" type enemies that don't actually trigger the phobia. Souls games have lots of spiders and almost all of them are different enough not to trigger a response in me. The RE3 remake "spiders" were very safe for me, they're spooky but not triggering a phobia. Actually I can look at OP pic just fine and it doesn't spook me but those things move way too realistically in SW, it's the animation that often gets me. You just need to avoid some specific things and at this point it can't be hard to do, it was done many times.

          • 11 months ago

            Spider gays really are not only pussies but also the sort of them that thinks that they are special huh
            You really think that people with fear of heights feel nothing while playing games?

            • 11 months ago

              >You really think that people with fear of heights feel nothing while playing games
              How would I know, that's what this guy told me and he claims to be afraid of heights

              You're a fricking idiot
              I've played many games in VR with heights. They give slight tingles but nothing like how actually being up on a 4 story roof does in real life. Because IT'S NOT REAL.

              Even in VR he just get tingles which doesn't sound unpleasant to me. Go on, argue with him if you have experience in that field cause I don't

        • 11 months ago

          I cant talk from experience but I dont think fear of heights translates into videogames the same way arachnophobia does
          I cant even look at images of spiders

          Frick you bigot. Spiders never did anything but try to exist freely and be left alone and here you are just spewing arachnophobia all over the place.

          Meh I can’t say it’s all that bad, wouldn’t you like a similar homophobia filter?

          >Spiders never did anything but try to exist freely and be left alone and here you are just spewing arachnophobia all over the place.
          Yeah so do alligators and lions you still wouldnt wanna be in the same room

          • 11 months ago

            >Being afraid of the very few remaining predators of humans is the same as being afraid of creatures that are always less than 5 feet away from you

            • 11 months ago

              >implying spiders don't kill humans
              There's nothing irrational about hating them or snakes really. Unlike lions they can sneak up on you. No need to have heightened awareness of a lion in the city, you're not getting jumped on by one

      • 11 months ago

        Frick you bigot. Spiders never did anything but try to exist freely and be left alone and here you are just spewing arachnophobia all over the place.

        >Keeping ultra-high priority on graphics to the point where world maps are reduced to keep consistency
        >Pic related
        >Developing your multiplayer maps around new trending gameplay mode (BR) instead of remaining loyal to the most liked modes of your established fans

        Meh I can’t say it’s all that bad, wouldn’t you like a similar homophobia filter?

        • 11 months ago

          >Spiders never did anything but try to exist freely and be left alone
          Not in games they're not, in games it's arachnophilic FREAKS who push their arachnophilic propaganda onto me. It's my duty to fight back against this completely irrational behavior by the arachnophilic FREAKS

          • 11 months ago

            I cant talk from experience but I dont think fear of heights translates into videogames the same way arachnophobia does
            I cant even look at images of spiders
            >Spiders never did anything but try to exist freely and be left alone and here you are just spewing arachnophobia all over the place.
            Yeah so do alligators and lions you still wouldnt wanna be in the same room

            B I G O T


            • 11 months ago

              Me neither, death to all arachnids.

      • 11 months ago

        homie I have some childhood traumas with spiders and shit. If I'd see something akin to a tarantula anywhere close to me IRL I would probably scream like a little girl. But this shit is vidya. It's not real. Especially when it's some alien creatures. Shit like Skyrim spiders in first person mode were somewhat uncomfortable but guess what, the entire game isn't fricking spiders, who cares, sometimes shit just isn't comfortable.

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah sure. I'm not advocating for actual hangings of devs who put spiders in games. It would be nice but let's be rational here. It's fine, I can get through it. Just one more thing in a list of many things that makes games less enjoyable than they could've been.

      • 11 months ago

        If you have a phobia of spiders you shouldn’t continue living. There’s spiders within 5 feet of you 24/7. If you can’t deal with an inevitable part of life you shouldn’t be part of said life

        • 11 months ago

          >There’s spiders within 5 feet of you 24/7
          Not even close to being true

          • 11 months ago

            You eat 3 spiders every single night.
            There are spiders under your bed right now.
            Dry walls are hollow and filled with spiders.

            • 11 months ago

              There's a spider hiding under your foreskin right now

              • 11 months ago

                When you feel tingly sensations at night it is a spider crawling on you.

            • 11 months ago

              God damn it stop repeating this, it's like 3 a year not a day. at least use month if you're going for a bite.
              Spiders aren't that fricking moronic, man's a poor consistant source

              • 11 months ago

                Maybe they just have a vore fetish
                Spiders are pretty damn stupid though

              • 11 months ago

                Hence still dying, but what use is a water-hole that only opens sometimes compared to a waterhole that's always open that they can trap? moronic, but 3/month moronic not 3/day

      • 11 months ago

        >but could over come it, that's a reason to be smug
        i was a crybaby b***h when it came to heights, now i climb trees for a living.
        i am extra smug, lick my poopy butthole anon

    • 11 months ago

      I dunno. I have acrophobia, but you don't see me demanding they remove bottomless pits from platformers.

      • 11 months ago

        >you don't see me demanding they remove bottomless pits from platformers
        Are you actually afraid of them in the game though? Or are you just using that as an excuse to win an internet argument

        • 11 months ago

          I'm saying that my phobia (yes, it's a real phobia, I get dizzy, weak-kneed, and start to hyper ventilate when I am high up off the ground) doesn't make me demand the developers of a game include an option that removes digital representations of high falls. I am not against devs having arachnophobia modes as it pretty much adds nothing to development costs or time, but arachnophobiagays are unironically the biggest pussies on the planet and its bizarre to me how they somehow are so prolific that everyone caters to them this hard.

          • 11 months ago

            You didn't answer the question. Are you actually afraid of pit in Mario games? I bet that fear of heights aren't triggered by basic games like that. And I bet you don't play VR games with bottomless pits where your fear absolutely is triggered. Am I right?

            • 11 months ago

              Of course I'm not afraid of them, they're not real. Just like the spiders in other games arent.

              • 11 months ago

                Exactly, because obviously a fear of heights isn't triggered by a picture of a goddamn cliff, what point were you even trying to make you moron? Try playing VR games that do height scares and tell me how it totally isn't scary for you then. Those ones actually do trigger your fear

                I don't play VR games because I'm not a homosexual and only play good games.

                Very convenient for your argument, gaygolio

              • 11 months ago

                You're a fricking idiot
                I've played many games in VR with heights. They give slight tingles but nothing like how actually being up on a 4 story roof does in real life. Because IT'S NOT REAL.

              • 11 months ago

                No it's because VR has the maximum focal length of like 1-2 meters. That would be enough to trick some people but not you I guess, congratulations.
                >it's not real
                Who gives a frick? The breasts on the screen aren't real either is your dick not getting hard when you look at them? What is this moronic argument?

              • 11 months ago

                It's not really an argument, just an observation that arachnophobes are gigantic pussies even when compared to other types of phobes. Seriously how do they function?

              • 11 months ago

                I live far in the north, there are zero spiders in my life, I function perfectly well. Meanwhile you get dizzy, weak-kneed, and start to hyper ventilate when you get off the ground. How the frick do YOU function, moron?

            • 11 months ago

              People like you should be bullied more often and so should the people who take your concerns seriously

            • 11 months ago

              I don't play VR games because I'm not a homosexual and only play good games.

    • 11 months ago

      because 98% of people who claim they are arachnophobes are just doing it for attention. see

      I dunno. I have acrophobia, but you don't see me demanding they remove bottomless pits from platformers.

      And since its all for attention, what better way to get more attention than making a stink on twitter?

    • 11 months ago

      Some spiders can kill you, I think that's the beginning and end of it.

      • 11 months ago

        At the end of the day it just comes down to whether or not a bunch of your ancestors got bitten by spiders and had their hands fall of or something. Or maybe they fell of a cliff and got maimed. That's how you end up with a phobia, all there is to it

      • 11 months ago

        Some snakes can also kill you but I can't think of any games that have ophidiophobia mode

        • 11 months ago

          ummmm acktually spiders are worse than snakes because........they JUST ARE OKAY?

        • 11 months ago

          I don't think snakes are even remotely as popular in games as spiders. They're hard to animate so they're pretty rare.

      • 11 months ago

        And not a one of them is a digital picture on your screen.

      • 11 months ago

        all cliffs can kill you, moron.

        • 11 months ago

          And that's why jumping off a cliff in VR is pretty fricking scary. But looking at one really isn't because it does nothing

          • 11 months ago

            How is that different from looking at a digital render of a spider? Did you think there was a crucial difference here?

            • 11 months ago

              Yes because a spider that sits there presents a threat. A cliff that sits there doesn't, a cliff can't attack you.
              >but it's not real
              Jumping off a cliff in VR isn't real either dumdum. Still, you can see how it might be a bit scary right

              • 11 months ago

                Now you're just arguing "my phobia > your phobia"
                No, a digital render of a spider is no more threatening than a digital render of a cliff. I don't care if you "inb4" me on this, it remains a fact.

              • 11 months ago

                >No, a digital render of a spider is no more threatening than a digital render of a cliff
                Does looking at a cliff trigger your phobia in real life? No? Why would it trigger that in the game then?
                Looking at a spider in real life does trigger my phobia. And it does so in a game too.
                Let's not pretend to be moronic, I think this is perfectly clear. Try to be rational for a second and read my post calmly. I don't think there's anything to be confused about here but if you are you can ask me a question.

              • 11 months ago

                Not him but you sound like a totally irrational pussy

              • 11 months ago

                >totally irrational
                Yeah that's called a phobia you're starting to get it
                >heh I'm not a pussy I wasn't born with this phobia
                Doesn't make you brave, just like me not being afraid of cliffs doesn't make me brave. Bravery is about overcoming fears, if you don't have it, you didn't overcome shit.

              • 11 months ago

                >born with
                Frick off. Trying to pretend mental fortitude and control of oneself is just a matter of dumb luck.
                Trying to pretend you're just as brave and normal as everyone else because it's really not your fault you piss yourself when you hear a loud noise or see a hairy bug.
                Frick off pussy, you should have been born a girl. Toughen up or get shit on.

              • 11 months ago

                Some people are scared of snakes, I'm not. I can tangle up in 100 snakes and fall asleep. Does that make me a TOUGH MENTALLY PREPARED man in your moronic worldview? I didn't do shit to achieve it or overcome any odds, mind you. Juts not afraid of it. Is that TOUGH according to you?

              • 11 months ago

                Fear of snakes are evolutionarily engraved into our brains, fear of spiders aren’t

              • 11 months ago

                You're not born with an innate irrational fear of spiders , you huge pussy. You developed it because you coddled yourself and told yourself it's normal and unavoidable.
                Normal men got over that phase at some point in their childhood, i.e. toughened up.
                It's not that we're brave, it's that you're a huge pussy.
                It's not that big of a deal, you can live your life and be happy like that. It's fine.
                But frick off with the "just as brave as normal people" shit. You're being a pussy so own up to it.

              • 11 months ago

                >Does looking at a cliff trigger your phobia in real life?
                If someone is afraid of cliffs, yes, you fricking idiot. You lack basic fricking empathy that someone might fear something as much as you fear a fricking 8-legged bug.

              • 11 months ago

                >If someone is afraid of cliffs, yes
                >if someone
                Oh so you don't know what you're talking about. Don't waste my time then, go away

              • 11 months ago

                I am afraid of spiders, so I have enough perspective to call you a pussy. Never once did I have to mod spiders out of Skyrim.

              • 11 months ago

                >mod spiders out of Skyrim
                Those aren't real spiders moron, I didn't mod them out either. They're basically crabs. Congratulations on not being afraid of crabs big guy, now go frick yourself

              • 11 months ago

                I'm real happy for you that you disassociated this specific instance, but the whole arachnophobe argument pretty much started with Skyrim and people modding them into bears. If you argue for one "Arachnophobia mode" you probably should argue for all of them. Otherwise "just consider them crabs and get the frick over it" is just agreeing with the opposition, in a way.

      • 11 months ago

        Taking a shower can kill you, walking around in a store could kill you, shut the frick up you fricking homosexual pussy

    • 11 months ago

      Spiders are the most alien looking animal on the fricking planet. Like aliens in fiction look less fricking alien than 8 legs multiple eyes with fangs mother frickers. Only creatures that even resemble spiders are crabs and they still have a lot of their own features.

      • 11 months ago

        Nah there’s freakier shit in the sea

        • 11 months ago

          >the forbidden but plug

      • 11 months ago

        >Spiders are the most alien looking animal on the fricking planet
        Not even close

    • 11 months ago

      Irrational fears are torment dude. I genuinely feel like I’m in a life or death situation due to my erotophobia

    • 11 months ago

      W O M E N
      Ask any women you know, have known or will ever know, they will all 100% claim to be arachnophobe.
      That's because it makes them cute and vulnerable in a completely socially normal and acceptable way, expected even.
      Women are wired to act weak, it's a sexual thing. We are wired to act tough, it's the same sexual thing.
      This current trend of pseudo arachnophobia is an extremely vivid example of sex dynamics at work.

      • 11 months ago

        I don't know maybe the are actually afraid of spiders more. Think about it logically, men hunted, women foraged. As a hunter, what are you afraid of? Fangs, big eyes in the dark, claws, that shit. As a forager what are you afraid of? Spiders, snakes, rats, that shit that's down there where you're foraging. Not really that weird what you think about it

        • 11 months ago

          Phobia are by definition supposed to be irrational though.
          Your theory kinda makes sense I guess but I have a hard time believing it.
          I really think we all find spiders the same amount of creepy just like we all find tigers the same amount of scary.
          Women just lean into it because it's trendy and cute.
          Real arachnophobes are rare and another matter completely. It's a mental illness and I wouldn't make light of it.

          • 11 months ago

            >I really think we all find spiders the same amount of creepy just like we all find tigers the same amount of scary.
            The fact that you even put that in the same sentence tells me you don't find spiders as scary as I do. I don't care about tigers, snakes, bats or even fantasy spider type enemies that don't trigger the specific triggers in my brain that say SPIDER. It's kind of a binary thing it's either a spider or it's not a spider, there's no gradient where something that's a bit like a spider is 80% as scary to me, it's 0% as scary if it's not a spider. Like how RE3 remake spiders are not scary to me at all because they don't register as spiders for me but RE3 original PS1 ugly ass bastards do register and do trigger the response in me.
            Am I super rare? I don't think so, maybe I am.

            • 11 months ago

              You should get bottom surgery so your outside matches your inside you useless fricking pussy.

              • 11 months ago

                You're on tough guy, go frick yourself

            • 11 months ago

              Maybe you're special and actually have a mental disorder about spiders, if you're truly that far gone. Work on yourself and fix it. It's literally all in your head.
              but I guarantee you 99% of "arachnophobes" out there are just women who go ewie when there's a creepy crawly in the room and a man to witness it, but just smashes it when they're on their own and move on with their business.

              • 11 months ago

                >Work on yourself and fix it. It's literally all in your head.
                Like I said before in this thread my problem is I live high up north. I think southerners in general are a lot more comfortable with spiders than us. You put them into games thinking everyone around the world is used to those freaks crawling all around them

    • 11 months ago

      >Keeping ultra-high priority on graphics to the point where world maps are reduced to keep consistency
      >Pic related
      >Developing your multiplayer maps around new trending gameplay mode (BR) instead of remaining loyal to the most liked modes of your established fans

      Why would anyone hate God's insect repellant?

      • 11 months ago

        They were flies in previous lives hence their natural fears towards the spider.

    • 11 months ago

      >Keeping ultra-high priority on graphics to the point where world maps are reduced to keep consistency
      >Pic related
      >Developing your multiplayer maps around new trending gameplay mode (BR) instead of remaining loyal to the most liked modes of your established fans

      I dunno. I have acrophobia, but you don't see me demanding they remove bottomless pits from platformers.

      I have kinda severe Arachnophobia and freeze up when I see a spider, for this reason Giant spiders are one of my favorite enemies, when these people play horror games, do they consider it bad if it actually scares them? I just don't get the mindset of these people.
      Bring on all the giant spiders because they actually creep me out, and that's a GOOD THING for a fricking videogame where your fighting to survive

    • 11 months ago

      Mammals and most animals that are currently alive have instinctual fear of Snakes and Spiders, it's not that odd. Some are just very incapable of coping with the feeling though.

    • 11 months ago

      It happens a young age. You are taught spiders is something that is dangerous and to avoid in school as well as common in all media. Unless you had someone to show you otherwise in the real world, there's a chance the kid will have the phobia.

    • 11 months ago

      Easy virtue signalling

  5. 11 months ago

    >Here's how to toggle an option in a game
    There is noway online 'journalism' is sustainable, the ad money per page view must be microscopic if they have to stretch an option in a menu to 1000 words.

    • 11 months ago

      They're just pumping out articles by the hundreds using chatgpt to catch search engine results.
      Online publications are fricking dead.

  6. 11 months ago

    >develop maps around new trending modes instead of the ones your fans already liked
    There's no reason not to. People who liked the established modes of the existing game will just play the existing game. It's why there's no point in Unreal Tournament continuing as a franchise because everyone's still just plugging away at UT99 (although UT4 surprisingly does have a mapping scene).

  7. 11 months ago

    >game loads in shit across the map that there's no way you'll see unless you wallhack
    post-BSP mapping was a mistake
    death to Unreal
    death to Unity

  8. 11 months ago

    Why are giant spiders an enemy in a galaxy far far away?

    • 11 months ago

      Why are humans

      A ball with fangs, eyes and long legs is probably way more evolutionarily inevitable than a chimp with a weird supercomputer in its skull

    • 11 months ago

      The fact that you have like 3 different types in one game where basically none exist in other SW media is definitely weird. Spider freaks were involved in making that

  9. 11 months ago

    I have severe homophobia. When are game devs going to start pandering to me with a game mode?

  10. 11 months ago

    'ate spoders in me room
    luv spoders in vidya
    simple as

    • 11 months ago

      Spiders that live in your closet and the corner of your room are cool. I let mine be when I moved into my grandmother’s basement for a bit

      • 11 months ago

        >Spiders that live in your closet and the corner of your room are cool.
        I used to kill or capture/remove on sight, but tried subscribing to the 'spiders are bros and catch annoying insects' school of thought.
        It's a load of shit - the spiders just sit in the corner nearly all the time and never fricking catch anything, while flies and shit fly around the middle of the room. They'd just die in their webs without catching anything, or occasionally they'd walk over my bed in the night and I'd wake up with a squished spider next to me.

  11. 11 months ago

    I feel like they could have given players this option without announcing it?

  12. 11 months ago

    Why can’t Skullgirls have naïve angel mode instead 4kid censorship?

  13. 11 months ago

    Forget spiders.

    When are they going to have an option to remove bats from vidya? Devs can be dicks with bats and like using them as jumpscares in games. I’m always on edge whenever I enter a cave level because of this. And I have to turn away whenever there’s bats around me.

    Seriously, frick bats.

  14. 11 months ago

    >Videogame Story is so bad it ruins a perfectly good game
    White men can be heros, black men can be villains, women can make mistakes.

    My least favorite trope is the Molly Sue.

    • 11 months ago

      Mary Sue*

  15. 11 months ago

    arachnophobia isn't real
    you're suppose to not like icky monsters
    if it's a house spider it's cool

  16. 11 months ago

    >remove spiders from your game?
    Why not kill them so you can literally conquer your fear?
    t. arachnophobe

    • 11 months ago

      Sorry buddy if I don't want to have sex with the monster it's bad game design I need to be able to imagine myself laying down on the ground and letting it have sex with me

    • 11 months ago

      That only works in real life because in games mobs spawn endlessly. Can't really kill anything in a game permanently. If I could rewrite the code to eliminate them from the game, that would be make me feel in control. Otherwise I'm not in control am I, any "death" is temporary in a game

      • 11 months ago

        Shadow tower has a limited number of monster spawns

  17. 11 months ago

    Wowwww I want to kill the enemy as fast as possible because it looks threatening? That's bad creature design!

    • 11 months ago

      arachnophobia isn't real
      you're suppose to not like icky monsters
      if it's a house spider it's cool

      t. people who don't understand what phobias are
      When I see a spider I get a BOOOM sound in my ears because blood rushes to my head and you expect me to pay money for this experience? Phobias aren't just fear, they're way more primal than that

      • 11 months ago

        >you expect me to pay money for this experience?
        Sounds cozy and actually worth the money devs charge nowadays

  18. 11 months ago

    I’ll never get people who want to escape their fears
    I have an unhealthy fear of the ocean and the deep sea, but seeing games begin to perfect that terrifying feeling always gets my attention and makes me want to see how well they captured that feeling

  19. 11 months ago

    >locking the character's view direction to the camera direction
    It's a really stupid design, especially in action games with melee combat. In real life you aren't forced to look in the direction you swing or aim your weapon, this makes it feel like you have a handicap. Yet it's a very typical control scheme for western games in particular.

  20. 11 months ago

    I always thought arachnophobia was just a funny meme setting.

  21. 11 months ago

    Lack of a proper fricking physics engine.
    AAA games feel like trash to play.

  22. 11 months ago

    >Either borderlands style writing like pic related, or "marvel quippy" writing where something horrifying just happened and characters use the aftermath of it to crack a joke, like if a redditor sociopath had no sense of danger.
    >"Edgy story that disappears up it's own ass when it starts berating the player for playing the game they paid $60-$70 for definitely means we're being 'art' and 'more mature'" shit like The Last of Us Part 2 and Spec Ops: The Line. You're not high art just because you make the game miserable to play. You only get to ride that train if you even offer me a pacifist route to begin with that has an actual impact on the plot, because then I'll actually feel bad about the things I did now that I know the game was giving me an option not to do it.
    >"We made our open world enormous! Look how far technology has come!" okay but are you going to populate that space with meaningful content that isn't flyover worthy and NPCs you actually remember as good characters? No? Then downsize your fricking open world. It saves you budget that you can now spend on better writers who can now populate the smaller space with more memorable NPCs, it wastes less of my time, and I will come away from the game actually remembering what happened in it.
    >Multiplayer only game that will eventually die when either the playerbase gets bored of it or the publisher no longer wants to support it's servers, and then you don't allow people to host server emulators once you're done with it. It's okay for a game to have a lifespan, but not okay for that lifespan to inorganically end early while people are still interested just because you don't want to support it anymore.

  23. 11 months ago

    Spiders are based because they kill and eat pic rel.

    • 11 months ago

      Mosquitos are cute and funny though

    • 11 months ago

      You'll never get a cute vampire gf if you can't even handle a mosquito

  24. 11 months ago

    Can't distinguish games from reality and face their fears while forcing everyone to listen to their moaning
    >Everyone else
    They somehow manage or just don't play the games with their phobias in them

    • 11 months ago

      >just don't play the games with their phobias in them
      Would be a lot easier if arachnophilic FREAKS didn't put those creeps into every fantasy game. Not exactly a niche enemy type, even FF has them now apparently with 16.

      • 11 months ago

        This inspired me to include an archnophobia setting in the game I'm developing.

        I'd make it so that, when set to on, the mode will turn every enemy into a spider, just to spite archnophobes.

        It's because they are pussies :^)

        • 11 months ago

          Haha duuude 🙂 This is so original and funny.

          If I ever finish making a real video game I'm putting in an arachnophobe mode that just turns every enemy into different highly detailed spiders.

          Haha duuude 🙂 This is so original and funny.

          If I ever make the game I've been wanting to make it will have an 'Arachnophobia Mode' in the settings menu, the menu will describe the mode as 'ideal for those who have a fear of spiders', activating this mode will turn ALL NPCs (friendly and hostile) into giant spiders.

          After being activated, the mode can not be disabled unless you delete all your saves, reinstall the game and also locate and delete the secret, hidden file created when you turn the mode on that is not deleted when you uninstall the game.

          Haha duuude 🙂 This is so original and funny.

          If i ever made a game i would add an arachnophobia mode that just adds more spiders to the game

          Haha duuude 🙂 This is so original and funny.

  25. 11 months ago

    If I ever finish making a real video game I'm putting in an arachnophobe mode that just turns every enemy into different highly detailed spiders.

    • 11 months ago

      Wow you're so original, almost as original as the other 3 people who say this exact thing in every thread

      • 11 months ago

        Haha duuude 🙂 This is so original and funny.
        Haha duuude 🙂 This is so original and funny.
        Haha duuude 🙂 This is so original and funny.
        Haha duuude 🙂 This is so original and funny.

        prinny dood here, that was the joke, hence the mindless prinny

  26. 11 months ago

    If i ever made a game i would add an arachnophobia mode that just adds more spiders to the game

  27. 11 months ago

    I actually got filtered by spiders in Northern Journey.

  28. 11 months ago

    Exposure therapy works as a treatment for phobias. Seek not accommodation for that which can be fixed.

  29. 11 months ago

    Where are the games with agoraphobia mode? Turn everything into a corridor, but not too cramped since we have to keep claustrophobic agoraphobic people in mind. I hope GTA VI has this, it's 2023.

  30. 11 months ago

    I remember just barely being able to look at the spiders and sandworms in Diablo 2 and to a lesser degree minecrawlers in Gothic1 and essentially fighting the sand worm queen blind or half blind to avoid looking at it.

  31. 11 months ago

    hey bro, whatcha playin'?

  32. 11 months ago

    >fearing spiders is officially a disability
    Society is crumbling.

    • 11 months ago

      People who are afraid of spiders are some form of disabled, yes.

      • 11 months ago

        Being afraid of something typically venomous is not a disability, it's rationality. Where it leaves the realm of "rational" is arguing you can't even look at a digital monster in a game without being "triggered."

        • 11 months ago

          hell aren't majority of spiders non-venomous to man anyways? some snakes can strangle minus venom, the frick is a non-venomous spider gonna do aside be an annoyance?

          • 11 months ago

            Even the venomous spiders aren’t that deadly. Shit like black widows and brown recluses are harmless 99% of the time. Very rarely humans will have a bad reaction but that’s like being scared of peanuts because some humans are allergic and you might have a bad reaction to one.

            • 11 months ago

              >just let widows and recluses bite you!
              waitaminute now post your hand homie

              • 11 months ago

                What’s that got to do with anything?

            • 11 months ago

              >that’s like being scared of peanuts
              No it isn't. Because someone is either allergic or they are not. But there will always be deadly spiders in the world no matter who you are.

    • 11 months ago

      I mean it's not wrong
      I would consider a full grown man who cowers and cries in the corner when encountering a spider to be disabled

      • 11 months ago

        Anyone who goes to that length is already disabled in some other obvious way, or faking it for attention.

  33. 11 months ago

    I'm more afraid of wasps than spiders.

  34. 11 months ago

    Is Jedi survivor worth playing if I thought that the first one had sloppy gameplay? I liked the idea but the execution was poor.

    • 11 months ago


  35. 11 months ago

    bro we all know you're in the closet and secretly want to frick spiders with that arachnophobia just come clean

  36. 11 months ago

    >Enable arachnophobia mode
    >It just makes it so spiders have six legs instead of eight
    You're welcome.

    • 11 months ago

      The only game that ever fricked me up is grounded but the arachnophobia mode in that game turns the fricking spider into some flying blob

  37. 11 months ago


  38. 11 months ago

    >Cartoon weirdo spider that barely looks like one at all.
    No idea how this could trigger an actual phobia.

  39. 11 months ago

    Im afraid of Black folks can we start getting toggles for that

  40. 11 months ago

    Every man’s worst fear…

    • 11 months ago


  41. 11 months ago

    >hate spiders
    >see spider in my house
    >kill it
    >see spider in game
    >kill it
    I don’t see why this mode is necessary
    If anything I want more spiders, but with slow motion and dismemberment mechanics on so I can destroy their bodies piece by piece while their green goo sprays everywhere

    • 11 months ago

      The difference between hating spiders and having a phobia is that you get a panic attack if you are in the same room

      • 11 months ago

        Does the panic attack go away after killing the spider? If so, then I don't see why this mode is necessary.

        • 11 months ago

          Killing it requires to get close and look at it so that sucks
          It also means that there might be its disgusting body parts or intestines sticking to the wall

      • 11 months ago

        You wouldn’t be panicking if you killed it.
        Honestly sounds low test to me. Just grow some balls and hit it with a stick.
        >b-but it’s scawwy
        Grow some balls and hit it with a stick. That spider isn’t going to hurt you but my foot going up your ass sure as hell will.

        • 11 months ago

          Do you think I just fricking leave me house and get a neighbor to get rid of the thing?
          Of course I fricking kill it but that doesnt make me feel any better.

          You eat 3 spiders every single night.
          There are spiders under your bed right now.
          Dry walls are hollow and filled with spiders.

          >Dry walls
          Do burgers really

  42. 11 months ago

    >Lack of Sound Test mode in options/settings. I want to hear all the music and effects from the game sometimes b***h
    >Forced keybinds
    >No dedicated server/map making/mod support for multiplayer games
    >Crossplay with overtuned controller aimbot...I mean aim assist
    >Being able to tweak certain visual options to give you an advantage (grass render distance) instead of forcing autists to just enjoy the games scenery as is

  43. 11 months ago

    >Arachnophobia mode
    Enabling this mode makes you not beat the game.

  44. 11 months ago
  45. 11 months ago

    Would replacing the giant spiders with giant scorpions help?

  46. 11 months ago

    Imagine all the work to make an entire class of enemy optional. The ultimate implication is that games shouldn't feature spiders out of inclusivity. Globohomosexual wants to take your spiders.

  47. 11 months ago

    >tfw can't even poke fun at strangers' complete pussification over digital arachnids without being called racist or some shit
    It's piss easy to implement such features, but holy shit does it stroke egos that really should not be stroked.

  48. 11 months ago

    is arachnophobia the new tripophobia?

    • 11 months ago

      Apparently it’s the new homophobia considering how blatant and disgusting it is around here

  49. 11 months ago

    Reminder that not even primates have this level of fear towards spiders

  50. 11 months ago

    arachnaphobia mode is so homosexual, muh accessibility options. Give me harder battles, give me scarier spiders. Where is that option gay boy

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