ITT. >Your favorite genre. >Least favorite genre. >One of your favorite games

>Your favorite genre
>Least favorite genre
>One of your favorite games
>The worst thing you've ever done

Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

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Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    Datamining thread

  2. 12 months ago

    Immersive sim
    Fighting games
    I fermented my own shit, some dog's shit, rat shit, pork liver, chicken liver, a touch of sugar, and the slime from a wet fart in a small jar for 3 months. I dripped little bits of it into my roommates food

    • 12 months ago

      I don't know, I don't play one genre only
      Shin Megami Tensei 1
      I threaten suicide to keep my relationship stable

      why would you ever do that, what's even the point, did they even get sick?

      • 12 months ago

        He had long since dehumanized himself to me. He did some truly awful things to people and inconvenienced me constantly. Pretty convinced he was a sociopath, and not the Hollywood kind, more so the /LULZ/ kind.
        It was far from the only thing I did to him, but it was by far the worst. My buddy who knew about it all once said to me, and I'll never forget these words:
        >You know anon, anyone else would have just moved and forgotten about it. You though? You chose to shove his entire life up your ass, piece by piece. You've made him more shit than man.
        I feel no shame, for I am justice.

        • 12 months ago

          Did he get sick or have any adverse health effects or anything? I want more of this story. I guess I'm like your friend; I just couldn't be bothered to care enough to devote so much energy to such a thing unless this person was my mortal enemy, but even then I wouldn't live with the person.

          • 12 months ago

            Not that I knew of. We theorized that his lifestyle had immunized him to filth.
            More details here

            >Did you despise your roommate or something?

            Too long a story to really get into. We started as friends, and very close friends. Over time, once we lived together, he showed his true colours though. He abused his autistic brother, he was an absolute monster to several women who did their best to love him, he'd say things like "as the leader of the household" when we (myself, him, his brother, and this girl we knew lived together) spoke about rent and utilities.

            I didn't really have a goal honestly. It was more that I was in a situation where I had to live there for the time being, and the fact that we had been very close friends made his turn so much more vile to me. So I lashed out with my butthole.
            I also peed on his bed like, every 3 days or so. He thought the dog was doing it.

            I'll answer whatever questions but it's really hard to give too many general details since this was like 10ish years ago and so much of it is just personality stuff with him. A lot of small to medium things, not as many big breaking point incidents.

      • 12 months ago

        >I threaten suicide to keep my relationship stable
        Wouldn't doing that just destabilize your relationship?

        • 12 months ago

          It's to keep him with me

          • 12 months ago

            Well go on, story

            • 12 months ago

              there's not really any story, when we fight I tell him that if he leaves me I'll kill myself (its true though I would) so he doesn't even think of it

          • 12 months ago

            Wouldn't it be easier to keep him with you by loving him instead of gaslighting him?

          • 12 months ago

            You're emotionally abusing your boyfriend.

          • 12 months ago

            Woman moment.

            • 12 months ago

              more like a BPDemon moment

  3. 12 months ago

    he cute

  4. 12 months ago

    Massively multiplayer online RPGs
    Katamari Damacy
    I accidentally ran over my own cat in my driveway last year.

    • 12 months ago

      Did it die? I hope you don't feel too guilty, accidents do happen and it's not like a cat close enough to the car is visible at that angle.

      • 12 months ago

        She did, almost immediately. Her body jumped around my front lawn uncontrollably, and then she died. I saw the whole thing. I could see it happen behind my eyelids for months afterwards.
        I still feel horrible about it, and I'm still terribly sad that I wasn't able to give her the long, happy life that I really wanted to. Her third birthday was coming up in a couple weeks when it happened.
        I hated myself for doing it because I was up late the night before, had let her out later than I usually did and went to bed before I let her in since I was tired of waiting for her. I had relapsed after about half a year of sobriety that night, and I felt like I had stepped on some sort of cosmic rake after the experience.
        I've prayed a lot about it and know that she loved me and still loves me, but it still hurts so much anon. It's been a year. I feel like a dumbass for being in such profound grief for this long over a cat.

        • 12 months ago

          >I could see it happen behind my eyelids for months afterwards.
          God damn, I know exactly what you mean and I'm so sorry.
          Ya you fricked up with the relapse and all that. Still, you couldn't possibly have known what would happen. If you had, you sure as shit wouldn't have done it either, right?
          Use it as a reason to stay sober and healthy. She gave her life to teach you that lesson and make you better, so live up to it.
          You had every intention of being kind to her. This wasn't malice or evil, it was stupidity. You had a moment of stupidity, you aren't a bad person.
          I'm going to go pet my cats now, god damn

          • 12 months ago

            You're completely right that she gave her life to teach me that lesson. I came to that conclusion very quickly.
            At the risk of sounding completely insane, at the lowest point of my grief I found myself looking out the window at her grave, and I saw her sitting on top of it. She blinked at me slowly.
            I had a dream about a black cat the week before I adopted her, and I adopted her because she looked like a dead ringer for that cat. A few months ago I had a dream about two black cats, and a week later I adopted these guys.

  5. 12 months ago

    >Way of the Samurai
    >Been someone's bully for ~3 years

    • 12 months ago

      >Hates MOBAs
      >Is a bully


      • 12 months ago

        bullies are famously known to be people who can dish it but can't take it

        • 12 months ago

          I mostly just wanted to hear the bully story while keeping it vidya related

          • 12 months ago

            oh, sorry lol

            >I threaten suicide to keep my relationship stable
            Wouldn't doing that just destabilize your relationship?

            speaking from experience on the other side of that situation, it sure does, but in the short term it will keep the other person around because they're genuinely afraid that their partner will kill themselves. my ex girlfriend even faked a suicide attempt the moment I fell asleep after spending 20 hours awake by her side trying to keep her from killing herself. she took a bunch of sleeping pills, flushed the rest of the bottle down the toilet and woke me up telling me that she ate all of them. I stayed with her for close to another year before I had finally had enough and broke up with her.

            It's to keep him with me

            frick you.

      • 12 months ago

        I don't like team sports, I don't like following an established meta, and I'm not interested in devoting the enormous amount of time necessary to get and stay reasonably good at a single game.
        Plus, I really don't like it when people tell me what to do.
        I don't really want to get into the bullying stuff. I feel really bad about it.

        • 12 months ago

          there's no better time to stop the bullying than right now. you'd be a better person for it and wouldn't have to carry the guilt around anymore.

          • 12 months ago

            You don't have to tell me, man.
            That's high school shit, about a decade behind me. Still I gotta deal with the fact that I made a rough time in somebody else's life a lot harder than it needed to be for a long time. The one good thing that came of it is to teach me to be empathetic towards other people who are being shitty.

            • 12 months ago

              oh, my bad. that's a good outlook to have.

            • 12 months ago

              That's a life lesson a lot of people never learn. We all make mistakes, what's important is you've grown from them. You're a footnote in that person's life. Depending on what it was about you might have even forced them, in the wrong way, to change a flawed behavior. Silver linings.

              • 12 months ago

                > You're a footnote in that person's life
                That person thinks about getting bullied every single day of his life. It festers in his mind, Diminishes his confidence, and ruined what could have been the best years of his life.

              • 12 months ago

                That's a life lesson a lot of people never learn. We all make mistakes, what's important is you've grown from them. You're a footnote in that person's life. Depending on what it was about you might have even forced them, in the wrong way, to change a flawed behavior. Silver linings.

                Either of these could be true. Different people are different, and lead different lives.
                Either way, what I did wasn't good, and isn't something I can really make up for. I'm just gonna stay completely gone from that person's life and be a better guy than I used to be.

  6. 12 months ago

    Destroyed a community PS3 by filling it with coffee

  7. 12 months ago

    Legend of Dragoon
    I slept with one of my friends mothers when I was 16 and did so for nearly 2 years.

  8. 12 months ago

    Either 2D Platformers or Adventure
    Definitely pure rhythm, but I have a soft spot for Mad Rat Dead and Dance Dance Revolution
    Super Metroid
    I once prayed to Satan and asked if he would kill my mom because she was going psycho for a while

    • 12 months ago

      Teenage taking away my marioboxstation psycho or child abuse killed your dog psycho

      • 12 months ago

        She threw forks at my brother one time in a screaming fit so pretty bad

        >I once prayed to Satan and asked if he would kill my mom
        Well did it work?

        No, she's alive and I renounced the devil. He's a homosexual. Dad recently died though, that really sucks

    • 12 months ago

      >>Your favorite genre
      favorite genre
      modern/competitive fps I have had boomer reaction speeds
      >>One of your favorite games
      >>The worst thing you've ever done
      idk that I've had enough human interaction to do anything truly terrible, I guess the worst would be taking money from my mother for 3-4 years claiming I was going to college when I was borderline neeting, however even that I feel was semi justified with how badly she fricked up my life

      Is this edgy teen hating your mother stuff or did they actually do terrible things themselves?

      • 12 months ago

        eh long moron post incoming
        >grow up in middle of nowhere town >1000 people completely isolated no idea how wider world works
        >parents come to me when I'm 16 and tell me I need to either enroll in college when I graduate or join the military because I'm not allowed to stay with them
        >skelly shyboy so I enroll in college with repeated assurances that they'll pay for it and help me out, can always visit them, etc
        >2 months in to college parents divorce
        >mother texts me one day saying she's been unhappy with her marriage for a while and that she's leaving my father (aka she met someone making 6 figures)
        >dad had no idea
        >family was already poor and he can't afford house alone anymore
        >they start arguing over who is now going to pay for me
        >in the end they decide neither
        >car they got me gets repo'd because I have no income and they're not paying
        >can't afford rent anymore
        >make plans to stay with my grandmother but she passes away during all this
        >best and only friend gets hit by a drunk driver shortly after as well
        >on verge of mental breakdown
        >stranded in city 10000x larger than where I grew up
        >end up dropping out of college and working a retail job that I have to walk to in 100+ degree heat everyday while living in a literal shack with a leaky roof and black mold growing in the bathroom
        >eventually end up getting a call from my mother that ends in an argument and me threatening to tank her new marriage
        >she agrees to at least partially pay for my college
        >zero chance I can afford that shit or have the mental fortitude for it at that stage
        >use the money to get an apartment where I occasionally work part time jobs for the next few years
        things have gotten marginally better since

        • 12 months ago

          Sounds like you did nothing wrong
          >Promise to do thing
          >Don't do thing
          >Not doing thing fricks over son
          >Son forces you to do thing
          >Thing being done unfricks son

          Not even mentioning the divorce thing, all you did was return honesty to her life and quality to yours.

          • 12 months ago

            I still did lie to her for years and give her fake updates on my college constantly, objectively it's not that bad but I took pretty much her full income from her for those few years

        • 12 months ago

          You're made of pretty strong stuff, anon. I'm glad things are a getting better.

        • 12 months ago

          cool story bro
          pics or it didn't happen

          • 12 months ago

            sounds like an average day in america

        • 12 months ago

          Your actions make perfect sense in context.
          I'm going to go to my parents house tonight and give them a hug just for staying together and paying my full commuter college tuition.

    • 12 months ago

      >I once prayed to Satan and asked if he would kill my mom because she was going psycho for a while

      Compared to the others here I think this is beyond mild.

    • 12 months ago

      >I once prayed to Satan and asked if he would kill my mom
      Well did it work?

  9. 12 months ago

    >space shit
    >sins of a solar empire rebellion
    >pushed a homeless guy down 13 stairs when he was trying to fight me

    • 12 months ago

      What's wrong with that? He was trying to fight, you provided the fight. He got what he wanted. You're a very generous person.

      What's sins of a solar empire rebellion like? I've never heard of it

      • 12 months ago

        I probably could have thrown him at the up stairs direction but didn't and I think he died.
        it's like space 4x rts

        • 12 months ago

          He initiated the violence, he paid the price. It wasn't a fair price but he chose to buy it anyway. Besides, if he's going around attacking people it's a good thing he attacked someone able to fight back and win. If you hadn't done that someone actually worth a shit could have gotten hurt instead.

          • 12 months ago

            he was squatting in an abandoned hotel and my friend and I were exploring it when he spooked us

            • 12 months ago

              Alright ya that's a bit more of a grey area
              Dude still attacked you though. You said he wanted to fight. I assume you didn't kick him reflexively.

  10. 12 months ago

    >Your favorite genre
    Side scroller/adventure
    >Least favorite genre
    >One of your favorite games
    Super Metroid
    >The worst thing you've ever done
    Typed on Google 'Ganker'

  11. 12 months ago

    >Black Souls 2
    >Helped an autistic woman out of depression, and then mindbroke her back into it (On accident, it wasn't deliberate).

    • 12 months ago

      Tell us the story
      I did something sort of similar, but I expect yours was on a larger scale

      • 12 months ago

        Honestly, shit's sad and not worth telling in detail, so I'll just give you a tl;dr
        Essentially got to know this friendless, permanently online NEET who was 2 steps away from offing herself, I decided to hit her up at a point just out of sheer kindness, things kicked off from there, and we become fast friends. Some time later, I tell her that I've fallen for her, and while initialy hesitant, she tells me that the feeling is mutual. Not 3 days pass, she tells me that it was just in the heat of the moment and that she's incapable of romantic feelings, I say ok, but I'm still gonna gun for her heart. Almost a year passes with me giving her support, advice, and getting into arguments that ultimately work out for the best for both of us. However, I'm slowly becoming exhausted of her needy personality. At a certain point she becomes so much more happier than usual. Realize that she has grown so much, so I get into a discussion about love with her again, she gives me the same answer. I tell her that I think it's best to split up, because she's currently just leeching off my emotional support. She gets an attack of hysteria and we're back at almost square one, because she's got abandonment issues.
        There's of course much more to this story, but it's so convoluted that it'd take me an entire day to write it out entirely. Both of us are kind of despicable pieces of shit.

        • 12 months ago

          You have nothing to feel bad about. Men and women really aren’t good at being plutonic friends, it almost never works out. The only female “friends” I have are because I’m friends with their boyfriends/husbands and even then it only works because I have zero interest in them whatsoever, and would never cheat on my wife. Don’t give b***hes the time of day, it’s just not worth it unless there’s a mutual attraction.

          • 12 months ago

            I'm mostly feeling bad because it's not the case of "let's just be friends" but rather it's because she's a high functioning autist who legitimately lacks the capacity for romantic feelings, and only latched onto me briefly, because I was like a knight in shining armor to her.
            Still, thanks for the advice anon, I wholeheartedly agree.

        • 12 months ago

          I'm mostly feeling bad because it's not the case of "let's just be friends" but rather it's because she's a high functioning autist who legitimately lacks the capacity for romantic feelings, and only latched onto me briefly, because I was like a knight in shining armor to her.
          Still, thanks for the advice anon, I wholeheartedly agree.

          Just based off what you said here I don't blame you. You didn't have any malicious intentions, you just acted in your own self interest. There's nothing wrong with not sacrificing yourself for others.
          You did a good thing for her, that's not erased by not sacrificing your own best interests to continue doing that good thing.

          You have nothing to feel bad about. Men and women really aren’t good at being plutonic friends, it almost never works out. The only female “friends” I have are because I’m friends with their boyfriends/husbands and even then it only works because I have zero interest in them whatsoever, and would never cheat on my wife. Don’t give b***hes the time of day, it’s just not worth it unless there’s a mutual attraction.

          I've had some success with plutonic friendships with women when we're both in relationships. Since cheating is not a human trait it means neither of us consider it an option and so we're just buddies. If one of the two are single it gets complicated.
          With that said, there's of course still attraction. Just not attraction you pursue. Like looking at porn, it's nice for what it is but you're not subbing to their onlyfans and trying to actually get involved with them right anon?

  12. 12 months ago

    >>Your favorite genre
    favorite genre
    modern/competitive fps I have had boomer reaction speeds
    >>One of your favorite games
    >>The worst thing you've ever done
    idk that I've had enough human interaction to do anything truly terrible, I guess the worst would be taking money from my mother for 3-4 years claiming I was going to college when I was borderline neeting, however even that I feel was semi justified with how badly she fricked up my life

  13. 12 months ago

    Don't have one
    Sports games
    Samurai Shodown II
    In elementary school, I pushed a cute autistic girl from my class off the stairs, she cried a lot and I didn't apologise to this day

  14. 12 months ago

    >worst thing you've done
    Groped the massive breasts of one of my mother's girlfriends in her sleep. I was 15 and it was awesome. It gave me the sleep_molestation fetish for sure

    • 12 months ago

      How old was she? Also good taste

  15. 12 months ago

    >fps or rpg
    >dragon quest monsters: joker 3 profesisonal (wow thats a big title)
    >for a few months i thought my bf was cheating on me, was really paranoid and spiteful towards him and the person i thought he was with. completely ruined my friendship with the other person, damaged my relationship for a while. immediately went into therapy afterwards and i'm doing better. think i somehow traumatized myself though, thinking about that person or anything related to them ruins my day for a bit and i still react to stuff related to them with anxiety, paranoia, and anger. saw one of their friends in a tf2 match and told them to kill themselves.

    • 12 months ago

      How do people have lasting relationships where they do this shit, and all mine fail over shit that's not even fully on me?

      • 12 months ago

        this only happened two years into our relationship, and we have really good communication

      • 12 months ago

        From the sound of it, you're not abusive and emotionally manipulative enough, compared to those other Anons.
        It sucks to hear, but look at it this way - they might still have their relationships, but you still have your soul.

  16. 12 months ago

    cute snek

  17. 12 months ago

    >space shit
    >fighting games
    >I dated a 14 year old when i was 16 going on 17

    • 12 months ago

      >3 year age gap
      >worst thing ever

      • 12 months ago

        I havent really done a lot of bad, thats all i can think of

    • 12 months ago

      I don't understand how that's bad. Maybe a little questionable if it was meant to be predatory, but even then you were both young enough to be moronic, not just her

  18. 12 months ago

    my dumbass cat never wants to eat at the right time; just endless strokes under his chin

  19. 12 months ago

    JRPG's / VN's (specifically ones like AA or dangan where i get to pretend to be smart), crafting games (modded minecraft and mindustry)

    I hate trend shit (rouge's, the vampire survivors type games), remakes/remasters, and fighting games.

    Yakuza 5, MGS 2, FE7, Nonary Games Series,

    I pushed my gf once, and when i was a kid I accidentally killed my hamster, also I have a general numbness/disdain for people like I don't care about the people around me and I think everyones stupid.

    • 12 months ago

      >Thinks trendy is a genre
      >Pushed his girlfriend
      >Thinks VNs are video games
      >Killed his hamster
      >Anti-social personality disorder
      >Also thinks he's better than anyone

      Worst person in this thread

      • 12 months ago

        I know I'm better then you :3

  20. 12 months ago

    >hack 'n slash
    >casual shit like animal crossing and stardew valley
    >blinded a guy in high school by throwing chalk in his eye

  21. 12 months ago

    >Your favorite genre
    rpg, RTS and turn based strategy
    >Least favorite genre
    >One of your favorite games
    warcraft 3
    >The worst thing you've ever done
    accidentally hit my old cat with a door and she couldn't survive the surgery due to being old. I didn't mean to do it obviosuly I loved her very much but I still blame myself. She was so lively before that too, she could've easily lived for another 5 years.

  22. 12 months ago

    >favorite: management / sim
    >disliked: TPS reports
    >game: Banished
    >regret: made r34 of my own characters (never again)

  23. 12 months ago

    >Your favorite genre
    City builder

    >Least favorite genre
    MMORPGs, Gacha, Liveservice.
    Whatever tries to hack the dopamine receptors in your brain.

    >One of your favorite games
    Half-Life 2

    >The worst thing you've ever done
    Lied to my mom about failing college for 2 years just to keep receiving a monthly allowance and continuing my NEET lifestyle.

    • 12 months ago

      >Lied to my mom about failing college for 2 years just to keep receiving a monthly allowance and continuing my NEET lifestyle.
      Were you caught and if so what were the consequences?

      >Your favorite genre
      >Least favorite genre
      >One of your favorite games
      >The worst thing you've ever done

      >>Your favorite genre
      Survival horror and narrative-based
      favorite genre
      >>One of your favorite games
      Red Dead Redemption 2
      >>The worst thing you've ever done
      I heard a woman getting beaten and raped in the next door apartment and I did nothing

  24. 12 months ago

    Survival Horror
    Clicker games
    Half-Life 1
    Cheat on my wife with her friend on vacation.

    • 12 months ago

      You're trash, did she ever find out?

      • 12 months ago

        nope and they're not really friends anymore so

        • 12 months ago

          If she ever cheats on you remember it'll only be fair

          • 12 months ago

            she probs already did lmao

          • 12 months ago

            she probs already did lmao

            u mad brehs

            • 12 months ago

              No, actually. Your vidya taste is great and you got away with crimes worse than murder.
              Practically a god imo

            • 12 months ago

              Disgusted. Like almost stepping on a turd. Oath breakers are subhuman

            • 12 months ago

              >incel tate

  25. 12 months ago

    Survival horror
    I once threw a fist full of pennies at a sleeping homeless man under a bridge in downtown orlando as I was passing by in my truck.

    • 12 months ago

      >I once threw a fist full of pennies at a sleeping homeless man under a bridge in downtown orlando as I was passing by in my truck.
      But why?

    • 12 months ago

      Not even bad imo frick homeless people

  26. 12 months ago

    >>Your favorite genre
    2D platformers
    favorite genre
    >>One of your favorite games
    Metal Gear Solid
    >>The worst thing you've ever done
    I cheated in all of my college exams and I copied answers online for many of my assignments

    • 12 months ago

      What did you study? Cheating is a skill and the education system is a business. Unless you're doing heart surgery and killing patients because you don't know how, you did nothing wrong. Frick em.

      • 12 months ago

        Cheating is trivial with today's technologies. If you cheat in college, you're a lazy fricker that just wastes money on something he's not motivated to do and has no iterest in. If you actually find a relevant job to your education you'll have to learn everything that you cheated on and you'll be a liability and a burden and will risk being fired for being incompetent. If you're studying something that's completely irrelevant, cheating is not that bad but then again it's a waste of money and time on a dead end subject.

        • 12 months ago

          I'm pretty sure failing a class is a waste of money and time, not cheating. Cheating prevents it from being a waste by making you pass the class and get the credits for your degree, which matters more than learning since you can learn all those stuff online for free.

          You're aware that when searching for a job in that field most interviews have a task that you have to do on the spot right? And even if you cheat on that somehow, once you actually start the job you'll be given tasks and if you can't finish them, you'll quickly be fired. I've seen this shit, quite a lot in the last few years. If you're serious about working in that field do try to actually study please. For your sake, not for anyone else's.

          >You're aware that when searching for a job in that field most interviews have a task that you have to do on the spot right?
          Yeah, and I got a long way to get that part. I can basically relearn them when I'm done with college since there are tons of free resources online that help me relearn the stuff I took in the past

      • 12 months ago

        I study programming and coding, i cheated in most of the classes i took online since nobody was watching me when taking an exam
        Also what i've done sounds pretty tame compared to others did in this thread

        • 12 months ago

          You're aware that when searching for a job in that field most interviews have a task that you have to do on the spot right? And even if you cheat on that somehow, once you actually start the job you'll be given tasks and if you can't finish them, you'll quickly be fired. I've seen this shit, quite a lot in the last few years. If you're serious about working in that field do try to actually study please. For your sake, not for anyone else's.

          • 12 months ago

            If he passes the interview, they deserve him. Once he has the job, he could just have a language model or stack overflow poocoders do his work for him for free, and as long as he doesn't cause problems or look better than anyone else, he'll live happily under the radar until the revolving door of modern IT employment kicks him to the curb.

            But then he'll have new survival strategies and a resume booster.
            If you care about filtering charlatans, you just have to hope he never gets that first job.

  27. 12 months ago

    rpg and survival
    stole a kids dinosaur toy in grade 1

  28. 12 months ago

    Killing Floor 2
    jerk offd publicly in my high school classroom during a lesson. Thankfully I was in the back of the class and kept it in my pants. Also used iron grip around my wiener to keep any semen from getting out.

    • 12 months ago

      >Also used iron grip around my wiener to keep any semen from getting out.
      That sounds incredibly unpleasant.

      • 12 months ago

        It wasn't that bad. I imagine it gets pushed to the bladder, if it doesn't come out. That's what I hope, anyway.

        Wasn't in a good mindset at the time and I probably wouldn't have found any pain notable enough to remember.

        • 12 months ago

          Can any of our resident coomers comment on what happens if someone does this?

  29. 12 months ago

    >>Your favorite genre
    Casual mil-sim
    favorite genre
    Bullet sponge FPS
    >>One of your favorite games
    Insurgency and its other titles
    >>The worst thing you've ever done
    Fricked and came on my cousin's feet while she was asleep

    • 12 months ago

      >Fricked and came on my cousin's feet while she was asleep
      You're either lying or she knew.

      • 12 months ago

        Well im not lying, so she knew. It felt awesome but the regret hit me pretty quickly. I did it again though

        • 12 months ago

          >powered through post-nut clarity and did it again
          absolute legend

  30. 12 months ago

    >least favorite
    >one of yuor favorites
    Super Metroid
    >Worst thing
    Threatened to beat up my cancer-riddled brother when he threatened to kill himself if he didn't get a laptop he wanted.

  31. 12 months ago

    >dead rising 1
    >jerked off in a library every day for 3 months

  32. 12 months ago

    Grand Strategy
    Burnout 3
    When I was 12 I met a neighborhood girl and we got along. Was hanging out with her when some of my friends came along and I ditched her in favor of hanging out with them. I guess she was hurt by that pretty bad because we never talked again afterwards, I even came by her house often to see if she was home afterwards but she never answered. I think she might've had a crush on me too looking back, which makes me feel even more terrible.
    I wish my younger self was more aware of others in general as I was kind of an butthole

  33. 12 months ago

    >Immersive Sims
    >Prey 2017
    >I'm not telling because it's no one's fricking business and after reading the guy who fermented horrors to get back at some butthole, I don't even hold the candle

  34. 12 months ago

    In freshman high school I shoved piece of gum way up my ass and gave it out to some middle school kid. Never got found out. I did a lot of stupid shit to people in grade school, I was a little bit of a bully/dick. As an adult I regret most, if not all of it.

    • 12 months ago

      >Shoved gum up my ass and had someone chew it

      Immersive sim
      Fighting games
      I fermented my own shit, some dog's shit, rat shit, pork liver, chicken liver, a touch of sugar, and the slime from a wet fart in a small jar for 3 months. I dripped little bits of it into my roommates food

      One other thing I did to the roommate was put a shit out mushroom on his pizza, which I watched him eat.
      >Wipe ass
      >Half a mushroom is on the wipe, this has only ever happened with corn but now I have this pooshroom
      >Brief moment of confusion followed by inspiration
      >Rinse it off
      >Put on leftover pizza in fridge
      >When I hear the microwave ding I go to the kitchen and prep some food while watching him eat every last bite

      Was yours wrapped?

      • 12 months ago

        I took the gum out the wrapping, shoved it up my ass, gave it to my friend he shoved it up his ass, then wrapped it as if it was a clean piece. Kid who ate the gum did not react at all.
        That was the only time I ever fricked with someone's food in a harmful way. I was more of a verbal dick who would demean and tease losers and outcasts at my school.

        Your style of poop pranks is absolutely crazy to me, I would never go that far. I suspect malicious. Can I ask did you despise your roommate or something? You wanted him sick?
        Me personally, I did the bum gum for laughs more than anything.

        • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          >Did you despise your roommate or something?

          Too long a story to really get into. We started as friends, and very close friends. Over time, once we lived together, he showed his true colours though. He abused his autistic brother, he was an absolute monster to several women who did their best to love him, he'd say things like "as the leader of the household" when we (myself, him, his brother, and this girl we knew lived together) spoke about rent and utilities.

          I didn't really have a goal honestly. It was more that I was in a situation where I had to live there for the time being, and the fact that we had been very close friends made his turn so much more vile to me. So I lashed out with my butthole.
          I also peed on his bed like, every 3 days or so. He thought the dog was doing it.

          • 12 months ago

            Definitely not my style of sabotage, but I respect it if you got away with it and truly felt he deserved it. It's really hard living with other people so I can see how someone like you would get to a point where you are plotting to feed your roommate poop.

            • 12 months ago

              There were absolutely no consequences to my actions.
              In fact his own frick ups used to cover for my sins. Like any time his actions cost me money I'd sell something of his to make up for it. Over time enough went missing that it was noticeable, but he lost so much stuff on his own that the others, and him, were convinced he had just misplaced them.
              That dog I blamed the bed pee on? It was a little monster, hated that thing. I've never hated a dog before. I don't know what he did to this thing but any time the doorbell rang, there was thunder, or he'd have a freakout, the dog would run around the house full sprint releasing a trail of piss as it went, coating everything in dog piss. Frick that dog.
              Oh, and I put that cream that burns your hair off in his shampoo, just a bit of it, but it worked

  35. 12 months ago

    >fighting games
    >We Love Katamari
    >pulled into a parking lot and accidentally scraped the side of someone's car with my deer guard. Pulled out and drove away without witnesses.

  36. 12 months ago

    >"Action Adventure" I guess, games where you go places and do things and it's not all strictly one genre
    >Strategy anything, too small brain
    >Crash Team Racing
    >when I had a job working overnight stock at a nearby kroger I accidentally crushed a bunch of cases of generic soda trying to get the palette jack to turn properly, I was so pissed I stocked them anyway, never caught shit for it because the person I was hired to temporarily replace came back from leave and I put in my notice right before I had no hours for the next week

    • 12 months ago

      That's not so bad, shit like that happens all the time. I worked customer service desk for a grocery store and if a customer bought a defective anything they were always entitled to a refund plus a store credit; we were there to make up for the mistake after a someone like you fricked up.

      Persona 3
      I did oral sex on my sister

      How old were you at the time? Playing "doctor" with your siblings or cousins was pretty normal for many childhoods; but if you guys were teenagers and were consenting that's fricked.

      • 12 months ago

        I don't remember exactly, I kind of blocked a lot of the details out
        not teens that's for sure

        • 12 months ago

          I wouldn't worry too much about it if you were just kids. This is a very common thing to happen between siblings and cousins. Once you grow up you know better unless you're an Arab.

  37. 12 months ago

    Persona 3
    I did oral sex on my sister

  38. 12 months ago

    >>Your favorite genre
    Strategy games
    favorite genre
    Probably fighting games. I'm bad at them and have no interest in playing them.
    >>One of your favorite games
    OFF the RPGmaker game
    >>The worst thing you've ever done
    when I first discovered masturbation, I still slept in the same bed as my mom and brother.
    I don't think they knew. It was a short period of time before I got my own bed anyway.

    • 12 months ago

      Oh wait a minute, that's not the worst thing I've done.
      The worst thing I've done was mercilessly beat up a child in a bathroom because he was screaming for no reason

  39. 12 months ago

    fighting games and drpgs (tied)
    sports games
    elminage gothic
    i was at a friend's house and we had a third friend over who we didnt know as well. he was laying on the couch with a blanket covering him completely and this somehow dehumanized him to us and we slowly escalated from throwing objects on top of him to beating on him, really a mentally ill lord-of-the-flies type moment where we just got violent for no reason
    its true that he was annoying, but we were annoying too. there was no reason to beat him up

    • 12 months ago

      >look at this homosexual under a blanket!
      >lol homosexual cold? baby homosexual too cold and need a blankey?

  40. 12 months ago

    Sonic Adventure
    I once harassed a man for 5 years straight over 5 dollars

  41. 12 months ago

    >Your favorite genre
    sandbox RPG games like Kenshi, or bethesda games
    >Least favorite genre
    >One of your favorite games
    Command & Conquer: red alert 2
    >The worst thing you've ever done
    I regularly jerk off to rape fantasy of my female coworkers. Beside that, I have been a good boy.

  42. 12 months ago

    I don't really have a favorite genre
    Mother 3 is probably my favorite game
    My life is so uneventful that it's hard to think of particularly bad thing that I've done but probably calling a girl I didn't really know "the town bike" when talking to someone else, only for him to tell her I said that. That's pretty much the only thing I still feel bad about. Also asking a girl if I could touch her boobs when I was 15 or so but that's more embarrassing than anything.

    • 12 months ago

      >only for him to tell her I said that. That's pretty much the only thing I still feel bad about
      Man, this is why I stopped talk to people about other people. What kind of pussy goes and tattles directly to the person in question about this sort of shit?

  43. 12 months ago

    Rhythm or Shmup
    Groove Coaster
    Threw a rock at a black kid when I was a kid and it nearly blinded him

  44. 12 months ago

    Rpg and plataform
    >least favorite
    Puzzle games
    >one of your favorite games
    FF X
    >The worst thing you've ever done
    Accidentally almost killed my little brother when I was a kid while we were playing together

  45. 12 months ago

    >Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
    I've done a lot of bad shit in my life but I think the worst thing I've ever done was bully some disable kids for multiple years because I was jealous of the special treatment they were getting.

    • 12 months ago

      I was really enjoying it but it just wouldn't end. I've played games for much longer than it but I don't know, it just felt endless. Paused my playthrough around when you have the option to become a Legend.

      • 12 months ago

        >Paused my playthrough around when you have the option to become a Legend
        You're at the final act, what mythic route were you on?
        The game's enjoyment really varies wildly depending on what's your build/mythic path you're on.

        • 12 months ago

          Part of the reason it feels so long is because I restarted a few times on reaching Drezen. Again I think it's a great game but it got exhausting. I'll probably return to it soon.

  46. 12 months ago

    Visual novel
    Disco Elysium
    I repeatedly sexually harrassed a classmate when i was 16, some years later i actually got raped by a (now ex) gf so after some therapy I reached out to her and apologized for what I put her through, we talked a bit and we're good now

    • 12 months ago

      You sound like a woman because there is no way a man would get PTSD from being used as for sex by a woman.

      >Your favorite genre
      Card games
      >Least favorite genre
      Multiplayer shooter
      >One of your favorite games
      Library of Ruina
      >The worst thing you've ever done
      Groomed an autistic girl to cosplay as Koishi and go to prom with me

      Based as frick. Do you have pics?

      • 12 months ago

        >You sound like a woman because there is no way a man would get PTSD from being used as for sex by a woman.
        You are either a child or a fricking moron.

        >she wanted sex. i was drunk. she was not as drunk
        >we were next to our friends so i was not comfortable
        >she tried to engage, ask her to let me go
        >said no repeatedly
        >she doesn't care
        >actually try to physically push her off but she grabs my falls as hard as she can and digs her nails into my dick
        >hurts like hell
        >just let her do whatever to me to get it over with
        >completely dissociate and freeze to not cry
        >eventually get soft
        >she goes to sleep

        It caused me a lot of pain

        • 12 months ago

          I'm sorry but that is really fricking gay. The girl didnt even torture you and she just inserted herself into you which would be really fricking pleasurable. And you somehow disassociated. That is beyond wimp behavior. Get ahold of yourself because that is really fricking moronic.
          This is why so-called rape victims most of the time are really just fricking wimpy little shits, including women.

          • 12 months ago

            >a girl fricking you at all times in all situations should be pleasurable
            Never had someone try to have sex with you on top of your grandmother's coffin in front of your grandfather, I take it?

            • 12 months ago

              It depends on the girl, but anon even stated it was someone she was already with (gf), whom he already had a sexual attraction towards. So not even an ogress trying to frick you. So pathetic.
              Also such niche scenario would never happen.

              Ignore that anon, he's just some sad incel who thinks sex works like in his japanese cartoons.

              >just ignore the anon who's calling you out on bullshitting yourself into le trauma.
              yeah right

              • 12 months ago

                Would you find sex on top of your grandmother's coffin in front of your grandfather pleasurable? If some nympho b***h wanted to have sex with you at your grandmother's funeral, would you enjoy that prospect?
                >th-that would never happen
                Don't run from the question.

              • 12 months ago

                My grandma's already dead. But during her funeral, I definitely wouldn't have mind fricking a hottie nympho and trying to sneaky sex her. I wouldn't frick in front of someone that personal which is why I have my man strenght to destroy up to 95% of the female populace in hand to hand combat.
                Are you gonna keep making up made-up scenarios until I fold?

              • 12 months ago

                And if you couldn't stop someone from forcing you to have sex on top of your grandmother's coffin at her funeral in front of your grandfather, would that be traumatic for you? Would you consider yourself raped at that point? I'm just trying to get an idea of your mindset here.

              • 12 months ago

                I mean, my grandfather would see me in a very compromising position. I would be more traumatized by knowing a family member is watching me do something very lewd and private. If you remove that out of the equation, I have no problem.

              • 12 months ago

                So if your grandfather was there, would you consider yourself raped?

              • 12 months ago

                I would consider myself a bit dirty. But it would still be pretty lewd so i'll enjoy it. And hope my grandpa forgets.

                >I'm just trying to get an idea of your mindset here.
                i'm the anon from the story, just let it go man, he's too far gone in his porn addiction, he has never had actual sex so he cannot conceive of scenario where it wouldn't be "the best thing ever lmao based and chadpilled"

                he's your average 15 yo who occasionally stop jerking off to japanese porn to say moronic comments on internet forums

                You sound like an absolute moralgay redditor, and you probably are as per your writing style and spacing. You simply cannot tell me you would get traumatized from being fricked by a girl you already were fricking. Absolutely frickign ridiculous.

              • 12 months ago

                Anon if you would enjoy having sex on your grandmother's coffin in front of your grandfather then you're just not a normal person and you don't have reasonable opinions on this. The vast majority of men would not want to do that, would not enjoy that. You really have no place to be judging other people for their sensibilities when it comes to sex when yours are so unhinged.

              • 12 months ago

                Ok and? Me being different from normoid thoughts means I have more authority since I am someone who is simply acting out of logical reasoning. Being hurt by being fricked by your girlfriend while you were tired should in no way constitute actual fricking rape. Viceversa too. When you are with someone, it's because you agree to frick them whenever you want to no matter the circumstance. That's what real love is.

              • 12 months ago

                Being outside the norm doesn't make you more or less logical, even if you see yourself that way. But it does lend more or less credence to when you try to appeal to social norms, like what's wimpy or what a proper relationship should be or what the societal standard for rape should be.

              • 12 months ago

                Have you ever heard of the concept: it's x because i fricking say so?
                Yeah, I am a god in this reality and I get to decide what the standards should be. Psychological zombies have no power over this world.

              • 12 months ago

                >I'm just trying to get an idea of your mindset here.
                i'm the anon from the story, just let it go man, he's too far gone in his porn addiction, he has never had actual sex so he cannot conceive of scenario where it wouldn't be "the best thing ever lmao based and chadpilled"

                he's your average 15 yo who occasionally stop jerking off to japanese porn to say moronic comments on internet forums

              • 12 months ago

                This is honestly one of the most embarrassing things I've read here in like 16 years or however long I've been trapped with you morons. Like top 10 for sure, probably top 5.

        • 12 months ago

          Ignore that anon, he's just some sad incel who thinks sex works like in his japanese cartoons.

  47. 12 months ago

    >Your favorite genre
    Card games
    >Least favorite genre
    Multiplayer shooter
    >One of your favorite games
    Library of Ruina
    >The worst thing you've ever done
    Groomed an autistic girl to cosplay as Koishi and go to prom with me

  48. 12 months ago

    best game ever: zombie panic, co-op horror, free on steam

  49. 12 months ago

    >Platformers, JRPGs, Action-Adventure.
    >Racing, fighting, MMO.
    >Super Mario 3D World, Xenoblade DE, Twilight Princess.
    >Lie to my parents about going to college.

  50. 12 months ago

    Action games I guess. Games where you run around and beat people up.
    Fighting games
    Half Life 2 is my all time favorite
    Can't really think of anything. I'm far from perfect but I have no stomach for inflicting cruelty on other people. Although, a few months ago, I had an anxiety attack after getting in a shouting match at work that ended with me in tears and humiliating myself in front of almost all my coworker. I later texted my father I haven't seen or spoken with in over a decade that I constantly wish I had the strength to kill myself, but I never will because of what he did to me. I needed someone else to feel as miserable as I was.

    • 12 months ago

      That doesn't sound morally bad just embarrassing and you're probably going to end up needing to get a new job depending on the circumstances of that hissy fit.

  51. 12 months ago

    >data harvesting threads

  52. 12 months ago

    Single player FPS
    Fighting games or sports games I guess
    Halo CE
    I once felt up a girl's ass on a packed bar dance floor while drunk. She was probably wasted too because I didn't get caught and nothing happened after. I still feel gross about it and regret doing it to this day.

    • 12 months ago

      coasties be like

  53. 12 months ago

    Favorite: RPG
    Less Favorite: FPS

  54. 12 months ago

    >Western RPGs
    >rhythm games
    >Fallout 2
    >tried to frick my niece

    • 12 months ago

      to frick my niece
      Tell us more. Sounds interesting

      • 12 months ago

        >tried to frick my niece
        Don't give up anon better luck next time.

        we were alone in the house, I got her drunk, we were watching Twilight and started cuddling, but it all ended up with me cleaning her vomit from the floor
        don't ask me about her age then

        • 12 months ago

          How old was she?

          • 12 months ago

            young age old

            • 12 months ago

              Like 6-12?
              Jesus anon get a grip.

              • 12 months ago

                No, just a bit above that. I tried to get castrated because of my urges, I really don't want to harm anyone. But the medical procedures here are very complicated
                Yes I know I deserve a bullet to the head

              • 12 months ago

                You could just transition if you wanted to get castrated.
                Just don't try fricking kids is that really so hard?

              • 12 months ago

                Don't castrate yourself. Although you may have fricked up morally-wise, just realize that it isn't that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. Who knows, maybe you should try it again because fricking hot little hebes is ridiculously hot. But I understand if you wouldn't want to again.

                You could just transition if you wanted to get castrated.
                Just don't try fricking kids is that really so hard?

                They are made for sex, wdym?

              • 12 months ago

                Can just take anti-depressants to suppress your sexual urges generally. They call it "chemical castration" but really it's just staying on meds that kill your sex drive.

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                It's up to that anon if he wants to do so, he said himself that he doesn't want to act on his urges and taking meds that suppress your sex drive is better than cutting your balls off.

              • 12 months ago

                anon, I'm on SSRIs and sedatives 24/7, but this still not kill my libido

              • 12 months ago

                I don't know the exact shit but there are certain meds in certain doses that are supposed to do it. If I were anon I would talk to the doctor and say I had some really fricked up fetish that is causing my life problems, they'll probably recommend therapy first(and that might help idk) but eventually they'd get him on something. He could be honest and just say that he's a pedo that doesn't want to hurt kids but that sort of admission gets you rekt in most countries.

              • 12 months ago

                thanks anon, but it migfht be better if I contact the local mafia to shot me

    • 12 months ago

      >tried to frick my niece
      Don't give up anon better luck next time.

  55. 12 months ago

    RPGs and Dungeon Crawlers
    Fighting games
    My dad's b***h got pregnant because he didn't bother to neuter her and he was obviously not going to take care of the puppies so I had to buy drugs illegally to "take care" of them.

  56. 12 months ago

    Why does no one talk about the cute snake in OP's pic? Post more pls

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