ITT: Your go-to minor antagonists

>Chaotic Evil wizard leading a bandit gang to gather treasure to fund a ritual of some kind
>Infestation of minor monster in dangerous numbers, usually dire rats or giant insects
>Order of knights that's tired of the party's hooliganry and is tracking them down to bring them to justice
>Cripple that has leverage over the party and tries to force them into a difficult task they disagree with

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Great fricked up module. Works well for a one shot.

    • 2 years ago

      What's it called?

      • 2 years ago

        A Wizard

    • 2 years ago

      Tell us more or gib name

      • 2 years ago

        • 2 years ago

          Is not working

    • 2 years ago

      That truly was fricked up. Thanks for sharing, anon!

  2. 2 years ago

    >Bridge Troll

  3. 2 years ago

    Evil Alchemist/Artificer always for makes a good dungeon encounter.

    >Has trap doors near the beginning of his lair that splits the party
    >Half stay on the current floor of the dungeon
    >The other half fall down chutes/slides to a lower part of the dungeon
    >The half that falls down lands in some kind of contraption thst makes clones of them
    >The clones manifest in the upper part of the dungeon and go looking for the party members that didn't fall
    >Alternate between both halves of the party exploring the dungeon, make sure the lower party goes up a small flight of stairs at least once
    >Stop following the lower party when they get to a door
    >Eventually have the clones come out from a door and meet the upper party "reuniting" the party
    >Lower half of the party unaware they are now piloting their clones
    >While exploring, the upper party periodically gets perception/insight rolls to see if they notice something is off about their party members
    >When close to one of the traps in the dungeon, the clones will backstab the upper party and try to get them killed
    >When the upper party gets suspicious or the clones are in the perfect position to backstab...pull the big reveal
    >Say "And now we get back to you guys (the lower party). You were about to open this door over here, right? You see a room...etc."
    >Allow the lower party time to explore the room and the whole party to process what is about to happen
    >Switch back to the upper party and the clones and roll initiative, having the lower party members pilot their clones (oozes, robots, doppelgangers, simulacra, etc)

    I love pulling this one. They never see it coming and normally the lower party members will pilot their monsters pretty ruthlessly.

    • 2 years ago

      Teleporters can also be used to obscure that the lower and upper party members are still not on the same floor.

  4. 2 years ago

    Kobold lair with traps.

  5. 2 years ago

    >party of adventurers that look and have similar classes as the PCs but are completly unrelated to them, they simply have clashing goals and cannot be argued with due bullshit
    >Saturday morning cartoon necromancer with a wacky boss-minion relationship: the skeletons obey but can talk against him, necromancer looks scary as frick but actually loves his underlings and they love him back, the minions are something really stupid like a mixed bag of flesh from diferent monsters that looks ridiculous or even adorable but still pose a threat due numbers or strength, etc.
    >Haunted house where the house itself is the enemy
    >Manlet gangs: only kobolds, gnomes, goblins or things below 1m tall are allowed in.
    >Dragons, they're just great all-arounds: lairs, intimidating, powerful, a lot of personality, treasures, minions, etc.
    >butthole king who hates adventurers but uses the party and will try to not pay them afterwards
    >Isolated tavern where they cook or make rituals with lost adventurers.

  6. 2 years ago

    Nuisance hacker who can't get an erection unless he knows he has people trying to arrest him.
    Has sexually harassed 25% of the world's population through talking appliances.
    Has remotely stolen over 500 self-driving cars.
    Considers himself the last line of quality assurance by exploiting flawed security in rich people's toys.
    Wanted Alive Or Else

  7. 2 years ago

    Giant Ants in a giant ant hill. so many fun things you can do from mushroom farms, to hatcheries, to march lines. They have class diversity integrated directly into their species. Just a fun antagonist.

  8. 2 years ago

    A high level lich

  9. 2 years ago

    Whatever npc the party treats badly because they think they can.
    > Didn't tip the waitress? She has a boyfriend who is a crooked guard. He accuses your party of some bullshit AT THE WORST TIME POSSIBLE and asks for a bribe to make things "go away".

    Minor antagonists are best when the timing is perfect. Always fun when the person who kicks you when you're down is someone you can take revenge on easily when you're back on your feet.

  10. 2 years ago

    Evil Necromancer

  11. 2 years ago

    usually cultists.
    my setting is full of old gods who fell from grace and are trying to build up enough of a following to break back into the pantheon
    Cultists are the usual symptoms of a fallen god trying to build itself back up, since only those with an odd view of the world can hear the whispers of what remains of the old gods.
    basically, any largish village/settlement has a cult, usually from some god of the tribes that lived there before, they usually have human goals, since the gods are just trying to get people to believe in them, so cult leaders are given power to do whatever they want, as long as it can bring in more believers.
    so most of them are doing petty shit, like growing bigger corn than the next town over, just to win the next harvest fair, or make it rain on the other guys crops, waterlogging them, also to win the next harvest fair.

  12. 2 years ago

    A flamboyantly gay gnome merchant

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