I've always hated taking enemies alive. It's a pain dealing with them.

I've always hated taking enemies alive. It's a pain dealing with them.
Do your GM a favor, and kill your prisoners after interrogating them.

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  1. 8 months ago

    We've got roads to be built, ores to be mined, fields to be toiled, we need that workforce.

    • 8 months ago

      >Children yearns for the mines

    • 8 months ago

      If you are playing a necromancer, you can kill them AND have them continue to work for you.

  2. 8 months ago

    >chain enemy up
    >bring to nearest town
    >Leave with local magistrate or whatever
    >DM can now decide if enemy escapes or never is heard from again
    Killing enemies isn't necessary. The only reason an npc is more trouble than it's worth is if the GM makes them that way

    • 8 months ago

      speaking of this. my party's first quest was to find the lair of a group of bandits, capture as many as we could manage, bring back their (sk)ill-gotten gains and the captured bandits so they can be prosecuted by the local judge and be done with.
      When we got within distance of the presumed hideout, I told my part we oughta take a long rest as the GM described it was 8 at night at that point, the reason was for us to regain all of our spell and stuff and simultaneously commit a 4AM raid on their hideout. think Tier 1 Operator shit. we got to the location, subdued the guard, who was reading, I shit you not, the narrative setting's version of The Lusty Argonian Maid, so think The Lusty Dragonborn Maid. Down goes the bastard with an arrow right in the windpipe. we search the building, find the backroom, filled with crates and what-not. we see a crate for large than the others, we look through to see if the bottom of the crate was absent. it wasn't, but then one of us got the bright idea to take the crate and push it somewhere else. we do that, we find a hatch door, go down,take out two more guards, non-lethal since we could afford it, shackle them, continue on and find where the lot of them are. proceed to start apprehending the lot of them wile the sleep, those that struggled were rendered unable to fight and those who continued sleeping were bound. we captured 7 bandits, killed 5 and brought back their loot. we got a fat 35 gold for all seven of them and a whopping 200 gold for bringing back all of the confiscated loot AND got bonus gold from finding ancient pieces of art lost to time from their hideout, which we sold to merchants.
      we made approximately 300 gold. the party was, was debating nicking one or two of the stolen goods, but I personally headed the prisoner and stolen goods exchange to the guard captain who hired us and praised us for not immediately burning our burgeoning reputation by omitting from returning some of the goods. was good quest.

    • 8 months ago

      Black person what do you think local authorities did with bandits? Let me give you a hint: they're not called "outlaws" because it makes them sound cool.

      More than likely you just piss off the local leadership for forcing them to have to house these fricks until they can be executed.

      • 8 months ago

        Slavery or limbs cut off?
        I mean that were the usual ways before the prison industry and infraction extra taxation aka "misdemeanor" fines as its a waste to kill those that chose to not move and instead give up on humanity to rob random farmers and traders.

        • 8 months ago

          No, you are badly misinformed, probably by media tropes.

          An outlaw is somebody who literally has no legal protection from the state, you are allowed to kill them, rape them, turn them into pies - all is permissible.

          The other important fact is that from the 14th century onward, that is, coinciding with the Renaissance period that defines the average fantasy game's setting, criminals were just executed, even for very minor offenses. This was to accomplish two things: the first, obviously is in putting down criminal recidivists, but the second is actually because they wanted to wipe criminality out from a heritability standpoint. Nobody gets their hand taken, they take your skull and then stick you on display.

  3. 8 months ago

    My players are the opposite. They WILL turn at least one encounter into their emotional support little guy and then treat it like a fricking pokemon

    >ambushed by a cadre of tribal lizardmen
    >they rout them and as intended, the lizardmen are supposed to drop the hint that they're running from a worse threat
    >party takes a liking to the lone survivor and all but strongarm him into joining as they charge straight into the danger he was fleeing
    >they learn his name, promptly forget it and give him a funny nickname and deck him up with spare magic weapons and armor to make up for his being stuck at CR2 forever
    >lizardman grows a spine and charges the BBEG to avenge his tribe only to get instagibbed with a casual flick of his wrist
    >barbarian yells lizard's name as he deals the finishing blow to the BBEG
    RIP Tukmán/Tuki-tuki the lizard guy, the realest of Gs

    • 8 months ago

      your players sound like cuck liberals and are treating the lizard like a black person

      • 8 months ago

        pathetic that liberals and Black folk live rent free in your head like that

        • 8 months ago

          they could afford it if they got a job

      • 8 months ago

        You seem like a Black person who can only engage in violent thoughts like a disgusting, subhuman animal.

      • 8 months ago

        >You are a Black person cuck
        >Proceeds to encourage Black person behavior
        Many such cases!

    • 8 months ago

      >Bunch of psychopaths murder all your friends
      >pressgang you into fighting the very thing you and your friends died trying to get away from
      >Give you a fricking slave name

      >Don't use the shit they give you to run the frick away from these deranged morons
      It sounds like you and your players had fun, but I would definitely not run it that way. Taking a moment to force my players to realize that they are playing characters in a world that will not bend to their memery is a good thing when they literally hand me a vehicle to do it.
      Maybe thats not your style, and if not, continue to have fun. Just my two cents.

  4. 8 months ago

    >PCs spare the enemies
    >they accept the offer to join a penal legion
    >show up much later, fighting on the same side as the players
    Work on your craft.

    • 8 months ago

      work on being a less condescending fat frick

  5. 8 months ago

    You either ransom them or you kill them in some gruesome manner. It worked for the vikings.

  6. 8 months ago

    As a DM, I don't give a shit either way, just fricking decide on something and stop using the debate of 'spare or kill' as a casus belli to start PVP.

    • 8 months ago

      Always amusing when a caster starts shit with a martial in close quarters. Oh yes sorcerer, it's really a good idea to take a swing at the barbarian.

      • 8 months ago

        >caster starts channeling within grapple range of the fighter
        >gets mad at me for handling mechanics poorly when his staff ends up in his ass
        Every time. Your shit has range for a reason.

  7. 8 months ago

    Most players just kill everyone anyway, so you shouldn't be too concerned.

  8. 8 months ago

    I'm not here to do my GM any favours.

  9. 8 months ago

    If your in-narrative concept of Lawful Good means that enemies that surrender or disabled in combat are supposed to be taken alive, give your players a way to take them alive without derailing the game,

    Like, a spell that will force march them back to a guard outpost. Or a bag of holding for people. Whatever you do, don't turn it into a bullshit paladin You Fall dilemma.

  10. 8 months ago

    My players briefly adopted a Goblin named "Groin" who was just a two goblin random encounter in the Mad Mage (the second cowardly ran away at the sight of the players). I ran him with sidekick rules as they explored the first level until he was able to introduce them to the bazaar market on the second level of Undermountain and gave them context of the "forever halls" from the mouth of a creature that lived there. I also used him as a way of introducing the Xanathar's Guild by explaining that the Goblins were used as an early detection for a mob hiding further below at the river.

    I'm very glad they didn't just stomp his ugly brain out his ass.

  11. 8 months ago

    Stop being a bad game master.

  12. 8 months ago

    (clears throat)

    Carry on.

    • 8 months ago


  13. 8 months ago

    Nah captives can provide lots of interesting avenues of exploration and adventuring
    >Making captives into allies
    Parties love pets and an npc ally they choose to add is like a pet who can talk.
    >Interrogation or possible rewards for information on hostiles
    Can allow players to explore how to extract information ajd ensure its veracity. While the old zone of truth and torture might work in DnD perhaps offering rewards to become a mole is more effective in the long run.
    >Turning them over gives insight into how local justice works
    Can illustrate how harsh, just, or unjust the system is. Is the bandit summarily executed on the paladin’s word that he was a bandit? Are the goblins given a formal trial and sentenced to ten years indentured servitude? Is the knight let off the hook after a light bribe despite having murdered a peasant family?

  14. 8 months ago

    whats the best way to handle a party pet, especially in high levels, so it doesn't accidentally die from a sneeze and it can travel okay, but players don't ever use it for combat?

    • 8 months ago

      Don’t make it for combat and punish the players by killing it if they’re stupid and use it in combat against a dragon. No, your dog or raven or cat or wolf pup won’t put up a fight against a death knight or dragon and if you drag it into battle it’ll die.

      Of course NPC allies I think can be allowed to be good at combat. Worse than the players of course, but growing into capable combatants in their own rights perhaps 2-6 levels below PCs. That captured goblin turned into a scout can grow and develop but he’ll never be able to 1v1 the party paladin.

    • 8 months ago

      If it's a dog or something like that let it be an extra set of eyes and ears. Ambush or trap behind door? Mention the dog is growling or barking at something.
      Hidden door? Doggo is sniffing at the floor.
      You can make it less broken by rolling dice for him every time you enter a new area so he def can fail or get distracted by a mouse or something.

    • 8 months ago

      Ain't no rule says a dog can't be an adventurer

    • 8 months ago

      >I am utterly and completely incompetent
      >I also probably never run anything at all
      >Here is my basic b***h "problem" that only exists due to previous two lines
      I have a pet snake, that kinda sorta stayed with me after a break up, despite not being mine. Do you think I take a motherfricking python with me to work, or when I'm on sailing races? Do you think that means I don't take care for it?

      • 8 months ago

        have you ever seen a vegana in your entire life?

  15. 8 months ago
  16. 8 months ago

    The game is whatever the frick players won't. If you start yapping "you can't do X", when they're clearly able to do X, expect to be slapped or become nogames very soon.

  17. 8 months ago

    I just toss them through a Ring Gate I have at the bottom of a portable hole that leads to a nonmagical demi plane I created. There is water & stuff to support life. I hope they do well in their new life

  18. 8 months ago

    I read "kill your prisoners after impregnating them"

  19. 8 months ago

    I'm not a sociopath. Usually we either leave enemies alive, handing them over to authorities after we interrogate them, they kill themselves via trying to kill us or even better-they join us, considering they're sometimes kinda cool. Or we leave them tied up in a place where they can be found.

  20. 8 months ago

    Why would I kill a sexy buff girl prisoner instead of keeping her as a sex slave?

  21. 8 months ago

    Really what's the difference between a corpse and a tied up bandit?

    • 8 months ago


  22. 8 months ago

    We pay more for them varmints alive. Gotta hang em good to show the folks what's the law round dese parts.

  23. 8 months ago

    Why would I take them alive when I could let them go?
    I'm not even a fricking paladin type, I just tend to have a terse conversation with this enemy, rob them usually, then let them leave. Unless I'm assigned to SPECIFICALLY kill all these goblins, then I'm just going to fight them, maybe kill the strongest ones, then terrorize the rest into giving me their things. And then either I leave or I make them leave depending on the circumstance.
    Like, hell, we just had a circumstance where we killed 90% of the orcs through treachery and freed their slaves, and then we let the rest go, because we weren't here to deal with that shit. We were trying to find this unrelated magical castle bullshit.

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