I've never played a Castlevania before. Should I start with Symphony of the Night?

I've never played a Castlevania before. Should I start with Symphony of the Night? Always thought Alucard looked really cool.

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  1. 10 months ago

    Yeah SOTN is pretty easy and good
    Recommend reading a PDF of the manual since the game has no real tutorial.

    • 10 months ago

      It's a great spectacle (especially when you consider it's from 1997), but it's not the best the series has to offer.

      I've heard that games before SotN are different. Also, is there a best version of the game, or should I just emulate it?

      • 10 months ago

        before SoTN is "classicvania", the original gameplay style of the series which is closer to an arcade game
        SoTN and several others are "metroidvania" style, you might be familiar with it

      • 10 months ago

        >Should I start with Symphony of the Night?
        Absolutely not. Start with CV1, CV3 and RoB. Those three are the absolute bare minimum before you get into SotN.
        Ignore these morons

        Yeah SOTN is pretty easy and good
        Recommend reading a PDF of the manual since the game has no real tutorial.

        Yes but it is the best game in the series so don't judge the other games as not worthy to play after this.

        , not only are they wrong but SotN isn't even close to the best Castlevania so you're just setting yourself up for disappointment.

        you can literally start wherever you want, I'm not even memeing
        story in castlevania is a meme, pay it little mind

        It's not about the story, it's about witnessing gameplay evolve throughout the series, the way games make callbacks to previous games and subvert the previous games' formulas. Very important for SotN specifically.

      • 10 months ago

        All games before Symphony are classic sidescrolling action platformers.

        1 has the classic movie monster lineup of bosses

        2 tried to be an "open world" sidescroller, and has you searching around for items so you can face the final boss. There's only a couple bosses in this game, and you'd want to open up a guide/map for it.

        3 is similar to 1 but has more content and multiple characters to play as (including Alucard)

        4 (Super Castlevania) is a reboot of 1 with Simon Belmont again and the classic setting, but revamped entirely. It's not overly difficult and can also be a good game to start with

        Dracula X uses Rondo of Blood's assets and is basically an insanely butchered port remade into its own game.

        At this point you're at the Rondo/Symphony split where the series changed. There isn't really a best version of Symphony but if you can emulate it in any way and use save states, that's likely to be the most convenient, as every death in Symphony on PS1 goes back to the title and forces you to reload your game and sit through loading screens.

      • 10 months ago

        Yes, it's Bloodlines.

      • 10 months ago

        >is there a best version of the game,
        IIRC the best version of SotN may be the one in the recent collection it had alongside Rondo, since it has the playable Maria and Nocturne song

        • 10 months ago

          >one in the recent collection
          the one with sasuke alucard? lolno, frick off

          • 10 months ago

            >sasuke alucard
            I did not know of this. Isn't it just the version of SotN that came with Dracula X with some of the bugs patched out?

            • 10 months ago

              It came with Rondo of Blood, not Dracula X. I played it recently for the first time ever and I discovered both my favorite and least favorite Castlevania games (so far!)

              nah jk cv2 is worse than sotn

              • 10 months ago

                What I mean is that the version of SotN that comes in the collection with Rondo is the one that was included in Dracula X, since the playable Maria was taken from that version

        • 10 months ago

          >one in the recent collection
          the one with sasuke alucard? lolno, frick off

          So there are version differences for SotN? I'm also getting turned over to the idea of playing the earlier games first from the thread discussion.

      • 10 months ago

        >is there a best version of the game,
        IIRC the best version of SotN may be the one in the recent collection it had alongside Rondo, since it has the playable Maria and Nocturne song

        Don't play the PS4 version, apparently it's based off of the PAL release of the original game and it runs considerably slower.
        I think this also applies to the PSP version because the PS4 version is just that version emulated afaik. I have tested the PS4 version compared side to side with PS1 on emulator but not the PSP to confirm.
        I'm not sure if this applies to Rondo of Bloood too, but I think it's worth playing both at their original releases, or in the case of SoTN there's some romhacks for the Saturn version that makes that version better (the Saturn version has some pros and cons in general)


        I've never played a Castlevania before. Should I start with Symphony of the Night? Always thought Alucard looked really cool.

        I think it's worth playing at least Rondo of Blood before SoTN, great game.

        • 10 months ago

          The best thing about the Saturn version is Maria being a playable character. She is OP but fun to play as. The Saturn version is slower than the PSX and has some downgraded graphics but otherwise alright.

    • 10 months ago

      The frick do you need a tutorial for that you can't just figure out by yourself?

  2. 10 months ago

    It's a great spectacle (especially when you consider it's from 1997), but it's not the best the series has to offer.

  3. 10 months ago

    Give maybe 30 minutes of your time to CV 1 or 3, just as a taste of the classic games and then play SOTN or Aria of Sorrow.
    Then you can basically stop.

  4. 10 months ago

    Yes but it is the best game in the series so don't judge the other games as not worthy to play after this.

  5. 10 months ago

    Play the first game on nes, it's very short, and you can move on from there to see how the series changed.

    If you're intent on playing SOTN through some kind of emulation, play Rondo of Blood first. SOTN is a direct sequel, and between both games you'll get Rondo as the classic sidescroller with branching paths, and SOTN as the first "metroidvania" with a mini map.

    And always remember, igavania defenders deserve the rope. Those SOTN derivitave GBA abominations killed this franchise.

  6. 10 months ago

    you can literally start wherever you want, I'm not even memeing
    story in castlevania is a meme, pay it little mind

    • 10 months ago

      Unironically this with the exception of the N64 ones. Casltevania is generally good to great

    • 10 months ago

      It's not that they're memes, it's just they are all self-contained stories that solve themselves at the conclusion. Also it's worth noting the Castlevania games have two distinct playstyles of classic and metroidvania so if OP isn't interested in the classics Symphony is a good starting point.

    • 10 months ago

      >catholic vampire hunter family who are destined to banish all creatures of the night and their master, Dracula, whenever he appears.
      That's all the story one needs to be honest. It's quite interesting enough.

  7. 10 months ago

    play lords of shadows

  8. 10 months ago

    OP it sounds like you've got an idea in your head for a game you want to play, I say go for it.

  9. 10 months ago

    SotN is kind of a repetitive, boring piss-walk. It's so easy. No wonder people here love it so much. Also, it's VERY different from about half the Castlevania games.

    Play Castlevania 1 or 3 first IMO. You don't have to complete them, but they give a good feel for the game genre. Rondo of blood is the best in the series.

    The best Castlevania games though? Curse of the Moon 1 and 2

    • 10 months ago

      SotN has amazing movement, though. Feels better than Classicvania on that alone

  10. 10 months ago

    Super Castlevania IV is probably the game to start with it. It's not difficult for a castlevania game and is a good set up for the rest of the series.
    I wouldn't start with SotN without playing Rondo of Blood. I believe the later has a PSP port you can emulate. From there you go SotN -> Aria - DS games. Don't bother with other console CV they're shit.

    • 10 months ago

      >Super Castlevania IV is probably the game to start with it. It's not difficult for a castlevania game and is a good set up for the rest of the series.
      No it fricking isn't, it doesn't represent the rest of the series and it can potentially teach some terrible habits. For example SCIV might teach you that subweapons are useless, but they're essential in other entries.

    • 10 months ago

      >igavania homosexual
      hey get a load of this homosexual

  11. 10 months ago

    Symphony of the Night, despite having not as many features as the DS games, is still the best
    After symphony, I’d play Aria, followed by Dawn and then Portrait of Ruin.

    • 10 months ago

      Why PoR last?

      • 10 months ago

        It’s probably got the most content and is less like any of the other, with the addition of the second character
        They’re all pretty similar, but portrait is the most divisive I’ve found

        • 10 months ago

          CotM and OoE are easily the most divisive and most unlike the other metroidvanias. PoR is unambiguously a good game, not divisive at all. DoS is more divisive since it's such a far inferior sequel to AoS.

  12. 10 months ago

    If you start with SoTN it will be hard to even play other games of the series as SoTN is peak castlevania. Everything else isn't as good as it. People might seethe and cope if I post this but it is the absolute and objective truth that SOTN is the best castlevania game ever made.

    • 10 months ago

      God that must be fricking dire for the rest of the series then because SotN was objectively the most boring game I'd played. I guess unless you like one-shotting trash mobs in otherwise empty repetitive corridors over and over and over again.

      SotN is Castlevania for the dexterity-impaired and braindead

      • 10 months ago

        I guess you don't have the same metric as I do. For me, the artstyle, aesthetics, gameplay and music made it the perfect castlevania game. I've played castlevania 1,3,4 and rondo before that but SoTN just blew me away.

        >I guess unless you like one-shotting trash mobs in otherwise empty repetitive corridors over and over and over again.

        I understand that the game had difficulty issues, you become OP very soon but Luck mode helps to alleviate this issue in my opinion. I've replayed it quite a few times and never found it repetitive unless you are grinding levels in muramasa or looking for a rare drop the game is never repetitive. I don't know why you are so hostile and irate over sotn. AoS is also good, I've not played PoR or ecclesia yet.

        • 10 months ago

          I know music is a huge selling point for SotN, but I didn't care for it. It sounded like generic classical elevator music.

          >I don't know why you are so hostile and irate over sotn.
          Probably because everyone says it's the best Castlevania game and I was looking so forward to playing it and I was completely let down. I think so many people prefer it to other Castlevania games because it's so braindead easy.

          >I understand that the game had difficulty issues, you become OP very soon but Luck mode helps to alleviate this issue in my opinion
          The very first hallway has you walking down two enormous corridors stopping every 3 seconds to one-shot a zombie that spawns. The whole game (virtually) is trash mobs that die in one hit.

          >Luck mode
          Meme mode. Tough at first but you get great drops that trivialize it.

        • 10 months ago

          >SotN fan is a brain dead grafixtard
          Not surprising

          • 10 months ago

            >No argument and only insults
            Die monster, You don't belong in this world

            I know music is a huge selling point for SotN, but I didn't care for it. It sounded like generic classical elevator music.

            >I don't know why you are so hostile and irate over sotn.
            Probably because everyone says it's the best Castlevania game and I was looking so forward to playing it and I was completely let down. I think so many people prefer it to other Castlevania games because it's so braindead easy.

            >I understand that the game had difficulty issues, you become OP very soon but Luck mode helps to alleviate this issue in my opinion
            The very first hallway has you walking down two enormous corridors stopping every 3 seconds to one-shot a zombie that spawns. The whole game (virtually) is trash mobs that die in one hit.

            >Luck mode
            Meme mode. Tough at first but you get great drops that trivialize it.

            I know that SoTN is the point where castlevania playerbase started to polarize. One group was interested in the unforgiving difficulty and the traditional platforming the series was known for and the other more casual group who were in it for whatever other aspect they were interested in the series for. It's not wrong to dislike SOTN but I do think it is wrong to dismiss everything it did right and trivialize it just because it isn't what they expected.

      • 10 months ago

        Zoomer brain

        • 10 months ago

          Peak contrarian moronicness. Zoomers like easy as shit games. I prefer classicvania over symphony of the snore. Stay mad cause bad

  13. 10 months ago

    Aria of Sorrow is a straight improvement over Symphony in every way except graphics and music

  14. 10 months ago

    You can but the series peaks with it so don't expect it to get you down a rabbit hole. About half the games aren't anything like it and the rest are just shittier clones of it and the latter extends to other games in its genre outside Super Metroid.

  15. 10 months ago

    Sure thing, SotN is a really solid entry to the series, fluid movement, cool atmosphere, great OST and beautiful graphics.

    Take it slow and enjoy it, the game isn't hard so don't expect a challenge, would you want to see how hard SotN can be, use the Hardtype patch, but only after you beat the game normally.

    After SotN I would recommend playing AoS for the GBA.

  16. 10 months ago

    personally I would go with portrait of ruin, but otherwise yes

  17. 10 months ago

    No play the first one first. Also if you play SotN realize that every 2d game made after it is a severe downgrade in gameplay and aesthetics.

  18. 10 months ago

    He's a homosexual, like you, so yes you should play his gayme.

  19. 10 months ago

    Play Rondo before SotN at least.
    Its really fun and if you like it. You can always try 3, 4 and Bloodlines. Besides, it makes SotN extra kino.
    There's pc fan port or something floating around, that's how i skipped dealing with an emulator.

    • 10 months ago

      I don't get it. Why play Rondo when you can play the superior Dracula X with the fan translation patch?

    • 10 months ago

      At this point Dracula Chronicles X should also be considered, it comes with Rondo of Blood, its remake and a decent dubbed SotN. Also, PSP is quite easy to emulate.

      • 10 months ago

        >decent dubbed

        I am sorry but I will never accept Sasuke Alucard its just ridiculous, even more so than the original dub, which as hammy as it is does have a certain charm.

        • 10 months ago

          Fair enough, but if I remember correctly DCX also includes the japanese dub in case anyone wants to take the SoTN story seriously for a change.

  20. 10 months ago

    i liked it more than sotn and im tired of pretending otherwise.

    • 10 months ago

      Acceptable however if you had said that you liked bloodstained more then I would have said you have mental illness.

  21. 10 months ago

    it's kino

  22. 10 months ago

    From the first one you dumb zoomer

  23. 10 months ago

    Remember when that dude fricked his ass in that awful show on Netflix.

  24. 10 months ago

    What is a man?

    • 10 months ago

      Definitely your son is not one.

  25. 10 months ago

    Over 50 before someone brought up the buttfrick, good work Ganker

    • 10 months ago

      Not surprising considering the fact that an extraordinary amount of Ganker users are gay and they assume it to be normal.

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