Japanese players get the advantage over international players for... playing the game???

Japanese players get the advantage over international players for... playing the game???

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  1. 10 months ago

    don't japanese players win most of the time anyway
    what dumb crayon-muncher feedback is this

  2. 10 months ago

    these copes are fricking hilarious

  3. 10 months ago

    Have you ever been given a ticket for going 1mph over the speed limit? What about for j-walking? What if tomorrow you got a ticket for that? Rules that aren't enforced for years, then suddenly jacked up to hard enforcement are going to catch people off guard. People are going to learn from this Worlds and be better at injecting now that we know how the Home Tracker hack checking actually works, but right now a lot of people were caught with their pants down.

    • 10 months ago

      >people actually doing their job for once is le heckin bad ok!
      God just have a nice day now you b***h.

    • 10 months ago

      >Following the rules is advantageous
      Oh noes

      Doesn’t matter. The law is the law. The only real argument you would have in that case would be if you got a ticket but other people didn’t, then the issue would be with selective enforcement not with the law itself.

  4. 10 months ago

    It's literally a matter of cultural difference. Japs aren't inclined to inject and cheat because they've been taught effectively through a strict law enforcement and overwhelming work environment that staying within the lines is the only way to be seen as a model citizen, and any offense, no matter how minor, is a one way ticket to blacklisting.

    • 10 months ago

      this makes them sound cucked and compels me to want to side with the cheatgays

      • 10 months ago

        Why do you think birthrates are on such a dangerous decline over there? Men are either turning to the hikikomori lifestyle or literally don't have time for women because their work comes first above all else.

        • 10 months ago

          Have you seen the west's birth rates?

          • 10 months ago

            The west isn't an island.

      • 10 months ago

        That isn't cucked, its just that you're a Western narcissistic homosexual and you are a prevision of liberalism, so you think you are an "individual" and you have a "right" to be a piece of shit because "you aren't hurting anyone". This attitude is the true cancer of the Westernoid. Every problem with your godawful society stems from this.

      • 10 months ago

        They are extremely cucked. Combine the confucian mindset with israelite occupation after ww2 and you get modern Japan

  5. 10 months ago

    Now we get to tell them to actually play the game

  6. 10 months ago

    They do, and it's not for the reason you think.

    Japanese players are 1000% more autistic than any other players

  7. 10 months ago

    Doesn't Japan get a lot of event Pokemon with unique moves that you cant get normally?
    There's that one Chansey that's a nightmare to get back in Hoenn, sure there's more too.

    • 10 months ago

      Actually, Wish Chansey was exclusive to America.

  8. 10 months ago

    this is perhaps the dumbest opinion ive ever seen

    • 10 months ago

      What does this even imply
      >This country cheats less so they're more likely to win
      Yes I guess? That's more of an observation that you probably shouldn't be cheating at a world tournament?

    • 10 months ago

      >b-but my online e-celebs say if you care about cheating you're a loser!
      Get fricked lmao

    • 10 months ago

      >Japanese Players have a advantage cause they actually played the game to get their mons
      I don't understand the controversy here. Haven't they always banned genned pokemon? The issue in the past being, that they seemingly didn't care enough to meaningfully enforce the rules? Absolutely absurd that not cheating is being framed as an unfair advantage, this has gotta be a troll.

    • 10 months ago

      Here's another good one.

      • 10 months ago

        >Why should I be DQ'd at the literal world tournament that has higher standards
        On god how fricking moronic AND entitled to you have to be

        • 10 months ago

          >On god how fricking moronic AND entitled to you have to be

          Sounds like your average VGC player.

          • 10 months ago

            I mean, surely there's a limit how stupid any person can get.

            • 10 months ago

              Lol just wait till you get out into the actual workforce.

            • 10 months ago

              Apparently not. Like hell, I'm never gonna be at worlds but I still take the time and effort to read documentation on PKhex like

              >we don't know enough about how home trackers areassigned
              Yes we fricking do lmao.
              People just don't take the minimum effort to research.

              to make sure they're legitimate.

            • 10 months ago

              >there's a limit how stupid any person can get.


            • 10 months ago

              Bold of you to assume that man isn't average.

      • 10 months ago

        >americans lul.jpg
        that guy is italian homosexual

      • 10 months ago

        >we spend money on this, we deserve RESPECT
        I don't understand how someone can feel this way when they were cheating to win at a tournament, I just can't compute it. What the frick is the prize for placing first in this tournament?

        • 10 months ago

          Looking it up, it seems to be 10k cash for 1st plus other prizes, with reduced rewards dependent on placement. It definitely seems like the main draw is for pride/glory considering how much you'd spend just going to Japan, which makes it all the more risky and absurd that you'd cheat since you just lose all of that getting DQ'd like this.

          • 10 months ago

            Motherfrickers are cheating to win 10k? You're spending a fifth of that just getting there and back home. Dumb bastards are cheating just to cover airfare, just don't go? They legally shouldn't be allowed to drive being that fricking stupid

            • 10 months ago

              That's just for first place. If you place out of the the top nine your ceiling is 1500. If you place out of the top sixteen it's no cash at all. Absolutely wild shit.

        • 10 months ago

          But they're not cheating at the tournament. If they win a battle, they've done so legitimately.

          • 10 months ago

            Way to be deliberately obtuse

            • 10 months ago

              It's not obtuse. They're not granted any unfair advantage. None of their Pokemon have impossible stats, abilities, moves, or etc. They're not screen peaking, they're not drugging the opposition, and they're not bribing people to job so they can progress unfairly. There isn't any cheating going on AT the tournament.

              • 10 months ago

                It's okay guys I took the steroids before the tournament

              • 10 months ago

                Injected Pokemon aren't any stronger than legitimate Pokemon.

              • 10 months ago

                That's not the point, it's unfair to the players who put the effort into obtaining their pokemon legitimately and as the tournament rules request.

              • 10 months ago

                Which players are those? Everyone in top cut have discords of people that trade them to them or hack them themselves.

              • 10 months ago

                Probably the ones that didn't get to the top because of those people then.
                Half the reason the people at the top do it is because they've been able to get away with it in the first place, and now they're mad they've been caught and now they're mad about it?
                The even funnier part is that not only are they too lazy to play the game, but if they were going to cheat, they're too lazy to learn how to even inject properly.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm asking you to name the players that it's unfair to. Who are these ghosts you're referring to? The only people that get hurt by harsher hack checking are people with less resources. The ones that got ding this tournament have admitted to being lazy or received bad pokemon. Wolfe will have the same resources regardless and the only people that suffer are people with no friends like you.
                > is that not only are they too lazy to play the game
                They play the game more than anyone else, they just spend it playing actual matches rather than reset simulator.

              • 10 months ago

                it's probably unfair to the players that were beaten in those early tournaments that didn't have the harsh hack checks that this one in Japan does, those players that played by the books and didn't use injected pokemon that were beaten by "pros" who did use injected pokemon

              • 10 months ago

                >that didn't have the harsh hack checks that this one in Japan does
                what harsh hack checks does Japan have
                The people that got caught didn't have the home tracker which is years old. you're getting misted by these dumb fricks and their twitter echo chamber

              • 10 months ago

                The thing is, if you removed all injections, tradebots, etc. you wouldn't be making the game more fair. You'd be shifting the meta to now screw over anyone who doesn't have as much prep time. You'd be benefiting either people who have more free time (which disadvantages normal people and benefits the pros that you appear to disdain) or people who are famous and can get their fans/community members to trade with them (once again disadvantaging the average person in favour of established figures).

              • 10 months ago

                >You'd be benefiting either people who have more free time
                Welcome to literally anything competitive in life

              • 10 months ago

                >You'd be shifting the meta to now screw over anyone who doesn't have as much prep time.
                Welcome to competing in pretty much anything ever lmao

              • 10 months ago

                >it would benefit the people who commit more time
                What is the problem with this?

              • 10 months ago

                >It's not fair that I got DQ'd for injecting steroids, now someone who goes to the gym and practices every day has a better chance at winning

              • 10 months ago

                you're the same autist that posts in every vgc thread and it baffles me how you continue to use such a shit, uninformed argument. when was the last time you bathed?

              • 10 months ago

                >Multiple people understand and have the same mindset towards cheaters in VGC
                >Anon is so entitled that he thinks it's only one person

              • 10 months ago

                >be the same gay that always mentions steroids when it's a false equivalence
                >pretend that you're not
                shut up pussy

              • 10 months ago

                >It's a part of chess to have to carve your own pieces out of wood, if Magnus Carlsen doesn't want to learn wood carving he shouldn't be playing chess

              • 10 months ago

                If part of the Chess ruleset was that you had to build your own pieces and it turned out you were getting some chink to make them for you then you're analogy would work

              • 10 months ago

                >Chess tournaments should provide their own pieces so I don't have to bring my own.

              • 10 months ago

                your analogy falls flat because constructing your own chess pieces is literally not part of the game

              • 10 months ago

                One of the worse analogies I've read. You better off making a food one.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm baffled by how many "people" thought this was an anti-pkhex point

              • 10 months ago

                Steroids is nowhere near the same as injecting Pokemon. Injected Pokemon do not have a numerical advantage over normally trained Pokemon. They have the same maximum and minimum stats, the same abilities, the same moves.

                Using weightlifting tournaments as an example, injecting Pokemon would be the equivalent to some players using an at home gym to save on travel time.

              • 10 months ago

                More like muscle transplants, if that was a thing

              • 10 months ago

                They're not possible which is why I went with the next most analogous "advantage".

              • 10 months ago

                >Steroids save time in gaining muscle mass
                >Puts everyone at an immediate disadvantage for the time needed to catch up
                >Leads to results you would other wise have to invest time into just like a 0 IV or old Gen pokemon

              • 10 months ago

                Steroids give you a physical advantage over your competition. Someone who uses steroids will be stronger than someone who doesn't. It's not skipping a training process, it's becoming stronger than you could with training.

                Rather than making everyone have to build teams from scratch, Game Freak should just allow Pokemon generation for tournaments. It makes much more sense than absolutely neutering Pokemon's movesets because they couldn't figure out how to balance some players transferring their Eruption Heatran all the way from Gen 4 up to present day having an advantage over those who don't have access to old hardware or hundreds of hours of free time just for one Heatran.

              • 10 months ago

                >I'm too lazy to put in the work for something competitive with a cash prize so they should cater to me instead of filtering shitters like me out

              • 10 months ago

                If you define "work" as throwing a masterball at a legendary, checking its IVs, and resetting for hours until its speed IV is 0, then yes, the game should seek to minimize that, because it requires no skill.

              • 10 months ago

                >Having patience in your hobby isn't a skill

              • 10 months ago

                >Game Freak should just allow Pokemon generation for tournaments.

              • 10 months ago

                No, they shouldn't. Part of the competition in VGC (a part they want to include) is raising your own team. It's in the rules. Don't like that? Play somewhere else. Smogon will welcome you, then ban half your team.

              • 10 months ago

                You have zero clue how steroids work

              • 10 months ago

                Steroids actually make you stronger than a normal human , actually past human limits. Genning does not make your pokemon stronger than a normal pokemon nor go past the legal limits

              • 10 months ago

                >Genning does not make your pokemon stronger than a normal pokemon nor go past the legal limits
                It technically does. As there is a prevalence of meta picks from past games (Cresselia, Landorus, etc.) that have RNG manipulation, you can actually map all possible encounters of a specific Pokemon. As I was shitposting last night, I ran a 10 minute iteration of billions of frame advances for a Gen4 Cresselia after people got triggered by Shiny Moon Ball Cresselia.
                There were zero with 31/X/31/31/31/0, let alone a Sassy one.

              • 10 months ago

                >gen 4
                You know cresselia is available in other games right

              • 10 months ago

                >You know cresselia is available in other games right

                VGCplayers don't play the games, so probably not.

              • 10 months ago

                >present strawman
                >instantly taken apart

              • 10 months ago

                The thing he's talking about still happened back in gen 4, you know

              • 10 months ago

                Gen4 is the easiest game to RNG manipulate for a Cresselia, which is the only defense anyone with perfect IV legendaries really has to offer. Because they surely didn't reset 10,000 times in ORAS/USUM to get one.

              • 10 months ago

                You have zero clue how steroids work

                >Steroids give the ability to not have to out in the work of the average competitor
                >Gengays can't accept this because they're too entitled to admit they're wrong

              • 10 months ago

                You take steroids in tandem with the work you're putting in to amplify your growth. You legitimately have no idea what you're talking about and continuing to double down you fricking buffoon.

              • 10 months ago

                You're an idiot. Steroids would be giving your pokemon 255 EVs in every stat. Genning pokemon is the equivalent of using proxies or rental team pokemon.

              • 10 months ago

                Steroids actually make you stronger than a normal human , actually past human limits. Genning does not make your pokemon stronger than a normal pokemon nor go past the legal limits

                You have zero clue how steroids work

                >Steroids making you stronger and giving you an advantage isn't the same as giving your pokemon 0 IVs/a perfect IV spread for HP in previous gens

              • 10 months ago

                the other anon's example of illegal EVs is a better comparison to steroids than whatever bs you're spouting

              • 10 months ago

                It literally takes a fraction of the time now. Catch a fricking pokemon, spend a few thousand pokebucks on bottle caps and a mint, and just fricking PRESS A on your god damn pokemon you fricking lazy fricks.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah this is the point. the morons saying that prep time effort must count make it seem like breeding and eving are skills and not mindless button mashing which is just a waste of time. It's not like they are getting better at something and gaining a real skill advantage over others, thus shouldn't be rewarded. It's like asking Formula 1 pilots to work on their cars with a dq threat, straight up moronation. That's why I dont play VGC

              • 10 months ago

                It's not unfair. There is no advantage to having one or the other. No injected Pokemon is going to have 32 in all IVs instead of the normal 31. No advantage is being conferred on the players injecting Pokemon.

              • 10 months ago

                It's called time and dedication, something they're quite obviously trying to reward.
                If it wasn't advantageous people wouldn't be doing it.

              • 10 months ago

                >If it wasn't advantageous people wouldn't be doing it.
                This. You literally cannot argue this point.

              • 10 months ago

                Time and dedication is for boomers

              • 10 months ago

                Pro players are already putting in time and dedication. To even qualify for worlds you have to fly all across the West and get top cut in local tournaments to get enough points to head to Japan. Injecting just levels the playing field since the Japanese have dozens upon dozens more hours to actually play the games on account of not having to travel outside of Japan to earn points and not having to travel to get to Worlds.

              • 10 months ago

                Man that's weird, I had no idea you couldn't play your Switch while seated in a plane.
                That said, yeah that sucks, but the answer isn't to use it as an excuse to bypass the intended gameplay.

              • 10 months ago

                the scene in the US isn't as big as in Japan because TPC allows genners and cheaters to go unpunished and those following the rules don't want to participate in tournaments if it means competing with them. The pokemon company in Japan doesn't have a community of commentators and top players who cheat/defend cheating like the US so the scene is a lot healthier and bigger.

              • 10 months ago

                >the scene in the US isn't as big as in Japan
                It's bigger. The US is just massive, and it's not just the US that suffers from this. Mexico and Canada are just as fricked.

                >because TPC allows genners and cheaters to go unpunished and those following the rules don't want to participate in tournaments if it means competing with them
                The amount of people who don't want to compete because others don't have to suffer like them is in the single digits, and quite possibly 0.

              • 10 months ago

                I know it's hard for you to wrap your head around, but the tournament is as much 'who is the best trainer?' as it is 'who is the best battler?'

              • 10 months ago

                Except for the part where they enter under the agreement that they haven't injected their Pokemon and then it turns out they've actually done that, yeah.

      • 10 months ago

        just how fricking moronic can one person get

      • 10 months ago

        >We spend money for this, we need RESPECT.
        No refunds :^)

    • 10 months ago

      Don't cheat morons

    • 10 months ago

      >Non-cheaters are less affected by anti cheating rules
      What a shocker

  9. 10 months ago

    >Playing the game is now an unrfair advantage

    VGCcucks everyone.

    • 10 months ago

      I can't wait for a room temperature IQ to complain that "it's unfair that VGC doesn't use Showdown, what about people who don't want to buy a whole Switch and $60 USD game just to compete?" because they're so used to not actually playing or consuming the games that having to do so is a foreign concept.

      • 10 months ago

        Why wait?

        • 10 months ago

          >It sucks that you have to pay $60 for a game you don't care about just to play a game you don't care about
          Competitive Pokegays are the polar opposite of CoDgays but they somehow make me even more angry.

      • 10 months ago

        They are already trying to b***h that genning should be legal so you aren't too far off.

  10. 10 months ago

    Cheaters = leftist mindset.
    >I should be able to do whatever I want
    >I should be able to get whatever I want when I want
    >WHAT do you mean you're not going to let me?

    • 10 months ago

      You're confused, you just described the average conservative mindset. lol

      • 10 months ago

        literally conservative brain

        It's not conservatives that think everyone else should have to pay for some deadweights' college tuition...

        • 10 months ago

          Conservatives love the idea of free healthcare and free college... as long as it's not being said by someone on the left, then it's suddenly horrible.

          • 10 months ago

            Yeah, there are bad people on either side, it's a good thing I'm not in a cult and can see that, unlike some others.

      • 10 months ago

        actually delusional, that description is 1:1 with shoplifting subhuman leftists

        • 10 months ago

          >Conservitard trying to call others delusional
          lol, lmao even

          • 10 months ago

            Complete non-argument, as expected from the human trash-worshipping cult.

    • 10 months ago

      You're confused, you just described the average conservative mindset. lol

      Horseshoe theory is real and both sides are fricking morons

    • 10 months ago

      literally conservative brain

    • 10 months ago

      >You have to do what the company tells you too, or else you are a bad man OKAY?
      >Convenience is bad because I had to do something the tedious way and if there is an easier way to do it, that makes it SOULLESS

      • 10 months ago

        >You have to do what the company tells you to
        This "retort" doesn't work when these are all people that paid thousands to said company and worship their products so much that they can't fathom any other outlet for competitive lol

      • 10 months ago

        Play video game to compete at video game tournament, dumb-dumb.

    • 10 months ago

      You just described Trump.

    • 10 months ago

      No. No. No. This. This is a CONSERVATIVE!
      I bet you voted TRUMP too you little MAGA-CULTIST

    • 10 months ago

      Communists live rent free in your head, anon.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah you know what. You're right. You have to be a libprog kiddie homosexual Westerners to
      a) b***h about being a cheater yet are narcissistic enough to think you still matter
      b) Refuse to simply stop playing the game in response.
      c) Have made poor priorities in life and are spending too much time on a children game.

      There is no good reason to be mad at this. If you actually do this shit because you enjoy it, well, now there is an equal playing field and if you don't like it, then fricking stop. If you are actually upset about this, your priorities are all messed up and you are a weak man. You are also an enabler.

  11. 10 months ago

    It's funny how no other game has players with this mindset.


    • 10 months ago

      they're called proxies and yes there is a lot of controversy about them

      further proof that pokegays don't play any other games besides pokemon

    • 10 months ago

      Most other esports don't require you to bring your own stuff, you just play the game.

    • 10 months ago

      Low IQ post. There are huge controversies surrounding using proxies in competitive events for MTG and Yugioh

      • 10 months ago

        >huge controversies surrounding using proxies in competitive events for MTG and Yugioh
        Ya got any good ones to read through?

        • 10 months ago

          Literally any mtg subreddit and search for "proxies". Or go to /tg/ and ask them

          • 10 months ago

            I feel like you're overblowing what counts as a huge controversy. Most games have a warning system and no game has an immediate ban for using proxies as a first punishment in any player system. You'd have to be stupid to get DQ'd for using proxies at an official tournament and then keep entering tournaments with proxies again after.

            The biggest MTG controversy about proxies is that Wizards themselves were selling non tourney legal proxies for like 100 dollars per pack a year or two ago

  12. 10 months ago

    I... don't think any other competitive scene is filled with this amount of whiny little b***hes? They are legit arguing that they shouldn't invest any time and money into the biggest competition of the year.

    • 10 months ago

      They're already expected to pay out the ass just to drive or fly around in order to compete, the tournament itself may as well be a side-component to the main event (TPC getting to directly advertise and sell merchandise to you after making you pay in order to be advertised to).

  13. 10 months ago

    The only issue is that Game Freak suddenly actually gives a frick about injecting and cheating. We've had demonstrable proof of cheating in the past like Dream Ball Aegislash and they didn't actually care. They made this bed where cheaters have been able to get away with this for decades, and it's strange they decided to unmake it suddenly.

    • 10 months ago

      You can get jail time for genning in Japan. Plus the recently updated the checker for legit pokemon (including genned). It was the perfect time to do it

  14. 10 months ago

    give me 1 (one) reason as to why months of tedious breeding matters in a game determined entirely by knowledge of game mechanics

    It is impossible for someone to win with suboptimal stats so everyone WILL have them to compete, whether they waste months or inject.

    • 10 months ago

      it takes like 20 minutes to get a battle ready pokemon these days

    • 10 months ago

      >Why playing the game actually matters????

    • 10 months ago

      >it takes months to make a team

      More proof VGCcucks don't play the game. Why would it take so long for you to make a team? Having problems turning on your switch? Don't tell me you have people to do that for you too

      • 10 months ago

        getting a tornadus with the right stats requires you to play through the entire game every time

        • 10 months ago

          which game?

        • 10 months ago

          Not quite. You could play Omega Ruby and just soft reset for one with a 0ATK iv, then trade it up and bottle cap the other stats. The big offender is Enamorus, where you can't see its ivs until it's already saved to Home, and unable to be edited or reset.

    • 10 months ago

      They have nearly a year to prepare after each new mainline release. At most you could argue that maybe GF should release HOME earlier

    • 10 months ago

      >give me 1 (one) reason as to why months of tedious breeding matters in a game determined entirely by knowledge of game mechanics
      Because it's their tournament and if you want to participate you have to follow their rules?

    • 10 months ago

      This is your brain on competitive play.

      You're missing the point, yes Pokemon's primary mechanic is battling, but on a wider scale the tournaments are representative of Pokemon as a whole and as a franchise, the winners are supposed to be who is the best at catching/training monsters and then using them to win.

      I know you don't like that aspect of it, but that's literally the point of the fricking game.

      • 10 months ago

        They've been telling people this since gen 2

    • 10 months ago

      >Catch the Pokémon you need
      >Hyper train
      >Use a mint for nature
      >Feed medicine
      >Give that b***h diabetes to lvl 100 from the amount of candies you shove into its yap
      >Switch the moveset, and shove TMs into its butthole if needed; use mirror herb for complicated shit
      >Equip the held item
      >Change ability if needed
      Dude, if you're a shitty player, it's gonna take you one hour. Tops. If you have two braincells this shit takes half an hour starting from SCRATCH. It no longer takes months of breeding to have something usable. And if you're missing shit? Go battle a few raids, 5 stars are dead easy with an Azumarill or an Iron Hands.

  15. 10 months ago

    I thought Gamefreak's plan was to just ignore the cheaters by making it more viable to legitimately obtain a 6IV shiny perfect natured mon in an Apricorn ball.

    Nice to see them cracking down on the cheating fricks.

  16. 10 months ago

    you shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion if you can't at least break 1300s

    • 10 months ago

      this but also only if you did so without cheating

  17. 10 months ago

    How lazy do you have to fricking be to not tick the right boxes to make your mon legal? I always thought "I didnt know it was hacked, I got it from a trade" was just an excuse players made. Do they actually just trust random trademons?

    • 10 months ago

      From what I understand they are getting caught because they use mons that can't be obtained without touching Home which don't have a Home tracking ID. That kind of mon didn't exist until S/V compatibility with PLA so they're getting blindsided

    • 10 months ago

      PkHex can't tell if a pokemon is illegal based on its home tracker. You could, for example, catch a Cresselia in gen 6, put it in Bank, transfer it up to Home, send it to Scarlet, and use it as the base for a Cresselia with different IVs (normally using a legit Pokemon as the base is the safest way to gen). The PkHex iv checker would say those ivs were legal for a Gen 6 Cresselia because in Gen 6 IVs weren't tied to PID and you could modifiy them freely, but if that Cresselia was hack checked, it be compared to the one in Home with different IVs and fail the check. Furthermore, we don't know enough about how home trackers areassigned so you couldn't even 0 out the tracker and reupload it from Scarlet. For all we know that could just throw up a giant flag that says "this Pokemon was hacked" because its first appearance in Home was from a game that Cresselia can't come from.

      • 10 months ago

        >we don't know enough about how home trackers areassigned
        Yes we fricking do lmao.
        People just don't take the minimum effort to research.

        • 10 months ago

          >tfw VGCtrannies couldn't even read a fricking guide

  18. 10 months ago

    I just had a look through Twitter, and these dumbasses are legit saying "I don't want to spend time to make a legal team, but I should still be able to travel to worlds and compete and no one should call me out". What a lack of any shame or self-awareness. I knew 'Pokepros' were dumb, but this is too much. I am legit tilted from reading posts.

    • 10 months ago

      I'm making a folder for these screencaps for the future. It's too good to pass up, and a good reminder why VGC players are not to be taken seriously. Ladder players are alright by me though

  19. 10 months ago

    Why the FRICK do I have to diet and exercise and practice just to win the competition? If I dope up I'll save both time and money.

    • 10 months ago

      The tedium in pokemon is entirely artificial. Obtaining a pokemon and knowing how to use it in battle are different things. It's like playing a chess tournament. The pokemon are just chess pieces. They are just equipment. Nobody expects you to make your own chess pieces or sports equipment. The competition is to see who uses their equipment the most skillfully

      • 10 months ago

        TPC clearly doesn't see it this way. They see acquiring those pieces as part of the game. And they make the rules

      • 10 months ago

        Look it's like when you go bowling and they make you put on those bowling shoes, you probably don't need them but it's just how it goes. Don't wear them, don't bowl, simple as that.

      • 10 months ago

        >Series about training pokemon and developing friendships with said pokemon
        >Why does TPC expect me to train my pokemon

        • 10 months ago

          ...And up until recent generations, those same Pokemon you trained and developed friendships with were completely and utterly worthless due to not being as genetically superior as possible, and the most they'd be good for is playing Eugenics Simulator for weeks on end.

          • 10 months ago

            Well, they could compete in VGC, cheater.

            • 10 months ago

              And then they'd get outclassed and mogged by Pokemon with optimal IVs, and Egg Moves said Pokemon originally could not EVER obtain, only offspring were eligible.

              • 10 months ago

                >outclassed and mogged by Pokemon with optimal IVs
                Something that they had as well, since you never need to cheat for that.
                >impossible egg moves

          • 10 months ago

            >These pokemon were worthless because you could just Gen a good version in
            You're so close anon

        • 10 months ago

          You still are training them but in the hyperbolic time chamber or the matrix.

  20. 10 months ago

    I have spent nearly 20 minutes looking at this post and have yet to comprehend what the frick this means
    Is it wrong to start taking your own vgc seriously? Is this just cope people finally got caught?

  21. 10 months ago

    >Can't hack Pokemon properly
    >Then cry about elevens playing legitimately
    These morons are funny

  22. 10 months ago

    >Get caught using cheats
    >b***h and moan that you wasted your money and time
    Meanwhile, "respectable" sports controversies at least have the offending player(s) fess up in public. VGCs should make the offenders apologize on stage in front of an entire audience, both in person and online. You cheat, you get beat.

    • 10 months ago

      >banned unless you publically apologize
      >have to submit to random testing to make sure you aren't actively cheating and are clean even in the off season

  23. 10 months ago

    How long does it actually take to get perfect pokemon in SV?

    • 10 months ago

      20 hours to beat the game, another ~10 maybe to get viable raid Pokemon, then after that initial investment it's like 20 min per Pokemon?
      Tera shards this gen are a legit problem though, GF being frick tards abuot that.

  24. 10 months ago

    SmogonGODS win again. Once again we're learning that Pokemon Showdown with Smogon rules is better than official Pokemon. It feels so good to be liberated from buying Game Freak's mockery of what Pokemon used to be and also get to enjoy tourneys in the superior style of play.

    • 10 months ago

      >BAN BAN BAN BAN BAN BAN meta circle jerk

      Watching VGCplayers bicker with Smogon players is like watching Conservatives vs Liberals claim they are better than each other when they are both on the same coin.

    • 10 months ago

      SmogonBlack folk are trash at Pokemon they banned quick claw and Palafin

      • 10 months ago

        Quick Claw isn't banned. Palafin is hilariously overpowered. Its stat-line is basically just Dialga's but physical.

        Bans are a good thing.

      • 10 months ago

        >they banned quick claw
        Haven't played smog in years. This for real? Quick Claw got banned? How do people take smogon seriously? Honest question

        • 10 months ago

          yes they really did. nobody takes smogon seriously

  25. 10 months ago

    Might as well just let people use fully simulated teams with an official tournament exclusive app. Only the player strategies should matter. Not how many games you buy and ride watch you character sit on a bike doing donuts for hour's

    • 10 months ago

      They should, they already let everyone access rental teams.

    • 10 months ago

      This. They don't realize the sheer autists we'd get in the finals as no one else would be willing to do that.
      What we have now is bad enough. We don't need BIGGER autists.

      • 10 months ago

        Anyone else remember the Braixen autist that won EVO years ago?
        >Why did you play Braixen?
        >I wanted more people to draw porn of it

  26. 10 months ago

    Looks like the blue checkmarks have finally found this thread

  27. 10 months ago

    Why are people so hellbent on defending breaking the rules? Are you guys actually sad your favorite player got DQed or something? It sucks they seem to be implementing a new rule check all of a sudden, however, its within their rights and just enforcing something that technically should have always been followed.

    • 10 months ago

      You are just a b***h!
      I bet you voted for Trump to.

      • 10 months ago

        your esl is showing

        • 10 months ago

          racist scum

          • 10 months ago

            I had no idea "Can't type proper English" was a fricking race.

    • 10 months ago

      It's not skin off my back, but generating Pokemon shouldn't be punished but should in fact be a feature in the series. Just another thing that Smogon has over Game Freak. Skipping animations? Check. Dynamic turn timer? Check. Instant Pokemon generation? Check. Connectivity issues? Nope

      • 10 months ago

        Sounds pretty antithetical to the core concepts of the series. Your argument is basically that Pokemon should be something that it's not because you don't like being inconvenienced

        • 10 months ago

          Game Freak has removed every other layer of inconvenience that actually serves a purpose. EXP Share being toggleable? Gone. Set battles? Gone. Overworld poison damage? Gone. HMs? Gone. Having to actually visit a Pokemon center to swap out Pokemon? No more.

          Game Freak isn't adverse to making things more convenient, they're just incompetent. That's why it's a good thing Pokemon Showdown eats into their sales even if it barely makes a dent. Losing 50k in sales means that Masuda can't afford another Ferrari for ruining Pokemon.

          • 10 months ago

            And the opposite of "ruining Pokemon" would be turning it into a battle simulator?

            • 10 months ago

              Adding feature of a battle simulator so you can enjoy the only good remaining portion of Pokemon would be a benefit, yes.

      • 10 months ago

        Pokemon is about raising pokemon as much as it is battling

        • 10 months ago

          Is that so? Legitgays keep screeching about how fast and easy it is to get Pokemon battle ready, so not even the legitimate way wants you to spend very much time """""raising"""" Pokemon.

  28. 10 months ago

    >be me in japan
    >they don't even know that I didn't have a team a week ago
    >spent 4 days theorycrafting and calculating
    >grabbed the mons I needed off GTS at the airport
    >edit them in pkhex at the airport
    >frick around in Japan the night before
    >Day 1
    >managed to pull off enough wins
    >Day 2
    >looking forward to my matchups
    >comfortable with the team now that I've a few wins
    >suddenly tapped on my shoulders (these headphones cancel everything)
    >look up
    >it's two well-dressed Japanese people with VGC badges
    >"Gomen, gaijin-san, we mustu cheku your poketto monsutas."
    >hand over my switch
    >not worried at all
    >i made sure to type 31 in every box
    >and even changed the trainer name from FREEPKMN.com to mine!
    >look back and hold out my hand
    >see they're wirelessly pairing with some other device
    >what the hell is this
    >why are they taking so long?
    >they're not even in dream balls
    >the one nods to the other
    >"misuta gaijin-san, you are disquarified for irregal poketto monsutas."
    >tears start rolling down my face
    >"E-Excuse me, b-but why?"
    >"you are firthy cheater-kun, disgrace on grobal stage."
    >"now prease reave, or security wirr escort you from center."
    >look across the table at the smug chink behind his face mask
    >he snickers
    >"dude, why didn't you just get mints, or bottle caps? they're at a store now."
    >seething in rage
    >I deserve respect.
    >I made it here fair and square.
    >Everyone cheats.
    >He probably has a bunch of hacked mons.
    >If they were going to do this, why didn't they do it before my first match?
    >This is so unfair. I never got disquar--qualified in the past.
    >How can TPC update their legitimacy checks without telling me how to get around them?
    >Angrily grab my switch and storm out
    >realize I forgot my pro controller
    >Type up a blog on twitter, I mean X, and send it
    >This is such horseshit, frick Kurt, update your shitty program

    • 10 months ago

      gave me a hearty chuckle

    • 10 months ago


  29. 10 months ago

    Not that I care particularly either way, but constructing a team with pokemon that you are better able to optimise their stats rather than relying on exact stated legendaires would make it more interesting and if some autist wants to go out of their way to get the perfect legendary naturally, then that's their choice.

  30. 10 months ago

    Two players prepare to battle each other. Both have Cresselia on their team. But there are some differences.

    Player one: Perfect IV/EVS on every single pokemon, took 5 minutes to make. Cresselia has 0 speed IV.

    Player two: Hyper-trained but not perfect IV'd but good enough. Took hours to make, along with Home transfer. Cresselia has 22 speed IV.

    Both of these teams are legal, but having a perfectly IV'd pokemon team with zero flaws is extremely sus, but not impossible. Player one clearly has the advantage under trick room because his team is completely flawless when it comes to IV's due to genning. This alone regardless of legality is enough grounds for Player one to be DQ'd. Genning is against the rules, even if you been getting away with it. Player two can still win of course but they will ALWAYS be at a disadvantage unless they gen themselves.

    Also I don't understand Kurt. You b***h people are using your program top gen pokemon, but you still host and improve on the program. I know why he's doing it, but he shouldn't be getting pissy at people for using the program as intended.

    >But h-he said not to use it at official c-c-competit-ACK!

    Kurt is a fricking moron if he actually thought this was going to happen.

    • 10 months ago

      Player 1's cresselia is not "legal" it's hacked and illegitimate. A pokemon is not legit if its IVS/EVS were modified using an external program. A legit pokemon was caught and trained in game using items and methods in game.

      • 10 months ago

        You're completely correct.
        my point was that, well for example RIGHT NOW there are cresselia's being used at worlds that were genned to have an advantage. A point rendered moot because I'm sure 90% of players in the finals are using genmons. But if a player get's to the finals without using genned mons, he will always be at a disadvantage. Honestly TCPI has been too lax on this situation and it of course surprised everyone when they acted and DQ'd so many. I'm sure it's only going to get more stricter from here, cause this is a wake up call.

  31. 10 months ago

    Mr. PKHex finally posted.
    For those who don't understand the picture, this is Oppenheimer, considered the "father of the atomic bomb". Basically Kaphotics is saying he was just having fun and doing pokemon science by making PKhex, but ultimately tainted the competitive world by doing so.

  32. 10 months ago

    Can someone answer me this, the one last big sticking point of optimizing a pokemon naturally is getting pokemons IV's to 0. If that were to be solved would there be no real argument for cheating a pokemon?

    • 10 months ago

      I shouldn't have to put in the effort to compete for money in my hobby

    • 10 months ago

      >If that were to be solved would there be no real argument for cheating a pokemon?
      Anon the arguments are just whatever goalposts that can be moved there at the time, some of them are valid, but that's not the reason they're arguing them.
      They won't admit this though.

    • 10 months ago

      getting a certain hidden power but that move hasn't been around for a bit so probably yes

    • 10 months ago

      > If that were to be solved would there be no real argument for cheating a pokemon?
      essentially. if they introduced a bottlecaps-esque system that let you reset your IV to 0 and then raise it to an individual value there would be no reason left to gen.

      • 10 months ago

        My phrasing here is awful.

        If there was a system that let you reset IVs to zero, and then incrementally increase the values by 1 rather than to max*

    • 10 months ago

      There's still event moves, and specific IV spreads for niche situations (ex. Stakataka with 15 Defense IVs). The argument for genning would be diminished, perhaps, but imo it will always exist until TPC just implements a Showdown-style teambuilder. Until then, it will always be more convenient to gen, and so people will always be incentivised to do it.

      • 10 months ago

        Event moves have basically stopped existing since Gen 8 since home wipes them now.

    • 10 months ago

      > If that were to be solved would there be no real argument for cheating a pokemon?
      essentially. if they introduced a bottlecaps-esque system that let you reset your IV to 0 and then raise it to an individual value there would be no reason left to gen.

      Shiny pokemon.
      Unbound actually had a neat little system, where you paid an assload of BP to make a mon shiny.

    • 10 months ago

      No. You'd still have the Poké Balls.
      Remove IVs (Bottle Caps are merely band-aids to that cancer.) and allow caught Pokémon to change the Poké Ball they reside in should kill almost any reason to gen a Pokémon outside of a few annoying mythicals and legendaries. There's also whatever PKHex calls "Original Tera Type", but that'll likely not matter after SV.

      • 10 months ago

        >Remove IVs
        Competitive mindset strikes again.
        Once again forgetting that the rest of the game exists outside of comp play.

        • 10 months ago

          They removed IVs in PLA and replaced it with the grit system which would solve a lot of problems we have in the main series. The only reason IVs still exist is because "muh every pokemon is different".

          • 10 months ago

            >The only reason IVs still exist is because "muh every pokemon is different".

            Yeah, that is indeed the point

          • 10 months ago

            >"muh every pokemon is different".
            Literally all they would have to do would implement some sort of minor cosmetic change per mon.
            Not even impossible for them to do nor is it unprecedented because guess who exists?
            That and the changes you and others have mentioned for the comp scene imo would work a long way towards resolving this mess.

            • 10 months ago

              Anon I know this is confusing to you, but they want them to different more ways than just aesthetically.
              You are welcome to not like it, but that's how it is

        • 10 months ago

          IVs literally only affect statistics and stats have little to no bearing on playing pokemon outside of pvp when levels exist to overpower even a caterpie to be able to solo the entire game. Individuality literally doesn't even apply anymore when the whole point of like, 6 star raids is to get Pokemon with 6 perfect IVs, so every single person who did the 6 star Charizard raid has the exact same charizard in terms of IVs.

      • 10 months ago

        >There's also whatever PKHex calls "Original Tera Type"
        tl;dr when you import a non-SV mon it's assigned an 'original' Tera type based on its primary type. It's a legality flag.

      • 10 months ago

        Shiny pokemon.
        Unbound actually had a neat little system, where you paid an assload of BP to make a mon shiny.

        cosmetics like pokeballs, shinies, and trainer clothes aren't a part of pokemon optimization and don't affect the outcome of a match, thus are not important enough to justify cheating. According to cheaters everything that leads up to the battle like training and farming items is irrelevant to the battle.

        • 10 months ago

          >cosmetics like pokeballs, shinies, and trainer clothes aren't a part of pokemon optimization and don't affect the outcome of a match
          True, but there's always going to be that one person who raises a stink about how a certain Pokémon is in a ball that's impossible to catch it in or if it's shiny locked with an unreleased shiny.

  33. 10 months ago

    in EVERY SPORT THEIR IS cheating is UNACCEPTABLE why then should it be acceptable behaviour in pokemon, put in the work like everyone else and act like an adult stop complaining and get it done, i can't even believe these pathetic whiny losers are crying because they are getting dq'd FOR CHEATING....

    • 10 months ago

      im double posting because im really getting fricking tired of these so called "pro pokemon players" b***hing they might have to put in some leg work to get their TOURNAMENT TEAMS READY FOR WORLDS GROW THE FRICK UP YOU GODDAMNED MANCHILDREN AND WORK...

  34. 10 months ago

    >What do you mean I can't just print out a picture of this $200 trading care and put it in my deck???
    This is what they sound like. Like how the frick are you playing Pokemon competitively and aren't buying the games to collect shit?

    • 10 months ago

      VGCcucks think they are above the rules.

    • 10 months ago

      It's basically this. Only these homosexuals are getting mad when they get DQ'd for playing with paper cutouts from their inkjet printer, instead of taking a modicum of effort and buying chinese proxies.

    • 10 months ago

      >card proxy
      200 dollars, you get it instantly
      >0 spd 0 atk enamorous
      good fricking luck

    • 10 months ago

      Ask anyone who plays cards and they'll say it's equally stupid that the barrier to entry for trading card games is price point and fans are constantly working against that exact gatekeeping with programs to play the game for free, otherwise they know their communities would completely die out.

      People hold tournaments on ygopro and pokemon tcg online because competition should be testing how well you play, not "can you pay 500 bucks for a deck to even show up"

  35. 10 months ago

    Why doesn't Nintendo just shut Kurt down? He's clearly afraid of what's happening

    • 10 months ago

      He's not really afraid for himself, of what is happening. In all honesty, he's probably excited to see these checks finally being implemented. His "biggest fear" was exactly what is happening now: too many lazy morons making obvious mistakes and getting caught for it.
      There's no point in shutting him down; it's not for profit, and open source, so it would be forked in a heartbeat.

    • 10 months ago

      He is not afraid I can tell you that much
      He's probably shitting himself laughing

    • 10 months ago

      if pkhex is entirely his code theres nothing they can do

      • 10 months ago

        Not true. He could run afoul of his program producing save files for the games.
        But like I said, there's no point. It's on github, 20 people would fork it immediately.

      • 10 months ago

        I highly doubt that

  36. 10 months ago

    Pokemon started doing simultaneous worldwide releases for games after Gen 7 so this excuse doesn't fly anymore

  37. 10 months ago

    its pretty simple when you get down to it, just stop cheating play the game legitimately and put in the hours, you want the championship well fricking earn it then.

  38. 10 months ago

    I don't think people that say "just play the game bro" actually know how difficult it is for an individual to farm for some competitive mons.
    >just don't do it
    Okay, and then Wolfe will have 15 people doing 5 hour runs until they get one so he has one and you don't and lose

    • 10 months ago

      You don't NEED a 0 ATK Enamorus.
      So it's 1/32 to get a 0 SPD one.

      • 10 months ago

        1/32 and only need to do 5 hours of gameplay per catch
        doesn't that sound accessible

        • 10 months ago

          You're an idiot. You can soft reset for Enamorus.

        • 10 months ago

          Doesn't matter, you narcissistic western moron. You don't need a 0 ATK Enarmorus.

          Or maybe you realize that competitive Pokemon isn't worth it, but you won't try to drop out because you based your identity on mindless consumption of a kid's game, which makes you think this behavior is acceptable.

          • 10 months ago

            Thank you for admitting that you have no investment in the success or viability of competitive pokemon. At least you don't try to dress up your contempt with flowery bullshit about "the spirit of the game" or "fairness".

            • 10 months ago

              >Thank you for admitting that you have no investment in the success or viability of competitive pokemon.

              Is that supposed to mean something? I don't give a frick about the viability of competitive Pokemon anymore then I care about competitive Magic the gathering. I don't waste my time with it, but you do. In the end, you're just an entitled loser getting mad that you now have to play by the rules. You hold a hypocritical doublethink where you care about "competitive Pokemon" but then hate the very mechanics in a Pokemon game which makes you not want to play competitive Pokemon because the rule now mandates you stop cheating. If you did care, you wouldn't mind. Sane people would just drop out, but because you built your identity on this, you can't do that and instead act entitled that somehow, not playing by the rules is wrong.

              • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago

                I don't know who you think I am, but I've never played VGC in my life. I'm an OU player, but I care about the overall pokemon community. When the game becomes less accessible, less people will want to play, which causes the scene to wither and die. If you're claiming that the flaws which make competitive pokemon inaccessible to the average player are inherent to the game mechanics, then those mechanics are bad and should be fixed. Hence why I play on showdown. Also, psychologising in an internet argument is the most pathetic form of ad hom, because it betrays your own insecurities while not even being good at generating insults.

              • 10 months ago

                >When the game becomes less accessible, less people will want to play, which causes the scene to wither and die
                >Hence why I play on showdown.
                >Doesn't even support the series
                >tries to crocodile tears other people into caring about the state of the series

              • 10 months ago

                b***h we talk about the highest level of competitive. This is not Omgon, this is not you online fighting another literally who. This is supposed to be cream of the crop, best players of the world, people that put time, effort and hard work into it and they cannot even do the bare minimum of obtaining Pokemon for their damn team? This is a fricking joke, it's like a child on bike with support wheels demanding reward in Tour de France.

      • 10 months ago

        It objectively provides you an advantage in niche situations that come up in VGC, such as confusion, sap sipper, foul play.
        You don't NEED a 31 special attack stat either, but if that 28 special attack IV misses you a KO by like 2 HP in a tournament? That could absolutely just be a loss you could've avoided.

        • 10 months ago

          >he thinks foul play is still in the meta
          Armchair VGC players are the worst.

          • 10 months ago

            The meta is constantly shifting, especially with regulations. It was Murkrow's best move in regulation A for dealing with Gholdengo as a premiere threat, and Gholdengo fell in usage before it's more recent rise back, so there's no reason it couldn't come back into the meta next series when the ubers are legal or anything.

    • 10 months ago

      oh give me a fricking break, im a blissy has proven how and the methods to obtain basically any pokemon you want with competitive builds and no cheating, hell even gamefreak has added a bunch of qol for making comp mons, i've even used them myself to put comp sets and stats on my shinies that i do use online and im a massive stoner who lazes about most of the day and if i CAN DO IT SO CAN THESE FRICKS AT WORLDS GIVE ME A FRICKING BREAK.

      • 10 months ago

        Go catch a 0 spd iv Enamorous and come back and post it. It's easy so you'll have one before the thread 404s. I'll check back in an hour.

        • 10 months ago

          >Go do this unnecessary thing for a pokemon you don't want to use

          • 10 months ago

            so you can't do it? why even include this part?

            • 10 months ago

              I'm not that anon for starters, but your argument for genning is that we need to go do something for a pokemon we don't care for for a Stat spread that's unnecessary

              • 10 months ago

                >Stat spread that's unnecessary
                Nice, so you've decided that the IV spread is unnecessary for the current meta
                >regulation D starts
                >DLC adds tutor moves
                >foul play/confusion becomes meta
                >that 20atk 0spd IV Enamorous you spent time on is now unusable as the atk IV activates breakpoints for KO moves
                >you now must farm for a new Enamorous
                I don't know why I have to explain this to you

              • 10 months ago

                regulation E*

              • 10 months ago

                >Have to put in the work for a competitive situation with a cash prize
                Fricking wild concept. For sports it's working out, for TCGs it's having to buy and trade cards, for Pokemon it is literally playing a game

        • 10 months ago

          >if you don't do this thing then i win the argument

        • 10 months ago

          oh no you'll have one or 2 hard mons that you need to put in a bunch of work for, if you knew you needed a 0 speed enamorous that should have been PRIORITY NUMBER 1. where you INTENTIONALLY set aside the time to get it done so you made sure you had it guaranteed. if you know one or 2 of your mons are going to be a b***h reach out to the scene and ask for help, if you were going to worlds its HIGHLY LIKELY you have at least some support system and community roots so you could make it happen don't give me the excuse that one hard mon invalidates my point about not cheating and putting in the effort for a world championship. ITS LAZINESS PURE AND SIMPLE STOP PLAYING DEFENSE FOR THESE LAZY FRICKS.

          • 10 months ago

            >if you knew you needed a 0 speed enamorous that should have been PRIORITY NUMBER 1
            Stop twisting numbers to make stuff sound harder than it is.

    • 10 months ago

      Ultimately this is the TPC's tournament if you want to participate you follow their rules.It doesn't mater if you think it's stupid, it doesn't mater if it is objectively stupid, you play by their rules or you don't play.

    • 10 months ago

      >I don't think people that say "just play the game bro" actually know how difficult it is for an individual to farm for some competitive mons.

      This is what you're not understanding: It doesn't fricking matter.
      The rules are the rules; you can complain about how hard it is to min/max til you're blue in the face, but that's how the game is intended to be played.
      You can make cases as to why it should change, but one can also argue it's more interesting not to see the same cookie cutter teams every game too.

      • 10 months ago

        >The rules are the rules
        So you agree all the genned mons that clear the hack checks are legit right? People with bad gens got DQ'd so they're within the rules.

        Doesn't matter, you narcissistic western moron. You don't need a 0 ATK Enarmorus.

        Or maybe you realize that competitive Pokemon isn't worth it, but you won't try to drop out because you based your identity on mindless consumption of a kid's game, which makes you think this behavior is acceptable.

        > you narcissistic western moron
        every region uses pkhex, tourist

        • 10 months ago

          >every region uses pkhex, tourist


          And with this new rule, none of them will

          But you won't drop out because you made poor decisions in your life.

          • 10 months ago

            >reddit spacing
            They do. Check kaphotics twitter for previous tournament results and DQs for Korea a few months ago.

          • 10 months ago
            • 10 months ago

              >More than half needed to cheat in a video game made for children.

            • 10 months ago

              >All but one of the Paldeans at Worlds caught cheating.
              Proof that Gen 9 was a mistake.

          • 10 months ago

            >And with this new rule, none of them will
            Given that you don't understand what the frick you are talking about, let me spell it out for you:
            >TPC updated their Hack Protection from Tissue Paper to Card Stock.
            What people are getting caught for in this DQ wave is such rudimentary shit that anyone who spends at least an hour learning about PKHex would know already how to avoid. However, VGC players are so "optimized" in their moronation that they think they can just open the program, type 31 in every box, and then export SAV.

        • 10 months ago

          >So you agree all the genned mons that clear the hack checks are legit right? People with bad gens got DQ'd so they're within the rules.

          They're legit in accordance to the hash check but obviously not to the rules of the tournament, nice try though.
          This of course can't be proven, but if it could then all the more power to stopping them.

    • 10 months ago

      Difficult but not impossible. Don't wanna do it? Tough shit. Genning is still against the rules.

    • 10 months ago

      you're admitting there's a big time advantage by cheating when you say how difficult it is to farm for competitive play. I don't think people are going to lend a mon they spent 5+ hours training for to someone lazing around, I certainly wouldn't. If they do they are being taken advantage of

      • 10 months ago

        You're completely ignorant if you don't know the top 20+ players don't have discords of individuals supporting and helping them catch/train/raise pokemon.

        • 10 months ago

          there is nobody in those discord servers speedrunning through the game for legendaries or grinding the battle tower for items, everyone is cheating. Why would they if everyone in the community cheats including Wolfey? I'm saying if there were people playing legitimately they wouldn't be helping out cheaters and lazy asses.

          • 10 months ago

            Wolfey doesn't cheat anymore. Even Kaphotics cleared him. He's been playing legit ever since he got outted for having a PID/Encounter mismatch on his Gen2 Moltres. His circle of trainer simps play legitimately just because they thrive on altruism for their parasocial relationship.

            • 10 months ago

              cheating to be on the same level as a wealthy tennis player who can afford their own court and personal trainer is unjustifiable. even with his discord full of people training pokemon for him Wolfey has experienced some big losses. there will always be people who are more privileged than you that is a part of life. take your complaints about Wolfey using his fans to get pokemon with his fans. as long as they aren't genning them it is not against the rules.

              • 10 months ago

                Read the fricking post. I'm not complaining about Wolfey. It's a REPLY to another post where someone didn't believe there are circles of parasocial fans who adore content creators. You fricking moron.

              • 10 months ago

                first you said if I just play the game I will lose to Wolfey who gets pokemon from his fans. it is difficult to farm some competitive mons. then I said people who gen pokemon and claim there is no time advantage when you cheat are wrong because you said it was difficult to get some competitive mons. people who get their mons legit are not going to give them away to someone lazing around. the only way that would happen would be if they were okay with being taken advantage of. you then said there are discord servers full of top players receiving help raising and training pokemon from fans. I then said everyone is either cheating pokemon or hoarding them to not let cheaters have them. you proved me wrong by saying Wolfey has a discord with people helping him train pokemon legitimately. in my next post I went back to what you originally said about how if you play the game legit you will lose to a famous player like Wolfey. I don't think having to compete against privileged players like Wolfey justifies not playing the game legit. I compared Wolfey to a wealthy tennis player who can afford their own court and top trainer. even though it's unfair it is not against the rules and if that is such a big deal and keeping you from playing competitive legitimately you should take it up with his fans. sorry I should have made it more clear I was referring back to your first post.

              • 10 months ago

                Bro, I'm only

                Read the fricking post. I'm not complaining about Wolfey. It's a REPLY to another post where someone didn't believe there are circles of parasocial fans who adore content creators. You fricking moron.

                . You fricking discord users need to understand that just because we all have the name Anonymous, we aren't all the same person in the same conversation with you. There are 78 unique posters in this thread.

              • 10 months ago

                That not a home gym that's just asking someone to do your math homework for you so you can turn it in and get credit for it

    • 10 months ago

      If you can't legitimately get one, you use the best legitimate one available. If you need 0/0 to have some broken shit, perhaps GameFreak prevented 0/0 from existing for a reason.

      • 10 months ago

        >If you can't legitimately get one
        You can
        >you use the best legitimate one available
        You will always lose to someone who is optimized
        >If you need 0/0 to have some broken shit
        it isn't broken

        • 10 months ago

          Then there is no issue with you simply not cheating, cheater. Play the game right, or don't play.

  39. 10 months ago

    Westernoids literally are such narcissistic losers they immediately always go to attacking and demonizing the foreigner by inventing some evil conspiracy. You can really feel the white progressive in this homosexual.

  40. 10 months ago

    If there's anything I've learned from the reactions to this shitstorm, its that most of the people that "play" pokemon don't actually like pokemon, and most even seem to actively hate Pokemon for what it is. This includes about half of /vp/ going by the replies in these threads.
    At least around half of /vp/ still actually likes what this board is based on and still named for, jesus h christ the absolute state of the "pokemon" "community". Why does everything have to boil down to a glorified dick-swinging contest for so many of you? Have you no imagination, no appreciation of a creative work, no soul at all???
    They say pokemon fans don't play any other games, but what seems far more accurate is that most of you fricks don't even play any games at all. You're a bunch of fricking NORMALgayS.

  41. 10 months ago


    Fricking embarrassing.

  42. 10 months ago


    This is what you homosexuals support unironically it’s crazy

  43. 10 months ago

    anyone who thinks you should be forced to train all your pokemon yourself is a moron period

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah, it's not like that's the entire point of the game or anything. (that or trading for them legitimately)

    • 10 months ago

      >Anyone who plays the game as intended is moronic

    • 10 months ago

      Probably they just never have played competitively and this is the single time where they get to feel holier than thou towards a group that they feel outsmarted by

  44. 10 months ago

    Imagine needing to cheat at a kids game

    0 speed ivs are an issue , especially if you want them on stuff like the trick room indedee but you can eventually get them

    Has any of these guys been caught on a shiny with balltism or at least they had the decency to cheat normal looking Pokemon?

    • 10 months ago

      >Has any of these guys been caught on a shiny with balltism or at least they had the decency to cheat normal looking Pokemon?
      Day 1 Main Table: 0SPD Trick Room Shiny Moon Ball Cresselia.

      • 10 months ago

        Of course it was the cress,it's a magnet for balltism

    • 10 months ago

      i know for a fact people have legitimate 0 speed iv indeedee's that they wouldn't mind lending you that definitely haven't cheated and would be delighted that you used one of their mons in a world championship why are you and other acting like being part of the vgc means you are on a deserted island alone against a monumental effort you couldn't possibly justify even for a world championship, do you have any shame??

      • 10 months ago

        I'm not defending them, I hunted mine and ended up settling for a 2 speed one, it's possible to get it as I came quite close

        If gamefreak made an item to set an IV to 0 it would be amazing, but we don't live in such world

        • 10 months ago

          no obviously i agree i would love for like a broken bottle cap or something that just hard sets iv's to 0, this doesn't mean that im going to cheat in a mon because its a lengthy grind that is required for my WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TEAM. you are spending money for a flight, hotel room, making sure you have transportation and what not in a foreign country that you may have never gone to, and you cheated your mons and embarrassed yourself publicly at a tournament and you're supposed to be representatives of your country and the scene at large and you aren't willing to put in the work to do it legitimately you should absolutely be dq'd everytime.

          • 10 months ago

            As I said not defending them
            I just don't get why would you compete in something you clearly don't love, Pokemon is my horse raising Sim of choice so to speak, making sets and seeing how they work is the fun part for me, it's a nice comfy gameplay loop to fish for a potential star and take it to the next level

            As you said, they are competing, risking their money and reputation in the process,it's beyond dumb to expect to not get caught doing drugs in an urine sample just as much as hacking a newer Pokemon to be flawless

            Ursaring is an easy Pokemon to catch and raise to ursaluna outside of a paywall, getting a 0 IV teddiursa isn't hard if you want them in Quick balls and eat normal sandwiches then transfer it to legends, get an item and the moon to evolve is just a matter of patience

            Why would you stake your reputation in something this simple?

            • 10 months ago

              >why would you stake your reputation in something this simple

              the only logical conclusion then is vgc players are shameless hacks, with no care for gamesmanship

  45. 10 months ago

    Game modification and cheating is literally fricking illegal in Japan
    by law

    modifying consoles/games/etc.

  46. 10 months ago

    >mfw I changed one letter in the HOME Tracker of a mon I 'donated' to someone simping for a VGC player who got DQ'd

  47. 10 months ago

    why are americans so lazy

  48. 10 months ago

    >all these "legit mons would be beat by hacked mons, so you NEED to hack!" posts
    If nobody hacked their mons, you wouldn't need to hack to compete with them. Maybe nobody should cheat.

    • 10 months ago

      >If nobody hacked their mons, you wouldn't need to hack to compete with them. Maybe nobody should cheat.
      Not only this, but them implementing additional hack checks is a step towards this scenario, surely they should be happy about it.

    • 10 months ago

      this is just common sense, but someone really need this to be said to them aloud

    • 10 months ago

      Everyone in the competive is already using maxed out perfect stat pokemon in some form. That has nothing to do with hacking. Nobody is walking into a tournament with 3 iv pokemon. What your asking for is to ban ivs not hacks. Tournaments will always be perfect pokemon vs perfect pokemon

      • 10 months ago

        >What your asking for is to ban ivs not hacks.
        No they aren't, stop moving the goalposts to suit your argument.

        If you can't legitimately get one, you use the best legitimate one available. If you need 0/0 to have some broken shit, perhaps GameFreak prevented 0/0 from existing for a reason.

        • 10 months ago

          How does that change tournaments will always be perfect vs perfect? You need to ban perfect pokemon because you will always compete against one in a tournament

          • 10 months ago

            I don't know what's so difficult to understand about this.
            All you're doing is viewing the tournament and the battles within it as the only things that matter.
            The whole point is that you've caught/trained/breed/whatever your pokemon and have gotten them to the point where you're competing in a tournament and using them to win.
            It doesn't matter if the base concept is 'perfect vs perfect', because that doesn't change any more than 'fire is super effective against grass'. There's (supposed) to be more to it than JUST calculations.
            Is that a part of it? Yes.
            Is that impressive to watch? Yes, but it's even more impressive if you got there from the ground up.

            Do you remember that anime arc where Ash was given a full perfect team that he used to compete in the league?
            Yeah me neither, because that's not the point.

            • 10 months ago

              >unironic competitive defense of IVs of all fricking things
              W H E W L A D

              • 10 months ago

                If that's all you got out of that there's no helping you

            • 10 months ago

              Ash represents story mode player, that's how the main story mode, is supposed to feel. A sentimental journey and bond. But that's not how competitive works. Nobody loves their comp.mons like their playthrough mons. They are more like test tube babies in a lab created post game with no emotion. In comp everyone is movie Mewtwo or Paul.

              • 10 months ago

                >Ash represents story mode player
                Nice cope but he's supposed to represent the sensibilities of an idealized trainer.

              • 10 months ago

                >Ash represents story mode player
                Nice cope but he's supposed to represent the sensibilities of an idealized trainer.

                >But that's not how competitive works. Nobody loves their comp.mons like their playthrough mons.
                If anything you're proving my point btw

              • 10 months ago

                >Nobody loves their comp.mons like their playthrough mons
                I've got a bigger attachment to the Scovillain I built to use in comp then I do some of my main story mons honestly

      • 10 months ago

        Then there is no problem at all with not cheating. Simply stop cheating, since the only advantage is that you don't have to play the game. Put in the time and win, just like noncheaters.

  49. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      >Weeb gets BTFO

      You love to see it

    • 10 months ago

      as always, the anime pfp user is proven to be moronic

  50. 10 months ago

    Does anyone know how exactly the checker works?

    Can it detect something, say, generated on a 3DS?

    • 10 months ago

      You don't understand anon, all the hack checker does it check to see whether all of the data a Pokemon has (IVs, Ball caught in, level met, TID vs PID) all match something that could be obtained through legitimate means.
      The morons getting caught here not only cheated by generating Pokemon, but generated Pokemon so badly that they didn't match the legitimate means to obtain them.

    • 10 months ago

      If you are good, not really
      Problem being that they hacked hisui mons and shiny Pokemon that are far too obvious

      You can't really get a 0 speed perfect nature shiny in a balltism ball in a realistic way outside of gen 5

    • 10 months ago

      No, and for obvious reasons TPC isn't releasing details to people who get DQ'd on what caught them.
      However, as I've already posted in this thread, here is all the information on Home Trackers

      >we don't know enough about how home trackers areassigned
      Yes we fricking do lmao.
      People just don't take the minimum effort to research.

      tl;dr - The HOME Tracker is a server-side receipt for each unique pokemon in the world. If you edit values that cannot change in game (HWS, IV, etc) then it rejects it.

      You don't understand anon, all the hack checker does it check to see whether all of the data a Pokemon has (IVs, Ball caught in, level met, TID vs PID) all match something that could be obtained through legitimate means.
      The morons getting caught here not only cheated by generating Pokemon, but generated Pokemon so badly that they didn't match the legitimate means to obtain them.

      The old hack checker did. There is a new one at worlds largely based around the HOME Tracker and server-side stats. The biggest culprit here is people receiving Trade mons without a HOME Tracker, for Pokemon that do not natively exist in SV.

      • 10 months ago

        >The old hack checker did. There is a new one at worlds largely based around the HOME Tracker and server-side stats. The biggest culprit here is people receiving Trade mons without a HOME Tracker, for Pokemon that do not natively exist in SV.
        That's still effectively the same thing, just on a sever level rather than client-side.
        Props to them for taking it so far honestly.

        • 10 months ago

          >That's still effectively the same thing, just on a sever level rather than client-side.
          It is. Hence why I said that TPC updated their hack filter from tissue paper to card stock. All it does is DQ the people who blindly type 31 in every box.
          Which, as it turns out, is over a dozen morons so far.

    • 10 months ago

      Depends what you mean by the hack checker. If you mean the new HOME checker, then no, anything generated on the 3DS (assuming it’s legal-checked) will be fine. The morons crying about the HOME checker are injecting using a CFW switch directly into the game. There has also been confirmed TID 12345s and no size injections
      Unironic skill issue, both in vgc and in genning. If you’re using PKSM you’re fine.

      • 10 months ago

        >There has also been confirmed TID 12345s and no size injections
        lmao even.

      • 10 months ago

        >be vgc player
        >go to worlds
        >lazily hack pokemon
        >get caught
        >twitter eats it up and spreads lies to cover their ass

      • 10 months ago

        >There has also been confirmed TID 12345s and no size injections
        Oh this I hadn't seen. I was able to get ahold of a copy of at least two pokemon caught by the hack checker, and they both had blanked HOME Trackers, which is common for tradebots.
        But yeah, size is another feature of HOME most people overlook; since 3.0, if you have H/W of 0/0 (which is the default for any Pokemon sent from Bank to Home), you WILL be assigned random size stats going into other games.

        • 10 months ago

          Yup, another reason (for gens 1-7) to use PKSM, it completely circumvents HOME checker
          >pksm as many event and shiny legend/mythic Pokemon as possibru to transfer
          >all legalchecked, none are GENGARS’d
          >send to Bank, 20 boxes of genned mews, rayquaza, Celebi, etc
          >trade morons for gen 8-9 Pokemon you want or simply GTS them
          With bottle-caps, mints, vitamins, and EV resets, there is literally no reason you can’t make any regular, non-genned Pokemon competitive in less than 10 minutes.

          • 10 months ago

            It doesn't "circumvent" the HOME Checker.
            Gen 1-7 mons do not have a tracker number. Bank does not assign a tracker. However, when you do transfer to HOME, they get one, and for all intents and purposes, appear legitmate.
            This isn't a PKSM feature. This can be done even if you gen mons on PKHex.

            • 10 months ago

              the reason they got caught is because they had transfermons without the tracker right?

              • 10 months ago

                They had Pokemon native to PLA/SwSh in SV, which is impossible to get (legitimately) without sending through HOME

              • 10 months ago

                yeah that's what i mean

              • 10 months ago

                So yeah. Pokemon in their origin game can not have a tracker, and what most tradebots do is leave it blank. Most tradebots are also extremely fricking lazy, and will generate these mons in SV.
                What HOME does, is write game-specific data to these Pokemon when they shuttle around HOME. So for example, take an Urshifu (a common DQer)
                >Urshifu should have SwSh game data written to its Tracker Number.
                >Tradebot creates the Mon in SV because they're fricking lazy and don't want to transfer themselves.
                >They leave the HOME Tracker blank so it can be assigned one.
                >moron VGC player gets his Urshifu and never uploads it to HOME to get a tracker number.
                >moron VGC player never sends it to SwSh so it can get it's SwSh data written.
                >TPC runs a check on it.
                >They see an Urshifu with no SwSh data (impossible if legitimate)
                >Dipshit gets DQ'd at worlds.

            • 10 months ago

              The reason PKSM circumvents the HOME checker is because the minute they’re transferred from Bank to Home, they’re given the SwSh tracker, not a blank (tmk). People are getting caught because they’re genning Pokemon directly into Scarlet and Violet, hence why the tracker is zeroed.

              • 10 months ago

                >The reason PKSM circumvents the HOME checker is because the minute they’re transferred from Bank to Home, they’re given the SwSh tracker, not a blank (tmk).
                Yeah, but this is a function of transferring within the game means. PKSM doesn't bypass it. It's a misunderstanding of what is being done. Gen 4-7 mons are just the easiest to generate whether it is PKSM or PKHex because they don't have PID mismatches, and don't have any new-gen data written to them. Essentially, they can have large chunks of relevant data blank and not be "hacked" because older games didn't write that kind of data.
                PKSM is a convenience tool, which condenses the extra steps of dumping/injecting your saves or needing a PC. It's good for that. But it doesn't have some miracle function to bypass things that PKHex users are getting caught for.
                >People are getting caught because they’re genning Pokemon directly into Scarlet and Violet, hence why the tracker is zeroed.
                This is where most people get undone, because yeah, they're moronic. But in the case I mentioned above, like with Urshifu (SwSh exclusive), people need to take an extra step to make sure it's legitimate. I would not be surprised if some people DID upload to Home and still got caught, because they don't understand core data writes as mentioned here

                >we don't know enough about how home trackers areassigned
                Yes we fricking do lmao.
                People just don't take the minimum effort to research.

              • 10 months ago

                For sure, that’s why PKSM has a huge caveat of gens 3-7+VC only. However, the sheer autism of VGCxisters not to
                >mule the Pokemon from PLA - Home - ScVi (PLA excl)
                >GTS desired pokemon (0 IV excl) and bottle cap/mint/vitamin
                Is beyond kek

          • 10 months ago

            Trick room is the only outlier, mostly solved by a 0 IV ditto

            People are just too stubborn to soft reset a non shiny perfect 0 speed with balltism legend or indedee, truck room is the bane of these people

  51. 10 months ago

    >Don't have money to pay for a 60 dollar game and 5 hours to invest into catching a pokemon
    >Have the money and time to fund a trip to Japan for a week

  52. 10 months ago

    Pokémon are functionally real at this point, why would you want to cheat instead of raising them right?

  53. 10 months ago

    Bros, can you have sex with a hacked/genned pokemon? I want to feel the real warmth of a female Vaporeon, but I fear that if I PKHex one it will just be some elaborate AI and not a real, living being.

  54. 10 months ago

    new bread

  55. 10 months ago

    If you can’t become champion by playing the game as it was intended, you don’t deserve to be champion. It’s literally that simple, I solved it. Training Pokémon is meant to be hard, it’s competition, and if you can’t handle being a part of the competition you don’t deserve to be at Worlds anyway.

    • 10 months ago

      imagine having to individually train your chess pieces for hours on end to get them to perform at peak efficiency

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah that'd be weird if you were playing chess;
        It's not weird if you're playing Pokemon.
        Keep pretending it's the same though if it helps you sleep better.

      • 10 months ago

        The meltdown by VGCumstains if IVs were removed would short-circuit the entire board

      • 10 months ago

        That's never been a part of chess anon, that's why your analogy fails

      • 10 months ago

        Chess isn’t a monster raising simulator built around imagination you fricking homosexual cheating troon.

    • 10 months ago

      im a massive stoner my brain is deep fried 24/7 the second i wake up the first thing i do is smoke pot and i learned how to do rng manipulation from im a blissy's videos and used it to get mons, if i can manage to figure that out while im faded to the moon and back so can these "pro" pokemon players for worlds.

      • 10 months ago

        i mean i have the kind of shit that would put you on saturn, so the excuse of pokemon being to hard just doesn't cut it, im fricking braindead and i manage it just fine.

  56. 10 months ago

    QRD? Did they upgrade the anti-cheat system and PkHex doesn't work anymore?

    • 10 months ago

      Read the fricking thread you lazy piece of shit, there's literally an answer not 10 posts above you.

    • 10 months ago

      >a couple competitors hack badly
      >they lie and say hack check is better
      >r/vp/ eats it up
      >tourists give their 2 cents on genning pokemon and act like they're stronger than normal mons
      >circle jerk for 3 days until they move on to the next thing in their boring lives

    • 10 months ago

      It turns out was actually a Fairy-type the entire time and Gamefreak just kept the "Psychic" description as a joke, and people at Worlds are PISSED.

  57. 10 months ago

    what a spirited discussion we are having here in this thread, most engaging thread on /vg/ in a while i'd say.

  58. 10 months ago

    Why even hack Pokémon for a competition? It is ridiculously easy to get a perfect stat Pokémon in less than an hour.

    • 10 months ago

      That’s the beauty of the situation, those who got caught are especially moronic on a completely new level. They went out of their way to gen Pokemon in a generation where it’s extremely easy to get perfect Pokemon, only to frick up and get caught cheating. They took the harder path and still fricked up. They didn’t even gen a 0 IV ditto and breed. It’s the inverse of Occam’s Razor - the most convoluted path and it’s still wrong.

  59. 10 months ago

    Suck it up, plebs. I am BETTER THAN YOU because I gen pokemon!!!

  60. 10 months ago

    >GF releases a cheap $5 showdown-style app/game for competitive
    How much would this change the face of the pokemon fanbase, do you think?

    • 10 months ago

      That would affect the mainline games' sales extremely bad because many people buy the games just to play competitively.

  61. 10 months ago

    >Noooo I don't want to play the games
    >Noooo I don't want bike simulator (even though you don't have to now)

  62. 10 months ago

    >playing Tekken 10
    >competitive now requires to train your character within the story to make it stronger
    >some morons defend this
    >they never played competitive once in their lives

  63. 10 months ago

    >replies 371
    >posters 84

  64. 10 months ago

    >t. your average nu-/vp/ gay
    Just play the game you gays, if you don't like Pokemon then just don't partake in it.

  65. 10 months ago


  66. 10 months ago

    This board is disingenuous to a degree that even /misc/ greys in comparison to.
    If you never played competitive, your opinion is invalid on the topic at hand.

    • 10 months ago

      I have played comp though and its full of cheaters.
      I'm glad people are getting banned, and for poorly hacked pokemon no less.
      Seriously, the amount of people defending hacked pokemon alone is bad, but to shill and screech so loudly for getting banned for not even taking the slightest effort to make sure the pokemon at least "looked" legit is amazing. /vp/ really is a bunch of bootlickers for ecelebs, absolutely embarrassing.

  67. 10 months ago

    >all the progamers have to grind for hundred of hours in the newests pokeslops
    based every """"""""""""'competetive player""""""""" deserves to go through this torture

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