>jg diff. >jg diff. >jg diff. >jg diff. >jg diff

>jg diff
>jg diff
>jg diff
>jg diff
>jg diff
FRICKING have a nice day

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    jg diff

  2. 8 months ago

    >The only role allowed to roam and gank other lanes without straight up trolling by falling behind in CS/exp having the biggest impact in a game that snowballs like a motherfricker
    Yes, it is jung diff, jung has all the early-mid game pressure, its what happens when you force a meta like this.

    The alternative is that jung is 10 minutes of non-stop creeping that occasionally fights the enemy jungler over crabs which would be boring as shit to watch and play, and Riot only cares about views.

    • 8 months ago

      >without straight up trolling by falling behind in CS/exp
      Except jg is literally 2 levels down virtually all game even if they afk farm and don't get as much gold. Snowballing laners is all they exist for until the next patch guys them of even that. Tank/CC will be the new meta where they'll exist to peel/engage fights but little else.

    • 8 months ago

      LoL is moronicly boring to watch anyways. Just watch Dota 2 if you want entertainment.

      • 8 months ago

        a bit of a rant but holy frick I hate reddit for convincing Icefrog to remove Iron Talon from the game and just generally always removing any viable jungle strat but still leaving in boring as frick heroes like Naga and Sven who just jungle from level 3 or 5 anyway.

        • 8 months ago

          and to continue now the frickwits have complained about PAs aghs so much that its been nerfed after 3 years despite never being a problem all this time until the latest patch.

      • 8 months ago

        Imagine watching Korean bugmen play a game you could play for free
        I bet you watch 300lb black men frick your wife too

    • 8 months ago

      i can't be the only one who find that CS gold xp thing retared in LoL, right?

      >agains't a champ TOP that miss like 40CS but still near the creeps
      >have the same amount of xp than me, can clap my ass easily by having good macro

      >last hitting litterally give zero advantage in early game and at late game the game is already 80% settled

      i'm currently climbing my way by roaming everywhere like a homosexual and it works what the frick is this shit, yeah sure i'm one level behind but my mid and jung are always fed because of me

      • 8 months ago

        There will come a time where you're laining against a champ of your same archetype (say two Fighters), and it will come down to a stat check or who hits 2-3 first. If you're top, and nothing is happening and you notice bot is being pushed in, sure tele and at least make bot enemies frick off.
        But some champs get power spikes from items more than raw levels, more or less it's both.

        A pre-6 Irelia that gets to her BOTRK is on par with a post-6 Darius with a Doran's Shield and maybe boots.

        • 8 months ago

          oh okay thanks

          i've played a long ass time ago and only came back to this shit so i could've sworn that no csing was more punishing

          • 8 months ago

            Not dying is more punishing than having the best KD right now unironically, Bounties feel like they frick you if you get 2 kills in a row, meaning you yourself are worth about a kill and a half yourself. Meaning if you accumulate more kills, and become 600-800 in bounty gold, you become an objective on the map.
            Which is intended, but what happens is, you literally put someone back into the game and then some, same for objective bounties.
            And tower plates also add to the double edged way the team delt with balancing.

            The best strats are to proxy 1st or 2nd wave, proxy near the 3rd turret and execute or bait enemy jungler to waste time on you. Then do that maybe two more times until you hit mythic and then engage. But that's usually against annoying matchups, like ranged toplaners.

            League is uber 'chinese' in meta right now. Bruiser/AD LeBlance got nerfed recently, now people are doing AD Bruiser Karma top, or Ackshun Top.

            • 8 months ago

              *having a mid KD, sorry.

        • 8 months ago

          irelia with botrk might as well be lvl 18 full build, character is so fricking braindead. there should be no world where darius 2 levels up and an item ahead just barely beats irelia, and thats with dodging stun and ult

      • 8 months ago

        Anon lol is all about understanding how your champion peaks and how you can avoid the enemy's peak. This is extremely variable especially considering your matchup.

        For example if I am a Darius top and you're playing as a Teemo, you will get much more CS than me. In fact, you HAVE to, otherwise you will waste your champion's only advantage. My win condition on the other hand is to survive and stick just close enough to soak xp.

        Why is the game so different for both of us? Because of our picks. You chose a generally awful champion that, despite being an early game bully, is awful at late game, meanwhile I chose a brainless champion that scales hard even without gold.

        How can you avoid this? Pick better next time lol. So many people pick Teemo into Darius because they want to "counter" him and "win lane", but they forget that winning lane is irrelevant if your team can't win the game itself, ESPECIALLY when you're "winning lane" against someone who thrives without gold

    • 8 months ago

      Takint out the Jungle item was the biggest mistake on Riot balancing, now we live in a world where Junglers have no weakness through the game, before, junglers were more supportive or would want to finish game faster because in a case of a 30+ game he would be inferior to the carries because he had to carry a jungle item to smite objectives.

      • 8 months ago

        That just led to tank junglers when the tank jungle item had the best stats, and then mage junglers when the mage jungle item had the best stats. Only AD junglers fell off because their jungle item was trash.

      • 8 months ago

        i can't be the only one who find that CS gold xp thing retared in LoL, right?

        >agains't a champ TOP that miss like 40CS but still near the creeps
        >have the same amount of xp than me, can clap my ass easily by having good macro

        >last hitting litterally give zero advantage in early game and at late game the game is already 80% settled

        i'm currently climbing my way by roaming everywhere like a homosexual and it works what the frick is this shit, yeah sure i'm one level behind but my mid and jung are always fed because of me

        LoL is moronicly boring to watch anyways. Just watch Dota 2 if you want entertainment.

        >without straight up trolling by falling behind in CS/exp
        Except jg is literally 2 levels down virtually all game even if they afk farm and don't get as much gold. Snowballing laners is all they exist for until the next patch guys them of even that. Tank/CC will be the new meta where they'll exist to peel/engage fights but little else.

        D1 jungler main here.
        If you get perma ganked and keep dying, maybe it's your own fault. You want the enemy jungler to gank you, because if you survive you're basically wasting his fricking time and it becomes a 5v4. Exp is so fricking broken for the past 2 seasons it's actually insane. If your jungler gets to free farm while their jungler is wasting time on ganks while not getting as much farm, your jungler is gonna be 2-3 lvls ahead by 15 min and can farm their jungler camps without issue. If your jungler gets ganked in his own jungle it's your job as a laner to support him unless you're already carrying hard. Help him set up objectives and be a good lad to not harass the poor fricker. If you're plat and complaining about jungle being broken it's literally a l2p issue. The most broken shit in the game is a good mid laner, they have all the exp advantage while also being able to control what happens on the map.

    • 8 months ago

      Game 1
      >Do well in farm
      >Set up for gank
      >All 3 lanes are pushed to enemy turret, cant gank anyone
      >Wait for enemy jg to show up
      >Get underleveled
      >"Jg diff"

      Game 2
      >Do well in farm
      >Set up for gank
      >All 3 lanes are pushed to enemy turret, cant gank anyone
      >Recall and reset farming
      >Top or bottom gives the enemy Aatrox or Samira 4 kills
      >"Jg diff"


      • 8 months ago

        Invade other joungler, follow him for counterganks, set up wards on the way. Prepare for scuttles and herold? Watch for towerdives? Sneak into lane and tell them to tower reset the waves?

      • 8 months ago

        Anon this will come as a surprise but as the jungler you can do more than just gank. You can do objectives and invade which forces the enemy team to mobilize efforts to go after you, thus affording your teammates some breathing room.

        • 8 months ago

          Moron doesn't know if turrets are pushed, you take objectives, enemy if they're not a moron, will prio protecting towers so you can take Dragon or Herald, then plop herald down to last hit mid or top tower, ADC has a support to baby them, they shouldn't need a jungler, the only reason a jungler should go bot is if it's an easy double kill or to wipe the mess your ADC and their diaper left

    • 8 months ago

      >le watchable sports XDD
      consider dying

    • 8 months ago

      >The only role allowed to roam and gank other lanes without straight up trolling by falling behind in CS/exp
      what is support

  3. 8 months ago

    jg is fricking over because of platinum rioters


    • 8 months ago

      doesn't matter, as of now JG is main character role but they are planning on gutting the role. Get ready for Jak'sho bruisers top/mid until mythics are removed.

      what are they changing?

      • 8 months ago

        Smite (again), monster dmg throughout the game and talk of how smite interacts with champions and minions has been talked about. Basically they want to avoid blue/red smite dominating and encouraging snowballing. Also mythics go away soon.

        • 8 months ago

          my use of 'talked about' is redundant and vague, but to be fair the balance team has been the same.

  4. 8 months ago

    doesn't matter, as of now JG is main character role but they are planning on gutting the role. Get ready for Jak'sho bruisers top/mid until mythics are removed.

  5. 8 months ago

    I'm glad that I'm not that big of a homosexual to play MOBA shit to know what that even means.
    Play better games.

    • 8 months ago

      play any game

  6. 8 months ago

    >jungle has the most fun champs
    >is the most miserable role to play

    • 8 months ago

      It’s the best role for trolling pissbaby adcs.

  7. 8 months ago

    Imagine opening the riot launcher and clicking anything but the tft tab.

    • 8 months ago

      Imagine having the riot launcher installed on your PC

  8. 8 months ago

    you posted this thread the other day, frick off already moron no one cares you fricking suck at a bad video game

    • 8 months ago

      i post a league thread every time i launch league so i have something to read

  9. 8 months ago

    has there ever been a videogame franchise where the main game is literally the worst thing of the franchise?

    • 8 months ago


  10. 8 months ago

    No. You jg Black folk ruined the game with your constant b***hing for buffs.

    • 8 months ago

      yeah buff to farming not turning everyone into an assassin

  11. 8 months ago

    Yes. It is usually JG and Support diff.

  12. 8 months ago

    >playing esportshit

  13. 8 months ago

    you're not bad
    your just jungle different

  14. 8 months ago

    wow i sure love that every champion has a dash, a stun, cc, a launch, a teleport, a one shot, ranged attacks, etc. like fricking really dude? why not just remove half the roster if you're gonna make them useless anyways

    • 8 months ago

      they rework the roster instead, jax is getting a visual update since he's already moron proof to not warrant a full on rework. most season 3-4 boomers will miss point and clicks and lack of skill shots, I like predicting flashes with them, I like gap closers not being exclusive to ezreal, jax and fizz when they were new and initial problems.
      The issue is itemization in conjunction to the rune system causing champs with said dashes, cc, blinks and weird passives so broken. A champion can have 3-4 different sources of sustain without getting a single doran's sword.

      • 8 months ago

        *to be so broken
        the best ASShomosexualS was always Smite.

        • 8 months ago

          kek good bait fren

          • 8 months ago

            >i can only land auto attacks and point and clicks
            stick to starcraft grandpa

            • 8 months ago

              I knew checking back in on this thread would get me a funny reply!

    • 8 months ago

      So if every champion has it it means it's not really an advantage to anyone, no?

  15. 8 months ago

    the 0/11 adc at 15 minutes says as he shoves under enemy tower for the fourth time.

  16. 8 months ago

    Imagine actually playing any game mode that is not ARAM.

  17. 8 months ago

    You have only yourself to blame for playing this game after Season 3

  18. 8 months ago

    bros I need some new games to play, im fricking miserable

    • 8 months ago

      >bros I need some new games to play, im fricking miserable
      unfortunately hardly any NEW games in the past several years are worth playing. this is why people are sticking to ancient games like LoL and WoW forever.

  19. 8 months ago

    The only pleasure I can get from this game is when my friends group up to play, I ask one of them for a stream and casually watch them all suffer. It's like watching a bunch of crack addicts fight over a nickel, it's my guilty pleasure.

  20. 8 months ago

    I never say this.
    League is a beautiful game because it weeds out all the delusional emotional morons who can't handle accountability.
    As soon as you start screeching in chat about what someone else did or didn't do your chances of winning plummet. If you instead try to identify practical solutions as to what you could be doing to adapt, you win.

    • 8 months ago

      nerd ass homie

    • 8 months ago

      >League when thinking about Macro/Micro
      >League when most the game is dodging, cross-examining op.ggs and other shit which also encourages my need to dodge
      I'm stuck in Diamond, and my peak was low GM. the problem with what you said is, morons are almost never 'weeded' through until mid GM-Challenger, Diamond is full of placement Platinums, Plats are full of fresh off Golds, and Plat-Iron are volatile wild cards.

      I don't believe in Winners/Loser queue, but I wish 50/50s were real.

    • 8 months ago

      >gay who plays a powercreeped OP character preaches about accountability
      your elo is inflated. what happens when somebody bans mordekaiser, mr high horse?

      • 8 months ago

        I become a diamond 1 player. But sometimes that is enough to win even in high elo.

      • 8 months ago

        >gay doesn't know what meta is
        How's silver?

    • 8 months ago

      I've got a huge problem with the whole "blame nobody but yourself" thing I keep hearing from everybody who plays this game. Why is it not acceptable to blame someone else when they clearly make a mistake or misplay? Doesn't mean you gotta lose your shit over it, but there are times when something is very clearly someones fault and you still get yelled at for not taking it into your own hands when you clearly have other places you need to be. Like Jungle or Support not warding, or Jungle not ganking or going for objectives. Am I really supposed to make the play myself as the ADC who is getting shoved under tower, run all the way to enemy jung and ward, then set up dragon myself? Why is this shit my fault? We're trying our best over here in lane and for some reason I'm expected to pick up the slack from everyone else? Am I supposed to ask Top for help, or roam Bot as Top and just leave my tower to the mercy of my opponent? This is very clearly a team game and if someone is at least trying its horse crap for those who aren't to get indignant and start shouting at you for not coddling them. A mistake here and there is fine, but when the Jungler hasn't stepped foot into lane by 15 minutes and has even died once or twice then something is wrong and its sure as hell not the laner's fault.

      • 8 months ago

        >Why is it not acceptable to blame someone else
        because you are the only constant in your games, for better or worse
        chimping out over some brazilian 11 year old you'll never be paired with is only a detriment to your mental state
        tilt management is 90% of elo climbing. you either achieve zen state and become platinum+ overnight or become another loss streaking ape-brain who can't let go of grudges toward people you'll never encounter again

        t. diamond jungler for 4 seasons

        • 8 months ago

          >useless to hold grudges against people you're likely to never see again
          well duh, I have a friend who does that and hes hardstuck across multiple accounts. dude keeps a literal grudge list against people who he thinks have screwed him in the past as well as flamers and reports them every time he sees them. its pathetic.

          I'm not so much arguing about self accountability and keeping chill, moreso Im arguing just about the principle of being blamed for everything myself. its like someone walking up to me and going "hey, yeah you. look over there. y'see that horrible thing that just happened? thats your fault. YOU did that. frick you. do better." its such manure and that brings me to a boil moreso than anybody actually throwing the game. I don't rage and I will even commend my team for trying their best and maybe even try to advise the dude who I think made a mistake. I don't like flaming. I treat people like I'd treat myself. what I don't appreciate is being blamed for shit I had no hand in. it twists my brain in knots to be blamed for anything that isn't actually my fault. just thinking about it gives me a headache, oof.

      • 8 months ago

        because if you play with randoms it's on you to assume that they will be the most moronic people ever and they will fail, so you need to avoid doing plays that involve them doing the right plays

        it's why maining top as a solo player it's the best way to start, if you win your lane you probably won the game

        • 8 months ago

          hm, you put it better than I've heard other people put it.
          >avoid plays that rely on them
          this is the difference I mean. nobody else has told me this.

      • 8 months ago

        >I've got a huge problem with the whole "blame nobody but yourself" thing I keep hearing from everybody who plays this game. Why is it not acceptable to blame someone else when they clearly make a mistake or misplay?
        Because it's not your jungler's fault if you die six times before they finish their first fricking clear.

        • 8 months ago

          not my argument. clearly my fault. however, when that same Jungler never ganks for us or takes objectives, it doesn't help. the team can recover from my shitty performance as ADC, in fact they often do, but thats when Jungler has his head in the game and isn't faffin' about or when the other two laners are able to play well without Jungler helping. I will take responsibility for my own faults, why should nobody else take responsibility for theirs? thats what I get from League players is that everything outside of my fault is still - somehow, ostensibly - my fault.

          • 8 months ago

            Thats fair, I'm sorry I yelled at you I just had a lot of bad experiences playing jungler.

      • 8 months ago

        everybody makes mistakes, and has bad days. no need to jump down someone's throat.

      • 8 months ago

        This is because, despite being heavily team focused, these games are all a circle-jerk over solo-queue being the ultimate display of individual skill, when it reality it's just spending countless hours grinding.

    • 8 months ago

      Just an Emerald players opinion here. League is 99% of the time rolling the dice if you get a troll or feeder or afk from the beginning. That is why you dodge on shady teammates and picks. Out of dodges? Hope you don't get a Yasuo brain mid or top. Most of the time they keep their lanes in an extremely unfavourable minion state against champs that have a better early and let them snowball uncontrollably because the waves keep pushing deep and they can just soak exp. This invites an enemy jungler gank. Typically the laner will wait until their own jungler moves to the different map side before an all-in into an enemy wave while they get ganked. Unable to comprehend what happened they spam ping whoevers nearest. At that point you roll another dice for them ragequitting or straight up trolling.

      • 8 months ago

        This is the sort of cope thinking that makes you not try to win.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah, the yasuo brains you mean. Obviously I'm doing fine with a positive WLR.

    • 8 months ago

      You say this because you play top lane, aka the lane for morons who play moronic champs. You don't need a team and can 1v5 as a toplaner, it's easy for you to say to ignore the other morons in your team and just adapt. But it doesn't work elsewhere

    • 8 months ago

      What makes League bad is it's a prison simulator, I've seen entire games devolve into 40 minutes of shit flinging within the first 10 minutes where you win your lane but mid or jungle or whatever start trolling and running it down mid. And when this shit starts happening you're forced to play out a miserable game instead of being able to quit. And best of this? No one gets punished. The whole situation goes unpunished. When in reality this kind of behavior in real life would be a permaban from your gym, the basketball court you like to play at, etc.

      • 8 months ago

        >What makes League bad is it's a prison simulator
        Isnt that just every MOBA?

    • 8 months ago

      Based morde enjoyer. But you're wrong on one thing. It doesn't weed them out. It weeds out people who dare to type that someone isn't taking accountability. If I flame my 0-3 bot lane, I get banned. They coinflip a hundred other games and don't get banned because we live in a homosexual society where mean words are worse than poor performance. The only thing you can do is mute yourself and fricking PRAY.

      • 8 months ago

        no company is going to start banning people for being "bad" at their videogame because it's moronic
        you can't even define poor performance, are people allowed to reach a rank and stop there or does every play have to actively push for challenger or they're bad? what's the cut off for being bad?
        are people in plat bad? what about emerald? diamond? masters?
        there's no end because being bad is relative, pining for companies to ban "bad" players from the game is fricking moronic and you're a troglodyte for even suggesting it

        • 8 months ago

          People are bad when they consistently make the game about themselves, make plays that they know will either get them a lead or set them back so far that everyone else now has to deal with the draven they fed. They're bad when they do this on repeat, over multiple games and then b***h at the jungler for not coming, the mid for not roaming, the shen top for not ulting because all of them want to avoid feeding the already fed adc even harder.

          I target adc specifically because it's supposed to be a non factor until it gets like 3 items, THEN the game revolves around them. I can't stand these ego driven homosexuals who watched T1 back when he onetricked Draven and they think they're half as good. They aren't. Sit bot, farm, get 3 items and then still get one shot by the zed I slaughtered in lane because your positioning is STILL SHIT and you don't understand that CRIT ITEMS DONT MAKE YOU A FRONTLINE. THERE IS NO LEVEL OF BEING FED THAT WILL LET ADCS FRONTLINE. YOU ARE DEPENDANT ON YOUR SUPPORT AND TANK UNTIL THE DAY YOU FRICKING DIE YOU SUBHUMAN moron.

          • 8 months ago

            I wanted to laugh at this guy for his rabid adc hate but the whole "Adcs never stay where they're supposed to" Thing is disgustingly true.

            It's a class based entirely around positioning, if you position correctly, you are a God. You output disgusting damage and your team naturally files in to peel you because they see you doing work. Some poor 4-0 renekton who stomped his lane is suddenly sweating because his 1000 IQ plan to flash W the carry and kill him is foiled because he knows not to walk into flash range. Good adcs know just how valuable they are and don't do this shit. They get that they aren't good for anything without a team and they use that to their advantage rather than trying to force a fight and dropping a 1k gold shutdown the instant laning phase ends.

          • 8 months ago

            Carry harder and kill their ADC the way that Zed is killing yours and it's not an issue.

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah lemme just use my 5 dashes, flash, and full combo to do that OH WAIT I PLAY FRICKING ORNN AND GALIO

              • 8 months ago

                You play one of riot's few approved tanks, you shouldn't be taking any damage.

              • 8 months ago

                So peel for your ADC when Zed goes in, easy. All these problems you're having are quite simply skill issues.

    • 8 months ago

      >that cs
      What the frick? Are you playing on turkish servers or something?

      • 8 months ago

        this is league of legends, not dota
        a single kill is worth 3 waves+ the actual wave you get+ they lose waves for being dead+ tower platings
        afk farming will NEVER win you the game
        if you aren't picking champs that straight up kill the enemy then you're trolling your team

        • 8 months ago

          Ok, so why not get cs AND kills? That's what every actually good player does. Must be fun to be on a trash server.

          • 8 months ago

            because getting kills takes time that you then cannot spend farming are...are you stupid or just baiting?
            your focus on farming when it's a meme in league is why you'll never even approach masters

            • 8 months ago

              Name the server you're playing on.

              • 8 months ago


            • 8 months ago

              In half of the games you showed, you didn't even get that many kills. In one of them you are still not full build at 37m with 13 fricking kills.
              Meanwhile this is what my games look like.
              You're ass, bro. You can easily farm and kill at the same time, literally everyone in high elo can.

              • 8 months ago

                then you must be high elo too huh? you are right? you're not just a seething goldlette?

  21. 8 months ago

    what does this even mean

    • 8 months ago

      ASShomosexualS have maps divided into lanes that team members split up into in the early game.
      One of the team members, called a jungler, has no lane. Instead they roam between the others to try and secure/steal kills for their teammates.

      The early performance sets the tone for the rest of the game once teams merge back together, so the jungler's ability to secure/steal kills early on carries into the later stages of the match. "jg diff" is shorthand to say the jungler did so poorly that they lost the round for everyone else.

      • 8 months ago

        >One of the team members, called a jungler, has no lane. Instead they roam between the others to try and secure/steal kills for their teammates.
        Dota doesn't have a jungle role.
        In fact, jungling level 1 is a reportable offense

        • 8 months ago

          Sorry, I was mostly just trying to introduce the concept of lanes for ASShomosexualS as a whole. Didn't mean to imply that the roles were universal.

  22. 8 months ago

    >pings disabled
    >chat turned off
    Yup, it's jungling time.

  23. 8 months ago

    Unironically jungler can be quite impactful. Basically you are a safeguard that intervenes when some lane is about to be dominated by enemy and your role is to put a little pressure on enemy so he wont totally obliterate your teammate on lane and punish reckless enemy laners.

    Of course some games are not junglers fault like if your laner pushes enemy under his turret all time, overextends and opens himself for east ganks from enemy jungler, he fricked up. But if enemy does the same and you dont gank then is your fault.

    IMO when i played LoL i loved playing as jungle tanks, especially sejuani or Zac. Tank junglers were not that gold hungry and with cc they have they are a good gankers especially when your teammates usually pick high damage dealing champions.

  24. 8 months ago

    cold take, league worked better when it was still going by 2-1-2

  25. 8 months ago

    Before esports shit, in League the jungler wasn't always a thing and more often than not you had two people top and bottom, now is all forced meta shit
    >you are forced to play certain champs
    >you are forced to play in a certain way
    >you must have a jungler
    >the top must be solo
    >the support must be tanky
    >you get banned if you don't do any of this
    it's been like this ever since S1, how do people keep on playing this shit game ?

    • 8 months ago

      Going full Lethality/Tank/AP on champions who aren't Assassins/Tanks/Mages is the go to for fun. On hit for certain champs sucks more than ever, rip Hybrid/On-hit Twisted Fate.

    • 8 months ago

      Was in a game once where they did a duo top and the enemy team had no idea what to do or how to counter it and they farmed top like he was nothing before basically fricking carrying our asses to victory.
      The few times people defy the meta and do new shit people really do not know how to react to it and crumble.

      • 8 months ago

        There's literally nothing an enemy team can do if you sit top with two people and take their towers early.

        • 8 months ago

          >unopposed jungler

      • 8 months ago

        >The few times people defy the meta and do new shit people really do not know how to react to it and crumble
        Reminder that Janna roaming and leaving top empty had the highest winrate (above 60%), was uncounterable and only stopped being a thing when Riot nerfed it

        I wonder how many things like this still exist but just haven't been discovered

        • 8 months ago

          I used to do a full first clear on Janna, sell jungle item and directly buy the upgraded support item (bulwark something) and just run around the map killing everyone
          21-0 with the strat but due to item changes it isn"t palyable anymore

          Some other stuff that you can still do:
          >drag the first minionwave around and execute to the t2 turret so it ends up pushing back into you in toplane matchups like Kayle vs Darius
          >Lost chapter Mythic into Manamune on Sylas/Kassadin (go into the practice tool if you don't believe me)
          >Smite mid, just play like normal but get the jungle item at 13 minutes and start farming, you lose a summoner spell in exchange for insane objective control and crazy farm mid-lategame
          >Support item ADC double farming, if you do the math the gold penalty is calculated around 5cs/min so aslong as you switch who farms you can trade 1/4th of an item on your adc for a full item and a half on your support

          • 8 months ago

            No idea why i type Janna, it's supposed to be Sej
            Oh and don't look up the highest winrate ADCs 🙂

    • 8 months ago

      >in League the jungler wasn't always a thing and more often than not you had two people top and bottom
      Jungler's status as a role within League is arguably one of the biggest things that made the game stand out.

      Also, a couple corrections.
      S1 tank was a duo lane was helped by the support. Gif related.
      Jungling in the early seasons was also MUCH, MUCH more restrictive than what it is now. Jungling right now is dictated almost entirely by how fast your champion can clear the camps. It used to be that the bar for jungling was if the champion could even survive the journey, which basically make it impossible to do anyone other than Shaco or Warwick.

  26. 8 months ago

    Stop playing this cancer, you're not gaining anything from it

  27. 8 months ago

    Kog'Maw is cute. CUTE

    • 8 months ago

      My janky, ugly little alien buddy. How I wish you were more viable...

      • 8 months ago

        He's one of the most braindead champs in the game. Why the frick would you want him to be viable? He's either assraping you with true damage or spamming AP artillery from across the screen

        • 8 months ago

          I'd like to be able to get to that point more than once in a blue moon, or have his passive actually mean something. That everyone ignores my team and makes a B-line straight for me with no consequence because they can escape my death bomb with their 200 dashes or lightning speed makes me very sad. I want to VOMIT on people with a bit more self reliability.

          • 8 months ago

            Kog is designed to be artillery. He has no self-peel. He just works when he team saves you, so you need friends to queue with.

      • 8 months ago

        He's one of the most braindead champs in the game. Why the frick would you want him to be viable? He's either assraping you with true damage or spamming AP artillery from across the screen

        I'd like to be able to get to that point more than once in a blue moon, or have his passive actually mean something. That everyone ignores my team and makes a B-line straight for me with no consequence because they can escape my death bomb with their 200 dashes or lightning speed makes me very sad. I want to VOMIT on people with a bit more self reliability.

        I want him to have a kit that matches his character design. He's just a generic marksman and it makes zero sense. He's the Mouth of the Abyss; a cute, little ugly voidling doggo. Why can't I eat and bite other champions?

        • 8 months ago

          where as the other champs get bonuses from actually consuming things (in Vel'koz's case he gains knowledge), why does Kog'maw get no bonuses? he just vomits on everything, he doesn't actually eat. I have to sit there the whole time playing listening to how hungry he is. "so empty..." "want meat!" "time to feast!" this poor boy is STARVING!!

          they could totally make him function nearly the same, but with a gimmick that incorporates that consuming aspect. why tf does he even explode? is that ever explained or was it just a rushed together slap job? I don't like seeing him explode either, its actually unnerving. like everybody else dies in a straightforward or cartoonish way. Koggy EXPLODES and you can see his spinal column before he collapses dead. :'(

          • 8 months ago

            Well said, anonymous-kun. Kog's death anim always makes me feel bad for him. You can hear that he's desperate not to explode. It's pretty cute. Honestly I think his kit was designed for another champion much like Bel'Veth's; they just slapped it onto him at the last second and it doesn't fit the character at all as a result. The only reason why I don't want him to get a VGU is because they will destroy his character design in the process. He won't be a cutesy ugly voidling with four eyes anymore. I couldn't care less about his current kit though.

            • 8 months ago

              I feel like he could be given a cleaner model with better colors at least. Give him some more polygons, too. Keep the overall design but enhance it. Personally I would be interested in seeing what a VGU would look like considering he was in the last poll. Theres no way they wouldn't make him cute again. Its what hes known for best. An adorable living armament battery.

              • 8 months ago

                If you're talking something like an Ezreal type VU; i'm in. Unfortunately I don't think they are going to do that. Knowing current day Riot; Kog is likely to get the Galio treatment. The new Kog won't resemble the current Kog at all.

          • 8 months ago

            Well said, anonymous-kun. Kog's death anim always makes me feel bad for him. You can hear that he's desperate not to explode. It's pretty cute. Honestly I think his kit was designed for another champion much like Bel'Veth's; they just slapped it onto him at the last second and it doesn't fit the character at all as a result. The only reason why I don't want him to get a VGU is because they will destroy his character design in the process. He won't be a cutesy ugly voidling with four eyes anymore. I couldn't care less about his current kit though.

            The main reason he just explodes rather than having a more useful passive is because most of his power budget is in his hypercarry ability (theoretically, riot is riot and can't actually balance around this).

            • 8 months ago

              eehhh, I really don't think thats a good excuse for a champ to have an ability that doesn't synergize with their kit and is ultimately useless. the issue is that Kog still follows a lot of Riot's old design philosophy of "Debuff, Self-Buff, Utility, Damage" in terms of abilities and its simply a philosophy that can't compete well with the kinds of champions they're putting out today. I wish they could have just given him a passive that actually plays nice with his entire kit instead of being a really pisspoor deterrent for attacking him in the first place. Or if Icathian Surprise was stronger and scaled better then maybe I wouldn't complain so much, or if he still retained his move speed buffs after death so he could actually keep up with his targets. Anything.

  28. 8 months ago

    gg jg gap

  29. 8 months ago

    /mute all

    • 8 months ago

      The amount of people I've seen that mute themselves, and then unmute just so they can scream at others is crazy. Then they remute. Is it just supposed to be a joke? I don't get it.

      • 8 months ago

        they just wanna vent and still have the last word in their head

  30. 8 months ago

    I only played LoL for 6 months and it was quite fun. I think Pantheon, Amumu and Ezreal were my most played.

  31. 8 months ago

    >lose in ARAM
    jg diff

  32. 8 months ago

    >jg autofill
    >/mute all as soon as game starts
    >We win? It was all me
    >We lose? Not my problem

  33. 8 months ago

    wtf is jg diff

    • 8 months ago

      jg diff = jungle difference
      it means that one of the junglers is better than the other and depending on when its said it can refer to different players.

      • 8 months ago

        ah, ty

  34. 8 months ago

    >ctrl f ASShomosexualS
    >only 1 hit

    You've changed, Ganker. You let them win.

  35. 8 months ago

    >be me!
    >queue up!
    >ask, king what are you picking?
    >adc says, idk we'll see.
    >me, lmao i was talking to our top lane and not to you adcuck
    >he gets visibly angry and flames me
    why are adc players such whiny little b***hes?

    • 8 months ago

      Because ADC is the hardest lane to play and relying on an autistic/autofilled/femboy Support to play the game at a base level of competence is liable to produce suicidal tendencies

      • 8 months ago

        >Because ADC is the hardest lane to play
        weird way to spell jungle

        • 8 months ago

          jungle is not hard to play, it just needs a decent team to cover you and not be moronic

          you can be hyperfeed as an ADC and still be one shotted by the 0/6 toplaner/assasin

          • 8 months ago

            >jungle is not hard to play, just needs your entire team to play around you to do well
            >adc, the role with a dedicated babysitter, is the hardest to play
            thanks for the laugh

            • 8 months ago

              >get one shot by zed/blue kayn/talon/whatev despite being packed with your whole team
              Yeah ADC is so busted

              • 8 months ago

                If you were good that wouldn't happen, you're too used to being babysit to learn proper placement

              • 8 months ago

                You said ADC is the hardest, not the weakest
                Junglers can also get oneshot by the enemy zed/blue kayn/talon/whatev btw except they don't have a free babysitter to protect them and it can happen any time in their jungle

              • 8 months ago

                Jungler's early game isn't entirely dependent on some autofilled moron or egirl. ADC's main problem has always been that they have no agency until at least the 15 minute mark. That role loses more games due to reasons entirely out of their control than anyone else.

          • 8 months ago

            >need to watch minion waves on 3 lanes
            >need to watch for respawn timers
            >need to watch for gank opportunities
            >need to watch enemy jgl
            >need to watch objectives
            >just win a lane

            Jungle is the most important role because jungler is the one who creates imbalances (1v1 becomes 2v1, 2v2 becomes 3v2). I am not a jungle main btw

            • 8 months ago

              Mid laner occupies that role, jungler serves to disrupt the progress of enemy lanes and to lend you advantages early on so you can do your own thing, win lane and snowball later. He's there to set you up or to increase your lead.

      • 8 months ago

        I would almost put that on support because they have to tard wrangle their adc, as well as be everywhere on the map to ward, and help other lanes if applicable.

  36. 8 months ago

    Reported for flame
    Stop typing and start ganking b***h

  37. 8 months ago


  38. 8 months ago

    >homosexual support steals buff
    >get hit with "jg diff" for the next 5 minutes

  39. 8 months ago


  40. 8 months ago

    Jungle is the only role that matters. If jungle is good, botlane will win, and bot is the only lane that matters.
    I started ranked this years and every game is decided by jungle unless every lane feeds like idiots. If you get an autofilled jungler you auto lose. If you get a jungle main rank 7 Kayn player your bot will go 15/2 and get every dragon. Jungle is so strong that it's funny.

  41. 8 months ago

    Ah yes, jungle. The most influential role in the game, the hardest role to play, the least appreciated role, and the scapegoat for everything that goes wrong. Why would anyone ever bother with that thankless shit? When you win the game, no one will attribute it to your early ganks that made your laner snowball, the laner will claim it's all him and the score will reflect it. When you lose, it's "jg diff". Top or mid is the only way these games are playable if you're not queuing with a friend(s).

  42. 8 months ago

    >playing jungle on 5v5 is miserable
    >playing jungle on 3v3 was super fun
    thanks ri*t for removing the only good, non random, non seasonal map. everyone who plays summoners rift is fricking moronic

  43. 8 months ago


    This you, OP?
    >still playing ASShomosexualS in 2023

  44. 8 months ago

    League players are peak delusionals. The game does everything it can to rig matches and even in a doomed match that is 2-30 and will end with a surrender at 15, they will still put the blame on one of the players and not the matchmaking that its main purpose is to create addiction through anger.

    • 8 months ago

      >2-30 and will end with a surrender at 15
      I wish my teams would surrender like this.

  45. 8 months ago

    >stop playing league 5 years ago
    >have slight urge to play again
    >sleep and dream the most livid and normal game of league
    >entire dream was me dying to mobilty burst bullshit in the jungle as my team fricks off in botlane
    >wake up
    >thank my local sleep demon for reminding me of how shit 5v5 asshomosexuals are

    • 8 months ago

      >anon astral projects to another dimension just to play a game of league and confirm it's still shit

      • 8 months ago

        Who needs pirates when you can ASCEND?

  46. 8 months ago

    >hail of blades
    >literally 2 shot people
    balance is so fricked lmao. predicted this years ago
    League used to be super strategic, now its just who kills who in 0,2 seconds
    t. challenger

    • 8 months ago

      You want strategy? Go to Dota 2.

  47. 8 months ago

    What's the point of grinding this now that ranked resets 3 times a year?
    As a wagie it takes way too much time for an artificial rank achievement

    • 8 months ago

      uhm, you dont like second job?

  48. 8 months ago

    If you play League or Overwatch in current year you deserve whatever frustrating things happen to you in these shit games

    • 8 months ago

      There's a lot of live games/mmos that this statement applies to, the only answer to it is singleplayer

  49. 8 months ago

    >play Singed
    >if I can't lane the enemy (80% of the time) I'll just proxy
    >splitpush all game
    >outscale every darius/fiora/riven shit
    Simple as. This stopped happening in Masters however.

    • 8 months ago

      Is proxying not viable in high elo? Not that you proxy ALL the time, but does jg just stay top side waiting for you or what?

  50. 8 months ago

    Is there any reason besides "playing the game as intended" for playing any game mode other than ARAM? Its shorter and more fun, while SR is just frustrating

  51. 8 months ago

    >play jungle
    >toplaner is having a mental breakdown since 1:00

    what do you do?
    try to communicate with him and calm him down? give up and mute him?
    by appearances the former would be the best option, but it has almost never worked
    yesterday i had such a game and the toplaner ended up ragequitting because i "stole" a kill (turns out enemy would have survived if i hadn't)
    i only play ranked and my rank is emerald

  52. 8 months ago

    Why are you playing league?
    Go play DotA, where there is no jungler and everyone should be carrying a scroll of teleport, meaning anyone can gank any other lane.

    • 8 months ago

      Sounds awful.

    • 8 months ago

      >where there is no jungler

      kind of a lie. to preface I remember in HoN you could opt into a jungler more often than not and then send one player to play the "suicide" lane. there were some hero specialized specifically to jungle in that game such as the equivalents of Lycan,Chen, Axe and some other unique characters like Parasite and Solstice and HoN was far more faithful to OG dota than nuDota ever was.

      so when Dota2 tried to make jungling more a thing by introducing Iron talon and then removd it almost instantly because of players complaining about worthless Legion Commanders running into jungle and not helping my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

      I dont think Jungling is a inherently good or bad thing to have but more options in how to play is nice imo. shit like Ursa or Lifestealer belong in the jungle.

      also dota had Natures Prophet cliffing so your argument is invalid.

      • 8 months ago

        Yes, the game used to be less refined we know.
        Now a days Valve even removed "jungler" from the Hero tags

    • 8 months ago

      I don't know anyone that plays dota, I know at least 15 guys who play league

  53. 8 months ago

    bald diff

    • 8 months ago

      pig-like jg

  54. 8 months ago

    The solution is simple, get rid of jungle like dota did

  55. 8 months ago

    is it wrong that i only play aram??

    • 8 months ago

      No. ARAM is the fun mode. What's wrong is the fact that Riot STILL has no happy medium between murderbridge and summoner's rift. We had Nexus but the moron scrapped it because, big suprise, autistic Koreans and chinks didn't play it because it's not ranked soloq even thought it did fine in NA and SA.

      • 8 months ago

        aram it's literally rolling dices and not only for characters, you basically know if you have won or lost once you are in the loading screen, at least in normal if the enemy comp is simply better you have several tactics available

  56. 8 months ago

    Got permabanned the very first time I actually played a lot to climb because I kept getting reported as jungler for doing poorly and telling my team why (with 0 bad language mind you) in 1 game out of 5 when I had a griefer on my team and their shitty automated system autobans you when it detects that you typed and got reported
    And you can't appeal if you're not a streamer
    Now I play better games

  57. 8 months ago

    Roughly 40% of games are not winnable no matter what you do. Slightly less if you are at your 'correct' mmr. I can't understand why I, someone who likes to win, would be so fricking invested in a game that I know I will lose a vast minority of the time. Yet I fricking queue every day, play early game well, and watch my team fall the frick apart mid game every. single. game.

  58. 8 months ago

    Stop playing multiplayer games that are detrimental to your health.

  59. 8 months ago
  60. 8 months ago

    Embrace mobile mobas

  61. 8 months ago

    Now that esports have irreparably ruined both League of Legends and Dota 2 for years is there a REAL good MOBA out there that doesn't shit up its own gameplay for Twitch views?

    • 8 months ago

      Dota 2.

    • 8 months ago

      Every dota tournament is fricking kino, no match is ever boring.

      • 8 months ago

        Tundra nailing the meta last year was so fricking good to watch. TI11 had so much good storylines and moments, can't wait to see how T12 will be.

    • 8 months ago

      Willd Rift does not have a seriously big esports scene outside china so it started to copy the chinese moba meta of speeding the frick out of the game and buffing everyone, they are also forced to rework characters so their all good to not make casuals drop their game, annie is actually giga strong there, and they made teemo not be as garbage as pc, it ruinned its first impression among the pre established mobile moba community because they found league of legends inherently aids and slow so its been trying to simplify itself for a while.
      Mobile Legends has a big world wide esports scene but patch notes are indifferent of the pro scene, riot seeths because they lost to this game on mobile, a single character can be composed of 5 or 6 league characters, has crossovers with other franchises like star wars or jujutsu kaisen all the time clearly trying to follow the steps of fortnite in that aspect so you can have optimus prime giving a ride to yoda, has a battle royal mode too (still a moba btw)
      Also they copy dota randomly from time to time, sometimes they even mix league skills with dota skills

      • 8 months ago

        mlbb is kino

  62. 8 months ago

    >Play heimer
    >Have fun

  63. 8 months ago

    >"let's freshen up the item balance!"
    >resort to just filling the game with more good items and a mandatory item you need to build after replacing niche items nobody bought, and also imposing artificial restrictions on purchase combination, like lifeline items or crit items
    >tanks have too many options that are both really good and really varied or have nothing to pick since all items are underwhelming, depending on champion and matchup
    >adcs get item rebalances every attosecond because riot is moronic and adc players are equally as moronic and confuse adc items being broken with adc's themselves being broken
    >mages all either deal massive damage over time, instagib or do both (where they used to deal a lot of damage over time or instagib only when fed)
    >assassins are the only champs with good items and good item variety but they resort to instagibbing anyway so nothing changes in their gameplay
    >bruisers had all the adaptability and fun sucked out of their itemization, you're forced to awkwardly fit broken items into your build that win you games instead of feeling right/fun to build in the first place
    >supports already had an item slot taken up by their sup item and now they have an extra slot taken by a garbage mythic and you're now forced to figure out which 3 items would best fill the rest of your dogshit build
    >junglers, totally not the strongest role in the game, got talisman/machete condensed into a single item that disappears from your inventory anyway so now they're free to finally build like the rest of the game instead of having a handicap
    >picrel returns as a starter item for a one-off gamemode and will probably be buried again forever
    i hate this fricking game and regret not quitting sooner, like, instantly after zoe got released. voli's rework into another overloaded piece of shit champion was what tipped the scales for me

    • 8 months ago

      >volibear is overloaded
      >wen viego, akshan, ksante exist

      • 8 months ago

        >free AP poke, heal, stun that leads into free %max HP damage and insane shielding, steroid ult that nullifies turrets
        >2000 years master yi that isn't feast or famine with a "become the enemy" gimmick
        >2000 years vayne with nowhere near the same carry potential or scaling and a revive gimmick
        >overloaded champ that has been justly nerfed, and then nerfed some more, and then nerfed some more, and now will be reworked into irrelevancy until riot overbuffs him, DCAF

  64. 8 months ago

    Imagine playing this dogshit and getting so worked up over it. Go chill in something else man. Just drop the troony game for a week.

  65. 8 months ago

    i don't play gay mobas but dantes is my imspiration

    • 8 months ago

      he looks very autistic

      • 8 months ago

        Did you expect anything more from a guy whose whole personality is pretending to be gay and playing LoL?

        • 8 months ago

          I know nothing about him so this comes as a surprise to me... but also not really? makes sense. act gay, get attention, so on so forth.

  66. 8 months ago

    >be me
    >humble mid player
    >constantly frustrated by junglers who refuse to gank mid while I get ganked by the enemy constantly
    >flame the jgler and get insulted by the rest of the team
    >next game I decide to play jungler myself just to see what it's like
    >it's actually exactly as easy as I thought it was
    >walk mid every minute or so for a free kill because the other jungler is a moron and never even comes near mid
    >start climbing by just doing this
    >currently low masters and it's still working
    yeah, no jungle players play the most broken role with the most broken champs, refuse to help their team and then get asshurt when you call them out. This role is easy as frick

    btw to everyone who said
    >oh well why would I gank mid that's a waste of time?
    have a nice day, clearly ganking mid works and your refusal to do it is why you fail

    • 8 months ago

      Mid exerts pressure to top and bot and having mid pushed is pretty much essential if you're going to take objectives. People just jungle to fellate ADC's and go for double kills bot but it's inefficient unless you're Shyvana and dragon hungry

    • 8 months ago

      pretty much, thank god icefrog realized jungle players are all mentally moronic apes and removed the ability to jungle entirely

  67. 8 months ago

    i played lol from 2012 to 2017 and never ONCE played jungle
    i don't understand how jungler works
    i don't ever want to play jungle
    if i was ever told to jungle i would queue dodge
    the game would be better if there was no jungle position

    • 8 months ago

      Honestly the whole genre would be better off it were 3v3. Solo lane roles are the only fun ones.

      • 8 months ago

        i unironically played the frick out of twisted treeline
        in my lifetime, probably 20% of my games were on tt
        i also played that other thing that i don't even remember what it was called, the circle map

        • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          Back in the day I played Twisted Tree Line and Dominion exclusively. It was more fun and you weren't there for a fricking hour, win or loose you were out pretty quickly and summoner's rift still suffers from the game being decided in 15 minutes and you being stuck there for another 50 because one person on your team decides they want to waste everyone elses time

          • 8 months ago

            >summoner's rift still suffers from the game being decided in 15 minutes and you being stuck there for another 50
            i had more fun with wild rift on my fricking phone than the last few years of proper summoner's rift
            make wild rift a game mode on pc

            • 8 months ago

              I play ARAM to get my daily win then go to Wildrift to actually play games. The ease of control with auto lock makes it play so much smoother, as an ADC I can take pot shots while retreating without spam clicking between two places and risking a miss click. It makes Orianna an absolute menace that can solo wipe the enemy midlaner and jungler at the same time

              • 8 months ago

                i'm currently on a 15-game win streak with kennan because his kit is so absurdly strong for wild rift
                it's just more fun than league at this point
                if you look at a character tier list, half the roster is S or S+
                that's the kind of balance i want in a game

              • 8 months ago

                Did they balance the ADC meta? I quit around the time Swain released because the game was so stupidly overtuned towards ADC's that you'd end up with 5 ADC's as the enemy team since the new items made them so tanky that playing anything else in any lane was making you perform worse

  68. 8 months ago

    If a laner fricks the pooch, it's Jungler's fault for not constantly being in their lane to moron proof it, if the enemy jungler ganks them, it's the junglers fault for not warding enough, despite no one on the rest of the team besides the Jungler putting any wards down. League is a team game where everyone thinks they're the only person who matters and blames the jungler for their own stupidity. The reason no one wants to play jungler is because they'd have no one else to blame and have to learn map awareness

  69. 8 months ago

    >huge wave with cannon coming to my turret
    >enemy laner with +1 lvl difference, all sums up
    >jungler "ganks" your lane, gives double kill to your enemy laner

    >proceed to come back to lane and afk push until the game ends
    >end 0/11/3
    >entire team is seething
    >jungler says nothing the whole game, knows it's his fault

  70. 8 months ago

    I am the one who Jungle diffs. Sorry to make your team so mad at you, if they knew what you were up against they'd be more sympathetic

    • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          Stop hiding that you're a filthy russian playing in the region of bots and account builders. Playing in the region of people who mastered how to throw without getting reported to get their accounts down to Iron 4 to sell for 2k USD isn't an accomplishment

          • 8 months ago

            Russians don't play this game lmao. They're all on Dota. I've met more frenchtards and arabics than I ever have Russians. Was the deciding factor in playing this game. I hate those filthy gopnics

    • 8 months ago

      >top 5500 with 81.8% WR.
      Want me to tell you how i know you're trash without saying you're trash?

  71. 8 months ago

    Ima hit diamond with mid illaoi again. This shits so easy. Part of having fun is breaking in your opponents bussy.

  72. 8 months ago

    dota is better but mobas are shit in general

  73. 8 months ago

    >my favorite youtuber VARS has uplaoded a le new video
    >oh yes... hmmm... hmnmmm... toxic... stat check... archaic.... power creep... yes omg so informative.... yes vars i agree he needs a reworkerino
    >rework.... le good....
    >Perfectly Designed: Volibear | League of Legends

    • 8 months ago

      you're right, I do like Vars videos and if I played Jungle at all then I may very well play Volibear... if not for Kled, Warwick, Evelynn, Nunu&Willump, Talon, Maokai, Fiddlesticks... you know, just overall more interesting champs.

  74. 8 months ago


    Tahm would be cool if it weren't for the vore.
    case in point

  75. 8 months ago

    i queued ranked until 800 split points
    >70% of my lost matches were jg diff: no ganks, no dragons, no nothing jg was mia or farming his precious chickens and ignoring pings
    >20% of my lost matches were because either mid or top ate shit and lost their lanes
    >last 10% was my adc kept chasing the full hp enemy adc while at 1 hp while i kept spamming the danger ping only for him to die and use the "enemies are missing ping on me", or ignores the minimap after i placed 1000 wards and dies to gank
    the problem is no matter what u q u will always have at least <one> dumb ass gorilla Black person in ur team messes everything up

    • 8 months ago

      >support Black person too bad to carry is talking shit

      • 8 months ago

        >have to babysit the adc 24/7
        >have to keep looking at the minimap because my adc wont
        >have to keep track of all of our minion's health especially cannon to deny enemy adc farm
        >have to keep watch of the other lanes because if enemy is winning they are all gonna come down to bot (that includes top with teleport)
        >have to keep track of objectives so i can ward them
        >have to keep track of summoner spells
        >have to waste the little gold i have to buy control wards so that not only my adc but also my midlaner and jungBlack person (shaco stealing his precious chickens) dont have a mental breakdown
        >have to know about wave control because my adc is a dumb ass Black person that doesnt know the enemy laners are building a big wave to crash and dive his ass while telling me to stop hitting his minions
        >have to roam to enemy jungle to set wards so that my homosexual jungle knows where the enemy jungle is because otherwise they would be too scared to start an objective
        >have to build mage items because my adc is garbage so im the one who has to deal the damage
        >have to split push because my entire team wants to start unnecessary fights 24/7 instead of pushing lanes and taking down towers
        >get mvp as a fricking support
        >uhhhhhhhhh its the hecking support's fault!
        i hope your next 10 supports are yuumi and taric bots, or even worse one of those "sissy" lolg homosexuals

        • 8 months ago

          I dont even know what my last few sups were cuz they dont matter to me dog.

  76. 8 months ago

    What is the easiest role to play in lol?

    • 8 months ago

      I would say Support to an extent. You have three core jobs: keep your ADC alive in laning phase, ward/remove enemy wards and either initiate fights/provide team buffs.

      With Support you have a bit more leniency when dying mid-to-late game as you're often not the primary damage dealer. HOWEVER, a good Support can help bottom lane snowball incredibly hard early game.

      I just came out of a match where my Blitzcrank (who was super nice), missed all but two grabs and kept getting rooted by the enemy Jhin. This led to a lot of situations where we had no priority when farming and got the Jhin/Pyke fed early on. Even if you know what you're doing as an ADC, it's still difficult to compete against an enemy team that is 5-7 kills ahead by 15 minutes.

      • 8 months ago

        Arguably supp since you don't have to farm or trade as much. It's the be role people play if they want to get carried since it's the most gold efficient and the skill floor is as simple as "Don't die and keep your ADC alive.
        That said, supp also has one of the highest skill ceilings in the game since you're a utility role and you're expected to build the field and set up your team.

        Im trying to play Support Leona but every time I try to go in, we both end up dying in laning phase which makes me want to never go in but if I dont then whats the point of playing an engager? Do I just sit back and peel the ADC when ever the other team tries to make a play or keep trying to make them myself? I also never know when to roam, I assume its when my wave is bouncing off their tower but we never get the lane pushed up because of what I mentioned before of never wanting to feed by making a play. So I just sit in lane until we lose lane phase and Im not sure how to proceed.

        • 8 months ago

          what rank are you?
          my answer depends on what rank

        • 8 months ago

          Iron 2. Yes, Im very bad, Im trying to learn though.

          • 8 months ago

            meant for

            what rank are you?
            my answer depends on what rank

          • 8 months ago

            just play mages and kill the lane
            dont roam, your teammates wont see you coming or prep/pull the lane for it
            just build full damage and kill enemy bot until they rq or afk mental boom
            play lux xerath zyra
            auto alot, supports at low elo never auto it gives you gold
            go full lane stomp runes
            aery/comet + scorch + treasure hunter cheap shot

        • 8 months ago

          You have to assess when to go in, which includes things like evaluating health totals, the position of the wave, and of course keeping an eye on mid/jungler action, both positive or negative. You need to understand your comp vs the enemies comp and if you have the advantage early, also, if you don't, just play passive and counter engage if anything, or wait for your jungler.

          If you're playing Leo your jungler should be pathing to you since it's easy to get kills with a Leo support, so look for that or ask for it when the game starts. Generally speaking you should be roaming as much as possible as Leo, roam when your ADC backs, roam when your ADC is under tower farming, roam when you see your jungler nearby and can team up with them to go mid/bot/invade enemy jungle.

          • 8 months ago

            Engagers tend to be more of a stat-stick in that you need to know in advance if you can all-in and win trades. A lot of it is you look at the numbers, run some quick maffs, and then throw yourself in. If you know you can win the trade, then you can start applying roam knowledge.

            Consider playing with enchanters if you're still trying to get feel for when to roam. They're a lot more "flow" and are more forgiving for when you mess up. You can test the waters a lot more with them.

            In general, you

            just play mages and kill the lane
            dont roam, your teammates wont see you coming or prep/pull the lane for it
            just build full damage and kill enemy bot until they rq or afk mental boom
            play lux xerath zyra
            auto alot, supports at low elo never auto it gives you gold
            go full lane stomp runes
            aery/comet + scorch + treasure hunter cheap shot

            Gotcha, Ill try to keep all this in mind, Its alot though. I hope my ADCs dont flame me too much for not being near them but Ill try it. I cant really help much in lane since Im so low ranged and get poked out alot so Ill try roaming more. If I really cant make much progress Ill try Zyra and be more safe and offensive.

        • 8 months ago

          Engagers tend to be more of a stat-stick in that you need to know in advance if you can all-in and win trades. A lot of it is you look at the numbers, run some quick maffs, and then throw yourself in. If you know you can win the trade, then you can start applying roam knowledge.

          Consider playing with enchanters if you're still trying to get feel for when to roam. They're a lot more "flow" and are more forgiving for when you mess up. You can test the waters a lot more with them.

          In general, you

    • 8 months ago

      Arguably supp since you don't have to farm or trade as much. It's the be role people play if they want to get carried since it's the most gold efficient and the skill floor is as simple as "Don't die and keep your ADC alive.
      That said, supp also has one of the highest skill ceilings in the game since you're a utility role and you're expected to build the field and set up your team.

  77. 8 months ago

    My latest pleasure is watching videos of this sro Black person getting destroyed. Why the frick do people even watch his streams?

  78. 8 months ago

    I literally went from Plat 1 to Diamond 1 just by turning off my chat in the settings as a jungler

    • 8 months ago

      I fricking hate Emerald

      • 8 months ago

        I quit after I hit Masters that same season so I haven't played a ranked where Emerald existed. It seems completely fricking moronic though. The %s don't change. Lower skill shitters (you) just get to go up a division for free to flex on their discord friends.

        • 8 months ago

          pretty much. just shows how flawed the ranking system is. You will get matches in diamond where dudes play like silver.

  79. 8 months ago

    If i see you building shiv in my game
    i will int you
    stop building that garbage shit

  80. 8 months ago

    Just reached bronze 1 because I won a match against a team of high silvers and low golds, because the adc I was supporting was a chinese smurf.
    It's chill as frick just blitz hooking people and placing wards. I love support.

    • 8 months ago

      we know you dont have to think when playing support in league unlike dota 2 where you have to be the playmaker and do multiple things on the map

  81. 8 months ago

    So what is the consensus on the new champ?
    only played her a handful of times in norms, but she seems fun. It's strangely enjoyable to play tard wrangler with this champ, and I'm not even mad when an enemies kites her into towers. It's kind of funny.
    She does seem a bit busted, but I only play norms.

    • 8 months ago

      low elo stomper
      terrible in teamfights
      ok jungler
      good counterpick in top lane
      issues late game because she just gets cc'd to death
      overall 7/10

      • 8 months ago

        >low elo stomper
        in bronze she just keeps ulting into 3 people and dies over and over again
        this c**t doesnt stomp anything

      • 8 months ago

        I've had a lot of success in team fights using a meme build.
        glacial, ghost, legend:tenacity, merc treads, iceborn, and mercurial, then a few bruiser items. It's weak but with you basically cc immune and still healing like crazy, no one can stop you from picking one unlucky motherfricker that doesn't get to play league of legends today. Might as well be a darius.

  82. 8 months ago

    league is so much fun sisters.

  83. 8 months ago

    How about instead of raping jungle up the ass they just make it so junglers get no XP from lane ganks till like 5 minutes? Remove the incentive to just bulldoze into the most crucial part of the laning phase and just decide it for most matchups.

  84. 8 months ago

    i really dont like dantes. there's something about him that reminds me of some group in high school. i think it's the henry cavils who obscure their true personality. just disgusting humans honestly.

  85. 8 months ago

    >most important role
    >only potheads and actual morons play it
    if a jg diff is huge I always check post game to see if the better jungler even plays jungle.
    spoiler: they never do.

  86. 8 months ago

    Jungle is the best role because I don't have to worry about being stuck in a lane fighting some champ that makes suicide seem like a fun alternative.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah but if you play a farming jungler and even do it right, farm efficiently and gank defensively, people will b***h at you for not forcing dumbass plays and diving a full health fiora under tower. Farming jungler is no less effective than schizo aggro hyperBlack person shaco/lee sin style junglers but they get 90% of the hate because they dare play for themselves.

  87. 8 months ago

    >get back into normals after a long time
    >85% of games has someone either invade, or steal my other buff
    When did this become so common in normals?

  88. 8 months ago

    >sign up to be the team babysitter
    >suprised when the babies cry if you don't spoonfeed them
    Either learn to ignore their inane whining or pick a different role.

  89. 8 months ago

    I'm here to b***h about Wild Rift again. Why are mage Black folk allowed to miss 90% of their abilities and still one tap delete anything that doesn't have straight up invincibility or 5k hp with insane MR (in which case it takes like two casts lol).

    Also the fricking game is filled with bots below Emerald oh my God I hate the devs so goddamn much

  90. 8 months ago

    >other team is all AD
    >instalock alistar and build frozen heart
    hope you didnt plan on having FUN today lmao

    • 8 months ago

      >playing ranked years ago
      >enemy first or second picks rammus
      >team proceeds to pick ADC Top, Graves Jungle, Irelia mid.
      >before Irelia locks in mid I tell her we need ap of some sort and she just says " No Irelia mid is op it's fine"
      >to no surprise Rammus steamrolls our team.
      I don't understand the thought process these people have. If it were some AD caster that didn't rely on autos then maybe, but picking several attack heavy characters into rammus is just silly.

      • 8 months ago

        I don't understand the thought process of a man such as yourself, who sees what is about to happen, and still doesn't dodge.

  91. 8 months ago

    is she still broken

    • 8 months ago

      Jinx is one of the most honest ADCs in the game. She was never broken

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah her kit is simple and honest but I remember when I started playing a few months back she was the hot stuff
        I quit though

    • 8 months ago

      God damn a Jinx fanart that actually keeps her flat, what a treasure.

      • 8 months ago

        Isn't it nice?

    • 8 months ago

      She's expected to become meta again with next patch.

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