>jg diff. >jg diff. >jg diff. >jg diff. >jg diff

>jg diff
>jg diff
>jg diff
>jg diff
>jg diff
FRICKING have a nice day

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    >jungle has the most unique and fun champs
    >playing jungle is fricking boring and gay where everything bad that happens gets blamed on you
    >if a jungler ever breaks out of jungle it gets nerfed back into being the jungle b***h because muh esports
    gayest shit ever

    • 12 months ago

      league of legends would legit be a better game without a dedicated jungler. it's not fun for either fricking team

      alright Ganker
      what made you quit?

      alright Ganker
      what made you quit?

      op diff. No actually he's p good at sucking wiener

      >Still plays this shit
      Game is a buggy mess full of scripts and bots leveling up accounts on the "intro" tab for AI games.
      Stop denying reality and wake up, you're just addicted to it, you will never be a professional player, your ranked matches mean nothing & you will never make a penny out of streaming this shit on Jeff Bezos company.

      >Playing Shit of Shitgends

    • 12 months ago

      has the most unique and fun champs
      >league of dashtards
      >next champion will also be a fricking jungler
      >....WITH 3 DASHES

      • 12 months ago

        I main Zac and every new champ with a dash makes me seethe. How the frick am I supposed to hit my E when they have a dash and a backup dash??? Fricking moronic.

        • 12 months ago

          Stfu you're playing ZAC Black person. You launch yourself halfway across the fricking map

      • 12 months ago

        >bel'veth still absolutely fricking broken and riot does nothing about it

        • 12 months ago


          AHAHAHAHAHAHA That's a weird way of spelling Master Yi. You think Belveth is broken? Like legitimately? That b***h is so neutered that she doesnt even have a correct build path anymore, all 3 of her first items have been gutted, and nobody can make her work anymore. She barely has a Mythic now.

          • 12 months ago

            "Nobody can make her work"? way to out yourself pisslow. BTW nobody with that 4 dashes is fun or fair.

            • 12 months ago

              She's not good at all, dude. Master Yi takes half the skill and is untargettable 80% of the time. If Belveth doesn't get ahead early she becomes worthless for the entire game.

              Not really pisslow but not really intent on ranking up past D4 this season either. Masters btw.

          • 12 months ago

            Yes she is broken. She has 4 dashes and a not high cd AoE knockup. She can hard scale from any point in the game and isn't even weak early.

            • 12 months ago

              Damn the way you say that makes it sound like Riven (a champion with 4 dashes and a not high cd AoE knockup) is one of the most strongest champs in the game, as if she wasn't one of the HARDEST and toughest to learn.

              • 12 months ago

                But belveth is not hard to play, like at all

              • 12 months ago

                So you agree that 4 dashes and a knockup doesn't make something broken? Glad you could finally see it.

              • 12 months ago

                I mean, riven is pretty broken if u can pilot her. But no, 4 dashes and a knockup dont make a champion inherently broken. Having disgusting scaling and not being weak at any point coupled with the dashes and knockup does though

  2. 12 months ago

    league of legends would legit be a better game without a dedicated jungler. it's not fun for either fricking team

  3. 12 months ago

    alright Ganker
    what made you quit?

    • 12 months ago

      >what made you quit?
      I played for 20 minutes in total. I quit because I didn't know what the frick I was doing and i got killed by a bot twice. After that, I simply alt-f4, deleted and never looked back.

    • 12 months ago

      Originally a permanent ban on my super old account that had tons of exclusive shit like a platinum symbol from season 1
      Then a few years ago I gave it another try and it simply didn't click anymore. I just got bored.
      That special feeling from back then just never came back.

    • 12 months ago

      New champs were fricking gay.
      >the cat on a book
      >the shitter who has the dont die circle
      It was just a bunch of shit that made the game not fun. (Also my friends stopped playing) the real reason is that my friends stopped letting me play top after I got fricking hammered and played Riven

      • 12 months ago

        the removal of mana pots really was the beginning of the end

      • 12 months ago

        I know pushing bad, but this is too simplistic. If the other moron is gone you're supposed to push to tower to let the lane reset and deny an entire wave.

      • 12 months ago

        Bard was one of the last based champions they made.

        • 12 months ago

          frick Bard. he's lit a screw you support. if he roams your laner is vulnerable if he doesn't he get no stacks. Kalista and Gnar were much cooler.

          • 12 months ago

            >haha im lv3 so im gonna go get chimes now. have fun 1v2 lil bro!
            You need to have a nice day you fricking c**t

            You guys are just shit at the game.

        • 12 months ago

          >haha im lv3 so im gonna go get chimes now. have fun 1v2 lil bro!
          You need to have a nice day you fricking c**t

      • 12 months ago

        >rune pages and old masteries
        When they removed this, I knew the game was done for.

        • 12 months ago

          that was literally one of the only things riot have done right, old runes gave an unfair advantage to paypigs and the masteries were a whole bunch of "get 1.5% damage resistance when below 5% hp in the baron pit"

          • 12 months ago

            The answer is to make the runes free like they are now...except the modern rune system is just a shitty masteries and rune hybrid. And they STILL have not finished building upon it.

    • 12 months ago

      There was nothing to do there anymore, yeah, they release new champs(too much in my opinion), add stuff, mix it up, but in general after 3k hours i was still too familiar with the game, it got uninteresting and repetative
      At some point after a completely normal game i just left

    • 12 months ago

      Quit in 2013 for Dota 2
      Started back in 2018
      Quit 2021 after I got sick of the item rework happened

    • 12 months ago

      i play in LAS

    • 12 months ago

      started back when that thing of the tribunal newsletter was still a thing, i forgot. quit back when the lesbian pony got released. i got sick of new champion broken shit for 3 months cloggin up my rankeds and then a big nerf and a new champ in a couple of months.
      plus i was getting tilted because riot's spagetti code would sometimes crash my client midgame or result in some moronic shit happening in game. like that time i got one shotted by a yasuo with static and that sword that increases crit chance.
      it numbers so high that it couldnt be one shotted every member of my team. it was absurd.

    • 12 months ago

      too much gay ass mobility creep

    • 12 months ago

      I played Smite, but wanna share my experience
      I was just losing too much time and last season they changed how healing and lifesteal work in technical ways I don't understand which made one of my favourite characters, Camazotz, unable to do his role as a lifesteal bruiser. Had been playing since closed beta.

    • 12 months ago

      played for 10 years starting in season 3, quit because it's just fricking boring and i enjoy dota more at this point.

    • 12 months ago

      Wild Rift, there's something seriously wrong with your game if its mobile spinoff ends up being more enjoyable and fun to play than your main game

      then I also quit Wild Rift because they refused to bring Viktor into the game and I hate that's mobile only, wish there was a console version or something

      • 12 months ago

        yeah, they should make a console port of it. i would start playing it on my switch. Viktor would be cool.

    • 12 months ago

      Peaked in the top 1000 and quit because Challenger wasn't realistic, and every new champion destroyed high Elo for months.
      Nearly all champion post 2017-2016 are either completely overloaded, insanely unfun to play against or a combination of both.
      Item rework was also a huge failure.I was quitting after the rework, then came back after a year and a half, only to quit again.

    • 12 months ago

      Still play every day.

    • 12 months ago

      I grew up

    • 12 months ago

      Lost my promotion to diamond 4 because my support decided to feed like crazy because he wanted to go adc.
      Keep in mind, his only line of defense on champ screen was "adc or feed" and he was the last pick, and it was role-queue which makes things even worse.

    • 12 months ago

      I was tired of the damage/mobility creep, and they kept reworking (replacing) characters I enjoyed playing.

    • 12 months ago

      I stopped playing with my friend who I always duo'd with in Bot
      The game is nowhere near fun enough to play on your own, quite the opposite

    • 12 months ago

      Too much damage in the game. Was dying too much too fast. Switched to Dota and experienced a whole new type of cancer with stuns that take a whole afternoon to end and just general bullshit with character kits. I still had lots of fun, stopped playing because the Muerta update broke the game and I couldn't run it anymore in my potato computer. Don't play any mobas anymore.

    • 12 months ago

      >Played S1
      >quit when Dota 2 came out
      >tried to play again in 2017 or 2018
      >everything about the game is dogshit now and my favorite champ Nunu got visually reworked into some extra homosexual baby shit
      Yeah, not coming back

    • 12 months ago

      >Riot nerfing turret damage
      >Riot nerfing minion damage
      >Mordekaiser massive nerf on riven release patch.
      >Unnecessary and shitty shen rework
      >Frickton of direct and indirect tank durability nerfs, including introduction of lord dominik regards to let moronic tank focusers to instakill tank.

      My last straw is when i was nautilus on top, totally dominating their toplaner, killed him 3 times and had 0 deaths, and just after i got my sunfire cape and boots and small magic resist item, their feeder toplaner and their feeder midlaner just came to me under my tower, and despite of getting hit by all CC, they still managed to 100 to 0 me and leave without losing even 50% of their HP.
      After that i just left uninstalled this fricking game and never came back. Permanently moved to dota 2.

      And IMO in terms of changes and balance Dota 2 is way better, even if it had some bad episodes (like that period where int increased ability damage while str increased magic resist), they never fricked this up as much as Riot keeps doing moronic balance decisions since season 4.

      • 12 months ago

        Man I got Shen in ARAM a few weeks ago and had not played him nor seen him played in years since it's extremely rare for me to play. I looked like a fool.

    • 12 months ago

      I was kinda upset with the tank meta change of like a year ago, but the gay agenda reaching and getting full blown into LoL made me quit. There's almost no love for my characters, but pushing every other one being gay or chink oriented was even more gay than gay. It treats itself like on its last legs, like OW did when stopped being relevant.

      I just didn't found enjoyment out of it, and what I like about it, gets nerfed into uselessness in favor of the usual suspects.

      Here, have a Jinx that i'm working on in Blender

    • 12 months ago

      i only played aram. and after they made changes to health kits, not a single good change was made. every game has at least 4 of the same characters because of the terrible bench system that was designed for homosexuals who dont understand the ALL RANDOM part of ARAM. percent balance changes and new items not being balanced for aram just made me want to end my life

    • 12 months ago

      I still play Aram with my friends sometimes. Playing normals/ranked is idiotic because you cannot judge your ability based on a team performance. Anyone who says otherwise is moronic.

      • 12 months ago

        >you can't judge your ability based on your performance
        what did he mean by that

        • 12 months ago

          Hey anon, you forgot a word in your quote, just letting you know.

          • 12 months ago

            I didn't

    • 12 months ago

      I just got tired of it years ago. Played since S1. I very rarely reinstall and play ARAM with some friends but it's a 50/50 on me doing great or me doing terrible. Played a few weeks ago and there are just so many champs I don't know and the shop was annoying.

    • 12 months ago

      game was always shit, but FOTM and changes focused on selling skins made it extra cancerous.


      lol homosexual.

    • 12 months ago

      40 mins matches
      game over because of one moron being caught alone

      I miss the game but I just appreciate not having to waste 40 mins for a game lost because of one teammate

    • 12 months ago

      My friend getting mad at me despite me trying my best, purely because they were mad at the game itself not going our way.

      • 12 months ago

        This is the one. Never been flamed by my own teammates over voice chat except for in league. Game turns people into psychopaths.

    • 12 months ago

      Reworking Aurelion was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. Now I hear the game is dying to all the pozzed shit they keep doing to LoL.

      • 12 months ago

        I had someone with a trans flag floating behind them when they left nexus the other day.
        I assumed they were a troll

    • 12 months ago

      I'm still playing everyday but only ARAM

      • 12 months ago

        Can't even enjoy ARAM anymore after the item "rework"

    • 12 months ago

      For me it was the realization that the game's ultimate goal was not to achieve true parity.

      I was probably just a naive teenager when I started. But I always was playing under the assumption that, over time, the dev team's ultimate goal would be to get as close as possible to every champ being as equal and balanced as possible. When I realized this was not the case and they'd just over buff and nerf champs in cadence with new skins and other bullshit I just slowly lost interest in the game until I didn't care anymore.

    • 12 months ago

      I only play when my friends gather and form up a 5 man team.
      Otherwise, I don't because it's pure cancer.
      I can stand people being bad at the game. I can't stand the homosexualry that are report politics and victim blaming.

    • 12 months ago

      Perma banned on 3 different accounts. 3rd time around most of my friends had left the game and I was tired of Riot constantly fricking the balance with new champ after new champ and making moron design choices.

      Arcane was cool tho, I did like that show.

      • 12 months ago

        Man. I have never been banned and I called so many people Black folk and homosexuals. Last time I played I called a guy a homosexual and it instantly muted me for the rest of the game and I did not get banned or anything. Maybe because I am never the butthole first.

        • 12 months ago

          KYS (or an equivalent) = automatic ban (2 weeks then perma)

          • 12 months ago

            The best way to play current League is not to win, but to get as many people banned as possible. The mental in this game is in such a piss poor state, it's not uncommon for me to see at least 2 of these per login. I have had up to 5 stacked up on a single login in the past. For reference, I usually play 1 or sometimes 2 matches per day with my buddy.

            • 12 months ago

              Teach me sensei.

              • 12 months ago


                It doesn't matter who is the c**t, who says x or y (though some words are an automatic flag like as anon said "kys"), if you type too much no matter what you type even if you're just complimenting your team and you get reported you get flagged by their bot, too many flags and you're banned without appeal automatically (this is good for them because most people will recreate an account and inflate their numbers and start paying for skins from scratch, or create multiple accounts to grief while being immune to the ban system, once again inflating their numbers).
                Basically if you want to grief people just don't be the jungler then blame them, they'll always get reported instead of you no matter how well they're doing because every laner will happily gang up on the jungler no matter the situation and you'll be fine. Bonus points if they actually defend themselves in the chat because they for sure will be punished instead of you.

                for the easiest way to get people banned
                You can do it in many ways with more or less subtle griefing but targeting the jungler is easiest, lane players especially botlane will always blame him when they themselves frick up so it's an easy 4x report. Botlane is the second easiest because their mental is that of a 10yr old, especially ADC. You can play support, frick up on purpose, then blame them and leave the lane. They'll probably rage in chat and get punished. Whichever lane you go to afterwards will likely type to you to frick off too so that's potentially 2 bans, but it's just as likely they'll report the ADC too so you're securing the ADC punishment that way. The point is always to get as many people to report someone you caused to type in chat as possible while minimizing how much you type yourself (unless you don't care about your account, which is easy, you can just rotate between multiple accounts and let the punishments time out).

              • 12 months ago

                Just remember the old saying: "anyone can call someone else a Black person, true trolling is getting someone else to call YOU a Black person". Silently camp whoever seems to have weak mental (anyone who uses allchat for any reason other than obvious shitposting). If you feel like engaging in someone (ally or enemy), give them single or two word responses. Nothing tilts some sweaty homosexual more than the response to their rage being something short and juvenile like "lose weight".

                Remember a few months back when the response to everything was "have sex"? Think like that.

        • 12 months ago

          KYS (or an equivalent) = automatic ban (2 weeks then perma)

          The best way to play current League is not to win, but to get as many people banned as possible. The mental in this game is in such a piss poor state, it's not uncommon for me to see at least 2 of these per login. I have had up to 5 stacked up on a single login in the past. For reference, I usually play 1 or sometimes 2 matches per day with my buddy.

          It doesn't matter who is the c**t, who says x or y (though some words are an automatic flag like as anon said "kys"), if you type too much no matter what you type even if you're just complimenting your team and you get reported you get flagged by their bot, too many flags and you're banned without appeal automatically (this is good for them because most people will recreate an account and inflate their numbers and start paying for skins from scratch, or create multiple accounts to grief while being immune to the ban system, once again inflating their numbers).
          Basically if you want to grief people just don't be the jungler then blame them, they'll always get reported instead of you no matter how well they're doing because every laner will happily gang up on the jungler no matter the situation and you'll be fine. Bonus points if they actually defend themselves in the chat because they for sure will be punished instead of you.

    • 12 months ago

      I simply got tired of it. Sometimes I feel like reinstalling and playing my homies Yorick and Jhin but then I get tired simply remembering how awful it was back then.

    • 12 months ago

      Gangplank being re-worked.

    • 12 months ago

      Permaban on my diamond account for calling a guy who was hard inting my game a sissy crossdresser who sucks wiener

    • 12 months ago

      I didn't want to re-learn the game every time they "balanced" this trash
      And i hate 10 min queues + champion ban + game load

    • 12 months ago

      Unlimited Pyke nerfs because of le midlane pyke memes.

      • 12 months ago

        >itemization is streamlined dogshit where your only build options for counters are "get zhonya's or QSS"
        >champion balance, as a result, is an endless labyrinth of clusterfricks where there's a mandated meta for every single character because the jungle has to be reworked every single fricking time someone takes Ezreal into it

    • 12 months ago

      I was getting miffed at my buddies for not wanting to strategize and such enough. Slowly I started to realize I was taking a game I'd only play with friends too seriously, and that I was just gonna keep frustrating myself and subsequently others if I kept playing a game that I wanted more out of without actually wanting to find or engage with the autists that do take it seriously. When the game started to leave me behind with new updates and such, I just let go.

    • 12 months ago

      >what made you quit?
      I didn't. My account got hacked and then banned because the guy was hacking. Thanks to them not having two factor authentication at the time.

      • 12 months ago

        SMS 2FA is just 1FA though.

        • 12 months ago

          you're not very bright are you?

          • 12 months ago

            have fun getting sim-swapped moron.

            • 12 months ago

              you're not very bright are you?

    • 12 months ago

      Just like OP said, I don't wanna be stuck in a game with people I hate for 45 minutes+ and not be able to tell them to go frick themselves without getting banned. It was taking too much of a toll on my sanity.

    • 12 months ago

      Every game

      • 12 months ago

        This, the game loses flavor when you realizes everyone is basically support for the top laner.
        If your top lost, you lose, if your top won, you win.
        Bruisers are just too OP.

    • 12 months ago

      Too much 3am league with my friend
      Literal morons would join our matches

    • 12 months ago

      CC HAS GOTTEN FRICKING RIDICULOUS. one hit and I can't fricking move for 5 seconds.

    • 12 months ago

      Them balancing the entire game off asiatic performance.

    • 12 months ago

      >couldnt stand toxic childish players who would cry if you sisnt play the way they wanted
      >always ended up playing support or reported by premades of 4
      >always reported for trying off meta champs and builds
      >children only played FOTM meta champs

      >Dota2 was just better
      >could play whatever I wanted wherever I wanted
      >no crybabies
      >could cuss without getting reported
      >no meta

    • 12 months ago

      just got a divorce and in 2020 i was hardstuck silver cause wife/work wouldn't let me climb. should i finish the unfinished business? i can only play 4 hours a day tho

      • 12 months ago

        Depends what you want from it. Ranked barely starts at gold 2, if you're below you're either handicapped or you never really cared/tried hard enough. I'd say for sure 80% of all people who are high silver could get into platinum if they started giving half their brain power.

      • 12 months ago

        Just become an e-girl streamer and riot will boost your account into winner's queue

    • 12 months ago

      Same as OP basically
      >choose to farm gold and buffs
      >bot immediately tower dives without waiting and gets gank spanked
      >BAN JNGL!

      >choose to stick close to lanes instead
      >enemy champs spam the thousand mobility dash/teleport abilities that Riot gave them while I'm attempting a gank and it's a stalemate where we stare each other off for 5 minutes until I leave
      >wasting so much time so allies are cleaning up the jungle without me during pushes
      I don't know why anyone plays jungle. You are there to play chess and get kicked in the scrotum constantly by everyone around you for gameplay that is probably the least fun out of all roles

    • 12 months ago

      too stressfull

    • 12 months ago

      I quit years and years ago. Sometime before Jhin release (I know as I came back for a little bit as Jhin is cool) the game and company got bought out by Tencent which then the game slowly but surely became soulless. The same happened to PoE/GGG. I even bought the physical edition of it. I miss old-school league. I don't care for ASSgay anymore, especially since they all die/are garbage now and nothing new out there or coming up.

    • 12 months ago

      I only like ARAM and my friends don't like it so I have nobody to play with. That and All Random Ultra Rapid Fire isn't available all year round, despite it being my favorite mode.

    • 12 months ago

      I finally listened to the Dotards and tried their game.
      It's so infinitely less garbage now I'm pissed I didn't switch sooner

    • 12 months ago

      My friends stopped playing, that was all the reason I needed. Game truly went to shit with the item rework

    • 12 months ago

      >it wasn't the 15+ permabans
      >it wasn't the overtuned champions they kept releasing one after the other
      >it wasn't the pointless reworks for the sake of changing and probably to justify the diversity hires salaries
      >it wasn't the fact that they nerfed to the ground any off-meta build because that's not the intended way of playing
      It was the forced 50%, EOMM. Firstly when I read how it works and when I heard a professional player's opinion on it, I thought it was copium, that he can't climb as he could back then and tries to find excuses. But no, he was right, out of the 10 games someone plays, 9 are predetermined and always a stomp, either for your team or the other. The 1 that isn't like the others, will either have a leaver and be remade, or it will be a close match. Even then, these close matches will never be as good and enjoyable as the close matches you used to play back in season 2-4. So what's the point of keep playing?

      • 12 months ago

        whats eomm?

        • 12 months ago

          It's one google search away, but w/e. Engagement Optimized Match Making. The tl;dr: is people get more addicted to a game if they have win streaks and lose streaks by predetermined matches while staying as close to 50% winrate as possible. That means 2 things. Getting addicted to it means it has more chances of LoL being your main game, being your main game there are more chances of you treating it as hobby and throwing money at it. The other thing means when you are stuck with a 50% winrate, it takes way longer to climb to your desired rank, which will be a grind, grind means more time spent in your game, more chances to treat LoL as your hobby.

    • 12 months ago

      Having a child

    • 12 months ago

      Many of my beloved characters mutilated beyond recognition character and gameplay wise, some rendered flat out unplayable like nautilus.

    • 12 months ago

      When i realized there are champs that don't require mana management. Why would anyone pick a mana champ its like handicapping yourself

    • 12 months ago

      Stopped playing for a while
      Asol got reworked
      Decided to never come back

    • 12 months ago

      Soulless S5 rift was the beginning of the end

    • 12 months ago

      quit? why should i? shitting on low silver was fun back then and still is today.

      • 12 months ago

        Based Sex God

        • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      power creep

    • 12 months ago

      switched over to Dota 2 when it was released. played that for a couple of years before eventually realizing that I had fun in maybe 2 out of 10 matches, and then dropped MOBAs altogether. haven't missed the genre one bit.

    • 12 months ago

      autofill. but i don't mind getting filled support it's just a free lane. frick top and jungle.

    • 12 months ago

      >be dev
      >"play your way" *add literal thousands of ways to mix and match*
      >99% of those combinations are unviable

      • 12 months ago

        >create a variety of item builds
        >someone builds an item that a character isnt 'supposed' to have
        >immediately nerfed into the ground

      • 12 months ago

        >create a variety of item builds
        >someone builds an item that a character isnt 'supposed' to have
        >immediately nerfed into the ground

        Why did they nerf tank Pyke of all things? It wasn't even good, it was just dumb fun building frozen heart and iceborn on him.
        Rammus can stack nothing but armour and win, why aren't other characters allowed?

        • 12 months ago

          >Why did they nerf tank Pyke of all things
          >execute on renewable cooldown that grants other people the same kill gold
          >on top of camouflage
          >and a dash
          I wonder why

    • 12 months ago

      Riots plain incompetence with handling Yuumi. They made her so miserable to play, came back after a year or so she's been reworked and feels even worse to play.

      • 12 months ago

        lmao suck shit parasite

        • 12 months ago

          I get it no one likes the cat. Most Yuumi players are mouth breathers, paired with most adcs who have no clue how to play with her. It's night and day when it works vs when it doesn't.

    • 12 months ago

      When I saw that people were being tryhards even in aram, and everytime I play very well in mid or top there's always a fricker who will feed (often the premade bot)

    • 12 months ago

      Never started

    • 12 months ago

      I bought Fallout 76 for 10 bucks, gave it s try and said bye to lol.
      Scratches the same itch, but is actually entertaining instead of anger inducing

    • 12 months ago

      Literally played two games in my life and saw that it was a soul destroying grindfest filled with autistic subhumans. That was pretty much ten years ago.

    • 12 months ago

      Just grew away from it over time. I started playing in 2010. By 2016 none of my friends were playing anymore, things kept changing for the sake of change, and I didn't feel like keeping up with it.

    • 12 months ago

      too many damn nogs

    • 12 months ago

      My friends stopped playing.
      They also nerfed the champion i liked to play as (Rammus) and made him slower

    • 12 months ago

      They nerfed Shaco too many times, and they keep doing it, to the point that he was, and I'm pretty sure still is, in a negative win-rate despite being mainly played by one trick players

      I can play anyone, and used to play anyone from S1 to S4, but they changed characters, items, how the lane work, jungle, etc so much, that I only had fun with 1 character, and they nerfed him so much that he became unfun

      Oh btw dota is trash and turn-rate is the most brainded mechanic you can put in a non RTS

      • 12 months ago

        Filtered by one of the most important mechanics of the game

        • 12 months ago

          Oh no, what am I going to play now...

          • 12 months ago

            >former shaco main
            Games you don't enjoy.

            • 12 months ago

              I love BlazBlue thought

              • 12 months ago

                Gross. Get away from me.

      • 12 months ago

        It's sad really, because the game DotA is ripped from (warcraft 3) executed turn rate significantly better.

        They got their own engine and decided to fricking nuke the gameplay experience. I don't even know why; kiting is still viable.

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah, I'm actually being harsh by calling Dota trash, there is a ton of fun stuff in the game, but turn-rate is just not fun, I even played Meepo to pretend I was playing some kind of RTS so that it wouldn't bother me as much but heh.

          • 12 months ago

            >turn-rate is just not fun
            Well that's just your opinion, gay

    • 12 months ago

      The quality of games slowing declining from seasons to seasons. More flame, more griefing, more trolls, more afks.
      I've been ranking in gold for 5 years stray but around season 10, i couldn't even made it out of Silver. The last straw was when i made to Silver 1, 99 LP and then started a losing streak of +10 games full of inting premades, trolls and ragequiters to a point that i ended up in Silver III 12 LP. That's when i unistalled the game and started playing Fighting games instead and waiting for Project L.

      I might give it another go again if Riot ever deliver on this gorgeous Nidalee Update but i KNOW that i will probably regret it.

    • 12 months ago

      quit in s3
      >tired of one person being able to ruin the game for all others
      >forced meta made things boring
      >moronic pre-game setup like runes and masteries that most people don't understand yet it heavily impacts the game
      >old champions nerfs so people would buy the new ones
      >game balance being heavily altered every 2 weeks which was impossible to keep up with for most players
      >new champions pricing upped to 8600 IP (or whatever the highest price point was at that time) which took weeks to farm
      >having to buy champions means people you'll play with will pick subpar options because this is all they have
      >the expectation for average player to be proficient in 5 different roles is not realistic, even pros don't do it but you have to if you soloq
      >losing games to actual bugs like Tristana getting hooked by Tresh mid-jump
      >EU split into EUN and EUW
      >AD scaling should have never been in the game
      >manaless champions with no drawbacks
      >no control over the game unless you play carry and everyone wants to play a fricking carry
      >top and jungle not fun until you happen to pick one of the 5 champions that currently dominate the meta
      >support is boring to play and feels like you have no impact, you can play perfectly and still lose if your carry is a moron
      >surrender spam, people dying once or twice in first 5 minutes then declaring that we should surrender at 15 minutes
      >soloq experience is atrocious, mentally ill people or literal children in every single game

    • 12 months ago

      The realization that competitive team games are dog shit and I want to lose and it be my fault 100% so I turn to chess and tekken

    • 12 months ago

      Game just drifted away from what I liked about it, which was unique characters with themes
      Now it's just generic anime clone #136
      And of course, the removal of all fun
      Dota 2 is just better in EVERY way, this cannot be disputed

    • 12 months ago

      It's not fun to rely on 4 other morons.
      Plus the game just isn't fun

    • 12 months ago

      I never quit. It's still fun

    • 12 months ago

      >2017, 400 hours in-game, managed to climbed to Silver III
      >Wanted to quit because I wasn't getting better at the game and I was a burden to my team-mates
      >Uninstall game, League withdrawal kicks in
      >Spend $20 buying Torchlight on steam
      >Finish that game, never felt the urge to play League again

      It's a rough patch of my life, but I really need to thank that game for helping me get over it

    • 12 months ago

      Pantheon rework, I only ever played lol to play pantheon top

    • 12 months ago

      My friends stopped playing and I never had interest in playing this game on my own in the first place.

    • 12 months ago

      Laning phase
      most games playing mid being "survive the assassin!"

      • 12 months ago

        I wish the problem was the assassins
        Being up against a yasuo mid is the shittiest experience in the game. No way to play

        • 12 months ago

          I'm not even mad about yasuo these days because he's so neutered compared to what he used to be (well, aside from very recently because Galeforce pushed him back to being a strong pick)
          I'm however very glad Yone has a trash winrate currently and that I wasn't around when he was freshly released because damn what a gross champion, it comparatively makes me respect yasuo players who rely on having something to dash to have a way out.

        • 12 months ago

          I pretty much lump him with the assassins as its a struggle to survive
          That prostitute Irelia too

          • 12 months ago

            I guess the takeaway is thay any character with unlimited dashes is turbocancer and extremly unfun to play against

        • 12 months ago

          Lol yasuo mid is my favourite matchup. They’re always so dumb.

          • 12 months ago

            Back when I played, I just picked Sion into him and killed him everytime

        • 12 months ago

          >Play mid Fiddlesticks because it's fun, reliable and meta junkies are subhuman mongrel scum
          >Reliably shits on assassins because they don't know how to play around Bountiful Harvest
          >Against a Yasuo shitter
          >He engages and puts up windwall
          >Nothing in Fiddlesticks' kit is a projectile (including Terrify)
          >He continues to do it, every time, for no reason, despite it never working
          I've noticed that all Yasuo pickers are like this.

          • 12 months ago

            I bet they go to reddit forums after and complain that Yasuo's walls should block all magic spells like they tend to do

          • 12 months ago

            >Play Evelyn mid
            >Basically become second jungler
            >Team seethes at me anyways 90% of the time
            >Uninstall the game

    • 12 months ago

      Tried it a few times because my friends are addicted and it never really clicked with me, I just find it super repetitive and besides there is so much of the game that is hidden behind abstract knowledge, probably because I'm more of an fps gamer.

    • 12 months ago

      Quit? Dota is better, why'd I play that?

    • 12 months ago

      Boring ass gameplay in general, also fanbase is insufferable, especially on ladder, no one blames himself when things go wrong, its always someone else fault, thats why i now play the superior genre, RTS, instead of this shit

    • 12 months ago

      Their pandering to esports ruined the game and made the community extremely gay. At some point they installed really lazy measures to "combat toxicity" over time and the only time there's an actual human in the process is when permabans are applied or a streamer has to get unbanned to continue providing entertainment. The majority of the playerbase is in chinese servers and it takes significantly longer to find EUNE matches than before. The balancing also sucks and it pretty much consists of "let's frick over a bunch of people when there are edge cases or really close cases where 10hp makes all the difference"

      >Both games give top rated accounts some report protection
      Baus literally got permabanned a week ago.

      Honestly he's the only streamer worth watching because he tries off-meta combos, which is how Sion even got popular in the first place. He found out all sorts of tricks with Sion and then everyone started copying him and Riot nerfed Sion. Him constantly getting banned because he "throws" and tries to play the game for fun is ridiculous.

      • 12 months ago

        >tries to play the game for fun is ridiculous
        going 0-13 on FRICKING AP IRELIA as any other person in the community would net you an instant 2 week/perma ban.
        he has done more harm for the community than fricking t1 has.

        • 12 months ago

          Off meta is the only way to play. this is something you learn the first time your pea-brain tries AP Malphite on week 2 of playing the game.

          Its not about winning. its about sometimes winning but mostly sending a message. that message? Lethality Lee Sin aint nothin to frick with.

        • 12 months ago

          >going 0-13 on FRICKING AP IRELIA as any other person in the community would net you an instant 2 week/perma ban.
          But why though?

          • 12 months ago

            because he can get away with it and it generates him views. he knows Riot will never T1 special him so he just account hops and keeps trolling.
            if you mean why AP Irelia should net you a perma ban, I have to assume you don't play the game nor understand Irelia.

            • 12 months ago

              No I mean why would that be bannable

    • 12 months ago

      I quit dota in 2020 when I hit my goal of top 200 on na ladder. Been playing league casually the past year and I unironically enjoy it more, not really pushing ranks or anything just playing 3-4 games a day either solo or with friends. I did hit d4 recently in solos and my only complaint is that jungle has a little too much impact, smurfing is also out of hand but every moba has that issue.

    • 12 months ago

      i finished high school
      that was back around season 5 to 6

    • 12 months ago

      2022 and 2023 (so far) have been absolute dogshit for LoL
      Although that's probably good for me, as I play a lot less than before and can do other things instead of rageplaying LoL

    • 12 months ago

      It became asianboo and (even more of an) e-sportsboo slop. Meaningless character reworks to pander to the former. Skin oversaturation. Lootboxes. Fun game modes removal. Etc, etc.

      Also, you most modern female character skins suffer from particularly bad samefaceness and everything-else-sameness.

    • 12 months ago

      I felt like the grind was senseless, I got skilled enough to reach low diamond if I put all the effort.
      But what's the point? I dont want to make videos, stream, or go pro ( or that I could )
      In 2 or 3 more years of learning and playing, I could probably reach challenger or grand master, but what do I win?
      I only played for a week or two casually to get to gold for the victorious skin, which is garbage, btw.
      I would rather play single-player games where I can relax, or the challenge is for the sake of the challenge, but in the end, the game is made for me to win, unlike multiplayer competitive games where there are games that are impossible to win for things I didnt do.
      Also MMOs and playing fighting games or mario party with friends are enough to satisfy my multiplayer needs

    • 12 months ago

      Years of monotony playing the same shit that makes you bitter
      And Akali rework too, my girl became mainstream so nothing held me back

      • 12 months ago

        It became asianboo and (even more of an) e-sportsboo slop. Meaningless character reworks to pander to the former. Skin oversaturation. Lootboxes. Fun game modes removal. Etc, etc.

        Also, you most modern female character skins suffer from particularly bad samefaceness and everything-else-sameness.

        Akali and her 950 range ultimate with 3 charges that would refresh on kill was so insanely fun, and don't get me started on her passive, her W, and how satisfying the sound of hitting Q was
        Proof that making a character more complex doesn't mean more fun, I never forgave Riot for this, she was first nerfed and then completely reworked because of dominion too

      • 12 months ago

        Thing is, I dont mind playing the same shit. Thats the point of mastery. Sports has all the same rules and the only flavor you get is new players being rotated on teams. But League by itself was fun anyway. No need for anything else.

    • 12 months ago

      40+ min matches

      • 12 months ago

        Riot fricked up by not making more casual and actual fun modes, blitz was promising, some of the minigames were actual fun.
        The PVE mode space odyssey was fun, too, although it got repetitive at the end.

        • 12 months ago

          I've been telling them to make ranked ARAM with bans and shit for years. They don't want good, fun, game modes unless they can sell you a skin or some bullshit.

          • 12 months ago

            >ranked shit on aram

            e-sports ruins every single game that panders to it
            Sure pro-play is still fun to watch as a result, but the game isn't fun to play for the average person
            IRL competitive sports can still be fun to play with people casually, why is it impossible for some games to also achieve this

            Impossible since sports are the execution of human beings while videogames e-"sports" you're the b***h of a clowncil's whims making the patch.

            • 12 months ago

              >Impossible since sports are the execution of human beings while videogames e-"sports" you're the b***h of a clowncil's whims making the patch.
              It's the same in real sports, but the diff is that there the game is set and patches are very rare. In video games, they are patching every other week or month, so you can never get people to be experienced or skilled in the game cause they keep changing shit.

              • 12 months ago

                >It's the same in real sports
                No, the rules are clear and non-restrictive to allow the performance of the athlete, esport shit will have you playing one way as the devs want. LoL is the biggest example why it will never work and the only thing left is appeal to spectacle at best.

              • 12 months ago

                >No, the rules are clear and non-restrictive to allow the performance of the athlete
                There's still no difference. The same thing applies in video games. I guess what youre trying to say that if a champ can only go one speed, then thats the speed they can go, whereas different players can have different speeds. But that's no different from physical stats of different people.

                The rules surrounding the game are still the same. When you nerf IE, you are changing the meta hard. Whereas in say football, the equipment standards remain the same. I get why you said that but it doesnt work.

              • 12 months ago

                >There's still no difference.
                You're being obtuse on purpose. Videogames restrics too much while sports do not. Football hasn't nerfed anything outside rules for better calls in the late years. LoL is "whoopsie! I don't like fiddle making people mad so we're reducing his power"."

          • 12 months ago

            aram is ranked though it's just not visible client side

    • 12 months ago

      idk man I kinda just grew up into different hobbies and more obligations
      it's insane that I to think that I used to waste 4+ daily hours on this game, I barely get 2 hours of free time these days

      I could still try to play some ARAMs in the weekend if I really wanted but the itch isn't there anymore.

    • 12 months ago

      Dota 2 was just better at the time as a game in general.

    • 12 months ago

      >team based game where team is moronic
      >10 gorillion updates and you have to relearn stupid fricking shit and reworks everytime you come back
      >lgbtpedo homosexualry
      no thanks

    • 12 months ago

      >Tribunal removed, ban system turned into a totalitarian automated mess
      >friends who got me into LoL would get unreasonably angry and whiny and start throwing etc, so I detached myself from them to focus on getting good matches in
      >other premade mates quit and were not much fun to hang with to begin with - friends of friends
      >Team Builder removed, removing any ability for a solo player to Captain a team and make something functional alone, and maybe break the eternal curses of matchmaking
      >everything fun and unexpected was dragged behind a shed and shot in the head to maintain a sterile e-sports-ready game
      >and the general shift to an obnoxious e-sports focus on all fronts
      >the community ate it up
      >no longer able to just pick my viable usual picks, gotta stick with the meta or some butthole's gonna flip out and waste the next 45 minutes for 9 other people
      >Riot bought out by chinks
      >after introspection on 7 years of playing, I realized I hadn't had any fun in the last 5 of them
      What a pileup.

      • 12 months ago

        >friends who got me into LoL would get unreasonably angry and whiny and start throwing etc, so I detached myself from them to focus on getting good matches in
        I stopped as soon as it came to this point. It's not fun when you and your friends are playing a multiplayer game and you're all just stressing out all the time. It's not worth it.

    • 12 months ago

      It wasn't fun anymore
      Firstly solo sucked, then even coop sucked ass.

    • 12 months ago

      Every champion having a dash/blink/teleport/jump.
      Also losing ranks because 50% of the games had griefers, afkunts and dc'ers.

    • 12 months ago

      Remember when this guy - with his Ph.D. of course - worked at Riot? Remember what his job was? Remember how he accidentally armed the entire problem side of the playerbase he was meant to get to behave with the most dangerous weapon of all; the feelings of being justified in their anger, and accidentally giving entitled tone-deaf idiots the go-ahead to ruin games if they feel unhappy with what's going on, leading to a poisoning of the well as that attitude gets passed around to new players (and on to communities in other games as LoL players move to other games)? Remember how every other social systems guy since then has been trying to fix the problem he caused for the most of a decade, leading to all the goodboi systems the playerbase loves or loathes? 'cause I do.

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah lmao that slimy frick coined the modern usage of "toxic". His disasterous school of thought is still alive and well today and counting.

      • 12 months ago

        literally who

      • 12 months ago

        Remember how he was caught being a creep in dms and had to quit because of it?

    • 12 months ago

      I got masters and felt satisfied with what i achieved and it just didn't feel as fun without chasing a goal and chall gm is too much effort/not actually fun because you cant 1v9 every game and everyone is metaslave in a boring stale meta

    • 12 months ago

      been playing since season 1 and i quit a few times but the icing on the cake was the last major patch that fricked up the items. infinity edge being a mythic and then gutting duskblade made shaco un-fricking-playable. i've been maining AD shaco since season 1 when mobafire told me to spend all my blue essence as i leveled up to 30 on fricking crit damage runes. i've been through hell and back but right now the mythic item system is at its fricking worst. they'll probably finally cave in to the pressure and remove it entirely but i'm not waiting for that to happen. i decided to pick up dota just as it got turned upside-down and i've been having a blast. i've always preferred dota over league since i've been a huge fan of wc3 dota back in 2010 but none of my friends wanted to play it. i've slowly been introducing them to the game so i think my dream is finally coming true. maybe i'm finally free from the curse that is league...

    • 12 months ago

      Every game being the same, same champions, same items, same shit
      Realization of how pointless it is to grind ranked every season again and again, winning doesn't feel good, losing makes you feel miserable.
      The rank does not matter anywhere outside the game, not even inside it, those colorful borders I can't even wipe my ass with, nobody, not even myself with care whether I'm diamond or not.
      Casual matches are full of tryhards that only play meta, I try to pick fun champions and end up getting rolled by unbalanced garbage.

      It's simply an awful fricking game where competitiveness has ruined the fun. I loved playing on season 1 and 2 when everything was new, didn't know what the frick I was doing, every champion was fresh, stacked my inventory with attack speed swords on Urgot in Twisted Treeline, those were the good days.

    • 12 months ago

      Gangplank Rework.

    • 12 months ago

      Never played it. Never will. I refuse to be a goy slopper

    • 12 months ago

      Everything doing more damage than what used to be called "AD carries" while also having more mobility, more utility and much more survival.
      Lesser factors included less free time at that point in time and generally being hardstuck.

    • 12 months ago

      Couldnt tank anymore. Damage too high and champions too overloaded. If the game was a coinflip before, the game is basically a slot machine.

    • 12 months ago

      also continuing to rework and removing old champions instead of just fixing them and making new ones.

    • 12 months ago

      Riot client being on default in the background all the time was the last straw

      • 12 months ago

        You can toggle that off in start settings though.
        They even tell you to.

    • 12 months ago

      ranked elo hell. couldn't get out of platinum. my game history was
      Fricking exhausting. Also, new champ designs are uninteresting and every patch/rework just ruined the game for me.

    • 12 months ago

      Reached platinum
      Knew I wasn't going much further so I quit

    • 12 months ago

      I got banned because I got griefed and subsequently reported by my entire team literally every single game in plat 4 and their shitty automated system picked up the fact I was sometimes typing (explaining to my team why I'm doing bad because they're too moronic to see the allied nunu following me and stealing my camps).
      Basically I got banned for being a jungle player in plat. 10+ year old account with not even a warning all those years before I started playing jungle around gold 1. I appealed the ban and they refused because "Our automated system is perfect so we never unban people" meanwhile Baus got off 20 times.
      I tracked the griefers' accounts for 3 months afterwards (looked them up once every 2 weeks), they were never punished. So I decided not to make a new account. Griefing is a-ok but even if you compliment your team too much in chat you get flagged (literally happened on stream to a streamer). Why even play?

    • 12 months ago

      >Go to your role
      >Play the game to the best of your ability
      >Maybe win maybe lose
      >Your opponent
      >Has Mobafire and Porofessor open on their other monitor, being told exactly what to build and when, and who to gank because these cheating applications use Riot's API to tell you who is least likely to have a ward up.
      Day of the secondary app cheater mass ban will be the best day for League.

    • 12 months ago

      >+100 replies
      How can dota even compete?

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      >Go into match
      >Enemy team usernames:
      >CHI NI DA CHU
      >All the picks are assassinslop bullshit

    • 12 months ago

      realized I wasn’t having fun anymore and that my friends who play it are losers

    • 12 months ago

      Some time during Season 4-5 when I realized the mobility creep was getting insane and the game was nothing like what I started playing in S1. It's also around the time esports bullshit started bleeding fully into solo queue (every moron was trying to Insec kick on Lee) and all the creativity of the game died. There were now only a handful of builds that made sense on any champ so they could be rigorously tested by 5 million asiatics the day any patch came out and people not only knew what worked in comp but also what was good for stomping solo queue.

    • 12 months ago

      >every new champion must have a dash (sometimes up to 4), needs huge damage skills or a passive that stacks over time for increased damage/slowdown/stun, it can run faster than speedy gonzales on drugs, or tank more than an actual tank-focused champ.
      this and the excessive focus towards e-sport making "fun" strats absolute garbage, and their
      obsession with cosmetics. every update must have a cosmetic or two.
      bug fixes? nah.
      client fixes? nah.
      actually bother to deal with the shitty anticheat/automated ban system? nah.
      do something about the morons throwing games because they dont feel like being a jg/supp and demand you give em adc/top/mid or simply got their fav champ blocked on pick selection?nah.
      but dont you dare say anything mean! here, have more cosmetics and champs, dont worry about anything else.
      no wonder they moved to china, other than a few autistic spergs only in china would this shitty company make actual profits.

      • 12 months ago

        Once they said that the game was never going to be done, we knew it was just a cashgrab.

    • 12 months ago

      It's really funny how everyone can remember the last game of League they played. The game that made them say, "never again." It's truly a magical game because I honestly don't remember my last game of SC2 or DotA2.

      I do remember the screams of my raid leader in my last WoW raid before I uninstalled the game.

      • 12 months ago

        Oh I remember it alright.

        >playing Sion
        >built tank items
        >have a lot of gold and even beat my lane opponent
        >none of my tank stuff matter cause the mid ap and the bot adc mythic makes mines obsolete.
        >watch as all the health and resists I built end up worthless as I am torn apart in a second or two.

        I use to make thread after thread on the old riot forums and now reddit (where they got removed and downvoted cause homosexualry), explaining the problems with resists and tank features in general. I gave essays of examples of how to fix the damage problem and to make people have more meaningful choices to fix the game itself.

        All of it fell on deaf ears. I then uninstalled and never looked back.

        • 12 months ago

          Needs a slice for office sexual harassment lawsuit settlements

          • 12 months ago

            Its the unsassigned one at the bottom. And the Design can be absorbed into it cause it's not like Riot cares about game design.

        • 12 months ago

          Good. Frick Tank players. You guys are the lowest skill 0 IQ motherfrickers of any game. No want for mechanical skill or actually carrying games.
          No. You homosexuals are happy with literally stat checking and wienerblocking opponents. You're happy when the lane's 0/0 at 15 minutes. You guys make the game fricking boring to play and watch. I remember and miss league of cleavers. You will never be good at the game until you start picking things that have some risk to them.

          • 12 months ago

            Pffft, dude, you just admitted anonymously to all other anons that you're shit and bad.
            All us cool tanks play Mord & Vlad.

          • 12 months ago

            >stat checking
            Blame Riot for this. We're suppose to be there for wienerblocking, which I am on the same page with you as what we should only be able to do. We never asked to be beefy bruisers or have damage out the ass. We just want to be as annoying as possible, and that requires having lots of annoying stuff and tankiness. Something Riot wouldnt let us do.

          • 12 months ago

            Pure tanks like Rammus were never the issue, its juggernauts and whatever the frick Bucksante is.
            They always rush the same items without fail, ie: steraks gage, frozen mallet and or titanic hydra while doing a lot of damage for free.

          • 12 months ago

            Pffft, dude, you just admitted anonymously to all other anons that you're shit and bad.
            All us cool tanks play Mord & Vlad.

            Hell, even with that Anon's post, he's just bad at Sion. Of course you don't build tank items on him, you just go for raw damage first, THEN damage+health items. Resistances? Frick that trash, you're playing an undead wrecking ball. When you smash a fricker with your Q, you're supposed to deal at least 75% of their health in damage AND stun them.
            And frick, don't even get me started on mercury boots combined with his charge.
            Shit, even old Sion before his rework was built more or less the same. Stack a frick ton of damage.

          • 12 months ago

            Yeah, people like me made playing tanks look brainless as it looks easy in my hands.
            That’s why you are shit anon.

      • 12 months ago

        For me it was when I was 7/1 on Jhin bot lane and my team FF'd at 15 despite the enemy team only having 8 kills total.

    • 12 months ago

      shen and akali rework

    • 12 months ago

      I quit playing around season 3. I used to play a lot of AD Kat, Xin, Attack speed Shen/shenruto(forgot the build from lolg) on SR and ARAM mode with lolg until they nerfed items and can't stack them. Sword of the divine was my favorite item. I play time to time on new ARAM for a week or two then quit since itemization is boring now and power crept champions and reworks just suck.

    • 12 months ago

      Widening gap between S tier champions and the rest of the roster. There was always a meta lineup, sure. But it started to become oppressively "always be playing these 15 champions out of a 150-200 champion or you're at a substantial disadvantage". You could get away with whatever at the lower MMRs, sure because of most what holds them back is garbage macro. But you started getting your MMR remotely high and the game starts to become extremely repetitive and stale.
      You're at the mercy of what they decide to patch in a couple of weeks to inject a small burst of fun into the game again, and it's entirely possible that patch would change something irrelevant to current meta and you'd be stuck with the stale shit for the next 2 weeks at minimum.

    • 12 months ago

      >all these yous
      this 'game' is cursed

    • 12 months ago

      Forced meta where the same popular champs were maintained but anything deemed unpopular was left to be broken pieces of shit while they kept revamping shit to be less f2p friendly like them constantly increasing IP prices for new champions.

      One of the worst devs I've had the misfortunate of interacting with

    • 12 months ago

      e-sports ruins every single game that panders to it
      Sure pro-play is still fun to watch as a result, but the game isn't fun to play for the average person
      IRL competitive sports can still be fun to play with people casually, why is it impossible for some games to also achieve this

      • 12 months ago

        esports was fun to me cause I was engaged in the game already so it was fun to watch pros play

        the problem with today esports is that they try to make the game fun to watch to everyone, including their grandmother. That's where you lose everything.

    • 12 months ago

      - having to commit into a single game for 40-60min and getting punished for leaving is terrible
      - 5v5 online games are too addicting
      - 50/50 winrate means you're going to have bad time half of the time

      single player games or 30v30 game modes are less addicting and also you get to enjoy them like 90% of the time

    • 12 months ago

      They actively try to eliminate the fun and simple champs from the game and make everything new have 20 gap closers and invis.

    • 12 months ago

      Gragas re-work. They killed my boy.

      • 12 months ago

        I miss old Gragas. Not just cause of AP but I loved that I could stay in lane for as long as I want until I felt like going back. If the game had couriers, he would have been a very good champ.

        • 12 months ago

          yeah, his sustain and poke was really fun, and it at least required a forethought of skill to use. His burst was insane as well, but also a little tricky to really pull off.

    • 12 months ago

      It's an unreal timesink and they nixed the rune page, which was the only real customization left

      • 12 months ago

        >realized that if the game had not been changed, I would be in diamond easily
        >also realized the reason they kept making it harder to climb is so that the average person is unable to every "solve" the game by getting to high ranks
        >so instead of most experienced people being in diamond+, they deliberately made it so the average person stayed in gold 2 at most

        In any other game, the more experience you have along with more wins together, the more your rank should go up. League of legends is one of the few ranked games that doesnt take this into account.

        >you've played this game for ten years and have a very good rbi, but because we only give you rank points based on how many wins and losses you got with nine other randoms, we don't care about your experience. Just your dice rolls.

        Whenever I think about installing again, I just let that play through my head to remind me of the headache.

    • 12 months ago

      Reached masters and in order to reach above that I had to literally harm myself and not study at all for uni. Also had anxiety induced eczema all over my body which pretty much gave me all the signs to quit.

    • 12 months ago

      >ONE result

      I quit years and years ago. Sometime before Jhin release (I know as I came back for a little bit as Jhin is cool) the game and company got bought out by Tencent which then the game slowly but surely became soulless. The same happened to PoE/GGG. I even bought the physical edition of it. I miss old-school league. I don't care for ASSgay anymore, especially since they all die/are garbage now and nothing new out there or coming up.
      I can't believe more didn't quit here. It was the biggest red flag that the game was about to go down the shitter.

    • 12 months ago

      I got about 20 some games in and I just realized that MOBAs were kind'a shit and never went back.

    • 12 months ago

      Ghostcrawler with his boner for ranged champions
      Top lane being unplayable
      Them releasing asiaticbait champions for the esports audience
      Gnar and Ekko and Ryze dominating top lane at the time were basically it.

    • 12 months ago

      Evelyn rework pushed me to make a detox chamber.

      • 12 months ago

        wtf am I looking at

        • 12 months ago

          it's a shitty basic version of LoL that I used to 'get my fix' while quitting.
          it's designed to be played on a controller, but right clicking kinda works lmao. There's only 9 champions too, but when I didn't want to play anymore I stopped fixing it up.

          • 12 months ago

            Not bad. I was thinking of making something similar in Unreal

            • 12 months ago

              It was a fun exercise too, I do recommend trying it if you've already considered doing that.

              • 12 months ago

                I just did. Though there is a lot of lack of things like feedback on abilities and what is being used or not.

              • 12 months ago

                oh sorry, I meant trying to make something in unreal not the game.

              • 12 months ago

                I'll likely post it in the commin weeks as soon as Im done with job interviews

              • 12 months ago

                good luck with both. If you post in the dev thread some time it is up, I'll probably see it.

    • 12 months ago

      they nerfed all my fav chars (talon, amumu, cho'gath)

    • 12 months ago

      - Degradation of the fog of war
      - Degradation of mana and cooldowns meaningfully limiting ability use
      - Massively overloaded champion kits with paragraph passives on abilities that are already good on their own
      - Damage Creep
      - Reworks and redesigns ruining my favorite characters
      - More RNG elements like nu-Drake
      - My favorite role (jungle) changing season to season
      - Design aesthetic went from Western sexy, to Western sexless (Leona and Diana are still cute), to Chinese Sexy (generic gatcha character dog shit, also no skeletons)

    • 12 months ago

      I was already planning to quit after I reached diamond trolling 2k games with shaco support.
      Yuumi made it annoying to play so I stopped. After seeing the new "champion" release trailer, I never felt more happy to have quit when I did.
      Can't wait when tyler has had enough, quits, and the sheep following in droves.

    • 12 months ago

      What could have not made me quit it's a better question.

    • 12 months ago

      I just got tired of trying to carry a team that couldn't cooperate, which was 9 out of 10 games. Then there's the complete removal of kits under the guise of a "rework" for some champions. That and the blatant China pandering with skins and events.

    • 12 months ago

      Game was not fun, I was starting to be able to predict outcomes and the big mistakes that cost games, and when my character just unable to do anything at all to improve the situation, then realized you could just sit there forever in a lost game while your team implodes and shits itself.
      Then I just realized I was only playing for the first victory of the day to slowly farm currency for the luxury of affording either another character that might be fun or a bunch of new runes
      This was around the time the plant b***h released, started playing around the time skarner was added

      A few years later I started playing HotS and realized how fricking generic everything in LoL is, but started being aware of lost games and shit comps again.
      Still missing how fun was doing backdoors as aba or nydus zagara

    • 12 months ago

      Would've quit if it wasn't for Jhin being the best fricking champ they've made

  4. 12 months ago

    >bot lane dies before you finish your clear
    >enemy team is basically guaranteed dragon soul
    >team that gets dragon soul has 90% win rate
    >lose and everyone types 'jungle diff'
    how do you handle this situation Ganker?

    • 12 months ago

      Not playing league has been the only strategy that works for me.

    • 12 months ago

      by playing only ARAM

    • 12 months ago

      That 90% number is overrated, the team that gets soul is almost always already in control of the game before getting soul. Surely it's good, but you can't attribute all of that winrate to the buffs. In general, people can't understand stats and what you can conclude bases on them.

    • 12 months ago

      I report my teammates for trolling and then post interracial porn to Twitter

  5. 12 months ago

    op diff. No actually he's p good at sucking wiener

  6. 12 months ago

    >Still plays this shit
    Game is a buggy mess full of scripts and bots leveling up accounts on the "intro" tab for AI games.
    Stop denying reality and wake up, you're just addicted to it, you will never be a professional player, your ranked matches mean nothing & you will never make a penny out of streaming this shit on Jeff Bezos company.

    • 12 months ago

      >Pick blitz support
      >Grab the enemy adc because I predict where they're going to dodge
      >They scream that I'm a 'script kid'

      lol this fanbase is funny as frick

  7. 12 months ago

    >playing amumu jungle
    >perfect gank bottom lane. both teammates are there, enemies bot are overextending, and my ult is ready
    >land both qs, two es, and my r
    >look at map and both teammates ran away and backed
    what makes these people so moronic?

    • 12 months ago

      as a jg/adc player. do NOT fricking gank when there is a stacked wave under OUR turret. let us clear the wave for xp and gold.
      giving up that wave for a chance at a kill is never worth it.

      • 12 months ago

        why not? if the adc is killed, you'll have more waves to farm!

        • 12 months ago

          setting up the wavestate/resetting it to neutral is honest to god worth more than a kill.
          if I don't kill this wave under turret it's going to slow push to them since my creeps stopped to attack them that in turns means they can freeze under their own turret which leaves our bot lane open to being ganked.
          it's why players like Baus can unironically die and fricking WIN lane because of it. wave management is extremely important.

  8. 12 months ago

    i do not care how much you homosexuals cry, it is always jungle diff.

  9. 12 months ago

    "gg Darius, I wished I had a good jungler for my matchup but he's trash. Report (OP), go next"

    • 12 months ago

      jungler should be on krugs looks for top side gank 🙂

    • 12 months ago

      >moron top doesn't know how to cancel Renek's combo. you R->E to reset the auto
      >dives into darius while blood stack is up
      >doesn't flash into circle so darius gets no heal
      absolute moron.

      • 12 months ago

        In all fairness this is the old release Darius with instant Q spin and 2k true damage ultimates. You won't be winning against this as a bruiser

        • 12 months ago

          Old Darius didn't heal on Q.

      • 12 months ago

        That's boomer League. People are a lot better than they used to be then.

  10. 12 months ago

    I got to Diamond again today by spamming my one main champion that isn’t even meta.
    If you can’t carry yourself out of pisslow with your main then you’re probably not very good at the game. What’s stopping you from just killing the enemy jungler?

    • 12 months ago

      >hurrr i got to global again today using only p250s and scouts. if you can't climb from LEM to global, you're bad
      no shit you fricking moron. i am a NEW PLAYER, NOT A FRICKING EXPERIENCED MOBA GAMER. have a nice day c**t

  11. 12 months ago

    Winning Jungle and Mid is unironically the only roles that matter. The rest are filler

  12. 12 months ago

    it was kino

    • 12 months ago

      >iwdom rushes into fricking merc treads and hexblade, completely losing any early advantage he could possibly accrue against a rapidly scaling wriggles shyvana. The good news is now he dies in one entire ten spell rotation from the fed ryze instead of only needing seven spells
      >voyboy backs with some like 2k gold in the midgame and buys WOTA straight up; the only person on his team that deals significant magic damage is a fricking swain so the aura is completely fricking useless. he basically finished hextech revolver and then threw 1100 gold in the trash
      >scarra finished RoA in a relatively timely fashion but I think he somehow managed to make actually 0 gold from that point
      >Locust and QT did perfectly fine but eventually got drowned in 2v4s because their team is filled with idiots

    • 12 months ago

      >those icons
      >those models
      >that map
      >those creeps
      Holy FRICK take me back. Frick Riot for killing the legacy LoL project, I would've played the shit out of that.

  13. 12 months ago

    It's always the carries fault

  14. 12 months ago

    Maybe it is time for Riot to ACTUALLY CHANGE THE MAP.

  15. 12 months ago


  16. 12 months ago

    Please just play Dota

    • 12 months ago

      This. we have NO JUNGLER and in fact Icefrog would personally execute you if you try to jungle level 1

    • 12 months ago

      Is that the game with Lina Inverse?

    • 12 months ago

      i want to but i hear it's harder than league :c

      • 12 months ago

        it is but thats what makes it fun, the amount of bullshit that happens in dota is refreshing compared to how on rails league is

    • 12 months ago

      >Please sirs Do not REDEEM League of Legends
      No one is going to play your shitty dogshit dota game, Pajeet.

    • 12 months ago

      >open market for cosmetics meaning items are 200-1000 dollars

      frick you

      • 12 months ago

        >he pays money for digital clothes
        point and laugh

        • 12 months ago

          rajesh nobody wants to play your game ahahahaha

      • 12 months ago

        Most cosmetics sell for less than a dollar. What are you on about?

    • 12 months ago

      requires a brain. Something that most of these zoomers don't have.

    • 12 months ago

      i quit that shit way faster back in 2014 with the comeback shit
      can't imagine it being any better now

    • 12 months ago

      most people here don't have the mental fortitude for dota
      most people playing dota still don't

    • 12 months ago

      >Please play the game where matches are decided in 10 minutes but continue for over an hour of seal clubbing as your eastern european teammates scream at eachother

    • 12 months ago

      Shut the FRICK up don't bring these animals over to Dota

    • 12 months ago

      No, Ganker is for Leaguechads only

    • 12 months ago

      League is so much better than DOTA and it's not even close.

    • 12 months ago

      league shits on dota

      • 12 months ago

        >rampage doesnt draw kissing pov anymore
        >we will never have a big collection of lol girls kiss faces

    • 12 months ago

      >no ARAM
      no thanks

    • 12 months ago


  17. 12 months ago

    >new champion is just a bunch of dogs

  18. 12 months ago

    I only play this game due to having unique ways to play. They slowly nerf it but I find ways to make it work with fun champs so it’s always a bit random on how the games play out.

  19. 12 months ago

    Any TFT players? Thoughts on set 9?

  20. 12 months ago

    haha follow me on insta 😀

    • 12 months ago

      >real people sending good vibes to a fricking bot account
      God damn what the frick was that?!

      • 12 months ago

        I think its where riot peaked being psychotic.

    • 12 months ago

      I hate Seraphine and since she's basically modeled on the modern woman, I think I hate women.

      • 12 months ago

        I like seraphine but i dont follow any loreshit only play the gane n like idolshit

      • 12 months ago

        >let's take sona and make her a korean b***h
        I hate her too

        • 12 months ago

          That's a thing that always threw me off. That's supposed to be a chink???
          I know chinks and asiatics want to be white but that's ridiculous.

    • 12 months ago

      I hate Seraphine and since she's basically modeled on the modern woman, I think I hate women.

      the fact that her hoverboard thing is powered by the souls of skarner's race makes me seethe

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah but skarner's race love it because riot rewrote the lore to justify genocide

      • 12 months ago

        Funnily enough I think they retconned that after Riot realized they couldn't both have their "uwu waifu idol" and have her potentially be a psychopath who uses the screams of trapped souls to make her mix tape

        • 12 months ago

          Which sucks because an uwu waifu idol who is actually a sociopath would be infinitely more interesting than the bland piece of shit she is right now.

  21. 12 months ago

    I'm playing Paragon the Overprime, no more League of Legends for me.

  22. 12 months ago

    I intentionally throw every other match to stay in bronze so that I can play Morgana support win every lane and routinely be top damage.

  23. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      Goddamn, what a flashback to old /lolg/ days
      I wonder if that website is still up

    • 12 months ago

      I miss when lol tournaments were clash of personalities. The current lcs is just soulless.

  24. 12 months ago

    as if you had any room to speak

  25. 12 months ago

    i only play aram and sometimes tft, only play jungle if i need a new chest

  26. 12 months ago

    League was when I realized that ranked modes should be taken out of every video game.
    Everyone should be in the same queue all the time and the only balancing should be fun, not perfect esports homosexual shit.

    • 12 months ago

      >muh ranked
      matchmaking is the real cancer. it tries to make sure that you play as long as possible, and if you start doing too well, it will do everything in its power to ensure that 50% winrate.

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah that goes without saying, but I didn't realize that until I started playing over watch a few years later
        Literally 50% win rate no exceptions

  27. 12 months ago
  28. 12 months ago

    You know. I used to think that League's community was congealed cancer. But I've been playing Dota 2 again after years recently. And I have to say that League has a very reasonable community at the end of the day.
    Maybe it's because League has segregated servers so I only play with people from NA which means you play with mostly civilized individuals.
    Playing Dota 2 on the supposedly NA servers has you match with people from China and South America. The Chinese at least don't really type but the South Americans and Mexicans make me want to do violent things at times. I used to think the letter government agencies kinda fricked over a lot of the South Americans back in the day but now I think they should've left those degenerates in the stone age. Holy shit why can't Valve just make the servers be region locked. It feels like you're playing with moronic apes. I can understand spanish and I don't know wtf most of these subhumans are typing a lot of the time.
    Even though I like playing Dota 2 it's a game where you really have to perma mute. I've never muted people in League and I've played that game since before seasons were a thing. Doesn't help that it has voice chat so when you have some nasal mouthbreather that sounds like his some 140 pound little homosexual calling you an idiot. Ooh man.
    Another thing. I've never been warned for reports on league after over 10 years of it. Less than 2 weeks on Dota 2 and I got one.

    • 12 months ago

      League has just censored its community by banning people for any kind of flaming while dota is one of the last few places you can get away with shit talking and even encourages it with things like tips and taunting.

      • 12 months ago

        I don't know. You have people like Tyler1 that do nothing but shit talk. It's still well and alive in league. What I can't stand is some moronic brazilian or whatever the frick running it's mouth. I shouldn't even be on a game with them. Or having some sheldon sounding frick using voice chat to flame.

        • 12 months ago

          Both games give top rated accounts some report protection because otherwise people will snipe them on queue to mass report. Streamers were literally in shambles beforehand.

          • 12 months ago

            >Both games give top rated accounts some report protection
            Baus literally got permabanned a week ago.

  29. 12 months ago

    >new to mobas
    >matches me with people who have been playing the game for years
    really dude? -_____-

  30. 12 months ago

    The game is incredibly obnoxious to play there simply isn't enough bans to get every homosexual champ that zips around the map on 20 resetting dashes that give them shields and lifesteal and attack speed and he can one shot the adc and then he pentas because he gets extra damage when he kills someone and and and... Not to mention we're still playing on the same fricking map for over a decade.

  31. 12 months ago

    >JG doesn't gank shoved lanes
    >Gets invaded and dies
    >Bot gets shoved in, lose dragon
    >Top and mid shoved in, lose rift
    Literally gank you useless frick, and we'll go invade their jg together you moron

  32. 12 months ago

    I care nothing for the game save for the girls.

    • 12 months ago

      Annie is pretty young.
      We try to not sexualize her.

      • 12 months ago

        you need to go back

  33. 12 months ago

    >teammates die THREE FRICKING TIMES to pre 6 malphite jungle ganks
    >somehow this is MY fault
    FRICK LANEBlack folk

  34. 12 months ago

    What if we removed the jungle and just made top or mid a second support lane?

  35. 12 months ago

    >40% of the roster is unfun to play against
    >can only ban one champ
    epic sauce!

  36. 12 months ago

    Give me 1 reason other than you're addicted and can't quit for why you're playing this game after it was ruined post Season 3

  37. 12 months ago

    >say words
    >chat stolen
    how is this fair

    • 12 months ago

      >1 year
      stop saying the n word

    • 12 months ago

      your fault for playing a cucked game.

      >1 year
      stop saying the n word

      >defending pozzed companies
      get a load of this corporate drone

      • 12 months ago

        >corporate drone
        thank god chat filters gets you spergs banned in every modern game, it's nice not having to deal with you schizophrenics.

        • 12 months ago

          ironic given that you zoomers are the generation known for bypassing chat filters (see le dollar bean, mascara, and other zoomer lingo cancer)

          • 12 months ago

            >i hate thing that i dont like
            nice meme, have a nice day if living is too hard

            • 12 months ago

              >the zoomer takes his mask off, his hatred burning brightly with the intensity of a flamethrower
              >he's just as spiteful and bitter as you are, but unable to speak his mind. his fear of words weighs him down like a ball and chain does a prisoner. truly a pathetic existence
              anyway, lol homosexual

          • 12 months ago

            >makes fun of zoomers
            >is a 30+ year old balding millennial who behaves like a 16 year old in fortnite

            • 12 months ago

              zoomers don't have the nerve to call others homosexual. they're too afraid their mom will wash their mouth with soap.
              now go have a nice day.

    • 12 months ago

      >chat stolen
      Good. How to remove it entirely from the game?

    • 12 months ago

      I only report people if they make me lose
      If there's a shitter feeding I bait them into calling me no-no words so I can actually get them banned
      Don't hate the player, hate the game

  38. 12 months ago
  39. 12 months ago

    >top, mid, and jg jump me because I was trouncing the enemy top at like 5-0

    >top diff, top diff, top diff
    >no one pings that enemies are missing
    >no one take the opertunity to push
    >they just feed one at a time i to the three man on top
    >top diff, top diff, top diff

    The lack of braincells

  40. 12 months ago

    Love that "countered in pick phase" is still a thing
    It blows my mind how much kvetching Riot did early-on about "burden of knowledge" and yet there's still so many champs that force the enemy team to play differently and innately cut off most enemy strategies or comps just by fricking existing.

  41. 12 months ago

    the game is the same shit literally every match, why the frick do you morons eat the same slop over and over again? god damn, the number one thing i hate is when people waste their lives not trying different shit before they die. Many friends of mine dumped all their other interests to play league only to become chronically aggravated and boring individuals. They'd skip out on fricking everything to play more league and inevitably got mad/salty by the end. You can do so many other things in life or play thousands of more enjoyable games with greater variety, but you ignore it all to consume something you hate? jesus frick.

    • 12 months ago

      Me but with TF2. Fricking hate it with every ounce of my soul due to how much Valve caters to and sucks off Soldier mains. Only play it since everything I actually wanna play is dead and Persona 6 isn't out yet. I have legitimately been on the verge of a rage-induced heart attack because of Soldiergays. Frick you if you main Soldier.

  42. 12 months ago

    >garbage post
    didn't read

  43. 12 months ago

    you noticed the frogpost, which counts as an engagement therefore i succeeded

  44. 12 months ago

    >smurf account #102938 is currently being stolen, do you want to do anything?

  45. 12 months ago

    >pick riven/renekton and start with red pot
    >after 15 minutes you were either 1v2ing the other top and jungler or being flamed by your whole team for going 0/3+

    It was a different time.

  46. 12 months ago


  47. 12 months ago

    >say moronic
    >chat banned for 2 days
    epic. simply epic!

  48. 12 months ago

    >farming camps while I get dived


    • 12 months ago

      >Snowball lanes
      >They throw because they are dogs
      >You are behind because you helped them instead of farming
      >Lose and get flamed for being lower level than the enemy jng

      • 12 months ago

        Here's a life lesson you can learn from that shitty game: it's all in how others perceive you.
        >if you try something and others think you did well, you'll get praised, even if you actually fricked up
        >if you do what's right and things go wrong, you'll get shit on, even if you did things right

  49. 12 months ago

    24 games.
    24 games in a row where my jungler just straight up killed himself in my lane.
    You jungle players are fricking maggots, you don't deserve my respect.

  50. 12 months ago

    >queue as melee top lane
    >enemy is caitlyn
    another game ruined. it's not even fricking fun dude

    • 12 months ago

      >be bad

      • 12 months ago

        how do you counter it then b***h? yeah, exactly. you fricking can't unless your jungler babysits

        • 12 months ago

          dorans shield + second wind. If you want to go call the way rush tabis. Caitlyn is shit she should be easy kills if you dont suck. Now akshan top is a different deal, frick that guy

    • 12 months ago

      adc top doesn't have as much waveclear potential. go join your jg and gank mid or frick up their jungle (get scuttle or place a ward in their jg to know when the jg is around)
      keep an eye on the map to prevent mid and top from collapsing, and if enemy mid dares face you, your mid will back you up.
      there's so much shit you can do
      also if you have map mobility you could tp bot and kill their bot, then get plates.

  51. 12 months ago

    The only thing this game is good for is gay yordle porn, prove me wrong

  52. 12 months ago

    I have friends who keep telling me to play league with them and I don't want to but I want to spend time with them.

    • 12 months ago

      Get them into playing better games.

  53. 12 months ago

    For me its magnetus and aka6 Ahri.

  54. 12 months ago

    sex with neeko

    • 12 months ago

      >can transform into literally anything
      >is transformed in less than 5% of her smut (rounded up to nearest 5 percentile)
      What gives, lolbabbies?

      • 12 months ago

        But all league smut is just variations of transformed Neeko?

  55. 12 months ago

    Random teammates didn't read my mind and play at world champion level thus game does not deserve me playing it.

  56. 12 months ago

    I got gold in Season 1 and plat in season 2, then quit for 10 years. Started playing ARAMs only with a friend a few months ago, and it's fine. As long as you aren't playing the gay ass main game mode of AIDS, the game has fun other stuff.

  57. 12 months ago

    top lane is for fricking homosexuals. nothing but smurfs and tryhard ranged adcs. fricking gay ass game.

    • 12 months ago

      I play azir and vayne top to remind the top shitters what it feels like to versus their cancer broken champs

  58. 12 months ago

    I am mad as frick they turned the two cool cowboys into gays.

    • 12 months ago

      Well i think graves wasn't really a homosexual, it's just TF that kept teleporting naked straight on his dick or inside his ass whenever the poor graves was super-horny and wanted to frick some girl

  59. 12 months ago

    imagine playing league now that's a
    >Brain Diff

  60. 12 months ago

    Too much reworking champs making them worse both in gameplay and in lore
    I left after they made Xerath a Jafar expy

  61. 12 months ago

    Realizing (instantly) that Battlerite was better

  62. 12 months ago

    Warwick is the best thing league has made and will never be topped.

  63. 12 months ago

    >>jg diff
    skill issue

  64. 12 months ago

    Took a break for some years. Was in the top 200 from s2 - s5. Permabanned so often i cant even count it anymore. I troll whenever someone plays like dogshit and is toxic.
    Hilarious to me there are people with 1000+ games below master elo that blame team
    My favorite moment is when they realize that they wont get carried by me.
    I love Inting and i will never stop it. I genuinely enjoy it to ruin normies games.

  65. 12 months ago

    got a penta with Akshan yesterday

  66. 12 months ago

    I'm having fun playing this game sometimes but most of the time people should get a fricking psychology test before even launching this game, some people just queue into the game, go 0/2 and instantly want to disconnect only to queue again fricking lmao, the kind of mentality you get after inventing surrender button

  67. 12 months ago

    anyone here play TFT?

    how are we enjoying yet another Mortdog special where the 2star level 4 Units render all 10 minutes of previous decisions moot?

    • 12 months ago

      I've been enjoying stacking Garen with Attack Speed so he spins like a madman across the entire board. Either that or maxing AP on Kalista so she just deletes the entire board.

    • 12 months ago

      TFT is so fricking good. I can't believe they kept this piece of shit fad genre fresh and enjoyable.

    • 12 months ago

      I quit because there is zero sense of accomplishment in winning. There is no interaction between players and people instantly leave when they lose.
      Most of the games end up being one-sided victor of the draw escapades where you were going to win or going to lose no matter what you did because the card pool is stacked against you or for you.

      This applies both to solo and team play.

    • 12 months ago

      i played one season and the shitty yumis still wrecked everything

  68. 12 months ago

    just stop jungling ya dipshit

  69. 12 months ago

    2 more years and they remove jungle

  70. 12 months ago

    >League threads are filled with people crying about the state of the game, but at least it's better than DOTA!
    >DOTA threads are filled with people crying about the state of the game, but at least it's better than League!
    >HoN players mourning and huffing copium that Ice frog ports their heroes to DOTA
    >Heroes of the Storm players are just blizzdrones, which are crying about their latest game
    MOBAs truly are a cursed genre.

  71. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      >Could've gotten Xolaani
      >Get a dog instead

      I don't even care for the card game but their concepts blow the shit the league team comes up with out of the water.

      • 12 months ago

        i sincerely cannot believe they managed to make the darkin actually interesting. that who expansion was a slam dunk

        • 12 months ago

          He looks cool, is he in the game? Haven't played for 4 years.

          • 12 months ago

            yeah he's one of the darkin cards, which can be played as equipment on top of existing units or as more expensive units themselves. this one is a real frick to deal with cus he makes all the opponents spells cost more while he's attacking. the whole darkin archetype is really well designed, although it was completely broken for a while on release

            • 12 months ago

              Ah you mean the Hearthstone clone? Oh well, way to kill my interest.

    • 12 months ago

      doggystyle bros will be eating good soon

    • 12 months ago

      >we want the bestiality audience

    • 12 months ago


  72. 12 months ago

    >plat last year, climbed to plat 1 and could've got diamond if i just bothered to play a bit more
    >this season, dropped all the way to silver 1
    >can't climb past gold 3, everytime i get to gold 2 i get useless feeders on my team while enemy is all competent
    >watch "teaching" videos explaining various mechanics
    >already know all the shit and do it all in my games
    >watch replays, rarely make any mistakes
    >still can't climb
    idk what happened whether it's the matchmaking or what but something fricked up big time this season

    • 12 months ago

      you were abusing something OP and it got nerfed, lmao. Silver is legitimately free even for golds. As a d1 it takes me 12 games to get out of gold on a new acc. I don't believe you. Don't blame the system.

      • 12 months ago

        >abusing something OP
        At the time I was mostly playing Kai'sa and she had one of the lowest ADC win rates

  73. 12 months ago

    Man, I remember when the meta was young enough that most matches didn't use junglers and you had to convince your team mates to let you kill creeps in the jungle. Better times.

  74. 12 months ago

    I just draw lewd yordle (girls) instead of playing.
    I got banned cause I kept telling enemy Vex/Trist/Poppy/Luly PLAP PLAP PLAP GET PREGNANT in all chat after killing them.

    • 12 months ago

      >I just draw lewd yordle (girls)
      post em

  75. 12 months ago

    >Rework everything
    >2 months later
    >ReRework everything
    >2 months later

    Thanks for reading my blogpost

  76. 12 months ago

    >Deny GP
    >AP Nid
    >babycage infinite stun Veigar
    >AP Kat
    >AP Yi
    >just sunfire cloaks garen
    >metagolem jarvan
    >AP Trist
    >old galieo
    >old nasus
    it had soul

    • 12 months ago

      >old nasus
      how is he any different from current Nasus?

    • 12 months ago

      >old nasus
      how is he any different from current Nasus?

      >be old Nasus
      >your Q stacks infinitely with each kill
      >pair it with Warmogs to stack infinite health with each minion killed
      >become God and win
      It was so fricking fun, the only thing that even comes close anymore is LC in Dota.

      • 12 months ago

        How is that different from current Nasus? His Q stacks infinitely. In fact, it stacks even faster nowadays.

        • 12 months ago

          Warmogs is gone and League is gay as frick now.

          • 12 months ago

            ? warmogs is still in the game
            And if you want infinite health stacking, which is shit on Nasus, you have Grasp+Heartsteel.
            The subpar shitbuilds you could get away with in the past were possible only cause nobody knew how to play the game back then, everybody was a total shitter.
            Nowadays even silvers know to freeze a wave to deny XP.

            • 12 months ago

              >the game was good back when people could have fun
              Damn dude really?

              • 12 months ago

                That's just a thing on all games though, not just League.
                Everybody is way more serious and tryhard.

              • 12 months ago

                I know, it's just kind of an obvious thing to say. I have more fun in Dota and CSGO when I'm fricking around with friends, than when I play ranked.

              • 12 months ago

                Thats how I get most of my fun in league too, with friends playing shit like 5 man full tank team, Ban all tankbusters and boil them alive with 5 sunfires and other stupid shit like that.

  77. 12 months ago

    >still playing league

  78. 12 months ago

    >remember the code that someone was making of League of Legends on github
    >Go look it up again for old times sake
    >they got C&D

    Are you fricking kidding me? Okay, we really need to find a way to get back at Riot. Frick this shit. I want classic League again and if I have to make it myself, so be it.

    • 12 months ago

      good luck gamer

  79. 12 months ago

    >CLG & TSM are no more
    old /lolg/ bros... how are you holding

  80. 12 months ago

    Boom waddup, Solorenektononly here for some League of Legends Ack-shi-ioon!

  81. 12 months ago

    Oldgay debate time: Was AP Sion or AD Sion more fun?

    • 12 months ago

      AP, just like Master Yi

    • 12 months ago

      I liked them both cause back then, all build options of champs was fun for their own reasons. None of this "you're stuck playing this" reasons for today champs, which was one of the reason I quit the game.

      Both had their use cases. I played AP Sion when I wanted to be a roaming destroyer. I played AD Sion when I wanted to be more of a bruiser. Or a tank Sion so I could use the ult for team support.

    • 12 months ago

      AP. Point and click nuke stun + shield explosion was way funnier than just chopping people.

      I like Sion's rework though, he is still a fun pick with decent versatility.

    • 12 months ago

      AP, just like Master Yi

      AP Yi had a higher skill demand, to time your Qs with minion death so you could tag enemies and not actually jump into the middle of their team. AP Sion was keks but it really was just
      >pop shield
      >target stun with gaze

    • 12 months ago

      >3rd option
      rejuvenating locket udyr

    • 12 months ago

      AP Sion was one of my favorite builds in the game with its braindead simplicity. Just run up to people like a moron and blow them up with two spells. It never got old.

    • 12 months ago

      crit poppy

      • 12 months ago

        take me back

    • 12 months ago

      AP Tristana.

  82. 12 months ago

    You now remember:
    >release Xin Zhao 1v5 after level 11
    >release Twisted Fate with map-wide teleport on 20 seconds cool down

  83. 12 months ago

    Ok morons, how the FRICK do I get out of silver?
    And don't say >just git gud bro, the silver from your time is not the same as now, motherfrickers always picking and building meta and averaging 7.5 cs per minute, not to mention the amount of smurf shitters streaming my games

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah? And how much cs do you average per minute? If its not 7+ then you might be the problem. Consider farming better.

      Pick champs that can do a lot of things on their own, and weigh them against each other.


      She's not good at all, dude. Master Yi takes half the skill and is untargettable 80% of the time. If Belveth doesn't get ahead early she becomes worthless for the entire game.

      Not really pisslow but not really intent on ranking up past D4 this season either. Masters btw.

      I main Veigar and Seraphine. Both champs are stupid good at waveclear, scaling, securing kills, and supporting (if you're losing) and solo carrying (if you're winning). They're both mages so by default it means they're OP as frick, they have kits that nobody wants to learn to play against, and have pretty much uncounterable gameplay strategies.

      Pick 1 champ and master it. Play it until you yourself are as consistent as possible on that champ. If you're inconsistent then you're the problem. You want reliable results every game.
      Mental is also a big thing unironically. Spam "gj" every time your bot lane gets a kill. Spam "good job team :*~~*~~*~~*~~))" after winning a teamfight. Seriously. It works. I do it out of spite and sarcasm.

      • 12 months ago

        >high plat
        >barely averages 7 cs pm
        Lmao is that supposed to own me, u literal onetrick (w a no brain freelo champ btw)?

        • 12 months ago

          homie I'm not the gay you're talking to because I don't pay this trash ass game but holy frick.
          You're a walking stereotype; you can barely speak English and you type like some 1st gen Paki seeing a keyboard for the first time.
          No wonder nobody wants to play this shit game with morons like you in it.

          • 12 months ago

            What part of my post was too grammatically complex for your pea brain to grasp?

        • 12 months ago

          I don't onetrick though, I just pick Veig to tryhard. Playing for the team is better than playing solo. I play plenty of champs, every single champion in this game plays the exact same way with different abilities.
          My main roster rotates around each season. I mostly specialize in champs that make people absolutely seethe when I press the R button once and instantly kill people. (Gotta make sure you Mastery after every kill for the extra tilt.) Sometimes Karthus is good, sometimes AP Malphite is good. Veigar is the one single champ that's pretty much blatantly OP 100% of the time, and then everyone thinks he's weak to the point of Riot needing to DOUBLE his spell ranges for some reason.
          Imagine being sufficient at a champion and they just hyper buff the frick out of it by increasing it's spell ranged by x2. You feel like a god after that.

          >High plat
          I got D4 and am just messing around now. Already said I don't want Masters this season. It's a shit grind and I just wanted the nice Diamond Anivia chroma.
          >Barely averages 7cs pm
          I play for fights midgame and with KDA's like that I barely need to farm. Shit's about winning games not about teehee funny stacks. Maybe if I were doing worse I would make less TP plays and farm more. But no reason to send a 6/1 Veigar into the bot lane slums when you can be pushing for Barons.

    • 12 months ago

      Pick a champion that you can win lane with consistently every time. Either that or play jungle, the better jungler wins like 90% of the time that role is disgusting.

    • 12 months ago

      Roll dice.

    • 12 months ago

      Pick a few champs with different playstyles, master them, and play only them. I was hardstuck p4 for a while and now I'm on my way to diamond by just not first picking random shit and understanding the wincon of whichever game I'm in.

      Team needs early fighting and assassination potential? Vex mid. She also shits on a lot of very popular assassins thanks to her passive.

      Team needs late-game scaling insurance and the enemy team didn't draft kill-threats in jungle or mid? Asol time.

      Enemy team is a bunch of beefy frontliners that like sustained fights? Lmao Swain time, get shat on melee cucks.

  84. 12 months ago

    >finally getting good at amumu jungle in draft pick
    >decide i should try playing a game of ranked since i have a general idea of how the game works now
    >other jungler and mid invade twice and kill me
    >behind in farm now which snowballs
    >team throws popcorn and peanuts at me in chat
    never playing ranked again

  85. 12 months ago

    I have 10000 ARAM games

  86. 12 months ago

    >Releases a black gay character whose kit is OP by default, forcing everyone to play him.

    • 12 months ago

      Ksante is literally below 50% wr in soloq. He's only OP in the hands of Pros.

      • 12 months ago

        >He's only OP with teammates who are pros


        • 12 months ago

          He's OP with voice comms because he's a walking constant CC with an ult that can bring anyone deep into your team, all that while building full tank and still doing damage

          • 12 months ago

            >still remember when Riot destroyed Curse voice

            This was one of the big reasons I left the game. They were making it as difficult as possible for you to cooperate with random teammates. At that point, you might as well mute cause there was no synergy at all. And this was deliberate once you realize they don't want you winning games. They want you addicted like a casino addict.

            • 12 months ago

              Holy shit Reav3 is so braindead he accidentally self-reported on not playing Seraphine or Sona or both. Either that or he isn't self aware at all!
              Fricking Riot shitters, nobody has any brain in their balancing/design team.
              >That one time Phreak argued with Twitter users the way to counterplay Malphite (which is busted broken because they gigabuffed him was to counter pick Sylas on top)

              • 12 months ago

                Phreak was good doing math analysis in his basement. now he's become a big gay

  87. 12 months ago


    >/mute all
    Too late for that. Funny how they don't warn you at any point that your first ban is also your last and can't ever be appealed. They only explain how it works after the fact when you contact support. Which is neat because if you're a griefer you get to know exactly how to never get banned so you can keep griefing but if you're not a griefer you don't bother checking how their system works and you do get punished by it. No wonder the community only gets shittier over time. 🙂

  88. 12 months ago

    >Playing ARAM
    >Squishy champion gets +20% damage taken
    >Enemy team all has +10% damage done so they can all kill you with a fart
    Oh boy I sure love when that happens

  89. 12 months ago

    Last time I saw a thread like this, half of old /lolg/ was still fricking here. You homies still around?

    • 12 months ago

      I'm an old client Ganker chat user, I'm still here yeah. The old Ganker chat people are still around doing their own thing, we had an attempt to gather a couple times, but nothing special. I could message a couple if I ready had to.

      • 12 months ago

        GPT3 post

        • 12 months ago

          Nah. I still talk to a couple of them, and have them on Discord if I really need to talk to em. Littleseed, mrrunningbear, PonyPrancer, and Voxx are still all out there. RiddlerShen still plays occasionally. Pobelter hit the big time.
          Depends who wanted to know 🙂

  90. 12 months ago

    League of Legends released in 2009 Open Beta.

    If you didn't 'make it' yet, you NEVER will.

    Stop wasting your time and uninstall.

    League of Legends is also a WEEB game with WEEB champions, skins, emotes and a WEEB Anime.

  91. 12 months ago

    The only good thing about this shitpile of a game is
    >tags: soraka horsewiener futanari -ai_generated

  92. 12 months ago

    I'm so glad I quit playing LoL so I don't even know what this Diff shit is

    • 12 months ago

      Is the game worth coming back to? I used to be really into it around season 3-4, and mostly played jungle. Hecarim was my boi, I used to win matches at least 10/0. Started as mid/top main but swapped to jungle since both lanes have to jungle half the time anyway. I think I quit around shortly after that one Egyptian character came out, the dude that would summon soldiers and shit. HotS was far more appealing to me, so I stuck with it up until they hard nerfed stealth heros and killed any reason to play Valeera.

      • 12 months ago

        >Is the game worth coming back to?

    • 12 months ago

      Is the game worth coming back to? I used to be really into it around season 3-4, and mostly played jungle. Hecarim was my boi, I used to win matches at least 10/0. Started as mid/top main but swapped to jungle since both lanes have to jungle half the time anyway. I think I quit around shortly after that one Egyptian character came out, the dude that would summon soldiers and shit. HotS was far more appealing to me, so I stuck with it up until they hard nerfed stealth heros and killed any reason to play Valeera.

      Didnt mean to reply, my bad

  93. 12 months ago

    I just play arams on my phone. Last time I took it seriously was in S2 or S3, where I think I might have reached diamond, that was it.

  94. 12 months ago

    >He still plays modes with jungloids
    I realized they were a mistake and I wouldn't be playing queues with them since like S2 or something lmao

    • 12 months ago

      >not being a jungle chad
      >not feeding your team easy kills
      >not counter jungling
      >not playing Hec/Zyra/LeBlanc
      Not gonna make it, you eternally Silver ranked homosexual

  95. 12 months ago

    >Go into a match just now
    >Our ADC and support push up and get ganked, despite me pinging that their jungler is walking down the river 10 seconds prior
    >ADC tells the duo support egirl to leave if they die again, and then /mutealls before spam pinging the jungler
    >ADC decides to all in the enemy despite our jungler being top, dies, and then spam pings the jungler again
    >Unmutes just to tell his support to dc, she does (this is at 7 minutes mind you)
    >Enemy top, despite being served an easy victory, begins seething in allchat
    >Enemy support joins in, also seething
    >/ff at 15 because what the hell ever
    >Our ADC blocks the vote, all ins the enemy ADC, fails to finish the kill, and then gets collapsed on and dies
    >Unmutes and begins seething in allchat
    Every match it gets worse, I swear. The losing team seethes over any slight issue and the winning team still seethes anyway because the other team playing the game (IE you were ganked and now you're mad, despite winning the match) is a violation of the NAP or something.

    • 12 months ago

      Being "toxic" is a competitive mechanic, hence why riot tried to nerf it as they do with all things shitters deem "OP"
      I've won about a third of my games just from shitting on the other team and making them tilt

  96. 12 months ago


    >every time I hit gold 2 I notice a steep drop-off in teammate quality
    Exact same for me. I hit gold 2 and guaranteed get a feeder/afk on my team.

    • 12 months ago

      This is done on purpose. Take it from a 10+ yr veteran, they do it so you can feel like you're "constantly being tested." It was worse when they had promos, which shouldn't have been a thing in the first place. Shitty ass gatekeeping crap made to enforce people to play addictively even more.

      The entire system is made to gaslight you that "you're not good enough."

      • 12 months ago

        This is well known in the community and why streamers number 1 rule to climb is always play more games because ranked climb is a struggle to spam games until you break through the gatekeeping bullshit.

    • 12 months ago

      >Be Plat 2
      >Play with Plat 4 0LP and D4 0 LP shitters with nothing to lose
      >Play with end of season carry accounts who are turbo smurfing to the next rank
      >You can unironically queue with Gold 4 0 LP shitters to get Silvers in your high Plat games

      It sucks

      • 12 months ago

        Duo queuing shouldn't be a thing. It's baffling that such a broken thing is allowed to exist in ranked "solo" queue. Like for what reason other than for people to take advantage of and abuse it is duo queueing allowed?

  97. 12 months ago

    lol matchmaking is evil. ig you got a S you'll suffer endless defeats with moronic teammates.

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