>Johto and/or Unova with forced EXP share and other soulless changes

>Johto and/or Unova with forced EXP share and other soulless changes

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    oh no the older regions will actually be enjoyable instead of making it entirely pointless to use more than one pokemon the absolute horror!!

    • 4 months ago

      You mean I WONT have to only use my starter for the entire game? You mean I CAN actually have a full team of 6 if I want? The horror!
      >the horror
      The absolute audacity of it!
      >the horror
      What were they thinking??
      >the horror
      Please nobody buy this game and SHOW THEM we only want to roflstomp with our starters!!

    • 4 months ago

      >get to steamroll the already easy campaign mode to get to wifi battles and post game quicker
      uhh based?

      It should be optional once again to appeal to everyone, including (You)
      Not everyone sees a play through as a speedrun and a solo run

      • 4 months ago

        >It should be optional
        there's no reason for it to be

        • 4 months ago

          >beloved feature doesn't appeal to me specifically so no one can have it
          I get it Ohmori you're lazy to actually do work

          • 4 months ago

            it doesn't appeal to anyone specifically

            what people actually want is for the games to be challenging, not for the exp share to be turned off.

            • 4 months ago

              Grinding is not a “challenge,” it’s an exercise in tedium

              • 4 months ago

                >this trite meme again
                Guys like you are the reason Pokemon has become a handholding sim.

              • 4 months ago

                Grinding IS tedious. It's not a challenge, it's just killing shitmons until your number is big enough to beat over another number with 4x effective damage.

                Except all of those games are piss easy, moron.

              • 4 months ago

                Who said anything about grinding?

              • 4 months ago

                Grinding is not a “challenge,” it’s an exercise in tedium

                >Grinding is not a “challenge,” it’s an exercise in tedium

                EXP share being off adds no challenge to the game, just tedium. You are actively wasting the more precious, valuable resource in the UNIVERSE, time, on an activity that could be avoided altogether.

              • 4 months ago

                Isn't that the point of a video game?

            • 4 months ago

              Many people want the option of an EXP share.
              The way I used to play Gens 6-7 is turn it on whe under leveled and turn it on when overleveled. If you can't see the appeal of having that control then you're being intentionally disingenuous anon.

              • 4 months ago

                turn it on when underleveled and turn if off when overleveled*

              • 4 months ago

                >Many people want the option of an EXP share
                Yeah, for the erroneous reason that they think it will magically make the game challenging when it doesn't. Just make the games actually hard and literally no one will care just like literally no one cares with every other JRPG in existence that uses forced shared exp.

              • 4 months ago

                >Just make the games actually hard
                Pokemon games' difficulty lies entirely on whether or not you're leveled similarly to your enemy or not. An optional exp share, as I've already explained, allows you to play anyway and still experience a good run.

              • 4 months ago

                > Pokemon games' difficulty lies entirely on whether or not you're leveled similarly to your enemy or not
                Fighting the USUM lv49 Totem Kommo with a lv60 is 10x harder than fighting DP Cynthia’s lv66 Garchomp with a lv56. If you think levels are the only thing that contribute to difficulty you have a very poor understanding of the game’s mechanics.

              • 4 months ago

                >Fighting the USUM lv49 Totem Kommo with a lv60 is 10x harder than fighting DP Cynthia’s lv66 Garchomp with a lv56.
                Okay but this is an extremely false statement.

              • 4 months ago

                >the lv49 with maxed out EVs with perfect AI that gets a +1 boost to all its stats that effectively make it statistically equivalent to a lv80 Pokemon AND has a free ally who’s attacking you at the same time is totally easier than the lv66 with no EVs and AI that picks moves literally at random bros!
                This is why no one takes EXP Share whiners seriously. They have such a poor understanding of how the game works their opinions are literally worthless when it comes to game design.

              • 4 months ago

                >I-it's effectively a higher level
                Status moves can make my mon effectively a higher level too, schizo

                With optional EXP share you could further control whether you want any of these to be easier or harder. With it being forced, you have no choice and are subject to the whim of how GF happened to design their game that time. That's quite literally the argument and you have yet to disprove it.

              • 4 months ago

                > Status moves can make my mon effectively a higher level too
                Now which one is going to be harder to use status moves on? The one with EVs and stat boosts that enable it to outspeed and KO you on top of the fact it has an ally able to support it, or the higher leveled shitmon with terrible stats that uses suboptimal moves? Use your brain zoomie! I know you can do it!

                > With optional EXP share you could further control whether you want any of these to be easier or harder
                Or they could simply forget about optional EXP share and simply make the game harder like a good game designer instead. How about that?

              • 4 months ago

                >which one is going to be harder to use status moves o
                I mean both of them outspend you because of their effective level being above yours, so it's equally hard to use status move to correct that disparity. AT that point your only argument is type matchups being diverse, which an actual team like Cynthia requires. The 2v1 thing is the alternative to provide that sense of challenge
                >just make the game perfectly designed!
                I'd rather not rely on GF when they've demonstrated they are unable to do this. Having more player control over how they want their mons to be leveled relative to the copetition is a better solution. Maybe someone wants it to be easy instead. choices will always be better. Why not do both even? We're arguing whether a game with forced EXP share is better or worse than an alternate universe's identical game that has an optional EXP share. The optional one is objectively better.

              • 4 months ago

                this, I don't play pokemon for le difficulty xddd but for the freedom it provides at the time of making a team

              • 4 months ago

                >I mean both of them outspend you because of their effective level being above yours
                Anon, do you understand how EVs work? Never mind, of course you don't, because you're a moron with no understanding of the game beyond levels which is probably how you're stupid enough to think the older games are challenging to begin with.

                this, I don't play pokemon for le difficulty xddd but for the freedom it provides at the time of making a team

                Then the EXP Share is a perfect fit for you.

              • 4 months ago

                >y-you just don't understand!
                Where di I get something wrong you fricking moron? Point to it. Because it's obvious you're retreating into a defensive shell when shown you're just playing stupid.
                >Then the EXP Share is perfect for you
                What if he doesn't want to be absurdly overleveled constantly?

              • 4 months ago

                Go on anon, tell us which of these Pokemon has the higher speed stat. Surely it's the Garchomp since it's 10 levels higher, right?

              • 4 months ago

                >muh edge cases
                so just EV train your mons in Alola as well, with status move making you even more advantaged

                Popping in to say that designing a game around multiple difficulties is usually pretty dumb for RPGs since most of the time it's just adding more power to enemies or weakning the player: it just means more time is needed to do the same thing, grind up and beat the boss. There's a lack of difficult decisions or situations that would ask the player to really use their noggin, so I don't think difficulty sliders would work for something like pokemon.

                In this case it's the easiest programming decision ever.

              • 4 months ago

                It's not a programming issue so much as it is a game design issue. Anybody could bump up levels and change moves around, but this hardly counts as engagement since you'd be doing the same thing you'd be doing in a piss easy pokemon game: levelling up to beat down the next obstacle.

              • 4 months ago

                I'm not saying the game should be worse designed in other ways.

              • 4 months ago

                I know that, I'm saying that Pokemon isn't the type of game where extra difficulty modes would even be necessary or welcome. There should be only one difficulty, tuned to be easygoing for the broad audience but engaging enough for all ages and having the flexibility to make almost any pokemon team viable to beat the game, as pokemon is an all ages franchise.

              • 4 months ago

                ii actually agree with you for the most part. I just think it'd make all the sense in the world to bury EXP ALL off somewhere in menus for those who want it, as no one complained before the option was taken away.

              • 4 months ago

                > as no one complained before the option was taken away
                I did.

              • 4 months ago

                Really? That's interesting. Ca you surf the archive for anyone who wanted them to remove that option?
                Also, what's your logic when it wasn't bothering you, as you could have jus left it on at all times?

              • 4 months ago

                > what's your logic when it wasn't bothering you
                It was bothering me though.

              • 4 months ago

                How was it bothering you if you could just leave it on at all times?

              • 4 months ago

                > How was it bothering you
                The option exists.

              • 4 months ago

                What is wrong with that? It may as well not exist for you because you don't plan on ever disabling it. Just let other people have it if they want to especially if you are not affected.

              • 4 months ago

                Not him but that's the same logic as the people defending rom hacks that give you free rare candies and 1/10 shiny odds

              • 4 months ago

                well that objectively cheapens the experience. I don't really see the equivalence

              • 4 months ago

                Giving the option to use global exp share in a game balanced around exp share off cheapens the experience
                Giving the option to disable it if the game is balanced around exp share on will just be confusing for the player and meme him into soft locking himself due to being underleveled
                Both systems are defendable but giving the player the choice is pretty stupid when it will affect the level the player willl be at, which the game should be balanced around
                Exp share off is still the best option because it allows to focus your training on a single pokemon without overleveling the others, the only way exp share on can be as good is with a level cap system which honestly knowing modern game freak i don't want to see them try to do

              • 4 months ago

                >Giving the option to use global exp share in a game balanced around exp share off cheapens the experience
                I agree, that's why it used to be an item you get later on
                >Giving the option to disable it if the game is balanced around exp share on will just be confusing for the player and meme him into soft locking himself due to being underleveled
                I don't get how anyone would be confused by that. Just choose how you want exp distributed and that's it. Also, the game is never designed perfectly around one or the other, so toggling on when under leveled and off when overleveled was very common practice.
                You're only reason for calling the option stupid is because it can offset their relationship with the level curve, when the option gives them the ability to stay within it in imperfectly designed games (all of them) if they want, whereas denying the option locks people into non-optimal positions when they don't want to be
                Your last point makes decent sense.

              • 4 months ago

                >I don't get how anyone would be confused by that. Just choose how you want exp distributed and that's it
                I have literally no way of knowing which option the game is going to be balanced around so I have no way of making an informed choice. That's why making it optional is fricking moronic and basically no game ever does it.

              • 4 months ago

                You'll know which when you realize you're either under leveled or over leveled. If options are that bad for you why didn't you complain when there was no option at all from Gens 1-5?

                >the game is never designed perfectly around one or the other
                It is when there's no option and it actually picks a side.

                Or you could be like the ALola games and still do both. Devs being shit in one category doesn't mean they HAVE to be shit in all categories.

              • 4 months ago

                >Or you could be like [slop]

              • 4 months ago

                >the game is never designed perfectly around one or the other
                It is when there's no option and it actually picks a side.

              • 4 months ago

                >Giving the option to disable it if the game is balanced around exp share on will just be confusing for the player and meme him into soft locking himself due to being underleveled
                Only if you are a stupid b***h.

              • 4 months ago

                Most players are

              • 4 months ago

                evidently so from how profitable this series still is.

              • 4 months ago

                >What is wrong with that?

                Not bait. I don’t like entering a game and then it has a bunch of arbitrary options to decide the game’s mechanics. That’s the game designer’s job to decide, not mine. It creates this obnoxious situation where you have no fricking clue which options you’re supposed to pick to balance the game. Which is why before gen 8 you had a bunch of morons going
                Only to do that then you end up with a completely miserable experience because Gen 7 is balanced completely differently than Gen 6.

              • 4 months ago

                That argument doesn't make sense though. Less options are not magically good because you call it a mechanic. It used to be a toggle. Now it's not. That's removed functionality.

              • 4 months ago

                Garchomp after I use a save editor to give it max IVs and EVs in Attack and Speed with an Adamant nature, because I'm not a compshitter and I'm not autistic enough to sit down and grind pikachus for 65 hours.

              • 4 months ago

                >Then the EXP Share is a perfect fit for you.
                But is it though?
                BDSP actually makes a fantastic argument against the forced EXP share with Riolu.
                You get it super late in the game at level 1 - in the original games you could then grind it up to be on par with the rest of your team before moving on, but the new system means Lucario is always going to be lagging behind like 20 levels compared to everything else because everyone gets the same exp.
                You could just box your entire team while you train Lucario but like, at that point why not just give you the option to stop them from earning exp rather than have it be so cumbersome?

              • 4 months ago

                >behind like 20 levels compared to everything else
                no because
                1. the game has curved exp that heavily favors underleveled pokemon and
                2. you can simply use it so it gets more exp than everything else

              • 4 months ago

                Popping in to say that designing a game around multiple difficulties is usually pretty dumb for RPGs since most of the time it's just adding more power to enemies or weakning the player: it just means more time is needed to do the same thing, grind up and beat the boss. There's a lack of difficult decisions or situations that would ask the player to really use their noggin, so I don't think difficulty sliders would work for something like pokemon.

            • 4 months ago

              >it doesn't appeal to anyone specifically
              The fact that people are asking for it means it appeals to somebody
              >people want the games to be challenging
              Gamefreak can’t do that. They don’t have the talent to do that. THAT is why people want the option to reduce their EXP rates; because Gamefreak cannot be trusted to make a challenging game, the least they can do is give players the option to make it challenging if they want it to be.

              • 4 months ago

                There are countless ways to gimp yourself and make the game harder, needing it to be an option in a menu is indicative you want hard mode

              • 4 months ago

                Anon, Gamefreak TRIED hard mode, and they couldn’t even do that right. They somehow raised all of the levels, but kept every trainer mon’s stats the same, so you actually get MORE EXP for beating the same enemies, making the game even easier. THIS is why I can’t trust GF to make the game organically harder. Putting the difficulty in the player’s hands with an EXP share option is the only realistic way to do so.

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                >click PvP button
                >game suddenly has a hard mode that actually works unlike the exp share toggle which does fricking nothing

              • 4 months ago

                >click PvP button
                >Game is a broken shitshow because the only Pokémon worth a damn are the FOTM shillmons, some sorted dev favs, and latest overpowered CHARIZARD form.
                wow kazowee

              • 4 months ago

                there was a guy just the other day who nearly got to top 8 of a regional using fricking lycanroc
                you have no excuse

              • 4 months ago

                I don’t like battles if they don’t have context in the story. People here are asking for a harder campaign; PvPgays are better off playing Smogon sims where they don’t have to breed anything. But again, Smogon doesn’t have a story, so that doesn’t solve my problem.

                And it doesn’t matter if YOU think EXP Share doesn’t improve the difficulty, because *I* think it does, and if EXP Share were an option, then you could keep it on, and I could keep it off, and we could all be happy. So why don’t you want us ALL to be happy? Why do you feel the need for others to be unhappy at zero benefit to you?

              • 4 months ago

                > People here are asking for a harder campaign
                If you were really doing that you would asking for a harder campaign, not for an exp share toggle.

              • 4 months ago

                The EXP share toggle is the closest we’ll ever get to a harder campaign when it comes to GF

              • 4 months ago

                Is that why almost all the games without exp share are easier than almost all the games with exp share?

              • 4 months ago

                Seems like a can of worms. Why have exp share instead of an exp slider that can be set anywhere from 100-0% xp?

              • 4 months ago

                That sounds better, but I don’t think GF has the talent to implement it. Remember that it took them four generations to make Fire PUNCH do PHYSICAL damage.

              • 4 months ago

                Anon this is lazy you are just rejecting the discussion entirely because you know the exp share toggle is stupid

              • 4 months ago

                Nah, you’re just being unrealistic with what you expect Gamefreak to be capable of. Toggle can’t be stupid, because some people actually want it, and even if you don’t, you can just keep it off. Taking away the option takes happiness away from the people that don’t want EXP share on, but it also doesn’t produce any happiness to the people that want EXP share, because they could have EXP share on either way. That’s a net loss of happiness. The only person who NEEDS the EXP share option taken away is a psychopath who explicitly cannot feel happiness unless he is taking it away from others. And why would you support a psychopath unless you ARE a psychopath?

                Is that why almost all the games without exp share are easier than almost all the games with exp share?

                Proof? All the complaints about Pokemon being too easy come from the new games and not the old ones.

              • 4 months ago

                >All the complaints about Pokemon being too easy come from morons who conflate playing the games as a child with them being harder

              • 4 months ago

                But then how come when you replay those games as an adult, they still feel harder than the new games? Besides obvious stuff, like the fact that most people play on Battle Set, while the new games force you to use Battle Shift.

              • 4 months ago

                >But then how come when you replay those games as an adult, they still feel harder than the new games
                They don’t. Which is why you end up with

                oh no the older regions will actually be enjoyable instead of making it entirely pointless to use more than one pokemon the absolute horror!!

              • 4 months ago

                But an anon did that for Emerald with Blaziken and really struggled at the E4. So clearly the older games are harder since it's really difficult to beat them with the "optimal" strategy of mashing A with your starter and nothing else.

              • 4 months ago

                >But an anon did that for Emerald with Blaziken and really struggled at the E4
                No I didn't.

              • 4 months ago

                >Gif ends at Norman
                What, you couldn't get past that? For the record, here's the write-up on the experience
                The thread is actually a pretty interesting read, overall.

              • 4 months ago

                > What, you couldn't get past that?
                I did though. You aight schizo?

              • 4 months ago

                So partway through the game you decided that just mashing A with your starter wasn't good enough and decided to use different Pokemon? And also that you'd take pictures with your phone instead of taking screenshots? And also rename your Blaziken?

                gen 7 is only harder if you ignore most of the mechanics
                >party-wide exp. share
                >affection bonuses which are easy as frick to get with rainbow beans
                and probably some other stuff i'm forgetting

                I mean that's arguably true of most Pokemon games, given the most fun way to play is a decent team with no items in battle or optimizations (nature hunting should be the most you ever do, and only if you know the Pokemon is a shitmon and you want it to do better). BDSP and maybe XY are exceptions, given how both of them are still easier than the previous games even if you ignore as much as possible (BDSP exceptionally so given how much it forces on you, there's a huge power gap between it and XY). At least SS has Dynamax for major bosses to provide a challenge if you chose not to use it yourself.

              • 4 months ago

                >So partway through the game you decided that just mashing A with your starter wasn't good enough
                No, I still did.

                gen 7 is only harder if you ignore most of the mechanics
                >party-wide exp. share
                >affection bonuses which are easy as frick to get with rainbow beans
                and probably some other stuff i'm forgetting

                >gen 7 is only harder if you ignore most of the mechanics
                As opposed to gen 4 or 5 where I can ignore most of the mechanics and it's still easier than gen 7? Wow.

              • 4 months ago

                >I mean that's arguably true of most Pokemon games, given the most fun way to play is a decent team with no items in battle or optimizations
                there's a reason i listed things only present in modern titles. if you add in all the other stuff it gets even worse.
                the point is that if someone says gen 7 is harder than other pokemon games, you can be certain that they're trolling.

              • 4 months ago

                > if you add in all the other stuff it gets even worse
                No, because you’re still ignoring that the npcs in Gen 7 are drastically harder than everything before it.

              • 4 months ago

                >because you’re still ignoring that the NPCs in Gen 7 are drastically harder than everything before it.

              • 4 months ago

                This is not indicative of anything, he’s artificially limiting himself by not carrying other Pokemon and running from all wild battles

              • 4 months ago

                I did a run of Emerald with minimum exp, but it's not easy even with one Pokemon. With only Swampert, I had to pray for good RNG as early as Roxanne, rely on evasion hax for rival 2 and 3, and use items in battle for T&L, Juan, and Wallace. If you don't use Rayquaza, Swampert ends at the brink of reaching level 55, which is quite underleveled. It would be undoubtedly worse for Sceptile and Blaziken.

              • 4 months ago

                This is the same argument as “Elden Ring should have easy mode”. It shouldn’t because it harms discourse.

              • 4 months ago

                Elden Ring is advertised as being balls-hard difficult and unapproachable for casuals, and thus Easy Mode would rob you of the prestige of beating it. Pokemon is not; it is meant to appeal to all audiences, and thus should accommodate varying skill levels.

            • 4 months ago

              I don't give a frick about challenge I just want the ability to manage individual Pokémon's EXP without relying on fainting or swapping them into and out of the party all the time

      • 4 months ago

        >It should be optional
        It should be, there should also be a fast forward option. Every rpg should have adjustable settings like Bravely Default, I’m sure other rpgs have this too but I’m on /vp/ so I only play generic games and pokemon.

    • 4 months ago

      This. I’ve been waiting for a way to play Johto that doesn’t make me want to blow my brains out. Hopefully a Let’s Go also makes more of the pokèmon readily available during the main story

      • 4 months ago

        Have you tried pokemmo? Breeding is fricked but besides that if you just ignore the pvp it'd basically HGSS with better ai and rematchable trainers for easier grinding

      • 4 months ago

        Grinding is not a “challenge,” it’s an exercise in tedium


        >having a skill issue with a fricking pokemon game
        . . .

    • 4 months ago

      forced EXP share is fine they just need to actually tune it properly.
      The older games are actually pretty grind-free because there's enough trainers to go around and have your whole team up to speed (provided you don't try to level like, 6 Pokemon before the first gym) so having exp gains work as if you were only using one Pokemon is just gonna make shit like even more egregious, where your entire team of 6 is gonna be at Red levels at Klaire.
      But if they nerf EXP gains across the board and tune it properly so you're around the gym leader levels when you get to them it'll be ok - I don't think that'll happen cause they've used the same exp yields for enemy Pokemon for years now, but it'd be nice if it happened.

      • 4 months ago

        >forced EXP share is fine they just need to actually tune it properly.
        this is the actual answer, gen 6 was shit because they did a shit job balancing the game around it because it was optional, now that it's mandatory they only have to worry about balancing with exp all and not have to worry about if they turn it off. linearity again shown to be superior.

    • 4 months ago

      Ethan asked her to sit on his face after he got the badge and Silver disappeared.

    • 4 months ago

      You're still gonna be using only one Pokemon because your Pokemon of choice will gain more EXP than the rest of your party, which due to Johto's dogshit levels, means that those other Pokemon are still going to be writhing in their low 30s while your Pokemon of choice is the only one worth a shit.

    • 4 months ago

      >You WILL use the exp share and you WILL be happy
      Seriously how hard would it be to just give me the option to turn it off? It won't affect you in any way. You can even rebalance the game around the exp share being turned on and I won't complain.

      • 4 months ago

        >you will use the game’s mechanics and be happy
        that’s how well designed games work, yes

        > It won't affect you in any way
        The option existing affects me.

        • 4 months ago


          • 4 months ago

            Not bait. I don’t like entering a game and then it has a bunch of arbitrary options to decide the game’s mechanics. That’s the game designer’s job to decide, not mine. It creates this obnoxious situation where you have no fricking clue which options you’re supposed to pick to balance the game. Which is why before gen 8 you had a bunch of morons going
            Only to do that then you end up with a completely miserable experience because Gen 7 is balanced completely differently than Gen 6.

            • 4 months ago

              To be fair unnecessary options have been a thing since gen 1
              Why the frick is text speed an option
              What is even the point of switch mode
              What does the mono/stereo thing even do effectivelly

              • 4 months ago

                Text speed and audio settings don’t affect game balance and are purely personal preference so they’re fine.

                Set option was always moronic and shouldn’t exist.

              • 4 months ago

                >Set option was always moronic and shouldn’t exist
                What? It should be the only option if anything since the AI can't use switch mode.

              • 4 months ago

                I said the option shouldn’t exist. Which the game uses by default is up to the designers. They should just pick one and balance the game around it.

              • 4 months ago

                If they could properly balance anything it'd be great, but we live on Earth. Let me decide how I want exp distributed in case the devs frick up their jobs. No one complained about that specific option existing before it was removed.

            • 4 months ago

              Text speed and audio settings don’t affect game balance and are purely personal preference so they’re fine.

              Set option was always moronic and shouldn’t exist.

              Do you have an aneurysm like this over every in-game item?
              >Anon got the Super Repel!

              • 4 months ago

                >Do you have an aneurysm like this over every in-game item?
                No, because presumably the game should be balanced around the in-game items.

                That argument doesn't make sense though. Less options are not magically good because you call it a mechanic. It used to be a toggle. Now it's not. That's removed functionality.

                >That argument doesn't make sense though
                It makes plenty of sense.

                >Less options are not magically good because you call it a mechanic
                It is magically good when the game designers actually design their fricking game instead of blindly leaving it to the player.

                >It used to be a toggle. Now it's not
                Yeah, they actually improved the games. Amazing right?

                >That's removed functionality.
                They removed functionality when they removed the Withdraw and Deposit options from the PC, yet no one ever complains about those. They removed functionality when they removed Switch mode from PLA, yet no one ever complains about that. It's almost like more options aren't inherently a good thing.

              • 4 months ago

                >No, because presumably the game should be balanced around the in-game items.
                Uh no actually see

                Not bait. I don’t like entering a game and then it has a bunch of arbitrary options to decide the game’s mechanics. That’s the game designer’s job to decide, not mine. It creates this obnoxious situation where you have no fricking clue which options you’re supposed to pick to balance the game. Which is why before gen 8 you had a bunch of morons going
                Only to do that then you end up with a completely miserable experience because Gen 7 is balanced completely differently than Gen 6.

                you should never have to many any decisions ever.

              • 4 months ago

                >you should never have to many any decisions ever
                Those decisions fall within the infrastructure of the balance. It's literally what the game is. What I don't want to decide is the design of the game itself.

                Deciding which pieces I move and to which position in chess = good
                Deciding the rules of which squares each piece is allowed to move to = bad, that's the game designer's job

              • 4 months ago

                >uh actually the exp share is magically outside of the game balancing because I said so

              • 4 months ago

                If it's inside the game's balancing, making it an option is moronic because objectively there's no reason to ever turn it off because it gives you a perpetual advantage. This is the same reason they removed Withdraw and Deposit. They're redundant and just add meaningless clutter to the game's UI.

                If it's outside the game's balancing, making it an option is moronic because the player shouldn't be the one designing the game balance.

                Hey, look at that! Making it an option is moronic either way!

              • 4 months ago

                >objectively there's no reason to ever turn it off because it gives you a perpetual advantage
                Maybe I want to not use it and intentionally put myself at a perpetual disadvantage.

              • 4 months ago

                >Maybe I want to not use it and intentionally put myself at a perpetual disadvantage
                You can arbitrarily whine about this with any mechanic in the game.
                Shut the frick up and just find any arbitrary way of the thousands of ways to handicap yourself.

              • 4 months ago

                >No game has ever had a method of increasing the difficulty. Please ignore all games that allow you to explicitly select the difficulty. Also please pretend that no previous pokemon gave you the option to turn off the exp share.

              • 4 months ago

                You're not asking for a difficulty toggle. You're asking for an exp share toggle. If you want a difficulty toggle why not just ask for a difficulty toggle, fricking moron?

              • 4 months ago

                I knew this shit was bait from the start. And I bit it anyway. This one's on me honestly. You got me.

              • 4 months ago

                Nta but exp share off increasing the difficulty is purely incidental and wasn’t the intention of having it as an option, the perception that it’s supposed to be “hard mode” is probably part of why it got taken out

              • 4 months ago

                It's almost like it should have never stopped being a held item and none of us would be having this moronic argument

              • 4 months ago

                they would just be spending hours of their day defending the removal of set mode instead, because at the end of the day all they care about is getting attention

              • 4 months ago

                >defending the removal of set mode instead
                I haven't played the 3D pokemon, did they actually remove set mode? that's fricking disgusting, set mode is LITERALLY the only fun way to play pokemon.

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah, I love how set mode makes it even more tedious and pointless to use more than one Pokemon and then DSzoomers proceed to whine that I’m supposed to use more than one Pokemon.

              • 4 months ago

                I like how you just perfectly proved my point
                why do people still respond to your posts, again?

              • 4 months ago

                Your point is that all the game’s mechanics in the older games discourage using more than one Pokemon?

              • 4 months ago

                >they should have just stagnated and kept the games bad for no reason

              • 4 months ago

                More things I genuinely believe:
                Required HMs are a good teambuilding parameter
                Random encounters were never bad, if you're that bothered use a repel like the b***h you are
                Omnidirectional movement was a mistake and completely fricked the design of overworld areas and entire regions
                If it doesn't have gyms and an elite four, it doesn't feel like a Pokémon game
                Affection mechanics are bloat

              • 4 months ago

                the only problem with HM's is that you can't remove them. the second you can remove them at will, they completely stop being a problem.

              • 4 months ago

                >still need to keep bird shitmon on my team just to fast travel

              • 4 months ago

                More things I genuinely believe:
                Required HMs are a good teambuilding parameter
                Random encounters were never bad, if you're that bothered use a repel like the b***h you are
                Omnidirectional movement was a mistake and completely fricked the design of overworld areas and entire regions
                If it doesn't have gyms and an elite four, it doesn't feel like a Pokémon game
                Affection mechanics are bloat

            • 4 months ago

              So you'd be cool with it if the games didn't have EXP share at all?

              • 4 months ago

                >So you'd be cool with it if the games were objectively worse?

              • 4 months ago

                Why do you like the games being permanently on baby mode? Did you find them too difficult before?

              • 4 months ago
              • 4 months ago

                Must suck being so bad at pokemon games lol.

              • 4 months ago

                so...just like the games without exp share?

                How would it be objectively worse? It doesn't have the problem of too many menus like you complain about, and the game would be made around not having exp share.

                >How would it be objectively worse to make using more than 1 party member completely redundant?

              • 4 months ago

                >to make using more than 1 party member completely redundant
                it's almost like there are ways for the game to prevent this like having type string against your bromon. Not a single individual complained about this beforehand anon.

              • 4 months ago

                > it's almost like there are ways for the game to prevent this
                yeah, like by having shared exp like every other modern RPG in existence with benched party members.

                > like having type string against your bromon
                Tell me more about how Clair’s lv41 Kingdra is totally going to beat my lv58 Typhlosion because you looked at the type chart.

                This is why togglegays have no reason to be taken seriously. They’re so fricking terrible at Pokemon games and have such a poor understanding of the mechanics beyond “hurf de durr water beats fire” that their opinions on game design are completely worthless. morons like you are probably the same people who find the games unplayable without the phys/spec split.

                So why do you suck so bad at the games?

                Not sucking at the games is precisely why I know exp share is objectively better.

              • 4 months ago

                Literally nobody finds the games unplayable without the PS split
                We just say they’re better with it
                Every pre PS split game has a stall focused meta

              • 4 months ago

                >Literally nobody finds the games unplayable without the PS split
                Thanks for admitting you’re a newbie.

              • 4 months ago

                Link a single person saying the games without PS split are unplayable

              • 4 months ago
              • 4 months ago

                That guy is undoubtedly a homosexual but he said gen 1 was unplayable due to the glitches not the PS split, he only said the PS split made frlg "worthless" whatever he meant by that.

              • 4 months ago

                So why do you suck so bad at the games?

              • 4 months ago

                How would it be objectively worse? It doesn't have the problem of too many menus like you complain about, and the game would be made around not having exp share.

    • 4 months ago

      But with exp share there's no reason to use other pokemon because they're all the same level range. Without you need to switch around.

      • 4 months ago

        >Without you need to switch around

    • 4 months ago

      The post that destroyed /vp/

  2. 4 months ago

    Twittergays will buy it anyway and then claim the originals were always bad
    Women and trannies are the new target demographic

    • 4 months ago

      and now i remember why i hate this place.

      good luck finding a date with that logic. i've been playing since gen 2 and could absolutely destroy you in pvp any time.

      • 4 months ago

        Twittergays find it too hard to use HMs, find 1/8192 shinies and build proper teams without injecting or "muh qol", and they think they can beat anyone? Fricking kek

    • 4 months ago

      I, a straight white male by birth, will always claim gen 5 is dogshit. I have been since I played it back when it came out. It was the thing that killed my interest in the franchise until I finally got around to emulating Y in 2018 and even then I realized that the franchise I loved was dead.

      The only way for them to get me to buy their games are ICLA style remakes, because BDSP were the first games I'd played since HGSS that felt like ACTUAL POKEMON GAMES instead of a husk.

      • 4 months ago

        >not quite literally a soulless husk of an older game
        Nice try troony

      • 4 months ago

        Actual pokemon games where wild pokemon use HMs for you instead of attacking you, right
        Let’s face it anon everything you enjoyed about BDSP you could just as easily have enjoyed by replaying DP.

  3. 4 months ago

    >get to steamroll the already easy campaign mode to get to wifi battles and post game quicker
    uhh based?

  4. 4 months ago

    >Johto with even fewer Johto mons due to no PokeWalker or Safari Zone compatibility
    >Unova but without triple or rotation battles and unobtainable hidden ability mons
    >remakes made to be deliberately worse than the originals out of spite

  5. 4 months ago

    >other soulless changes
    Yeah B2W2 was a stinker.

    • 4 months ago

      It was indeed.

  6. 4 months ago

    good, if anything needs forced xp share its the johto games. shit is nearly unplayable trying to raise anything more than your starter

    • 4 months ago

      >having a skill issue with a fricking pokemon game
      . . .

  7. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      Only reason PLA is even remotely difficult is because the Pokemon hit hard so Trainer Battles are more like trading blows but if it was the normal battle system then PLA would be the easiest in the entire series

    • 4 months ago

      Come on.

      • 4 months ago

        you clearly played it with easy settings

    • 4 months ago

      Damn autistic subhuman, in SMT and DQ you use 3-4 monsters at the same time per combat. The comparison would be fair if all Pokémon battles were triple battles.

      • 4 months ago

        >in SMT and DQ you use 3-4 monsters at the same time per combat
        So? Your benched party members still get EXP.

    • 4 months ago

      >game with amie shit

  8. 4 months ago

    They need to buff every gym leader/E4 in Johto/Kanto +20 levels. And give Red all level 100s. It will still be piss easy, just do it for teh lulz.

  9. 4 months ago

    I hope the Unova remake has ONLY the 150 Unova mons, no post game either.

  10. 4 months ago

    Just don't play it, it's as simple as. The old versions don't just disappear from existence.

  11. 4 months ago

    Global exp share is fine when the game is balanced around it
    Which was NOT the case for some nugen games like gen 6 or BDSP
    Also it's annoying to not be able to level up a pokemon without overleveling the others. They should make a soft level cap system like Clover

  12. 4 months ago

    >Johto and/or Unova with forced EXP share and other [meaningless buzzword] changes
    I hope they remove HMs.
    I hope they have always-on EXP share.
    I hope they have anywhere PC boxes.
    I hope they have a Skip Dialogue/Cutscene button.
    I hope they don't have any postgame facilities.

    Not just because these will make me actually like gen 5, but because it makes (you) upset.

    • 4 months ago

      > I hope they remove HMs.
      But that doesn't make me upset?

      • 4 months ago

        But anon, it's MUH SOULLESS! You can't see your heckin' pokemonarinos flash on screen for 2 seconds before the obstacle is removed or they're replaced with a generic surfing sprite!

        That argument doesn't make sense though. Less options are not magically good because you call it a mechanic. It used to be a toggle. Now it's not. That's removed functionality.

        It's an improvement. If you had to manually breathe for your entire life, and then it became an automatic function, would you complain? No, you fricking wouldn't, because you wouldn't have to waste your time and brainpower thinking about breathing just to function.

    • 4 months ago

      Personally i hope HMs will come back in all games and shiny odds will be set to 1/8192 again with no way to boost it, bottlecaps, nature mints, EV training minigames, breeding casualization, amie shit, shiny locks, trainer customization, friend group autism, nonwhite and "pretty boy" NPCs will be removed forever from the series, and actually good hack checks will be implemented to filter out moronic nugen fans.
      Don't have time to play the game? Good. We don't have time to listen to you complain either. Go play another game.

      • 4 months ago

        You first gaylord. If you want to waste precious hours of your life (which we all know is only another 3-4 years before your heart gives out, you landwhale) then go play something like Final Fantasy 14. The rest of us will take all the objective improvements to the franchise.

        • 4 months ago

          > The rest of us will take all the objective improvements to the franchise
          Have fun taking nothing then lmao

  13. 4 months ago

    I shit on Nintendo.
    The damn Fairy type is already coming to Johto and Unova.

    What is the ideal Nintendo franchise for the gamer who hates Pokemon, hates fairies, hates Pokemon, hates RPGs and wants a franchise whose target is the opposite of Pokemon?

    • 4 months ago

      You’ll love Broly’s gym

    • 4 months ago

      >What is the ideal Nintendo franchise for the gamer who hates Pokemon, hates fairies, hates Pokemon, hates RPGs and wants a franchise whose target is the opposite of Pokemon?
      You're asking for a mature game for a mature gamer such as yourself, but from Nintendo? lmao

  14. 4 months ago


    Gen 7 was harder? Besides Necrozma, I mean? I was swapping my team out regularly to keep them from overleveling, and it STILL felt like I was one-shotting too much

    • 4 months ago

      so...just like the games without exp share?

      • 4 months ago

        >keeps posting HGSS
        It’s almost like the problem is Johto’s moronic level curve and lack of enemy variety, and not the lack of EXP Share itself. I don’t even see how EXP Share would fix this; either way, you’d be soloing the game with your starter.

        • 4 months ago

          No. the problem is that anon syphoned all exp to 1 Pokemon because no Pokemon game punishes overleveling one Pokemon while the rest of the team gets nothing, yet Johto is the eternal scapegoat of the franchise for some reason.

          • 4 months ago

            Then how come nobody has solo’d Emerald using Sceptile or Swampert?

            • 4 months ago

              People have almost certainly done so, they just don’t post it because no one nitpicks Emeralds flaws since Hoeen is shilled almost as much as Kanto.

              Modern exp share would help because it siphons exp away from that one mon to the rest of your team. It gives more total exp across the team and makes solo runs harder if you keep other mons in your party.

              How do we know modern Exp Share splits IV instead of multiply it?

              • 4 months ago

                Or maybe Hoenn is just better-designed than Johto?

          • 4 months ago

            I didn’t even use just one Pokemon. The game is still easy as piss and easier than the newer games.

        • 4 months ago

          Modern exp share would help because it siphons exp away from that one mon to the rest of your team. It gives more total exp across the team and makes solo runs harder if you keep other mons in your party.

          • 4 months ago

            But you’d still be able to solo the game with one Pokemon, so what’s the point? How would adding modern EXP share make the game any harder to solo without also changing around enemy teams and movesets?

            • 4 months ago

              Because you're getting fewer levels, moron. Obviously you can do more than that.

              • 4 months ago

                But modern EXP share doesn’t split the EXP; it still gives full EXP to your starter if you use it and nothing else.

              • 4 months ago

                another reason to keep HMs :^)

            • 4 months ago

              >use only litten against school teacher
              >use only litten against illima
              >use only torracat against water totem
              >use only torracat against fire totem
              >use only incineroar against dragon totem
              >use only incineroar against necrozma
              damn if it's almost like the actual solution is to make the npcs more challenging instead of adding shitty pointless toggles

              • 4 months ago

                You do realize the game you posted had EXP share as a toggle, right? And again, it’s not “pointless” if somebody wants it. Why can’t it be an option so both sides can be happy? Why do you want to force one side to be unhappy when you’ll get to use EXP share either way?

              • 4 months ago

                You do realize the game I posted is harder than all the games before it even when the exp share is on, right?

              • 4 months ago

                Why do you never address the part where all of this arguing is pointless because if it were a toggle, both sides could get what they want? I’ve asked you multiple times across multiple threads, and you always avoid the question.

                Is it because there’s no way you could actually answer without sounding like a tryhard edgelord, because you’d literally be admitting that you need other people to be unhappy in order for you yourself to be happy?

              • 4 months ago

                Not bait. I don’t like entering a game and then it has a bunch of arbitrary options to decide the game’s mechanics. That’s the game designer’s job to decide, not mine. It creates this obnoxious situation where you have no fricking clue which options you’re supposed to pick to balance the game. Which is why before gen 8 you had a bunch of morons going
                Only to do that then you end up with a completely miserable experience because Gen 7 is balanced completely differently than Gen 6.

              • 4 months ago

                But you already admitted that you prefer to play with EXP share on. You can't pretend like you "don't know what option to pick" when you are vehemently defending the option you want to pick in this thread right now. So play with it on, and be happy, and I'll play with it off, and be happy. Why can't you let us both be happy?

              • 4 months ago

                >You can't pretend like you "don't know what option to pick"
                I actually can because each game is different.

              • 4 months ago

                But not once have you ever pointed out a game where you'd prefer EXP share to be off. You clearly prefer it to be on, and I clearly prefer it to be off. Why can't you let us both be happy?

              • 4 months ago

                Nta but
                >exp share off is bad from a design standpoint
                >changing game mechanics is a bad form of modular difficulty
                Those aren’t mutually exclusive statements and in fact support each other. A lot of people including me don’t like sandbox difficulty sliders.

              • 4 months ago

                But you already admitted that you prefer to play with EXP share on. You can't pretend like you "don't know what option to pick" when you are vehemently defending the option you want to pick in this thread right now. So play with it on, and be happy, and I'll play with it off, and be happy. Why can't you let us both be happy?

              • 4 months ago

                USUM is harder without the exp share.

              • 4 months ago

                >losing to fricking furfrou
                LMAO! this is why you must never take yawngay seriously

              • 4 months ago

                That picrel is embarrassing

    • 4 months ago

      gen 7 is only harder if you ignore most of the mechanics
      >party-wide exp. share
      >affection bonuses which are easy as frick to get with rainbow beans
      and probably some other stuff i'm forgetting

  15. 4 months ago

    >Johto with forced Exp share

    This would work, but they need to badge level scale all gym leaders. They refuse to do that, so forced exp share will screw things up.

    >Unova with forced exp share

    This would be BAD. One of the selling points of playing Black and White is the exp system which already varies based on level differences, giving you more if the opponent is higher level and less if the opponent is lower level. Also, Unova, more than any other region, is designed with the idea of constant team rotation as you play. That’s why it has so many higher level evolutions. You are supposed to be filling out the dex by rotating your team. This takes care of any level curve issues.

    • 4 months ago

      Whats up with Unovafans and blatantly making shit up? Is this some zoomer thing when you just have to look better than the others no matter what?

      • 4 months ago

        Show me what that anon made up. If you don't, you're a pussy and shitposter.

        • 4 months ago

          Whole post is made up he headcanon and genwarring.

          • 4 months ago

            How is it genwarring? It's literally saying it would most likely ruin both games. Do you just refuse to read anything you respond to? He accurately described how the exp system works in Unova anon. Try actually reading instead of sperging all the time.

            • 4 months ago

              Nice damage control genwargay.

              • 4 months ago

                >literally refusing to read anything

  16. 4 months ago

    Cry about it

  17. 4 months ago

    >OP, before he preorders.

  18. 4 months ago

    >YawBlack person thread

    • 4 months ago

      >where Yawnchad is correct and no one can actually refute him

      • 4 months ago

        Yawnchad is correct
        only in your dreams, schizo

  19. 4 months ago

    >more grind is soul
    why do people think this

    • 4 months ago

      If you need to grind you suck ass.

      • 4 months ago

        Grinding is required to have a full team of Pokemon be useful in the old games; intentionally dragging out battles by using weaker Pokemon is a form of grinding

        • 4 months ago

          >intentionally dragging out battles by using weaker Pokemon is a form of grinding
          i lost a braincell by reading this

          • 4 months ago

            Not if you're always moving forward.

            Would you say if you play FFT, turn all the enemies into frogs, and then kill them all with throw stone 1 hp at a time
            You are not grinding because you are still winning just reeeeeally slowly

        • 4 months ago

          Not if you're always moving forward.

        • 4 months ago

          We're reaching a point where some posts from this board are straight up unintelligible

      • 4 months ago

        having to grind 3-5 levels for a new pokemon you caught is still grinding

        • 4 months ago

          Not if you're always moving forward.

        • 4 months ago

          are you telling me you have to train pokemon to be a pokemon trainer?

          • 4 months ago

            yeah you can train more efficiently with exp share
            so you dont have to send in your shitty mon thats like 5 levels lower with no moves every time
            crazy how that works huh

            • 4 months ago

              all of my pokemon are consistently 5-10 levels weaker than the gyms, I win through good team-building.

  20. 4 months ago

    exp share is anti-thetical to the pokemon experience for me. isn't the whole point to be a pokemon TRAINER? i.e. train the fricking mons? I'm not rushing to the end when I play these fricking things. I recently played the crystal legacy hack, getting an early game larvitar; carried that dead weight all the way through, becoming tyranitar just in time for the elite 4 which it proceeded to floor. it was a very enjoyable experience, it wasn't just sitting on the backburner until it was magically good like you get in the modern games, it took effort and it had a payoff

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah, if you don't still rotate mons even with exp share on you're a homosexual

    • 4 months ago

      > exp share is anti-thetical to the pokemon experience for me. isn't the whole point to be a pokemon TRAINER? i.e. train the fricking mons?
      yeah which is why it sucks when I play HGSS and it feels incredibly pointless to train more than one pokemon since the wild pokemon are useless compared to the pokemon you’re already training and you need to load half your party with HM slaves. It feels more like I’m a pokemon trainer in the newer games because I actually have a reason to use my whole party.

      • 4 months ago

        that's an issue of gamefreak being shit and the games being piss easy. try playing a modhack and see how that flies.

  21. 4 months ago

    crazy how yawngay can use the exact same strategy every single time and still push a thread to hundreds of post
    I don't know what's more impressive, that people keep biting the same bait over and over, or that he is still doing the exact same thing for years without getting absolutely bored of it

    I guess low functioning autism's a real b***h

    • 4 months ago

      It pushes the thread to hundreds of posts because he’s objectively correct and no one can prove him wrong.

      • 4 months ago

        see, yawnie, this is the exact behavior I'm talking about
        you're not fooling anyone

    • 4 months ago

      mental illness is some extreme force

    • 4 months ago

      so why do you call him yawngay

  22. 4 months ago

    Battle me

  23. 4 months ago

    The problem with exp share is that it's implemented in the simplest possible way which makes no sense in context.
    A better solution is being able to designate a single "follower" pokemon who also earns exp for fights that you have with your other pokemon because they're able to watch. Much preferable to a magic helmet or power than gives experience from one pokemon to the everyone else in your party.
    That or just make double battles much more common.

    The traditional way to train low level pokemon (lead with them then switch to a better pokemon) sucks, but exp share in its current form is worse.

    • 4 months ago

      >A better solution is being able to designate a single "follower" pokemon who also earns exp for fights that you have with your other pokemon because they're able to watch.
      So the original EXP share.

    • 4 months ago

      >A better solution is [objectively worse solution]

  24. 4 months ago

    Yawny out in full force I see.

  25. 4 months ago

    By the way, the actual solution to the EXP share problem is to instead give the player EXP candies introduced in THE FRICKING GAME EXP SHARE BECAME MANDATORY. AFTER XENOBLADE 2 CAME OUT WHICH IMPLEMENTED AN EXTREMELY SIMILAR SYSTEM. Seriously, the solution to the problem isn't just in front of you, it's in your fricking game. For the cost of more menuing you get the ability to use EXP on whatever you want whenever you feel like you need it, giving the player tremendous freedom in their gameplay experience. As opposed to now where EV training involves extensive menuing and the already easy games (as yawngay constantly points out) are even easier so even nerve clusters can play it. Hell, you could rework the experience system a lot more, between the introduction of catching EXP and the removal of the trainer EXP boost it's clear that they're willing to experiment. Hell, this actually solves the issues that EXP scaling can cause in a relatively elegant way if they're desperately afraid of giving the player toggles (which seems to be a running theme actually). As it stands base Gen 5 is still the best for modulating EXP, and that's the game where you have to level up the ability to gain less EXP so clearly Game Freak has problems.

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