
Games that appeal to joseis, e.g., otomes, BL, things like that. NuCarnival, Yumekuro, Enstars, and upcoming games.
Includes the games that omnipander like Arknights and GBF as well.

It seems they're really going all out for this new enstars event and pushing it as really important. There's a whole app campaign, a post-event seiyuu talk, and a lot of production value in the MV. What I really want to know is if they're really going to commit to it and actually do a unit leader change.. All the signs are pointing to it, at least.

CRIME Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    I hate Dante (affectionately)

  2. 1 year ago

    It would be good to rectify their mistake. But I hope it’s not time for a timeskip yet, wait for at least another 2 years so after everyone has got their turn to be a center at least.

    Also what is up with only Tetora having an earring? Looks so gross, glad it’s not for everyone but it’s still so stupid looking.

    • 1 year ago

      I think the song is pretty bad and the MV looks dumb more than anything else, i nearly laughed when i saw it. The Shinobu ninja song was way better.

      • 1 year ago

        Of course that was better, Shinobu’s better.

    • 1 year ago

      I doubt they ever intend to drastically timeskip anymore. Even last year when Yuuta changed his hairstyle, there were still stories around that time set before Valentines', until gradually every card story these days uses it now. I imagine it'll be the same thing here, with a few stories every now and then still making reference to Chiaki before new stories inch us forward.

      We've been knocking a bit on the door since the Trickstar event last year anyway but I doubt it'll happen soon. Besides, part of the impetus last time was that we actively had to switch to new app, and graduation posed a lot of problems if the characters' primary setting was still the school and nowhere else. Neither of those are issues now.

      • 1 year ago

        I totally get that, but considering the retcons and ignored storylines they had to do in order to get all the former 3rd years back for !! I’m just not comfortable with the idea of another year passing in-universe. I feel like the series looses the appeal a bit the more characters get older, a lot of them feel aimless these days and I would hate for that to happen again for yet another batch.

      • 1 year ago

        I totally get that, but considering the retcons and ignored storylines they had to do in order to get all the former 3rd years back for !! I’m just not comfortable with the idea of another year passing in-universe. I feel like the series looses the appeal a bit the more characters get older, a lot of them feel aimless these days and I would hate for that to happen again for yet another batch.

        Who cares about the Enstars story anymore there will never be any meaningful development and they avoid making hilarious/exciting comedy stories now. They also toned down the homosexual compared to basic era
        Just enjoy the high tech MVs and songs with cute boys

  3. 1 year ago

    Healers gacha in Yumekuro?

    • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        tfw you’ll never have a buff, tattooed boyfriend who eats poison for fun

        • 1 year ago

          Why even live? I'd be happy with him just holding me in his arms like that, he doesn't need to do anything else.

    • 1 year ago

      I’m a little surprised that Crow wasn’t one of the anniversary gacha characters

      • 1 year ago

        Probably for the 2nd anni event on mid February.

    • 1 year ago
      It's over

      • 1 year ago

        god dammit don't make posts like that anon i thought you were linking to an eos announcement

        • 1 year ago

          There is no news about next main story chapter and reruns presumably mean there will be fewer new events going on (assuming they aren't israelite enough to do both rerun and new events at the same time)

          • 1 year ago

            It might not be quite so bad if it means that they’re going to run one new event and one rerun event per month? Though I guess that’s still one less event per month for people who’ve been playing since the start (and whales) to pull in so maybe not

      • 1 year ago

        All we can do is pray that they eventually give out or otherwise make available tickets for that banner, too. As much as I’d like to pull for the alts I missed for not playing in the early days, no way I can do that and get what I want in current events. Wonder if the past charity alts will be in it, too (ok, I just want kings game Victor, but…. )

    • 1 year ago

      I didn't save my gems just to have Crow be the welfare GDI

  4. 1 year ago

    Have these guys ever had actual sentai costumes?

    • 1 year ago

      Supernova from ! or the April Fools' sidescroller minigame would be your best bet I think. The biggest obstacle is probably that they don't want to figure out yet how to have a set that involves helmets and also account for how an MV would look for people who don't have said helmet costume.

  5. 1 year ago

    I dont think I can go back to games where you cant poke

  6. 1 year ago

    I hadn't seen this dialogue until now somehow, I like how when he talks about Eiden wanting to try the toys out at first he sighs as if he's thinking it'll be troublesome but by the end he sounds like he's longing for it.

    • 1 year ago

      I think all the SSRs have two of those unique lines if you poke their limbs, but it's weird how long it can take to see both of them.

      • 1 year ago

        I never paid attention to the number, I just keep poking them for a while and this one hadn't appeared when I did that to him before, then it happened today when I poked him by accident when I was trying to click one of the buttons at the bottom.

  7. 1 year ago

    *sets my own house on fire*

    • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      brb googling how to reincarnate into the soul of one particular dog. Honestly, though, I was never that much into Luke of all the guys but mhy is working hard to change my mind

    • 1 year ago

      I couldn't keep up with this game after they started doing banners out of order, but it's good to see Luke is still best boy

  8. 1 year ago

    Why do twisted wonderland ""SSR"" illustrations always look so cheap and amateur? The angles and anatomy are always awkward, they could pass for SRs. Like this is a DISNEY and ANIPLEX game jfc and you know its not Yana drawing these janky pictures

    • 1 year ago

      if twst didn’t have disney and yana toboso backing it the game would have EOS ages ago. story updates take too long and lack of fun story events

      • 1 year ago

        When it first came out the smugposting about a joseimuke actually being #1 in sales was everywhere. It's sad seeing how poorly managed it was considering it's fricking Disney, but I guess it's still printing money.

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah it went down to selling just like an average joseimuke after mogging a bunch of other non-jsmk games. I'm surprised israeliteplex are satisfied with coasting on such a huge decline when it showed higher peaks

          >story updates take too long and lack of fun story events
          But that's precisely because Disney is involved, they're a pain in the ass to deal with.

          They could at least have better looking card arts instead of things that look like SRs

      • 1 year ago

        >story updates take too long and lack of fun story events
        But that's precisely because Disney is involved, they're a pain in the ass to deal with.

  9. 1 year ago

    Cafe Menu and merch just got posted cafes sound so fun...

    • 1 year ago

      >so much Rin
      It was mentioned before, but I feel like this guarantees his eventual SR/SSR. I'm going to start saving friendship points like I did for Dante. I wonder how long it'll take this time. Maybe I'll beat my record.

      >The sweetest of scents, floating on the breeze... As a bright melody plays, those at the mansion prepare for yet another grand opening...?
      Another Valentine’s Day incoming

      Part of me hopes that maybe they rerun events by adding new characters. So, this would feature the old Edmond and Yakumo, but then add someone else too (like Blade or something).

  10. 1 year ago

    >The sweetest of scents, floating on the breeze... As a bright melody plays, those at the mansion prepare for yet another grand opening...?
    Another Valentine’s Day incoming

    • 1 year ago

      Rerun actually, unless they’re crazy and actually do another valentines immediately after this even

    • 1 year ago

      Hm, giving us a rerun right before anniversary almost seems too generous for Nu:c but I guess I won’t complain

      • 1 year ago

        I dunno if I'd call it generous, if they're going to have it happen right after the current event then it's likely that the 2 weeks downtime between events will be replaced by reruns from now on, which will technically be downtime for those who already played it and got the units if they wanted them, but that's assuming there won't be a rewards ladder, just the story and the banners, if there is a ladder then it's not generous at all.

    • 1 year ago

      Definitely a rerun of White Storm, the tweet doesn't have the new event hashtag. I can't believe they're announcing that instead of the 5 anniversary things they have yet to announce, this is making me dislike that live event because it's the only reason they opened the anniversary page so early.

  11. 1 year ago

    Ganker skin (with small head) soon

    • 1 year ago

      I’ll get it but I don’t know if I’m going to use it. Goddamn Infukun, I’m scared for what he’s going to do to Chiave.

    • 1 year ago

      Any word on what's after CC? I keep hearing about Dorothy getting pushed back behind Mlynar but maybe it's just shitposting.

      • 1 year ago

        New datamine suggests it's going to be CC -> To Be Continued -> Dossoles rerun -> Dorothy -> Mlynar. So Dorothy and Mlynar were possibly pushed to March

        • 1 year ago

          I just want Xiaohei.

        • 1 year ago

          >Mlynar were possibly pushed to March
          Ugh my stash is almost back up to 450, let me rroooooollllllllllll

  12. 1 year ago

    They’re on a roll with the merch

  13. 1 year ago


  14. 1 year ago

    Interesting background, terrible design below the neck.

    • 1 year ago

      Can't decide if I really like or really hate the headless teddybears everywhere on his design but I very much appreciate the thigh high boots. More guys need to wear those. Also neat that it seems like they're using the 72 demons from the Goetia for inspiration after all. Wonder if we'll get to poke them a little too

  15. 1 year ago

    New Helios team just dropped

    • 1 year ago

      mika are you

    • 1 year ago

      They made Mika less cute and sent him to another game...

    • 1 year ago

      Okay I like 3/4 of them (brown hair is too generic). I guess they are for the update of the game...?

  16. 1 year ago

    The bunnyboy npc in the new CN Arknights gamemode is so cute. He's doomed to NPC hell isn't he?

    • 1 year ago

      post pics of the bnnuy

      • 1 year ago

        Which one? The blond?

        Yes him

        • 1 year ago

          Oh his design is way too good to waste on a npc though

        • 1 year ago

          Mlynar and Stainless made it out of NPC jail pretty quickly, you never know

    • 1 year ago

      Which one? The blond?

  17. 1 year ago

    Spirit Gems x100, Essence Vial (M) x3


    Blade cute...

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago


      Noice. Thanks. I didn't realize Blade has two birthday lines like Garu. His OG SSR as an emotionless character and the cheerful later version preferring cute things.

  18. 1 year ago

    Are any GBF sisters buying Valentines this year?

    I got Six, Quatre, Wilnas and Lu Woh.

    • 1 year ago

      no, my favs never get content so frick cygames

      • 1 year ago

        I'm sorry, anon. Who are your faves?

        I can't get them in Aus without an intermediary so I'll pass

        I'm in Aus too and buy all my Granblue and Nukani stuff through proxies. It's never been good for merch here outside of normie shit.

        • 1 year ago

          joel yurius tsubasa ryan shao

    • 1 year ago

      I can't get them in Aus without an intermediary so I'll pass

  19. 1 year ago

    im having impure thoughts

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      santa Quincy sure looks like he has something to gift those kids

  20. 1 year ago

    As expected.

    • 1 year ago

      I went 0/3 on snekkies last year
      redemption arc...

    • 1 year ago

      I'm really wondering how this year will play out. While I support reruns, if it's at the cost of a lot of new content/new SSRs, I can see even more people quitting because they're bored.
      I'm also wondering if this is just a banner, or an expedited event with a reward ladder (kind of hoping there might be a ladder because I have a lot of events units, and that would be nice because of
      the unit bonuses).
      But in all, I'm kind of bummed out because we don't really know who the next new event units will be. I guess this might level out the F2P contract saving rate that was obliterated when they started doing back to back events. But I have a pea-sized brain and I'm bored already.

    • 1 year ago

      I have 290 contracts for the next Kuya....where is him

      • 1 year ago

        he's due next, probably with snek...lord have mercy on my gems
        wonder if it'll be for the anniversary or after

        • 1 year ago

          I hope so, I still don't have a single snek SSR

        • 1 year ago

          Hm, snek plus fox event could be fun though, if not expensive for me. I can’t remember if we ever saw those two ever really interact with each other much before

  21. 1 year ago

    Obey Me meet and greet today, if there's anything interesting, might post. But honestly, it looks like it's just gonna be more merch.

    • 1 year ago

      Holy Frick, they just announced a new game

      • 1 year ago

        Can they make the first game good before they make a new one? Although I wonder if they are going to kill it instead

      • 1 year ago

        Name: Obey Me: Nightbringer
        Apparently takes place right after the celestial war. With focus on Solomon, Satan and the attic. There's an MV but no release date.

        As for any other actual info, there are new socials + an official discord now. Season 5 still delayed.

        Can they make the first game good before they make a new one? Although I wonder if they are going to kill it instead

        Doubt it but Season 5 still being delayed is probably gonna be the first nail in the coffin. That'll be lessons 81 -100. Hopefully there's a proper sendoff.

        • 1 year ago

          An image from the PV

        • 1 year ago

          >focus on Satan
          fine, I might return to Obey Me

  22. 1 year ago

    >upcoming games.
    What and when?

  23. 1 year ago

    Horse husband

    • 1 year ago

      I never expected that it’d be a gacha that answered the eternal question of how a horse would wear pants

    • 1 year ago

      >actual horse body
      No thanks

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah, nah. Too furry for me. I'll stick to basic kemonomimi characters.

    • 1 year ago

      Obligatory horse wiener joke

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      I'll just wait until whenever they release the saytr femboy

      • 1 year ago

        you've got my attention...

        • 1 year ago
  24. 1 year ago

    Can someone help me? Since Hikari no Akari installed the donating method, sekrit club discord, paying to do every single thing in that website I've been out of the loop with a bunch of joseimuke Elements Garden CDS, and other series like Tsukiuta. Is there any other alternative, like Chinese rips, bilibili or something else for poorgays like me? I really want to listen to Utapri newest songs, Visual PRISON songs and now Technoroid.

    No I am not using otomedream I can barely buy food.

    If anyone knows other methods, Chinese websites etc I'm willing to learn. Thanks

    • 1 year ago

      did you try looking at soundcloud?
      I have no idea where they are now either, I've been ripping mv's from youtube and editing the fluff out in audacity for hanadoll, and then that gets on spotify eventually. I got most of the technoroid songs because they did a promo livestream that I ripped.

      • 1 year ago

        Could you share your technoroid songs if possible?

        • 1 year ago

          anonfiles /TcE33bW4y3/Technoroid_zip

          It's everything up to the KNOCC summer event song.
          I only really like the moon cult songs, wonder if giving the unit a name means they'll make more in that style in the future.

          • 1 year ago

            Thanks anon

    • 1 year ago

      Tested a few links on Hikari and they're working, unless you want it in FLAC. If you really want that for some reason, I have a forum account so I can get it for you, or other link there. For Visual Prison apparently I can only get the live, songs are paid content, UtaPri too.
      Vk/Telegram always have something if you search enough, searching songs individually on seems to be working well for UtaPri and Tsukiuta songs.
      People also post a lot of songs on youtube/bilibili/soundcloud, I use yt-dlp to download but there's easier alternatives to use.
      I guess it's worth mentioning too, sometimes there's official uploads on youtube that are region locked, I didn't find what you wanted but you can try it with other franchises. I could only find Marginal#4 songs there with a VPN.
      Besides that I'm also with you, Joseimuke songs are a pain to find.

      • 1 year ago

        After some digging I found the Visual Prison soundtrack and all the songs for the anime, I wouldn't mind if you shared the Live link.
        Utapri is really a pain to find, I haven't listened to their new songs since 2020, I'm dreading myself. I'm gonna use the site you mentioned for Utapri and Tsukiuta, hope I can find new stuff.

        • 1 year ago

          They have 3 download alternatives and the only one working needs a client installed.

      • 1 year ago

        Might I ask, I use Telegram for books and gaijin series in general, but are these channels for Otome soundtracks too? Do you have any recommendations?
        What's VK also

        • 1 year ago

          NTA, it's vkontakte. I had no idea telegram had channels for this stuff, thanks for that, onee-chan.

        • 1 year ago

          VK is just russian Facebook. I don't have an account and can't speak russian so I can't help besides letting you know that there's probably a lot of content there if you search enough. Telegram is much easier for me.
          That site needs a Telegram account, it's new for me too so I'm seeing better now that there's A LOT there, including some drama CDs. Tried searching a random otome VN soundtrack and it's there. Just search in a lot of ways, try the names in japanese and maybe russian too. Names of songs, voice actors, anime, VN, games, album, whatever works.
          I'm sure there's a lot of Telegram channels and bots too, global search sometimes works fine. Searching "otome" there had mixed results, click on a channel and see if there's other ones linked or even groups, dig through rabbit holes until you find what you want.

          • 1 year ago

            aw damn, it was working yesterday but now it needs a login, secret club-ed itself up.
            And you need an actual phone number to use telegram. damn my NEET life.

            • 1 year ago

              There's services to buy numbers, including one done by Telegram itself, cheaper than having a phone but I don't know about having a number in other countries, here it's cheap and almost obligatory so I never needed something like that. Telegram can be useful as frick but I guess paying for it still makes it dumb if you just wanted free piracy. Your other alternatives are searching VK yourself or asking anons here to find/download things for you, if the main options are not working.

            • 1 year ago

              Update: we're dumb and you just needed to change the settings.

              • 1 year ago

                wow thanks for rhe heads up, now I have to go through all the tsukipro stuff I missed and see if there's anything besides the QUELL BD song worth downloading.

  25. 1 year ago

    Cute former old man

    • 1 year ago

      still crossing fingers that hyv does right by the guys in star rail since there's some really nice looking ones in the bunch. kinda actually looking forward to the release tbh

  26. 1 year ago

    So what do you guys think about the whole STEP sorcery gem thing? Personally I'm already not interested if this is gonna be a thing now, it's not even appealing to me as a whale. I've heard that its copying what another gacha game is doing but I'm hoping they change it in the future considering how much I've been seeing people unhappy about it.

    It doesn't really seem fair for players who weren't "Day 1" and the game is only about a year old so idk why they're going ham on the unnecessary microtransactions for reruns of all things, they were already on a thin line for the holiday event.

    Refreshing old LV packs sounds nice though...

    • 1 year ago

      Came here to basically post this.

      I feel lucky that I was a week 1 player. I've been able to get every unit I wanted by saving and having multiple accounts (fingers crossed they never find a way to ban that). I'm a diehard F2P when it comes to all gacha games, and this kind of banner just solidifies that. I think the disappointment everyone is feeling is very valid.
      They could have just increased the number of contracts needed to guarantee (something like 300 to 400), or even had a F2P banner that only has the SSR character fragments/shards (to make it harder to get the full unit), but locking it entirely behind real world money is a huge turn-off. I hope the banner fails in terms of revenue, because I've always been disgusted when companies put a shorter and shorter leash on their players. In my eyes, a game like NuCarnival should become more generous over time because more players will equal more money anyways, and the game play/scope of the game will remain pretty simple (they don't need a massive, growing team).

      If I was a new player to the game, I'd probably uninstall after seeing this update notice. It'd be so frustrating knowing that I could never get all the Yakumos or Quincys I wanted. To add insult to injury, if there are event SSR stage multipliers, that just means new players are being actively punished. What a giant PR failure. Going forward, this just lights a fire under everyone's ass to get the event units during their first run.

    • 1 year ago

      Came here to basically post this.

      I feel lucky that I was a week 1 player. I've been able to get every unit I wanted by saving and having multiple accounts (fingers crossed they never find a way to ban that). I'm a diehard F2P when it comes to all gacha games, and this kind of banner just solidifies that. I think the disappointment everyone is feeling is very valid.
      They could have just increased the number of contracts needed to guarantee (something like 300 to 400), or even had a F2P banner that only has the SSR character fragments/shards (to make it harder to get the full unit), but locking it entirely behind real world money is a huge turn-off. I hope the banner fails in terms of revenue, because I've always been disgusted when companies put a shorter and shorter leash on their players. In my eyes, a game like NuCarnival should become more generous over time because more players will equal more money anyways, and the game play/scope of the game will remain pretty simple (they don't need a massive, growing team).

      If I was a new player to the game, I'd probably uninstall after seeing this update notice. It'd be so frustrating knowing that I could never get all the Yakumos or Quincys I wanted. To add insult to injury, if there are event SSR stage multipliers, that just means new players are being actively punished. What a giant PR failure. Going forward, this just lights a fire under everyone's ass to get the event units during their first run.

      I wasn't expecting reruns honestly, so I dunno I guess I'm happy for other users
      240 gems for pity tho, what's that work out to in USD...?

      • 1 year ago

        I think some people are saying that's around $200 if you're taking advantage of limited time packs. I'm not 100% sure.
        I didn't expect reruns either, honestly. But I think NuCarnival actually confirmed it awhile back, along with the "every character will get an SSR" thing (cough Aster Morvay cough). So I took it lightly, but never imagined reruns would be heavily paywalled. Maybe I'm just stingy, but while ~$200 isn't "a lot," it's a lot when it's for one copy of a 2D boy who may it may not have good H scenes, which take even more money/time to unlock. The cost vs value is pretty bad.

        • 1 year ago

          the price really is ridiculous considering how gated everything is, especially if you also care about the gameplay aspect. it would be 1400$ to 5* them

          yakumo's card was ok but edmond's card h scenes were really shit. just a bit of petting for room 2 and 69 for room 5. i remember a set of players (me included) complaining about it and another set sucking the devs dick about how hard it was to animate and that we should be grateful or look at porn. in the meantime the rooms quality have increased since then so it was completely doable and not impossible to do decent rooms after all. the same for the weird milky tit olivine in zest of life. the valentine cards look cute but they're not worth it

          • 1 year ago

            Ayrt, I was one of the people complaining about there being no nudity in some of the rooms, because that's just feels like a rip off.

          • 1 year ago

            The 69ing scene was nice, but it should have been the first room and the last one should have been fricking.

    • 1 year ago

      This basically cemented the fact that I'm eventually going to drift away and stop playing as I inevitably miss more and more cards, because even if I started spending money on this I'm certainly not pulling for 2 sorcery gems a shot with a 1% chance of getting a card I want. And 240 sorcery gems for the pity? frick off.

    • 1 year ago

      Came here to basically post this.

      I feel lucky that I was a week 1 player. I've been able to get every unit I wanted by saving and having multiple accounts (fingers crossed they never find a way to ban that). I'm a diehard F2P when it comes to all gacha games, and this kind of banner just solidifies that. I think the disappointment everyone is feeling is very valid.
      They could have just increased the number of contracts needed to guarantee (something like 300 to 400), or even had a F2P banner that only has the SSR character fragments/shards (to make it harder to get the full unit), but locking it entirely behind real world money is a huge turn-off. I hope the banner fails in terms of revenue, because I've always been disgusted when companies put a shorter and shorter leash on their players. In my eyes, a game like NuCarnival should become more generous over time because more players will equal more money anyways, and the game play/scope of the game will remain pretty simple (they don't need a massive, growing team).

      If I was a new player to the game, I'd probably uninstall after seeing this update notice. It'd be so frustrating knowing that I could never get all the Yakumos or Quincys I wanted. To add insult to injury, if there are event SSR stage multipliers, that just means new players are being actively punished. What a giant PR failure. Going forward, this just lights a fire under everyone's ass to get the event units during their first run.

      >Going forward, this just lights a fire under everyone's ass to get the event units during their first run.
      This is all I feel towards the rerun banner, I was waiting to see how they would do reruns and now I know that I should be even more glad I managed to get all the guys I wanted and that I should make sure I keep getting them going forward even if I have to create new accounts.

      the price really is ridiculous considering how gated everything is, especially if you also care about the gameplay aspect. it would be 1400$ to 5* them

      yakumo's card was ok but edmond's card h scenes were really shit. just a bit of petting for room 2 and 69 for room 5. i remember a set of players (me included) complaining about it and another set sucking the devs dick about how hard it was to animate and that we should be grateful or look at porn. in the meantime the rooms quality have increased since then so it was completely doable and not impossible to do decent rooms after all. the same for the weird milky tit olivine in zest of life. the valentine cards look cute but they're not worth it

      >in the meantime the rooms quality have increased since then
      It's a good thing that nearly every update they mention improving artwork.

      I'm glad this event will finally be over. I made it to the wallpaper at least, but it took me until today to finish the 3rd Silver Feather stage. Kinda sad at the massive amount of Sorcery Gems would need to use for the White Day rerun banner and there's no other option like using blue gems. I wonder how what will do for the anniversary after pulling this move? It also sucked that we didn't receive any compensation for the server error last month.

      >I wonder how what will do for the anniversary after pulling this move?
      Honestly I have zero expectations, but not because of the banner. We're two weeks away from the anniversary and instead of revealing the other announcements we'll have to deal with 10 days of countdown for the live, I'm sick of that thing already with how much they talk about it.

      There is. Unfortunately, you need to exchange a Divine Choco for it which atm afaik (since I haven't unlocked the other stages) is only available at the ladder for 7.86k points (1 Divine Choco), and 9.6k points (2 Divine Choco). So this is more like a filler (?) before the actual anniversary proper. Good to know I can possibly get Silver Miracle's bgm eventually.

      Divine Choco seems to be replacing the background and bgm spots in the ladder. I'm fine with how they did the ladder, those who didn't get the background and/or bgm can get them and the rest of the things you can exchange are great. I did a quick math and it also seems doable to finish the ladder without spending gems assuming you only use your energy on the event.

      Even in the friendship banner, Kuya still haunts me. I had to use some memory crystals to get SR Yakumo to his third ascension and upgrade his potential when R Yakumo can't handle other stages. Why couldn't that old fox leave me alone? My other SRs are also stuck at three stars.

      If NuGovernment just did their usual thing with the contracts and blue gems for the rerun banner, I wouldn't mind using the summoning materials I stockpiled (that I didn't even spend on Eiden's SSR) so I could hopefully get Choco Yakumo closer to his third ascension since he's been a lifesaver for all of my Sorcerer Trials run. They experimented again to test people's bottom lines and stuck the high sorcery gems price tag on it reducing the players' spending interest.

      Yeah. At least this time it's doable to finish without using that many gems.

      >They experimented again to test people's bottom lines
      Hopefully it will be like after IF and things will change in the next rerun, but it's still baffling how the WS banner got screwed twice, first time it didn't have pity, now it's sorcery gems only, to make up for that they'd have to basically give the units for free next time.

  27. 1 year ago

    Enforcer skin on CN
    Unless there's a male welfare this might be the first event without a new boy we've had in a while

    • 1 year ago

      >no new male
      I SLEEP!

  28. 1 year ago

    I'm glad this event will finally be over. I made it to the wallpaper at least, but it took me until today to finish the 3rd Silver Feather stage. Kinda sad at the massive amount of Sorcery Gems would need to use for the White Day rerun banner and there's no other option like using blue gems. I wonder how what will do for the anniversary after pulling this move? It also sucked that we didn't receive any compensation for the server error last month.

    • 1 year ago

      NuGovernment really needs to send out another survey. The first one was way too early in the game's life. I'm sure we all have a lot of things to say now.
      I only made it to the background too. I didn't even try to spend blue gems to go any further. The anniversary will set the tone for this year, but I'm already feeling disappointed because I doubt they will be generous in any way.

  29. 1 year ago

    Cute guys shaving

    • 1 year ago

      poor Luke, the only one who has to shave with his shirt on

  30. 1 year ago

    im a dolphin and its a bit crazy that they expect 240 for one pity

  31. 1 year ago

    Now this gaem is no longer Muslim. I kneel, Yana.

    • 1 year ago

      I wonder how badly twitter will screech about cultural appropriation with those pale characters wearing "tribal" clothes once this hits global in a year or whatever lol

      Also the mouse outlewding a number of omni games. never thought I'd see the day

      • 1 year ago

        No discourse (yet), bellies have gathered more attention and that's what ppl is talking about.

  32. 1 year ago

    >no contacts in the rewards ladder for the rerun event
    I didn't know it could get worse, sisters.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm disappointed there wasn't any backgrounds for those who missed out

      • 1 year ago

        There is. Unfortunately, you need to exchange a Divine Choco for it which atm afaik (since I haven't unlocked the other stages) is only available at the ladder for 7.86k points (1 Divine Choco), and 9.6k points (2 Divine Choco). So this is more like a filler (?) before the actual anniversary proper. Good to know I can possibly get Silver Miracle's bgm eventually.

    • 1 year ago

      these two week spans between actual events is usually just dead air, I feel like there's better things to complain about than us getting free shit compared to last year lmao
      such as needing a bank loan to roll on these banners

    • 1 year ago

      There is. Unfortunately, you need to exchange a Divine Choco for it which atm afaik (since I haven't unlocked the other stages) is only available at the ladder for 7.86k points (1 Divine Choco), and 9.6k points (2 Divine Choco). So this is more like a filler (?) before the actual anniversary proper. Good to know I can possibly get Silver Miracle's bgm eventually.

      The reward ladder isn't bad honestly. For one thing it's quite short, 14k points or so needed to complete it IIRC, you get a lot of materials and gems for your trouble, you get an easy skill core, and the stuff you can trade for your 3 divine chocos is neat: the BGM and background of course, but assuming you don't need those, you can trade each for those 100 choco gifts, 1 million gold, 200 memory crystals, a key box or fricking 1000 energy which practically refunds the energy cost of the event, especially considering the other energy rewards (in fact I'd recommend spending your first choco on that so you can use some to complete the ladder, otherwise they might expire)

  33. 1 year ago

    Seriously the gacha is only for whales...? I wanted to try getting Edmond. Well, one step closer to unninstalling it.

    • 1 year ago

      Even in the friendship banner, Kuya still haunts me. I had to use some memory crystals to get SR Yakumo to his third ascension and upgrade his potential when R Yakumo can't handle other stages. Why couldn't that old fox leave me alone? My other SRs are also stuck at three stars.

      If NuGovernment just did their usual thing with the contracts and blue gems for the rerun banner, I wouldn't mind using the summoning materials I stockpiled (that I didn't even spend on Eiden's SSR) so I could hopefully get Choco Yakumo closer to his third ascension since he's been a lifesaver for all of my Sorcerer Trials run. They experimented again to test people's bottom lines and stuck the high sorcery gems price tag on it reducing the players' spending interest.

      The reward ladder isn't bad honestly. For one thing it's quite short, 14k points or so needed to complete it IIRC, you get a lot of materials and gems for your trouble, you get an easy skill core, and the stuff you can trade for your 3 divine chocos is neat: the BGM and background of course, but assuming you don't need those, you can trade each for those 100 choco gifts, 1 million gold, 200 memory crystals, a key box or fricking 1000 energy which practically refunds the energy cost of the event, especially considering the other energy rewards (in fact I'd recommend spending your first choco on that so you can use some to complete the ladder, otherwise they might expire)

      Yeah. At least this time it's doable to finish without using that many gems.

  34. 1 year ago
    What a downgrade

    • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      so they finally did the leader swap?

      • 1 year ago

        Sort of. Technically they're both leading the group, it's convoluted as frick. The RYUSEITAI Black from the event ended up being an "alternative" image of the group that they can be requested to appear as for idol work, while the original (red) unit is still there. It looks like the idea is that in future, events focusing on the other characters (Midori, Kanata, Shinobu, and so on) will showcase similar storylines wherein Green / Blue / Yellow etc. will act as the "leader" of that group. Which is really just a lot of words for switching the center around every event. Think of it like how comic books publishers have different imprints / labels for alternate universes / edgier explorations of their characters.

        • 1 year ago

          so that means ryuseitai is going to get new basic unit outfits every year now?

  35. 1 year ago

    Looks like Star Rail is opening pre-reg tomorrow with a tentative release date in late April so it's coming kinda sooner than I thought?

    (Also, if anyone other than me cares, it looks like Arcana Twilight might actually be getting an update on the 15th with Sirius's birthday? idk if it means a story update too but....)

  36. 1 year ago

    Anyone pulling for Sandal/buying Wilnas?

    • 1 year ago

      I'm getting Wilnass, don't care about Sandals since I want to spark Lu Woh who is likely Feb legfest

    • 1 year ago

      Are they really releasing two males and one female for Valentine? Is this a dream? Summer might be good this year

      • 1 year ago

        Oh wait just noticed Wilnas is a skin, nevermind. The dream is over

      • 1 year ago

        last year were two male well if you count ladiva

        • 1 year ago

          Ladiva is my oneesan so no

      • 1 year ago

        Wilnas is Other like Ladiva and Babu of previous years, 2023 is still going to be another shit year for grub guy releases if not worse than last year

        • 1 year ago

          To be honest, it's hard to consider Wilnas and Babu anything other than male and female. For GBF it doesn't count if someone doesn't see themselves as some specific gender, if it's using a frilly bikini and showing breasts and ass it's obviously meant for male coomsomers.

          Ladiva is something I don't want to discussion further on Ganker, I do think of the character as a female because she presents herself as an oneesan, but her traits don't include anything for neither male or female coomsomers.

          • 1 year ago

            >but her traits don't include anything for neither male or female coomsomers.

            Pretty much this, Ladiva counts for neither. I'd rather count that VDay as just anyone else on the same banner (Cassius)?

            • 1 year ago

              I don't remember much of past year V.Day, was it Vira with Cassius? Then it counts as standard male plus female, rather equal standing. I don't mind characters like Ladiva, in fact I like her a lot, but I am attracted to male characters (shota, ikemen, bishounen, muscle) so I wouldn't waste a spark for her.

              I just find Cygames way of thinking way funny and a bit irritating, Vira already has like 7 units, her pandering fates has some stuff with (You) but she's clearly a raging lesbian, her VA acts like a raging lesbian on stage too (for fanservice). Now they're releasing a clear fujobait character, obsessed with his dead boyfriend, and his dead boyfriend who has a proxy and had (You)sexual bait is not getting anything soon because his VA likes shaved pussy and three timing. Cygames just rotates between like 7 male characters, others are just VA shillclub. You can bet Nectar or Tyre will get seasonal, alt or uncap. I think they should release Eternal alts, every male character there has popularity above average (except Uno for obvious reasons), but they're stuck with their 5 year-old kits, pandering, art etc. If Zodiacs can get alts even if they're in a special club, why can't the Eternals?
              Percival was the most popular male for like 4 years but they toned down his (You)sexual stuff, released shit units and rebalances and only past year he got something that made him skyrocket in interesting again, but his (You) sexuality is gone in favor of repetitive Homoknights plot. Lamorak older design was released and people went crazy over him, Cygames ignored him for almost 2 years only to make his fujobait mild as frick, no incestshit pandering and now there's yumebait with his cousin.

              tldr I am tired of Granblue and GBF fans pretending this game is anything but waifufest just because of 1 naked male every 5 years. The art is good, the weapon system, gameplay and units are rather complex and addictive, that's the only thing keeping me.

              • 1 year ago

                >because his VA likes shaved pussy and three timing
                Which VA is this? Sorry I don't play GBF... And don't remember any of the more recent cheaters involving three-timing unless I missed that detail.

              • 1 year ago

                Sakurai Takahiro

              • 1 year ago

                kek. Thanks anon, I only heard about the one other woman when the details first came out.

              • 1 year ago

                Apparently he's rather sex obsessed and had more than one side b***h. They leaked some funny stuff on him, I don't think he's getting any work for at least 2 years.

              • 1 year ago

                Holy frick, I'd never seen this before. Amazing.

              • 1 year ago

                >tldr I am tired of Granblue and GBF fans pretending this game is anything but waifufest just because of 1 naked male every 5 years.
                Man at least in the 2019-2021 years I could argue that unit releases were a little balanced, but February last year seemed to be the end of that and it really gives off big EoS vibes. Did you notice that this was the first January in the game's entire existence to not release any male units (2022-2020 had 2 ssr males and every year prior to that had at least 1 sr male and another male of varying rarity) and also the first to release a grand in January? Combining that with the $45 spark in the future feels like they're trying to milk the game as much as possible before shuttering the doors

              • 1 year ago

                Don't forget scamgacha getting more frequent too

              • 1 year ago

                >Sariel not getting a dark Grand because waifugay meme
                Granblue deserves to die

              • 1 year ago

                my favs never getting new content because they are not part of shillclub or they are that popular

                joel yurius tsubasa ryan shao

              • 1 year ago

                Tsubasa could have been part of the Shillclub but NKMR is too real about this game and it irritates KMR and FKHR. Last time he went on stage he stomped on this shit hard, saying it's getting more and more unaccessible and it's impossible to recommend to his friends.
                Even shillclub VAs spill some beans when faced with tough questions, it was like Siero's VA (or was it Lyria? I don't remember) obsession with Rein but when asked if he was good to use, she just laughed awkwardly and didn't answer properly.

              • 1 year ago

                Was probably Siero, Katou Emiri knows how to actually play the game. Naobou just wanks over Seruel.

              • 1 year ago

                >it's getting more and more unaccessible
                It's really weird most GBT normal events are really easy now but everything else are just painful grind

              • 1 year ago

                God I fricking hate Sakurai Takahiro so much, why he had to ruin everything

          • 1 year ago

            have a nice day troony

    • 1 year ago

      Sandal is a waste of space, overshilled piece of shit. Should have been Joel or Veight.
      3 episodes of Sandal making choco for a corpse (voiced by the 'kuri to risu' 3 timing manprostitute)

      • 1 year ago

        Veightsisters... Is it that hard to get Yuki Kaji again?

        • 1 year ago

          KMR and FKHR are dumb as frick and always focused on their shill VAs.
          A V.Veight crossdressing would generate gazillion money from trapgays and husbandogays

          • 1 year ago

            I don't mind the shill VAs who actually know about the game, but the ones who are just there to fellate every decision they make are a pain in the ass.

    • 1 year ago

      Will definitely be buying my husband Wilnas, might Sierotix Sandy if he's a 10/10 in either of my Primal elements because I don't mind him as a character and I like seeing big numbers.

    • 1 year ago

      I had to spark for Sandy because I got 4 fricking Sen dupes in my rolls, so unfair.

      I haven’t even played the game in months, just roll these days whenever my favs get new alts.

    • 1 year ago

      Sierotixed Sandal and proceeded to stop playing the game

      • 1 year ago

        Is he actually good

  37. 1 year ago

    Eiden getting married to Fox and snek first soon

    • 1 year ago

      Special anniversary banner where everyone gets a wedding SR unit. I can dream.

    • 1 year ago

      would be funny if someone got put in a wedding dress. also it looks like its taking place in the forest so I wonder where this is going

    • 1 year ago

      Special anniversary banner where everyone gets a wedding SR unit. I can dream.

      The whole vibe that implies a special anniversary event reminded me of these outfits

      Cafe Menu and merch just got posted cafes sound so fun...

      . Please please please let it be that, I'll use everything to get my faves if that's the case.

  38. 1 year ago

    I love him

  39. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      From the thumbnail I thought he was humping doc from behind

    • 1 year ago

      Love my cato

  40. 1 year ago

    How is our wife such a prostitute? Everyone knows of his filthy activities with the Grand Sorcerer, sisters...

  41. 1 year ago

    Speaking of GBF, will the console game be worth it if I'm only interested in cute boys?

    • 1 year ago

      If you like Gran + the Dragon knights sure

  42. 1 year ago

    Caved in an 3*'d White Day Edmond. Gotta say, having separate banners for each rerun unit is a blessing, hell I even went for Yakumo after and got him easily, but man it is unironically not worth it paying for all those sorcery gems. This is coming from someone who buys sorcery gems willy nilly for portraits.

    Really hope they cave in and change it back to spirit gems and contracts, there's really no point in selling packs with contracts on a rerun banner that doesn't even use them. If they really wanna stick with being greedy without pissing off too many people I'd say lock STEP rewards behind sorcery gems and do a 100/120 SSR pity with contracts. For now, I'll brace myself for Kuya and Puppy rerun, if they don't change it (RIP my maid blade dreams) then that's definitely the last banner i'll break the bank for.

    • 1 year ago

      It makes me sad when people say they "caved in" and spent money on this banner in particular. Usually, I'm for supporting games you like, but being Stockholm syndromed into paying for this stupid rerun banner feels like a disservice. If a large majority of people withheld money this time around, NuCarnival might have had a second thought about doing another p2w rerun.
      Sorry for being sour. I don't mean to blame you, I just wish that if people disagreed with the banner structure, they wouldn't spend money on it. That just signals to the devs that people will "come around." I guess that's just the way of things though.

      • 1 year ago

        To be fair with him and others like him, this specific banner is extra tempting because it didn't have pity the first time, so people who want those units must've been desperate enough to open their wallets after waiting for a year.

  43. 1 year ago

    Single Male Lawyer
    (about to be) having lots of sex

    • 1 year ago

      Now neither of us will be 30-y.o. virgins

    • 1 year ago

      Now neither of us will be 30-y.o. virgins

      car sex

  44. 1 year ago

    I love this stupid himbo so much.

    • 1 year ago

      I can't fricking believe he got the skin and it just shows his ass, what a world

      Losing my goddamn mind over cygames' absolute refusal to mention whether the vday cards are gonna be sketches again or not.

      It alternates between new sketch and colored version of the sketch

  45. 1 year ago

    Losing my goddamn mind over cygames' absolute refusal to mention whether the vday cards are gonna be sketches again or not.

  46. 1 year ago

    Spirit Gems x200, Essence Vial (M) x1, Coins x20,000


    • 1 year ago

      Eiden's cute wives

    • 1 year ago

      Kuya just inserting himself into the Yakumo/Edmond/Olivine friendship group.

    • 1 year ago

      gotdamn, olivine's tiddies

  47. 1 year ago

    I just checked my guild's log since I hadn't done so in a while and found out that I became the guild master because the previous one went inactive. It took me two weeks to find out. lol Going by the dates the last time they were active was the day GM Eiden was revealed, I wonder if it's a coincidence. Well, since they haven't logged in for a month I guess they're not coming back, good thing I noticed before Quincy gets his next event unit so I can change the mascot.

    • 1 year ago

      Is it okay to join? Haven’t joined a guild in a while

      • 1 year ago

        Sure, I kicked one of the inactive ones and switched to ask to join, so just tell me your name and I'll accept.

        • 1 year ago

          Just sent it, username is Eiden<3Cake

        • 1 year ago

          Just sent it, username is Eiden<3Cake

          Based guild, I've never seen so many quincys/garus...

  48. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        I wasn't sure what the banner order would be anymore because of the reruns, but I'm slightly surprised to see Edmond again this soon.
        Who are the other contenders? Kuya, Garu, Yakumo?

        • 1 year ago

          I thought it would be Kuya and Yakumo's turn next, but I guess Edmond's waifu powers were 2strong4nugovernment not to use to rake in the dough. Maybe they're using the old 1 bottom, and 1 top format again? I hope he's a defender or saboteur this time.

        • 1 year ago

          I'm guessing Kuya. Kuya+Edmond will print them money. If it's a three person banner I can see them throwing in Yakumo.

          I thought it would be Kuya and Yakumo's turn next, but I guess Edmond's waifu powers were 2strong4nugovernment not to use to rake in the dough. Maybe they're using the old 1 bottom, and 1 top format again? I hope he's a defender or saboteur this time.

          >I hope he's a defender or saboteur this time.
          inb4 another striker

          • 1 year ago

            my dream banner #2. will throw all of my gems and contracts into it if it's true

            • 1 year ago

              If there's ever a Yakumo and Quincy banner, I'll lose my mind. It has to happen one day... r-right?

          • 1 year ago

            I wanted Kuya and Yakumo

    • 1 year ago


      He'll become everyone's wife for real, with wedding dress, veil and bouquet.

    • 1 year ago


      Our wife is going to look so fricking beautiful. The devs never miss with him.

    • 1 year ago

      Who's this? If I don't get SSRs in the anniversary banners I'll just reroll, having only Euden buffer and no SRs (only the ones that story gives and I'm at 4-1...) is hard to keep going.

      • 1 year ago

        It's Edmond.

      • 1 year ago

        Anon if you can't beat certain story leves, grind for affection itens, money and lvling potions, also work on that sorcery's trials the best you can. Lv that Quincy SR/R, Yakumo R/SR are good healers for starters, Aster and Morvay are god mode even today

        • 1 year ago

          What could be a good team? Maybe swapping Kuya for Quincy or Aster just so my team is not full light?

          • 1 year ago

            That team is decent enough but I guess you could put Morvay over Kuya since he's pretty good for starters, but your characters are pretty underleveled , waste some time doing side stuff to gather more itens and exp

    • 1 year ago


      Sisters... The bride wife dream is coming true

    • 1 year ago

      waiting for next OP alt!!

  49. 1 year ago

    Got Sandal and Lanchan (Grand) with a spark to spare for Luwoh.

  50. 1 year ago

    im only gonna have 200 rolls for our wife and sexy fonks....sisters....I don't feel so good

  51. 1 year ago

    Need more games with sexy boys

  52. 1 year ago

    >The almost CPR scene is still in

  53. 1 year ago

    Any of you trying out Limbus Company in a couple weeks? It definitely has some guys that catch my eye but the lore seems kinda impenetrable without putting a ton of hours into the other games.

    • 1 year ago

      I've been a fan of their games for a little while so I'm going to give it a try. I think the best thing to do, as far as lore goes, is to give the wiki etc a re-read to refresh on the more important things and to pick back up on what the various anomalies are all about.

      I'd say play the games, too, but they can take a while to beat and the new one's out in a few weeks or so

      • 1 year ago

        >I'd say play the games, too, but they can take a while to beat and the new one's out in a few weeks or so
        I played the first one for a few hours (then it crashed and completely derailed my interested). It does seem like a neat game so I really should give it another shot before the gacha releases.

    • 1 year ago

      since limbus company is a spin-off to make money and draw new fans you’re not required to play the other games to understand it, like fgo with the fate series. the project moon games are fun but also hard so if you just want to know the lore there’s the wiki and summary videos on youtube

  54. 1 year ago

    Sorry waifu fans but don't the nugovt get tired of him, how many units does he have? His popularity eclipses the other 10 guys that much?

    • 1 year ago

      After this new unit he'll have the most, but at the moment he's still tied with Yakumo, Olivine and Quincy (3 SSR alts each).

      And I buy Nukani items from the live events in Japan through an agent, Edmond regularly sells out almost as fast as Eiden does (and sometimes beats him, even).

      • 1 year ago

        How are the merch sales in terms of popularity nowadays?

        • 1 year ago

          Overall? It seems pretty healthy. Animate Cafe Ikebukuro is running a collaboration with the game for the first anniversary right now, and posts updates on Twitter when merch sells out. The Eiden, Edmond, Olivine, Quincy, Kuya, Blade and Dante acrylic stands are sold out, though you can still backorder them. Yakumo, Garu, Aster, Morvay and Rin stands are still available.

          If you meant singular characters, Eiden and Edmond usually go first, then Quincy and Kuya. The others are more random but Garu and the familiars are usually left behind. Yakumo still being available at the anniversary cafe is pretty unusual.

          • 1 year ago

            >Garu and the familiars are usually left behind
            Don't worry puppy, I love you even if others don't.

            He looks cute


            I wonder what this tea party will be about for Kuya to bother with it. So far the events he was in were in the wood territory focusing on it's traditions, but even Quincy which was the same went out of his comfort zone in FG and talked a lot more than usual. I'm curious to see Kuya's character development.

          • 1 year ago

            Yakumo not sold out, thats weird, I always thought he was fairly popular. Guess it's a gaijin thing

            • 1 year ago

              he would be if he were a bottom

              • 1 year ago

                Kuya will teach Edmond about mpreg and how to use your Essence for impregnation, then that ass will give birth to many cute ass babies

    • 1 year ago

      He's popular in Japan, and that's most likely where their mega whales are. Like

      After this new unit he'll have the most, but at the moment he's still tied with Yakumo, Olivine and Quincy (3 SSR alts each).

      And I buy Nukani items from the live events in Japan through an agent, Edmond regularly sells out almost as fast as Eiden does (and sometimes beats him, even).

      said merch sales are always a good indicator of popularity. He sells out fast and the resale value can get crazy high. I've probably spent more on Edmond merch than in the game itself.

  55. 1 year ago

    He looks cute

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        Infinity Alpha finally let him out of his sexless purgatory.

        Edmond and Kuya will probably be a fun combination.

    • 1 year ago

      He's holding flowers, the gap MOE, sis I think I might die
      Thank god Nucani for always delivering the best boy content

  56. 1 year ago

    Non enstars gay coming in, is that Arashi character actually a trans woman who has said yes I am a girl and I wanted to be treated as such with other characters referring to them as a girl. Or is it twitter going apeshit over atashi like Vil and characters referring to themselves as chan thus they're a girl or whatever

    • 1 year ago

      Actual trans, wants to be refereed as onee-san/chan. I think people latch on due that trait, they would treated/talked about like any other boy without it.
      What's going on that image?

      • 1 year ago

        I don't know I just found it on LULZ and thought it was funny

        Its literally just the generic okama trope, not western troony shit

        But oh, so just a gay guy? That's disappointing I thought enstars would be based and have a genuine troony

        • 1 year ago

          >/LULZ/ subhuman
          >troony lover
          have a nice day

    • 1 year ago

      Actual trans, wants to be refereed as onee-san/chan. I think people latch on due that trait, they would treated/talked about like any other boy without it.
      What's going on that image?

      Its literally just the generic okama trope, not western troony shit

      • 1 year ago

        Why is it always the western fandom stirring this shit. It makes it so hard to want to be part of a fan group

        • 1 year ago

          They can't accept men being feminine/women being masculine and existing like that comfortably. Westie gay males call each other "sis" or "girl" all the time in real life, not that these morons would know that. If they can make an interesting character into a bland, ugly troony, they will do it.
          I'm surprised they don't do that to Izumi, he acts homosexual as frick, too.

          • 1 year ago

            I used to wonder why I hate Izumi until I realized he's just like catty homosexuals IRL. I've gotten over it though and just find it funny now

      • 1 year ago

        Subaru stopped calling Arashi that because he found out it was offensive

        • 1 year ago

          >sorry bro i wont call you a homosexual anymore
          That doesn't suddenly make the person straight

      • 1 year ago

        Gender disphoria is not a gaijin invention, stop living in your fantasyland where Japan has no "western troony politics"

        • 1 year ago

          >waah I'm growing older
          >waah puberty
          >waah hair
          People need to get their shit together, everyone gets ugly and dies except for sexy older men. They're forever.

          • 1 year ago

            In the manga the character is asked to be referred with female pronouns, it's not about becoming older and "uglier". I don't really want to get into a fight over this but people need to realize Japan is not a fantasy land where "woke subjects" don't exist.

            • 1 year ago

              It's 90% being older and uglier and justifying it with hurr durr gender.
              Which is why most regret it at the end.
              >I don't really want to get into a fight over this
              Then why bring up troonyshit at all

              • 1 year ago

                I wasn't the one who started talking about Arashi

                No one said that. Stop putting words into people's mouths and derailing the thread.

                All the replies some anons made literally imply that this kind of subject is mostly western troony shit, and the example I mentioned was just about getting older.

              • 1 year ago

                It's a western fandom thing which is why western was specified. Enough on this topic or we'll never stop.

            • 1 year ago

              Gender disphoria is not a gaijin invention, stop living in your fantasyland where Japan has no "western troony politics"

              No one said that. Stop putting words into people's mouths and derailing the thread.

        • 1 year ago

          man this manga got my pretty sad at the end

          • 1 year ago

            There's a sequel called Shintan Kairou which is even worse, this author is basically BL version of Shuzo Oshimi.

            • 1 year ago

              Thats the one with the creep teacher right? I have no idea where the story is going with that one, but its interesting i guess

              • 1 year ago

                I also have no idea, but shit is going down every chapter

    • 1 year ago

      I'm not an enstarsgay either but based on some nip write up I read, it seems more like arashi is nonbinary and not happy with being treated as either a girl or a guy.

    • 1 year ago

      Anon what the hell is that image

  57. 1 year ago

    Such a brave, cute girl

  58. 1 year ago

    Are there any games that aren't marketed as omnipandering/joseimuke but have cute boys that you're interested in?

    • 1 year ago

      FGO but I already ate enough fateshit in my life to not get bothered by it, even the older series like Zero and the original novel are more omnipandering than FGO, and one is a straight up porn game

      • 1 year ago

        That's a shame. I've never gotten into Fate but this fairy boy has peaked my curiousity.

        • 1 year ago

          Don't be fooled by the cute boys, for every cute boy there's 20 girls in erotic poses, outfits and bikinis. Just read the original VN, read or watch Zero, play Extra and CCC. Enough cute boys for a while

        • 1 year ago

          Just read Chica Uminos works if you liked his design and overall atmosphere.

          • 1 year ago

            I do like March Comes like a Lion, I don't know if she's done much fantasy though.

            • 1 year ago

              You can read her fantasy works with Berserk volumes 30+
              it's a joke, it's just that she and Kentaro Miura were very good friends and she basically helped him creating better female characters. RIP ;_;

      • 1 year ago

        tfw no fsn spin-off where you have copious amounts of sex with cu lancer

    • 1 year ago

      Yoko Taro games, for someone who doesn't like male characters he makes some cute as frick boys. Not even talking about the shotabot only but Drakengard's MC is pretty hot and apparently extremely edgy, which is up my alley. There's a Nier mobile game but it's super niche

    • 1 year ago

      Nier reincarnation too. But I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who isn't already into yokoverse tbh

      FGO but I already ate enough fateshit in my life to not get bothered by it, even the older series like Zero and the original novel are more omnipandering than FGO, and one is a straight up porn game

      tfw no fsn spin-off where you have copious amounts of sex with cu lancer

      The Rin prologue in the VN was great and makes me wish daily that they went through with making FSN an otome

      • 1 year ago

        What are some cute boys from there? I am very into yokoverse but Reincarnation scares even me, and I played 40 hours of the bad Ace Combat game, and wasted 8 hours on a rhythm game sequel of the bad Ace Combat game.

      • 1 year ago

        The solution is to elimate Takeuchi, then Nasu will have his cute boy fricking fantasies allowed

        • 1 year ago


  59. 1 year ago

    With all the AK clones releasing I'm surprised no one released one with boys only

    • 1 year ago

      My memory is hazy, so someone can correct me if I'm wrong but there is/was one. Sadly it was aimed at men (with the usual furshit). Dataminers even found leftover AK files in the data.

      I think some companies are still stuck in the mindset that women don't want actual gameplay in their gachas.

      • 1 year ago

        >Dataminers even found leftover AK files in the data.
        That sounds hilarious. But considering how large the AK chinese female playerbase is you'd think someone would catch a hint or attempt something.

    • 1 year ago

      There’s that one coming out from Pretty Busy but idk if it’s male cast only and the general tone and style might turn away a lot of potential players. But at least it doesn’t look to be only bara and furries lol

  60. 1 year ago

    >posting enstars
    >not posting the cute, small ones
    Tsk tsk, gotta do everything on my own.

  61. 1 year ago

    Well damn. It looks like NuGovernment really is only giving us 3 Divine Chocolates for the whole event? I did a quick scan of rewards and the challenge levels that just unlocked don't give any.

    • 1 year ago

      I guess their thought process was either people would go for the bgm and background if they missed it and people who didn't miss it would use the chocolates for the rest of the items, still that leaves 2 items they can't redeem. I would've liked 2 extras for the key and crystals

      • 1 year ago

        >I would've liked 2 extras for the key and crystals
        What are you going to redeem? The strong boosts and memory crystals are no brainers. If you really need it right now (unlikely if you aren't a new player) you could go for the gold or intimacy items, otherwise the key box is also an obvious choice. This is of course assuming you already have the background and bgm or don't want them.

        • 1 year ago

          I missed this event so I went with the BGM and background but I would've liked memory crystals for the next event. I'm just pretty completionist about getting all the rewards so I'm a little bummed we didn't get more chocolates. Can't be mad at more gems though, next banner is tempting

    • 1 year ago

      I played the event the first time it ran and I just grabbed the memory crystals, strong boosts and key box.

  62. 1 year ago

    No new silhouette or reveal, only this. That means it’s not a 3-person banner r-right?

    • 1 year ago

      Looks like it will only be Edmond and Kuya. Them and Garu are the only characters who haven't been in a triple banner yet, right? I'm surprised that they didn't toss the puppy in there just to complete the set. Not that I'm complaining, Kuya and Edmond fans continue to win.

  63. 1 year ago

    Don't know how much it'll interest people here but Towatsugai is female targeted apparently.

    • 1 year ago

      >female targeted apparently.
      At at glance it looks more yuri than anything. Nice visuals. Squeenix though so RIP.

    • 1 year ago

      >female targeted
      The game looks like low budget horse shit so I believe it

    • 1 year ago

      >all girls
      No thanks.

    • 1 year ago

      well that explains why a bunch of the girls look like boys

    • 1 year ago

      it seems like all the info I can find calls it a yuri game so....yea, it is female targeted buuuuut....

    • 1 year ago

      This seems like something I'd want to give a try but I am too lazy to deal with the region locking... Can't even get it off of qoo app... Sad!

    • 1 year ago

      I'm trying it out and it's not bad. Surprisingly high quality with the amount of unique live2d portraits.
      A joseimuke yuri game by squeenix may just be the most doomed concept possible however.

    • 1 year ago

      They turn into dudes or something.

  64. 1 year ago

    When will Nu:Carnival have a bottom only banner?

  65. 1 year ago

    Havent opened Themis in over a month now

    • 1 year ago

      I re-downloaded it after some months and the welcome-back cutscene was so manipulative I uninstalled it again instantly lol

    • 1 year ago

      That’s me, too, though I think I’ve been out since the anniversary. the cards are still nice and all but I just don’t have the motivation especially since they dropped the jp voiceover (petty, I know but….)

  66. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Ngl this is a lot less loose than what I was expecting.

    • 1 year ago



    • 1 year ago

      I am on one knee to ask for his hand in marriage
      I am on both knees begging nugovernment to not make him another striker

    • 1 year ago

      Oh no he has the dead mom's hair, it's a sign that Rin will kill him to take his place.
      Jokes aside, they should've used other colors for his shirt, it looks too much like the AD clothes so if Kuya also has these colors it will be pretty lazy.

  67. 1 year ago

    I started playing Nu:C a couple days ago
    Am I moronic or did they never make an SSR for Morvay or Aster? Why?

    • 1 year ago

      our greatest scholars are still working to solve this question

    • 1 year ago

      Not popular enough, they're Eiden's Kero and Yue etc etc. Everything indicates that Aster would be top and Morvay a bottom though

    • 1 year ago

      It's the "break in case of emergency" banner for when the game is dying.

    • 1 year ago

      they haven't yet. best we've gotten is having them show up together in the Eden card from a few updates ago. No one knows why they neglect the familiars so but some seem to think that it's maybe because Aster looks kind of young

      • 1 year ago

        Eden? Eiden.

        • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      It seems like they are tying their SSRs to story progression, but since that updates so slowly they've gotten delayed. Datamine anon said in the last thread that there is evidence in the game files of them saving space for their SSRs so it'll happen one day

      • 1 year ago

        >but since that updates so slowly
        That's an understatement, last chapter was almost 6 months ago.

  68. 1 year ago

    Jing Yuan DILF...

    • 1 year ago

      cute shota dilf needs recruitment. I hope I get lucky enough to get him early...though the other guys in the opening banners look good, too (tho since it's hyv chances are they'll be the only guys for a while).

  69. 1 year ago

    Anniversary art incoming

    • 1 year ago

      what them olive fingers doin'...
      it's funny how if the two characters were looking at each other this would have been DQ'd for shipping

      • 1 year ago

        The thought of them having a threesome with Eiden is better anyway.

    • 1 year ago

      Rejected ver (not sexy enough)

  70. 1 year ago

    I don't get it. Are we ever getting anything else on the Anniversary site?

    • 1 year ago

      At this point I'm expecting the rest to be announced during the live.

      Old man cane lol

      >As spring approaches and life begins anew, White Day arrives once more... Perhaps a whole new possibility lies on the horizon...?
      So it's another White Day event, in that case why not have a different character with Kuya? Should we expect Edmond next year as well?

      Not a Kuya simp but he looks great


  71. 1 year ago

    Old man cane lol

    • 1 year ago

      foxy grandpa

    • 1 year ago

      foxy grandpa

      Not a Kuya simp but he looks great

    • 1 year ago

      Definitely I'm pulling. I'm this anon

      What could be a good team? Maybe swapping Kuya for Quincy or Aster just so my team is not full light?

      so its hard getting gems when I cant advance in story/do events, but I finally reached potential 3 with all my team (swapped Kuya for Morvay). Game is good but progression its too slow it kills me, reminds me why I left Tenkafuma.

    • 1 year ago

      Huh, this is the first time I’ve found a Kuya design kind of underwhelming. Not that it’s bad but just sort of meh. I might wait to see what his rooms are like before I pull for once

    • 1 year ago

      foxy grandpa

  72. 1 year ago

    >get excited about kotomine’s vday cutscene in fgo
    >it’s just lore and hints at the final game boss
    i waited 7 years for fgo to finally add my fave fsn/fz character and he’s just used for exposition, glad i can drop fgo once and for fricking all

    • 1 year ago

      Well at least you rolled him, but Kotomine being nice/lovey to the MC would be completly out of character, especially FGO ver.

      • 1 year ago

        even something like him giving the MC super spicy mapo tofu and laughing at them dying while eating would’ve been better. i just wanted something light-hearted and got kotomine being the Lore character

  73. 1 year ago

    More Anniversary art

    • 1 year ago

      snek and sun lord? unexpected combination

    • 1 year ago

      You've got to love how yesterday's art had a version that was rejected for not being lewd enough, but today's art is just Dante and Yakumo having dessert.

      • 1 year ago

        If I read their tweets right she rejected it herself because she thought she could go lewder

      • 1 year ago

        Only bottoms are allowed to be lewded.

  74. 1 year ago

    new announcements from the NuC event, manga and chapter 11 confirmed. The chapter 11 announcement came with a silhouette, did anyone screencap it?

    • 1 year ago

      best picture I’ve seen so far

      • 1 year ago

        God I hope it's a monkey boy.

        • 1 year ago

          That might not be a belt, not a tail. Quality is low res but I remember seeing holes

          • 1 year ago

            You can kinda see the holes if you zoom in.

      • 1 year ago

        Topper will get a rival, can't wait to see what will happen when they meet.
        I hope I can find a recording of the live later, the comments made me want to watch it.

        • 1 year ago

          • 1 year ago

            Bless you anon.

            I think my issue with it is that this game relies on character appeal/H scenes first and foremost, because let's be honest you can find the gameplay fun but that's not why we came here in the first place. So if they keep adding more characters and keep the banner pace/number of characters per banner the same we are going to see less of some of the clan members. And then what are they going to do? Will they prioritize the popular ones, and we'll only see Garu and Blade once a year? I'm not even a fan of their characters, but it would be unfair to those who are. And we are already seeing shades of this with some people complaining that Edmond is getting his fourth now. Or they can pump out banners faster or load them with more characters, but that can backfire and potentially piss off f2ps who save for their faves, and dolphins that might feel like they are being pressured to spend more.

            Maybe I'm just being a negative nancy, but I just don't see them handling a large cast well. I don't necessarily think one more character will overload them, but for god's sake why not just do something with Aster and Morvay? They are established characters, they are right there.

            >And we are already seeing shades of this with some people complaining that Edmond is getting his fourth now.
            It can't be helped, as one of the characters in the first banner he'll likely always be ahead of the others. I think everyone gets a new banner in almost the same amount of time too so I don't see a problem for now.
            As for the new character, we can't be sure if it's indeed a new character, it could be Rin with a new visual, Eiden or even Huey. Did they confirm it's a new playable character and not just someone who'll appear in chapter 11?

          • 1 year ago

            Thank you again for sharing anon, I really enjoyed it. Even though I didn't understand most of it, the interview bit had me laughing throughout it, that interpreter really stole the show there.
            The skits were nice. During the event songs medley I noticed how the audience cheered when the ZL, MB and SM scenes showed up on the screen, I wonder if it means these were the most popular events (theme and/or story-wise because ZL is infamous for it's reward ladder) or if it's because of the characters.
            The new title screen art looks great and I'm hyped for the new theme song. I think it's a given that they'll come in this week's update, but chapter 11 will likely come in the next one after the next event is over. I hope so, I need that week or two of extra time to finish the trials and lost relic.

      • 1 year ago

        I don't even really like Aster or Morvay, but releasing another character before they get their own SSRs seems dumb. I don't even want more characters. Just give me more Yakumo.

        • 1 year ago

          Agreed. Ten characters sharing screentime and now they are possibly adding another to the mix? And Rin still isn't completely off the table? I can't believe I'm saying this but if they are going to introduce new characters they better start making more three-character banners, or at the very least introduce event SRs

          • 1 year ago

            I don't even really like Aster or Morvay, but releasing another character before they get their own SSRs seems dumb. I don't even want more characters. Just give me more Yakumo.

            2 characters a year seems like a pretty good pace to me
            nu:c is my first boyfriend collector though so idk how you all rate this type of timeline

            • 1 year ago

              I think my issue with it is that this game relies on character appeal/H scenes first and foremost, because let's be honest you can find the gameplay fun but that's not why we came here in the first place. So if they keep adding more characters and keep the banner pace/number of characters per banner the same we are going to see less of some of the clan members. And then what are they going to do? Will they prioritize the popular ones, and we'll only see Garu and Blade once a year? I'm not even a fan of their characters, but it would be unfair to those who are. And we are already seeing shades of this with some people complaining that Edmond is getting his fourth now. Or they can pump out banners faster or load them with more characters, but that can backfire and potentially piss off f2ps who save for their faves, and dolphins that might feel like they are being pressured to spend more.

              Maybe I'm just being a negative nancy, but I just don't see them handling a large cast well. I don't necessarily think one more character will overload them, but for god's sake why not just do something with Aster and Morvay? They are established characters, they are right there.

              • 1 year ago

                >we are going to see less of some of the clan members
                This. Exactly. This is why I don't really want more characters. Instead of going a few months without seeing your favorite character get an event SSR, it'll be even longer, which makes the game feel strenuous. I don't want to wait 6+ months just to get one more Yakumo, who may or may not even look good/have good H scenes.
                >some people complaining that Edmond is getting his fourth now
                I think people are a little too worried about this in particular, though. I think having some characters appear way sooner than "normal" is a necessity for switching around the banners. Otherwise, everyone would always appear in the same events with each other.

                Sort of unrelated, but I don't really get why they added an Eiden SSR. He doesn't have any other cards (N, R, SR) so it feels very awkward. I prefer characters getting a full set of units, but because my brain likes collecting them and feeling "complete." That, and SRs are extremely useful.

              • 1 year ago

                >I don't really get why they added an Eiden SSR.
                To celebrate the anniversary and because he's popular I guess.

              • 1 year ago

                Bless you anon.
                >And we are already seeing shades of this with some people complaining that Edmond is getting his fourth now.
                It can't be helped, as one of the characters in the first banner he'll likely always be ahead of the others. I think everyone gets a new banner in almost the same amount of time too so I don't see a problem for now.
                As for the new character, we can't be sure if it's indeed a new character, it could be Rin with a new visual, Eiden or even Huey. Did they confirm it's a new playable character and not just someone who'll appear in chapter 11?

                Oh, I agree that people are overreacting about Edmond getting his 4th SSR, he's my favorite so I can't complain. My point was that if people are overblowing this imagine when they realize that for example, Dante, is only going to appear maybe twice a year because we have to make room for new characters.

                >Did they confirm it's a new playable character and not just someone who'll appear in chapter 11?
                They've said nothing, so it can easily just be Eiden/Huey/an NPC/a known character with a new haircut. We don't even know when the chapter is dropping.

              • 1 year ago

                I think a good portion of the people complaining are Yakumo fans because I've seen some wanting him with Kuya, maybe because they like both, but also because Garu is next in line for getting a new SSR so their best hope is that they pair him with Blade, otherwise unless there's a Yakumo, Blade and Dante triple banner or they push Blade back to have a Yakumo and Dante banner, they'll be waiting for quite a while for Yakumo's 4th SSR and with him being in that first banner with Edmond that fuels the complaints towards Edmond.
                Another reason is likely because the devs said Edmond is the team's favorite, so some may feel that he's the first to get a 4th after being the first to get a 3rd SSR is blatant favoritism.

              • 1 year ago

                Sadly when you look at banner patterns some characters do get stuck with waiting four banners (excluding Klein Star obviously, and including Silver Miracle) before getting another SSR. Maybe it's hitting a subset of Yakumo fans harder because it's a first for him, but it has already happened to Kuya, Olivine, and now Garu as well. Yeah, Olivine you can argue wasn't as bad because there was only one banner in between his first and second SSR, but the four banner gap was still there. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see Edmond for another four banners after this one and if we do then I'll take the favoritism argument seriously.

              • 1 year ago

                If you do count Klein Star, Edmond was the first ever character to wait four events to appear again. I think that until Kuya recently broke the record, Edmond, Yakumo and Quincy were tied for the longest wait to appear in a banner again.

      • 1 year ago

        Where is Rin damn it.

      • 1 year ago

        It just occurred to me while I was listening to the theme song sneak peek again that this might be Eiden and the little bird on his shoulder is a mascot-sized Night Crane. That's because I was thinking about the mascots and then the song went into that "take me through the skies" part. It may just be a coincidence, but Eiden did tell the Night Crane that it could visit him at any time so it's not farfetched for it to become a recurring mascot. Then again, if Eiden was going to get a new permanent design it would probably be shown in the new title screen.

    • 1 year ago

      Manga artist might be k.k Usako. Saw someone tweet congrats at them, but then deleted it.

      • 1 year ago

        Livestreaming was whelming, the stories were cute but if you were just interested in new content you only had to tune it to the last 5-10 minutes.

        I wish they would just post the new event PV, Edmond looked very wife.

        Looks like their art, not the biggest fan and I'm not expecting much from it. I wonder which artists are going to work on the anthology.

        • 1 year ago

          Topper will get a rival, can't wait to see what will happen when they meet.
          I hope I can find a recording of the live later, the comments made me want to watch it.

          I didn't even know this was happening, you lot gave so little fanfare lmao

          • 1 year ago

            - SR/SSR story continuations for each character not named Aster or Morvay, and Olivine's was a live reading
            - Musical Performances of theme song, summer idol song, and event medley
            - Live seiyuu talk/interview with Eiden and Olivine's VAs
            - Sneak peek of new event
            - Sneak peek of new title screen art and theme song
            - Manga announcement
            - Chapter 11 announcement with a possible new character

            I think that was all. I personally don't think it was worth the $20ish ticket price.

          • 1 year ago

            Mostly just cute character bits, a concert, short Q&A and live reading. If you’re just interested in news+PV then skip to 2:19:40. If you wanna watch the full thing go to 16:30.

            Yakumo (SSR? Sequel. Honest woodcutter bit)

            Edmond (SR sequel, Edmond comes across a bookstore and buys an erotic novel)

            Quincy (SSR sequel, Eiden visits Quincy and they both share a meal together. Eiden challenges him to another drinking contest, Quincy feeds Eiden wine with his mouth and falls asleep headpatting him)

            Kuya(SSR sequel, Eiden is embarrassed about the breeding play he did with Kuya. He then comes across a group of kits and takes care of them. Kuya messes with him and talks about how Eiden gave birth and how easy it was for him to get pregnant.)

            Blade (R sequel, Blade gives Eiden their exchange diary for him to read, which is filled with gossip [About Edmond and Olivine+Morvay] and sexytime with Eiden. He sees a ripped page, which blade reveals is about the time he fell asleep and the maid told him that putting a blanket on him would make him happy, so Blade puts a heavy blanket on him [a rug most likely] on Eiden)

            Garu/Karu (Eiden is taking a bath when Garu enters his room for something. Garu sniffs his clothes, smells an unfamiliar scent and panics. Garu is all mopey and asks Eiden if there’s another wolf. Karu then comes out and starts tracking down the scent which leads to Momo, who Eiden was helping feed earlier. [Idk if I’m right but Karu’s reaction implied that he thought Eiden was into beast sex]. Momo gives Eiden puppy dog eyes and asks for love in front of Karu, giving Karu a smug look)

            Dante (SSR sequel, Eiden is acting as Dante’s servant and messes with him. He offers Dante an exotic dish [Omurice] and does a maid cafe bit)

            Olivine (Live Reading SSR sequel. The ink Olivine brought in his case soiled all his clothes except for his skimpy white one. Olivine invites Eiden to the market to buy more ink and shenanigans ensue with his fans)

  75. 1 year ago

    hi anons, i'm trying to form /vmg/'s team in the 4cc and i wanted to ask if you are interested in choosing a character to represent the thread on the team as a player

    • 1 year ago

      Is there really enough interest to do a /vmg/ team? Even "big" threads like this one are relatively dead.

      • 1 year ago

        so far, all of the threads i've contacted, gave their own suggestions for players, i intend to once talked with most of the active threads to do a final poll to decide on the final roster next weekend

    • 1 year ago

      It might be a little hard considering this thread covers a good amount of games. Buff Topper

      • 1 year ago

        Feel free to suggest more than one, i intend to put all suggestions into a final poll next weekend

    • 1 year ago

      Only suggestion I have is to pick a character from an actual joseimuke game. Maybe one that appeals to both yumes and fujos... Why can I only think of enstar

      • 1 year ago

        Edmond seems like a pretty obvious choice, might as well put it out there.
        Eiden too, why not.

        alright, i shall add them all to the final poll next weekend in


        if it is still up, thanks for your input

    • 1 year ago

      Edmond seems like a pretty obvious choice, might as well put it out there.
      Eiden too, why not.

      • 1 year ago

        I second our wife (Eiden is fine too).

    • 1 year ago

      I'm mostly an enstarsgay, but if I had to pick any joseimuke rep, either AK or NuCarn is the obvious pick considering they get the most talk here, so I'll leave it up to them.

  76. 1 year ago

    More Anniversary art

    • 1 year ago

      Quincy and Kuya were totally married before

  77. 1 year ago

    The new update is literally the same as Tenkafuma's first anniversary update (except that Eiden wardrobe is new since TKFM doesnt has an MC that you actually see). Its nice, and dolphins even know that top up will reset so they have time in case they want to top now. Good update overall + 50 free pulls in permanent banner.

    • 1 year ago

      Even if I don't lucksack an SSR I'm looking forward to the free memory shards at least. And the home screen interactions should be fun.

      • 1 year ago

        >looking forward to the free memory shards at least
        Same feel. I actually don't really care about the original SSRs. I think it's because the permanent banner doesn't have any pity attached to it (they really need to change that), so I just don't even try.

        It's nice that they'll give all past Eiden outfits for free, but going forward his outfits will be another missable like the packs backgrounds. It's not a big deal to me though and I think it's a better strategy to get people to spend more than the sorcery gems step banners.

        >his outfits will be another missable
        Yeah the only time I'll be getting the outfits is on my favorite guy's banner when I have bad luck and have to roll for the selector item. It's definitely not something I'm going to try to get intentionally, but at least it'll make having bad luck feel less awful?

        • 1 year ago

          >(they really need to change that)
          Even if they did it still wouldn't be worth pulling there if you're f2p since it would likely be no different than what we already have in event banners (SSR guaranteed every 100 pulls) minus being able to pull event units. If you're a whale though then I guess it would be the better option to get OG SSRs.
          >It's definitely not something I'm going to try to get intentionally, but at least it'll make having bad luck feel less awful?
          Same, it's something nice but not "I'll pull for this" nice.

    • 1 year ago

      >fifty free pulls in permanent banner
      Is this it? Is this finally my chance to get standard ssr for Quincy and Kuya after a full year of playing

      no, no it isn’t. They’ll somehow continue to evade me

    • 1 year ago

      >50 free pulls in permanent banner
      I'm missing most of the main SSRs so I hope I can get at least two SSR units.

      alright, i shall add them all to the final poll next weekend in [...] if it is still up, thanks for your input

      Buff Topper, Saniwa, or Mystic Messenger MC, pls.

      >fifty free pulls in permanent banner
      Is this it? Is this finally my chance to get standard ssr for Quincy and Kuya after a full year of playing

      no, no it isn’t. They’ll somehow continue to evade me

      Wait and hope, anon. I've been playing since March last year and it took me until the end of December to get Quincy while Blade appeared earlier. I'm still waiting for the rest of the guys to get summoned.

    • 1 year ago

      It's nice that they'll give all past Eiden outfits for free, but going forward his outfits will be another missable like the packs backgrounds. It's not a big deal to me though and I think it's a better strategy to get people to spend more than the sorcery gems step banners.

      • 1 year ago

        I've seen a bunch of Korean and Japanese fans absolutely spitting blood over the 200 rolls for Eiden's outfit thing. Somehow the same fans didn't seem to give a shit about the White Day rerun being red gems only. For EN fans it was the opposite, they were pissed about the red gems but seem to just accept the Eiden outfit thing. I don't know, I just thought the difference was funny.

        • 1 year ago

          Wasting 200 rolls for a costume on a gacha with 2 characters which I don't care sucks more imo

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah. Unless you're a super completionist it's definitely not worth rolling just for the skin. And the Eiden skin only has exclusive interactions with the event units anyway.

            My guess is that they already got the WD units last year so they don't care or they thought the packs giving sorcery gems were worth the price.
            The problem is that Eiden on the home screen wasn't a thing until the SM update a month ago and being able to change him into his event clothes will only be a thing starting next update. On top of that we'll get 9 (10 counting his normal outfit) different outfits for free when the feature releases, it's really not something worth losing your shit about.

            The weird part is that they're mostly Edmond and Kuya fans too. Maybe they think they're lucky enough to get who they want at first pity.

            • 1 year ago

              >And the Eiden skin only has exclusive interactions with the event units anyway.
              This is a good point, if you're someone who cares about missing things to the point this would bother you then you'd be going for the event units too, in which case you're likely to do 200 pulls or close to that unless you're really lucky.

        • 1 year ago

          My guess is that they already got the WD units last year so they don't care or they thought the packs giving sorcery gems were worth the price.

          Wasting 200 rolls for a costume on a gacha with 2 characters which I don't care sucks more imo

          The problem is that Eiden on the home screen wasn't a thing until the SM update a month ago and being able to change him into his event clothes will only be a thing starting next update. On top of that we'll get 9 (10 counting his normal outfit) different outfits for free when the feature releases, it's really not something worth losing your shit about.

          • 1 year ago

            >On top of that we'll get 9 (10 counting his normal outfit) different outfits for free when the feature releases

  78. 1 year ago

    I don’t know if anyone else here plays it, but just in case — has anyone else noticed something weird with the daily reset in Secret Crossing? Like, the last 2-3 days, it doesn’t reset completely? I sent a ticket about it and I am guessing it’s just incompetence since it’s Story Taco but I just wanted to see if anyone else was experiencing it or something similar

  79. 1 year ago

    3 more days till anniversary

  80. 1 year ago

    With the anniversary almost here, what are your hopes and fears or just expectations in general for the game's second year?
    That they are done experimenting with banners and event ladders. I can excuse the first year but going forward I'd prefer for them to take what worked in the first year and used that.
    That the story keeps being interesting, with event ones showing new sides of the characters and also making them grow.
    That they do another live event for the 2nd anniversary with different VAs as guests. I'd love to see all of them together, but the first live showed that translating for even two people is a roller coaster, imagine 10.
    That the game dies. I haven't been this invested in a mobile in many years, I usually drop them after a month or two, it's a miracle that I lasted a whole year with Nu:C, so I want it to stay alive for as long as possible.

    • 1 year ago

      That there's another live event next year, this year's was great. And I agree on trying to get the other VAs.
      That they actually start moving forward with the story again at a decent pace.
      That the next two clan members are bottoms because they need to even it out.
      I really want another player survey to go out so I can express some of this stuff to the devs, even if I'll just be another response in a pool of hundreds or thousands. The last one we got was so long ago.
      Threesome scenes would be nice after the tease in Eiden's intimacy rooms, but they might be keeping that in their back pockets for later.
      I also fear the game dying, especially now that people are finding excuses to complain about everything that isn't f2p friendly.
      I really don't want that many more clan members to show up. The ones we already have are only just starting to be developed as it is, and we're already waiting 3-4 months for our favourite's turn to be in a banner to come around after their last appearance. And as stupid as it may sound, I love the dynamic the existing clan members already have and I don't want any randoms to ruin that shit.

      • 1 year ago

        >And as stupid as it may sound, I love the dynamic the existing clan members already have and I don't want any randoms to ruin that shit.
        It's not stupid at all, I agree with that. Seeing everyone together interacting with each other in Silver Miracle and also in the live initial and final skit was great, it's a recipe for disaster, but a fun disaster (even Kuya enjoys that). Not saying a new character couldn't eventually fit in, but it would feel weird at first.

        topper and bottomer want SWITCHES
        but that wont happen so how about pity at 100 instead of 120 again...
        and a shota...

        It's already back to 100.

        Hoping they explore more kinky/fetishy stuff in future rooms, maybe switches.... I beg of you devs I just want to see Eiden eat Kuya's ass ONCE .From the looks of it, 3somes are on the table but exclusively for eiden units so I guess that's one compromise. I don't hate the idea of eiden getting alts (I just wish it would connect story wise that he's good enough at combat to be on teams)

        Also maybe we get more interesting combat/battles stuff, I like it now but I feel like the more cards we get the more they should change it up a bit, but not like "Here's a new unit, now here's a floor that is made for this unit and you can barely beat it without that unit" type battles looking at you PokeMas.

        The obvious one is the game dying but I think my bigger fear is seeing the writing going to shit. I'm 99 percent sure this won't happen since I've liked everything written so far but you never know, I'd rather have the game die on a good note than them dropping the ball and leaving a shit chapter at the end.

        Also my opinion on the potential new character, this weirdness about adding a new character wouldn't have been a problem if there weren't such a big stretch of time between ch10 and ch11. Hell I feel like Dante kinda suffered from the big gap, the only clan members he's met chapter wise has been Blade, Edmond, Aster and Morvay and he JUST met Yakumo at the end of the chapter. I imagine to a player who misses events, he's probably the one with the least of connection and dynamic with the clan members if that makes sense. I think he still turned out fine though, it really took about a chapter to get a feel for his character, not to mention R/SR cards kinda pad out some character info, so I'm not TOO worried about an extra character being added. Maybe he'll be Garu/Karu levels of harmless character (he's harmless to me, sweet puppy) rather than someone with a "strong personality" like Dante/Blade/Kuya.

        >I beg of you devs I just want to see Eiden eat Kuya's ass ONCE
        The only way I can see that happening is if Kuya is under the influence of something or someone that makes him want take it up the ass, for example something reversing his desire to impregnate Eiden into wanting to be impregnated by him. With all the weird stuff in the Wood Territory it could happen, he was affected by the eclipse in Astral Duo after all so he's not immune to everything or anything, that is to say, don't lose hope.
        >my bigger fear is seeing the writing going to shit
        True, that would suck more than the game dying. I dunno if they only have one writer or various writers, but I hope they stay healthy and that the company does everything they can to keep them working on the game.
        >Dante suffering from the gap
        If we consider events as canon, then SM has to have happened right after chapter 10 because that's the only explanation for Eiden being almost out of essence to the point the Night Crane decided to intervene, so Dante at least met everyone. We'll see how things go with chapter 11, I think going into the Dark Territory is something that would warrant getting everyone together just to be safe, I mean, the only reason they weren't all together in chapter 10 was because they were going to Solaria and didn't want to cause a scene with a large group iirc.

    • 1 year ago

      topper and bottomer want SWITCHES
      but that wont happen so how about pity at 100 instead of 120 again...
      and a shota...

    • 1 year ago

      Hoping they explore more kinky/fetishy stuff in future rooms, maybe switches.... I beg of you devs I just want to see Eiden eat Kuya's ass ONCE .From the looks of it, 3somes are on the table but exclusively for eiden units so I guess that's one compromise. I don't hate the idea of eiden getting alts (I just wish it would connect story wise that he's good enough at combat to be on teams)

      Also maybe we get more interesting combat/battles stuff, I like it now but I feel like the more cards we get the more they should change it up a bit, but not like "Here's a new unit, now here's a floor that is made for this unit and you can barely beat it without that unit" type battles looking at you PokeMas.

      The obvious one is the game dying but I think my bigger fear is seeing the writing going to shit. I'm 99 percent sure this won't happen since I've liked everything written so far but you never know, I'd rather have the game die on a good note than them dropping the ball and leaving a shit chapter at the end.

      Also my opinion on the potential new character, this weirdness about adding a new character wouldn't have been a problem if there weren't such a big stretch of time between ch10 and ch11. Hell I feel like Dante kinda suffered from the big gap, the only clan members he's met chapter wise has been Blade, Edmond, Aster and Morvay and he JUST met Yakumo at the end of the chapter. I imagine to a player who misses events, he's probably the one with the least of connection and dynamic with the clan members if that makes sense. I think he still turned out fine though, it really took about a chapter to get a feel for his character, not to mention R/SR cards kinda pad out some character info, so I'm not TOO worried about an extra character being added. Maybe he'll be Garu/Karu levels of harmless character (he's harmless to me, sweet puppy) rather than someone with a "strong personality" like Dante/Blade/Kuya.

      • 1 year ago

        Eiden has to work extra hard for a taste of that fussy

    • 1 year ago

      Like another anon said, I want another survey. And, I would like it even more if they did surveys frequently. That world make it feel more genuine, like they are actually trying to listen to their audience. Maybe something like at least 4 surveys a year?
      I also hope that pity carries over one day. Right now, I either roll zero times, or 300 times. There's no in-between for me because rolls feel useless unless you either get the limited SSR or the exchange item. Also the permanent banner needs pity, just for the hell of it.
      My selfish hope is that there's a double banner with Yakumo and Quincy one day.
      That the game gets stricter and stricter with rewards. I'm F2P, so if I can't get any of my favorites anymore, even though I play every single day, then I'd quit. As a F2P, it doesn't really matter to anyone if I quit, but the immediate effect of F2Ps quitting is that guilds will die even faster.
      My other fear might go against a lot of other people's, but I don't want the characters to switch top/bottom-wise. I'm pretty invested in things like Yakumo and Quincy only being tops. Having them bottom would make me lose interest in getting those SSRs, which would break the game for me.
      The White Day rerun banner sucked. I hope they change it to allow normal contracts/gems. I had both units already, but other players deserve a chance to get them after waiting an entire year, and I've never been gatekeep-y about digital content.

      • 1 year ago

        >I'm pretty invested in things like Yakumo and Quincy only being tops.
        I understand even though I don't particularly care myself, but just saying that considering their personalities I don't think most characters would mind switching, I can only see Kuya and Dante objecting, Edmond and Olivine may be disappointed since they love taking it up the ass, Yakumo, Garu and Blade would likely do pretty much anything for Eiden and Quincy is too chill to care about something like that and even if he was against it at first, I don't think it would be a strong opposition to the idea so Eiden would likely manage to convince him. This is just my opinion based on what I've seen of the characters though, I actually don't expect switching to happen because it's obvious it would piss off a lot of people, it's one of the biggest taboos in BL I guess.

  81. 1 year ago

    windboys are cute a shame the game is boring

    • 1 year ago

      it has a better arashi too

  82. 1 year ago

    On the topic of new clan members being bottoms to even it out and no switching, I realized that if the new character is playable there's a very high chance he'll be a bottom. The reason for that is because most of the existing characters.
    For example, Dante and Edmond are both tsunderes, one is a top and the other a bottom. Garu and Blade both have a childlike innocence and naivety, while having the Garu and Karu thing and the normal Blade and assassin Blade thing, one is a top and the other a bottom. Yakumo and Olivine are kindhearted and calm, with a dom and sub side they keep hidden deep down, one is a top and the other a bottom.
    Of course they can't just be resumed to those traits, each of them has their own uniqueness, I'm just pointing out their similarities to explain my theory. This leaves us with Quincy and Kuya. I doubt they made the new character have an animal companion just because when at the very least they would've considered that the game already has three mascots (Aster, Morvay and Topper), so I'm thinking he's gonna be the Quincy 2.0 who is a bottom, which is supported by Rin being Kuya 2.0.
    Other things that support this theory are:
    1. There is space beside Blade and Dante in the new title screen for two new characters.
    2. Pay attention to the characters clothes and you'll notice a similarity in theme between the similar ones (I know it feels a bit like a stretch, but you can kinda see it) and this new character has not only an animal companion but also a jacket he doesn't wear properly like Quincy.
    On a separate but related note, the fact that they used the new character to announce that chapter 11 is coming soon means he will appear in it and if he's playable it'll explain why they held off on chapter 11 for so long, because they wanted to give time for the older characters to get more event units and character development before introducing him and maybe making Rin playable too.

    • 1 year ago

      A third point I forgot that supports this theory a bit is that if it was intentional for them to make a top and bottom who have similar personalities and traits, that is probably their compromise to those who want switching while not pissing off those who are against it.

      • 1 year ago

        Oh, one more thing. It's not just the characters themselves behaving similarly to another, but also how Eiden behaves with them. The way Eiden usually acts with Dante and Edmond, Garu and Blade, Yakumo and Olivine is similar.

        • 1 year ago

          I'm not sure I'd necessarily agree. There's similarities and crossover of course, but I feel like all their relationships are still pretty unique. Eiden bullies both Edmond and Dante, but he bullies them in different ways. I would say he's more gentle with Edmond and their teasing is more to do with flustering him because he's more humble than Dante is, whereas Dante is more arrogant and has that clash of ideals with Eiden from their first meeting. Eiden never teases Edmond about being inexperienced like he does with Dante, for example.

          I would also say that Eiden is a lot more openly flirtatious with Olivine (especially in public) than Yakumo, just because Yakumo is a more shy and awkward than Olivine is.

          Like I said, I can see what you mean but there's also some pretty big distinctions between them all.

          • 1 year ago

            True, as I said they all have their uniqueness. My argument about Eiden's actions with them is more on the superficial level as you described, he teases both Dante and Edmond because they're tsunderes, but the specifics of how he teases each of them is different. The same is true for the characters similarities with another, it's superficial, something you can notice but that doesn't make them carbon copies of each other.
            So basically what I'm saying is that it's likely that the new guy, if he's playable, will either be the quiet type or sleepy type or the "too troublesome" type like Quincy, just like how Rin has that "I enjoy messing with him" energy when interacting with Eiden, just like Kuya.

  83. 1 year ago

    Wait a sec, I recognize that artist.
    What a weird crossover.

  84. 1 year ago

    I wish Yakumo was a bottom, he would've been perfect

  85. 1 year ago

    So were Blade and Edmond's VA in the live? Because I'm gonna scream if the reason I didn't see SEM in MOIW 2023 was because they're prepping for NuCarnival songs

    • 1 year ago

      No. Only Eiden and Olivine

    • 1 year ago

      The band they're in together seems pretty busy right now according to its Twitter, that could be it.

  86. 1 year ago

    Running this lim right before Ryusetai event is terrorism. I wanted to pull for Keito but I need to pull for him now? End me.

    • 1 year ago

      new helios character

  87. 1 year ago

    how long do these types of games even live for before the devs announce they have a new project in the works?

  88. 1 year ago

    1 more day!

    • 1 year ago

      I wish those were made into event units, they all look amazing.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah especially Olivine since he doesn't look like a total bimbo for a change. makes it way hotter to degrade him into one

    • 1 year ago

      Man, as much as I love them in skimpy clothes they do really rock suits. I’d pull for any of them easy

    • 1 year ago

      Well, here's our new start screen. I don't know what the new music sounds like though, because I have the settings muted and I can't change it til the update is finished.

      Quincy looks mega hot, Yakumo belongs in a suit at all times, and Blade is adorable. Best fan art so far.

      • 1 year ago

        >I don't know what the new music sounds like
        I really liked it and after listening to it quite a few times I think I understood most of the lyrics. Hopefully they don't take too long to post it on twitter like the previous song.

        >On top of that we'll get 9 (10 counting his normal outfit) different outfits for free when the feature releases

        A good question. I can't be the only one who assumed his past event outfits would be available when I read the highlighted part, but I suppose that was too good to be true. Just watch it be in the step banner for the next rerun, calling it now.

        >no multiplier for original SSRs
        >HP bar seems weirdly animated, especially when health of enemies goes from 100% to 0% in one attack
        New update kinda feels off.

        I'm hoping it's not Edmond for every White Day event. I want to see other characters in cutesy spring outfits.

        That's some mighty luck. I'm not pulling this event, but I got SSR Dante from the free 10 pull. That felt very fortunate.

        >I'm hoping it's not Edmond for every White Day event.
        It will depend on what story they want to tell, as the dessert expert it makes sense for him to at least make an appearance even if he's not in the banner. This time since the story is about getting yokai and humans to get along so it makes sense for him to be one of the banner characters.

        Hello there, new friend!

        Hmm, still not sure if I like him or not, I need to see more. A funny thought is that since he looks like the bird does that mean that Quincy's true form is buff Topper? I'm just kidding, but it would explain why he understands what Topper says.

      • 1 year ago

        Honestly the new song isn't as good as Bright Purity

        • 1 year ago

          I like it a lot, pretty Samba. I just noticed it after one year that it makes sense since there's "Carnival" in the game's name....

    • 1 year ago
      Where's Eiden, Aster and Morvay?

  89. 1 year ago

    >Edmond for White Day last year
    >Edmond for White Day this year

    • 1 year ago

      >no multiplier for original SSRs
      >HP bar seems weirdly animated, especially when health of enemies goes from 100% to 0% in one attack
      New update kinda feels off.

      I'm hoping it's not Edmond for every White Day event. I want to see other characters in cutesy spring outfits.

      130 draws and I got both Edmond and Kuya along with two perma SSRs first.

      That's some mighty luck. I'm not pulling this event, but I got SSR Dante from the free 10 pull. That felt very fortunate.

    • 1 year ago

      >Edmond for White Day next year
      But seriously, they better not.

  90. 1 year ago

    130 draws and I got both Edmond and Kuya along with two perma SSRs first.

  91. 1 year ago

    Got Edmond from the event and Olivine in 105 pulls. Is this team good for story (no trials since I'm lv24)?

    • 1 year ago

      New onscreen chat with Blade's pretty cute. He'll stay forever on my home screen. His original SSR dialogue otoh is depressing even though I like that look of his the best.

      If you're content with their damage and heal output then it's fine. However SR Aster and SR Morvay make for a pretty good starter team duo. Switch out SR Edmond for SR Aster since he can hit hard and heal himself with his ult. He can endure longer battles because of that and can also play as bait especially once he hits 3* with or without a Morvay on the team. YMMV, but I prefer SR/R Yakumo's direct heals since he's easier and faster to upgrade than SSR Olivine. The new Edmond might be in a pickle since he's constantly taunting with his basic attack. He needs a decent healer paired with him. Unlike the Morvay units he doesn't have a shield buff with his long cooldown ult so he's tricky unit to deploy.

      >no multiplier for original SSRs
      >HP bar seems weirdly animated, especially when health of enemies goes from 100% to 0% in one attack
      New update kinda feels off.

      I'm hoping it's not Edmond for every White Day event. I want to see other characters in cutesy spring outfits.

      That's some mighty luck. I'm not pulling this event, but I got SSR Dante from the free 10 pull. That felt very fortunate.

      >HP bar seems weirdly animated
      As someone who felt nauseous when they updated SR Blade's movement animation to be extra bouncy before they changed it back to normal, I felt sick again when I saw the new hp bar animation. It's bearable at 1x speed, but it's gonna suck if I have to keep switching between the two battle speeds to continue playing without driving myself sick. I hope they can just put an extra option button for turning those added animation flairs on or off for those who like them.

      Hello there, new friend!

      Is that a bird or a bun? Either way that grumpy bird's cute.

      4 Kuyas team looks insane for damage if every one is 3 starred, now only need a saboteur focused support unit

      Wait, does this Forest Kuya have both direct and indirect attacks? I only got Forest Edmond in my main and alt. Edmond only appeared in the main after pity, but I surprisingly got him in my alt Kuya account after 30 rolls. The one time I wanted a Kuya unit to appear and he doesn't, I swear RNGesus is playing with me.

  92. 1 year ago

    Hello there, new friend!

    • 1 year ago

      Angry birb

    • 1 year ago

      Is this datamined? I... I think I like him, but his legs looked so painfully thin.

      • 1 year ago

        Yup, datamined.

        >Edmond for White Day next year
        But seriously, they better not.

        Sorry, White Day Edmond forever and you will like it.

        >another sissy femboy bottom for women to self insert

        Projecting harder than a cinema.

    • 1 year ago

      Where SSR Aster

    • 1 year ago

      Oh he's kinda cute

    • 1 year ago

      >another sissy femboy bottom for women to self insert

      • 1 year ago

        300 contracts and I’m 2 crystal cores away from a 5* Kuya…interesting (Once again I had to use my guaranteed SSR to get Edmond to 3*)

        I self insert into Aster because I love money, love maids and butlers, and I like tough brown boys. The cute brunette master is a plus

        • 1 year ago

          Also I got SSR puppy for the first time! Now all I’m missing is Quincy…

      • 1 year ago

        I self insert as Quincy though, he's the perfect woman - tall, big dick, big breasts.and doesn't talk too much

    • 1 year ago

      The "enter into x contracts" deeds are bugged if you're using the free 10 pulls. I can't claim it, probably because the game sees I rolled, but those rolls aren't part of the "true" counter for contracts spent. Kind of annoying because I'll forever have a flashing red dot until I spend more contracts.

      Here's the beginnings of my savings for the new boy on the friendship banner. Honestly wondering how many months it'll take for his units to get added there. Guess I'm in it for the long haul.

  93. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      this event is just going to be another fever dream isn't it

      • 1 year ago

        I will take any Six for (you) pandering scraps where I can get like a royal grubber.

    • 1 year ago

      I was wondering why Katalina but she was Gran first party member together with Lyria, and Lyria is the waifu.

      Sietesisters we lost to Xing....

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        My brotherwife.

  94. 1 year ago

    Unless you’re gonna 5* star Edmond, Morvay will still be superior.

    • 1 year ago

      Edmond is superior for my dick, therefore he's superior for my team.

      • 1 year ago

        So what you're saying is that I should 5* Edmond?

        Amazing taste

        Amazing collection anons. I myself just started my Edmond collection now, though I don't have his initial SSR but I can always hope he comes in the future. Spent all my savings as a new player in this banner so next event will have to be a hard skip for me if there's a Dante...

        • 1 year ago

          I did it. Goodbye Morvay.

          Make sure you do your daily 10x free pulls, maybe he'll show up there!

          You are now my idol, anon. Wish I could afford to ascend my Edmonds that much, but our wife refused to come home before hard pity during Chase the Rainbow and this event. Why does he hate me...

          Welcome to the club, new Edmondsister! I'm sure he'll come and join you quickly.

          I feel that pain anon, I had to hit hard pity in this event for my first copy, with Kuya breaking all my pity along the way. The rest of the journey wasn't as bad as I hoard fragments for him.

          • 1 year ago

            My pities were ruined by two Kuya's, a Quincy and a Garu, so I can relate. I just took my rolls to the next soft pity because it was less than 40 rolls and got another copy of Edmond. Maybe this alt will be my first four star wife...

    • 1 year ago

      So what you're saying is that I should 5* Edmond?

      Edmond is superior for my dick, therefore he's superior for my team.

      Amazing taste

      • 1 year ago

        You are now my idol, anon. Wish I could afford to ascend my Edmonds that much, but our wife refused to come home before hard pity during Chase the Rainbow and this event. Why does he hate me...

        Amazing collection anons. I myself just started my Edmond collection now, though I don't have his initial SSR but I can always hope he comes in the future. Spent all my savings as a new player in this banner so next event will have to be a hard skip for me if there's a Dante...

        Welcome to the club, new Edmondsister! I'm sure he'll come and join you quickly.

    • 1 year ago

      Just noticed I don't have any SSR Edmond

  95. 1 year ago

    How dare they cover Edmond's assets in the new login screen

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      They'll cover Blade's assets too later because I bet that's where they'll place the new guy just so his bird can be close to Topper.

      I self insert as Quincy though, he's the perfect woman - tall, big dick, big breasts.and doesn't talk too much

      I self-insert as him because we're too similar (lazy, love sleep, don't like to deal with other people and want to be left alone in peace and quiet, I just don't have his hotbod).

  96. 1 year ago

    4 Kuyas team looks insane for damage if every one is 3 starred, now only need a saboteur focused support unit

  97. 1 year ago

    Event part two and rooms updated. Really itching for a new chapter, sometimes these events are too Saturday morning cartoony for me. Choco ball is cute though.

    • 1 year ago

      500 gems

      There's also a contest to win contract bundles.

      Thanks. I can't believe it's been months since the last chapter was released. I didn't expect they'd go all out churning events nonstop.

      >2 Kuya, 1 Edmond and 2 OG Dante from 100 rolls
      At least I can start saving again

      I just got two OG Kuya from the free 10 rolls today. Why can't I have this kind of luck in the event banners?

  98. 1 year ago

    500 gems

    There's also a contest to win contract bundles.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm kind of surprised it's not at least a contact bundle. 500 isn't even a single pull. The anniversary feels a little underwhelming so far (for people who didn't watch/participate in the live), even though I wasnt expecting much.

      • 1 year ago

        Well, there's still 4 announcements left, makes me wonder for how long they'll extend the celebration. I'm also baffled that they opened the 1st anniversary over 2 months ago and only revealed 2 of the 6 announcements until now.

        • 1 year ago

          They used up two spaces with the art we've already seen and a producer letter.
          .... Feels bad after waiting months, like you said. I personally don't see the event as part of the anniversary because it's just a normal event like they always do.
          I'm thinking one of the blast spaces will be the new chapter announcement, which is also not anniversary-specific. That's just called progressing the storyline.

          • 1 year ago

            Even though I wasn't expecting much this still sucks.
            >because it's just a normal event like they always do.
            Yeah, Silver Miracle felt more celebratory than Forest Carnival since it was a little unique with Eiden as the banner unit and his thoughts in the story.
            >I'm thinking one of the blast spaces will be the new chapter announcement
            And the other will be the new character announcement, I can definitely see that being the case.
            As for the producer letter:
            >whenever you share your thoughts and feelings
            >your feedback and suggestions have been, and continue to be, instrumental
            Then make another survey, not doing so just sends the message that they're aware of the complaints they'll receive and are trying to pretend they don't exist.

  99. 1 year ago

    >2 Kuya, 1 Edmond and 2 OG Dante from 100 rolls
    At least I can start saving again

  100. 1 year ago

    >start with the six dragons being unbalanced with 4 girls and 2 guys
    >make another guy dragon, wack design but kinda like how weird it is. Maybe to go with eventual wedge nectar so it's 4 and 4
    >the new guy gets big titty draph form
    If they make the female version the anni grand while the guy gets nothing I'm fricking done

  101. 1 year ago

    Please be on the same banner

    • 1 year ago

      Huh so Baizhu didn't get edited and censored for being too sexy for China after all? Nice

  102. 1 year ago

    normalize outsourcing male artists to draw just the genitals for the 18+ rooms

  103. 1 year ago

    Yes! It's not my Blade account but I'm happy I finally got him. Now if only I can get Quincy on this account it would be great. My luck is weird though, got the wife on the first day and now Blade on this account, meanwhile no SSR on my second account.

    • 1 year ago

      Congrats fellow Blade enjoyer. These free rolls have felt lucky to me. Between 3 different accounts, I've gotten SSR Dante, Olivine, Edmond, and Blade in a combined 90 rolls. Maybe I'm jinxing myself, but that's better than I've done in a long time.

      • 1 year ago

        Your luck seems better than mine, congrats. Let's hope this isn't sucking our luck for the next event banner we pull.

  104. 1 year ago

    Yana really went with everything for grandpa

  105. 1 year ago

    >Arcana Twilight update confirmed since forever
    I'm glad it's back.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm still mightily shocked but I'm looking forward to seeing where they'll take the plot. It's been so long though I might need to reread a bit to remind myself of everything that happened. Maybe I'll see if anything happens if you act nice to Sirius from the beginning

  106. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago


  107. 1 year ago

    I'm currently at a point where I kind of feel sick of joseimuke as games while still appreciating the boys. Not like I'm a gameplaygay, Drakengard is one of my favoruite series.

    Currently the best male rhythm game (it has the most features), but the boys look goofily lanky in MVs. The stylization they chose for the 3D models just doesn't fully work for me with the square noodle limbs. Aside that, I know that event grinding rewards you with a usable SSR and 3D model outfit, but I feel like certain girl rhythm games (like im@s) have a more varied gameplay loop and project sekai is more satisfying to play.

    >Twisted Wonderland
    95% of the time = click to auto and leave your phone on
    5% of the time = use your brain in battles
    Skip tickets for lessons would save this game, just make it like priconne.

    I could continue with other examples because I played most of the stuff in these threads (hypmic, yumekuro, mahoyaku, helios etc. etc.), but it mostly boils down to frustration with shitty devs halfassing it while galge devs have to stand out with interesting features because the market is so oversaturated. Enstars has good staff and they frequently deliver content and updates but there's only 2 types of mainstay events. I'm enjoying mixed games like arknights much more nowadays, there's also less rivalry between shippers since everyone is on the same team.

    • 1 year ago

      >I'm enjoying mixed games like arknights much more nowadays
      Same. Also, maybe it's more of a personal taste thing but I can't maintain interest in the card collecting type gachas that are so prevalent in the joseimuke realm. If I roll I want to get a whole unit, if I play a game I want to see my little guys moving around on a field.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah its shit out here. You pick your flavor of laziness that you're willing to tolerate and the cute boys act like a balm to soothe everything since you like them so much. Of course Japanese shiteaters will never ask for better either.

    • 1 year ago

      Agreed. The only joseimuke game I'm playing right now is NuC, and I find myself enjoying it more when they add new challenge stages or characters I actually like (and that's like three max), so when that's not happening my interest plummets to a zero. Meanwhile AKN could have a drought of male characters and I will still log in daily because I genuinely enjoy playing it and there's really no other gacha like it out there. The devs continuously add new game modes, and while not all are complete hits (I tried to like SSS, couldn't do it) they still put some effort into them.

      >galge devs have to stand out with interesting features because the market is so oversaturated
      It's frustrating because while the joseimuke market is not oversaturated to the extent of galge games I find that the majority fall into specific categories like rhythm games or 90% auto battler, so it feels bloated. Why would I play one auto battler over another auto battler? Because there might be a chance that I like one or two boys in one and not the other? It has long gotten stale.

      • 1 year ago

        I wish they would copy some games, like why couldn't have Growing Stars been like Shiny Colors? The Idolmaster Shiny Colors template is perfect for joseimuke: basically you get a lot of cutscenes while building a character (kind of like in mahoyaku but much more elaborate), it's VN like and you can unlock a true end, good end and bad end. Failing would provide perfect angst that fans love and there's lots of opportunities for unit member interactions and lore.

        Or make an Uma Musuko, lol.

        • 1 year ago

          is not uma musume gameplay boring?

          • 1 year ago

            Depends on what you like, it has rougelike elements, you pick between different training scenarios and have to adapt your strategy.

    • 1 year ago

      I understand the sentiment and agree that devs should do more, but if the alternative is something like Arknights then I'll pass since I don't like tower defense gameplay.

      >I'm enjoying mixed games like arknights much more nowadays
      Same. Also, maybe it's more of a personal taste thing but I can't maintain interest in the card collecting type gachas that are so prevalent in the joseimuke realm. If I roll I want to get a whole unit, if I play a game I want to see my little guys moving around on a field.

      I agree as long as they aren't chibis. I do like chibis, but to me in the current year chibis are just as lazy, might as well be cards if they're not going to go full 3D model, cuts costs and gameplay takes less time since I don't have to watch them move slowly.

      • 1 year ago

        >I agree as long as they aren't chibis.
        For something I play on a phone I really prefer chibis. Everyone seems to bemoan them but for a small screen, stylized chibis are the best for conveying maximum information quickly. Games like PtN do full-sized 3D and you can't see shit in the middle of a battle.

        • 1 year ago

          PtN looks kinda ugly in-game, the artwork is lovely but the 3D models are janky to me. Helios did a good job with 2D sprites that aren't chibi imo.

        • 1 year ago

          A good point, but if I want to enjoy what's happening on screen I play on emulator, I don't like the idea of playing on a small screen unless you're just doing repetitive tasks like dailies or playing an idle game which doesn't require you too keep looking at the screen. This is another example that we all have different tastes and things we're willing to put up with, there will likely never be a game that pleases all of us in all aspects.

          • 1 year ago

            Well, there doesn't have to be a game that pleases everyone, it would just be nice to have the same variety and quality in joseimuke.

      • 1 year ago

        so just play genshin

      • 1 year ago

        >if the alternative is something like Arknights then I'll pass since I don't like tower defense gameplay.
        What I'm hoping devs take away from Arknights is not to just make more TD games, but to make games within their own genre that are actually fun to play, and to not be afraid to experiment within that genre. But so far, the two games I've seen that seem to be inspired by Arknights failed to do that.

        A good point, but if I want to enjoy what's happening on screen I play on emulator, I don't like the idea of playing on a small screen unless you're just doing repetitive tasks like dailies or playing an idle game which doesn't require you too keep looking at the screen. This is another example that we all have different tastes and things we're willing to put up with, there will likely never be a game that pleases all of us in all aspects.

        I think chibi style will continue to be prevalent as long as devs assume that most of their playerbase are using their phones to play their games as the style compliments small screens. There are only a handful of games I can think of that actively promote their games to be played on emulators/consoles and those tend to be the ones that employ full sized models. As someone who initially hated chibis and wanted more games to adopt full sized 3D or even 2D models I came around to just judge them on a case-by-case basis. Arknights chibis grew on me, and newer skins/characters have better animations. Neural Cloud chibis on the other hand look silly and looking at future content they don't get any better. For full-sized 3D I think the better ones I've seen are Kings Raid (RIP) and maybe Genshin, but Path to Nowhere looks downright cheap.

        • 1 year ago

          >Kings Raid (RIP)
          Oh yeah those were surprisingly well animated. Counterside's full-sized 2D is okay too I guess, though I didn't play it long enough to get used to seeing through all the skill effects splashing around the screen.

    • 1 year ago

      i wish TR had better gameplay

    • 1 year ago

      makes me sad that the kiniro no corda soshage was just a lazy card collector. i played the console versions and they were really fun; even tho i didn’t get a guy in the end i had fun leveling up my character, collecting music, and winning competitions. ruby party games are piss easy but i miss when joseimuke games with gameplay was popular

      • 1 year ago

        I do like Star Orchestra's guys but the gameplay is such a drag and they lost me making the main story continuation event only.
        >They haven't released a new console game in 2 years
        Feels bad man

    • 1 year ago

      >and project sekai is more satisfying to play.

      I'm the opposite, although maybe it's just because I hang around in /psg/ and the way they rag on how lifeless Sekai 3DMVs are compared to enstars in comparison makes me appreciate what we do have. Having to deal with petulant children queueing every month there's Cheerful Carnival also sours the gameplay experience.

      • 1 year ago

        I meant more the song maps themselves and animations, game smoothness. Yeah the 3DMVs are very basic.

    • 1 year ago

      Project Sekai is better in terms of rhythm gameplay (I chalk that up to my otoge autism) but it's lacking in 3D models and MVs, like

      >and project sekai is more satisfying to play.

      I'm the opposite, although maybe it's just because I hang around in /psg/ and the way they rag on how lifeless Sekai 3DMVs are compared to enstars in comparison makes me appreciate what we do have. Having to deal with petulant children queueing every month there's Cheerful Carnival also sours the gameplay experience.

      said. It wasn't something I paid attention to before, but after I compared the two I realised just how bad prsk has it. They have to catch up and fix it soon.
      My only actual complaint for enstars is the number of diamonds it takes to get event SSRs. I am a fairly casual player, though, so I shouldn't be complaining about that.
      To be fair, I play prsk for the girls and not the boys. The only choices you have there are either boring shounen or clown yaoi (or the hidden trap option)... Enstars will always be superior because it feeds into my shotahomosexualry.

      • 1 year ago

        I'm the anon you quoted -- Sekai does scratch my itch for more challenging rhythm games, which is always a huge plus, but it's pretty clear their dev team is not good at the 3D / animation side of things and is going to spend pretty much all their free time being ahead of Bandori / Enstars etc. in terms of rhythm game QoL since it's their strong point -- expect them to continue making excuses for "adult reasons" every time the Kondo Q&A sessions touch on costumes / MVs. My one gripe in that department is that directional flick judgment is super fricking arbitrary and keeps robbing me of otherwise easy APs.

        How do we feel, Shusisters?

        I'm not going to lie, the outfit (mostly the coloring) reminds me way too much of Mika's FS1. Not that I'll complain since I still don't have that card, so I'll play this event. Song is good too, although at this point I'm pretty convinced Colors Arise is my favorite song this year.

    • 1 year ago

      I uninstalled everything joseimuke. Only looking forward to Infinity Nikki now

  108. 1 year ago

    Speaking of Helios, the game got another revamp, 4 more boys, free multis right now etc.

    I dropped the game because they did nothing for 6 months after the anniversary which had good sales, it feels like they killed it with that.

  109. 1 year ago

    moe lord get

    • 1 year ago

      He's so cute!

    • 1 year ago

      Cute! I'm still waiting for my Edmond haul to arrive

  110. 1 year ago

    Hey, yumekuro’s getting a pink bunny boy for one event. And it’s just Rogue with bunny ears. But still!

    • 1 year ago

      • 1 year ago

        Camus hits a lot of tropes for me so I can't really complain tbh. Kinda more interested in seeing what the next story chapter is, though, and finally getting Shiharu out of npc jail

  111. 1 year ago

    How do we feel, Shusisters?

    • 1 year ago

      the event outfits are fine. the song has to be one of the best this round of events. can't wait for the full version to come out

    • 1 year ago

      Outfits look like shit we've seen 100 times before

    • 1 year ago

      >hot pink frills

  112. 1 year ago

    Simulating Sex with Six(es)

    • 1 year ago

      Imagine the threesome
      Imagine milking little Six

  113. 1 year ago

    What the frick

  114. 1 year ago

    Book 7 spoilers. Looks like the game really is a time loop of some sort considering how it went back to the title screen at the end

    • 1 year ago

      Sorry for doomposting, but twst really dropped the ball. It was an osomatsu tier cultural phenomenon in 2021 and now most of the jp people I know dropped it

      • 1 year ago

        That's not doomposting that's just a fact. The devs clearly don't give a shit about the game it just exists to rely on the disney/yana brand and make some extra cash

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah I dropped it also, and played for a when it first came out. I remember being so excited when it first came too. Surprised they even have global servers

      • 1 year ago

        Because it's boring as frick. The characters can't carry if it's almost impossible to get cards without saving forever/paying, the story is mediocre and the gameplay non-existent. It's been 2 years and Kalim, Ace, Deuce etc. have 0 character development. The former got reduced to butt monkey tier and the latter two have 0 screen time.

        • 1 year ago

          While the stories would be fun, it always annoyed me how things return to status quo and were barely connected to previous stories released.

          • 1 year ago

            It's not a complete status quo reset, but a lot if not all the lore/plot is hidden in events and cards and not the main story. Things like Riddle wanting to study law over becoming a doctor like his mother wanted. Doesn't help that all event cards are limited and that's where the bulk of the character development is, if any at all. Twst EN also has a localization issue.

  115. 1 year ago

    >finally release Lu Woh
    >turboshit kit, might as well be a 2017 unit
    guess that confirms I'm putting grub on the back burner

    • 1 year ago

      I rolled because literally nothing else interested me in the last few months. At least I got him and Fediel summon out of it.

      • 1 year ago

        Same, though I got a few good things from my spark like Bowman and Tsuchinoko

        They were never going to make him better than Fediel or Galleon, at least. Big titty waifus + being in the elements that KMR's shilled voice actors like guaranteed they were going to be good. But did they have to make him such absolute trash? People said Wilnas was garbage when he came out comparing him to Fediel. If Wilnas is bad what the frick does that make Lu Woh? A bad joke?

        >If Wilnas is bad what the frick does that make Lu Woh? A bad joke?
        He's florencetax to the extreme, even Wamdus had a use around her release. You can't even use him for the Agastia raid without shooting yourself in the foot

    • 1 year ago

      They were never going to make him better than Fediel or Galleon, at least. Big titty waifus + being in the elements that KMR's shilled voice actors like guaranteed they were going to be good. But did they have to make him such absolute trash? People said Wilnas was garbage when he came out comparing him to Fediel. If Wilnas is bad what the frick does that make Lu Woh? A bad joke?

  116. 1 year ago

    Wishing there was a joseimuke hentai mobage for yumes, but scared it would get closed down like many games I enjoyed

    • 1 year ago

      What in hell is bad? might be close to what you want. Too bad every new character they reveal kills my interest more.

  117. 1 year ago

    I hope the reruns lighten up on the wallet a bit, I got the least daddy of the quincies (zest) and don't even feel like spending for a key to work on him

  118. 1 year ago

    Aside touken ranbu, this is the first time I see male damaged clothes

    • 1 year ago

      >this is the first time I see male damaged clothes
      FEH has a lot of that. Too much powercreep and fatesawakening but it’s fair for including the boys everywhere.

    • 1 year ago

      This is honestly so pathetic that this is the max damage, the other three in this set are showing even less.

      I am really concerned about Helios, they wasted 6 months after the anniversary brought in good sales, and now they’re stopping burst animations and new voiced lines till this year’s anniversary, plus this Rising Heroes seems to be the only new content coming out alongside more reruns. There’s not even form change, before Helios used to be shameless about fanservice but now they can’t even copy Touken properly? It sucks, I’m really afraid that it’s going to be eos by this time next year with the way they’re treating it, they don’t have any thing to show for 6 months of waste but a horrible UI, more reduced content and 4 new boys.

      • 1 year ago

        It's literally nothing, I think they'll die like merc storia

        • 1 year ago

          Actually Merc Storia is still alive, but Helios seems like it needs more resources so I don’t know if it can be put on life support the same way.

          Is pic related your screenshot or something you saved from elsewhere? I feel bad for you if you rolled solely to just these crappy battlesuits.

          • 1 year ago

            I saved it from twitter because my account has 0 gems due to the anniversary reruns and recent content drought lol
            Maybe I mistook merc storia for that other game by happy elements that announced EOS?

            • 1 year ago

              Oh yeah Last Period I think? Apparently it finished their story so there was no more need for it.

            • 1 year ago

              It's literally nothing, I think they'll die like merc storia

              Does anyone have a rip of Brad’s evolved art from the game? For..research.

  119. 1 year ago

    >wake up from my coma
    >missed the entire Zool live
    Welp when is this releasing on Blu-ray again?

  120. 1 year ago

    Took 3 years to get here, well now posterboy/Gary stu has his new dorm card.

    • 1 year ago

      Why are the fans complaining about the 3rd anniversary?

      • 1 year ago

        What are you talking about, no one has complained about it.

        • 1 year ago

          You aren't gonna see jp fans show anything but support for a game in public, a lot of complaining is hidden on private accounts and circles. If you post examples, it's easy to find out who you are on twitter.

          • 1 year ago

            I won't go to private or literal who accounts to look for negative comments. That's unnecessary.

            Looking it up, it's mostly
            >oh wow, implementing a spark is a feature?
            >please implement new content...
            Basically same as 1st anniversary since other gacha games do a lot of hype

            I've seen more interest on the new guest feature and the new battle change + 3rd spell. But everyone agrees that the group groovy is what matters.

      • 1 year ago

        What are you talking about, no one has complained about it.

        Looking it up, it's mostly
        >oh wow, implementing a spark is a feature?
        >please implement new content...
        Basically same as 1st anniversary since other gacha games do a lot of hype

      • 1 year ago

        Probably the 3rd magic grindfest that's being implemented, also the fricked slow schedule I bet.

  121. 1 year ago

    How do I get ONE blossom :~~*

    • 1 year ago

      you'll have to start over, please delete your account

      • 1 year ago


  122. 1 year ago

    Seeing all those pairs of characters interacting in Forest Carnival is such a tease, either the devs are setting up to future events or they're trying to make it impossible for people to guess who will be paired with who.
    Also, sorry Kuya fans but I hope they push his next event as far as possible and we have more main story chapters before then because this event showed why his first two were with Garu and Quincy, him interacting with the other clan members is an uphill battle and the result is what we saw this event, "what a bore" as he'd say.

    • 1 year ago

      shoutout to garu's VA for the spirit banquet thingie event
      he chews on fabric during the lewd scene and makes muffled moans it's VERY cute

      lately I've been immediately skipping all the story missions until I work up the nerve to read through them all at once lol. Even though I love our wife edmond (and kuya), sometimes I'm just not in the mood for "omg tsun tsun" and "fufufu" archetypes

      • 1 year ago

        I think that this event was always going to be a difficult one in terms of character interaction because Edmond and Kuya will never see eye to eye. Kuya's attitude hinted at shit going down in the past I think, but they never really got into it.

        Edmond was a lot less tsun in this event in my opinion, but Kuya's pessimism got turned up about 200% so that kind of balanced it out.

        They really hammed up the cynicism (maybe a little bit of nihilism) for Kuya this event, which is a choice I guess. Maybe they're trying to say clan members are an exception to his mindset that there will always be conflict between humans and yokai, Edmond just naturally clashes with someone like Kuya but it's always "no hard feelings" with them at the end. Or maybe he's just a bitter old man who fricking knows

        I think it's definitely in Edmond's nature to admit to his own shortsighted views and flaws and apologize for it. At least Kuta didn't apologize back.

      • 1 year ago

        I used to save the stories to read later but then what

        I'm so bored, sisters and brothers.
        I'm trash and skip past the event stories. I tell myself I'll read them later, but I never do.
        Yakumo and Garu are the two characters who have gone the longest without an event, but I really don't want them to be paired together again.

        mentioned happened once with Chase the Rainbow, it was only two weeks ago that I finally finished reading it's story.

        >him interacting with the other clan members is an uphill battle
        I usually enjoy Kuya, but in this event he wasn't a loveable butthole, he was just annoying. I don't remember him being this insufferable in Klein Star, and he interacted with everyone there too.

        They really hammed up the cynicism (maybe a little bit of nihilism) for Kuya this event, which is a choice I guess. Maybe they're trying to say clan members are an exception to his mindset that there will always be conflict between humans and yokai, Edmond just naturally clashes with someone like Kuya but it's always "no hard feelings" with them at the end. Or maybe he's just a bitter old man who fricking knows

        I think what bothered me most is that every time either Eiden or Edmond went to ask him for help he went "why does the awesome me have to do that?" and like, I get it b***h you're an arrogant prick sitting on his high horse you don't need to remind me every time you open your mouth, just say "no" like a normal person instead of prolonging what should be a short conversation.
        Also the fact that he could've been there just as an extra like the other clan members and it wouldn't have changed his role in the story which was just being there to keep the other yokai in check, he didn't need to be one the banner units for that.

        • 1 year ago

          >Also the fact that he could've been there just as an extra like the other clan members and it wouldn't have changed his role in the story
          Agreed and that's what mainly bothered me, remove Kuya or regulate him to an extra and the story wouldn't have changed. One part that was extra egregious and even got a laugh out of me was when Olivine was looking for Garu, and Kuya showed up to make one of his usual dumb quips. Olivine's response was basically "Sure, ok man" and then he proceeded to have a regular conversation with Garu. Remove Kuya from that scene and absolutely nothing changes.

          At this point I don't know if the writers are taking the slow burn route with Kuya, or if Edmond is the only one allowed to have character development.

          • 1 year ago

            >Remove Kuya from that scene and absolutely nothing changes.
            That scene was weird because why was Kuya even stalking Olivine? It felt like it came out of nowhere, like they wanted him to interact with someone who wasn't Edmond since all the other clan members were interacting with each other and him doing it with Edmond would just be more of the same we had during the whole story.
            >or if Edmond is the only one allowed to have character development.
            Honestly even Edmond didn't have much development this event, he realized he'll never understand Kuya and that's it. It really makes this event so weird, it feels more like an anniversary event with everyone doing something together but with Kuya and Edmond shoehorned as if the event is about them, plus we already had just that kind of group event with Silver Miracle.

            • 1 year ago

              This may be my brain trying to cope with the bad writing, but my guess would be that maybe Kuya was looking out for him in case a yokai showed up to cause Olivine trouble. But he was too tsun to admit it. Or maybe the writers remembered he was part of the event and threw him in there last minute.

              >plus we already had just that kind of group event with Silver Miracle.
              I'm convinced SM was supposed to be the anniversary event, but somewhere along the way they messed up the schedule, so it didn't line up correctly. Usually with gachas, banners are planned months in advanced, but I wouldn't be surprised if they rewrote the story last minute to include everyone and make it an "anniversary" banner. But in doing so this sets up a strange precedent, will White Day events be the anniversary banners from now on? I guess we'll find out next year.

          • 1 year ago

            Don't know if anyone else feels the same, but the intimacy rooms felt like they were written differently in terms of characters compared to the event story if that makes sense. Less exaggeration with the characterization in my opinion. I feel like most of the time this usually isn't the case, can't really think of any intimacy rooms that didn't match up with the story in terms of characterization but I could be wrong.

            If the writers are taking the slow burn route it better be painful, I want more angst

            This may be my brain trying to cope with the bad writing, but my guess would be that maybe Kuya was looking out for him in case a yokai showed up to cause Olivine trouble. But he was too tsun to admit it. Or maybe the writers remembered he was part of the event and threw him in there last minute.

            >plus we already had just that kind of group event with Silver Miracle.
            I'm convinced SM was supposed to be the anniversary event, but somewhere along the way they messed up the schedule, so it didn't line up correctly. Usually with gachas, banners are planned months in advanced, but I wouldn't be surprised if they rewrote the story last minute to include everyone and make it an "anniversary" banner. But in doing so this sets up a strange precedent, will White Day events be the anniversary banners from now on? I guess we'll find out next year.

            >but somewhere along the way they messed up the schedule
            I blame chapter 11

            • 1 year ago

              I got them both and rushed both of their intimacy rooms to completion, and yeah. Both their intimacy rooms this time were pretty fricking good. Both of them had good solo character development and development of their relationships with Eiden, Edmond's wife levels continued to increase and he keeps getting more honest, and I think Kuya showed some vulnerability by making a comment about how Eiden is human and short-lived. The porn was nice too.

    • 1 year ago

      >him interacting with the other clan members is an uphill battle
      I usually enjoy Kuya, but in this event he wasn't a loveable butthole, he was just annoying. I don't remember him being this insufferable in Klein Star, and he interacted with everyone there too.

    • 1 year ago

      They really hammed up the cynicism (maybe a little bit of nihilism) for Kuya this event, which is a choice I guess. Maybe they're trying to say clan members are an exception to his mindset that there will always be conflict between humans and yokai, Edmond just naturally clashes with someone like Kuya but it's always "no hard feelings" with them at the end. Or maybe he's just a bitter old man who fricking knows

      • 1 year ago

        >Or maybe he's just a bitter old man who fricking knows
        That's basically what Kuya is. It seems like anything involving yokai, especially the Lord of the Yokai, is a really sore spot for him. He acted like a little b***h during the yokai banquet as well.

        • 1 year ago

          It's fricking hilarious to me that Kuya is so arrogant but constantly acts like a spoilt baby b***h.

          • 1 year ago

            It's like some extreme tsundere shit. He actually gives a shit, but won't allow himself to show that he gives a shit, so he goes around acting like the biggest salty baby b***h that he can be while at the same time pulling a batman and watching/working from the shadows.

  123. 1 year ago

    I'm so bored, sisters and brothers.
    I'm trash and skip past the event stories. I tell myself I'll read them later, but I never do.
    Yakumo and Garu are the two characters who have gone the longest without an event, but I really don't want them to be paired together again.

    • 1 year ago

      they won't be don't worry I promise
      why not roll for somebody in the meantime though..!!

  124. 1 year ago

    TFW you're a lore gay. Why is it so hard to find a joseimuke with at least a somewhat thought through plot? I haven't had fun since Arcana Twilight.

  125. 1 year ago

    Frick, it's March 2nd and I'm just realizing there were free daily 10-rolls on Nu:Carnival. And I've been logging in and doing my dailies. RIP

  126. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      I saw this half asleep this morning wondering who the frick this is until I just checked /akg/ now kek… I like the blonde hair and fang. I knew a monhun collab would end up with loose girls and completely knighted up boys anyway

    • 1 year ago

      What a glowup.
      Also cute fang.

    • 1 year ago

      Did Noir Corne always have big bobbies?

      • 1 year ago

        Wow they are cuppable.

      • 1 year ago

        Need to see him shirtless so I can compare with Broca's brocas

    • 1 year ago

      ORE! SANJOU!

    • 1 year ago

      Noir has saved me in at least two CCs, he deserves it.

      Grandpa Hellagur... RIP....

  127. 1 year ago

    >grub anni stream soon
    My expectations are rock bottom.

    • 1 year ago

      Also meh

      • 1 year ago

        Not interested in him myself but he looks pretty nice here.

      • 1 year ago

        He's going to be dogshit like his OG isn't he. We've only had 2 guys so far this year and they've ranged from "actively hurts your team" to "meh"

        • 1 year ago

          *3, I forgot about fantasy swordsman

  128. 1 year ago

    Why do I wanna sex him?

    • 1 year ago

      Edgy Siete is so hot. Goddamn it KMR you got me back in again.

  129. 1 year ago

    I wish AK had a CCS collab

  130. 1 year ago

    Anon, recommend me otome game for my friend. she prefers good arts.

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Tears of Themis

    • 1 year ago

      Would recommend looking at the Cybird ones, Sengoku in particular. I find they have a nice mix of decent writing and being easy enough to play F2P
      Mystic Messenger is also good but expect to put some money into it

      • 1 year ago

        >Cybird ones
        good choice anon thanks

  131. 1 year ago

    Can't wait to see three people on the home screen next. I'm getting sick of these consecutive events. Anniversary event didn't feel celebratory at all. The only things keeping my interest are new chapters and the trials.

    • 1 year ago

      >Anniversary event didn't feel celebratory at all.
      Because they had already done a good one with Silver Miracle, Eiden's speech at the end of Forest Carnival feels forced because it had nothing to do with the rest of the event.
      Honestly I think they felt forced to add this event because they didn't want nothing during the anniversary, but if that's the case they could've made SM longer and let us breath for a few weeks after that until chapter 11 released.

      • 1 year ago

        >felt forced to add this event because they didn't want nothing during the anniversary, but if that's the case they could've made SM longer and let us breath for a few weeks after that until chapter 11 released
        Definitely this. I wouldn't have any problems if they did that instead of what we have right now. I was hoping they'd give us something better for the anniversary, but they focused more on quantity than quality. Also, kinda sad it wasn't a snek and fox event.

      • 1 year ago

        need a breath real bad
        damn near a dozen boys I need to finish intimacy rooms for

    • 1 year ago

      Edmond and Kuya look fine and their intimacy rooms are good, so that barely managed to save it for me. The event itself was sort of weak though, and Kuya was a huge pain in the ass. An Edmond and Kuya event could have been really interesting but the interactions sucked because they decided to make Kuya act like a whiny baby.

      • 1 year ago

        >they decided to make Kuya act like a whiny baby.
        This was all a ploy by the writers to further accentuate Edmond's wife capabilities by putting him in a babysitting scenario. But instead of a baby, it's a geriatric fox.

        • 1 year ago

          If that was the case then they failed because the spoiled brat did whatever they wanted and the mom gave up by the end.
          Just so I don't sound like a Kuya hater though I'll defend him in that scene where one of the knights attacked him and Edmond got angry that he fought back. Kuya was in the right there, he has zero reason to let the knight attack him, Edmond should've been angry at the knight for going after someone who wasn't participating in the fight and the fact that he said nothing to the knight was out of character, because regardless of his opinion of Kuya attacking a bystander seems like it would be unacceptable for a knight.

          • 1 year ago

            Nah, Kuya still wasn't totally absolved there. You're right that the knight shouldn't have attacked, seeing as Edmond told them explicitly not to. But, from my understanding the point of Kuya's involvement (besides having the "whole gang is here" purpose) is so that the yokai don't go completely out of control as they respect Kuya. And in this case, once they do all he does is stand there and watch, which Edmond points out. And his response is just the usual "blah blah blah this is pointless."

            I don't think you have to be a Kuya hater to point out how this was the worst Kuya has ever been written. As someone who enjoyed him in AD, this was a huge disappointment. Like others have said the intimacy rooms saved this event, although I think Kuya's rooms were the weakest but that's in comparison to AD and MB Kuya which are top tier.

            • 1 year ago

              >from my understanding the point of Kuya's involvement (besides having the "whole gang is here" purpose) is so that the yokai don't go completely out of control as they respect Kuya.
              Eiden and Edmond expected that sure, but he never agreed to do that, Eiden had just asked him to go to the tea party and he agreed. Besides, by that point Edmond had already asked him to help keep the yokai under control and he made it clear he wouldn't do that, so no reason to expect him to change his mind just because a fight broke out. I'm just trying to be fair with him though, even though I disliked how he acted.

              • 1 year ago

                He would have been more tolerable if they'd actually just made him say he never agreed to anything and made him his usual smug self when everything went to hell. Instead he just sat around being pessimistic and whiny like a teenager forced into a family outing or something. I know that it reminded him of what the Lord of Yokai wanted and everything about the guy seems to be a sore spot with Kuya. That might be the only thing I can think of that explains his behaviour as opposed to his usual self.

  132. 1 year ago

    Does a BL porn game really evoke this much autism

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Is it really surprising?

    • 1 year ago

      Every single piece of media inspires this much autism in at least one person.

  133. 1 year ago

    I do not give a single shit about the 5 wienerroaches, but the anniversary stuff seems nice. Subaru and the rest are graduating

    • 1 year ago

      I can’t believe my 2nd year children are graduating… my brain hasnt even accepted they're in 3rd year.

    • 1 year ago

      I can’t believe my 2nd year children are graduating… my brain hasnt even accepted they're in 3rd year.

      Remember guys that for 5 years we had Repayment Fes events without graduation, I find it hard to believe that we’re moving forward in the timeline without everyone getting a unit song event first.

  134. 1 year ago

    How many femboys will this game get

    • 1 year ago

      can't believe they turned marin into a trap

  135. 1 year ago

    Why does FGO and the fate franchise in general have to have such sexy men fricking hell why cant they be in better places. No one makes me coom like them. This whole earth is gay.

    • 1 year ago

      Limbus company is fun

      I know what you mean, it just works. The guys also get more screentime than in games like gbf and arknights guys are too stiff.

      • 1 year ago

        i hope project moon fixes how often the mobile version of limbus crashes. i tried to do a chapter 2 fight for the daily mission and the app crashed twice and once again when i tried to use outis’s ego.

    • 1 year ago

      Because they're meant to be appealing in a normal way first maybe? Or because they can't be disappointing in the bedroom or intimate capacities

      • 1 year ago

        >because they can't be disappointing in the bedroom or intimate capacities
        I look at them and the first thing on my mind is their dicks

  136. 1 year ago

    Doing trial 20 on my two accounts reminded me once more how busted MB Garu is. In one account I had to micromanage my attacks/ults so I could nuke enemy Quincy with my SR and R Quincy's ults buffed by SR Olivine. On the other, all I have to do is wait for both Quincy's ult with no thought put into it because by then enemy Quincy will take 30% more damage thanks to MB Garu.

    • 1 year ago

      luv da puppy
      that's how I got dummy thicc damage

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