>JRPG/turn-based combat enjoyer. >bought Trails from Cold Steel 1 without knowing anything about the series

>JRPG/turn-based combat enjoyer
>bought Trails from Cold Steel 1 without knowing anything about the series
>decided to buy Trails from Zero/Azure and CS 1-3
>not liking Zero at all

Why do fans of the series have to lie about how important the world building is? 90% of the game is just your average JRPG dialogue that has one or another reference to other places that you will only see next arc or maybe in a decade.

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  1. 6 months ago

    Threads on Ganker have convinced me that people are only into Falcomshit because of the animegirls.
    t. based Ryza enjoyer/never played falcomshit, not even faxanadu

    • 6 months ago

      >Threads on Ganker have convinced me that people are only into Falcomshit because of the animegirls.
      They are, but they're obsessed with le fan service references.
      >OMG I SURE DO

    • 6 months ago

      Ryza is based, even though i like Lulua more. Lydie and Suelle is also great because of the sister with revolvers (can't remember which one).

    • 6 months ago

      >Threads on Ganker have convinced me that people are only into Falcomshit because of the animegirls.
      They are, but they're obsessed with le fan service references.
      >OMG I SURE DO

      "World Building" is a gigantic load of horse shit.
      Those games are 10 times better if you skip all the "world building" nonsense and ignore all the NPC's.
      Pacing is far more important.

      Nice gatekeeper job, keep going yeah falcom sucks and eiyuu densetsu are bad games. Please stay away from it, I don't want the next games to be packed with action and capeshit to please you

      • 6 months ago

        Holy coping coprophile.

        • 6 months ago

          Exactly these games are for coprophiles. Keep telling yourself that, keep seething and stay away from it.

          See kids, that's how you gatekeep, keep up the good work everyone.

          • 6 months ago

            Now imagine coming here to put your disgusting shit eating on display and getting mad when people make fun of you for twirling your tongue in diarrhea.

            • 6 months ago

              Now imagine coming here (a video game website) and comparing someone liking a video game that you (you) don't like to eating shit. Kek

              • 6 months ago

                The annual no budget sloppa designed to exploit you is concentrated diarrhea in video game form. Imagine getting mad when this is pointed out to you when you come to Ganker to shill your garbage.

      • 6 months ago

        >Please stay away from it, I don't want the next games to be packed with action and capeshit to please you
        Kuro is filled with non-gag homosexuals, white people bad and immigrants good bullshit.
        It's already over.

        • 6 months ago

          I need to play Kuro 2, but I already liked Kuro 1 more than the Sen games, but yeah I see what you mean.

          The annual no budget sloppa designed to exploit you is concentrated diarrhea in video game form. Imagine getting mad when this is pointed out to you when you come to Ganker to shill your garbage.


          The writing is already capeshit-tier, anon. It's jam-packed with references and callbacks to itself with a wink and a nod and indulges itself because it fancies itself as clever.

          I still appreciate what Trails tries to do but it's got too much fricking baggage and bloat.

          I guess it's subjective, I personally like it. I can see the winks and that it's not great complexity writing, but I like it like that

          • 6 months ago

            I don't get why someone would be so overprotective of a franchise. Wouldn't it be better if something so unusual was successful in the west? No waiting years for a localization, no relying on old hardware to play older games etc.
            I'm grateful that so many games i like are not Japan exclusive anymore, specially Atlus games.
            So many great games that were only brought to the west because of the sucess of SMT 3, including Persona 3 - 5, SMT Strange Journey, Devil Survivor Overclocked and shit.

            • 6 months ago

              This is why anime will always be quadrillion times better than video games.

            • 6 months ago

              This is just JOP gay cope. They spent 10 years learning a language and grinding anki cards. So they need to get something out of it

            • 6 months ago

              Cause look what happened to franchises that got popular in the west:
              >Fire emblem
              Got popular after awakening, got localized (butchered) with if and they tried to pander to the west in the following games,
              >Final Fantasy
              FF XVI is game of thrones action DMC
              And many more

              >I guess it's subjective, I personally like it.
              >it's only cancerous capeshit writing but that's subject in this case cause i like it haha
              Falcom cultists, everyone!

              I personally like it and I'm happy if you don't
              Are you moronic? Cause you're good at pretending

              • 6 months ago

                >I personally like it and I'm happy if you don't
                You say after mocking said capeshit and wanting to gatekeep to prevent said capeshit. Falcom cultists, everyone!

              • 6 months ago

                These horrible video game companies hire 3 localization producers, 5 translators, 6 editors who cannibalize and butcher the script.
                Anime is where the fun is at.

          • 6 months ago

            >I guess it's subjective, I personally like it.
            >it's only cancerous capeshit writing but that's subject in this case cause i like it haha
            Falcom cultists, everyone!

        • 6 months ago

          >Complains about Aaron
          >A single chapter that kinda focuses on immigration

          >Doesn't say anything about losing Grendel form outside of the garden
          >The utterly fricking moronic plot that overuses time jumps in dumb ways
          >The stupidest twist of all time where the final boss is dingo
          >The fact that basically nothing happened in the end

          Kuro 2 is a garbage filler game but at least play it so your complaining can be accurate rather than parroting what you read here like an NPC.

      • 6 months ago

        The writing is already capeshit-tier, anon. It's jam-packed with references and callbacks to itself with a wink and a nod and indulges itself because it fancies itself as clever.

        I still appreciate what Trails tries to do but it's got too much fricking baggage and bloat.

        • 6 months ago

          Where is this dabbing rean from?

          • 6 months ago

            Yes, this is real.

    • 6 months ago

      The anime girls aren't that good in Trails imo. Especially CS has boring girls both personality and looks wise.


      >JRPG/turn-based combat enjoyer
      >bought Trails from Cold Steel 1 without knowing anything about the series
      >decided to buy Trails from Zero/Azure and CS 1-3
      >not liking Zero at all

      Why do fans of the series have to lie about how important the world building is? 90% of the game is just your average JRPG dialogue that has one or another reference to other places that you will only see next arc or maybe in a decade.

      Zero and Azure have more soul that CS and Kuro imo and that is the majority opinion. You get to play as cops finally. Cold Steel is too much of a chore for me.

    • 6 months ago

      >not even faxanadu
      That game's not developed by Falcom, anon. That one's on Hudson. Xanadu is fricking awesome and a very old school RPG by virtue of being one of the earliest, Faxanadu's a good platformer that unfortunately has the RPG elements stripped, and Xanadu Next is a cool RPG that plays sorta like Diablo and was pretty fun when I went through it. I assume any of the newer Xanadu games have nothing to do with these games. You should give these games a shot, earlier Falcom and even like early to mid 2000's Falcom seems like a different beast than the stuff today.
      For other dudes in the thread, I have some questions:
      >Are there any other games like Xanadu/Revival Xanadu?
      >What's the best version of Sorcerian in English and why?
      >Any other bump combat games like Ys? (outside of Xak, I have already finished that game and outside of the weird hitboxes for the shmup session on the MSX2 version it was great).

    • 6 months ago

      Trails in the Sky 1 was the only one of these games that came anywhere close to living up to the hype on this board. And this was a decade ago.

      Back when I used to play vidya (I don't know why I still come here) Falcom was actually a good company. I gave up at Cold Steel after it came out, I think it might actually be the last turn-based game I finished.

  2. 6 months ago

    "World Building" is a gigantic load of horse shit.
    Those games are 10 times better if you skip all the "world building" nonsense and ignore all the NPC's.
    Pacing is far more important.

  3. 6 months ago

    This is why I tell people to simply play the ones that appear appealing to them. Order does not matter so much either, as context is built both forwards and backwards.

    • 6 months ago

      Probably just my fault, excited about getting into a new franchise and also listening to what people say about having to play all the games in order. The only reason i didn't start with Trails in the Sky is because there was no Switch/Ps4 release and i didn't want to play on my PC or endure playing a 50 hour rpg on my PSP.

      • 6 months ago

        It is what it is, I know the type of posts you are talking about too. Ignoring everyone is probably the best approach. Ganker has rused me into some pretty poor games before too.
        I enjoy all the Kiseki games myself however.

        • 6 months ago

          Could you tell me what is it that you like about the games? Zero has been such a disappointment because it has almost everything i love in a game, the pixel art is great, the combat feels just right, the equipment is not too complex, i find the orbal stuff is fine, it's just the amount of boring dialogue that ruins it for me. Like, you can give me half an hour of dialogue and cutscenes if you at least give me the double of that in gameplay, the game just gives me more and more dialogue.

          • 6 months ago

            Well, I like the parts that you like but I also like the dialogue tbh. I enjoy character-centric games in general.

          • 6 months ago

            Which homosexuals shilled this game for you? Kiseki is a heavy dialogue game. You get to read a lot of text, you get to read npc dialogue for maximizing enjoyment. If these things filtered you then this franchise is not for you since trails are clearly not gameplay-focus games.

      • 6 months ago

        get yourself a steam deck, fricking thing is an amazing jrpg machine
        t. started trails in the sky

      • 6 months ago

        You fricked up. The Sky trilogy games are the only ones worth playing, and even then, they get worse as you go on.

        • 6 months ago

          Bless you, clear-eyed anon.
          I was starting to think it was just me.

  4. 6 months ago

    Its seasonal anime in JRPG form. Enjoy your anime sloppa with low budget.

  5. 6 months ago

    we live in a sick age where the majority of people's enjoyment of media is derived from recognizing names from before. This gives them a momentary flash of reward for holding on to the name and the illusion that they are intelligent and engaging intellectually with a well thought out super metastory.
    You can see it in plenty of other stuff. Referencing other works really gets people off, it's the formula that worked for Marvel and the tsunami of nostalgiabait getting constantly pumped out.

  6. 6 months ago

    >playing for the lore

  7. 6 months ago

    You have to get over the barrier

  8. 6 months ago

    What's wrong with liking a series of games set in the same world? I liked Suikoden for the same reason. I wished the next Fire Emblem would be set on a different continent in the same world as Three Houses, instead we got Engage. People like to connect the Zelda games for the same reason.

    • 6 months ago

      Don't get me wrong, i would love if the characters talked more about the empire, the republic, the sovereign cities or whatever, i just can't stand dialogue like:
      - Hey, you're on my way, maaaan! I'm looking at some hotties.
      - Quit it! We have work to do!
      - Man, you're such a buzzkill.
      - Let's keep going.
      - Ok, boss.

      Talk to me about the world, talk to me about big picture stuff, i understand what each character is about in about one or two hours of playing the game. The idea of a series that has been going on for almost 20 years and takes place in the same universe is great, but i'd guess they don't have a group of Tolkiens writing the script.

      • 6 months ago

        think of trails games as games for kids and it will make more sense to you. if you aren't enjoying these games, then congratulations: you're not a child or child molester.

        • 6 months ago

          Which jrpgs are made for adult Gankerners?

          • 6 months ago

            I don't know about adult but Shin Megami Tensei 3 and 4 are closer to an edgy dark fantasy book for teenagers like elric than to your typical weeb shit.

          • 6 months ago

            they're pretty uncommon. final fantasy 12 stands out (though idk if people accept it as a jrpg). lost odyssey is also more adult-oriented (and a super underrated and awesome ost by nobuo uematsu), but it's a 360 game (can be bought in ms store and played on xbone tho).

            i remember people saying xenosaga is supposed to be a grand philosophical epic, but i only managed to play a couple hours before being bored by it.

  9. 6 months ago

    The world building is overblown by homosexuals that are just jealous of Rean’s popularity. Most casuals only play the Cold Steel series and don’t bother with the other shit

    • 6 months ago

      Most people never even played the rean games. They just read a plot summary from youtube

  10. 6 months ago

    I'd wager they're like one piece and warhammer fanboys in that they're in love with their idea of what the game is and not the game itself. Who cares if the combat/writing/characters are all garbage?! dude the world is big! Or they're mentally stunted and like simple to understand anime archetypes like the tomboy, the hothead and the e-girl.

    Trails feels like a series that despite its ambitious scope is just going through the motions of being a JRPG. Check out falcoms action games (ys 1,2,3,origin and Brandish to name a few) those are way more coherently put together. Or if you want a JRPG with a good story go with Chrono Trigger and Xenogears.

  11. 6 months ago

    The sunk cost fallacy.

  12. 6 months ago

    >playing trails sc
    >with exception of one, every enforcer just flees after getting their ass beat
    i should've dropped the series right here

  13. 6 months ago

    It is Filler: the Franchise.

    But that's part of why people like it. It's like a 1000 episode anime, but a videogame.

  14. 6 months ago

    Zero and Azure are only good if you come from Sky going back from CS fricking sucks
    1. The battle and quartz system are a step up over sky, not chald stheel
    2. The fricking morono bonkers tech jump actually makes sense crossbell, less so for erebonia
    3. I don't care what homosexuals say going from the dolls to 3d is a massive step up, you can't go back
    4. It's a *relatively* small *relatively* more grounded story than sky or Haha so it's a nice breather, doing it out of order makes it seem like useless filler.
    5. OH RIGHT god emperor rean's story DOES make crossbell useless filler.

    Frick falcom

    • 6 months ago

      I was actually interested more in CS's art style, specially with english VA (at least google told me there was english VA in CS). If i can hear what they are saying, even if it's irrelevant, i can tune out and get the gist of what they're saying, plus i know most of the time they won't be voicing filler dialogue, so my ears perk up when i hear something coming out of the character's mouth.

  15. 6 months ago

    Every time I try to play zero I keep falling asleep, like it doesn't matter what time it is, if I load it, I'm guaranteed to snooze. It's really hindering my plans on playing all the trails games.

  16. 6 months ago

    Crossbell is boring as frick. CS1-2 are ok but the series goes downhill after that. Nothing ever fricking happens. It's all build-up and no payoff. Better leave while you can.

  17. 6 months ago

    1 days left Kurosisters

  18. 6 months ago

    The ironic weeb fears JP-KINO
    and Kiseki is the Ultimate JP-KINO series.

    • 6 months ago

      >ironic weeb schizo leaves a trail of autism
      Haha, that's our schizo!

      • 6 months ago
  19. 6 months ago

    At least the games are on GoG so one can pirate them easily

  20. 6 months ago
  21. 6 months ago
  22. 6 months ago
  23. 6 months ago

    Honestly Zero is just uniquely fricking boring. Sky is charming. Cold Steel is fun. Zero is just zzzzzzzzzzz

    • 6 months ago

      zero is just as bad as sky without nostalgia googles

  24. 6 months ago

    Trails is perfect because it gatekeeps all on it's own. Don't even need to try.

    • 6 months ago

      that's the case for almost all jp games that aren't from FROM, crapcom or sega
      even squeenix games do that on their own lately

      • 6 months ago

        Not at all. Look at Fire Emblem. Does that look like a community with sufficient gatekeeping?

        • 6 months ago

          yes, unironically

        • 6 months ago

          That one scene in Engage with the e-girl must have filtered millions.

          The ironic weeb fears JP-KINO
          and Kiseki is the Ultimate JP-KINO series.

          Keep on trucking, fellow JP-Enjoyer

    • 6 months ago

      Yes, the cardboard cutout characters and stories that have zero stakes because no one's ever really gone do keep people with standards from playing them. Luckily, I have no standards, do not value my time, and like to have a good laugh at garbage media, so I've wasted my time with the series.

      • 6 months ago

        This type of "criticism" would be far easier to take seriously if it didn't reek of sour grapes over not being pandered to.
        It doesn't help it's the exact same copypaste arguments that ironic weebs use for all japanese media while pretending they aren't wacist.

        • 6 months ago

          And you’re telling us most Trails fans arguments are not copy pasta? You know, the “wow, all NPCs have deep dialogue and they change every chapter!” or “muh worldbuilding”.

          • 6 months ago

            what else can you tell people that don't play the games?

        • 6 months ago

          Tell me what type of character Lloyd Bannings or any of the SSS is supposed to be, or even better yet, tell me what personality any of old class 7 has outside of Jusis being a hilarious butthole. The characters fricking blow chunks, but it's amusing to see
          >Woah, this must be the legendary (insert here)
          >Yeah, seems like it
          >Class 7, we have to take them down!
          >everyone: RIGHT
          >post fight
          >Well, guess I'm done playing with you guys
          >Wouldn't you like to know, hehe...
          for 80+ hours. Then even when characters are killed like Millium or Crow, they come right the frick back in the next game because falcom cannot help itself. Again, I have 0 standards and am easily amused, so I'll admit that much, but do not kid yourself that these are even PASSABLE stories or dialogue.

          • 6 months ago

            I'm going to guess you played the game with the troonylation because that's the only way you could make arguments this dumb.

            • 6 months ago

              Oh, so now it's the translations' fault? Why can't you admit the series is campy and kind of fricking stupid shonen shit and enjoy that? Kiseki isn't some sort of gatekept golden treasure, and I'm surprised anyone feels this way.

              • 6 months ago

                >troonylations have changed plot points and introduced plot holes for a decade if not more
                >ironic weebs still refuse to realize this and blame the original

              • 6 months ago

                Explain to me how the translation changes what happens in each cutscene. I can watch each cutscene without dialogue and still see McBurn, Campanella, or any other snake fricker show up, have a mandatory loss in the cutscene fight, and then teleport away. What about the translation changes anything about these scenes?

  25. 6 months ago

    Played everything up to Ao.
    Have been avoiding Cold Steel all this time.
    How long until I finally pull the trigger?

  26. 6 months ago

    Best way to play is to swap between Zero and Cold Steel as the chapters progress so you see everything chronologically, otherwise one spoils the other.
    It's pretty interesting if you do a chronological playthrough.

  27. 6 months ago

    Sky FC and Zero are the weakest games in the series. Or so I thought, I couldn’t even finish Cold Steel 4. The series never got better than Sky SC, 3rd or Azure.
    It’s a waste of time, play something else.

    • 6 months ago

      Really? Zero is a high point in my opinion. It manages to have its own self contained story, the auction section is really cool, it utilizes the existing lore without leaning on it too heavily, it wraps up nicely in the end after a very interesting climax. It also just feels a lot more grounded since it's just a policeman trying to do his job for the whole game.

      • 6 months ago

        The whole mafia arc is a fricking filler, I only enjoyed Azure. And Randy carried the two games hard.
        Lloyd is as boring as an average Tales protagonist, I prayed that he lost an arm or was in some weird plot twist for the whole 150hrs I spent in both games (together of course).

        • 6 months ago

          >Lloyd is as boring as an average Tales protagonist
          I don't know WHAT you mean by this, Luger sacrifices the entire world to save his alternate timeline daughter, Velvet dooms the world to avenge her little brother who is came back from the dead to beg her not to do that, she beats him up and does it anyway and Yuri kills an old man in cold blood.

          • 6 months ago

            Sure, and you just mentioned the outliers of the series. For every character that’s like Luke, Yuri, Ludger and Velvet, there’s three times of the blandness like Cless, Stahn, Reid, Kyle, Lloyd, Veigue, Emil, Asbel, Ruca, Shing, Jude and Alphen

            • 6 months ago

              Most of them have their moments and most even manage to have sex which puts them above generic anime protagonists.

              • 6 months ago

                Only Stahn had a kid, and he is as bland as an shounen character could be

    • 6 months ago

      Sky FC was so much fricking better than SC. SC was just boring chuunishit, which was such a fricking shame. I wanted to like it a lot more than I did.

      • 6 months ago

        I like the first half of SC where the camera is constantly shifting around 5 or so different parties doing different things in different places. Kinda peaks at the tea party and then slows down afterwards I'd say but it's still enjoyable.

        • 6 months ago

          It was boring anime slop. The first game was actually soulful, the ending was perfect. Then nothing but fricking shit for the next twenty years from this homosexual franchise.

          Ys can frick off too, the last one I played was 8 when it came out and everybody here was sucking it off even back then. Another great franchise ruined.

          • 6 months ago

            Why are you playing Trails if you don't like anime slop to begin with? What did you expect?

            • 6 months ago

              This was a decade ago, like I said in another post.

              As well, Trails fans are very good at selling their games as being grand feats of storytelling and complexity, when it amounts to the same boring, irrelevant NPC tropes and chuunishit with shallow characters (from SC onwards) and a world that's wasted on them.

              • 6 months ago

                It's not deep, but it's undeniably expansive. It can do things no other series can do by sheer virtue of its tenacity and keeping the same continuity for over 1000 hours of gameplay.
                It's hard to compare the Lloyd vs Rean fight at the end of Cold Steel 2 to any other moment in gaming, for example. I can think of a few things that come close to it, but not many.

          • 6 months ago

            Why are you playing Trails if you don't like anime slop to begin with? What did you expect?

            • 6 months ago

              It's not "too Japanese", it's "too shit".

              Simple as.

            • 6 months ago

              the final fantasy part of the image is wrong, at no point in the video does that israelitetuber complain about the weebshit
              tbf FF doesn't have that much weebshit to begin with

              • 6 months ago

                Because it's westaboo shit at heart, FF1 was literally just Dungeons and Dragons without bothering to pay for the licence. Every enemy except Warmech and Chaos is lifted straight out of the monster manual.

  28. 6 months ago

    >Why do fans of the series have to lie about how important the world building is?
    They aren't "fans", you've been tricked into thinking this by nisatrannies. Outside of Evo version of Azure Arbitrator redditbell games have no redeeming qualities

  29. 6 months ago

    Since this is the Falcom thread, do I play the PSP version of Brandish or the SNES version?

    • 6 months ago

      While I'm here, what pre-Trails in the Sky LoH games should I play? Are they even worth it?

      • 6 months ago

        I've heard good things about a few of them, forgot which ones since I've mostly seen them mentioned in passing

      • 6 months ago

        There's an NES game which is an offshoot fork from the Dragon Slayer series which is the progenitor of LoH that I recommend; it's called Faxanadu.
        If you play it, there's a fanmade patch that fixes some bugs, censorship and translation errors from the original version of the game that I'd recommend using.

  30. 6 months ago

    Should I play the EVO versions of these games or the PSP versions? The only problem (that I know about) is the portraits in sky, the OST can be changed out in all of them (except Azurefor now)

    • 6 months ago

      PC, steam versions, install the voices from Evo. That's it. The new music is mostly shit, the new portraits are mega shit, the AVs are actually okay since the Steam ports have fricked up interpolation so you might want to replace them, it's a preference thing.

      • 6 months ago

        Steam isn't an option.

        • 6 months ago

          GoG then, homosexual.

          • 6 months ago

            I'm a poorgay, I don't have a PC

            • 6 months ago

              Stop playing video games and get a fricking job, you can play Trails on the toasterest of toasters. If you literally don't have any PC at all you need to get your life together immediately. If you can't afford the cheapest shit.

              • 6 months ago

                I have a job, but I'm an Ameriturd, I don't really have enough disposable income to get a good computer

              • 6 months ago

                You don't need a good computer, you can play every game in this series on a Steam Deck.

            • 6 months ago

              PSP version then.

            • 6 months ago

              Vita is the way to go then

  31. 6 months ago

    I'll play just to plow Wazy's bussy

  32. 6 months ago

    Great gameplay and graphics.


    Fcking worst story.

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