Judge Dredd has just been teleported into your last game setting within a hundred feet of the party.

Judge Dredd has just been teleported into your last game setting within a hundred feet of the party. He doesn't know how or why he's there but he's mad as hell and will probably shove his daystick up the first person he sees. What do you do?

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    Last game I played was a big fantasy LARP.
    I'm going to go with what's interesting and say that his guns work, he has lots of bullets, and low-grade magic fails against him.
    He's basically the antithesis of what that LARP setting is about, so he'd become a walking no-go zone that has to just be avoided until the plot-snorting organisations of player characters can figure out a way to banish him back to where he came from, bind his power, or whatnot.

  2. 9 months ago

    Have you read any Dredd comic? He doesn't randomly rough up non-criminals just because he's pissed.

    • 9 months ago

      This. His entire modus operandi is upholding the law. He holds himself to that standard too. There was a segment in the comics where he couldn't temporarily act as a judge and didn't bust criminals until he was licensed again. The question is if Judge Dredd would uphold local law or Megacity law if he were transported into another world.

      • 9 months ago

        We know from the handful of crossovers and times he went to other countries that he tends to uphold mega city law, even if only in spirit. Depends on whether or not he respects the authority of the institutions at the place he ends up.

    • 9 months ago

      They're not non-criminals, they're PCs

      • 9 months ago

        Not only are the PCs not respecting Megacity One law, they're certainly not filling out their fricking tax returns correctly.

        • 9 months ago

          Dredd also wouldn't frick up someone for not filling out their tax returns correctly. Unless of course they'd violently resist him hauling them for a week in low sec cube or whatever would be the punishment for wrongly filled tax returns. He isn't a loose cannon you make him out to be.

          • 9 months ago

            >Dredd also wouldn't frick up someone for not filling out their tax returns correctly. Unless of course they'd violently resist him hauling them for a week in low sec cube or whatever would be the punishment for wrongly filled tax returns.
            How many PCs do you personally play with who willingly follow the laws of the land in all matters, respond well to authority figures who enforce the law using force and would calmly accept their punishment for minor misdemeanours without a physical struggle?
            I'm not saying that Dredd would jump in al guns blazing, I'm saying that he and any PC party will eventually (eventually!) come to blows.

            • 9 months ago

              It's downright sad you can't even fathom a game without murderhoboish PCs. I'm currently running a runequest game and all the PCs are well behaving for their clan. Well except the shaman, but that's mostly because spirits demand him to be naked at all times.

              • 9 months ago

                >Well except the shaman, but that's mostly because spirits demand him to be naked at all times.
                Sounds like something that's unusual and maybe even not permitted for the clan.
                Definitely sounds like a violation of Code 13 (Public Order) laws (Disorderly Conduct, 1 year in the cubes) if the PC is willing to cover up and come quietly mid-quest. If the PC reckons the quest takes priority, that's Resisting Arrest (5 years). You don't have to be a murderhobo to fall foul of Judge Dredd, or the law in general. All that Dredd adds to the equation is that he a) doesn't turn a blind eye unless in truly exceptional circumstances and b) is canonically harder to remove than the average RPG town guard.
                Anyhow, that's me done, have a nice day.

              • 9 months ago

                I'd say the shaman's permanudism counts as an exceptional circumstance, and if Dredd manages grok the implications of the shaman breaking his taboo he would think so too. He's a stranger in a strange land and he isn't an idiot, things can be explained to him.

                In fact I'm not entirely sure whether the shaman is even capable of willingly donning clothes, it hasn't come up and I haven't really given it a thought.

              • 9 months ago

                Even then, if its for a mission Dredd has a remarkably high tolerance for working with super-high level murderhobos. Like that time he teamed up with Judge Death (undead alien superfiend) and Mean Machine Angel (psychotic cyborg with an uncontrollable butt frenzy) to take on a mutant Bill Clinton. Yeah obviously Dredd didn't like it and took them out as soon as it was safe to do so, but right up to that it was an effective team

    • 9 months ago

      I loved the Batman crossover where they beat the piss out of each other.
      >You're a fascist and a disgrace to the badge
      >Well you're just a common vigilante, no different to any other criminal

      • 9 months ago

        >That time when Batman had a break-down while dealing with a police apparatus not corrupt enough to let him beat up people as he fancied.

    • 9 months ago

      He would rough you up for being suspicious and carrying swords without a permit

  3. 9 months ago

    Judge Dredd is LN, just like Peacemaker

  4. 9 months ago

    Judge Dredd is not going to do shit unless Megacity law tells him to. Unlike my players he's not a crazed murdohobo.

  5. 9 months ago

    Judge Dredd respects the law, bruv. If you want somebody who will attack people over their feels, teleport in Batman instead.

  6. 9 months ago

    I punch the DM in the dick for not understanding Dredd's character at all and trying to force him into Barovia.

  7. 9 months ago

    >satire of heavy handed policing
    >follows the law to the letter
    >doesn't discriminate
    >can't be bribed
    >takes down corruption
    >only shoots when necessary
    >mostly only gets in gunfights with violent gangers
    >even occasionally bends the rules in fairness to exceptional circumstances
    Judge Dredd is a dream of a good cop. Not a nice one, but a very good one. He's an almost rational man in a world gone mad.

  8. 9 months ago

    Hed be fun in Conspiracy X

  9. 9 months ago

    I don't think Judge Dredd is based enough to beat up three unarmed children on sight. Now, the npc caretakers, though...
    The smallest one straight-up murdered a Dredd-esque hardass military man for trying to take her friend away. It cost her all the bennies she was holding but by god she did it. She stabbed him in the leg while she was down then bit off the jugular in a psycho break

  10. 9 months ago

    I'm running a Umerica game, so it's basically just Judge Dredd.

  11. 9 months ago

    >Party consists of rebellious capeshit characters.
    Dredd is getting annihilated.

    • 9 months ago

      Dredd has handled his fair share of superhero antagonists over the years. If the writers want it he'll win.

  12. 9 months ago

    My last pen and paper game was a straight up Dredd-ripoff (i wanted to play only war, but the players at my disposal knew dredd better than 40k, so a lil' homebrewing was added to make them a bunch of arbites in not!Mega City 1), so i think it would have worked out between them.

  13. 9 months ago

    >heavily armored man suddenly appears within a hundred feet of my Wizard
    >Contingency spell triggers and Clone Joseph gets teleported to the surface of the Moon
    Sorry JD, we hardly knew ya.

    • 9 months ago

      >teleport to the moon
      So that he gets there just in time to beat the soviet in the space olympics? I guess that's pretty nice of the wizardman.

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