Just bring back 2e magic and criticals and it's perfect.

Just bring back 2e magic and criticals and it's perfect.

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    The career "system" in 4e is ass compared to 2e.

    Also, no picture related in 4e.

    • 9 months ago

      It's just as open, the can jump between careers anyway.
      Ah yes, a culture warrior thread.

    • 9 months ago

      I usually allow career exits based on the social status +1.

    • 9 months ago

      The 4e career system is basically the same as 2e, it's just presented differently. And every career gets 4 ranks instead of just soldiers, wizards and priests.

      Career entries and exits are fun in 2e, but allowing the GM to adjudicate common-sense career changes is less meta-gamey. Bonus points if the GM allows free career changes when the appropriate situation comes up. e.g. "Well, you're wanted for murder and you're on the run in Reikwald forest. You can move into the first rank of Outlaw for free if you want, and if you clear your name you can return to your old career without cost."

      • 9 months ago

        No no it's bad because it's different and new.

        • 9 months ago

          NTA but I totally get the appeal of 2e careers, and it's not just groggery.

          The way 2e works, you're clearly expected to change careers a few times, whereas in 4e it's quite common to start as a martial class or wizard and stay in that class forever. Sure you can (and usually should) change careers couple times, but no mechanic is egging you on.

          • 9 months ago

            I prefer having the option to stick with a career rather than be forced to move on arbitrarily ("you have too much xp, you can't be a rat catcher any more"). But yeah, players often need a bit of a shove to get them to move on. If you require trappings, later career levels can be tough to enter. And with the way XP costs ramp up, there's diminishing returns to increasing the same few skills and talents. But to get the best out of it, the GM really needs to provide some incentives. At least in 4e you don't have every character converging on Witch Hunter, Assassin and Champion.

            how many pitchfork wielding peasants could my girl Sienna burn in a single encounter?

            There are 4e stats for her, but because 4e is set a decade before the End Times, she's not nearly as powerful as she would be in Vermintide. At this point she'd honestly be lucky to get a spell off before being torn apart by gigachad peasants. The villager career is hard as nails.

            • 9 months ago

              >I prefer having the option to stick with a career rather than be forced to move on arbitrarily ("you have too much xp, you can't be a rat catcher any more").

              I understand getting attached to stuff, but honestly I like it.

              Eventually, you can't be a rat catcher any more; you're going to have to go on to bigger and better things, moving into a managerial or administrative role in the Rat Catchers' Guild or whatever - though none of the career exits are to things like that.

              Rat Catcher to Cartographer would be ebin; you become so familiar with the tunnels underground that you making maps.

              >trappings: writing kit
              >implies you must be literate

              Oh, never mind.

              • 9 months ago

                >Eventually, you can't be a rat catcher any more; you're going to have to go on to bigger and better things, moving into a managerial or administrative role in the Rat Catchers' Guild or whatever - though none of the career exits are to things like that.

                That's what most of the rank 3 and 4 careers in 4e are like though. For some reason rat catchers just become Super Rat Catchers, but the Beggar for example becomes a Beggar King with a lair and an army of followers, an Artisan becomes a Guildmaster, a Nun needs to run a monastery or abbey to become an Abbess. Actually the Rat Catcher is a burgher, so could easily take a sideways step into Townsman for the managerial stuff (and Embezzle).

            • 9 months ago

              Damn, she is only a slightly better Wizard than my moronic Stirland Riverwarden-turned-wizard-by-accident, and can't get a simple Dart off unless i spend a few turns channelling.

    • 9 months ago

      >female wizards tend to gravitate towards Jade and Amber Orders

    • 9 months ago

      how many pitchfork wielding peasants could my girl Sienna burn in a single encounter?

      • 9 months ago

        >Battle Wizard
        Battle Wizards are so powerful they weren't given stats in 2e.
        So she'd be AoE spamming until she rolls a 0.1% chance for something super bad to happen.

    • 9 months ago

      Didn't they release a supplement that add back career exits?

      • 9 months ago

        No, that was a blogpost by some of the writers in adding career exits back and a new level for careers.


    • 9 months ago

      There were some other hints in 2e that many women don't become registered wizards, because traditionally they become hedge wizards (i.e. Wise-women) in some village/rural communities.

    • 9 months ago

      The career system in 2e is also ass. Flavorful, but still ass.

  2. 9 months ago

    1. Take 2e as base
    2. Import from 1e the social class standing system
    3. Convert 1e modules to 2e
    4. Use 1e lore and setting

  3. 9 months ago

    Hmm, I like the 2e art better than 4e

  4. 9 months ago

    Anyone currently running a game?

    Anyone looking for players?

    Will drawgay for a seat at the table.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm running a game (actually had a session today), tell me a little about yourself, Anon.
      I've had surprisingly good luck with one previous fa/tg/uy I made contact with, and even roll20 I picked up a chill guy

      • 9 months ago

        Australian but my hours are extremely flexible. Late 20's if that matters. My only hands on tabletop experience was about a dozen sessions of Dark Heresy about a year ago. I enjoyed it. Player. Voice chat or just text is fine.

        I prefer Mordheim and Inquisitor to WHFB and 40K as far as rules go. Prefer more grounded settings like 'The Old World' over stuff like WoW or AoS. If that's all any indication to my preferences.

        My art is okay. Better than some worse than some. Hobbyist. Currently filling a request in the drawthread,


        I have a habit of giving more information than is necessary.

        • 9 months ago

          >Australian but flexible
          Cool, cool, the group's a mix of US east coast and yuros (myself included).
          >Late 20's
          More or less the general age range of the group
          >Voice chat or text is fine
          Good, we used to do text, but it ended up taking forever, so we weaned and got used to voice chat.
          >My art is okay
          Give yourself more credit, that looks great.

          Here's my discord tag, add me and I'll get back to you when I can

        • 9 months ago

          Where in Aus?

          • 9 months ago

            Brisbane-ish, Queensland

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