just finished mgs1-4 for the first time, great games but why the hell is something as significant as the whole storyline with big boss and everything ...

just finished mgs1-4 for the first time, great games but why the hell is something as significant as the whole storyline with big boss and everything he did between mgs4 and mgs1 never in the games? it just rubs me the wrong way that until pw and mgs5 i have to listen to some character TELLING me about everything that lead up to nuclear armageddon always being half a second away each game instead of SHOWING me who big boss is and what hes done beyond his origin story

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  1. 12 months ago

    The series was planned to end with MGS2. Everything else was just Kojima making shit up as he went along.

    • 12 months ago

      How the frick would it end in 2? Ocelot was away with a high tech defensive weapon, they didn't really do anything about the patriots

      Also play grounds zeroes and PW. GZ is legit torture porn

      • 12 months ago

        >How would it end with 2?
        That's the beauty of it, MGS2 totally schizophrenizes the narrative structure of MGS1, sticking with all the open questions would have done an amazing justice to its overt post-modern theme of loss of epistemic control
        MGS4 is one of the biggest blunders in video game history (I still love it for its fanservice)

      • 12 months ago

        >How the frick would it end in 2?
        Kojima would leave the franchise in the hands of the younger generation of game devs, and make them create a new path of their own in the franchise. Just like Snake trusts the responsibility of his ideas onto Jack, who really is the projection of the average fans at the time.

        Now, while I do find the whole "MGS was supposed to end at X or Y!!" meme a bit tiresome, it is fact that Hideo wanted to get off the Metal Gear train for a long, long while. Sadly every time he tried this, he was either dragged back in to do more MGS titles, OR the teams at Konami that tried to make MGS games without him (PO, MGR) totally kept fricking up big time, forcing Kojima to take action once again.

  2. 12 months ago

    Big Boss is in MG2 that's his last appearance until MGS4

  3. 12 months ago

    BB's tale is supposed to be a legend of the past. A ghost that keeps haunting the world long after his time, becoming a borderline religion and reason of being for countless people.
    He's meant to be the messiah to some, the very satan to others. Showing how things really folded would ruin that show.

    Also if you skipped PO, PW, GZ, MG1 and MG2 (no, I won't count TPP), you legit skipped the story that is there, and failed to realize that yes - he was meant to be DEAD post 1995.

    • 12 months ago

      Are you moronic, OP? Peacewalker was meant to lead into the glory of MGS5, but instead of peak Big Boss and Zansibarland we got the moronic medic shit.

      Its the biggest frickup in Kojimas career and i can lietrally tell you why. He probably wanted to save the good stuff for MGS6.

      never planned on skipping pw, gz or mgs5. i decided playing the games in release order was the best idea.
      po was retconned to hell according to most and its a psp game so i never bothered with it

      • 12 months ago

        >and its a psp game
        Handheld gaming doesn't mean lesser gaming but PO and PW are dogshit

        • 12 months ago

          >PO and PW are dogshit

      • 12 months ago

        >i decided playing the games in release order was the best idea.
        Well duh. It's not even up to an opinion, it's an ancient well known FACT that MGS games NEED to be played in release order.

        >PO was retconned to hell and its a PSP game
        Yes, it barely matters really, and it kinda sucks.
        But PW is also a PSP game, and damn good. The much superior "MGS5" which it was meant to be.

        After PW, I can only recommend playing the GZ. It's a much more polished sample of how MGSV could've been without israelitenami's tampering.

        >and its a psp game
        Handheld gaming doesn't mean lesser gaming but PO and PW are dogshit

        Nah mate, PW is one of THE best and most FUN Metal Gear Solid games in the whole franchise.

        • 12 months ago

          whats the main complaint with mgsv anyways? i keep hearing how it wasnt that good but idk if it was the gameplay or the story

          • 12 months ago

            >whats the main complaint with mgsv anyways?
            It's literally unfinished.
            As in, the last third of the game is just gone.
            The second third before it is so obviously unfinished patch-job of LITERALLY RECYCLED content and missions, it's not even funny.
            A ton of promised and promoted features, areas and events are just not there.

            On top of that, the core gameplay is essentially 1:1 copy of the modern Ubishit, playing pretty much like the nu-Far Cry games than anything MGS. The world map(s) are pointlessly large and totally empty. You spent a lot of time waiting for shit and grinding for other crap.
            Enemies are confined into tiny camps and possess no challenge. If you goof up, you can either zoom out into the vast wilderness and wait for things to cool down. OR order a fricking battletank from the sky and mow down everything. As if the regenerating health and slow-motion reaction time to enemy "!" wouldn't make it piss easy already.

            On top of this, half the game's literally about this totally unrelated PvP base-defense / hijacking minigame, that has microtransanctions and other cancers tacked on top.

            The MGO3 is a pale, meh imitation of MGO1-2.
            And worst sin of all: there's NO CO-OP at all now.

            What comes to story and characters... it's unfinished, and pure trash. The "big tweest" was figured out by fans months before the game got out, and the game really does not wanna be too associated with the past games. Things just happen, a couple lines of dialog is dropped once every blue moon, and then it's more silent grinding for flowers and cargo crates for 150 hours.

            There's also other nitpicks, such as the game no longer using IRL weapons and vehicles, meaning it no longer provides the /k/ fantasy porn it's been known for since the beginning. The OST is also super underwhelming.

            I want to replay the series but I've never actually beaten the first two games. How hard are they?

            MG1 is like a top-down 8-bit Metroidvania.
            MG2:SS is literally proto-MGS1, through and through. A great game.

            • 12 months ago

              MG1 hasn't aged that well but 2 is kind of like a proto-MGS1 with codec portraits and a lot more dialogue

              Thanks bros, will probably beat them. I could download them for my Wii and play the Virtual Console versions with original portraits but they are untranslated sadly. I'll probably stick with the ones included in MGS3HD. They are practically the same games without downgrades in difficulty or some shit like that, right? Just want 'an authentic experience'

              • 12 months ago

                I think the MGS3 version just has updated portraits for Snake, Big Boss, Miller etc closer to their modern looks.

              • 12 months ago

                Alright, time to dust off my fricking PS3 I guess

              • 12 months ago

                I think the MGS3 version just has updated portraits for Snake, Big Boss, Miller etc closer to their modern looks.

                The MGS3 port of MG2 uses the Metal Gear: Ghost Babel portraits of Snake and Colonel. The art style of the other character's similarly colored 8-bit now. It kinda fits, even if the blatant digitized Hollywood super star mugshots were hilarious in the OG.

                If you wanna see the OG deal, you can easily emulate it with an MSX2 emu of your choice with a fan-translation. That's what I did long before the MGS3:S was released. Nowadays, I just use the MGS3:S or HD tho.

  4. 12 months ago

    Are you moronic, OP? Peacewalker was meant to lead into the glory of MGS5, but instead of peak Big Boss and Zansibarland we got the moronic medic shit.

    Its the biggest frickup in Kojimas career and i can lietrally tell you why. He probably wanted to save the good stuff for MGS6.

    • 12 months ago

      >whats the main complaint with mgsv anyways?
      It's literally unfinished.
      As in, the last third of the game is just gone.
      The second third before it is so obviously unfinished patch-job of LITERALLY RECYCLED content and missions, it's not even funny.
      A ton of promised and promoted features, areas and events are just not there.

      On top of that, the core gameplay is essentially 1:1 copy of the modern Ubishit, playing pretty much like the nu-Far Cry games than anything MGS. The world map(s) are pointlessly large and totally empty. You spent a lot of time waiting for shit and grinding for other crap.
      Enemies are confined into tiny camps and possess no challenge. If you goof up, you can either zoom out into the vast wilderness and wait for things to cool down. OR order a fricking battletank from the sky and mow down everything. As if the regenerating health and slow-motion reaction time to enemy "!" wouldn't make it piss easy already.

      On top of this, half the game's literally about this totally unrelated PvP base-defense / hijacking minigame, that has microtransanctions and other cancers tacked on top.

      The MGO3 is a pale, meh imitation of MGO1-2.
      And worst sin of all: there's NO CO-OP at all now.

      What comes to story and characters... it's unfinished, and pure trash. The "big tweest" was figured out by fans months before the game got out, and the game really does not wanna be too associated with the past games. Things just happen, a couple lines of dialog is dropped once every blue moon, and then it's more silent grinding for flowers and cargo crates for 150 hours.

      There's also other nitpicks, such as the game no longer using IRL weapons and vehicles, meaning it no longer provides the /k/ fantasy porn it's been known for since the beginning. The OST is also super underwhelming.

      MG1 is like a top-down 8-bit Metroidvania.
      MG2:SS is literally proto-MGS1, through and through. A great game.

      He was dead in MGS1. This was retconned in MGS4 because Kojima has no respect for his fans and for his own work.

      People like to say that MGS without Kojima will be shit but honestly ghost babel and MGR were better than anything Kojima has made past MGS3, including death stranding. A lot people like to point to MGS survive but the problem with it wasn’t because of no Kojima. Besides I’m pretty sure survive is based on some shit Kojima wanted to work on for a while. I’m just really glad he won’t be working on the franchise anymore since he’s either gonna
      A. Add more of his pretentious bullshit
      B. Continue half adding and phoning in making video games all while insulting the fans
      C. Both
      I just wish that Konami didn’t choose to remake MGS3 of all things. They should’ve just chosen the MSX games. It’s incredibly telling that a character like Senator Armstrong, a character that was only made in the span with a couple of months and has even less screen time, manages to be a way better villain than like skull face who was built up for years.

  5. 12 months ago

    It's called Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2.
    It is pretty funny how so much of the context of MGS is reliant on two old games that most MGS fans will never play.
    I'm shocked they've never been remade.

  6. 12 months ago

    I want to replay the series but I've never actually beaten the first two games. How hard are they?

    • 12 months ago

      MG1 hasn't aged that well but 2 is kind of like a proto-MGS1 with codec portraits and a lot more dialogue

  7. 12 months ago

    He was dead in MGS1. This was retconned in MGS4 because Kojima has no respect for his fans and for his own work.

    • 12 months ago


  8. 12 months ago

    I don't understand what your point is at all OP?

    In MG1 Big Boss is just a generic bad guy, in MG2 his motivations get fleshed out, something something he's addicted to war in some sense, doesn't really see any vision for life beyond being a warlord, hence his attempt to plunge the world into ever-lasting micro and macro conflicts.

    In MGS1 he only gets referenced as being the genetic origin of the Snake Twins, then MGS3 shows how actually Big Boss used to be a totally good CIA guy who got redpilled when he realized state politics suck, or something, that's it.
    PW marketed itself as the "Missing Link" in the Big Boss story, but there really wasn't a missing link, the gaps were easily filled in by your imagination, of how Naked Snake became a villain after what transpired in MGS3.
    MGS4 of course totally retcons all of that and reassembles Big Boss as "actually the good guy all along! just a bit crazy from the power struggle with Zero" - I don't even know what the frick MGS5 adds to the lore to be honest.

    tl;dr PW and MGS5 add nothing to the Big Boss lore, it's, in my opinion, perfectly fleshed out with MG2-MGS3, although you have to fill in some of the gaps

  9. 12 months ago

    How the frick is the end an emotion?

  10. 12 months ago

    >never in the games?
    Because they play him off as a legendary soldier. And legends are best build off-screen.

  11. 12 months ago

    there is no FACTS, only interpretations - Nietzsche

    quote is used in MGSV. it's the whole point of the story. You only THINK he's the "legendary" Big Boss, but 90% of what you know wasn't even the same person!

  12. 12 months ago

    My face looks like the one on the right even though i'm aged like the one on the left because my face for some reason started flaking, become irritated and turned red, the surface skin flaked totally off for a couple of years after ending as suddenly as it started. The hair also fell off a lot and stopped balding after the face burning thing stopped. Now has there been any similar condition written somewhere?

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