Just finished Torna. God damned amazing expansion. Beautiful and emotional ending.

Just finished Torna. God damned amazing expansion. Beautiful and emotional ending.
wtf @ the body horror out of nowhere though
I'm soo glad I decided to give this series a chance, i typically dislike jrpgs but god damn this has been a great experience

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  1. 2 years ago

    chronicles x thoe

  2. 2 years ago

    Lora and Jin are the best xeno protags, prove me wrong

    • 2 years ago

      Nearly everyone in Torna is shit.

      Lora is an idiot who caused all of the problems depicted in 2 with the stupid shit she said to Jin in Spessia, instead of being caring and reassuring towards him she forced all of her negative emotions on him, motivating him to commit the ultimate taboo.

      Jin himself was ok prior to this, his plans after the fall of Torna make no fricking sense, it's a cheap attempt at repeating Egil but Egil worked because his entire world was massacred, Jin instead lashes out against the entire world because ONE stupid b***h died, and instead of directing his ire at the actual culprit he kills innocent people like a fricking coward.

      Addam is treated as a paragon in 2, but Torna shows he was a shit driver and a shit prince, all he wanted was to return to his fricking farm and so he half-assed everything he did including raising Mythra, and he is directly responsible for her going berserk; I know all of this is by design, so we understand that Rex's self-doubt was misplaced and unjustified because of Addam's undeserved reputation.

      Hugo is just there to occupy space, as is Agaeon, Brighid is ok but I could have done without the moments in which she is needlessly antagonistic towards Mythra.

      Minoth and Mytha are the only characters worth a damn.

      • 2 years ago

        >Addam is treated as a paragon in 2, but Torna shows he was a shit driver and a shit prince, all he wanted was to return to his fricking farm and so he half-assed everything he did including raising Mythra, and he is directly responsible for her going berserk; I know all of this is by design, so we understand that Rex's self-doubt was misplaced and unjustified because of Addam's undeserved reputation.
        I really enjoyed watching this unfold, was a better version of the Jedi in the Star Wars prequels bringing everything to ruin with their incompetence.

  3. 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago

    The ending of Torna is perfect and capped off one of the best dlcs ever made very well. I have a strong feeling that XB3 will deliver on the same level of quality in its story as well.

  5. 2 years ago

    All of Torna in the main game annoyed the hell out of me, Mythra included. So when the expansion was about their past I said "naw mate, miss me on that fricking garbage"
    I would've liked a Future Connected-like epilogue instead.

    • 2 years ago

      Future Connected was fine, but other than vague groundwork being laid for for 3 with the fog beast i don't really get the point of it
      TGC really gives more depth and context to locations and characters in 2

      • 2 years ago

        There is nothing in Torna that isn't in the base game.

      • 2 years ago

        The Fog Beast's final form is the same as the Infernal Guldo in the Land of Morytha in Xeno 2, another connection between the two games that will likely tie into 3.

        >TGC really gives more depth and context to locations and characters in 2
        See that's fine and all, but I couldn't possibly care less about Jin, Malos, Akhos, Patroka, Mikhail, Haze, or Lora. Jin prattled on about his stupid omnicidal garbage, Malos was just a vessel for Amalthus' hatred, Akhos and Patroka were annoying to fight and annoying characters just in general, Mikhail was whatever, Haze's death was completely ineffectual, and Lora was a stupid martyr that I didn't care about that drove everyone else to insanity. Oh, and Mythra was still insufferable as ever.

        Why would I want to see MORE of these people? I wanted them to die and be forgotten about. The only Torna member I gave a shit about was Nia, who showed she wasn't a worthless sack of shit like the rest of them and defected pretty early on.

      • 2 years ago

        FC's point was to give Melia and Tyrea closure since they're the only members of the "main cast" that don't have their issue solved by the end of the game. Kinda wish it was longer, but it's good for what it is.

  6. 2 years ago

    The community wheel sucks ass. Apart from that though Torna is great.

  7. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Mikhail is by far the worst member of Torna.
      >"Hurr durr the aegises destroyed Torna and killed my buttbuddy, better kill all humans!"

    • 2 years ago

      Mikhail is by far the worst member of Torna.
      >"Hurr durr the aegises destroyed Torna and killed my buttbuddy, better kill all humans!"

      >First thing he says fighting against the group and Mythra is calling Mythra beaufiful
      The death of his friend and the death of Torna sure turned him into a man of fine tastes

  8. 2 years ago

    Mikhail got such a good redemption Arc in 2 i couldn't believe it.
    I got the expansion pass to play Torna first, it seems like theres a heap of DLC quests to go back to 2 for.
    and like half the blades and their questlines to see
    Seems like this should tide me over until 3 launches.

  9. 2 years ago

    I'm reading that New Game plus in Torna gives you a second character affinity chart. Does it do this with the main game?
    I was really looking forward to just finishing all of the DLC quests, maxing out the charts of the blades i want to use then doing New Game plus just to go at the main story at it's own pace without being in menus for hours micromanaging everything

    • 2 years ago

      >I'm reading that New Game plus in Torna gives you a second character affinity chart. Does it do this with the main game?
      Yes, but it is very overkill and you can easily 100% the rest of the game without ever engaging with it.

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