Just give me single player FFXI with gambit style party members and dragon dogma pawn system so I can import friends characters with their created gam...

Just give me single player FFXI with gambit style party members and dragon dogma pawn system so I can import friends characters with their created gambits. Hoping xvi succeeds to do this. Come on ff16

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  1. 12 months ago

    what sucks is that they WERE making a single player ffXI but it got shit canned

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        It was being made by Nexon on mobile.


        Just give me single player FFXI with gambit style party members and dragon dogma pawn system so I can import friends characters with their created gambits. Hoping xvi succeeds to do this. Come on ff16

        Why does Luzaf have pink hair?

      • 12 months ago

        what sucks is that they WERE making a single player ffXI but it got shit canned

        got outsourced to NEXON who went under because all they do is make shitty korean p2w mobile games and mmos

    • 12 months ago

      Are any Prime weapons even good? The amount of galli you need is just ridiculous.

      It was going to be a card game with microtransactions, be glad it died.

      • 12 months ago

        the prime shield is nuts, all-in-one aegis and ochain
        the prime scythe's weapon skill drains hp and mp whereas the apocolypse only drains hp
        the prime weapons are stronger than their relic counterparts and probably have stronger versions of their weapon skills but they dont have level 3 skillchain elements tied to their weaponskills
        if people have everything else in the game why wouldnt you make them grind
        they didnt give samurai the prime bow, unlike the relic bow, because they would have been able to proc the aftermath with a non-prime in their main hand
        people will still use the relic greatsword for its fusion linker for skillchains, even though you can use the exalted crossbow on WAR and DRK instead

      • 12 months ago

        what is it, a new set of ultimate weapons?

    • 12 months ago

      You mean FFXII?

      • 12 months ago

        No, they mean this monstrosity

  2. 12 months ago

    It's been 20 years anon, just let it go

    • 12 months ago


  3. 12 months ago

    current FFXI already is single-player with trusts

    • 12 months ago

      But need better graphics.

  4. 12 months ago

    >you will never witness another Mandy train to Kazham
    >you will never hear Selbina music for the first time again
    >you will never be as happy as you were screaming with your friends on Vent after clearing prenerf Snoll
    >you'll never have the wonder of seeing Sea for the first time again
    >you'll never sit by the cliffs of Lufaise Meadows with your friends
    >you'll never know what happened to most of those people irl
    >you'll always remember how freaked you were at your first UFO aggro
    >you never sated thou rage
    >you are now aware that statistically at least one person fricked a cat thanks to Mithra fetishs
    >you'll never have another experience like you did with FFXI
    >we can't go back

    • 12 months ago

      I'm doing that right now. Just got my first Raja's ring despite playing deep into ToAU.

    • 12 months ago

      Feels bad man. I was 15 when I started FFXI back in 2005. Played it until 2010. Probably the best gaming time of my life. So many memories. People just don't understand what it was like back then. It was our Discord, our social media, our catchup with friends. I would spend hours just chilling in Jeuno or Whitegame speaking to people.

      The internet has changed so much (and I have as well). Be glad it happened anon

      • 12 months ago

        Played from 03 until the day level cap past 75 was announced. Don't remember exactly when but that was the last week I logged on. Honestly the only thing that makes me feel anything about the game now is wondering what happened to the good people I met back then. I still keep in touch with two of them, but there were a ton of others. Weird to hope people you never actually met are doing well, but here we are.

        • 12 months ago

          >Don't remember exactly when but that was the last week I logged on
          Level 75 cap was the best the game ever was. The high was CoP and ToAU

          >mmo-gay admits it's not a game
          such is life

          >such is life
          >admits it's not a game
          What do you mean?

          No, they mean this monstrosity

          That doesn't look that bad tbh. A modern FFXI would be cool asf

          It's because the threads moved to /vg/ and it became the same few gays avatargayging at eachother, like every /vg/ thread. I didn't keep up with it, but when I checked in every now and than it seemed the server was ran into the ground and now the threads are gone.

          >became the same few gays avatargayging at eachother,
          FFXIVs influence sucks. I remember back in 2005 there were no gayhomosexuals or trannies posting on the internet. It was the only time when MMOs were normal

          • 12 months ago

            Feels bad man. I was 15 when I started FFXI back in 2005. Played it until 2010. Probably the best gaming time of my life. So many memories. People just don't understand what it was like back then. It was our Discord, our social media, our catchup with friends. I would spend hours just chilling in Jeuno or Whitegame speaking to people.

            The internet has changed so much (and I have as well). Be glad it happened anon

            > It was our Discord, our social media, our catchup with friends. I would spend hours just chilling in Jeuno or Whitegame speaking to people.
            MMOs are chat rooms.

            • 12 months ago

              XIV sure is, XI at least had a game installed with it.

            • 12 months ago

              always has been

            • 12 months ago

              >MMOs are chat rooms.
              They always have been. The problem was we used to chat in game, until Discord came around. people were more immersed in the world and their characters

              • 12 months ago

                Well chat in XI is fully monitored, especially on private servers. Talking in game is like like talking directly to the staff which is why everyone is encouraged to talk on discord instead.

                ><homosexualaru>"We found this cool new trick on Kirin"
                ><homosexualaru>"Yeah just bring him over there and then run though that wall here and now can't hit you"
                ><[GM]PowerBottom> "This is an exploit, you should have reported this, you will now all be banned"

              • 12 months ago

                SE never used to check chat unless you called someone a homie

              • 12 months ago

                SE never used to check chat unless you called someone a homie

                nowadays on retail a GM will only get involved if you bother a JP player, it's free for all with english players.

      • 12 months ago

        >mmo-gay admits it's not a game
        such is life

  5. 12 months ago

    >sad mmo-gay thread

  6. 12 months ago

    I play every free login, and occasionally resub, I still have fun playing since there's always something to work on. Horizon was cool at launch because of how many people there were, but in order to put in the time I wanted to progress I needed to quit all other games which I didn't want to do, so I quit after a month.

  7. 12 months ago

    just download the private server code from the github, edit the exp rates to whatever multiplier you want and play singleplayer that way

    • 12 months ago

      I knew a guy who wrote a ffxii gambit system to control his alts. I never got the code from him, and according to steam he was last online 9 years ago.

      • 12 months ago

        you can do this with a bunch of 3rd party tools that come with loaders like Windower or Ashita
        half the homosexuals in my private server linkshell, all they talked about was how they coded .luas that automatically controlled 5 members of their 6-character multibox army.
        it got to the point where most of our linkshell events were just 2 dudes multiboxxing 12 characters and an off-party of people who actually needed the drops
        so there are plenty of resources out there on automating multiboxxed accounts and that.

        • 12 months ago

          and thats why the game is currently trash

          • 12 months ago

            ppl have been doing it since 2010 or earlier
            its also why 1/3rd of the playerbase got permabanned for salvage drops duping as well.

  8. 12 months ago

    remember when Ganker spent all the end of the last year making daily threads about horizon just for everyone to lost interest as soon as the server dropped?

    • 12 months ago

      It's because the threads moved to /vg/ and it became the same few gays avatargayging at eachother, like every /vg/ thread. I didn't keep up with it, but when I checked in every now and than it seemed the server was ran into the ground and now the threads are gone.

      • 12 months ago

        the server went to shit fast after the devs starting reverting all the changes they made to the classes

        • 12 months ago

          >the devs starting reverting all the changes they made to the classes
          it was moronic to begin with by why would they even bother reverting it? the damage is done
          >RDM literally has infinte MP!
          >/NIN ruined the game
          >Frick FFXIV, ah tank stance defender, YES!
          >frick RDM so WHM should have a yagrush at level 50 to compensate, its only fair
          >SMN should of had an AoE refresh, also frick RDM
          >everyone proceeds to play RDM anyway

    • 12 months ago

      I still play. I wish it would have retained 4k+ players during peak hours, but it's inevitable once you weed out people who:
      >Just wanted that nostalgia rush for a week or so
      >New players that heard about the game and never got to experience it
      >Those who realize this game is going to take a lot of your time if you want real progress

      • 12 months ago

        what are the current peak numbers?

        • 12 months ago

          I play in the off hours. Right now it's 940 (usually 810ish during the week). I think it was around 2k or so when I joined a Divine Might run late afternoon NA time.

          • 12 months ago

            holy shit the numbers dropped hard

  9. 12 months ago

    it's still there no? Why not play it

  10. 12 months ago

    I just love Vana'diel and the rich interconnected mathematical systems underpinning everything, its pretty deep and has tons of room for experimentation, the actual gameplay is kind bland though tab-target is trash and always has been. If this shit played like Dragon's Dogma I don't think I'd ever have a reason to stop playing, the underlaying maths for Dragon's Domga are like deep as a puddle and its super disappointing once you scratch the surface even a little bit.

  11. 12 months ago

    XVI succeeding would do the absolute opposite of what you want (although XIV's success pretty much already solidified it)
    >Oh, players don't want multiple options and party compositions it seems
    XIV could have gone down a different path, but it went the exact opposite of XI in terms of complexity, build choices, gearing, spells, abilities, etc.
    I don't think it's popularity is necessarily tied to its gameplay decisions per se, but SE wouldn't look at it that way
    I held on to XIV for way too long before I switched to XI last year and loved it

    • 12 months ago

      >XIV could have gone down a different path, but it went the exact opposite of XI in terms of complexity, build choices, gearing, spells, abilities, etc.
      People don't want that anymore man. The fact that Octopath 2 only just sold 1 million whereas FF16 will sell 20+ million is just proof enough.

    • 12 months ago

      I cut my last tie to XIV the other day by letting my house get demolished. Last time it was up for demolition I resubbed and played for maybe an hour the whole month. Now I'll login when they do a free login to catch up, but doing extremes/savages just isn't fun anymore. Kind of want to resub to XI just for the Nyzul investigation campaign, but there's other games I'm playing right now, and I think I'll wait until the bonanza pearl numbers are announced next month I think?

  12. 12 months ago

    just give me dissidia 012 on pc with online pvp

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