Just got this game. What am I in for?

Just got this game
What am I in for?

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    pure and unfiltered kino

    • 2 years ago

      This is false. A fun game maybe but a good story? Not really

  2. 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      the game is like 95% of cutscenes. rest is some pretty repetitive brawling and very basic minigames.

      still pretty comfy tho

  4. 2 years ago

    Kino. Close this thread NOW before it gets spoiled. I had the pleasure of playing this blind as my first Yakuza game. Close the thread NOW

  5. 2 years ago

    Steel forearms

  6. 2 years ago

    sad you need to finish the game in order to change the costume .....

  7. 2 years ago

    Play through the first four chapters before considering dropping it - I remember not really being drawn into the plot until I got through the introductory chapters for both characters.

    • 2 years ago

      yeah took me a little while, I got it into it when Kiryu jumps through a window

  8. 2 years ago


  9. 2 years ago

    the game is like 95% of cutscenes. rest is some pretty repetitive brawling and very basic minigames.

  10. 2 years ago

    A game women won't understand.

  11. 2 years ago

    the only good yakuza game

    • 2 years ago

      >the only good yakuza game
      I thought Ganker was just being Ganker when I kept seeing this opinion while playing 0 - went on to play K1 and K2 then 3-6 and while I enjoyed about half of them, none of them even come close to the experience 0 is

  12. 2 years ago

    Shitton of fun and kino

  13. 2 years ago

    Really fun game. I bought Kiwami 1 & 2 in the hopes that they're at least half as fun as 0, then they put them on Gamepass...

    • 2 years ago

      I was able to treat K1 as a kind of extended epilogue to 0, so it still worked for me.
      K2 felt massively overrated though - Dragon Engine combat felt like complete shit by comparison other than the novelty of being able to throw people through windows and I just wasn't that invested in the plot and felt the final boss was laughably easy/underwhelming even on hard

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah K2 feels like shit to play, everyone talks about Y3 grapple mania but I hated the floatiness of K2 more.

        • 2 years ago

          I've never understood the shitting on Y3.
          Maybe it helps that I was a Beast-master most of the time in 0, but grabbing really ain't a bad thing, plus 3 even added enemies that you can't grab at all. Kids also don't seem to use weapons.

          The Dragon Engine's floatiness and gameplay breaking physics shit just don't mesh with the series' cartoony arcade-feel.

          Are the games ludo or not? Make up your mind vee.

          They are very fun, mate

          • 2 years ago

            I guess I'll have to get them in the future. I have but 0.

            • 2 years ago

              Don't you worry, Zero alone will keep you entertained up for weeks, if you really get into the story and gameplay's all features.

              Depending on how much you fall for the characters, the "sequels" might end up being must-play bonus chapters, even if the overall polish might not be quite on Zero's level (which was literally a passionate 10 year anniversary project for the series, and it shows).

              • 2 years ago

                Oh so like, suppose I found them cheap, them or Miku? I know I'm being a c**t but yeah, I don't have money for both.

              • 2 years ago

                They ain't expensive games. Most of them were like a fiver on Steam during the Summer Sale, and the HD collection that includes three games tends to go for around 20 bucks even at full price.

                But like said, Zero is a great starting point, and IMO a truly great game even as a standalone title. It might not be a bad idea to have a short break afterwards, let things sink in and then return to the world and characters later on.

                Is this a movie game?

                No, it's literally like a late-1980s videogamey video game, made with 2010s' tech. Full of SOUL and FUN.

              • 2 years ago

                >No, it's literally like a late-1980s videogamey video game
                t. never played a videogame pre 2005

              • 2 years ago

                I started with 8-bit NES, literally 30 years ago, kiddo. Yakuza's like a modern take on the Beat'em up games like River City or SoR, with a bucket-load of other play types and genres thrown in the mix.

          • 2 years ago

            >I've never understood the shitting on Y3.
            >Cut content out the ass on the PS3 version along with a bad translation.
            >Remaster breaks a bunch of things like minigames and combat because the game was never meant to be 60 FPS.
            >A good third of the game is stopping the story in its tracks to do a substory for the orphans but a good two-thirds of the orphans are never really fleshed out enough that you care about them as much as the game thinks you do.
            >Beautiful Eyes even as a concept.
            >Chapter 9 is literally an hour long exposition chapter where nothing happens except you asking a guy four questions and him directly explaining the plot to you including the twists.
            >Minigame AI is the cheatiest in the series next to Kenzan.
            >Because they barely fixed the combat issues from Kenzan all combat devolves to either grabbing, swaying to the enemy's back and hoping you're square to their back, charging 2H street weapons, or Tiger Dropping enemies because punching leads to them blocking on the second or third hit.
            >Guard breaks do absolutely nothing just like Kenzan because they regain their ability to block faster than it takes you to recover from the downtime you have in executing the guard breaks.
            >Bosses all now have super armor so if you're not getting to their back you're going to have to deal with them retaliating on the second or third hit they block and then having super armor for the duration of all that counterattack.
            >The final hitman mission is a complete mess worse than Jingu.
            >Amon without Tiger Dropping is also a nightmare because of the aforementioned blocking issue + super armor.
            >Haruka SSS requirements are borderline masochism.
            >Kiryu doesn't even bat an eye at Kashiwagi getting gunned down by a helicopter despite knowing him for about thirty years but breaks down for a guy he knew for less than a few months.
            >Rikiya's major character building is in permanently missable substories.

            • 2 years ago

              >Cut content on PS3
              Luckily you don't need to play Piss3 version in 2022.
              >Remaster 60fps breaks a bunch of things
              Most of that was literally fixed with official patch, and on PC you got mods like Silent Patch.
              >A good third of the game is stopping the story in its tracks to do a substory for the orphans
              Not exactly a bad thing, but yeah, they could've trimmed it a bit.
              >Beautiful Eyes even as a concept
              Not really sure what's the issue here
              >Chapter 9 is literally an hour long exposition
              Could've been fleshed out better yeah, but I don't mind the chitchat per-se.
              >Minigame AI is the cheatiest in the series next to Kenzan
              In which games?
              >all combat devolves to either grabbing, swaying to the enemy's back and hoping you're square to their back, charging 2H street weapons, or Tiger Dropping
              So you need to actually use tactics and more tools, instead of spamming Square + Triangle?
              You kids are exaggerating this issue.
              >Guard breaks do absolutely nothing
              A bike in the face seems to break the guard and their bones just like always though.
              >Bosses all now have super armor, have to deal with them retaliating on second / third hit
              So again, can't just spam hits and need to move + use high-tier, dodges, moves or weapons? That a bad thing?
              >The final hitman mission is worse than Jingu.
              Hell no. Jingu was just embarrassing jank-fest tank.
              >Amon without Tiger Dropping
              I still don't know how to pull Tiger drop in ANY of the games, so I don't even try to use it.
              I've also never faced a single Amon. That's some autistic Plat-gay shit.
              >Haruka SSS requirements are borderline masochism.
              I just learned that Haruka dating is in almost all games, and I'm not even gonna bother.
              Bought her a tauriner and moved on with the plot.
              >Kiryu doesn't even bat an eye at Kashiwagi
              Kinda hard to get super emotional when you get assaulted by a chopper + get swarmed by cops, but sure.
              >Rikiya's character building in missable substories.
              Kinda sucks, but then again he too was disposable.

              • 2 years ago

                >Luckily you don't need to play Piss3 version in 2022.
                But that's still what most people played and where most of their opinions are from.
                >Most of that was literally fixed with official patch
                It was not. PC fixed its issue with fishing but bowling is broken across the board, quickstepping is broken on both sides (But can be fixed on PC), and Heat Action timing is broken for Tag Teams on both sides. Silent Patch primarily fixes performance issues not the glitches.
                >Not really sure what's the issue here
                >"Hey Kiryu, did you know that your assassin adoptive father had a secret CIA twin he never told anyone but this one Japanese politician about so that you would get confused? He was a good friend."
                >In which games?
                Darts across the board barely misses but Expert is basically laser accurate (They toned this down on Remaster I think since I saw them miss more), Pool can sink the entire table even on Beginner without you getting a turn, Haruka plays close to grandmaster tier in Shogi in her later requirement, mahjong still pulls double riichis like it's nothing, and cee-lo has guys getting way more 6s and triples than I saw in any other game thus far. I remember koi-koi also tending to get Seasons and Three/Four Lights more than usual.
                >So you need to actually use tactics and more tools, instead of spamming Square + Triangle?
                You can't even use a majority of Kiryu's moveset. It literally devolves to either charging a specific type of street weapon, spamming grabs, or Tiger Dropping. Even if you use crafted weapons they block at least 1/3rd of the durability or maybe more. There aren't tactics involved and I've played both PS3 and PS4 on Ex-Hard/Legend. Your square and triangle hits may as well not even exist.
                >A bike in the face seems to break the guard and their bones just like always though.
                Except it only breaks their guard and they have it back up by the second time you swing. You need to charge to apply two hits within one second.

              • 2 years ago

                Forgot one other issue which was that guns are broken across the board as well. Enemies cannot shoot you with pistols or shotguns but shotgun enemies can randomly glitch out while glitching out and shoot you with the shotgun for around double the damage it would do in the original game. They don't function properly at all.

              • 2 years ago

                >So again, can't just spam hits and need to move + use high-tier, dodges, moves or weapons?
                Stop conflating this like you need to do something more special than in any other game. 4 literally has more involved combat than 3 because of parrying and enemies not just blocking every five seconds which lets them be more active and requires more swaying than 3 does. It takes away attacks you could do and forces you into a certain passive playstyle where you wait for someone to whiff so you can sway to their back and get a free combo or abusing charge attacks from weapons or grabs for chip damage. I had to do this nonsense for 80 hours of Kenzan and I was sick of it there and the only thing 3 brought to the table was that I could grab enemies without getting stunlocked, could use charge attacks with street items, and could Tiger Drop. You literally can't even use sway attacks like the sway + heavy because the enemy just block its every time so why even have it as a move? Even if you could land it it does chip damage.
                >Jingu was just embarrassing jank-fest tank.
                So you didn't fight Arase + guy who is in your face 24/7 while one of them is always interrupting you, dealing chunks of your health, and not only having super armor but also blocking 90% of your hits? Either you're blocking the guy in melee range and getting stunlocked from afar or reaching Arase and having him dodge you while melee guy is on your ass. You're constantly stunlocked in that fight.
                >I've also never faced a single Amon.
                So then why do you act like there's nothing wrong with the game? 3's Amon is a Tiger Drop Amon, the worst kind of Amon because actually punching him or using normal combat is a nightmare of chip damage.
                >Kinda hard to get super emotional
                He barely even speaks of it afterwards and barely cares about it afterwards.
                >but then again he too was disposable.
                That's not excuse. 1 did the same thing with the Fake Mizuki.

              • 2 years ago

                >4 literally has more involved combat than 3 because of parrying and enemies not just blocking every five seconds
                Yeah, instead it's enemies grabbing you every five seconds

        • 2 years ago

          K2 just felt like such a limited moveset, coming from 1 and K1 where you have multiple combat styles, to suddenly just having one moveset felt like I was stuck in a combat tutorial the whole game

          I've never understood the shitting on Y3.
          Maybe it helps that I was a Beast-master most of the time in 0, but grabbing really ain't a bad thing, plus 3 even added enemies that you can't grab at all. Kids also don't seem to use weapons.

          The Dragon Engine's floatiness and gameplay breaking physics shit just don't mesh with the series' cartoony arcade-feel.

          They are very fun, mate

          Tbf 3's combat is definitely the worst in the series imo, just because the bosses block 90% of your hits turning every fight into a massive slog. Overall I preferred 3 in general to 4 and 5 by quite a margin, those games felt like they lost focus and were way too long and convoluted

      • 2 years ago

        >and felt the final boss was laughably easy/underwhelming even on hard
        Because K2 made the entire finale a joke. Kiryu is a murder machine in both 6 and K2, he can carry an entire shop's worth of food on him at all times in addition to having separate equipment and weapon slots. Enemies deal less damage than in 2 even if you're on Legend and don't upgrade to 200 or even 300. The bosses are far easier to get around and toned down to the point that the Man in Black is harder than the actual final boss. You're also allowed to buy stuff from a black market guy right before the last boss.

        In comparison 2 has you deal with 9 inventory slots total (Because 3 will be covered by your equips) or 6 if you take three weapons, you have to do the entire gauntlet + MIB + final boss stretch in one go, there's no marketplace guy on the final floor, it was harder to get around Terada because of how combat worked in the original compared to K2 where you literally just run behind him, Ryuji 3's fight was significantly harder because he did way more damage and was harder to dodge around, and Ryuji 3 in 2 could insta-kill you in the QTE setting you back an hour. Hell, the entire run up Kamuro Hills expected you to be stealing the guns and weapons from the enemies you beat up, store them in your inventory, and whip them out as you ran low on durability/bullets while fighting the hordes on the ground. None of that progression is in K2 because the weapons are weaker than your fists.

  14. 2 years ago

    Absolute ludo

  15. 2 years ago

    The sixth game in the series. Hope you're playing them in release order or you're about to spoil the story and ruin the rest of the series.

  16. 2 years ago

    waste of time. Combat is mid.
    Go watch the cutscenes on youtube.

  17. 2 years ago

    Unadulterated fun, badass attitude, and feels.
    Easily one of the best games I've played. And I just finished it earlier this year for the first time.

    Go now, play the game, don't rush it.

  18. 2 years ago

    Game for girls that Ganker praises.

  19. 2 years ago

    Are the games ludo or not? Make up your mind vee.

  20. 2 years ago

    Horrible shitty user interface
    Unskippable cutscenes
    Awful japanese "humor"
    Loading screens and unskippable dialogues Just to restart a fricking minigame
    Soap opera level story
    Shitty battle system
    If you want a decent asian themed game with a good melee system go play Sleeping Dogs instead

    • 2 years ago

      >Soap opera level story
      Oh, glad you understood.

      • 2 years ago

        Horrible shitty user interface
        Unskippable cutscenes
        Awful japanese "humor"
        Loading screens and unskippable dialogues Just to restart a fricking minigame
        Soap opera level story
        Shitty battle system
        If you want a decent asian themed game with a good melee system go play Sleeping Dogs instead

        Ok just to stay positive, I actually liked the introduction of Goro's character, and his battle styles are much better than Kiryu's.
        But the game could have been much better if they shaved down like 40% of the main story and the shitty writing.

    • 2 years ago

      it is not a "soap opera level story", it is a soap opera in vidya gaem format.

  21. 2 years ago

    Is this a movie game?

  22. 2 years ago

    why is the japanese ideal of masculinity looking like a turk? never seen a real jap who looks like that

  23. 2 years ago

    It is both great and underwhelming because you get to play tbe best the series has to offer immediately.

  24. 2 years ago

    Should i play with a controller?

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