Just hit 47 hours played after buying it during the summer sale. I'm level 40 with:. 128 logging. 132 mining

Just hit 47 hours played after buying it during the summer sale.

I'm level 40 with:
128 logging
132 mining
127 harvesting
118 Tracking and Skinning

115 Smelting
118 Woodworking
78 Leatherworking
77 Weaving
100 Engineering
87 Stonecutting
62 Armoring
67 Weaponsmithing
50 Cooking
52 Furnishing

I am absolutely addicted to this game. I'm going to max out all the professions. It's so much fun. What do you think about it? There are tons of people on the weekends playing.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 years ago

    I had fun with it till i hit max level and they constantly made rhe game worse everypatch. I genuinely enjoyed playing up until lvl 50 or so. Eh i got over 100 hours of fun before quitting so its fine.
    The problem isnt hitting endgame. Its realizing every patch its 1 thing fixed 40 new broken things. I legit think if they had never patched the game and kept it in its broken launch state more people would still be playing. Because you still had hope that the next patch would fix things despite the game being flawed now. You can put up with busted bullshit if you think theres going to be an eventual payoff.
    The only thing the patches have done is show how incompetent everyone is and that its impossible for them to turn new world into a good game.

    • 2 years ago

      no one will reply seriously to you because this is a shill thread, but i just want you to know that i care and i appreciate your input 🙂

  2. 2 years ago

    I like the gameplay mechanics but 3 weeks after release I came to the realization that the game doesn't work without people flagging for PVP and even then it's too lenient.
    Resource gathering doesn't work if there's no threat of dying or losing what you just gathered.
    Zone control bonuses aren't big enough to justify signing up for war or helping out Guilds.
    Guild drama has little reason to exist as well because of this.

    I told myself it'd get better in a year or two but checking update sporadicly I don't see them addressing the issues ever. Could have been a special game. Shame

  3. 2 years ago

    this had potential before they changed the focus from pvp to pve
    if this game had mandatory world pvp and you dropped your shit on death it could have something interesting
    every system this game has is obsolete the second they allow you to die without consequences

  4. 2 years ago

    Aqua eating watermelon
    have a nice day shill

  5. 2 years ago

    >game was planned to be a pvp sandbox with player-built cities and economy
    >change the entire premise one year before launch and turn it into a wow-like theme park mmo
    the only people left playing it are the usual low IQ morons who tend to get addicted to dogshit mmos. this is not a fun or refined game. it's just another garbage box.

    • 2 years ago

      >turn it into a wow-like theme park mmo
      what? the game had literally no endgame loop and no actual PVE content, it actually would have done infinitely better if it was anything like WoW.

      the watermark system on launch was the stupidest and laziest system ever implemented in a game to this day

      • 2 years ago

        >On launch
        They got rid of it? That made me quit more than the bugs

    • 2 years ago

      I mean, these are not one, but two redflags.

      • 2 years ago

        the only red flags about MMOs is the theme park skinnerbox MMO
        >collect ten wolf pelts
        >collect 10 flowers
        >grind dungeon
        >repeat thousand times
        this is the kind of attraction that absolute morons enjoy

        • 2 years ago

          Oh, would you like me to tell you about the game's crafting system, and how everything revolves around farming Iron Ore forever and ever until the end of time?

          • 2 years ago

            I don't play theme park MMOs, and you should neither.

    • 2 years ago

      >1% player retention after not even 1 year

      l m a o

  6. 2 years ago

    >That one bug where moving the game in windowed mode made you invincible
    >That time people found a way to duplicate gold so the devs panicked and shut down all trading for weeks
    >The update that made end-game crafted gear dogshit retroactively so everyone who bought it got fricked and everyone who made it got fricked because nobody else would buy
    I'll explain this at the end
    >The DPS bug that had people in wars one shitting each other
    >The devs denied auto-bans were real multiple times but guilds were still able to mass report and auto-ban top players during wars
    >That AoE big that made poorgays crash during wars if everyone spammed the same AoE moves
    >Basically zero quests near end-game to force people to slow down and take ages to hit max level
    >Best way to get exp is actually by spamming boring auto-generated town quests

    Not sure if they ever fixed it but they had a moronic idea to make max level gear insanely overpowered for people who grinded for weeks. OP gear came from grinding a new exp system instead of grinding a group dungeon like most MMOs.
    >At max level players can grind elite mobs and chests to level up a new exp system
    >The higher this level, the better the drops from bosses and chests
    >So if I hit max level today I won't get cool gear like a friend who has been max level for 5 months even if we open the same chest
    >This may sound like a decent idea if you're moronic, but the difference in gear was fricking MASSIVE
    >Gear after grinding for weeks/months will one or two shot gear found as a brand new max level
    >Most MMOs let brand new max levels go run a dungeon for a chance at this OP gear, but not New World. New World wants you to grind.
    >Some people were just buying crafted gear that was super strong to skip grinding for weeks, but an update broke this gear so it got nerfed down to your "grinding level" to frick everyone who bought gear without grinding

    • 2 years ago

      Thanks anon I won't buy this now
      I thought it was runescape but 3rd person

  7. 2 years ago

    >gamebreaking bug
    >server hotfix
    >you can now dupe gold
    >dupe hotfix
    >now immortal in healing circle
    >healing hotfix
    >activates another dupe somehow
    >fix dupe
    >hatchet buff dmg never ends
    etc etc

  8. 2 years ago

    shill thread

  9. 2 years ago

    I stuck with this game for a while when it launched, but once I got into the watermark grinding I realized I didn't enjoy the group gameplay at all. Having to deal with faction pvp douchebags on top of that didn't help matters. The cherry on top was when they decided to make high level crafted gear effectively worthless.

  10. 2 years ago

    >talk about new game
    >talk about old game


    Anyways OP, the honeymoon period will wear off soon. Tradeskills become tedious as frick to level 100+ and grinding watermark is braindead and takes forever. Enjoy the dopamine hits from seeing number easily go up while you can.

  11. 2 years ago

    Also, if you want to play just for the story, I hope you like lesbians. Apparently those Spanish colonists were lousy with them. Every other quest is about helping some dyke patch things up with her life partner. And if there's a guy involved, he's in for disappointment.

  12. 2 years ago

    >friends gifts this game to me
    >try it
    >looks fun
    >realize after a couple hours it's extremely repetitive and has literally nothing interesting
    >I'm only lvl 2x
    >friends is constantly asking me when I'm going to play again

  13. 2 years ago

    >200 shilling

  14. 2 years ago

    That game could’ve been amazing.
    Oh well, 2 weeks of fun ain’t that bad.

  15. 2 years ago

    >blue skeletons
    >blue ghouls
    >green ghouls
    >red ghouls
    >purple ghouls
    >lvl 1-10 ghouls
    >10-20 ghouls
    I couldnt fricking take it anymore killing the same fricking enemies over and over and over again
    Literally the worst enemy variety i have ever seen in any mmo
    How did WoW do everything so fricking perfect in 2004?

  16. 2 years ago

    PVP while leveling up was extremely fun, hiding in bushes with a few friends and shooting at randoms to make fights happen and so on was great.

    Unfortunately most things were imbalanced as frick once people started getting more and more geared.

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