Keiji Inafune say 10 years ago that Japan Gaming Indrustry was dying

What do you think about the current state of games that come from japan nowdays?

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    They're the best that they've ever been. Don't forget Inafune shat out Mighty No 9 and called it his magnum opus.
    It's better than nothing.

  2. 4 months ago

    He was wrong then but I'm not overly encouraged by the ones shown in your pic. There's more money being generated but less distinction.

    • 4 months ago

      They're making more money because they're being pushed into mainstream. They're losing distinction be cause they're being pushed into mainstream. They're all censored and dulled to fit into the western pigeon holes for entertainment.

      • 4 months ago

        More like western games and demoralization became so shit even normies rather the weebest game now, but of course ~~*sewer rats*~~ follow behind and drop 7 billions to censor some pixels.
        People play those games DESPITE the censorship, since the games still have some soul.
        Same shit if they ruin games and anime, people will go to fanfics or hobbies like gardening and yet still those sewer rats will follow to add their demoralization propaganda

        Its pretty amazing how much better things would be without sewer rats

  3. 4 months ago

    It's just selection bias. Japanese games never were dying, it's just that the filtered parts that the west gets to see were struggling during that era. We only see the good stuff. The trash stays in Japan. Same for them, they never see indie game #337272, they see Doom Eternal and Forza 5

    • 4 months ago

      Japanese games were also struggling a bit in 7th Gen because the companies with the best access to technology for HD systems were large western companies like EA, Activision, etc. Who blew up in this period. Japanese studios took longer to adapt, which is why so many just focused on handhelds

  4. 4 months ago

    FF7 and DD2 are next as well.

  5. 4 months ago

    Foamstars also came from Japan
    Helldivers 2 came from the west

  6. 4 months ago

    This guys a gem

    • 4 months ago

      the irony of this westoid whining is just getting good games is what helped the switch win 2 generations in a row
      and with the way things are going nintendo (japan) looks like they will outlast everyone else and win the last console wars while paving a road to dominate on the last frontier (PC) too

      • 4 months ago

        Nintendo has not won a generation. They simply aren't competing and they don't sell 3rd party software anywhere near the rate of PS and Xbox.
        And Xbox is basically the dodo atm.

        • 4 months ago

          >Nintendo has not won a generation. They simply aren't competing
          because honestly, all i'm seeing is cope

          • 4 months ago

            Well its a handheld for one. It doesn't have a properly established 3rd party market where all the big publishers release their games day1 and make most of their money from it.
            Instead, they release on XSX, PS5, and PC and make 95% of their money from that. Thats the story for most publishers in the industry.
            So in other words Nintendo doesn't have an installbase that is responsible for actually funding the industry and allowing for companies like Capcom, Square, Bandai Namco and Sega to exist. Let alone Ubisoft, EA, Activision, Take Two, etc.
            Thats the real industry where most of the money is earned.

            If you look at Nintendo's gaming revenue its below Xbox and half of what PS is.

            • 4 months ago

              The wii and the switch won and there's literally nothing you can do about it. Kick and scream all you want troon.

              • 4 months ago

                The nintendo dick sucker calling other people troon is hilarious.
                Your console cannot win a generation if it doesn't have, Sports games, GTA, and Call of Duty. Those are the best-selling games every single year.

            • 4 months ago

              i'm sorry, i don't understand where you are getting these numbers from
              >gaming revenue
              what is that? games sold? consoles sold?

              the switch has sold nearly 3x as many units as the PS5 and over 10x as many units as the xbox, so i'm not sure how the PS and xbox could account for "most of the money in the real industry" when many of the best-selling games are nintendo exclusives

              what am i missing here?

              • 4 months ago

                fricking kek

                Yes gaming revenue. Money that the entity is getting from selling game software.
                Nintendo has some games that sell well sure, but it's nowhere near what's going on on PlayStation in a general sense for the industry. That's the point.
                Who gives a shit if DS sells 200m handheld consoles if the actual revenue from game software is the equivalent of 50m PS5 owners.

              • 4 months ago

                why is it so difficult to find the definition of "gaming revenue"?
                what does that mean? units sold? games sold? because if it means units sold, sony and microsoft should be doing far worse than nintendo, and if it means games sold, then they should be pretty evenly matched because most best-selling multiplatform games are also on the switch but the best-selling switch exclusives sell orders of magnitude more copies than the best-selling sony and microsoft exclusives

                so what's the deal? are sony and microsoft just padding their numbers?

              • 4 months ago

                It means revenue from the sale of game software and gaming hardware.
                The best-selling multiplatform games are simply not selling the bulk of their copies on Switch. Microtransaction games like Fortnite and GTA are simply not selling anywhere near the other platforms on Switch.
                Sony 'cannot' pad their numbers as PlayStation is literally their biggest business. They don't have any way of cooking the books to make it look bigger than it is. Microsoft is kind of an enigma. On the one hand we know their console business is not doing too well, but on the other hand they own the biggest 3rd party publisher and massive IP like Minecraft. There has got to be a reason why they aren't specifying what exactly they are making their money on like Sony and Nintendo do. Hell even other companies like Tencent and other 3rd party companies will tell you what sort of products they make their money from.

              • 4 months ago

                >It means revenue from the sale of game software and gaming hardware.
                in that case, microsoft and sony shouldn't be anywhere near that high

                >The best-selling multiplatform games are simply not selling the bulk of their copies on Switch.
                that doesn't matter too much when the multi-platforms are split between two or three consoles (including PC), whereas the nintendo-exclusives sell just as much as the multi-platform games, in total

                >Microtransaction games like Fortnite and GTA are simply not selling anywhere near the other platforms on Switch.
                ah, we've finally found our answer
                sony and microsoft are higher solely because of online microtransactions
                that explains it, thank you anon

              • 4 months ago

                >in that case, microsoft and sony shouldn't be anywhere near that high
                Yes they should. You listed maybe 15 nintendo games that sold well. But are ignoring the 50-100 games on PlayStation that sold over 10 million each.
                >that doesn't matter too much when the multi-platforms are split between two or three consoles (including PC), whereas the nintendo-exclusives sell just as much as the multi-platform games, in total
                But there aren't that many Nintendo exclusive games to cover for the thousands of games that are selling millions on PS XB and PC.

                Ignoring the fact that this
                >The best-selling multiplatform games are simply not selling the bulk of their copies on Switch.
                Is false for same day multiplats, they tend to sell more on switch.
                >Sony 'cannot' pad their numbers as PlayStation is literally their biggest business.
                Of course they can, especially when it comes to revenue because it doesn't take into account any cuts and whatnot hence why people use profit.
                And because of this
                >Microtransaction games like Fortnite and GTA are simply not selling anywhere near the other platforms on Switch.
                Being Sony's biggest source of revenue it makes it look way more impressive than profit does and because investors are moronic that's all they see.

                Also, insurance is their biggest and most profitable sector.

                >Is false for same day multiplats, they tend to sell more on switch.
                That isn't true at all. Switch tends to only sell exclusive software and multiplatform games sell almost all of their copies on the other platforms. If Nintendo was anywhere near PlayStation in software sales their revenue would be significantly higher. But it isn't.
                >Of course they can, especially when it comes to revenue because it doesn't take into account any cuts and whatnot hence why people use profit.
                Use profit for what? We are talking about the size of the platform and market share. Not who is richer.
                >Being Sony's biggest source of revenue it makes it look way more impressive than profit does and because investors are moronic that's all they see.
                No. Sony lists exactly how much of the money comes from Microtransactions and full-game sales. The Full-game sales far surpass Nintendo still.
                >Also, insurance is their biggest and most profitable sector.
                No and it hasn't been for years. PlayStation is easily the largest part of Sony and has been since 2018.

              • 4 months ago

                >Switch tends to only sell exclusive software and multiplatform games sell almost all of their copies on the other platforms.
                Which is false. Both western and eastern sales charts as well as various monthly reports say otherwise.
                >If Nintendo was anywhere near PlayStation in software sales their revenue would be significantly higher.
                Which it is.
                For 2021, to match your image, their retail and digital software revenue was 6.26bn which obviously is more than Sony's 5.57bn.
                >We are talking about the size of the platform and market share
                Then use profit, revenue doesn't tell you anything.
                >Sony lists exactly how much of the money comes from Microtransactions and full-game sales. The Full-game sales far surpass Nintendo still.
                Everyone does. It's a legal requirement which is why Zhuge could even make your image and the one for Nintendo.
                >and it hasn't been for years.
                Anon, if insurance stops being their biggest money maker then they're dead. Gaming doesn't make nearly as much as they need.

              • 4 months ago

                >For 2021, to match your image, their retail and digital software revenue was 6.26bn which obviously is more than Sony's 5.57bn.
                Nah. The image only shows the calendar year and 2021 was one of the worst years for PlayStation due to shortages + console generation transition. So it isn't really a fair comparison but its the only data point we have.
                Pic related is FY instead of CY to make it more even, although it isn't even. Especially not if we include console lifecycle trends, the Switch was at its height while PS5 had only just begun and was heavily restrained by shortages.

              • 4 months ago

                >Anon, if insurance stops being their biggest money maker then they're dead. Gaming doesn't make nearly as much as they need.
                This is just not true.
                I can't find any revenue breakdowns anywhere that would indicate that.

              • 4 months ago

                Ignoring the fact that this
                >The best-selling multiplatform games are simply not selling the bulk of their copies on Switch.
                Is false for same day multiplats, they tend to sell more on switch.
                >Sony 'cannot' pad their numbers as PlayStation is literally their biggest business.
                Of course they can, especially when it comes to revenue because it doesn't take into account any cuts and whatnot hence why people use profit.
                And because of this
                >Microtransaction games like Fortnite and GTA are simply not selling anywhere near the other platforms on Switch.
                Being Sony's biggest source of revenue it makes it look way more impressive than profit does and because investors are moronic that's all they see.

                Also, insurance is their biggest and most profitable sector.

            • 4 months ago

              fricking kek

              • 4 months ago

                i'm sorry, i don't understand where you are getting these numbers from
                >gaming revenue
                what is that? games sold? consoles sold?

                the switch has sold nearly 3x as many units as the PS5 and over 10x as many units as the xbox, so i'm not sure how the PS and xbox could account for "most of the money in the real industry" when many of the best-selling games are nintendo exclusives

                what am i missing here?

                Snoys are morons, what do you expect?

          • 4 months ago

            Are you dumb?Nintendo had trouble competing with N64 and their lagged GC made it so that they gave up on trying to compete with Playstation and Xbox. That's why Wii was the way it was

    • 4 months ago

      I like how Nintendo recovering from the Wii U completely disproves this.

      • 4 months ago

        They kind of didn't recover from the Wii U though. Their home console line effectively died with it and they soft exited the market and went back to their strength of portables with the flexibility to work with TVs. Sony failed with the handheld experiment and went back to their strength of home consoles, with occasional dabbles in portability.

        • 4 months ago

          Stop trying to be clever with semantics. The point is that Nintendo bounced back doing everything Spencer said couldn't be done.

          • 4 months ago

            All they had to do was make AT LEAST multiple okay games each year and they still couldn't do that. Insane how fricking incompetent a trillion dollar company is.

            • 4 months ago

              Well both Nintendo and Sony are entertainment companies that make "art" as in Sony makes Music, Movies, and video games. Nintendo mostly makes video games but they have had a head start so its at least as deeply ingrained in their DNA as Sony.

              Microsoft on the other hand is literally a software services company. Their number 1 product is B2B tools. Microsoft believes that all you need to do is give people good tools to develop software and the rest fixes itself. But that isn't true. You need some level of culture and artistic sensibilities to consistently make good video games.

          • 4 months ago

            Why did it take Nintendo losing the N64, Gamecube and Wii U generations before learning to make good games?

            • 4 months ago

              Has less to do with the games themselves and the moronic decisions regarding hardware and the politics at the company. I remember how Retro and other devs were flabbergasted at Nintendo's decision making during the gamecube's design process - then utterly mind broken at how to compete with games like Halo. WiiU they just got arrogant.

              Despite N64 not selling tremendously well, it was actually a huge profit - more so than Sony with the PS1. It had to do with how israeli they were with developers (IE - using carts, that publishers had to buy from Nintendo themselves and pay Nintendo to reproduce.)

              But they did make plenty of good games though. Sorry, but OOT, MM and Metroid Prime completely and utterly mog the cast majority of their competitors games.

              • 4 months ago

                Mog the vast majority of their competitor's games and yet it doesn't help sell consoles once the mistakes of the consoles become entrenched

              • 4 months ago

                Oh I absolutely agree with you in that respect. I wish I had the article about Retro's experience with Nintendo. They were just so out of touch with what was actually selling at that time, or their audience and the mixed messages they gave.

                But again, their profit margins were enormous despite the poor sales. They made the most money in 5th gen, so it really a faliure in that way?

            • 4 months ago

              N64 was comparable in sales to PS1 even though it had worse games and was harder to develop for.
              GC was worse because of how strict Nintendo was with Devs when it came to the GC, and how much more expensive it was to make those specialized anti-piracy DvD discs. PS2 by comparison didn't even require devs to develop for typical DvDs, let alone specific kinds, and they had the ability to have double burned DvDs (FFX) and HDvDs (FF12), even late into the PS2's life.
              Wii U was just a bad system with stupid bullshit and shit games.

      • 4 months ago

        Arguably it proves his point. I don't think the Switch would have sold as well as it did if it wasn't a true portable vs the Wii U's limited range. And of course the rules don't really apply to Nintendo in this situation. They are unparalleled when it comes to first party output. Get its A-listers out the door and the platform can cruise to a solid 80 million.

        The main problem is Xbox wants to compete in the Playstation market, and the problem there is that it isn't about exclusives. The vast majority of people buying Xboxes or Playstations just want a Fortnite/COD/GTA+sports machine. Any exclusives Playstation or Xbox sells are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, outside of being stuff fanboys can needle each other on social media.
        It doesn't matter what Xbox makes, for most of games media, they could make GOTY every year for the entire generation, for most of the internet in general they will just have committed the cardinal sin of "game not being on playstation."
        So you have to make wild swings like the Nintendo Switch, or in Xbox's case, game pass. A valiant effort, if again you weren't just trying to sell a huge ass game library for $15 a month to people that only want to play COD+sports and don't buy more than 4 games a year anyway.

    • 4 months ago

      Who's the braindead?

      the irony of this westoid whining is just getting good games is what helped the switch win 2 generations in a row
      and with the way things are going nintendo (japan) looks like they will outlast everyone else and win the last console wars while paving a road to dominate on the last frontier (PC) too

      Switch has good games? I stopped caring after SNES so ignoring N64 what were the good games nintendo has outside of handheld games? This is not fanboy shitwars

      • 4 months ago

        Agreed. I played since the Snes Era and Nintendo's first party games haven't captivated me since the GameCube. Nintendo hasn't been able to rock the boat with phenomenal games since the 00s

    • 4 months ago

      >waaaah I don't want to make more games
      >waaaaaah I'm going to pout about the ps4
      This guy is worse than Don Matterick

    • 4 months ago

      Man it’s crazy to see just how badly Don Mattrick fricked over Xbox.

    • 4 months ago

      Normalgays don't care about "digital library" they play a game and after they beat it they uninstall it and move on. If it's online they stop caring about it once there is a newer version of the game or competitor.

      • 4 months ago

        Not even Nintendo is stupid enough to say something this deluded and out of touch anymore seeing as how they talked multiple times about how the digital library being the most important thing ever for future consoles.

        • 4 months ago

          digital library is important for "core gamer", which are the early adopters and usually the ones that hypes up the console to their friends.
          Normalgays simply do not care and will buy the most popular console

        • 4 months ago

          digital library is important for "core gamer", which are the early adopters and usually the ones that hypes up the console to their friends.
          Normalgays simply do not care and will buy the most popular console

          physical libraries were even more important to people and that didn't stop console manufacturers from starting over each generation, to the point the ps1 compatibility in the ps2 was a fluke
          digital libraries only matter for deranged steamgoys that desperately cope about their stockholm syndrome

          • 4 months ago

            >to the point the ps1 compatibility in the ps2 was a fluke
            I want some of what you're drinking but i'm unsure if it's coolaide

    • 4 months ago

      I liked my 360. I bought a ps4 because it had more exclusive I wanted to play than the xbox.

    • 4 months ago

      Is it genuinely impossible for people to believe that people that want to play the games can own multiple consoles.

    • 4 months ago

      Corporate talk for shareholders.
      Absolute fricktards put out no games and can't take any accountability. Admit that you guys fricked up Halo, Gears of War and canceled the wrong projects

      This is what Microsoft deserve anyway

  7. 4 months ago

    Two woke games and three based ones kill the localizers and things will become great again

  8. 4 months ago

    >sequels and copies

  9. 4 months ago

    >Keiji Inafune say 10 years ago that Japan Gaming Indrustry was dying

    More like self-appraisal, as his career quickly died after that. Total moron released turd after turd that bombed. I wouldn't get too wienery about the Japanese, they just rebounded after the PS3/360 era slump. the biggest companies in terms of sales are still American companies plus Nintendo.

    There's a few JP companies like Bandi-Namco, Fromsoft, Capcom, that are doing really well, but so many of them are struggling or under-performing. I fully expect Square to be bought out in a few years.

  10. 4 months ago

    P3R is also the fastest selling Persona game ever.
    The Western industry is choking on its own bile at the moment. The budgets grew impossibly large and the game development is now done on a literal industrial scale, employing thousands of people on factory-like production lines, the results being almost exclusively soulless generic slop scientifically engineered to make money and do nothing else.
    In this environment, devs working with smaller budgets and original ideas thrive because they're able to stand out more than ever.

    • 4 months ago

      >P3R is also the fastest selling Persona game ever
      It definitely helped that Atlus actually released it on more than one platform this time.

      • 4 months ago

        Also the first one to release globally. Persona 5 released over half a year later outside of japan. They're literally comparing one console and one country to 5 systems (ok, 4 because no one is playing on xbone) and the entire world.

    • 4 months ago

      >P3R is also the fastest selling Persona game ever.
      This is just the same crap Western companies brag about, it won't sell more than P5 and if it does thats just sad because it's a downgrade from what I played the messed up almost all ther voices

      • 4 months ago

        >messed up almost all ther voices
        >he plays with the dub
        Also it was Sega’s fault. They wanted new actors. They’re probably also why the beach scene was changed, but that’s just a hunch. Sega’s been bad for Atlus. I called it in 2013.

  11. 4 months ago

    Japan has always been the only place that matters when it comes to videogames in general. The western market’s only identity outside of some good older PC games is just how they push every bad business practice in the industry. Just look at Microsoft’s history of pushing for every bad practice everyone has to deal with today.

  12. 4 months ago

    Japanese games have been and always will be the only ones worth playing with few exceptions

  13. 4 months ago

    Capcom had an insane mental hysteria episode 15 years ago where they thought Call of Duty was the only video game that anyone would ever play

    • 4 months ago

      >15 years ago where they thought Call of Duty was the only video game that anyone would ever play
      And they were right

  14. 4 months ago

    >Sexomon then some garbage
    You Black folk actually play censored shit, don't you?

  15. 4 months ago

    Pretty good, we're also going to get another high quality game next month in DD2.

  16. 4 months ago

    >Keiji Inafune

  17. 4 months ago

    Japan has had it's ups and downs, but it's overall good. Inafune was just a salty has been that really didn't even deserve the title of being Megaman's "Father".

  18. 4 months ago

    Thank you Con Man

  19. 4 months ago

    Piss on Inafune's grave. Guy made 3 companies after leaving Capcom and they're all bankrupt now. He went from everyone hanging on his every word in 2012 to being an irrelevant hack.

    No one's downfall fills me with joy like his.

  20. 4 months ago

    Japan is doing normal things while the west is too busy raping the corpse of formerly popular franchises

    Call of Duty used to be a singleplayer shooter with impressive immerse campaigns that also had a fun multiplayer - now it's liveservice shit where you can pay big money to play as some anime character
    Halo was a singleplayer shooter that people enjoyed for the worldbuilding, the story and of course the fun multiplayer. That story has long run its course and the current devs have no idea how to make the game interesting in any way
    Bethesda enjoyed years of being in the comfortable position where they and they alone made big roleplaying games with tons of land and characters to explore. Then Witcher 3 and other games showed that those games can also have better stories, animations and tech and the studio has never recovered from that.
    Bliizard meanwhile killed most of the IPs that once made them great - WoW is a shadow of its former self with only classic remaining somewhat popular, Starcraft and HOTS are dead, Overwatch is on livesupport and Diablo is getting its shit kicked in by PoE.

    • 4 months ago

      >Bethesda enjoyed years of being in the comfortable position where they and they alone made big roleplaying games with tons of land and characters to explore. Then Witcher 3 and other games showed that those games can also have better stories, animations and tech and the studio has never recovered from that.

      For a lot of people, Skyrim and Fallout 3 were their first Bethesda games so they got strong impressions. But they have stagnated for at least 15 years, with a garbage engine, and a team that cna't write, can't program, can't create interesting worlds, and can't do anything but middle of the road and it's catching up to them hard.

      And it's shocking how they never implimented some of the ideas FromSoft pioneered since they seem like the single-player with optional multi-player elements would be ideal for Bethesda games right? This would reinvirograte Bethesda rpgs and give a new angle:

      >Covenants for role-playing and multiplayer
      >optional PvP
      >optional Co-Op
      >player messages and hints
      >ghosts and phantoms (could be re-interpreted as holograms)
      >ignore how Bethesda can't program and how online would be a nightmare.

    • 4 months ago

      >Bliizard meanwhile killed most of the IPs that once made them great - WoW is a shadow of its former self with only classic remaining somewhat popular, Starcraft and HOTS are dead, Overwatch is on livesupport and Diablo is getting its shit kicked in by PoE.

      Blizzare is not a proper real company anymore and is in the process of imploding. The company doesn't really exist except on paper, and it's in the process of being eaten by Activision. In a few years it will literally not exist and Activision will hold onto their IP's.

      The writing was on the wall after the Overwatch 2 debackle, which was just an update except paid at full price. The only thing that would have made it interesting would be the full story campaigns, but they had to remove all of those.

      • 4 months ago

        >Blizzare is not a proper real company anymore and is in the process of imploding.
        They haven't been for over a decade. All of the devs that made blizzard great left that company and did their own things. All that is left is a company wearing Blizzard's skin and wrecking the IPs the original devs put a lot of passion and work made.

      • 4 months ago

        >except paid at full price
        Really? I have Overwatch 2 but I don't recall paying for it, it just showed up in my library one day replacing Overwatch.

        How about you focus on actual flaws next time and not shit you made up on the spot.
        >but they had to remove all of those.
        No those are in the game now

    • 4 months ago

      The fact that blizzard proved that it had the magic of bringing life to a new IP to life. only for it implode in less than a decade is an impressive display of incompetence. They even had some of their audience back with overwatch 2 but have squandered that even.

  21. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      this is kinda trueh, i see kids with anime shet every day outside in the streets, and when i go the murica for a vacation, there was anime stores in every mall and even niche things get published there.

      • 4 months ago

        Ever heard the phrase if you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail?

    • 4 months ago

      Actual mental illness on display

      • 4 months ago

        Post your nose.

  22. 4 months ago

    >Inafune pushed the "Japan is dying, the west is the future" shit up until DmC got announced, then left and basically had Capcom put out the fires he started
    >Capcom realise outsourcing to the west was fricktarded and bring development back in house
    >RE7, MHW, DMC5, MM11, SF6
    >Inafune is MIA after conning the fricking director of The Bouncer into his dogshit MMZ NFT grift

    • 4 months ago

      >RE7, MHW, DMC5, MM11, SF6
      All extremely westernized games, having zero Japanese spirit remaining

    • 4 months ago

      is MIA after conning the fricking director of The Bouncer into his dogshit MMZ NFT grift

      He works for L5 games, and he's the producer on the new Fantasy Life game... which has been delayed to a vague Summer 2024 date.

  23. 4 months ago

    Infaune will save Capcom

    • 4 months ago

      men what the frick, i remember see this shit when i was 15.

      • 4 months ago

        remember when we still had hope for the games industry

    • 4 months ago

      And then they alienated their fanbase to frick and back by taking none of the issues they were having seriously, put someone in charge of community outreach that actively disliked the community and treated them like shit, tried to kickstart more games before MN9 had even released, and released an absolute dog shit of a game. MN9 was like a step by step guide about how to frick up your game release. Even setting aside the hot horse piss that was the game, they treated their own fandom like shit for seemingly no reason. It was like they had a very specific idea of who their fans were and when different people showed up they threw a tantrum and assumed if they abused the people they didn't like enough the people they wanted would materialize. It was sad.

      And with Capcom fricking flubbing MML3 and being in one of their darkest periods, everyone was pretty sure Megaman and anything related to it was just fricking dead at that point.

      • 4 months ago

        >everyone was pretty sure Megaman and anything related to it was just fricking dead at that point
        It's still dead. Collections and a (now dead) gacha doesn't count. Megaman 11 was 6 years ago.

        • 4 months ago

          MN9 was 8 years ago.

          • 4 months ago

            Okay? What has that got to do with Megaman being forgotten by Capcom except bringing up it's corpse for NFTs and collections?

            • 4 months ago

              MM11 was new 2 years after MN9 came out, you barely acknowledged or called it shit which is saying more than nothing.

              • 4 months ago

                I don't care about MN9 because ever since that kickstarter drama, it was essentially garbage. Megaman 11 came out, it sold the most out of Every Megaman game and so many anons were sure that newer games would come out, and what did we get? Collections and a gacha, and an NFT during it's anniversary.

                RE was made in the spirit of Day of the Dead and Night of the Living Dead, George Romero wasn't Japanese I can tell you that much and neither were the actors in the start of RE1.

                Don't try to act moronic, you know what I mean.

              • 4 months ago

                Play Maverick Hunter X or something.

              • 4 months ago

                >Play this remake from 19 years ago
                Thanks for proving my point even further. I already played it, I liked Vile mode a lot.

                Honestly, I don't disagree. It's sad that the best MM fans have eaten in years was fricking Smash. Smash should not be the place people look to for good representation of their favorite series that have fallen on hard times. It should be the place where good series are honored for being good.

                All we can hope for nowadays are fangames or Capcom actually making a new game, which I doubt is gonna happen because they're too busy milking RE and Monster Hunter.

        • 4 months ago

          Honestly, I don't disagree. It's sad that the best MM fans have eaten in years was fricking Smash. Smash should not be the place people look to for good representation of their favorite series that have fallen on hard times. It should be the place where good series are honored for being good.

    • 4 months ago
  24. 4 months ago

    >Keiji Inafune
    you mean the guy who grifted on NFTs and sold out Megaman?

  25. 4 months ago

    He said that thinking Japan is only going to pivot towards mobile games. However many devs decided to choose PC and Nintendo as platforms since then

  26. 4 months ago

    Inafune sucks ass

  27. 4 months ago

    I think I don't give a shit.

  28. 4 months ago

    Back in that 7th gen "Japanese Studios Targeting the West" gave us Lost Planet, Vanquish, Inversion, Binary Domain, and Nier.

    Now it just gives us Black folk and trannies.

  29. 4 months ago

    all shit games

  30. 4 months ago

    Palworld and Mighty No 9 are both creatively bankrupt knockoffs. The only difference is how well they were marketed.

    • 4 months ago

      Holy cope

    • 4 months ago

      Knockoffs can be good that's Ninja Theory's entire business model.

  31. 4 months ago

    I wouldn't be here without Japan.
    They are doing good for the world by providing an alternative against israelite propaganda with healthy content.

    Palworld is great!
    I haven't had this much fun in a long time with a game.

  32. 4 months ago

    Going off of this list, it doesn't sound like he was wrong tbhwyf.

  33. 4 months ago

    >"high quality"
    really wanted to include them but had nothing to say huh

  34. 4 months ago

    It was, many companies could not make the switch from PS2 to PS3 and many big name devs left various companies causing the death of countless IP's. Sony also wanted nothing to do with Japanese games and put all of their focus on Western games during the early to mid PS3 era.

    • 4 months ago

      Yup. People still treat Atlus like gods even tho they clearly got hit hard by that transition.

  35. 4 months ago

    to be fair, pretty much everyone kinda thought like that 10 years ago including me

    we basically thought high budget western games were going to keep mogging japanese games around ps3 era
    it's still shocking to me that it was wrong

  36. 4 months ago

    PS3 era was honestly kind of bad. A lot of the anticipated PS3 games ended up on PS4 because Japan clearly wasn't used to making games for next gen at the time.

    Right now, honestly it's kind of grim with budgets out of control in big studios, so Japan is doing its thing, and it looks okay in comparison. Be thankful Japan still thinks of gacha as this shitty side thing and they make real games still instead of just mobile slop like Chink gaming.

  37. 4 months ago

    I think pocketpair is a breath of fresh air in an industry ruled by old farts in expensive suits. Promising young developers with a passion for making games is exactly what we need.

  38. 4 months ago

    safe horny slop
    literal slop
    yakuza slop
    woke slop
    japan haven't made a good game in past 20 years.

  39. 4 months ago

    It's easy to be the best when you're competition is so bad

  40. 4 months ago

    He was right. Then Japan got back to Japanese-style games.

  41. 4 months ago

    >moronic that almost bankrupted a company with his moronic west pandering.
    Thank god this b***h isn't around anymore.

    • 4 months ago

      Its funny cause they're slowly appealing to westerners again

  42. 4 months ago

    why is one single country better than the entire rest of the world at making video games?
    it's so fricking unfair that it's insane
    holy shit, man

  43. 4 months ago

    He was right.

  44. 4 months ago

    Great games coming this year, mostly from Japan.

    • 4 months ago

      what's bottom left?

      • 4 months ago

        Path of the Goddess.

    • 4 months ago

      Why did you put chink-kong on there?

  45. 4 months ago

    he was fricking right! just look at Square ffs

    • 4 months ago

      FF has been dead for over ten years, DQ is fine.

  46. 4 months ago

    1) Inafune is a salesman and westaboo.
    2) The breakaway hits this year are Lethal Company and Palworld
    3) The others are lackluster in sales. AAA is losing steam.

  47. 4 months ago

    Really good, but it looks like you posted chinese slop instead? Where are the real Japanese games?

  48. 4 months ago

    Gaming in general was dying back in then. Fortnite revived it

    • 4 months ago

      facts no cap fr

  49. 4 months ago

    inafune is and was a hack

  50. 4 months ago

    10 years ago Keiji Inafune shoved his head so far up his own ass that he could chew his food a second time.

  51. 4 months ago

    He was right
    What he didn't tell is that it's not just Japan, but every big studio is creatively bankrupt nowadays mainly because innovative mechanics doesn't sell anymore.

  52. 4 months ago

    Japan is the only place I trust for the video gaming industry. They create with soul and creative purpose. And of course for profit but not ONLY for profit like big Western companies.

    • 4 months ago

      >but not ONLY for profit like big Western companies
      Come on anon, don't forget the propaganda motive. That's a big one for Western devs too.

  53. 4 months ago

    Tekken hasn't really changed at all. It's basically the same game it was ten years ago. Just prettier. I feels like Capcom really got it's shit together though. Monster Hunter World was huge.

  54. 4 months ago

    Palworld is a japanese game?
    huh I thought it was chinese.

    • 4 months ago

      lmao did you fall for the schizo spammers bullshit?

  55. 4 months ago

    Early Access shit that copies everything from other games
    Those selling points aren't saying much
    >Tekken 8
    Remains to be seen how good it actually is once the meta sets in
    >Persona 3
    A remake of a good games is good? No shit

    • 4 months ago

      bloo a bloo

      • 4 months ago

        OP asked and I answered

        • 4 months ago

          A shitpost is not answer.

  56. 4 months ago

    its absolutely fricking dead

  57. 4 months ago

    I never believed Personagays were full of hot air until this P3 Remake. Literally got mogged by fricking Granblue which barely had any marketing in the west.

  58. 4 months ago

    >AA games are still dead
    >Arcades are dead (SF6 and Tekken 8 have no arcade release)
    >Every big Japanese game is now censored and Westernized for a globohomosexual audience
    He was absolutely correct, he was just too early in saying that shit. If Inafune said this shit today, people would consider him a god.

  59. 4 months ago

    He wasn't exactly wrong.
    The 360/PS3 budget spike fricking killed a lot of devs. The DS/3DS was a refugee camp that helped a lot of companies weather the storm but the combination of:
    >holy shit we literally cannot afford to make AAA games anymore
    >we want the COD audience the COD audience will solve all our problems
    Was basically a figurative bubonic plague, shitloads of developers died or imploded.

    There was a lot of soul searching to do. I'm not surprised somebody like Inafune faced the abyss and blinked.
    Slowly but surely, Japan rebuilt itself for this new market, with confidence in the games they were making, and emerged out the other side, with arguably 2017 being the real "the dark times are finally over" year.

    Yes there's still moronation, e.g. Square-Enix is still a quarterly freak show, but Japan endures.

    • 4 months ago

      Ironic you post fanart of RE 4 remake when it's Westernized soulless garbage by Capcom. It's a remake that didn't even need to exist.

      • 4 months ago

        RE was made in the spirit of Day of the Dead and Night of the Living Dead, George Romero wasn't Japanese I can tell you that much and neither were the actors in the start of RE1.

  60. 4 months ago

    only one of those sold well and it wasn't one of the games from long running legacy franchises.

  61. 4 months ago

    I still think about it everyday, bros. And it hurts twice as much every time I do.


    >12 years
    Jesus. I bought a 3DS for MML3. Like right before they announced they were cancelling it due to "lack of interest".

  62. 4 months ago

    >ESL OP

  63. 4 months ago

    Palworld is one of the most unoriginal and creatively bankrupt games in existence
    taken 8 is the 8 game in a series
    persona is a ramake
    granblue is a 6/10 game
    and yet another yakuza game.
    And that's what he meant, nothing really new or interesting or innovative, just more of the same.

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