
What was the worst /tg/ related kickstarter that you've ever backed? What was the best? What are you backing right now?

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Were they the worst, best, or are they running a campaign right now?

    • 2 years ago

      Honestly, you should be punished.

  2. 2 years ago

    I would have backed this

    • 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    Obligatory Kingdom Death post.

    Besides that, Lagoon was pretty nice, but the guy seems to have dropped off the face of the earth, so no expansions.
    Myth was a little disappointing as a game, Fireteam Zero seems to refine on the concept a lot comparatively, but it's not like it's bad.
    Nothing backed currently, haven't been looking.

    • 2 years ago

      What did you dislike about kdm? It's been so long I've forgotten that ks even though I backed the 2nd one.

  4. 2 years ago

    Only one i've ever backed was for a game called Oceans, it delivered on time and I got what was promised. I have not actually played the game yet nor have I unwrapped the box

    • 2 years ago

      unfortunately its predecessor evolution: climate is much better.

    • 2 years ago

      I've played Oceans a couple of times, it's pretty good.

  5. 2 years ago

    i only backed tortuga 2077 and was pretty happy with the result. euro language translation through

  6. 2 years ago

    The best KS I've ever backed was for a game created right from this board's ideas, the game Engine Heart:
    (Which is now free to DL on DTRPG:

    No real bad stories from using it.

    Currently backing By This Axe and hoping it goes strong because I really like the look of those stretch goals:

    • 2 years ago

      I'm backing that one too, wishing I wasn't a poorgay so I could get that primo ITALIAN GOAT LEATHER BOUND version.

      Robotech RPG Tactics
      Return to the Dark Tower, Thunderstone Quest, and Edge of Darkness
      >Backing Now
      Freedom Five
      CMON Animation Collection
      Blue Planet: Recontact
      Edge of Darkness Expansion
      Senjutsu: Battle for Japan
      Call to Adventure: Epic Origins
      Heroes of the Shire
      Unsettled Expansion
      Casting Shadows
      Thunderstone Quest Expansion

      I think I might have a problem...

      And also backing Heroes of the Shire.

    • 2 years ago

      Definitely going to back Autarch's new book, this looks very good.

      Sam, get Seas of Sand done!

    • 2 years ago

      >By this TXE

      • 2 years ago

        lol now I see it too, it read fine before but now that you point it out...

    • 2 years ago

      Currently backing
      Mutants in the Next
      Mothership Tidebreaker
      Mothership 1E
      Mothership Hull Breach
      SLA Industries 2e Collateral
      Reaper Bone 6

      Rarely back before it is going to succeed

      >By This Axe

      Welp, that makes 2 things that I'm now backing or buying because of this thread...

    • 2 years ago

      Damn that looks good. They even name dropped some of the unnamable RPGs

    • 2 years ago

      Oh man that looks awesome. I dont even play OSR but I still love books full of LORE.
      Im sorely tempted but I haven't even gotten the rewards from The Conspiracy yet so I feel like I should hold off...

      • 2 years ago

        I'm on the ACKS discord server and there's been a few teasers for the lore section, it's really good stuff and it sounds like it'll be a huge part of the book (I'm backing it).

        I've backed stuff from Autarch before and they've always delivered on time. Wish I could say the same about most of my KS experiences.

    • 2 years ago

      >New Backer Unlocked

      • 2 years ago

        The best KS I've ever backed was for a game created right from this board's ideas, the game Engine Heart:
        (Which is now free to DL on DTRPG:

        No real bad stories from using it.

        Currently backing By This Axe and hoping it goes strong because I really like the look of those stretch goals:

        Definitely going to back Autarch's new book, this looks very good.

        Sam, get Seas of Sand done!

        >my optimistic hope to get the dwarven furnacewife class into the book remains undimmed

  7. 2 years ago


  8. 2 years ago

    Exalted 3, without any doubt or hesitation

    I had to look at my list for second worst, and this is by a massive margin: Stargate SG-1 RPG (most recent)

    • 2 years ago

      Go on?

      • 2 years ago

        The Exalted 3 kickstarter was a clusterfrick of unimaginable proportions, between running years late, the writers not getting paid by the developers, the developers noping out before actually completing the work, and the sheer insanity that was basically every update like "WE'RE NOT KITTEN YOU, WE'RE HANGING IN THERE"

        By comparison the Stargate kickstarter was just super disappointing. They decided to do a d20 knockoff and then opted to create their own alien species and make it the centerpiece of the game.

        • 2 years ago

          >The Exalted 3 kickstarter was a clusterfrick of unimaginable proportions, between running years late, the writers not getting paid by the developers, the developers noping out before actually completing the work, and the sheer insanity that was basically every update like "WE'RE NOT KITTEN YOU, WE'RE HANGING IN THERE"

          • 2 years ago

            Oh right forgot about some of the best bits.

            Layout guy fired for having the temerity to ask to be paid before his wedding (see also worst fricking developers in history), so they needed to find a new layout person. This person had done most of the 2E layout stuff for several years at this point. Inconsistent layout work in the product, to say the least.

            The game was playtested, but only by a small group of "chosen," who provided only the shittiest possible feedback.

            The book itself is, obviously, a total fricking mess. Subsystems mentioned once and never referred to again, let alone laid out. Some "see page XX" references in there. Grammar, ugh. Editing, whew.

            The game itself was barely playable, and the one subsystem that was actually completed in the book, crafting, was so shitty almost everyone threw it out immediately and most people started from scratch replacing it.

            Exalted is basically a cursed property now.

            • 2 years ago

              How the hell did they frick the corpse that badly? Were these the long-time devs, or a new crew? I thought Exalted had been doing fairly well before that.

              • 2 years ago

                Holden and Morke had never developed before. And never will again.

                Exalted could be an alright property, but someone needs to take it away from Onyx Path.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh and despite canceling my order in like 2015, I still got the book because they were worthless to Rich and maybe my goodwill would return and I'd invest in another Onyx Path kickstarter.

                I did not and will not.

              • 2 years ago

                Apparent the new Exalted kickstarter/indiegogo isn't doing very well, It is for one of the nu-exalts.

              • 2 years ago

                Nor should it. Fricking trash for the trash god.

              • 2 years ago

                >And never will again.
                small favors, I guess

              • 2 years ago

                Holden's doing Exalted vs World of Darkness, Exalted vs Chronicles of Darkness, and Exalted Demake though.

              • 2 years ago

                None of those are official products (and none of them are very good) and he's frankly fortunate Paradox isn't interested in suing him or even hitting him with a C&D.

                Although he did get served. There's some really bright lines. He's not even supposed to be asking for Patreon support now.

            • 2 years ago

              You didn't even mention the rampant charm inflation with weak tea dice tricks.

              At least we got the best social system ever devised.

              • 2 years ago

                >At least we got the best social system ever devised.
                Wait, what? Elaborate on that please.

              • 2 years ago

                I did. "Game was borderline playable." Unmentioned: fun. Fun is not allowed in Exalted. Literal demons show up to stop it.

              • 2 years ago

                Also, Sorcerous Workings.

                >At least we got the best social system ever devised.
                Wait, what? Elaborate on that please.

                >pic related
                Looks complicated as frick, right?
                Except it's just normal social interaction, with dice rolls.

              • 2 years ago

                I've been looking for systems that model social interactions better than just "roll for Diplomacy", and this looks pretty much spot on.

                Looks kinda intimidating at first, but having read it, yeah, it does seem quite straightforward and intuitive, even though I've never played Exalted.

                Using Willpower points is a bit unclear for me. You first choose an Intimacy to maybe resist persuasion, but then may pick another and use Willpower to win the check outright? Seems like it would be better in that case to skip the first part, especially if you have only one fitting Intimacy in the first place.

                Have you tested this system in practice? Does it flow well? Do you need to invent and write down a bunch of social motives for all NPCs?

              • 2 years ago

                Look at the Infinity RPG - the Social path is one of the three ways to overcome challenges and conflicts, the other ones being physically (causing Wounds) and Hacking (causing Breaches), while (skilled) talking lets you either do things that Diplomats and Psychologists do (and the social engineering of thieves, with creating social dependency networks and social fulcrum positions) as well as negotiating/intimidating foes until they curl up in the corners, crying like babies (where the mental wounds are called "Metanoia").

                All three "combat" branches work the same, so it is very easy to comprehend but still very potent.

              • 2 years ago

                I like the way the A Dirty World version of ORE does social interactions. It's made for a film noir style game so social stuff is a big thing.
                Your stats/skills are more semi-opposing personality traits and you attack them directly with a combination that makes sense.
                So you'd use something like cunning+generosity to bribe someone as an attack to try and shift their purity stat into corruption or honesty into deceit depending on if you wanted them to become shadier and owe you one or lie for you.

            • 2 years ago

              You forgot about the ex3 art. The most messed up thing in the whole project!

              Robotech RPG Tactics
              Return to the Dark Tower, Thunderstone Quest, and Edge of Darkness
              >Backing Now
              Freedom Five
              CMON Animation Collection
              Blue Planet: Recontact
              Edge of Darkness Expansion
              Senjutsu: Battle for Japan
              Call to Adventure: Epic Origins
              Heroes of the Shire
              Unsettled Expansion
              Casting Shadows
              Thunderstone Quest Expansion

              I think I might have a problem...

              I can't wait for that. It was turbo-based when they dropped the KS update saying that the whole game would be edited by the guy who is only famous for saying that black people are just violent, moronic orcs.

              • 2 years ago

                Which update was this?

              • 2 years ago

                #80. There was a big internet to-do about it and lots of review bombing.

              • 2 years ago

                Ah, I see.
                I backed it years ago, got my copy of Gloomhaven, opened it, packed it away more efficiently, and forgot about it since.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah it's baffling why gh is no 1 on bgg. Guarenteed most people haven't played 5 scenarios.

                Like it got awarded a life time achievement award hoping they never do it again

              • 2 years ago

                You mean this #80? It explicitly says that they want to make the game more woke and get rid of racial stereotypes. It's the very opposite of being "based".

              • 2 years ago

                I have never used KS, can you pull your pledge if someone does this shit?

              • 2 years ago

                Most companies will give a refund for almost any reason at almost any point. So yeah, they lost a few hundred pledges after that, but not all that many in perspective to the sheer size and popularity.

              • 2 years ago

                You used to be able to force a refund. The new Kickstarter TOS means that they don't necessarily have to.

              • 2 years ago

                >There was a big internet to-do about it and lots of review bombing.
                Fricking nobody whines like midle class white nerds

                >my idea of a fantasy race I didn't create is being changed by the guys who did

                Fricking cope you clowns. We don't need another set of same but different races based on european tropes.

                Or just issue a chargeback request to your bank.

              • 2 years ago

                seethe, cope, and dilate

    • 2 years ago

      The Exalted 3 kickstarter was a clusterfrick of unimaginable proportions, between running years late, the writers not getting paid by the developers, the developers noping out before actually completing the work, and the sheer insanity that was basically every update like "WE'RE NOT KITTEN YOU, WE'RE HANGING IN THERE"

      By comparison the Stargate kickstarter was just super disappointing. They decided to do a d20 knockoff and then opted to create their own alien species and make it the centerpiece of the game.

      Oh right forgot about some of the best bits.

      Layout guy fired for having the temerity to ask to be paid before his wedding (see also worst fricking developers in history), so they needed to find a new layout person. This person had done most of the 2E layout stuff for several years at this point. Inconsistent layout work in the product, to say the least.

      The game was playtested, but only by a small group of "chosen," who provided only the shittiest possible feedback.

      The book itself is, obviously, a total fricking mess. Subsystems mentioned once and never referred to again, let alone laid out. Some "see page XX" references in there. Grammar, ugh. Editing, whew.

      The game itself was barely playable, and the one subsystem that was actually completed in the book, crafting, was so shitty almost everyone threw it out immediately and most people started from scratch replacing it.

      Exalted is basically a cursed property now.

      Best answer in thread. God it sucks to like Exalted as a concept and understand what it actually plays like in execution. 3e is so unpolished that it actually contradicts itself on whether or not Dragonblooded should be fought by Solars in mass combat.

      The most galling part is one of the devs who bailed, Holden, went on to write HIS OWN UNOFFICIAL SYSTEM for playing Exalted in World of Darkness that runs so much more smoothly and works so much differently from 3e it really comes across like he spitefully held back everything he learned to not to do from the replacement devs or gave them awful notes, like and went on to do his own thing. And STILL kept fricking Cup Boils Over, a charm that exists solely to be a calculated insult at an imagined type of player which wouldn't even work for it's intended purpose, in that and the subsequent Exalted Demake system.

      Apparent the new Exalted kickstarter/indiegogo isn't doing very well, It is for one of the nu-exalts.

      It is indeed doing poorly, and fricking good. Exigents were a mistake they're trying to trot out as an alternative to cutting out the part of Infernals that actually got everyone excited about Infernals.

      • 2 years ago

        The worst part about the whole thing, for me, was how the "chosen" just kept sucking dick when the "dick" was clearly just a huge turd. They continue to insist Exalted 3e is the best thing since sliced bread and "totally playable (just use these 54398754876342587543689234678574369 pages of errata)" even when there's an official product (Exalted Essence) that is superior to 3e in every fricking way.

        But I still won't buy it. Because never again, Onyx Path.

        FWIW, I still feel Infernals were a mistake. But the response Holden & co got from them meant they learned the wrong lesson about power creep for a while, then realized the unlimited power creep game doesn't actually work right there as they were working on 3e.

  9. 2 years ago

    Worst: A Space Dandy inspired game called Planet Crashers. Got funded in 2017, creator gave sporadic updates saying the game was "almost done" for a long time, put out a final update in 2021 saying "PDFs coming soon and by the way all the physical release stuff is cancelled." Still haven't gotten anything.

    Best: Anything by Kevin Crawford. Beta PDFs available immediately after backing, all of the art is released royalty free afterwards, and the games usually come out even before his expected delivery date. Never regretted backing any of them.

    • 2 years ago

      Hang in there anon. We'll all meet at boobies one day

  10. 2 years ago

    Worst and best were one and the same, the Root RPG. I actually totally forgot that I'd backed it (since I don't generally back Kickstarters) until a package arrived at my parents' house a few months ago. A very welcome surprise.

  11. 2 years ago

    The only thing I've backed was a set of tarot cards, but other than the pandemic fricking shipping and delaying their delivery by 6 months, the campaign went smoothly

  12. 2 years ago

    Exalted 3e.

  13. 2 years ago

    I've only backed one tabletop kickstarter, and that was the second edition of Kingdom. I've yet to play it but it was my way of supporting the dev since I love first edition.

  14. 2 years ago

    Street Fighter Miniature game.

    • 2 years ago

      Anything by Blacklist Miniatures was a major ruse.

  15. 2 years ago

    >worst /tg/ related kickstarter
    2014 Word of Blake Spectral LAMs: Pay more for early access to mechs people will be able to buy from Ironwind anyway. They delivered, at least, so I came out better with it than a lot of backers of other kickstarters. None of these lams have been especially useful to me since they require advanced rules and were incredibly niche units for an era that had already ended by that point, but I also had never had a LAM before.

    Probably HBS Battletech. MWO is a multiplayer game that had dreams of being an E-sport so it didn't attract players in the right mindset for Battletech, but the types to enjoy HBS tended to fare better with the wargame proper. I have mixed feelings about the CGL one.

    I'm not backing anything right now. CGL is supposedly planning another kickstarter, I just bought a frickton of Ironwind pewters, and I have a backlog of CGL plastics.

    • 2 years ago

      HBS is what made me discover Battletech. than I was made a fan by Tex's videos on the Black Pants Legion channel

    • 2 years ago

      >MWO is a multiplayer game that had dreams of being an E-sport so it didn't attract players in the right mindset for Battletech

      The biggest irony is the the very nature of mechwarriors is going in and leading the charge with close range PPFLD, gauss cannon charged, smashing enemies hard, then twisting towards the side with less vital systems, at the edge of your seat, hanging between life and death on a thread, dipping in and out of battle - the exact way MWO is played.

      They don't cross their legs, sit around and pontificate about which is the best faction, or which is the most skilled mechwarrior, like some limp-wristed fangirl, then whine about how MWO is esports. Its not - its the very essence of battletech distilled.

      Pic related - Its my KDR and WLR. I play very little, and its the only competitive shooter I play. 2.5KDR is about average, and took me a very short time to reach. Yet you see so many lore folks with quadruple the hours I put in, whining about MWO, barely breaking a 0.2KDR. I've let a lot of my mates try it, and they can break a 3.0, sometimes even a 4.0 KDR easily within a handful of games. It's one of the most forgiving shooters out there by far.

      Most battletech fans would last barely 2 seconds in the battletech universe. Pathetic.

      • 2 years ago

        >Most battletech fans would last barely 2 seconds in the battletech universe. Pathetic.
        statistically speaking you'd end up as a serf in the draconis combine, so yes

  16. 2 years ago
    Andrew Ayala

    Minarchy Tabletop Role-Playing Game.

    Joking, we never had a kickstarter.
    But if there did exist a kickstarter, it would be the best one.
    Gambling on yourself is the best kind of gambling.

    Starting to work on v1.3 next week.

    • 2 years ago

      minarchy is the bomb dot com. are you adding more classes in 1.3?

      • 2 years ago
        Andrew Ayala

        I don't currently have any planned but that could change.

        I paid three different professional game testers to review the game in depth.
        I have taken their findings and I'm currently pondering upon them.
        1.3 will be focused on carefully adjusting the rule set as well as combat mechanics to some degree.

        Two new races and two new recipes will be added.
        Along with new abilities for certain classes that seem to be lacking.

        • 2 years ago

          gone by popular demand, minarchy

      • 2 years ago

        Minarchy Tabletop Role-Playing Game.

        Joking, we never had a kickstarter.
        But if there did exist a kickstarter, it would be the best one.
        Gambling on yourself is the best kind of gambling.

        Starting to work on v1.3 next week.

        Samehomosexualry. Nobody talks like that on Ganker. At least be honest when promoting your shit.

        • 2 years ago

          nope I just legitimately enjoy reading Minarchy. it's one of the strangest RPGs I've ever come across and it brings me great joy reading it.
          it's a once-in-a-lifetime homebrew. I have my own game that I promote on /tg/ all the time

          • 2 years ago

            Never heard of it, and I can't find it on DriveThru.

          • 2 years ago
            Andrew Ayala

            Thank you.
            That means a lot to me.
            I'm constantly trying to remind myself that there are many gems hidden among the mountains.
            I should be happy that I've been able to give the gift of enjoyment to someone, even if it's just you - instead of focusing on profits for validation.

            Never heard of it, and I can't find it on DriveThru.

            I cut out the middle man.
            I will never sell my books via 3rd party distributors again.
            My 2nd novel was selling and I wasn't getting paid, and that was through Amazon.
            How am I supposed to trust a small distributor like DriveThruRPG when I can't even trust Amazon?

            It might be more work to run your own website and drop-ship everything but the profits are better.

            • 2 years ago

              >How am I supposed to trust a small distributor like DriveThruRPG when I can't even trust Amazon?
              This is some backwards logic IMO.

              • 2 years ago

                He’s making more money by selling it himself

              • 2 years ago

                You can't possibly know that. DTTRPG might take a cut but it's also the biggest digital TTRPG platform by a fricking mile. I'm sure as shit not buying the dude's jank-ass RPG from is dodgey site.

              • 2 years ago

                I don't know if money is an object to this guy. he's the same bizarre dev who hired an afghani compsci student to make an experimental film as a commercial for his game

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not the one who brought it up.

              • 2 years ago

                >he's the same bizarre dev who hired an afghani compsci student to make an experimental film as a commercial for his game
                Link to this video?

              • 2 years ago
                Andrew Ayala

                No, he's right.
                The profits are way better.

                I don't know if money is an object to this guy. he's the same bizarre dev who hired an afghani compsci student to make an experimental film as a commercial for his game

                I wouldn't call it a film but if I ever get the funds, I will be hiring an entire team of Pakistanis to make a Minarchy: Active Shooter tele-play written and produced by yours truly

                And he's talking about the commercial for Minarchy

              • 2 years ago

                Please hire Ramon Film Productions instead if they're still around. Tebaatusasula is a modern classic.

      • 2 years ago

        Samegayging? On MY /tg/?

        • 2 years ago
          Andrew Ayala

          I haven't samegayged since 2020.
          Right around the time I stopped using /misc/ regularly.

    • 2 years ago

      have a nice day, tripgay.

  17. 2 years ago

    Robotech RPG Tactics
    Return to the Dark Tower, Thunderstone Quest, and Edge of Darkness
    >Backing Now
    Freedom Five
    CMON Animation Collection
    Blue Planet: Recontact
    Edge of Darkness Expansion
    Senjutsu: Battle for Japan
    Call to Adventure: Epic Origins
    Heroes of the Shire
    Unsettled Expansion
    Casting Shadows
    Thunderstone Quest Expansion

    I think I might have a problem...

    • 2 years ago

      >Robotech RPG Tactics

      • 2 years ago

        Because Kevin Siembieda lied for close to 5 years on the status of the project and only came clean when he lost the Robotech license. He got basically got away with not delivering 80% of the project. Also the whole thing was a bait and switch on who was running the show. During the campaign it was Ninja Division (before their own fall from grace) and as soon as the campaign was done Palladium Books took over. Had the campaign been transparent about Palladium being in charge they would have not had as many backers as Palladium is known for being less than financially solid.

        • 2 years ago

          Another vote for Robotech Tactics. For the reasons adequately expressed upthread in

          If I had known it was Kevin running things instead of ninja division, I never would have backed it. Kevin Siembeida destroys everything he has ever touched.

        • 2 years ago

          >Kevin Siembieda
          Absolutely legendary bullshitter. Loops so far around it's almost admirable. I'm amazed, at any point after the early 2000s, that anyone gave him money (or the time of day).

    • 2 years ago

      Holy shit those games all sound so fricking bad.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Apparently Blue Planet Recontact had some delays but I heard it’s getting back on track.

  18. 2 years ago

    I backed Shadowrun Returns. Also put a minimal amount of money into Star Citizen, so it balances out.

  19. 2 years ago

    I've only backed two Kickstarters.

    >Star Citizen.
    I gave it $40 and reasoned I would pay that much for the game anyway.
    >Escape the City.
    A frickhuge guide on doing shit around a homestead. I like the author and while most of it isn't relevant to our house right now, the section on keeping chickens was.

    I have only paid for a few /tg/ related things.

    >Foundry VTT
    >The Handler's Guide for Delta Green.

    • 2 years ago

      >Star Citizen
      Hasn't that game been in development for 10+ years and is still nowhere near release of the full game?

      • 2 years ago

        It's 12 years now, and chris roberts has no incentive to deliver a finished product when he can keep selling pictures of spaceships forever.

  20. 2 years ago

    Was a fool who backed this disaster. Not much to say besides the devs squandered the money and chances of seeing anything are near 0.
    On the bright side I have front row tickets to near continuous drama, self sabatauge, and discontent.

    • 2 years ago

      >On the bright side I have front row tickets to near continuous drama, self sabatauge, and discontent.

      tell us about it

      • 2 years ago

        So the Kickstarter chat has a couple of lolcow tier characters that never quit. Daily there is constant complaining and copypastas. Got so bad you had people in the comments threatening to throw bricks at convention booths. Like 30k+ comments now. I was all-in and was pretty pissed I got nothing then let it go and moved on with life. But there is a core group that are totally wacked out and have ligit vendetta.

        The company are scumbags to the end. Every year we get a message that says:
        > We goofed, we are so sorry, we are working on it, we will get into a real communication cycle.
        They then frick off for a year and do it all again

        The last major blow out was essentially extortion. We where told we all needed to buy some new resin models and core set for the game en mass to re-raise the funds for production. Did not go over well.

        With inflation and supply chain issues, it's all but guaranteed they can't make the game. So now they sit and produce special resin meme characters for the game and sell 4hem to their elite core of pay piggies. Dark times.

    • 2 years ago

      So the Kickstarter chat has a couple of lolcow tier characters that never quit. Daily there is constant complaining and copypastas. Got so bad you had people in the comments threatening to throw bricks at convention booths. Like 30k+ comments now. I was all-in and was pretty pissed I got nothing then let it go and moved on with life. But there is a core group that are totally wacked out and have ligit vendetta.

      The company are scumbags to the end. Every year we get a message that says:
      > We goofed, we are so sorry, we are working on it, we will get into a real communication cycle.
      They then frick off for a year and do it all again

      The last major blow out was essentially extortion. We where told we all needed to buy some new resin models and core set for the game en mass to re-raise the funds for production. Did not go over well.

      With inflation and supply chain issues, it's all but guaranteed they can't make the game. So now they sit and produce special resin meme characters for the game and sell 4hem to their elite core of pay piggies. Dark times.

      I think I saw these guys at a convention once. From the looks of it it's actually up my alley, guess I got lucky that I didn't look into it further.

      • 2 years ago

        If you avoided the Kickstarter, good call. But if you ever see the games (two core were and a lot of expansions) grab them. Really good game and lots of content. Also the game books from the Kickstarter are out there so rules are updated.

      • 2 years ago

        the game itself has wonderful chibi models that I use for TTRPGs, lots of fun to paint and they read well from a distance. So if you can pick up a first edition box for under $100 that's ~50 models for less than $2 per model
        but they do rightfully deserve scorn for how they handled the Legends KS; their kickstarter cred is in the shitter

      • 2 years ago

        Was a fool who backed this disaster. Not much to say besides the devs squandered the money and chances of seeing anything are near 0.
        On the bright side I have front row tickets to near continuous drama, self sabatauge, and discontent.

        So the Kickstarter chat has a couple of lolcow tier characters that never quit. Daily there is constant complaining and copypastas. Got so bad you had people in the comments threatening to throw bricks at convention booths. Like 30k+ comments now. I was all-in and was pretty pissed I got nothing then let it go and moved on with life. But there is a core group that are totally wacked out and have ligit vendetta.

        The company are scumbags to the end. Every year we get a message that says:
        > We goofed, we are so sorry, we are working on it, we will get into a real communication cycle.
        They then frick off for a year and do it all again

        The last major blow out was essentially extortion. We where told we all needed to buy some new resin models and core set for the game en mass to re-raise the funds for production. Did not go over well.

        With inflation and supply chain issues, it's all but guaranteed they can't make the game. So now they sit and produce special resin meme characters for the game and sell 4hem to their elite core of pay piggies. Dark times.

        So the Kickstarter chat has a couple of lolcow tier characters that never quit. Daily there is constant complaining and copypastas. Got so bad you had people in the comments threatening to throw bricks at convention booths. Like 30k+ comments now. I was all-in and was pretty pissed I got nothing then let it go and moved on with life. But there is a core group that are totally wacked out and have ligit vendetta.

        The company are scumbags to the end. Every year we get a message that says:
        > We goofed, we are so sorry, we are working on it, we will get into a real communication cycle.
        They then frick off for a year and do it all again

        The last major blow out was essentially extortion. We where told we all needed to buy some new resin models and core set for the game en mass to re-raise the funds for production. Did not go over well.

        With inflation and supply chain issues, it's all but guaranteed they can't make the game. So now they sit and produce special resin meme characters for the game and sell 4hem to their elite core of pay piggies. Dark times.

        The Forgotten King kickstarter was actually pretty awesome. Then they started churning out kickstarters without delivering and burning through the money. It amazes me how they got a fricking videogame based on their IP and still ruined their flagship game. It would be so easy and cheap for them to buy a few 3d printers and churn out minis themselves now or just release the files to the backers,

        • 2 years ago

          >It would be so easy and cheap for them to buy a few 3d printers and churn out minis themselves now or just release the files to the backers,
          I really think the IP owners have serious ego issues. The project is dead due to their negligence and the current world economic situation. They want to get some Chinaman printer to do everything and they just sit in the rewards. Not going to happen in the current economy.
          3D printing could work, but they would need be be very mindful of costs and logistics (the things they have fricked up on the past). Maybe capitalize on new advances in mold injection tech, but again the same issues of being compotent. We are talking around 1 million minis alone here.
          As for giving out the files, never? Again, ego. Even though they will never be able to make them, the minis are somehow more valuable to them unreleased and being a compleat economic and social liability.

        • 2 years ago

          >It would be so easy and cheap for them to buy a few 3d printers and churn out minis themselves now or just release the files to the backers,
          I really think the IP owners have serious ego issues. The project is dead due to their negligence and the current world economic situation. They want to get some Chinaman printer to do everything and they just sit in the rewards. Not going to happen in the current economy.
          3D printing could work, but they would need be be very mindful of costs and logistics (the things they have fricked up on the past). Maybe capitalize on new advances in mold injection tech, but again the same issues of being compotent. We are talking around 1 million minis alone here.
          As for giving out the files, never? Again, ego. Even though they will never be able to make them, the minis are somehow more valuable to them unreleased and being a compleat economic and social liability.

          >3D print
          >1 million minis
          3D printing does not yet have nearly the quality and efficiency to rival classic methods of production. It's not a magic bullet by any means, and especially doesn't scale well compared to molds. You can't just buy ten printers and expect to outcompete a real factory.

          • 2 years ago

            That's why I'm saying it would be hard and requires a lot competence and logistics.
            Best bet would be for leveraging modern mold injection tech for smaller scale operations. They are out there and could be combined with 3d printing to get the job done. Again, the frickers would never use it.

  21. 2 years ago
    This piece of shit. Estimated delivery was Feb 2021 and the main guy responsible for most of the project claims he's been hospitalized multiple times with life-threatening illnesses, has caught Covid maybe 4 or 5 times, has had HDDs fail on him and lost the project documents multiple times, etc. etc. "My dog ate my homework" tiers of excuses.

    • 2 years ago

      >Estimated delivery was Feb 2021 and the main guy responsible for most of the project claims he's been hospitalized multiple times with life-threatening illnesses, has caught Covid maybe 4 or 5 times, has had HDDs fail on him and lost the project documents multiple times, etc. etc. "My dog ate my homework" tiers of excuses.

    • 2 years ago

      That's a shame, because I've heard nothing but praise for Carbon 2185! It uses the 5e chassis, but fully customized with 6 unique human cultures and 6 all-new classes, each with a full 10-level progression. In addition, it has detailed rules for firearms and cybernetic implants, as well as a highly detailed and realistic dystopian future setting.

      In addition, the folks at Dragon Turtle Games just released a leveled up reprint of the Core Rulebook, complete with a whole host of tweaks and changes based on the past 18 months of player feedback. Some of the things it features are the Awakened Mech, a new player origin with three suborigins that allow cyberpunks to play the game as a robot with newly acquired sentience, brand new augmentations that will push the boundaries of what you thought was possible, and new weapons, armor, and gear.

      Most importantly, the new edition features rules for Cyberspace! Get ready to dive into the Apeirosphere with new hacking rules and rules for traversing and doing battle within the matrix. All of these additions will add a massive 10 pages to the book, bringing it to a whopping 294 pages!

      • 2 years ago

        Please stop LARP'ing as one of their employees.

      • 2 years ago

        >It uses the 5e chassis,
        in the trash it goes

    • 2 years ago

      I've started noticing a link between cyberpunk-related products, over-promising and under-delivering.

      • 2 years ago

        I think the setting appeals to turbo-nerds who have a very thin grasp on reality and don't realize how much effort (should) go into a TTRPG.

        • 2 years ago

          True. Same logic as Star Citizen I suppose, but for turbo-nerds with no sense of what a reasonable timeline for completing a videogame should be.

          • 2 years ago

            Aren't there people STILL donating more money to Star Citizen?

  22. 2 years ago

    What are some signs of a good Kickstarter?

    • 2 years ago

      - Developer has done a like product before and/or has a history of delivering as promised with KS projects
      - Product done but for the home stretch (e.g. a book written but needs money for art--which if you aren't using stock art is expensive--is common and not a problem)
      - Not promising pie in the sky stuff
      - Dev has good communication

      • 2 years ago

        What are some signs of a bumpgay?

        Asking because I think that is a very likely avenue to sell a game I've been working on when it's done. This isn't something I want to screw up on too badly.

        Once I get this game done and edited for the homestretch, my thinking is to offer the unillustrated pdf of it as a freebee, and for those who pledge the price of the hardcover of the book would get a hardcover book with my autograph in it as thanks, and those who pledge higher might also get an artbook or something to go along with it. It's all pipe dreams right now, but it's nothing concrete.

        • 2 years ago

          There's a pretty clear pattern for boardgame kickstarters, especially in contrast to video games.
          You need to be DONE with the game, the KS is just for publishing costs, maybe some art and finishing touches. You can also use the hype to get some more playtesting in, but it really should a final round. Video of gameplay is massive.
          Stretch goals should be bonus content or expansions you already have planned or done; or to raise the quality of the KS printing like wood or metal tokens, thicker tiles, etc. Don't stretch for random ideas, because you might actually hit them. You can always release stretch expansions later even if they don't get reached, but you can't go back on bullshit that did get reached.
          COMMUNICATE. Have regular updates/blogposts.

          not required but very nice:
          be transparent about where the money is going. Break down what's left of development, art, editing, and publishing.
          Try and get at least one shopping holiday in your campaign period, black Friday, Christmas/new year's, etc. Hit up a PAX or some other convention. I think I saw a breakdown of conventions not actually helping that much, but it's a good opportunity for a video of you doing your job.

          • 2 years ago

            100% all of this; I'd add that you really, really should have gotten costings for production *before* you attempt to Kickstart the game. So many things crash and burn when the designers rake in orders only to discover that it will cost far more than they guessed it would to produce.

            • 2 years ago

              You fail to understand Kickstarter.

              • 2 years ago

                You can get a per order price and then set pledge levels accordingly. Surely publishers give you a bit of a discount on bulks, so you can set your KS to a thousand at 60 each, for example, and then if you go over it gets cheaper.

          • 2 years ago

            Thanks for all of that information! I'm working on a roleplaying game at the moment. I honestly am not 100% clear on what a stretch goal even means, but it sounds like a set of milestones to be reached after X amount of money in total. After X amount of money, more stuff is found within it, and/or the artwork will be more plentiful. (I figure having at least one major bit of art taking half a page to a full page per three pages is a good ratio, with the full page illustrations being best reserved for the starts of chapters. Maybe some odd bits pocked here and there for good measure). I don't plan to call for crowdfunding until the meat of the game is as pristine as it will get before it needs to be beautified and published.

            The rewards bit would be where I'm going to be in a bit of a bind. I imagine that's where I can do the hardcover books, autographed books, artbooks, an opportunity to have your name listed in the credits, etc.

            • 2 years ago

              >(I figure having at least one major bit of art taking half a page to a full page per three pages is a good ratio, with the full page illustrations being best reserved for the starts of chapters. Maybe some odd bits pocked here and there for good measure).
              The bigger the art, the more expensive it is. You can run up a huge art budget with half page and full page illustrations. Stock art helps alleviate that, but generally people can tell it's stock (either it has a certain look/feel to it, or they've seen it before, etc).

              I would read this entire series of articles, it's very helpful for RPG publishing, especially as someone who is not creating their own art for it:

              • 2 years ago

                Thanks for the link! And yeah art isn't cheap, especially not good art (unless I outsource it to an artist from a country where a dollar or euro would go really far in). But that's what kickstarter is for, right? It's also why I will need a really good pitch when I get past step one in that link...

          • 2 years ago

            >Don't stretch for random ideas, because you might actually hit them.
            >but you can't go back on bullshit that did get reached.
            Any examples of that? Because it sounds absolutely hilarious, like did anyone promise BGM for a boardgame as a stretch goal or something?

            • 2 years ago

              I don't know any KS that had a completely unplanned expansion as a stretch goal, but fireteam zero does have a soundtrack CD.
              All the songs are only a couple minutes though, and the chapters in the actual game are a lot longer, so some people will think it gets repetitive.

      • 2 years ago

        This. While Exalted Essence was huge mistake even for the trifling tree fiddy I chucked it's way judging from how they did MUH Infernals although Abyssalchads look like they're eating well in that regard I've no regrets about backing either the webcomic Kill Six Billion Demons and it's associated game Broken Worlds (the guy had been drawing for a while before then, I got exactly what was promised, and up until the Solomon arc his tumblr was practically a foundation for lore trivia) and Jenna Moran's Glitch (which is full of bonus content for the only system on the market for nearly no limits-barred, world-changing freeform reality warping other than Time Wizards that I've seen a community of actual players use consistently and with great enjoyment.

    • 2 years ago

      What are some signs of a bumpgay?

  23. 2 years ago

    Driftwood Verses
    six years and counting
    CoC 7e was two years overdue but it did come out and the people that bungled the kickstarter got fired

    prolly Fight! 2nd edition by virtue of coming out around expected launch date
    Delta Green RPG honorable mention

    Monster Scenery Metropolis
    Delta Green Conspiracy
    OSE box sets
    Batman RPG
    Original Adventures Reincarnated #7 Dark Tower

    • 2 years ago

      Is the KS version of CoC 7th edition different from the retail version?

      • 2 years ago

        more typos
        for real, I think it was cheaper to back it then buy it depending on what you get. I also got a nice slipcover

  24. 2 years ago

    Didn't back it, but Center Stage Minis SUCCESSFULLY BACKED kickstarter ensured one of the best mini lines ever made would remain lost to time.
    They got the money and bailed and now we'll never get see the molds for the Guthrie Personalities again.

    Fricking sucks, they had cool sculpts of their own ready to go.

    • 2 years ago

      What's really sad is they were around 2 dollars when mega minis owned them, and mega minis owned them for a long time before they sold them off. Most are around 12 on ebay now, they'll probably get rarer.

    • 2 years ago

      > got the money and bailed
      They just straight up stole it, or what?

      • 2 years ago

        Seemingly. Stopped giving updates, never delivered shit, guy who started it vanished off the face of the internet as far as I know.

        Someone could probably find him on facebook and offer to buy the molds and the greens, but I wouldn't trust that sort of bastard with any sort of money.

        • 2 years ago

          oh, forgot, researched into it a while back and turns out the guy filed for bankruptcy after crashing an expensive new car. Funny.

        • 2 years ago

          oh, forgot, researched into it a while back and turns out the guy filed for bankruptcy after crashing an expensive new car. Funny.

          >Someone could probably find him on facebook and
          Surprised nobody ever did, tbh

          • 2 years ago

            I'm sure someone did and at least reached out, but I never saw anything of it and I imagine the guy would never reply. Stalker shit is subhuman.

            • 2 years ago

              It is, but have you seen the people in this hobby?

        • 2 years ago

          oh, forgot, researched into it a while back and turns out the guy filed for bankruptcy after crashing an expensive new car. Funny.

          you gotta be fricking shitting me

        • 2 years ago

          Sounds like the Odin's Ravens Kickstarter where the KS finished and there was zero follow up communication despite everyone being billed. Then the artist replied in the updates that she was reaching out to the producer and not getting a response either.

          • 2 years ago

            There was a Terminator Board game Kickstarter akin to this. Just completely bailed.

  25. 2 years ago

    Currently backing
    Mutants in the Next
    Mothership Tidebreaker
    Mothership 1E
    Mothership Hull Breach
    SLA Industries 2e Collateral
    Reaper Bone 6

    Rarely back before it is going to succeed

  26. 2 years ago

    Not /tg/ but...
    Cube World

    • 2 years ago

      Still hurts

  27. 2 years ago

    Kingdom death is best and worst at the same time. The Kickstarter prices area pretty great deal, but the current stuff is 6 years late now

  28. 2 years ago

    I backed Stellaris Infinite Legacy and it's been delayed but it's a legitimate company so I'm assuming it'll be fine.

    Worst was Die of the Beholder which I backed to the princely sum of twenty bucks on a whim. I've seen failed projects before and basically the instant they got the money they started screwing up in every single possible way. They literally botched every aspect of the project. On top of the usual issues with underestimating project completion time (Tip from a project manager: Think of the most possible time a project could take in the worst case scenario. Triple *that* and you've got a realistic time frame.) they messed up materials, shipping, painting, polishing, construction... it's kind of surreal that they didn't just cut and run.

    Honestly though kickstarter is fricked as a way of funding projects, giving the project 100% of its budget up front and it removes any short term incentive to actually deliver. Also tempts overspending, since the money is just sitting there.

  29. 2 years ago

    I've backed Hellboy the boardgame which delivered years ago. Did not back the recent expensions as the content was not worth the money. Seems Mantic is really lacking in the crowdfunding department lately as their current campaign for the Umbrella Acadamy is a huge financial failure on gamefound too. Also backed Darkest Dungeons the boardgame all in because I really liked the miniatures. I expected it to be really late and Mythic does not disappoint on that front.... Wave 1 is supposed to be on the boat this month and will deliver a year late this fall. Wave 2 will probably deliver somewhere 2023. Also backed Anastyr core box but I'm still in doubt whether to ask for a refund or not due to high shipping + VAT. Lot's of people complain about Mythic but so far I have not had any issues with them. Besides miniature boardgames I'm waiting for some cheap RPG related content which should deliver this year somewhere. But even if it doesn't it's less then €15 euro lost in total so that's a risk I'm willing to take.

  30. 2 years ago

    Blades in the Dark
    None actually

    • 2 years ago

      > Best
      > That unplayable sacrilege against sweet lady roleplay.
      Frick me, I'm glad I dropped kickstarter.

      • 2 years ago

        Where did the scary game touch you, anon?

        • 2 years ago

          In my bordeom. Three snorefest sessions where a very good GM really tried to make that fricking thing work and I genuinely can't recall a single interesting thing that happened.

          • 2 years ago

            >Three snorefest sessions where a very good GM really tried to make that fricking thing work and I genuinely can't recall a single interesting thing that happened.
            Not every GM can run every game. Every GM has their own unique playstyle and that works better or worse with any given game system.

            I mean yeah, that sucks. And I'm sorry the game didn't work for you. But that don't necessarily mean it's the game's fault.

            • 2 years ago

              Having read the system as well, I don't think it's well suited to an RPG. The impression I got was the developers had a system that would make for a really excellent board game but couldn't be bothered with the extra work and expenses a board game would entail versus dumping it on kickstarter as an RPG.

              • 2 years ago

                >The impression I got was the developers had a system that would make for a really excellent board game but couldn't be bothered with the extra work and expenses a board game would entail versus dumping it on kickstarter as an RPG.
                Not really.

                John Harper has made RPGs for years. BitD was a sequel series to one of his prior games, Ghost Lines. The biggest change were the dice mechanics and the management of an organization. It's otherwise just carried over from that.

                Out of curiosity, do you or

                >Three snorefest sessions where a very good GM really tried to make that fricking thing work and I genuinely can't recall a single interesting thing that happened.
                Not every GM can run every game. Every GM has their own unique playstyle and that works better or worse with any given game system.

                I mean yeah, that sucks. And I'm sorry the game didn't work for you. But that don't necessarily mean it's the game's fault.

                like PbtA games or is that not really your cup of tea?

              • 2 years ago

                >Out of curiosity, do you or

                In my bordeom. Three snorefest sessions where a very good GM really tried to make that fricking thing work and I genuinely can't recall a single interesting thing that happened.

                like PbtA games or is that not really your cup of tea?
                I done linked my own damn self, frick.

              • 2 years ago

                I enjoyed bolt action but hated BITD. All the trackers, clocks and stupid bullshit just felt like board game mechanics. The stress mechanics were obnoxious, the skills felt both too restrictive and too vague by turns. The flashback mechanic tied into the stress mechanics in a way that made no sense whatsoever (I planned for this moment, while being prepared should make me less stressed it adds stress because the game
                needs it to for balance purposes.) Whole thing was a mile wide and an inch deep. Even the setting felt "off", like they hadn't gone to much effort and it showed. It was too wishy washy, I didn't succeed because my tactics or rolls were better, we both did the same and the GM decided I should succeed and the npc should fail. I didn't find it fun.
                It didn't help that the alien RPG which we played right after had a similar core stress mechanic that was executed in a much better way. Sure, we all died in a horribly ironic betrayal, but it was fun as frick. That game knew what it was way better than Blades did. Blades could have been great, if they'd thought about it and made a good system instead of lazily using PBTA, and made a board game inste of a nice cheap PDF.

      • 2 years ago

        >sweet lady roleplay

        • 2 years ago

          Sweet femboy roleplay then, shitty RPG still made him cry.

  31. 2 years ago

    Best is probably Dusk City Outlaws, which delivered great stuff and which I've actually used and enjoyed a couple if times. Worst is a game I backed years ago that never delivered at all and which I can't even remember the name of.

  32. 2 years ago

    CGL clan invasion thankfully ended up mostly ok. HBS battletech was 'meh', but I still play it with mods. Was disappointed most with Torment:Tides and Wasteland 2.

  33. 2 years ago

    >does a thing with her breasts
    how the frick did this fail?

    • 2 years ago

      neither the art nor the woman look especially good tbh

  34. 2 years ago

    best kickstarters:
    >Stuff with a functional prototype
    >Basically the product is ready to go but your financial input is needed to have it made in large quantities

    Worst kickstarters:
    >anything that requires programming or development time

  35. 2 years ago

    I don't gamble, enable scams or preorder anything, so no.

  36. 2 years ago

    this was pretty dope, not alot of people in my aoe like the fast paced, rules light, over the top sorta action this has to offer.

    • 2 years ago

      backer rewards were great too. dm screen, pawgs, whole side adventure to run aside from the ones in the book, and dungeon tiles.

  37. 2 years ago

    I bought a game at my local anime convention call Valor and thought it looked interesting. It wasn't. I ended up backing a Kickstarter for a supplement they were trying to release, hoping it would fix any of the problems I had with the game. 2 years after backing the project, I received the book and it was just a crappy adventure filled with bad art. That's really on me for wanting something out of the book that wasn't advertised though. Doesn't help that I had long abandoned the game before I received my copy of the book either.

  38. 2 years ago

    Big box of fantasy minis, can’t remember the name of the specific campaign. Not 3d prints but actually plastic injection molds from Asia. I consider it the worst because it still hasn’t been fulfilled despite the company releasing a “totally comming, we promise, it’s a logistic problem” every couple months.

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds like Blacklist Miniatures Fantasy Series 1.

  39. 2 years ago

    I backed some stuff that Greg Stolze put up back when israelitestarter was a new thing. He did it differently, called it ransomware, and it was pretty much a low price set on israelitestarter and if he got it he release the splat/story/whatever for free to everyone.

  40. 2 years ago

    Into the breach Malifaux RPG. I fricking love the basic mechanics of the card deck but they dropped the ball and delivered a half finished product
    Dungeons and lasers. I treat these as a one stop shop for birthday gifts for my friends. This year everyone gets a dragon or an elemental plus a bunch of terrain.
    >Backing now
    Another round of dungeons and lasers. Getting a large dinosaur type thing that I am keeping for myself

    • 2 years ago

      Dungons & Lasers is amazing. I've backed every single one of their KS, and it's the best source for terrain out there. The tiles are marvelous and the minis are outstanding. The price to quality ratio you get is also amazing. The Townsfolk set from their 3rd KS arrived last month and it's remarkable the quality of the sculpts. Can't recomend it enough.

      I'm also supporting the campaign they are carrying out on Gamefund right now, and things are looking pretty nice so far.

    • 2 years ago

      Dungons & Lasers is amazing. I've backed every single one of their KS, and it's the best source for terrain out there. The tiles are marvelous and the minis are outstanding. The price to quality ratio you get is also amazing. The Townsfolk set from their 3rd KS arrived last month and it's remarkable the quality of the sculpts. Can't recomend it enough.

      I'm also supporting the campaign they are carrying out on Gamefund right now, and things are looking pretty nice so far.

      Not sure about best. I've mainly only backed normie tier tg stuff. Dark souls board game, the thing, some cthulu game, a ton of battle tech stuff. Literally not played any of it. Most of it was late but mini quality wise has been good except dark souls which was abit shoddy.

      I'm still waiting on some viking game I backed awhile ago, I don't even remember it's name. I tend to just leave them and only look into it when I feel like it's been an absurd amount of time.

      I've backed lots of miniatures campaigns. Twisted realms minotaurs, raven something bretonnians and some other one that was basically bretonnians. They just arrived and quality isn't as good as I hoped. Rotten city - great quality. Dungeons and lasers - prob the best value to quality I've spent.

      Worst thing by far but not tg related is spinning tops. Scammed once by some Israeli company forget how many years its been now and then scammed again by some Canadian. Who totally sent the packages but didn't pay for tracking on anyone's order....weird that no one recieved anything.

      I have been thinking about dungeons and lasers: encounters
      >Do they usually deliver on time?
      >Am I better off ordering a big set or two small ones and double up on stretch goals/Tarrasque?
      >Is there any way of getting the townsfolk box from encounters?

      • 2 years ago

        >Do they usually deliver on time?
        They ussually run ahead of schedule. Last years KS was supposed to arrive in august but by May everyone already had it.

        >Am I better off ordering a big set or two small ones and double up on stretch goals/Tarrasque?
        You can buy an extra set on stretch goals as and add-on, and the Tarrasque is limited to one per backer, so no matter to how many sets you get, you will only get 1 Tarrasque.

        >Is there any way of getting the townsfolk box from encounters?
        I don't think so, they'll add it to their website eventually. I recommend getting the 3rd edition stetch-goals if you're interested in minis, as they come with a lot of them and 40 bucks is an absolute steal.

        • 2 years ago

          >no matter to how many sets you get, you will only get 1 Tarrasque.
          Don't listen to that anon

          I have been thinking about dungeons and lasers: encounters
          >Do they usually deliver on time?
          >Am I better off ordering a big set or two small ones and double up on stretch goals/Tarrasque?
          >Is there any way of getting the townsfolk box from encounters?

          , if you order from 2 separate accounts you get one of everything which might be worth considering.
          Everything else is correct though

        • 2 years ago

          What's the scale of the minis?

          • 2 years ago

            Here they are next to a warhamster orc.
            The current campaign is entering its last 24 hours

  41. 2 years ago

    Demon City.
    It's like an onion made of shit.
    Mothership, Trilemma, UVG, OSE, Rainy City, a bunch of mini stuff.

    • 2 years ago

      UVG was a real gem. My main group played that one and it was a really good time. We just the setting though and imported other core rules.

    • 2 years ago

      >Z is Zak Sabath
      Makes sense. Sure he didn't do the shit he got pound me too overed but that doesn't mean he isn't an ass hole.

  42. 2 years ago

    Only ks game I ever backed. 10 out of fricking 10 best board game I ever spent $100+ on. So fricking quick to learn and so fricking fun to play. Missing one expansion that I need to have everything I want for the game and I'm about to drive to Sandy Petersen's house to beat it out of him I'm having so much trouble finding it

    • 2 years ago

      >fellow Cthulhu Wars bro
      Nice. Fricking love that game. Once OS4 finally delivers I should have everything for it as well.

      What expansion are you missing?

  43. 2 years ago

    >What was the worst
    Sythicide - Shapers in the Dark looked cool for a setting, but I knew it wasn't going to be amazing quality as they used Drive by RPG POD for fulfilment. Jesus they aimed low. Paper back? ok. oh, and another $10 to get it printed and delivered on top of the backer cost? Neverbacking another book using pod - may as well wait for the main release.

    Realm Fables
    Dude's done a couple of supplements to generate adventures and worlds. They're tight, a good price, actually decent stretch goals and he sends them out in a couple of months. How all ks campaigns should be run.

    • 2 years ago

      >Sythicide - Shapers in the Dark looked cool for a setting, but I knew it wasn't going to be amazing quality as they used Drive by RPG POD for fulfilment. Jesus they aimed low. Paper back? ok. oh, and another $10 to get it printed and delivered on top of the backer cost? Neverbacking another book using pod - may as well wait for the main release.

  44. 2 years ago

    I'm a 5e gay, but I hate WotC and the friends I play with are absolute mouthbreathers and refuse to learn a new system. So, I turned towards KS for new sourcebooks and content, and all in all, I'm very pleased.

    There hasn't been really any particular one that was dreadful. I've backed over 40 KS and only one of them failed to deliver Tales of Terror. It was mainly due to COVID complications, inexperience, etc...
    It was a shame because the project looked really good, but they did give everyone a full refund, so I can't really complain.

    From all the KS I have backed, I think 4 truly stand out as amazing KS.

    -Corpus Malicious:
    A book about evil. Anything you can imagine for fantasy and evil is in there: monsters, poisons, cults, gangs, demons, weapons, cursed items, epic villains, minor villains, you name it.
    Each of these elements is unique in a way I hadn't seen before, and they are all just a joy to use in my games. It also comes with a guide to an Evil City out from space and time, that pops up every once in a while. The city itself corrupts it's inhabitants, and feeds on it's corruption.
    But what truly makes it stand out is the quality of the content. Each villain has their own complex story, and there is so much detail and care put into the book. They recently did a second KS for Corpus Angelus, which seems to be the good version of the previous KS. Definetely recomended.
    Demo Booklet:


    • 2 years ago

      A collection of 4 beautiful books, that give you an amazing setting, new rules to play with, and outstanding art. The love and care they have put towards this product is not normal, and these books are the beast RPG books I have ever seen in terms of content and aesthetics. The fist book is basically a copy of the PHB, with a new class, but the rest of the books are absolutely gorgeous, and they are an absolute joy to flip through and read.
      The last one, the Encyclopedia, is a setting guide to the world of Eana, a setting that has over 10 major cities, wach vastly different to the previous one, and each fully detailed both in lore and maps. They are very easy to implement, and the worl is unique but still familiar, allowing DMs to easily manipulate it to fit their needs. It's where I'm building my next campaign and my players are extremely happy. Definetely recommended for those DMs that want a setting that's different and interesting.

      -Advanced 5e:
      A rework of the 5e rules for both DMs and players.
      For players:
      Character creation gives you an amazing ammount of customizability, allowing you to choose your own racial traits, and your background determening your ability scores, skills and extra abilities. The class system has been reworked, making each one distinct and unique, ensuring no one class can substitute another. Some classes have been more modified then others, and you can find a new class, the marshall. Combat manouvers have been added to help all martial classes shine even at higher levels, allowing them to impose effects and statuses onto enemies.
      For DMs:
      Reworked monsters, with advanced versions of most of them to throw a higher difficulty on your players, and improved previous monsters. There is a demo on the KS, where you can take a look. New rules for traveling, encounters, hazards, etc..
      Abolute godsend. Fixes almost all the problems 5e has. 10/10

  45. 2 years ago

    > best

    Corvus Belli's "Defiance" Infinity Dungeon Crawler, the Platinum Pledge ofc.

    > also best

    Modiphius' "Infinity the RPG", all books in Print + minis.

    > worst

    Two great Linux tablets, but the HK "businessman" just took the money and ran off to China with nearly 1mil $US

  46. 2 years ago

    I've literally backed exactly two kickstarters. One was a year late but that was hardly a kick in the pants compared to other things that have happened.

  47. 2 years ago

    Not sure about best. I've mainly only backed normie tier tg stuff. Dark souls board game, the thing, some cthulu game, a ton of battle tech stuff. Literally not played any of it. Most of it was late but mini quality wise has been good except dark souls which was abit shoddy.

    I'm still waiting on some viking game I backed awhile ago, I don't even remember it's name. I tend to just leave them and only look into it when I feel like it's been an absurd amount of time.

    I've backed lots of miniatures campaigns. Twisted realms minotaurs, raven something bretonnians and some other one that was basically bretonnians. They just arrived and quality isn't as good as I hoped. Rotten city - great quality. Dungeons and lasers - prob the best value to quality I've spent.

    Worst thing by far but not tg related is spinning tops. Scammed once by some Israeli company forget how many years its been now and then scammed again by some Canadian. Who totally sent the packages but didn't pay for tracking on anyone's order....weird that no one recieved anything.

    • 2 years ago

      Worst: Dark Souls the Board Game.
      >the need to grind is built into the game so have fun replaying the same combat over and over
      >loot is too random
      >stats are also seemingly random. Instead of having 1,2,3,4 strength use number 13, 18, 22, 29, 40

      Best: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past.
      Great system. 2-5 players, Everyone feels involved equally (villain gets more turns though)
      Good story. Good art. Rules were 99% clear and just needed one errata.

      I was jsut able to play the second one (Change is Constant) with my friend in coop AI mode. It's super easy to cheese but was still fun.

      • 2 years ago

        Forgot to add. Sleeved all the cards, organized all the dice and tokens, everything fits inside the premium kickstarter box like a glove.

        • 2 years ago

          >fits inside like a glove

  48. 2 years ago

    Binding of Isaac. Basically just a reskinned Munchkin. Not a bad product, but less than what I was hoping for from a game.

    Skipping KD:M, Scythe. I know it's a bit polarising, but I just freaking love that game. Great execution, a lot of replayability and good quality components.

  49. 2 years ago

    I backed Reaper Bones 4 and was generally satisfied.
    Currently backing 6 for that fat Taweret booty

    • 2 years ago

      I think I my group backed one of the first Reapers. One of the original guys split off from us so he took some minis. The current one looked pretty lacklustre in comparison to their previous ones. I opted not to go for it and spend that money on a 3D printer. Turned out to have been a solid choice.

  50. 2 years ago

    Only one I've backed was Worlds Without Number. It delivered on time and is pretty good. Might back his next KS if I can get the money together.

    • 2 years ago

      wish I had the money for shipping and vat alone for his work.

      still, better than pod i guesd

  51. 2 years ago

    just backed my first Kickstarter

    did I do good?

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, not a bad choice at all anon.

  52. 2 years ago

    I do a lot of crowdfunded things, but there is a big qualitative difference between different types of project. The expected standard for artbooks or photojournalism in artbook format is very different from RPG books, miniatures are very different from games with miniatures are different from electronic games, etc. I have a few rules I stick by 90% of the time with reasonable results.

    1. Background check. If the guy has made seven board games this way before they are much more likely to succeed that a first-timer, unless those were failures. It is rare that a project from a failure-maker will do better. The only time I will fund a project from someone who blew up an old one is if they admit it outright and honestly in the description and they appear to have actually learned from it. If they hid it until confronted then I'll pull the money right off.

    2. Professional appearance. Expect a nice-looking page, well written. You don't necessarily need a fancy page since video and art is expensive, but if it's lazy it's no good. If someone isn't willing to put a few days of work into making the thing that will get their project funded, how can I expect them to do the hard work of actually making the project?

    • 2 years ago

      3. Completion. How close to finished is the project? If it's a book or artbook, the standard should be 'I have the draft sorted and need money to fund physical print'. If it's a board-game, it should be a full game that's waiting for manufacture. A videogame can't be like this since you have to fund development since publishing is the cheap part, but they are more risky as a result. They should have gotten the project up to the part where it takes lots of money to go forward, and if they haven't it begs the question of why. Maybe they can answer that question, and you should expect them to. It's also concerning if a project seems too complete for the money they're asking as they may be lying. Sometimes it's the business model, like the authors who say 'I already wrote the book, give me enough money to write the next one and you can have this one'. But if they're asking for money that should have already been paid for a project, investigate.

      4. Stretch goal bullshit. Overenthusiasm for stretch goals kills more viable projects than anything else. Every stretch goal must either clearly contribute to the project itself, or be something that is trivial to add. Incidental material made during the project, or offerings of former projects, are a reasonable expectation. Physical goals that can be made in the same way as the project are a mild concern - additional miniatures in a miniatures project. Physical goals that are outside of the project entirely are very concerning - clothing in a miniatures project or vice-versa, since it's adding new challenges and risks that don't help the project. Every stretch goal has to clearly be over-funded - a hundred thousand giving everyone metal coins instead of plastic is fair enough, one thousand doing that is worrying.

      • 2 years ago

        I do a lot of crowdfunded things, but there is a big qualitative difference between different types of project. The expected standard for artbooks or photojournalism in artbook format is very different from RPG books, miniatures are very different from games with miniatures are different from electronic games, etc. I have a few rules I stick by 90% of the time with reasonable results.

        1. Background check. If the guy has made seven board games this way before they are much more likely to succeed that a first-timer, unless those were failures. It is rare that a project from a failure-maker will do better. The only time I will fund a project from someone who blew up an old one is if they admit it outright and honestly in the description and they appear to have actually learned from it. If they hid it until confronted then I'll pull the money right off.

        2. Professional appearance. Expect a nice-looking page, well written. You don't necessarily need a fancy page since video and art is expensive, but if it's lazy it's no good. If someone isn't willing to put a few days of work into making the thing that will get their project funded, how can I expect them to do the hard work of actually making the project?

        And even if every goal is fair by itself, if there are just a stupid number of them - or worse, goals clearly added after the project started - the project is bloating and this may kill it dead in production when everyone in it burns out. Ideally, there are a small number of goals, with budgets laid out, that directly improve the project. Adding better print material and slipcases and better paper/covers to a book project, all set in advance, and if the last goal has popped the creator has just said 'thanks, I'm not adding more since this is my limit'.

        5. Things you could just buy. his one's personal, but I want crowdfunding to be for crowdfunding, not a shopfront. I don't back projects that will definitely succeed and I could just buy later - it will cost me more, but I am paying to avoid all risk. I prefer to back projects that are wavering on the edge of successful funding too, where my contribution has actually helped it exist.

    • 2 years ago

      3. Completion. How close to finished is the project? If it's a book or artbook, the standard should be 'I have the draft sorted and need money to fund physical print'. If it's a board-game, it should be a full game that's waiting for manufacture. A videogame can't be like this since you have to fund development since publishing is the cheap part, but they are more risky as a result. They should have gotten the project up to the part where it takes lots of money to go forward, and if they haven't it begs the question of why. Maybe they can answer that question, and you should expect them to. It's also concerning if a project seems too complete for the money they're asking as they may be lying. Sometimes it's the business model, like the authors who say 'I already wrote the book, give me enough money to write the next one and you can have this one'. But if they're asking for money that should have already been paid for a project, investigate.

      4. Stretch goal bullshit. Overenthusiasm for stretch goals kills more viable projects than anything else. Every stretch goal must either clearly contribute to the project itself, or be something that is trivial to add. Incidental material made during the project, or offerings of former projects, are a reasonable expectation. Physical goals that can be made in the same way as the project are a mild concern - additional miniatures in a miniatures project. Physical goals that are outside of the project entirely are very concerning - clothing in a miniatures project or vice-versa, since it's adding new challenges and risks that don't help the project. Every stretch goal has to clearly be over-funded - a hundred thousand giving everyone metal coins instead of plastic is fair enough, one thousand doing that is worrying.


      And even if every goal is fair by itself, if there are just a stupid number of them - or worse, goals clearly added after the project started - the project is bloating and this may kill it dead in production when everyone in it burns out. Ideally, there are a small number of goals, with budgets laid out, that directly improve the project. Adding better print material and slipcases and better paper/covers to a book project, all set in advance, and if the last goal has popped the creator has just said 'thanks, I'm not adding more since this is my limit'.

      5. Things you could just buy. his one's personal, but I want crowdfunding to be for crowdfunding, not a shopfront. I don't back projects that will definitely succeed and I could just buy later - it will cost me more, but I am paying to avoid all risk. I prefer to back projects that are wavering on the edge of successful funding too, where my contribution has actually helped it exist.

      Those are quality rules. Props for including the final one. Easy to lose sight of what the whole purpose of kickstarting is supposed to be.

      • 2 years ago

        It helps me, too. A third of things I back never get funded, and that's a regular reminder that Kickstarer et al are not shopfronts or pre-orders. I have a middling success rate for projects getting funded, but only two funded failures - one where the guy behind it literally up and died out of nowhere, and one where I knew it was a 50/50 but I wanted the thing to exist very much. And also one that succeeded but they never sent me a game or ever answered any contact, which was weird since I never saw anyone else have any trouble with the project. Guess it was personal?

  53. 2 years ago

    I backed Fate Core and Golden Sky Stories, they were pretty good but that was in the days before shipping became so awful.
    The only one that failed was a map collection that never appeared and a Savage Worlds setting that was maybe 5 years late.
    Currently I'm waiting for Etherfields and it should be here any day now. I hope it's worth it.

  54. 2 years ago

    Apothiosis Drive X. I gave this motherfricker money for two books. Instead he moves to japan, changes his gender, gets fired from multiple jobs and burns his bridges for dumb reasons, tries to ruin a gatcha game, gets kicked out of japan, tries to cheat on his wife by fricking his foreign editor (she very publicly refused him on twitter and made him fly home lol) and, of course, told all the backers of 3 of his kickstarters that whoops allll the money was gone so there is no books or anything teehee.

    I should have known better when I noticed the guy wrote novels worth of words shitposting on twitter and went years between kickstarter updates. Eat shit Hill, I'd say I hope you have a horrible life but it looks like you're hard at work making that happen already.

    Tenra Bansho Zero. One of the early kickstarters. They overpromised the moon, and there's two epub modules that are still not out, but everything they've sent me is top fricking quality that have given me hours of fun.

  55. 2 years ago

    I blacked Golden Sky Stories, Pistols of the Warlords and some EDC folding knife. Pistols was the only one that got hit with the double whammy of COVID and printers plain not wanting works, the other two got delivered on time.

  56. 2 years ago

    This and Four Souls Requiem are the only /tg/ stuff I've backed and both are going pretty ok so far, if not delayed a bit as is usual for kickstarter stuff.
    Still pretty excited for both though, especially Mortasheen.

    • 2 years ago

      Hold the frick up, fly boy's actually getting that shit off the ground?
      I used to watch his stuff on Deviantart all of... Frick, ten - fifteen years ago, but I never thought that he'd work through his neuroses enough to actually do anything with it.

      • 2 years ago

        Slow but steady is the Bogleech way.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah dude it's finally happening and I'm super excited for it. Development has been a little fricky as the company Bog hired to make the rules were dragging their fricking feet to a ridiculous degree and some legal bullshit didn't give him as much creative control as he wanted. He took total control of the project and gave the company the boot.
        To give you a reference he was hoping to get this out by January this year but due to the company dicking around and not getting anything done he didn't have nearly as much progress as he thought and is now saying late 2022 or early 2023.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah dude it's finally happening and I'm super excited for it. Development has been a little fricky as the company Bog hired to make the rules were dragging their fricking feet to a ridiculous degree and some legal bullshit didn't give him as much creative control as he wanted. He took total control of the project and gave the company the boot.
      To give you a reference he was hoping to get this out by January this year but due to the company dicking around and not getting anything done he didn't have nearly as much progress as he thought and is now saying late 2022 or early 2023.

      As if bog has ever completed anything of note post fear hole. He'll squander it. It'll come out a ruin and he'll blame everyone else.

      Just like he always does.

      • 2 years ago

        This and Four Souls Requiem are the only /tg/ stuff I've backed and both are going pretty ok so far, if not delayed a bit as is usual for kickstarter stuff.
        Still pretty excited for both though, especially Mortasheen.

        Hold the frick up, fly boy's actually getting that shit off the ground?
        I used to watch his stuff on Deviantart all of... Frick, ten - fifteen years ago, but I never thought that he'd work through his neuroses enough to actually do anything with it.

        Slow but steady is the Bogleech way.

        Jonathan's been working on mortasheen for almost 20 years now and he scarcely has shit to show for it but a bunch of drawings of monsters
        I'm not holding my breath. He's too busy arguing with facebook boomers and tumblr teenagers and pinning rubber bugs to his wall to do anything noteworthy

  57. 2 years ago

    Backed a zine my girlfriend was hired as an artist in like 2 years ago. Never got my copy.
    Never again.

  58. 2 years ago

    Well the best i can think of was heroforge
    The worst is propably something like baking forms for dice cookies you can play with and eat if the dice rolls badly

  59. 2 years ago

    Advanced 5e Level Up

  60. 2 years ago

    I backed the DropTop because I had a bunch of Citadel paints and I didn't want to decant them into dropper bottles. They are terrible tops that do not seal, but with a little ball of blue-tac they make passable funnels for decanting my remaining Citadel pots into dropper bottles. Their mixing balls are nice but unnecessary, and I gave up on them when their solution to the critical failure of their flagship product was to start selling acrylic medium.

  61. 2 years ago

    The Expanse RPG. Never got to actually play it, but the Churn system seems fun.

    • 2 years ago

      Having read all of Expanse and being acquainted with the concept of Churn, care to give a brief outline? It's a, what, global event? Does it force a change of status quo or something like that?

  62. 2 years ago

    I'm the biggest cuck of all, here's my list:

    >Shit that might actually ship one day
    Two Thin Coate Paint Set
    Mothership RPG 1st Ed
    Avatar Legends RPG
    Old Gods of Appalachia RPG

    >Shit that will be YEARS or even DECADES late but probably still arrive.
    Hunter the Vigil 2nd Ed
    Eiyuden Chronicles: The Hundred Heroes

    >Maximum scam, every update is a slap in the face and my money was gone long ago
    Blacklist Miniatures Fantasy Series 1
    Dire Alliance: Horror
    Lasting Tales: A Fantasy Miniatures Game

    • 2 years ago

      >Blacklist Miniatures Fantasy Series 1
      >Lasting Tales: A Fantasy Miniatures Game

      FUUUUUUUUUCK YOUUUUUUUU for reminding me about those.

      All the fricking Australian backers got their shit, and iirc some Yuros did, but Americans haven't received SHIT. It's supposedly sitting in a QML warehouse for MONTHS.

      • 2 years ago

        Don't believe their lies..we're never getting those minis, anon.

        • 2 years ago

          I know.
          I even emailed QML to see if I could just pay to have mine released.
          They replied with some shit about Blacklist being the at fault party for all of this.

  63. 2 years ago

    I've backed quite a few projects over the years. Overall I've never backed anything that flat out did not deliver. From my perspective as a customer the most successful ones have been for small ranges of miniatures where the producer needs to raise capital to cover casting costs. Excessive stretch goal bloat or campaigns that take off much more rapidly than the developer had anticipated often end up getting delayed due to unpreparedness.

    examples of successful campaigns:
    >Kev Adams' old school pig orcs
    >Invasion of the Mutant Mollusks
    >May '40 Miniatures invasion of the low countries Fallschirmjäger
    >Brigade Games AWI range
    >Lewis Collins Miniatures
    >Heer 46 Fallschirmjäger in Italy

  64. 2 years ago

    I have never backed anything on Kickstarter in my entire life. One time I was really close because they were making these amazing scissors and I am rather intense about using good scissors, but I decided not to back it anyway. I just can't justify paying for something that I have no guarantee about.

  65. 2 years ago

    The Stargate RPG. Still haven't gotten anything.

    • 2 years ago

      >Still haven't gotten anything
      Just saw it in my black hole of an flgs. I'd contact them and ask wtf.

      • 2 years ago

        That's what everyone in Europe has been doing but they're staying silent on the Kickstarter page. You can only contact them on Discord to receive a standard response without any real info.

    • 2 years ago

      I have my book. You're fortunate you don't. Really all that can be said.

  66. 2 years ago

    Middara trilogy -1st (2nd/3rd box is current)

    Fragged Empire 2nd edition
    TOKYO: Otherscape
    The Gaia Complex
    SLA Industries 2nd edition
    Urban Shadows 2nd edition
    Carbon 2185

    Black Rose Wars: Rebirth
    Maximum Apocalypse: Wasted Wilds

    • 2 years ago

      Oathsworn: Into the deepwood (backerkit late pledge) -arriving within weeks-2 months
      51ST STATE: ULTIMATE EDITION (gamefound)

  67. 2 years ago

    Robotech RPG Tactics
    >Runner Up Worst
    Shadows of Brimstone.
    >Runner up best
    Larry Elmore coffee table book.

  68. 2 years ago

    >Best: Root Boardgame/expansions
    >Worst: Conan Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of.

  69. 2 years ago

    I had some smaller named board game KS's that turned out kinda weak. They all delivered, just weren't very fun to play.

    From a delay standpoint, yeah KDM is my most delayed. But I'm still patient and am not reaching for my pitchfork.

    Gloomhaven. I called that shit from the beginning. Nobody believed me, everyone said 'oh anon, I know, I know, you sure do love your kickstarters'. They didn't understand. This one was the one, I tried to tell them, but they didn't listen.

    I paid $60 for that pledge...

  70. 2 years ago

    I have been thinking on making something on Kickstarter and/or Etsy.
    Stuffed animals/plushies.
    Just a hobby thing, not full blown business.
    Lets say i would do a Warcraft orc plushie, not identical but very similar to the original, how assfricked could i be with lawsuits/CaD letters?

    • 2 years ago

      See if you said some other company than Blizzard I'd hazard you could probably get away with it, but Blizzard being the money-guzzling, shameless black hole it is I'd strongly recommend you specify your products are GENERIC orcs, customise the designs specifically and preferably trademark them if possible.

      Don't even need to do anything too fancy since Warcraft is using the most generic orc design out there anyway. They can still be green and have tusks, just give them a more big-like visage or be rounder and maybe change up the colours a little so you can reasonably claim you're not actually ripping off the Horde boys.

  71. 2 years ago


    As someone already mentioned, still waiting on that new edition of Carbon 2185. But it has been nothing but excuses and radio silence from the dev until very recently.

    Tears of a Machine SC maybe as well. I admitted haven't gone over the the gameplay rules as much as 1st ed., but the sections I have gone over specifically tell GMs to "Not do accents or funny voices" and talks about how discussions of privilege can be used. TBF, I expected as much based on some of the posts the writer has made on his own website and he goes over the idea in broad strokes rather than usual drivel. The art is also meh.

    Creatures volume 1 is the first thing I ever Kickstarted and Studio Agate has not disappointed me with anything they have released.

    The Mecha Hack Mission Manual is pretty good too. Tons of new stuff and scenarios to play. Really helps flesh out the core game.

    Currently Backing:
    Carbon 2185: Terminal Overdrive
    Avatar Legends
    Dice of Death & Dismemberment
    Mecha & Monsters: Evolved
    Across a Thousand Dead Worlds
    Hull Breach
    Heckin' Good Doggos
    In Other Waters: Tidebreak
    Orbiters Local 519
    Creatures Volume 2
    The Oceans are Endless on Meridian
    ...I may have a problem. Specifically for RPGs that draw inspiration from films like Alien.

    • 2 years ago

      >Hull Breach
      Currently waiting on both of these as well, really excited for them.

      Unrelated but I've backed (and will continue to back) most of Kobold Press's stuff because they always seem to be pretty high-quality books.

  72. 2 years ago

    Avatar: Legends
    Avatar: Legends

    I've only backed one kickstarter

  73. 2 years ago

    Exalted 3 making a strong case in this thread for being one of the worst /tg/ related KSs in existence, wow

    • 2 years ago

      It wouldn't be so bad if they gave us errata to make the game playable. the dumbass in charge thinks that the people who shelled out to get the Super Deluxe Engraved With Gold Hardback Version won't want their books to become obsolete, so we're not getting any errata at all.

      The entirity of the Exalted community is being kept afloat by the ever diminishing goodwill of the fanbase and the skill of its homebrewers.

  74. 2 years ago

    I didn't back Return to Dark Tower but I've quite enjoyed it.

    There was an RPG some homosexual from /tg/ was making and he took the money and ran.

    I backed the Duncan Rhodes kickstarter which is mired in miserable delays.

    Probably the funniest kickstarter was for the "kings of war RPG" which ended with the person in charge of it having a mental breakdown, having literally nothing done, and mantic having to tell the backers ummm sorry sweetie

  75. 2 years ago

    >behold, a dungeon adventuring, town building, war fighting game!
    >also all of the stuff you can build and soldiers you can hire are drawn randomly from a deck

    Got this from a garage sale for like 10 bucks, what a joke

  76. 2 years ago

    I backed that huge blacklist miniatures thing 3 years ago and I still haven't gotten them. 80 fricking dollars gone.

  77. 2 years ago

    Worst was easily the Confrontation reboot KS.
    Fortunately I reduced by pledge to $1 to access the late pledges just in case, but there were red flags all over the projects history. The weird thing is it wasn't a complete cut and run. Some people got their (admittedly overpriced) resin pledges. But the flip flopping between metal and plastic production, and the real shady business practises that came out during the campaign was just too much for me. And now thanks to the scummy frickers having the Confrontation IP under a separate business entity we'll probably never see it come back again. Yeah I know about the Temple of the West guys in the US that kind of have permission to make related stuff. But they're only small time, and won't lead to any sort of revival.

  78. 2 years ago

    Worst, Lasting Tales: A Fantasy Miniatures Game by Blacklist Games.
    Their previous kickstarter has had massive issues on delivery in the US and nobody has faith they will deliver on this product. They seem to start new kickstarters to siphon funds for previous ones. Block discussion and failure to communicate. Some dude named Alex Lim is involved and they kept it secret, as he's got alot of failed kickstarters behind him.

    Hagglethorn Hollow. Decent sculpts, paint job and price, but the internal play space on the buildings is impractical and the choice to print resin over plastic makes them fragile. Still useful for town encounters or wargaming.

    BEST. Reaper, BONES V.
    Was my first miniature's kickstarter. Bought nearly everything. Fantastic product, great prices. They've just done Bones 6 too.

    Dungeons and Lasers, Anything. Their building sets are very easy to assemble and sturdy.
    Great product. I got in on their second and third editions and they just finished a terrain one directly on Gamefound.

    I'll post a few pics from the Bones V and D&L kickstarters

    • 2 years ago

      Bones V core set

    • 2 years ago

      Bones V core set

      Bones V came with a Pirate ship for $100USD

    • 2 years ago

      Bones V came with a Pirate ship for $100USD

      Bones V core set

    • 2 years ago

      Dungeons and Lasers have a bunch of room options, this is mostly the dungeon and dwarf mine tiles. I haven't painted anything.

    • 2 years ago

      Dungeons and Lasers have a bunch of room options, this is mostly the dungeon and dwarf mine tiles. I haven't painted anything.

      They also had some good dragon options
      Xeno Dragon and Thall were particularly cool.

  79. 2 years ago

    Samegayging like a mother but full list of Kickstarters I've backed:

    Reaper: Bones V
    Dungeons and Lasers 2nd and 3rd Edition
    Fantastic products and customer service. Highly recommend.

    Great quality miniatures, good packaging. People seem to enjoy the story.
    Some complaints seem to be, combat can be samey. The tokens punch card stuff has no place to fit in the box once removed from punch cards.
    I bought it for the miniatures myself and on that end I cannot complain.

    Grim Hollow: The Players Guide

    The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns
    Kinda got more use out of the mug at this point, the tavern lore itself will be useful for pulling ideas from.

    Sea Monsters: 60+ savage creatures of the deep for DnD 5e

    Monsters of Sol'an: Fantasy Monster Miniatures
    Reasonably cost effective, but nothing special.

    Karvenheim: Stonebreaker Dwarf Town.
    Need to get a mate to print out those dwarven boar riding mini's.

    Waiting on.
    Lasting Tales: A Fantasy Miniatures Game (I will never get this)

    Blood and Plunder: Raise the Black
    Looking forward to getting those sloops for a coastal campaign.

    Grim Hollow: The Monster Grimoire

    Rare Fantasy Tabletop Miniatures
    DnD mini's for some uncommon race class combo's.


    The Lazy DM's Companion (PDF delivered)

    Kingmaker - All-in-One Gaming table & Dining Table (Ukraine War delayed start, but they have announce beta testing for pledge manager, the product looks amazing though).

    Mage Forge- Magic Items for 5th Edition

    Epoch Tiles Magnetic Flippable TTRPG Tiles and Terrain
    Got in cheap on this, 2 sets painted for $200 USD

    Cyran's Magnificent Walking Marketplace

    Bones 6: The Green Griffen

    Factions of Galladoria

    Heliana's Guide To Monster Hunting
    I'm interested in the crafting system mostly.

    Dungeons and Lasers: Encounters.

    I got into DnD about 4 years ago so I've backed a tonne to try get as many mini's and set pieces as cheap as I can.

  80. 2 years ago

    This motherfricker came out almost 4 years overdue, and it was a complete goddamn mess. At least it wasn't Mage20, but still a mess.

  81. 2 years ago

    Marvel United comes out in spanish so I can play with my moronic single language friends
    >Learn about the billion characters I'll never play because I didn't happen to back the Kickstarter
    >In a language I understand but would never be able to find anyone to play with
    Not a Kickstarter I backed but after seeing so many fricking characters I can't get, I feel pretty awful about my purchase... How do you guys cope?

    • 2 years ago

      >How do you guys cope?
      booze mostly

  82. 2 years ago

    Ive been really digging Sakura Arms and Bullet<3
    I already enjoyed Battlecon after backing it a decade ago but SA with its constrained deck building and character combination is looking to blow Bcon out of the water

  83. 2 years ago

    Kamigakari turned out pretty bad.

    Ninja Division never delivers too.

  84. 2 years ago

    Already backed his previous KS, the elves of Inneath, and it went way over my expectations. He's doing the big mini ranges as a filler, but I'm buying into it.
    What is really halting those ks growth are the lack of rules, but apparently he's working on it and should be released sometimes in 2023

  85. 2 years ago

    Still awaiting Glancy's Horrors of War. I talked to him in person about it once and he said he'd hand off the project to someone else to finish. Not a word since.

  86. 2 years ago

    Beast: The Primordial.

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