>Kills your pvp in all sense and meaning of the word

>Kills your pvp in all sense and meaning of the word

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  1. 2 years ago

    Souls PvP is a pointless cheese fest where everyone spams the same 3 meta builds anyways.

    • 2 years ago

      shut your anus newbie

      • 2 years ago

        How does him being new refute that's all Souls PvP is now, moron?

        We can't time travel to better days of PvP, Black person.

      • 2 years ago

        you're the newbie here moron. nobody took pvp as "super srs" when DeS came out, everyone knew it was a broken piece of shit and had fun exploiting it in invasions and not playing fair

        • 2 years ago

          I didnt play demon souls till after I played dark souls what was the "meta" when it was new? I recall from what very little I got to experiance with it there were only 2 things used. Either a very fast weapon with bleed or those UGRS that changed power with the world state and the scraping spear. Was that how it always was? Also whats the meta in the remake now that grubby tryhards have most likely dispoiled it.

    • 2 years ago

      I had a decent amount of fun with it in elden ring. There's a lot of homosexuals using cheese but, at least like 2 months ago, there were so many players that you'd regularly get normal players just trying to coop through the game.

      My favorite thing to do was a SL50 character, invading at the Heart of Aeonia. I'd just lay down next to commander Oneill and watch the hosts run around trying to decide whether to fight a boss and invader at the same time, or not.

      One of the funniest encounters were these jabronis that thought it'd be a good idea to climb super high and try to fire spells at me. They couldn't even reach me, and after a few minutes of this I just knocked them off with a greatbow and they died instantly.

      • 2 years ago

        >Harassing people fighting a boss
        based homosexual

      • 2 years ago

        >Harassing people fighting a boss
        based homosexual

        I really hope you guys got to enjoy the true pinnacle of being an butthole. Christ I wish I did it more.

        • 2 years ago

          There's so much projection in this thread, apparently everyone plays like a fricking butthole and assumes everyone else does too.

          I spent like 8 hours total invading at O'Neill's arena and it was a ton of fun for everyone. Invading is anyway a 2v1 or 3v1, having the boss around makes it a much more fair fight. I still probably only won half the fights, and I didn't use and cheap shit.

          The people who deliberately grief other people using shit like the deathblight exploit, erdtree shield exploit, or who get summoned in coop and then don't fight the boss, are miserable c**ts and, I assume, 90% of Ganker.

          • 2 years ago

            Being an invader in a boss fight is one of the funnest things in souls alas its very rare. In DS3 that bug that let purples invade into bosses was unbelievably fun and very sadly actually patched fairly quickly to. I didnt spend alot of time invading in elden ring because I really hated not only how stale the meta was but because I was tired of ALWAYS having to fight 3v1. A man can only fight so many river of blood phantoms with a quick swap to a bloodhound step weapon in stormveil so many times before he gets tired of it. Made me not wanna try out fun builds to. I use to love making sorta fun memy builds to twink with both invasion and coop. In DS1 I had a dante cosplay where I would use taunts against the boss and what not. Then ide swap to a dickwraith cosplay and severely gimp myself by only using slow weapons and trying to hold back. Oh well I suppose better luck next game. Which I doubt will even have pvp.

        • 2 years ago

          Memories to last a lifetime

      • 2 years ago

        for me it was the dragon at the start of farum

    • 2 years ago

      ds1 pvp was nice
      >get invaded/invade
      >lets go
      >no flask/heals
      it got too mainstream and easy, now you hit someone once and they backflip 300x into some mobs to chug their whole flask

      • 2 years ago

        You know it's over when normalgays talk about it, that's why ds1 was the best one.

      • 2 years ago

        Ds1 pvp was all giantdad zweihander flippy ring havelgays

      • 2 years ago

        ds2 invasion experiences were the best for me
        >greatbow invaders
        >pyromancy chads
        >many fun/weird invader builds
        >giant tree seed
        >invaders had lifegems
        >slow punishable estus
        >fun griefs like corrosion flasks, loved to hear that sound of Third Dragon Ring breaking followed immediately by fatrolling
        >belltower invasion chaos
        >managing to get summoned by Mirror Knight

        • 2 years ago

          I've spent more time in that belltower than actually playing the game I think, it was pretty fun. It also gave a shitton of chunks.
          I still think that DS2 is the worst game in the series, but ironically it had the best PVP.

        • 2 years ago

          I miss red/blue arenas, the amount of salt I got as Bat Staff/Dark Fog user was insane

      • 2 years ago

        DS1 pvp died with Township and the arena shit.

        • 2 years ago

          uhhh...not really, it was the fact that normal players barely ever went human and how the netplay was trash and barely ever connected you with people, so most of the time people planned duels or left their sign down and had to wait for over an hour for a single match. that MP fix thing that came out in 2015 fixed all of that, but that was too little too late by that point and the normal invasions were pretty much dead outside of a few places.

          But yeah I used to invade (and do non-tryhard invasions with healing and all the bullshit) all the time so I know what I am talking about; people refused to go human because of the invasions feeling toxic to them and you could even track that with the PVP tool.

      • 2 years ago

        >they bow
        >darkhand grab them while they're stuck in the animation
        >run off into the level
        >"Happy Valentines Day"
        I miss GFWL every day

        • 2 years ago

          Forgot the picture

      • 2 years ago

        This is some rose tinted glasses old good new bad shit if I've ever seen it giantdad gay.

      • 2 years ago

        setting up tournaments in undead burg for people who had just beat the game and seeing all the crazy bullshit people were using to beat the last boss. There has never been anything close to it since. That was a decade+ at this point and It is really sad its gone now.

    • 2 years ago


      Firstly, duels still exist and are alive. You can get a fight in 3 seconds. So whose actually crying over this mod? Invaders who wanted to run into other peoples world and one shot everyone with Ashes of War in minmaxed builds.

      It's pathetic to be honest. ER PvP is literally the some of the worst not just of Souls but of all PvP games. Its LITERALLY press 1 button, land an Ash and win/lose.

      • 2 years ago

        duels are boring sweaty garbage.
        pvp is fun when it's spontaneous and between two people just playing the game, not obnoxiously min-maxing. That's what this mod kills, that's the people who are complaining.
        If you're legitimately complaining about invaders killing you when they're invading into a 2v1 or 3v1, you're kind of pathetic.

        • 2 years ago

          Oh shut the frick up. Not once did you invade using basic gear, you always did it with extra talismans, minmaxed builds and maximum sweatyness you tryhard.

          • 2 years ago

            I did at one point. I kept running into people with Password phantoms and just stopped.

          • 2 years ago

            No you fricking homosexual, stop projecting. I played with random builds that I found fun, and when I ran into min-maxxed Rivers of Blood users or similar I just accepted the death and moved on.
            You people are so pathetic and transparent with your projection, I play video games to have fun and being a sweaty tryhard griefing people isn't fun if you're over the age of 14.

          • 2 years ago

            >t. PvE coop clown with moonviel or rivers of blood at level 10.

          • 2 years ago

            Not him but when I played that game for my first playthrough on my 2nd day I stoped to go invade in stormveil I had like 2 talismans and used a frickin great epee. Even though the game was like 2 or 3 days old a solid 80% of the people I invaded were using moonveils and bloodhound curved swords. I cant imagine how many invasions you would need to do to find a not kited out player with 2 overpowered phantoms now.

          • 2 years ago

            >Muh ROB spam
            Okay moron.

            >Giants flame take thee in animation cast
            >Wow it's fricking nothing

            When did gamers become so fricking smooth brained and incompetent?

            >Minmax builds

            Good lord, all you need to do is pump enough points into your secondary scaling stat and pump the rest into your primary. It's not fricking rocket science you stupid frick.

        • 2 years ago

          >pvp is fun when it's spontaneous and between two people just playing the game
          so not in any invasion in elden ring since invasions require the a host to have summoned coop partners or used that item that invites invasions which they didnt because the 4 people who actually did that ever stopped playing already

      • 2 years ago

        >game balance is shit
        >blames the invaders for that
        Holy cope, you absolute moron.

        • 2 years ago

          >game is unbalanced
          >the meta is just forced on all the pvpgays that are invading
          >Forgive them because they didn't want to make OP one shot builds, it just happened by accident when they turned the game on
          >clearly all the people enjoying the game in coop are the real problem

      • 2 years ago

        >buys a game with involuntary pvp as a prominent feature
        >whines about getting pvped

        unplug that cable and play offline

        • 2 years ago

          >buys a game with involuntary pvp as a prominent feature
          *if you summon
          i didnt summon all game and got literally zero invaders

        • 2 years ago

          >unplug that cable and play offline
          Nah I think I'll just use this mod lol

          • 2 years ago

            I mean you'll have no choice when they ban your account for using the mod. Has already happened and can't wait for it to happen to you ! :*~~

            • 2 years ago

              >when they ban your account for using the mod
              You do realize that accomplishes nothing, right?

        • 2 years ago

          >cooping with my bro like we do for all Souls games since 1
          >invader comes
          >we, playing for the pve experience, kill him or finish a boss
          >see invaders screech about how unfair it is in threads
          Invaders are nothing more than an optional miniboss obstacle and should realize that
          You get no mercy because you’re no designed to think it’s some honorable fight

          • 2 years ago

            dark souls 1 didn't have password summons nor demon souls
            casual gays really did ruin this franchise

    • 2 years ago

      oh boo hoo now i can't see rivers of blood for the 20th time in a row, im soooooo upset

    • 2 years ago

      it used to be better

      • 2 years ago

        ds2 pvp was amazing

      • 2 years ago

        >R1 combo lock
        so cool
        god souls pvp is nothing but a gimmick

        • 2 years ago

          >combo lock
          das2 was the start of the 2 hit combo escape meme, you have frame advantage when you get hit a second time with ANY weapon, anybody getting hit by more than twice by this is just stubborn and thinks you're out of stamina or mispositioned themselves into a wall

        • 2 years ago

          It is not just r1 combo lock and you can also combo r2s in DS2 PvP. The cool thing about comboing in DS2 was your poise determined how many times you get comboed depending on the poise damage.

        • 2 years ago

          That was pre dlc patch that changed the whole system.

      • 2 years ago

        Servers when somehow ds 2 was shit but it was OUR shit.

      • 2 years ago

        DS2 was ugly and made no sense but I've had the least amount of issues in it's PvP

        • 2 years ago

          >DS2 was ugly

        • 2 years ago

          DaS2 really let me be creative with my character builds and that's what I liked about it. I made a vig gouge broken straight sword bully, a low level ratgay landsknecht, a gyrm bellbro powerstancing mastodon halberds at 119% equip load, a barbarian greatbowman powered by dark magic and weapons, and I feel if I go back I could come up with something else completely new I've never tried before, easy. I haven't even made a purely int sorcerer yet. I couldn't imagine trying to make anything like those builds work in DaS3. They probably just plain wouldn't.

        • 2 years ago

          Funnily enough, ranged builds in DS2 were way more viable than in Elden Ring. Frick, you could even dual wield Avelyns and fire both simultaneously. Shit was so fun.

          • 2 years ago

            Remember Havelyn? He was a force to be reckoned with!

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        The good stuff

    • 2 years ago



      >Kills your pvp in all sense and meaning of the word

      pvpgays can suck a dick

    • 2 years ago

      Gotta say fpbp. Sekiro was a step in the right direction. I dumped 300 hours into elden ring and hardly touched pvp outside a few cheeseball invasions in the canopy.

      Co-op isn't too bad tho

    • 2 years ago

      go back to the reddit hugbox casul, mods won't ban us for calling you a loser here

      • 2 years ago

        >he says while posting outdated memes only used on reddit

    • 2 years ago

      I never played pvp in these games but is true that nerds bow everytime before actually fighting and get mad if you don't bow back? LMFAO that's so stupid.

    • 2 years ago

      This but unironically. Play fighting games you fricking pussies.

    • 2 years ago

      I hate that its always been this. PVP morons will even get weapons, magic or common items nerfed or buffed after whining to Fromsoft. The games should’ve stayed PVE after DS1 not indulged morons.

      • 2 years ago

        Cry me a river pvetard. It's good fromsoft nerfs weapons so you can't cheese to the game like the casual you are

      • 2 years ago

        I kinnda wish from would just make up their mind on if they want it or not. I feel like they only added it in elden ring cause eh frick it why not we have like 95% of the code might as well. Im sure the next step is to make pvp just dueling in arenas.

    • 2 years ago

      Normalgays were a mistake, way too many people play this game.

    • 2 years ago

      fpwp, git gut pvehomosexual

    • 2 years ago

      As much as I hate casuals and journalists who want a coddled experience, this is true. If ER were balanced better, then I'd say yeah let homosexuals get invaded. But it's balanced terribly

      • 2 years ago

        I'm confused why this is NOW an issue because all I remember of invasions in the old games are constant twinks with annoying builds. Chaos Rapiers in 1, Black Dragonsword in 2, Dragonslayer Axe in 3, I remember seeing those constantly. Though I remember 1 having more variety in twinking, you had the pyrogays that were pretty amusing, the NG+gays with really annoying setups and more.
        Everyone is complaining about twink hosts in ER but I remember over 10 years of twinking the Souls genre. Thank fricking god the scraping spear never left DeS, what the frick were they thinking with that.

        • 2 years ago

          >I'm confused why this is NOW an issue
          Because this is the first time the pvp meta invaders have been shut out, at least early in the game's life. So this is the first time it's really being talked about, because PvPgays are having their toy taken way for the first time.

          • 2 years ago

            They unironically brought it on themselves. Back in the game's first week I popped the taunter's tongue a few times and every god damn time it was Bloodhound Fang or Moonveil, and the occasional mage spamming. I got ONE guy with a morning star, and I asked him to wait and switched to the flail and we had a fun fight, but it was one guy not using one of the meta weapons in several days of letting invaders in.

            • 2 years ago

              I had roughly the same experience everytime I played in online mode, except there were more hackers.
              I'd sympathize with PvPgays if they weren't all either minmax metagays or cheaters. Sure the balance is shit, but it's ultimately up to the pvpgay to exploit that balance, and they always do.

              • 2 years ago

                >everytime I played in online mode
                * across all the souls games. I didn't encounter hackers in ER, but it was still a metafest

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, I'm not sure what can be done. Invasiongays have been going full hardcore griefing for too long and now counter-griefers have also joined in on the bullshit so now invaders have to deal with the same shit they pull as well which makes things worse.

          • 2 years ago

            The only thing that has been taken away is their ability to invade casuals who don't want to PVP. duelist's finger and taunter's tongue exist and work normally, but ask me why none of the PVP gays use them.

        • 2 years ago

          The root cause is password phantoms, when twinks who do everything to have an advantage over hosts are outgunned and are in for a hard fight something went wrong and the end result is an arm race where one party is going to get utterly fricked with no in between.

          • 2 years ago

            Nah, hardcore twinking has been a thing right from the start, password phantoms added to the arms race but people were twinking long before they were added.

          • 2 years ago

            *arms race

            I had roughly the same experience everytime I played in online mode, except there were more hackers.
            I'd sympathize with PvPgays if they weren't all either minmax metagays or cheaters. Sure the balance is shit, but it's ultimately up to the pvpgay to exploit that balance, and they always do.

            The problem is if you don't minmax you will get destroyed by password phantoms who don't care about your silly theme build and will either teabag or just move on and if you do minmax it just becomes a game of who explodes first where the only advantage invaders have is the reckless overconfidence that comes from 3v1s. The system as it is encourages the worst out of everyone.

            • 2 years ago

              When were password phantoms introduced? II? III? I already had a big twink culture.

              • 2 years ago

                3 is where password scaled phantoms was introduced but they weren't as strong as they are in elden ring, I think there was some thing with rings in 2 but it only expanded the soul memory ranges a bit. Dark Souls 1 had a big twink culture because the darkwraiths were very out of the way and hard to find and it wasn't till late game did you have any chance of finding regular people that are invading with a powerlevel similar to the host, anyone could hop in for forest gangbangs though.

    • 2 years ago

      This. Grow the frick up OP, you filtered sad sack of shi.

    • 2 years ago

      That's because FROM went more and more inept after DS2. You don't realise how good we had it.

    • 2 years ago

      I won a match once power-stancing dual laddles and another one just bare handed in DaS2. people can shit on that game all they want but it had the best PvP of all the souls games.

    • 2 years ago

      I still don't understand why they even made pvp a thing in this series. It's always felt tacked on where it didn't belong in the same way EA used to push devs to add pointless multiplayer modes to their RPG games so they could sell a moronic pass or microtransactions.

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      this, it wasn't always like this though. There are little windows of time where there's build variety back in the pre-PC DS 1 days.
      Netcode was still shit though.

  2. 2 years ago

    PvP was dead to begin with as you can only be invaded if you're a co-op gay.
    PvP was never more of a meme compared to other soulslikes.

  3. 2 years ago

    >he doesnt have friends to explore and experience the game in its glory without having gays come and mess things up

    feel kinda sad for you

    • 2 years ago

      I have friends but none will play with me

    • 2 years ago
  4. 2 years ago

    Oh no, now I can't stroke my e-peen as I cheese gank a newb.

  5. 2 years ago

    It deserved to die a swift death if From had no intention of even attempting balance this time.

  6. 2 years ago

    >it's another "pvp gays cry about not being able to gank players with their twink build because they're using the seamless mod so obviously it's the mod's fault despite the fact that the same people they're complaining not being able to invade would not be playing the game right now if it wasn't for the mod, so they're essentially complaining about not being able to invade a group of people they were never going to invade"

    Love this rerun.

  7. 2 years ago

    Haha sorry OP I'm just not going to PVP you haha I know that makes you really mad but I'm just not going to do it lol no matter how much you cry and moan and stamp your feet I'm just not going to let it happen hehe feel free to keep complaining though I'm not going to change my mind but if it makes you feel better cry all you want haha.

  8. 2 years ago

    How many people are actually using this mod anyway? Surely it's a smaller fraction of the player than shitposters like the OP let on right?

    • 2 years ago

      Of course it's not many, but pvpkiddos have been crying for the past few months since there's a lack of low level, low skill players ripe for invading. They know there are people who picked up Elden again becasue of the mod and are having a b***h fit because now they can't invade.

    • 2 years ago

      There's no way to tell. All that can be said is the download amount is higher than the daily Steam player count now.

    • 2 years ago

      what's the peak player count in steamcharts?

    • 2 years ago

      You may notice that across any game they're allowed to fester, pvpgays will consistently, incessantly b***h about not being handed easy wins.

  9. 2 years ago

    >PVP mechanic can only survive with obligate participation
    >One(1) mod removes obligation
    >Enough people go through the trouble of modding their game that the PVP mechanic actually fails to function
    I'm still laughing

    • 2 years ago

      people go through the trouble of modding their game that the PVP mechanic actually fails to function
      Best part is it isn't even hard to install. You literally drag and drop a file into the game folder and set a password.

    • 2 years ago

      >Enough people go through the trouble of modding their game
      ctrl v then ctrl c isn't that much trouble

  10. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      when your method of having fun negatively impacts everyone else, yea. You might have fun taking off your pants and pissing everywhere, but the rest of the basketball team isn't going to like that, and they're probably going to immediately throw you off the team and ban you from playing again.

      • 2 years ago

        >when your method of having fun negatively impacts everyone else, yea.

        People playing the seamless coop mod are no different to people who play in offline mode. They don't effect you at all. Quit crying.

      • 2 years ago

        >when your method of having fun negatively impacts everyone else, yea.

      • 2 years ago

        >when your method of having fun negatively impacts everyone else, yea.
        Literally souls PvP

      • 2 years ago


        >they weren't going to participate in PvP to begin with.

        Cry. More. moron.

      • 2 years ago

        Except it doesn't impact on anybody.
        You're cut off and play the game as if you were offline.

      • 2 years ago

        >when your method of having fun negatively impacts everyone else, yea

        Your method of having fun negatively impacts everyone else. People just want to coop with their friends without morons like you trying to kill them.

        • 2 years ago

          Nah that's part of the game. You agree to it by buying the game.

          You can't play soccer and get mad when someone shoulder tackles you, you implicitly agreed to accept people shoulder tackling you by engaging in a game of soccer.

          • 2 years ago

            >find a pickup soccer game with a "no shoulder tackling" rule

            Or maybe you could just frick off and let people have fun.

          • 2 years ago

            Sniveling little toddler.

          • 2 years ago

            >You agree to it by buying the game.

            That sweet moment when the pvplet finds out people can and will have fun without him and starts sperging about it on Ganker in his impotent rage

          • 2 years ago

            >he thinks I paid for the game

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >when your method of having fun negatively impacts everyone else, yea
        That quite literally describes invasions

      • 2 years ago

        >this post
        invadercucks in a nutshell, couldn't project mental moronation harder if you hired a writer to script your post for you. mod is easily the best thing that has ever happened to the souls community solely because of the anal devastation it has wreaked among homosexuals like you.

      • 2 years ago

        Never change Ganker

      • 2 years ago

        >they're probably going to immediately throw you off the team and ban you from playing again.

        What did he mean by this?

      • 2 years ago

        I can't tell if this post is ironic or not. The self-own makes it look like one, but I know if I checked the steam discussions page right now I'd find several people saying similar things.

      • 2 years ago

        That's literally what invading is
        You're the kids at the playground that no one wans to play with

        • 2 years ago

          Nah, casuals don't like invaders mostly because invaders ruin their power fantasy. Running around with 3 Rivers of Bloods and still getting rekd by someone with lower level and gear (which is usually the case for invaders), its truly infuriating, because in their "world" they are Son Guts The GodSlayer and a reality check is essentially the equivalent of being mentally raped. Casuals don't really want to git gud, they want to immerse themselves in a fantasy of power and competence.

          • 2 years ago

            You are taking this shit too seriously. No one wants to play pvp because the net code is fricking shit and no one wants to minmax their build for pve, they just want to have fun (unlike invaders who tend to seethe at everyone and everything including their own invasions)

            • 2 years ago

              Cringe moron.

            • 2 years ago

              I dont take anything seriously. I'm just stating the facts of why most casual souls player dislike invasions. Its because getting rekt by a more skilled player breaks their power fantasy. Technicalities apart, which are also true. But what I'm saying is true for all Souls games generally (and for most games that allow for seamless pvp aka """"griefing""").

              >lower level and gear (which is usually the case for invaders)
              You live in a fantasy world

              >I have no clue about how this game works, how the matchmaking works, and my only understanding of invasions comes in the form of common myths derived from the twinking era of Dark Souls 1 that I probably never even played anyway, and I suck dick

              >Out of around 20 million copies sold on PC
              > it sat consistently at 30-40k concurrent players until From shut down servers
              No it didn't, DS3 was 8k-16k players daily since late 2017

              Yes I was extrapolating, it sold 10 million units on PC in its first month. Also, 3k concurrent players for the mod was an exaggeration, arithmetically it would be something closer to 300-900 players. But my point was that the effect of the mod on PC playerbase is close to negligible.

              >No it didn't, DS3 was 8k-16k players daily since late 2017
              True, although it was closer to 30k in 2021, specially the later half. My point was that DaS3, despite being widely regarded as the weakest and most broken PVP, ended up thriving with a solid player base 6 years after its release, so people should be less dramatic with ER, which even without patches, is nowhere as bad as DaS3 pre-DLCs.

              • 2 years ago

                >it sold 10 million units on PC in its first month.
                No it didn't, it was probably 40%(PC)/40%(PS)/20%(Xbox).
                >True, although it was closer to 30k in 2021
                It wasn't
                >My point was that DaS3, despite being widely regarded as the weakest and most broken PVP, ended up thriving with a solid player base 6 years after its release, so people should be less dramatic with ER, which even without patches, is nowhere as bad as DaS3 pre-DLCs.
                DS3 was the newest game and everyone hated DS2, where else were they supposed to go? ER is in a much worse state than DS3 PvP ever was, BHS alone is worse than anything DS3 PvP ever had

          • 2 years ago

            >lower level and gear (which is usually the case for invaders)
            You live in a fantasy world

            • 2 years ago

              Invaders are very literally limited in levels to being generally equal or lower than you 90% of the time.
              Chances are that if you get invaded the invader will be equipped with less upgraded weapons, and at a lower level than you, it's not impossible to be invaded by someone stronger than you but it is by no means the norm and is more or less uncommon.

              • 2 years ago

                >Chances are that if you get invaded the invader will be equipped with less upgraded weapons
                Why do you like to lie?

              • 2 years ago

                It's literally coded into the game, go google invasion range calculator and tell me whether the range skews up, or down, from what the invader has on them.

              • 2 years ago

                That is assuming even, uniform distribution of invadable players in every area
                If the players that can be invaded in the area you're in are all below your level, then you'll still only invade those within your range

              • 2 years ago

                Invaders have to go where there are people to invade, their level and weapon strength is determined by where they are invading into, this is maybe less known if you don't engage in pvp, but the lower level and weapon level you are for a given area, the easier a time you have getting invasions.
                Given that we've already established the game is dead as frick, do you think invaders are really minmaxing to be as high level as possible for areas they invade into, or as low as possible so they can actually get connections, which is the real problem for them?

              • 2 years ago

                >do you think invaders are really minmaxing to be as high level as possible for areas they invade into
                Yes. Yes of course they are doing that.

              • 2 years ago

                Are you brain damaged?
                What do you think invaders largest problem is right now?

              • 2 years ago

                >What do you think invaders largest problem is right now?
                Not showering is probably the biggest one

              • 2 years ago

                We can't even have a discussion if you're not gonna try and follow seriously, I might as well just stop responding to you.

              • 2 years ago

                Was it the lack of friends then? Sorry, I'm not a sad little griefer getting my kicks annoying other people when they're playing video games so I don't know your problems

              • 2 years ago

                >umm are you joking right now?
                Sounds like not showering is probably YOUR biggest problem

              • 2 years ago

                99% of invaders are just going through the game and doing invasions as they progress. Most invaders are not streamers or youtubers preparing epic takes, just like most PVErs arent doing no hit runs killing Malenia naked. This mystification of invaders shows a lot of ignorance of the game honestly.

                >Matchmaking has nothing to do with the area you're in
                When you invade a specific area, player levels will reflect that. Not with complete consistency, but as a general trend

                Yeah, but only if your level allows it, you can't workaround matchmaking. E. g. If im a 150/25 I could invade in the first cave in Limgrave, theorically, but only if there's people with at least that matchmaking doing that cave somehow. In practice is almost impossible to invade "low level" areas with high level, and doing so means invading high level players that are currently in a low level area, NEVER invading a lower range player. That can't happen in the game. Also, restricting invasions/coop to current area is a huge flaw that its giving the impression of the game being "dead". Summoning pools are supposed to help with that but it doesnt. And its not a pvp thing, many times I wanna help other people and its impossible to find hosts.

                >it sold 10 million units on PC in its first month.
                No it didn't, it was probably 40%(PC)/40%(PS)/20%(Xbox).
                >True, although it was closer to 30k in 2021
                It wasn't
                >My point was that DaS3, despite being widely regarded as the weakest and most broken PVP, ended up thriving with a solid player base 6 years after its release, so people should be less dramatic with ER, which even without patches, is nowhere as bad as DaS3 pre-DLCs.
                DS3 was the newest game and everyone hated DS2, where else were they supposed to go? ER is in a much worse state than DS3 PvP ever was, BHS alone is worse than anything DS3 PvP ever had

                10 million units on PC by march 8, according to SteamSpy. Probably not 100% accurate, but more than you're out of your ass guesstimate tbh.

                >DS3 was the newest game and everyone hated DS2
                Ok newfriend, whatever you say.

              • 2 years ago

                >99% of invaders are just going through the game and doing invasions as they progress.
                Source: your ass. Only 1% of people start invading the second they can. 99% of invaders power up on future content and then backtrack to invade, and 99% of that 99% wait until they've beaten the game to do so. Source: same source as you, but updated.

              • 2 years ago

                Admittedly, you dont even invade. I do. I don't have source just my experience and the experience of most people I know that plays these games, and also, logic. You see, what you see on Youtube, Reddit or whatever other website you frequent, is not representative of what the immense majority of players do. Most people don't give a frick about "the community", just play the game and interact with its systems at their own pace. Sure, there's many invaders that minmax, watch guides, etc, but (probably and in my experience), most "invaders" are not primarily invaders, they use it as a side-activity as its intended by design btw. In some cases, you can have the occasional character that you like, or people become creative and make a character for certain dungeon roleplaying as an enemy of that dungeon, and stuff like that. I would hardly call that minmaxing tho.

                Steamspy is about as reliable a Vgchartz, so that doesn't help your case.
                >Ok newfriend, whatever you say.
                So, what new Souls' game came out between DS3 and ER moron? And you're extra stupid if you think that the "DS2 sucks" narrative wasn't around when DS3 launched.

                >Steamspy is about as reliable a Vgchartz, so that doesn't help your case.
                And your sources are better, right stupid?

                >So, what new Souls' game came out between DS3 and ER moron?
                What the frick are you taking about?

                >"DS2 sucks" narrative wasn't around when DS3 launched
                Of course it was, but same answer I gave to the other moron, having some YouTube or Reddit "narrative" doesnt mean shit for the vast majority of players.

              • 2 years ago

                It was guess you moron, learn how to read. The fact that you think it sold 10mil on PC alone is a testament to your stupidity.
                >What the frick are you taking about?
                Read your reply to the question idiot.
                >Of course it was, but same answer I gave to the other moron, having some YouTube or Reddit "narrative" doesnt mean shit for the vast majority of players.
                "DS2" sucks was the popular opinion on Twitch, Youtube and Reddit. Don't even try to be a disingenuous wienersucker by saying that the majority of players don't interface with those websites.

              • 2 years ago

                >but the MEDIA said!

              • 2 years ago

                >Video game influencers don't influence the narrative of a game
                Absolute moron, thanks for making it clear though

              • 2 years ago

                >muh narrative
                >muh control

              • 2 years ago

                >Everyone has rock solid conviction and can't be swayed by the popular narrative
                I wish I was an optimistic as you anon

              • 2 years ago

                Steamspy is about as reliable a Vgchartz, so that doesn't help your case.
                >Ok newfriend, whatever you say.
                So, what new Souls' game came out between DS3 and ER moron? And you're extra stupid if you think that the "DS2 sucks" narrative wasn't around when DS3 launched.

              • 2 years ago

                Matchmaking has nothing to do with the area you're in. It only takes into account rune level and weapon upgrade. Best case scenario for an invader, is that the host is on the lower end of the range, but that the host and also the phantom(s) are all on the lower end? That's never gonna happen. Also, phantoms can skip the matchmaking entirely by using password, and its very typical to fight against level 500 phantoms as an invaders.

              • 2 years ago

                >Matchmaking has nothing to do with the area you're in
                When you invade a specific area, player levels will reflect that. Not with complete consistency, but as a general trend

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      They were never gonna pvp anyways. Ya pussies.

  11. 2 years ago

    Does anyone know how seamless co-op works if there are multiple people, ie more than 4 using the same password? I figured it would cause synchronization issues out the ass so I never tried it but I'm curious if anyone has.

    • 2 years ago

      Max of 4 players in a room at once, unless they figure out how to expand the room size back to where it was in DS3 it'll stay that way

    • 2 years ago

      Max of 4 players in a room at once, unless they figure out how to expand the room size back to where it was in DS3 it'll stay that way

      They're working on that

  12. 2 years ago

    And that's a good thing

  13. 2 years ago

    >it's the modders fault for redirecting shitty multiplayer to be co-op focused
    Blame From for the worst matchmaking in history.

    • 2 years ago

      The problem with invasions is that bad players don't invade. In Dark Souls 1, you had to sequence break the game to even be offered the option to invade consistently, and invasions have only gotten harder to get into for one reason or another. As invasions got harder to do, fewer yet more skilled players were left invading, meaning a new player gets fricking raped by any invader that has the guts to keep invading in 2022. It is no longer a game design issue, it is now a community issue, because invaders are now hardwired to minmax and twink because that has become the only way to invade in modern Souls games, because they have to face daunting odds and can't afford to take a joke build if they don't want to be farmed by gankers. Between invaders being thoroughbred killing machines and invaders only capable of invading people with summons or taunter's tongue, invaders are punished for holding back or trying crazy things for the sake of fun and would-be invadees simply shut themselves off and avoid the online elements of the game entirely, leaving us with the current state of invasions. Then the coop mod happened and now you have exclusively gankers.

      • 2 years ago

        This may be true for older titles back when the servers were up, but I did a shit ton of pvp when ER came out and yea, you had a decent number of buttholes running deathblight exploit, erdtree shield exploit, or just being insufferable c**ts spamming the toxic dragon spell while in a 3v1.
        But, all of that accounted for maybe 30% of invasions, and the other 70% are fun encounters with people just cooping through the game, not min-maxing or cheesing or using exploits.

      • 2 years ago

        >admits to From increasingly making invasions difficult to perform
        >it's a community issue
        I agree that it's a perpetuating issue, but From isn't making anything better, and ultimately it's on them to wrangle the community. Matchmaking should consider phantom's level for invasions. Not soul/rune level, but a new calculation to determine a character's true strength.

        • 2 years ago

          Would "no longer PURELY a game design issue" get my point across better? The idea is that these people exist. Get rid of pit fighting, you still have pit bulls. Invaders evolved this way, and it is entirely their mental issue. They are stuck in this idea they need to minmax to succeed. Even in environments like DaS1 Remastered, where the game was positively busted but the slightest bit more experience and knowledge of the game's mechanics can allow you to overcome PvP encounters on a variety of builds, I struggled to find someone not running Mom Mask, that doesn't toggle escape, that doesn't hardswap. These things were always possible in DaS1, and sometimes they were used, but the community has grown to the point where fashion and favored weapons be damned, they need their chaos dagger hornet ripostes. As someone who was trying out a variety of builds ranging from vitgouge Raw Bandit's Knife to Divine Server Regenerator Cleric, this monotony created by a need to win and not share ideas and experiences with others through unique builds and goofy antics was positively soul draining. Given how fast Remastered online died, seems like everyone else agreed.
          However, I personally am an enjoyer of burning all that divides and distinguishes. Frick it all; add ELO tied to the player's account and apply modifiers based on SL, phantoms, etc. for matchmaking via ELO. Combined with proper rewards for invasions, not this pussy shit they give you nowadays, this way even good players can play the game of kings against a pack of noobs, or engage in cat and mouse with one of equal skill.

          • 2 years ago

            I don't disagree with you much at all, anon. Aside from ELO because I don't think this is a skill issue.
            For me it's that they're far better equipped. When I play with mates we will gimp ourselves as to not break the game. When we're invaded, we die swiftly to some homosexual with a greased up max level weapon. I imagine this happens to many people even without self imposed limits. If From could add items/spells to the equation and disable swapping in session, then I would think much alleviate much of the problem. I'm no game dev, but surely anything is better than SL+Max upgrade level.
            Circling back to OP. It's not the modders that killed PvP.
            I'm off to sleep so don't bother replying.

          • 2 years ago

            I dont like how minmaxy modern games have become. I felt it bad in elden ring. But man was it fun playing ds1 back in the day. I have more time pvping in that then every other game put together. I use to hang around anor londo in the crimson set with dual rapiers going for parrys and just having a ton of fun. I didnt always win in fact I think I lost more then half but good god was it satisfying to do. I also do miss just dropping in on a host that clearly had no idea what was going on and they were fighting for their life. Im sure in the times they won it stuck in their memory as a highlight of the game.

  14. 2 years ago

    souls pvpers are sub human

  15. 2 years ago

    Don't care, not my problem

  16. 2 years ago

    >Sunday, sitting at Main Academy Gate for Duels
    >get summoned by the same 4 people for over 2 hours
    How the frick did we reach this level of dead? It took DS3 5 years to slow down to that point, Elden Ring died in 5 months

    • 2 years ago

      Suck it, pvp homosexual.

      • 2 years ago

        Ok, but i`m not invading you PvE gays? I`m strictly talking duelling here

        • 2 years ago

          That's the problem

          Nobody wants to duel. They just want to bully shitty players. And shitty players just want to enjoy a PvE game.

        • 2 years ago

          Dueling isn't affected by the co-op mod since co-opers don't engage in duels. No one wants to duel because everyone is metagayging harder than usual or outright cheating with great runes and healing. I'm actually surprised how badly duels died, it's not even affected by external factors like solo invasions or the co-op mod, it died on it's own from completely unrelated matters.

          • 2 years ago

            Souls pvp is dead for good, isn´t it?

            • 2 years ago

              It's weird, dueling shouldn't even be affected since the conflict is between PVE hosts and PVPVE invaders, regular PVP shouldn't be affected. I don't know why the duel community went to shit too.

              • 2 years ago

                Probably got to do with:
                The severe connection issues
                Imbalance between weapon classes
                The unresponsive controls
                Stars of Ruin and Dragon Breath spells
                Broken Ashes of War
                The extremely high damage everyone deals Hosts being able to great rune themselfs giving them quite the advantage

                There`s alot more, these are just from the top of head. ER was just a massive frick you to anyone who enjoys the PvP in these games and it stings even more, because we had to wait 5 years for it. And i wish the PvE woul make up for it, but it`s also the weakest game they dropped since DS2.It hurts somewhat, and i still enjoy the game, but man, to me it just seems like Fromsoft doesn`t understand their own games.

            • 2 years ago

              works fine on all the previous games on console

    • 2 years ago

      Normalhomosexuals as always just check this thread and how many of them are defending that garbage.

  17. 2 years ago

    I like elden ring.

    But it's From's fault for copy/pasting dark souls co-op into an open world game without, apparently, sparing a thought beyond "What should we call summoned players and invaders this time?"

  18. 2 years ago

    i have seen literally no summon signs anywhere when i use the thing, im level 30 25 hours
    i got a couple invaders when i used tongue
    ive been blue summoned twice

    • 2 years ago

      What's your most upgraded weapon? This game has level and weapon upgrade matching

      • 2 years ago

        +7 normal titanite +2 twinkling titanite, but was +4/+1 until recently

        • 2 years ago

          +7 is going to exclude pretty much everyone putting signs down for level 30. Anyone trying to help that low is staying +3/+1 for their gear. You'll probably start seeing people again around level 50-70

  19. 2 years ago

    >500 hours played
    When the ''homosexual co-op'' addon came out I was already done with pvp and with the game in general.

  20. 2 years ago

    >still stuttering on high-ends
    who cares

  21. 2 years ago

    Good, the PVP has never been worse than it is now with the exception of DS3.

  22. 2 years ago

    Seamless pvp
    Think about it

    • 2 years ago

      Already a thing since you can swap to pvp mode at any time. Its actually really really good to since your dont get DCed constantly and if you die you simply respawn at the nearest bonfire after like 5 seconds. Spent a solid 3 hours just pvping with a friend. So in all honesty it really should be treated as a great thing by the dueling community.

  23. 2 years ago

    PVP was bound to die off at some point for Fromsoft games

    I'm just glad I had my fun with Elden Ring invasions for the short time

    • 2 years ago

      giant fireball artillery is kinda sick

      • 2 years ago

        I've made so,. so many unique builds for Stormveil invasions.

        • 2 years ago

          Ps? Cause on pc I can't find anyone

    • 2 years ago

      DS3 pvp was alive for years elden ring died quite quickly. Honestly ide say the biggest death nail is the fact you need to actually have summons to be invaded. I was never invaded in my first playthrough because summoning other people to fight bosses for you is like having other people frick your wife. I did enjoy after I beat it having my friend summoned with the taunters tongue and just rushing through NG+ while under constant invasion. Sure we would win most fights but man fighting off like 15 invaders in a row is quite fun. Shame no one will ever get to enjoy that again.
      So ya having to always fight at least a 2v1 really sucks. Dont even get me started on how most of the time your invading into 3 people the host has his 2 level 150 butt buddies there to help. Not even random players like frick can it be hell.

      • 2 years ago

        >Honestly ide say the biggest death nail is the fact you need to actually have summons to be invaded
        Your taunter's tongue?

        • 2 years ago

          Not him, but my taunter's tongue playthrough was completely inconsistent. I'd be invaded back-to-back in Stormveil and greater Liurnia thanks to players expending the bloody fingers for early access to Mohgwyn Palace, but beyond that it was common to go 15, 30, 45 minutes - even an hour - without being invaded; even in the open world. I have a weird feeling that using the taunter's tongue doesn't put you before co-op'ers in the "invasion queue".

          If bonfire ascetics were a thing in Elden Ring, I would definitely let myself be invaded much more, but as it is I basically have to leave either Stormveil or Raya Lucaria up (depending on my level) or taunter's tongue in Liurnia which is like 80% n00bs and 20% losers using possible crutch like pic. related. It's just tiresome.
          >Corpse piler and godskin sticher running R2 spam
          >CE'd starlight shards, rot pots, spark aromatics, and raw meat dumplings, etc.
          >Hunter recognized me as an invader and did nothing to help

      • 2 years ago

        >fighting off like 15 invaders in a row is quite fun

    • 2 years ago

      all they have to do is make invasions possible if the host has an active rune, thats it, just like the ember in dark souls 3

  24. 2 years ago

    Most of the p[layer base is on console and console doesn't have this mod.

  25. 2 years ago

    pvp is dead in every game because most people don't want to engage with the people who would play pvp. Figure that one out yet?

    • 2 years ago

      Hmm that's cool. Give I'm exclusively pirating games from now on.

      • 2 years ago

        Do you think the act of piracy is a downvote or something you stupid fricking redditor? Nobody cares if you and every pvpgay pirates every future darksouls game. You are the minority.

  26. 2 years ago

    I thought their servers were broken. How can a mod kill it if it's stillborn?

    • 2 years ago

      >He doesn't know

      • 2 years ago

        Right, I don't know. That's how questions work. Did you know?

  27. 2 years ago

    Good. Stay mad homosexual.

  28. 2 years ago

    PvP is shit.
    Unless they implement a PvP Arena as they did with Ds3, it's gonna continue to suck ass.
    Seamless Co-Op is great to play with friends, which is why only friendless homosexuals seethe about it.

  29. 2 years ago

    Anon, you're talking about developer who literally creates the multiplayer as loading all data into one another's system
    so you coop with me, a hacker, I change your weapon to +30, game flags it as a hacked item, you get banned

    From Shit is known for this. We literally had to use this method to bypass their moronic fricking ignorance. Not to mention the fact you could run actual RCE and they knew this for years and their 'fix' is 'we'll just disable online', means this way we can play with one another when they eventually take the servers offline again

    • 2 years ago

      >creates the multiplayer as loading all data into one another's system
      This is just good coding.

      • 2 years ago

        It really isn't
        The problem here is it also saves the data, so I can just modify your weapon to make it look like it's a hacked one so you get banned

  30. 2 years ago

    So from what I'm getting from this thread is you're all mad this mod keeps people from dealing with you incels. That's fricking rad.

  31. 2 years ago

    Should have just brought in something like the PvP arena in DS2. Would have solved both issues.

  32. 2 years ago

    >Kills your pvp

    the absolute state of PC gays

    • 2 years ago

      seething consoleshitters on suicide watch

      • 2 years ago

        >Having better online than console

        ??? Enjoy your chink modders Black person lmao I'm stuck on vanilla console avoiding your cancer, Single player for pc

        • 2 years ago

          It literally is better my ELS friend, yes, on PC you don't have to pay a subscription + tax + tip + foreskin shavings in order to use your internet. And itt we're talking about how the PC version of the game has access to a mod where you can play true whole-game co-op instead of the 10-year fromshit co-op consolekiddies have to settle for, try to keep up.

          • 2 years ago

            >my ELS friend

            • 2 years ago

              >bugged NPC gets stuck in dialogue loop

  33. 2 years ago

    Do you guys want some over-the-top invasions?
    I saved a ton of clips from when I ran a bunch of builds

    • 2 years ago

      How’d you get to that vantage point

      • 2 years ago

        cheat engine

  34. 2 years ago

    I would have sympathy for PVPgays, if their entire argument is based around the fact that they don't want an equal environment, they want to beat up on scrubs that they can stomp, but then get mad when the scrub doesn't fight back

  35. 2 years ago

    Since this is basically a dark souls thread anyone have any good recommendations for mods for any of the 3 games? I recently beat the 3 main games and I still wanna play more souls games. Jesus DS1 is frickin clunky as hell to play even compared to 2.

    • 2 years ago

      >Jesus DS1 is frickin clunky as hell to play
      Zoom zoom

      • 2 years ago

        I mean ya though I am 26 I actually did play DS1 way back on the ps3 when it was still new. But going back to it after playing 2 and 3 its insane.

      • 2 years ago

        30 here and I agree with the zoomer, dark souls series feels like fricking clunky shit.

        • 2 years ago

          >I'm not technically a zoomer, but
          That makes you an honorary moron

    • 2 years ago

      fps unlockers.

  36. 2 years ago
  37. 2 years ago

    >pvp in any dark souls

    I love making greasy, unshowered incels seethe. If they mod is ever taken down for whatever reason, I will reupload it and share it with every one.

  38. 2 years ago

    PvP is trash anyway, nothing of value was lost if that is all that it impacts.

  39. 2 years ago

    to be fair the pvp was already kinda dead because of how whack the game is balance wise on top of invasions being wholly opt in.

  40. 2 years ago

    Dueling is moronic. Souls PVP isn't about balance, it's about the spectacle and insanity.

    Invasions is where it's at.

  41. 2 years ago

    Heard BB PvP is more alive than ER right now. Any truth to that? I barely did PvP in the former in its heyday, so how did it all end up playing out? I don't remember there being this much outrage and cheese over multiplayer.

  42. 2 years ago

    That mod is just the result of FROM's failure and dated game design.

  43. 2 years ago

    Good. Continue to seethe, pvpgays. I'll be having fun with the lads.

  44. 2 years ago

    >mod exists
    >now literally everybody who owns the game has the mod installed
    what is this moron logic?

    • 2 years ago

      lurk more literal moron

    • 2 years ago

      no, but it has been downloaded enough times for a huge percentage of the community to have it installed.

      • 2 years ago

        Why don't people complain about offline players in equal measure? I'm sure a much more sizable portion of people play the game so that they cannot be invaded in the first place anyway. In Elden Ring if you play solo you by default cannot be invaded yet I haven't seen people complain about solo players not using Taunter's Tongue.

  45. 2 years ago

    Seethe cope and kindly have a nice day.

  46. 2 years ago

    >PVPers don't actually want PVP
    >They want to shit on scrubs

  47. 2 years ago

    Why is this shitty mod so popular?

    • 2 years ago

      Because ER co-op still has all the same limitations as fricking demon's souls and modders managed to do in a couple months what From couldn't do in 12 years

    • 2 years ago

      The stability alone makes it the best way to play coop. The fact that it makes it so I can truly play the whole game with a friend is also awesome.

  48. 2 years ago

    >not playing it to turn on friendly fire
    Some of the goofiest and stupidest shit ive ever experienced. Its Mound Makers all over again

  49. 2 years ago

    so to sum up Ganker stance ITT :
    >imagine having friends
    >we must tryhard like it's asshomosexuals
    >Black folk

    • 2 years ago

      >Black folk

      • 2 years ago

        >racism outside of /b/

  50. 2 years ago

    PVP died when they made it so you could only invade into ganks

  51. 2 years ago

    RedBlack folk made their own grave, now they can lie in it, alone

  52. 2 years ago

    It only killed random invasions.
    Fight clubs will always exists, if you wanna PvP go to one of those.

    • 2 years ago


  53. 2 years ago

    i just want a mod that lets more than 1-2 people invade you

  54. 2 years ago

    >Console PvP is completely unchanged
    >Meanwhile my friends and I can play the game together without the shit-ass summoning system
    Still gonna use the mod

  55. 2 years ago

    I love watching invasions flounder and invaders come to the realization that
    >the invasion community is 99% invaders and 1% hosts that like invasions
    >most hosts hate invasions and would gladly cut them off
    Can invasions really be considered a working game mode if it's community is entirely made up of invaders and no hosts? It's like having a soccer match with 50 Manchester United players and 1 Chelsea player.

  56. 2 years ago

    I stopped playing Elden Ring because invasion and random co-op just weren't worth the absurd amount of frustration involved. There is effectivelly no online infrastructure to encourage multiplayer: no covenants, no dedicated PVP areas, EAC was improperly implemented and randomly disconnects players after 2-minutes, and yet they decided it was a good idea to completely predicate invasions on co-op in an open world game where multiplayer activity is wildly dispersed. You spend like 10-15 minutes waiting to be summoned or invade and then you get disconnected after 2 minutes, or the host dies as soon as you spawn, or a dog looks at them the wrong way and they explode into spaghetti, and you're back to searching for another 10 minutes. It's just awful.
    It's the worst multiplayer "ecosystem" they've ever designed, worse than Bloodborne or Dark Souls 2, and Dark Souls 2 didn't even have a fricking permanent invasion item.

    Fromsoft built the coffin, LukeYui just provided the final nail

    • 2 years ago

      >here is effectivelly no online infrastructure to encourage multiplayer: no covenants
      I find this complaint really interesting because hosts have had almost nothing invasion content related for 5 games now outside of Human Form/ Embered. 5 games with invasions (6 with BB but never played BB so can't speak for that), and invasions are still only a content island for invaders only. I LIKE being invaded later into the game but why can't hosts get covenants that give cool spells and weapons and armor?

      • 2 years ago

        Hosts get to call the police, co-op'ers get to be sunbros and blueberries. The issue is that hosting is a finite activity, unless they let you get covenants rewards / progress for hosting in PVP areas like the forest / swamp.

        • 2 years ago

          >Hosts get to call the police, co-op'ers get to be sunbros and blueberries
          But that's just more "multiplayer". That's still the problem, it has no "content" for someone that's not interested in engaging in the system.

          • 2 years ago

            Here's a potential solution: a covenant that lets you host "phantom" instances of dungeons. Either scale the enemies and boss to the host's level or add additional, gravelord-like enemies.

            • 2 years ago

              Sounds like the rat covenant from 2. Best ratbros would max out their bonfire intensities there and make ridiculous gauntlets.

              Too bad there's literally no penalty for the called in player.

    • 2 years ago

      >no covenants, no dedicated PVP areas,
      This right here. From forgot about us bellbros, ratbros, and moundbros. I wouldn't lump covenant invaders with red gankers because the covenant gameplay usually has more of an opt-in nature by taking place in optional areas. Even then covenant gameplay never lacked players. They just got lazy with ER PVP. There's no other excuse

      • 2 years ago

        Don't worry anon, for $19.99 you can access the coliseums that are already in the game to partake in PvP once the DLC launches

  57. 2 years ago

    The funniest thing about ER's situation is that the Taunter's Tongue WOULD work if enough people used it. Theoretically, the Taunter's Tongue works. But that's assuming that enough people use it. But as it turns out, no one likes being invaded.

    The Taunter's Tongue is actually ideal because ideally it would give lots of solo hosts to invaders, and priority invasions at that and the co-opers are the safety net. Of course, that's IF people actually like invasions. But it turns out, invasions are only popular with invaders and not invaded.

    • 2 years ago

      Actually I would have loved to have been invaded during my solo run, but I refuse to have to go through the moronic menial task of having to use finger remedy + tongue EVERY SINGLE FRICKING TIME I GET TO A LOADING SCREEN. If it was an option I could toggle on/off I would gladly just toggle solo invasions on and enjoy. But alas menial tasks which I refuse to do

    • 2 years ago

      If only it was as simple as using the taunter tongue
      >Have to use item to see summon signs and disable spirit summons for clearing random areas
      >Then use taunter tongue
      >This must be done every single time I go through a loading screen

  58. 2 years ago

    should i play this game? they ran an ad on the ufc fights

    • 2 years ago

      I dunno, do you want to play it?

    • 2 years ago

      It's the only Souls game I have played and I have to see it's insanely good, you basically get to choose the difficulty and challenge of the game and there's a lot of build variety

  59. 2 years ago

    Been having so much fun with the lads in this. Hope it's more stable down the road.

  60. 2 years ago

    >reddit assumes control of my favourite franchise and promptly kills it
    >true normalgays arrive to defile the corpse
    >reddit seethes

  61. 2 years ago

    Cry more loser

  62. 2 years ago

    I don't even play souls games and it's hilarious seeing how butthurt people got over not being allowed to attack other people.
    You guys keep your doors unlocked so randos can rape your mom, too right?
    You're not casual babbies are ya?

    • 2 years ago

      Ironically, your comparison is more apt than you realize. Their mentality is very similar to one in that even if you're just doing your own thing removed from them, they absolutely need to frick your shit up.
      These are the kind of people that would be fine with you being killed for using Cheat Engine on a SP game because X or Y reason.

      I'm not being hyperbolic; they're that mentally deranged. I'm just glad 1/3rd of the posts defending it in this thread are just satire.

  63. 2 years ago

    Keep crying you pathetic whiny invader fricking pussies. I will keep humiliating you and shit on your homosexual phantoms

    • 2 years ago

      >Goat armor
      >Dual weeb spear

    • 2 years ago

      Wow you sure humiliated that afk host.
      So much skill for that.

  64. 2 years ago

    I just wish you could convert modded characters to the main game to play them when in SP
    I miss the messages

  65. 2 years ago

    The way PvP works in these games made the most sense with the level structure of Demon's Souls, and has steadily fit less and less with the design of subsequent releases. Elden Ring really hit a point where it should have just been co-op, and then a structured PvP arena - you know, like the one that's implied in Limgrave. I think invasions and what not could absolutely still work, but it feels like they just include it as an obligation and an afterthought on top of a game they've already made now.

  66. 2 years ago

    >Everyone complaining that the game is dead
    >But PvP always really kicked off after the DLC hit in these games anyway
    Though obviously some balance patches would help too, even if there are some things they can't fix without drastic reworks

    • 2 years ago

      if they'd put in some fricking covenants so you can work towards something it'd help immensely. Without any pvp rewards it just gets dull quick.

      • 2 years ago

        Offline gay here, how would covenants make offlinegays go online again or make co-op players play online co-op? To my knowledge, covenants are mostly rewards for invading, how exactly would that fix the no host issue? There's already too many invaders in relation to the few hosts left.
        Come to think of it, who exactly were invaders invading in DSIII?

        • 2 years ago

          >Come to think of it, who exactly were invaders invading in DSIII?
          tons of people? embering was very useful in das3

          • 2 years ago

            I guess a decent chunk of solo players want the messages so they stayed online.

    • 2 years ago

      its a single player game who cares

  67. 2 years ago

    >blame the mod
    >not the fact that there is no incentive to ever engage in invading, either as the invader or the invaded

    • 2 years ago

      >not the fact that there is no incentive to ever engage in invading - the invaded
      That's literally every game, the trade off is fricking worthless. What's the point of a small health boost when someone can show up with a hyperoptimized build and destroy you? Might as well just suck up the opt-out penalty.

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          I don't remember ever coming across any actually worthwhile solo covenant content ever.

          • 2 years ago

            I always found some of the rewards well worth getting. I like hurling miniature suns at my enemies

  68. 2 years ago

    >Get invaded
    >Invader sees that I have a build stronger than him
    >Runs away
    >Forced to follow him half away across the map
    >He tries to hide
    >Now I'm playing hide and seek
    >Runs behind the chunkiest enemies that deal more damage than bosses
    >"Frick this" ALT + F4

    PvP in Elden Ring is the worst From title of all time. At least the locations back then were small enough and enemies didn't scale to a point where the optimal strategy is to just pass them. I played the game for about 140+ hours in my first play through. Out of 40-60 invasions that I received, only 10 of them felt challenging and fun. The rest was either Rivers of Blood, Magic spam behind a large enemy mob, or running away.

    I don't even use summons or play coop, but if it'll make you seethe and mald like a delusional autist, then I welcome it wholeheartedly

    • 2 years ago

      >I don't even use summon or play coop

      Kind of hard to say that when the only way to get invaded in Elden Ring is by using summons for coop, or specifically using an item that has no benefit and just allows you to be invaded all the time for no reason at all. Considering you b***hing about how unfun it was, I can't imagine you used that.

  69. 2 years ago

    >instead of invading as yourself you now take control of an enemy in another player's world with boosted stats

    • 2 years ago

      You know its funny but thats bassicly how frickin resident evil has experimented with its "invasions" in re6 you gain control of a random monster and try and kill the player. I only tried it like 5 times since while your buffed everyone I invaded was playing on like normal or easy mode so it became poor little zombie vs the 2 chads with infinite ammo magnums. Just bring back the looking glass knight.

  70. 2 years ago

    As someone who enjoys Souls PvP, there's absolutely nothing good about Elden Ring PvP so good riddance.

    • 2 years ago

      its actually incredible that they managed to make something worse than the backstab whirlwind memes of DS1

  71. 2 years ago

    and that's a good thing. keep crying.

  72. 2 years ago

    From killed PvP when they made it the way it is in this game.

  73. 2 years ago

    Souls pvp never worked anyway, so shut the frick up

  74. 2 years ago

    I dont understand you homosexuals. The only thing I dont respect is Rivers/Moonvail/Bloodloss builds. Im unironically playing as THE soldier of godrick on the godrick castle. And look, I got 4 trinket slots (3 because 1 is used on the no color trinket) and some decent stuff to deal with everyone in general, except having spells do deal with the homosexuals named before. In defense of being more prepared and focusing HP I also must say that you are meant to 2 or 3 v 1, and sometimes you get also homosexuals, so either way, my extra preparation makes sense. If you dont get it: Case 1

    • 2 years ago

      >Im unironically playing as THE soldier of godrick on the godrick castle
      you play as le heckin soldierino of godrick? upvoted

  75. 2 years ago

    Souls PvP has always been shit, the only game I ever enjoyed it on was DS2 because you couldn't roll spam and had to carefully manage your stamina on DS3 you can basically just ignore the stamina bar and need to just roll catch people.

  76. 2 years ago

    You're crying over nothing. Invasions still work within the mod, it's just a different pool (ie. use the mod and you'll invade mod users).

    • 2 years ago

      Everyone is behind a password though. Do you have any idea what you're talking about?

  77. 2 years ago

    yall homies do pvp after 2017?

  78. 2 years ago

    Just goes to show what the market really wants.

  79. 2 years ago

    fromsoft killed pvp in elden ring with their dumb ideas
    and on top of that, they killed pvp in DS, DS2 and DS3 on PC so frick them

  80. 2 years ago

    >dueling is 'sweaty'
    >but invading random newbies with minmaxed builds is totally legit
    >unless they're actual good players too then they're 'ganking' you
    this is why no one takes you guys seriously, it's just one sad pathetic cope after another lmao

  81. 2 years ago

    PvP and online interaction in general was killed by From Software. The mod is just the aftermath.

  82. 2 years ago

    I was never going to deal with multiplayer anyway. I'm modding my game instead

  83. 2 years ago

    >hosts are playing a game mode where death sets them back in progress in multiple ways and winning is useless if they don't survive to the next bonfire anyway
    >invaders play a game mode where they cannot lose any progress and winning rewards them while losing isn't a big deal and they can bring weapons and armor from the end of the game to the start of the game
    >hosts are the casuals and invaders are the hardcore

  84. 2 years ago

    I will never stop laughing at how From has no idea what to do with the invasion mechanic outside of Miyazaki's stupid story. They could do all sorts of wacky things with it and make it fun for the average player and create a healthy host-invader community where both sides troll each other a little and have fun together, but all they can think of is the usual "invader kill host mid-level".

  85. 2 years ago

    Seeing threads like this remind me just how casual the Fromshit fanbase has gotten. Literally more embarrassing than being a cuck for Undertale/Delta Rune shit.

    • 2 years ago

      The fromshit fanbase was casual from the very start. The only thing that's changed is they finally realized and embraced it. Soulsborne games have always been casual

  86. 2 years ago

    Good, frick you pvpers

  87. 2 years ago

    I'm glad this mod makes morons seethe.

    • 2 years ago

      >this mod is ruining the invasion community by not letting me force people into it
      If the community is 90% made up of people that have to be forced into it, it's not an actual community but a small circlejerk.

  88. 2 years ago

    It was already basically dead before the mod hit, lets be honest.

  89. 2 years ago

    So why do PVPgays seethe so much about the fact nobody likes them?

    • 2 years ago

      Comptrannies want for attention and validation, which their parents never gave them. Souls PVPgays are failed comptrannies from other games, so they're more sensitive.
      Find an invadegay and you'll find someone who used to or still plays LoL.

    • 2 years ago

      What you might not realize is that PvPers generally don't want or care about your approval, they just want to be able to do what they enjoy.
      I can't wait till the overwhelming majority you're part of pressures fromsoft to make their games easier, and remove everything that makes them unique or different to anything else, which is the entire reason they got popular enough that people like you cared about them to begin with, it'll be ironic.

      • 2 years ago

        >they just want to be able to do what they enjoy

      • 2 years ago

        >they just want to be able to do what they enjoy
        Interesting you say that as you invade someone just enjoying their game and kill them in one shot, then repeat this autistic process 50 times because the only people you can beat are people just doing what they enjoy.
        >which is the entire reason they got popular
        If people hate you so much that the majority of the userbase installs a mod(which is normally hard enough to filter the average consumer), so many in fact that you literally can no longer find hosts to invade, then you were never the reason it got popular. If it were, then you'd at the very least still have plenty people to invade.

      • 2 years ago

        I will not buy any Soulsgames and I WILL pressure them to add an easy mode and toggle invasions off, just to see you seethe.

        • 2 years ago

          You aren't exactly doing anything that isn't already happening bro, and I can't exactly seethe about something I've already come to terms with.
          Why even care about me, anyways?

          • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >which is the entire reason they got popular enough that people like you cared about them to begin with
        That makes no sense, if invasions are so popular, THEN WHY DID THEY DIE THE SECOND PEOPLE WERE NO LONGER FORCED TO DO THEM? Sounds to me like it's the opposite and that they were never popular outside a small circlejerking group of griefers.

        • 2 years ago

          They aren't popular.
          The overwhelming majority of players play the game once, or not even once, then drop it.
          The number of people who enjoy playing the game, building new builds, getting invaded, and then getting to the end and invading people are a minority, even if they probably make up about the same number of overall hours of playtime as a group.
          Invasions have always been an intended mechanic that is literally baked into the game, it's hard to call enjoying an intended part of the game like that griefing, but I guess when you don't actually like what the games are that's what it comes off as to you, since it's interrupting your little pve curbstomp and making it more difficult.
          You don't even get invaded in elden ring unless you're making the game easier by playing co-op, in that vein you could easily call it just a player outsourced balance and multiplayer mechanic at this point.

          I'll ask you a simple question, why don't you just play any of the million games that are made specifically for you, why do you want to change this one to be exactly like the rest?

          • 2 years ago

            Why the frick should millions of players cater to an incredibly small minority? Literally what do people owe you? From is literally nice enough to actually enable your cancerous playstyle purely because of Miyazaki's autism and nothing more.

            • 2 years ago

              You owe me nothing, you're free to invade and then ruin a game series I used to like more, and I'm free to move on and stop playing it if it becomes more and more catered to you.
              I genuinely do not care what you do, I simply enjoy what I enjoy, which is less/not available now, obviously I don't exactly like that but what's done is done.

              In the future I'll be sure to try and gatekeep things I like and vehemently try and push people like you back into territory you belong in.

              • 2 years ago

                >In the future I'll be sure to try and gatekeep things I like
                Ooo how are you going to do that anon? I wanna know how you'll prevent me from purchasing whatever game you don't want me to purchase

              • 2 years ago

                I'll do what I can, I can't really control you but I can control what I do with my time and what I purchase, for all you people talk about griefing and trolling you guys like it a lot yourselves, don't you?
                Just look at your attitude towards me, you specifically want me mad or want me to suffer, want me to not have things I can enjoy myself.
                Why is that?

              • 2 years ago

                >for all you people talk about griefing and trolling you guys like it a lot yourselves, don't you?
                Anon how is me buying a game you like griefing you?

              • 2 years ago

                It isn't, the way you're talking with me and the way you can't accept that I have things I enjoy the same way I accept that about you is.
                Again, why not focus more on pve only games if the mere presence of pvp puts you this on edge?

              • 2 years ago

                >Again, why not focus more on pve only games
                I do anon. I have an amazing ability to play more than one game

              • 2 years ago

                Exactly, you have many games you have the option of enjoying, but you've picked the one series that has something else in it that bothers you, then you go around acting as if people should be ashamed of liking that element of the series.

              • 2 years ago

                You should be ashamed of being a griefing little c**t, yes. I don't understand how this is hard for you to understand.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm ashamed to share this board with someone as stupid as you, but I'm not ahsamed for enjoying invasions, which are not griefing in the slightest.
                You aren't some sort of fragile underdog victim, hosts and their phantoms have had the advantage in these games the entire time, more and moreso each game, how is having an extra enemy that partially offsets the difficulty drop you yourself have opted into count as griefing, I'd love for you to explain that to me.

              • 2 years ago

                >hosts and their phantoms have had the advantage in these games the entire time
                Hosts also have everything to lose while invaders have nothing to lose, hiding behind their casual game mode, invading from the safety of a bonfire.

              • 2 years ago

                You have almost nothing to lose, a couple minutes and some souls you'll get back upon run back, given how bad most of you are you'll be losing that to the boss you're generally summoning for help for anyways.

              • 2 years ago

                >a couple minutes and some souls you'll get back upon run back
                And if I don't want to give a griefer the satisfaction of that? Simple, I'll be offline.

              • 2 years ago

                Nothing wrong with that, you get less triggered and don't waste either of our time.

              • 2 years ago

                Invaders getting angry at PVEgays is pretty funny because it's not like if we stop buying the game, invasions will improve. Serious PVPgays have no interest in playing with them either. They simply refuse to accept that literally everyone doesn't want to play with them, including other invaders because invaders aren't interested in being invaded.

              • 2 years ago

                >i'll take my griefing elsewhere
                Fromsoft is literally the only company that supports forced player griefing on pve players, purely fueled by Miyazaki's snowstorm story.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, exactly.
                Fromsoft is currently the only company that make games with unique, invasion pvp like this.
                Duels and fight clubs in fromsoft games are nothing special, they are ok, but the real unique aspect of them are invasions.
                You've come into a game full of things you don't enjoy, then cry foul and are offended when they have things you don't like in them, and outright mod the game to try and avoid them. Why?
                Why not just play something you actually like?

              • 2 years ago

                >and outright mod the game to try and avoid them. Why?
                Mainly because I wanted to play coop with my friends in a way that isn't complete ass. The fact that it prevents invasions is just a bonus

              • 2 years ago

                Why not just enjoy a more co-op focused game?
                These games have never been about seamless full playtrhough co-op, that's just not a thing, which is why it had to be modded in to begin with.

              • 2 years ago

                >Why not just enjoy a more co-op focused game?
                Because I like the way this game plays? I'm not going to not play it because you think I'm not playing it the way you think I should, anon. That's dumb.
                Mod or not you never would have invaded me, because I didn't use player summons when I did my first non-modded playthrough

              • 2 years ago

                You don't though, you specifically do not like the way this game handles multiplayer.
                That much is obvious when you need a mod to play the game the way you enjoy.

              • 2 years ago

                Is there something wrong with your brain? No game is perfect. Every game has things about it I would change to enjoy it better.
                What an absolutely moronic thing to say

              • 2 years ago

                Not him, but souls multiplayer system is a core element of its design and a key element of its original success, its not a flaw. For you it may be, but only because you'd rather have Souls being more something like Valheim, Borderlands etc. Coop games. Which is fine and you're entitled to mod your game, but it really doesn't make sense saying that you like a game while disliking one of its fundamental core aspects.

                pvp was killed by from themselves by refusing to release any kind of balance patch

                From seem to both want it still in the game, and not care about it at all, it's very weird.
                It seems almost vestigial at this point, but the games would definitely lose a lot of value for me without it's inclusion.
                If every one of their games was something like sekiro I'd probably consider them on the same level as most other game studios.

                Based classic morons. Let them finish the DLC first, and then add the balance passes, like they have been doing in every fricking game for the last decade.

              • 2 years ago

                ds3 had constant balance patches before the DLCs, the devs clearly cared back then. Now they don't so all pvpers are waiting for pc servers for old games to come back or just play on console

              • 2 years ago

                Not really, only minor adjustments. First major balance pass came with Ashes.

                DS3 pvp was alive for years elden ring died quite quickly. Honestly ide say the biggest death nail is the fact you need to actually have summons to be invaded. I was never invaded in my first playthrough because summoning other people to fight bosses for you is like having other people frick your wife. I did enjoy after I beat it having my friend summoned with the taunters tongue and just rushing through NG+ while under constant invasion. Sure we would win most fights but man fighting off like 15 invaders in a row is quite fun. Shame no one will ever get to enjoy that again.
                So ya having to always fight at least a 2v1 really sucks. Dont even get me started on how most of the time your invading into 3 people the host has his 2 level 150 butt buddies there to help. Not even random players like frick can it be hell.

                Another moron. DS3 was the most dead, broken and trash PVP of the franchise until the DLC and balance patches started dropping. Fricking monkey. I swear, sometimes I'm amazed at how pvpers are even more newbies than casual coopers.

                >souls multiplayer system is a core element of its design and a key element of its original success
                >dies the second single player players are no longer forced into it

                >things that never happened

              • 2 years ago

                I don't really expect much, a lot of the problems with this game can't just be patched with slight adjustments or balance fixes.
                The entire mechanics of the pvp and multiplayer in this game don't hold up super well, especially given how many games they've had to improve them.
                I'm expecting a lot less from fromsoft going forwards, I think I expected too much from them to begin with maybe.

              • 2 years ago

                >souls multiplayer system is a core element of its design
                You can play every single souls game from start to finish without even being connected to the internet. The multiplayer system is a novelty, not a core element

              • 2 years ago

                >souls multiplayer system is a core element of its design and a key element of its original success
                >dies the second single player players are no longer forced into it

              • 2 years ago

                Me not playing Souls or Elden Ring isn't going to give you hosts though. Someone else will also come along and either play solo, or get ravaged by co-op and either go solo or use the mod. No one likes to play with you. It's not the community's fault or the game's fault. If you want to grief, you need to accept that people will hate you for griefing. Having Fromsoft's permission to grief isn't going to magically make people like or even tolerate you.

              • 2 years ago

                FRICKING KEK, that's so funny. You really should reread this line over here,
                >From is literally nice enough to actually enable your cancerous playstyle purely because of Miyazaki's autism and nothing more
                Good luck finding someone else that thinks forced PVE griefing is a good idea. And please, "gatekeep", the idea of gatekeeping a community NO ONE WANTS TO BE A PART OF is fricking hilarious too. Gonna be hard to gatekeep when no one likes you or wants to interact with you.
                It's so funny when you invadiggers claim that we "ruin the game and the online community" by not taking part in it, doesn't that mean both the "community" and the "game mode" was dead to begin with?

  90. 2 years ago

    Anybody using the mod would not be playing the game's built-in co-op, so you're not losing or gaining any players from the people using the mod.
    Why can't people understand this?

  91. 2 years ago

    sounds like the exact thing me and a buddy wanted with the first dark souls
    anyone tried it?
    i know its still beta, but does it work?

    • 2 years ago

      Apparently it works so well that PvPgays are seething since literally everyone is installing the mod

  92. 2 years ago

    The mod currently sits at 219k unique downloads. Out of around 20 million copies sold on PC. With currently the game sitting at an average of 30k concurrent players, lets say, being generous, that the mod has an average of 3k concurrent players, while the other 27k don't know and probably won't even know this mod even exist nor care. In reality, there's plenty of invasions and people enjoying the game.

    The slow down is the same on consoles where there are no mods. People should stop crying and wait for the DLC / balance pass. When DaS3 released was regarded (with reason) the worst online yet and after the DLCs / balance pass, it sat consistently at 30-40k concurrent players until From shut down servers. Elden Ring is gonna be fine and no shitty hack (which is what this broken shit "mod" is) is gonna change that fact.

    • 2 years ago

      Even more fun considering that the mod has only 440k downloads out of 219k unique downloads. The mod has had 8 major updates until this day, so not even 10% of the mod users have updated it and played it regularly.

    • 2 years ago

      >Out of around 20 million copies sold on PC
      > it sat consistently at 30-40k concurrent players until From shut down servers
      No it didn't, DS3 was 8k-16k players daily since late 2017

  93. 2 years ago

    I've finished the game 3 times without online and didn't paid a penny because I've pirated it. Gonna play it again when dlcs released. I just wanted to say I did not paid money

  94. 2 years ago

    Playing Zweihander Golf on the iron keep bridge was peak souls PvP, anything after is lesser.

  95. 2 years ago

    is this seem less coop mod still allowed and working

    • 2 years ago

      They literally have no way of preventing it from working

      • 2 years ago

        If From wanted, they could update the game to prevent this mod from working. But why would they or anyone care? Nobody uses this mod. Invaders are just crying like they do in all Souls, until From patches it and then it becomes the best pvp ever and the cycle resets.

        Why are pvp schizos crying? The only people using the coop mod are people who are bad at the game, right? That means they can finally get a challenging invasion.

        Spoken like someone who has never invaded. 99% of invasions are balanced against the invader by design (as it should be), twinking is extremely rare and harder with each subsequent entry in this series. The only legitimate complain is that in its current state, 9 out of 10 invasions are against the same youtube meta builds. And its not like its hard to punish ROB spamming homosexuals, its just thats its boring. Invading is only fun when you see build variety.

  96. 2 years ago

    Elden Ring and all Soulslike PVP in general is shit and you shouldn't cry about it. Besides actually everybody gets what they want. The people who enjoy the PVP have dedicated arenas where they meet up and engage in fights. The people who don't enjoy PVP play seamless coop. The only people who are left behind are people with a griefer mindset who enjoy invading only because they can annoy people who try to progress through the game. Not a huge loss.

  97. 2 years ago

    Why are pvp schizos crying? The only people using the coop mod are people who are bad at the game, right? That means they can finally get a challenging invasion.

  98. 2 years ago

    Unironically From doesn't care about PvP, if they did they'd do any of the below:

    - Actual covenant/faction systems you are locked to and can't flip flop around on one character, complete with stat requirements that force certain playstyles. Can invade and be invaded by other factions, rather than it just being a "mode" of phantom.
    - Mandatory Invasion areas that are meaningful but also not mandatory.
    - Not arbitrarily making invasion areas completely dead because you killed the boss there.
    - Dueling system that actually makes sense and works, uses proper servers and scales appropriately
    - Proper ability to frick with hosts by summoning or buffing enemies whilst being weak yourself
    - (or) preset invader NPCs you can choose to inhabit that are balanced for the level of the area or to the host's own strength
    - adaptable levels/weapon levels so you're not locked to your own area
    - summoned phantoms are balanced with friendly fire (i.e. stun like in MH) so they can't just wail on a single target with no downside

    There are plenty of ways for Souls PVP to interesting, varied, enjoyable etc. and over 6 games From have never even done more than a cursory glance in that direction. Elden Ring has even less features and even more exploitable nonsense with easy fixes they still haven't fixed. They don't care so neither should you.

    • 2 years ago

      Why would they care? It's always been a funny side minigame, except that american gaijin trannies decided to turn it into their whole personality

  99. 2 years ago

    pvp was killed by from themselves by refusing to release any kind of balance patch

    • 2 years ago

      From seem to both want it still in the game, and not care about it at all, it's very weird.
      It seems almost vestigial at this point, but the games would definitely lose a lot of value for me without it's inclusion.
      If every one of their games was something like sekiro I'd probably consider them on the same level as most other game studios.

  100. 2 years ago

    Elden Ring has forced invaders to come to terms with the fact that despite the community publicly defending them on social media, none of them want to be invaded either. The same people that call hosts casuals and meme about git gud also don't want to be hosts.

  101. 2 years ago

    >like coop but find it boring without the invaders
    >no reason to play the multiplayer at all
    This franchise had a good run.
    I might still pirate the next games or DLC for for a few solo playthroughs I guess.

  102. 2 years ago

    you can still PVP with other people, it's called "dueling"

    unless you are one of those complete homosexuals who thinks "PVP" means "invading someone who isn't prepared for me with their PVE build and I use cheese and bullshit to kill them while they are trying to progress through the game"
    if so then: LOL GET FRICKED moronic LOSER!
    there is literally nothing more pathetic than a souls invader, they think they are chads when they are just the most beta bullies imaginable, who want to act like an alpha but are too scared to do it IRL

    • 2 years ago

      Dueling is sort of boring, especially given how high the damage is and how terrible the connectivity is, most people just run the same shit too.
      I prefer battles being asymmetric and unfair (generally towards me) and actually involving the enemies and environments of the game, rather than being in a little, flat, circular duel arena.
      It's fun for it to be more casual like that, the pvp in these games can't be taken terribly seriously to begin with, but it's fun.

  103. 2 years ago

    >Souls games
    >Pvp have sense and full of meanings
    Pick one only

  104. 2 years ago

    >I am hardcore
    >that's why I run specialized meta builds against newbie players who are already fighting other enemies
    Invaders deserve every last twink and gank squad.

    • 2 years ago

      Exactly the opposite scenario. 99% of people complaining againts meta builds are invaders, and 99% of ROB katana homosexuals are phantoms.

      • 2 years ago

        I know, isn't it great? Invaders can no longer reach a casual player using an unoptimized build and a simple weapon, they get to fight the same bullshit they thenselves use.

        • 2 years ago

          Ok moron, whatever you say.

        • 2 years ago

          And if they do that person has a friend who might have pvp experience or an optimized build, see the pvp isn't some sort of grief fest like you people talk it up to be, is it?

    • 2 years ago

      And people who need to play the game with their buttbuddies will also deserve invaders, they deserve each other.

  105. 2 years ago

    >pvp gays are obnoxious minmaxers
    >make the experience miserable for everyone
    >coop mod releases
    >everyone interested in coop jumps ship because they don't want to deal with a fat tryhard
    You killed pvp yourself

    • 2 years ago

      >this story starts and ends at Elden Ring
      it is past your bed time

    • 2 years ago

      No I had a blast

  106. 2 years ago

    There was never any pvp in the first place.
    Got zero non-npc invaders in my playthrough.

  107. 2 years ago

    PCs are not for gaming anyway

  108. 2 years ago

    PVP in these games is bait for morons. Always has been.

  109. 2 years ago

    Why are fromtoddlers like this?

  110. 2 years ago

    >no, you don't understand, the griefers are the REAL victims

    • 2 years ago

      >the griefer cries out in pain as it strikes you

  111. 2 years ago

    >Froms next Souls game comes out in 2027
    >abstract fantasy
    >shitloads of build options
    >PVP doesn't exist as its now been scrapped for reasons unknown

    • 2 years ago

      Thank God. Most of the lame shit that plagues souls games such as dodge being a dumbfrick roll and not an elegant sidestep is caused by PVP. There's a reason why Sekiro is objectively the best game From ever released, it's because it wasn't plagued by moronic pvp balance and they could actually design fun stuff.

    • 2 years ago

      Why even have shitloads of build options if people are going to play the game once and drop it like a hot potato?

      • 2 years ago

        Meanwhile every single invader I've met in ER all use youtube meta builds. Hell, those invader youtube celebs all use shit like Bloodhound Step and dual nagitana bullgoat while making videos about poor misunderstood invaders.

  112. 2 years ago

    I don't give a shit about pvp, I just want summoning pools to actually work outside of the starting region.

  113. 2 years ago

    and nothing of value was lost

  114. 2 years ago

    >complain about a mod
    just play on console you kissless homosexual

  115. 2 years ago

    It's almost as if most players fricking hate forced pvp and only want to play a game with friends. Literally the same reason why PVP focus MMOs never work

    • 2 years ago

      I'd play one, but most people are fragile pathetic gays, so it'd explain a lot, really.
      Honestly 99% of everything wrong with life or the world could be easily explained just by looking at what the average person is like and considering the consequences of that being widespread and normal.

      • 2 years ago

        >I enjoy griefing so I'm better than others
        >everyone else is the problem

        • 2 years ago

          >griefing is wrong

        • 2 years ago

          I enjoy fromsoft invasion pvp, which isn't griefing.
          I also enjoy mmo pvp, which isn't always even or tidy or 1v1, 2v1s can be fun, I love winning stuff like that the most.

          • 2 years ago

            Good luck finding people that can tolerate you anon. Especially now that From has taken away the ability to force people to play with you.

            • 2 years ago

              From didn't do that, modders did, what are you talking about?
              I hope you can find people who tolerate talking with you, because that definitely seems like it'd be a problem in your case.

              • 2 years ago

                Ah yes, the people that don't want to be griefed are the REAL buttholes, not the poor, poor misunderstood invaders. I'm not the one that will struggle to find people to play with.

                I mean you'll have no choice when they ban your account for using the mod. Has already happened and can't wait for it to happen to you ! :*~~

                What are they gonna do, ban offline players from playing online?

              • 2 years ago

                I think the only buttholes here are the people being buttholes in this conversation, I don't vilify people wanting to play a mod or not play online, but I think the mod itself and the idea of stepping around the developers and other players to try and play the game like this is generally harmful to the game, yeah.

                >Most of the invasions consist of [false statistic]
                Based moron
                >no argument
                Looks like you're losing this online duel, buddy!

                I don't even need an argument for you, I'm pretty much certain that you're clueless about elden ring pvp at this point so there's not much point caring about your opinion or "winning" against you, you don't even have a clear picture of what you're talking about.

              • 2 years ago

                >y-you're clueless
                Is that really the best you could do? At least try with your shitposts. It's not harmful to make a mod that takes out twinks invading just to bully newbies.

              • 2 years ago

                Twinks bullying newbies has not been a real thing in souls games since dark souls 1, so yes thank you for sharing more evidence for why I shouldn't respect your opinion or intelligence at all.

              • 2 years ago

                That doesn't happen though and even if I were to play devil's advocate and say twinking is only kinda possible before you reach Stormveil, after that it isn't a thing. True twinking hasn't been a thing since DS1.

                Semantics aside, bullying of newbies still occurs and that is the main reason for the seethe ITT.
                Feel free to cope.

              • 2 years ago

                That doesn't happen though and even if I were to play devil's advocate and say twinking is only kinda possible before you reach Stormveil, after that it isn't a thing. True twinking hasn't been a thing since DS1.

              • 2 years ago

                >no, you don't understand, the real buttholes are the people I want to grief
                Well, too bad. Looks like it was Miyazaki's vision that you are not able to invade most of us this time round.

              • 2 years ago

                Miyazaki's vision was to turn off the servers for all his old games and make 10 million dollars

              • 2 years ago

                Miyazaki didn't make this mod?

              • 2 years ago

                I meant solo invasions

              • 2 years ago

                Honestly prefer 2v1 and 3v1 invasions, does limit the pool a lot though, what I wish is that there was a more convenient way for me to get invaded, the taunter tongue is shit in many ways.

          • 2 years ago

            I always get the appeal of the PVP, but the fact that Elden Ring does absolutely nothing to improve the concept itself, including the blue ring barely working, the fact you have to invade summon who is summoning by default, reverting to a smaller player count, the same netcode and performance and whatever else, really makes it feel like an absolute non-priority for the devs. As if it is just there because the other games had it. And the invading of the open world just feels jankier than invading a dungeon area, but also the extremely non-linear progression makes it really hard to line players up as the devs might want to intend it. But ultimately, the fact that you get invaded just because you co-op is a really awkward mechanic. I can't even begin to count the amount of times people would be fiddling with the signs only for some guy to invade in the middle of the setup, drain everyones resources and force people to setup again with an already sluggish system. It's just such an awkward system.

  116. 2 years ago

    >all the seething invaderincels ITT
    You could just duel. What's the matter? Too "sweaty"? Just wanna bully players that are going through the game?
    Lol, you're all such losers.

    • 2 years ago

      Duels are boring, it's really that simple, even in DaS3 they were kind of lame, but they don't even have the illusion of balance in this game that made them sort of work there.
      Why talk about things you don't know about?

      • 2 years ago

        >duels where I have to actually try are boring!!!
        >but fighting people just trying to get through the game with their friends and oneshotting them with twink builds is so much fun!!!
        I see the problem here. You're just a seething shitter who wants to punch down.

        • 2 years ago

          No, I enjoy 2v1s and fights where the environment actually matters.
          You can't try or take the 1v1 pvp seriously on any level, even people like fricking scott jund the duelgay from ds3 agree on this shit, the game is too much of a mess for that to be anything but a joke.

          • 2 years ago

            The game just doesn't have a depp enough combat for 1v1s. Anyone who takes it seriously are a bunch of fricking homosexuals that get filtered by actual fighting games. Invasions are fun because there are many factors you need to pay attention to.

            • 2 years ago

              >The game just doesn't have a depp enough combat for 1v1s
              I sort of agree with you to some extent, and it's not balanced well enough for that either, it's absolutely about the added complexity and more variable encounters for me.

          • 2 years ago

            >enjoy 2v1s
            You call it a 2v1 but really it's 2 people fighting for their life, just trying to play the game together vs 1 autostic loser who can't duel in 1v1s because he'd get BTFO. Where's the fun in bullying newbies? You call the system shit yet continually use it to get a small rush from oneshotting noobs and it's hilarious to see you seethe when they then use the mod and enjoy themselves fully.

            >No, there's nothing wrong with griefing new players!
            >Oh no why is everyone leaving the game
            >Please come back! Let me reset all your progress again!


            • 2 years ago

              >2 people fighting for their life
              lmao You are a fricking moron. Most of the invasions consist of gankers using op shit to stomp invaders.

              • 2 years ago

                >Most of the invasions consist of [false statistic]
                Based moron

                >You call it a 2v1 but really it's 2 people fighting for their life
                Holy frick you might be moronic.

                >no argument
                Looks like you're losing this online duel, buddy!

              • 2 years ago

                >t. doesnt invade
                outed yourself as the clueless moron you are.

            • 2 years ago

              >You call it a 2v1 but really it's 2 people fighting for their life
              Holy frick you might be moronic.

        • 2 years ago

          >No, there's nothing wrong with griefing new players!
          >Oh no why is everyone leaving the game
          >Please come back! Let me reset all your progress again!

          • 2 years ago

            >the people not playing multiplayer are the REAL toxic ones

  117. 2 years ago

    So how does this work? Do you still get your horses? Do non hosts still get nerfed health and consumables? How did they balance for more players?

    • 2 years ago

      It's basically single player with another person. You all share progress and boss stats scale with how many players are in the session

      • 2 years ago

        Nice. Maybe I can get my friend to start fresh characters.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't know if it was just the fact we all beat the game by the time we played the mod, but it genuinely felt like a breeze beating shit up compared to the regular game summoning. And that's without the benefit of full estus slots instead of half. I know they said it scaled but I really didn't get the impression it was the same experience.

        • 2 years ago

          When'd you last beat it using the mod? I haven't played any of the updated versions myself, maybe they fix'd it?

  118. 2 years ago

    Im more of a co-op/single/stoner player despite early DS2 PvP was a blast to play

  119. 2 years ago

    >He isn't dueling his bros in seamless coop with a pvp rebalance mod
    Sucks to be you. I'm having a great time.

  120. 2 years ago

    >Play DS1 and DS2 on PS3, b***hing out and killing myself whenever invaded
    >PS4 comes out, and now PS+ exists, and I WILL NOT PAY FOR ONLINE
    >SoTFS and Bloodborne in offline mode suck ass
    >Don't bother buying a PS5 since it still has PS+
    >Don't buy Elden Ring for PS4 because I WILL NOT PAY FOR ONLINE
    >Shitty laptop can't handle ELDEN RING
    >Finally cave in and look into gaming PCs so I can finally experience PVP
    >6 months later
    >Still haven't bought a gaming PC
    >PVP is already dead

    I'm a fricking brain-rotted mongoloid, but even so, FRICK PS+
    I have never experienced Souls PVP and I think I might never get to
    Morgott's Pimp Cane and the Executioner's Power Drill are the coolest shit and I'll never get to beat someone over the head with them
    Laugh at me, everyone, laugh at the stupid frick

    • 2 years ago

      Are you seriously too stupid to disconnect your own PS3 from the internet?

      • 2 years ago

        Of all the things, is THAT really the part that you want to call me out for?
        I wanted to read the messages and bloodstains, and see the phantoms. It felt lonely without those showing up.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, that was when I stopped reading. Also, how the hell did you have problems with getting invaded in 1? Just don't go human, or suicide if you do. Or disconnect the internet on your PS3

  121. 2 years ago

    souls pvp sucks ass
    not that it matters, coop is for b***hes

  122. 2 years ago

    >Invade someone at stormveil
    >Host runs away and spams rotten breath
    >Pull out a scarlet rot spear
    >Hit them twice

    • 2 years ago

      The game sometimes will just disconnect you now, to be fair, there's one that happens roughly 2 minutes after you enter world on pc, at least.

  123. 2 years ago

    DS5 should be a singleplayer game
    ER is the logical conclusion of this fricky hybrid MP system

    I play these exclusively games offline when I'm not explicitly invading (and go back offline when done), and invading isn't even fricking fun because it's like 70% samey fotm builds or squads of them, 25% really bad coop-ers who die to the level/overworld boss before I even get to them, or I feel bad for even fighting, and that final 1/20 rare occasion of someone who'll actually bow before fighting and not be using some cheesy ass build who's fun to play with

    Souls should be SP. maybe have some arena DLC or something on the side, but the original concept worked at the time it was released due to the game not being uber mainstream and the mechanics being fairly novel, but now 'getting into' souls pvp is like trying to 'get into' CoD or Starcraft pvp or some fighting game where 90% of the people who are still there have been doing it for 10+ years.
    Co-op is 'ruining the experience' or whatever because it's the equivalent of asking your big brother to beat the level for you, or putting more coins in the arcade machine, and defeats the entire purpose of 'playing the game'.
    Further more; the flood of trash casul co-op types with the growing popularity and 'accessibility' of the games feeds the epic pvp youtube/webm semi-comp pvptard community; it's really some kind of ecological disaster where one type of vermin has a population boom and another type of vermin that eats them has one as a result and then they both have a mass die out after crossing sustainability thresholds

    it was good while it was good, but now it's over.

    I for one am certainly not going to use this mod because I don't summon or get summoned, but the sheer existence of this mod and the reception to it highlights how fricked up things have gotten over time with this whole little mp ecosystem

    • 2 years ago

      >ds5 should be singleplayer
      >er is the logical conclusion
      >incoherent ramblings
      What did they do to you?

      • 2 years ago

        they have the same fricking argument on Ganker every goddamn they it's driving me crazy

  124. 2 years ago

    From really needed to take a harder stance against this mod. There really is no point to the built in multiplayer anymore and it could affect how it works in their future games. The effect will just be more casualization and tearing the soul out of the game to make it more palatable to casuals. It has lost identity and slid more on the path to becoming a Ubisoft game.

    • 2 years ago

      There is more than 1 platform you fricking moron.

  125. 2 years ago

    Why are we having this thread again? it's FROM's fault for having, shit anti-cheat implementation, shit balance, shit pvp and shit coop. I loved do do invasions, gank, etc in their previous games and not even I gave a shit about elden ring's pvp that's how bad it is.

  126. 2 years ago


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