4th Anniversary


Are you rolling for Pranked Choi?

CRIME Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Asset rip


  2. 2 years ago

    Looks niice!

  3. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      More like Choi Bounce.

  4. 2 years ago

    Shermie's huge ass
    Lady Choi's huge breasts

  5. 2 years ago

    Pranked Choi is too chill, comparing to pranked Chang who is a playful e-girl. Winpose is pure sex, though.

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        That is a gorgeous webm

  6. 2 years ago

    where the frick are Gato's stones?

    • 2 years ago

      A1-3 are in his codex, like most recent characters.
      Moon and Star are crafted in Shermie crafting event.

      • 2 years ago

        >A1-3 are in his codex, like most recent characters.
        No they are not, his codex has stones for Lady Choi, they are EX stones with bleed effect. They are not his and won't work for him

  7. 2 years ago

    So, are Choi and Shermie broken or what? Do I need to max them out?

  8. 2 years ago

    Did they buff the rates for Choi and Shermie? I'm getting far more luck with them than I did with the last two banners.

    • 2 years ago

      They have a combined rate of 1.2% versus the .006% of the previous banners

      • 2 years ago

        that's not how math works anon

  9. 2 years ago

    I got this entire set from the regular card dungeon. It took literally THOUSANDS os skip tickets, I'm actually down to less than one thousand now. But it did save me the 8000 rubies that the set costs in the shop. I guess I got lucky that no dupes dropped, and I managed to get Shermie's special card too, but not Choi's and also none of the CYS set, so if I want those I'm gonna have to roll the card banner anyway.

    • 2 years ago

      show the shop screenshot then I'll believe it

      • 2 years ago

        You wanna check that I haven't bought them? This would be a pretty pointless thing to lie about, anon.
        I only really wanted the type 1 card since that's the one that cost 6k rubies, and I actually did get that one first, but I still had skip tickets so I kept going hoping to get Choi's special card. I ended up completing the set but the special card never dropped, so I started dropping rubies on the card banner and went all the way to pity without getting anything besides a Shermie special card (which I already had). I've decided to just use the pity ticket to get Choi's special and call it quits, I'm gonna save my rubies for the collab which I still believe is coming soon. Our last three threads all started in the middle of the last three collabs, like clockwork.

    • 2 years ago

      Which tier did you farm?

      Here. Angel lvl 70, Shermie lvl 40 and Akuma lvl 30.
      I have the atk fame for green, red and purple at lvl 20 too.

      And their CP + strikers I used, though with Shermie I didn't really need them.

      And I also managed to brute force Igniz too. It's crazy how one mistake can frick you over like this.
      Almost lost the run when he petrified my Angel and killed her, then Akuma tagged in an got petrified and almost killed.

      Seems doable. Thanks.

      • 2 years ago

        I just grinded the last one in case the chance for event cards was higher, but who knows if it is, maybe it's the same for every tier after 4. But I have like a billion AP in potions, so I figured I might as well.

      • 2 years ago

        And just to finish out, I manage to get Ash down too after some long practice using all my tries these past 2 days. But I had to sub out that A30 Akuma for my blue Chun A30 to abuse chill damage.
        For a while I thought it wasn't gonna be possible because I timed out two times with Ash at 8 bars left, and another with Ash with 7 bars left.
        I fricking love Shermie.

  10. 2 years ago

    >Are you rolling for Pranked Choi?
    Nah, I don't have many rubies and I'm not a big Choi guy or lady Choi guy

  11. 2 years ago

    Believe nobody, not even yourself.

  12. 2 years ago

    Downloaded this game back up after not playing for years, who is the best character to pick out of these? I have no bias toward any of them

    • 2 years ago

      All them are very outdated now but both Orochi and Rugal recently got a second buff so pick whoever you like more between them

    • 2 years ago

      They're all shite but Rugal is the last shite one for now until they decide to give Goenitz a change up.

  13. 2 years ago

    RIP time attack

    • 2 years ago

      Lel, top50 are all pranked Choi starting from 22.6 seconds.

    • 2 years ago

      So they did this just to be able to have an excuse to create a new TA map? She just shits on everyone else.

      the new set was worth it

      What the frick

    • 2 years ago

      So they did this just to be able to have an excuse to create a new TA map? She just shits on everyone else.

      What the frick

      TA Veteran was already really easy anyway. It's only gonna make a difference for TA Master, and even then you'll only be able to use her half the time, when it's set to Defense only or all fighters.

      • 2 years ago

        dont mind the redditard

        people just want to find a reason to complain

  14. 2 years ago

    the new set was worth it

  15. 2 years ago

    Dont use Lady Choi in gold stages, that shit is an epilepsy waiting to happen.

  16. 2 years ago

    Finally beat this fricker because Shermie can just juggle him to death while not giving a chance for him to turn hyper armor on. While also healing Angel and Akuma.
    Thanks Shermie.

    • 2 years ago

      What level were your guys to clear the floor?

      • 2 years ago

        Here. Angel lvl 70, Shermie lvl 40 and Akuma lvl 30.
        I have the atk fame for green, red and purple at lvl 20 too.

        • 2 years ago

          What level were your guys to clear the floor?

          And their CP + strikers I used, though with Shermie I didn't really need them.

  17. 2 years ago

    And I also managed to brute force Igniz too. It's crazy how one mistake can frick you over like this.
    Almost lost the run when he petrified my Angel and killed her, then Akuma tagged in an got petrified and almost killed.

  18. 2 years ago

    Deimos is back


    Now you can get 800 rubies plus a random SS Memory by finishing it.

  19. 2 years ago

    So when are they gonna give us an option to get generic EX memories?

  20. 2 years ago

    Haven't played this since SDS collab. Kind of tempted to get back in because there's more Shermie.

  21. 2 years ago

    Aw shit

    • 2 years ago

      Tekken part2, pls. Or Samsho part2.

    • 2 years ago

      hopefully it's this

      Tekken part2, pls. Or Samsho part2.

      so I can skip

    • 2 years ago

      >SamSho character pack DLC for KoFXV announced
      Hmmm, I sure wonder what this could be.

  22. 2 years ago

    It seems that NM did cut out a lot of bullshit from Deimos and is actually enjoyable now.

    • 2 years ago

      netmarble always makes things good eventually
      whiny morons just go off constantly without appreciating any good things they hand out

  23. 2 years ago

    If you have any of the MaxMode sets, you can crush Deimos even with fricking Vanilla Orochi


    • 2 years ago

      Fixed link

    • 2 years ago

      Interesting. I don't have either of those sets completed but I do have Orochi at A7 so I figured I'd try him. Even with the power gain nerf in Deimos it's not too hard to get enough power to activate the healing core with just the Pretty Choi set and Halloween Chris leader skill. Once the healing gets going I'm pretty much set, although the boss fights with nerfed healing fricked me up and I had to swap to my SF team for those. Still used Orochi for the non-boss floors because he's easy to keep topped up with health.

      Also there's some weirdness going on with that first video in your post. If I watch it embedded right here on the thread it works fine, but if I click to go to the youtube page it gives me a 404. Weird.

  24. 2 years ago

    fokin' 'ell

  25. 2 years ago

    I hit the EX selector on the banner, who should i get a dupe of? I have both Shermie and Lady Choi at Awaken Level 2.

    • 2 years ago

      Shermie can solo Nightmare Geese while Choi is mostly geared towards Time Attack. Pick the one you need the most

    • 2 years ago

      Get shermie, you'll get her stone too if you take her to a3, as for choi's stone you can get it if you get gato to a3. The stone you get for leveling him up are choi's stone, he doesn't have his own SS stones.

      • 2 years ago

        You're confused, All three characters give the same EX stone selection boxes as rewards for awakening, there is no difference.

        • 2 years ago

          do shermie's stone's also give bleed damage ? I don't think so

          • 2 years ago

            No stones give bleed damage, all the Vol.4 EX stones only increase active skill damage.

            • 2 years ago

              the circle stone gives bleed and shock damage, even the ones on Gato, go check again

    • 2 years ago

      Shermie can solo the last 20 or so levels of Tower of Trials if you have this new set too

  26. 2 years ago

    I have 5 generic SS memories, who should I use them on? I'm torn between getting Dizzy to 5* or Kula, or is there a better option?
    The only SS I don't have are Yuri and K'.

    • 2 years ago

      Terry or Mary, right now the meta is DOT explosion. Dizzy is a also a good pick but the problem is that SS units can get EX change ups in the following months but collabs are fricked

    • 2 years ago

      I'd just wait a bit and see who gets change ups next. Ideally you would want an A70 fighter in every colour.

  27. 2 years ago

    So what are all the characters playable in a KOF who don't have at least one version as a unit yet?

    • 2 years ago

      You don't need to ask, baby.

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Dozens, but a lot of them won't be released because if they were they should be gold units or silver but the game doesn't add any new units that are less than FES.
      But the big name ones that should be added are obviously Shen Woo, Duo Lon, Tizoc and Magaki. Those are from Ash Saga along and we might see then if they ever add the ash saga story.

      • 2 years ago

        Tizoc might come soon you can see his character art in banner on the background of Angel's lobby background

        • 2 years ago

          Magaki was also there in SF6 event but he's not yet appeared in the game. Part of me thinks the game might shut down soon. If the next even isn't a collab then it's confirmed that we won't get a collab for this quarter.

          • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Duo Lon
      Shen Woo
      Duck King
      Gai Tendo
      Sho Hayate
      Hwa Jai
      Saiki (transformed)
      Tung Fu Rue
      Mui Mui
      Love Heart
      Darli Dagger

      Counting only mainline 94~XV, no side games or spin-offs.

      • 2 years ago

        Luong, Dolores and Isla have high chances of making it in the next year or so aside from the inevitable XV EX alts of the popular characters that are in XV and don't have an EX version already.

  28. 2 years ago

    Gato isn't as worthless after all

    • 2 years ago

      >QM set
      That's more the set being really broken.

  29. 2 years ago

    First time I actually finish this.

    • 2 years ago

      What's the reward?

      • 2 years ago

        Just the 100 rubies from the mission completion and the same loot from other floors. I was expecting something to put on the trophy thingy or achievement rubies.
        Kinda lame.

        • 2 years ago

          First time I actually finish this.

          What was your CP and the setup of your team?

          • 2 years ago

            And I have ATK Fame lvl 20 too in purple, red and green elements.

            • 2 years ago

              Seems doable. I'll give it a try

          • 2 years ago

            minimum CP is 206k, recommended 230k

  30. 2 years ago

    New player here, how would I go about getting dupes of Shermie after the EX banner ends? I got her to A4, and I had sparked the EX selector which is just gonna sit in my inventory since I would need a 2nd dupe.

    • 2 years ago

      Right now that is the only way but every time a new rarity/category has been introduced, generic dupes for those categories have been introduced around 4~6 six months after

      • 2 years ago

        Well shit, figures. I'm guessing they don't really rerun EX units either? I see all those other EX units on my friend list outside of the Street Fighter gang but don't see them in the summon pool

        • 2 years ago

          They will get rerun but it will take a while. Vol 1 with Kyo was just released in April

  31. 2 years ago

    Is the Choi set worth buying? Seems like it would only be good for TA and for that the Big set is still good enough.
    Kinda sucks that the first card is so pricey just because of the useless BS/SS generic memory it has.

    • 2 years ago

      Is not a generic BS/SS, is a selector so it is a decent investment to keep on hand for future ex-change ups.

      But besides that, the Choi set is only a must if you don't have BS Zero, Luke and/or Lady Choi or if you suck on TA

      • 2 years ago

        Then as I expected it's not worth it the ruby sink. Thanks mate.

  32. 2 years ago

    >Tekken Collab
    >But with coom this time
    Holy shit

  33. 2 years ago

    Nina's boobs are humongous.

  34. 2 years ago

    Remember to get the Tekken tickets and do the roulette missions before reset today to get an extras

  35. 2 years ago

    Ah shit, Devil Jin

    • 2 years ago

      No datamine yet?

      • 2 years ago

        Only Nina's art

        • 2 years ago

          I hope the second one will be the freebie. Looks way hotter.

          • 2 years ago

            Going by the DOA and SF collabs, Bride Nina will be the freebie

  36. 2 years ago
  37. 2 years ago

    Here I was just about to uninstall the game and Nina comes knocking

  38. 2 years ago

    >fighter and battle card ticket for 100 rubies per day
    I'm not sure if that's worth it

    • 2 years ago

      Considering it's for collab, then it's worth it. You won't know when it will be available again, if ever. Previous tekken collab was almost two years ago with no reruns.

    • 2 years ago

      Definitely worth it. By that math you get a 10x summon for both card and fighter in just 1000 rubies

  39. 2 years ago

    Look, not to be a downer but anyone want to explain to me how the frick the single ticket from the Tekken collab store is worth hundred rubies? A single pull cost one hundred rubies anyway but it gives Pity Points, a single ticket gives you nothing. Why would I buy this ticket at 100 rubies? The carnival is also no big deal. People shoulldn't stress pushing that to the max if you didn't save cards its all rng rewards and the limited pool of SS/BS memory they're offering are all characters passed their sell by date. The rewards are shit if you look closely, the tekken tickets aren't even guaranteed.

    I know what exactly NM is up to, they know they made a lot of the userbase spend on the recent banners, so they throw in this collab last minute to make them scramble and stress out, so they spend money. Very israeli.

    • 2 years ago

      It's worth it, because it's both card and fighter tickets. That's minimal, but still better worth for 100 rubies.
      People will pull anyway, because while original collab had only beefcake with shitty Xiaoyu, this run has big tiddies right off the bat. And it's bound to have some broken shit, too.
      Buy rubies, goy.

    • 2 years ago

      A sudden collab to catch you with your pants down is pretty standard practice, they've done this before and I'm sure other gacha games do similar things. It's just the business model. Only the SF collab had a really long prior notice for some reason.

      The deal in the shop seems quite good since it's 100 rubies for both a fighter ticket AND a card ticket, so you're saving 60 rubies each time you buy it (well more like 50 since you'd normally only roll the fighter banner in multis for the 10% discount). Yeah it's a shame it's not tokens instead of tickets, but it's still more than I would have expected.

    • 2 years ago

      bro just stfu and enjoy the collab
      long rants are a waste of time

      • 2 years ago

        You're a waste of time and you need to shut the frick up.

        • 2 years ago

          make me crybaby reddit b***h

          • 2 years ago

            LMAO. Gottem. This b***h is seething.

            • 2 years ago

              lmao this cuck so mad he got called out for writing 2 paragraphs like a reddit or discord child molester
              go seethe yourself into a rope and let the people who enjoy the game enjoy it

              • 2 years ago

                I didn't get called out. Two people get me legit reply and you decided to play defense for NM. Now you're mad and a pedo projector. EZ win

              • 2 years ago

                LMAO stfu ranting discord admin cuck wannabe
                if you think your rants mean anything you are delusional
                enjoy your sad pathetic life complaining and b***hing about a game people enjoy

              • 2 years ago

                Enjoy your sad pathetic life of funding Korean yacht parties while you bust your ass working at your local gas station, Pajeet! LMAO ez win.

              • 2 years ago

                oh em gee
                imagine being this mad about being told "nobody cares stfu" when their video game does not care about them
                like nice projecting yourself as a gas station rahul now go fill my lambergini with gas before i smash your worthless head with this Hennessy bottle like i did with the homeless morons in the slums for fun

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not mad. That's the shit. But you are. You can't handle bants. Your ass is bleeding. Also I didn't read any of that shit. GG. Cry more.

              • 2 years ago

                sure you are not mad
                that is why you wrote a 2 paragraph rant with reddit spacing about how the game is SOOOOO unbearable
                lmao sure you are not mad kid the receipts show you clearly see so calm that you are not clearly mad enough at a game to constantly complain about it

  40. 2 years ago

    Keep sneeding. Thanks for the (You), Rajesh. EZist win. No rematches.

  41. 2 years ago

    keep posting rants about how the game is doomed or it is unbearable kid
    im sure the btfod discord cuck admin will notice and molest your nice boyish ass

  42. 2 years ago

    Didn't say the game was doomed or any of that shit. I literally warned people not to stress over the carnival because the rewards are ass and that the way NM goes about doing their events is scummy. That's how I know you're seeing red and are fricking mad, curry lord goat fricker.

    • 2 years ago

      Look, not to be a downer but anyone want to explain to me how the frick the single ticket from the Tekken collab store is worth hundred rubies? A single pull cost one hundred rubies anyway but it gives Pity Points, a single ticket gives you nothing. Why would I buy this ticket at 100 rubies? The carnival is also no big deal. People shoulldn't stress pushing that to the max if you didn't save cards its all rng rewards and the limited pool of SS/BS memory they're offering are all characters passed their sell by date. The rewards are shit if you look closely, the tekken tickets aren't even guaranteed.

      I know what exactly NM is up to, they know they made a lot of the userbase spend on the recent banners, so they throw in this collab last minute to make them scramble and stress out, so they spend money. Very israeli.

      The carnival isn't that hard to complete. I had a bunch of Platinum tickets saved for months because the regular pool of cards are all shit compared to Collab/BS/SS/EX tailored sets so I just popped them all and completed it.
      I still even have over 400 regular tickets too that I will get rid of whenever they do another carnival.
      And the Collab shit is scummy as always, but I don't like Tekken (or any of the Collabs more than the KoF characters for that matter) that much so I'm gonna skip it. Sucks for whoever got drained by Shermie/Choi and likes Tekken though.
      I'm way more annoyed by the fact that there's still not a generic EX memory, but like you pointed out, NM are israeli as frick and will only give us generic EX memories once they add their new set of special snowflake fighters that shit on everything we've had before.

  43. 2 years ago

    >uses reddit spacing
    >fantastic racism
    oh it is you lmao
    frick off discuck admin
    imagine being this butthurt and assblasted you hold that L for 2 years

    • 2 years ago

      What are you even talking about? You're losing your mind here.

      • 2 years ago

        Anon, don't try to understand that forum schizo. He already past the point of sanity after power tripping about how a discord admin leaving out of discontent over the game meant that said anon doxxed the admin.

        And said schizo has been going. About. It. For. Two. Years... I do not know what is more sad: The fact that the people flamed out two years ago were right about a lot of stuff they predicted in this asiatic model or the fact the ones bragging about how the game now is somehow ">better than ever" are completely wrong.

        • 2 years ago

          Damn, what a sad fricker. I almost feel bad for him. Nah, I take great solace in knowing he's a fricking loser and fricked in the head.

      • 2 years ago

        Anon, don't try to understand that forum schizo. He already past the point of sanity after power tripping about how a discord admin leaving out of discontent over the game meant that said anon doxxed the admin.

        And said schizo has been going. About. It. For. Two. Years... I do not know what is more sad: The fact that the people flamed out two years ago were right about a lot of stuff they predicted in this asiatic model or the fact the ones bragging about how the game now is somehow ">better than ever" are completely wrong.

        Damn, what a sad fricker. I almost feel bad for him. Nah, I take great solace in knowing he's a fricking loser and fricked in the head.

        The carnival isn't that hard to complete. I had a bunch of Platinum tickets saved for months because the regular pool of cards are all shit compared to Collab/BS/SS/EX tailored sets so I just popped them all and completed it.
        I still even have over 400 regular tickets too that I will get rid of whenever they do another carnival.
        And the Collab shit is scummy as always, but I don't like Tekken (or any of the Collabs more than the KoF characters for that matter) that much so I'm gonna skip it. Sucks for whoever got drained by Shermie/Choi and likes Tekken though.
        I'm way more annoyed by the fact that there's still not a generic EX memory, but like you pointed out, NM are israeli as frick and will only give us generic EX memories once they add their new set of special snowflake fighters that shit on everything we've had before.

        oh look another schizo samegay meltdown
        you love it when you see it LMAO!!! 🙂

        >Guy left after someone kept bot spamming him with malware and threats to doxx
        >Says he will never speak about the game or be related to it ever again after kicking the whale guild leader's teeth in over how asiatic powercreep pvp cannot only carry a game
        >People still assblasted and want to flame him to this date
        > t. Day 1 jpbro who had to lurk in that server because it was one of the only few in the past that actually cared about good and fast translations
        This just gets sadder the more time goes on
        Worst part is he never even asked for a discord admin, he was just forced it because the original owner fricked off and people wanted bots in the server

        tell me where that hoemad moron was ever right in his """predictions"""
        im waiting but i know you cant
        ill stay winning losers tata~! 🙂

    • 2 years ago

      >Guy left after someone kept bot spamming him with malware and threats to doxx
      >Says he will never speak about the game or be related to it ever again after kicking the whale guild leader's teeth in over how asiatic powercreep pvp cannot only carry a game
      >People still assblasted and want to flame him to this date
      > t. Day 1 jpbro who had to lurk in that server because it was one of the only few in the past that actually cared about good and fast translations
      This just gets sadder the more time goes on
      Worst part is he never even asked for a discord admin, he was just forced it because the original owner fricked off and people wanted bots in the server

  44. 2 years ago


    >no Asuka


    • 2 years ago

      I was expecting Anna with Nina. I could easily live without this shitty Hwoarang from 7.

    • 2 years ago

      If Nina is the premium character like Chun-li or Sol, I won't even roll on the banner.

    • 2 years ago

      Damn 2 cloned characters? That's new. I haven't played Tekken since the original release of 6. I had no idea that eye patch guy was Hwoarang.

      If Nina is the premium character like Chun-li or Sol, I won't even roll on the banner.

      She is. Scroll down on the website. It's the very first Event notice.

      • 2 years ago

        The WWE event had two Cenas and two Dwaynes.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, but one of each was free. I doubt they will be as generous this time.

          • 2 years ago

            I just realized that I mentioned WWE when the more obvious example is the previous Tekken collab which had two Jins and two Xiaoyus. One of the Jins was indeed free but one of the Xiaoyus was the opposite of free, you literally had to buy her directly with money and there was no other way. I wonder if they'll let us have her this time, it's not like it matters anymore.
            They kind of made up for it by making both Paul and Armor King sort of free, it took a bit of effort to get them but you didn't need rubies.

            • 2 years ago

              The thing is both Tekken vol1 and WWE had 8 overall, with 2 dupes. Tekken vol2 has only 6 overall with 2 dupes. This is cheap shit.

              • 2 years ago

                The second Gintama collab only had four new characters, down from six in the first collab. Compared to that we're actually getting more this time.

              • 2 years ago

                That was only a real problem for KR and JP. For global we got 10 full characters at once.

              • 2 years ago

                Okay? That's irrelevant to the fact that it was the second Gintama collab they did for this game. We're talking about Netmarble's decision making.
                I'm just saying the amount of characters we're getting in this collab is consistent with what they've done in the past and it's in fact better than the only other re-edition of a collab they've done in the past. Not saying you have to be happy with it though, I'm certainly pissed that we're not getting Asuka.

              • 2 years ago

                stfu, you kiddiediddler.
                netmarble still got a huge collab with great characters and you can frick right off if you don't like it.
                the game now is better than ever with a lot of free options of getting rubies to pull.

              • 2 years ago

                But NetMarble still sucks.
                Case Closed.

              • 2 years ago

                fricking shills

                maybe if you stopped being such a little b***h and whining or complaining all the time you can JUST MAYBE enjoy this generous game 🙂

              • 2 years ago

                fricking shills

              • 2 years ago

                maybe if you stopped being such a little b***h and whining or complaining all the time you can JUST MAYBE enjoy this generous game 🙂

                Stop talking to yourself. It's fricking embarrassing. KYS.

              • 2 years ago

                suck my dick real good discuck homosexual
                this game going to last 50 years beyond your no gameplay e-girlshit trash you play

            • 2 years ago

              I didn't put any effort last time, I only have the classic Jin and some Paul souls. Couldn't even finish the roulette event due to exams. I would be very happy to get those characters now.

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >>no Asuka
      That's a skip.

  45. 2 years ago

    Tekkens great and all, but i want to see something like a Yakuza collab.

  46. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      the frick is this? did they just edit the png on top of the background instead of hiring a good web designer?

  47. 2 years ago

    >Tekken collab chat
    >Survey for "which IP do we want to collab with in the future" results in pic related
    >Stance swap showcase
    >Summer Mary event with Hwoarang will be added for the collaboration
    >"Boss showdown" game mode where you will fight an enemy (Devil Jin) for different rewards, you can also apply penalties to yourself which will give you higher rewards
    >New badges added for the Tekken collab
    >There will be new collabs in the future

    • 2 years ago

      >Japan just wants to Collab with fighting games that KoF has already collabed with dozens of times over the years
      Why is Japan so fricking boring

    • 2 years ago

      >There will be no new collabs in the future
      As in Tekken? Frick we didn't even get Asuka and Yoshi. Fricking bullshit.

      • 2 years ago

        There will be more new Collabs in the future. It seems that Collabs is going to become KOFAS thing

        • 2 years ago

          I shouldn't browse this when I'm so sleepy. I don't know where the frick I read that "no" from.

  48. 2 years ago


    First banner is Ex T7 Hwoarang, SS Alisa, FES Classic Nina

    Second Banner drops on September 1st and is Ex Devil Jin, SS Classic Hwoarang and FES Classic Nina

    No rerun of previous Tekken units or cards.

    Bride Nina is in a special banner like Sol and Chun before

    The Tekken exclusive Tower includes challenges that net you up to 15 rubies per stage

    The new Boss Challenge is a regular match 1 to 1 against a buffed Devil Jin. You can handicap yourself to get extra rewards like coins for the Bride Nina banner, and option cards.

    Dice game to get more Nina banner coins

    A bunch of missions to get badges

    Mokujin is added as a "secret character" in Dream Match

    The Autoclear function of the Tekken Rush dungeon is paywalled behind either of the battle passes.

    • 2 years ago

      First banner is absolute trash. I will only pull on the second. Should have stated that Bride Nina is also EX.
      >No rerun of previous Tekken units or cards.
      This is bullshit. I wanted to complete the lineup. Never got Kazuya on the old banner.
      >The Autoclear function of the Tekken Rush dungeon is paywalled behind either of the battle passes.
      This is nothingburger. Previous rush dungeons also didn't have autoclears.

      • 2 years ago

        >Previous rush dungeons also didn't have autoclears.

        I guess the question is if by autoclear they mean using skip tickets or have the AI play the dungeon to farm coins

        • 2 years ago

          Well, they wouldn't turn off Auto function just for one single mode. That would be some extreme israelitery.

    • 2 years ago

      he wasn't in T7 was he?

      • 2 years ago

        It's bootleg Mokujin

  49. 2 years ago


    korean livestream codes

    can someone confirm if they work on global?

    • 2 years ago

      No, they don't work.

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Codes will go live after maintenance is over

  50. 2 years ago

    >Win 100 times in a row in Dream Match
    >against laggy fricks
    Top kek

  51. 2 years ago

    >13 multis deep
    >get exactly one copy of each character, no dupes whatsoever
    >6 multis deep on the card banner before seeing any 5*
    >10 mulits total in and not a single new card
    Okay. Alright, I forgot for a second there that I was playing a NM game. I’ll see you guys in a few months.

  52. 2 years ago

    also TEKKEN7COLLABO for x10 Vol.1 Fighter Tickets

  53. 2 years ago

    Holy shit, there is too much shit in this collab. I've got like 70 free tickets from the boxes and got 2 Alisas from it and like 4 different new collab option cards. Then there are event missions, honor missions, event missions in the normal weekly tab, dice game. Rush dungeon set is complete trash this time and you will get it anyway if you want to clear all missions, because one event mission is to run Rush dungeon goddamn 1000 times.
    Then there's also this new devil jin boss mode that gives you in addition another 4 unique Tekken option cards on later levels. I've managed to get to level 13 so far.
    Who is worth it to pull for? I didn't really look at the fighters yet and that anon who kept posting walls of new fighter description still didn't do that.

    • 2 years ago

      I coincidentally got Alisa and her card from my free tickets, and also got Nina's card, but nothing else. I'm gonna wait for the second banner to drop before I spend any rubies.

      Everything in the Honor Mission is just badges for your trophy room, they don't do anything. If you think it's too much you can ignore them.

  54. 2 years ago

    It is possible to cheese Devil Jin with Bison and either the Quick Max Mode set or the SF banner set.

    Is too soon to know who are the best units but Hwoarang hits ridiculously hard without having DOT and Alisa's immunities are fricking ridiculous.

    • 2 years ago

      How are you supposed to do it with the SF set? It ain't working for me, I get close but he's always at 20~30% health when time runs out, and it counts as a loss even if you have more health. Both Bison videos you posted use the fricking quick mode set.

      • 2 years ago

        The SF set is to gain damage immunity and tank Jin's attacks. However you need to pick the stun handicap and keep manual control of your character to pull it off. Also, I don't think you can finish with just one character, unlike the Quick Mode set.

  55. 2 years ago

    Lol, T7 Hwoarang's skills have ~1200% DMG on them. With his leader skill of +65% DMG increase these are comparable damage numbers to supers for most of the other fighters in the game. And also he's the first stance character in the game. His 3 changes his 1 and 2, so he actually has 5 skills.
    Also. he's immune to Stun, Freeze, Petrify and Fear.

    Alisa also has stance switch and 5 skills overall. And her core makes her immune to everything but Freeze and Fear.

    Bride Nina can heal everyone on the team with her 3, similar to XV Shermie. She also has immunities to all DOTs. Only suspectible to Stun and Fear, though.

    Normal Nina is the shitter of the collab. She has nothing special, comparing to others and no immunities.

    • 2 years ago

      So this is the new meta, no DoT explosions, and immunity to fricking everything that stuns.

  56. 2 years ago

    This shit was way too annoying to do even with QM and MM sets just because of the stun debuff. I lost 3 times at 1% of Jin's HP just because I rolled the 15% stun right as I was about to do the last skills to secure the kill.

  57. 2 years ago

    Random in Dream match now picks Mokujin in all three slots, each one using random Tekken char moveset. No way to get Kusanagi during collab.

    • 2 years ago

      Oh wait, I've got it all wrong. Just lucked out with 3 mokujins. You can get normal characters in random and Mokujin can copy non-Tekkens too. Just got one with Orochi Iori moveset and another with Omega Rugal.

    • 2 years ago

      wait until you get a golden one

  58. 2 years ago

    Neat detail with Mokujin that copies EX character will have gold skin instead of wood.

  59. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      how did you managed to get the file to such an small size without loosing quality?

      • 2 years ago

        Playing around with the settings on cloudconvert

        While using the HD rip of the title screen

        What's the trick for Deimos Base this time? I can't cheese it with Orochi anymore, his healing can no longer keep up. Although I see a guy in the NM forum saying he beat it with Orochi anyway, but he didn't say how, he was too busy creaming himself over how hot he thinks Orochi is.

        Try to keep your HA active as long as possible, that's why using your finishers isn't recommended unless they're short.

        • 2 years ago

          neat, thanks

          • 2 years ago

            >tries to convert it to gif
            >takes a while
            >file is 301 mb
            what the frick

            • 2 years ago

              To convert WebMs to gif I use Ezgif although I've never tried to convert one of such quality.

            • 2 years ago

              Haha yeah, that's why I avoid .gifs like the plague. thankfully gfycat does the job. I've been posting animated character renders and titlescreens over on the unofficial kofas discord if you want grab them.

        • 2 years ago

          I'm on floor 31, there's homies that break my armor and homies that my AP all over the place, and my lv A65 Orochi's core healing can't even keep up with the automatic damage that just happens, never mind taking any damage from enemies. Even with 98 Athena striker support.
          I have (offensively) stronger characters of course, but at this point I have to essentially sacrifice a character to get through a floor, and I don't have 19 usable characters to finish this.
          Last time we had Deimos base my Orochi's healing could outlast all damage just fine, except for the boss floors where healing was gimped, so I could use my SF characters for those and Orochi for the rest. This ain't working this time.

          • 2 years ago

            You can cheese it with the new Tekken units and the Rush dungeon set. The units have immunities out of the ass and the set gives shield on tag in and reduces damage 99%

          • 2 years ago

            On consideration I realized that the problem is that the set damage in this floor is starlight and I never got a starlight reduction buff. Is there no way of redoing your buffs, are you just fricked if you pick poorly? I wouldn't even mind starting over. In fact I just realized that you can actually replay earlier floors, but you can't re-select your buff and you don't keep any HP you recover on replays, so it's completely pointless. What the frick.

            You can cheese it with the new Tekken units and the Rush dungeon set. The units have immunities out of the ass and the set gives shield on tag in and reduces damage 99%

            Guess I'll try that later then. I can't afford the whole set yet and I only have unawakened Alisa and Nina because I'm waiting for the second banner to drop.

  60. 2 years ago

    PSA, to avoid the Devil Jin bug that doesn't send you the rewards, you simply need to deselect and select a buff before starting the fight

  61. 2 years ago

    Thoughts on the current Tekken characters?

    • 2 years ago

      Seems like they are taking away the dot explosion system in favor of critical hits. Bride Nina is amazing, you could clear the tower with her even at level 90, haven't awakened her and her CP is already 110k.
      Hwoarang takes some work to get used to, Alisa is fine and has dot explosion in her default finisher but not her core skills. She's strong but dies easily.

  62. 2 years ago

    Hwoarang's mini-game starts lagging like hell after 30k points.

    • 2 years ago

      I managed to get 50k by putting graphics at the lowest setting and doing it after restarting the stage

      Thoughts on the current Tekken characters?

      Classic Nina is useless, Bride Nina is really strong, Alisa hits hard but is made of wet tissue, and Hwoarang hits like a truck filled with smaller trucks but the stance system takes work to get sued to.

  63. 2 years ago

    >suffering through dream match
    >combo opponents last character
    >I lose instantly
    I fricking hate pvp

    • 2 years ago

      git gud homosexual

  64. 2 years ago

    It's pretty annoying that the Nina mission requires WINNING at Dream Match. Not that I can't win, I've actually been doing quite well with random teams, but it would be nice to know how many wins in total the mission goes for so I can stagger them reasonably. Don't wanna get to the final day and have to get like 30 wins to complete it.
    Also it looks like there are no badges for win streaks this season?

    • 2 years ago

      There's 100 wins honor mission, so probably that's the last amount. There are no consecutive wins badges yet, but 6 badges for each collab character.

      • 2 years ago

        I was talking about the missions to get Nina coins. Turns out it's only 10 wins, I completed it and it went away.
        I'm not doing 100 wins for a fricking badge, frick that shit.

  65. 2 years ago

    >Whenever you interact with a Tekken character, the announcer says their name
    Peak soul.
    >Speaks like it was ran through AI generator
    Meh, gotta cut your losses. Still respectably faithful.

  66. 2 years ago

    >start dream match
    >match with a player named "God"
    >defeat him
    So I killed god?

  67. 2 years ago

    >Start Dream Match
    >Throttle my internet
    repeat x10 for 250 nina coins.

    • 2 years ago

      people like you should be shot in public and livestream it on all platforms

      • 2 years ago

        its what you morons, especially "stop b***hing about the game hurr durr" forumtard, deserve.
        frick this b***h ass game.

        • 2 years ago

          I'm poor, there's no way I can defend this game as it is. Stop fighting with air.

    • 2 years ago

      How does that actually work? I've had people disconnect on me but the game gave me the win.

    • 2 years ago

      I bet you're a Lady Choi player.

    • 2 years ago

      I just did 10 having fun avn4jwith Mokujins.

  68. 2 years ago

    Frick Lag Match and frick all the 3rd Worlders playing it with their potato phones and McDonalds wifi.

  69. 2 years ago

    Critical damage may help in just pure damae but this guy sucks since he doesn't measure up to the current PVE meta in other game modes since he doesn't have dot explosion

  70. 2 years ago

    The Tekken towers are pure bullshit, you shouldn't take more than a full skill rotation to kill mobs in stages with 40k CP with units with 120k CP. What the hell is NM thinking?

    • 2 years ago

      >What is NM thinking?
      pay up goyim
      wait until you get to the last 10 floors and it's even more excruciatingly boring to kill the mobs

      • 2 years ago

        I've heard that megawhales with A7 Hwoarang can't get all the stars because of how fricking tanky the mobs are.

        • 2 years ago

          I really don't see how you're supposed to clear floor 30+ in less than 60 seconds without using the finishers AND without dot explosion to complete the stars that require it. Seems believable enough.

          • 2 years ago

            You know you can replay floors right? You don't have to get all three stars at once.

            • 2 years ago

              I do know that. And the reason I'm saying that is that I was clearing the later floors USING the finishers and was only 15~30 seconds short of timing out.
              I know whales have more damage but even then the mobs are way too tanky.

  71. 2 years ago

    Ran into some training dummies in Dream Match.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, those are the Mokujin stand-ins

  72. 2 years ago

    What's the trick for Deimos Base this time? I can't cheese it with Orochi anymore, his healing can no longer keep up. Although I see a guy in the NM forum saying he beat it with Orochi anyway, but he didn't say how, he was too busy creaming himself over how hot he thinks Orochi is.

    • 2 years ago

      this ?

  73. 2 years ago

    Second banner is up.

  74. 2 years ago

    Goddamn, Jin only is affected by starlight, stun, Freeze and petrify and Classic Hwoaran is complete PvP cancer.

  75. 2 years ago

    I rolled each banners to pity once and managed to get every character, plus two memories for Alisa and one for classic Hwoa. Still got about 50k rubies, not sure where to spend them next. I guess it depends on who's better between Devil Jin and eyepatch Hwoa.

    Also is the change-up kit selector in the Jin Boss Challenge the only one we can get for free? The SF collab gave us three free kits, enough for all characters.

  76. 2 years ago

    Devil Jin is immune to Poison, Bleed, Shock, Chill, Darkness and Fear. Has 50% chance to inflict full screen fear and 20% chance to reset cooldown on his 2 upon landing any of his skills.

    1 has a chance to reset itself on hit, increases Jin's critrate on use and increases damage on his 3.
    2 is an instant full screen projectile, increases ATK on use, increases it's own damage on use.
    3 is chargable, can be used under attack, has HA. Increases 1's damage and overall critrate on use. Increases target's received damage on hit

    SS Hwoarang is immune to Bleed, Chill, Darkness, Freeze and Fear. Deals Chill and Shock DMG.. Increased damage on shocked enemies. Same stance system as T7 Hwoarang just with ~900% damage numbers, comparing to ~1200% on T7 version.

    Between banner 1 and 2 it boils down to T7 Hwoarang if you're okay with fricking around with stances or to Devil Jin if you want a full screen projectile. And also if you're lacking a blue or purple fighter.

    • 2 years ago

      idk What is worse in design autism: Dragonball Legends or this game.

  77. 2 years ago

    Lol, first pull on the second banner.

    • 2 years ago

      got jin on the first pul, didn't get anything after that for the rest of 20k rubies

  78. 2 years ago


    They really are giving out Nina coins like candy

    • 2 years ago

      Not really, 500 is only one tenth of what you need for one go around. The event missions don't even go for that long, I've already finished all of them except the guild greeting one. I only have 500 coins left to get from the dice game, plus the rewards from these forum events which like 2000 if you do them all? After that it's just the daily missions. And I only have her at A1 still.
      They're probably only giving us enough to get her to A3 for free, same as Sol and Chun.

    • 2 years ago

      Not enough, you need 5000 coins for each Nina memory. And from their usual pattern they just give enough to take the fighter to A3. Even with SS Gato where I used 3 of his memories to get his change up kit I could only take him to A3 after that, so if they want us to get more memories we will get more memories.
      Besides you need 2 memories to get her to a3 which means 10000 coins. Do you think we can get that many? I doubt it. I got her to A2 yesterday so now I need 15000 coins to get her to A4 in the remaining 12 days.

      • 2 years ago

        >2 memories to get her to a3

  79. 2 years ago
  80. 2 years ago

    You're not kidding about the mobs in the tower being needlessly tough. I have an A3 Jin with over 172k CP and I already can't fulfill the sub 60 seconds requirement on floor 24.

    • 2 years ago

      Apparently, the only way beat the mobs fast is by equipping the new Banner set since it gives ridiculous buffs

      • 2 years ago

        >A3 Jin
        Kek that's hilarious because Devil Jin is the highest DPS unit in the game right now by a mile, so if it is THAT bad it just means they overturned the HP of the mobs to moronic levels for no reason at all
        It's just like old Deimos after they buffed it to the point no one could clear it and they had to shelve it for months

        I do have the banner set. It could be that I wasn't playing optimally enough, I get thrown off by those tanks that spawn in the corners and don't move and also don't get displaced by your ultimate so you have to run after them manually.
        I managed to get to Jin to A4 and got quite a bit further for now. I could also craft the star and moon stones and equip them on him, but I'll see how far I can go without doing that.

        What the hell Harada was thinking with this design?

        It's better than Shun'ei tbf. Not by much though.

        • 2 years ago

          I fricking hate his design, who the hell thought it was ok to make that the final design?
          And after seeing Verse's alternate design I'm starting to think his design could have been much better. I especially like B and D, someone them are mob tier designs.

          State of Survival collab when

          next one is dragon ball super


          Championship is fricking moronic now


    • 2 years ago

      >A3 Jin
      Kek that's hilarious because Devil Jin is the highest DPS unit in the game right now by a mile, so if it is THAT bad it just means they overturned the HP of the mobs to moronic levels for no reason at all
      It's just like old Deimos after they buffed it to the point no one could clear it and they had to shelve it for months

  81. 2 years ago

    What the hell Harada was thinking with this design?

    • 2 years ago

      I really don't fricking know. His Tekken 4 designs are probably his best, followed by a tie between gay cowboy and his T3 alt of literally just normal person clothing

  82. 2 years ago

    I did it, thanks to A4 Jin and A7 Bison. I guess if I had the CYS set Bison could have done it alone, but I don't.

    Also, using Devil Jin in Deimos Base is fricking braindead with all immunities. I bet next time Demos comes around they're gonna make every floor have damage over time that's not of any particular type so he can be affected, or else he'll be easy mode.

  83. 2 years ago

    State of Survival collab when

  84. 2 years ago

    Interesting, Epic Quest Igniz can solo Devil Jin

  85. 2 years ago

    Championship is fricking moronic now

  86. 2 years ago

    kek what the frick

    • 2 years ago

      >84B damage
      >I can barely hit 1b with 3 keys
      God I feel so braindead

      • 2 years ago

        what the frick anon, do you need some help? what's your team?

        • 2 years ago

          For Rugal? I was taking ;
          A4 Baiken // A3 BS Gonutz.............// A4 I-no
          A1 Dictator // A2 Halloween Xiangfei // A3 Yaksha.

          I can list out their cards and shit if you like, but the stats are 108k+3152 // 71093+1180 // 90471+2662

          • 2 years ago

            Which level? inferno or lunatic? and what strikers are you using? a lot of people including me use strikers to break the meter and for damage the team should have fighters with dot damage. Remove Xiangfei and Yaksha from the team. Dictator can be useful for breaking the meter and also has a heal in his 3pg
            Got any EX fighters?
            But before that tell me the main reason for not even reaching a billion in 2 or more keys ? do your fighters die early or the damage isn't enough?

            • 2 years ago

              The bottom row was the strikers, and that was against the highest rank. And I don't know if it's plain lack of damage or if it's dying. My go to is skills > swap > skills etc until I get awakening then it's skill spam and use 3PGs when not in awakening or to skip mechanics (that's mostly vs geese)

              • 2 years ago

                Save awakening until you stun the boss by breaking his armor. You can only deal big damage numbers during armorbreak. Play around your Baiken's second skill: start your chain with it and time all your 2-3-1 combo cooldown around it. Use Bison striker when boss is close to the armor break to combine it with awakening for the biggest payout.
                You can also just put Halloween Xiangfei option card on your Baiken for both elements on your attacks and swap Dictator to any linked GG character to get more useful buffs.
                You can also transcend your cards to get even more buffs.

              • 2 years ago

                Remove yaksha anyway, he doesn't deal bleed or poison damage he increases bleed damage. If you need someone who inflicts bleed damage then try using Halloween Heidern or Eiji kisaragi. As for poision damage strikers there are lots of choices, Leona 12, angel 15, Lin, halloween angel, halloween alice, there maybe be more and I didn't include any collab fighters.

              • 2 years ago

                No, Yaksha 100% inflicts bleed on stiker call, I swear to god

              • 2 years ago

                either way, you're fine when it comes to strikers so you need to change your attack pattern. Don't keep one fighter on the field for long after using their active skill. Switch them quickly and use a 3pg. You might need to do basic attack to charge PG for the third fighter so make it someone who has a shield, hyper armor or invincibility then immediately do the 3 pg and switch again. Repeat this until you break the meter and then use awaken and spam your skills. If the boss regains their movements then forget the awaken skill and use 3pg again and/or switch. Never let your fighter stay their for long if the enemy still has their meter more than 10% or you'll die.

              • 2 years ago

                That's what I've been trying to do, guess it's just a skill issue

              • 2 years ago

                it's also the fighters, at one point I only used to get 1b from gg fighters but now with the SFV and EX fighters I can get 3-4b with ease. But since we're talking it anyway what are the cards you have equipped?

              • 2 years ago

                Baiken has double [Skill], Entertaining Cannon Festival, Small Hunt in the Forest & Serving is Miserable
                Rev2 stones with no moon or star.
                Gonutz has Burning Cameraderie, Nightmare Revial & Mysterious Designer Shermie
                BS V4 Stones with no moons or stars.
                I-No has [Attack] & [Crit]
                Raging Fatal Attacks, Serving is Horrible & Small Hunt
                Rev2 Stones with no moons or stars

                I have gotten no luck when it comes to getting moon or star gold stones. I think I need to work on transcending battle cards, but I'm worried about the fodder and RNG

  87. 2 years ago

    There, I did it. Every single fricking star. Needed my A4 Jin with five stones, the banner set and those option cards from the boss challenge that give a set CP raise, and STILL most of the last 10~15 floors needed two runs to complete, one to get the limit and another for the other two things.
    No way I'm getting every star in the other tower though, my EX Hwoa isn't even awakened. Hopefully I can at least reach the final floor though.

    Also you'd think that with this super buff Jin I'd be able to complete the Tower of Trials, but I'm still stuck at floor 85. That Igniz just smokes if I get a bit unlucky with the petrification/freeze. Also if feels like he gets stronger when I get him down to 15 bars (which takes a really long time btw).

    • 2 years ago

      >Also you'd think that with this super buff Jin I'd be able to complete the Tower of Trials, but I'm still stuck at floor 85. That Igniz just smokes if I get a bit unlucky with the petrification/freeze. Also if feels like he gets stronger when I get him down to 15 bars (which takes a really long time btw).

      Seemingly you need to use other Tekken chars equipped with the Rush Dungeon set to be used as meat shields.

  88. 2 years ago

    I never want to play this fricking dream match again after the 10 wins.

  89. 2 years ago

    Help me understand EX shards from Dispatch. Now that I can farm them for Devil Jin (albeit probably at a very slow rate), should I stop spending gems on his banner for memories and try and go for the complete Tekken card set?

    • 2 years ago

      Nevermind, I did more research and found those were Prime Memory shards for A6 and A7, and I can just farm the Tekken cards from the card dungeon if I get lucky. I'll focus on A3 Devil Jin then.

    • 2 years ago

      you have no a7 fighters? you can get vanilla orochi and omega to a7 anytime if you have the memories.

  90. 2 years ago

    DJin guild boss

    • 2 years ago

      Holy frick

    • 2 years ago

      wait a fricking minute, is he actually playing with a mouse? shit. Imagine what could be done with a controller if he actually fricking used that.

    • 2 years ago

      lmao that ending, NM is a fricking joke

      • 2 years ago

        That is cabal proof that they have no idea how to balance this game
        They gave these two Tekken EX chars way too much fricking damage over anything else in the game

      • 2 years ago

        That is cabal proof that they have no idea how to balance this game
        They gave these two Tekken EX chars way too much fricking damage over anything else in the game

        >best f2p friendly collab
        >waaaaah nm sucks
        no one cares
        stop posting and gtfo already cuck homosexuals

        • 2 years ago

          The SF collab was more f2p friendly than this one, since they gave us enough free change-up kits for all characters, while this time they're only giving us one, and it's locked behind the Devil Jin boss challenge which not everyone will be able to beat.

          • 2 years ago

            Don't forget that for Jin and Hwoa to be truly broken, you need to get them to A5 to unlock their EX-exclusive skills and the banner set. Unless you haven't pulled anything for the past four months there is simply no way for a F2P to get all of them.

          • 2 years ago

            Don't forget that for Jin and Hwoa to be truly broken, you need to get them to A5 to unlock their EX-exclusive skills and the banner set. Unless you haven't pulled anything for the past four months there is simply no way for a F2P to get all of them.

            i dont care
            stfu and uninstall already plebbit trash

    • 2 years ago

      He has posted the update in the comments

  91. 2 years ago

    Deimos is back with extra 800 rubies and a SS memory in case you need some last-minute rolls

    • 2 years ago

      They didn't change anything from last time so it can still be solo'd by Devil Jin on brainless mode. Still took me close to an hour to do because it's needlessly long. Wish it was 30 floors instead of 50.
      I literally only need one more Classic Nina memory so I can craft a Classic Hwoa memory so I can get his change up kit, but the game is being really stubborn about it.

  92. 2 years ago


    A new survey about your feelings about the Tekken collab with a section for suggestions and criticisms, plus which collab would you like to see next.

    Do me a favor and go call them out on how poorly thought the Tekken towers event was and how dumb was to make it virtually impossible to get all the badges without whaling.

    Also if you ask for Valkyrie Drive on the collab, it would be awesome.

  93. 2 years ago

    new EX fighter?

    • 2 years ago

      Wait two weeks or so

    • 2 years ago

      Iori XV

      • 2 years ago

        oh good

      • 2 years ago

        Is it confirmed? Thank God I get to save extra, I'm still recovering from XV Shermie/Lady Choi.

  94. 2 years ago

    I hope you guys had better luck than me

    • 2 years ago

      Devil Jin at A20.
      EX Nina at A30.
      SS Hwoarang at A10.
      Alisa at A20.
      SS Nina in the shitter.
      No EX Hwoarang.
      Zero special cards. One of each option cards and one full Rush dungeon set.

    • 2 years ago

      Only got really lucky with Jin. Used up all of my generic SS memories to A5 both Alisa and Hwoa. Felt wasteful, but they're not giving us a lot of SS fighters anymore and I really wanted the materials to craft more stones. Managed to craft two moons and three stars, pretty good.
      I also got at least one of every card except that Kim/Hwoa option.

      • 2 years ago

        You could have used all these normal Nina memories to exchange them for Hwoarang/Alisa memories.

        • 2 years ago

          I awakened Classic Nina using dimensional invites only. I got six memories of her and used them all to craft two Classic Hwoa memories so I could get his change up kit. Thankfully I also rolled an actual Hwoa memory, because you need three for the change up kit but you're only allowed to craft two using Nina memories for some ungodly reason.
          Of course this also caused me to miss out on Nina's own change up kit.

  95. 2 years ago

    They're adding KUSANAGI as SS after maintenance.

    • 2 years ago

      >as SS
      Why? He's an evil character through and through.

      • 2 years ago

        all BS characters are redesigns of the original meanwhile these new SS are just KoF fighters shoved in as SS fighters because FES fighters are outdated. KUSANAGI was datamined as 2002 fighter, SS chizuru was 98 chizuru, SS athena was XII athena, even the new gatou is just a redisgn of the old gatou already in the database for years. They just tweaked him to his XV design. The list keeps getting longer.

        • 2 years ago

          BS Orochi and Omega Rugal are not redesigned. BS Geese is just the Nightmare Geese skin from XIV.
          I always expected them to add further bosses like Magaki and Verse as BS, but at this point they'll be EX for sure if we ever even see them.

          got her to a3, have one extra memory lying around. Did you miss some mission?

          Don't think so, got her to A3 anyways so not too bothered about it really.

          I got her to A3 with an extra memory too, for all the good that it does since we don't have generic EX memories yet.
          Maybe that anon missed out on the screenshot event in the forum or whatever it was that gave some extra coins.

    • 2 years ago

      Yay, yet another Kyo.

  96. 2 years ago

    Blue balls

    • 2 years ago

      got her to a3, have one extra memory lying around. Did you miss some mission?

      • 2 years ago

        Don't think so, got her to A3 anyways so not too bothered about it really.

  97. 2 years ago

    This is just championship/Dream Match as an standalone release

    • 2 years ago

      >Dream Match as an standalone release
      kek, I was just joking when I said dream match was too successful so they'll release as it's own game. Atleast this one didn't turn out to be some NFT shit like some people were expecting.

      • 2 years ago

        All the characters are NFTs in this, thats how NM sold this to investors

        • 2 years ago

          wouldn't that make every gacha an NFT game? there's always some JPG there that's pay walled

          • 2 years ago

            no moron, you're shelling out netmarble's shitcoins to get totally unique version of whatever character, with the idea that you can sell off that character down the line.

            With the value of the character being set via various randomly assigned stats, the end goal is to get really busted characters that a crypto whale will snatch up, but ultimately its NM making the actually money

            • 2 years ago

              I see, glad I don't play any NM games anymore. Koreans are really bad at gacha games.

  98. 2 years ago

    Discarded units and the like

    • 2 years ago

      The Ms.Big that we got is miles better than the scrapped one. But scrapped r63 Geese was better. I think femKyo will come sooner or later, anyway, when they will revisit pranked characters.
      Scrapping Sentai Leona and Heidern is a weird move, when Sentai Clark and Ralf are already in the game.
      Country(?) Hotaru is whatever.

      • 2 years ago

        both those geeses look like d tier senrans

    • 2 years ago

      Some others are here

      • 2 years ago

        That is one obnoxious watermark. Where did he get them for his video?

        • 2 years ago

          – ah, it's Netmarble's own video. Then why the stupid watermark.

          • 2 years ago

            what is wrong with that chizuru?

            • 2 years ago

              Epic Quest unit

  99. 2 years ago


    NM is being suspiciously generous

    • 2 years ago

      >started check in too late for Autumn event.
      >won't be able to get SS Kyo

      Feels bad, man.

      • 2 years ago

        Did you already craft the SS selector from raising Rock, Ash, Igniz, NESTS Kyo, and Kim?


        • 2 years ago

          Uh no.

          I never fully read the guide and have been playing casually since the end of the SFV event(where I managed to get Ryu to A7.)

          Thanks for the suace.

    • 2 years ago

      did they finally check the how many people didn't log in after tekken?

  100. 2 years ago

    Kusanagi having projectile in his normal combo seems broken af.

  101. 2 years ago

    should I be waiting to spend these gems or what?

    • 2 years ago

      >The 'Event Rubies' can only be used until 10/05 17:59 (PDT). Please make sure to spend all of the Event Rubies as they will expire and be deleted afterwards.
      The Kusanagi event ends on 9/28 and there will be new EX probably afterwards, so you can save your temp rubies until then.

  102. 2 years ago

    So we got the BS selector today. I wonder if I should use it to raise someone I have so they'll be useful or just get someone I don't have, as I never got Krizalid or Nameless. Of course if I get them now it's pretty much just for the codex, they won't be useful until I can get a bunch of memories and that will probably take a long time.
    If I don't use it to get a new character I could instead use it to get the change-up kit for either Leona, Orochi or Rugal, as I have a couple of memories for each of those characters waiting to complete 3.

    • 2 years ago

      Nameless is a good pick but chances are that he will get a rerun soon to get his EX-change kit. So you might be able to wait until then.

      And out of the three BS that currently have Ex change kit, the best of them is Rugal, surprisingly enough. He hits a lot harder than Leona while Orochi is downright useless.

    • 2 years ago

      Kriz carried me for a while until the release of BS Nameless. Nameless is hands down the best BS right now.

  103. 2 years ago



    • 2 years ago

      >Another fricking Rugal
      I get to save, nice.

    • 2 years ago

      How many XV characters will they add before they finally include Shun’ei?

    • 2 years ago

      wouldn't it be cool if

      • 2 years ago

        Well it says right there that it's the XV version. And there's clearly no armor in the silhouette, so it's probably going to be literally the same model as the regular 98 version, maybe with a permanent glow effect or something. Pretty disappointing release to start us off after a major collab.
        At least they'll probably release a special card of his XV super which should work with 98 and BS Rugals as well. I might actually skip the character and just roll for the card since I don't have the Kaiser Phoenix one.

    • 2 years ago

      day 12, I have no regrets leaving the game

  104. 2 years ago

    >XV O.Rugal without his b***hin' armor
    What a waste.

    • 2 years ago

      He has the armor

      • 2 years ago

        Well that's a lot better. The silhouette in



        was misleading.
        Nice to see two EX characters at once instead of one. Duo Lon is actually the more interesting addition, they should have used his silhouette for the survey thing instead.

      • 2 years ago

        Duo Lon's skills are pretty normal, but O.Rugal has two projectiles: instant laser on 1 and chargeable kaiser wave on 3.

  105. 2 years ago

    Is really irritating that BS Rugal and Orochi have had at least three reruns with one of them including their card banner, something they haven't done with other BS/SS volumes. I really want to get the Nameless set.

  106. 2 years ago

    Will XV Rugal have as many immunities as kekken's EXs?

    • 2 years ago

      Immunities are the least of his worries, if he doesn't do more damage than just EX Hwoarang he's dead on arrival
      Optimally he should arrive doing as much damage as DJin, but DJin is a fricking whole other level of moronic damage that I don't think NM will powercreep yet with Rugal

  107. 2 years ago



    A free one alongside the Menacing Walk super by beating the coat Rugal on Boss Challenge

    • 2 years ago

      So this Boss Showdown has rewards all the way to level 50 which requires activating ALL of the buffs. Although you only need to beat level 10 to get Rugal, his special card is all the way at level 39. Of course he can also use the card from the banner or the BS one, or the shitty old 5PG.
      I beat level 40 after a couple of tries. They definitely took notice of how OP Bison was last time as this time I only managed to deal about 20% damage with him, my A6 Devil Jin did the rest.
      New Deimos Base has floors where your teammates are also on the field, and "defense" floors where you have to last until the time runs out. These are a pain.
      Also I rolled Duo Lon twice in the same multi with free rubies, which was pretty cool. Didn't get anything else though, and I'm not spending my real rubies in this.

      • 2 years ago

        >You can hit Rugal out of bounds
        Bravo Netmarble. At least he can run back in.

        >level 39
        For what purpose? Not all of us got the hot busted Tekken characters.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah they definitely expect you to have a pretty buff Devil Jin or Hwoa to be able to do this. Give it a few days though, maybe someone will figure out an unexpected way to do it like


          Interesting, Epic Quest Igniz can solo Devil Jin


        • 2 years ago

          The Free Rugal seems to be custom-made to be the F2P option to clear the challenge

          • 2 years ago

            Good and bad news
            A3 Free Rugal can solo lvl 50 Boss Rugal but you need the banner set and you have to clear Boss Rugal up to level 45 to be able to make him A3

  108. 2 years ago

    >XV Ω.Rugal, XV Omega Rugal
    The cooler Rugal has an actual greek omega in his name. Everyone will just call him armored Rugal.

  109. 2 years ago

    Frick this Boss Showdown, the DJin one was at least fair. This one requires you to have rolled for the shitty powercreep kekken chars to be able to beat it.
    Literally every fricking video has either EX Hwoarang or DJin soloing it while the other characters can't do jackshit. This is fricking garbage.

  110. 2 years ago

    New star|moon stones work on all previous versions of Rugal, Orochi and Goenitz + Duo Lon. So you can use them for BS Gonads if you won't get enough memories for the new Rugals.

  111. 2 years ago

    Armored Rugal can remove all buffs from the enemies in PVP upon landing a critical hit, while also decreasing opponent's attack. He also instantly recovers 40% of his HP upon reaching 1% (and can recover all 100% if he won't be attacked.
    Immune to burn, bleed, shock, stun and fear.
    1 is a laser projectile that increases critrate and attack. Also can reset it's own cooldown upon landing it.
    2 has HA and decreases cooldown on the Awakening skill for the whole team. This is a first fighter with this kind of buff.
    3 is a chargeable projectile. Gets SA while charging it. While charging applies Fear to all enemies on screen and also stuns them. Max charged kaiser wave deals whooping 1900% of damage.
    All three skills can be used under attack.

    XV O.Rugal is immune to chill, bleed, shock, stun and fear. Has 150% DEF buff as long as he has more than half HP. Also, according to his core he can't be used in Auto mode? Have anyone tried it already?
    1 is a laser, has DEF2ATK conversion, decreases cooldown on his 3.
    2 has HA, applies Fear to all enemies, raises critrate and target's received damage. Can be used under attack.
    3 is a non-chargeable kaiser wave, increases critrate, decreases cooldown on his 1.

    Duo Lon is immune to darkness, poison, starlight, petrify and fear. Has completely bonkers cores for PVE content. Deals 350%(x5) of his ATK to all enemies on the screen upon landing any of his skills and increases his DMG further when there are more than 1 mook on the screen. Effectively immune to damage (99% decrease) for 9s when attacked (with 15s cooldown). Also slows his targets down by 90% for 4s. In PVP also reflects 20% of taken DMG to the attacker, with his 99% decrease opponent can effectively kill themselves if they keep attacking
    1 has HA, increases critrate, can be used under attack.
    2 increases ATK for the whole team. Disables opponent's active skills for 4s in PVP.
    3 has DEF2ATK conversion, chance to reset it's own cooldown on hit.

    • 2 years ago

      Would Duo Lon be better with DEF imprint stones or Attack?

      • 2 years ago

        He has DEF conversion on his 3, so you will need to start your offense with 3 to maximise damage. But the thing is that there are no new DEF stones for him. Same as Tekken collab, this time they only give you ATK stones in the codex for each new fighter. So you need to have DEF stones lying around from one of the previous events.

  112. 2 years ago

    So, Armored Rugal is a powerhouse all over. Duo Lon needs some testing, but seems like OP for most PVE content (excluding overtuned shit like this Boss Showdown). And normal O.Rugal is a bit underwhelming, but probably can shine with a full DEF increase build or something.

  113. 2 years ago

    The Rugal's schizo story mode in Rush dungeon was great.

  114. 2 years ago

    Managed to beat tier 40 Omega Rugal with EX Shermie and EX Nina and crit abusing with EX Angel leader skill. This shit was way too annoying for me to even bother to trying tier 50.

    • 2 years ago

      The AI is really fricking stupid in this mode. Is infuriating.

  115. 2 years ago

    Very complete walkthrough to clear Rugal with only the Free one and Bride Nina


  116. 2 years ago

    If you are on PC, you can cheese the Boss Challenge

    • 2 years ago

      Holy fricking kek, it worked. Feels shitty to get it this way, but I'll take it. Maybe I'll try it legit before the event is over.
      My game froze up at this screen and I had to kill the process, but I still had the rewards in my inbox when I restarted.
      Interesting that your own character also doesn't move while it's stuck on auto. I guess this glitch kills the game's entire AI. I tried doing it in the Delta and Omega tower just to see if it works there too but I can't even get back into the stage after logging back in, it gets stuck in an infinite loading screen. If I kill the process and restart it goes back to normal. But hey, I got an A3 Rugal to beat it now.

    • 2 years ago

      Its legit, but I don't have strong enough stats or whatever to actually finish.

      • 2 years ago

        You can clear it with A3 Bride Nina, A2-A3 Free Rugal and another Ex unit with at least A2

  117. 2 years ago

    I've been trying to maintain a policy of saving rubies between collabs, but this Rugal set seemed too good to pass up since it works for all EX fighters. Decided to try going to pity just once in the card banner and ended up scoring big with two full sets. Had to use the selector to complete the second set, which caused me to miss out on Rugal's special card, but I have the one from the Boss Showdown so I figured the set was worth more.

    • 2 years ago

      grats man, its a good ass set

  118. 2 years ago

    Seemingly, Rugal has already topped Tekken's revenue.

    That's nuts

    • 2 years ago

      >They pick the absolute worst choices of characters to implement on this Tekken Collab
      Literally no Asuka, Yoshi or another actually liked character instead of shilled shit like Devil Jin and Hwoarang.

    • 2 years ago

      I reckon it's all because of the card banner. Set that isn't locked to one collab, but works on all previous and future EX chars.

    • 2 years ago

      not surprising, tekken needed more than just devil Jin, some people didn't spend on it just because of that bullshit

    • 2 years ago

      No Asuka means no money, not even for my boy Hwaorang. Maybe if they'd used his good design.

  119. 2 years ago

    Go call out NM on their bullshit with Boss Challenge Rugal.

    • 2 years ago

      I told them to remove challenges that are just random luck (groggy, forced auto), to make all challenges have the same weight and to not have important rewards that require all challenges to be active, since that defeats the point of this being a customizable mode where the player chooses his challenges.

    • 2 years ago

      They're not gonna listen to actual good suggestions so why bother

    • 2 years ago


  120. 2 years ago

    My sides

    • 2 years ago

      Jesus. I wonder if she'll actually be an old lady or if they're gonna make her a middle aged milf. Some of the previous lady fighters were clearly younger than the normal versions.
      I was kinda hoping they'd give us some new Halloween characters, we didn't get any last year. Well maybe we'll still get one alongside this hag.

    • 2 years ago

      Please let it be Athena alongside her so I can skip another month for savings.

    • 2 years ago

      Sexy Chin and Chink Athena

  121. 2 years ago

    Maybe I'm dumb but I didn't know you could beat Reviving Hell like this.


  122. 2 years ago


    Big update.

    Deimos is getting buffed, Tower of Trials goes up to 120 now and a bunch of other events to use the new units.

    • 2 years ago

      lol, is this card meant to imply that she's drinking coke and not booze? Maybe they got a bit worried with how young they made her look, although I wouldn't say she looks like a e-girl.
      If that's the case then it also means she's igniting the coke in her super move, which is pretty impressive.

      • 2 years ago

        Nope, it is booze

        • 2 years ago

          Welp, the rush event story is that she can't get a drink because everyone thinks she's too young. It's like NM couldn't make up their minds.

  123. 2 years ago

    Banner card set again works on all EX chars and now is fully tailored for Crits and ATK. Banner option card also works on all EXs and increases crits.
    Rush dungeon set only works on Psycho Soldier team characters, so if you don't plan to whale on new Athena XV or Chin then it is not worth it to grind for the set.
    Halloween shop set is useful for the late tiers of the Tower, probably future Deimos, too. Because it gives fast power charge for the super spams.

  124. 2 years ago

    Athena XV reflects Stun, Fear, Darkness. Has 7sec Shield in PvP when attacked with HP above 30%. Gains HA with HP below 20%. Stacks ATK increase up to 50% and Penetration up to 3000 with each attack. No DoT immunities.
    1 is a projectile with ATK buffs.
    2 is a projectile with ATK and Critrate buffs. Deals Chill and Shock damage.
    3 can be used under attack, has HA and in PvP has a chance to remove HA/Shield from the enemy.
    Each of her skills have a buff follow-up that is different. 1 increases Critrate and Crit DMG. 2 increases ATK for the whole team and penetration by a whooping 5000 for Athena. 3 decreases DMG received by 95%. Only one buff can be active at the time, so you can't actually mash skills during awakening and need to keep in mind what buff is more useful for the situation.
    Athena's core DM summons two spheres that damage the enemy akin to BS Leona's S3, but with a lot higher damage.

    Pranked Chin has immunity to Burn, Poison, Shock, Chill, Darkness and Fear. Has a 50% chance to inflict full screen Fear with each attack. And every attack has a chance to reset her 1. Same Shield in PvP and HA as Athena.
    1 gives buffs for ATK and Critrate. Increases target's damage received.
    2 is a projectile. Can be used under attack. Increases target's Burn damage received. In PvP has a chance to remove shield/HA.
    3 is a grab. Can be used under attack. Increases ATK and Critrate, gains HA. Decreases target's DEF and DMG dealt.
    The problem is that her 2 increases Burn DMG received for the enemy, but the only Burn dealer she has is her core DM, so you can't use this Burn debuff all the time.

    So, Chin seems a bit underwhelming, but Athena looks like a PvE powerhouse with all these buffs and Penetration.

  125. 2 years ago

    For any of you farming the World Drop boxes, tier 10 of the card dungeon gives around 7-10 boxes per ten runs while tier 4 gives 3-5 boxes per ten runs making them good choices.

    • 2 years ago

      ty bro

  126. 2 years ago

    Wow, NM fricked up. Deimos is literally impossible to beat unless you're a mega whale with Devil Jin, Lady Chin and another EX at A7

    • 2 years ago

      Is this a death spiral? Been asking myself this as of late with how frequent these kinds of events has been happening.

      • 2 years ago

        If they don't course correct soon, yes

        Making it so new fighters are only worth a damn at A5 is going to drive away most of F2P

        • 2 years ago

          >Even Koreans, who are usually big company bootlickers like the Japanese are mad at this
          Yep, they fricked up hard. And I'm glad people are finally catching to the other bullshit like no generic EX memories yet.
          All they do is make people wanna play the game less and less.

        • 2 years ago

          Hey, that tip with the cooldown reduction leaders is pretty good. Even with that it took me several tries to beat a defense match without taking any damage though, since you have to dodge the orbs that break your armor the whole time. And I have a level 69 Jin.
          This shit is worth at LEAST a generic EX memory.

        • 2 years ago

          Well there you go, I beat it. Thanks to the tip from about using that silver Joe's leader skill to maintain hyper armor all the time and avoid automatic starlight damage and unspecified damage over time, the only things Jin isn't immune to.The rest of the time I used Nina's leader skill for damage.
          Took most of this damage in the one floor that was a brawl match with automatic starlight damage, couldn't use Joe or he'd die, so I just went solo Jin and beat it as fast as possible (I suppose I could have used Joe and then just resurrected him with one of the many resurrection items they gave us to try to appease players). That aside I had to retry many floors multiple times because I failed to dodge an armor-breaking beam.
          All in all this was a pain even with my maxed out Devil Jin. Definitely warranted better rewards, SS memories are massively devalued with the emphasis on EX fighters and those upgrade cards are literally useless. Only the rubies are worth a damn.

  127. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago
  128. 2 years ago

    ded thread
    ded game

    • 2 years ago

      Well, not a lot to talk with the current events

  129. 2 years ago

    I know this is allstar not arena but holy shit arena is the most unbalanced, least fun piece of shit I've ever played. Just go on a server where you have 200 ping, hold down attack and it autocombos to a win every single game. i'm 76-0.

    • 2 years ago

      >Playing All Stars multiplayer or anything All Stars multiplayer adjacent

    • 2 years ago

      >is the most unbalanced
      Sums up the game as a whole, not just the mode.

    • 2 years ago

      >is the most unbalanced
      Sums up the game as a whole, not just the mode.

      who even cares at this point when most people are here to just have fun

  130. 2 years ago

    Are there any other KoF mobages in the wild right now? I remember there being one with chibis(?), but it looked very cheap, and I think another one with Goeniko and Terryko.

    • 2 years ago


      A bunch of tickets and EX vol 7 coming at the end of the month.

      The chibi one is 98UMOL and it has both Terryko and Goeniko. Besides that, there is SNK All Star Fight but it is dying

  131. 2 years ago

    100 goddamn EX tickets for free? Next EX probably will be a pushover.

    • 2 years ago

      Imagine if the next EX is Shun'ei

  132. 2 years ago

    Nako and the Hobo

    • 2 years ago

      I remember previous Haohmaru being pretty good two years ago. Seems like he has rage mechanic or something, because they're showing his skills two times and the only difference is that effects on his slashes are bigger.

      • 2 years ago

        I wouldn't be surprised if we get a second SamSho collab after this banner

        • 2 years ago

          There's a chance for Charlotte to be a bleed dom again.

  133. 2 years ago


    Angel, McLovin, Shermie and Kyo alongside their cards (option, set and ultimate) are being rerun in a different banner

    A special banner with Choiko and the TA set is being added alongside a carnival that has as an ultimate reward an EX selector with Kyo, Shermie, Angel, McLovin, and Choiko. You can get up to two selectors.

    The problem is that you can only get the coins for the banner and the points for the Carnival by logging in or buying the packages in the shop. The log in bonus only gives you 2500 coins for the banner and 2500 points for the Carnival. You need 6000 points to complete the carnival and 5000 coins to fill the banner.

    • 2 years ago

      I would like to up my K9999, but need to first look at what EX Haohmaru has to offer.

  134. 2 years ago

    Kinda funny how even if all previous ShamSho collab chars are vastly outperformed, collab option card is still being used after all these years, because it's the only card that provides Bleed DMG.

  135. 2 years ago

    EX Haohmaru is immune to Stun and Freeze, regens HP when attacked with Burn, Shock and Starlight. Heals with landed skills. Has 4s damage immunity when his HP drops to 20%.
    His EX button activates Limitless mode where all his skills and his core finisher get changed into more powerful EX versions.
    All skills only do physical damage without any elemental shit. 3 can be used under attacks, has 4s HA and fullscreen stun for 4s.
    His finisher is unique as in it works like a special and has the same 10s cooldown as specials. But it deals damage of a normal finisher (even better with 1900% of ATK) and can be used under attack. Also increases its damage with every use if you don't tag out.

    EX Nakoruru is immune to Stun, Petrify and Fear. Otherwise her special cores are the same as Hobo.
    1 is a two-part skill. First tap lets you fly around, gives you HA and decreases all elemental damage by 95%, aside from Darkness. Buffs the next used skill with x3.5 damage. Second tap is an attack that petrifies everyone on screen for 3s.
    2 is just an attack with buff.
    3 can be used under attack, debuffs target, has 4s HA.
    Her core finisher also can be used under attack and increases critrate and critdamage until you tag her out.

    Gacha card set again works on all EX characters, but only inflates CP for Blue and Green ones. Gacha option card also works on all EXes.
    Rush dungeon set only works on SamSho characters.

  136. 2 years ago

    Don't know if it's worth it to pull for them.
    Even if Haohmaru has some big damage numbers he has no elemental attacks at all and relying on 10s limitless mode for big damage is a chore. Nakoruru seems like she's tailored for surviving Deimos/Tower, but also doesn't have any elemental damage skills at all.

  137. 2 years ago

    Update is live. I got both Haoh and Nako special cards on free tickets which was nice. Didn't get either of the characters on tickets though. In fact one of my multis was ten bronzes which I don't even think I'd seen before.
    Even if you have the old Haoh card from the Samsho collab you can't use it with this EX Haoh as they're not counted as same fighter for some reason. The two Nakos can share cards but the old one was 5pg so who cares.
    By the way, anyone else playing the PC version noticed that this update introduced some screen tearing or is it just me?

  138. 2 years ago

    How come this update is 2gb?

    • 2 years ago

      The engine update. Far as I can see there are no graphic improvements but the game runs a lot smoother with fewer slowdowns and frame drops now.

      • 2 years ago

        netmarble proves to show better quality control than most trash developers

    • 2 years ago

      Dunno, but every single menu and art/live2d needed to load for me (in the lower left corner) with the usual partial download after the update.

  139. 2 years ago

    >You can now use multiple Stamina refills at once rather than having to use them one by one
    At last.

  140. 2 years ago

    The black Friday events are such a scam

  141. 2 years ago

    What's better to pull for: MAX mode or Quick mode sets?

    • 2 years ago

      Quick Mode gives you more damage while Max Mode gives more CP, pick whatever you need most

  142. 2 years ago

    kek End of Service just announced.

    • 2 years ago

      The frick are you talking about

    • 2 years ago

      frick off discuck admin

    • 2 years ago

      Wrong All Stars, the one dying is the game with Goeniko and the infamous Terry ad

      • 2 years ago

        >the infamous Terry ad
        Never forgetti

  143. 1 year ago

    We're sorry we fricked up Deimos, we're reworking the mode from the ground up with better rewards and balance

    They actually listened, color me surprised.

    • 1 year ago

      been thinking of quitting for three months now. if they screw this one up I am gone.

      Game has been boring as shit bc I did not give a frick about arena or championship and only gave a shit about pve, but the pve quality has gone down the drain ever since awakening...

      • 1 year ago

        I suggest you quit because it won't get better. We are close approaching the Marvel Future Fight gutting period soon.

    • 1 year ago

      >Release Deimos the first time and it's fine if a bit boring
      >Frick it hard afterwards so bad that they have to scrap it and not run it for several months
      >Bring it back and it was better than the first time they run it and fine
      >Proceed to frick it up beyond belief again
      >Now they are probably gonna scrap this shit for several months again
      How the frick are you so fricking incompetent

  144. 1 year ago

    When was the last storymode update?

    • 1 year ago

      I can't remember the exact time, but I remember the timing being hilariously close to when McDougall was confirmed for XV considering how that chapter ended.

    • 1 year ago

      I can't remember the exact time, but I remember the timing being hilariously close to when McDougall was confirmed for XV considering how that chapter ended.

      Nearly a year ago, it was added alongside Boss Syndrome Nameless.

  145. 1 year ago


    The banner dropping at the end of the year is not an EX banner and given the way they blurred something on the upper corner, I'm 80% certain is a collab.

    • 1 year ago

      Another fighting game or some other gacha? I don't even know if there are any hints. Didn't spend any rubies on Samsho banners or any of the BS/SS reruns. I hate that they're intentionally holding on EX BS Nameless.

    • 1 year ago

      Maybe this is just another tier of fighter so NM can make all the EX useless like they did with BS/SS when EX was introduced

    • 1 year ago

      Oh shit someone overlayed the SC6 logo on the partly blurred icon for
      its like 1:1

      • 1 year ago

        It's unblurred in-game and yeah, it's Soulcalibur 6.
        Interesting choice, though it's completely out of left field since Haomaru was in it.

      • 1 year ago

        It's unblurred in-game and yeah, it's Soulcalibur 6.
        Interesting choice, though it's completely out of left field since Haomaru was in it.

        Cassandra confirmed

  146. 1 year ago

    The main question: will it have Ivy and how loose her costume will be?

  147. 1 year ago


    Two Ivys, Two Cassandras, Taki and Seong Mi-na

    • 1 year ago

      >no Sophitia in SC collab
      Actually surprised that they did that. Anyway, I'm gonna pull like no tomorrow for Ivys and Taki.

    • 1 year ago

      game confirmed to survive one more year
      take that discucks

  148. 1 year ago

    Nipples are still there.

    • 1 year ago

      Holy frick. Thank God I have over 100k rubies because I'm going all out on this.

  149. 1 year ago
  150. 1 year ago

    >forumtards mad because it's an all girl Collab

  151. 1 year ago

    so how many gems can I grind from now till the end of this SC collab? coming back to the game just for this

    • 1 year ago

      You 4k temporal rubies from log-in
      Around 4k rubies per week by doing all your dailies

      So around 20k rubies plus all the rubies from limited events running during the collab

      • 1 year ago

        You mean 4K per month.

        • 1 year ago

          Let's see

          -You get 230 rubies from League if you remain in Gold 1 or Platinum 5
          -1200 rubies from getting Platinum 1 on Absolute War
          -150 rubies from daily missions= 1050 rubies per week
          - 30 rubies daily from the Secret shop= 210 rubies per week
          >420 Rubies if you get SS rank on Novice Time Attack
          >400 Rubies if you get SS rank on Master Time Attack
          >600 Rubies if you get SS Rank on Veteran Time Attack
          >400 from the weekly mission, it is possible to complete it twice per week so, 800 rubies


          So per week, you can get in average 4910 rubies maybe even 5000 if you rank higher on League and/or AW

          • 1 year ago

            Oh I see.

            I suck at League and AW.
            But thanks for the farming list.

            • 1 year ago

              Really you only need to win most of your matches on League to remain on the high ranks and for AW you only to win your three matches daily plus win an extra three matches to ensure you remain on Platinum Rank 1

          • 1 year ago

            There's also the three team dungeon fat bastards that iirc give 150 each for completed autoclears, so that's an extra 450 a week too.
            The daily and weekly boxes give rubies very frequently too.
            As an absolute last resort when I'm shitting myself into bankruptcy during a big collab, remember that gifted affinity gives 10 ruubs on 1/3/5/7/9. So all those bronzes and silvers can still be useful as a little safety net of 50 each for when you just need that one last 10pull for the pity, etc.

  152. 1 year ago

    Is this game worth starting now?

    • 1 year ago

      Hard to say. I can only imagine that being a newbie player these days sucks because the power creep is huge and the strongest characters aren't available to be obtained. That said, joining just before a major collab is probably the best time to do it because collab fighters tend to be broken and you'd have a gazillion rubies to grind out of the story mode and dungeons and stuff so you'd probably be able to max them all out.

      • 1 year ago

        I can concur with this. I started just before the Street Fighter V collab, and got Ryu and Nostalgia Chun-Li to A7, Regular Chun-Li to A4, and Akuma and Luke to A3.

  153. 1 year ago
  154. 1 year ago

    lol I finally got him, now that he's completely outclassed. That level 270 buff requirement is one of the most absurd things they've ever put in this game.

    • 1 year ago

      I still use him, but I don't really get his gimmick or how his skills link into each other compared to proper BS Igniz.
      Phantom Zero is fun though, even if the constant immunity/confusion reflect makes using him more of a crapshoot than he should be.

  155. 1 year ago

    A ton of events are dropping


    And all the SC6 girls are EX, have fun with that

    • 1 year ago

      It's amazing how there's never any fighters I want to roll that are yellow. I'm convinced that I will never have a yellow fighter at A70.

      • 1 year ago

        What a useless login event.
        >Catsuit Ivy is a freebie and one of her memories is available in the Rush Dungeon
        >Warmaiden Cassandra only available through event coins so she will be A3 max for f2p

        >It's amazing how there's never any fighters I want to roll that are yellow.
        What about pranked Yashiro?

        • 1 year ago

          She's purple

          • 1 year ago

            >making unplayable collab character just for the relay dungeon

            My bad, I've thought about yellow borders.

    • 1 year ago

      >all girls are EX
      dont need to throw them away then since they will last a long time

  156. 1 year ago

    I took a break just before the SF collab so I missed the whole Ex Fighter thing. If I don't get the Change up Kits for the collab fighters, am I screwed out of their max ascensions forever?

    • 1 year ago


      But all Soul Calibur girls are EX so you don't need change up kits for them

  157. 1 year ago

    So if you're a newbie/returning player, spending 40 bucks on that newbie shop will get you enough to buy the sc6 selector

  158. 1 year ago

    I'm a poorgay, should I roll for Taki?

    • 1 year ago



      It gives you 10 character and 10 card summoning tickets

      If you're for meta is too early to tell, maybe waiting for the second banner is in order because typically it includes the best unit of the collab (Akuma, D. Jin)

      • 1 year ago


        When will they release the 2nd banner?

  159. 1 year ago

    Didn't roll anything on my tickets. I'll wait for the second banner to start rolling rubies, frick this pointless staggered release.
    I was able to beat Haohmaru lv.49 after a couple of tries with my trusty DJin/Nina/Rugal team. Left the healing challenge out since the 50th reward is just a fricking badge.
    The Team Relay is total bullshit, b***h breaks your armor, vanishes your PG and stuns you constantly.
    I took a hit in the quiz dungeon because it asked the name of Ivy's weapon, a google search told me it's Snake Sword, but apparently it's Ivy Blade. Didn't know I was expected to know Soul Calibur lore for this.
    How are you supposed to max out catsuit Ivy? I'm only seeing four free memories and they're not selling any in the shop (not that I'd buy it).
    They threw all these SS fighters into the banner but didn't add change-up kits for them, seems pretty pointless. But I guess the smart thing to do is to keep at least three memories of each fighter if you happen to roll them.

    • 1 year ago

      >How are you supposed to max out catsuit Ivy? I'm only seeing four free memories and they're not selling any in the shop (not that I'd buy it).
      2 memories in normal Haohmaru boss event
      1 in collab challenge tower
      1 in event rush exchange shop
      1 you get for 10 wins in Dream Match
      Are there any in the other Haohmaru boss challenge that unlocks after beating lvl 30 in the normal one?
      Maybe there are also other memories for more wins in Dream Match or they will add another crafting event with the Vol.2 banner.

      • 1 year ago

        Oh I didn't see the Dream Match one. That's still missing two though. I'll be surprised if they actually let us A7 her for free, I was expecting they'd sell memories.
        The second Haohmaru challenge is just for a badge so you can prove that you're a bad enough dude. It literally tells you there are no other rewards.

      • 1 year ago

        The second Hao boss only gives a badge.

        Didn't roll anything on my tickets. I'll wait for the second banner to start rolling rubies, frick this pointless staggered release.
        I was able to beat Haohmaru lv.49 after a couple of tries with my trusty DJin/Nina/Rugal team. Left the healing challenge out since the 50th reward is just a fricking badge.
        The Team Relay is total bullshit, b***h breaks your armor, vanishes your PG and stuns you constantly.
        I took a hit in the quiz dungeon because it asked the name of Ivy's weapon, a google search told me it's Snake Sword, but apparently it's Ivy Blade. Didn't know I was expected to know Soul Calibur lore for this.
        How are you supposed to max out catsuit Ivy? I'm only seeing four free memories and they're not selling any in the shop (not that I'd buy it).
        They threw all these SS fighters into the banner but didn't add change-up kits for them, seems pretty pointless. But I guess the smart thing to do is to keep at least three memories of each fighter if you happen to roll them.

        Free Rugal and Bride Nina can easily take down lvl 50 Haoh

        • 1 year ago

          Holy shit is PC version really that smooth? Maybe I will just migrate to it. My phone really can't keep up with the game since BS/SS update.

      • 1 year ago

        There could be one in the 2nd challenge tower but we'll have to wait until Vol.2 drops.

  160. 1 year ago

    Normal Cassandra is a yellow DEF. Buffs her speed and attack with each used skill AND also shaves off 1sec of cooldown from her DM for each skill used. Deals 3x damage to enemies under Starlight. Immune to Burn, Shock, Bleed, Darkness, Starlight, Stun and Freeze.
    Becomes immune to damage when her HP drops to 50%.
    1 is a teambuff that provides shield to the whole team that drops either after 4secs or after being hit with 4 crits. Also increases skil DMG and DEF. Has a continuation projectile that also increases ATK for whooping 140% of DEF for the whole team and increases critdmg.
    2 is a grab that applies Radiant (Starlight+increased dealt DMG), debuffs the target with Daze (decreases DMG and DEF).
    3 has HA, increases critrate, can move while using it like pranked Choi. In PVP disables skills and rolls of the enemy.
    1, 3 and Core Super can be used under attack.

    Warmaiden Cassandra is a purple DEF. Has a 80% chance to reset all cooldowns (skills and supers) every 15s. Buffs ATK for 130% of DEF for the whole team after using her super. Increases DEF by 150% when her HP is more than 50%. When her HP gets lower than 50% then she gets a DMG reduction. Has same critshield like normal Cassandra but it activates when she gets attacked.
    1 decreases DEF for enemies and increases it for collab characters, also increases skill DMG. Continuation increases DEF2ATK for the team.
    2 has HA, increases critrate.
    3 increases critdmg, 90% chance to reset cooldown on 1.
    1, 2 and Core Super can be used under attack.

    All SC6 chars have core effect where they regen HP when attacked in Guard (15% each 15sec) and increase their ATK with normal attacks (stacks up to 10, so 50% buff max)

    • 1 year ago

      Normal Ivy is purple ATK. Deals increased phys ATK with every landed skill. Increases her ATK with 400% of her critrate after landing any crit. 1/2 chance to apply screenwide Fear with every attack. Immune to Stun, Freeze, Petrify and Fear. In PVP, removes buffs from the enemy with every landed crit.
      1 is a grab. Buffs critdmg and critrate upon landing it. Resets itself upon landing (20sec cooldown).
      2 is a projectile. Buffs ATK, buffs itself, buffs 3.
      3 has HA. Buffs 2, increases target's received DMG. Continuation of 3 deals 300% of ATK for every 0,1sec for 1,5 sec (so 4500% in full).
      2, 3 and super can be used under attack.

      Seong Mi-Na is red BAL. 1/2 chance to deal Bleed (same 4500% in full) for with every attack. Crits on the bleeding enemies also further increases target's received DMG. And any active skill landed debuffs targets even more. Immune to Stun, Freeze, Petrify, Bleed, Chill and Poison. Gains DMG immunity when her HP drops to 30%.
      Same mechanic as Taki with EX board unlocking skill to change all her other skills into EX with buffed stats.
      1 buffs ATK for self and team. 20% chance to reset itself.
      2 is a grab. Buffs critdmg and critrate. Deals additional damage to MALE ENEMIES. In PVP, removes buffst from the enemy with landed skill.
      3 is a charge skill. Has HA. Resets super.
      1, 3 and super can be used under attack.

      Is the game glitching out, or do the PvE bosses ignore stun immunity? I still get stunned all the time by them, and that's not even the weird red stun thing.

      • 1 year ago

        You mean Haohmaru and Dark Cassandra? Yes, they work with their own rules and inflict special hardcoded stun. Same with Guild bosses when they decide to do a fullscreen stun attack.

        • 1 year ago

          Even the Tower of Trails bosses ignore stun immunity. At the point, I don't know why they just make it a PvP exclusive thing if they enemy is just going to ignore it.

  161. 1 year ago

    Taki is a blue ATK. Increases her ATK after landing any skill (2 stacks for 50% max). Increases critdmg when another SC6 char is on the team. In PVP removes buffs from the enemy after landing a crit. Immune to Stun, Freeze, Fear. When tags in, increases her ATK and decreases DEF for the enemy. Becomes immune to DMG when her HP drops to 35%.
    She can change all her skills and core super to EX version with Soul Charge skill from the EX board.
    1 is a projectile, increases ATK, activates Fury (deals bonus damage every time a skill lands for 7sec).
    2 is a projectile with a delayed explosion. Deals bonus phys DMG, decreases cooldown on super by 12sec upon landing a skill.
    3 has HA, increases critrate
    2, 3 and Core Super can be used under attack. EX versions of all skills have increased stats

    Catsuit Ivy is a blue BAL. Deals whooping 2000% damage to enemy with Darkness debuff. Increases critdmg for the whole team with 20% for 12sec when using any skill. And also even more increases SC6 chars critdmg by additional 20%. Immune to Freeze, Poison, Starlight. Regens HP when attacked while having less than 70% HP and being under Stun, Petrify or Fear. Becomes immune to DMG when HP gets lower than 30%.
    1 is a grab, increases ATK, deals Darkness DMG to all enemies on screen.
    2 is a projectile, increases critrate and target's DMG received.
    3 has HA, increases DMG of 2. In PVP, has 70% chance to remove HA/Shield from the enemy. Has a continuation that deals more DMG.
    Core Super has 90% chance to reset cooldown on all skills and Super itself.
    2, 3 and Core Super can be used under attack.

  162. 1 year ago

    Rush dungeon set is again can only be used as a last resort if you decide to not pull for the gacha set. Increases skill DMG when tagging in SC6 char. Becomes immune to DMG when collab char's HP drops below 30% (which every SC6 char has by themselves in their cores).
    Gacha set increases CP by flat 35k, critrate by 7%, 30% chance to get full power bar upon landing any skill. Full set increases collab chars critrate even further and also critdmg, 50% chance to increase ATK by 120% upon landing any skill.
    All option cards only have working special effects for collab chars.

    Anyway, Catsuit Ivy seems pretty moronic against any char without immunity to Darkness. Taki has interesting thing with delayed explosion on her 2. Both Cassandras are kinda meh, even with big numbers.

  163. 1 year ago

    I haven't played since se time after the SFV collab, how is the game holding up these days?

    • 1 year ago

      to the frustration of discucks and redditards the game is doing better and more fantastic than ever
      cant wait for the street fighter 6 collab with the french girl and for netmarble to make this game into genshin tier quality

    • 1 year ago

      here. How do the SC girls compare to the units that have been released before them? I know powercreep has always been going strong, but Cassandra is doing to much more damage than anyone else that I'm almost afraid that Netmarble is going think that I'm hacking.

      • 1 year ago

        All of them shit damage like is going out of style. Right now Free Ivy is one of the best since you need a bunch of awaken levels on Cassandra and Taki to shine

        • 1 year ago

          I was more talking about the units that came just before the collab. I have paid Cass at A3 and here awaken rotations are doing 3-4 billion damage.

          • 1 year ago

            They are stronger than Haohmaru and Nakoruru by a significant margin, and they in turn, are stronger than Athena XV and Lady Chin.

  164. 1 year ago

    >Bride Nina took 90% of his HP
    This insta skill shit they gave to the boss is annoying as frick. Thank God it's over.

  165. 1 year ago

    Soul Calibur Collab looks cool, is it too late to start this game?

    • 1 year ago

      they have special bundles right now for new players so you can get a SC6 character after spending like 50 or 60 dollars, along with a bunch of other stuff

      • 1 year ago

        Is it really this bad?
        I mean I shouldn't be surprised since it's Netmarble but damn.

    • 1 year ago

      they have special bundles right now for new players so you can get a SC6 character after spending like 50 or 60 dollars, along with a bunch of other stuff

      If he's starting now he won't need to spend any money, surely a bran new account will have enough rubies in the story mode and all the dungeons to go to pity on all banners multiple times and max everyone out. You'd have to play a lot though.

      • 1 year ago

        The paywalled packages for newbies/returning players include an SC6 character selector.

      • 1 year ago

        The paywalled packages for newbies/returning players include an SC6 character selector.

        I was going to check it out.


        How do I stop this game from crashing on my PC?

        • 1 year ago

          No idea, works on my machine. Are you getting an error message or anything?

          • 1 year ago

            Starts up, the "xigncode" window starts as well, then everything dissappears.

            All the bars fill up, then everything disappears.

            • 1 year ago

              That sucks. Maybe ask about it in the official forums or the subreddit, I don't know how to help.

            • 1 year ago

              xigncode is getting blocked
              make an exception for it

              • 1 year ago

                I don't know, worked fine when I tried it tonight.

                I don't suppose the other collabs re-run? I'm seeing alot of cool stuff on the supporters. Looks like Tekken and DOA had collabs too.

              • 1 year ago

                Back in September Tekken got a second collab but they didn't rerun the original characters. But the developers said they would try to bring all the characters next time they did another collab with someone they collab'd before

  166. 1 year ago

    The Log Out Glitch works on PC. I just finished it on Level 50.

    >Start Boss Challange
    >Tap Out when match begins
    >Click closing button on window
    >Select "Log Out"
    >Game will reset.
    >Start Boss Challange
    >Boss will be locked, but you will be able to attack freely manually.

    I chipped at his HP with my Chunners, then finished with Ryu.

    • 1 year ago

      It worked thanks bro.

    • 1 year ago

      Looks like they patched it. When I try to close the window during actual gameplay of any mode the log out button isn't there anymore, though it's still there if I try to close the window outside of gameplay.
      This was discovered back in the Rugal boss showdown, very silly that they hadn't fixed it yet, but I guess they finally did (or rather, just removed the way to log out rather than fixing the boss freezing because of it).

      • 1 year ago

        You have to TAP OUT of the match first. Then the logout button become available.

        The game will reset and prompt you to login. When you begin the Boss Challange, he will be locked.

        • 1 year ago

          Oh, I missed the tap out step because that's not how it worked with Rugal. You just logged out straight from the fight like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtseTL0aZUg
          I can now confirm that it works if you tap out first. How fricking dumb is that though, jeez.

          How to I get Ivy's default costume? There's nothing about it in the patch notes.

          Default Ivy is a separate character, she'll be i the banner that drops this week (the current banner doesn't go away). They always do collabs like this.

  167. 1 year ago

    People make this boss look easy

    • 1 year ago

      Man I wish we could use the JP voices. I fricking hate the troony dub.

    • 1 year ago

      I kinda slept on lady Choi. This guy mogged the boss with her.

      • 1 year ago


        People make this boss look easy

        And EX Nako solo:

  168. 1 year ago

    How to I get Ivy's default costume? There's nothing about it in the patch notes.

  169. 1 year ago

    Frick you Haoh you fricking b***hass hobo

  170. 1 year ago

    When will expire the free rubies from the login?

  171. 1 year ago

    New ruby coupon code:
    Gives 2000 temp rubies.

    • 1 year ago

      Thanks bro

  172. 1 year ago

    If free Ivy is this strong, I wonder how fricking broken the gacha one will be, holy frick.

  173. 1 year ago

    >6k free rubies wasted on a card banner
    >zero Ivy cards of any kind

    • 1 year ago

      Unless you're tslking about the set cards, you can't pull Ivy's super in the part 1 banner.

      • 1 year ago

        I'm a fricking idiot, then.

        • 1 year ago

          I don't blame you. The very first thing you do when you login to the event is have F2P Ivy given to you, so it makes no sense to make you wait to get her super. I still remember the days of the WWE collab, where they gave you a copy of all the F2P unit's super, even when the paid Cena and Rock were FES units (back when that was the highest rarity).

  174. 1 year ago

    Dream match would be good if it has combo decay. The mode basically revolves around to whoever gets juggled first loses.

    This mode is insufferable and unfun. I just took my 20 wins and never looked back.

    • 1 year ago

      Taki just breaks everything considering that timed explosion thing doesn't go away if she gets it. That saved me too many times to count.

      So let me get this straight, I need to limit break all the way from lvl60 to lvl90 before I can Awaken? Where the frick do I get the souls for this? newbie here.

      Yes, there are a variety of ways to get souls, the "main" way to get them is through soul quest, but that can be way too slow. They give away element should selection boxes like candy, so you might want to check to see if you have some of those.

    • 1 year ago

      >Opponent with a Cassandra
      >Attacks never stop
      >The interrupt is useless because your opponent can interrupt back unless you escape and Cassandra can just force you back into the loop again
      >Still refuse to use her on principle, but getting desperate.
      I'm actually starting to feel bad about fighting the people who aren't using her, even when they do put up a close fight..

  175. 1 year ago

    So let me get this straight, I need to limit break all the way from lvl60 to lvl90 before I can Awaken? Where the frick do I get the souls for this? newbie here.

    • 1 year ago

      You get 50 character-specific souls by raising Affinity all the way to level 15 (you also get 50 rubies per character) or by doing Soul Quest

      Colored souls are obtained by clearing the Hall of Elements, Advent Dungeons or buying the Soul Selector boxes in the Secret Shop

    • 1 year ago

      And you also need to get corresponding awakening capsules afterwards to increase it, i.e. capsules 1 to upgrade from A1 lvl1 to lvl10. And then you need another character memory+2 generic FES memories to get to A2.

  176. 1 year ago

    ETA on Ivy's banner?

    • 1 year ago

      Should be the reset after next.

  177. 1 year ago

    What's the skinny on this b***h? Her dungeon has a timer of just one more day but it's not going away, is it? And how the frick can I do 15 billion damage for all the rewards? My best fighter is A7 Devil Jin and I can barely do 5 billion with him. I've seen some videos that make it look so fricking easy, but it's like she doesn't behave the same with me as she does with those players. Like, she can hit me when I'm waking up before my super comes out even if I'm spamming the button, also I spend half the fight doing nothing because I get stunned through my hyper armor and lose all my PG constantly, which doesn't happen to the players in the videos. Either those videos are cherrypicked really lucky attempts, or I guess I just suck balls?

    • 1 year ago

      The rewards are cumulative and it resets weekly (so it will reset twice during the collab). As long as you do at least 4 billion daily you will get enough to claim all the rewards.

      With your SC team you should be able to do 5~7 billion so you will be able to claim everything in four days.

      That said, the screen is bugged and it doesn't mark the rewards as obtained even if you get the cumulative damage needed but you still get the rewards in your mailbox.

      • 1 year ago

        That wasn't my screenshot, this is though.
        I didn't realize the damage was cumulative, that actually goes the other way and makes this too easy. You don't need to play once a day by the way, if you don't use the daily ticket you just keep it. I had six and was able to get 15B using two.

        Dream match would be good if it has combo decay. The mode basically revolves around to whoever gets juggled first loses.

        This mode is insufferable and unfun. I just took my 20 wins and never looked back.

        >Opponent with a Cassandra
        >Attacks never stop
        >The interrupt is useless because your opponent can interrupt back unless you escape and Cassandra can just force you back into the loop again
        >Still refuse to use her on principle, but getting desperate.
        I'm actually starting to feel bad about fighting the people who aren't using her, even when they do put up a close fight..

        I fought a guy who I guess intentionally let me easily beat his first two characters and and get third, SS Mary, down to low health, then he swept my team with a loop I didn't know how to break. Also I've had the old glitch (or people cheating?) where the match suddenly ends with both players still standing and the opponent is awarded the win happen a few times.
        I'm only playing enough to get one win a day for those Cassandra coins, it's too frustrating to do any more.

  178. 1 year ago

    Finally, get fricked Hell Haoh. You input- reading prick

  179. 1 year ago

    >Finally stopped being a lazy frick and climbed from RHD 50 to 70 by just abusing Cat Ivy's insane darkness damage

    • 1 year ago

      How did you do it? I tried her but she just dies instantly when attacking any enemy.
      I got to tier 64 using Ryu/Chun/Akuma, relying on their shields to stay alive as I kill enemies with the DoT. But I got to a point where enemies no longer die from the DoT I can apply before my shield dispels, forcing me to cycle my team more, which wastes time and makes it difficult to get to the end, so I kinda dropped it until a better solution appears.

      • 1 year ago

        You're not supposed to attack anything with her. The darkness damage does the job if you use skill 1 in the air without attacking directly any enemies.

        Pic rel was the team I used. Nako is just for the leader skill for bigger darkness damage since it's atk% based and kusanagi for the tag out.

        • 1 year ago

          Oh I see, they just drop like flies. Though I sometimes found myself still in cooldown when the enemies came down, it doesn't always sync up perfectly. Using a leader skill that reduces cooldown further like Envy Mary or that one silver Joe makes that easier, it also decreases the damage but it seems to still be plenty.

  180. 1 year ago

    You mongoloids promised me Default Ivy's banner would be today. What do you gain by randomly lying to strangers on the internet?

    • 1 year ago

      21 more hours to go

    • 1 year ago

      Game always updates on 00:00 EST on Thursday

    • 1 year ago


  181. 1 year ago

    Im a newbie and I cant get all the Catsuit Ivy dupes due to the power requirement in the event tower. Wat do

    • 1 year ago

      The issue is the lack of resources. If you get a copy of the banner set and the option cards, it is possible for an A3 Ivy to complete the two towers and it seems that Free Cass can complete the other tower at A1 with the set.

      Obviously is too early to tell but regular Ivy and Mina don't seem to be a big power creep over Cass, Taki, and Free Ivy.

      • 1 year ago

        >Free Cass

        • 1 year ago

          From her own banner that you need Cassandra coins to pull for.

      • 1 year ago

        I finished the second tower with just a level 90 free Cass with the banner set. But the third tower was difficult even with a3 Ivy but it was still doable.

  182. 1 year ago

    >dumped all my red gems on Taki's perky nips
    >cant pull for Ivy the Semen Demon (true form)
    Do collab characters get reruns or am I bricked forever

    • 1 year ago

      No collab chars ever got a rerun, aside from Gintama for KR and JP, EN just got characters from both first collab and rerun+second.

  183. 1 year ago

    Anyone rolled for Mi-na and OG Ivy? How good are they?
    I don't wanna roll if they're not THAT much better than Taki and would rather save for potential EX Leona/Vanessa.

  184. 1 year ago

    Ok, so Im a newbie who joined in late and I can only grind enough for 1 pity. Should I select an Ivy dupe or go with Mina? And how big of a power boost are special battle cards compared to just getting another dupe?

    • 1 year ago

      If you're brand new, there should be dozens of different events that can nail you a ton of rubies. I just back in, so I'm not sure how important it is to get A5, but you should at least try for 4 copies/3 dupes each to get all of the imprint stones.

  185. 1 year ago

    Normal Ivy is purple ATK. Deals increased phys ATK with every landed skill. Increases her ATK with 400% of her critrate after landing any crit. 1/2 chance to apply screenwide Fear with every attack. Immune to Stun, Freeze, Petrify and Fear. In PVP, removes buffs from the enemy with every landed crit.
    1 is a grab. Buffs critdmg and critrate upon landing it. Resets itself upon landing (20sec cooldown).
    2 is a projectile. Buffs ATK, buffs itself, buffs 3.
    3 has HA. Buffs 2, increases target's received DMG. Continuation of 3 deals 300% of ATK for every 0,1sec for 1,5 sec (so 4500% in full).
    2, 3 and super can be used under attack.

    Seong Mi-Na is red BAL. 1/2 chance to deal Bleed (same 4500% in full) for with every attack. Crits on the bleeding enemies also further increases target's received DMG. And any active skill landed debuffs targets even more. Immune to Stun, Freeze, Petrify, Bleed, Chill and Poison. Gains DMG immunity when her HP drops to 30%.
    Same mechanic as Taki with EX board unlocking skill to change all her other skills into EX with buffed stats.
    1 buffs ATK for self and team. 20% chance to reset itself.
    2 is a grab. Buffs critdmg and critrate. Deals additional damage to MALE ENEMIES. In PVP, removes buffst from the enemy with landed skill.
    3 is a charge skill. Has HA. Resets super.
    1, 3 and super can be used under attack.

  186. 1 year ago


    Make a video or a guide beating Haoh/Hell Haoh with a level of 16 or more to get 1000 Cassandra coins on January 6th

  187. 1 year ago

    How am I supposed to beat these later stages of ToT? All the A.I seems to do is chain stun then spam super attacks.

  188. 1 year ago

    The CP creep is getting to the high heavens.

  189. 1 year ago

    >3 pities
    >1 Ivy and 2 Mia
    Fricking kill me with these rates

    • 1 year ago

      Did you have better luck with the card banner?

      • 1 year ago

        It went okay, got 2 of Mia's super, but a whole lot of dupes from part 1 and/or specials from the SS/BS units. Thankfully after doing like 700 ish runs on the Battle Card Dungeon, I managed to get two Ivy supers. Used my pities to close out the sets.

  190. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      We're in bumplimit. We need a new thread after 5 months.

    • 1 year ago

      We're in bumplimit. We need a new thread after 5 months.

      Some1 bake new bread





  191. 1 year ago

    Some1 bake new bread

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