Konami really dropped the ball with this one.

Obnoxious level design, unbalanced difficulty settings (normal is a cakewalk, hard is a frustrating mess), bosses and even popcorn enemies are massive bullet sponges, nauseating top-down stages, excessive gimmicks, and somehow the weapon swap exploit was never caught in testing. One of the few 2D Contras that missed the mark.

Are we meant to spam weapon swap? It seems like it should be an exploit, but the enemies have an absurd amount of HP on Hard if you don't and just never fricking die and how could you not figure out that weapon swapping does way more damage naturally during play? I'm about to just throw autofire on weapon swap just so I can stomp this kusoge and be done with it.

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  1. 1 month ago

    Better than Hard Corps where half the game is waiting through boss intro animations

    • 1 month ago

      Not a good game, but it was as good as you were going to get on the 2.68 mhz SNES. It's a shame Konami wasted so much time and efforts on such a poorly designed system.

      The meds, auster.

    • 1 month ago

      Shut your mouth.

      Truth bomb.

      Contra III has one of the best soundtracks ever. Quality on the SNES is particularly good. Lvl 3 especially.

  2. 1 month ago

    Not a good game, but it was as good as you were going to get on the 2.68 mhz SNES. It's a shame Konami wasted so much time and efforts on such a poorly designed system.

    • 1 month ago

      >still seething 30 years later
      contra hard corps is literally just a mod of gunstar heroes

  3. 1 month ago

    Contra 3's hard mode being unfair is a well known fact.

    • 1 month ago

      By scrubs maybe.

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah. I can get to the stage 3 boss without dying. After that stage 4 boss kicks my ass. I can beat it on hard mode, but I have to use continues. My buddy can do death run it on hard mode. Insanely jealous of that MF.

  4. 1 month ago



    • 1 month ago

      Oh great it's the MS2gay. He hasn't even 1CC'd any of these games btw.

  5. 1 month ago

    The top down levels are pure shite but the rest is kino

  6. 1 month ago

    Contra 3 is a fun game, but it's a little too difficult. I was able to beat it on hard, but I had to play the game multiple times and memorize the levels, so when I beat it I was just playing on autopilot. It wasn't even fun. It's not fun to play through a game when you have everything memorized and you're trying to beat the last guy. That's treating a game like it's a math problem to solve or something.

    • 1 month ago

      I 1CC'd it on Hard. It wasn't that difficult, the only hard part was the boss where you have to hang on the missiles, that needs some practice.

      • 1 month ago

        Ya I call bullsht. If you beat this 1 life on hard you would have your own channel speedrunning this type of stuff. Is it possible? Sure. 1 life and you pretend it's not difficult? Bullsht

        The end levels (last 2 or so) for snes contra are more difficult than the nes ones. The rest of the game isn't that bad though

        • 1 month ago

          I said 1cc, not one life. Anyway you're free to not believe me, I don't care.

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah that boss is cheap. It seems like I always had some crappy gun while at him lol. I liked having the S for that boss I could jump on the rockets while shooting.

    • 1 month ago

      >but I had to play the game multiple times and memorize the levels
      Isn't that normal for mastering videogames and isn't that the fun of it?

  7. 1 month ago

    I only like Neo Contra.

  8. 1 month ago

    Contra III is literally a perfect game and there's simply no reason to read the op text or reply to anyone in this thread.

    • 1 month ago

      the top down sections ruin any chance of being perfect

      • 1 month ago

        Literally filtered. You absolutely unequivocally could not be more of a pleb. Something is literally wrong with your brain if you don't like the top down sections. I'm assuming you were beat up a lot in class and didn't have any friends to play video games with.

        • 1 month ago

          Not him, but the top down sections are boring with trash controls in 3, they were a lot better in Operation C and Super C

  9. 1 month ago

    The setpieces are great and I noticed that Metal Slug just ripped off all of them. But Hard Corps setpieces are even better.


    Gunstar Heroes > Hard Corps > Contra 3

    As gunstar shares the same designers I give it to gunstar heroes. But if you include arcade games

    Gunstar Heroes > Moo Mesa > Mystic Warriors > Sunset Riders > Hard Corps > Contra 3

    And you could still include more treasure games, but it would be too long.

    • 1 month ago

      Hard Corps > Sunset Riders > Moo Mesa > Mystic Warriors > Contra 3 > Gunstar Heroes

      t. Has no-miss cleared all these games.

      Gunstar Heroes is extremely overrated. I guess it's mindless fun on the lower difficulties, but Expert difficulty just really causes the flaws to be glaringly obvious. You have to choose between two equally bad controls schemes, constant screen shake, massive hordes of infinite spawning enemies with bullshit grabs, repeated stun-lock, the gun combinations are poorly balanced and poorly implemented, massive bullet sponge bosses that take literally minutes of just avoiding the same loops while doing chip damage, and just an unbalanced mess in general.

      If you had the ability to choose your loadout at any time or per stage (or at the very least not rely on two different RNG drops to get your desired loadout), and a stationary aim button, the game would be much better, but it suffers from being too ambitious with a 3 button controller

      • 1 month ago

        >massive bullet sponge bosses that take literally minutes of just avoiding the same loops while doing chip damage
        sounds like you just used the lightning chaser.

        • 1 month ago

          No, it's trash on Expert. Flame has the best combos

  10. 1 month ago

    Honestly sounds like a skill issue as Super Probotector is undoubtedly one of the best games from the early SNES lineup.

    • 1 month ago

      >Super Probotector is undoubtedly one of the best games from the early SNES lineup
      Not exactly a shining endorsement of the SNES library.

      • 1 month ago

        Do you have basic reading comprehension issues you moronic homosexual? I very clearly wrote ‘early SNES lineup’ which doesn’t imply the entire console’s library you fricking dumb fricktarded spazmo.

        • 1 month ago

          t. least deranged tendie

    • 1 month ago

      I know it's bait, but probotector has always been cooler than Contra. I like Contra because it's cheesy, probotector works as cheesy or serious

  11. 1 month ago

    I hate when action games have competent core gameplay, but then spend more than half of their time on gimmicky shit. Who were they trying to impress, reviewers? Casuals? Just let me run & gun FFS

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