>kroot release in early 2024

>kroot release in early 2024
Who the frick is going to buy these things? Tau players don't care, they just want more mechs

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    I think you're under the assumption that your opinions represent the general consensus that most people think like you, agree with you, and see things the way you do.

    • 7 months ago

      Most people do think that way. They thought that even when kroot and vespids were new. Weird cope.

    • 7 months ago

      such a gay moronic statement. I think you can make a logical assessment that this shit appeals to nobody and is a waste of shelf space, moron.

  2. 8 months ago

    If they actually made the Kroot useful, then people will buy them. Have the Kroot had any updated models or utility since they were released?
    I'm genuinely asking, I've not seen them used for at least three editions, because they're just inferior in every way to Fire Warriors

    • 8 months ago

      >Have the Kroot had any updated models
      Farstalker Kinband kill team very recently
      Also there are Rumour Engine pictures that are 100% Kroot-related

    • 8 months ago

      They've barely contributed to the kroot roster post forgeworld. We were handed scraps in a killteam box, and that's it otherwise.

    • 8 months ago

      In 8th, and parts of 9, they were a useful low pt chaff that could get to objectives early due to having advanced deploy. That was for the troops, rest were unplayably bad including the criminally cheap hq.

    • 8 months ago

      You dunno what you're talking about.

      Tau players come in three main flavors: Gundam guy loves mechs. Fish of Fury guy loves infantry, tanks, and devil fish. And Federation Tau loves Auxiliary and proxies.

      In 7th, Gundam guys got lynched in the parking lot because of Triptide Detachments, (which was mostly used to supplement Eldar lists). Killimg them off left only Fish of Fury players and Federation Tau players. That ended up being the only way to play Tau at the FLGS and have a better than 50% chance to not get kicked in the nuts.

      Tau 7th edition survivors strongly dislike the focus on giant robots.

      It's also a little fricked up to think of Tau as "The Mech Faction," because even if we ignore Knights, Space Marines have more weeb robots than Tau do.

      Last edition, they were cheap Obsec infantry.

      Supposed rumored release in the future (of Kill Team which makes me suspicious) is Vespids v Swooping Hawks. The rumor sounds absolutely dumb considering Kill Team currently doesn’t have flyers, but who knows.

      A vespid kill team would be the perfect opportunity to update the model, for sure. I'm kinda hoping for some of those hard beetle-shell wings over the bat wings. And a Fat Vespid Queen.

    • 8 months ago

      I remember reading some edition or another for some fricking reason changed them from the Tau's melee support to fricking snipers as if they needed any more of that.

    • 8 months ago

      >Have the Kroot had any updated models or utility since they were released?

      You are right, they have not had any updated models or utility since their latest release.

      • 8 months ago

        What's that short gun at the top?

        • 7 months ago

          Looks like a sawn-off variation of the Kroot rifle, a Kroot Obrez if you will. And that's wonderful.

        • 7 months ago

          A so-called kroot scattergun, according to the rules; functionally a shotgun.

      • 8 months ago

        The other anon is definitely exaggerating a bit but this being evidence but it is overshadowed by the reluctance to give them nice rules to complement the awesome sculpts. Unless its changed drastically they're a bad underwhelming.

  3. 8 months ago

    I hate that the Tau just became Tau over the years rather than being a collective of smaller xenos races like before.

    • 8 months ago

      Supposed rumored release in the future (of Kill Team which makes me suspicious) is Vespids v Swooping Hawks. The rumor sounds absolutely dumb considering Kill Team currently doesn’t have flyers, but who knows.

      • 8 months ago

        >Kill Team currently doesn’t have flyers
        They got a Jump Pack Salvager.

      • 8 months ago

        I'd call bullshit too, except the new terrain kit is gantry platforms on a water world. I can totally see a gas giant board and a rules expansion for jump/fly units down the line.

    • 7 months ago

      Tau were a grab-bag for small races because GW didn't want to have a bunch of xenos armies with a fanbase of 1 guy, Tau represented those small xenos empires that weren't relevant on the galactic scale but could challenge the imperium locally, as opposed to galactic-level threats like Tyranids and C'tan (because the necrons were not a real army then since their named characters were a completely different race lol) or Chaos.

      Tau gradually developed their own identity and now you've got a weird fanbase of gundom gunship guys who keep complaining that their 1000 year old empire of like 100 worlds and 100 billion ayyliums is not relevant vs. factions with 40 million years of history or 20 quadrillion people or 1 million worlds.

      Honestly around the time the heckin crucifex of damnation or whatever that shit is called enveloped the galaxy the tau 6th and 7th expansions should have increased the size of their empire to "real contender" status with 10% of the vote rather than "also ran" with .1% of the vote

  4. 8 months ago

    I like em and roleplay kroots being mercenaries usable by any faction

  5. 8 months ago

    Posting some damn dirty kroot, because frick OP.

  6. 8 months ago

    They should make the Kroot less primitive-oriented and more willing to accept Tau gear and weapons while employing their traditional Guerrilla strategy. Imagine a group of ferocious Kroot warriors being disembarked in secret on a planet of the Imperium. They set up shop and begin to scout, disrupt and sabotage the Imperium settlement there, hidding in the jungles, mountains and forest while being helped by sophisticated Tau technologies such as stealth generators and 3D printers to manufacture weapons, drones, and missiles. All the way, stealth suits and ghostkeels provide the heavy firepower to wreack havoc, while the Water Caste tries to convert the local population into the Greater Good in preparation for the arrival of the main Tau forces.

    • 8 months ago

      I always thought that the fallen from destiny are what the kroot could've eventually built up to. A star faring race that has mechanics designs of their own, though they vastly favor junker and retrofit to fill the demand when times call for it.

      I want Kroots but there was no incentive to buying them when the models are old as shit

      That's why they announced NEW models. Don't you see, they thought a few steps ahead. You will buy the new models because they can't make money off of the old ones anymore.

    • 7 months ago

      If I could get Kroot to play nice with my stealth-ambush army I might run them, but as they stand Kroot only really help each other and it's a lot of fricking shirtless dudes to throw on the board fricking with my army aesthetic.

      The killteam is a bit of a step in the right direction, but if I want to be able to bridge the aesthetics of my mech suits with some shirtless dudes, I need some schizo-tech adoption here. Some Krootfinder looking motherfrickers.

      If I was going to run Tau as coalition aliens I would need the following:
      1. New Kroot sculpts or units that bridge to my firewarriors and mechs; both visually and gameplay wise. I dunno give me like short ranged tech-Kroot with okay melee that give benefits by spotting at close range or some shit.
      2. Guvesa rules to mix in and extend bodies.
      3. A third alien race to get some variety, balanced to work with the existing Tau.

      Then I'll still be running a bunch of battlesuits, but it won't be the only thing in my fricking army other than Pathfinders.

      • 7 months ago

        Breachers should have been auxiliaries. I was thinking Tarellian that only exist in fluff right now but I guess kroot with more tech could have worked too.

        Though if we're adding races to the tau, I could see a few concept:
        > A race entirely uplifted by the from stone age by the tau. Serve the greater good enthusiastically out of gratitude, despite not quite getting what it mean. Or perhaps they DO understand it better?
        The issue here is that give us a "savage race with gifted advanced tech" and that's the kroot. Perhaps the "gentle giant" archetype?
        > A race that joined the Tau for selfish and opportunistic reasons but find out it's actually not that bad in there. Ethereals knew they were dishonest all along but care not which path lead you to the greater good. At it's best it's a "Ferengis join the Federation" type of situation, at it worst it's a "opportunists try to take advantage of the tau, not realising their entire culture is being slowly subverted".
        Could be anything rulewise, so I guess it could work. Perhaps low morale scavengers with dirty tricks in their sleeves?
        > A race that out-greater good the tau. Maybe some hive mind race, a plant or fungus based race or why not emerging AI.
        If emerging AI I would rather have them, instead of betraying their creators as usual, decide to double down on their principles. Held their own creators to the high standard they pretend to have.
        Rulewise just extend the drones line, or maybe drones controlled vehicles.

        Or a plant based race with no concept of individuality. Rulewise I imagine a really weak infantry that spread, producing new models each turn. Getting rid of them is a waste of time, but ignore them and you get swarmed. Dedicated screen unit.

        • 7 months ago

          >> A race that joined the Tau for selfish and opportunistic reasons but find out it's actually not that bad in there.
          I just realised that could just be humans.

        • 7 months ago

          See, I feel like there's so much room for expansions to the tau with the auxiliaries that have no been half-assed by foisting them on the tau. Take the scythians, for example. Brutish aliens with "warrior-monks" and "venom tanks" being the only thing known about them that could've made for some fun CQC units and indirect fire tanks. More importantly, their empire was demolished by the Imperium and now they want revenge on all of humanity. You could have a sect of them join up with the tau for this very selfish reason and now the naive, idealistic blueberries have to act as mediators and keep a close eye on their gue'vesa detachments whenever they serve alongside scythians since the gue'vesa have a tendency to tragically die in battle whenever the tau aren't around.

          Instead you have more or less this exact same set-up, but it's the fourth sphere getting noided over the warp and becoming more like the imperium. Which is a compelling path in its own right, but I'd have liked much more tau trying to mediate 10K year old grudges and slowly losing grip on their vassals the further out from the central empire they get.

        • 7 months ago

          > You're a gue'vesa, a human soldier that joined the Greater Good
          > It sounded nice at first, a greater cause, a bigger gun, officers that don't shoot you just cause they feel like it.
          > But right now, it's still just you and a few other poor souls facing a horde of tyranid abominations.
          > So you all tacitly agree to tactical redeploy the frick away.
          > Suddenly, a horde of weird fungus little guys, like an army of garden gnomes with tumours for a face, come out of nowhere and merrily trot straight toward the incoming monsters.
          > One of them turn his creepy little face toward you: "Do you even Greater Good bro?"

          • 7 months ago

            >army of garden gnomes
            I love this. Make this the greater greater good race

        • 7 months ago

          >Breachers should have been auxiliaries.
          I watched a podcast recently that argued Tau should be split into two armies. One the suit heavy "Elite" infantry, and the more army consisting out of Auxiliaries and light infantry.

          • 7 months ago

            Suits were always intended to work as army support. Back in 3d and 4th they were crucial sine marker lights were to expensive and static, and the 4th edition new units were a mixed bag. Stelth suits worked very well against GEQ infantry but everyone was playing boring space marines. Monkashas and vedpids were joke units making mecanized or crisis list way more viable, (even then 1500p lists had 8 suits max) crisis becomed crucial for a good list and GW went full corpo with 5th edition, focusing on making strong models stronger to sell even more, balance went through the window and GW started making giant units and giant robots for everyone.

            I hope we get great knarlocs and knarlock riders.
            I hope vespids get a kill team.
            I hope crisis get better feet and legs with proper ground contact and ankles.
            I hope broadsides go back to shoulder mounted rails.

            • 7 months ago

              Human aux were and remained the only good non-tau units in the army.
              The original WD errata forward.
              Humans can take EMP grenades.
              The meta at the time, as you well know, was marines top to bottom, landraiders and FW trash spamming pieplates.
              Vehicles though?
              One wound, just pop the armor.
              Problem is, this weapon comes on a Tau chassis, so it's a fart in the wind. If your pathfinders were using them you probably lost already.
              Now you put that weapon in the hands of a (roughly) equally survivable but way more expendable body that performs equally well in melee and costs fricking pennies.

              Tau at the time, had the single best non-melta anti-armor nade. (arguably better since it was mundane and cheap).
              Instead of rolling anything contested, like against your armor, you just make what amounts to an accuracy check to obliterate 1200pts of shit with 80 pts of shit.

              Oh they caught on?
              Yeah you brought 4 platoons lmao, who cares they cost literally nothing and you have old farsight.
              And then there's the matter of the stealth suits, who even after the nerf, remained spacemarine+ with heavy bolter competitors and jump jets as standard. Oh yeah, and they brought back old nightfight rules because frick you buddy.
              A very powerful list that was making the rounds at the time was completely suitless.
              It was one of the most powerful tau lists of the edition spread into marinemelange.
              It was even more bonkers than the reworked eldar jetbike shit.

          • 7 months ago

            Frick no. GW is way too fond of the idea of one note armies, you do not want them to go fricking around with such ideas. 40k has been spared somewhat but early AoS was a real horrorshow.

        • 7 months ago

          >Or a plant based race with no concept of individuality. Rulewise I imagine a really weak infantry that spread, producing new models each turn. Getting rid of them is a waste of time, but ignore them and you get swarmed. Dedicated screen unit.
          This is a good one because GW can sell more models.

        • 7 months ago

          >Or a plant based race with no concept of individuality. Rulewise I imagine a really weak infantry that spread, producing new models each turn.
          It could be fun to bring that mushroom minor xenos into play. Make em bulky artillery types that can spawn what are essentially ripper swarms on the corpses of their kills.

        • 7 months ago

          >literally Grunts from Halo
          >literally Jackals from Halo
          >literally Hunters from Halo
          I like your ideas

          • 7 months ago

            Grunts from Halo
            Grunts fricking hate the Covenant and nearly toppled it in their rebellions. You seem to have them confused with Ogryn somehow.
            Jackals from Halo
            That's already Kroot.
            Hunters from Halo
            It's literally the exact opposite of how Hunters work. Hunters cluster up into macroforms, they don't spread out into microforms.

            You're not very good at this, famalam.

        • 7 months ago

          Yessss. IMHO 40k lacks some nice fan made races. So I want to jump on the bandwagon.

          >gentle giant race
          Johaero are already gentle giants. If we are not restricted to tabletop we can add actual giants. Massive 6m tall humanoids that love to build things. They build giant wall and towers for the tau.

          >selfish race.
          The jawa from star wars. The merchant guys from episode 4. I think esthetically they already fit. Ferengis are "jews in space with big ears instead of big noses". We can do the same. Add giant chins.

          • 7 months ago

            > The Tarellian are looking at you funny.
            > The Vespids are buzzing ominously.
            > Giant creatures are piling up rocks for some reason.
            > Kroots are feasting on... something.
            > Meanwhile small caped silhouettes are pulling out all the cables.
            > Welcome to the greater good.

    • 7 months ago

      I think they should add more Kroot variations and Kroot creatures.
      I for once want a Knarlockzilla big enough to match a Warlord Titan.
      Also rules for Kroot mercs to include in non-Tau armies.

    • 7 months ago

      >They should make the Kroot less primitive-oriented and more willing to accept Tau gear and weapons while employing their traditional Guerrilla strategy.
      Guerilla tactics don't work when the enemy has no problem just genociding the population anyway.

      • 7 months ago

        Are you gonna exterminatus your own planet to get rid of a Kroot infestation?

        • 7 months ago

          >They should make the Kroot less primitive-oriented and more willing to accept Tau gear and weapons while employing their traditional Guerrilla strategy.
          Guerilla tactics don't work when the enemy has no problem just genociding the population anyway.

          Kroot spreading sabotage while Gue'vesa agents blend into the population spreading pro-Tau propaganda would be an interesting Deathwatch scenario if GW actually gave a frick about Kroot, Gue'vesa or Deathwatch.

  7. 8 months ago

    A kitbash is fine too.

  8. 8 months ago

    They got kroots big and small; don't you worry.

  9. 8 months ago

    Mounts for days.

  10. 8 months ago

    I want Kroots but there was no incentive to buying them when the models are old as shit

  11. 8 months ago

    There were days while painting where I loved my kroot auxiliaries more than I liked my main tau army. They are just interesting models...

    • 8 months ago

      Same, back in 6th I used to take a bucket load of Kroot with sniper rounds. They were fun to play with

    • 7 months ago

      I always fancied a Kroot army, just because they seem like a perfect foil for a Catachan army using the old Jungle Fighter rules, and providing both sides(and the fricking terrain) seems like the only way of persuading most people to step outside their sad little Planet Bowlingball pickup-game bubble to play these fun little variations.

      If OP is for once not a homosexual and we are getting new Kroot, I might actually buy some - not like my hobby budget is going to be wasted on TOW or LIgma, kek.

  12. 8 months ago

    I enjoyed the old kroot mercs army they put in white dwarf. If they basically just update that I'd be happy

  13. 8 months ago
  14. 8 months ago

    >A unique feature of the Kroot is that they evolve by selecting genetic traits of their defeated foes to absorb by eating them. Due to this, the many Kroot warbands across the galaxy often look radically different.
    This literally never happens, ever. There's just sometimes animal-kroot. There's never been even a drop of support for them using the traits of any other faction, not even traits from their own faction.

    • 8 months ago

      There was a kroot mercenary army list years ago. It had kroots with wings and shit.

      • 7 months ago

        New detected. The kroot merc rules allowed for winged kroot, T4 kroot (ork DNA), chameleonic kroot, faster movement, and gave them access to a whole slew of imperial and xenos weaponry.

        convert more

        These are just animal kroot. Where's a space marine or eldar themed kroot?
        >selecting genetic traits of their defeated foes
        >lol this one look a like a fish

        • 7 months ago

          >Where's a space marine kroot
          in the trash where all marines belong
          >or eldar themed kroot
          in a novel where said kroots have larger alien eyes and psychic powers

        • 7 months ago

          >space marine themed kroot
          Eating astartes flesh wouldn't make kroot grow marine organs as marine organs are implanted.
          >eldar kroot
          I think they had improved initiative.

          • 7 months ago

            what if they eat the organs

            • 7 months ago

              Depends how the organs were developed and how they're produced.

        • 7 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      New detected. The kroot merc rules allowed for winged kroot, T4 kroot (ork DNA), chameleonic kroot, faster movement, and gave them access to a whole slew of imperial and xenos weaponry.

    • 7 months ago

      convert more

  15. 8 months ago

    Probably one of the best looking kill teams.

    • 7 months ago

      Bar that arrow Black person, probably one of the best looking Kill Teams.

    • 7 months ago

      They are up there with arbites and kommandos imo

  16. 8 months ago

    Kroot are great, what are you on about

  17. 8 months ago

    I will

  18. 8 months ago

    I've always liked the Kroot and wished they had a bigger presence in the codex than at most a handful of units (that goes for auxiliaries in general: the Tau would work better in fluff if they were a collection of minor xenos powers instead of one small empire that somehow gets spotlight on a galactic stage just because they're the one minor xenos species that actually has a cosex). The FW Kroot stuff (the knarloc riders and greater knarloc) haven't even had playable rules in over a decade.
    That being said, at least in 6th and 7th edition Kroot were probably the better troop choice than Fire Warriors. Minimum size FW squad was slightly cheaper than min size Kroot squad, but the Kroot would get twice as many troops for that cost so they could sustain some casualties while holding an objective, and had an equivalent save as they were sitting in cover (except against cover-ignoring weapons with AP worse than 4). Their guns were weaker, but 10 s4 weapons is often better than 5 s5 ones, especially when both had mediocre BS (you didn't really take FW to shoot at things anyway, but to sit on objectives and because you were required to take a minimum of 2 troops). Plus unlike most Tau stuff, the Kroot were actually not completely shit at melee. You'd never want to charge them into melee unless fighting other Tau, but with decent strength and initiative they didn't crumble when charged by a 10-man IG squad. One time I wiped out a Genestealer squad in melee with them, because they charged through cover with no grenades and when they aren't hitting first Genestealers are actually pretty fragile).

  19. 8 months ago


  20. 8 months ago

    Dawn of War is what first got me into 40k, but well after it came out, and the Kroot were one of the things I was most interested in. I liked the idea of hyper advanced tau ferrying around primitive but unstoppable monsters, and then I realized that most of the cool Kroot shit either wasn't available, was horrifically overpriced, was extremely old, only available in resin, or some combination of all of those

    Greater Gnarloc my beloved

  21. 8 months ago

    I don't really know what the 'kroot following' is like or if there is one, but as other anons have said, the Tau are way cooler if they're a coalition and not just blueberries.

  22. 8 months ago

    the kroot are fricking awesome, the coolest xenos in 40k by far

  23. 8 months ago

    Are they better with the green skin or the gray skin?

  24. 7 months ago

    >Who the frick is going to buy these things?
    I am

  25. 7 months ago

    Would you rather have Vespids or Kroot assassin's or an entirely new xeno race specialized in assassination?

    • 7 months ago

      New xenos, personally. I'd also love if they actually made a model for that Imperial Knight sized alien race they befriended.

    • 7 months ago

      I'd rather have all three. The Tau part of the Tau roster is very healthy, GW can easily get away with doing a string of auxiliary releases.

    • 7 months ago

      I can totally see a kroot not!predator.
      More generally I think it's weird that only some factions get some specialists like assassins, medics or mechanics. Tau definitively look like the kind of faction that would have field mechanics and some medic (either a new alien race or perhaps a medical variant of the devilfish).

      • 7 months ago

        I mean the Kroot ARE Predator knockoffs.

        ...Then The Predator came out and turned Predators into Kroot out to devour our delicious Autism.

    • 7 months ago

      kroot vulture kindred > vespid

  26. 7 months ago

    >Tau players don't care, they just want more mechs
    When I first went into a games workshop at age 12 the very first tau codex had just released and the kroot were a big part of it, and for me it's stayed that way ever since

  27. 7 months ago

    >they just want more mechs
    Wrong. I do not want or need new mechs. My army hasn't changed since 1997. It hasn't had to because it was perfect at that point and there are basically no significant changes other than new sculpts. I did repaint my Barracudas in 2008, though.

  28. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      Man, frick Wheels. All my friends hate Wheels.

  29. 7 months ago

    Kroot are cool and OP is f/a/g

  30. 7 months ago

    Kroot are great and like most xenos in 40k are unironically held back by subhumans imperium gays with room temp IQ. I've had multiple people in both the 40k and AoS thread legit not understand why anyone would want to play as anything but humans because their imagination is so limited they can't "feel" anything for anything that doesn't look like themselves. It's really infuriating.

  31. 7 months ago

    Kroot are cool and they don't have an army based off of the predator if they are expanding Kroot into a full army that's the direction I would take them

  32. 7 months ago

    When Kroot were first introduced, ork players hated them because they where so overpowered in comparison. Less points than an ork boy, but with the same T and WS, more attacks, better I and higher BS. I dread to think how overpowered GW will make them so that the tournament autists buy them today.

    • 7 months ago

      They didn't have the same T. Kroot were S4 back when boyz will still S3.

      • 7 months ago

        Whoops you are right, Kroot had T3. They were still a point cheaper though, could infitrate, gained improved saves from cover, had a higher strength, the same BS as a Space Marine and could upgrade ALL their guns to plasma Rifles if they wanted, all for a lower or similar point cost as an ork boy (Kroot 7 vs ork 8) Their rifle also gave them two attacks a round, just because it had a hook on the butt. Compared to ork boys, they were overpowered and undercosted. It was the first big example of powercreep being used to encourage sales of a new model and this practice has fricked up the seven following editions since one after another. So, I say agian, the new kroot will be powercreeped, just wait and see, it's what GW does.

        • 7 months ago

          >same BS as a Space Marine and could upgrade ALL their guns to plasma Rifles
          No. They were BS3 (4+ to hit) and only the shaper could take a plasma rifle.

        • 7 months ago

          Also worth mentioning that boyz had 4 S4 attacks on the charge and minced kroot in melee.

          • 7 months ago

            Orkz didn't get furious charge until 2008.

            • 7 months ago

              And prior to that boyz were I4 on the charge and still minced kroot in melee.

              • 7 months ago

                Not s4 though.

              • 7 months ago

                No, but would still beat kroot (assuming the boyz charged).

    • 7 months ago

      Kroot are t3.

  33. 7 months ago

    >Who the frick is going to buy these things?
    Me who played Kroot Mercs.
    I was really hoping that there would be a Kroot revival with the black fortress and the kill team, but GW decided to release the dwarfs instead

  34. 7 months ago

    I love Kroot and would absolutely make a Kroot army.
    Its the Tau I dont like. The auxiliaries are cool. I like the Vespid too.

  35. 7 months ago

    I'm fine with Kroot, but I mostly just want more auxilia. Hell, make an entire army of Tau auxiliary. I know Halo isn't as popular as it used to be but I'm sure there are enough covenant lovers out there that would be totally into it.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm with you,buddy,although i like the cool mechs(Ghostkeel is always king,also the Stormsurge too when you give it arms) with the spin of being made by aliens with hooves to make their designs look more unique,i also want the other races of the empire to finally get official minis,maybe even being main units themselves with named characters and not only auxiliaries,because i'm a halo fan and i got into collecting 40k with the Tau Empire because of them being a bunch of alien fighting together kinda like the Covenant(although the Taus are nowhere near asshats to their auxiliaries as the Hierarchs of the Covenant are to their subject races,despite whatever GeeDubs writes about Vespid lobotomy and Gue'vesa steralization) and also because Farsight Enclaves,who are the only straight up good guys this shitty galaxy and look really cool with the white and red.

      Sorry for getting into a tangent before,now on topic of the auxiliaries,well,although not official,a modeler on Cults3d called OrangeBlueHue,has been making a lot of proxies for the tau auxiliaries,they're really cool,with a lot of bits to customize them however you want and the best is that they're free,just look on cults3d for his models,although he made the models pretty faithful to the artwork showed on the chart(pic i uploaded),in the last two the models take some serious liberties,hope you like'em,buddy,have fun and have a great day!

      • 7 months ago

        >that last one
        Hmm, looks awfully familiar...

        • 7 months ago

          Althought that's a cool model,the Morralian in the artwork look more like a bearded dragon to me than a frog,but maybe it is something in between,i don't know

          • 7 months ago

            The head is more bearded dragon to be sure, but the feet are very much a frog's.

            • 7 months ago

              Yes,you're right,the feet are more frog like

  36. 7 months ago

    >tyranids but anthro

    • 7 months ago

      Tyranids are xenomorphs.
      Kroot are Yautja.

      Alien vs Predator is a classic

  37. 7 months ago

    frick tau
    worst part of the kroot faction is tau
    just chink and weeb bait overriding based angry birds

  38. 7 months ago

    Personally I wish we could go back to tau being primarily gunline infantry and cool antigrav tanks and lots of savage auxiliaries to do the nitty gritty. When they went hard down the battlemech path I went off Tau.

    • 7 months ago

      You and me both, anon. They had such a cool initial concept with Tau and then made them super generic and lame.

  39. 7 months ago

    There should be a star wars style kroot hoverbike squad. A unit of fast, light skirmishers who could harass the enemy and flank. They would have limited vertical mobility and different weapons options to differentiate them from vespids

  40. 7 months ago

    What's the source on a kroot release?

    • 7 months ago

      rumor mill photo of what appeared to be the end of a heavy kroot weapon.

  41. 7 months ago

    I always kind of wanted some Tau but not enough to actually buy anything except a codex once.

    Anyway the audience is me because I like the Kroot Warspheres traveling the galaxy for better genes as a Predator counter to the Tyranid Alien. I've calculated a 2000 point army of existing models would cost like 650 bucks. A shame that Knarlocs and Greater Knarlocs are no longer a thing.

    • 7 months ago

      Someone at Fox found out about the kroot and got annoyed, so Shane Black was hired to make an entire movie reverse-stealing from GW.

      They are up there with arbites and kommandos imo

      I just wish Arbites had the classic helmets and the ridged red elbow and kneepads.

  42. 7 months ago

    Kroot fans have held the line for twenty years. Suck my dick and bring the Kroot.

  43. 7 months ago

    Are Kroot just Predator in space? Or do they have something unique?

    • 7 months ago

      Their DNA is augmented by that of their prey. By restricting their diet to certain creatures they begin to exhibit the traits of their prey over successive generations. Shapers are responsible for identifying desirable traits and guiding their kindred's evolution. Kroot hounds, krootoxen, and knarlocs are all descendants of kroot that ate themselves into an evolutionary dead end. In fact the reason kroot are even a spacefaring race is due to orks crash landing on their homeworld, causing the kroot to begin exhibiting an instinctive knack for technology and rapid advancement after devouring the orks. Via space travel they work as mercenaries to gather DNA from across the galaxy before journeying back home to introduce their genes to the greater population. Basically native American tyranid orks with cannibalistic practices and more variation that is displayed in official models or rules.

      • 7 months ago

        So they are predators that finally have a reason to go to others planets and hunt dangerous prey.

        Damn if they are neat. Basically they are better product then Predator except the mask. The yautja mask is cooler.

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah pretty much. Mercenary work grants exposure to all manner of adaptations and provides a proving ground for their own.
          Kroot are capable of much greater feats of technology than their appearance suggests but their society elected to restrict its use. Firstly because they were destroying their homeworld through warfare and industrialisation and secondly because over-reliance on technology was overriding natural selection amongst their own species. They voluntarily regressed in order to strengthen their race on a biological level.

          • 7 months ago

            Yeah Kroot spheres constantly baffle both imperials and Tau because they are advanced even in their eyes and the Kroot are secretive as frick.

            They're also surprisingly polite, they don't eat dead Tau out of respect for the Tau's own burial rites.

  44. 7 months ago

    The problem is why take Kroot when what their "thing" is is mediocre against armies that do their thing better, so why waste the points that can be used for something the Tau are actually good at?

  45. 7 months ago

    >Tau players don't care
    I care, but I'm not crazy enough to pay such a huge premium for what are essentially chaff units. Right now, 10 models of cannibals costs the same as 10 models of fire warriors despite being worth nearly half as many points.

  46. 7 months ago

    Do you think kroot should have vehicles? Or is it great Knarlocs all the way?

    Personally I could see some sort of hunting barge, able to transport and quickly deploy a group of hunters as well as bringing back hunt game. But it would probably be useless rulewise.

    • 7 months ago

      They're canonically a spacefaring species in big crude Warspheres, so hard to see why ground vehicles should be out of the question.

      • 7 months ago

        They're certainly able to, but I doubt we will ever see any.

    • 7 months ago

      Probably some sort of skimmer for a full kindband. Star wars tech fits kroot quite well.
      They are not orks, and they are great at manipulating their allowed high tech and any human/xeno tech.

    • 7 months ago

      Maybe they could get away with hoverbike technical or something so long you make it look it was rescued from a Tau scrapyard and the structure is hold together with sticks.

    • 7 months ago

      War engines that are powered by a knarloc running in a hamster wheel

  47. 7 months ago

    >Tau players don't care, they just want more mechs

    • 7 months ago

      France mentioned france mentioned

  48. 7 months ago

    Kroot are nice canon fodder, I like when T'au players use loads of them. During 9th edition my Obliterators had a field day shooting at about 40 of them

  49. 7 months ago

    Yall wasting your time and money on this shit, all of you. You'd be better off doing drugs. At least that way you might pull some pussy too.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm gay

    • 7 months ago

      >just frick stoned fat chicks while wacked out of your mind on heroin

  50. 7 months ago

    My favourite moment in Battlefleet Gothic Armada was when I micro-warp jump my Kroot sphere and rammed it against multiple imperial ships in close formations. They began crashing against each other while getting pounded by railguns, ion cannons and missiles from the rest of the ship. At least 2 or 3 imperial cruisers blew up as result, wiping out half of the other player's fleet.

    • 7 months ago

      why's it called a sphere if it's egg shaped?

      • 7 months ago

        Because war egg sounds gay.

  51. 7 months ago

    The moment the kroot get a range refresh is the moment I start my tau army.

    • 7 months ago

      Based on recent rumor engines and the necron admech codex sneak peaks, I think the best we can hope for is a new krootox model and that's it. Unless you count the Farkstalker Kinband killteam last year.

      • 7 months ago

        Right looks more like a sigmar ogre.

        • 7 months ago

          Right's gonna be a blood bowl big guy

      • 7 months ago

        Right is a krootox hand, but left is the knarloc gun.

      • 7 months ago

        Necrons are getting more than one model release. AdMech got the shaft

  52. 7 months ago

    i wish vespids got more love,they seem neat.

    • 7 months ago

      90% of the vespid problem is having shit static models. vespid have always been good units for objectives since they are cheap deepstrikers. but they were bad metal models when they were first released. the fact that they are now resin makes it even worse.

      • 7 months ago

        they definitely do need an update,but also wish we saw more of them like there's more then just base kroot.

        • 7 months ago

          >more then just base kroot
          At least kroot's got cannibals, farstalkers, hounds, and krootox. All vespids get are stingwings.

          • 7 months ago

            yeha,i wanna see all kinds of neat bee people shenanigins.

            • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          Historically, it's been Kroot, Kroot Hounds, Kroot riding Krootoxen, and Kroot riding Knarlocs (allosaur things) and Greater Knarlocs (T-rex things).
          For units that don't have models:

          There have been winged kroot

          There was also once a light cavalry unit riding what I presume would be naked ostriches with underbite beaks.

        • 7 months ago

          >more then just base kroot
          At least kroot's got cannibals, farstalkers, hounds, and krootox. All vespids get are stingwings.

          > Basic Kroot
          Now with tons of options to build your own kindred. Tougher or not, winged or not, and so on.
          > Kroot totem warriors or kroot predators
          Mystical or technological elite kroots. On the hunt for spare parts to strengthen the kroot race, whether it is useful tech or body parts.
          > Kroot strayed kindred
          Monstrous kroots that got all the bad genes.
          >Vespid hornets
          High speed, heavy armour and lot of grenades. Be aggressive.
          >Vespid XV-32-4 "echo" suits
          Battlesuit prototypes specially designed for vespids, able to enhance vespid natural echolocation and translate it into target acquisition data (aka markerlight).
          Alternatively, sound based debuff aura.
          > Vespid queen
          Monstrous creature with diamond cutting claws and sonic weapons. Can chose a high frequency "tune" to "sing" that provide buff/debuff because she's an artist with a voice that can melt your skull.

          • 7 months ago

            if only

          • 7 months ago

            >Bee aggressive.

  53. 7 months ago

    You guys just believe anything, huh?

  54. 7 months ago

    I vaguely recall something about Kroot having a more technologically advanced past and still having secret knowledge that the shapers know.
    Is this real or I'm delusional?

    My issue with Kroot is that they're too much an npc race without longterm goals or even a pathway for progress. The idea that Kroot have been secretly accumulating knowledge to rebuild their lost civilisation or overcome the flaw of their lost civilisation makes them far more cool.

    • 7 months ago

      Read the thread before posting.

      • 7 months ago

        You should stop being a homosexual before posting.
        Not that easy, is it? We all have our struggles.

        • 7 months ago

          Why are you admitting to being an illiterate ADHD shitposter as though it's a badge of honour? Your questions were already addressed. READ homie.

  55. 7 months ago

    If they made a complete kroot army I would actually start playing 40k.

  56. 7 months ago

    If you feed a kroot enough big tittied women, would it grow big breasts?

    • 7 months ago

      only if you could convince the shaper to go with it

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