KSP 2 canned AGAIN

>yeah bro I know we launched the game as an unplayable prealpha but please bro just pay bro we'll fix it bro look at the roadmap
No refunds
How do you manage to kill THREE dev teams and still not have the game at a playable state?

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 month ago

    You can tell it is shit because it has a woman on the front.

    • 1 month ago

      Valentina has been there since the first game thougheverbeit

      • 1 month ago

        zoom zoom

      • 1 month ago

        >we have always been at war with eastasia
        Dial 8 and speedrun life you subhuman leftoid troon.

    • 1 month ago

      >Jeb is the de facto protag of KSP
      >Not even on the art

    • 1 month ago

      >talking shit about Val

      • 1 month ago

        No more b***hes in space!

  2. 1 month ago

    For those unaware of the saga
    >Take 2 buys the KSP IP from Squad, team effectively dissolved, a few modders turned devs are hired by T2 under the same name
    >they shit out low quality cash grab DLC that intentionally break compatibility with mods that added the same features for free, better, years ago, but it's ok because they'll develop a sequel soon
    >The planetary annihilation devs make a desperate bid for KSP2 because they have nothing else, somehow win, get renamed to star theory
    >two years later they have very little to show and miss T2's deadlines, they get an offer to get bought out but refused, so T2 pulls the IP and contract for them and effectively collapses them, they poach some employees
    >they still publish KSP2 in early access and it's an unplayable abomination
    >they hand development to an internal team at Private Division called Intercept, updates roll out on a glacial pace
    >basic stuff like not janky orbits are still absent, the game stutters and lags even with 64GB of RAM and a 7800XD because it's unoptomized to shit
    >pre launch promises like colonies and interstellar travel nowhere near close
    >the botched launch made the playerbase disappear, so even getting further development was a tossup
    >Intercept was just killed and every single employee fired, KSP2 is once again without a team and being prostituted out by T2 like an underage pinoy prostitute
    Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder

    • 1 month ago

      I know nothing about the game. So basically Take two bought out the game and fired people originally created just to replace them with random who's they already own?
      I can't imagine a universe in which it would end up any better.

      • 1 month ago

        It's complicated.

        In 2011 a guy working for a PR company (Squad) in Mexico talked his bosses into letting him tinker on a game idea in Unity for a while. Originally released as freeware, the game became successful and the company gradually devoted more people to working on it.
        In 2012 KSP1 entered paid early access.
        In 2015 KSP1 left early access.
        In 2016 the original creator (who did not have ownership) left Squad.
        In 2017 Squad was sold to Take-Two.
        From 2017-2021 Squad would continue to update KSP1, operating in Mexico under Take-Two's ownership.
        Sometime between 2017 and 2019 the private company Uber Entertainment (Monday Night Combat, Planetary Annihilation) was given the contract to develop KSP2. As a result they changed name from Uber Entertainment to Star Theory.
        In 2019 KSP2 was officially announced as a full (non-early access) game with a release date set in 2020.
        In 2020 Take-Two pulled the contract from Star Theory, leaving the company insolvent. Most of the employed were hired back by Take-Two to form Intercept Games.
        After some delay from the studio shakeup, work continued on KSP2, though it was further slowed by covid throughout 2020 and 2021.
        In 2021, development on KSP1 officially ended and some of the devs there reportedly went to work on KSP2. Though I'm not sure how much that actually worked out.
        In late 2022 KSP2 was announced to release in Q1 2023 as an early access title.
        In 2023 KSP2 released into early access in an abysmal, essentially unplayable state.
        Throughout 2023 the game was slowly patched to fix bugs and performance, with virtually no content updates.
        At the end of 2023 the first milestone update was released that brought the game up to a fairly decent state, though it was/is still lacking in comparison to KSP1.
        Finally in 2024 we get news of Two-Two closing their only presence in Seattle and laying off 70 people, which can only be Intercept Games.

        • 1 month ago

          passion project turned into cash grab shitshow with mismanaged development. got you.
          unfortunately many such cases.

    • 1 month ago

      You forgot the part where ksp2 arguably became a malware flooding your windows registry to the point that if you started it too many times it would fill up and the game wouldn't start anymore

    • 1 month ago

      Kino, a dumpster fire of utter purity

    • 1 month ago

      >pre launch promises like colonies and interstellar travel nowhere near close
      It needs to be emphasized that the sequel has NOTHING that the original game doesn't. Colonies, interstellar travel and multiplayer were the three new additions that justified the sequel, but they never added them.

    • 1 month ago

      It's complicated.

      In 2011 a guy working for a PR company (Squad) in Mexico talked his bosses into letting him tinker on a game idea in Unity for a while. Originally released as freeware, the game became successful and the company gradually devoted more people to working on it.
      In 2012 KSP1 entered paid early access.
      In 2015 KSP1 left early access.
      In 2016 the original creator (who did not have ownership) left Squad.
      In 2017 Squad was sold to Take-Two.
      From 2017-2021 Squad would continue to update KSP1, operating in Mexico under Take-Two's ownership.
      Sometime between 2017 and 2019 the private company Uber Entertainment (Monday Night Combat, Planetary Annihilation) was given the contract to develop KSP2. As a result they changed name from Uber Entertainment to Star Theory.
      In 2019 KSP2 was officially announced as a full (non-early access) game with a release date set in 2020.
      In 2020 Take-Two pulled the contract from Star Theory, leaving the company insolvent. Most of the employed were hired back by Take-Two to form Intercept Games.
      After some delay from the studio shakeup, work continued on KSP2, though it was further slowed by covid throughout 2020 and 2021.
      In 2021, development on KSP1 officially ended and some of the devs there reportedly went to work on KSP2. Though I'm not sure how much that actually worked out.
      In late 2022 KSP2 was announced to release in Q1 2023 as an early access title.
      In 2023 KSP2 released into early access in an abysmal, essentially unplayable state.
      Throughout 2023 the game was slowly patched to fix bugs and performance, with virtually no content updates.
      At the end of 2023 the first milestone update was released that brought the game up to a fairly decent state, though it was/is still lacking in comparison to KSP1.
      Finally in 2024 we get news of Two-Two closing their only presence in Seattle and laying off 70 people, which can only be Intercept Games.

      >Planetary Annihilation
      Kek didn't realise those gays were still alive after the shit they pulled, good riddance

      • 1 month ago

        FWIW Planetary Annihilation is now managed by a different team made up of modders/players, which is probably the best thing that Uber/Star Theory could have done for it.

  3. 1 month ago

    do i need the dlc for 1?

  4. 1 month ago

    This seems to be happening more frequently lately. More and more dev teams are getting shitcanned

    • 1 month ago

      I usually dismiss chuds pulling strawmen of publishers replacing devs with diversity hires.
      But holly shit. This makes me wonder.

      • 1 month ago

        Anon ESG rating was never a strawman

        once again id like to state for the record that i would marry the lady with the heft on the left.


        • 1 month ago

          >Anon ESG rating was never a strawman
          rating in on itself wasn't. how chuds used it as a strawman was.

          • 1 month ago

            It wasn't you idiot.
            Diversity hires are one of the key points of ESG rating.
            And in the mind of the suits the fast and easy investor cash is better than hard earned profit from products made by competent people.

            • 1 month ago

              imagine being so moronic that you parrot your youtube e-celeb opinions.
              grim existence. do you even understand what stands behind those 3, so feared on this board, letter.

              • 1 month ago

                Not everything revolves around ecelebs you brainrot zoomer.
                Larry Fink and Blackrock has been fricking everyone up the ass since 2008 economic crisis. Frick, he basically supported it.
                I don't give a rat's ass about what they want you to think they are doing with ESG when i clearly see it's effects on the industry.
                Sweet Baby was just the tip of the iceberg.
                Now back to resetera/discord/reddit or whatever shitty think-thank you crawled out of.

            • 1 month ago

              >easy investor cash
              If you think about it it's even worse and worse will be. "Go woke go broke" almost never worked and never be because of 20 trillion dollars emission in Covid years. Big business, banks, investment trusts have a shit load tonn of money. They have to buy something with it or invest it. So ~~*THEY*~~ invest it in DEI-ESG-SJW-Schwab-Gates-lefty companies and it will continue at least for 10 years.
              10 years of shitty games, destroyed IPs, broken companies.

              • 1 month ago

                >I usually dismiss chuds pulling strawmen of publishers replacing devs with diversity hires.
                You homosexual actually exist? I thought you were all just ragebaiters, but a ragebaiter wouldn't admit that he is wrong. I can't believe you are THAT low IQ. I'm so sorry for your situation, man.

                Good luck being perpetually enraged at imaginary enemies then.
                I guess in your situation there's nothing more left to do.
                Meanwhile the rest of not mindbroken people will continue enjoy games and gaming in general, while you keep raging and fighting your imaginary wars.

              • 1 month ago

                >Literally admits to being wrong
                >Still holds onto his delusion that the world putting more and more clown make up aroumd him is "imaginary"
                How do you not forget to breathe if your IQ is low enough to effortlessly hold such comically contradicting and absurd beliefs?

              • 1 month ago

                >your imaginary wars.
                Name one new western game IP with white hetero male protagonist.

              • 1 month ago

                How does it feel to suck the dick of multi-billion dollar corporations fricking with the world's economy?

      • 1 month ago

        >I usually dismiss chuds pulling strawmen of publishers replacing devs with diversity hires.
        You homosexual actually exist? I thought you were all just ragebaiters, but a ragebaiter wouldn't admit that he is wrong. I can't believe you are THAT low IQ. I'm so sorry for your situation, man.

      • 1 month ago

        it's fricking moronic. i remember first finding out about ksp in 2012 and i'm pretty sure all the devs were just older white guys.

      • 1 month ago

        >This makes me wonder.
        That makes you chud, lil chuddy. Stop noticing things!

    • 1 month ago

      once again id like to state for the record that i would marry the lady with the heft on the left.

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      From left to right: Woman, man, man, woman.

      Also there are a solid 6 chins in this image.

      ksp-iggers get rekt

      [spolier] I am actually very sad I use to love ksp back in the day. I refused to play again after they required agreement with a new terms of service to download what was supposed to be a drm-free installer. I wished ksp the best, this is a tragedy [/spoiler[

      • 1 month ago

        KSP1 is still drm free. You don't have to use the launcher.

      • 1 month ago

        anon, just pirate ksp1, its in a very good state after so many years of development

        and it you want something more, it still have fricktons of mods to try out
        i would especially recommend RP-1 (a career modpack for RealSolarSystem and RealParts) and Principia (proper n-body gravitation).

    • 1 month ago

      The guy in the middle is caught between the other two's gravitational pulls.

    • 1 month ago

      >kill KSP1 because it's spaghetti code and you can't do what you want to
      >make a sequel with even worse code
      They deserve to be fired. Frick it took them close to year just for the rockets to not tear themselves apart on launch.

      >average poly relationship

      >Literally admits to being wrong
      >Still holds onto his delusion that the world putting more and more clown make up aroumd him is "imaginary"
      How do you not forget to breathe if your IQ is low enough to effortlessly hold such comically contradicting and absurd beliefs?

      >your imaginary wars.
      Name one new western game IP with white hetero male protagonist.

      How does it feel to suck the dick of multi-billion dollar corporations fricking with the world's economy?

      Now lads, we all know it takes time for the brain washing to break. He's only just started to notice things he's not supposed to. He'll be in denial for a good while yet. The longer it takes the bigger the chud he'll be when he does finally snap.

      • 1 month ago

        So you cannot name one new western game IP with white hetero male protagonist?
        Of course you can't because there is none. Thanks to DEI-ESG-SJW-Blackrock-Schwab-Gates-leftism.

        • 1 month ago

          man, you're deep in this.
          do you also believe that the earth is flat, and moon landing was a hoax?

        • 1 month ago

          Why are you asking him? He's the one agreeing with us that the denier is brainwashed. He knows the real situation.

  5. 1 month ago

    So is it cancelled again after them saying they weren't going to cancel it even though they fired a bunch of people in their seattle office?

  6. 1 month ago

    At this point, who cares? KSP was a product of its time back when atheism, science worship and hipsterdom were cool. It's time to move on. I moved on 8 years ago.

    • 1 month ago

      >he doesn't think this is the tightest shit ever
      get the frick out of my face man

      • 1 month ago

        >tightest shit ever
        Are you a boomer or are zoomers coming full circle?

  7. 1 month ago

    I'm going to make the female Kerbal beg for human wiener and breed her accordingly.

  8. 1 month ago

    Man I wish someone would leak the KSP1 sourcecode so they could finally make a proper RSS fork.

  9. 1 month ago

    Is the general still banned?

    • 1 month ago

      It was merged into /egg/

      • 1 month ago

        It's crazy that /egg/ is the only place in the world that even acknowledges the existence of some games. The only game with any popularity on /egg/ is Factorio. I wish From the Depths was popular.

        • 1 month ago

          Maybe ill go back to /egg/ and start learning how to play FtD (again).
          Got burned out when i tried to make a colossal main base or whatever that was called and after 10h of work when setting up the ai controls for it i notice i used the wrong designation for what it was going to be.

          • 1 month ago

            RIP, are you caught up with the flamethrowers and fire damage update?

            • 1 month ago

              I havent played it for 3(?) years due to a medical condition that greatly lowered my mental capacity.

      • 1 month ago

        I moved it to /vst/ recently

    • 1 month ago

      Why was it banned?

  10. 1 month ago

    Imagine being one of the marks who ate the 80 dollar early access fee

  11. 1 month ago

    So what's the best place to pirate this?

    • 1 month ago

      Why would you want to? Ksp1 is still better than where 2 got

      • 1 month ago

        That is correct, but I would have liked to try it at least once. Especially plane building looks fun.

    • 1 month ago

      It's really not worth it. They fricked up everything and have mostly failed to fix it. Just mod the shit out of 1.

      • 1 month ago

        1 is such a laggy broken piece of shit too. It gets even worse with mods.

        • 1 month ago

          KSP1 is still old enough that you can brute force your way through the spaghetti code with modern hardware. I had a lovely little save where I built a colossal munar science station with tons of parts and lights and it was able to handle it reasonably well. KSP2, on the other hand, brings even the highest-end machines to their knees.

  12. 1 month ago
  13. 1 month ago
  14. 1 month ago

    It's shit like this that made me not buy No Rest For The Wicked; Private Division is super fricking untrustworthy.

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