Langrisser Mobile

Forbidden Battleground event awaits!
New Covenant: Odin
SP Ledin coming soon!
Elma's new skin (Macho Lotto) coming soon!

Wandering Duelist (Neo Brenda) or Julian?Who did you summon?
Are you ready for Ricky and McClaine arrival on the October's major update?

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    >Progression Guide

    >Equipment Guide

    >Hidden Treasure Locations

    >Upcoming Banners

    >Official site


    >Who wants this equipment:

    >Ultimate Langrisser Pack

    >Aniki Gold and Rainbow drops

    >Maximum equipment enchants chart:

    >Equipment Mastery max bonus:

    >Rarity between SSR equipment:

    >Compiled Info Spreadsheet

    >Class Upgrade Material Locations

  2. 2 years ago

    Let's properly open this thread.
    Our little troblemaker, Her Holiness Lucretia!

  3. 2 years ago

    Neo Brenda sucks and her exclusive is among the worst released, Julian is alright but he comes in a Destiny so if I feel like it, I will summon him then.

    • 2 years ago

      When is his Destiny?

      • 2 years ago

        Like 6 months along Werner D. and Parsyr.

        • 2 years ago

          Good to know, thanks.

  4. 2 years ago

    Thankfully I got Julian now I can save up to get my wife GitS

  5. 2 years ago

    I want to roll but there's been no nice banner lately, the itch is killing me

    • 2 years ago

      Save it up. We're getting Gintama, then Elma/Annie, then Neoluc/SoLS + Oathsworn all in 3 months. Cherie is also getting her musical skin as a whale skin if you spend 39800 crystals during anniversary month.

      Then the next set has Leo Beck who can give revives to 3 people on your team. Although the other guy is probably useless.

  6. 2 years ago

    >neo brenda is one of the de facto worst SSRs
    >only saving grace could be a rockin exclusive
    >zlong gives her one of the worst exclusives in the game on top of it
    what did our girl do to deserve this?

    • 2 years ago

      It's their what, third attempt at a reactiverevenge unit that only functions when you are getting slaughtered and only against the killer? Do they just never learn or what
      At least B*tty mostly made sense, her only problem is she's incapable of doing anything wortwhile whatsoever on her own turn.

    • 2 years ago

      I wouldn't call her the worst, the DPS slot is just too competitive in Apex. They should've given her at least some Attack and/or Damage dealt without needing to go through her chains like every other character, or made her bonus higher in exchange for having to basically upkeep a summon like Elwin's 3c. Making the damage dealt +40% would have gone a long way or even just making the skill give the same 30% increase rather than 20%. Yusuke, Rean, Gintoki all get their +30% damage with transformations, but still having a talent that functions decently without it, especially Gintoki.

      I can sort of see what they were going for with the extra utility in the chains. Up to 4x Atk fixed damage that can't be blocked on any 2 units on the map bypasses most 20% revives, and even better it happens after battle. If you trade 1 for a revive, WD can turn it into a 1 for 1 with her chains. Not only fixed damage but she can apply Heal Block, crit reduce, and passive disable to any 2 units on the map. Plus she herself has a revive. Unfortunately it's just not enough, and most of her utility is irrelevant for PvE. She basically requires a summon to have a normal talent, just to be average.

      The defensive exclusive was definitely not what she needed. So many fixes yet they go with this. Giving her -1 CD on skills could have made her above average for PvE in any comp with a summon. Letting her apply chains on 3 targets instead of 2 or having them last for 3/4 turns instead of 2, giving her +10% damage on chains so the skill give +30% and her talent one gives +40%. Giving her fixed damage a higher cap could have given her a niche.

  7. 2 years ago
  8. 2 years ago

    Reminder that pity is reset with Gintama banner, so plan accordingly.

    • 2 years ago

      From a few posters on NGA with no proof. I would take it with a grain of salt considering we had people swearing they pulled over 100 well over a year into the game. Not like they'll get the chance to prove so anyways, but we certainly will. If anyone actually gets proof on this side they might toss up compensation for every server.

    • 2 years ago

      From a few posters on NGA with no proof. I would take it with a grain of salt considering we had people swearing they pulled over 100 well over a year into the game. Not like they'll get the chance to prove so anyways, but we certainly will. If anyone actually gets proof on this side they might toss up compensation for every server.

      They didn't reset it on JP, I had 30 rolls banked and got Gintoki in 70. Of course it could have been reset and it was complete coincidence that I got him then, but I'm leaning towards it being pity. Though the reset might come along with Valkyria instead since the collab positions are almost certainly swapped.

    • 2 years ago

      Let's see if I understand ...

      Zlong for the Gintama banner resets the pity, so if I have 99 summons without SSR my 100th won't result in an SSR because I actually start from 0?

      If true, does it apply only to the Gintama banner or also to the others banners of that period?

  9. 2 years ago

    I keep agonizing over Lucretias class.
    Holy lets her equip GoEL which she probably never really wants anyway given her role and how endgame PvE is dumb checkers anyway, on the other Holy sometimes gets cucked like that one challenge for the valkyries banner
    What are benefits of keeping her a mage besides dodging occasional holy cuckoldry?

    • 2 years ago

      Are you guys in the top 100 for anyone? Most of my high power heroes are popular so there's a lot of rank whoring and high investment apex people clogging up those. I do have Alustriel in the 70s and I think my Mystery Knight was literally 100, though that was before I got cav to 80%.

      Higher skill and hp, potentially less competition for AB stones.

      • 2 years ago

        My Lana is 2nd in the server, probably can get 1st with a bit of luck. I think I have a few more rare heroes in the top 10 like Ainz, Mariandel and the like.

    • 2 years ago

      holy's much better in general because it lets you wear glory of the world with sorcs. Mages avoids judge talisman damage bonus but i don't think that's good enough to be worth giving up on glory since its too niche

      • 2 years ago

        I don't care for pvp and glory is rather pointless in pve when tennyo exists.
        I'm still doing some final thinking before i settle down and shovel mastery stones at her though

        • 2 years ago

          tennyos has next to no value in pve. the only reason it's so good is because you can sit around for the +3 ms proc

        • 2 years ago

          if you only care about pve then even more reason to use her as holy since that's the only place you'll realistically get holy to demon class advantage, meanwhile mage has nothing

          • 2 years ago

            frick, i never thought about this. most of my mages are in mage class but i literally never touch pvp. just figured theyd have more int that way

  10. 2 years ago

    Bad match up, other guy basically was a perfect counter to his playstyle so this is all I'm going to get

    • 2 years ago

      He is strong but always uses the same strategy. In the first fight he underestimated the Mariel + Iris combo but if Mariel hadn't had breeze things probably would have been different. In the second fight he was defeated in the pick-ban phase, I don't think with those units he could counter 4 DPS with two teleport units. Jugler was doomed to defeat the moment he would use 3c and Lana is a short leg unit that would hardly have been able to get close to do damage.

  11. 2 years ago

    Can someone explain how to complete awakening missions? My team just hit 70, and I can't clear any of these

    • 2 years ago

      Usually involves having good equips and 5-6*s on the unit first unless they have something fundamentally OP in their kit you can abuse

    • 2 years ago

      The first Awakening battle is a 1v1 against 3 enemies. 1v1 because unless you trigger 2nd or 3rd walking into their danger zone like a moron they will only go after one after the other is done with.
      It shouldn't be too hard to figure out what you need to do a 1v1. You guessed it! You need stats. Star rating, lvl 50 equipment, decent enchants, masteries, lvl10 soldiers and training, appropriately chosen soldiers (not ramming your infantry into cavs helps a ton, %fixed damage soldiers may help you one shot you target etc). Pick skills that will suit the particular challenge instead of "whatever i usually use" like idk guard on a tank. Oftentimes tankhealersupport characters have seemingly useless skills that they almost never use in other class branches that specifically exist for battles like these. Like conversion+attack on tanks. You might need to invest a runestone to unlock those.
      Some characters need practically nothing to pass them (my Zerida was wearing literal SR rags and lvl7 barely trained soldiers but since she's an assassin designed specifically to murder, she passed easily) while others have to be heavily invested into and it will stll be brutal (Freya is a notorious example of a tough awakening)

    • 2 years ago

      Post the Hero you're having difficulty awakening

      • 2 years ago

        Here are the ones I tried to and failed before even defeating the first opponent:
        1)Cherie, 6 stars:
        HP 3,1k + 1,6k
        ATK 500 + 275
        DEF 234 + 148
        MDEF 277 + 130
        SKILL 178 + 25
        2)Christiane, 5 stars:
        HP 3,7k +2k
        ATK 366 + 128
        DEF 278 +116
        MDEF 248 + 104
        3)Lucretia, 5 stars:
        HP 2,2k + 1,5k
        INT 395 + 199
        DEF 164 +78
        MDEF 225 + 79
        I'm not too invested in my equipment because most of them are really bad based on the spreadsheet, and my soldier levels are all around 16, so I will probably have to farm those as well as the remaining of fragments.

        I think that the fact I got the awakening materials from floating kingdom instead of managing to clear the required rifts means I'm underpowered right now

        • 2 years ago

          >Those base stats
          Anon, you can't just do Awakenings willy-nilly, you actually have to invest in the units. My 4* Christiane has higher base stats than your 5*, not even talking about the equipment. A properly-invested THREE STAR hero is much stronger than what you have. And unfortunately, not everyone gets it easy. You have to unlock bonds and maximize them. You have to unlock and master all the classes with the stat bonuses that compliment their style.

          • 2 years ago

            Here are the ones I tried to and failed before even defeating the first opponent:
            1)Cherie, 6 stars:
            HP 3,1k + 1,6k
            ATK 500 + 275
            DEF 234 + 148
            MDEF 277 + 130
            SKILL 178 + 25
            2)Christiane, 5 stars:
            HP 3,7k +2k
            ATK 366 + 128
            DEF 278 +116
            MDEF 248 + 104
            3)Lucretia, 5 stars:
            HP 2,2k + 1,5k
            INT 395 + 199
            DEF 164 +78
            MDEF 225 + 79
            I'm not too invested in my equipment because most of them are really bad based on the spreadsheet, and my soldier levels are all around 16, so I will probably have to farm those as well as the remaining of fragments.

            I think that the fact I got the awakening materials from floating kingdom instead of managing to clear the required rifts means I'm underpowered right now

            I was able to do Helena's at 3* but in general the tank ones are the biggest b***h because they do piss damage unless you raised them well enough

            • 2 years ago

              I've done quite a few at 3* myself. Including Christiane. But I almost always have either all bonds unlocked, or at the very least Heart Bond maximized, and a good set of equipment that if anything, I just lend from one of my top heroes. Again, not everyone gets it easy, like mages with Scepter of Divinity. Anyone that is bound to surely receive attacks and counterattacks has to have the stats to kill and survive.

        • 2 years ago

          Granted that I only started unlocking 3c when I got to the final chapter of Act 1.

          From personal experience the minimum requirements to complete the 6c without too many problems are all equipment of lv 50, lv 10 the first 3 bonds, at least lv 5 atk and def bond, at least lv 7 heart bond, decent mastery. For troops it would be better to have 40/40/40 stats and use lv 10 soldiers.

          Difficulty varies by unit. For example to complete Gustav's 6c I had to upgrade everything to lv 10 and wait to get the 4 *, For Liana I had to unlock the mage class and use the summon, Elma with the fact that you fight against LoG was not at all easy, Freya was a nightmare I don't want to remember, etc.

          If you don't want to invest in SSR gear, try to at least upgrade the SR gear to lv 50 and don't pay too much attention to the spreadsheet, except in rare cases, most of the time an SSR gear can be more useful because it has higher stats than the SR gear .

          • 2 years ago

            Alright, so first I'll try to get all equipment of a unit to 50, try to get better stat rolls, bonds are at 30-40 right now so I will work on those as well, and raise soldier levels of the ones I use to 10.

            • 2 years ago

              Pay attention to which soldiers you upgrade to lv 10, since you are at the beginning, it is worth upgrading only those who share the most units you own.

              If you show us which units you have, we can give you some advice on which soldiers to upgrade so as not to waste aniki materials.

              • 2 years ago

                The characters I have invested at least a bit till now are: Cherie, Christiane, Lucretia, Lana, Liana, Alicia, Florentia, Licorice, Light of Genesis, Rozalia, Rozenciel, Sissi White and Tsubame.

                Out of those, my current team are Cherie/Christiane/Lucretia/Liana/Rozenciel, although the current Fusion buff only applies to Christiane, Lucretia, and Rozenciel.

              • 2 years ago

                Sorceress for Lucretia, Lana, LoG, Licorice

                Griffin Knight for Cherie and Rozalia

                Fighting Monk for Liana, Rozenciel, Florentia and Sissi. In some cases Liana, Rozen and Sissi would prefer Shrine Maiden for damage reduction.

                Angel and Phalanx for Christiane. Christiane can use Empress Personal Guard but if you don't use infantry soldiers on other units you can do without them for now.

                The only assassin / archer I use is Narm, I honestly don't know what to recommend for Alicia and Tsubame

              • 2 years ago

                Thanks for the recommendations. Are mixed forces considered useful? I always thought that if an infantry character doesn't use infantry troops, they lose half the bonus damage when battling lancers

              • 2 years ago

                Units and soldiers have a separate bonus I believe, so the hero still gets the bonus damage but you are obviously missing damage if you attack let's say a lancer with an infantry/lancer combo compared to double infantry on the plus side you get neutral damage from cavalry.

        • 2 years ago

          Lucretia and Cherie are pretty easy ones
          Just continue building up their Equipment and Character

  12. 2 years ago

    Good soldiers for Angelina?

    • 2 years ago

      Can't she use Angels?

    • 2 years ago

      >using Angelina
      Angels, Griffins or Mech are fine unless you plan on going Watery meme build

      Are Unicorns good on her?
      First time seeing that she has access to them

      • 2 years ago

        >Are Unicorns good on her?
        Unicorns are for Terrain Master, shit otherwise. And she's a flier so eh

  13. 2 years ago

    SP Ledin when?

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Highest offensive increase on counter.

    • 2 years ago

      >Heart of Gaia
      >on SP Ledin
      Does his new Passive not work with Heal Reversal?

    • 2 years ago

      Double green? The heck? I swear the chinks were recommending meteor for him. Also it's interesting they don't even bother putting oath as an alternative weapon considering they threw in fujin for armor.

      >Heart of Gaia
      >on SP Ledin
      Does his new Passive not work with Heal Reversal?

      Only can't be healed, which Elwin can still disable with his 3c if you for some reason end up picking him in apex and don't ban Elwin.

  14. 2 years ago

    >another week
    >still haven't done stage 3 of ragnarok

    • 2 years ago


  15. 2 years ago

    What armor does epsilon and ibc want? Tennyo, Nebulous, Arcane Battlegarb, Forbidden defenders?

    For helm im considering tennyos or tyr for epsilon

    • 2 years ago

      nebulous is generally the one people use most to prevent being reflect cheesed. by units with crystal warlocks + that accessory. tyrs is preferred for helm because his stealth needs him to be 2 tiles away from allies to begin with and the damage inc is fairly high.

      • 2 years ago

        So I wouldn’t have to worry about being reflected since he isn’t as squishy as lucretia and log? I also see most ibc equipping tenyo

  16. 2 years ago

    Wtf is happening anymore

    • 2 years ago

      I think that's Zion's EoL skin, anon.

      • 2 years ago

        is that a boy or a gril

        • 2 years ago

          Zion is clearly a guy, as well as Leo Beck (RioBec).

          • 2 years ago

            >shotacon banner
            ew, why not more dark elf girls

            • 2 years ago

              What are you a homosexual?

  17. 2 years ago

    Are winged shinguards a good acc for Bernhardt

    • 2 years ago

      Decent, he still rather have boots.

      • 2 years ago

        The SR ones? I only have one copy of those

        • 2 years ago

          No, Apex boots, all the other Attack accessories are decent oh him, he is fairly tanky so shinguards is definitely not bad on him.

          • 2 years ago

            >Apex boots
            never even seen them before
            or overlords badges

            • 2 years ago

              I usually throw 10 tickets at new banners unless I've buffered my pity by a bit. I did it now because why not and well, this happened. Is she like, useful at all? Even a super ultra niche use? Aside from being useful for my dick anyway. God her eol is so fricking hot.

              I got one and picked my second one with a pick bag. Got an overlord from TT this week, I think that's number 5. Not sure if I even need it.

              • 2 years ago

                She is a good unit but depends too much on the rng. In PVE she can be OP or the weak link of the team, it all depends on the position in which the cards appear and the type of cards. Perhaps with her exclusive she could improve, but in Global we have to wait for December. I wanted to upgrade her to 6 * but after more than 50 runs in which the cards appeared in absurd positions I chose to leave her at 5 *, four cards do not make a difference if they do not appear in the right position.

                Remember that her atk bond is Sissi.

              • 2 years ago

                When will I know what to use with my pick bags? I have two but have no idea what to take or what's rare enough to be worth it

              • 2 years ago

                For accessories you usually pick something you need right now, or if you're prepping for seriously participating in apex you grab twilight star or swordsmiths. I honestly feel overlords is a waste but that's because I only have two built and don't feel the need for more. The +1 move from apex boots can be huge but it depends on who you use it on and if you ever actually use that +1. Just try out the sr boots on whoever it is you want it on and if you feel like it isn't helping much then don't pick apex boots.

              • 2 years ago

                >For accessories you usually pick something you need right now,
                you say that like they release these often

  18. 2 years ago

    What weapon does Florentia typically use?

    • 2 years ago

      Night Bloom probably.

    • 2 years ago

      Almost every healer uses night bloom. Rozenciel is probably one of (or the only) exception that wants another staff.

      For accessories you usually pick something you need right now, or if you're prepping for seriously participating in apex you grab twilight star or swordsmiths. I honestly feel overlords is a waste but that's because I only have two built and don't feel the need for more. The +1 move from apex boots can be huge but it depends on who you use it on and if you ever actually use that +1. Just try out the sr boots on whoever it is you want it on and if you feel like it isn't helping much then don't pick apex boots.

      Cherie is an ob user in pvp but its not as rare as ts and ssms. You are better of grabbing those two rare accs.

  19. 2 years ago

    Not sure about other servers but top 2 cleared in 6 hours after the first day reset. My guild has quite a bit to go but we're hopefully staying solidly in third place. How fast did your servers get the first clear? I know you guys had that bug frick up which I'm sure sucked since it added a lot of time.

  20. 2 years ago

    RIP fourth place suddenly jumped a massive amount and cleared. Guild leader kicked 2 people who haven't logged in since DE started basically immediately after that wew.

    • 2 years ago

      In general, most guilds will clear 4 outers and 4 inners, going straight for Baldea. That'll usually be an amount around 54,000 magic ore, going straight to the final number 84,723 once the final boss is done.

      • 2 years ago

        Is that for the stat bonuses for clearing nodes? The first 2 I was in a super casual guild that only cleared with the power of a single super autist and the rest of them my guild has always done this.

        • 2 years ago

          That's the day 1 clear. If your guild is planning to rank, you have to do this strat and focus on co-op. Beyond that, most guilds will go 4/4 so each squad can actively attack something without having to co-op.

          >end of 2022
          >still no Dark Tank besides Betty and Albedo

          Some factions were supposed to have units that specialized into certain things, like why Meteor doesn't really get tanks besides Jugler, but then they gave Empire/Glory/Princess everything so...

          • 2 years ago

            Dumbest, mind-bogglingly stupid fricking """faction"""

            • 2 years ago

              Agreed. I hate that princess (and protagonist) exist. They couldve made more lore friendly and relevant to the setting, rather than making a waifu centric faction (which only pushes for all the OP heroes to be female, etc etc).

            • 2 years ago

              Agreed. I hate that princess (and protagonist) exist. They couldve made more lore friendly and relevant to the setting, rather than making a waifu centric faction (which only pushes for all the OP heroes to be female, etc etc).

              Might as well complain about all the factions.

              • 2 years ago

                Nah. They all make sense and have.relevance in relation to lore or special tactics.
                Protagonist and princess are neither. Protag is at least a nod to the heroes of all the classics and the crossovers; princess is merely the waifu bait faction.
                But its whatever. No need to get offended because some people dislike the overt coomer mindset that waifu bullshit creates.

              • 2 years ago

                It isn't, all factions have their share of very loosely related heroes, and are just there to fill a quota aside from tensei since that is just all the heroes from that game. Even if there were no factions whatsoever most of the heroes who are strong right now would remain strong and women would still be the majority of it, there being a princess faction or not wouldn't change shit. Actually Prioncess was a whatever faction before Christhiane and even right now outside of healers, it's not represented particularly harder than any other faction. Strategy being a joke is a bigger issue.

              • 2 years ago

                Princess are princesses. Dont let your waifugay hateboner blind you
                > No need to get offended
                frick you passive aggressive discord Black person

              • 2 years ago

                >frick you passive aggressive discord Black person
                Lmao zoom zoom is mad.

  21. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      good day

  22. 2 years ago

    Speaking of DE did CN have another one yet? I unironically like it and want it more often. Dunking aoes is fun and watching triple SP Cherie slap things around is amusing. It totally isn't because of the 28 aniki mats, nope not at all.

    • 2 years ago

      They did. I saw a video of the last stage but can't find it now. Looked like absolute fricking nonsense with a bunch of high powered cloned Ledins.

      • 2 years ago

        Looking at bilibili it seems it happend in July, so it's coming kinda sorta soon. I'm usually completely worthless at the boss so this time I'm going to try to actually prepare.

    • 2 years ago

      They did. I saw a video of the last stage but can't find it now. Looked like absolute fricking nonsense with a bunch of high powered cloned Ledins.

      Looking at bilibili it seems it happend in July, so it's coming kinda sorta soon. I'm usually completely worthless at the boss so this time I'm going to try to actually prepare.

      In November there is the next DE with Gintama Event. Regarding the boss, from a video I saw it would seem that it is possible to earn enough points using SP Cherie but I don't know the stats of that player. The boss is the least of the problems, if you don't have the right units and if the players suffer from "reading debuff", getting to the boss becomes almost impossible due to the laws in baldea.

  23. 2 years ago

    SP Ledin's new Skills have lower TotalPower than his other Skills >:/

    Does his new 1C activates a 2-Range Guard as well or is it just the DF+Med convertion?

    • 2 years ago

      Only convertion I believe but he does have a 1 ring innate guard.

  24. 2 years ago

    >end of 2022
    >still no Dark Tank besides Betty and Albedo

    • 2 years ago

      >a collab
      >passive moron that doesn't really wants to tank, just wants her team to get AoE'd
      poor Darkies

    • 2 years ago

      What's wrong with using Alpha as a tank, anon?

      • 2 years ago

        >I forgot Alpha even existed
        Is she even good?
        What's her usual kit?

        >Crystal Edge Cost: 2 > Choose one of the following skills:
        [Crystal Edge: Barrier] Attacks a single enemy, dealing 1.5x damage. Before battle, gain [Amethyst Barrier]. after battle restore HP equal to 30% of damage dealt.
        [Crystal Edge: Shield] Attacks a single enemy, dealing 1.5x damage. Before battle, gain [Amethyst Shield]. after battle restore HP equal to 30% of damage dealt.
        After using one of the above skills, set the cooldown of Crystal Edge to 2 turns.

        >Crystal Arm Cost: 2 / CD: 2 / Range: Self / Span: Single
        [Passive] Takes all attacks for adjacent allies.
        [Active] Guard range increases to 2. ATK/INT+20%. Gain [Reinforcements] and [Parry] effects. Lasts 2 turns.

        >Regenerative Crystal Core Cost: 1
        [Passive] Takes all attacks for adjacent allies. After being attacked and taking damage, restore HP to self equal to 1.5x ATK.
        >Reinforcement Cost: 1
        [Passive] After taking action, restore 20% HP.

        >Amethyst Explosion Cost: 3 / CD: 6 / Range: Self / Span: 4
        [Passive] Negate one instance of fatal damage, afterwards restoring 100% HP and reducing all skill cooldowns by 5. Also lose [Amethyst Barrier] or [Amethyst Shield] effects and become unable to reobtain them. This effect will only occur once per map.
        [Physical Damage] Attacks self and enemies within 4 blocks for 0.3x AoE damage. Before use, dispel all debuffs from self. The lower this unit's HP, the more damage it will do, up to +100% damage dealt.

        >Roar Cost: 2 / CD: 2 / Range: 1 / Span: Single
        [Physical Damage] Attacks a single enemy, dealing 1.3x damage. Before battle, dispels 2 buffs from the enemy and inflict ATK/INT-20% for 1 turn.

  25. 2 years ago

    Princess faction existing is fine
    Meteor Strike and Tactical Masters are the real mistake

    • 2 years ago

      >t. meteorlet

  26. 2 years ago

    >Not maining Princess
    Get a load of these gays

  27. 2 years ago

    I love Mythical! wish they have a better faction buffer

    • 2 years ago

      I have a full Mythical team built the only thing missing is a Faction Buffer and I sure as hell ain't going to build Gizarof and Loldius

      • 2 years ago

        Me too, and I have the same problem with strategy, unfortunately without FB they are very difficult to use. For me the problem is not to build FBuffers but to get their bonds so as not to make them dead weights, after all even at 4 * many units are usable or at least they can do something other than buff.

      • 2 years ago

        oldy is pretty decent though. though why can't you just use estelle instead then if you have her

  28. 2 years ago

    Should I go with magic or breeze on Gustav or is there a better enchant for her

    • 2 years ago

      I assume it's similar to SP Lana in that you either decide on potential extra range or maximum damage. Looking over her skill set again, since I don't have her, I personally would use breeze for anything pvp related since she has those annoying debuffs. I probably wouldn't use her in pve but I'd imagine more damage would be better than random +2 move.

    • 2 years ago

      I wouldn't call it better since it's probably just memes but you could do double green or just thorns/steel to hopefully not blow up in a single hit from an assassin or something after rolling in and dumping 3c. I guess clock would be decent too, double 3c or black hole would be annoying.

  29. 2 years ago

    So how is JP managing Gintoki?

    • 2 years ago

      Don't think people have really figured out how to use him yet. In the tourney matches so far he never really does much. He either gets sniped or is one of the last two units and just rolls over. There's a lot of cav troops being brought in to the games where he's not banned or Hilda goes cav mode if she's not banned. Phalanx are actually his most used troop which is I assume to deal with all of the cav troops.

  30. 2 years ago
  31. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Fricking Amazing.

  32. 2 years ago

    First season since S1 when I was newer to the game that I won't be able to make Gold III and it makes me want to throw in towel on this.

    Fricking hate having to PvP to get rewards and skins but I always tolerated it because it took me less than 15 matches but I'm 10-12 and can't make it out of Silver.

    Everyone has a meta box full of 6* characters, whale frames, etc. Its frankly tiring.

    • 2 years ago

      Unfortunately the game is becoming more and more p2w although many are unwilling to admit it or, if we want to be kinder, it is becoming more and more "waste your time, where you could do something better, to complete this new PVE mode to increase the stats for PVP ".

      Remember that there are players who use pilots for Apex, it is likely that you have just had bad luck or that you are tired of competing in Apex.

      • 2 years ago

        Probably because the latter isn’t the former. I don’t think anyone would doubt the latter when it’s just a fact. But even then, whales have had the opportunity to buy like 10 morningstars which is 1 node.

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds like you roll bad units or keep misplaying. Bronze is full of misplaying morons. Just wait for them to get out of position and grab the free kills. I tried playing pvp after a year and got silver 3 within 2 days of playing

      • 2 years ago

        I'm very average but it seems like most of the average players have moved on and the newer players avoid apex because they know they cannot compete.

        Could be some extreme bad luck too, next season I won't try to qualify the first weekend and get steamrolled by Lang frames.

        • 2 years ago

          >meta boxes
          I haven’t really encountered the current “meta” box in bronze or silver. The one with 2 healer(rozen sissi) 1 tank(Hilda) with full meta DPS characters

          I’m currently silver 3 without a full meta box my goal is just to settle for gold 3. I’m just waiting for my meta units to get 6 star and it’ll probably be easy.

          >first weekend qualify
          I have never even tried pvp before I had a reasonable box to compete, and I also got matched against a top 512 player. Sounds like there are just no players to queue into. Otherwise I haven’t really queued into a high rank disparity on the proceeding weeks.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm like 2 week late but I finally forced myself to get to tier 10 on JP voyage. I had to reset twice because I'm garbage and picking good shit but the third time I easily rolled over Bozel. I don't see why people were complaining so much unless bad rng was that common. I didn't exactly get good rng on this run either. Pretty much the only good luck was getting Lucretia with her 3c. Dunno if I'm gonna force myself to clear 15 but I do know I want 12 for those aniki boxes.

      To be fair the "whale" frames don't exactly cost much to get.

  33. 2 years ago

    Okay 15 is rough, I can delete the pirate in 3 turns, though I get a feeling that that's slow, but then I get fricked because I need to be in water and on defensive terrain. Don't want to reset just yet since it's obviously a lack of more than a single brain cell holding me back.

    • 2 years ago

      Just kill the water one and then go to the mountains.

  34. 2 years ago

    Maybe AI will be good enough before the end of the year to make us more lewds... Maybe even in Urushihara style.

  35. 2 years ago

    Any sharding priority recomendations for PvE? Looking to settle for a 3 tank 3 healer box. The characters that I want to invest are:
    >Rozenciel (4)
    >Liana (4)
    >Sissi White (4)
    >Hilda (5)
    >Christiane (5)

    I have one slot available in my GoF, which would be the order of priority to shard? For now I am sharding Christiane since she doesn't have any revive on turn 1 and using Tiaris since my Sissi isn't viable

    • 2 years ago

      I say Rozenciel and Christhiane followed by Hilda and Liana.

      • 2 years ago

        Purely for PVE, it's not worth taking tanks to 6 stars, so I'd say focus on Rozen and Liana.

        Frick I meant PvP

        • 2 years ago

          Well, last week for Apex, shouldn't have any issue finishing in top 512.

          I would still say this

          I say Rozenciel and Christhiane followed by Hilda and Liana.

          You want Christiane to have her revive from the start and Hilda is fine at 5. Roz vs Liana is a bit more debatable since Rozenciel is earlier in the ban priority so you may not be able to field her as much as Liana.

    • 2 years ago

      Purely for PVE, it's not worth taking tanks to 6 stars, so I'd say focus on Rozen and Liana.

  36. 2 years ago

    Cool deer e-girl and potentially a male healer. A little surprised it's not more OC/aging up again.

  37. 2 years ago

    >tfw they finally introduce Polyal
    Hey, wait a minute! Where's Rona?
    You can't do this to us, Zlong!

    • 2 years ago

      And then what to they do?
      They give us the infamous Archbishop Lugner...

  38. 2 years ago

    I'm trying

    • 2 years ago

      You can do it.

      • 2 years ago

        I scrapped my tanks and went straight rush and have been having more success. Matches end quickly either way too, so thats a bonus.

        • 2 years ago

          Well the game has been heavily favoring rush for the last year or so. Still went tank push this season although once NeoZerida and Gintoki come, who knows how viable it will remain even in Gold.

          • 2 years ago

            Probably why I was doing so poorly, hard to leave behind the tank + healer + 3 DPS that has been ingrained on me for so long. Also a ridiculous amount of moves and counter moves to remember now hurts when you don't PvP that much.

            • 2 years ago

              everyone has guard ignore nowadays. We need an anti-guard ignore to strengthen tank push

  39. 2 years ago

    Gintoki had a 100% pick/ban rate, unsurprisingly. He basically had to be first picked but that didn't happen often. I think he saw 5ish games and he only won one from the top 16 since I didn't watch anything before that. Kagura was much more impactful when she was chosen, and I don't recall her being banned. There were a few weird boxes too like one guy had Carolian and a couple had Oboro, though they never got picked. Omega even got picked twice which I found amusing. Anyway, the 3 time apex winner is now a 4 time apex winner.

    • 2 years ago

      ヤブン is nuts, but I do find it funny how strong KR is in apex considering. The same few appearances by the top ladder players constantly choke against him.

  40. 2 years ago

    Is there a site where I can see all available skin?

    • 2 years ago

      Chink wiki.

  41. 2 years ago

    >want to 80% holy next
    >it's another one of those nodes where both items share day but different aniki
    I'm not sure why I expected every 80% node to not have this BS. Older nodes doing this was frustrating enough.

  42. 2 years ago

    I have no problem getting 35 wins in arena but struggle to stay in the 1900s because my defense keeps giving away -15
    Guess it's time to build Betty?

    • 2 years ago

      No, it's time for you to stop caring about it and put a single unit defense.

      • 2 years ago

        single unit defense didn't catch on in the server unfortunately

    • 2 years ago

      You need more auto wins. Alternatively tell your server to stop being cancer so everyone can get 1900.

    • 2 years ago

      Not worth it. Arena is the last thing that I will invest in. You're better off investing in PvE/PvP

  43. 2 years ago

    First time back since spring of this year, and what are these new covenant resources?
    So far i can only find them for sale in the game store for cash.
    Specifically: the morning star and prayer of dawn.
    How/where do i farm them?

    And i see where to spend the morning stars but wtf are the prayer if dawn used for?

    • 2 years ago

      Both are rewards for doing the new challenge mode Ragnarok of Realms. You get them for 1st time completion and also weekly.

  44. 2 years ago

    Well, Ricky and Mclaine for this update, both are decent at worst. Mclaine seems like the better one of the two but considering Gintama, Neo Elma, and Neo Zerida are coming there is probably not much point to pull unless you really like them. Neo Ares and Legal Lico exclusives are coming too, both good even if it doesn't make either game changing.

  45. 2 years ago

    Okay, it's time for some new skins!

    So, let's start with Polyal.

    • 2 years ago

      Next is Lugner.

      • 2 years ago

        And then we have Neo Virash aka Archon of the Moon.

        • 2 years ago

          And the best one is usually saved for last.
          It's Lucretia of course!

        • 2 years ago

          I guess I'm pulling on the Virash/Archon banner

        • 2 years ago

          And the best one is usually saved for last.
          It's Lucretia of course!

          Are these shop skins or lotto skins?

    • 2 years ago

      I want to roll for dicky but boy does she look completely useless to me. I do wonder if CN will end up putting Hilda back in their boxes with her coming in though.

      And the best one is usually saved for last.
      It's Lucretia of course!

      Too cute.

  46. 2 years ago

    >Men and e-girls
    I sleep. Wake me when Cherie gets another skin.

    • 2 years ago

      She already got one, anon.

      • 2 years ago

        breasts too big

        didn't know the Shop offered these

        • 2 years ago

          Is that and SSR scrolls worth buying with gold?

          • 2 years ago

            That's something you have to ask yourself, we don't know your gold situation.

            • 2 years ago

              90million. I keep burning through my ssr scrolls every week and I never run below 80million. I am asking for the relative value to ssr scrolls/ssr stones

          • 2 years ago

            Always buy items even if you have hundreds of them
            Gold is easy to get back if you wait long enough

            • 2 years ago

              >mfw at 110million now
              I spend the ab stones and scrolls weekly and buy the ssr stones/scrolls in the store and still haven’t run out of gold. Also do aniki daily and spend the corresponding gold on making my units stronger, how do people run out of gold late in the game

              • 2 years ago

                Heart Bounds
                They are horrendous expensive

    • 2 years ago

      Cherie microkini skin when?

  47. 2 years ago

    Anyone else unable to update the PC version? It keeps saying the current version doesn't support the update, then says to download the latest version, but the latest version on the site is the one I already had installed.

    • 2 years ago

      Just updated and played as usual
      Try launching repair.bat in the client folder or just reinstall the thing. PC launcher is a trashfire, had mine break like 4 times already, for no apparent reason

  48. 2 years ago

    Did you guys checked Legeclo? It's literally a langrisser copy with some balance changes and porn, I haven't seen a thread here so I'm curious.

    • 2 years ago

      >Valkyria a month after Gintama
      JP being fricking weird again with collabs. While I do want both of them it would be dumb to roll to pity, especially for such subpar units.


  49. 2 years ago

    We having Merchant at wednesdays now?

    • 2 years ago

      Merchant's exchange limit is now down to 10000/10000.

  50. 2 years ago

    Not sure I feel like renewing. My motivation is disappearing after 3 1/2 years.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      I stopped renewing for a while and bought them when I played again. It's not a gigantic loss.

    • 2 years ago

      Imagine having these benefits for 3 and a half years. What do you even need the extra dailies for nowadays? We get 2 free uses of clock which I find is more than enough to not have to reset constantly anyways.

      Gift is decent value, but you can honestly pull most stuff without it anyways. Like

      I stopped renewing for a while and bought them when I played again. It's not a gigantic loss.

      said, just ditch it. If you come back and feel like spending/playing regularly just buy Gift again. I've dropped and picked the game up at least 3 times already.

      • 2 years ago

        3 1/2 years not missing a day and I still haven't maxed all soldier training.

        • 2 years ago

          Post burgers

        • 2 years ago

          My training is at 61% rn, is that average or above average?
          Cuz im burnt out on grinding for it. I want to max out some more soldiers and some of the side grade buffs since theyre all cheaper.

          I guess the real question is, what is an acceptable minimum for soldier training?

          • 2 years ago

            Ignore any training you don't use in order to save aniki materials
            Ignore def / mdef and try to upgrade to 70% hp and atk.
            If you think that some types of soldiers can make a difference, do not hesitate to upgrade them, evaluate the pros and cons, at most you lose a month of general upgrade of one or more training.

            However 61% is not bad, if I remember correctly I have dealt with most of act 2, AB and covenant up to baldr with stats 50 / 60-70 / 50

            I despise covenants. Worst thing theyve added to the game.
            The difficulty is so arbitrary and its all just a bullshit stat check.
            So uninspired. And its frustrating because the stats count in pvp.
            At least i only needed to max thor, if they ever change it to where we need to max more than 1 or all, I will prob quit.

            In part I agree but it must be said that if there were no covenants there would be no reason to summon units and build them other than to collect them.

          • 2 years ago

            Like the other guy said get atk/hp for everything you use often to 70% first, unless there's a solid soldier that covers multiple characters. You should have sorcs maxed already but that would be the most obvious example. Then grab the most effective boosts, ie the Leon talent under cavs, and then consider 70% cav/lancer def. That's what I would do if I had to redo aniki but I was dumb and did 70% everything after getting the troops I wanted. It's the only grind that will never end unless you're fricked in rng and are lacking some key equipment, for example the mass of characters that are useful and use last rites/tennyos.

            • 2 years ago

              >consider 70% cav/lancer def
              That’s the last thing that you should ever do. 70%atk<— used soldier/important techs<— 70%hp/10%allstats<— 70%def

              • 2 years ago

                >first Valkryia story quest impossible to complete because Alicia can't one shot enemies and they one shot her
                I love hilarious bugs. At least they fixed this one quickly, my guild was confused and couldn't figure out why things were so different from CN vids and I was wondering why global vids were basically afk brain dead easy clear like usual first quests.

                My moronic ass went and got cav def to 70% before anything else. No I don't know why I did that. Probably just me being moronic.

    • 2 years ago

      Oh, even if you don't do anything else, you still might want to keep doing shard sweeps. I think that's the one thing that you can't really get back in case you do decide to play again.

  51. 2 years ago

    Cleared Frigg 9, frick man all of them were annoying. Still have to go back and redo 9-3 for the 40 gems. I think I just have Heim 7 and Baldr I need to clear 2-4. Not really looking forward to doing any of them but I have to because of the dumb god enchant bs that's also annoying to do.

    • 2 years ago

      I despise covenants. Worst thing theyve added to the game.
      The difficulty is so arbitrary and its all just a bullshit stat check.
      So uninspired. And its frustrating because the stats count in pvp.
      At least i only needed to max thor, if they ever change it to where we need to max more than 1 or all, I will prob quit.

  52. 2 years ago

    Also I forgot about that Lucretia on the loading screen. I know its old news to you guys but boy she be doing things to my dick.

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        >those eyes

      • 2 years ago

        I hate it when they make characters/skins out of proportion like licorice's eyes in the pink cloud skin

  53. 2 years ago

    What is your opinion on this Endless Voyage?

    The usual RNG problem remained but the ability to use AoE and the shatter mechanics made the mode more approachable, the three boss battles were also less tedious.

    Zlong should solve the problem of the lack of healing skills and remove all those specific skills that need a particular talent to improve Voyage even more.

    • 2 years ago

      I liked stage 10 because it was a change from the usual st spam. Shatter didn't really do anything except heighten the damage you dealt because of the stage skill, but if it makes it easier for people I don't mind it either.

      Idk about anyone else, but stage 15 this time around was definitely not less tedious than the last one mostly because of the turn count. It was easier mechanics wise since basically you only had to worry about Annihilation on your tank, but anyone who doesn't understand multiplicative sources of damage at this stage is going to have a tough time.

      I don't think they're going to remove the specific skills+talent combos. They very clearly removed a few skills, but chose to kept those in. I like it better anyways when there are some skills that work well with their original heroes.

      My favorite additions were still from the last Voyage, the puzzles and treasures. The extra treasure skills and the shatter skills are a close second. If they weren't going to continue with the super hard version ver. in Voyage 2 anyways, might as well add in crazier stuff for people that might not be as good at the game to lucksack clear. I didn't feel like there was a lack healing skills either, especially since you're guaranteed mass heal and you generally only have 1 healer.

    • 2 years ago

      It's the second most fun one yet. The additions and changes are generally pretty good.
      Puzzles are a fun way to mix up the otherwise same-y stages (I gather they were already in the last iteration, which I didn't play). The stage 10 boss was a nice change of pace and really fun, I hope they do more bosses like those in the future.
      It feels like there are too many skills that are insanely specific lately. Like all the Samurai Trooper collab skills that are just shit on other heroes because they interact with the original heroes' talents. Obviously some skill are more useful than others, but it just feels bad to get what is essentially a complete dud just because you don't have the right hero (or a tactics that mimics their talent).
      Overall, though, the first iteration was still the most fun one because they didn't try to artifically introduce difficulty by nerfing certain tactics or building boss stages around the assumption of completely OP single target combinations that are also often at odds with what you need for the stages inbetween, making boss clears either painful or outright necessitating a reset.
      The second iteration turned what was easily the most fun mode in the game into a nightmarish chore and it's only been slowly recovering since.

    • 2 years ago

      I didn't finish the last one but I got a broken team on the first run

      >Lucretia being Lucretia, but with tons of int/dmg boosts slapped on her
      >Emilia having her daddy's talent and another revive passive + hard rock
      >e-girl of Genesis has her 3C and Act Again
      >Rozalia has Touma's talent and Alt's 3C, can rush groups of enemies and hit two without retaliation
      >everybody buffs half of the team on attack
      >Julian doesn't, but he has Omega's 3C and can hit anybody on the map

      • 2 years ago

        Forget pic

  54. 2 years ago

    oh frick off
    >2 more weeks

  55. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        What?! Oh yeah I’m speaking with a Gankerner…

  56. 2 years ago

    Don't skip map events

  57. 2 years ago

    Help me out here, regarding SR gear, am I correct?
    Best weapons are +atk or +int
    Best armor and helms are + hp
    Best accessories are relative to role and class.

    I am almost entirely outside the need for SR gear, but I still use them as a standby.
    My theory is basic raw stats like atk/int/hp are the most bang for your buck here, while you wait for an appropriate SSR item.

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, the only one I could consider the exception are Sage Hat and the Mage hat for helmets. Also DEF/MDEF converters

  58. 2 years ago

    What stats/set do I want on Reflect Bozel? I already have Draupnir and Crystal Warlocks, but drawing a blank on everything else.

    • 2 years ago

      Miracle/Tennyo/EE or Tennyo/Draupnir

  59. 2 years ago

    She's here. As cute and funny as it is I'm not terribly fond of seasonal skins, even though basically everyone that got a free one is using it since it was free.

    • 2 years ago

      Wow! She looks so sweet!
      Lucretia is trick-or-treating with my heart...

    • 2 years ago

      I'd give her a treat alright

  60. 2 years ago

    >Cheries with 2300 ATK in combat
    Did i miss something

    • 2 years ago

      Stat bloat from new ragnarok of the realms unlocks

    • 2 years ago

      Some modes give 40% to all stats. Cherie gains 25% Attack when attacking that doesn't show until you enter battle. The new unlocks also add a total of like 30-40 attack if you roll well. Multiplied by everything it's like an extra 100.

  61. 2 years ago

    New to the game, should I be going with ledin or elwin as the 2nd oathsworn wishlist pick?

    • 2 years ago

      Personally, i'd say Elwin. He's a good self-sustain DPS with a good FB a usable SP.
      Ledin meanwhile is... There're plenty of better tanks you'd prefer.
      Even with his new SP, i'd say SP Gren cucks him to death and beyond.

      • 2 years ago

        Cheers I was feeling the same from looking around.

    • 2 years ago

      Elwin 100%. He buffs glory, and can ride with an empire team.
      He self sustains as well, which allows you to be far more aggressive with him than even someone like Leon.

  62. 2 years ago

    any link for artwork compilation?

    • 2 years ago

      sad panda has a few artbooks from the earlier games and some CG from the mobage if you want to search there.

      • 2 years ago

        I saw them, I want especifically from this game. Guess if it wasn't there it must not exist yet.

    • 2 years ago

      Characters artworks and battle sprites. The only things missing are the particular summons like Lucretia's puppet and Elma's candle.

      • 2 years ago

        thanks anon

      • 2 years ago

        can a good anon point out to me which characters are collabs? I'm only interested in Langrisser original characters

        • 2 years ago

          I also saw that there's 'uncensored' artwork with girls showing more skin or was that just an edit?

          • 2 years ago

            >Valkyria Chronicles
            anything else?

            • 2 years ago

              >Ronin Warriors
              >Mashin Hero Wataru
              >Sakura Wars

        • 2 years ago

          More specifically, everyone in the Heroes of Time faction besides Angelica, who is a story character, is a collab character. There are some other characters that are original characters from this game though, there's not an easy way to point them out if that bothers you too. The collab characters are not in the normal pool though, so you don't have to worry about accidentally getting one.

          • 2 years ago

            Thanks, this right? When I meant original characters I meant especifically from the Langrisser IP, doesn't matter if it's from outside the gacha.

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah, that's it. Kinda convenient to see them all in one place, but it'd be really weird to run a full collab team. I don't think anyone there is absolutely crucial for PvE challenges, so you should be able to avoid them with no consequences.

  63. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


  64. 2 years ago

    How come we don't have a general on /vg/

    • 2 years ago

      Coz this game is dead

      • 2 years ago

        Used to. Had to bump the threads alot back then.

        >The only gacha game I like is dead when /vg/ is riddled by them
        This world is too cruel

        • 2 years ago

          Langrisser just ain't well known.

        • 2 years ago

          Too high of an entry point. They try to keep the early-mid game the same because its fun and someone might come along wanting an actual game, but there’s hordes of people that quit precisely because of that.

          They need to just suck it up and make a time limited event that’s amazing for precisely these players. 1 week to level 60. Give a 6* fully bonded unit, and 4 level 50 equips so they can auto everything through the early game.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, I can't understand why people play some other extremely bad gacha games and ignore Langrisser, which is a stellar game. I've tried nearly every popular mobile game across the board, they all suck after a week or two

          • 2 years ago

            Agreed totally, but I think lvl 50 to end game is far too rough.
            You have to be a bit of masochist to really enjoy langrisser beyond lvl 50 imo.
            Add in at least 6 more months of "end game" grinding and i think most people just quit.
            All but one of my friends who've tried have quit before they hit 70.
            And my one friend quit after realizing he still wasnt strong enough to clear the main story at lvl 70 (he actually went out like a champ, he disputed all charges he could from Langrisser and received a bunch of refunds and a banned acct, which he said helped him quit permanently).
            As for me, I can finally clear the time rifts and the main story, but over a year of grinding with little progress otherwise has me also pondering doing what my friend did. AMEX lets you dispute up to 60 days back.
            Its really sad, bcz i loved the game so much but i am so burned out after months of sitting and not clearing or advancing (and still facing unreasonable challenges in the main story and timerifts).

            Langrisser is to me, the hest SRPG gacha on the market, IN THEORY, while being the absolute worst game in practice.
            All the gachas ive played, ive at least been able to clear the main story...

            • 2 years ago

              I mean I guess they could add in what FGO did for their main story, but main stories aren’t actually suppose to be stomps. Some of the later act 2 maps might as well be a challenge map. People also complained about not being able to clear lostbelts until they added in the free revives, and at least in FGO you can borrow a friend’s unit and events help you progress a ton while also not having any account progress mechanics.

              • 2 years ago

                The point of my post wasnt just about the difficulty of the main story tho, but it is absolutely frustrating knowing that I am unlikely to find the patience to try and actually clear it before i die or game goes EOS.
                My point is simply that this game absolutely has a fantastic combat system, an extremely fair gacha system (strictly: comparatively/relatively speaking) while simultaneously and paradoxically being one of the most horrific games to play in practice.
                I am not exaggerating when I say all my friends but 1 quit some time between lvl 50 and 70
                >my brother, an old hs buddy, and 2 other hardcore gamer buddies.
                >the one who stayed to 70 and still quit bcz 70 still wasnt enough to clear end game is another hs hardcore gamer friend; dude literally got 100% of all tbe dark souls trophies and even he quit langrisser...

                I stayed because I got addicted to pvp. Only thing that kept me going for all these months where I could barely progress the main story.
                I just got my Matthew skin for 365 days of play and the main story remains a chore (not hard/impossible, but a genuine chore).
                Point is, anon I originally responded to seemed baffled at langrisser being ignored, I was simply offering perspective in this, for them.

                Its become a bit of a sore spot for me regarding this game, that the pve is so artificially difficult. I die a little each time I see an enemy basic infantry unit with over 10k hps (or is it 20k now, i struggle to even pay attention anymore, I just try to bully my way thru challenges).

              • 2 years ago

                Do those friends play any other gacha? Which part of the main story are you up to?

                I’ve never felt like the end of part 2 and part 3 were chores even though some were pretty hard by normal map standards. The only time I felt that way somewhat was midway through part 2 with the cyborg vessal spam because you would basically be forced to take a cav tank plus tiaris, and your dps would be unable to leave your tank since no self sustain has 4 range. But the maps with unique enemies were still fun to play. Not to mention we have 2 free uses of clock so you don’t even have to restart an entire boring map if you mess up once.

            • 2 years ago

              the game being a challenge after 50 is a good thing. if this was another auto-play auto-quest auto-everything gacha, why play it? it's like watching a movie, you get a maxed out character doing nothing, then you feel nothing about that character since you didn't devote any time in it, then you switch to the next soulless auto-play fotm gacha

              • 2 years ago

                Again, Ive stated the difficulty of the main story isnt neccessarily the issue.
                Its the grind, the time required to grind and the artificiality of the difficulty via hard stat checks, as opposed to actual challenges.
                >why play it?
                Because it objectively has the best pvp of any gacha out there.
                The only improvement would be to ban/nerf specific heroes from pvp modes if they prove too strong (like MTG or othee card games); or create some kind of seasonal rotation with an unchanging core.

                But again, its not specifically the difficulty, its that it has taken me over 365 day to grind this bs and its become a fricking chore to kill 10k-20k basic soldiers at this point.

                Do those friends play any other gacha? Which part of the main story are you up to?

                I’ve never felt like the end of part 2 and part 3 were chores even though some were pretty hard by normal map standards. The only time I felt that way somewhat was midway through part 2 with the cyborg vessal spam because you would basically be forced to take a cav tank plus tiaris, and your dps would be unable to leave your tank since no self sustain has 4 range. But the maps with unique enemies were still fun to play. Not to mention we have 2 free uses of clock so you don’t even have to restart an entire boring map if you mess up once.

                >Do those friends play any other gacha?
                No, and I wouldnt either, thats the rub. Friends and I tried countless srpg gacha games several years ago and we hated the auto battler feel they had.
                But at the same time, 365 days of grinding for artificial stat check difficulty is bullshit on the opposite end of things.
                >Which part of the main story are you up to?
                10 missions or so into act 2. But its not about difficulty, its that the game has been such a fricking chore that I have zero motivation to even try continuing it at this point.

                And thats my point.
                Good on you guys if you actually enjoy the game, I really did at first too, but a year (365 days) of being artificially blocked by bullshit stat checks and Ive lost most interest, and even pvp has never been 100% satisfying; its just been a fun challenge and a genuine challenge, as compared to the bullshit pve modes.

                Again, my entire point in responding was to share with that anon a few posts back now as to why langrisser has never been a critical success
                People may not want auto battler srpg gachas, but people also dont want to fricking fight the game for every inch of progression either
                365 days is a serious issue for the average player to finally be strong enough to clear content

                Again, I only stayed because I enjoy pvp.

              • 2 years ago

                Because I'm almost 100% certain you're only referring to Aniki, but Aniki doesn't take even a year to get up to "normal" levels. It takes an absurdly long time to completely finish it, but 80% isn't required for PvE. Most people I know playing finished a majority of Act 2 with 60-66% in their major stat nodes, and less in the types they don't really use. My alt account had about 2 months of playtime in it and it already had 54% in Flier/Mage, and 44-46% in the rest. You keep talking about 10k-20k basic soldiers, but those soldiers aren't meant to be one shot. I don't disagree that stats are artificial difficulty most of the time, but there's also a difference between soft stat checks and hard stat checks.

                If you're in Act 2 Map 10 or so, and you can steamroll the story maps but it's a chore, then that's a map design issue and not a difficulty issue. You say you're not complaining about the difficulty, only the time it takes to grind out artificial stats, but the early-mid maps in Act 2 can be cleared with under 60% soldier training so if you took an entire year to get to what I assume is 70%+ soldier training, then clearly it was a difficulty issue unless you want to imply you didn't have the right units which would be a valid complaint about Act 2, which is a soft stat check. If you had complaints about some of the side nodes in Act 3, or later Act 2, I agree the scaling on a good amount of them are set pretty high.

                The reason I ask about whether they played any other gacha is because account progression is a normal gacha mechanic. Yes, timegating is bad design. Gachas aren't meant to be cleared with a normal difficulty curve, they're meant to sell power. If you compare any gacha to any mainline it becomes very clear what bullshit they put in. But if someone is stuck at like pre-70, then they most likely just didn't do their dailies.

              • 2 years ago

                Listen dude, youre not going to convince me the progression and pve arent absolute and utter shit.
                If you enjoy it, cool, but you need to admit youre in the absolute minority for this genre, and trying to convince people otherwise comes off as either patronizing in the "git gud" tier of online discourse, or comes off as a cope by a fanboy who doesnt want to admit there are seriously severe core issues with this game.

                I dont mean to be harsh dude, but seriously, this game cannot keep players, period. And thats all Im discussing here, between my friends and my self.
                Youre just not going to convince me otherwise, and your arguments, again come off as patronizing (as if after a year of this game and a life long history of playing SRPGs as my favorite genre overall cannot inform my opinion and skill here) or as a cope by a fanboy.

                Love you bro, nothing harsh meant to hurt you here, but again, its not landing the way I think you intend it to.
                Regardless, I am out of this thread for now. I said my piece and I dont want to derail the discussion anymore.
                Enjoy the thread guys

              • 2 years ago

                Obviously we're not the only 2 reading the thread. Your mind is made up, but that doesn't detract from any of the points I made.

                Which genre? SRPGs? Or SRPG gachas? Nearly every gacha genre is a minority compared to the overall gaming genres. "Git gud" is valid for some instances, and not for others. Thinking any of my points are just "not wanting to admit there are severe core issues" is just another way to say your mind was made up. I would absolutely be willing to bet that if anyone did an analysis of the current gacha SRPGs on the market, WoTV, FEH, Lang, Alchemist's code, Legend Clover, FMA Mobile, that Lang easily has the best progression and PvE, because I've tried all of them too. You are pointing out issues that come with being a gacha. If you want the mobile game to be a mainline game with no mtx then welcome to the club because people have been asking since launch.

                Revenue has been pretty stable for the past 2-3 years past the honeymoon period. We'll never get player numbers for sure obviously, but there's also no concrete data over "this game cannot keep players" anymore than most other gachas could.

                SRPGs are also my favorite genre. No, they cannot always inform your skill level here, as you're complaining about progression, not map design. How many players in the top 256 of Apex do you think have a history of lifelong SRPG playing? How many do you think have played gachas for as long? Any gacha is as much a management of resources as it is whatever genre it's playing as. And you obviously know how varied SRPGs can be in the first place.

                >Regardless, I am out of this thread for now.
                Yeah, yeah, it's Ganker. You're here forever.

              • 2 years ago

                >last word
                Imagine being such a homosexual to let an internet argument affect you. Sounds like one of those discord Black folk

      • 2 years ago

        Nah that’s you

    • 2 years ago

      Used to. Had to bump the threads alot back then.

    • 2 years ago

      We moved some time after vmg was created, tried to keep it there as long as possible but even with vg being more lenient we struggled to stay afloat so it was only natural to change. Considering we have gotten even slower then it was for the better.

      • 2 years ago

        Tbf we don't need to bump here so that's a lot of posts that aren't necessary any more. We for sure slowed down though, I wouldn't be surprised if we halved the amount of people actually playing since /vg/ times.

        >the banners coming up are strong
        Which ones? Im new and im tempted to start rolling the current Empire banner for Leon/bernhardt to wrap up my empire set up but no clue whether or not there's something better to wait for, Im guessing it's not for someone at my stage.

        I'd roll till SSR on Gintama at least, both of them are stupid stong even at low * in most content. Both of them are protag and Kagura is princess so that's pretty nice too. Assuming you don't get off bannered of course since rate up is a lie.

        Just always remember that when someone says upcoming banners are strong, they're talking from a point of Apex or having already cleared most endgame content.

        There's only been 3 exceptions to the starting few units and their rotation, maybe 4. LoG, Lucretia, and Rozalia. Patsyr as a maybe.

        The upcoming banners are Gintoki/Kagura, then Elmo/Elma, and SoLS/NeoLucre.

        Gintoki is strong in PvE, but he's in no way the same tier as the classics and the aforementioned 3. Kagura isn't close either, but she has very high damage, so she has some uses too.

        Neo Elma is just another FB for holy, which is unique, and a tank. Elmo is also unique with portals, but neither are recommended for PvE content over the normal units.

        SoLS is absurd in Apex, but I would say she's still below Ham in PvE content, and not as useful as the starting characters. NeoLucre isn't nearly as good as normal Lucre in both.

        Just roll the Bernhardt/Leon banner. Maybe you get Leon and cry if you already have Rozalia, but he's still useful in a ton of content. There is no replacement for Bern's aura.

        Patsyr? Is she that good? I haven't even bothered investing in mine since idc about AB ranking.

  65. 2 years ago

    is the macho lotto worth rolling bros

    • 2 years ago

      Only if you like the skin. You are spending like 50 tickest worth of crystals and the banners coming up are strong.

      • 2 years ago

        >the banners coming up are strong
        Which ones? Im new and im tempted to start rolling the current Empire banner for Leon/bernhardt to wrap up my empire set up but no clue whether or not there's something better to wait for, Im guessing it's not for someone at my stage.

        • 2 years ago

          Just always remember that when someone says upcoming banners are strong, they're talking from a point of Apex or having already cleared most endgame content.

          There's only been 3 exceptions to the starting few units and their rotation, maybe 4. LoG, Lucretia, and Rozalia. Patsyr as a maybe.

          The upcoming banners are Gintoki/Kagura, then Elmo/Elma, and SoLS/NeoLucre.

          Gintoki is strong in PvE, but he's in no way the same tier as the classics and the aforementioned 3. Kagura isn't close either, but she has very high damage, so she has some uses too.

          Neo Elma is just another FB for holy, which is unique, and a tank. Elmo is also unique with portals, but neither are recommended for PvE content over the normal units.

          SoLS is absurd in Apex, but I would say she's still below Ham in PvE content, and not as useful as the starting characters. NeoLucre isn't nearly as good as normal Lucre in both.

          Just roll the Bernhardt/Leon banner. Maybe you get Leon and cry if you already have Rozalia, but he's still useful in a ton of content. There is no replacement for Bern's aura.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah I assumed it was from a pov of someone at the the very end game hence why I asked. I dont know if the limited guest characters in this game are particularly strong at all.

            Yeah, I can't understand why people play some other extremely bad gacha games and ignore Langrisser, which is a stellar game. I've tried nearly every popular mobile game across the board, they all suck after a week or two

            Yeah Langrisser is the only one that really stuck with me, the progression pacing feels good and the gameplay is decently enjoyable whereas virtually every other gacha I tried is just an auto player.

          • 2 years ago

            >Neo Elma is just another FB for holy, which is unique, and a tank
            She's also an INT tank which is unique too unless i'm forgetting someone, and unless we count Freya as Valkyrie.

        • 2 years ago

          New players should only summon banners on destiny until they get the guaranteed SSR and, except in rare cases, they should avoid rate ups.
          As a new player you need to know that bonds are important and without them a unit that seems to be OP for now may be mediocre later on. In general you should have at least one of the bonds, better the essential bond (atk for dps and def for tank, with a few exceptions).
          Example, Hilda was an SSR that I got early but couldn't use until earlier this year due to the lack of both bonds.

          The bond issue does not arise with collaborations as you usually only need to unlock both final unit classes to have access to atk and def bonds.
          As for Gintoki and Kagura, although they are strong neither of them is of much help to a new player whose goal should be to get in-faction units for Eternal Temple.

          Neo Elma, Adankelmo, SoLS and Neo Lucretia are all units that need recent or rare bonds, the only exception is SoLS whose def bond is Matthew but the atk bond is Zerida

  66. 2 years ago

    I want Imelda to sit on my face

    • 2 years ago

      Good boy (or girl), I hope you don't mind my whip too.

      Agreed totally, but I think lvl 50 to end game is far too rough.
      You have to be a bit of masochist to really enjoy langrisser beyond lvl 50 imo.
      Add in at least 6 more months of "end game" grinding and i think most people just quit.
      All but one of my friends who've tried have quit before they hit 70.
      And my one friend quit after realizing he still wasnt strong enough to clear the main story at lvl 70 (he actually went out like a champ, he disputed all charges he could from Langrisser and received a bunch of refunds and a banned acct, which he said helped him quit permanently).
      As for me, I can finally clear the time rifts and the main story, but over a year of grinding with little progress otherwise has me also pondering doing what my friend did. AMEX lets you dispute up to 60 days back.
      Its really sad, bcz i loved the game so much but i am so burned out after months of sitting and not clearing or advancing (and still facing unreasonable challenges in the main story and timerifts).

      Langrisser is to me, the hest SRPG gacha on the market, IN THEORY, while being the absolute worst game in practice.
      All the gachas ive played, ive at least been able to clear the main story...

      Zlong would solve most of the problems by creating a variable reward difficulty system based on the current strength of the account after it reaches lv 70, in this way it would allow all players to face all challenges without favoring anyone.

      I mean I guess they could add in what FGO did for their main story, but main stories aren’t actually suppose to be stomps. Some of the later act 2 maps might as well be a challenge map. People also complained about not being able to clear lostbelts until they added in the free revives, and at least in FGO you can borrow a friend’s unit and events help you progress a ton while also not having any account progress mechanics.

      Some of the fragmented stories of act 3 are real challenges in comparison to act 2 where once you have obtained a ranged tank that has access to non-lancer soldiers it is quite simple except the fight with the transcender.

  67. 2 years ago

    I probably could have just asked here but today I found out there's no cap at 9999. Also I'm quite glad the Valkyria challenges are easy, well I'll find out tomorrow if the last one is annoying. Somewhat refreshing to have fairly easy challenges.

    • 2 years ago

      Someone in my servers has like 50k.

    • 2 years ago

      Ever since the merge after riguler+barral, arena defenses became increasingly toxic. Around 1 in 10 attacks have 1 man def. The rest have 5man with 20% have sage of the trees.

  68. 2 years ago

    The Master and her puppet.

  69. 2 years ago

    >Tfw got elwin instead of leon or bernhardt out of the empire banner
    Bros.....My account is bricked......

    • 2 years ago

      Elwin is still pretty good. I'd rather have him over Leon lately.

      • 2 years ago

        Elwin is a good unit and his non-SP classes are very useful in several PVE challenges indispensable for account progression. If you are going to use him remember that he needs 6 * to shine.

        Sounds like you got the best one. Time to pivot to Glory.

        I find Elwin boring as sin as both a character and a unit, but he is undeniably extremely good in PVE and quite usable in PVP. The banner is explicitly designed so no matter who you get, you're set for PVE for a good while when combined with the free picks new accounts get.

        I know he's good I was simply hoping to get Leon or bern so I dont have to rely on L*nce as a fusion carrier but I got tiaris from the beginner banner as well so I might actually just go glory for now until I roll a better carrier for empire.

    • 2 years ago

      Elwin is a good unit and his non-SP classes are very useful in several PVE challenges indispensable for account progression. If you are going to use him remember that he needs 6 * to shine.

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds like you got the best one. Time to pivot to Glory.

      • 2 years ago

        Glory is one of the best factions for story mode and with the release of SP Grenier it is also possible to use it in act 2 and Ledin in act 3 returns to shine again as a tank despite his flaws

    • 2 years ago

      I find Elwin boring as sin as both a character and a unit, but he is undeniably extremely good in PVE and quite usable in PVP. The banner is explicitly designed so no matter who you get, you're set for PVE for a good while when combined with the free picks new accounts get.

  70. 2 years ago

    Ricky's voice actor did a phenomenal job, honestly the only reason I'd consider getting him.

    Wish he had more prominent roles in voice acting he has a pretty nice 'accent'

  71. 2 years ago

    Are gods other than Thor and Frigg ever used outside of Ragnarok and a super rare cheese strat? Really struggling with the amount of orbs, partially because I haven't touched Baldr stages, though I guess Frigg doesn't NEED to be summonable on turn 1.

    • 2 years ago

      Odin is going to be the big dick covenant for phys attackers

      • 2 years ago

        I meant actually using, not just the passive stats.

    • 2 years ago

      Well, this ragnarok is the first time I've used Heimdall, but other than playing around with SP Sigma or Selvaria I can't imagine it would help much other than some stage where heal reversal/block is a problem. Baldr can be a lot of fun with AoE teams, who can use their AoEs several times, and get up to a 175% increase in damage. Works pretty good with physical attackers that can't normally spam their 5 turn cooldown skills, And the attack spell it uses can do pretty high damage as well, so you won't totally miss out on it dealing damage. Haven't used Odin much yet, but being able to teleport your whole army halfway across the map is pretty great. That's not something that would need to be invested in though.

    • 2 years ago

      baldr is broken cause of all the cdr resets. arguably the best pve convenant especially if you have act agains since those get their cd reset too

  72. 2 years ago

    So when do I get to spend my gold

    • 2 years ago

      At least you can buy scrolls and now mastery stones with it.
      Now let's talk about that mithril stockpile

  73. 2 years ago

    I got that fancy newish bow and two of those shitty newish helms and one of those counter attack helms. I'm guessing only the bow is useful? I'd like to build one for Omega so it doesn't feel like a waste to just run double act again in pve but then I would also need his exclusive.

    • 2 years ago

      I don’t think omega brings attacks skills in pve. It’s always gonna be ullrs

      • 2 years ago

        I guess, you probably aren't hitting an enemy with a debuff and knowing strike doesn't really do much in pve since he either can or can't 3x regardless. As nice as the no damage penalty is and being able to use an attack skill is building said bow is pretty damn low priority since it's not terribly useful.

        • 2 years ago

          Omega is squishy, he can’t take a hit on counter against ranged. It’s either ullrs or the new bow. Ullrs + 2x act again skills is better for reach. Lurkers can work but you’ll run in to the skills down time problem

    • 2 years ago

      bow is pretty good for him, you get a 1.3x modifier and don't have the 10% damage penalty from ullr's. the extra damage comes in handy in convenant maps where bosses have 20k health.

      Omega's 3c is fcking stupid though it only lets him increase his range when using skill, so with the bow if u hit at 4 range only omega's attacking since his troops don't hit with him.

  74. 2 years ago
  75. 2 years ago

    Just noticed this was added
    I'm pretty tempted to just buy the Aniki Voucher everyday

    • 2 years ago

      Probably need to balance that one. Generally I would agree that an extra Aniki daily on 70 is worth 90 crystals, but if you end up having almost no income to summon at all, while Aniki still takes 3 years instead of 4, it doesn't seem worth it at all. It's one of those things I would only encourage if you're sure you don't need the summons.

    • 2 years ago

      >enchant gift pack is 200 gems
      How much does the aniki voucher cost in space time essence. Without discounts, the ssr scrolls costs 50gems.

  76. 2 years ago
  77. 2 years ago
  78. 2 years ago

    Gintama tomorrow.

    • 2 years ago

      Easy banner skip.

  79. 2 years ago

    Holy shit
    Gustav's Exclusive is basically Rachel's Exclusive but as a Head equipment

    Frick you, Zlong

  80. 2 years ago


    breasts too big tho

    • 2 years ago

      Nope their fine imagine complaining unless hmm….

  81. 2 years ago

    Can someone explain how the wish summon banner we are getting next week works?

    • 2 years ago

      >still no omega or gizaroff in sight
      >wish banner goes up to L3
      This is some kind of elaborate trolling or what

      It's a regular rate-up banner but you choose which 2 characters are on it.
      40% chance to get one, 40% chance to get the other, 100% chance to get fricked by offbanners before you get any of the characters you choose as usual. It's a scam

      • 2 years ago

        isn't the first character you get 100% to be one of those two?

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            well frick, then I won't be spending my vouchers there, and since I decided I won't spend on Gintaman either, 2+ weeks of looking forward to nothing. Zeridawhen

            • 2 years ago

              >2+ weeks of looking forward t
              Hoarding, anon. Hoarding!
              It's not like Zerida will get handed out either. Stockpiling periods are good.
              I just got Gintoki on full pity so i'm okay with nothing for a while

  82. 2 years ago

    Anyone know if the pity is working as intended on the Gintama banner, or is it broken like it was originally?

  83. 2 years ago

    man i hate this banner 270 rolls down not a single gintama.

    • 2 years ago

      That is insanely unlucky. I hope at the very least you didn't get any dupes you had at 6* already.

      • 2 years ago

        got a 5 star kayura from it so better then off spooks but still pretty depressing to miss the coin flip 4 times. gonna suck if i miss out on him since the rerun'll prob be in like over a year

        • 2 years ago

          >scrounge up time rifts
          >still no gintoki
          And I even pre-enchanted his items

          • 2 years ago

            rip guess me and you both are gonna have to wait for the rerun -.- fck zlong and their lack of real pities. i'm over 300 rolls

          • 2 years ago

            >And I even pre-enchanted his items
            That's where you went wrong. You told the desire sensor what you wanted, so it kept it from you.

          • 2 years ago

            >fast forward 2 days left
            >another kagura and an off banner bozel
            It’s fricking over. Every single collab that I’ve played, now I’m even unluckier
            >3 Ryo 1 kayura
            >3 ashrams 1 Deedlit
            >3 kagura, 1 Bozel

            • 2 years ago

              Is Gintoki better as sword saint? It has like 110 more skill which is iir 11% crit.

              I got 3 Ashram and 2 off banners, I even spent a little to push a little more in the first run. Never spending money on gacha again because frick that.

            • 2 years ago

              Finally got gintoki. Literally all the gems that I could take in for the day. I’m fricking broke now. Collabs assrape my vouchers

              Is Gintoki better as sword saint? It has like 110 more skill which is iir 11% crit.

              I got 3 Ashram and 2 off banners, I even spent a little to push a little more in the first run. Never spending money on gacha again because frick that.

              Forgot to mention about the last collab
              >3 Alicia, 1 Rainforce

    • 2 years ago

      >scrounge up time rifts
      >still no gintoki
      And I even pre-enchanted his items

      The banner is up for a whole month anyway, that's easily enough time to save for like 100 more summons

      • 2 years ago

        i've got 4 gofs i can squeeze out the playoff pack for 2k gems and 3 weeks which i calculate end up being around 30 rolls. so ya maybe enough for 1 pity but gonna suck having to skip the next 2 months since i really wanted yani and new zerida

        • 2 years ago

          Could always use the Power of Money to get a few rolls anon...

          • 2 years ago

            they got 15 bucks outta me to save up for this, they aren't getting anymore. better things to spend money on especially since no garantee i'd get gin unless i pitied kayura like 3 more times

        • 2 years ago

          good idea. Most of my SRs havent been touched yet

  84. 2 years ago

    Small rant?

    Zlong is not that I do not want to read what you have invented for the challenges but it is asking too much for an alternative method to communicate talents and skills, the descriptions are too long and are written too small.

    In many challenges the bosses are immune to HP Fixed, debuff, movement down, silence, etc. If I can't use most of the game mechanics, where is the strategic factor? In the end it all comes down to a stats check.

    • 2 years ago

      I can't imagine how trivial challenge bosses would be with the Christiane + Luna combo if % fixed worked.

    • 2 years ago

      The fixed HP and Silence ones are almost necessary, anything that isn't immune to those would just get destroyed. For some bosses, that also applies to the movement immunity.
      That said, the event challenge stages are usually extremely unfun bullshit, I recommend picking your battles and just leaving the awful ones. There's other ways to get challenge points nowadays, so you can afford to skip some of them.

  85. 2 years ago


    I can't imagine how trivial challenge bosses would be with the Christiane + Luna combo if % fixed worked.

    The fixed HP and Silence ones are almost necessary, anything that isn't immune to those would just get destroyed. For some bosses, that also applies to the movement immunity.
    That said, the event challenge stages are usually extremely unfun bullshit, I recommend picking your battles and just leaving the awful ones. There's other ways to get challenge points nowadays, so you can afford to skip some of them.

    I can agree on immunity to HP Fixed but the other debuffs last a turn or two and against bosses that have absurd stats and bloated HP don't make much difference other than giving players a few turns of "breathing space" and a chance to complete the challenge.
    Immunities do not even make sense since there are many old players who have completed the current challenges in 3-4 rounds because they have maxed covenants and probably also enhanced by ragnarok. Practically the old players do not even have to follow the mechanics of the fight and, as always, the only players who lose are those who fail to pass the stats check.
    With all these limitations Zlong does nothing but increase the gap between old and new players more and more.

    • 2 years ago

      Silence immunity doesn’t make sense? It’s not a turn or two. Silence lasts two turns. Applying a debuff will refresh it’s duration. Not having silence immunity means any debuff team will keep them silenced forever.

      The “stat check” here is not a stat check to clear the boss. It’s a stat check to absolutely cheese it. The solution isn’t to let every player cheese the boss, it’s to force older players to also go through the gimmicks instead of insta gibbing them with covenants.

      I agree descriptions are too long and gimmicks are sometimes made way too complicated. But what’s the solution to that? Better game design? You can’t just will well designed stages into existence. Feature creep exists in basically every ongoing game. Even FGO is going through it in the last few years, and their pve is boring as shit.

      What they should do is make previous challenges just permanently available so people can actually run through the evolution of them instead of dropping a year 4 challenge 5 on people when year 1 units are still the best for clearing. Or make more challenges. Clearly there’s a huge gap from challenge 3 to 4/5 and people who constantly don’t want to do 4/5 but want more than 3.

      • 2 years ago

        I liked the Valkyria challenges. 4 wasn't too bad for somewhat newer players but was admittedly a faceroll for any long timers, I know I didn't have any trouble at all just rolling over it. Ideally 4 would be a little harder than that with 5 being the usual moronic shit with walls of text and convoluted gimmicks.

  86. 2 years ago

    It's been almost half a year of L I T E R A L L Y getting exclusively and only Lone Stars and Holy Rings for accessories everywhere. Weekly, events, shops, whatever.
    Lately i just started dying inside a little every time it happens.
    This game is fricking trash

    • 2 years ago

      Accessory rolls are just shit. I've started doing the accessory rolls for the memory store instead of the runestone because you literally get next to no rolls for that shit. They need to make an accessory version of the floating realm workshop or give us some way to roll more because you literally can't grind them out.

  87. 2 years ago

    HP Fixed damage could've been nerfed and not outright negated
    It's dumb to just make a solid strategy (not even a strong one) invalid just because

    The same thing can be said about the banned Debuffs

  88. 2 years ago

    It's time for some news!
    New characters and skins update.

    This is one of the new OC from this game.
    Her name is Grunhind (at least for now).

    • 2 years ago

      Next are Joa and Connie (Constanta), heroes mostly known from Langrisser RE: Incarnation Tensei.

      • 2 years ago

        Now, let's look at some new skins.

        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago
            • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                Last one who gets a new skin is the girl from the OP, Michelle.

              • 2 years ago

                are any of these not whale bait? EOL aside obviously ofc

              • 2 years ago

                Egbert should be Gold reward, Epsilon either Apex or just limited. Michelle is probably Lotto.

              • 2 years ago

                >Egbert skin

              • 2 years ago

                SP Egbert fricking when

            • 2 years ago

              Looks pretty cool. I already have Pepsi's Echo, but this looks good enough to pick up too. Makes sense that it would be an Champion skin when he's in so many boxes.

          • 2 years ago

            I was in need of a new Archer

      • 2 years ago

        Too bad you can't roll the cutie without getting a man with her. Wonder how hard the waifugays in China are malding. Also their talent is literal tl;dr tier lmao holy frick.

        • 2 years ago

          He’s not really physically there it’s a literal AI of him.

      • 2 years ago

        It's time for some news!
        New characters and skins update.

        This is one of the new OC from this game.
        Her name is Grunhind (at least for now).

        looks dumb

        • 2 years ago

          Black person stfu….

    • 2 years ago

      Like what i'm seeing here.

  89. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Oboro is so lucky.

      • 2 years ago


  90. 2 years ago
  91. 2 years ago

    Since we are talking about Bert-kun, does his 3c gets Egberts talent as well? Also what does Deceiving Illusion does?

    • 2 years ago

      The 3c summon has a really weak version of Egbert's talent, with a 20% chance to activate 1x int damage.The deceiving illusion passive just makes it so it cant be healed and takes 35% damage per round.madsp

      • 2 years ago

        Aw, sounds kinda lame. Thanks

        • 2 years ago

          With his exclusive, his 3C is still really good for PVE, make no mistake. Teleports, summons, fixed damage and active/passive silence is the holy quaternity of big brain PVE tactics, and this skill gives Egbert access to two of them (while he brings the other two natively). Obviously there's other, stronger options for each of these, but there's no other hero that does it all in one package. I actually still bring the 'Bert along on enforced faction challenges for stuff like max level Forbidden Battlegrounds because the insane flexibility of his 3C outweighs the raw power of many SSRs for challenges where you can't just unga bunga everything.

  92. 2 years ago

    DE is fricking boring!!!

    • 2 years ago

      Say something new for a change

  93. 2 years ago

    >didn't clear it Day 1
    Heh, casuals

    • 2 years ago

      The Ledin boss is a nightmare, so it wouldn't be worth it for the majority of guilds anyway. Also frick that Digos stage, they are getting really bad at time laws.

      • 2 years ago

        You can just throw a built Cherie at the cavalry unit and get 600 points.

        • 2 years ago

          Or kill both the adds. But it takes an ungodly amount of runs, and even the guys with a ton of reserve supplies run out fast. So unless your guild has a lot of people that can do it, it's going to take a long time to finish.

          Is Rostham another useless in pve assassin or does he have some kind of use? Like how Omega can delete some enemies and Verner can kinda sorta be like a ranged Elwin/Yulia and facetank something. I have 50 of his shards since I rolled him twice but just left them sitting since I don't pvp much.

          I think he could be decently useful against non-boss enemies. The stun on his 3c has a pretty low cooldown, he can attack from melee range, and can retreat even if the target isn't killed every couple rounds. But, I can imagine so many other people being worth building besides him that if you don't have a specific use for him, you should probably let him sit out for now.

  94. 2 years ago

    Is Rostham another useless in pve assassin or does he have some kind of use? Like how Omega can delete some enemies and Verner can kinda sorta be like a ranged Elwin/Yulia and facetank something. I have 50 of his shards since I rolled him twice but just left them sitting since I don't pvp much.

    • 2 years ago

      He's not useless in PVE as hit-and-run tactics and high mobility do have quite a bit of value there as well and he's more halfway between assassin and infantry so he actually has the stats to deal and take meaningful amounts of damage, but he's not really worth specifically building unless you need to fill your Meteor faction team or you really like him.

  95. 2 years ago

    Is there any point to Suzette aside from her beautiful brown assets? I'm probably going to roll her anyway when her destiny comes back so there's no possibility of her cucking me if they end up changing the banner in the future.

    • 2 years ago

      Need an AoE Archer?
      She's the only one besides Olivier and Varna and nobody uses Varna in her Archer Class

    • 2 years ago

      Meteor doesn't really have many options for on-faction teleport or AOE, and she brings both.
      That said, while she's not a bad unit, I can count the instances where she's been the MVP for me on one hand despite using her frequently. Her role is just not much in demand even though she fills it well.

    • 2 years ago

      she's got a tp on basically 1 turn cd if you run her 1c reload. Her aoes are also one of the strongest in the game thanks to her 3c double dipping on fixed damage with her talent + a 20% debuff proc. I've got her built and been trying to use her in pvp but issue i always have is she's too damn short legged. At least she gets a move again effect from one of the upcoming passive buffs they're doing

  96. 2 years ago

    Kagura's GoF is rather... simple
    I never cared about reading the sotries in them but this is rather ridiculous

    • 2 years ago

      I don't think collab units have GoFs with any text or story or whatever. Not sure if it's always been that way but as long as I remember they've always been just "Do this map" kind of thing.

  97. 2 years ago

    Does anyone remembers, weren't there some kind of bonusesgifts for spending a certain amount of crystals during the 4th Anniversary on CN servers? I can't seem to find a full overview of the event. Wanna know if it's worth it saving up a bit to splurge all over the anniversary

    • 2 years ago

      Its skin vouchers and a Cherie skin. If you want the Cherie skin you have to spend 40k crystals.

      • 2 years ago

        Oh. Truth be told i hate almost every skin. I can count acceptable skins on one hand probably.
        SP Cheries portrait is gergeous, but her chibi is a crime against humanity. Gotta look up then, maybe it's an okay trade-off

  98. 2 years ago

    I'm a lazy ass and haven't touched Ragnarok yet. Aside from being frustrated at what I'm assuming is super bloated stats and almost certainly annoying gimmicks, is there anything else I can expect?

    • 2 years ago

      Big waste of time and remember that from the next MU there will be the new (bad) upgrade system, so if you think you don't have the right stats you could wait to get stronger. For now the ragnarok stats didn't affect the PVE, I managed to do the third and fourth challenges with Baldr lv 66-67.

      Depending on what kind of player you are, probably different cheesy tactics could work.

      If I remember correctly you can easily complete only two challenges out of four as long as you meet the minimum requirements to start getting the weekly reward

      FYI some people quit because they couldn't do ragnarok.

    • 2 years ago

      It's a thing where you are probably going to want to run with a guide...but on youtube it seems like only Shizuka does them, so if you need to change strategy because of who you have built, it might get tough. There are also chinese guides...but they probably wouldn't be something you'd find yourself on billibilli, and since it's in chinese if there's something it needs to explain you're out of luck. It's nice for seeing some new strategies and god uses, along with using people you might not have a chance to most of the time. It's definitely tough.

    • 2 years ago

      Just unlock thor and get as far into the stages as you can before you want to choke yourself from all the blatantly bullshit stat bloat and crit cheese.
      Then just allow it to passively level up and forget it exists except to max hero and soldier stats.
      The shit theyre trying to pull with all these new bullshit grind fests has me chargebacking anything I can.

      It cant be a fricking option to make new skins for extra cash inflow, no. They have to artificially bloat the grind.
      It breaks ny heart, the core of this game is so fricking good and it could be even better, but theyre so ready to trip over themselves to make more grind but dont give a shit about improving core gameplay.

      • 2 years ago

        >the core of this game is so fricking good and it could be even better, but theyre so ready to trip over themselves to make more grind but dont give a shit about improving core gameplay
        this is the main reason i don't quit completely even though i should
        it has the opposite issue of the heavy majority of gachas, even those with an actual budget
        that there's an actually good base game with horrible management, compared to good management with gameplay that at its best is boring but servicable fodder to keep your attention long enough to push you to roll or its worst is an unfun or outright buggy dumpsterfire that hampers your enjoyment of characters/story/dopamine rolls that is managed well enough to keep you coming back. or has both bad management & bad gameplay

    • 2 years ago

      I managed to do the last Ragnarok levels but now 2 of these new maps have cheese strategies that I'm having trouble pulling off, and Shizuka is doing them for their clears.

      Either got to get better enchants or something to try and do enough damage to burn the boss down in time like they do.

      • 2 years ago

        Which 2 are you talking about? 1,3,4 all have cheese in some amount. 3 requires the highest amount of investment to burn down but you can always just time your damage and 2 cycle it instead. 1 requires either Sigma or Selvaria to cheese, but is relatively doable without cheese, it just takes pretty long. 4 is relatively doable with cheese depending on who you're using and the cheese isn't even actual cheese, just dumping damage like the last Scylla one. Sort of the same with 3.

        • 2 years ago

          Just got Heim to 55 so I cleared that. Still need to go back and clean up the feats in 10-2 and 10-3 but clearing was fairly smooth. How's Baldr and Odin 10-3? Frigg and Heim being cheeseable makes me worry about them. I do wonder what the intended strat for Heim is, it looks frustrating.

          How strong of a Sigma do you need? I wanted to SP and 5* him at least in the past but I never got to it and just left his SP stone sit there and didn't get him past 4*. I also don't have cyborgs or inf at above 70% but I assume 80% isn't too big a deal.

        • 2 years ago

          I meant the ones Shizuka is doing in their videos. Specifically Cave of the Netherfire and Temple of Misery. But I managed to finish Temple of Misery finally after getting my Young Jessica's gear better built.

          Cave of the Netherfire is still too hard though, my damage isn't keeping up with theirs for some reason and when I get to the next cycle of Thor the damage is still off and leaving the boss with like 15-20% HP.

          I think part of it is also the positioning not working out, because in the video they can do a few more hits when the boss does the TP attack and moves north. I can't reach him though sometimes.

          • 2 years ago

            Actually managed to clear the Netherfire Cave finally. Had to swap around some gear to maximize my attack and just barely finished the boss off with Thor. Now I just got to do the other two, but at least those ones look more straight forward apparently.

  99. 2 years ago

    How are you doing in Apex?

    • 2 years ago

      Managed to get back into Gold III to start off, which is nice. Now it's just back to what happens at the start of every season, not knowing what the hell to do with my box and swapping everyone out every other match.

      I love the comfort of my Yulia box and playing with tanks and healers, but always hate losing to AOE debuffs or tankless full offense boxes.

    • 2 years ago

      got to gold 2, but apex feels like it's getting shittier and shittier every season. bunch of whales with 6 star gintokis, and feels like everyone's using rostam or wetham to turn 1 cheese for a kill. I miss when games were fun now it feels like just broken unit after broken unit.

      • 2 years ago

        Checked for truth.
        Ive been issuing chargebacks for all purchases I can get away with.
        They havent banned me yet lol.
        And idc if they do, itll free me from this abomination.

  100. 2 years ago

    >Ragnarok, 2 Night Blooms
    >2 Death's New Robe
    >Tennyo's Headdress
    >Ullr's and Seal Guardian from forge
    Well okay I'll take it. Finally got that fifth Ullr's to throw at Narm which is nice, going to suck going from 25% attack to at best 15% with the penalty. I hate enchanting so much.

  101. 2 years ago
  102. 2 years ago
  103. 2 years ago
  104. 2 years ago

    I can't believe I SP'd Freya just so I could do Frigg. I fricking hate fixed damaged stages.

    • 2 years ago

      I didn't SP mine and did fine, it wasn't that bad.

      • 2 years ago

        Well, my freya was too weak to do it by herself. Continuing my trend to waste resources on out of date characters I'll be working on Lewin next.

    • 2 years ago

      Is it 300% Fixed 20(?)% any other damage llike Thor?
      I just used my DE Rain + Flora, Luna with her FB, LoG with Meteor and iirc Yulia as a safeguard for that Thor map. Lunas FB softens them quite nicely and don't forget Meteor is 30% maxHP

    • 2 years ago

      I have never used a fixed damage character except Ragnarok equipped by Cherie from those stages. They still take damage, you just need to survive some hits

  105. 2 years ago

    What are the opinions on Neo Elma? I don't have Adankelmo bonds and usually don't summon on rate-ups when I don't have at least one bond for both units and have solved my tanking Glory problems by building Sp Grenier. I understand that her 3c is particular and useful for forming team holy but the only practical application in PVE that I see for Neo Elma is forbidden battleground, for the rest the possibility of blocking dispel does not seem so necessary in PVE unlike PVP. Do enemies in ragnarok use skills that dispel?

    • 2 years ago

      She's be good for maps with a lot of roar enemies I guess. Other than that I can't see them introducing a new tank that would actually replace any of the current ones, they'd pretty much just be a side grade with different faction sets.

      • 2 years ago

        According to CN, she's meta next to Christianne. She has FB for clerics.

        • 2 years ago

          He mentioned pve so I assumed he knows she's top tier in pvp.

  106. 2 years ago

    Random rambling but Hilda is kinda disappointing in PvE, i'm not sure what exactly i was expecting.
    Sure she's only 4* atm and doesn't have her personal item, but do those 2* and armor really brings online something i'm missing? My SP Gren Thunderschlong just mogs everyone else so mercilessly it's like peak Connor Murphy posing beside a bunch of wheelchair bound cripples and i'm so spoiled by him.
    Is her real usecase just critblock and displacement denial in PvP?

    • 2 years ago

      mostly the star level, her unique isn't bad but is one of the thankfully skippable one

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, she's kinda meh in PVE. Displacement immunity can occassioncally be extremely good for some challenges. Other than that, she's a servicable but highly unremarkable tank. I guess a lot of people overhype her because they're empire mains and your options for SSR tanks that didn't get powercrept to hell and back (poor Emilia) there are basically Hilda or Christiane.

    • 2 years ago

      Most tanks need to have 6* to be really good, imo Hilda is one of them for the same reason as Landius. Her exclusive is really good in pve since it's a huge 25% atk/int debuff but if you take her melee 1c passive then it just double dips and is wasted. My only real issue with her in pve is that she can't counter mages, though she does murder those butthole ballistas. Another small issue is that she, like almost every other tank, has that awkward turn of downtime on her guard which can make things tricky on some maps. She's only really my most used tank because I don't have Christiane and she buffs both of the OP long range mages.

    • 2 years ago

      Hilda tanks very well but her counterattack is pretty weak, also not being able to counter mages hurts. Even Ledin might be better in PvE depending of circumstances.

  107. 2 years ago

    PvP matchmaking is dogshit. I match a with people that go to playoffs(ie top 64) as a silver II player.

    Also does almost everyone pre gold have full blown assassin meta boxes? The quality of their picks are higher than me and I always end up with a mediocre 4th and 5th pick

    • 2 years ago

      People are still climbing, most start in Gold, some in silver.

  108. 2 years ago

    Just returned after a couple years, is covenants the thing to work on? Still on like map 13 Act 2 for main story and the third part of Langrisser IV on rifts.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, they're timegated too so the sooner you start pushing it the better

    • 2 years ago

      That, Ragnarock and the new Equipment Mode that starts next month
      Tho Ragnarock is a pain

  109. 2 years ago

    Is this game better than feh? I heard the story chapters get really hard.

    • 2 years ago

      The PvE is excellent...but the more difficult content requires an amazingly long grind that they havent figured out how to fix. But, you can play it all you want for a while until you feel like it blocks you.The story is not all that interesting for a while, but it does get pretty satisfying, even if it's never really very epic. There are some cool combinations of Langrisser characters too, if you every saw those or Warsong before. The Gintama collab ends in less than 24 hours if that's an interest of yours, so you can try to roll a bit with whatever it gives you.

    • 2 years ago

      The game is not bad but I don't recommend it and the difficulty of the story mode depends a lot on the units you have.

      New players need to put some time into it if they want to progress steadily and without too much trouble, and they need to plan their summons right by focusing more on useful units than cool ones (summon with brains and not with dick).

      To be clear, Langrisser mobile is not new player friendly, what it seems to give at the start is just crumbs compared to what a new player needs.

      The core gameplay is really good but Zlong is bad and does everything to make the game more and more inaccessible to new players and moreover Global counts for practically nothing and the Chinese, with all due respect, are drones that accept whatever Zlong decides.

    • 2 years ago

      Without a doubt it is a better game

      Try it out
      Play it for 3 weeks and see if it's up to your liking

    • 2 years ago

      There's definitely some difficult parts and the grind for new players can be brutal as the other Anons have staed, but the game is so much better of an SRPG than FEH it's not even funny. In fact, I would go so far that even with all the wrinkles, it is by far the best mobile SRPG on the market and comparable to some better single player ones in parts.

  110. 2 years ago

    I'm not surprised that this is the next collab, I'm frustrated because FRICKING NISA IS THE WORST LOCALIZER IN THE INDUSTRY, and this shit will be in english YEARS before the game they're actually from!

    • 2 years ago

      Is this a leak? Can I get a quick rundown on the series, because I don't even know who he is.

      • 2 years ago

        Kuro no Kiseki collab was announced in 4.0 anniversary stream(4 months ago)

        • 2 years ago

          Oh right that was a bit ago. I'm still pretty unfamiliar with the title, when I first saw the character I assumed it was another Trails Of series.

          • 2 years ago

            Anon, Kiseki IS Trails of series.

            • 2 years ago

              It is.

              Should have known! The style is so familiar. Wish they would just give collabs the support they deserve. Bring some of the older ones back into style. Yusuke would be so great with some quality of life improvements.

          • 2 years ago

            It is.

  111. 2 years ago

    So I shouldn't sweep my Timeless Trials before the update right? Or I won't get the new rewards?

    • 2 years ago

      Too late to answer this, but I heard from someone that tried it that it just kicked you out if you tried to start the stage. So, nothing lost.

    • 2 years ago
  112. 2 years ago

    Speaking of TT I got my third Apex Boots this week. Don't know what to do with it, might throw breeze on it for Bern and Gintoki to share.

  113. 2 years ago

    hochi mama

  114. 2 years ago

    Really feeling it, bros.

  115. 1 year ago

    did the wikigrisser guy die/quit? it hasn't been updated for 4 months what a shame.

    • 1 year ago

      You aren't on the right site.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah you’re probably using the old site, the new one is the one being updated still.

        He means updated for CN. It hasn’t be updated since 4th anniversary. It’s missing Leo/Blade dude, Mononoke girl/Healer dude and Grunhild/Joa. Pretty safe to say he’s dead.

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah CN info isn't getting updated, weird. But global still is. Maybe they just stopped playing on CN?

          • 1 year ago

            It’s more likely the global page was written to only display whatever is past current date, and the toggle displays all. Afaik the only person updating it only played global anyways, they just got the CN info from others in discord, not the official discord.

            • 1 year ago

              I think in some videos the wikigrisser guy said he had a CN account, Fjarlar I believe is his name. He just uploaded the new story chapter playthrough to YouTube so he's probably just really busy with stuff. I miss those podcast style videos he would do with some guests, was fun hearing them talk about the game and new characters and the updates in general.

              How many people are actually left? After nearly 4 years without a break I'm on my last legs and not sure I'll make it to 4th anniversary.

              Honestly the only thing that made me feel tired and like quitting was Ragnarok of the Realm. Some of the stages were just beyond me for a little while. I wish more content was like the last challenge map for Gintama. Where it's mostly just like regular characters with powered up but still familiar kits that we have to beat. The final boss of the lass voyage event was like that too.

              Crazy YuGiOh boss mechanics are just so hard to do and really makes me just hope I can follow a guide, and if not then it's like I'm doomed unless I really want to spend like an hour just figuring out how the fight is supposed to go.

              • 1 year ago

                Ironically it's the opposite for me. Ragnarok is the only thing keeping me going basically. Since it bumps up your stats, every other content is just too simple now. Not to mention the reinforce mechanic is unironically an amazing mechanic and if it weren't for the cheese in some of these that I can't resist following I would probably have more fun with trying to clear them. For example, I felt like Gintama 5 was a nice change of pace too, but covenants are just so bonkers when you get used to them. With Baldr, you can wipe Mathew on T1, Dieharte and Landius on T2, and their 3 reinforcements in a few more turns. After that the map just turns into tank and spank, especially when you get a Jessica that stuns Gintoki for 3 turns too. If your tank and Tiaris are strong enough, you basically have no threat of messing up. With enough support for Princess/Glory/Empire nowadays, you can basically run the same team in almost every challenge.

                Voyage is by far my favorite event too. But if you have a chance, I would give the 3rd set of Ragnarok stages a try. 3-1 and 3-2 are far, far, easier and less wall of text than 2-1 and 2-2. 1-1 is also fairly easy. That said, figuring stuff out for half an hour and spending the next hour trying out little changes until I get it down is the best part of challenges. It's one of the things I'll probably miss the most when starting Archeland.

                I didn't even realize the Wikigrisser Site channel uploaded something since it's been dead for a month already. It does give me hope that he's just busy since I don't see him around in AI arena either anymore.

              • 1 year ago

                I think it is kind of a matter of appealing to different people, but in that regard Langrisser is actually pretty packed with content to do. Like I still haven't even finished the most of the main story Chapter 3 maps, and still have the final Time Rift map to do when it comes to less complicated non-boss mode content to do.

                If you like longer and complicated big boss fights than yeah Ragnarok must have a strong appeal, and the rewards are super good for making your covenants better. I do agree about the reinforce mechanic, that's actually a really good idea and has lots of potential, should be incorporated in other modes or areas of the game too. As someone who likes messing around with large maps and going around the place defeating groups of enemies instead of focusing on bosses, that content is more like stuff I feel like I have to do to keep up. But I'll try doing the 3-1 and 3-2 if they aren't as bad as you say. I was just so jaded by 2-2 I think it was, the one with the Valkyrie in the desert map. Having a mechanic where there's just like a 50/50 chance for those freaking bandits to 1-shot my Jugler was miserable. Just lead to a bunch of resetting and frustration, hated it so much. I could have maybe used Jugler with Landius but navigating the map was already hard enough, and keeping up on damage while so many slots were devoted to tanks and healers would have been cutting it close.

                Not sure if Fjarlar can be contacted on the discord or something but yeah it makes me think that he's just busy or prone to putting things off like me lol. In a lot of the previous update videos he often talks about how busy he is so at least I hope that's all it is.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah you’re probably using the old site, the new one is the one being updated still.

      • 1 year ago

        what's the new site?

      • 1 year ago

        You aren't on the right site.
        this the one i'm talking about it hasn't been updated for 4 months, the only news tab we have is next month's new zerida/lucretia so that's 4 month of info it hasn't updated

  116. 1 year ago

    What do you guys think of the new heroes for pve? Lightbringer girl seems strong while Adakel has interesting utility, but I'm out of touch with what works in this game or chinese version.

    • 1 year ago

      They both seem to work fairly well. An int-based tank that works, and the portal based mage is pretty fun to play around with. But the anniversary is coming up, with a ton of different banners. That includes another build-a-banner up to the Kaguya/Caroline one, so that might be worth looking at first.

    • 1 year ago

      The mage isn’t beating lucretia or Tjess and Hilda is still best because of her atk reduction and displacement immunity aura. Current and next MU banners are for PvP. Lightbringer is the closest good PvE character but there are other better ones

      • 1 year ago

        Says you….she beats both for me since I’m strongly invested and the highest base INT in the game! Still have unique warp skill that the team can utilize.

        • 1 year ago

          Cope lmao!

          • 1 year ago

            Black person stfu you mad no one cares about your comment idgaf what you think bye dumb F…

          • 1 year ago

            Asswipe both characters are high in CN even more than Luc and Jess before using “Cope” have some brain cells and research. Also this person like the character and has major success so what is there to be sad about?! Idiot…

    • 1 year ago

      Elma is considered pretty much the best tank on CN right now and gives a lot of options with her exclusive Holy pseudo-FB both in PVE and PVP. A dank Elmo is basically just a step below Lucretia, but on par with or above all other mages, and a top tier contender in PVP for that reason. For PVE, she's not a must pull, but her portals open up quite a lot of potential for cheese and strategic masters wasn't exactly swimming in good, easy-to-use mages so she can be valulableas a on-faction choice. I can also say that she is super fun to use in either mode, the portals allow for some really big brain strategies.

  117. 1 year ago

    Anyone know good places for fanart of this game? Already been to Pixiv and Twitter's a pain in the ass to navigate for art.

    • 1 year ago

      I know in one of the previous generals, or maybe even this one I forget when it was, someone found a good site with lots of fanart. If it's not in the OP then it should be someone in the previous generals that can be searched up by looking for "art" or other words like that.

      • 1 year ago

        Found it. Damn it was a pain to find.

        • 1 year ago

          Oh cool nice re-find, this should be included in the next OP since I hear so many people ask about where to find Langrisser art.

  118. 1 year ago

    How many people are actually left? After nearly 4 years without a break I'm on my last legs and not sure I'll make it to 4th anniversary.

    • 1 year ago

      Just take it easy, anon
      Go away for two months or so then come back

      Worked for me these past years

  119. 1 year ago

    Wait, SP Ledin gets a piddly 5 def and mdef as his bonus? Wow Zlong did him dirty.

    • 1 year ago

      >def and mdef
      Are his Atk. What do you want him to get, Int and Skill?
      As for the amount, his SP is SSR>SSR, those don't (and shouldn't) get massive statboosts like (S)R>SSR do. Cherie, for instance, has less Atk as a princess than as a Dragon Master.

      • 1 year ago

        Aren't most of those bonuses just tiny stat boosts anyway? It's not like the special effects some rune castings give.

        The others aren't terribly exciting but they at least got 5% hp. I get that they can't copy the 5% def/mdef since that would be a lot but +10 attack? That's kinda sad.

    • 1 year ago

      Aren't most of those bonuses just tiny stat boosts anyway? It's not like the special effects some rune castings give.

  120. 1 year ago

    New collab characters announced for Langrisser Mobile.

    The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki protagonist, Van.

    • 1 year ago

      Next is Agnès.

    • 1 year ago

      Next is Agnès.

      And there's also Elaine.

    • 1 year ago

      Is he going to be more on the Gintoki / Yusuke side of things where he powers up from team mates dying or is he gonna be more of an AOE type like Joshua and Leonhardt?

      Or maybe something different all together?

      • 1 year ago

        Unless you can translate what's in his talent box in

        I'm not surprised that this is the next collab, I'm frustrated because FRICKING NISA IS THE WORST LOCALIZER IN THE INDUSTRY, and this shit will be in english YEARS before the game they're actually from!

        it's up in the air, as he's using both the typical AoE and ST of Infantry types, along with a unique 1c (likely an active powerup?).

        It also looks like it'll be a 3x premium SSR collab instead of 2x premium SSR + 1 freebie SR. Elaine's ATK is higher than Van's (in his Demon class at that).

        • 1 year ago

          Van is the freebie. Just don't know if he's going to be Ainz or Parn. Most people hoping for the latter so they can use the universal SR shards.

          Is he going to be more on the Gintoki / Yusuke side of things where he powers up from team mates dying or is he gonna be more of an AOE type like Joshua and Leonhardt?

          Or maybe something different all together?

          Can't tell, what we can see from the talent doesn't show enough to say anything. Elaine and Agnes' talents were leaked though. Agnes especially looks to be pretty busted, especially since SoLS is permabanned on sight.

  121. 1 year ago

    Don't look, anon!
    Cute girls doing cute things.

  122. 1 year ago

    Are the upcoming Zerida and Lucretia going to be good in pve?

    • 1 year ago

      Easy skip for PvE players. Save for wishlist(hero and/or weapon banner)

    • 1 year ago

      The other guy is right in saying that if you don't have certain characters, it's a really good time to get them with the wishlist. But they are still kind of interesting.Nu-Zerida's kit is perfectly fine and has a couple neat features. It's not going to put her near the top of useful PvE guys though. Her faction buffers are also kinda bad or mid in PvE. Nu Lucretia would seem like she has a ton of utility...but the randomized abilites sound like such a pain to use that I couldn't imagine people wanting to risk building her.

  123. 1 year ago

    Uhh wait, i'm a little slow.
    Am i getting things right. Say, i open Hildas' Casting pattern menu and see only Spears and Swords in the weapon slot. Does that means she won't benefit from Casting if she wears axe and that it's basically "use those weapons or frick off" or did i just miss something?

    • 1 year ago

      Kind of confused about this too, because Gintoki doesn’t have a hammer rune, even though his most popular weapon is the Mimir’s War Axe (Which isn’t even an axe, but a hammer).

      So if he’s using the hammer but doesn’t get any hammer runes to toggle to, does he just not get a bonus? Or is the way it works is that you have to max out all the weapons and you get bonuses for each of them combined?

      • 1 year ago

        Uhh wait, i'm a little slow.
        Am i getting things right. Say, i open Hildas' Casting pattern menu and see only Spears and Swords in the weapon slot. Does that means she won't benefit from Casting if she wears axe and that it's basically "use those weapons or frick off" or did i just miss something?

        The toggle doesn't matter. It just splits the stats you gain into two separate cast upgrades. It adds green stats directly to the hero, has nothing to actually do with equipment, it's just there because there was space for it in the bottom right of the equip page and flavor I guess.

        >get tired of system bloat
        >get tired of gigaBlack person challenges
        >take a break and just kinda do dailies and bare minimum
        >come back and beat a challenge you were kinda dreading
        >beat it

        You know what that felt refreshing for once, thanks Langrisser.

        The best way to actually play the game if you aren't hardcore. Game is literally next to no power creep, yet so many players still feel fomo from not completing challenges. Zlong please just toss challenges and their rewards into the event page that you literally already made and still update. It would solve so many controller problems for newer players, add in an influx of tickets for them, and give even more PvE content for people to clear and make content from. Covenants and Ragnarok stat increases make so many of them less challenging nowadays too.

  124. 1 year ago

    >get tired of system bloat
    >get tired of gigaBlack person challenges
    >take a break and just kinda do dailies and bare minimum
    >come back and beat a challenge you were kinda dreading
    >beat it

    You know what that felt refreshing for once, thanks Langrisser.

  125. 1 year ago

    Is there a way to make the game smoother? It keeps hitching and freezing up sporadically. Eco mode maybe?

    • 1 year ago

      Haven't heard of people having this problem before, but I think eco mode is mostly to stop the game from draining your phone's battery like crazy. If you're running the PC client, I don't know if it would help. In the latter case, maybe you could try running it on an android emulator instead?

  126. 1 year ago

    KR version of Archeland releases in about 12 hours

    • 1 year ago

      It looks like they have an editor this time for the translation, but obviously not a localization team...
      For the love of god, if you want this game to take off globally hire some professionals and give them context instead of tossing text at some KR or CN native to translate into English.

      • 1 year ago

        >It looks like they have an editor this time for the translation
        Oh don't worry, it's just for launch, they'll replace them with google translate once this shit gets going

    • 1 year ago

      Might play it. If there's a (You).

  127. 1 year ago
  128. 1 year ago
  129. 1 year ago
  130. 1 year ago

    Is there a way to 1 turn the Jugler random map event? That's the only one that after all this time I can't figure out.

    • 1 year ago

      >Jugler random map event?
      Distant Larcuss?
      That's 8 enemies smeared all over big map, you ain't 1-turning it.
      I just position everyone real quick on turn 1 then slaughter on turn 2 which leaves LewinKirikaze half-dead from Thor dropping on top of him and they suicide on their phase, which is technically 2 turns

      • 1 year ago

        I figured, at least it doesn't take too much longer than the rest.

        Given translation quality, is Elmas' 3C actually means what it says with "unit" being able to answer from 2 blocks away? Will, say, State Guards actually counterstrike?

        I'm 99% sure all ranged counters on the hero force troops to match the counter range, otherwise Landius wouldn't have been such a huge threat to mages at the time where they were all 2 range minus Lana. The only time it wouldn't apply is if you have Feather Duster equipped and use melee troops.

  131. 1 year ago

    Given translation quality, is Elmas' 3C actually means what it says with "unit" being able to answer from 2 blocks away? Will, say, State Guards actually counterstrike?

  132. 1 year ago

    Who knew you could receive refunds by issuing charge backs??
    PRO TIP: Google doesn't fight charge backs AT ALL!
    I thought it'd ban me, but no! Zlon just issued some beta-tier messages about refunds and let me keep my account.

    Given the way they keep adding to the grind, I'd suggest EVERYONE do it to get what they can.

  133. 1 year ago

    Are there any tanks able to counterattack 3 or more spaces away?

    • 1 year ago

      Hilda with Broken Arrow but only physical attacks, SP Grenier under certain conditions and the passive part of Clotaire 3c under the right conditions could increase a unit's counterattack range +1

    • 1 year ago

      SP Gren with his Ballista Support, up to +4 to his 2 range.
      Werner can counterattack from any distance in his counterattack stance but he's not a tank

      • 1 year ago

        Werner seems like a solid unit for pve with unlimited counter range, but might be too squishy?

        • 1 year ago

          I found a couple problems with my 6* Werner. First, he is kinda slow for pve. That wouldn't be a big deal if he could attack from 4 range in every turn. But he can only go into stances by ending his turn without attacking, or by using his 3c. The 3c will also only put you into a defense stance if it doesn't kill the enemy. Also, it helps a bit if you can use his warfare tactics passive, but it's hard to always find defensive terrain you can get him to in time. I find myself using people in his factions that can just attack every round instead.

        • 1 year ago

          If in assassin class, sins have fastest attacking animation so he'll most probably wipe out at least soldiers before enemy unit blinks, + he regens and has damage reduction in counterattack stance but as anon

          I found a couple problems with my 6* Werner. First, he is kinda slow for pve. That wouldn't be a big deal if he could attack from 4 range in every turn. But he can only go into stances by ending his turn without attacking, or by using his 3c. The 3c will also only put you into a defense stance if it doesn't kill the enemy. Also, it helps a bit if you can use his warfare tactics passive, but it's hard to always find defensive terrain you can get him to in time. I find myself using people in his factions that can just attack every round instead.

          points out he's slow and clunky, constantly needs set-up turn, kind of like Zerida. Inconvenient
          Maybe if he had Bolt Rangers

    • 1 year ago

      Emilia has map range counter but imagine building Emilia.

      • 1 year ago

        Does her new passive +15% on counter help?

  134. 1 year ago

    It's time for some new skins and other stuff!

    Let's start from the collab (note: Elaine's skin is missing).

    The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki protagonist, Van.

    • 1 year ago

      Here we have Agnès's skin.

    • 1 year ago

      Here we have Agnès's skin.

      You can see the starting screen for the event.

    • 1 year ago

      Now, let's check the new skins for heroes from Langrisser Mobile.

      First one is for Oboro.

      • 1 year ago

        Next is Helena!

        • 1 year ago

          And here's Christiane.

          I have a mighty need

        • 1 year ago

          And here's Christiane.

          Not too much of a fan of seasonal skins but boy these have me acting up, though I don't have Christiane. Destiny banner never.

      • 1 year ago

        Next is Helena!

        And here's Christiane.

        • 1 year ago

          Better quality pic.

      • 1 year ago

        Does his dragon from change in this skin? His echo gave him a pallet swap would be nice if this one changed his colors too, or like gave him headphones or something.

  135. 1 year ago

    Since wikigrisser is dead, anyone knows when's the next ElwinBernieLeon banner should be?

  136. 1 year ago

    Who should I prioritise for pve wish lists? Lucretia and LoG right? I stopped playing a couple years ago, a bit after Hilda and co came out iirc. I did get Rozalia recently, plus Gintoki and Werner.

    • 1 year ago

      That'd be alright. I think they still start you out with Cherie if you do the beginner missions? SP Cherie is kind of the PvE character of choice, but the gigantic investment costs might stop you. Christiane is a good tank and an invaluable faction buffer if you didn't want to go with 2 mages, but for the really hard challenges the two you mentioned are more useful.

      • 1 year ago

        I'm working on part 2 of SP Cherie atm, since I heard she's very good in her new form. I'm just missing nearly all the Reincarnation units

  137. 1 year ago

    Frick me Yanni is some stupid fun, i actually want her
    Did CN had any whiff of whether she'll have a destiny banner?

    • 1 year ago

      >Did CN had any whiff of whether she'll have a destiny banner?
      Nothing yet, but between her and Elma, chances are good that it's going to be Yani to show up on a destiny banner, since Elma is more desirable for PVP and they usually shove that character into another normal banner to milk the whales more.
      And I can attest to her being really fun to use, one of the best characters they added in forever in that regard.

  138. 1 year ago

    For anyone interested these are the new destiny and rate-ups after the anniversary MU

    Omega / Wandering Duelist
    Patsyr / Werner Dime / Julian

    McClaine / Transcend

    Grunhind / Yoa&Conna
    Ares / Ricky
    Lanford / Iron Chancellor / Towa

    Probably during Kuro no Kiseki's MU

    Naomi / Lightbringer
    Clotaire / Maya / Lucretia

    • 1 year ago

      Who's that? You mean Noemi, right?

      • 1 year ago

        Yes, Noemi

        God Alpha is such a nasty c**t when she's a buffed up NPC enemy

        I agree, she's really tough until she loses her first life

    • 1 year ago

      >Chancellor and Lucretia on destiny
      Their banner partners kinda suck for people who don't have them yet though, probably a lot of 50/50.

    • 1 year ago

      >guaranteed Towa
      Very nice, do want her, so she's hardly a priority so depends on how broke i'll be.
      >guaranteed Maiya
      Strictly a Rozalia bond so not entirely sure, especially if during a collab banner
      >guaranteed Helena
      >Finally, Omega... on a rate-up
      Might as well just give up on him.

      • 1 year ago

        Helena is used in a lot of ragnarok strategies for her 30% damage increase debuff. It's not like she's irreplaceable, but she does fill that important role. If you want older characters, don't forget we'll likely have another make-a-banner for anniversary.

        • 1 year ago

          Helena's problem is that she needs Virash and Brenda and both units are on non-friendly destiny banners.

          Seriously, Zlong should find an alternative to unlock old unit bonds. I have guaranteed Rainforce, which I would like for DE, but I decided not to summon him because I'll need Sigma who will eventually end up like Dieharte and many others, i.e. gather dust on the bench.

    • 1 year ago

      Finally, he’s such a more BS version of Oldius.

    • 1 year ago

      If by some misfortune I won't get Polyal, it's gonna be a huge REEEE from the OP!

      I really need my deer waifu, Zlong!

    • 1 year ago

      New banner

      Elaine / Agnes

      Van is the free unit

      Translated with Google Translate

      "During the event period, defeat enemies and win event props in the secret level of "Crossing Trajectories: Shadow of Dawn" to get SSR hero Fann fragments, new floating city backgrounds, limited avatar frames and other rich rewards!"

  139. 1 year ago

    God Alpha is such a nasty c**t when she's a buffed up NPC enemy

  140. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago



  141. 1 year ago
  142. 1 year ago

    Don't be scared, anon!
    Licorice will give you a shot.

  143. 1 year ago
  144. 1 year ago
  145. 1 year ago

    Young Azusa summon banner when?

  146. 1 year ago

    My dick says yes but I don't even have her.

    • 1 year ago

      Don't listen to your Dick, in a few months that skin will be back in the store and maybe at that point you'll have Towa

  147. 1 year ago

    Yani has been pretty fun in pvp the last 2 weeks even at just 4 stars, she makes it super easy for ares and clotaire to aoe the enemy team

  148. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Anyone know what’s the best god to invest in PvP? I just cleared enough to be able to get a weekly reward

      I ored that immediately. It’s super hard to use those 1 turn adjacent buff effects in PvP. In PvE I just use overlords badge so no need Yggdrasil wreath

      Does her new passive +15% on counter help?

      Of course not, damage isn’t the thing that she lacks, it wouldn’t change anything

      • 1 year ago

        Pretty sure everyones still using Odin, especially since Gintoki exists now.

        • 1 year ago

          >Heard that a new god has more attack than Odin
          I mean if the only consideration is attack, then I’d skip his stat boost for awhile

  149. 1 year ago

    Hey friends! Just downloaded this game but unsure what I am in for. Any tips for starting out? Should I look into Re-rolling or anything?

    What is you guys thoughts about the current state of the game + Future?

    • 1 year ago

      When just starting out you should look into rerolling for characters that make your pve experience better, since pvp is more of an end-game late-game thing. So if you want to reroll you should aim for specific characters like Tiaris, Liana, Rozenciel as healers, Lightbringer, Hilda, Christie as tanks, and Elwin, Lucretia, Leon as dps.

      But since you can only really feasibly aim to reroll for 1-2 characters last I checked tanks and healers are a higher priority, since most damage characters are capable of sufficing as a DPS.

      I'm sure there are some other beginner guides out there or in the thread too that take into account all the new player bonuses they've added to the game. As for the state of the game when it comes to pvp I think it's pretty good, at least there's more variety in it now than there was at more homogeneous times. When it comes to pve content they really just keep adding more and more stuff to it, so in terms of value when it comes to how much you can get out of a free game there's a lot to do.

      • 1 year ago

        Do you guys play on a specific server? Does it matter?

        • 1 year ago

          I think most people are spread out around different servers, but it doesn't really matter because people can do most co-op content cross server. It only really matters for guild content and for that you should just see about joining whatever active one you can get into.

        • 1 year ago

          It matters a little bit. For starters if you join a really new server, your guild mates won’t be able to carry you and you will be stuck with low rewards at DE and GW. Sure, it’s easy to get into the AB and WA leaderboard, but that isn’t really worth it short term.

          On the other hand also joining highly competitive servers like Salrath, or the 5 server merged(Crossroads+Floating+Larcuss+Barral+Riguler)
          Ancient Ruin, and maybe Lushiris Gate and Baldea(idk if it’s a dead server someone tell me) are likely candidates for merging

          So your best bet is joining Dragon Cave or Lushiris. Sword memory is too new

          • 1 year ago

            Joining highly competitive isn’t worth it for the DE rewards since it’s harder to get a high rank*

            I myself am part of the 5 server merge and I need to finish expedition in the first 2 days to get at least 8th place

    • 1 year ago

      Get your free Cherie

    • 1 year ago

      The game will probably be around for a while because the global version literally just auto translates and brings over the content CN gets, because they're a few months ahead so upkeep is pretty much just keeping the servers up, and even then global still makes decent money compared to whatever it must cost to keep it up.

  150. 1 year ago

    >defeat Bozel using NPC Dieharte
    >defeat Bozel using NPC Altemuller

  151. 1 year ago

    Outside of the reasons I said, if you have any friends, join their server if you want play guild related content

  152. 1 year ago

    >that awkward second when that ancient Banter feature mystically awakens and you have OLOLOLOLLLOLOLOOLO GO CHERIE GO e-girl RAPE SEX SEX SEX messages fly through your screen while you're doing Map Event and your mind hasn't yet processed what's going on
    Anyway, why won't they make World chat run messages on top like Guild chat does? That would surely liven up servers a bit. My guild sometimes stays silent for days

  153. 1 year ago

    Finally decided to see if I could brute force S rank Nidhogg, turns out the answer is yes. Still need to S rank Sleipnir which I assume can't be brute forced with the whole chaser thing. God I really dislike AB.

    • 1 year ago

      You can just learn their pattern and play conservitably, go retreat once you see that S

  154. 1 year ago

    Nani nani

    • 1 year ago

      I hope they don't tune up the challenges to make up for the stat bloat from this and ragnarok. Existing content should be fine, although I can't remember how long you have to play before you can just restore stamina whenever you want.

    • 1 year ago

      Holy shit those stats are crazy.

  155. 1 year ago

    Uh, i still can't fully grasp the advantages of SP Matt. No matter how i look at him he's a discount Sigma with an AoE instead of direct assault, no mill and messy toolkit that doesn't synergizes
    Yet it seems CN swears by him

    • 1 year ago

      I think my problem with him is going to be how he needs cavalry class to get access to Strike, which is what everyone on CN was using him with. I went Flier so I don’t have it anymore and used up that 1 time class change item we got for him.

      Not sure if I can use him otherwise.

    • 1 year ago

      Like most units by now, SP Matt is designed more for PVP than for PVE, and the same thing can be said of the new passive skills.

      I think my problem with him is going to be how he needs cavalry class to get access to Strike, which is what everyone on CN was using him with. I went Flier so I don’t have it anymore and used up that 1 time class change item we got for him.

      Not sure if I can use him otherwise.

      With the next MU they should again give an item to change Matt's secondary class, however if you don't PVP flier is the second best class after cavalry.

  156. 1 year ago

    Looks like wikigrisser bro is alive again.

    • 1 year ago

      Based, was wanting to look up some of the new stuff coming.

  157. 1 year ago
  158. 1 year ago

    Bake bread thanks

    • 1 year ago


      Found it. Damn it was a pain to find.

      In the OP so people have access to plentiful fanart, since it’s such a common question.

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