Lara Croft RPG?

Why are they making a ttrpg from a single player video game? Does some play as Lara Croft or is it a DMPC? Why can't people just use Savage Worlds?

So dumb.

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  1. 3 months ago

    Post .pdf or buy an ad.

  2. 3 months ago

    >Characterson the right and left

    • 3 months ago

      Whats wrong with the knife girl?

      • 3 months ago

        breasts not conical enough.

  3. 3 months ago

    Jesus christ
    What an embarrassment
    >inb4 seething
    Yeah, I'm not ashamed to say I cringe at blatant tokenism. No one who thinks lara croft thinks of diverse handicapped minority. There is zero stylistic choice behind this, it's just full on blatant checkbox pandering.
    Actual disabled people are probably frothing at the mouth that their disabilities are being used as corpo selling points.

    • 3 months ago

      >special colored hair
      >over the weight

      They could at least spread these characteristics around all four characters, but no. They had to do blatantly tokenism.

      Now, since you didn't post the link for people to check out the shitty game (killing another good thread just so people could go apeshit on Le Black character), here it is:

      Now go on and discuss what we have on the game already.

      I mean, it's Evil Hat.
      Making sure to include that character is literally the only effort that will be made in creating this game.

  4. 3 months ago

    >Why can't people just use Savage Worlds?
    brand recognition can't be wasted.

  5. 3 months ago

    >special colored hair
    >over the weight

    They could at least spread these characteristics around all four characters, but no. They had to do blatantly tokenism.

    Now, since you didn't post the link for people to check out the shitty game (killing another good thread just so people could go apeshit on Le Black character), here it is:

    Now go on and discuss what we have on the game already.

    • 3 months ago

      Is it some FATE shit?

      • 3 months ago

        Doesn't look like it, no.

      • 3 months ago

        I mean, it's Evil Hat.
        Making sure to include that character is literally the only effort that will be made in creating this game.

        Can I get a rundown on Evil Hat?

        • 3 months ago

          They made FATE
          They have repeatedly openly declared their intentions to put social justice above everything else.

          They would be "early 2016's SJWs" the company.

        • 3 months ago

          To add on to

          They made FATE
          They have repeatedly openly declared their intentions to put social justice above everything else.

          They would be "early 2016's SJWs" the company.

          with a specific example, Evil Hat is buddy-buddy with DriveThru RPG because of how well FATE sells on their website, and that site is pretty much THE place to go to for casualgays who want to buy their RPGs. Back during the whole GamerGate era someone tried to sell a card game poking fun at feminism, and a colossal b***hbaby "male" working for Evil Hat openly threatened DriveThru to pull the game (in a very mobster, "Would be a shame if we pulled our games and did our business elsewhere, *WINK*") if they didn't remove the card game. I'll let you guess what happened.

          So, they're a blight on the industry because so many "reputable" outlets consider them to be important figures in the gaming sphere, when it's really because they have cronyism and connections on their side.

          • 3 months ago

            Jesus christ, this kind of shit is exactly why we can't have nice things. What was the card game called I'll go buy it out of spite?

            • 3 months ago

              It was called #Gamegate the Card Game by Postmortem Studios.


              • 3 months ago

                I'll get it off game crafter out of spite. Frick the blue haired c**ts.

          • 3 months ago

            Jesus christ, this kind of shit is exactly why we can't have nice things. What was the card game called I'll go buy it out of spite?

            I mean, it's literally in the name EVIL Hat Productions.

        • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago

            Generally I find that warnings such as these are more like "signals" as to what kind of players one would be dealing with at the table or forced to deal with online if even trying to play such games. In their own language I'd find these players "problematic" as they probably don't seem to be the type into games in the first place and just want to fit into the TTRPG crowd or at least try to.

            Behold, the creative director of Fate of Cthulhu.

            And why do they always seem to conduct themselves with such passive aggressive vibes? I thought good public relations meant conducting yourselves responsibly and reasonably.

            • 3 months ago

              Most of these people are spiteful, amoral pricks who are eager for any excuse to be self-righteous bullies. In the 80's they would've been Protestant soccer moms afraid that demons live inside D&D rulebooks.

          • 3 months ago

            Isn't that racial segregation of white people the equivalent of treating them as a master race like the nazis wanted?

            • 3 months ago

              Yes, the Reservations were all about treating the Americans like the owner of the land too.

          • 3 months ago

            >not demand that anyone educate you about their marginalizations
            I don't understand this logic. This feels counterproductive to ending marginalization as a lack of communication means light is not shed on the realities of marginalization.
            >t. actual autist

            • 3 months ago

              They're telling you to put in the time and work yourself. It's not like their opinions haven't been published and the mechanisms haven't been studied already.

            • 3 months ago

              >This feels counterproductive to ending marginalization
              Good news! They don't want that. They want to continue profiting from "working to end" it forever.

          • 3 months ago

            As a fat guy, frick respecting fat people.
            Yeah, fat people still have value as people, but there's a clear issue you can work on to improve your lot. Don't act like it's not an issue and should be a respected choice because you don't want to put in effort.
            Some shit, people just have to work around their issues. Fat folk, we need to work on them.

            • 3 months ago

              yeah most fat people ive met were irredeemable buttholes, the jolly fat guy is a fricking myth.
              Imagine having a lifestyle induced condition that not only ruins your health it starts to affect those around you.
              Just put down the sugar and carbs and go for a walk.

              • 3 months ago

                It's not even that hard, if you watch what you eat.
                I've gone back up some now, but I went from ~115kg (didn't have scales at the start to 90, just by riding my bike and watching what I eat.
                The problem is a lapse can set you can, and when you get set back it can be hard to keep going, especially if you traditionally eat your sadness away.

            • 3 months ago

              Okay moron but obviously fat people know they're fat. Nobody who shits on fat people cares about the person's health, otherwise they wouldn't be acting like buttholes.

        • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago

            Behold, the creative director of Fate of Cthulhu.

            Ahh yes the classic "I want to steal every idea from Lovecraft but also shit on him because I'm a creatively bankrupt homosexual"

        • 3 months ago

          Behold, the creative director of Fate of Cthulhu.

          • 3 months ago

            The ultimate joke probably is that his cat got a very generic, very datable name.

          • 3 months ago

            Fate of Cthulu was the really, really stupid time-traveling Terminator game, right? Man, I'm glad it's sunk without a trace.

    • 3 months ago

      It's the containment token. You tick all the boxes with just one or a very few and so long as they don't hog the spotlight they can be ignored.

      • 3 months ago

        >n. You tick all the boxes with just one or a very few and so long as they don't hog the spotlight they can be ignored.
        No, that is not something that should be accepted. The amount of woke nonsense should always be zero or it will always just go up.

        • 3 months ago

          I meant it as a joke. Unfortunatly we're reaching the point where reality is getting close to absurdity.

          • 3 months ago

            Bitch, we've been in clown world for years.

    • 3 months ago

      Throw it in the bin.

      • 3 months ago

        Why would you mix PbtA with FitD when FitD is literally the refined version of PbtA that appeals to groups beyond just narrativist storyshitters?

        • 3 months ago

          It still only appeals to story shitters.

        • 3 months ago

          fitd is literally and explicitly designed to be the ocean's eleven of ttrpgs where you can just make up stupid shit in flashbacks instead of playing a real game

      • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Seems like a good enough fit for something that's only slightly more restrained than a James Bond movie.

      • 3 months ago

        I actually have a James Bond RPG equipment book somewhere from the 1980s, was neat to have the various gadgets and vehicles from the iconic films stated. Never found the core book so I don't know if the game ment the players to be James Bond or just some generic MI6 agent.

        That fancy Austin Martin was my favorite, so full of gadgets and was completely useless in Goldfinger.

  6. 3 months ago

    this is literally just Lara Croft Powered by the Ass

  7. 3 months ago

    If you break it down, Lara Croft's adventures are just typical pulpy fare, but set in modern times instead of 194X. Instead of nazis trying to find the magical superweapon, it's [insert cultish billionaire here]. This could easily be done without the specific IP.

    • 3 months ago

      yeah there's already one for this called broken compass

    • 3 months ago

      They went from: "You can kill a Tyrannosaurus in the first level." to: "Do the voice they do in those japanese erotic videos.", so there's a range of what players could be expecting from the experience.

    • 3 months ago

      yeah there's already one for this called broken compass

      Broken Compass is for nu-Lara only - shit copy-cat game for shit Lara copy-cat.
      You want to use this bad boy for actual Tomb Raider stuff

    • 3 months ago

      Also, without a franchise, you won't sell it. At least not when you're Evil Hat. Their main source of revenue is renting cheapo franchises, strap their names on their cover and release the game.
      The only good thing those gays ever did was convincing my group to go watch "Ronin", something that I was unable to do for years on my own.

  8. 3 months ago

    >Tomb Raider system
    moronic because nobody else is at Lara Croft's power level, she can only team up with characters from other IPs and you'll need to stat them yourself.

    • 3 months ago

      I mean... there are the gaiden games. I'd go as far as saying they are the best NEW thing that happened to the franchise after Underworld. And I need to add the "new" part, or else it's just the TR 1-3 remaster, which for all its various technical issues and being a blatant cash grab is still better than anything that came out after Underworld.

      t. playing those games since 2 premiered

  9. 3 months ago

    why must lara have no boobs

    • 3 months ago

      because male gaze is bad, m'kay

      unless she was real and she had an onlyfans, then it would be empowering

    • 3 months ago

      Flat is justice.

    • 3 months ago

      roll for boob volume

    • 3 months ago

      The booba embodies her power, which is why NuLara was unable to backflip and tag a mother while dual wielding golden Deagles.

    • 3 months ago

      The new games were less about ogling Lara's body and more about animating her dying in awful pain from grisly injuries because you missed a button in a QTE. They're still deeply perverted, just in a less obvious, much more upsetting way

    • 3 months ago

      Because Reboot Lara is younger than the Original.
      And Reboot Lara is still pretty stacked, though it becomes more noticeable later in the game apparently watching her friends and co-workers die had that effect.

      • 3 months ago

        we already had young Lara and breast development is over by 13 on average

    • 3 months ago

      We live in the worst timeline where Dora has bigger breasts than Lara.

      • 3 months ago

        She could be under the curse of the sports bra.

      • 3 months ago

        >le male gaze
        Anita Sarkeesian ruined western video games forever. People will look back on this as the dark age for video games. We can’t have any attractive women in our games. What I don’t get is why they make all black chicks fat and ugly? It’s like they’re in a frantic scramble to tick as many DEI boxes as physically possible.

        • 3 months ago

          They had to paint over the luddonarratist dissonace between character-as-shown and character-as-played and the weird guro porn vibe of their QTs somehow.

          In that one Far Cry game, the QT boss battles underwrite the narrative of the player ending up completely mental and no longer able to relate to his mates, at least, but the Tomb Raider game clearly did it all for the boners.

      • 3 months ago

        How old is Dora supposed to be in that particular picture?

        • 3 months ago

          Fricked if I know. It's from the live action movie if google images was to be believed. Somewhere in high school maybe.

        • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          Her actress hit 18 when they were wrapping up filming

  10. 3 months ago

    I don't know. There's a lot of weird RPGs despite, there already being good RPGs for basically every flavor of game.

    In addition, why would you even need a setting specific RPG? I unironically use FATE because it's just fudge with like a few more mechanics, but you can adapt it to anything now with ChatGPT. There's literally not a need for designers anymore imo. GMs and players together can handle it all.

    I literally am using Fate for a goblin rape game. I didn't need much of an RPG to base this off of, because I just asked the AI overlord about playing grimey goblins in caves and it spat out enough shit for me to work with.

    • 3 months ago

      >I literally am using Fate for a goblin rape game.

      Well go on.

      • 3 months ago

        It's really straightforward, there are like 10 skills that I had the players help me determine based on what they actually wanted to do. Obviously capture is one skill, and so is fricking.

        Then I just had them describe their high concept goblin with some kind of classish in mind, one is a brute, another is a trap maker, a third is a israeli caricature of a merchant. Their trouble was whatever they really liked getting up to and couldn't resist, the brute can't resist the opportunity to rape, especially strong creatures/people, the merchant can't resist the opportunity to israelite some adventurer out of gold (he set up up a little merchant stand at the entrance of the dungeon), the tinker can't resist the opportunity to make abominations and cruel traps (basically he can't resist an opportunity to experiment). Then they had basic aspects for relationships to eachother and something else in the dungeon.

        Stunts are easy as frick to develop because you can just ask GPT for them. You can't explicitly tell it to make stunts for fricking/rape but you can talk around it. Everyother skill was easy and it just made suggestions for it.

        I then had the players describe what they own and how it benefits them and we went from there.

        Super easy, super straightforward. Games and mechanics are so easy to make nowadays. If anything weird pops up, I just ask my Goblin Dungeon Fate GM GPT to come up with a ruling on the spot. The power of AI isn't in creative shit, it's typically contrived or boring, it's in filling in and detailing boring shit where you know basically what you want but don't want to deal with writing out all these boring rules.

    • 3 months ago

      How do you prompt ChatGPT to change the rules? Does it already have FATE in its database? Honestly it sounds like fun to peddle out a custom FATE variant every week to run one shots with.

      • 3 months ago

        ChatGPT seems to have damn near everything in its database.

  11. 3 months ago

    Fricking hell those are some ugly-ass designs. Look at the fat diabetic womyn on the left and the genderless creature on the right.

  12. 3 months ago

    I just can't comprehend who wanted this. Who's the target audience? I'm a huge fan of the original Tomb Raider games and if I want my Lara fix, I'd just rather replay those.

    • 3 months ago

      Tomb Raider is
      >dungeon raid
      >find treasures
      >fight evil organizations or/and supernatural
      so it's basically every RPG ever. They're just using the brand and putting a fat black chick with a nose piercing, side cut and colored hair.

    • 3 months ago

      >Who's the target audienc
      People who buy Evil Hat games to "support the cause". Except the cause is and always have been "we are getting rich off gullible idiots, peddling corporate-grade social justice".
      Think about it this way - without this bullshit, NOBODY would even know the game exists or that there is a company cornering that angle and the part of the market. So it does work, and the fact its astroturfing outrage is part of their moronic marketing - but it still gives them money in the end

  13. 3 months ago

    > Fat black lesbian with pink hair and no legs
    > Le seething dark edgy vaguely ethnic loner who prefers knives
    > Rich evil looking white lady
    > Happy go lucky Pacific Islander platonic BFF

    Holy frick, they're really checking all of the boxes on this one. How far into the rulebook do you have to get before you get a blurb about how its wrong to steal artifacts from indigineous peoples?

    • 3 months ago

      >... and under no circumstances should the players ever have to shoot a tiger like one million times with a machine pistol, because tigers are endangered.

    • 3 months ago

      It's already there in the pitch:
      >you play members of the Truth Seekers: contemporaries of Lara Croft who strive to reveal long-hidden knowledge and thwart those who would steal and exploit artifacts for their own gains
      You're not a tomb raider, you're a truth seeker. You don't look for ancient treasures, you look for knowledge and protect them from being stolen.

    • 3 months ago

      reminds me of the last game they made
      >lara: oh my gosh you are such a noble beautiful people, thank you so so much for sharing your culture
      >meanwhile their temples are full of thousands of rotting corpses because they regularly kill each other behind the scenes.
      >you can then crash their temples and mow them down with an AR.

    • 3 months ago

      LOL i didnt even realize she had no legs. that makes it even funnier!

      I mean, at least they arent trying to make wheelchairs work in ancient ruins and dungeons anymore. So that's gotta be an improvement, right?

    • 3 months ago

      >Rich evil looking white lady
      She's got the danger glow artifact.

      Clearly, she's the psychic who's alone in her corner, away from everybody else, wresting with the evil ancient power sealed in her right hand.

    • 3 months ago

      This big lad up front is an actual character from the latest reboot

    • 3 months ago

      >Rich evil looking white lady

      To be fair that's exactly Natla from the very first game.

      • 3 months ago

        Fricking lol, I didn't realize that was supposed to be Natla. Is she teaming up with Lara again like in Underworld? Did they somehow forget that her entire motivation in the first Tomb Raider game was to literally flood the planet with monsters and destroy the human race?

        • 3 months ago

          Hey, TR1 was the only good TR game. They have to keep milking it.

          • 3 months ago

            how is 1 better than 2 or 3?

  14. 3 months ago

    >Black person troony with no legs
    >likely troony
    >obese muttoid
    >heckin stronk angry woman
    have a nice day with fire

  15. 3 months ago

    I'm morbidly curious as to how they do gun combat to make it like the games where your average thug can tank 20 pistol shots before going down.

  16. 3 months ago

    Giantess Lara Croft? Sign me up!

  17. 3 months ago

    When I finish my SF TTRPG, I'm going to put a character with those hook foot prosthetics on the cover just to trigger Ganker for the free advertising, even though the tech level of the setting is such they definitely have perfect prosthetics via both bio- and cybertech.

  18. 3 months ago

    Everyone's mad about the fat black twitterhair with the oscar pistorius special (and presumably autism, seeing as she's wearing safety goggles), but riddle me this

    why the frick don't I see the twittersphere getting mad that every single bit of polynesian/pacific islander/etc representation in mainstream media has to be a strongfat cheerful bouncer with tats?

    • 3 months ago

      Because that girl in Whale Rider passed the paper bag test, one would assume.

    • 3 months ago

      its even funnier because they use pacific islanders as mystery meat, coded gay they are always depicted as like gay eunuchs.
      Laras friend comes off like that.
      Most pacific islanders irl are cannibal rapists though personally ive never had a problem with them

      • 3 months ago

        >Most pacific islanders irl are cannibal rapists
        So the Brits were mad that they were crimpin their style then?

        • 3 months ago

          i think you are thinking of the irish

      • 3 months ago

        >Most pacific islanders irl are cannibal rapists
        i have never heard of polynesians or filipinos engaging in cannibalism
        i think that's a new guinea thing

        • 3 months ago

          Filipinos are not pacific islanders.
          Of course you havent. Its very common for example the Maori ate the Moriori.
          And theres still cases of it going on in polynesia.

          • 3 months ago

            >Filipinos are not pacific islanders.
            They live on an island (archipelago) in the Pacific.
            But you're right, I looked it up and Polynesians did used to eat a lot of people, with the Maori being especially known for it. Never knew that before.

            • 3 months ago

              flips are asian

              • 3 months ago

                I didn't think there was a firm line between SEA and "pacific islanders." Filipinos speak Austronesian languages, just like Polynesians and New Guineans do.

              • 3 months ago

                there is they are two different ethnic groups, are you a flip? flips have some of the most bizarre shit posty opinions on race

              • 3 months ago

                >they are two different ethnic groups
                Oh, are you using "pacific islander" as a synonym for polynesian?
                I've always seen it used as a blanket term for, well, pacific islanders.
                >are you a flip
                God no.
                >flips have some of the most bizarre shit posty opinions on race
                True. There's a guy on /vp/ who obsessively hates Iris from the Black and White anime because he was bullied by black girls in elementary school and projects that onto her. I guessed that he was a flip hapa and he fricking was. They're all nuts.

              • 3 months ago

                >flips have some of the most bizarre shit posty opinions on race
                We're on a Benjamin Franklin board and you think the Flips are weird?

        • 3 months ago


          Only 101 Moriori out of a population of about 2,000 were left alive by 1862, making the Moriori genocide one of the deadliest in history by percentage of the victim group.[41]

  19. 3 months ago

    >overweight double amputee woman of color with a dyed streak
    i normally dismiss a lot of the diversity whining that goes on as a lot of homosexual crying but this seems like a bit much

  20. 3 months ago

    Created for Gemini AI-generated avatar pictures.

  21. 3 months ago

    what's the appeal of running a tomb raider ttrpg instead of homebrewing or picking a different system it? the only cool part about the tomb raider setting is Lara herself.

    • 3 months ago

      I imaigned a lot of people liked the forgotten tombs and the challenge of navigating them in what was a 3D take on Prince of Persia-style movement, because that seems to have been 80% of the game.

      It's like how you can look at YorHa's panties, but this isn't DoA Beach Volleyball, so it's the smallest possible part of the game's appeal.

    • 3 months ago

      >What's the appeal of marketing your game under established, already marketed brand with wide recognition, even if your product has nothing to do with the brand itself and has a tenuous connection at best
      New to marketing? Or just former Amish?

  22. 3 months ago

    Borderlands RPG when?

    • 3 months ago

      >Oh yeah! Rolling random gun loadouts by hand only to discard 99% of them after a half-hearted selection process is such fun!

      • 3 months ago

        >What is literally every single dungeon crawler ever

    • 3 months ago

      Bunkers & Badasses already exists.

  23. 3 months ago

    > diabetes legs
    Cringe. Her name is Diana Beetus.

  24. 3 months ago

    Why'd they make a Conan rpg from a zero player book and movie series?
    Star Trek?
    Star Wars?
    Indiana Jones?
    Dying Earth?
    Star Trek?
    Lord of the Rings?
    Jame Bond?
    Star Trek?
    Lord of the Rings?
    Fafhrd and Gray Mouser?
    Buck Rogers?
    Lord of the Rings?
    Star Trek?

    Four systems for ST, three for Conan plus a couple of Conan modules for AD&D, which partially fits the "why not just use" argument but partially not as the modules are not generic fantasy but the actual Conan character and friends, three for LOTR or four if you count MERP and LOTR both by ICE as separate, a couple of accessory sets of Lankhmar for AD&D which is Fafhrd and Gray Mouser as well as the already mentioned adventure game by a different publisher. What's the big deal with games or even settings inspired by a story with one or a few protagonists?

    • 3 months ago

      I didn't read all that shit.

      What's different about Lara Croft is it's focused on a single character who is a loner. Seems like a bizarre IP to use.

      • 3 months ago

        the comics were much cooler, the scenarios were kinda like the predator or aliens, where a team of buttholes and Lara went into pulp/horror plots. Where the buttholes get picked off 1 by 1

      • 3 months ago

        >I didn't read all that
        I could tell. At least I could tell you didn't comprehend because you read enough to vaguely address the point but still frick up.

        The Witcher - the Polish rpg almost no one outside Poland has ever seen was based on the books but the English rpg is based on the single player video game with a loner.

        Bladerunner's Deckard is a loner as is James Bond.

        Indiana Jones, who of course inspired Tomb Raider directly, and Conan have companions for some of the time but they do most of the hero stuff themselves in the movies, the books, and the video games, and companions often change and seldom repeat.

        OP chose a poor set of words but as [...] says it's a series focused on a single character.
        Star Trek seems like it should adapt really well to a bookkeeping-heavy RPG because the focus is on the bridge crew of a starship.
        Star Wars basically is a D&D game in space.
        With Conan people want the setting.

        >OP chose a poor set of words
        I don't think so. OP was focussed upon there being a central character in the story. LOTR and ST have a few central characters, including in ST the Enterprise itself and her all conquering crew, but it's still the principle of does the principal cast get played as PC or appear as DMPC. All my examples are games where they navigate that dilemma.

        >Star Wars basically is a D&D game in space.
        I agree. So is Star Trek if you want. Conan, as I already said, was adapted for AD&D so Conan can just be AD&D in the Hyborian Age.

        >With Conan people want the setting.
        Which they already had but TSR still released a box set plus modules using the Marvel Super Heroes game system. Maybe people want the Tomb Raider setting. There are dinosaurs and mummies and aliens and any other things found in Indiana Jones and Savage Worlds. But, SW doesn't have a big name associated with it and Jones is a geriatric professor being milked for his name in increasingly pathetic stories. People have an idea of Tomb Raider as exciting, many remember the video games, and want Lara Croft for some milking of their own.

        • 3 months ago

          Eh, the Witcher, Conan and arguably Indiana Jones have a whole established 'world' to work with, Tomb raider doesn't have the same kind of offering. Could you see there being a full 300-page setting book for Tomb Raider?
          And James Bond well maybe you have a point but it is a huge genre compared to 'Tomb Protector Truth Seekers'.
          I do agree there was no reason for a Bladerunner RPG.

          • 3 months ago

            I'd like to milk lara too, if I can
            Does someone want to be my lara?

            • 3 months ago

              >You will never suck on Lara’s massive breasts and get so much breastmilk it starts spilling out of your mouth.
              >You’ll never get to bang Lara until she climaxes spraying buckets of breastmilk all over the room and you
              What’s the point anons?

              • 3 months ago

                its not never, I could find someone to at least virtually fill the role, maybe physically too, though that part is less likely

          • 3 months ago

            Agreed that Witcher and Conan did have a world set up for them that existed before the rpg came along with copious detail in a campaign source book.

            Bond and Indiana Jones have as much of an established world as Tomb Raider because they all exist in what is essentially the real world only a little different. There was no great degree of world building in any of them. The first Indiana Joes rpg followed suit. It had about 4 pages including illustrations, on the world, half of which was history of the 30s and half of which was very short paragraphs on mostly real world archaeology sites.

            >huge genre compared to 'Tomb Protector Truth Seekers'.
            Is that what it's going to be about? I would have thought generic pulp adventure like Raiders. Dungeons and Dragons started off with dungeon crawls but it expanded so I wouldn't expect that a Tomb Raider game was locked into tomb raiding.

            Are spies a huge genre? They were in the 60s, and there have been a few things over the past decade or so like Bourne. Mission Impossible reboot and the Jack Ryan retcon but is that huge? Superheroes were huge recently.

            >I do agree there was no reason for a Bladerunner RPG.
            Agree with whom? It's a one trick pony and I don't want to play it but for those who like the who want to see a pony perform that one trick I hear it did well.

            Anon, let me ask you this simple question:
            Which franchise and copyright you think was the cheapest?
            And to give you a clue: Embracer Group, the current owner of the Tomb Raider IP, is in a downward debt spiral right now. While Evil Hat's entire schtick is to buy cheapo licenses.

            That's classic Lara. Which is effectively null, void and dead since... 2010. That's when the Ascension got axed, and that was already a stretch to even call it old Lara.
            nu-Lara is all about a token group of people that support her, even if the games are SP cover shooting galleries. Doesn't matter, all the supporting media has her surrounded by a group of tokens. Most of which die horribly, too.
            God, I wish they just left this franchise already, after over a decade of continuously raping a corpse from the murder inflicted by Squenix. And if thye can't stop fricking a self-killed franchise, then at least stop making it about nu-Lara and give back the old one, or at least the LAU one.

            >Which franchise and copyright you think was the cheapest?
            What does that even have to do with what I wrote?

            Why'd they make a Conan rpg from a zero player book and movie series?
            Star Trek?
            Star Wars?
            Indiana Jones?
            Dying Earth?
            Star Trek?
            Lord of the Rings?
            Jame Bond?
            Star Trek?
            Lord of the Rings?
            Fafhrd and Gray Mouser?
            Buck Rogers?
            Lord of the Rings?
            Star Trek?

            Four systems for ST, three for Conan plus a couple of Conan modules for AD&D, which partially fits the "why not just use" argument but partially not as the modules are not generic fantasy but the actual Conan character and friends, three for LOTR or four if you count MERP and LOTR both by ICE as separate, a couple of accessory sets of Lankhmar for AD&D which is Fafhrd and Gray Mouser as well as the already mentioned adventure game by a different publisher. What's the big deal with games or even settings inspired by a story with one or a few protagonists?

            I forgot a fifth Star Trek rpg and I should have mentioned Ghostbusters too. In that list you now go through the range of central character as PC to NPC only to not even allowed to be mentioned and they all work.

            • 3 months ago

              >Are spies a huge genre
              Not really. The problem is that the modern audience is now fully aware that spying no longer works in the way it did when a cool, suave individual spy could go in, get the info, kill the bad guy, and leave. Spying being cool relied in part on the tension of there being such people out and about, of there being hidden allegiances and secret infiltrations.

              Now, we live in a world where it is expected that
              >getting info is mostly a case of compromised computers leaking the documents you want
              >there is far less concern in the (mainstream, non-schizo) media about secret infiltration or people being secret commies/etc
              >constant surveillance of the real world means you can't realistically send in one spy to go do a thing, because they'll be caught on cameras and profiled using 10 years of back-footage facial recognition

              spies (60s) are cool as a retro thing, throwing back to when that WAS possible, but the spy genre no longer really works if you're making media that plays in to current-year zeitgeist. That's why the "spy" has slowly shifted away from "spy" and into "man of action suddenly betrayed and let go" a la Bourne.

              • 3 months ago

                Nice analysis, thank you anon.

              • 3 months ago

                there had to be SOME decent fricking discussion in this thread, I try to not just scream about trannies even when I'm mad about trannies.

    • 3 months ago

      OP chose a poor set of words but as

      I didn't read all that shit.

      What's different about Lara Croft is it's focused on a single character who is a loner. Seems like a bizarre IP to use.

      says it's a series focused on a single character.
      Star Trek seems like it should adapt really well to a bookkeeping-heavy RPG because the focus is on the bridge crew of a starship.
      Star Wars basically is a D&D game in space.
      With Conan people want the setting.

    • 3 months ago

      Anon, let me ask you this simple question:
      Which franchise and copyright you think was the cheapest?
      And to give you a clue: Embracer Group, the current owner of the Tomb Raider IP, is in a downward debt spiral right now. While Evil Hat's entire schtick is to buy cheapo licenses.

      I didn't read all that shit.

      What's different about Lara Croft is it's focused on a single character who is a loner. Seems like a bizarre IP to use.

      That's classic Lara. Which is effectively null, void and dead since... 2010. That's when the Ascension got axed, and that was already a stretch to even call it old Lara.
      nu-Lara is all about a token group of people that support her, even if the games are SP cover shooting galleries. Doesn't matter, all the supporting media has her surrounded by a group of tokens. Most of which die horribly, too.
      God, I wish they just left this franchise already, after over a decade of continuously raping a corpse from the murder inflicted by Squenix. And if thye can't stop fricking a self-killed franchise, then at least stop making it about nu-Lara and give back the old one, or at least the LAU one.

  25. 3 months ago

    As a fat black man in a wheelchair, I really like the cover artwork.

  26. 3 months ago

    >Why are they making a ttrpg from a single player video game
    Because there is always place for more action-adventure themed games about exploring ancient ruins.
    I mean Broken Compass from few years ago was only ever released because Jumanji was a box office success, and they even shamelessly traced Rock's character for it (for which they've faced a lawsuit)

  27. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      ah, that very much explains it

  28. 3 months ago
  29. 3 months ago

    >character without any cleavage and boobs gets additional bit of cleavage covered up she didn't have
    Pfuuh, that was close, it would've been shameful if someone saw a tiny triangle more of her bare skin. It's so brave and powerful that these kinda people always remind everyone that curves on attractive women are a shunned abnormality and shouldn't be present in fiction beyond a allowed minimum and even those need to be hidden and covered up.

    • 3 months ago

      Maybe they should go all the way and just put all the women in burkas. To make sure that filthy male gaze doesn't reach them.

  30. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      Nogames gamer girls doing commercialized low-effort shitposting is a market nieche these days.

      • 3 months ago

        I love when she calls homosexuals what they are

    • 3 months ago

      Frick I'm torn. On the one hand, this is clearly moronic levels of tokenism. On the other, I totally get why you'd want to push ridiculously hard for normalisation when subzero brain-temp bratz dolls like that bish exist. I get that they're two sides of the same coin, but damn it if philosophical zombies like her don't make it hard to sympathise with the mentally ill people writing this shit. At least they have /something/ going on up there..

      • 3 months ago

        nice try, troony

      • 3 months ago

        Dilate ywnbaw. She's based af you groomer piece of shit.

  31. 3 months ago


  32. 3 months ago

    What in the frick is going on with the Black person? Her legs are missing, half of her compound bow is missing! She's got a fricking quiver! WTF? It almost makes up for with the evil Corporate Sorceress woman being a PC. Playing one of the evil mages from the games would be intriguing.

  33. 3 months ago

    Has the Tomb Raider IP ever been properly handled after the original creators gave it up? This looks like a bad IP name cashgrab.

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