>last major Castlevania game came out in 2008. >the franchise is still kept alive by TV adaptations by Netflix

>last major Castlevania game came out in 2008
>the franchise is still kept alive by TV adaptations by Netflix
What the frick happened?

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  1. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago


      kojima was also a big factor. him fricking Castlevania up is one of the reasons idgaf what happens to him. was cheering the moment he got his stupid ass fired off Konami

  2. 8 months ago

    Beats me.
    It should be an easy genre to create a magnum opus for but it's entirely 8/10 games and 3/10 games somehow.
    I think the problem with the franchise is that it lacks a Miyazaki or Miyamoto or Todd Howard that gives a frick.
    Shitty Netflix shows that will fade into obscurity is a disappointing end to things.

    • 8 months ago

      >I think the problem with the franchise is that it lacks a Miyazaki or Miyamoto or Todd Howard that gives a frick.
      It had Iga but the DS games weren't enough to keep Konami happy so he had to go. Now they have less than nothing and will continue to lose good will, between LoS, pachinko and shitflix they just don't want the franchise to survive.

    • 8 months ago

      >I think the problem with the franchise is that it lacks a Miyazaki or Miyamoto or Todd Howard that gives a frick.
      This is actually a problem throughout the industry. The reason you aren't getting a game for X franchise? Because no one wants to lead it 90% of the time with the other 10% being it blocked by a more senior Producer.

      • 8 months ago

        Beats me.
        It should be an easy genre to create a magnum opus for but it's entirely 8/10 games and 3/10 games somehow.
        I think the problem with the franchise is that it lacks a Miyazaki or Miyamoto or Todd Howard that gives a frick.
        Shitty Netflix shows that will fade into obscurity is a disappointing end to things.

        Iga wanted to but I don't think he gets gameplay that much. He's more of a writer and overall director. That's what the series is lacking.

        >Order of Ecclessia

        btw he was only producer on that game when he's typically writer/producer for most of them (like Aria). they brought in a new artist and new writer and it really made the series feel fresh. The Ecclessia artist is REALLY damn good and Iga should have hired him for the Bloodstained series rather than those Inti-creates hackjobs.

        • 8 months ago

          Iga's problem is Konami just didn't want to Iga to do it anymore.

          • 8 months ago

            There were the PS2 games which I think were fundamentally flawed as too action focused rather than exploration and adventure focused, rather than it soley being the budget. There's some great designs, some great ideas, some nice visuals, but it doesn't quite click and they become kind of slogs to actually play. I'd put the PS2 and N64 games as almost great tier. In fact, the N64 games would be closer to what I envision 3D castlevania to look and play like. Just refine it and tone down the wonk, eliminate the lock on, etc. They definitely have the moody atmosphere down pat.

            Iga did want a PS3/360 Alucard focused game, but the project was cancelled when it wasn't even that far along. Even iga says that it wsa the right decision and I think it would have just been more of the same as the PS2 games.

            Games that should influence 3D castlevnai in my opinion:
            >Demon's Souls
            >Dark Souls
            >N64 Castlevania
            >Ocarina of Time

            Games that should not:
            >God of War
            >Souls games after II
            >Sony movie games

            • 8 months ago

              >Demon's Souls
              >Dark Souls
              I think you should keep your opinions to yourself.

              • 8 months ago

                As far as progression/level design goes it would be cool actually

              • 8 months ago

                nta but he is obvious contrarian moron.
                dark souls and especially demon souls arent holy grail of gaming but there is much to learn from them.
                especially in atmosphere and level design.

              • 8 months ago

                >dark souls and especially demon souls arent holy grail
                They honestly are, other Souls games + Bloodborne, Elden Ring, etc aren't though

              • 8 months ago

                nta but he is obvious contrarian moron.
                dark souls and especially demon souls arent holy grail of gaming but there is much to learn from them.
                especially in atmosphere and level design.

                >every moron says a 3D game must take lessons from dark souls
                oh gee im sure there were never any decent 3D with proper atmosphere and level design before dark souls and demon souls.

              • 8 months ago

                You are free to name a few

              • 8 months ago

                Kings field was perfect. now frick off.

              • 8 months ago

                Hard mode: games you have actually played so no King's Field

              • 8 months ago

                haha lmaoing at you, zoomer. I've been playing vidya since the NES.

              • 8 months ago

                Ultima Underworld. Yes, I did play it.

        • 8 months ago

          >writer for a genre that doesn't need much writing
          In other words, a hack.

        • 8 months ago

          i still can't get over the fact that bloodstained is 3d slop. pixel art could've been so good with that $5.5mil kickstarter.

          • 8 months ago

            Iga was a massive moron who didn't have proper planning on the execution of the project, he just made the kickstarter with minimal expectations and when it blew up beyond his control, he was left stranded in the water with nowhere to go. He just got some absolutely greedy publishers and garbage devs who ever were willing to risk it, to make the project for him. It's awful project management for sure.

            • 8 months ago

              wasn't he a producer for like past 10 castlevania games? I would've thought that he could do at least the management well...

              • 8 months ago

                Yea, a producer who had excellent resources in Konami. When he was fired, he couldn't make use of any of them and was a sitting duck.

              • 8 months ago

                hope he manages bloodstained 2 better...he really ought to switch to quality 2d...

              • 8 months ago

                >excellent resources
                Yeah right, smaller and smaller budget with each following game (with Harmony of Despair being the last one) and a ton of code being reused between IGAvanias (down to the same fricking bugs) is a sign of "excellent resources"

  3. 8 months ago

    lords of shadow 1?

    • 8 months ago

      Alternative timeline, not mainline.

    • 8 months ago

      I repressed those memories. I feel those games and Judgement killed the series.

  4. 8 months ago

    Will I like Lords of Shadow if I enjoy Classicvania and GoW games on the PS2? Could never get into SotN and the likes

    • 8 months ago

      It's God of War 1-3's gameplay. It's barely Castlevania, but it really isn't bad as it's own thing.

    • 8 months ago

      Just remember to play only LoS1 and nothing beyond that - Mirror of Fate and LoS2 are actually bad while LoS1 is okay in vacuum but doesn't really feel like Castlevania.

  5. 8 months ago

    >Order of Ecclesia
    >Aria of Sorrow

    You want to revive the series? That's how. Full 3D remakes of those is exactly what the series needed. they're fresh takes on the story, with nice designs and settings. Soma's story gets a bit shounen anime tier though, which could be toned down.

    Could be a mix of action-adventure horror game.

    • 8 months ago

      They did try that with the PS2 games and no one bought them.

      • 8 months ago

        NOT, the PS2 games. Those were low budget DMC rip offs. DMC is NOT the direction Castlevania should have gone in. Very samey looking environments, lots of copy paste, and little true exploration just pushing forward. Powers and attacks why too flashy trying to copy DMC. And not the Lords games which were God of War rip offs.

        If anything playing a bit more like Souls games or Zelda in a giant castle (without being clones). Just exploring a big 3D environment and progressively unlocking it. Fully rotational camera as per usual. Attack attack attack pause combos. Jump cancelling. Some light platforming but nothing crazy. Different weapons, armors, and it all shows up on your character.

        >Soma's story gets a bit shounen anime tier though
        There's a reason that guy is so stupidly popular, after all.

        the only bit I don't like is awkwardly setting it ALL in Japan. I think it's more natural to have it set in Romania, and just have Mina be Japanese gf.

    • 8 months ago

      >Soma's story gets a bit shounen anime tier though
      There's a reason that guy is so stupidly popular, after all.

    • 8 months ago

      >full 3d remakes
      no no NO NO NO

    • 8 months ago

      >Full 3D remakes of [Order of Ecclesia and Aria of Sorrow] is exactly what the series needed.



  6. 8 months ago

    Shaman King Master of Spirits

  7. 8 months ago

    Bloodstained won

    Over 2M sold

    • 8 months ago

      I'm really glad it did well, hope this leads to more classic inspired Bloodstained games as well

      Will I like Lords of Shadow if I enjoy Classicvania and GoW games on the PS2? Could never get into SotN and the likes

      It's alright.
      It has some unnecessarily lenghty climbing segments and some boss battles use the climbing mechanic as well but the regular battles play well.
      What it has going for it is some great atmosphere, good music and an interesting story.
      It's worth a playthrough but skip the DLC, sucks dick and has one of the worst bossfights in any game ever

  8. 8 months ago

    now where's that homosexual who made threads on how a new castlevnia will be announced on TGS?

  9. 8 months ago

    Order of Ecclesia is great. Don't let the shitters delude you. Yes. The levels are linear. Who gives a shit? The combat has never been better. Bosses are fantastic and only Dawn of Sorrow's compare. Unfortunately that one has unfortunate art direction.

  10. 8 months ago

    what do you anons think are we getting new proper 2d game soon or atleast ds collection?
    there has been much rumbling around castlevania, with show, dead cells dlc, people at konami saying they want to take it further etc.

  11. 8 months ago

    *TV fanfic

  12. 8 months ago

    Is this the Castlevania thread? I beat Bloodlines today and I think it might be my favorite Classicvania so far. They nailed the atmosphere with this game

    • 8 months ago

      Bloodlines had some great tracks. This, reincarnated soul, prayer of a tragic queen, Iron blue intention, the quality of music was insane.

    • 8 months ago

      I remember this fight was cool in concept but a little weird

  13. 8 months ago


  14. 8 months ago

    Alucard the sodomite.

  15. 8 months ago

    Metroid Vania is the hip indie scene right now, so they are waiting for the market to cool before dropping something.

  16. 8 months ago

    sex with shanoa!

  17. 8 months ago

    I beat SotN this weekend and i can see why it's a classic. It's a damn fun Game.
    It was pretty easy though, only two bosses gave me trouble and some are just jokes. And exploration is almost linear on the first castle. The inverted castle is more open but at the same time you already know the layout.
    I still don't get why they never released another game on that style for a console ans not a handheld.

  18. 8 months ago

    I liked bloodstained and I don't give a frick

  19. 8 months ago

    The problem is that the structural formula of Castlevania is insanely good. It's very, very easy to do "Castlevania but it looks better" but that isn't what gets you the 10/10, to get the 10/10 Castlevania you would need a Castlevania that actually improves on the core gameplay of Castlevania, which people have been attempted to do for 20 years now to no avail.

    To be brief, they're more concerned about fricking it up than they are confident that they can do it right. This is a problem a lot of companies with banger records but no recent hits ran into. When was the last time you heard about Skies of Arcadia, a game literally everybody liked? Nonexistent, because Sega is barely afloat at this point, whether they continue existing as a serious company is basically up to how the most recent Total War game sold.

    Konami and a few other legacy companies are in similar situations. Their old hypercompetent development teams who cut their teeth in actual programing, industrial coding, things with actual standards and actual deadlines are all retired or in middle management, the new crop of people aren't half as good as their predecessors, and there's no culture of mentorship in any of the major studios anymore because they rely on crunch and then discarding the used up husks of their young staff before hiring new ones, so none of the experience gets passed on unless you've got a real standout studio or indie devs, and even those aren't safe.

    What most of these companies need is radical restructuring with the goal of actually investing in workforces with high rates of retention and continuity, the problem is that building a force like that would take ten years and in ten years it's possible the technology will have advanced to the point where most of the workforce is redundant (they have been saying this for 50 years, always ten years into the future) so investing in such a force is unappealing to shareholders.

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