>le artificial intelligence is so le smart that it decided the only way to protect le sentient races is to le kill them

>le artificial intelligence is so le smart that it decided the only way to protect le sentient races is to le kill them
Wow, so smart and profound

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  1. 8 months ago

    so, this is the new game you've decided to spam?

  2. 8 months ago

    There are literally 4 Mass Effect threads.

    • 8 months ago

      It's almost like they know something you don't

      If you can't apply yourself to a single topic, there's literally an entire board for "generals"

      • 8 months ago

        the topic of this board is RPGs, not cover shooters with dating sim elements

      • 8 months ago

        Leviathans were dumb. The DlCs were so bad

      • 8 months ago

        Imagine being so moronic you didn't realize leviathans were kludged together post facto to try to rationalize something about reapers

        • 8 months ago

          I dunno. I think the Leviathans were just the final form of the Protheans. Like some some convergent evolution thing.

  3. 8 months ago

    Mass Effect is dogshit, dude. Who cares?

  4. 8 months ago

    So basically the Leviathans had complete control over the sentient races. But then the races would build AI and be wiped out.
    To solve this problem, they created their own AI to preserve life because "tribute doesn't flow from dead races"

    But their AI also turned on them. According to the Leviathan, the "harvest" is just an evolutionary problem-solving processes Once a race survives the harvest, they will have answered the question.

    You can believe that if you want. Except the Leviathans survived through ALL the harvests.
    So it's much more reasonable that the AI was telling the Leviathans that they were the problem.

  5. 8 months ago

    Please stop speaking French on an English only board, thank you.

    Anyway, it was a last minute re-write when the original ending reveal was leaked online before release and, for some reason, Bioware and/or EA freaked out and decided they had to change it.

  6. 8 months ago

    There are so many issues with game itself and yet morons keep pretending that this one, single nonissue is somehow dumb. How is there anything dumb about it? Explanation is boring, but makes perfect sense. Organics will make AI that will wipe out all life that exists if they are allowed to progress technologically unchecked. There will be NEVER again any life in galaxy. Reapers give time for organics to live and develop and when they have civilization advanced enough to start creating AI life they are wiped out, along with whatever AI they created, but their legacy is preserved. And so life can continue without being eradicated completely.

    There is zero logical problem with this line of thinking. It makes perfect sense.

    • 8 months ago

      >How is there anything dumb about it?
      Based brainlet. The dumb part is that the Reapers being just a tool following orders from the above goes totally against everything established about them in the previous two games. They were an advanced, superior, sentient race coming to BTFO the galaxy. That's literally it. There was no reason to turn them into "mmmh actually, they aren't evil!" There's this super secret goal we'll reveal at the end that goes against everything so you will clap!" kind of shit.

    • 8 months ago

      they really didn't even need to bring AI into it though, just "dominant races would eventually destroy all diversity and competing forms of life in the galaxy, so we mow the lawn every once in a while"
      Which is an old sci-fi trope that doesn't get anything from adding an AI epicycle

      • 8 months ago

        AI is a huge theme in the series. It didn't feel forced to me. And as the anon said, it's perfectly logical.

        But yeah, Mass Effect is far too popular for /vrpg/, hence everything about it has to be shit. Even the parts that really are not.

        • 8 months ago

          No, AI is a minor theme in the series
          There is no possible way to connect the krogan shit for example to AI, but that was probably the biggest running side plot connecting the three games. Nothing about the geth/quarian thing made it to be some inevitable result of the unbridgeable divide between geth and quarians either, it was just written to be that the quarians were instantly genocidal psychopaths and the smallest amount of empathy would have solved everything

          Because it was sloppa that was slapped together for the ending by people with Hollywood tier knowledge of sci-fi with no interaction with other writers or even the shit other writers put in ME3 itself before the ending

          Hell I was inclined to agree with you in your first post but now I'm coming back to thinking it was pretty terrible

          • 8 months ago

            The fly in the ointment is Javik, I still can't tell if it was deliberate or not. Everything he tells you really casts doubt on everything you think you know about the Geth, and why fan theories about them manipulating you seem plausible. Before that it's just seemingly psychopathic unreasonable Quarians committing genocide.
            unfortunately I have to assume this was an accident and Javik is just racist I guess.

      • 8 months ago

        >Dominant races would eventually destroy all diversity and competing forms of life in the galaxy, so we mow the lawn every once in a while"

        This would have been a million times more intelligence than what what we ended up with.

      • 8 months ago

        This would have made perfect sense if they didn't wipe out the species and did the Halo thing of just resetting everyone back to 100,000 bc. They could even say the timing is based on the inevitable AI singularity event because that AI always kills the whole garden instead of pruning back to base. They could have kept all of their plot points and have it make sense with such an easy fix

        • 8 months ago

          A big problem with that idea is that you'd see the reapers have a point and you're being pretty ungrateful to destroy a system without which Earth would have been colonized and despoiled a hundred million years ago. At least the AI thing is moronic enough to be unjust.

    • 8 months ago

      >when they have civilization advanced enough to start creating AI life they are wiped out
      >It makes perfect sense.
      300 metre long Reaper mandibles typed this post.

    • 8 months ago

      >Organics will make AI that will wipe out all life that exists if they are allowed to progress technologically unchecked.
      Except the only time we see this happen is with the Catalyst, which is supposedly trying to prevent it from happening.

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Why in the FRICK would the reapers intentionally leave shit like mass relay tech behind for the organic civilizations to discover and develop a sudden boost in desired technological advancement?
      If the reapers really wanted, they could literally use one of their kind each as a custodian to keep organic civilizations perpetually technologically stagnant (and a significantly lesser threat to them) for much longer periods of time.

  7. 8 months ago

    that's the trouble with writing beings who are supposed to be millions of times more intelligent than humans, you shouldn't explain too much or you get shit like this

  8. 8 months ago

    >it decided the only way to protect le sentient races is to le kill them
    If you got rid of the "sentient" part this would be true.

  9. 8 months ago

    i played this trilogy for the first time ever this month and it was the most overrated piece of trash series i've ever experienced, holy shit it irritates me that i wasted my time
    absolutely dogshit tier writing, soulless characters, pointless sidequests, moron mc, absolutely horrific movement/controls and boring ass generic shooting gameplay
    how the FRICK does anyone like this series??????

    • 8 months ago

      You have bad taste. Name a better series homosexual

      • 8 months ago

        deus ex
        resident evil
        mirror's edge
        half life
        basically any series that exists ever

    • 8 months ago

      we call them biotards for a reason, anon. dragon age is garbage too.

  10. 8 months ago

    I enjoyed the trilogy back in the day but I never understood why people pretended to care about the plot when the main focus of Bioware's games has been the romance stuff since Dragon Age came out.

    • 8 months ago

      You figured it out. The plot was trash but the setting was nice and the ayylmao husbando was great.

      deus ex
      resident evil
      mirror's edge
      half life
      basically any series that exists ever

      >Resident Evil

  11. 8 months ago


  12. 8 months ago

    that story would be fine with foreshadowing in ME3
    >we uplifted krogans - we made a mistake, now everyone is fricked
    >we were so confident and built too many geth - we made a mistake, now we are fricked
    >we hid prothean artefact in the temple - we made a mistake, but it's too late now, now everyone is fricked
    --pre levi foreshadowing--
    >LeviBros: "yeah we did the same thing, but hey, our creation is still doing it's job"
    ---straight line to the best seats in the house from that point
    instead we got organics vs synthetics bullshit with catalyst and synthesys nonsence in the center of it. Also horrible execution of the last part of the game.

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