Let me get this straight

Mario 64 is full of hundreds of unpredictable bugs that considerably hamper the gameplay experience. People are still able to accept that it is a good game.

Sonic Adventure is a very stable game. It is considered unplayable due to an alleged plethora of gamebreaking bugs.


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  1. 2 months ago

    works on my machine

  2. 2 months ago

    >Mario 64 is full of hundreds of unpredictable bugs that considerably hamper the gameplay experience.
    name 5

    • 2 months ago

      Due to the unpredictable nature of the bugs, we don't know until they happen, but I can assure you that in no way is this just wildly biased bullshit. I promise

    • 2 months ago

      There are hundreds on that one mushroom alone... lmao

      • 2 months ago

        I am an oldgay. I got an N64 for Christmas with SM64 the year it came out. I put hundreds of hours into my copy. I had a dozen friends who owned their own copies we would play with. I've replayed the game at least a dozen times using different roms and everything from porject64 to retroarch.

        In near 30 years I have never, ever, once encountered a bug on that mushroom. I have never ever encountered a game breaking bug anywhere, besides when I intentionally replicated known bugs speed runners train hundreds of hours just to replicate accurately on demand.

        You are gas lighting homosexuals.

        • 2 months ago

          Every time you see footage of this it's on emulation. Really makes you think.

          • 2 months ago

            has happened to me on real hardware several times. It's a misalignment with rotated polygons, nothing to do with emulation

            • 2 months ago

              >has happened to me on real hardware several times
              post footage

          • 2 months ago

            The 4 hour video has countless N64 clips

            • 2 months ago

              No proof that it's being recorded on an actual N64

              • 2 months ago

                It's very easy to spot the real N64 footage when it shows up due to the noticeable VI and composite artefacts. Never mind that the N64 runners he's clipped provided their own evidence for using legitimate hardware (they had to, in order to qualify for leaderboards)

    • 2 months ago

      stairs bug,water bug,pantings bug,hat bug,and there are so many that we better stop talking about them.
      Why you think speedrunners use v1.2 of mario 64,you can't speedrun if the game isn't broken (kinda weird most speedruns are made on nintendo games)

      • 2 months ago

        There is no "stairs bug".

        There is no "water bug".

        There is no "paintings bug"

        There is no "hat bug".

        >there are so many

        Like which? Name a bug please? For me its starting to look like Mario 64 is a bug free game.

        • 2 months ago


          • 2 months ago

            Cool, but how do any of these "considerably hamper the gameplay experience"?
            Most of them take effort to pull off

            • 2 months ago

              the permanent cap loss glitch in snowmans land fricked up tens of thousands of save files for people.

              • 2 months ago

                >the permanent cap loss glitch in snowmans land fricked up tens of thousands of save files for people.
                moron, just restart the save file, go back to snowman's land and you can get your hat again off one of the snowman as intended.

          • 2 months ago

            are you fricking kidding me with this red?

            • 2 months ago

              Blech I see what you mean thats terrible to look at.

        • 2 months ago

          >There is no "water bug".

          • 2 months ago

            I laughed.

  3. 2 months ago

    Durinh my multiple paythoughs of Super Mario 64, I don't remember running into bugs like that.
    I played through Sonic Adventure once and ran into buncha bullshit each session.

  4. 2 months ago

    because mario 64 is actually a good game

  5. 2 months ago

    >Sonic Adventure
    I will literally clip through and fall out of the stage on random occurrences for seemingly no reason and character models will bug out or disappear out of existence. And yes, this still happens on "muh superior Dreamcast version." Frick off and stop making these threads whining about why nobody likes Sonic Adventure anymore.

    • 2 months ago

      >I will literally clip through and fall out of the stage on random occurrences for seemingly no reason
      Oh and that never happens in SM64?

      • 2 months ago


        • 2 months ago


          • 2 months ago

            anti piracy measure

            • 2 months ago

              Am I laughing?

          • 2 months ago

            >shows Mario on a moving platform getting pushed off by an invisible wall put there to prevent players from avoiding the intended path
            What does this have to do with clipping through floors? No clipping of any kind happened here.

      • 2 months ago

        That has never happened to me in Mario 64. Did happen in Sonic Adventure.

    • 2 months ago

      Never happened to me. Proof?

    • 2 months ago

      Ive clipped through a painting in sm64 and landed ended up in a whole different place. What the frick is that shit

      • 2 months ago

        wtf? HOLY SHIT! cursed haunted personalized copy

    • 2 months ago

      >And yes, this still happens on "muh superior Dreamcast version."
      You've never played the DC version on real hardware
      It's a shame zoomies born in 2006 are legally adults and allowed to post here now

      • 2 months ago

        The Dreamcast version was when I first played it, granted it was at a friend's house. When it came out on GameCube, I bought the DX version and later traded it for a licensed shovelware game because I was just a kid with no concept of holding onto things for value yet and had no intention of playing it again. Years later, as the plot started to fade out from memory, that same friend with a now sizeable Dreamcast collection suggested we play it again. It's arguably the version I'm the most familiar with, but it isn't worth the elitism because both versions still have their issues.

        Go shit up a different board before "the zoomer boogeyman" starts making you schizophrenic.

    • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        >emulated copy full of modification
        Show that happening on real hardware.

        • 2 months ago

          A 4 hour documentary came out recently giving mathematical breakdowns for why this occurs; it has nothing to do with emulators and all to do with the game's programming, and said documentary has plenty of real hardware footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsXCVsDFiXA

          • 2 months ago

            >xD dude what if I made a 4 hour documentary about invisible walls in sm64 lol wouldn't that be so heccin random and quirky?!
            not clicking that. I refuse.

            • 2 months ago

              Here's an isolated clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uyvkXmwHEM

              Why is it that speedrunners see these all the time but I've literally never seen this happen in my entire life across dozens of times playing this game to 100% completion?

              everyone has hit the invisible wall near the end of Bowser in the Sky lol

              • 2 months ago

                I literally never have, though. I had to look up a video and I've never seen that happen.

              • 2 months ago

                The experiences of millions of people is not annulled with "works on my machine"

              • 2 months ago

                I acknowledged that speedrunners seem to see these all the time, but I've never seen it happen in my game nor have I known anyone in real life who's experienced this nor have I even known this to be an issue in my entire 35 years of life until reading this very thread.

              • 2 months ago

                >Mario 64 is full of hundreds of unpredictable bugs that considerably hamper the gameplay experience
                >posts a clip of a bug that considerable enhances the gameplay experience

              • 2 months ago

                Anon wanted proof the invisible walls exist on real hardware. There's thousands of them in this game that can screw you over

              • 2 months ago

                >thousands that can screw you over
                "Guys! I wanted Super Mario 64 to be a pornographic game where I look at Princess Peach's panties! BUT GLITCHES PREVENT ME FROM EVER DOING THAT! Thousands of them! Because the game is preventing me from doing what I want, it MUST be glitched and bugged and awful!"
                "I win!"

              • 2 months ago

                >panty hunting is pornographic
                The absolute state of conservatives.

              • 2 months ago

                Map boundaries aren't a bug you fricking moron

              • 2 months ago

                Under what circumstances would the gif in the OP be considered a bug?

            • 2 months ago

              >disrespecting pannenKINO

          • 2 months ago

            Why is it that speedrunners see these all the time but I've literally never seen this happen in my entire life across dozens of times playing this game to 100% completion?

            • 2 months ago

              >Why is it that speedrunners see these all the time
              cuz theyre doing dumb goofy shit to try to save fractions of a second
              no one else cares

              if anything, when i was a kid i always liked when strange things happened in games

            • 2 months ago

              Because they replay the same parts of the game literally thousands of times, and the vast majority of these invisible walls are both most prominent and most harmful in places where you'd try to cut corners by jumping over a gaps in the paths.

          • 2 months ago

            This guy is impossibly, infuriatingly autistic. I can see why this takes him 4 hours to explain, because he has no filter whatsoever and thinks the most minute, unimportant information is absolutely essential to explaining something that should take maybe 20 minutes to explain.

          • 2 months ago

            >7 days ago
            >already 1.3 million views
            Oh great I've witnessed a new popular 'opinion' emerge. SM64 threads are about to become even more cancerous
            >SM64? Polished? Heh... let me show something to you... *posts some webm for the 10000th time like that anti-Saturn autist who posts clips of the Saturn port of TR1*

            • 2 months ago

              Youtube was pushing that one pretty hard. It would try to auto-play after any video I watched, didn't even have to be about gaming.

          • 2 months ago

            I just went into my copy of Mario 64 and tried to run into all the supposed invisible walls that he mentioned on Bob-omb Battlefield (stairs near the see-saw, above the tunnel entrances at the mountain base, on the platform containing the heart) and I couldn't manage to run into any of them. Is this a case of speedrunners using some moronic broken early release version on purpose because it enables their skips and all these problems got fixed on the second run of carts and onward?

            • 2 months ago

              No it's just that there's a degree of chance as to whether you'll hit them, namely down to Mario's jump angle and how the game registers his position. It's been more common to see them in speedrunning because those guys are running the same stages over and over, even if it only happens 1 in 10 times it's naturally gonna be at its most visible with speedrunners.

            • 2 months ago

              No it's just that there's a degree of chance as to whether you'll hit them, namely down to Mario's jump angle and how the game registers his position. It's been more common to see them in speedrunning because those guys are running the same stages over and over, even if it only happens 1 in 10 times it's naturally gonna be at its most visible with speedrunners.

              Not so much chance but speed, basically the game needs to update your position and due to how the game is programmed some places have very small gaps between some objects the game erroneous register as out of bonds and if when the game updates your position you fall under that gap the wall behaviour to stop the player from going out of bonds activates

            • 2 months ago

              Yeah these are glitches that only happen on emulated copies on illegal emulators, Nintendo even fixed every single one of these issues in Super Mario 3D All Stars to stop all of these zoomers from complaining like in that new shitty video that's full of nothing but whiny complaints. But none of these zoomers supported Nintendo's fixed release because "M-muh FOMO and muh backwards hackjumping!!" If you used hackjumping you didn't beat the game, period.

              • 1 month ago

                >illegal emulators

                homie, you just exposed yourself of being no better then the other trinny chaser.

              • 1 month ago


              • 1 month ago

                Emulators are not illegal. Don't even joke about it

            • 1 month ago

              Is just some leftist homosexual fricking with people using a modified rom of the game.

            • 1 month ago

              The walls are extremely thin. The reason hitting one is such a freak occurrence is because you have to be DIRECTLY inside them during a collision check, and not naturally walk through/around past them.

              To have the best possible chance of hitting an invisible wall, go at it from the side.

          • 2 months ago

            oh shit
            thats the dude
            i thought he got butthurt and left the internet when everyone memed on him about the scuttlebug jamboree?

            This guy is impossibly, infuriatingly autistic. I can see why this takes him 4 hours to explain, because he has no filter whatsoever and thinks the most minute, unimportant information is absolutely essential to explaining something that should take maybe 20 minutes to explain.

            >impossibly, infuriatingly autistic
            tbf he actually invented the genre
            its literally the half-A-press/parallel universe kid

          • 2 months ago

            >A 4 hour documentary came out
            why are zoomoids like this?

            • 2 months ago

              >Why do people analyze media they like
              Beats me!

              • 2 months ago

                I don't fault somebody for making something like this or anybody who actually watches it, but honestly I'd bet that most of the zoomers in question will either just watch it "for the memes lel" or won't watch it beyond the first 5 minutes and just like knowing it exists, and the inevitable reaction content featuring a thumbnail of some guy doing a sőyface over a screenshot of Mario slamming into an invisible wall with huge text saying "4 HOUR MARIO 64 VIDEO??"

            • 2 months ago

              If zoomoids are 40 years old

          • 2 months ago

            I'm actually surprised this is the first time this video has been mentioned. And after finishing I realized that he doesn't document this to prove the game's flaws, it's to exploit it for another ABC breakthrough. Tick Tock Clock has been conquered using one of these and who's to say that other levels won't?

          • 2 months ago

            I never ran into any of these errors on my n64, and I’ve played the games to completion at least 5x since I got in ‘96.

            Gay. The 1.3m views are probably people curious to know how an autist rants for hours on end about a video game from almost 30 years ago.

          • 2 months ago

            Panen's content is alright but I fricking hate his voice.

          • 2 months ago

            This video is full of lies. It's using a hacked copy of Mario 64 through an illegal emulator. Not giving this clickbait any views. Shill somewhere else homosexual.

          • 1 month ago

            >Le HECKIN leftoid media literacy essayst who cleaely is just fricking with people with a romhack

            Is just another HbomberGuy farse.

            • 1 month ago

              Yeah he's just another disgusting leftist faking everything. Just send a few kys Black personhomosexual messages to him and he'll realize the world will be a better place when he's dead. <3

      • 2 months ago

        It’s not a bug. The challenge is to avoid the pendulum. They placed a wall there to prevent you circumventing the challenge. It’s Nintendie, younger generations just wouldn’t understand.

      • 2 months ago

        >cannot cut off 00:00:001 millieseconds for speedrun
        sPEEdrainers btfo

    • 2 months ago

      If you played the launch version then, you're fricking stupid.
      Most of those bugs were fixed in the European release and Sonic Adventure International.

      • 2 months ago

        Wasn't my game so I honestly don't know what version it was. I never paid attention to that sort of thing as a kid, it was just something I accepted like when my copy of Ocarina of Time didn't have the same Fire Temple chanting as my cousins. My first thought definitely wasn't "Oh, this must be a different build or later print of the game."

        I could argue this exact point too, most of the momentum and movement based bugs and glitches with Mario 64 (such as BLJ) were fixed in the Japanese "Shindou" version. However that doesn't matter or apply to me, similarly any European or WW release of Sonic Adventure also doesn't matter to me. It's unrelated deflection and semantics at this point.

      • 2 months ago

        Mostly false. There are no significant changes in collision between versions to my recollection. At best there were attempted fixes to the infamous path before the loop in Emerald Coast. I wouldn't have it any other way.

        diff gay
        but theyre there
        theyre just totally fricking incidental and absolutely no one in their right mind would ever notice them or care

        I've died several times to the hanging ceiling ones in Hazy Maze Cave. I thought it was my fault all these years - not holding A hard enough, going slightly off course, or Mario got tired of hanging on because I took too long. 🙁

    • 2 months ago


      Mario 64 is full of hundreds of unpredictable bugs that considerably hamper the gameplay experience. People are still able to accept that it is a good game.

      Sonic Adventure is a very stable game. It is considered unplayable due to an alleged plethora of gamebreaking bugs.


      >t. Takashi Iizuka, a man who’s publicly on record to say that he “thought Mario 64 was confusing because” he “didn’t know where to go” and thought putting “arrows” everywhere in the Dreamcast game would be a good way “to direct players”

      • 2 months ago

        >Wow, you struggle rith Supa Madio 64? Haha, reminds of my first outing with Motha 1.

    • 2 months ago

      >Sonic Adventure is a very stable game. It is considered unplayable due to an alleged plethora of gamebreaking bugs.
      I don't recall anyone saying that about it, but the xbox 360 port and I think pc port were busted iirc

      this never happened to me at all on the GameCube version

      • 2 months ago

        >this never happened to me at all on the GameCube version
        Huh. I always assumed that was the buggier version since diehard Sonic fans are always taking time out of their day to tell me how it's graphically and technically inferior. Granted, I haven't played the GameCube version in years and was already sick of the game by the time I played it, probably due to playing Sonic Adventure 2 Battle.

  6. 2 months ago

    bait thread but people don't like sonic adventure but do like mario 64 because A. it completely changed the whole feel of the sonic world and characters for no reason which was continued in the majority of later games and B. even if it was like the classic games, the gameplay was not translated nearly as well to 3d as mario 64 was and this has nothing to do with bugs. instead of making this console war thread op you could've just looked in the archive to see these facts laid bare but you needed those (You)s i get it. you can still like the games, i really like the music at least rock music is great and shame there's not many rock tracks in mario. even the rap songs are pretty good despite irl rap being garbage.

    • 2 months ago

      This thread is garbage but I still feel like replying to one of the posts! As someone who prefers Mario to Sonic as a series I have to disagree with both of your points
      >t completely changed the whole feel of the sonic world and characters for no reason
      Sonic Adventure is the only 3D Sonic title that feels like a classic game. Heroes sort of does too to an extent but it's still not the same. Adventure is 100% a classic Sonic game
      >the gameplay was not translated nearly as well to 3d as mario 64
      I'd argue it was. 64 and Sunshine are great but they aren't even real Mario games. For Mario the actual translation to 3D happened in Galaxy and a lot of people would even say that it didn't happen until 3D Land/3D World.
      TL;DR SM64 may objectively be the better game but it doesn't feel like Mario in 3D while Adventure 1 for the most part stays true to classic Sonic in both tone and gameplay

      • 2 months ago

        Yup. Mario 64 almost killed the franchise by turning it away from the original obstacle course oriented gameplay.

        • 2 months ago

          Dumbest post on /vr/, and by a WIDE margin.

          • 2 months ago

            Yeah, he is objectively wrong about Mario games originally being linear obstacle courses, what a dumb poster he is

            • 2 months ago

              Nice obfuscation. How did it almost kill the franchise?

              • 2 months ago

                If all Mario games started following the 64 formula it would really be like the RE4 situation

        • 2 months ago

          Basically 64 shouldn't even be called a Mario game with how much it differs from the 2D entries.

  7. 2 months ago

    The only way to sell SA is by downplaying M64?
    You suck OP, give us legit reasons to like SA instead of just depending on Nintendo.

  8. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      How long were the respectively development cycles for each game? Was Sonic Adventure a rushjob?

  9. 2 months ago

    >expose yourself to cosmic rays
    >blame game

  10. 2 months ago

    adventure is just objectively embarrassing when you know how long they were trying to make a 3d sonic platformer, trying to do it on the saturn hospitalized a man

    • 2 months ago

      It makes me sad that extreme never came out. It looks like one of those shit games you keep coming back to.

  11. 2 months ago

    sounds like you just talk to bunch of fricking consolewar spergs all day and base your opinion on that tbh
    both games are gr8

    • 2 months ago

      this. I'd got to bat for either one

      • 2 months ago

        Yup, I got an N64 the year it came out and played the shit out of SM64. Same thing with the DC and SA. I was definitely a Mario-loving Nintendo kid who didn't own a Sega console until the DC, but I thoroughly enjoyed playing Genesis and Saturn when I'd visit friends. Consolewar homosexualry was dumb.

  12. 2 months ago

    I can't remember encountering any bugs in sm64, I played it on the original hardware, shitty early emulators, and the ds version. now I know where the bugs are, and surely I've hit some invisible wall at some point. but it wasn't such a big deal that I would remember it today.
    Meanwhile I got launched off the loop in the first level of sonic adventure because I wasn't sure if I'm supposed to hold forward or not, this happened in both versions, and I see it happen to everyone first playing it. Even if mario does have more bugs, they are never as bad as sonics jankiness. That's why people accept one as being a good game and not the other.

    • 2 months ago

      >because I wasn't sure if I'm supposed to hold forward or not
      I think you have to be severely moronic for this to ever happen. The loop is obviously the way forwards since there is no other place for Sonic to even stand on. NOBODY and I mean NOBODY other than trolls would ever think to yank the stick back and attempt to find a direction other than forwards

      • 2 months ago

        I think anon meant he didnt know whether to hold it or just let go and let the automatic loop happen on its own

  13. 2 months ago

    A good game is excused of its few flaws.
    A bad game gives no reason to excuse any of its flaws.
    Hope that helps you understand.

  14. 2 months ago

    Mario never had severe blackpill moments that made people suddenly start saying "Ok, that old Mario game we liked? That's actually a bad game!".
    Then again, you have loads of zoomers say Mario 64 is bad for whatever shit ass reasons.

  15. 2 months ago

    I've literally never encountered those invisible walls everyone is talking about, is this some new psyop or what, like what the frick. Yes I see that there's video evidence of this but I've never bumped into an invisible wall while playing the game myself

    • 2 months ago

      You're probably just too inattentive/dumb to notice when it happens

      • 2 months ago

        Does it really matter then? Most vidya consumers are inattentive and dumb just like me so if it's not noticeable then it's not really a problem. If you are that much of a perfectionist then what can I do, you probably shouldn't be playing 90s 3D games

        • 2 months ago

          >If you are that much of a perfectionist then what can I do, you probably shouldn't be playing 90s 3D games
          No, I'll just play games that are more polished like SA

          • 2 months ago

            Yeah nah it won't work, falseflagger-kun. But here's a (You) anyway

            • 2 months ago

              Works on my machine bud

              • 2 months ago

                I'll never understand why this jank has caused autism overload in so many susceptible poor children.

              • 2 months ago

                Adventure 1 on its own is harmless, it was mostly 2 and everything that followed: Sonic X, Advance games, Shadow the Hedgehog, 06, Rush, etc

              • 2 months ago

                the handheld games sold like shit aside 1

              • 2 months ago

                Selection bias. The autistic spergs were the only kids that were willing to replay every level multiple times.

              • 2 months ago

                >this jank
                It's one of the least janky games from before 2000, lil zoomy

              • 2 months ago

                >if i skip the level, nobody will notice the flaws.
                >cant run into flaws if i dont engage with the level

              • 2 months ago

                Funny you say that since SM64 speedrun autists do that exact thing but by clipping through walls instead of actually mastering the gameplay mechanics like in SA.

              • 2 months ago

                The people ITT who are defending SM64 and shitting on SA aren't speedtrannies and are critiquing normal play.

              • 2 months ago

                Speedruns of Casinopolis, Ice Cap, Lost World, and Final Egg all have major skips that require clipping through level geometry. Casinopolis skips the entire level by going OoB and spinjumping from the coin pile hidden underneath the level (which is actually the same coin pile that "builds up" as you gather more rings). Ice Cap skips all of part 2 by clipping through the closed bridge & skips all of part 3 by clipping through a wall and falling in OoB for like 30 seconds straight. Lost World has the 3-button puzzle skip by touching the puzzle door, charging a spindash facing the door, pausing the game, letting go of B/X, then unpausing the game, clipping through the door. Final Egg has a DX-exclusive Part 2 skip where you can just spindash backwards up the starting slope and go OoB to the end of the section. Part 3 (both DC and DX, just like everything else) you can skip the entire part by spinjumping OoB from the top of the spider elevator, landing on the goal platform after falling into the void for about 6-7 seconds.

                God I love Sonic Adventure and Mario 64. You disingenuous bastard. <3

              • 2 months ago

                man 64 really looks pathetic compared to this

              • 2 months ago

                SM64 can also look really impressive when played by someone experienced in the game, it's just that no one posts the webms

              • 2 months ago

                Yeah you can do a wall kick and a frickin long jump. Very cool.

              • 2 months ago

                Woah you can spindash in that game?? Shit's crazy

              • 2 months ago

                I remember when everyonenthpught the spinach was lazy and made the game boring. It's more like a sonic movie with quick time elements.

                You jave no idea how long 3 years wad in the 90s. That's 8x more power than the n64 had

              • 2 months ago

                Is that, like, "Angry Birds: Sonic Edition?"

      • 2 months ago

        Or maybe he's not an anal retentive moron who screeches at a game that is and was an objective success regardless of your dumb opinions on it.

  16. 2 months ago

    It's funny that people say "clipping" to mean passing through something when the actual definition is the opposite, e.g. typing IDNOCLIP in Doom would shut clipping OFF, allowing you to pass through walls.

    • 2 months ago

      blame spedetroonys for shorthanding literally everything

      • 2 months ago

        People have been saying "I clipped through that wall" or "those objects are clipping through each other" decades before speedrunning even existed.

  17. 2 months ago

    >Sonic Adventure is a very stable game.

  18. 2 months ago

    >autistkoek releases a 4 hour video talking about invisible walls, of which you will probably bump into 3 or 4 during your entire playthrough
    >conveniently zoomergays start saying that the game is bad now
    it's all so tiring

    • 2 months ago

      >of which you will probably bump into 3 or 4 during your entire playthrough
      I've never experienced it and I couldn't even replicate his examples in my own game no matter how many times I tried.

      • 2 months ago

        diff gay
        but theyre there
        theyre just totally fricking incidental and absolutely no one in their right mind would ever notice them or care

        • 2 months ago

          I just tried to replicate OP's webm multiple times and I never hit an invisible wall there.

          • 2 months ago

            its because its stupidly precise
            similar kind of thing youll run into in damn near any early 3D game: slightly mis-aligned collision due to floating point rounding
            there you go. i saved you 4hrs of pure autism

            • 2 months ago

              As far as I'm concerned, they don't seem to exist during normal play so I'll continue to ignore their theoretical existence.

              • 2 months ago

                they essentially dont
                were talking like a couple hundred angle values out of ~65k
                opie is a moron

  19. 2 months ago

    There's a difference between "long list of bugs found by speedrunner autists because the game is so popular" and "long list of bugs found by normal humans because they experienced them in normal gameplay"

  20. 2 months ago


  21. 2 months ago

    Honey wake up, new eceleb inspired discourse about a 30 year old game just dropped

    (please note that this post did not bump the thread)

    • 2 months ago

      >(please note that this post did not bump the thread)
      Thanks for letting us know so we can correct the mistake.

      • 2 months ago

        why would you wanna shill that guys vids here of all places?
        you realize the last time we got a hold of him he had a mental break and disappeared for like 8 yrs, no?

        • 2 months ago

          I have no idea who he is but if bumping this thread will make him disappear for a decade I'm all for it. I just think this whole topic is worthy of ridicule.

          • 2 months ago

            I feel like this 'invisible walls' thing is here to stay, it will be used in shitposting from now on

            • 2 months ago

              invisible walls have been a thing since 3D games
              no one who isnt a spede worries about them because they arent spedetroonys running the same game over and over to where theyd notice these things more than once or twice in their lives
              no one fricking cares
              its literally just floating point algebra. its not interesting or mysterious, its just how vidya works

        • 2 months ago

          Just according to keikaku

          • 2 months ago

            no dude i remember after it happened some anon posted the pastebin where he, in overwhelmingly autistic detail, explained how making the video drove him to near psychosis, and then the unexpected attention of it forced him to abandon his channel and stop making commentated videos (as if anyone even cared, he only made like 2. the rest were just 2min glitch vids)

            I have no idea who he is but if bumping this thread will make him disappear for a decade I'm all for it. I just think this whole topic is worthy of ridicule.

            half A-press guy

            • 2 months ago

              Exactly my point. The idea is to bully him so he stops making videos.

              • 2 months ago

                he had like 200 subs the last time, when it actually worked
                now he has 200k cuz zoomers are autistic

              • 2 months ago

                Honestly, it's fine to have a detailed explanation of the inner workings of Mario 64 and why certain bugs pop up randomly while attempting to speedrun it. The problem I have is trying to act like it applies in any way to normal play or that it's somehow a mark against the game for normal players, but I'm not sure that's the fault of the dude making the video.

              • 2 months ago

                >I'm not sure that's the fault of the dude making the video.
                it definitely isnt
                thats all on his zoomerized audience who grew upon twitch speedruns and never played the games themselves

                pannenkoek has gotta be well aware hes way off on his own tism trip. ffs his OG videos were based around figuring out how to beat the game without jumping. who tf does that? literally no one. and in a literal sense, no one can. he was basically a TASer, just one unconcerned with going fast.

                i say bully his audience
                theyre the morons that deserve it
                im fine letting him ramble for 4hrs about whatever, im just never gonna watch it

              • 2 months ago

                Yeah, the thing itself is interesting to learn about as a curiosity, but it seems like in these days of YT consumer culture, you get people who don't even play the game and instead base their entire opinion on watching other people play and analyze the game. Which is fine, people can do whatever they wish, but it nevertheless gets old when you can tell that somebody is commenting from the standpoint of a viewer and not of a player.
                You see the same thing with ROM hacks or notretro Super Mario Maker; people claim to like troll levels, even though it's clear they don't actually enjoy playing these dogshit "gotcha" maps, but they instead enjoy laughing when their surrogate friend/older brother streamer gets frustrated and "rages" while getting trolled by these levels.

              • 2 months ago

                An entire generation of younger siblings who couldn’t into the content and only liked the social aspect. Gas em.

              • 2 months ago

                >kaizo hacks
                lol dont get me started
                yea. you said it exactly right

                i suppose i can understand wanting a difficult hack of a game youve played a lot. ive played a lot of super metroid. played a LOT of hacks too, since its had a hacking scene basically since ive had internet. as a result, ive played a few ball-breakingly difficult hacks. not the most fun. usually quite the opposite.
                but sometimes they b8 you with an otherwise decent hack at first, then whatever 12yo made it seemingly gave up, and you get thrown in the deep end. not fun. normally, if it turns into spamming save states, ill just drop it

                but even the worst SM hacks have nothing on those gay SMW kaizo hacks. its like someone laid out "bad game design" in bullet points, then went through trying to cram as much of that as fricking possible in a ~30sec lvl, such that it takes any normal person ~1hr to beat
                >haha i put teh invisiblock there so u hav to try again
                >haha i did it again
                >oops that shell that fell down haha u needed it
                >haha i put teh spikes for floor
                absolutely nauseating

        • 2 months ago

          Disappeared? He's been making videos the entire time on an alt account.

  22. 2 months ago

    Nah homes nah that your personal copy. Mine's tite as shit, nigguh.

  23. 2 months ago

    The majority of these bugs will be very rarely, if ever, encountered by players during a normal play session. Most of the issues that a normal player, playing the game back in the 90s wothout having watched hours long video about "half button presses" and invisible walls or whatever else the YT algorithm shoves at people, would encounter would be instances of camera jankiness. People who consume a large volume of speedrun streams and YouTube video essays about Mario 64 wind up with a warped perception of just how "broken" the game is.

  24. 2 months ago

    seems obvious from the info provided, bro. Bugs don't matter as much as core game design does
    >t. enjoys both games
    there, now you can't argue with me

  25. 2 months ago

    The first time I played Mario 64, I knew it was a good game
    Moving Mario feels great, and the change from 2D to 3D was pleasing to my hands and fingers
    I'm a Mario 3 gay by the way

  26. 2 months ago

    I never got the hype for this game. Like it's alright, but honestly I don't think it deserves the borderline-legendary reputation it has.
    I dunno if my N64 controller is just giving up the ghost but I find trying to navigate the environments a chore, though to be fair the camera doesn't help that at all. Also the limited lives are quite literally completely pointless; if you aren't an idiot and save after every star (no reason not to) then all that running out of lives does is mildly inconvenience you by making you walk back into the castle. If the levels had mid-way checkpoints and losing all your lives booted you out the painting, it'd make sense, as is it seems a very vestigial mechanic.

  27. 2 months ago

    Enough with this narrative. I like Sonic Adventure too, more than Mario 64 in fact, but Mario 64 simply aged better. It has way less bugs and collision issues, let alone design problems. Yes, I played it on Dreamcast hardware and it's just as buggy as the DX version. People just say that because everyone else is saying it, but it's not true. I feel like Sonic fans have this desire to defend Sonic's honor or something. You can say you like the game without crafting this contrarian narrative. Mario 64 aged incredibly well, whereas Sonic Adventure aged decently enough but has a lot more issues. You just can't imagine a better 3D Sonic game than SA1 or SA2 because there arguably hasn't been one. Even on Dreamcast hardware, Sega could've made better Sonic games.

    • 2 months ago

      >I feel like Sonic fans have this desire to defend Sonic's honor or something.
      I wouldn't go that far. I just think it's ridiculous that Mario 64 is considered one of the best games ever made and Sonic Adventure is one of the worst. They're more like apples and oranges.

      They both are drasticly different from the previous games.
      There are plenty of collision bugs in both games.
      Neither has aged particularly well.
      They're both autism magnets.

      But somehow Mario gets a free pass while Sonic doesn't.

  28. 2 months ago

    >that considerably hamper the gameplay experience
    thats the thing though, they dont. most bugs are extremely mild and just come off as a janky quirk. most of the crippling problems you have to go out of your way to encounter, or be playing the game in a really weird way.

    as somebody that spent many hours as a kid just fricking around in stages, replaying stars for fun, and just goofing around, i encountered EXTREMELY few of the "problems" that other people did. a million invisible walls? i didnt bother wasting my time watching such a length video, but i dont even recall EVER hitting an obscure wall that should have been an open space.

    meanwhile, sonic will fall through the world and die for no reason, on top a variety of other things that ACTUALLY suck and get in the way of playing/completing the game.

    • 2 months ago

      >sonic will fall through the world and die for no reason, on top a variety of other things that ACTUALLY suck and get in the way of playing/completing the game

      • 2 months ago

        sorry, i dont save webms for the sake of internet arguments. theres a very clear one from sa1 that gets posted all the time where sonic falls through the world because the player slowed down instead of taking a loop. for myself, i know that i've clipped through things many times in sa2. numerous instances of light dash just fricking launching you because you were angled less than straight. mario will sometimes have jittering edge detection, but at least he grabs ledges. sonic's janky edge detection is often fatal. rails in general. and sometimes unfun level design. thats to say mario64 has perfect level design, but even the "bad" levels are significantly more palatable than the exercises in frustration in sonic.

        also something i completely ignored: consistency. mario64 is mario through and through. sonic adventure 1 and 2 devote a significant portion of the game to NOT playing like/as sonic, and do dumb shit instead. while those portions arent inherently bad (except big's fishing shit. thats indefensible) at doing their own thing, they arent sonic, and thats what people what out of a sonic game: sonic gameplay.

        • 2 months ago

          >except big's fishing shit. thats indefensible

          Iiiiim gonna do it!
          Sega Bass Fishing was a popular seller in both America and Japan in the late 90s, and sold consistently with each release. This is likely what influenced the decision to make Big. He's also voiced by Duke Nukem which is cool

  29. 2 months ago

    These "bugs", just like in pokemon, literally nobody knew about until youtubers told you about them.

    Unless, of course, you're playing a port or emulated version. In which case, no shit? That automatically introduces bugs which won't be present in the authentic cart.

    Same with Sonic Adventure. The Dreamcast version is perfectly fine.

    • 2 months ago

      This. People need to post camcorder videos with verifiable proof that they're playing on authentic hardware if they want us to believe these glitch claims. Emulators are the cause of these glitches.

    • 2 months ago

      >These "bugs", just like in pokemon, literally nobody knew about until youtubers told you about them.
      Everyone knew about pokemon bugs back in the day. missingno was a popular glitch to do before gen 2 even came out. It's just that you weren't aware of some glitches before youtubers told you about it.

      • 2 months ago

        Obviously Missingno isn't the type of bug he's talking about. The discussion ITT is about bugs that directly effectt gameplay and Missingno is something you have to go far out of your way to discover and engage with. He's talking about stuff like Special or certain status effects not working right, the types of things the average player just wasn't aware of and which never impacted their enjoyment because it all flew well under their radar. People today love to go on and on about how broken and janky gen 1 is and wonder how anyone considered it even playable, and the answer is we just didn't notice.

        • 2 months ago

          Even ignoring the glitches gen 1 is still pretty jank after playing gen 2.

        • 2 months ago

          The US revisions yes, but the japanese one had a serious glitch that happened when you used select to organize things during battle, the game made no distinction between moves and items, meaning you could have moves point to random data and conpletely break the game.

          • 2 months ago

            This isn't a Japanese website, when people talk about gen 1 being unplayably buggy they're talking about the western releases of Red and Blue.

            • 2 months ago

              I didn't say you were not, but games have revisions for a reason and a LOT of US games didn't have critical bugs because the developers had time to get feedback from the japanese versions.

        • 2 months ago

          Gen 1 Pokeyman is legendary to this day thanks to the bugs. They're making the game much more interesting than otherwise it would've been.
          On the other hand, I wonder how bugs like Old Man were found, as some of them require a precise number of steps in order to manipulate the game's values. Had to be someone knowledgeable.

  30. 2 months ago

    >Because millions of people have cumulatively played billions of hours of this same game for nearly 30 years
    >and discovered around a dozen bugs
    >which are insanely difficult to trigger
    >and cause little interference, to the point they're even considered cheating benefits
    You sound bitter.

  31. 2 months ago

    You just gotta find a way to use your glitches to your advantage. Why do you think so many people love Melee for an example? Because they use the games flaws as a way to enhance the game. Maybe you just gotta prove you can do something like speeding up by going up stairs to make it worthwhile I guess.

  32. 2 months ago

    I jumped over the stair wall in Bob-Omb Battlefield for a few minutes straight and only hit the invisible wall like 3 or 4 times. It does happen but for it's very, very unlikely, they're not really "walls" as much as they are infinitely small collumns

  33. 2 months ago

    >invis walls that trigger depending on your speed and angle of approach
    Every copy really was personalized.

  34. 2 months ago

    >constantly see posts about how normalgays and zoomers ruin video games and it should be a nerdy hobby
    >a true nerd passionately makes an in depth video analyzing a video games problem people have come across for years
    >posts about how he is an insufferable autistic nerd who is appealing to zoomers
    I'm thinking the "hardcore" nerdy gaming gays on Ganker are indeed normalgay casuals.

    • 2 months ago

      Sir, this is a console war homosexualry thread. Please do the needful.
      Everyone posting ITT (including the ChatGPT bots) is hopelessly mentally handicapped. Not worth getting worked up over.

  35. 2 months ago

    Mario 64 is a great game

    Sonic Adventure isn't

    Simple as

  36. 2 months ago

    >homosexual doesn't know how to have fun
    Name 5 times these hundreds of bugs have caused you to lose more than 20 minutes of progress. You say hundreds, but almost all of them are fun or harmless to the experience, and the remainder are incredibly rare or have criteria so specific you have to intentionally trigger them (i.e most game-crashing bugs)
    Sorry you don't know how to have fun unless your hand is being held. Bugs are the reason SM64DS was my favorite game as a kid. I loved heaven portals, and if you don't you could simply not deliberately clip into a corner to trigger them

  37. 2 months ago

    >that considerably hamper the gameplay experience
    To think this moron got 170 replies after posting something this wrong.

  38. 2 months ago

    Anyone who has ever played a Sonic game deserves to get shot in the head execution style.

    • 2 months ago

      This, but unironically. Liking Sonic is an abundantly dysgenic opinion. These are some of the most delusional and autistic people that society has to offer, barring actual schizos and cult members.

  39. 2 months ago

    These invisible walls exist, it's a fact. They exist in emulated versions and on real hardware. It's an oversight in how level geometry is converted from floats to ints, causing gaps in certain vertices which the game will then consider 'out of bounds' (i.e., you get a hard bonk). There are other cases but this is the easiest to explain (I watched the full 4h panenkoek video, though FFW'd through a bunch of examples once I got the jist). Sometimes you hit them, sometimes you don't, depending on A) whether your direction is such that you'd impact it and B) whether your position and velocity is such that mario, in the next frame, will be 'in' this OOB area (which is basically at one of a bunch of very specific coordinates).
    Doesn't happen often, wouldn't say it 'considerably' hampers the gameplay experience at all, since it's so uncommon that you're ever unlikely to experience one during a casual playthrough. Speedrunners, obviously, do the same thing over and over to an autistic degree. They'll also likely do the specific movements over and over, at the same positions, so in certain areas are *much* more likely to encounter one during the millions of runs in an affected area. That's basically it.

  40. 2 months ago

    Mario 64 blew our minds when it came out, it was nothing short of revolutionary.

    Also, I did play through it back then without ever encountering any bug and this was before the internet so you must have down syndrome.

  41. 2 months ago

    >Sonic Adventure is a very stable game
    Come on dude

    • 2 months ago

      Show me 5 bugs that happen without intentionally activating them

  42. 2 months ago

    I don't think you guys understand how impactful of a bug the invisible walls are. This game sold millions of copies. Let's assume 1 million people encountered the boundaries of at least 10 invisible walls while playing the game. Let's also assume that the chance of colliding with them is about 0.1% on average. That means that ten thousand kids (probably more) encountered the unfair invisible wall bug, and many of them probably cried after dying due to it. Is that really okay?

    • 2 months ago

      >Let's assume

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah, this hasn't been surveyed and peer reviewed yet

    • 2 months ago

      >That means that ten thousand kids (probably more) encountered the unfair invisible wall bug, and many of them probably cried after dying due to it. Is that really okay?
      they probably went "wtf was that shit?!" and then never encountered it again and forgot about it.

      • 2 months ago

        >and forgot about it
        Wrong. 1/10th of them were scared for life and 1/10th of that 1/10th turned into mass murderers. This is a societal epidemic all due to in part by Nintendo's negligence.

        • 2 months ago
  43. 2 months ago

    Frick that star. I was convinced the developers put an invisible wall there on purpose to frick with me

  44. 2 months ago

    I've never been able to get a consensus, but from my experience the most stable Adventure is the Gamecube version of DX. Everything before or after that has always felt scuffed to me, but maybe I'm just unlucky.

    • 2 months ago

      youre actually unreasonably lucky
      DX is by far the jankiest port
      the best one is DC

      • 2 months ago

        That's what I always hear, but it keeps turning out the other way around for me, and I have no idea why. It's so strange.

  45. 2 months ago

    > shitting on pannen
    Zoom-zooms can't appreciate or understand being passionate about something.

    • 2 months ago

      That's because the first thing zoomies think of is that people can make fun of you for liking something, so they'll always like things "ironically"
      Take MCU writing for example: The movies constantly inserts quips to tell the audience "Aren't people in costumes with super powers just silly? Don't worry, we're all in on the joke haha!", and it works because zoomies would be too insecure to like something like that in all honesty

      • 2 months ago

        >The movies constantly inserts quips
        the comics have been doing that for decades too. are you moronic?

        • 2 months ago

          Comics have also been shit for decades, moron. Yes, Spiderman has been doing this since forever but it was an exception and now it's 1000x worse than before

          • 2 months ago

            you clearly know nothing about the topic.

      • 2 months ago

        Even transformers movies are just quipfests now

  46. 2 months ago

    I liked sonic adventure when it first came out, still don't get the vicious hate it gets. Everything since Heroes has been worse since any of the Adventure-era games

  47. 2 months ago

    To put it simply, Nintendo bred an army of autists that protect their reputation, most of which became gaming youtubers, which made sure the newer generations believed in their bullshit and passed along as truth

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